All Episodes

November 30, 2023 32 mins

In this episode Mikhail and Ben do a season recap. Talk about about what is yet to come and wishing Mikhail a farewell as he embarks on a new career path.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
No investigation necessary.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting podcast. Its flight Down
Away we go check this alegend absolutely animal, the only
F one handicap you'll ever need.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Micha Pry find up Jeffrey and Sip. You can only
do what but.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
What You're your hosts F one technical analyst Mikhail, Miranda
and betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Welcome in the F one Bending Podcast. Ah and your
sexy cool analyst become Miranda and alongside me is betting
expert Ben Wilson. And Ben. It has been a pleasure
during the entire season with you, and it's unfortunately come
to an end. The F one twenty to twenty three

season wraps up in Up with a w and Oh
my god, what a marvel it has been this season
watching maxistaf, Ben McLaren, Alex Alban Williams much much more.
We've seen records been broken, time up for time. We
saw dominance in a sport that has not been saying
for a couple of years. We've seen some tricky areas,

We've seen some new tracks, some great racing. All in all,
it's been a fabulous season. Despitte. Some disadvantages of the
sason it she said, lay.

Speaker 4 (01:21):
I was gonna say, Michuel disadvantage is to say the least.
But look, you can't deny the absolut elite level and
form that I'm actual staff at ends this season in
and you know, we talked, we talked.

Speaker 3 (01:32):
Since futures have already come out for next.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
Year, you know, do you really believe that in the
few months to come, right until we get back out
in the on the track in preseason testing in February, Like,
I know McLaren is going to be maybe that sexy
that constructor's pick who's now second in the in the
futures coming out, But is there really a case that
we made that anybody can close this gap to Red Bull?

Who are what you know in that minus two seventy
five to three dollars range. I realize no one's ever
gonna want to lay a layer price long term, but seriously,
coming out of the season, like, isn't it sort of
like a kind of a ridiculous stretch to suggest that
a team could actually compete with the Red Bull actually
win a title next year? And we've seen just how
amazing that car and how consistent Brazappan has been at

the top.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
So let's pay it this way, right. The whole reason
why Rebel were able to capitalize as much as they
did was because they did not take their actual penalty
from twenty twenty two where they breached the cost gap.
So that comes this season with the wind tunnel testing.

Given that piece of information about twenty percent reduction time,
which means right, Red Bull have finished on the top.
They already had the least amount of running time in
the wind tunnel, so and you subtract that even further

and it's going to take so much from the Red
Bull to cheap the performance that they've had all season.

Speaker 3 (03:09):

Speaker 1 (03:09):
An interesting comment right is from Formula E driver Jake Dennis,
who test drove the car, and he said that everyone
believes the car was designed for Max the Stappen, and
he said that's absolutely fought. When he drove the car,
he set some blistering lap time. The main thing that

we took away from when Jake Dennis drove was that
he said the car was beautifully balanced. It was perfect
in every aspect that he needed it to be. Hence
the performance that we saw and given that, right, as
good as Red Bull and Max r it comes down

to question, then, why was Sagio prayer is unable to
capitalize He did well last season when the regulations change,
Why wasn't he able to do this season as good
as last season, and especially towards the second half where
his performance dipped drastically. He was just minutely able to

clinch second in the drivers And it's Rebel one two
as we know, right, So there's a lot of questions.
So when we see McClaren close down for championship, Ferrari,
Mercedes Aston Martin, I think next season it's not anyone's game.
Red Bull do have an edge cruise of the performance

performance that they have this season that they're able to
carry forward. But the onus is on the teams next
year because if Ferrari do what they did this season,
where they regressed a lot, they're gonna play catchup. If
Mercedes concept isn't where they wanted to be, we'll still
regressing again. We'll see that over and over again. So

it is crucial that teams get winter testing in wind
tunnel time, right and McLaren second rightfully so, just due
to the fact they had their own wind tunnel being
finished at the start of next year. So it's going
to be absolutely amazing to see what is yet to
come from McLaren. I think there's so much performance and
pace yet to be unlocked, especially with Oscar Prstrey now

