All Episodes

April 17, 2024 40 mins

The Bravosphere did NOT sleep this week!!

Pregnancies, engagements, break ups, firings, accusations, and even Taylor Swift?!

Teddi and Tamra are here to cover ALL the shocking housewife headlines and give their honest opinions.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two Teas in a Pod which Teddy Mellencamps and Camra Judge.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of to Teas in
a Pod with myself, Teddy Mellencam and Cambra Judge.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Good morning, Teddy.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Good morning Sunshine. Are you I'm just lovely? You know
im through.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
I mean, we all woke up yesterday thinking we just
had to pay your taxes. No bo had a lot
in store for us.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
You know what. Taxes was nothing compared to the world
of headlines. Slaughter Day.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
It was slaughter Day over there at Bravo.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Before we get into all these headlines, do you guys
want a little tea? Yes? Okay. So my horse trainer
was is walking through the airport last week and there
was somebody asking a particular person for their autograph, like,

and he was nearby and they were like, oh, I
love you on Housewives blah blah blah, and like my
horse Shootter is like really, you know, like he's like us,
wants the tea, wants the juice. So he's like Housewives.
He goes, I train an ex housewife and the person

apparently looked at him and goes, oh, like not nice
at all, and then he goes, yeah, she was on
Beverly Hills. Which one are you on? And she goes
Beverly Hills and I have and let me guess it's
Teddy Emailencamp. I have no comment Ston.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
Yeah, the horse gave it away.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
The best part though, is that I'm like, first, he's
like blonde, really like, she had straight hair, slightly I
think potentially slightly older than you. And I'm like this
really narrows it down and so, but she really doesn't

like you. I was like, to not even be friendly
to a and he goes, well, I'm just the horse trainer.
I don't know any I don't watch the shows. I
was just trying to be friendly and she was like,
I have absolutely nothing to say, and he was.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
Lighter than saying something bad.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Well, he goes, but it's such a turn off, like
other people were standing there, and the fact that she
can't just be like, oh, small world.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
I mean, she don't like her some Teddy Joe.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
Apparently she don't like her some Teddy Joe and she's
not afraid to let my horse trainer know it. Funny Yeah,
but I was like, oh gosh, I guess I haven't
won her over.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
If the role was reverse and they came up to you,
what would you have said.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
I would have said something along the lines of like,
oh my gosh, yeah, we worked together for a bit
teddy to a stranger that was unprovoked, didn't watch the show.
If the person continued on and was like, oh, I
watched the show and saw you guys had drama, I
could be like, yeah, we're not the world's best communicators

something like that. But I definitely wouldn't have been rude
to the person that came up to tell.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
Me, let's get setting on the pod.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Ohkay, good luck. You're welcome to get her on. I
do not think she would ever come on with me
as a part of it for that episode, but go
for it. Slide into her dms like the way that
Anna keeps sliding into everybody else's from Miami. She didn't
really speak on the episode, but she apparently she's doing
a lot of speaking and DM and and all the things.

So no shank you, No shank you very much. Our
first headline is the Real Housewives of Dubai's Fiery New
Housewife and Sizzling season two trailer.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
So they have one new housewife right and everybody's back. Yeah,
I think everybody's. No, not everyone's back. Nina is not back, Nina.
Nina's gone. Oh my god, did you see Caroline?

Speaker 2 (04:28):
Did you?

Speaker 3 (04:29):
I don't know if you follow her on Instagram, I'm
sure you do. There's a huge storm in Dubai. Her
new house is totally flooded.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
No, the one they've been like working on.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
Yes, yes, they're They're like literally like sweeping the water
out of their kitchen living room. I'm like, oh, somebody
that's had water damage before. That's not fun, and that
ripping things.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Out is brutal.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
Because I hear they do have a new housewife and
a new friend of.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Hmmm, well, what do you think of the trailer?

