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September 19, 2023 24 mins

In this thrilling and adrenaline-fueled episode, listeners will be sitting at the edge of their seats as two giants of Formula 1, Max Verstappen from Red Bull and Carlos Sainz from Ferrari, fiercely rival each other. Watch as they hit incredible speeds, pulling off skilful manoeuvres and pulling no punches on the racetrack. This epic encounter ends with a stunning triumph for Ferrari, putting an exhilarating spin on the heated competition between these Goliaths of the Grand Prix. When you think the battle is leaning towards Verstappen, Sainz shocks everyone with his unexpected victory. From jaw-dropping overtakes to nail-biting finishes, this video showcases the very best of Formula 1 racing. Fans of high-speed thrills and motorsports drama will definitely not want to miss out on this one. Tune in and witness the spectacle for yourself. Brace yourselves, because it's Ferrari's day of glory!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
No investigation necessary.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting podcast.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
A flight down away we go.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Check this alegends absolutely animal, the only F one handicap
you'll ever need.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Michael Ride, find Sef and Chip can already be won.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
You're your hosts F one technical analyst Mikail Miranda and
betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 4 (00:23):
All right, we're back. It's a fresh race week.

Speaker 5 (00:25):
Time to react to a streak being over in Singapore,
and now we turn ourselves forward as well to the
Japanese Grind Prix, latest edition of the Vison Formula one
betting podcast. How about this, We're in studio together, Michail Miranda, Ben.

Speaker 4 (00:37):
Wilson with you. It's hot, be here Tuesday morning.

Speaker 5 (00:41):
Fresh off the presses, and I get to look at
your your beautiful smiling face, and.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Of course I'm excited because this was the first time
that I was actually excited to see a new race
winner coming in Gauz. As I've been saying this and
the lost episode is well, Singapore is red Achilles heel.
It's been that way for a long time and Albert
Marco was not even convinced that it was going to

be that they will be up there for in the
top three, which is what happened. Maxis Staben and all
his experience, all his dominance the sentire season has sort
of been put to a stationary horse and that it
just hurts the team so much, especially Maxim I'll expect
something of this magnitude. This is so taxing on his

ego and his skill set that I don't know how
he's going to react coming in to the Japanese Grand Pretty,
which that's episode with tomorrow. But as they're looking here,
I think this is going to be a heavy heavy
tail on Maxis Stappin.

Speaker 5 (01:43):
Oh look, do I really feel bad for a guy
who's won basically every race under the Sunday Series?

Speaker 1 (01:48):
You can't, of course.

Speaker 4 (01:50):

Speaker 5 (01:50):
The thing I found interesting just coming out of the weekend,
it had all the indications like Red Bull more or
less just punted on the race week It was a
horrible qualifying they said, as much after you're not winning
the race. That was basically maxro step and as quote was,
you can forget about it pretty much going into the
race Sunday, and there are reports coming out after the
actual race day and you look at where the Red
Bulls finished for step and ends up climbing.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
Up to fifth, Sergio Perez eighth, where for.

Speaker 5 (02:14):
Stap And said essentially along the lines of, well, we
knew in the simulator a couple of weeks ago that
this would be a real issue. Car performed horribly in
the simulator, but we're not worried going forward because we've
already been in the simulator for Japan, which is our
race coming up this weekend, and the car performed great.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
So are you are you writing that off? For you?

Speaker 5 (02:31):
Taking for Stappin at at his word there saying this
is just a one off, bad race.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
Poor track that the Red Bull have struggled with.

