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November 7, 2023 β€’ 16 mins

In this gripping episode, we dive deep into the nail-biting world of F1 betting as we recap and review the Brazilian Grand Prix. Join us as we dissect the unexpected struggles of the Mercedes duo, exploring the challenges that put them off the pace. We'll also unpack the intense battle for the third spot, where racing titans Fernando Alonso and Sergio Perez went head-to-head in an epic showdown. If you're a motorsport and betting enthusiast, this episode is a must-listen for valuable insights and thrilling moments from the SΓ£o Paulo circuit. Don't miss it! πŸπŸŽοΈπŸ’¨ #BrazilianGP #F1Recap #BettingReview #Mercedes #Alonso #Perez


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
No investigation necessary.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting podcast. A flight down
away we go. I'll check for this allegend. Absolutely animal,
the only F one handicap you'll ever need.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Michael right, find that chef and ship.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
You can already do what you're your hosts F one
technical analyst Mikail Miranda and betting expert Ben Wilson back
for another race recap episode. Here Vson Formula one Betting
Podcast and uh Michale, So very poor performances out on
the grid on Sunday and you could have lost every
single bet on your card, whether you're betting, racing, the soccer, football,

anything and you probably we're still better off than one
Charlott Clair from Sunday because a technical issue causing a
crash out of formation lap. It's about as bad as
it gets and that that was the start of, at
least for several teams, a very frustrating Sunday down in
South Polo.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
It was it was bad, really really bad jaws on
the formation that but the hydraulic failure locked out the
steering and then the engine dodder which locked out the
real tires and which is why you saw him crash
into the wall that was dismal. Then once everything was fixed,
they got the tires that safety barriers fixed. Up start

the race, Kevin madizone pushes Nico Horwkenberg wide and it's
three wide down the south and straight going into ten.
One who pushes Alex Albumn a little bit too much,
hits him and Alex spins out, who then takes out
Kevin Madison. Debris hitsing Daniel Ricardo as well as Oscar

prs three. Chaos, chaos, chaos. That's the only why I
could talk about the first couple of laps before the
race just went on and we finally saw some go racing,
and Ferrari had this thing of teasing you with some honey.
They're like, kid, take a little bit, take a little bit,
and then they just rip it away from you. And

it's just every single time.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
At least for us, we've learned to stop betting on that,
though McHale for the most part right with some of
the issues that have played Ferrari all season. Carlos Signs
at least does finish six, But when you think about
the pace that that car has had to only get
six total points on Grand Prix Sunday for that team
of Ferrari. Mega disappointment. And speaking of disappointment, I really
I don't like starting negative, but we kind of have to,

especially because our we have a future bet tied to
this and a lot of folks were very high in
the Mercedes this weekend. What what the hell happened?

Speaker 1 (02:32):
I don't that car just did not look right. First
of all, that tire dag on that track was extremely
high compared to the rest of the field. And I
saw this may on Instagram as I was fallen through
and it was the new AI in photoshop and they

highlight the Mercedes and say make this Mercedes faster, and
it pops up a McLaren and I'm like, well.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
They're wrong, though, I mean really wrong.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
I just want to understand how has McLaren figured this
out and Mercedes not? What's going on in that garage?
What is Toto Wolf? What is Peepe?

Speaker 2 (03:16):

Speaker 1 (03:16):
And said, and all the engineers back at the factory
doing like what is they go? Because they have been
performing really well come out here and it just feels
like everything they worked for undone. I don't know if
you got that feeling, but I certainly did that everything
Mercedes worked for came undone this entire weekend, and as

I said, a lot has to be due to the
sprint race. It took away from Mercedes being able to
find the perfect setup for the car. Right, you only
have one practice after that you were in park for me,
which means you cannot touch the setup of the car. Honestly,
take a great penalty. So again I'm not a fan
of anything sprint race anymore like that, it's just not

worth it. Honestly, give me three sprint races and I'm
good with that. That's all. Like in the in the
tracks that well, you can't really over say Monico deserves
a sprint race, but a trap like Brazil does not.
It gives us racing year and year out, no Matt's
walk time with your you go racing out there.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Like the bigger takeaway just from the sprint races we've
watched mckill, now that those are in the ver mirrors,
it just makes the pre weekend handicapped that much harder
if you're just betting on the Grand Prix because of
exactly what you laid out right, and so there's such
a such a smaller window to find that perfect setup
and if it goes wrong like it did for Mercedes,
you get a car and George Russell it was so

bad they just said screw it, just retired the car,
and Lewis Hamilton basically limps home in eighth he's he's
getting blown by the Alpine of Pierre Ghastly and the
aston Martin of Lance Stroll without even putting up a fight,
and it ends up being a race where the team
boss total wolf goes at That was an inexcuse performance.
That was the quote after the race. Is there a
world though, in which you go all right? Maybe a

