All Episodes

April 1, 2024 55 mins

In this episode, Alexia & Marysol dish on reality tv show woes and knowing when it’s time to step away as they discuss their former Ultimate Girls Trip co-star, Candiace “taking a break” from RHOP. 

They also talk “privacy” as they take a closer look at the media mess surrounding Kate Middleton and her health. 

Plus, how NO MAN should limit you from living your best life as they discuss a seemingly sour yet celebratory Shakira getting back to making music, post divorce. 

It’s juicy. It’s emotional. It’s worthy of a cockie in your hand… 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I put with Alexi Napola and Marisa Patton and iHeartRadio podcast.
Well hello, my friend, Hey, hey, ah, what's happening? So miya, miya.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Before we get to our topics, we need to tell
everyone that we're going to be on weekly.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Oh my god, I'm so excited me time, because we
have a lot to tie me out.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
We have so much to talk about. They just turns
a month isn't enough. You guys need to hear more
of us. If we could go on daily, we could
be you know, little that's the next thing. We're gonna
be on daily because we.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
Already here up the whole time. Yeah, you sleep with
the talking in your sleep and it would be a
great podcast. So yeah, we're gonna be on weekly.

Speaker 2 (00:43):

Speaker 1 (00:43):
I'm so excited, and you know, make sure I put
feed to see the dates when we air, and please
tune in because you know, we're always here with a
lot of giggles and a lot of good info and
I think great advice.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Man Ganta, Man Ganta, I feel like it's been a
week with so much news and so many things going
on in the world, and it just doesn't stop in Miami,
per usual, I have I barely leave the house because
the news is so crazy that I'm like, you know,
it's just every two seconds, something else comes down, something
else comes up. There you have to go out. I

like to go out to just disconnect. And actually, when
I'm home, I don't even like to watch the news.
It gives me like this thing in my stomach and
I just change a channel. I just like rather not know, right,
I mean, it's for me, it's like always like bad news. Yeah,
that's why I like The Today Show because it gives
you a little bit of news or like topics that
you know, hot topics that we talk about, but it's

very educational and it's a little refreshing, you know. They
do like different segments, so it's a little bit of
bad news, but it's also very educational a lot of
good news. So that's really like the only show that
I like because it has a balance, and I think life,
everything in life, everything is about a balance. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Sure, But meanwhile, over on the dark side over here
where we're watching the daily news, it's crazy, it is, is
everything that's going on.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
But I like that our show is about just like
hot topics and fun topics. You know, sometimes it might
not be as fun to talk about them. But that's
why we got to keep it light, right, and keep
it fun and just you know, just have fun with it.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
And honestly, I mean, I go from the from the
television to my phone because I do them both at
the same time, and then I'm reading all the like
me gossip at the TI on Instagram. Yeah, well, I
have to do them both at the same time because
I just like I have that add Yeah, and there's
so much in housewives news now too. It's incredible. Every day.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
I feel like there's always so much housewife news, right.
I feel like, especially for us if we follow those
bloggers and those sites that you know are all about housewives,
you know, they're on our feed, so whether we like
it or not, we're just like being bombarded with it.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Yeah. Yeah. But I mean like I'm just like in
the last two or three weeks, every day it's like
this one's not coming back to this this I was
not coming back to that franchise.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
That means going to come by, like the whole bra
shaking up is shaken up. They're shaking it up. And
how do you feel about that?

Speaker 1 (03:09):
My friend? I mean, I feel sad because there's some
really great people that I see you're leaving and I'm like,
oh my god, no, that's like a staple on that franchise.
How are they going to go on without that person?
You know? But they always do. They always go.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
On and they make it a formula, and I think
it's you know, it's worked. And speaking of that, when
do you think it's a good time to step down
as a house wife? You know, I think it's a
little different when you actually decide to step down as
a half as a housewife versus you being fired or
not aspect.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Right, that hurts. I'm sure that's hard. That's hard, you know,
because this is a job where it's a lot of
strong personalities and big egos and when you're you know,
when you're told you're you know, they're putting you out
to pasture, that's you. That's pretty hard to swallow. But uh,
I think a good time to go is when you're
not happy anymore. You know, when you're when it no

longer makes you happy and it's no longer fulfilling, then
it's time to go.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
You just get like so tied up, right, it's kind
of like you need another season to come back. And
prove yourself right, and that never stops. It's like a cycle.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
It's it is, it's a drug. And you're like, you
know what, just one more season.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
I'm going to come back this season and I'm gonna
you know, people are really gonna know who I am,
and you know, I'm just constrained everything out. But exactly,
it's like, you know, it's like you're so like you
want to come back and you want to you know,
do more, and so so it's hard, you know, and
it just becomes like part of your life because it
is a reality show. So it's kind of like when
it's not there, you miss it. You know, when it's there,

you complain about it, and then you're like, I can't
wait till it's over, and then it's over. Like for
us now that you know we're you know, we're not
starting to film right away like some of the other franchises,
and you're like, wait.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Like some you know, part of me is missing, like
you know, I like this and you know, I know,
I know, why do you think I'm watching so much news?
I don't have anything to do.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
It's my little it's for me, it's right, well for me,
it's not you know, I've always said that my life
does not revolve around the show, but the show revolves
around my life.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
So for me that it works because you know.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
When the cameras are here, they get whatever it is
me and my family are going through at that time.
And when the camera's not here, too bad for them,
because you're missing a lot of good stuff. Yeah, you
always have something going on, that stuff going on, and
you know, I love it. I tell you that that's
part of my therapy, you know, being busy. I love
to be busy physically and mentally. So but yeah, you know,

the show is a big part of my life. And
whether we want to, you know, go away from it
while we're not filming, that never happens because, like you say,
you know, we're on social media where we always you know,
we have that bond with other ladies on the other shows,
and we see what they're going through and it kind
of like all affects us, you know, directly or indirectly.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Yeah, I feel like sometimes someone's leaving, it's like it's
almost like it's happening to me too, you know, because
we're we all we all live and breed this little comic,
little microcosm that we all do and live. That's so rare.
Very few people understand it. And then when something happens
to one of them, it kind of happens to all
of us, right, It.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Can really happen to any of us. So that's why
we can, you know, we can feel like what they're
going through. Like, for example, Candace, mm hmm. You know,
we got to meet Candace in The Ultimate Girls Trip.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
Yeah, Candace Passi Potomac.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
We love her, yes, And I thought she was and
I think still you know that she's she was such
a good part of the show and she gave us
so much. And does it surprise me that she stepped down?
It actually doesn't because, like I told her, And if
you're listening, Candace, you know the advice I gave you

in the pool in Thailand member in the Ultimate Girls Trip, Yes,
and more than anything like in the pool that and
you know, after we had wrapped up and we all
went skinny dipping in the pool in Thailand with no cameras,
and we all had liked that bond together, you know,
talking about like who we were. And you know the
fact that I never saw their show before going on

