All Episodes

January 8, 2024 48 mins

Jana and her friends talk to Jackie Goldschneider and Jen Fessler from The Real Housewives of New Jersey for an honest discussion about Ozempic, relationships with food, and how to be vulnerable about struggles with self-image.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heeart Radio Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Okay, welcome back, ladies, twenty twenty four, coming in, hot, hot,
not a breath.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
We got a birthday.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Girl, sitting over here, we do Happy birthday? Oh do
you celebrate? What are you doing to celebrate? I actually
am being whisked away when locally tonight? Oh sir South
Hall love? I know, just a good night away? Good
are you getting? Get me dinner? I don't know, Okay,

should I not?

Speaker 4 (00:39):

Speaker 3 (00:39):
No? No?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Should I not? I can't tell by your face if
I want that. I think I want that, But they're okay,
so oh gosh, happy birthday. Tell me well, I feel bad.
I don't just say it. I go ahead. But I
love that place. It's amazing. Went with Alan for his birthday,

and then I went a time before when I was
pregnant with Pam and i'd gotten a massage, or with
Pam and pregnant, Yes, I said, when I was pregnant
with Pam, you know, yeah, yeah. And when I got
a massage, one of the guys he breathed on me

so much. No, and I was like, I kept moving
like way, you know. And at the time I was pregnant,
so I wasn't. I don't want people to someone breathing
in my face. You know you're not pregnant. I don't
want someone breathing. I'm all same. But also I was
just even more I think, a high alert to it.
Then when I went back and you know, when you're

in the waiting room and I'm thinking to myself, well,
I'm not going to get that person because that was
a prenate massage, so like I should be fine, and
then this person walks in. Now I was just like, okay,
maybe he was just having like stuff he knows that
day and wanted to breathe through his mouth and out
through his mouth. Maybe he was asthmatic. I don't know.
I'm trying to give girl, like the whole time it
was like in my face, like in my face, Like

there's very few professions that like that really matters. That's
one of them. But I know they have to breathe,
so like how so that But then my entire massage,
I'm thinking, well, how else would he be doing it
because I'm.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Like, right, but I'm just trying to think. I've never
noticed breathing before that. Maybe it's just really close, like
are they usually that close where you can feel their
breath on you.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
I've had a lot of massages, and I don't, I know,
I can't think that's never been an issue. Well, because
he was or this person went up like from underneath
my back. Oh I let you love that though. And
then but so this person's face was very close to
them my face, and I was like, and I was just.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
Like, ah, is your face covered or your eyes?

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Yeah? Yeah, so I just read and it was like
doughnut FaceTime and you could just turn verse breathe away
back there, big guy. But so that's a great place.
I'm glad he's taking your way. Yeah, it's good. What
happened this morning? What do you mean? You said you
didn't sleep and you and yeah, you guys my sweet

redneck husbind I knew he was up to something. I
could hear him like really wrestling around in the kitchen.
And we always do birthday breakfast table that's just like
our little family thing. So you wake up and the
table's always big, right, so it's like balloons or whatever,
and it's like it's like almost midnight, and I'm like
hearing all the wrestling around. I cannotigure out what's going on.

I hear the garage door, I hear it closed, I
hear it open, I hear it close. I hear the
like the of like balloons like hitting each other. And
I'm like, oh, okay, he's busy. Okay, Webster's here. He's
got his little flotation devices. I'm like, okay, that's fine.
Then all of a sudden, I hear the biggest pop,
like a gunshot. He has popped a balloon. He has
a helium tank. I don't even know what he got

all of this in the garage. And then I got
nervous about like heat and cold and gas, and I
just was going back through like my science lessons. I'm like,
it's something bad gonna happen in our drop Like I
just couldn't. Anyways, Cat and I met on Instagram at midnight.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
She was like over here, like, how am I supposed
to go to bed now? Because over the break we
just go to bed late. I mean, I got older kids.
We go to bed late, we sleep in later, you know.
And so I'm like sitting here and I'm like, so
I'm just like scrolling. I'm like, I gotta go to bed.
I gotta And then you were posting. I was busy,
Happy birthday to everybody.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
I love you. Well, the balloon thing made me think
when because we do the same thing. I have balloons
for the kids, yeah, or you know, Alan had beautiful
forty balloons for me. And so when it was his birthday,
I'm like, well, I'm gonna get him bos too, but
I'm gonna be really stealthy about it, right, so he's
not even going to know I'm going to get the
balloons because I'm going to be home obviously with the babes.
So I sent Maggie out. And Maggie's a girl that

sometimes helps when when she's not working, and and so
I was like, hey, Maggie, you do me a huge
favorite today. Do you mind running to party sitting and
grabbing some balloons? And then when in his office, I'm
going to have you bring the balloons into the secret
room closet so he can't see them. Well, I guess
his meeting ended soon, and so there's Alan in the garage.

I'm coming out and I just see Maggie walking up
the driveway with forty three balloons, and I'm.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
Like, Maggie, go back.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
But it's like, you know, which is why I've been
out of breath for the last five minutes. And so
then you know, he walks. I was like Turner, and
so it was bruined at that point, just turn I
was like, okay, fine, just keep walking up. I can't you.
Happy forty three, I literally looked at Preston he got
in bed, and I said, I really love you and
party City will never hire you.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
And it was like, that's.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Really just fair.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
That's just fair.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Oh, guys, Happy twenty four. We've done it. Do you guys?
Are you guys doing any resolutions this year?