Speaker 3 (05:03):
I thought it was okay. You know, it's hard to
sometimes producers get it right and pull you in. I
don't know that it really pulled me in.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
It didn't necessarily pull me in, But it starts off
with ion promising. The only thing more scorching than the
weather is the tension between the ladies. Dubai is hot
Chanel ads, but I come in hotter. Then they cut
to all of them fighting during an extravagant dinner among
the sand dunes. I really want to go to Dubai

just to see something I do too. Let's go, Like,
do they want to have us just, you know, come
for a little visit. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
I think that would take us to get to Dubai
twenty four hours. Probably would we even be allowed in
Dubai or do we break too many rules to even
be I think we can get in, but getting out
might be getting arrested would not be fun.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Then Sarah says to Stanbury, you're all brands but no class.
Stanbury fights back, Oh, shut up, leading to a ping
pong match of shut ups between the feuding of the
front of me.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
Shut up, shut up, shut up, you shut up, No,
you shut up.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Listen. I told you to shut up.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Okay, I'm gonna shut up. Shut all the way up.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
Listen or as my kids would say, your mouth as
if that's better, well it is better. Then. Stanbury's friendship
with Ion is also driving a wedge between Ion and
her former This is in caps former best friend Forever Lisa.
Lisa says to Stanbury a snake will change their skin,

but they'll always be a snake, and then she says,
I feel the same about you. Darling. When people call
me darling, it's.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
Like honey, honey. I was just gonna say that. When
someone calls me honey or sweetie, I'm like, shut up,
shut all the way up. Yeah, shut up up, shut shut,
shut all the way up.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Yes, your mouth.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
There's a new housewife, Talan. Is that how you pronounce
her name? Very pretty?

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Yes, of course? And who isn't in Dubai all those
girls are study She's spicing things up. Apparently, she says
she gets a little assy, but most of the time
I'm classy.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
Ah, I like assy, and they like my housewife's assy.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
And then Toline's husband gets into a heated fight with.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
Brucks, not a husband first season fighting with a girl
with a girl. How do you feel about house husband's
boyfriends whatever, fighting with the women, or going on Instagram
or going on podcasts and talking about the other wives.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
I mean, and I know what people are going to
say to us right now. Your husband's do a podcast, yes,
but they're not.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
They're not talking about housewives. I'm talking about people.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
That go on right I know.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
But that's the first thing that there's not very many
husbands that do that.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Let's think about some of the key husbands that fight
with the women. We've got Oh, we've got Ken to Oh.
I just we were just watching flashback. But Ken got
into an argument with what you're doing at Taylor.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
He also kicked Kyle out of his house. Remember oh,
right then when Peter Thomas was one that would Yeah,
I'd rather have them fight on the show than go
on Instagram or podcasts and start ripping them apart.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Well, John Fuda allegedly comes in hot this season.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Yes, yes, we haven't seen it yet, so we don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
David Badore, are you with you? Before Argue? I saw
something I don't know if it was me. He had
on a wig.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Oh VICKI Oh he got into it with Vicky.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
Okay, yeah, So I mean there are the ones that
get into the mix. I know you can't say anything,
but from what I've seen online, I feel like John
Jansen is going to get into the mix. But speaking
of husbands, oh my god, I got into the mix?