The Ultimate Girls Trip, And for that matter, I don't
watch a lot of the shows because I've always wanted
to get to know the women for who they are,
and I didn't want to judge them by what I
would see on TV and on their shows. So I
just wanted to get there, you know, to Thailand and
to the Ultimate Girls Trip and just formed that bond
with the girls individually, and I'd have like a preconceived

notion of who they were because of their show. So
I had that advantage because I liked all the girls,
you know, and even Leah before she started with all
the nonsense. I liked, you know, I liked her, and
I liked the fact that she was going. I would
have done it differently because she was the only one
there from New York. So with that being said, I
would have been like, oh, you know, I'm from New
York and I'm like the only one here. You know,

you guys are all in twos. But you know what,
I would have come in with an open mind and
an open heart.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
No, she doesn't think like we do.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Well obviously obviously, but like that's like the kind of
energy I would have given it, like being her, like,
you know, it's only me here representing New York. I'm
going to come in with a you know, an open
heart in mind, and I want to have fun with
all you girls. That's what I would have done.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
You're positive, you're positive person, and I'm like that too.
And she was just such a negative downer. No wonder
they didn't. But that said, all.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
The girls like I liked, and again Candace, I had
bread like a lot of things about her online that
were not very favorable, and but I didn't let that
affect me. I wanted to see who the real Candace was.
And I really got to like and love who Candace was.
She's beautiful inside and out. She was so smart, she
was so articulate. And she can sing.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
I mean, she has that talent. When I heard her
singing the night that you know that she said.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
She didn't limp sing. No, I didn't even know she
was doing that. It was such a surprise. I mean
I knew she sang, but I didn't know how well
she can do it. And she's a performer. I mean,
she was born to perform, and she can dance, she
can sing. So when we all got back that night,
I was like Candace, like, you're young, You're beautiful, you're smart,
you have so much to offer. You know, you can sing,

And I said, you've already done, you know, four or
five seasons, and she had done. You know, it's great
that you can use this as a platform, but I
feel like you have so much talent and you have
so much more that you can do it like and
I don't want the show to like hold you back.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
I remember this conversation you had with it was very
good advice and look how smart she was.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
So then she looked at me and she goes, oh, yeah,
but you're beautiful and you're smart, and you know, you
have businesses and you have you know, and your mom
and your wife and all that.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
So why are you doing the show? Pious?

Speaker 2 (09:41):
Yeah, And I said, good question, Candace. I asked myself
that all the time. But first of all, I'm way
older than you, so you do it because you want
to be with me more. Well besides that, well, I said, well,
my situation was a little different because you remember Miami
was on for three seasons then the wasn't brought back
till eight years later. So I felt like it was

always something that I kind of had, like in my
bucket list, and I was always wishing for and I
little comeback. So I was like, when the show came back,
I knew that I had to do it for myself.
It was something that I needed to do, and I
had so much to say and so much to tell,
and you know, so many people had watched my journey
with Frankie that I'm like, I need to go back
and share Frankie with the world, and I need to,

you know, kind of like play catch up, which honestly
wasn't enough. You know, eight years of not filming, a
lot had happened in my life, so it's really hard
to just, you know, condense that into one season, which
is like what we try to do for season four.
So I was explained to her why I had to
do that, and I said, but you know, I mean again,

everyone's situation is different. And I love that she, you know,
decided to step down, and I love what she said.
It's something like I would have said. I thought it
was a beautiful exit where she said, as I embark
on a new chapter after six remarkable years with the
Real House of the Potomac, I am filled with gratitude
for the enriching friendships, personal growth, and moments of introspection

that have defined this journey. With a win wild of
new opportunities and responsibilities on my plate, I have decided
to take a break from RHOP. She goes on to
tease that her exit may only be temporary, noting this
is not a farewell, but I see you later.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
So I mean, but I love you.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Know, And it was very refreshing because I feel like
nowadays all the housewives, or like the ones that don't
come back, all they have to say is ugly nasty
things about the franchise and.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
About and about their show.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
So the fact that she did this with so much
class and she expressed her gratitude because no matter what,
you have to be grateful in life.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
Well, so I thought it was something really beautiful she did. Yeah,
I'm sure she's going on a tour and filmings gets
in the way, and you know, once she figures your
stuff out, you know she'll maybe she'll do some cameos
come back. You know, he's probably really happy Elle. I
know I thought of that. I thought I was like, oh,
Giselle must be so happy. But you know, she lost

Giselle lost her bestie, but she also lost her her
Nemesison to me kind of yes, So she doesn't need
a best So what's different? You know?