by low For Mercedes? We were already high on them,
as evidenced by our futures bet on driver to finish
seconds in the drivers Championship. We bet on Lewis Hamilton.
That now took a big hit, even though we got
plus money on it. And I don't know you're willing
to give any by any sort of faith in Mercedes
heading into Las Vegas attrack that we figured Mercedes should
have some success in.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Yes, and here's why from here on out, every track
is going to be either a low or medium down
first configuration. We're going to see a lot of the
Mercedes powered cars sort of take precedence over any other track,
any other car. Just see the fact that everyone else
has been able to figure out to get low downforce

and mid down first configuration. So I'm excited to see
what Las Vegas does browing. But moving forward, there has
got to be no excuse for Mercedes. You now are
back to the sessions and park firm may later on
in the afternoon on a Saturday. So it's going to
be crucial for Mercedes moving forward to establish a good

base for their car because if they do not, whatever
they do next year is going to be very much
up in question. And while I was high and Louis
Samplton at twelve to one to win the championship, I
can see now why the book makers out of twelfth
one because they know that this car has no faith whatsoever,

because it cannot perform consistently. It's like in Alpine, to
be honest, day in day out, you have no idea
what you're going to get with this car on this
to get the full three days.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Not a compy want at least even though Alpin have
had some good performances, the inconsistency there has been stark.
But you talk about low downforce, medium down force tractre's
two races to go and and good Lord, another weekend
where Orlando Norris just puts in the drive of his
life in the McLaren makeing up ground just despite slow
starts to the weekend doesn't matter. Norris just flying around

the track pushing Max Restappen for a good deal of time.
The Red Bull lead driver ends up taking and extending
the record for single season wins to seventeen. But big
story to me, Mikail from a positive standpoint, was another
great weekend for Lando Norris on the podium in second.
He's nine to one for the Las Vegas Grand Prix,
which we'll have next weekend. And keep in mind those

odds have been out basically all season since it is
a unique race coming back to Las Vegas, and bookmakers
have wanted betters giving them an opportunity to bet on
that race all season. Norris now nine to one, How
much action do you do you see him getting given
the great recent surgeon form and just how that car
is projected to race coming to Las Vegas.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
I think it's gonna be a great race. Here is
my prediction for the top three going to last Vegas. Right,
it's gonna be double McClaren and a red Bull, which
is gonna be Max Oscar Lando probably see a little
bit of hints of the Ferraris because they do like
a little bit of low down for his configuration. Mercedes

do not like that for some reason. Their car just
does not like low down for his configuration. And given
the fact that we've just seen when they had to
run a little bit low down first configuration, the car
was being very temperamental is the term that I would
use around that circuit. I just don't know how the
car is going to affair here and then Williams. Williams

are going to do really well. But McClaren, they have
taken all the right steps. Zach Brown has laid out
the plan and it's following it to a t. And
we can see Oscar Piastree and Landon Norris put it
in a banger of a job right now at the
McLaren garage.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
I have to think that you'll only see more money
come in Norris nine to one right now. Again, a
lot of the odds are already up for the Las
Vegas Grand Prix and have been up for it some
time I'm seeing fourteen to one Michale on that double
podium finished if you want to go ahead and bet
that already. Yeah, double top six for McLaren if plus
one twenty, that is probably the angle I'm going to
look at, just to give myself a little more insurance.

But it's great to see that we already have odds
up and we'll obviously have our full race breakdown for
next week. We'll probably do multiple pods, Michael, since it's
the biggest weekend at least in our world sports betting world,
with the F one season going to Las Vegas. But yeah,
I mean, how can you not like what McLaren are
doing And it doesn't matter. It's not like a situation
where with the Red Bull and check Operez where if

he gets off to a bad start and qualifying, you
just have no faith in making up ground. Where Orlando
driving like a man possessed, it just doesn't matter. He
can overtake anybody.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
They just sput it in something absolutely out of this world.
I don't know where Lander's head is at, but I
know he's chasing after one thing and one thing and
his first base. When I think Lando is put in
this stat of being on starting on pole and being
on the podium one too many times without ever having

a race win. Next securing high grade points without a win,
and I think that's all We're starting to eat Orlando,
and this is going to be crucial piece of information.
As I sent this over to you on the weekend,
Ben was that Red Bull. If you recall in twenty
twenty two, they broke the cost gap and therefore had

to take away ten percent of their win tunnel testing time. However,
they had already built their twenty three car. Therefore the
RB nineteen did not lose any of that time. They're
moving that time forward to the twenty four car, So
the RB twenty to me, is going to start off