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Which one? Alexei alexis I know? US Weekly confirmed that
Todd submitted the paperwork on Thursday for a divorce from
Alexia April eleventh, and Florida, Alexia and Todd have not
publicly addressed the.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
Split, but then Alexia did.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
She did, and she's been very upset. She says, I
am shocked and heartbroken that Todd has chosen to dissolve
our marriage. I will take comfort in the fact that
my friends and family will be by my side, supporting
me during this difficult time. I'm praying for better times ahead.
I sent her.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
You did. I haven't sent her one yet, but I will.
I wanted to, like let the dust cool a little bit,
But I have a question. What is it about anybody,
male or female that files for divorce without the other
person knowing? That is very confusing to me.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
Do you think that she didn't know or she I mean,
I don't know. We can speculate so many different ways,
like there was a fight and he just got bad
and filed, or I don't know. I mean, I mean
I talk about it last season.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
Well, remember how she started the season when she was like, no,
me and Todd are not getting a divorce. That's not
the announcement. But I feel like the fact that he
took such a back seat this season when the season
prior he was really in the mix, even arguing factivations.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I hope the show didn't
get in between them.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Well, Marisol recorded solo on ipor for War, which you
guys to tune into, which is, yes, go listen to
teas in a pod production with.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
Yeah, definitely go listen to it. She really opens up
and talks about it, and she's very heartbroken and talks
about their past and it's a good episode. It's about
thirty minutes, but it's really worth listening to them.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
But some of the little tidbits that we'll give you
in she said, I'm completely Marisol says, and Marasol is
Alexia's best friend, Like that's just show best friend. Those
two are always together. She says, I'm completely taken by surprise.
I didn't see this coming. It rips my heart apart.
I can only put myself in her shoes and know

how hard this must be for her. We all have
that dream of being in love and then we find
a partner, and we have this big fantasy of a
perfect life, and then reality hits. Today we all got
a big dose of reality. Things don't always turn out
the way we planned. We are going to give her
space when she's ready to talk about it, she will

Alexia is a share and that's why she's on a
reality show, because she knows how to share and be
open and real and raw.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
Well, Adriana took no time to respond goodness to a
post with hearty Moji's about about the story about Alexis
Alexia and Todd. She's something else. She's the one that
pretty much brought it up last season on the show.
Do you remember at the party she saw him downstairs

and there was some comment about the marriage may that
was not positive.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
I really do think that Alexia wouldn't have gone so
hard with the Larsa and Marcus drama last month if
she saw this coming.

Speaker 3 (12:43):
So I do think, oh, yeah, that she could have.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
Been blindside, because you don't if you know that, like
you're about to get divorced when somebody else.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Don't throw don't throw stones, right.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Yeah, So I my guess is she really was shocked
by this.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Yeah, well, speaking of stones, j I nabbed herself a
five carrot diamond ring. Beautiful ring. I have seen it.
Jen and Ryan got engaged last week while vacationing in Bahamas.
But John, she said she didn't see the engagement coming
at all. I was shocked they did an exclusive with
People in magazine with Dave Quinn. She explains that they
were on their way to lunch in the Bahamas when

Ryan walked her past the restaurant and down the beach.
He was like, come here for a second. And we
walked down the beach and he pulled me in and
I said to him, are you doing something? And the
second he got down on the sand on one knee.
I don't even remember what he said because I was
so surprised. So congratulations to Ryan and Jen. Congratulations they
are now engaged. So they've been together, I want to say,

close to four years.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
So if she's happy, I'm happy. There was like a
bunch of pictures because I guess where they were. I
think they were a Baja bar. They were where we
did filmed Beverly Hills and the pool kind of overlooks
like the beach areas, so I guess a bunch of
people were taking pictures of them from behind and and

cheering them on and so exciting, exciting gratulations. This next
one caught me off guard, just because I've never seen
Taylor Swift have face app on before, so.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
You know what I mean, Like most well, I'm sure
she didn't do it.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
I'm sure she didn't do it either, because but I
think sometimes when you face app yourself before a photo,
then you face app the other person so that you
kind of look like one of you, not just one
of you.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Doesn't have Well, that's what a good friend does. Teddy Joe,
well as well.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Okay, it's just so good. The next one, Kenya Moore
returning to the Real Housewives of Atlanta season sixteen amid
cash shake up. Kenya will now be the longest standing
housewife of Real Housewife.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Of Congratulations Kenya.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
This is from a Deadline article. I may be gone
with the wind fabulous, but I'm not going anywhere anywhere.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
Why, oh god, I didn't think that Kenya would go anywhere.
I think she's a staple on the show. There's no
status on Drew or Charay her future on the show,
but Anthony Dominic, a producer on Entertainment Tonight, tweeted Charret's
future with rho A is still being figured out. I
think Bravo is trying to see if she's full time