Speaker 2 (12:16):
So for for Candice, it was easy because she made
that decision herself, and for Robin it wasn't because she
was not asked back, and it was something I think
that was expected, you know between in the broader world,
like they called the rober Vers, because you can't expect
to do these shows Marisol, right and lie and not

open up your life. Yeah, you know, that's what we
sign up for, and this is why the viewers watch us,
and they get so invested in our lives, and that's
how I'm invested as well. I mean, like I feel
like everybody like knows my life and like I kind
of owe it to them. And we'll talk about that later, right,
because like we become public figures, and I know we're

going to be talking about that later with about Kate Middleton,
and do we have that responsibility you know as a
public figure, you know, to take a break or we
don't take a break and decide to share our lives
or not when you're going through something, right, I mean,
you would pay in our kind of show, right, I'm

not even comparing us to the Princess of Wales. But
what I'm trying to say is that it's like a
fine line. I feel like us girls that are in
d shows, it is our responsibility because that's what we
sign up for. This is why the viewers are watching us.
And I think what really hurt Robin was the fact
that she kept that away from the rest of the
ladies and her personal relationship with her husband, and then

she went on her podcast and she shared all that stuff.
I think that that's where she got into trouble because yeah,
you know, because I mean I feel like if she
would have shared, you know, as much as she could,
you know, because people love to judge and you don't
know what's going through the person's mind, even like with Kyle,
like you know, Kyle Richard's on Beverly Hills. You know,

she shared as much as she could. You know, sometimes
you're not in that person's heart, in that person's mind
at the moment. You know, you're scared, you're going through
all these different feelings and emotions.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
And she she shared pretty much. I mean, you know,
she does have children that she lives with and a
small child still at home that she has to you know,
consider you know her feelings, and you know, maybe she
did dipper putting the lady upon. Maybe she's not sure
that's the way she wants to go. Maybe at the
time they film, she wasn't sure. She wasn't going to

get back with most So we caught as it was happening.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Most of the audience has to know and the viewers that,
you know, we as women want to protect our families.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
We're not allowed to alexia. No, yes you are, yes,
you are so.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
But what I'm trying to say is we and you know,
when you're going through something like this and the cameras
are there, you know you you're scared because you know,
obviously another part of it is, you know, there's editing,
there's other women. You can control what they're saying, so
and I can turn into a shit show in just
like a second. So I understand why sometimes, you know,
people always like to see the bad in it and say, oh,

because you're lying or you're withholding information, blah blah blah.
But that's really not always the case because it's hard
when you're going through it. But I do understand that,
you know, we do sign up, you know for this
kind of stuff, and by the way, guys, there's no
secrets nowadays, right, there's no secrets.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
There's like there's always someone coming out of the woodworks
telling yourself.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Somebody's bringing out a receipt, somebody's bringing out a text,
somebody's bringing out a picture, and and that's what it is.
So you really can't be on these kind of shows
if you're gonna lie or you're gonna withhold information, because
what happens is somebody else brings it up and then
you have no control of your narrative because it's you know,
rumors and and you know everybody making things.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
Up and they just run with it. They run with it,
they exaggerate it, and especially when you don't know, the
mind creates such an exaggeration of what the reality probably
is because you're just guessing. And we always go to
the worst possible case. I know, I do. I always
think the worst of everything.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
I mean, I think women are like that, and they're
very you know, especially when you're like in a group
like we are, you know, with your cast members and
on the show, and they're just like easy, you know
to assume things and speculate, and a lot of times
they're even careless with their words, right, So it's it's
hard because you don't know when you're gonna you're gonna

share something like this with the group on the show.
You're scared of other people's reactions. You don't know, you
know how they're going to turn your words, they're gonna
turn things.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
But you know it's hard.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
I mean, have you ever has there there been a
time while you've been doing this all these years that
you've wanted to step away from the show because you
just can't do it.

Speaker 1 (16:53):
Actually, I wanted other people to step away that were
torturing me. I wasn't gonna go, but I wanted them
to go. Oh my god, we can have control of that, right.
That list was long. They're pretty much all gone now,
so my man as beested that, right, right, But you're
so imabit, Well we have a scraggler left.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Right, Well, yeah, that makes it even harder, right when
there's other girls obviously that are part of the cast
that you're not comfortable with and there are always a
problem So of course we would want them to go.
But have you ever wanted to go? Have you ever said.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
No, I haven't. I wanted other people to go, not me.
What about you? Have you aside from that maybe no, No, no,
well no, that's that's different. No.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
I mean, for so long I'm a fighter, Nobody's gonna
bring me down.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
So you know what, No, I'm going to go out
of there.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
No, I'm going to go when Alexia wants to go,
when anybody else decides it for me, right, And you know,
and I always want like the viewers, you know, to
to love me and love my story and to follow
my journey and you know, to see who I really am,
because I feel like I am who I am with
or without the camera. But that's you know that, you know,

I've always said that I'll know when when I'm ready,
you know, just like I feel like Candice knew that
she was ready now, whether it's because she's going to
go on tour, or whether's because she wants to focus
on on you know, on herself and her you know,
her marriage with her husband, or she wants to relocate
to a different city, whatever it may be. Right, I

think that we have to know when to go and
to do it with with class and with dignity like
she did, because you know, a lot of times, unfortunately,
you know a lot of times seasons don't go as
well as we want them to go that season, and
you're like, Okay, well, I don't want to come back,
but I feel like they're making a mistake. I feel

like you should want to come back right and say, Okay,
you know I didn't have such a great season, but
you know this season, I'm going to you know, try
to be better or do better or you know, work
on the things that you didn't like about what you
saw in the previously sas. And you know that's that's
how I am, right, And I don't even really watch
my show, but I'm there, so I don't even I
don't need to watch.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
But I love when you get upset with me about
things on our show, and I'm like, Alexia, but you
haven't even watched it.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Right, But I'm like, but I don't need to watch
it because I was there, so like I don't you know,
I don't know how they showed it, but I was there.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
I know what they said and I know what went down.
Have you ever felt like being in the public eye
was too overwhelming for you?