Speaker 1 (05:56):
I mean, I don't necessarily do resolutions, but like I
try to, like, do you pick a word? No, I
just kind of like, I mean, I guess they're resolutions.
I just don't, you know, I just start trying to
get my life in order. So my priority is for
are getting your life in order?

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Cat trying Kat tell everybody what you did twice yesterday
I walked by to your friend. Hey, it was like
twenty degrees. First of all, I was like, thirty, but
your health is seems to be a resolution this year.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Yeah, And honestly, I really started last year really making
a lot of changes that I just wasn't very vocal about,
but just trying with my diet and walking more. I mean,
I've been walking at home more, but like to take
two walks on one day is not something when that's
normally hold out. Yeah, but I also been taking the
dog and he's like a really good dog and he's

kind of fun to like train and work with and stuff.
So that's been kind of fun. But yeah, so health
stuff and like spending more time in the word and
you know, just stuff like that. Just that everything that
I feel like just goes. You know, it's just easy
when you get busy and everything just I'm like, okay,
everything is busy, but like I can schedule this out
and I can make it work.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Yes you can. Yeah, I love that. I'm so proud
of you about y'all. Yeah, you like to schedule. You're
good at scheduling. I do like to schedule. So we're
doing something really fun this year that I kind of
want to challenge you guys to do too, and everyone
else that's listening. It's been really fun. So sometimes you're
idea in fun and my idea of I'm tiny different. You'll

like this one, okay, Okay, she won't. Probably okay, but
I hope you like it. Okay, yeah, okay. So for resolutions,
I obviously every year I've been writing on my pad
outside on or not work wherever we write it. But
on Christmas, no on New Year's Eve, I write all
the goals I look back on the years before, going Okay,

you know, have I crossed that off yet or do
I still is that still a goal or whatever? And
then kind of what's in and out, what I'm taking
the next year and when I'm leaving, but when I
also do With Alan and I, we did a relationship
one so personally what we want for our relationship and
kind of goals for us, and so we wrote on
there we said, you know, to challenge each other because

we want to, you know, challenge each other to be
the best version of ourselves. Blah blah blah. So I go, well,
wouldn't it be really cool since it's hard for us
sometimes to do our own New Year's resolutions, what if
we challenge each other every month. So I'm the first
of every month, for a week, we have to challenge
our partner to do something every day for one week

of that month. So and then it changes and you
can so you can. So I would say to Catherine, Okay,
we'll just I'll just tell you ours so for the
month of jan So for the one week in January,
from you know, January first to January seventh, he has
to do what I say. Now, it's not like a
have stuck with me every day.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
You know.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
It has to be something that helps them grow or
helps them or or you know, if I'll just tell
you what ours so, because it'll make sense. So his
is he has to pray at dinner over the food
for one week, every dinner meal. I love. I love it.
And his for me is every morning I have to

wake up and say to him I'm an amazing mom,
I'm an amazing guy, like I have to, which I
struggle saying certain things, and so I have to say
that every day for a week. Did you do it?
I have done it. Well, it's only world say we're
on day We're on day three. So yeah, it's hard.
I started crying when he wrote down. He goes, I

want you to say this every single morning, and I
just started crying and I was like, I don't think
I'm gonna be able to do that. And he's like,
you have to great but it was sweet because that's
something that he knows that I need to work on.
And then I've seen then there's things that I you know,
I do something motivational for him to say, probably in

the next couple of months, were the area that I
need that I know he needs maybe some guidance or
not guidance, but some support around.

Speaker 5 (10:04):
So I don't know.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
I think it's just like a really cool thing as
a couple to do together. But also I'm going to
try a version of it. Okay, I am married to
someone who will not do things in order like that.
Got it. He's not a coach with the whiteboard and
I see where this is and he doesn't have a
laptop in his lap right now. But I do think
we can do something similar, like I'm going to edit right.

But I love this and I think it's great because
it's not every day. It's the first of the month
for a week, and then maybe it becomes a habit.
Who knows that every morning, I'm not going to wake
up saying that thing, even though I should because it'll
help motivate me and whatever. But maybe you will kind
of tech. I don't think he'll pray every meal, but
at least it's getting comfortable with maybe praying or comfortable

affirming myself.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
So things like that, Well, I think it's just good too,
because you've got someone else, Like it's not just what
you think that you need to work on, right, or
not even work on, but that would be helpful for.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Ourselves to grow or whatever.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
It's someone else's who's with you all the time, who
sees what might be beneficial for you that.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
I think maybe the next month. And then, since he
doesn't listen, I'll say it. But he doesn't ever take
a break because he's always working so hard. Every day.
You have to do something for a week for yourself
for one hour. That's they can not involve work. It
has to be sitting still or watching or just something. Yeah. Yeah,
So anyways, but we have some amazing guests coming on.

I'm excited. Agay. We've got Jackie and Jennifer coming on.
They've got a podcast called The Two Jays Two Jersey,
Two Jersey Jays their housewives on Real Housewives of Jersey.
So let's take a break and then get them on.