concluding his rookie season. He's a little bit more experienced,
know it's exactly how the cars go. McClaren a little
bit more experienced in the way they have to attack
it in tracks. Now we might be able to see
them execute much higher than they did this season and
last season.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
Totally understand from Matt standpoint, and if you go back
and you look at how this season unfolded from Silverstone on,
I mean McLaren was pretty clearly second best team on
the grid from that point in the season. Now you
can't just eliminate the first nine races right where it
was a disaster for the McLaren but you have to
feel good about them.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
My big question is if we're talking about teams in that.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
Next level, right McHale trying to compete with the Red
Bull going forward, it's to me Mercedes One. Because of
some of the comments we heard from Lewis Hamilton coming
out of the end of the year, where he's admitted
to some self doubt and we saw really good flashes
at times from George Russell. We saw a car though
that on certain tracks looked really good on certain tracks,
didn't have any straight line pace. It was just a

super bizarre season where we were really critical Michale. At
the start of the year of the Mercedes. They made
some improvements, looked like they were ready to be firm
number two holders on the constructors and then had another
dip of form. We're able to barely hold on taken
second by three points. So I'm curious where you stand
on Mercedes now as we head into this offseason and
will be a really interesting twenty twenty four now for

Lewis Hamilton specifically.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Mercedes now have a giant task ahead of them, mainly
in the manner speaking that the team meets to be
confidence in the car that they produce. If Toto Wolf
and the engineer is back at the factory or able
to conceive an idea of a car and then execute

that in a manner that could keep the performance exactly
where they needed to be and imitate some of the
performance that they have from twenty twenty one and prior
with they would constructor championships eight consecutive times. They need
to be able to reevaluate everything, but they also need

to be able to be certain in a lot of
aspects in the team, in terms of the designing of
the concept and the car. Given that, can Lewis and
George then be like, all right, now we know the
car is built to the standard that we needed to be.

Now it's on us to drive this piece of machinery
to its limit and push every corner every lap. They
need to be absolutely certain that they've got what they
need in the palm of the hands. Otherwise then the
doubt comes.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Is it me?

Speaker 1 (08:15):
Is it the car? Is it the team? There's going
to be a lot of questions and answer is not
just for themselves, not for total war, for the engineers,
but for fans as well, for betters, because it really
affects our strategies as we go into betting Mercedes, whether
it be in the futures market or per race right,

especially if we're parlaying them, we have to be able
to trust that Mercedes can deliver in the form and
factor that we know they can. If they are unable
to and have these lapses of judgment and clarity on
how the performance of the car might actually play out.

We need to be able to sit down and be like,
all right, let's take the data that we have in
the past two seasons to be able to evaluate this season.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
And it's part of what makes I really think Michael
going in the next year. You have teams that are
going to be vying for second and maybe even if
they're super ambitious, pushing to contend with Red Bull in
Mercedes and Ferrari, two teams that were just all over
the map this year, just even talking about reliability, right,
and we saw the ups and downs that Frederic Basser
had first year as the team principal for Red Bull,

I should say for Ferrari, and how disappointing they were
relative to the Red Bull, even though there was the
one lap pace that was great. A ton of poll
positions this year for Charlotte cclair and you know we
were all aboard though the Claire type train at the
start of the year. To me, I just think it
makes it such a fascinating start to twenty twenty four.
You've got all the expectations for McLaren. You have Mercedes
Red Bull, who showed flashes of tremendous pace this season,

but who for various reasons, whether it was driver, whether
it was for or race strategy, whether it's for engineering,
fell short of the mark at a lot of different places.
And so I didn't make a really good point as
far as betting and for futures, like are we really
going to want to go there on any sort of futures,
whether it's whether it's a Hamilton Leclair signs Russell even
though it's longer shots. Do we really have trust now

in those teams when we still have so much to
be proven from their ends just going from start to
finish on the season.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
So when it came down to Ferrari, I have seen
great strides in overall performance of the team. Where Mercedes
fall short is that they're always questioning every aspect, whether
it be driver, team or car. With Ferrari, they know