a friend or nothing at all. Now, Chara has been
demoted before and did not take the offer, so curious
to see what happens with Shrey.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
I have to be honest. I want Chara I do too.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
I love Chara I love Shary. I saw a lot
of I don't know why she would be on the
chopping block.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
I don't either. A lot of people are saying, well,
Charae doesn't have a storyline and blah blah blah, like
just reading the interwebs, I disagree. I think she brings,
you know, not only drama, but fun. She laughs at herself. Yeah,
she does get involved in the in the drama.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
Well, here's the thing about long running housewives. They don't
always have something major going on their life every single season.
Yeah they don't. It doesn't them to well, I don't
think there's a lot majority of them do not, And
it's just the dynamics of them being together and filming
together and what goes down. I don't need to see

your kid graduating from high school and go I don't.
I don't need to see that. I don't tune into
housewives to see those kind of personal.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Stories also that are funny. Funny, Yes, funny funny, and
Charay is funny. Charae delivers good reads. She does good confessionals. Yes,
I think I enjoy her. She's always you know, she's
giving fashions without fashion. She's doing enough. She is, And
I mean that wasn't a charade that had her like

x on and like had that over the top baby
shower last season and the baby sleeping the whole time. Bob,
I thought that was great. That was my favorite episode
with a secret daughter. I mean, how is this not
a storyline that is considered a storyline to me?

Speaker 3 (17:36):
Well, Bravo fired another housewife yesterday and it was announced
Crystal will not be returning to season fourteen of Real
Housewives of Beverly Hills. Crystal has been let go by
the network before season fourteen starts filming, and I believe
they start filming next week. You don't want her back
because they feel she has done all that she can
do on the show. I don't know whose quote this is,

and she no longer has much to add to the drama.
So another contract has not been offered. Set an insider?
Are you that insider?

Speaker 2 (18:07):
I am not that insider, Crystal, So this was also
this is interesting. This was also released on Daily Mail.

Speaker 3 (18:19):
First when yesterday or the day or.

Speaker 2 (18:23):
Earlier yesterday before Crystal made her announcement on Instagram. It
was already on the Daily Mail. Then Crystal did a
video sound familiar. It does sound familiar, but she said
she was asked wasn't asked back, but she said that
it's bittersweet because she's gonna really miss connecting with people,
but do not worry. There is more to come.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
Yeah, well, I feel bad. I hate to hear anybody
get fired. I hate it. I did reach out to
her to tell her, you know, I'm sorry that she'll
be missed, and I'm sure she's opt to two great things.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
Anne Marie sent a did a like she did one
of those quote type posts she put on her Insta story,
I don't care how good you play victim, That karma
gun still tear your ass up.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
Who'd she say this to?

Speaker 2 (19:22):
She said that she just did like an Insta story
that says, I don't care how good you play victim,
that karma gonna still tear your ass up. Laughy face
than crying face. And then somebody like reposted this and
then Anne Marie is playing shady regarding Crystal really so yeah,

I think she's probably saying that. And then there was
a bunch of clips about that Crystal has done post
reunion where she's kind of talking about is.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
It my imagination? Has Anna Marie been more vocal on
social media since she got let go than she was
on the entire season of Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Yeah, I mean I think we are.

Speaker 3 (20:03):
Where was that energy?

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Where was that energy? I don't know, the same place
Crystals was. That didn't happen until maybe.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
She deserves a second season.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
I don't know. We are interviewing her soon so we
can chat with her and get where all that's coming from.
But it was a it was a lot of day
of people not returning.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Can we get Crystal on the podcast? She won't come
with you.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
She won't. She'll come with you because me and Crystal
run in the same circle of friends. She has said
to my face and to me, because I know it's
your job to share your opinion of what you're watching
on television. I don't want it to affect our friend group.
So I'm not interested in coming on the pod with me.