Speaker 5 (11:57):

Speaker 3 (11:58):
Hi, nice to meet you.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
But I'm so excited. I love it, so are we
you guys? Are adorable. Thank you for coming on. I
love that that we're all on. iHeart and you've got
a podcast, Two Jersey Jays, which is so fun, and
the last couple episodes, you know, you guys have really
put it out there and in very authentic ways, and

so we appreciate that very much. And a lot of
the topics too we we talk about on here and
so yeah, so we're just we're happy to have you on.
So thank you.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
Well we are big fans as well. Mutual admiration. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (12:42):
So we're actually talking about you know, uh, New Year's
resolutions and health and prioritizing our health and what we're doing,
and we're Kat and I are actually starting a what
are you going to do with us Pam's program? I
am not okay, I'm doing my own. We've got a
friend that grows the abs in our sleep right now.
She's incredible and I'm just a little bit maybe behind,

so maybe I'll catch the next cycle. But you guys
both have been very open about your journey, you know,
with with a weight loss and then struggling with with
an eating disorder. So first of all, is that something
that even though there's how do I say this, there's
they're different, but they're still the same with struggles. So

is that something that you guys have come together on
with that?

Speaker 6 (13:32):
Yeah, I think that we can appreciate more the struggles
that each other has because we've had We've each had
our own. So Jen hasn't had the eating disorder that
I've had, but she's had her own issues with with
weight and eating disorder is a totally different one. So
because of our our shared history with both struggling, you know,

with this weird relationship with food and body image, I
think we can appreciate what the other one is going through.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Yeah, they definitely we are.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
You know, eating to sort ofs take all different kinds
of forms, and I think, just like a lot of
like addictions or like an anxiety disorder versus a depression,
it's all sort of under the same umbrella, right, but
it may not take the exact same direction. So in
my twenties up into my early thirties, I was severely bliemic,

and Jackie never really struggled with bolimia as much as anorexia.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
So, Jen, so are you are you currently on ozembic
or you've.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
Taken it before, You're semi glue tide.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Okay, so I have several Yeah, I have several friends
that take a form of it. I mean I've got
friends who've lost over one hundred pounds. I mean that
swear by it. You know, couldn't get off of it,
just because it's changed their life so much from being
overweight their entire life. But I on the yet flip

side where Jackie has spoken out about, you know, I
always worry about the likelihood of that turning into an
eating disorder. And I know, Jackie you've kind of spoken
about that, but tell us a little bit your thoughts
on that, because, like I worry about my friends. I'm like,
at what point do you literally have to stay on
it for the rest of your life and you just
hardly ever eat or you come off and then you're like,

oh wait, you have to starve yourself.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Like how do you feel about that?

Speaker 6 (15:25):
Yeah, well, I feel I have a number of concerns.
So I understand why people would be on it, and
I think it's wonderful for people who have, you know,
binge eating disorder or are obese and really need this medication.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
To change their life.

Speaker 6 (15:40):
What makes me nervous is, you know, I have skin
in the game when it comes to eating disorders. I
know how they destroy your life. I know how they
creep into every aspect of your life. So my concern
is that, you know, this drug hasn't been around for
that long for non diabetic patients, so we don't really know,
oh how it affects your body when you don't have diabetes.

So my concern is that in a few years from now,
they're going to start seeing side effects that they didn't
see it first, and people are going to have to
go off these drugs, and what then You're going to
have all these people who are suddenly going to wake
up and realize that they want to stay thin and
they don't know how to do that now without these drugs,
and you're going to have all of these people with

newly formed eating disorders. That's that's one concern of mine.
And also, when you're taking these drugs and you know,
your appetite is a fraction of what it was when
you're going for your like one meal a day or
however much you're eating. Most people that I know who
are on these drugs are not looking for like a

well balanced like Broccolian protein and ratio to carbon fiber.
They're eating like whatever they feel like eating because they
can for the first time in their life. And so
you're having a lot of people with a severe amount
of muscle loss and a lot of malnutrition, and that's
going to start to show in you know, a few
months a year from now.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
Yeah, I mean, that's that's kind of what I've seen
from my friends is the same. Like the food that
they are eating is not nutritious. And I mean, I'm
very guilty of eating not the best foods and I'm
you know, I don't eat the healthiest, but that that's
my concern when they come off of it. So, Jennifer,
so how do you do? You try to eat just balanced?
So when you do you plan on coming off of it? Like,

what's your plan with it?

Speaker 6 (17:30):

Speaker 4 (17:31):
Well, firstly, I'm not I'm not really scared of the
long term effects. I for whatever reason, I think medications
come out when they're approved for weight loss. I kind
of I'm going to trust the FDA. Maybe that's naive.
I'm not saying that it's not. It's just where I
come from. So I'm not really that concerned about the

long term effects. And I plan on staying on it. Yeah,
my dosage is lower than it used to be, but
I'm not in a hurry to come off it. I
had an issue with it at the beginning because I
was doing what you described. I was eating for the
first time in my life. I was eating, surviving on
bagels and pizza and not really losing weight, but also

having this freedom right like I never got to do
that my entire life. The obsession and the noise in
my head over what I was eating and how much
of it and how much I should loathe myself for.

Speaker 3 (18:26):
It, it was just always there.