Speaker 2 (19:36):
Actually, I think that it's been overwhelming and more than
I don't even know that the correct word is overwhelming,
but it's been hard for me, has been with my kids.
It's been like, you know, my family, you know, it's
been about Peter, it's you know, when Frankie went through
the accident, you know, it was a different world. Thankfully,

social media wasn't a big thing. I had just gone Instagram,
and even if it was, you know, I was not
ready to share that with the world because I was
so sensitive and I was so you know, involved and
absorbed with just recovering Frankie that there's no way I
could have shared that. Like, you know, everybody handles their

things differently, and that's what I'm trying to say. That's
why I applied wordy that has so much courage to
do it. But I just couldn't do it, Marathon. You
know that I just couldn't know, And that's why I recited.
You know, I didn't even like it wasn't even like
a conversation like it was down. It was like, I
just can't do it. Yeah, it was just too.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Too big and too raw and too really like it
was very real. It was real. It was a tragedy
and it was you could have never even put this
on television. Yeah, it was. It was really bad.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
So I, you know, and it was different times too,
I feel like, and I think that luckily for me,
you know, I was protected with that because I feel
like nowadays, you know, the world is so like everybody
wants to know everything. There's like no privacy and everything
wants everybody wants to document everything. And you know, okay, yes, awareness,
but you know, you have to be sensitive towards at

least meet medical issues. And I can say that because
I went through it myself and I was not ready.
I mean, I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't
do it. And that's why we're going to be talking.
We're going to get into Ky Middleton now, because I can.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
Relate to her.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
You know, I think like things about divorce or litigation
or different things that aren't medical or easier, but something
that's life or death that affects you, affects your family
like that. You don't know until happens to you how
you're going to react to this. And it's not that
you want to keep anything from the world, because everybody

would ask me the same thing.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
But it's franky.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
And again, there was no social media, thank the Lord
writing these stories, and there was no Page six calling
me and there was no you know, daily mail, there was.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
Nothing of that. Thank god. You know what you need
to You need to have your mind as peaceful as
it can be a lot of white light around you
when you're dealing with medical issues. You don't want a
ton of people thinking, asking, speculating, breathing down your neck.
It's just the time of pulling yourself together and getting
tough and really having good energy around you when we're

dealing with health issues.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
Yes, I mean, you already have the pressure of dealing
with it within your family, because a tragedy like this,
you know, destroys the family. It breaks the family. It
makes you together, but it's it's just so so hard
for family when you have kids and and and that's
why I really respect how everybody handles their medical emergencies because.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
That's very the way that they do.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
Because it's a very person thing and we really don't
owe anything to the world. I think that we need
to to make ourselves better and be ready to open
up to the world and be able to share something
like that.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
M Yeah, I mean after the fact, after you've been
through it and you've you've kind of you know, healed
as much as you can. Then you come back and
tell everyone your story when you're ready to tell them
your story. I think a lot of people do it
that way.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
And that's how I see k Middleton. You know the
fact that she was missing, you know, for a few months,
and people were speculating, and they had all these different theories,
you know all I said, I was actually really worried,
and you can, like ask Todd. I was like, I'm
believe like if I knew her, like if she was
like my friend.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
I was like, you know what, was really worried about her? No,
me too.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
And when I saw it on the because I told you,
I don't I don't watch the news that I don't
really follow, like I tell you, I'm like Harley on
social media, the whole thing. But when I saw it,
like on Channel six or seven here, and I was like,
oh my god, babe, I told you Ky Middleton and
I'm like, I'm really worried about her.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
And he's like, oh, you know, maybe, you.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
Know, everybody was speculating the same thing, that she was
having marital problems and this, that and the other.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
You know what. I thought that too. When I saw
that he was having an affair, I was like, he's.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
Just like his fathers, and.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
That was one of the speculations that he was having
an affair, and I was like, he's just like this,
and there's gonna be a new lady in town, just
like Camilla. I thought for that one.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
I didn't because I didn't, you know, I'm so like,
that's what I love about.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Me, That's what about you.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
I'm sorry, but I do is the fact that I'm
not influenced by the media or by other people, like
I have my idea and that's why I was like,
legit concerned. I was like, something terrible has to be
happening to this woman. And I honestly even had her
in my prayers. I was like, there's just no way
something happened.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
You're very tragic. You were with something. Well.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
I always pray for a lot of things that bother
me to take away my piece, and that was one
of them. I was like, what is like, something happened
to this woman? Like something, I mean, she's going through
something horrible, because the only way that you can disconnect
from the world and her being a public person, is
when you're going through something so horrible that you can't
even wake up in the morning and and talk and

you know, and I.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Can relate to that because that's how it was.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
I didn't want to see anybody, I didn't want to
talk to anybody. So that's and again I'm not even
comparing myself to her, but that's like I can see that.
I was like, she has to be going through something
so horrific. And it's not that her husband cheated on earth.
I thought that was like whatever.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
That that wasn't. That wasn't. That was actually news from
a few years ago too, that they were speculating that
he was still with this woman that they were saying
that he had had an affair with before, right, So
that's why, I mean.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
That's another that's another story, right because I mean that's
the other thing you get from being in the public
eye that everybody's always going to speculate and there's always
going to be a story out there. But again, I
was sincerely, sincerely concerned about her.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
I think it's been a learning lesson for everyone that
was on her.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
I mean, I'm not want to go on social media
anyways and you know, and make remarks and make you
know about other people, like that's not my style. So
I'm never there but first of all, I didn't think
it and I didn't even Yeah.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Just a lot of the talk show hosts were making
fun of her, right, But I know about.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
It, right, so we know that The view hosts expressed
remorse for fueling the conspiracy theories surrounding Kate Middleton's whereabouts
following the royal's recent cancer announcement. On Monday's episode of
the Daytime talk show, the women addressed Middleton's diagnosis with
Whoopy Goldberg asking the table what their thoughts were, and
obviously they all said they felt awful. Whoopy was right,

and I'm guilty of getting into the fun of worst
Kate and thinking it's funny and sharing the memes and
playing into that.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
Can I just say something about the view, because you know,
since I'm retired, aside from the show, I spent a
lot of time in front of the time television. They're so
negative on there that everyone's actually so negative on the View.
It's gotten so hard to watch. And I used to
enjoy it, and I just don't anymore. And so I'm

not surprised that they did all of this, but they
come back in the world. I mean, are you're talking
about the view? Everybody's just no.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
I know, but I'm just saying like in general, not
that you bring that up. I don't watch the view,
but I do remember and recall liking it, and I
have seen different clips and they are they're like angry,
they're like mean, and a lot of these talk shows
are about that. But I feel like it's the whole
world Maraso. It's like on social media, it's like TV shows,

it's you know, the talk It's like it's all this
hate and all this anger, and it talks so much
freedom of speech. There's no empathy, there's no compassion. I mean,
that is wrong with people.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
I think, well, you know what it's like. It's like
when you're in a working environment. If you have one
grumpy person in the office, then everyone starts to become grumpy.
It's like that one bad apple ruins the whole bunch,
and now the whole world is just becoming like this way.
Everyone gets on social media and attacks you for no reason.

