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November 14, 2022 42 mins

Jana shares a story that very few people know about her intimate encounter with this year’s Sexiest Man Alive… Chris Evans! Find out if Jana thinks he earned the title.
And we hear Jana and her friends’ true thoughts on the concept of a “Hall Pass”, but what would you do if you were actually given one??

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wine Down with Jane Kramer and I Heart Radio podcast.
What a morning it's been today? And can we just
I know y' all can't see right now, but KBEs
coming in just like a beauty queen. Well, I just
woke up like that, kiddy. It's c M a night.
It is in your country musics. What are we like?

It's country Music's Academy Awards, right? Uh? I think so? So.
I used to say country music is prom but it
kind of makes it feel not as special. It's really
quite wonderful. Isn't there like drama around and period Maren
and Brittany not. Yeah, Like Marin's not coming because of
the Brittany thing. I think. I don't know. I thought

she said she wouldn't feel comfortable coming, but I would
be shocked if she didn't. Was that for this or
something else? We're going to find out. I'll be there
texting you guys all the ta. So we have a
few things that we were going to discuss today. I think, Hannah,
if you wouldn't mind coming on because they's going to

be more of like a pop culture day. Oh I
love that and so I would love it, Hannah, if
you could just run us down the first like each
kind of pop culture nugget, and then we will spill
some juice. Okay, I feel very not pop pop culture

savvy because I was like, wasn't it was like pee
Hermann's still in a fight with her. I don't know,
and that's why Hannah's coming on. So one of the
biggest topics this week that I want to discuss is
the Sexiest Man Alive. People announced that it is Chris Evans,

and I want to know your guys thoughts if you
agree with this, what you think? Are people in like
a tizzy about this? Are people mad? I don't know,
That's what I'm wondering. No, I don't think anyone's mad. Okay,
I'm curious. People are very happy about it. And he
said something like very funny about like how happy his

mom will. Oh, I did see that. That was cute.
When legend gets it, I'm gonna be like christ and
what are your thoughts on it? So I don't get it?
For what reason? Guys? Like Sexiest Man Alive is the
title of all titles? I mean, that's it's a cover.
It's like Sexiest Man Alive. I hate to judge a book,

but I'm just like I don't get it. Didn't like
Paul Rudwin sexiest Man one year. I'm pretty sure he did.
Paul was last year. YEP. So I think sexy is
all in the eye of the beholder. So that's what
I was gonna say, Like, I don't is he a
cool guy? Is he charming? Like? Is he funny? Is
he intelligent? Because then I think he could be sexy,

But we don't oh that, I mean, you're just literally,
But that's when I think one person might know in
this group what I'm going to go with you, because Okay,
so I'm saying, if you're going to put him on
the cover and you're gonna call him sexiest man alive,
and I don't get to know if he's intelligent or
funny or charming, then he better be really good looking.

You're literally just judging this person because we don't know them.
You guys, he's Captain America. I'm pretty sure he's I
think I think it's well deserved. What you know about
Captain America? Cramer, do I share? You have to know
hate to bully on your own podcast, but it looks
a little juicy. Are getting red for those of you

that can't see. So I love it when she has
to frame it when I put it in borders. Think
about how I'm going to say that Chris Evans, Well, uh,
how well do you know him intimately? Pretty well? I

never told you the story? Maybe an maybe maybe actually
keep going? How long ago? Tell me everything? Okay, guys Cramer, Okay, no,
wonder you're like, let's talk about it because a dude
that I know intimately I would want to talk about

it too. Actually, Okay, So we I honestly can't remember
how we met. Is if it was at a club.
It was before obviously, way before Instagram. So I'm gonna
say it was at a club. I was twenty six.

