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December 30, 2023 22 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Happy Holidays and Happy twenty twenty four from iHeartRadio podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I'm Ashley Ike and Eddie of the Almost Famous podcast,
and my resolution, I feel like might be weird, but
it also could be relatable.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
I want to feel less guilty about moments of rest.
Sometimes I feel like whenever I get to just take
a breather, I shouldn't be that. I should just be
constantly productive, And I always feel guilty if I have
my son watch a little TV so I can just
snuggle with him. And then it's just like, those moments

are fine, they're great, they're needed, and you shouldn't feel
guilty about them. You don't always have to be go.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
Go go.

Speaker 5 (00:45):
I'm Ben Higgins from The Almost Famous podcast. In my
New Year's resolution is to be in better shape both mentally, physically,
emotionally and spiritually in when I'm you know, thirty five
and twenty twenty than I've ever been in my life.
And I'm taking action on doing this. There are some

boundaries and some things in my life that I'm working towards.
I think it's going to help me be a better husband,
maybe potentially one day a better father, but also just
a better human for the people around me.

Speaker 6 (01:20):
Hi friends, Happy New Year. My name is Sophia Bush.
And my New Year's resolution this year, oh boy, it
might be more of an intention. This year, I really
had to learn to take care of my health. I
think a lot of us have gone through that over
the last couple of years dealing with this global pandemic,

and I had to learn to rest and recuperate in
a way that I never have before. And interestingly, as
that lesson has come full circle for me, what I
really want to commit to in twenty twenty four is
taking care of myself better so that I can continue
to show up as an advocate for my community, because

I know that so many of us deserve better than
what we're getting in the world right now. We're fighting
back on a lot of policy that is doing community harm.
We're trying to live up to the democratic ideals of
this country, which is supposed to be equal for you
and me and everyone else. And I think for me,

the real intention of this year is to be both
gentle and ferocious with myself with my activism and in
the way that we can all stand shoulder to shoulder
to stand up for each other. I hope you are
finding your way to your intentions or resolutions, however you

like to classify them, and I wish you all a happy,
healthy and safe New Year, sending you love.

Speaker 7 (02:57):
Hey everybody, I'm t J Holmes, I'm Amy Robots, and
we of course are from the Amy and TJ podcast,
and we are here now to talk about New Year's resolutions.

Speaker 8 (03:08):
What do you got?

Speaker 9 (03:09):
Mine are very simple after the year I've had, I
would like to stay in a beautiful relationship with you,
TJ and keep this amazing job.

Speaker 5 (03:18):
And I.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
We're down to the basics here.

Speaker 4 (03:22):

Speaker 8 (03:22):
I don't really make New Year's resolutions, but I was
told by the iHeart team that I still needed to
record this with you, So here I am, and I
resolve in the new year to be nicer to the
iHeart team when they tell me I have to do stuff.

Speaker 9 (03:36):
Hi, iHeart. It's Teddy Mellencamp and my news resolution is
I don't believe in resolutions. If you want to make
a lifestyle change, you have to do it for live.
It can't be something you're going to plan for the
first week of the year and then give up on.
So I think you want to make a resolution, you
got to make the resolution to change your life, and
it's one day at a time.

Speaker 10 (03:55):
Hi, iHeart, I am tamer Judge. And my new Year's
resolution is I'm spend last time on my phone and
be more present.

Speaker 11 (04:02):
She is also a liar.

Speaker 6 (04:04):
No, I'm not.

Speaker 10 (04:05):
I'm not a big resolution person because I feel like
you set yourself up for disappointment. Just live a good lifestyle.
But yeah, so that's you know, that's my I would
say it's my goal to spend less time on my
phone and be more present.

Speaker 12 (04:19):
That's a good goal.

Speaker 13 (04:20):
Hey, everybody, this is Brian Austin Green, Dona Badges and
Randy Spelling, and we are the hosts of the Oldest
Podcast and our new year's resolution. Mine is, Honestly, I
think mine is to just be as present as possible,
to really listen, to really appreciate life, and to be
present in every moment.