Speaker 5 (02:37):
In the past, and we expect to see them back
on top of the podium next week.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Absolutely, Red Bull.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
They have this way of knowing exactly where they're going
to be great at and they came into this weekend
saying that we have not been prepared, nor was the
car designed for this track. And so having that in
mind and known that and knowing just how dizzy more
Rebels are here at Singapore, I see no issues as

we move forward into the Japanese gwand Prix and probably
the next few Grand Prix, where Red Bull's dominance will
come back, and as they were looking to get a
perfect season, it's not going to happen. I don't think
any F one team ever will have a perfect season
just because of how closed the racing is now, especially
after the cranking down with the new era regulations, the

new engine coming up in twenty twenty six, it's it's
going to be so closed in the field, especially.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
If we're going to add more teams.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
I think this is going to be a good time
for Red Bull to assess their dominance and be like,
all right, and we know Singapore is a track that
we're always going to be not that great that and
we're going to have to take the out there. But
as long as we can win the rest of the season,
it makes no difference to us. One race does not
affect our outcome of being champions.

Speaker 4 (03:52):
I think Red will be just fine. That's my take.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
Quick for this weekend, seven races start to go in
the rest of the twenty twenty three calendar. Mckail, how
many do you believe the Red Bull car, whether it
is for Stapping or PaaS win.

Speaker 1 (04:03):

Speaker 5 (04:04):
Really I would go I would set the over under
five and a half and i'd lean over.

Speaker 4 (04:08):
I think they win six of the final seven.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
I just I'm seeing Color Signs and Ferrari and Lewis
Hamilton and Mercedes sort of bring back performance and make
the field a lot more equal, especially when he comes
to the top three. And if Aston Marson are looking
to project where they are at the end of the

season going into twenty twenty four season, and as well
as McClaren with their new wind tunnel coming in, I
think that we're going to be looking at a much
much closer race now and everything is going to be
up for grabs, but it will still be Max dominating.
It'd just be closer unqualifying and if they can sort
of hold him back like what Color Signs did for

Landa Norris towards the end the lap where he gave
him drs to stop George Russell and Louis Amplson form
battling him, I think five races, so I would say,
I know you said over on to five and a
half under five and a half from.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
Mark McHale down for an under on that.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
I think all racing fans would love to see that
from the perspective of we finally had a race weekend
when read what Wasn't Dominant and we had a photo finish.
It was one of the most exciting races we've had
in the calendar here so far. So I think anybody
would love to see that play out, like you just mentioned,
and I think where we have to go next is
on the Ferrari where for the second straight race running
Carlo sins tremendous and qualifying tremendous one lap pace, gets

on the podium in Manza with a late overtake of
his teammate Charlotte Clair, and then goes ahead and wins
the race. I think to me, we had talked about
how we've seen the improvements coming for Ferrari. It's all
about could they get out of their own way from
a technical standpoint.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
Seems like they are starting to do just that.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
I think the bigger surprise, though, you go back to
when we did our preseason pods McHale and we we
like futures on Leclaire, which was a bet that basically
was drawing dead one race into the season. Yeah, but
with both cars now back at full strength, the pace
is certainly there. How surprised are you that science has
looked like the better driver so far. Back to back
fourth place finishes for Leclair, while Science takes a third

in the first over the weekend.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Very because I expected Charles Leclair to be the team
meter here, but it seems like he has taken last
season's downfall too hot. Here, he says, if it comes
down to the to thirty two points about last I
know exactly where it is and it's all on me.
And he seems to have taken that burden into this
season and has not found his form. So I'm extremely

surprised to see Carlo Signs coming in here and absolutely
dominating the tracks, dominate Charles Leclair. But again I'm still
not hiring Ferrari. Here's why the race started with Ferrari
one two for a couple of laps and the pitch stops,
and that's where everything became disastrous for them, especially for
Charles Leclair. He's like what happened? And then towards the

end of the race, the Carl was looking slow. So
if it weren't for Carlo Signs bringing DRS back to
landon Norris, the charging Mercedes, the silver arrows were black
arrows now were on a war path. I know George
Russell messed up, went to the wall just before the
finish and absolutely gut him. Takes me back to Bahrain
when he came close to winning the Grand Prix, but

this was this is surprising. We're high on Ferrari, but
also low in Ferrari. As they seem to fix something,
they create. Another issue for themselves is that, guys, you're
being consistent in the wrong way. You have to figure
yourself up. You've got two drivers with tremendous talents and