I was twenty six ish. He was the sexiest boy
alive at the time. He had just done like the
Scarlett Johansson movie. He was like younger, yeah, like he
was definitely known right, Like it was Chris Evans, like
he's been he was, he was in but he wasn't
Captain America yet. Okay, but he was like the heart

throb cutie. So we went on a few dates and um,
I remember one time we went to this one restaurant
on Ventura and it was like this um rib place right, Okay,
I did not see that coming. I feel like we're
playing like name announ actor and go to a awkward

meat place right again. I think I probably had a
salad because I'm like, I can't get all messy with
the ribs or whatever. Weird. So anyhoo, then we went
on another and I can't remember how many dates it was.
I just remember the last date. Do you feel like
he took you to the red place because he wants
to see how you handle the bone? Because I got

me on that it was the worst job that. It's
like a very awkward first date place. I mean really,
if you think about it, like why would you bring
a girl to go suck a bone? Weird? Weird and
or qualifying noted Chris Evans, you little genius. You're getting
sexier by the minute. Okay, okay, sorry, but that is

just the crazy and this isn't like Texas anyhow. I
can't should I say the last date or last thing
that I remember that you remember well that like there
are last interaction okay, And to this day, I'm actually
still kind of mortified. It's embarrassed though, like this is

this is an embarrassing, Like this is so embarrassing. I
love it for this part of the program. Okay, okay.
So he called me over and he had some of
his Boston friends over. So I went to his place
in Studio City and it was going to be a sleepover. Okay, okay,

and he had all of his friends there, um, and
we were all hanging out. It was a fun time,
like you know, I can chill with the like the
friends and stuff, the boy the boys. It was a
fun time. But I was getting a little sleepy, um,
and so I was like, hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna

go to bed for whatever. And so I'm dying. I
can no way I had asparagus. I've heard the story
going damn it for dinner that night. Nothing you can do,

There's just not one thing. Well, so I went to
the bathroom and he immediately went after me and like
does he have asparagus too? It was just the kind
of guy. And so that's the last interaction that I
remember as him going into the bathroom after I just
went to the bathroom with asparagus and never hearing from

him again from the morning, Like I don't we never
we didn't hook up that night he stayed up late
with his friends, and then in the morning, I was
just like, I mean, I did like the asparagus walk
of shame out of his house and never occurred from
him because of the asparagus processes a vegetable. Not the

sexiest man alive, right, I did damn him though, like
I don't know, probably like a year ago when like,
because you know, just to be like sorry about the flush,
then I didn't say that. Probably my idea was his
bathroom even clean? I mean, I can't those those memories.
I don't want to be able to equally judge him back.

That's all I'm trying to do. It was it was
a bachelor pad, right, Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So
like I can't imagine it smells like chlorox to begin with,
and I don't remember like cuddling that night. So I mean,
I just that's always been in the back of my
mind whenever I think about or see Chris Evans or
Captain America. And I'm like, I had for me to
ask a question, go for it. Good kisser, a bad kisser? Great? Good? Yeah? Okay,

so you agree with him being the sexiest man? Oh,
I think he's super sexy. I actually do too. I
think he's like crazy sexy. And he's so like he's
like Boston. I think that's just like he's like a man.
He's like sexy and like he's got like a muscles,
and I don't know, he's just he's sexy to me.
He's got a muscle. Were from Boston, He's got a muscle,

But that is that New York. And then I remember
he had said this thing how he's like actively trying
to find like his person. Remember is that when you
slid in? Probably so I'm strictly not a vegetarian and
I should catch back up. I feel as if you
should have eaten the ribs now, that would have been
better for you. I think, Okay, this is just all
very interesting. So that is my story with the Sexiest

Man Alive. And that's very He's not cute. I just
think sexiest Man Alive is like the big title, like heavyweight,
built feeling, and I just don't know that that's for me.
Who would you give the title to. Let's start with that, like, well,
there's this one guy from low Cash. Okay, I really
have not I don't have a celebrity I'm trying to
think neither one. Did you do like this? Son's an

anarchy guy too? I think he's super sexy. Is definitely
gonna get me in trouble, Haston or us. No, not
with you? So okay. I used to love Matthew McConney.
Youtiful and he's like the nicest human I know. And
remember when we were we, I was like I couldn't
even talk. I was like, Jannah, just san girl him
and I'll just stare because I love him. But then

