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January 11, 2024 24 mins

Jana gets a lesson in changing her mindset from a fellow actor… the legendary Sonia Satra (One Life to Live, Guiding Light). 

Find out how to have the most productive and positive year of your life simply by speaking out loud!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heeart Radio podcast.
This week's Thursday Therapy, We've got Sonya Satra. She is
an actress turn mindset guru. She's got a new book
out called what If It Were Easy? Using movement and
mindset to create success in life, love and business. Let's
get her on.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
Hey. Hey, I'm Jana Dana.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Well, happy New Year, Thanks for coming on wind Down.
You had a book that came out in October. It
was called what If It Were Easy? Using movement and
mindset to Create success in life, love and business. And
I first just want to go back because you're an actress.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Yeah, how long did you do soaps?

Speaker 2 (00:42):
For? Six seven years?

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Six seven years?

Speaker 2 (00:48):

Speaker 1 (00:48):
And then was that world? Because I've acted in the
wild since I was like nineteen. But it's one of
those things where sometimes the mental aspect of that world
can really drive you nuts. I'm curious, did that?

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Is that what drove me out? Are you out?

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Or are you just kind of this is always like
your passion too, It is kind of what kind of
went okay, this is the route that you know, but
it feels most authentic.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Or yes, definitely, And I think the acting being is
being in an industry where you're rejected so much. Definitely,
I got into mindset just to sort of sustain.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
That one thousand percent. I think that's definitely the thing,
the mindset piece of it, because when I was talking
to my fiance earlier, I'm like, I don't know if
you know, you never know if you're going to book
a movie this year or you're going to book a role.
It's like you just and then you're like, well, what
is my purpose? And then what am I doing? And
then and then how am I making money? And then
you just start to spiral, right, And that's where the

mind has to be more powerful than the chaos you're
creating around it. And so I'm curious, how how do
you do that to stay grounded? Because I think that's
my problems. I start to go with one problem and
then and by the end of that minute, I've got
thirty problems that are just blowing up around me.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
I think that's when you have to really step backwards
and really step out and become much more objective and
look at it from a different perspective, because you're starting
to go out from you, we are going down the
rabbit hole at that point, and we're creating a whole
lot of scenarios that may or may not be real,

and each thought creates an anxious feeling or any other
number of probably negative feelings. And so I think it's
really more important to step back out and be like,
all right, what's the current perspective? Like, is what's real
and what's not? And what am I in control of?
And what am I not? And what can I be

in control of? What sure? Because I think when you
start to shift into and what do I really want
and sort of to revisit And that's actually a lot
of the process that ended up in the book, a
lot of that restart kind of thing of getting connected
to that vision and reconnecting to what it does the

you have. What is it that you can do sort
of burning those stuff that's stopping you and then taking action?

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Right what action pieces are more helpful or most helpful
for you?

Speaker 2 (03:23):
I think it depends a little bit on what it
is that is the problem, because I think sometimes you
need to just like get out of your own way.
Maybe you need some kind of self care. Maybe I
need to go for a run, or I need to
get a massage, or I need to just stop, And
other times I think it's more of productive action. You know,

who do I need to reach out to? Who do
I know who might be able to help me with
a specific thing that I'm after, Or maybe it's I
need to go delve back into some sort of a
class that can make me at least feel creative and
I feel like I'm doing what it is that I
love or even what could I produce, you know, whether

it be a film or a movie I mean, or
some sort of I mean. Now you can do so
many more things because there's more accessible things for YouTube
and other mediums, or a play. I used to produce
plays or do plays whenever I was feeling like I
was going nowhere.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
FAST's that's an interesting piece to the almost the play
element of it, because I recently went in I had
a big audition and I was like, you know what,
I want to do my best at this, obviously, and
I want to put my best foot forward. So I
went to an acting coach in town and I called

my fiance afterwards. He's like, how to go? And I
was like, you know what, it went great? And he's like, well,
what was so different about it? I go because I
got to play, and normally we just were up here
and we just self tape from up here, and I
just I do what I normally do, and that's it,
send the tape in. And he was like, why don't
we do it this way and that way? And I'm like,
oh my gosh, this is so much fun. I totally
forgot yeah, like I forgot to have fun with it

and I forgot to play. It's just usually all I
got to get those work done. I had to send
this tape in and I got to do this, and
then it's just was that my best work? Probably not,
but I had to get it done before the baby
woke up or before I know, the kids got home
from school. So I just there was a piece of
that where I was like, I want to bring that
into this new year, is to go, Okay, yes, get
my work done, but also have fun with it and