exactly where the issues lie and it comes down to
the leadership to guide them on a passage that they
can actually get to work and on the issues tackling
one by one. And they did look at the let's
not go second half of the season, let's go the

last six races of the season, look at the form
that both Carlo Signs and Charles Leclair had Yes, they
may have been questioning strategies and coming up with their own,
but they're also in the best position to go and
communicate to the team. Hey, I know we've said Plan A,

which is a two start, but I think Plan C,
which is a one stop extended plus six laps or
plus seven laps. Let's will suffer the last couple of laps,
but we'll put us in a great position to finish
in the points. Right, Let's go to abbad Abu, right
where Charles Leclair gave Sergio Paris a slipstream in order

to get five seconds. That didn't happen, but he allowed
Sojio Paris to take second in the so that he
could try to pull away and let them finish second,
rather than Mercedes finishing second with George Russell so close
up there. So when you have drivers and you have

teams like you know what, Charles like, you're right, let's go.
Let's try that. When you have that, when the teams
and drivers start trusting each other, that's what makes it
so great, that's what allows us to be all right. Now,
Ferrari is getting to a point where we're okay, and
that's where Mercedes isn't well, we're coming up onto a break.

We'll continue this conversation at the second half of this
episode because we've got a lot to talk about. It was, again,
as we said, a great season. Much to talk about,
right Ben on the other side, we'll talk more about Ferrari,
we get to McClaren, who have been actual phenomenal, Williams
as well, and maybe we'll talk about some of the
teams who have shown some performances and said areas.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
Welcome to Vson's F one Betting Podcast, the only F
one handicap you'll ever need. You're your hosts F one
technical analyst Michail Miranda and betting expert Ben Wilson.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
All right, welcome back to the F form Betting Podcast
with your host Ncam Miranda and Ben will said bet
just before we headed the break, I told you how
Ferrari in the last six races of the season have
been able to perform at the caliber that we expect
them to perform, and how Mercedes yet we can't trust

them in the future's market when it comes to betting.
We are a little bit more consistent with Ferrari knowing
their strengths. As you said, one lap pace right, I'm
very confident in psyching some futures markets now. If the
right market is available for Ferrari, such as where they
might finish in the constructors right, whether it be top

three a top six, right, that that would be a
much more calculative bet that I'm able to lay some
money on.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
Well, you'll get I mean you'll get plus money on next.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
I mean what I'm seeing right now McLaren in the
five and a half to one range, Mercedes around seven
and a half to one, and Ferrari's ten to one.
So if you're whenever those and I'm not seeing markets
out now, at least you know books I'm looking at
here for these they just have general constructors. But if
you get a top three constructors when those props do drop,
you're going to get Ferrari top three, which I mean,

I think we both agree that's a much more palatal,
much more reasonable way to bet them than the way
we did last year, which was taking the longer shot.
You know, Leclair was what five to one to win
the drivers heading into last year is the second choice.
So now you're kind of like, I'm with you that
we've seen so much improvement that the odds market.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
Remember back to last year, Ferria was.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
Pretty clearly the second choice in the constructors and the
driver's odds. Now you're down to fourth, and yet what
have we learned about Ferrari, Like, it's a car that has,
as we talk about, tremendous pace and now they're going
to be in near two right of the Frederick Vasser
experience running that team. So I'm with you, and if
we see a decent plus money on Ferrari to finish
top three constructors, I'd be I would certainly be in

lockstep with you on that.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
Mckil absolutely right. They've been able to tackle some issues.
Let's go back to the start of the twenty twenty
three season where Charles Leclair had to take a grid
penalty for changing out his engine. Their engine reliability was
a big concern at the start of the season. Which
they tackle that issue. The next issue that came into
concern with strategy, they tackle that issue. So they have

been able to knock each domino down to make them
not a successful team, but a team that's able to
position themselves beautifully for what they need to be done.
It was unfortunate that Carlo Science finished fifteenth in the
a WW Grand Prix, which put Ferrari third in the Constructors.