I started watching Last Kingdom. Who's who isn't that? I
don't know? Utred That's all I know that's name and
I know if you watch it, you know he's got
a little man bun and he is just out there
saving the day. Can I show you a picture of him?
Do you like man Bun's? Yeah? See I don't. I'm
not a man bun kind of fan unless it's Charlie. Yeah,

he's he can pull off, but Charlie hunt him as
Jack's from sense of anarchy like that is my I'm
gonna go back and watch that. I think me too,
Let's do it. I know I really want to. My
husband is like convinced I have the biggest crush on
him and seally reason I like the show. It's not true,
but it is not bad. She spends the last five
minutes talking about Likesh maybe not again. I think it's

one of those things where like im him in the movie,
So let's find one where he's not in medieval times
or whatever. I mean, come on, he's got a piercing us.
I feel like you have all people, this would be
your time. I think he's he's yeah, no, he's he's
a very attractive man. Yeah um Utrad didn't get the cover.

But again I think of it as like did like
I would put Jason Bateman as the hottest man. Wow, no, no,
but I have like semi things like that too. I
think he's sexy because he's funny. That's what I'm saying, Like,
I like a funny charming but that what part is that?
What sexiest man is? Though? Like, do we take one

last year? You know what I mean? I'm not saying
that he's part of the litmust that's his name is
Alexander Draymond. I don't know if you started dating Utred
Thanksgiving would be awesome. We already have somebody. Can we
start with single, um when you are not dating, so

thank you. Um, yes again. I think it's all about
the eye of the beholder and who you might think
of sexy. I don't totally like a lot of times.
So like I like I do. I like the big
muscle guys right Like, I like that look. And then
I've got our friend who's like, I like the skinny guys.

So it's like sexy is like just so different for us. Yeah,
I like the funny, wordy guy. I like words matter.
Uh yeah, no, I need funny too. I get I
need some of you like sharpened with me or else.
I'm like Mota Jason Bateman. He wasn't married, he's thirty nine.
He's dating Alison Williams and has a kid with her.

For them, that's great for them. Well, I'm sorry to
crush your dreams of Oh, I don't want to sleep
with him. I don't want to sleep with him. I
just think, like, if you're gonna nominate like a sexy man,
that it's not my husband half of Low Cad. I
would say utred over Chris Evans, but I feel like
there's a lot of uproar about Chris Evans, and that

makes me want him to keep that forever. I think
sevens is great. It's again he reminds me like I love.
That's why I like the movie The Town, Like I
love like Ben Affleck and like those guys are like that,
like guys we grew up with. Yeah. Yeah, it's like
when Luke Hoomb sings, I feel like every guy in
my hometown gets his wings right, you know. It's like
that kind of feeling like they're just like they're rough

and tumble, like they could build you a bench in
the garage or something. I don't know. And there's something
like like even when I used to date Brandley, I
was like there's something like comforting about him because he
was he might have not been the sexiest man alive,
but it was like felt comforted, like he was like
detective protected. Yeah, like I would take Kevin Costner anyday.

I just I don't think you would have agreed with that.
I agree with especially older man. Hello, it's like my
dream there's a bodyguard, but older. There's something about the
way he ages that I'm just like, you are a
little sneaky, and it's that like just his character in

the show, like yeah, yeah, hell yeah, that's mine, girl.
You know I love an older man. So he is
and I think he's so handsome. Okay, So we got
Kevin Costner for Catherine Ughtred a Beba Month whatever, Jason
Bateman slash Charlie Hen also the guy from Let's Get

to Vote. Yeah, I want to know everybody else exactly,
all right? Moving on, Hannah, Oh Hannah, what do you
think between if you were to pick our three guys,

which one would you think? I'm like three and a half.
I would go Kevin Kevin. I'm also in the middle
of like binge watching last season's Yellowstone right now before
the news. We've been too, so do you guys know
I've not seen one episode. I can't get on board.
I try, I rewatched it, I don't rewatch it anything.