Speaker 4 (18:28):
So for the first time, I those that the noise
quieted down and I could eat what I wanted, still
lose weight and not binge in the way that I
had my whole life. But those are not the instructions
that come along with these medications, and there are specific
instructions like you know, change your habits. You've got to

drink water because sometimes there are issues. There are gastro
intestinal issues and tip my doctor said take me or
last I ignored all of it, and I had an
issue you with my bowel and it was not pleasant
at all. Having said that, I'm still on it, I
have not had an issue because now I am doing
things very differently just in terms of and I'm eating.

The way that I eat now is not the way
I ate when I was on I mean, there's so
many diets, weight watchers or what. The way that I
eat eat now is maybe more how a naturally thin
person eats, but also a conscious thin person. So you know,
I may have I don't know, a bagel in the morning,
but now I'm making short lunch to have vegetables and

fiber and protein because you also do lose muscle. Jackie's right,
So I'm you know, I enjoyed that first part of
it where I was like, wow, you know, party time,
I keep whatever I want. It's different now, and I'm
much more conscious of it than I was.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
I have heard from a lot of people that the
relationship with food has changed, but so I don't know
how it's working for like in your inner circle. But
I think the big this issue that I have like
kind of come to understand here because I really did
dive into this, so I too struggled with bolimia for
like a lot of years. I think I think you're right,
it's associated with anxiety. The control for me always right,

like I could be the boss of that when I
could be the boss of nothing. But I started really
researching it because we like especially in like my husband's
in the music industry. I've seen a lot of it
in our music industry specifically. I started to understand that
there's just a lot of people going and being injected
by people that maybe aren't qualified maybe to give the injections.
They're not doing like proper blood work to know if

there even is any sort of like resistance to insulin
or whatever, to see if it even works for your body.
So I've had a lot of friends be really super
sick for weeks at a time. Did the person that's
administering it to you, like, did you do any of
the blood work that they kind of go over all
of that with you.

Speaker 4 (20:48):
I did it at the beginning, and I still do
it every month, so yeah there, Yeah, I mean I
go to someone who is the person that I see
is a physician's assistant in conc hacked with the physician.
So I always have to go and I have I
stand on that thing where you put your thumbs like
this and it measures your body fat and your muscle mass,

and then I get my blood drawn to you know,
see what the levels are. I'm also fifty five years old,
so I'm in menopause and I'm taking through the same office.
I'm taking hormones, so that's really heavily regulated as well,
so I'm constantly just giving my blood out all the time.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Well, and the testosterone too, does change like testosterone imbalance
and estrogen imbalance, Like it does change our metabolism so much.
I know that personally. Right now, we're postpartum six months
and they just did the blood draw and the hormones
are like helping me metabolize differently too, which is crazy,
right right.

Speaker 6 (21:44):
Well, you know what scares me though, is like, you know,
because of my history, I'm looking at this a little
bit differently, and I'm looking ahead and saying, so where
are we going? You know, like every day there's more
and more people on this. Is it one day going
to be completely unacceptable to be overweight because there are
all these drugs at your fingertips? Is it gonna be okay?

For Like, I've got a thirteen year old daughter, Like
if she starts to hate her body and sees everybody
in the world on these drugs losing weight, you know
they're currently in review with the FDA to be approved
for minors. Like what then, like, so what one day
everybody is going to be skinny and it's going to
be unacceptable to be overweight, and you're gonna have to

give up your healthy relationship with food in order to
fit in. I just it scares me where it's going,
because I just went through this overwhelming recovery to land
back on this side of things, and just to see
the whole world going in a different direction, which I.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
One hundred percent everything that Jackie says.

Speaker 4 (22:46):
I mean, that's why we can have this discussion because
I respect everything she's saying as I think she does
I have to say, and I totally get where she's
coming from. I also see it as there's so many
morbidly open, these people who have not been able to
get relief from that addiction of compulsive overeating.

Speaker 6 (23:08):
Right, That's not who I'm talking about though.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
Yeah, So, I mean, but you can differentiate, like let's
say that everybody's going to get thinner as opposed to
everyone there's so many that are or people that are
like myself.

Speaker 3 (23:19):
I am. I come from eating disorder. I'm a big drinker.

Speaker 4 (23:23):
I've talked about this quite a bit, and I back
when years ago, i'd actually been checked myself into an
outpatient program because I was really worried about my relationship
with alcohol and I was that sort of mommy juice
thing that was going on.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
And I haven't I felt like that in a long time.

Speaker 4 (23:43):
But since I started taking semi glue Tide, I feel
almost like an aversion to it, and I don't. I'm
not interested in on a nightly basis pouring wine or
really wine at all. For whatever reason, I still drink,
but it's so much different than it was, and now
they're saying that it's really going to help with addiction.

Speaker 3 (24:05):
I hope I.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
Get your point, though, Jackie, because I feel like even Kat,
you struggled with wanting and it's like Cat, I think
you look great, you know, and it's like, why do
you think you have to be skinnier like or because
it's like you, You're like, you look great.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
My problem is is I feel I agree with but
both of y'all are saying same, like, yeah, legitimately, both
of y'all completely like I would love to get on it.
Cut my appetite in half because I have a huge appetite.
When I want to eat, I want to eat bad
and you know, but on the other hand, I think
of my daughters and I think of this is not
what I would ever ever want for them. And I

don't want a world where everyone is just has to
be skinny, like guess what, Like you know, everyone has
different bodies. But I also see my friends who were
two three hundred pounds who needed to lose that one
hundred plus. But you know, so it's like, that's my
struggle is I agree just wholeheartedly with what both of
y'all are saying, and so I've just I mean, I'm
not on it, haven't gotten on it, but I'm also

not against getting on it, you know.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
So we like that, like when you guys agree with
both of us.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Yeah, you genuinely do.