I mean, I'm horrified at the things some people write me.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
Well, do you see why why I don't like it?
I was you see why I don't like it? I
was so happy when they almost were taking off TikTok.
I was like, oh my god, get wit old because
I'm not on that platform, and I just think it's toxic.
I just think it's toxic, the whole social media thing.
Like I can just sit here for hours and you know,
talking about all the negative stuff. There might be two

or three good stuff, some pros, but I feel just
more negative and just and it's heaving the world.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
They were saying that the the view that the palace
totally mishandled the pr and then you know, as a consequence,
the public mishandled it, spreading all the rumors. But I
actually kind of think, I don't know what you say,
told me what you think that they didn't know the
gravity of the situation because the family wasn't really sharing

with anybody until the hospital leaked it and then everything
turned out to be worse than they had expected. And
then by that point everybody was like, where's our princess?
Because you know, the whole world's looking for their future
queen because she disappeared for two months, and you know, no,
I can't understand that. Right. Of course, they found out

afterwards that she was quite ill. They were probably trying
to organize themselves as a family internally before they even
shared it with anybody to even handle pr properly. They
I think they found out too late that she was
so unwell, and so they sat on it. Abo Draive
the rumor real just went rampant, right Yeah, But I mean,

I think it's a lesson to everybody.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
Yeah, you know, I feel like it's a lesson to
everybody that everybody's doing with personal struggles and sometimes you
have no idea about it and you just have to,
you know, just give the person whoever, maybe whether it's
the princess or whether it's just a regular person, the
time and when they're ready to share.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
What they're going through, they're going to open up and
they're going to share it. And in that.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
Case, she herself gave the whole when she was ready
that she can put herself together. And then she was
medically cleared because she did have the abdomen surgery and
I guess as the result of that, that's when they
found out that, right she had the cancer.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Cancer. I'm really worried about her. I'm worried.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
No, I mean I am too, you know, I'm hoping
and she's doing the preventive chemotherapy that that's going to work.
But you know, imagine this woman going through that news,
just receiving that news, Marasol. It's just like, you know,
your whole world is shattered, like and it's a lesson
to everyone that it's like your life changes in a
second second, in a second. I mean, I'm sure she

was just going in for like an autom and surgery.
Maybe something was bothering hairs, like a lot of people
have about the surgery, and that was the news. So
it's like just taking that in thinking of you know,
her children, her husband, just everything, you know, and William's father, Charles,
is also sick with cancer. It's like your whole world

falls apart, and then you're dealing with the other world,
you know, saying all these rumors and lies and speculations.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
You know, she's not like a regular celebrity because let's
face it, if you know, you know, for example, look
at Bruce Willis, he hasn't been well. They've shared a
little bit here and there. They don't explode. I think
they shared from the beginning, but a little bit here
and there, Like they don't put him on camera and
showing him talking and ill or anything like that, right,
there's no need for them. But but you know, nobody

would have noticed if they hadn't brought it up. But
people do look for the queen, you know, because they are.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
Somebody like her that had all her duties. And you know,
we did know that she had gone in for surgery.
I think where they went wrong was the fact that
when they received the results of the surgery and that
new information, they didn't know how to handle it absolutely
and they got scared. I mean, and they all are royalty,
so they controlled the media on everything, so they were
like no, I mean, they just you know, we're not insided.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
We don't know like if they would have done any
different now, they really can't have privacy in a family
like that. They're not like other celebrities that can just
disappear and then come back, new movie, new album after
a couple of years. People don't notice when they're gone,
but when you were in the public eye like that,
and you know, position of like of that magnitude, people notice.

And so oh, absolutely absolutely.

Speaker 2 (32:53):

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Stephen Colbert addresses backlash over Kate Middleton jokes maybe for
her cancer announcement. I do not make light of somebody
else's tragedy we do a lot of shows. I tell
a lot of jokes. I tell jokes about a lot
of different things, mostly about when everybody is talking about.
Colbert says, for the last six weeks to two months,

everybody has been talking about the mystery of Kate Middleton's
disappearance from the public. Two weeks ago. We did some
jokes about that mystery when I made when I made
those jokes that upset some people even before her diagnosis
was revealed. I can understand that a lot of my
jokes have upset people in the past, and some of
my jokes will upset people in the future. But there's

a standard that I try to hold myself to, and
that is that I do not make light of somebody
else's tragedy. Well, you know, because that's what it is.
It's a tragedy. It really is a tragedy. He just
jumped on that bandwagon like everybody else with the speculation
and the jokes, and you know, and unfortunately it was

something really horrible that was really at the you know
the surface of all of this. Well, I'll see.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
So do you think the public was too harsh in
the speculation or do.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
You think, yeah, but the problem is that if you
let people's minds wander, they will go to the most
drastic situation and throw it out there. So they had
zero information, so everybody speculated and then it became jokes
and then you know, like we talked about the social
media and the television, it just gets out of control

and it's very toxic. So yeah, they overdid it, but
they had no info. Right. I feel a lot of
people are remorseful because yeah they are now they have
to be there and they have to be like idiots.
They have to be right.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
I mean they have to be after you know, the
presentation that she gave and how she opened up you know, herself,
and how vulnerable she was and with the paint that
she spoke about. I mean, you have to be remorseful.
And I think it's just a lesson to everyone you
know too, yeah you know themselves back, you know, to

give people before you speculate.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Mm hmmm. Well I unfortunately, my friend, I don't think
people are going to do that. You know, it's a
week later and there's no news and do things out
and I'm reading stuff online and it's just crazy. So
do you crazy?

Speaker 2 (35:20):
So so you were saying that you that you think
that she is a pri as a public figure, she
doesn't have the right to privacy.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Well, unfortunately, in her position as future queen, people will
notice when she's not around. Like I said before, she
is actually wrong. It was it was actually very wrong,
yes for her, for her, but other celebrities can get
away with it. There's so many singers, there's so many actors.