I haven't reatched it yet, but I think we're going
to um it felt slow to me? Does it pick up?
It's not slow? Definitely slow. It's definitely not slow. Maybe
we just need to get past a couple of It's
Kevin Costner, guys, you can do it. But then there's
Rip and he's produced actually too. I don't know. Rip
is a good one. Oh yeah, I've heard of him.

My friend Adam came in town last night and he
went was going out with Oh is it rip? No
was around? Oh? I just saw the Jersey shore people.
Jersey shore people. What's his name? Oh coal houser? He plays?
Who does he play? Um, let's see os. Why isn't
that coming up? I'm like something like he plays the

official street houser. He's rip, isn't that him? Yeah? That's Rip,
totally rip. He's sexy as hell too. Oh he was
a nationalist friend. I feel like, thanks for the heads up.
And look at his beautiful wife. She's so pretty, she's key,
she's gorgeous. Love. See I don't actually find him, no, no, no,
you have to watch the show attractive, Yes, agreed, watch

the show and then he's hot and then it's one
of those I feel like I picture him at a
soccer game before I picture him on right, like I
wouldn't put him, but isn't that so fun? Yeah? I
have to watch the show to he's attractive and everyone
it's literally like Jackson's Sons of Anarchy, where it's like,
oh now this photo of him, Yeah, that's hot him,
and like the whole time and he's like, oh that
is so good for me and account on the show.

Also from Yellowstone would be a good one. I saw
him out at Soho House in Nashville and I did
like a triple take. He is so handsome, like strikingly
handsome in person. Um he but and then we looked
him up and he's dating or married to like a
stunning like model like he like hello, He's one of

my favorite characters. I just like I would put him on.
He looks like one of the guys from Midlands, maybe
riding on that horse. He's my favorite. I think more
in her life guy. Okay, moving on, Okay, moving on

next topic to discuss. This one is causing a little controversy,
I would say so. J Lou, after getting married to
Ben Affleck, has now changed her name legally two Jennifer
Lopez Affleck. I believe it is the full name anyways,
last name legally Affleck Affleck. Thank god you did. I

needed somebody to get it out of our system. So
she says she did it because she feels like it's
traditional and a romantic decision. But it's causing Oh, I
guess some people don't agree, and they feel like Catherine
does not agree. I can tell no, keep going. I
agree with her. I think this is the most ridiculous.

I was gonna say, why is this even conversation that
has ever been had no offense? I just it's I'm
passionate about that because it's like, what is wrong with
taking your husband's last name? I thought the same thing.
I'm like, I think that's and because they're older, and
I feel like she's dated, like who was an a
Rod before for a long time. Yeah, Like I feel

like it is like the one thing she could do
that just really seals it because she she's always been
j Lo Like you know what I'm saying, Like, at
some point when you've had all these still long term
relations chips that like it's probably so honoring to him. Yeah,
to also be like wow, Like I mean that solidifies that.
Why is it bad to be traditional? Now? That's my

issue was like, why does everything have to just be
biblical against? Yeah, go against the grain. Janna disagrees with
some people are saying it's very old school, and that's great.
Changing your name to your husband's name dates back to
the eleventh century and when women didn't have their own
identity and you had to guys like your husband had

to buy the house and you had to have his
name for like certain things like that, and so people
are just feeling like it's very old school and that
she's kind of losing her identity. Can we all agree
j Lo could be locked in the cabinet for forty
years and never lose who she is. Absolutely, she will
always be always Jenny from the block, Yeah, forever Cramer

