Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Give me the best lessons from fighting that equate to
life telling people about fighting, what what makes you great?
Speaker 2 (00:07):
What makes people do? I watch a lot of shows
on stuff what makes people great? So I mean you
really just I mean it comes down to practice. Can
ask me and what what made you really good?
Speaker 3 (00:18):
Practice? I go out and I work, I learned. I
try to learn more.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
I always always try to learn and learn new things,
new drills, trying to have John was great at He'd
add things in for certain fights. He tried, let's let's
add add one thing here, your repertoire or whatever. Put
this in your tool box. Let's just pull that out,
you know, and when I use that for this fight
will exist. Stuff like that. I mean a lot of
it Colund you know, is putting the effort in that
to put in the time and to learn things. And
then for if you're looking for something and you can
find something you love doing, because I mean I look
at people that, uh, you know that are really great
at what they do that you know they they enjoy it,
you know, they just they just do it.
Speaker 3 (00:59):
You know they that the practice is more like I
just I.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Got more time to go do this here, do that there,
I was watching a think I were interviewed this kid
from the piano player.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
You know, he's eighty years old. The interviewer asked him, so,
how many hours of the day do you play to
get this good? Yeah? How many hours a day do
you play? Get looked up? I'm like, what do you mean?
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
I just played and that stuff me because I thought
about it back. I'm like, you know what, that's kind
of funny. I was the guy.
Speaker 3 (01:26):
Martial arts is my thing I loved. I loved doing
had a fight, and I loved one of the things
about march arts. I liked it that I figured out.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
Early on, if I work hard and learn more than
the other guys and get better at it to the
other guy, I can I can beat that guy. I
can get better than that. I can move past him.
And that was a big thing for it. That was
something I've loved doing. So I used to rush home
from football practices to make it to karate, and I
rush for wrestling practice to make it to karate. You know,
I do my homework during school so I could go
to karate sooner. You know, it's just putting in work.
You know, you have to do the work, you want
to get good. I mean, there's some really talented people
out there that never make it even in like football.
I mean I remember some of the most talented guys
I knew from high school football never made it even
you know, they got to go to college and just
kind of, you know, they continue into college.
Speaker 3 (02:18):
Everybody there, you know, you have the original college. Everybody
there are talented