But look at the page of Carlo Science, he was great.
It was it was a weird strategy that I sat
them go from a heart to a heart and then
at the end wait for a safety car or a
virtual safety car to pit for a second compound, because
that's in the rules where each team has to pit
for a second compound to allow the pitchtups to be
candidate's pitch stops. Yes, they can come in for us

another set of hearts, but it's a lot each race.
They had to take two sets of compounds, so it
was weird to see that, but I get where they
came from. They tried to do damage limitation, they had
the red strategy in mind. It just seemed the race
was pretty consistent. Teams were exactly where they need to
be and not many teams needed to fight Alpha Torri

Williams were fighting McLaren and as Martin, we're fighting Ferrari.
Mercedes were fighting, right, ten million dollars difference from P
two to P three in Constructors, it's big. So when
you see that Ferrari have made these great inroads. Next season,

a top three is much more in the cards for me. Yes,
it would be at I would say around plus one
twenty maybe, but if they start off the season the
way they start of the twenty twenty two season, they
will be in a great position. McLaren have made and

mendous group gains, so is Asin Martin. Mercedes are finally
caught up to where they needed their car to be
on the fundamentals. So Mercedes still have a waiste to climb,
but I wouldn't say no to a Ferrari top.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Three and look are one of our bets.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
It was a mixed bag for our last race of
the year, but Charlotte Clair podium finished.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
That was a really nice hit for us to wrap up.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
And it's just a shame that I lost the double
top six on Ferrari and the Carlos signs.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Everything that happened start of.

Speaker 4 (18:13):
The week just totally derailed his weekend pretty much from
the start. Was That was a shame, but it certainly
got there and we definitely saw it with the pace
being there for Ferrari that I would have to think
we see more of that coming into twenty twenty four
and it was a good finish too for the Aston Martin.
So we were sort of all over the place with
this year up and down, and I give you a
lot of credit you taught me in we both were

believers into the double top ten for the Assens into
the final race of the year and you get a
seventh and tenth Land Stroll steaks into that final place
in the point, so we were able to catch that
ticket as well, and so at the end of the
day you get Alonzo finishes a fourth, tied on points
with Leclair in the drivers.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
Stroll finishes tenth.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
So you had a good year overall from Aston Martin
and then you end up with the Alpines right behind them.
Pierre Gazestamon Oconn eleventh and twelve off done your season
line grid, So Aston's fifth and the constructors Alping six
by a pretty wide gap.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
Where do you see those teams? Now?

Speaker 4 (19:07):
I'm Mikaiel who at least showed promise at times, albeit inconsistencies.
What's the general trajectory line in your mind going into
next year?

Speaker 1 (19:15):
To me, the first thing that's supporting for Alping, let's
talk about them, is to get a sense of who
will be leading the team and what their goals are.
We've seen them fire on my staff now mid season.
They even lost a lot on Rossi, who was the
CEO of Alping. There is leadership questions at Alpine, to

which I would like to say some cemented answers in
positions that are vital to leadership to the goals of
the team. They've had new investors, especially Hollywood A listers,
and given that we on the US platform and viewership,
it's up there, so Alpen will be held responsible in

account before the actions moving forward. And in terms of
Aston Martin, Lawrence Strowe said that he was extremely happy
with where they are. They have a five year plan
to be a championship contending team. I think they've made
strides of epic proportions to where they are right now.

They have a great basis to move forward or they
if Adrian knew he goes over to Aston Martin and
designs stake car for two years. In two years time,
Aston Martin will become Constructors' champions. That's how great their
fundamentals are. Is now it's just tweaking what they have

to suit boat drivers equally, but for both Alpine and
Acid Martin. Where they are, they have to compare themselves
to a team who were in that little midfield Oma
Land pack that moved up a notch and took the fight.
So both Alpine and Asamosen now had to compare themselves

to McLaren. McLaren just were able to dominate the midfield
in a way that I've not seen any team do
so for a while, and it was amazing to see
what they were able to accomplish. So the benchmark for
the midfield pack is McLaren. If they can strive to

be that, we will see much more closer racing moving forward.