Jannah Kramer, who has been married and has not changed
her name with I've legally changed it more times than
I so securing, like, hey you it's up girl today.
Um listen. I you know I'll always love j Lo

because I mean, she's she's been this is her fourth marriage.
I think I love her. I love that she's just
like she loves she puts it out there and there's
a I said something to someone the other day, I said,
I will never change my name back again ever because
it's so annoying having to go change their lines and

this and the flights and the But I still will.
You will, yeah, because it's again that tradition of like,
and I will always be Jane Kramer, right, and she
she will always be j Lo, but like I will
because it's like it's it's yes, I know, it's it's
what you do, but it's still like that is like

sealing the deal. Well, I also it's just so honoring. Yeah,
and like you should take I don't know, I mean,
and then like when you have kids, like well all,
but that's my only issue though, because I'm like, let's
just say which I don't think it's going to happen,
but let's just say I had another kid. Yeah, different,
I wouldn't want my other kids to have like that.

That's tricky. That is tricky. But yeah, I mean that's
so I feel like I almost stay at Cramer because
I wouldn't want one kid to have my name and
not the other two. But the other kid is not
going to have Kramer, wouldn't it have the dads I
would have what I'm saying, so both kids don't have
my name, so not just like one, you know what
I mean? Like if I was let's just say I
was a Center Smith, then I have like Lily Smith.
But then my kids names are Causon. So I don't know. Um,

I just really love it. I think it's great. I
have no problem with it. Having said that, I do
still like the idea of I'm fine if the guy
wants to take the girl's name. M I am not
an either for that. But it goes back to that
did like, I'm fine, I don't know anyway. Also, not

to judge anyone for what they do exactly everyone. Yeah.
I Also I'm just like, why are we so? Why
does it have to even be something? That's what I
wanted to know, Like, why are we even having this conversation?
She took her husband's last name, Guys, It's like she's
not married. She also did Yeah, she's she's not doing
she's buying her own houses. I'm quite sure of that.
This isn't she's good, worried a good Okay, So this

next one I'm very interested on and did a deep
dive on last night. So do you guys know Olivia Culpo.
She has a new reality series with her two sisters
that's coming out on TLC or it might be out
by now, and they leaked a preview of their show
where she Aurora. Um. I don't know where she falls

in the lineup, but she is telling her two sisters
about how this woman has contacted her that her husband's
been cheating on her, and she approached her husband about it,
and he was honest and said that he was like
he had slept around with this woman and other things.
She then reveals to her sisters that before they got married,

she gave him a hall pass to cheat once a year.
She is now feeling like well, she says that they
didn't get he didn't want to get married, and they
got married for their family, and now she is regretting
it and feeling very cheated on and wants to take
it back. And he's not sure if he is okay

moving on in the relationship if he can't have that
hall pass once a year. And so curious to know
you guys as thoughts on this, would you ever give
your husband a Hall pass? In Detroit? In me just
wants to just drop a giant f bomb, but that
justn't know, Like, is she just a for feeling betrayed
because she gave him this hall pass? That's stuff because

she Aurora and I don't have a lot in commons.
I'm having heart Like, I just I can't understand giving
a hall pass, like again traditionalism. He just doesn't need
to be married to her. We all know where I
stand on this. Yeah, kind I wouldking never give my husband.

They can believe it because I'm gonna set you know,
because I want to ever obviously give my husband a
hall pass. Moving forward, a lot of people say, well,
monogamy is dead, and like it's um, you know, people
aren't meant to be monogamous, like they're meant to have
multiple partners, And I just call bullsh to that because

I'm like, yes, it's hard to stay in a committed
relationship because there are struggles X, Y, and z, but
like to give a hall pass. Here's the problem. That's
like when you start swinging, then other person's like, oh,
are you getting more feelings for like that person? And
like bringing someone else into the relationship is like, yes,
it works for some people, and do you but them

for that matter exactly, But like on the other side
of it, it's like it's always going to be gray.
When something like oh they might start having feelings for
their swapping partners or whatever or letting them cheat, it's like, oh,
well then and then you start thinking like oh my god,
well how do they have sex and like this, that
and the other. Like I I just think it's such
a cause for just destruction. Letting someone else into the