She may come with you, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
Yeah, we'll talk to her.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
This next one deserves the congratulations.

Speaker 3 (21:03):
Yes, congratulations to Candace and Chris. They are officially pregnant.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
But I'm confused a little bit. On I thought that
the I thought they were promoting like that tablet that
shows like a new way to see your ultrasound. So
I thought it was like one of those which people do.
I'm not shading at all. People do often, whether it's
like they show their first response and then you see
that that's a tag to first response pregnant. Like all announcements,

sometimes will be added as paid post. But she said
thank you to ET, but it wasn't an ET interview,
so I confused it.

Speaker 3 (21:45):
Her original interview was with ET with Bryce Sanders.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Right, but that wasn't what we saw on her Instagram.
Oh see what I'm saying. It was like the video
of like them opening the package and an Easter book
and those kind of things, which leads me to believe
they wanted to make this announcement prior to Easter, but
they were not allowed because.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Well, I think that from what I've heard, she wanted
to wait until the last reunion was over and then
announce it. But so baby Bassett will arrive this fall.
The pair don't yet know if they're having a boy
or a girl. They had one male embryo and one
female embryo.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
She's thirteen weeks so just about into the second trimester.
She says, it's been weird but also really wonderful. I
think to keep it kind of to ourselves to this point.
Our immediate family knows, best friend group, but outside of that,
it's just been like quietly just growing a bun. She
woke up and realized that she was never going to
be one hundred percent ready. I just had to trust

the process and trust my doctors and stop being afraid
to just do it. So once we decided together that
we were going to do that, it was kind of
all moving by a faith from there. Then did she
do a second post something about a tour.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
I did not see that.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
I think she did.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
I was a little busy yesterday on Slaughter Day and
text Day. We were filming our gallery shoot in La.
Everybody look beautiful.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
Oh, I cannot wait to see one.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
Probably one of the most beautiful gallery shoots we've ever
done in eighteen years.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Oh my gosh, that's huge.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
Yeah, really stepped it up.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
This next one we already knew because of I think
bywig Hello drama, Yes speculated or said that well. She
did a reasonably shady podcast which I didn't get to
listen to the whole thing yet, but you could hear
her being like emotional.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Yeah, she's been on a long time. Isn't it like
eight years? Eight or nine years? Eight seasons? Right? Yeah,
I mean it's a lot.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
It's a.

Speaker 3 (24:00):
It's a life changer because if you've been doing the
same thing for eight years and all of a sudden
it's ripped out from underneath you, it changes your life.
It changes your every day. You know what you're doing.
You knew, like for me being on for I don't
know was on twelve years. I knew what months I
was filming, I knew when I was doing press, And
it takes up even though you only film three or

four months out of the year, it takes up pretty
much ten months of your life between going to New
York and doing press and you know, airing and confessionals
and all that stuff. So it's you suddenly think like,
oh shit, what am I gonna do with my life now? Yeah?
And what's going to feel that void?

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Yeah? What is going to and how am I going
to financially make that type of money? Because eight seasons,
that's that's a pretty.

Speaker 3 (24:42):
That's another thing It's like you always know this isn't
a career, and I always lived my life on the
show as this is my last season. This is my
last season. Never count on that money that's coming to you,
and don't rely on it. Don't let that be your
only income.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
But the other thing about this Robin announcement, you know,
she says, you know, in lack of better words, I
was fired. I will not sugarcoat the situation. I'm not
gonna say I'm walking away and this is a break
or anything like that. This is a network decision. And
then people are saying she said that, like you know,

the world Wide Web is saying she said that to
try to get at Candace. I don't think that's what
she was doing. I think she was just saying she
was talking personally about herself, right.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
I do think that Candace walked away because she's pregnant
and filming, as you know, filming this pregnant, pregnant. I
couldn't even imagine.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Well Andy said on Radio Andy not only that he
respected the way that Robin said that, but that he
wants her back in the future. Which did he say
that about Candace as well, or did he only say
that about Robin. Oh he did. He said it about
Candace and Robin, which I think he said both. He
wants to see them both. Maybe this was just kind

