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August 31, 2023 26 mins

We are headed to the temple of speed, Monza! This track will be a setting stone for what we could see for the Vegas Grand Prix. However, in the meantime tune in to hear why Mikhail is high on Williams to have both cars finish in the points.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
No investigation necessary.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Welcome to Vison's F one betting podcast.

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ay Flight Down, Away we go.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'll check this alegend absolutely animal, the only F one
handicap you'll ever need.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Michael's ride find that check.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
A ship can already do what you're your hosts F
one technical analyst Mikail Miranda and betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Welcome in everybody. We're ready to go.

Speaker 4 (00:25):
It is race week as we go to Monza for
the Italian Grand Prix.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
It might be.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
Somewhat close to the bat McHale Miranda, but it is
a very different track. We are going to see as
far as which teams might benefit, which might struggle as
we head into the big storyline will be We've now
seen history tied Max for Staff and trying to make
a ten race wins and a row. It would set
a new all time driver's record. The tie happened at
the last race at the Dutch Grand Prix, his home

race for Max for Stapp And so here we go
Michale another week wherever Stapp it is minus four p
fifty on the odds board to win it all, Which
look any other sport, any other time, any better? Who
has any experience wagering on sports would go minus four
fifty am in the pass. But you, sir, went down that. Well,
you laid the money. You want a profit, as any

better who has been betting for stapping basically at all
all year has done. So as we start this show,
is it gonna be history?

Speaker 3 (01:19):

Speaker 4 (01:20):
Any reason to believe this won't happen? And is it
another case you're gonna lay the big wood there on
Max for stapping. That's where we start here.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
As we go to Manza, you say I like Max
Red Bull in low downfalls configuration because that's what this
strack is. It is known as the Temple of Speed.
This is one of the if not the fastest track
on the calendar. So Red Bull just out of the
league again. And in terms of trying to say if

Max has a contender or if he's gonna make history,
I think the Max has a little bit of an
edge because the Red bullcar and his aggressive this star
to suit each other there symbiotic in this context. But
I do believe that maybe someone did come in and
switch it up because but when you have low downfall circuits,

you've got to go back to when the contender for
one on that pace was Alex Alban. If you can
go back to Canada, right, most of the lap is
dominated by Album the only places but Max round the edge,
which I believe it was a thousandths of a second, right,
that's point zero zero one thousands was in the little

corner bits. So I really do believe that maybe Alex Alban,
if the Williams car can hook it in, could be
a nice little contender to the Red Bulls. But just
make sure that you're watching the weather again, the radar
does indicate that there's going to be rained on a

Sunday morning when the Grand Prixe going for us here.
But yeah, I really believe that Alex Album could take
the fight to Max in terms of qualifying pace race space.
Williams is still a bit off of it thet They've
got ways to go. But if Album seems tohake it
up every corner of everything is it just comes in
as ready to fires up the car, it could be

an interesting race. Especially qualifying could be really interesting because
Friday Saturday seems to be dry sessions and Sunday looks
to be a wet session.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
For this well look at it too.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
I mean We've talked so much on this show about
how Williams have been very very good on low downforce
tracks and you know what happened last year where Alex
Alban had appendicitis. It was a tough break, you know
in the Williams where that was a track that figured
to be among the best as far as how the
Williams car was set up, and so Nick de Freese
came in and finished in the points, finished ninth kind

of as a one off replacement, so to speak, for Albon.
You know the thing I'm wondering, the big thing we
saw if you go back to the last low downforce
sort of track in Belgium at Spa, where you know
Williams they didn't have quite the cornering speed they if
you look at some of the data we've talked about
this mckille, they definitely struggled in that areas. But if
you look at minds and we call it the Temple speed,

it's super fast. But give the listeners an idea, what
are these corners actually like and is that something that
for Williams might actually play into their benefit as far
as the race weekend goes.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
So Williams struggles with cornering spades. But here most of
the corners you can actually take it flats out right
and you're looking at eighty percent throttle throughout the insie
lap and you can take it flat out in some
of the corners. When you get to the parabolica down
towards the last corner headed toward main straight, that you're
going to be flat out over there. Going to make