Speaker 6 (25:07):
People see both sides of this. Most people do, and
that's the struggle is you don't want to want it,
but a lot of.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
People I appreciate you sharing well both of you guys too,
But Jennifer, I feel like a lot of people go,
oh my gosh, how did they lose that weight? And
it's like you being vocal about it, going Okay, yes,
I had help and I'm changing my habits. But when
we look at people in the media, going, man, they
lost that weight so fast, and like, what am I
doing wrong? And then you start to doubt yourself. But

then it's like, hey, if you're saying you're being vocal
about something, and then it's like, okay, they had help too.

Speaker 4 (25:41):

Speaker 2 (25:41):
The flip side is like, these wrinkles don't go away
by themselves. I do boto, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
But I do think the flip side of that is now,
anytime anyone loses a substantial amount of weight, we just
assume they're lying way this.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Way, and everyone thinks that he's on like some injection,
and I'm like, no, he's actually just fine only at
almost fifty, like cleaning up his diet and eating correctly,
and you know, men, you know, always lose it fast. Anyways,
it's sorry anxious, But.

Speaker 4 (26:08):
Jackie and I were talking about in our last podcast.
It was about plastic surgery, and it was about this
attitude that like, you know, before you have plastic surgery,
you should try everything right. So let's say you want
a Tommy tuck, you shouldn't. You should first try to
exercise or that that's sort of like right. The popular
belief is that try exercise, try dieting, and if you

just have the skin left, let's say from the pregnancy,
then maybe it's okay to have a tummy tuck. There's
this whole thing about like deserving plastic surgery, so people,
I think, tend to lie about it because for whatever reason,
there's this pervasive feeling in this country that you know
it's you're doing something sneaky and wrong. It feels like
that for me about ozempa two it I don't for

whatever reason. I'll tell you every plastic surgery I've had,
and we would need a lot of time for me
to cover. I also tell you about ozebic. I don't
have a lot of shame around these things. But I
think that people think that the easy way out is
the wrong way out.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
I like the easy way out, Jackie. I want to
ask you one more question in the in the health space,
because I'm seven weeks postpartum and I stopped weighing myself,

probably about I don't know, oh gosh. I used it
as a control method to stay under a certain number,
and when I'd go over that number, I mean I
would be depressed all day long. I wouldn't eat I
until I got back and it could be a point
five or one pound difference. I mean that's water, you know,
And I know that in my right brain, like I'm

very well aware that that number is you know, one
pound is not a big deal, but I mean I
would be so depressed that entire day. So I got
a scale again because when I was pregnant, I wanted
to know how much I was gaining. So then post
pregnancy for the past seven weeks, I mean I got
to the place again where I've been addicted to going, Okay,
I want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.

But then now I'm like, oh, well, let's see how
if I can go back to even before the pre
pre pregnancy of like when I was, you know, pregnant
with my first child and I was like, oh, this
is this is this is the piece that's like not
not good. I'm like, I gotta either get rid of
the scale, but I'm like I don't want to yet
because I want to. So I'm just like, what do
you what would you tell someone that kind of because

I mean, I don't think I have a I know
I don't, but I also I think I have a
little control and a little I want to get back
to feeling good and looking good. But the number, for
some reasons, always messed me.

Speaker 6 (28:50):
This scale is such a loaded issue for me because
for a really long time. So I've been in recovery
now for like a little over two years, and the
first and a half of it, my party line was that,
like my hard line was that I am not weighing
myself ever, because I can't pate a number that I

don't know, and like you, I was so addicted to
like every half pound would set me off in a
different direction. And when I was really sick, it was
very obsessive for me, the rituals that went into weighing myself.
I had to feel thin, I couldn't have one extra
ounce on my body. Everyone had to leave me alone

in my room for like a half an hour. I
had to do several different weigh ins on several different
areas of the floor. It was like sick and too much,
And so I still have not weighed myself since May
of twenty twenty one, but I have been having a
lot of conversations with my dietitian and therapist, who I
still speak to once a week each about getting back

on this scale, and they both think it's a horrible idea,
But I I feel like I want to know, just
something in me wants to know how much I've gained
and wants to see what happens, because I'm at this
place where I'm about like seventy five percent recovered, and
I have this twenty five percent of these old habits

that I'm scared to let go of. Nothing anorexia. I
am not anorexica anymore. I don't restrict like that anymore.
There's just things that I'm scared of, and a big
overriding fear is gaining too much weight if I like
let go of certain habits because I've already gained a
fair amount of weight, so I feel like if I
weigh myself, I could stay on top of that. But
I haven't because my dietician and my therapist think that

it's a horrific idea. They said that.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Almost like a relapse, right, Yeah.