Speaker 6 (04:40):
I love that.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
That's a great one.

Speaker 14 (04:42):

Speaker 15 (04:42):
I'm usually not good with resolutions because I feel if
I've set myself a hordline or a bob and I
have to hit it and I end up rebelling against it.

Speaker 13 (04:50):
How about an intention?

Speaker 15 (04:52):
An intention is the way I love to look at
this and my intentions heading into twenty twenty four is
to live so with more of a feeling of abundance
and worthiness in everything that I do, and take more
risks and trust that I can do more.

Speaker 4 (05:07):
Than I think.

Speaker 13 (05:08):
That's great, Yes, absolutely right, right. So mine is to
infuse creativity and play into everything that I do, because
there are parts of twenty twenty three that just felt
heavier and serious, and while you know every moment can't

be play and laughter, I just noticed for myself that
the more creative I am, the more that I approach
a conversation or a task that I have to do
with creativity, I show up differently, I show up curious,
I show up open, and I see things that I
don't normally see. So I know that that will be

a win for me if I could do more of
that in twenty twenty four. That's so good.

Speaker 12 (05:54):
Great intentions, that's so good.

Speaker 13 (05:57):
So happy new Year to everyone. Yes, Happy new year everyone.

Speaker 15 (06:02):
Yes, happy new year you guys. We hope you had
an amazing one and an amazing twenty twenty four.

Speaker 12 (06:07):
Okay, Hi, my name is Eric Winter, and my new
Year's resolution I have a couple.

Speaker 16 (06:11):
One is to I want to.

Speaker 5 (06:12):
Improve my overall health.

Speaker 6 (06:14):
I'm really like dedicated to try and figuring that out
and also spend more family time.

Speaker 4 (06:21):

Speaker 17 (06:22):
I'm Prosetting Sanchez, and my new year's resolution, similar to
my husband, is, I want to try to cut sugar
as much as I can. I want to be very healthy.

Speaker 9 (06:34):

Speaker 11 (06:34):
I'm Shannon Doherty host that Let's Be Clear podcast.

Speaker 18 (06:37):
My new Year's resolution is to absolutely live my best
life possible, to be healthy, to love, to embrace my friendships,
to save as many animals as I possibly can, and
to help further spreading the word about cancer, helping raise

money for research and just awareness in general. That's my
new year's resolution.

Speaker 2 (07:06):

Speaker 19 (07:06):
I'm Scott Patterson from the I Am All In podcast
and my new year's resolution is to donate more time
and more money to my favorite causes. Happy New Year everyone,
and made the road rise up to meet you all
in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 20 (07:22):
Hey guys, I'm Jackie, I'm Jen and we are two
Jersey Chase.

Speaker 11 (07:26):
What's your new Year's resolution?

Speaker 14 (07:27):

Speaker 20 (07:28):
Okay, my new year's resolution is to continue surrounding myself
with people who make me feel good and not surrounding
myself with people who don't make me feel good, and
you can read into that if you want. But just
want to be around people who bring me peace.

Speaker 11 (07:46):
My new Year's resolution, when it's the same as it
was really last year, side of the shallow ones I have, well,
not really shallow, but exercise more and eat more healthy,
but is to not be such a people pleaser. And
you know, in terms of what we do, you're not
supposed to be right. You want to give your opinions,
and you want to give them in a way that

is strong, make no mistake about it. But not just
on the housewives. I mean, I just I feel like
I do sometimes tell people what they want to hear,
and it certainly doesn't make for a great housewife. I
don't want to be mean. I don't want to say
things in a way that is that is nasty and upsetting.

But I do feel like at times I just try
to keep the peace. And let's forget about do the
housewives for a moment, but in general, all right.

Speaker 20 (08:35):
So jen's going to be a starter in twenty twenty four,
I can't wait for it all right? Then, then my
resolution is not going to vibe with yours, because I'm
gonna have to stay away from.

Speaker 11 (08:47):
You I don't want to start. I do that like
be able to speak my mind in a way that
is respectful and authentic.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
Okay, I like it, Yeah, I like it all right.