sure that you're going to lift in coast as well,
because as you head into parabocley can have multiple apexes.
You're looking at three four apexes as you get to
the last corner around the band heading back onto the
main straight. But again eighty percent off the lap is
on full throtts of So it's going to be amazing
for Williams because Alex any time it comes to speed

trap data and its telemontry, he's able to head into that,
slow the car down and turn it in. And these
corners where you just had to flick it in and
get it right is it's a short period, it's a
short best and I believe that Alex here can do this.
But in terms of let's talk about Alex. He was
out last time and we had Nick Deveese come in.

That's how we got to see for Alva Torre and
fortunally that seat it's gone away. This moves on to
our next point here. Right Daniel Ricardo is out for
the next couple of races. It seems to be he'll
be back for Singapore, but Singapore is a try for
a strack. We'll talk about that later. So right now
we have reserve driver for Alvataro, Liam Lawson in the
car for Daniel Ricardo. This is going to be his

second chance to prove that he can actually be a
contender here for Alva tore he might be another rookie
that could come in next season, or it might be
Daniel Ricardo. We'll see what's to come. But this is
going to be another proven ack for Liam Lawson. Allow
him to show his skill set that he's able to
go and pick it up. Because Zamfaur was a very

very tough race for Liiama and congrats that he finished
Peak thirteen. That was that was remarkable finish for Lamy.

Speaker 4 (06:15):
What one practice run basically mchail with how late that
injury came.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
One practice one. It was in wet conditions, tricky conditions,
and so he was able to do the best he can.
He made the best out of the bad situation and
it paid off really well that he's still able to
keep his sake going to the next race. Sometimes it
doesn't even happen, right, So this shows you that some
of the drivers f to the reserve drivers are actually

putting time in the simulator. And how well these drivers
to be educated and switch on anytime because they might
be called up anytime to sub in. So Liam has
got a bit to prove here and last but not least.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
By the way Liam Loaston to finish in the point.

Speaker 4 (06:59):
So it's been a good story. I think his progress
is worth monitoring. Is it worth a bet? I would
say a resounding no.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Michael, It's a resounding And here's why, because this is
the last track that the second driver at Williams Logan
sergeants knows very well. And as we get the into
my BET's next segment, you will know that why I'm
not taking a bet on Liam Lawson. Logan sergeant is
very familiar with Monza, he knows the strack and I

yet last race he was unable to finish the race,
but he did really well in qualifying to bring that
car into Q three. It's been a while since we've
had both Williams in Q three, so I'm very high
for the Williams stage to be able to take this
car into Q three again and even finish in the points.

I believe that alex Alblank will be a nice, good
maybe closer to the top six finish and Logan times
will be sorry pun me, he'll be there in the
box last four places because again we are untrusted without paining,
since they seem to be very inconsistent on delivery. Ferrari,

they seem to have a good car and then it
just doesn't work. We saw Charles Leclair that was going
really well and then something happened with the car was
unable when they retired the car Carlo Science. I've been
doing research. I'm doing a lot of reading, trying to
find what seems and what other writers feel about as
we go into Monta. Many of them said that they

are very high on the Teforsi fans. Those are hard
called Ferrari fans. As if you recall from a couple
of episodes where we had Lewis Franco from Routers, he
was able to talk about that he's a Tfolti fan
because he's a hardcore Ferrara fan. A lot of them
seemed to say that Ferrari could have a double top six,
double points finished, and I am very very concerned about

that because I don't believe they can. I know it's
the last race. They have a special livery for this race,
want to prove themselves, but I don't think that Ferrari
have what it takes. The team that I do believe
has what it takes to have a double top six
is Mercedes. Unfortunately George Russel who got the strategy completely
wrong last race in exam Force and ended up really