Speaker 6 (30:44):
Like people who have been addicted to the scale like that,
they don't tend to just like let go of all
those addictions, you know, because they've moved on in life.
Like it's I've had such an unhealthy relationship with the scale.
They're scared of me like adding back issues into my
life by, you know, by focusing on a number instead

of on how I feel.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Do you think that twenty five percent is what wants
you on the scale or is it the seventy five
percent that is challenging that you are recovered?

Speaker 6 (31:16):
That's a really good question. I think that if I
was truly recovered and in a really healthy place, I
wouldn't need to know a number. So I think it's
the twenty five percent of sickness that's left.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
I just resonate so much with what I mean, what
both of you are saying. It's crazy. So I worked
out really really hard after I had my son five
years ago. It was the first time I've always been
a and I this is I sometimes feel like shame
saying this, but I've always been a fairly like thin person.
I've always been a runner, pretty thin boned, like you know.
And then after my son, I really just needed muscle

because he was such a meatball. I could barely carry
him without my back hurting. So then I got kind
of in the workout space and I started gain muscle.
I'd never had muscle in my life. And this is
so I had muscle and felt pretty good about my body,
which I think is what got me pregnant again because
I was feeling all up in myself. But then after
we had this baby, I've lost so much muscle because
I had like a tailbone issue with delivery. And I

have to tell you, this is the first time in
my life I don't take people say that I look thin,
and it's not a compliment to me. It's actually like
angering me because I had worked so hard to be
in a healthy space and be like toned, and I
felt so strong and I've never felt strong, and I
don't feel strong right now, and so it's like defeating
to me when I hear thin. So I identify so much

with your seventy five twenty five in that that I'm like,
you know, there's a part of me that's like, oh,
that's like something I haven't heard in forever. And then
I'm like, well, what do people think I was fat before?
You know? And then there's this other part of me
that is like angry because I'm like, no, man, I
worked my ass off for that, you know, I worked
my ass off to have an ass for once in
my life so frustrating, and in this world that we

live in where you just can't it's like hard to
just be can tent having a healthy, beautiful body, no
matter what that looks.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Like, you know.

Speaker 6 (33:04):
And my husband says to me, He's like, why can't
you just go buy how your clothes fit you? But
you know, the twenty years of anorexia left me with
a fair amount of body dysmorphia, so I never feel
like my clothes are not to fight, even when they're loose.
I put them on, I'm like, wait, is this tight?

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Does that feel tight?

Speaker 6 (33:20):
Did this fit me like this last week? So I can't.
I can't go by that either, And I just some
parts of me want just some kind of measure so
that I can like weigh myself and be like, Okay,
nothing this week and move on. But I know that's
not the way I work. I know that if I
gain weight, it's going to ruin my day, my week,
my month, you know. So I'm just worried about what

might happen if I get on that scale.

Speaker 2 (33:45):
What is your biggest what would you say is your
biggest discovery when you did recovery for the eating disorder? Like,
what did you for both of you. Yeah, was there
anything like sneaky maybe that you didn't think would be
a reason you were doing what you're doing? And you
were like, WHOA, I'm blown away by discovering that.

Speaker 4 (34:00):
Unlike Jackie, I didn't sort of like address it head
on and seek out help and get a therapist. Honestly,
I had kids, and the guilt from going into the
bathroom to throw up overwhelmed me, and I just, I
don't know, it just all of a sudden, I just

couldn't do it anymore, and my way went up and down,
and I just still couldn't bear the thought of having
these kids outside the bathroom and doing this horrible thing,
you know, to myself.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
And I'm not saying I think that's what happened. I
you know, I'm not.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
I don't know for sure, but the believe me, you
sort of stopped when I had my babies. But the
compulsive overeating has gone on for years, and I had
little instances in my thirties, but the binge eating has
been an issue and never stopped. Like my friends would
laugh about it, we'd be together, and I just I wouldn't

stop eating to the point where it didn't matter.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
I don't even I didn't even know what full would.
I didn't even know what full.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
Felt like, right, and then the other side of that,
and then the next day would be starvation. But anyway,
which is another form of beliema.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
I'm going on. I don't know how.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
I sort of stopped that purging. I think it was
just for whatever reason, I got lucky once I had kids.
I don't know what I discovered either, except that it sucks.
Like you guys, well who knows. Somebody there said that
they were bliemic.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
I was, yeah, it sucks.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
Right, It's just so violent.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
And horrible and so punishing and so punishing for me.

Speaker 6 (35:39):
There was a lot of things I discovered. I mean,
my entire life was about starvation. So when I started
eating again, I was like a.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Child, you know.

Speaker 6 (35:50):
So, I guess one of the things that really amazed
me was I used to do this thing when I
was anorexic, where I would try to subsist on like
the lowest calorie food I could all day. So I
was constantly hungry, and I was constantly working to shut
down my hunger. But like I would eat like lettuce
out of the bag as a meal or like an
apple was like an indulgence. So I was constantly hungry

and I was constantly chasing hunger. So now I know
this sounds so simplistic, but if you ever had an
eating disorder, you can relate to this. I when I
eat a meal and it's you know, it's it's very
foreign to me to eat a high calorie meal and
then to feel full and stay full, and it amazes me.