Speaker 20 (08:57):
Thanks guys, Happy New Year, Thank you so much.

Speaker 11 (08:59):
Happy New Year.

Speaker 6 (09:00):
Hey everybody.

Speaker 19 (09:00):
Chris Harrison here, hosts of the most dramatic podcast ever,
wishing you a very happy new year. The turning of
a page a new chapter. My new year's resolution in
twenty twenty four to drink even better wine, eat better food,
spend more time with the family. That is my resolution.

Sounds like a good year.

Speaker 11 (09:22):

Speaker 21 (09:23):
This is Jenna Ashkwitz from and That's what You Really
Miss podcast, and my goals for twenty twenty four are
to read more, to have a little bit more patience
with myself, and to be really mindful with my time.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a
happy new year.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
This is marisoul Patent from I Port Forward podcast, and
my new year's resolution this year is to be an
even more amazing wife than I already am.

Speaker 6 (09:57):
Man God that so.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
I love my husband so much, and he's so good
to me, and he's so kind, and I always feel
like I'm just not as good as he is. I
want to be as good as his. I want to
be better because he deserves better. So I got to
work on that. You know, he likes to go out
and I never want to go out. I can help
you with that going on. I know you go out
every night. Yeah, you can help me with that.

Speaker 22 (10:18):
I make my husband very happy you do.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
It's okay. What's your neighbor's resolution.

Speaker 22 (10:23):
I'm Alexi Dapola with I Put Forward podcast, and my
New Year's resolution is, you know, to dedicate time to
my family and friends, because I feel like a lot
of times we get lost, you know, and you know
time goes so quickly and then you just wake up
and you're like, oh my god, I haven't seen her
talk to his friend in such a long time or
to a family member. So my personal things are really

about family and friends.

Speaker 11 (10:47):
They're really never like about me, like oh, get on.

Speaker 6 (10:49):
A diet or like weight.

Speaker 3 (10:51):
You can do that anytime.

Speaker 22 (10:52):
Run ten miles.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
I'm gonna jump you and tell you you're an amazing mother.
You spend all your time with your sons, you really do.
I don't know how you do everything and run the
salon and you make time for your friends too. You
call me all the time and talk and make sure
that we're connected. You're great at all of that. You
don't need to be any better than you are.

Speaker 14 (11:11):
Thank you me.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
You're a beautiful wife too.

Speaker 22 (11:14):
You're so good to see me bring him so much
joy and happiness.

Speaker 14 (11:18):
This is Rachel Levis from Rachel gos Rogue. My New
Year's resolution is to take everything I've learned this year
and apply it to become the best version of myself.
I will continue to focus on my mental well being
and work to destigmatize asking for help. I intend to
create an environment that allows me to live with integrity,

that inspires creativity, and provides a sense of serenity. I
will no longer enable others by harboring the secrets I've
been expected to keep.

Speaker 12 (11:49):
I'm Daniel Fischel, I'm right or strong, and I'm Wilfredell
from Podmet's World.

Speaker 23 (11:53):
Do you guys have any New Year's resolutions?

Speaker 12 (11:56):
Such boring ones? They're just the most basic, like exercise more,
uh huh, drink less, don't overeat you know, like I'll
just like the regular ones. Yeah, I don't think I
ever have like a that interesting or unique of it.
And it's the same every year, right, It's always like basically, just.

Speaker 19 (12:13):
Take better care, take better care of yourself.

Speaker 12 (12:15):
Always it comes down to like, yeah, did I trash
my body in some capacity or didn't exercise enough.

Speaker 16 (12:21):
That's essentially mine too, But I'm getting more specific with
it this year, like et no. For instance, in the
first six months of the year, I'm going to get
myself in the best shape I've ever been in my life.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
That's that's a goal.