Speaker 4 (21:41):
That's where you know, the odds reflect that as we
go into next year, and I'm fascinated to see how
that plays out. When you saw, especially on the Alpine front,
I mean there were races where there might not have
been much leadership there for Kale, but you at least
saw like those are a couple of drivers who have
some stones. And I love the way that the fearlessness
of of what saw it Esteban o'conn and Pierre Gasley

throughout the season. I also, of course wanted to mention
Alex Alban and your favorite team.

Speaker 3 (22:06):
It seems like McHale. We love talking Williams.

Speaker 4 (22:09):
It made a big push this year from just being
at the Doldrum's bottom of the table go up to seventh,
which by Williams standards, taking out that finishing above Alpha Taweri, Alfa,
Romeo and Haws. That's a big deal for being being
honest here. So I know it's our last episode. I
would be remiss if I didn't give you like two
minutes to wax poetic on Williams and where that team

is at going into next year.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
The thing that I admire much about Williams is the
fact that they know when they need to be better.
They absolutely accept the consequences. We solved. The Williams family
abdicate their part in Formula one to ensure that the
legacy of Williams is carried forward. Because go back Williams

themselves are also eight time Constructor champions. Alan prost Ats
and Senna nagel Mann all drove or Williams and it
was able to win championships. Beyond a doubts, they have
legacy and attributions are for great team and we are
now seeing that emerge.

Speaker 3 (23:17):

Speaker 1 (23:18):
I think Williams is the Phoenix. They they're rising from
the ashes now. James Vowels, I think it's the greatest
addition that they've had ever since Dortan Capital bought out
the Williams family to take out of the team. Now
they have the capital, the funds, the resources. They have

someone who's got great leadership. James vows was part of
an a time constructive championship team in Mercedes. Prior to that,
he was a Bronn GP who were able to but
for one season. If you've not heard the Bronze story,
I would urge you to go and do your research
on that because they were a team that came into

Formula One in two thousand and nine just for one
season and they won the Constructors and Drivers Championship. They
were a great, great team. James Vowels was a part
of the team. So James Vowls knows exactly how to
get this team prepared to move forward. Now it's going
to be a very slow process. But let's go back

to a couple of seasons where they were fighting at
the bottom of the grid. Now where they are. So
that's what I admired so much about Williams is the
fact that when they have these issues, they are able
to go and find the person now who have a
game plan, the resources and execution in allowing this team

to prosper in the ways that it has to the
acquisition of Alex Alvin from Rebel was a major stepping
stone for them. He has carried on the mental that
George Russell set a Vouchi Bota said prior to George Russell.
That's what the theme is. They need to be able

to find a second driver as consistent as Alex Alban
But again that second position now is more of a
marketing stint to get more funding and all that. So
they've they've got all ways to go. But you can't
deny the games that Williams have made as well. They've
gone from back markers to midfield battles now, which is

great strides As a Formula One team. They've gone from
being tenth on the grid to being seventh. I can
see them fighting even higher.

Speaker 4 (25:44):
Reason reason to have optimism, certainly for the Williams, even
if the the odds had of them, you know, sort
of tied co with without Romeo and with Salber, which
will be what Alpha twer rebranded at going in the
next year. In that you know that best of the rest,
so to speak, deeper into the midfield tied for.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Seventh right now on the odds.

Speaker 4 (26:03):
If you're just looking at the rock Instructor's numbers and
you have to think if you're leaning one of those
three teams, you have to like Williams are at I'm
with you, Mikail going into next year.

Speaker 3 (26:11):
I did want to make.

Speaker 4 (26:12):
Sure, because this is our last episode together, you give
us the story Michale, what is next for you? Because
I want to first off say I've learned so much
from you on the betting front, just specifically to F
one this year. I mean I bet pretty much every sport,
and I've always been a big fan of F one,
never really known how to find the best bets for it,
and you've helped me out tremendously this season. So we've

gotten a ton of great feedback. I just wanted to
say thank you for being a great steward of information
this year, opening my eyes a lot of newer betters
to F One's eyes on the best way to attack
some of these markets. So I wanted to make sure
we give you the floor here final episode. I want
you to tell everybody what's next for you and where
this journey of life is going.