well for Lewis Hamilton, or relatively well, saying that he
wasn't able to get the cartooned up right, still finishing
the points. But go back to the lost last season
at Monzo. You had George Russell on the Verdio in
P three and then he had you Lewis Hamilton in
p five, proving that Mercedes had to drive this track
and it's a low down force configuration so they can

ease up a bit on the air of regulations and
as as we're hoping for the rain to come bring
a little bit more connage I believe we'll bring the
field a lot closer. So that's another team that I'm
looking at. Mercedes for a double top six, double top ten,
which is suppoints finished leaning moret to the double top six.
I do believe they have what it takes, but Mercedes
seemed to be proving a little bit and they George

russ Is also I'm going to carry for the message
from last week's episode where he really needs to prove
himself to keep his seat at Mercedes.

Speaker 4 (10:08):
You are back on the weld and I George Russell
and Mercedes, and yeah, you almost feel bad for the
Tafosi fans.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
We've watched this story. It's played out basically every week.

Speaker 4 (10:17):
Every time you get any sort of inkling that Ferrari
are ready to turn it around, they just seem to
fall flat on their face. So yeah, I would not
be betting the That is two to one, by the way,
forra to finish double top six Mercedes plus one ten
if you like that, Mclair and is plus one seventy
five as well, with Red Bully a prohibitive minus three
thirty price that you would have to lay one interesting

prop I want to throw your way and give credit
to DraftKings for adding more under the menu this year.
I think McHale the big the big frustration I have,
especially being a you know, a Las Vegas better we
just don't have a very good menu. And so there's
there have been weeks, a lot of weeks or I've
just sat out, you know, the overall betting with how
you get squeezed on a lot of these points finished
bets where you get you know, thirteen guys at minus money,
and I just I'm not going to bet into a

market I just believe is incorrectly priced and is meant
to just punish the betters who are looking to find value.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
How about this one though, real quick?

Speaker 4 (11:07):
Before we hit a brick race winner without red Bull, Mercedes, Ferrari.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
McLaren, Aston Martin.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
So we're taking out the top five teams at least
on the odds board race winner without Alex Alban minus
one oh five. Then you have the two Alpines, Pierre Gasley,
Nestebin Ocon plus two eighty, and then it's basically all
the rest of the long shots after that. What do
you think of that play, mckail, where you're basically betting
that's essentially a bet on Albon against the two Alpines
this week.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
I'll think that's a really good bet. Williams have stepped
it up a lot. They have been delivering consistently and
when they don't deliver, it has still been consistent because
they knew where the issues were. Right with Alpine is
just absolutely the flip a coin. Who is going to
get in, who's going to just have a good race,

And sometimes even when they're having a good race, they
seem to have issues that take them both out of contention.
So I believe that minus one at five is a
really good price. Again, I think that should be mourned,
even money side, but I like a little of five
percents foe of the favorite Alex album to take that. Absolutely,

it's a ready to get marker right there.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Kind of it feels too, you know, like, well, this
is a good week.

Speaker 4 (12:17):
We're talking about the helter skelter nature of the Alpine team.
Off a double top ten including a podium, Chale feels
like a pretty good week to zag little fade action
on Pure Gazestamon Ocunn and the alped I've been in
what a wild twenty twenty three, and it's been for
al people we're looking to go to the other side
there on the lpede this week. All right, we'll come back.
We've set the stage we want. McHale's best bets are

coming to you next year at the Vison Formula one
Betting Podcast.

Speaker 2 (13:03):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting Podcast, the only F
one handicap you'll ever need. You're your hosts F one
technical analyst Mikale Miranda and betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
All right, back on the show. We're ready for some picks.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
For our resident VCI technical racing animals of Michale Brandon.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
Give a pot that Kale underscore what Michale brand to be.
I have the underscores of my two mkil' so I
have two. I have enough for the both of us.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
Please give us the second before we get into Michale's place.
I hit the pause button. Give us a like a
thumbs up, five star review comments if you so please,
before we get into McHale's place. So here we go.
One just quick thing to throw out before we get
to your picks.