Speaker 16 (12:34):
It's and it's going to be whether that means hiring
people to help me, getting a meal plan, whatever I
have to do to invest in myself the first six
months of the year, I'm going to So I've already
made that plan. I've already started to put that plan
into action. So hopefully that is and and all the
things you said go along with that. You know, I'm
gonna do dry January at least, and I'm hope I'm

gonna hope that actually extends to farther farther than that,
and yeah, so kind of the same stuff like that. Yeah,
and I want to get my superpower. But that's always
that's sure year, that's my every year thing. So this
could be the one.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
I like it, Danielle.

Speaker 23 (13:12):
I usually I don't really call them like resolutions. Of
course they are like going back, I had I found
my notes from like my twenty twenty goals. Okay, uh
my one of my twenty twenty goals was that our
podcast would be successful.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Ooh hey, and I like had things yeah, that.

Speaker 12 (13:33):
Was when we were first talking about it.

Speaker 23 (13:34):
First talking about it, I wrote, I just said podcast successful.
And then I had things like I wanted to release
five new be Free products. So those were some of
like my professional goals going into this next year. Last
year I was able to direct my first primetime TV show,
and last year one of my goals was to direct

for a channel other than Disney Channel, not because I
don't love Disney Channel, but because as I just wanted
to expand my direction. I was able to do that,
so that this year I want to do even more
of those. There's some be Free stuff that I want
to do. I would love to try and get be
Free into a store, so not you know, like a

brick and mortar store, so it's not just direct to
consumer and QVC. And then personally, my real number one
personal goal for twenty twenty four is for my marriage.
I finally feel like with Keaton being you know, two
and a half now he'll be three next year, I
feel very much like I've come out of the sort

of fog that the first two years of having two
kids had me in, which was very much like everything
revolved around all hands on children, all hands on, hands
on deck and Jensen and I just kind of looked
at each other and we were like, love you, We're
in this, but exactly our relationship is going to have
to go to the wayside for a little bit. And

now I feel like they're in. The kids are in
a really good place. They're really solid, We've got good
routines down, they're a little easier, and so this year
I want to make a priority to have just as
much of a focus on the health and wellness of
our marriage, and that involves having a date night, whether
that's night or day afternoon. Sure, I just want to
find more time for us to do things together. So

a focus on my marriage and professionally I've got I've
got all kinds of things that looking forward to. What
do we let's discuss a podcast full for this next year.
What do we think is that we've already talked about
that for twenty twenty four, we're toning down some of
the live shows.

Speaker 16 (15:40):
Yep, there are just too many.

Speaker 12 (15:42):
There were wonderful, we're them down. Toning them down sounds
like we're changing the tone of the show.

Speaker 23 (15:48):
Where wing down the number we're doing less of them. Yeah,
and so what do we what are your what are
your podcast goals? What are your pod meets world goals
for twenty twenty four?

Speaker 12 (16:01):
I mean, I always love the parts of the podcast
that I don't expect, you know, So I would say,
like I want I want to I would like to
move beyond just recapping or just interviewing and finding, you know,
like when we did the drafts, I thought that was
super fun and like reinvigorated. So I'd like to discover
something something new about this show or each other that

you know, we might not necessarily have in our minds
right now, that we haven't planned. I love the like,
the surprises are always the best part of doing this podcast.
So yeah, I love forger surprises. So being open to them,
I guess is a resolution, right right, opening new idea
and trying different things and like stretching a little bit.

Speaker 23 (16:39):
Yeah, and instead of figuring out whether or not we
want to do it, because do we think it's going
to go over well, just being like, let's do it
and see what happens. Being accepting a failure in the
hopes of possibly finding gold.

Speaker 11 (16:49):
I love that I'm going to take yours cool.

Speaker 23 (16:53):
Happy New Year to both.

Speaker 11 (16:54):
Happy be New Year.

Speaker 4 (16:56):
Hey, it's Bethany Frankel from Just b and rewives New
Year Resolutions.