Speaker 2 (35:46):
But do you think public figures do you think they
have the right to privacy.

Speaker 1 (35:50):
I think everybody has a right to privacy, but I
don't think she's allowed to have privacy. She's not different
than other celebrities.

Speaker 2 (35:59):
Yeah, I mean that makes sense. I understand she's not
just the public figure. She's like the face of her country.
She's like the future queen. She's the princess.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
Yes, and people notice if they didn't.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
She has public duties, right, and it's been a long time,
so yeah, right, you know, I think looking back the
you know, the they would have.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
Handled it differently. I think, well, you know what, I
think in the end, it worked out fine because now
everyone feels like an asshole, like shit, oh exactly, good on,
like shit and good good on, you know. Unfortunately for her,
you know, but yeah, they do.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
Have you ever and have you ever dealt with something
private and you were were forced to make it public
because sometimes you're dealing through something private and you're like
forced to make a public I did.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
I did, and you were there with me when we
were started filming season three and my mom fell and
she couldn't film anymore, and everybody was like, where's Elso,
where's ELSEO? Where's also? What's Elsa? And of course I
wanted too protective mode that's my mother, and I obviously,
you know, shared things in a very light, over the

top manner and didn't really share the gravity of her situation.
I said, she fell, she had some brain surgery, She's
gonna be okay. I actually thought she would be okay.
She never did get better, and then you know, I
understand like what the royal family has done. I wanted
to protect I protected her, and I I you know,

I didn't let people come see her because I wanted
her to have dignity because she was in a really
bad way, as you know you saw her, and it
just was easier to not have people see her and
then go out and talk about how she really was.
So I hid her and I didn't tell the whole
truth because you know, again because it was painful. I mean,

it's still does sting me. Right, you need to understand,
like you're going through this pain and it's just so
hard within yourself and your family. Then to share it,
you just need a moment, you know, you just need
them on the top of that. You know, I kept thinking,
she's remember I tell you, she's gonna be fine. She's
gonna get better, She's gonna get better. And I kept thinking,
she's gonna get better if she heard I told everyone

that she was laid up at a bed and I didn't
let anyone come visit. She is going to kill me.
So but I you know, I did what I thought
was best. You know, like like children don't come with
a handbook, parents don't come with the handbook. Illness doesn't
come with a handbook. It's a play by play. You go,
you go with your heart in the moment, and you
try to do your best, you know, try to do

your best. I just wanted her to have some dignity
in her in her life and in her illness and
in her last you know, years of her life. It
was hard, and I know you went through something so
similar to you know. Yeah, I mean I've gone through
it a lot.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
I've gone through a lot of things that you know,
that were private, and a lot of families consider it
private and you're forced to share it with the world
because it becomes public. Yeah, and then you just feel
like sometimes you just have to go out and speak.
And you know, a lot of times I decide, you know,
I've decided not to do that and not to give

it more light. But but you know, like I said,
every family handles it differently. And for me, the medical
like what you went through with your mom, what I
went through with Frankie, what you know Kate Middleton's going
through is is you know, it's completely different. It's it's
completely different when you're dealing with health and with something

that's medical.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Yeah, and and I know we've talked about this a lot.
Sometimes you just have to rip that band aid off
and tell your story because you can't have other people
tell it for you because they will just screw it
up and do it one hundred percent. That's why she
wanted to do it.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
She didn't want the house, you know, the royal the
house of the Royal family, you know, speak on her behalf.
She wanted to be ready, and that's why I thought
it was so impactful because we heard it from her mouth.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
It wasn't the media controlling the news. It was her.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
So I respect her so much and my prayers are
with her and her family.

Speaker 1 (40:08):
Yeah, exactly, mine too, my friend. Well, let's make this
a little bit like a little bit lighter. Let's light
it up. Yeah, let's talk about Shakira.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
Yeah, yeah, you know, yeah, we could get really emotional
and sensitive, but you.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Know I already am. I'm over here tearing up. Yeah.
I get so upset about how things they just really
bust me up. Mm hmmm, same for me.

Speaker 2 (40:36):
But you know, speaking of making this lighter, we can
talk about Shakira and and how she's free from her husband.
You see, this is what I'm talking about. I'm talking
about it's so different to talk about your husband and
a divorce and a breakup, even though a lot of
times it is very sad and it is painful, I'm
not taking away from that, but it's a completely different monster.

Speaker 1 (40:57):
It's a completely different thing.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Than like fighting for life, right right, That's the point
that I'm trying to say.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
Because according to Shakira, she's free. Yeah, she's free. Well
that's she's learned to deal with it by you know,
making herself feel better like she's free and now she
can do her music.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
And right, well, I think just like her, you know.
And I feel this like a lot about about a
lot of celebrity couples and just regular couples as well.
The fact that you don't really share that you're going
your different you know, your separate ways until it's really there.
But I felt like they've been dealing with this from before.
It wasn't like they just woke up one day and
announced it to the world that you know, they're breaking

up or that they're getting a divorce.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
She was probably given it the college char like many
of us women do or men do. When someone's cheating.
You just hang in there and you figure you can
fix it until you figure out that it's unfixable. And
so yeah, and anyway, well that pain of hers helped
her turn into money. It turned into money because you
know what a hit song.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
Yes, so I love that. I love that these singers,
you know, I love that Taylor Swift can do that.
I love that Shakira can do that. And Selena been
pulling out some music here and there, like she says,
but it was really hard for me. This is Shakira speaking.
It was really hard for me to put together a
body of work. Shakira said of why the release is happening. Now,
you see, I didn't have time.

Speaker 1 (42:23):
Like you know, you have to give. People are gonna speculate, Oh,
why was it happened?

Speaker 2 (42:26):
Twenty million reasons And she's actually speaking out and she's like,
I didn't have time. It was the husband factor. Now
I'm husbandless. Yeah, the husband was dragging me down and
now I'm free. Now I can actually work. Mmm.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
I love how she said he was dragging making her down.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
Yeah, listen, And a lot of relationships is that we're
going to talk about that now, right. Shakira still seems
a bit sour about the breakup, you know, because I
feel like that takes a long time, and especially the
kind of breakup that she had where he like he
humiliated her. It was it was like a lot of
stuffcause're right, every breakup is different. We need to establish
that too. And again they're a very public her and

pick Air very public, so it's like it's so much harder.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
I think the gravity of being dumped is way worse
than being the dumper, and then you're kind of.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
Just and even if you're planning on dumping, but if
the guy dumps you before, because you know, sometimes if
that's the case.