Speaker 3 (13:47):

Speaker 4 (13:48):
This is the second time when we're getting the test
of the new tire rules which we saw in the
Hungarian Grand Prix where they're testing this out. It's the
second trial of the alternative tire allocation. It's only a
eleven sets of tires instead of the normal thirteen. You
get three sets of hards, four sets of mediums, four
sets of soft and so that resulted in a little
bit of carnage and qualifying and Hungary the first time

we saw it. Since drivers have to use the hard
compound in Q one of qualifying, the medium in Q
two and the soft in Q three, so it was
kind of interesting. Lewis Hamilton was on the grid as
the pole position holder in Budapest. Anything you're looking at
that might be an impact from that new tire allocation
policy here, is that just two in the weeds to
really affect the bedding this week.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
No, the tire deplidation here Monsa isn't the harsh. So
I don't really say tires really being an issue, especially
when you have eleven come to thirteen. It says two
sets lower, so that there's no issues. That it's because
it's going to be when it comes to race time.
Because the lap seems to be really quick, going to
do it under ninety seconds, you're going to try to

get on the hot tires. You want to get some telemetry.
So what teams are going to do, what they should
do is they use one set of hot when they
go for qualifying, maybe have a scrubbed pair just so
they can get some telemetry in free practicing and free
practice three where they can do some long run testing
and then they're gonna have one set of new ties

because as they get in, maybe some of the teams
who at the back of the grid drivers might want
to take a bit of a gamble and start off
on the hard times. Now it won't click on as
well as the medium deserves. As we know, it takes
a while to heat up. Get temperature hand of them,
so weaving is going to be a thing. But they
might be able to extend some of their life and
if they can come and if it's going to be

a wet race, right, those allocations mean nothing. Right, it's
going to give them no information going to Sunday with
the wet race. So maybe it could be a bit
of a gamble though where this doesn't really help anything.
So as I'm looking at stuff with this and that
that's going to be my strategy. I want to do
a couple of runs on the medium. For sure. I

want to make sure that I see that I'm getting
the good temperature that I'm able to take cornerings. We
age can set the car up in a way where
I can really maximize the arrow going down the straits
and getting it around the Parabolica and all the other turns,
making sure that these white turns are able to keep
the car down and still keep it going really quick.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
Sure, No, it makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
Yeah, and that's expecting infecting it pretty you know, We'll
see how the rain goes. It's it's recording on Wednesday
here in the US, and it's always always a crapshrew
for us Mikale trying to actually figure out what the
weather is going to do. I mean, it does seem
though like it regardless it will be it will be warm.
I'm going to be relative of a human as well.
Temperatures in the upper eighties in Monza in Italy on

Sunday at least for the actual Grand Prix itself, So
something to monitor there as well with the bets.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
But as we get.

Speaker 4 (16:42):
Into it once once again we've said this many times
with Kale, but my favorite bet is in a jurisdiction
where I cannot bet in DraftKings, and even if I
was an a Draft Kings jurisdiction as a employeeer Visa,
we're not allowed to bet on that site, so are
with that sportsbook. But I love the album if you're
able to do that minus one oh five race winner
without Mercedes FERRII mclaar and Astonbarton and Red Bull drivers

right now at Draft Kings, I do like the album price.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
At minus one oh five.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
You are betting the Williams though, as we talked about Michael,
as we start on your card, how are you going
to hand to Williams? Since Alban is now I'm seeing
him up to like minus two twenty to finish in
the points, which is an unfortunately high price to pay
on a driver. Sorry, minus two twenty five high price
to pay and a driver you and I are both
high on.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
We are high on at the seem to be a
little bit high. But I think the books have over
corrected here. A minus one eighty or a minus one
seventy is a good price for eight points finished for album.
Minus two twenty five is too much of an over correction,
But I'm not looking at the points finished. I'm okay
at the top six finish. Alex Albert for a top
six finish at plus one eighty five, I to think

that's a very very strong bet, especially coming in here.
I think you might be able to fight Landon Norris,
fight Obsco PRS three, take the fight to Mercedes as well,
and slip in right there in the last moment. That
next one that the half is Oscar Prstree top six
plus one fifteen. This one's a bit more for safe
a bet as you know going there, So I think