So if I go out to like a lunch and
I eat, you know, more than I ever would have,
still not a crazy meal, but to be full for
like five six hours after that and not think about
where's my next meal and what am I going to
eat and I'm so hungry is still an amazing like
feeling to me. To feel full and not have to

eat between meals. That's number one. Also, there was a
lot of foods that I hadn't tried ever, because I
started to when I was in high school. So I
had never had a lot of foods that are like
totally normal to other people. So I am eating them
for the first time in my entire life. And I
thought that there's some foods that I thought that I

would absolutely love that I was like all right, not great,
and other foods that I just cannot get enough of
that I am like, where have you been all my life?

Speaker 2 (37:23):
Like what?

Speaker 6 (37:25):
Like I went to dinner with my friends a few
weeks ago and then we all ordered dessert and I
had a canoli.

Speaker 5 (37:32):
For the first time in my life, and I thought
it was just okay, Well, yeah, I thought that that
was kind of dry and the cream was like fine,
but like.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
You didn't have a good one then, and my friends at.

Speaker 6 (37:47):
The people were like, I don't think these are the
best canolis, and I said, well, I have nothing to
compare it to, so that's so funny. But like I
ate a tuna fish sandwich and I like almost cried.
I mean, it was like the best thing I've ever
had in my life.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
I eat tune fish for mayonnaise and put some extra
pickles on there with morella. It's so good. I will say.
I semi relate to that because I never had a
chocolate croissant because I'm like, oh, this is too high
in calories. So when I went to London last year,
it's the first time I ever had a chocolate croissant.
Now I was like, this is the best thing I've
ever read in my entire life, and I was like, man,
any time I got to Starbucks, I'm like chocolate croissant. Yeah,

warmed up. Thanks Okay, So thank you guys obviously for
being vulnerable. And that's what you guys listening are going
to be able to hear on their two Jersey Jays podcast.
But I want to talk a little bit about the
Housewives too, because you guys are friends of on the
Jersey Housewives. Now, while I'm listening to all of this

and knowing how people are, especially fans of that show,
is there a piece of you that's worried about how
that might affect you mentally with everything that you guys
also struggle with too, because we're I don't know. For me,
I'm like, Okay, I struggle with anxiety or depression. At times.
I'm like, I'm thinking, all right, if I'm on this

show and then I'm getting either hate or comments, I
just feel like that would feed my struggles.

Speaker 3 (39:10):
Yeah it does.

Speaker 4 (39:11):
I mean abouly I've been I've suffered with anxiety for years.
Each I've been on medication for what twenty five years,
maybe even a little bit more so. Anxiety comes with
being being on the Housewives. You can't escape it. No
one does, right jack I don't think anyone escapes it.
But also just the awareness of your physicality, right, like

I went on, this is only my set. Jackie knows
a lot more about this and I do. She's been
on a lot longer. But you know, doing my first season,
seeing myself back, you know the criticisms in my head.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
And I was.

Speaker 4 (39:51):
Always after the first season, I got a face left
and a nose job.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
But that was coming.

Speaker 4 (39:55):
That was I had been interviewing doctors for five years
before I ever being on was ever even a thought.
But certainly it adds a pressure, right to look a
certain way. I mean, these women don't play. They keep
themselves together. A lot of them are my age, and
across the board, across all the franchises. I mean, I

was watching Ultimate Girl's Trip, No, the Legacy one. I
don't know if you guys watch, Oh anyway, the women
are do you guys watch?

Speaker 2 (40:26):
I do? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (40:27):
Their bodies these are women are some are even older
than me. Their bodies are insane, and of course that
leads to comparison. And when you're on it, you get
a lot of Like I got a lot of like
she looks like a man or her.

Speaker 3 (40:42):
Ears are weird, old hag and people are mean.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
People are so mean. Yeah, like you literally, I can't
even believe you're fifty five. Like I was like, would
you want to send me the list of things you've
been up to? Because I mean, you're just beautiful. Both
of you are just so.

Speaker 3 (41:00):
But it goes to doctor Sam Risk just saying.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
Yeah, but your energies are so great and you're just
like people are just ruthless.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Oh yeah, I could never do it.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
But either way, you're like, sign up, let's do it.
You know, it's my.

Speaker 6 (41:14):
First few years on the show were really rough, and
I read all the comments and everything, but now I've
settled into a place where it's very different. The show
is very different for me now. First of all, it
did help me recover, so it's a total twist to
the story. But I don't think I would have recovered
if I was the only one holding myself accountable. So
having the show so then I could do this on

a public stage was really helpful to me. But I
have also, you know, I've been on this for six years,
and friend or no friend, the social media stays the same.
I've learned to stop reading the comments.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
I don't.

Speaker 6 (41:49):
I don't check social media that much anymore. I mean,
I still do, but I'm not as like crazy with it.
I've kind of tried to just find find a place
in the show that feels good for me. I like
being a friend for now.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
I don't know what'll.

Speaker 6 (42:04):
Happen in the future, but the friend role, I think
is a little easier on your life. Gives you more
space to step away from the social media, and you
know it can become all encompassing, So if you find
a way to step back from it a little bit,
I think that's really helpful.

Speaker 1 (42:23):
Yeah, And was it hard on your marriage, Jackie going
through all of that.