of a wake up call to the cast.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
I think sometimes people need a break, yeah, knew, especially
long term housewives. Like maybe just take a year off,
you know, collect your thoughts and enjoy your life and
come back. Yeah, And I mean, I like people miss you.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Yeah, let people miss you. And I think personally speaking,
filming pregnant is very, very difficult.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
It's exhausting.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
It's exhausting, not only as there zero beverages, but your
patience to sitting there for hours rehashing the same thing
over and over again. When you have a baby and
inside of you and emotions and all of that. It's
like so taxing on your mental state and like you
almost like have to forget that you're pregnant. And it's

like especially with your first, Like I also it's different
for me because it was my third, but this is
my first baby. I get it. You want to enjoy
your pregnancy.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
Yeah, yeah, you'd be very proud of me what you're pregnant. Yeah. No,
I really tried not to drink while filming this season.
I mean I season, not the whole season, but I
had some you know, drunken out first for sure. But

you know me and alcohol, I'm not a good drunk,
that's for sure.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
I actually talked about not you specifically, not being a
good drunk, But I said, every single one of us
has certain ways that we are when we're drinking, and
it depends on our mindset. So sometimes we can have
two drinks and be hammered disaster nightmares, and sometimes we

can have four drinks and be in the best mood. Ever.
It really is where your mental states, where.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
Your mental stat is yes, and you will see that
coming up. And just just know that martinis are not
my friend. Oh god, never had a martini in my
life until.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
What kind of martini did you have? I've never seen
you drink a martine.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
I don't drink martini, Espresso martini.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
I know.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
It was like a one with the olives, the dirty martini.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
Oh hell, how many three or four? Yeah, that's that's it.
We're Champagne gals.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Tam I did all the judge, I yelled, I laughed,
I did it all. I did it. The next day
woke up feeling like dog shit did you make it nice.
I'm still trying. I'm still cleaning that up.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
This next one, we don't actually know. This has just
been reported from the Jasmine Brand.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
They're usually correct, are Okay?

Speaker 2 (29:00):
So they exclusively reported that Neka has allegedly also gotten
the boot from the Real Housewives of Potomac after her
first season. She is now allegedly the third person from
season eight who will not be returning for season nine.
The Jasmine Brand was also the same outlet who reported
Robin's departure two weeks ago.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Yeah, they're usually correct. I'm actually where they get their
information from, but they usually have the right information.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
I have a question. I have noticed historically when you
go back, it either seems like, unless it's a long
running housewife, that people get the boot their first season
or their third third.

Speaker 3 (29:40):
Yeah, is that like and there's some people that need
to be gone by the third season and are not.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
Care to elaborate.

Speaker 3 (29:49):
No, I'm just saying like, it's just you see these
shows and it's like, give them a chance. Give them.
I mean, I understand one, two, but three is your
your maker or break at year? Should be for sure.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
I kind of wish they would give Mekka a second chance.
I don't do. I'll do too, and that's not just
because we had her on the pod. But I do
think she just didn't really have an end with anybody,
and there's room for her.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
Yeah, but I feel like as a first housewife, she
was very vocal, and she's smart and she's beautiful, and
I didn't see that one coming at all.

Speaker 4 (30:26):

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Also, it's a really not a good season to have
be your first season to be.

Speaker 3 (30:31):
On true But I've seen so many first housewives that
barely spoke and gotten second seasons and that was not
the case with her.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Yeah no, this next one is also involving Potomac. But
why don't you just take it because she tends to
like you more than me. Oh yeah, well covered this
is very unfortunate news, and I just it's terrible.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Wendy from Potomac has absolutely devastated. Her house was burgalized
while they came and Jamaica. We thank god nobody was home,
so for that we feel very blessed. Material things can
be replaced. Soursus told the outlet that the burglars made
off with many of her designer bags. That seems to
be a trend, didn't not happen to Kyle, including a
few of Hermes Birkins. They also stole a large amount

of her jewelry. So, but there's been a lot of robberies.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Yeah, I mean there has. Okay, this one I should
probably take.