Oscopio might want to get some retribution coming in here.
Fernando Alonso partly finished plus one eighty five. I have
not done a party finished for Fernande A. Lonzo, but
I'm coming back here. I do think that giving the
raid Master class that we saw and writing projected here
for the race, I do believe he's going to be
able to get some out and get their car running.

Because even though on the on the Slicks it might
be light, showers might just orange some of the drivers,
but Fernande Lonzo seems to have some really good experience
having the Slicks stand on in a little bit of
a shower, so I'm going to say here for perty
finished Mercedes, as I said, double top six finish plus

one ten and this is a long shot bet of
the week Williams a double top ten finish at five
to one. I do believe that legal Targan's gonna be
able to do something here. Alex Alban as we bilt
find him, is going to be able to do something.
So this is going to be a nice long shot
and they believe it guid come true. As a legal

Tiger might want to prove that he is built for
Formula one, this is the LASTOK he knows, and especially
seeing his form in the last couple of weeks, coming
out of some break and going into summer break, he
has proven himself to be on point with Williams. Another
important point to make that I'm what I'm going to
be watching this race from a very very hard analytic

point of view. It's because if you've noticed, many books
will have put up the last Vegas Grand Prix art,
especially here in Vegas. Why is that important Because the
Vegas track, the street circut has been modeled after Monza.
So whatever team's finished and fair here, it's going to

be indication for what we see when they come to
last Vegas. And so given that situation, I will be
watching all three practices qualifying with extreme scrutiny, having a
pen and paper in my hand, taking down notes. I
have to jot down notes here for every single drive.
I might even go back and watch the individual driver camps,

which instead of taking the number one hour, it could
take me five hours to make sure that I'm seeing what.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
Each every lab of every practice of every driver has
been watched.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
Hey, this is going to be this is our home
Grand Prix. We're here in Vegas. So I would like
when they come out here to at least hit more
than sixty percent of my bets as they come to
Las Vegas. So in doing style, I will start taking
notes and making sure that I'm ready to go for Vegas.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
That's a great it's a great point you bring up.

Speaker 4 (20:48):
My only question is, like I mentioned this, with the weather,
we're going to be upper eighties at minds of this weekend.

Speaker 3 (20:54):
It's a November race in Vegas.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
I know, people, you know, wherever you're listening from, you
might just assume it's you know, it's a desert, beautiful
weather at all times. That is going to be a
late night race McHale in November, and from experienced living here,
that is right around the time it starts to get
very very cold at night. So I mean it's not
out of the question where you see temps like it,
especially with the sundown and a late night race for

the European TV audience. I mean like a forty ish
fifty degree you know, to a degree fahrenheit. We're talking
about night on track. So even if the tracks are
completely the same, and we're talking about low downforce and
how those are going to monitor each other, how much
of a difference do you believe Michale for looking at
this long term, would say a forty degree difference in
the actual track temperature. Make here, if we're just extrapolating,

since we know that, as you said, Manza, in the
Las Vegas Grand Prix, at least the tracks themselves are
going to look really similar.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
A huge, huge difference, right because as they line upon
the grid, the tires, they're going to have the blankets
when they get in the cause and everyone else sets up.
But once everyone gets off and we the full mission
app and you sit down on the grid longer than
you need to, those stars will become cold really quickly,
the heat will dissipate it from the tires and everything

will become cold. So you could see a lot of
call starts and a lot of stalling. So having heats
is really good and really bad. But it's going to
be cold here in Vegas. Definitely going to see a
lot of drivers not being able to switch on the
tires and you're going to see a lot of lock ups.
So you're going to be you're going to be hoping