the tenacity to actually win races and go up against
Maxi Stapplin and not be flustered. Just because you see
the charging bolt does not mean that I'm going to
walk out of the way. That's what Ferras do. They're like, yeah,
you might be the boat or where the horses. We
have our dominance here in this sport. Ferrari is symbolic
with F one. It's synonymous with F one, So we

will take the fight to anyone and everyone. But they
still seem to find themselves in a position where they
can ruin their own race. They are still their own
worst enemy, and that is a big concern to me,
because while the drivers may perform well in qualifying and
start the race off in tremendous spirits that can be

undone in a matter of seconds.

Speaker 5 (08:18):
Well, and we've talked about in the past the way
to bet Ferrari, especially this year, it's in the qualifying markets,
where you take out you're essentially eliminating all of the
errors that go on from the basically in the in
the paddock side of it. And I just wonder going forward,
what would it actually take how many races we need
to see the Ferrari put together to go you know what,
I can trust them to bet a podium finisher at

double top six, even though because we've seen the pace
being there, but as we've talked about it at length,
just the execution has really lacked. And like you say,
even in a race where Ferri go one four on
the grid, there was still far from perfect from a
just a tactical execution standpoint.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
To me, it's not a number of races, it's the personnel.
They need a personal overhaul, because if they're going to
keep doing this over and over again, no matter how
many races they go through, no matter how much they
have in the arsenal. Okay, here's where we messed up.
They can keep going back to the drawing boat. But
it comes down to the personal yet again messing this

up for the races. They need to find someone who's
experienced in strategy to be able to be like, yes, no, wait,
one mile lap, let the Mercedes double stack, let them
do what they have to do, and then we come
back in here.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
That's what it's gonna be. To me, they have to
do a personal overhaul.

Speaker 5 (09:32):
Nie Michail Miranda Ferrari Paddick consultant. I think that should
be your new title.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
I wish that could be, but I'm more the strategist.
I can't be like, all right, guys, yeah, you guys,
come in. This is when we're gonna race, and this
is when we're not gonna race. I've obviously that's just
stuff gonna happen.

Speaker 4 (09:47):
Unfortunately, but you could have a say, I don't know,
just throwing stuff out there. We've been very vocal all here.

Speaker 5 (09:52):
That's the point against the Ferrari strategy in general. We
have a few other points we want to hit on
note from this race and get some early thoughts just
on what to expect from the track in Japan as
we flip things forward to the race.

Speaker 4 (10:02):
We'll have this weekends let's take a quick break. You're
listening to the.

Speaker 5 (10:04):
Vaston Formula one betting podcast. Some other thoughts, but we
just saw in Singapore on the other side.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting Podcast, the only F
one handicap you'll ever need. You're your hosts F one
technical analyst at cal Miranda and betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
All Right, it was a yeah, I.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
Mixed back, pretty good betting weekend for you, michale On
Lewis Hamilton gets not only the fastest lap, but he
finishes on the podium. So we kind of start the pod,
don't even really mention Mercedes. But not good week all
things considered. Could have been really really good if George
Russell had not gone all out and crashed on the
final lap. But that's that's what you get sometimes when
you go pedal to the middle.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
When I saw the back, I thought George might have
like may have put his foot on the floor or
a bit too much. But I looked back there it
seemed like he just lost real grip and the car
just wouldn't turn in. It was understeer and loss of
real grip. Because really weird to see I don't really
see that quite often. I normally see understeer or you
see lots of real grip, not both at the same time.