marriage that is just me. It works for others and
that's but for me, like I could never ever and
I don't think honestly like she gave him. She set
the stage so like I could also see him being like, well,
what the hell? Like, well, I think she has a
right to come back and say yes, I can change
your mind and I have changed my mind because how

this makes me feel and then have a discussion about it.
And if he can't do that, then she has to
make a decision on how she feels about that. But no, never,
that's a big you know what I mean? Yeah, I think, yeah,
I agree with you cat where it's like she gets
a chance to be like, hey, actually this doesn't feel good,
so can we not? But the fact that, well then

would he's like getting defensive at it. I'm like, to me,
I'm a girl. That's why I like, I don't think
he needs to be married because if he's like that's
part of it, then he probably does it. He just
wants maybe to look different. And that's how commitment doesn't
feel that way to me. So I would say not
committed relationship, an open relationship. Yeah, justlike justlike okay, so

playing a little bit of Devil's advocate. If you were,
let's say you were to give somebody a hall pass
or your partner a hall pass, do you think there
should be boundaries? Is that or parameters? I just can't
see myself giving a hall pass. I'm having a hard time.
I talk to someone who one of their parameters were

they were in an open marriage and they couldn't it
would it just had to be sex, Like they couldn't
go on dates or hold hands with other people, that
it was just like sex. This makes my stomach hurt.
I'm just like, I think we know one that if
he goes he's allowed to do whatever, but he has
to tell her, Like he's on the road, so she's like,

do what you want wherever when you're on the road,
but you have to tell me. You have to tell me.
And I'm like saying, like all of it. Yeah, it
makes me feel gross. I don't know, I mean, not gross,
but just it wouldn't work for me. Would not work
for me. I don't think i'd want to know if
that was the case. That's even worse. Yeah, I need
to know every single detail, but then I'm going to

that's going to be problematic. I often think too, Like
I'll say this, if I was to ever get into
a relationship with someone that cheated on me one time,
like let's just let's just go back to the to
the Bible Sex in the City. Steve cheated on Mirando
one time. Now, I'm all about being honest and upfront,
but the destruction that comes from a cheating one time

you make one mistake, I actually probably wouldn't want to know.
I want to know everything because the what I know
from like no, like if it's just one time and
it's never gonna happen again, like I wouldn't want to
know because I would just be thinking about it all
the time. But I'm going to be thinking about it
no matter what, and I'm going to let my mind

you wouldn't know but I did, because you don't know. Well,
like I'm saying, like if in the you know, like
the guy where it's just like, oh my god, like
you know, but I know he cheated, I will my
mind will go there no matter what, and I will
just now be imagining all that you wouldn't know that
he cheated, is what she's saying. However, it would be
worse though to find out well, obviously it doesn't know

anything about that's so then there's always like I would
figure it out. I would find out. I can guarantee
you I would, And then that's worse. I'd rather than
told me. I mean that, then that's the devil's advocate,
Like obviously I would have loved to have known. But again,
just one time, Like I don't know, it's so freaking

tough because it's like to cause the destruction in the
like like all of it. One time, it's just like, okay,
you did it one you know what, Okay, I'm gonna
I'm gonna go back on what I said. If it
was like let's say it was fifteen years ago one time,

don't tell me I am because then I'm going to question,
like then you're gonna don't just we've got a good life.
It was one time, you feel terrible about it, talked
to the pastor if they kept opposite on this, just
if it one time and the investigation has if he

hold onto it for fifteen years, like what's why why
would he bring it up now? I don't know, But
when he does, he's going to trial having said that
all Like I would have given anything for the truth,
not discoveries. So I am playing well, you're just saying
that because it's the playing it in your head and

what it does to you to know. I mean, I
can imagine that. That's so if you were supposed to
be with me and you did something with someone else,
I need to know. I don't care if it was
a hundred years ago period and I need to know
all the details. And I I like her name and her phone.
That's what I remember, like my our therapist being like
you to know all the details actually does more like