play with it, and then I'll enjoy it a little
bit more instead of going, oh, I have to put
a stupid audition on tape or whatever.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
I think that is so true and I think that
the beginning of the self tape, well, that was a
huge transition for me because there is something to having
to be good on the fly, you know, but that
in person pressure was a better I think for me

anyway than it was the self tape for exactly what
you say, because it starts to feel like I got
to get this thing done. I just have to like
squeeze it in. I've got to get it out. I
got to fit it into my daily schedule. And I
think when it became more of a thing where you
were walking in and you were going to have a
conversation and you might actually get some feedback or direction,

which again makes it feel a little more like play,
I thought that was more pressure but more fun.

Speaker 3 (06:29):

Speaker 1 (06:30):
No, I agree with you also, like just on that
one piece too. I don't when it comes to the
acting side of things, I don't usually win because I'm
the best actress in the group. I win and because
i'm you know, I'm chatting with the producers and we're
laughing and I'd be fun to have on set and
you know, so it's like I always want in the room.
I don't win in self tapes because it's like you

can't really get that across. You know who you are
and how you are. So I'm like, oh, but it
just in life in general, I'm like, man, we dropped
the fun piece in it. We've just now kind of
put our heads down. And that's where I'm I'm trying
to change my mindset having it be a new Year,
going okay, let's just have more fun with it, and
then I won't be like dragging my feet and with

it being the new year. Where do you think people
stop themselves from changing their mindset?

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Well, I think that I think a lot of it
is in the belief. You know, you come out of
the gate strong, I'm going to go for it, I'm
going to do it. I'm gonna, you know, take over
the world, and then a week later you'll hit a
hurdle and then all of a sudden you revert back
to old patterns and old thinking. So I love New
Year energy. Actually, I am one of those people who

still believe in New Year's resolutions, and I do love
that coming out of the gate feeling. But I think
it's really really important to remember it's not just New
Year's Day or New Year's Week. It's like it's a year.
So we're gonna have hurdles, we're gonna have challenges, we're
gonna fall, and we got to get back up and

and and find ways to kind of reset and bring
that sort of new energy in every time.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Right, What do you think sets you apart and your
book apart from all the other you know, people out
there doing the transformations and the mindsets and the and

the messages that you know that we all need to hear.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
I think motor size, which is what I came up with.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
So I wanted to bring that up, but I didn't
know how to pronounce it. So I'm glad you did
because I'm like, I'm I'm a.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Let her talk.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Yeah, And it actually is something that I did inadvertently
back when I was trying to, you know, get myself
up off the ground from some actings.

Speaker 2 (09:01):
You know, really bad imposter syndrome. It was right after
I came after Guiding Light, I left the show on
my own will. I could have stayed, and many times
I was like why did I do that? But I left,
and I suddenly have just the worst imposter syndrome. It
was like, why did you? Why did you do that?
You know, how could you leave such a great job.
There were six thousand actors that auditioned for that. It

was so random. You got it to begin with, you know,
like you'll like you say, you know why you're not
the best actor, You're never going to work again, or
you know any of those things. It was so overwhelming
and I really fell into it pretty hard, to the
point where a year and a half later I hadn't worked.

I really embodied those beliefs. And I was turtle sitting
some friends and I was up on this book.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
I'm sorry turtle sitting like that's you were actually turtle okay,
because I was like, oh, that must be a new
phrase for like, you know, in your shell and not getting.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Out of that.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
Oh no, it was really literal okay, literal copy that okay, yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
Just for some extra cash. And as I was sort
of overlooking this the ocean, I was just thinking, wow,
you know, I used the same mindset schools to create
success as I was now using to create failure. Because
I would vision. Initially I was visualizing being on TV
and making it, and now I was visualizing not making it.

And before I would use questions like what can I do?
Who can I reach out to? And now it was
why won't I ever get a job? Why won't anyone
hire me? And uh? And even just the self talk,
you know was I'm never going to work again, versus, hey,
somebody's made it, why not me? And so even though
I was taking action, the action was so tainted by

that mindset, and and so I didn't work and so,
you know, my results were deaf a reflection of that mindset.
So in that moment I decided, I was like, I'm
better turn this around fast. And so I thought I
was gonna I was gonna run, I was gonna get
and get shape. I was gonna stop hanging out with
all my drinking buddies. You were also complaining about not

working again, and I was. I lived kind of close
to the Santa Monica Mountains, and so I would go
there and I would run up this trail and I
would do all the mindset. I would really visualize being
back on TV, you know, getting that job. I would,
you know, ask what kind of what could I do today?
What's one thing I could do to move forward today?