Speaker 5 (17:01):

Speaker 4 (17:02):
I never make New Year's resolutions. Last year I made
a resolution for the first time in a long time
that I would learn how to do my makeup. I
can't say it was necessarily just a New Year's resolution,
but it was something overall that I really wanted to achieve.
And as a result of me trying to do my

own makeup because I was watching makeup videos, I was
also like contemplating moving towards retiring in some fashion, like
really slowing down. And that's when I started doing just
wacky videos using stuff that was in my drawer that
I didn't understand or know what it was, or some
makeup artists left it and ended up comparing it to

drugstore stuff, and just was playing around. I barely knew
how to do I didn't know how to actually post
a post. I just looked on the phone and figured
out that you could just post a post it. I
still don't know how to edit one, or make something shorter,
or put the end of something in the I just
post it, And I don't know how to do any

other tricks or filters or gimmicks or stuff. I just
know how to post, which is probably why people complain
about my lighting and my posts or a train wreck.
So I guess having some version of a resolution did
lead to an entirely new chapter as an accidental influencer.

So when asked what my New Year's resolution is this year,
I struggle. In many ways. I've already started my New
Year's resolution because I've been stressed a bit lately and
noticed that the way I've been handling myself has been
a lot better, just being calm like, not getting activated
about it, and I observe my own behavior and commend

my behavior. I would also say to continue a journey
that I started somewhere maybe halfway through twenty twenty three,
with no resolution in mind, that not everything needed to
be said, and that it was easier and less stressful
and less activating to just not only find the positive,

but just ask questions about thought provoking topics in a
more positive way. That you get more bees with honey
than you do with vinegar, and that I have a
daughter who I'm a role model for, so I don't
want to get myself into drama unnecessarily if it's really

not that important to me. I think coming off of
the Housewives, I was so used to arguing for so
long that I got used to just being known and
celebrated for that, for the conflict, for the snarky lines,
for the one liners, and spending a quarter of my
life on reality television, I became trained to kind of

be in conflict in some way, subconsciously or consciously. And
then one day I just decided I didn't want to
be in conflict anymore. It just wasn't fun, it wasn't positive,
it wasn't enjoyable. And it might be a quick hit
for something that you say that you may even really mean,
but it's not necessary. Some things are necessary to say

and some things are not, and you have to pick
your battles. And my New Year's resolution every year will
be to try less to sweat the small stuff, and
to try to stay out of the weeds and to
empower and educate others to be able to get into
those weeds for me and hope that they can handle it.

It is not easy to deal with all my weeds,
so hopefully somebody can do.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
It this year.

Speaker 24 (20:50):
Hey guys, it's Jana Kramer from the wind Down podcast
on iHeartRadio. Well, first and foremost, I just want to
say happy New Year's Happy twenty twenty four. We're in
a new year and it's a new start. It's a
fresh start for all of us, and that's what I
think is so exciting about the new year. I know
it can seem overwhelming, especially with making those New Year's resolutions.

So here's something that I do that I think could
also be helpful for those that feel that overwhelmed feeling
of having a New Year's resolution and then going, oh wait,
what was it again, and not sticking to it. So
I read this book called The Happiness Project, and basically
that book was every month, you make a resolution or
what you want to do different that month. So maybe
one month is I'm going to stop swearing as much.

Maybe the next month is I'm going to be more
positive and not be so pessimistic. I'm definitely going to
add that one back in. Another one is I'm just
going to be happier and not stressed. So my wish
for all of you this year is to not only
believe that it's going to be an amazing new year
for all of us, but to go into the new
year positive and having that train of thought, because that's

going to be My biggest resolution for this year is
to be more positive, less pessimistic, more half full than
half empty. And every month I'm going to set out
an intention for that month and really try to stick
to it, and I hope you guys do the same.
So happy New Year. Let this be the best new
year for all of us.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Hey everyone, I'm Dean.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
Bell, I'm Caitlin Bell, and I'm Jared Habn and we
are the hosts of Help we Suck at being newlyweds.
My new Year's resolution Jared this year is to just
get super buff.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
I want to get as buff as I possibly can't.

Speaker 20 (22:28):
My new year's resolution is to meet new people, my
new friends.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
We're moving to a new city, so that.

Speaker 6 (22:36):
Is my goal.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
And my new year's resolution is to make sure that
this podcast goes on into twenty twenty five.

Speaker 6 (22:42):
That's probably the best one out there.
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