that teams are able to heat the ties up really
well or heat above the recommended specs so that when
the do line up on the grid and they're sitting
down waiting for the light to go and drop, that
the tire still has enough temperature to be able to
take the speed that we're licking that's going to become
because it's it's projected to be over two hundred and

ten miles per hour into many of the corners, especially
heading down on the strip straight, and so you're going
to be wanting to watch for that. Another thing that's
going to be different is they are repaving the streets
here in Las Vegas, especially on the strip, so you're
going to have new tah and everything down, so grips
and oils might be higher than what we're used to seeing,

so that could also play a big role, and having
goal ties, having a high grip track, it could pose
a lot of threats and a lot of uncertainties as
many drivers as we head down. But again I'm looking
at especially with this with the low tie allocations. I
just I just want to see how teams fair when

they're looking to pit. What's the one they're coming in
for this, because it will be around the same for Vegas,
if not earlier, because they're going to try to get
much much more heato the ties and try to actually
over break themselves into corners.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
They ask any Vegas local about the paving, by the way,
you'll get.

Speaker 4 (23:51):
Get a variety of colorful responses, I would say, And
I just bring that up because don't necessarily take the
results from this weekend. I think that's a good tip
necessarily as gospel because the track and do while the
track itself will look the same from MINDSA to Vegas,
might not play the exact same based on the weather conditions.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
That's all I would say to keep in mind before
you wrap up. McHale.

Speaker 4 (24:09):
Anything else you have to add as far as the
card if you want to run through that one more time,
any anything else that comes to mind as a Maxi
stap and we'll try to make history. Look for a
tenth straight race win at Monza this weekend.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
If you're looking to put Maxis stap and look for
alternate markets. Always, always, always look for autment markets where
you might get a fastest lap or a fastest qualifier
and race wind. You might be able to go from
minus four twenty five to a minus one twenty five
a minus one thirty five. Those are prices that I'm
willing to lay compared to the minus four twenty five
that I did last week. But again I was just

unsure because it was zan Force. There was a lot
of things coming and you've said your parish the fastest
lap and then Maxi Stapping got the fire. There was
a lot of back and forth. So look for alternate
markets and make sure that you're looking up statistics on
the track as well and the number of finishes that
you're looking at or whatever market you look at the
bet at, because that's going to come into play. So

that's going to be a pro tip. Look at alternate
markets and know the statistics of each individual driver and
the tracks of racing ads.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Yeah, you would you bet for stapping.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
You can bet at draftings twin both this week and
the next race at Singapore, which is minus two hundred.
That's not my cup of tea, but that's at least
an interesting way to do it. You're taking some of
the fastest laugh step out of play.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
I'd like to go into each race week as owned thin.
I don't try to make future bets go into that way,
but again Max sap And has been on a legendary
race Race one, so it doesn't surprise me if you're
related the minus two over there.

Speaker 4 (25:41):
Still a big price to pay anyway. All right, Michael,
one more time your your bets please as we wrap
up the show.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
Well, I'm looking at Alex alban top six finish, Osco
prs raight top six finish, Fernando Orlonszo podium finished, Mercedes
double top six, Williams double top ten finish.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
Beautiful. Well, let's do it, Manzo. One of the most
exciting races of the year.

Speaker 4 (26:04):
As we continue in this twenty twenty three season, then
we'll have a couple weeks off go to Singapore for
the fall stretch and that really starts our home stretch.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
McHale so excited to see what all happens.

Speaker 4 (26:15):
Check out McHale on social media channels at Michale Miranda
b for any updates, any ad additions to the card,
and any observations you'll have McHale from practice and qualifying sessions.
All right, enjoy the race weekend, everybody, Best of luck
with your bets for Michale.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
I am Ben.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
We will be back early next week to recap it
all right here on the Vson Formula One Betty Podcast
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