how it's like it's more damaging because and then you're
really picturing it right right right, Well, I have a
very I go it's not good for me. Yeah, I mean,
trust I get it. I mean I'm going back and
forth on even what I'm saying, because it's like either way,
how about this, don't you don't you start there? I
don't get passes? Please? Is gonna say? Is it cheating though?
If he was given a hall pass? I mean I

guess not that's true. It's not, Hannah. I mean, it
can't be. If she told him he could, but he
still did he did because it's outside of his marriage,
so it is cheating. It's either cheating and like blessed
like it was and this is why we don't do

hall passes. I don't know, we don't do all passes.
So I would say it is. But then flare, is
it for her to go back and be like, you cheated?
That's true, she can't do is cheating? She said it's okay.
I don't know. I feel like she needs to go

back and be like I take it all. Is it
like sanctioned cheating or is it I don't know. I
don't know. I think maybe since she gave him like
once a year, if he went if he had sex
with more than once a year, then you could be
considered cheating for sure. But when set those boundaries of
like once a year, I wouldn't want to know when
that one time a year was. And it's like I

feel like that's not cheating on his part. If any
guy that I date moving forward does cheat on me,
like I'm going to tip my non ball cap to
them right now and just be like go for it,
because I'm like, I am pretty fun right now. I've

always felt that way that you need more. I had
to tip off to you, but you are fun, but
you are always have been fun in that department. I
feel like you're as little a little more new. Next topic,

let's actually take a break and move back, Hannah. Are
you ready for that? Yeah, we're back. And that was

the most ron Burgundy moment we've had. That was awesome. Okay, okay,
So this one, there's some experience in this with in
your group from now in the queendom. So Bradley Cooper
and his ex Arena. Oh gosh, I probably messed that up. Anyways,

they have been spotted recently being sharing some pd A
out New York. People are saying that they're getting back together.
They do share a kid um. They started dating in
the spring of and welcome to daughter in March. Two
years later, they split after four years together, and now

her friends are not surprised, she said. They said after
the split, she really really missed him and she feels
very proud how they have been able to get along
and co parents their beautiful daughter. So now it is
I mean, not confirmed by them, but it looks like
they are pretty much back together. So my question to
all of you is is it ever a good idea

to get back with your ex is Catherine? Why did
it work? And do you think this could work. Do
you see that working long time? Long term? Who wants
to start? I think just looking at you. Oh, I
have thoughts, but I'll let ego. Well, first of all,
I have a lot of questions. Number one, Well, like

why did they break up in the first place? Um? Do?
I mean when I initially heard it, I was like,
we don't know for sure that they're back together because
they went to a party with their kid. First of all,
he was dating some like lawyer, kind of like a
uh some who who's dating someone recently, I believed. But yeah,
it looks like they're being like cozy. Yeah, yeah, I

think it depends. Um, I mean obviously obviously my answer
is yes. Um. I mean I think when you're comfortable
with somebody, it can be easy to do. Also, I
don't know obviously I got back with my ex, so yes,
obviously I think that it's can be a good idea.
But I don't know why they broke up. I don't

know any of those details. To give more, I think
it can very much depend on what caused the breakup.
The only thing that I would say to like that stuff,
it's it's obviously always best for the kids to have
their parents under one roof, right if it's in a

healthy situation, right, Like, it's it's health if they're healthy, Um,
it's it's great for them to you know, be in
under the same roof. But what I will say is
I feel like a lot of times and I I've
been talking to one of my girlfriends who's been going
through something and struggling whether to get divorced from her husband,

and they had broken up a bunch of times when
they were dating. And I asked her, I said, was
the issue that's now in the potential divorce the same
issues while you guys broke up when you all were dating.
And she's like yes, and I go, and that's it.
Like a lot of times, whatever you break up, that
issue is still gonna potentially be there. So like, and