Speaker 6 (42:26):
Obviously, that one season was very hard in my marriage. Well,
my husband didn't want to do the show at first,
so the very beginning was a little bit hard, and
then he realized it wasn't so bad and we settled in,
and then we had two really fun seasons, and then
my third season was really really hard. And we are
not fighters. We don't fight with each other. We love
having like a really happy household, and we were fighting,

like he was upset, he was pissed. I couldn't do
anything about it. The social media was really hard. It
was crying a lot, so that was tough on us.
But then you know, like everything resolved and we've been fine.
I mean we've been fine, Like we're great. We have
a great marriage. But like he hasn't had any issue.

I think he likes me being a friend. You know,
we've talked about what would happen if I was to
go back full time. But for now, we're good. We're
good like this, but yeah, we're It hasn't been hard
except for that one season good.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
And then you guys for your podcast, I mean, were
you guys because you guys were friends obviously like on
the show, right.

Speaker 6 (43:31):
Yeah, yes, we're like closest to friends.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Yeah, so doing the podcast was an easy thing, just
like hey, let's just talk about talk about it all.

Speaker 4 (43:39):
I mean, we surprisingly, I guess it just has been
so easy. It's just like Jackie and I just shooting
the I mean, I'm sure you guys feel like that too.

Speaker 2 (43:49):
Yeah, and you have difference as opinions too, which is
great too, different because we all don't agree, you know,
but it's.

Speaker 4 (43:54):
Not a Housewives episode, you know what I mean, Like
we're not we're not gonna you know, scream up entities
at each other and go for the jugular. We're two
grown ass women who respect each other and love each other,
so it's it's an easier thing, right, And we're talking
about issues that although there's an eight, there's an age spread.
So Jackie is forty seven and I'm fifty five. But

the things that are coming up for us now, I
think it's interesting, like her perspective at forty seven versus mine,
and both of us are you know, in a place
though where unlike you guys, like we don't have babies,
we're in a different stage of life, and so things
that are really we find interesting you know, they resonate
with both of us usually, so we have a lot

to talk about. You know, our lives are changing. I've
been through some stuff that Jackie's going through now, you know,
so there's not there's not a shortage of topics and
things that you know, we want to sort of discuss,
would you caree, jack.

Speaker 6 (44:55):
Yeah, I mean we're we're just started and we have
like it's really fun because every day we get these
new ideas and we call each other and we're like,
what about this, what about that? And what about this person,
and so it's fun to have this new project in
our lives that we're both so passionate about and to
do it together. It's really great. And Jen's really smart
and witty, and you know, I wrote a parenting column

for the newspaper for many, many years, so I love
coming up with ideas and finding things to talk about.
So it's it's in both of our wheelhouses.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
We're really excited.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
That's awesome. Well, Jenna Jackie, thank you guys so much
for coming on a wind out about everyone listening. Go
listen to Iheartradios podcast to Jersey Jays. Thanks, thank you guys,
Thanks girls, appreciate you. Bye bye. I love it when
people are just open, authentic and honest about things. She's
so GREATS twelve. I don't know what's happening. I don't

know what's happening in Jersey, but everyone's time machine and
then my button went in two just came on. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Well it's like they say the Housewives, I mean, everyone is.
I feel like everyone's that way now too, but like
look at our world, like she just said, everyone's fifty five,
and look what they look like, you know, So it's
like this comparison world and everybody's trying to but they
look great.

Speaker 2 (46:06):
But also people I do think are just taking like
better care of themselves, like you know, like I was
talking to Orob actually deep topics with the ob, but
I felt, you know, like they label us as geriatric
when we're like thirty five or older. And she was like,
what's interesting to me is that like literally like ninety
percent of the people coming in right now. Maybe that's

not true, but she did say a lot of them
were older. Yeah, And I think it's just because we are,
like I think we know more and we just take
better care of our bodies, and I think that we
are like less likely to look older because we're all
just like I don't know, eating and nourishing, healing our
minds right to heal our hearts. Yeah right, Yeah, But
I like when people in that age group do podcast

because I feel like, I don't know about you guys,
but I don't have like a lot of mentor people
in the like fifties, like late forties, fifties, even sixties.
So it's like nice to me when I can tune
into somebody that's lived a little more life.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
Yeah, I want to listen to because so many of
my friends have younger kids. I don't really have many
friends that have teenagers.

Speaker 2 (47:11):
They have a teenager starting to have that relationship with
those two women, right.

Speaker 1 (47:15):
Yeah, I'm trying, you know, I'm trying to like make
some friendships where it's like, okay, let's talk about high school, like,
you know, we just hit nothing. But I got you know,
I truly don't. I'm not really friends with any of
his parents for whatever reason. I don't know if because
he's the I don't know, you know. I am with
the girls parents, but not him. So yeah, so I'm

trying to get those But it'd be great to listen
to stuff because they've gone through, you know, that age
group and there's just so much that comes up that
it's like, wait, I don't have anybody to talk to
you about that.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
Oh I'm relying on you cat, yeah, all the older ages.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
Then that was a good I liked that conversation because
it's like.

Speaker 2 (47:54):
They made me want to listen to their podcasting for sure.

Speaker 1 (47:57):
Well, and it's like they disagree and can disagree very
nicely and have a conversation and I agree with both
of them, you know, And it was just a really
great conversation. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
Well, first podcast back in the new year. Happy being
chop ladies. This is fun and I'll see you next
week Sea Hie
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