And I would do affirmations as I was going. And
I always joke because at the top of the mountain,
I realized that it was a canyon. And so whatever
I yelled out, would I go back? So I would
yell out, you got the job, and then i'd hear
it back you got the job, I'd celebrate, And three
weeks later I was running down that hill and I

got a call you the job. I actually boked a
national commercial, and three months later I got the call
for One Life to Live. So it was such a
sort of powerful affirmation of how much these mindset tools
can make a difference. And the movement, I think just

helped me get into my body in a different way.
So flash forward many years. I was also you know,
new mom, and I had my like twenty minute workout
kind of and I was just thinking, gosh, I'm not
doing that mindset work that I know is so effective.

Wouldn't it be great if I could be really efficient
and do it while I'm working out? And that was
really a day I was running on a treadmill and
I thought like, gosh, if I was just guided with questions,
that would be really helpful because then I could do
it at the same time. And well, that was the
day I was like, well, if I did it, you

know what if I created that? And that was the
beginning of motor size. So I started to try to
figure out, well, what are those questions, what is that process?
What would actually be helpful, how do I do this
and testing it and whatnot. And yeah, it kind of
came out of the gate as an aerobic program because

I also learned at that point that was when the
brain science was really busting open, and I started to
find out how powerful exercise really is for your brain
and the whole neurogenesis and the rewiring of your brain,
and how it changes your mood and how it makes
you more creative and more focused, and it actually taps

the motivation side of your brain. And so it has
so much power and it has such an impact on
your life that has nothing to do with just fitting
into whatever size gene. It's like it's it really is
a mindset thing. And so I was really just taking

what was already naturally happening with exercise and then adding
in very intentional questions towards a goal. So for me,
it was acting at the time. Well, actually then I
had shifted because I was starting to coach. But you
could use it for any goal. And I've had people
starting businesses, I've had them sell for a lot of money.

I've had people I had a client lose three hundred pounds.
I had somebody find a new relationship because they finally
had the courage to kind of put themselves out there.
And it's just amazing the ideas. I always ask people,
do you ever go for a walk and think of
an idea? And most people say, yeah, I do. Or

you know, when you get up from your desk and
go take a shower, that's when you're like, oh, now
I got it. And it's that movement. It's not a mistake,
it's actually what's happening chemically in your mind and the
near body.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
So motor size is basically motivation exercise.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
That's what it stood for. That was what it was,
motivational exercise. People then started to be like, oh, are
you going to motivate me to exercise? And I'm like maybe.
The one sort of unexpected thing was that people who
don't liked exercise liked it because they weren't thinking about
the exercise. They were thinking about something else that they

really wanted, and so it shifted their focus and their energy.
That wasn't a goal, but hey, it was a great I.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Love that so much, you know, because I think it's
I love going for walks around my neighborhood or running
or I used not clear yet to run post baby,
but when I do, like, that's that's such a good
thing to then now bring into the workouts, is you know,
either saying things out loud like I'm going to get
this or I you know, I'm or I'll be okay,

or I'll be fine, or everything's gonna come in abundance
and all the things, and just saying that out loud.
I think that's a good, you know, tool and something
that we could all put into our daily lives to.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
Be to be more positive too.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
And then that affects you and then you're not just
because all of last year I was just like clinching
like my you know, my hands, I'm just so tight
because I'm just so stressed, and you know, I'm like
for what you know, right, everything was fine. Everything ended
up being fine.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
And I think that well and we know that also
that's one of the huge things from exercise whatever it is.
You know, originally I did I did aerobics, and I
was matching the mindset with the movement. So you know,
like if you were pulling something in, what can you
pull in? Or what are you dumping? And no, and
so it was very choreographed, if you will but now

not everybody loves aerobics, so I've also done it to
a spin, or to running or to walking, And it
is because you release the when you're moving, so you're
not clinching, and that in and of itself is part
of what makes you more creative. So you'll come up
with great ideas when you're moving, where when you're sitting

there kind of like caved in. It's just a blank
for sure.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
In your book too, because I want everyone to go
get it. What is your favorite chapter in the what
If It Were Easy?

Speaker 2 (17:35):

Speaker 1 (17:39):
And which one challenged you the most to write you
loved and the one that was the most challenging because
maybe you struggle with it.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
Or yeah, that's such a great question. I'm torn between
what I love because the question I do love, and
that does come from a very specific story. But I
do think there's another question that I love equally as much.
I think very underestimates and maybe I'll sneak into here

what if We were Easy? The title did come from
a real life situation with my husband, who is a
producer TV producer, and he had why.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
Isn't he putting you in your show? Like in his shows?