Speaker 3 (31:30):
Yes, you should.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
This is a Bravo TV article. Here Alexis Billinos slams
Patti Stanger's lies and misinformation about John Jansen. Patty recently
told US Weekly regarding the ring John got Alexis, it's
a love bombing moment. You don't really know each other
to do stuff. Addressing Patty's comments and an Instagram post,

Alexis wrote, I am so sick of this. Patti Stanger
has never even met Johnny, nor is she my friend,
and anything she thinks she knows about John are lies
and based off misinformation. The forever single matchmaker is worried
about me. Yeah, worry about yourself, not me, sweetie, she wrote,
along with the hashtags for find your happiness, leave me alone,

and leave us alone. And then, in response to Alexis's
the Instagram post about this, Vicky commented, oh please, Alexis,
you both sound like fools. Keep your narcissistic gas lighting weird.
Relationship off the internet, and maybe people won't be talking
about you so much. Patti Stanger knows exactly what she's

talking about. Good luck, you're gonna need.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
It, well Rich coming from Vicky Rich with her last
two relationships with Brooks and Steve, so a little bit
of a hypocritical comment to the post.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
But also I'm sorry Alexis though those who protess too much.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
Like that's her personality though she she just talks and
talks and talks.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
So but what does she care what Patti Stanger has
to say about.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
I think she's sick of people just attacking her relationship.
They've been together six months, they're extremely happy, and she's
just sick of it. Now Patty Stanger's comment love bombing, Now,
love bombing is actually a form of.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Abuse, okay, But also in this same token, this is
something really serious. I need to ask. Have we always
called him Johnny or is this like a news that.

Speaker 3 (33:38):
That's what that's what Alexis calls him Johnny.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
I'm good on that. I'm for the first name, last name,
John Jansen.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Shannon used to call him John Jansen, so now she calls.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
I actually prefer I prefer John Jansen no, I don't.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
I don't. It's like Harry Hamlin.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
No, I like Harry Hamley.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Yeah, but there's only one Harry Hamlin and it's not
John Janson.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
John John know what Johnny reminds me of.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Have you?

Speaker 2 (34:02):
I'm sure you've seen dirty dancing? Yes, you know when
they're leaving the cabin after the first time they have
sex and she's like Johnny and like he looks back
and they have this like awkward look at each other
and Johnny, Johnny.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
I do think that Patty Stinger was speaking out of terms.
She doesn't even know John This is information that was
the love bombing. Information is coming from an insight source.
Let's just put it that way. That wants to put
it out there to make it look like he doesn't
care about her, and it's just shun.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Does Patty Stanger a role in the same circle as
like does she go and Jeff Lewis a lot and
she goes.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
As yes, yes, you see the pattern, you see the pattern?

Speaker 2 (34:49):
Yeah, this next one. But I just please Alexis, let
us watch the season because also, don't don't you worry
which we're going to be recapping. I am so excited,
you know what oftentimes I'm not that excited to have
to cover something that's not airing in real time.

Speaker 4 (35:11):
But Peacock alerted me that, uh that Tamra's OC wedding
has now dropped to Peacock, and uh, we're going to
be recapping that, and I you know what I am.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
I mean not only this picture, but it just makes
me so happy. I can't wait to check out your
bridesmaids and all their different colors of blush and bashful blush.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
It's blush. It's a blush from David's bridal because that's
the only place that would allow us to film.

Speaker 2 (35:41):
But then Alexis also made a comment on your post
announcing that your OC wedding did you see it?

Speaker 3 (35:49):

Speaker 2 (35:51):
It says OMG, love this and love you girl, So
glad to have been a part of your special day.
Now you get to be a part of my in
the near future.