But this is what happens when you're going that farst
and when the tires are coming to the end of
its life and when you're trying to chase down a
moment for.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
The team that will lift up its spirits.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Because Mercedes, as much as we're seeing them progress throughout
the season or seasons, because they SMaL for both both seasons,
but they are now moving forward and they're like, yeah,
we're making steps. We're fighting for podium finishers, but like
you guys used to fight for racemans and dominance. Now

you're just fighting to be on the podium or to
fight in the top six. So when I'm looking at that.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Just gives me.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
Hope for Mercedes that they are actually coming back and
at a much faster rate. I do not expect Mercedes
to sort of progress this faster about the season, but
they are. So this is good news because maybe coming
in the upcoming seasons we might be able to see
Mercedes fight to where the race wins. But Louis Hamilton
top three that cash for me, that was good. Charles

Leclair fastest qualifier.

Speaker 5 (12:26):
I'm not too happy, all right, team just you know
you had a fifty foty chance you got.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
Ferrari is the right team.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
I knew Ferrari was looking good.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
I really thought that the storyline of Charles Leclair having
to just want to prove his worth himself the team,
to the race fans out there, that he might come
and be like, you know what I mean, I'll be
able to win the race, but I can still qualify
on the front row.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
That did not happen.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
It was Lando Norris and Carlos Sins very very impressive
race for Carlo Science. But however, my Ferrari double top
six bet does hit, so I'm happy that takes it.
We spoke about Alex Alban in the previous episode. You
asked me, am I going to be looking to betterhim
in the top six again? And I said, yes, I

did not hit. He worries about five positions away from
top six. Didn't even get in the points unfortunately, But
that's all right.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
I'm not too fair.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
I know where Williams are, what they have to do,
but still P eleven for Alex still great. It just
shows me that the team is finally moving in the
right direction, getting the right talent for their car, who's
able to extract the most of it in the worst
situations ever. So to me, when I was looking at
this race, I was looking more as I said on

the episode where James Vows and Williams and Alex Albums
heads are at, like how.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
They're moving forward? Do they have the stamina and the
endurance to go with this?

Speaker 3 (13:51):
And it shows me that Alex is ready and I'm
hoping in the next coming seasons that he finds a
race seat for a championship contended team. It's not going
to be red Bull, I can assure you that, but
it might just be Mercedes or maybe even McLaren if
Oscar Pioski seems to be performing this bad continues forward.

Speaker 5 (14:13):
And if in the interim we wonder just down the
home stretch, how many opportunities we saw the odds and
the points finished for outbound go over minus two hundred,
So it really the value has has dissipated because of
strong performances from alboun and finished top eight each of
the previous two races.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
But we see a change in that.

Speaker 5 (14:28):
That's that's what I wonder here next few races for
the Williams, and then speaking of drivers right around sort
of hovering in those points finishes tough couple of weeks
for Yuki Sito. It doesn't even make it to the
start line in Manza and then at first first driver
to have to retire the car. It's a tough part
of form, at least a lack of form for his
own car to be in when you consider this is
about to be his home race, so he will have

a lot of attention and I'm sure a lot of
betters will be. We tend to see this where you
get the one off, you know, the home race for
one driver on the grid, and folks will Folks will
certainly just take a you know, take a sprinkle of
money on one of the more fun and kind of
wild drivers we see on the circuit. But hard to
have a lot of confidence in where Sonoda is at
right now.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
I just don't think it's down to that.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
I think Alfat need to work on their car a
lot more, and I feel like Yuki just does not
feel very confident.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
In that car.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
He's like, this car does not suit what I know
I can do. He is a promising young talent and
has ways to go for sure, but every season he's improving,
but that's offset by Alfato we regressing. I'm like, how
could you have progress and regress simultaneously. It's going to

frustrate your drivers. Grateful Liam Lawson who got up in
the point That just shows where Yuki Sonota could have
ended up.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
But I look at where Liam Lawson was at, like
this is a young driver with basically no experience at
the F one level, and as a rookie he goes,
you know, thirteenth, eleventh and now at night, so like
he's been able to figure it out. Daniel Ricardo didn't
in his two races coming in alone as the former
Red Bull reserve driver. So it's sort of one of
those weird things. It's like, yes it is Alphatari. They
are the sister team of Red Bull. You just assume