Speaker 2 (18:21):
He does? So many men focused shows. It's insane.

Speaker 3 (18:26):
He does, like, come on.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
All of these historical docu dramas, men who built America,
World Wars the West, like I have done. I've done
a bunch of little things.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
I have something coming up now actually, but they're all
pretty small because.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
They're very there's not a lot of them.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
You get it.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
Yeah, all right, So sorry that the title came from
your husband.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
Yeah, yeah, so he he he was had a first
look deal where you basically get paid for ideas, and
it was time for his contract to be renewed and
we lived in New York at the time, just had
a baby, and we were going out to La so
he could sign this contract. And he goes and I'm
sitting in the car and he comes out and he's

looking white. As it goes, I'm like, what happened? And
he's like, I was fired exactly. Oh wow, that was unexpected.
So yeah, we were definitely in a bit of a
hole literally at that moment. And so he started to
panic and to like, what are we going to do?
This is ridiculous. You know, we have a new baby,

we live in New York, and on and on. It's
worth I'm trying to brainstorm and be positive and like
there's lots of possibilities. He's like, this business is impossible.
I'm like, well, somebody's made it, can't be impossible, and
he's just he's like, oh, but it is. And uh.
He for some reason was obsessed with making a million
dollars and he just because he thought that would somehow

set us free. And he's like, I don't know, nobody
can make a million dollars in this business. And I
was like, well, somebody's made it, so you can too,
and he's like na, na na. I'm like, well, what
if it were easy? And he fought back, It's not easy,
you know, this business. And then I asked again, you know,
but what if it were easy, what would you do?

And just in that moment, I think he was frustrated
and realized I was going to keep asking.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
You were going to stop until you got the answer.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
I got it and he's like, I don't know. If
it were easy, I might start my own company. And
that had never been an idea that we talked about ever.
And I was like, really, well what would that look like?
And then we started to talk about it. The next day,
he called a friend they started a company and one
year later he made a million dollars.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
Oh my god, I love that. That's so great.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
Yes, not just the million, that's like, that's that's just
the okay cool. But what he did and how he
you know, something that he didn't even think he could
do or never even said out loud, became something exactly
what he wanted to do. That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
I love that, and I think and that's the point
of the question. You know, it's not this Pollyanna whatever
it were easy, because no, I mean, you know, lots
of things are going to be challenging along the way,
but that what if it were easy? What would you do?
Really opens your heart to what's possible? What would you
want to do? What's deep inside? Because I really do
believe we all have the answers, but we overthink and

we get in our own way. And so when you
sort of connect into that heart space and make it easy,
then what would you do? And that's usually the thing
you should go do.

Speaker 3 (21:41):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (21:43):
I do love that.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
What was the hardest one for you to write? Because
maybe you struggle with it?

Speaker 2 (21:50):
Probably the decisive me you can't even decide which one
to tell you. So the first half of the book
is really the process. It goes through the seven steps
of the motor sized mindset reset process. The second half
of the book, I like to think of it as
as you need basis, and it's all the kind of

extra superpowers that you would need or want at any
given time to fulfill a goal. So sometimes it's creative,
sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's patient, sometimes it's decisive. And
so there's there's twelve of them, and so guides you
through a whole lot of tips. That's the movement aspect

with that as well, and I think the decisive one
that's definitely when I still struggle with, so I have
to review that.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
I mean, I think it's a woman thing, you know,
probably know what we want, but then we're also you know, decive,
incisive too.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
So for sure my mom was like brilliant at coming
up with like a million solutions and then we finally
decided to come up with a million more. So I
think I've definitely imparted that trade.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
Where can our listeners find you too if you want it?
Because because you're coaching, right, So I do, yes.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
OK, So I do one on one on one regular
straight coaching, and then I often I also do motor size,
and I often integrate the two. But if someone really
doesn't want to do the movement, I can still coach you,
and so you can come to Sonia Satra s O
n I A s A t r A dot com.

And I'm on all the social media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
or x or whatever.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Yeah, I know, I still want to call it Twitter
because it's yeah Twitter, It's fine. Well, thank you so
much for coming on. Everyone, go get her amazing book,
What If it were easy using movement and mindset to
create success in life, love and business. And thank you
so much for coming on. Appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
Yeah, thanks so much.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Hi bye girl,
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