with a bit of a pace deficit. But note how
strong the RB nineteen is. The teams have ways to
catch up, but I think McLaren have caught up way
too quickly, and once there win tunnel gets ready January
first of twenty twenty four, just before we get to
winter testing, I think McLaren are going to be in

a great position to challenge Red Bull and for Lando
to challenge Maxi Withstafan and Sergia Puris for those race wins.
Astray also we will be getting out of his rookie
year and feeling a lot more comfortable in that I
can I'm ready to attack a bit more.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
So I'm going to think to file away, I would say,
because McLaren right now second on the constructor's odds board
for next year five to one, Mercedes six to one,
Ferrari seven to one. If you're wondering Red Bull minus
two to fifty. We talked about that last week where
odds at least did the draftings already up for next year,
and both Piastre and Norris are co second choice on
the Drivers' championship odds nine to one. So it makes

sense with everything you've laid out, mckille and excited to
see how that will at least translate in the short term. Here,
final two races of the season as we go to
Las Vegas, and we'll have a couple of episodes for
you as well next week. One last thing before we
get out of here, mckail, what for Aston Martin? Like
unbelievable started the season and the upgrades hit, yet the

performance goes completely south and basically what Aston Martin decides? Okay,
let's just screw the upgrades. Let's go back to what
worked at the start of the year. Frendo Alonso with
the pass of maybe the season last lap, stealing of
double podium away from Red Bull, stealing third away from
check Operez to take third, while his teammate Lance Stroll,
who's just been awful for the better part of two

to three months, takes fifth. What do you take away
on the Aston Martin front now, going into the final
two weeks.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
I'm so much too sold that Aston Martin up there
or they've found a way to overturn their woes. But
it was an absolute masterclass from Fernando. Since i start
of the race, he had been in P three security Saja.
Paris put up a great fight and if you watch Fernando,

he took an alternate line into turn twelve. He took
a white apex and came in. He actually missed the
apex every single term. It took a wide, got in,
put the power down and got on the power earlier
than said your Paris, and that gave him enough of
room to defend against Paris. Now, Paris was not depleting
his entire ers, so he still had some electronic energy

left in his system. And then on the penultimate lap
as we got there, Sergio Prayers gave it a false
cent and Fernando knew that he was not going to
be able to defend against that, so he led him
through masterclass of Fernando Alonso. He let him get through
on turn one, stayed with him through turn four, kept

go to stay with him the entire lap. Come in,
take the drs again at turn twelve with a white
line and Ovid Sake said your prayers and keep that
going straight for the last lap, and it was amazing
to see him defend. They were just inches away from
Sergio Paris taking third. It was just a phenomenal drive.

I'm seeing it back in my head right now without
even watching, because that's what you call a two time
world champion. That's what a Formula one driver is when
you know exactly how to place your car, where to
place your car, and when to attack, where to defend,
and just how to keep calm, cool, collected in this

sort of high pressure environment. Because I don't think Lancetrow,
even Landon Norris would have been able to do that,
and I think Max Fistappen has not been that cool ever.
Because even back in twenty twenty one when he was
finding Lewis Hamilton, you saw these glimpses of anger and
impatience where you just saw Fernando Anso just be calmp

collected and extremely patient. He knew exactly how to drive
up that acid Martin and did a phenomenal job. And
that's why the fans door adore, adore Fernando Orlonso. And
while we can see Carlos signs say that Fernando Alonso
is his great inspiration for getting into Formula.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
One, and it's why for people who might criticize the
season for being over so quickly, just from the driver's Constructors'
championship perspective, you go, hey, two moves like that, racists
like that that make it worth watching every single week.
Fernando Alonso just an incredible drive there for the Aston
Martin and it sets up, you know, a lot of
really good storylines. Mikail, I'm excited to get into next

week here. We'll have a couple of episodes, really special
week for us on the podcast as Formula One returns
to Las Vegas, Las Vegas Grand Prix. For you and
I being here, it's been to mega pain in the
in the you know what for the locals trying to
get around. But that's neither here nor there. We'll have
a lot of content coming your way next week. I
know you're excited that for Mkaale. You've been building up

all season to a whole lot of bets going on
in the Vegas Grand Prix. So excited for that. Please
make sure, if you haven't done so already, give us
a subscribe hits on your wherever you're getting us on
your podcast feed, little five star rating and leave a
comment if you are so inclined as we will come
back a whole lot of content for you next week
as we prepare for the penultimate race of the season

here in Las Vegas for MacHale I am Ben. We'll
catch you next time here on the Vson Formula One
Betting Podcast
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