Speaker 3 (36:03):
Yeah yeah, remember's out there that it's happening soon.

Speaker 2 (36:09):
So she's getting a second not the love bombing ring,
She's getting a engagement ring, not a David Yeerman. And
then this thing, we're just not.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
A David Yeerman. It was a Van Cleef ring. Whatever,
Oh yeah, whatever, similar no, not at all, But I
don't know. I guess we're gonna have to wait and see.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
Oh maybe we could get Alexis's and Jen's OC wedding.
I could be the officient.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
I don't think that Bravo does that anymore.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
No kidding.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
Now, we saw Teresa's, yeah, but it was like a
one episode thing tacked on the back of the jersey.
Back in the day, this was ten eleven years ago,
there was a lot of you know, housewife weddings, Nini's mine, Cynthia's.
There's quite a few of them. And now Peacock is
airing them on their show so you can stream house

wife weddings.

Speaker 2 (37:04):
It's so good I not wait to tune in. This
next one is Anna Marie posted a photo with Mekka
on her Instagram and I'm confused here too. One of
the best things to come out of my cameo?

Speaker 3 (37:21):
What is cameo like?

Speaker 2 (37:23):
She was barely on.

Speaker 3 (37:24):
She just made a cameo, So I guess on Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2 (37:28):
Yeah. Anna Marie continues the real friendship right here. So
proud of her in her Real Housewives a Potomac season,
I am Neka has a heart of gold. Yeah, so
she does.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
So today we're all going to be on the edges
of our seats waiting to see what Bravo is going
to put out there. I'm like, shit, in my next
who is fired? Nobody's safe.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
You can't get fired until after the reunion, So slow
your slow your role there, Tam. Yeah, and I don't think.
I don't think you're getting the boot. That's just my prediction.

Speaker 3 (38:03):
Have we heard any news on Beverly Hills other than that?
Do we know of any new housewives coming in?

Speaker 2 (38:12):
I have not heard.

Speaker 3 (38:13):
I'm up, mill, you haven't heard anything.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
I haven't heard anything other than the posts about Hilario
of Baldwin or Hilary Baldwin or whatever. I feel like
we're going to hear soon about Miami departures, because I
feel like they're going to have to get that up
and running again soon. And I know who's not on
the shopping.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
Miami is on hiatus for a little bit. That's when
I heard they're going to be holding them off for
a while for filming, but.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
Maybe not anymore. Maybe not because they got to be
going up for Alexia, right, camera's got to go up.
We got to see this.

Speaker 3 (38:50):
Well, you think they would have went up for Nicole's
baby and they didn't.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
Oh, they never do that. They don't do that. Yeah,
I mean, so that's the headlines for today. Do I
think they're going to stop? No, I think I don't
think so.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
I don't think it be a lot more information coming out.
There's a lot of shows that are wrapping up, shows
that are starting, and that's when the firing and the
hiring begin.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
Which now may be a good time to let you
guys know, I have a big announcement. What just kidding.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
I know you're like, I am not returning to Beverly Hills.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
No one has offered me. Oh god, oh my gosh.
All right, guys, thanks for tuning in. We all will
be on the edge of our seats waiting to see
who the next departures or hires are.

Speaker 3 (39:46):
Eventually, it's just going to be The Gnat in the Rat,
just me and you on the podcast.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
Our spin off, The Gnat and the Rat in the Rat.

Speaker 3 (39:56):
Gosh, we can't we can't help be so like.

Speaker 2 (39:59):
Crappy, like what we've got The Gnat and the Rat.

Speaker 3 (40:02):
Yeah, then in the Rat we can, Oh, we can
make a whole show out of that.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
We can figure the amount of trouble we could cause
be endless. But thanks you guys for tuning in. We
will be back. We have a bunch of episodes this
week so well.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
Thank god, thank you for all the headlines.

Speaker 2 (40:16):
Yeah, thank you Bravo. We appreciate, we appreciate your due diligence.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
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