the resources are not going to be the same. But
I mean, Lawson, what does it say about him is
he just clearly is he ready to take a legitimate
seat for one of these ten constructors next year because
he's certainly been really damn impressive and has outperformed any expectations.
He was talk about a huge plus money points finished
hitting and that was Liam Lawson last week.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
So Liam Lawson show has made great challenge because we
had Logo Sargeant come in. Logus Sargeants has not been
that well in my eyes at least, and I'm seeing
here Liam Mawson, who's had no experience, come in through
races and absolutely progressed up thirteenth, eleventh and that ninth.
As you said, So the question begs, right, could Liam
Lawson being at a nicket race if ourfa Torri pick

a full contract on Liam Lawson, moving him forwards to
next season as a full draw. Ever, do we end
up with another Nick de Veez situation where he comes in,
he's high on his spirits and then underperformed from the
expectations he's set.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
I get that.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Nick de Reeves was a very very moment says signing right.
He did really well in nine, finished ninth. They signed
him immediately. Here Liam Lawson is shame progress thirteenth eleven
to three races. So how do we gauge this? How
does AFFATORI mitigate this? Wait till the end of the season.
Even if Daniel Riccardo comes back, don't let him in

the car. Let Liam drive right. I think Daniel Ricardo
has lost his seat, He's lost his edge to drive
and no longer poses a threat to anyone on the field.
Liam Lawson is this young, eager driver ready to prove himself.
He's a reserved rather final. He has a shot and
he is taking it. Uki some sooner I supposed to

be the team meeter here he is not. So when
I'm looking at this, Liam, if you're listening to this,
I'm sure he is.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
I sure he is. Keep driving like you are.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Don't worry about the contracts, don't worry about Yuki, don't
worry about any of the noise that's coming through. Focus
on you improving every race. Your results should speak for himself.

Speaker 5 (18:23):
That is it.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
You got this.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
That's how we gauge where Liam has to be this
season and next season.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Within all this, it's kind of the context of where
Red Bull are at. And there were, you know, there
were the controversial comments from you know, the from people
associated with the Red Bull team basically sort of suggesting
that the struggles of Sergio Perez were because he is
a what was the quote, Michael was, He's he's just
a stereotypical South American driver, It's like, yeah, Sergia, Peis

is not South America now Mexico north of the equator.
For the the Europeans who struggle with geography, that did
not sit well. Apologies were We're issued there, But the
reality is Paris has been on the hot seat now
for the better part of two months.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
The forum just is not there.

Speaker 5 (19:05):
And there was a thought that, all right, if Daniel
Ricardo came out put together a few good races in
his time going from the Red Bull Reserve to the
sister team Alfatari, could Ricardo be back in that number
two seat next year.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
Certainly seems like that ship has sailed.

Speaker 5 (19:18):
We know that there is friction between Perez and the
management of Red Bull as his form has plummeted in
those comments, Certainly, that's not like those are going to
be ignored or forgotten from Paris's camp, nor should they be.

Speaker 4 (19:28):
So where do you see this going? That really seems
to be macair.

Speaker 5 (19:31):
Like the big controversy now rest of this season is
what is going to happen to that number two seat
for Red Bull.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
I think Perez hasn't because if Liam was to go
to bed Bull.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
It seems a little premature, doesn't it.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
That's exactly, it will be premature and that could hurt
his reputation a lot. So what Sayja prayers used to
do is he needs to find a team who was
not focusing on the lead driver, who's focusing on the team.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
So could this be a good idea?

Speaker 3 (20:07):
Bring you bring Daniel back in next season to be
the second driver red Bull. Maybe let go of Buki
Perez and Liam off a tour.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
Oh really, so you really think a Red Bull would
do that with Ricardo?

Speaker 1 (20:23):
They've done that to Pierre.

Speaker 4 (20:25):
Okay, silly season, folks.