Speaker 1 (43:22):
I was gonna do it, right, the double cross.

Speaker 2 (43:25):
Dumpthing that a lot of times I agree with you.
I mean, even though sometimes you think it's better, Like
for a lot of people, it's hard for them to
do it. So then when the other person dealt is like,
oh God, thank god you did it, because like I
felt really bad about doing it to you. So I
don't know what their case is. But are you forgiving?
Are you a forgiving person?

Speaker 1 (43:43):

Speaker 2 (43:43):
If someone does something wrong to you, do you just
cut them out completely? Like?

Speaker 1 (43:47):
Is it someone?

Speaker 2 (43:48):
Or talk about a guy, Like, let's say a guy
if he does something to you, do you just cut
him out of your life completely? Or do you think
you can still be friends with him?

Speaker 1 (43:57):
I've actually, when I think about it, like the worst
experience I've had with somebody is yeah, I literally it
was my last relationship. You know of it? It keeps
counting me on the show I walked away. I never
believe it. It's haunting you. Yeah, and here we're gonna

have to talk about it again. It just and I
was I got he was leaving my bank yesterday and
there he was walking right by. I had to hide
in the banker, I know, I had to hide in
the bank until we walked down the street to get
in my car because I didn't want to even be
faced with him alone in the street. And I cut
him off completely, as you know, I never spoke to

him again, never conversed with him again. And any of
my friends that were became friends with him and stayed
friends with him, and cut them off to and I
did a clean slate because for me, that's just the
way I heal and the way I move on. I
cannot have any more communication. I'm done, I'm finished. It's over.
It's just. But that's like the worst breakup I ever
had in my life. It was just and it's continued

to drag out to this day, like other people keep
bringing it up, like I want to hear about it.
I want to hear about it. It's someone I live
with for like three years, and I don't want to
hear about it anymore. And so yeah, I had to
cut it out because it was like a cad about it.

Speaker 2 (45:14):
I'm sorry that you didn't have to say that. But yeah,
so you feel like that, but it's it's not even
like your bit sour. I mean, it's just like it
wasn't a good breakup, so like why do you even
want to talk about it?

Speaker 1 (45:24):
I you know, I get it. It was a learning lesson.
I've done that with friends too. You know, that's just
I'm a Capricorn and that's just in my in my sign.
You know, when we're done, we cut, and we're done
and it's over forever and I don't look back.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Well, I mean, in her case, she's going to have
she can't really cut because she has two kids kids
with them. Yeah, so you know, I feel like when
you have kids, it's like it's forever, my friend. It's
like you pay for it, you know, it's like that's
the price that you pay. It's like it's forever. It's
different because obviously the kids grow up and you know,
after their eighteen, you know, truthfully supposedly you don't really

need to have the other parent involved. But until then,
you know, it's like this you know, entanglement that you have,
like whether you like it or not, you're going to
hear about them because the kids are going to come
back and forth and talk about their dad or whatever.
In this case, you know, he's a very public person,
so she's going to read about it or say about it.
But you know, I'm so happy that she just like

you know, moved.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
On with her life.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
And you know, she's not a great comeback, you know, Yeah,
I got to come back, and I love a comeback,
and I'm so happy for her. I think that it's
been easy for her to do because she's so talented
and she was always a singer that people loved, right,
She's always like so sweet, so cute, you know, and
she's such a great singer and performer. So for her,

it's been easy to do. So I'm happy for her.
But do you think that women should just give up
their careers or like put them on pause, you know,
like Shakira did for PK, or like even Mendez is
kind of doing with Ryan to be a full mom
of a full time mom, or do you think that
they should support their husbands because they're superstars. So here

we're talking about like couples that they're both it's like
power couples, so that they're both equal, they're both you know,
have actor, actors and careers. They're both you know, good
at what they do and they're superstars.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
I mean, I guess it depends on where you are
in your life, right, you know, maybe you were a
child star and you no longer you know, desire that anything.

Speaker 2 (47:28):
But in this case, for example, Shakier has expressed she
did it she was very jealous.

Speaker 1 (47:35):
Every case is different, though it's very difficult to say.
I mean, I know for myself when I had my company,
I was a terrible wife, a terrible The answer is no.

Speaker 2 (47:45):
Let me just make for the answers no, because you
know what answer now when you do that, not for
a man. You should do it for yourself. Like I
like that, even meant to says I'm doing this because
I want to do it, not because Ryan's making me
do it because I want to be a full time
mom and I want to be with my kids.

Speaker 1 (48:02):
So that's different. You have to decide for yourself if
that's for you. You know what I've learned.

Speaker 2 (48:08):
You know what I've learned that all these women that
have done it because of the man, it's come back
to bite them and they all regret it. Because again,
you should do it for yourself. Because it makes you happy,
not because it makes the man happy. Because the last
thing I feel not they do it to you. Look
at what he did to her after she didn't sing
for all those years. Yes, she was a full time,

devoted mom. So you know I don't Yeah, I really
do think that women should do this for themselves. You
have to support your your partner. But just because you're
a bigger star than me, or you're making more money
than me, doesn't mean that I'm going to give up

something that I love to make you happy again if
it makes you happy, Like I always wanted to be
a full time mom, so you know, it was making
me happened the years that I did it, I loved it,
and that's what I did. But then when I was
ready to work, listen, this is what I want to
do now, and that's what I want to work. I
want to work now. I want to do this, I
want to do that. And you need a partner that
supports you.

Speaker 1 (49:12):
Well, here miss something on some sort of a power
trip like you know you sol macho and I'm just
a Yeah, I'm a puppy choo. I'm gonna be the
one that makes the money. I'm gonna be the star,
and you're gonna stay home and you're gonna your little
star is gonna fade away. But you know, but you
know what she's talking about. She regrets it, and she
she's not gonna make that mistake again. Right, she learned.