yet we all have our stuff, right, Like every couple
is going to have their issues and in fights. But
usually what is like the main like argument or fight
or resentment or whatever it is, usually stays there and
doesn't leave the relationships. So whatever caused you all to
break up, it's probably going to roar its ugly head again.
So it's either you've got to like pinpoint it do

a lot of work on it to be able to
move on and being a healthy relationship, because if not,
it's going to come back around. Like the reasons why
you broke up always show itself again. Absolutely, So I
agree with both of you, and I like that they're
getting back together. They're beautiful couple, they are, and I like,
I just like, based on only the information in front

of me, I like that she said she missed him
when they broke up and that they're co parenting. Yeah, Like,
I'm like, you probably just go man, I mean that
was a lot of it for us, a lot of it. Um.
But yes, I agree with you. The issues will still
be there, so you have to pinpoint them and address
them and be aware of it, like hyper focused on

it almost. So I would agree with that for sure.
But I love it. I love a good redemption story,
so said amen, I have an Olivia Olivia Colpos story.
I actually do too, and I actually really like her
from what I know of her, And I actually, okay,
so I know a friend of hers that's very close

to them, and she is a precious human being and
she says really good things about Olivia. This is not
about Olivia. It's about me, okay, but I was postpartum,
uh six weeks with LEGI okay, so second baby at home,
thirty six years old, husband's traveling. Olivia says she wants
to be a singer and she wants to do a
duo with my dua duet with my husband. So six

weeks postpartum, he's going to New York to have dinner
with and business people, not just him and her. But
can we just talk about what that feels like when
this half my age supermodel that has a torso your
hashtag bleussed Olivia is doing a business dinner with my
husband six weeks postpartum. I just wanted to say that

out loud. It's not her fault, all is well, I
hear she's a really sweet, wonderful person and the people
around her are sent but you still have your man.
I just I just wanted to say it because it
really was like, in what world is that normal? What's
your story? Cramer? Well? No, I was just I was
just gonna like affirm you, like I think being the

mother of someone's child is the most beautiful human and woman.
This is why we should be married. I think a
lot of men feel that way too, though, yeah, my
house and saying much about that when he wasn't say it,
but do you know that they their baby and but

at that time it was like a side ponytail and
like a cheese stick hang out of my hoody pockets.
He's probably not like not going to soccas up. Uh.
So I did a podcast with my ax and we
talked about Olivia Culpo and Danny A Mendola and they're
still together. No no, no, no, it got it gotten

picked up in this in the press, and basically my
ex had kind of went after Olivia and then I
kind of was like, look, obviously I don't condone cheating
because they had said that like Danny had cheated. So
about a month ago, I was at Soho with this
guy um who's in football or whatever, and we were

old friends and he's like, hey, my friend Danny A
Mendola is going to come to Soho to meet us
for a drink. And I'm like oh, and then he's
like he thinks you hate him, and I was like no,
I don't at all, Like I didn't even say. He's like,
apparently you said that, like he's a cheater, and I'm
like no, no, no, no, no no, I just obviously I

don't condone cheating, and I probably said that I go no,
but it was my my pulled up the article and
was like, see it shows that, like they were basically
saying like she knew what she was doing too, and
like all those things. But I was like, I don't
have I don't know either one of them. I think
they're both lovely, and I gotta tell you what. Danny
is like the coolest dude. He was awesome, He was
so fun. Who does she date now? I have no

idea it's a football guy. I don't know. Yes, she's
dating Christian McCaffrey from the Fort and that's been a while,
right since twenty nineteen. Yeah, I mean she's stunning. I'll
probably watch show because I love watching the shows. I
started watching the Charlie and whatever. She's such an am
cute little family. She honestly is like I have a

friend that's really like with them all the time and
like she is the sweetest. So I just want to
make sure we know that's not about Olivia. For me, postpartum,
postpartum and supermodels they don't make well, honey, you're looking
like a supermodel right now, So you them. I just
want to say again that's not a We've really proud

of this ponytail. Talk to you gus next week. I
miss you.
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Jana Kramer

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