Speaker 5 (20:28):
It makes even the smartest, brightest minds like mckil moran
silly with common.

Speaker 4 (20:33):
The last thing before we go and you were gonna
do a solo pod.

Speaker 5 (20:36):
This will come out tomorrow where we we bring out
your best bets for the Japanese Grand Prix. So just
for folks looking at you, getting an early look at
the odds and verstepping has been cut down. He was
minus four fifty to win the race. He's been that
way the last few weeks. Now he's down to minus
three sixty. This is the race last year that was
super controversial, just torrential downpour in in Suzuka.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
And it's kind of in line with it.

Speaker 5 (20:56):
We just talked about mchil from Singapore, where you have
to factor in a humidity likelihood of reign just being
in that general region of the world this time of year,
in late September. Just from a general track perspective, from
what you've watched your history watching this race, now, what
should better is expect just from a general track perspective,
you're heading into Tokyo ar Suzuka, I should say, not Tokyo,

just outside of Tokyo.

Speaker 3 (21:17):
I love that this strack has got a lot of
history to it, and when it comes down to that,
I think looking at this strack, you want to be
able to see who's all fares well from previous years. Yes,
red Bull has this dominating factor, but go back Andward's
the old races. McLaren has got some nice history here,
Ferrari has some nice history here, So look at them

going forward.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
Maybe Asa Margin could sort.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
Of break the little streak instead out and can also
break through a little bit. But the one thing that
I will suggest, here's my tip right now, my pro
tip for the postoast let's go wow books have not
yet corrected the odds. I'm looking at maxwsappan right now
minus three sixty and then served your payis eleven to one.

Books have not corrected the odds for pre qualifying. If
you feel very strongly on something right now, bed it
right now, This time is not going to come back.
You could lose a really good number because the books
will take time. They believe that Ferrari's sort of pace

is a one off and maybe even a two off
from what I'm looking at it. I think it's long term. Yes,
Ferrari had the issues, but that pace is there. So
let's go look at something that I love to look,
which is qualifying. Sergio Paris plus eight fifty, Landon Rris
ten to one, Charles Looker at twelve to one, Carlo

Science twelve to one for fastest qualifier Maxi stap and
yet a heavy very and minus two twenty five.

Speaker 5 (22:49):
Do you saying that should be we should not see
the signs of the players of the world still double
digits at this at this point, No, we should not.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
Yeah, London, Okay, I can get Landon Orris.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
Maybe understandable for Soji Parish, but Charles and Carlos to
be at twelve to one, I'm not gonna lie that
should be a plus one eighty five.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
That's where I see that number here.

Speaker 5 (23:12):
That's what the betters would call value there, Michale, that
is a number that is way way off from what
you would have it. So that might be a sneak
preview of what is to come. And by the way
you talked about previous history, this is a race that
didn't happen during the pandemic. Pandemic the shortened pandemic season
last year didn't even complete the full race with rain,
so we've not seen a full Japanese Grand Priest since
twenty nineteen. So that you really got to go back

and look at if you're going to go deeper and
you really value that it is a little bit longer
as far as how much more history you have to
dive into just.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
To end it off. Here's my bet. I'm gonna look
at Carlo signs to win the race.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Wow, look at Michale calling a shot right now. You
can find that to eighteen to one, by the way,
already out there at drafting. So look at Michale taking
big shots, all right, give him a follow at Mikale,
Miranda B He'll give you his full betting card tomorrow
on the pod. I'm Ben Wilson. Be sure to rate
review if you so are so kind. I know we
have one five star of you in there already.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Was that you, McHale? Is that your burner?

Speaker 1 (24:05):
No, that's not me?

Speaker 5 (24:06):
It was like F one Mickey b bets and I
was like, that's gotta be mckiss. I was all right, okay,
I'll give you the past this time for Michale. I
bet we'll catch you next time. Michale have his full
rundown later this week. We'll come back early next week
to recap everything we watch in Japan here on the
VCENT Formula one Betting Podcast
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