We always learned from our bad choices, especially in relationships,
because I always try to pick somebody very different from
the last person I was with. I think I finally
got it right.

Speaker 2 (49:42):
I mean, not everybody learns from I mean, I'm not
saying that was a mistake. I'm not saying because you know,
I don't like to call them mistakes. I like to
call them lessons if we're right. But I think in retrospect,
I think what she's saying is like she's probably reflecting
and saying, you know what, I I don't know that
that was best decision because she really didn't make it
for herself. And that's really like the point here. When

you do it for yourself, like you know, it's different,
like Okay, I'm going to give up doing this because
it doesn't make me happy anymore, and I'm just going
to do this. But when they make you do it,
which is kind of like that, I think that's why
she's so bitter.

Speaker 1 (50:15):

Speaker 2 (50:16):
Yeah, but you know, luckily for her, she has talent, right,
she's still young, she's still beautiful, she still has talent,
and she came back, didn't come back, and she's always
going to be shining. And I'm super proud for her.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
But we're proudly Shakira. Can I just say one thing
about me as a wife, I'm a much better wife
now that I don't have a job. I'm a fun,
happy wife. And I'm a much better partner now that
I'm not all stressed out with work like I was before.
I was not a good partner when I had my job.

Speaker 2 (50:46):
Okay, well I mean that was you but you know
that was different, you know. And she has kids, so
at least she was you know with her kids, and
you know she went to all the games. I mean,
I don't know, I really didn't you know, follow her
life that way. But I know that a lot of
people talk about Eva men does the same.

Speaker 3 (51:04):
Thing like you and me, because because she's and she
married a grigg married get there.

Speaker 1 (51:15):
You know.

Speaker 2 (51:15):
And I've always like she's a great actress too. She's
another one that could do a comeback. I'm like that's
what I want her to do. But you know what,
she's not ready. So it's not what I want or
O Ryan wants, it's what she wants. You know, I'm
sure down the line, she's so young, beautiful, nobody's taking
away her talent, you know, of being you know, an actress,
so she can always go back to that. But you know,
that's the beauty of it. But I feel like she's

satisfied being at home, and she's not doesn't want to
live in Los Angeles, and she really wants to be
that you know, devoted mom and spend time with her
kids and with her husband and.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
Y as women.

Speaker 2 (51:52):
They live in Los Angeles, but she wants to move
like outside of Los Angeles because she doesn't want to
bring up her children in that environment, you know, like
all the brats that live in LA you know, I.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
Guess come to I was hoping the Cubans, you know,
let do my if they're in't too badcelon Hollywood, come
to Miami, Packadora.

Speaker 2 (52:15):
That's how I feel, you know, I feel that we
should not do anything like to make the man happy
or to make anybody happy. You know, it's a decision
like that we have to make on our.

Speaker 1 (52:25):
Own, make a just drastic alteration of your life for
somebody else's happiness. Because and then you're bitter.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
Yes, I mean you should again, just it should be
on you. You should be like, Okay, I'm happy with
this decision. But I think that that's why she's like
so bitter, because you know she regrets.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
Oh, you're not talking about Eva anymore.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
We're talking about Shakira. No, no, never's case. I think
she's super happy. Me too, it was super happy, you know,
being at home Olympiano because she loves me just like me.
She loves all that, you know, and I I think
that that's great. Like I wanted to do that too,
So I did that for a couple of years, and
then I got bored and I was like, you know what,
I'm ready to go to work. So it's like it

should be the woman should be the one making that decision.
And by the way, a lot of women I'm still
way because I can still keep on talking.

Speaker 1 (53:16):
I know you can a lot of women.

Speaker 2 (53:18):
I know that you said you're a better woman and
wife now that you're not working, but a lot of
women will say the opposite and say that they are
better women and wives because they do have a job
and a profession and they're fulfilled.

Speaker 1 (53:32):
With what they do.

Speaker 2 (53:33):
So then they come home and they're better moms and
they're better wives. So you know, every case is different differently. Yeah,
I mean I've tried it all, and I think, you know,
I've tried to be the best. Whether you know, I'm
working and and there's still time for my kids and
for my husband, and you know, when I'm not working,
I could still like it doesn't like really affect me.

But again, I think if you want to be happy,
I think it's important for you to make that decision,
not for anyone to make it for you.

Speaker 1 (54:01):
Absolutely, And I you know, by the way, just to
make it clear, I was in over in my head.
I was running a company with a lot of employees,
and everything was on my shoulders by myself, so and
I was, you know, I just distress was too much
for me to even have any love or patience or
or calmness.

Speaker 2 (54:20):
Balance Like I didn't do Yeah, because I mean I
remember like how you worked, so it's like that was
like too much.

Speaker 1 (54:25):
You were like too hard on yourself. I was just
I was not a good partner. Now I'm an excellent partner.

Speaker 2 (54:33):
Well, Bouber has the best of you, and I'm happy
about that. Yeah, and you're an excellent friend too, my friend.

Speaker 1 (54:39):
Oh yeah, I thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you.
Until you have your other friends. No, I cut everybody out.
You know, I'm a Capricorn. If you if you just
stop blaming the zodiac.

Speaker 2 (54:51):
I was actually just talking about it.

Speaker 1 (54:54):
I'm sorry. Your sign has nothing to do with how
you are. Two of my other closest friends, I'm sorry
their close friends are Capricorn and they're just like me.
We cut people out like this. No, man, who because
you're out and it's done, and I don't look back,
you know, yeah I do. I got a handful of time.
I'm lucky to still be here. You're not going anywhere.

You're stuck with me.

Speaker 2 (55:21):
Yes, okay, next, okay, okay, lunch, lunch.

Speaker 1 (55:30):
Thanks for listening, everybody.

Speaker 2 (55:32):
Thank you, guys, Thank you for listening to us. Thanks
for listening.

Speaker 1 (55:35):
Follow us on Instagram at iPort Forward Podcast.

Speaker 2 (55:39):
Make sure to write us a review and leave us
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