Speaker 3 (26:51):
To take you on, mister.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Miranda, this podcast is made by Baby. I've done I
want to say, two seasons. Obviously it was not as
racing lines. You could find it undergone Racing feed. And
then you know Wes Reynolds, right, yes, West ends and
I and West also his betting acumen absolutely phenomenal. I
learn much from West. I've learned much from you. You've

got You've got a great betting acumen as well. Oh,
you need the words, more of the technical information in
order to just tailor your acumen to formula one. And
I think we were able to achieve this. We were
able to get some great guests in Johnny Yovelo, in
Lewis Frank. We've also got Shady Shaw's Who's the f
one Kappa who gave us some great stuff with the

Vagas Grand Prix. There are markets, there are people out
there who are knowledgeable about the sports, who are able
to make some great, great strides in winning some money
back from the sports as well. And it's been it's
been amazing hosting this podcast with you. And I'm sad

to say that I will be leaving Draftings and Vison
to pursue a career at the Air Force. Yes, that's
the military, the US Air Force.

Speaker 3 (28:09):
Yes, that a force. Yes, wow, that's amazing.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
So that's next on my journey. If I can try
to keep a version of this podcast a lot of
other than just be on my own, that that would
be great. But I have now a duty to my country.
I know I sound like an Englishman.

Speaker 3 (28:35):
People might be confused earlier. Wait, say what you're serving
for the US Air Force?

Speaker 1 (28:39):

Speaker 3 (28:40):
He is a US citizens.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
I was born in Texas. I'm an American citizen. So yes,
my country is the United States of America. So yes,
that's that's next on my endeavors and my journey. And
to all my listeners out there, well all our listeners, Ben,
thank you so much for every thing forgiven as the

time of day, for engaging with us as we did. Ben,
If Vison and draft Things gives you the mantle, I
hope you and west Reynolds keep this project alive and
talk Formula one in the upcoming seasons, because there is

so much more to come. There's an American company who
is re entering Formula one, and that is Ford Mortars.
Ford Motors and Red Borlt have stripped a deal for
twenty twenty six.

Speaker 2 (29:39):

Speaker 1 (29:40):
There's also talks of Michael Andretti joined the F one grid.
There is so much of the sport yet to be seen,
especially since Drive to Survive has been able to propel
the US audience on a grand scale. There so much

to come, and seventy five years of the sport, it's
still in its infancy. Every single year that there's something
new to watch to learn. So keep an eye out, guys,
there is so much to come. And thank you to everyone.
Thank you Ben for being alongside me. So some episodes

are you were. We had to do it individually and
you gave me the reins and trusted me to do
so well with the information. But I've learned a great
deal from you as well.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
You're the man, Michael and I overthing you said. Just
thanking all the listeners for all your feedback. It's been
a truly amazing kind of hard to believe that our
first season together mckail has already coming to an end,
but I think on behalf of a lot of our listeners.
I know all of our colleagues at Vison. We thank
you for your service. That's a tremendously selfless thing of
you to do, and they wanted to serve our country.

So it's I can't wait to see the journey you
go on, Michale. I know we will be texting a
lot as we get closer to next year. I know
we will still be in communication. I certainly hope. I
imagine in some way visa to our F one coverage
is still going to continue, some way, somehow. So I'm
just thrilled that we had this experience and we'll not
We'll not forget it anytime soon. Wanted to make sure
we get you the proper sendoff, though, and wish you

all the best going forward.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Absolutely, thank you so much. Thank you, Ben, Thank you
to the last.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Sign us off, Michael, you get to do it one
last time, sign us off one last time.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Thank you to everyone listening to the F one Betting podcast.
I am your host, mcarmeran that technical analyst alongside betting
expert Ben Wall said. Thank you to Ryan Hunter, who
is the voice of vcon who did our little intro
if you guys hear it. Thank you to Vson they
to draw things to Johnny Yavallo, Shady Shaws, f one

Kappa and many of our guests. Thank you to John
Hugh Laigh, Brian Rogers, Malesquen and everyone else who's made
this project absolutely come to life and happen in reality
in the tank ball on your podcast feed. Thank you
to everyone enjoy Formula one as it's on its rice
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