All Episodes

March 21, 2024 35 mins

Jana needs to address something that affects more women than you might think... but no one wants to talk about. Hemorrhoids. 

We're connecting with G.I. doctor Dr. Raj to get the truth on an issue that most people will have to deal with at one point or another. 

Hear all the facts on treatment, what causes hemorrhoids, and how to stop them from being a pain in the butt. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heart Radio Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
This week's Thursday Therapy, we have doctor Roshini Rajan and
I'm so excited to get her on because she is
a doctor. She graduated from Harvard and New York University.
She is a GI doctor and we're going to talk
about gut renovation and just all the things.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Let's get her on.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Hi, how do I found I don't have my mic?

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Are you like a beginner at this or what?

Speaker 4 (00:29):

Speaker 1 (00:30):
I will tell you this. I was in this huge
board meeting and I'm like, I'm sorry, I have to
jump off for Berkeley and I'm like, I'm sorry to
drop off for ten minutes to talk.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
About coal and health.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
I don't want to say him runs.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Well, that's this is what I'm so excited about. And
we're keeping all of this in because I feel like
there's this big stigma around even saying the word, you know, danna.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
We have to change it, Like I know, let's tell
you they vomited, but they don't want to say the
H word. They're like immind or like I have blood
pouring out of my body and they won't say I
have the hemorrhoid.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
I know it's it's insane. Do we have the doctor
in the waiting room because we have to get her on. Okay,
So I'm so excited to have Doctor Doctor, the Doctor
Rage on the podcast because well, first of all, I
didn't know that you're you're Tula, Like that's company.

Speaker 6 (01:27):
I'm the founder of Tula.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Yeah, I love Tula.

Speaker 7 (01:31):
I love to hear that.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
I genuinely it's one of those. So I saw it
obviously on Instagram. I saw some influencers promoting it, and
I'm like, all right, you know it's probably just because
they're promoting it, right, And so I'm like, well, I
genuinely want to try it because I started to look
into it because now that I'm forty, I'm like, all right,
I really need to just be mindful of what I'm
putting on my skin. I didn't realize there's so much
hidden stuff in things, and I'm obsessed with it. I love,

I love Tula. So I just got so excited. So
thank you for creating such a beautiful skincare line that's clean,
that just it feels good. It's targeting things that I
need for my skin, even at forty, So I appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (02:09):
Oh, I am so happy to hear that I'm looking
at your skin right now and you're gorgeous, and your
skinned is gorgeous. I'm happy to be associated with it
in any way. I actually started Tula when i was
forty two. I'm now fifty two, so it's been a
ten year journey and it's yeah, it's been amazing and
it you know, people might when they hear that I'm
a gaster intrologist a couple of minutes, wonder how do

we make the connection with skin, and guess.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Well, that's that's yeah. I was like wait a minute,
because I was like, that's what I was. You know,
obviously gas how do you say that? Because I was
a big word trow entrologist.

Speaker 7 (02:40):
But we could also say GI doc.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
That's also very okay, at GI doc. There we go.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
So, I you know, I was like, oh, this is great.
You know, she's graduated from Harvard, she's a GI doctor
in a power of you know, probatics and all the things.
And I'm you know, got, I'm like great, great, And
I'm like, wait, what I was like, launch your skincare brand, Tula.
I'm like, that's what I I was like. So I'm
just how do you go from GI to Tula?

Speaker 7 (03:03):
Yeah, so Tula is actually a probiotic based skincare line.
So I was always and still am, you know, obsessed
with gut health and specifically the microbiome and the power
of probiotics. And this was again about ten years ago,
thinking of starting a new brand and really the first
entrepreneurial thing I had ever done, and I actually started

thinking about different ways that I could bring probiotics more
to the market. This is just when people were starting
to learn about it, and I was at the age
in my early you know, at that time, in my
early forties, starting to think more about my own skin.
I'd been doing a lot of TV as a wellness contributor,
wearing all that heavy makeup and just thinking about, you
know how, what's the best way to protect your skin?
And I looked into the relationship between probiotic extracts and

the skin and how applying them topically have like the
most amazing skin benefits, and nobody was talking about it
in the skincare world. So I was like, this is
a real opportunity in a way to really reach women
and talk about the microbiome. But at a point where
we're all thinking about our skin of course and skin health,
and so we were really the first brand to talk

about probatics in the skin. And I mean, so many
people now who use Toola don't even think about the
probatic angle, but that is.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
But now it makes sense. I'm like wow, because I'm like, yeah,
it's like because I use the that serum has that,
I'm like, yeah, probatic.

Speaker 3 (04:21):
There we go.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
I'm like, I didn't even think like correlating that as
the same that I take every day for my gut exactly.

Speaker 7 (04:28):
It's all you know, inside out, a lot of the
same ingredients great for your internal health, also amazing topically
apply to your skin. And that's also relates to my
newest venture which I just launched, which is also about
good health, which I'm sure we'll talk about. But yeah
that's me.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Okay, well thank you for that. Everyone get Toula. It's
great skincare.

Speaker 3 (04:46):

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Side note, we have another guest on, Amy Sugarman. She's
the producer of so many podcasts like wind Down. I mean, gosh,
do you want to do you want to.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Give your list any of all the things that you produce.

Speaker 5 (05:00):
It's too boring.

Speaker 4 (05:01):
But doctor Roger and I go way back, and I
love her and so when.

Speaker 6 (05:06):
We will tell you what.

Speaker 5 (05:08):
We were texting about.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
But Jane and I were about a topic because we're
friends and we were together, and then in me realize
we had to get you on to talk about.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
So it's the word that I feel like, I know,
it's the word that I feel like no one can say.
And even as so I just had a four month old.
I just had a baby four months ago, right, so
it was my thank you so much. It was my
first experience. I didn't have this with my first two
at all. Did not experience this. I'm I'm not ready
to say the word yet. And so but I had

a really, really, really bad journey with it because during
my pregnancy and I I mean, I love my fancy
more than anything in this world, I couldn't tell him,
you know. One day I finally broke down because I
was in so much pain that but I was, I
was like, if you never want to look me in
the eyes again, and you know, if you think I'm

the most disgusting person, like, I get it, I understand.
I didn't.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
I mean, I think I.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
Told my best friend Catherine, But besides that even in
the hospital after I gave birth, I'm like, can.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
I have something that will help the pain?

Speaker 2 (06:13):
And so and I again when and then again, I
barely spoke the word because I'm like, to me, I'm like,
it's disgusting.

Speaker 3 (06:20):

Speaker 2 (06:20):
So then Amy texts me because I just and this
is what I love about Amy, And she's just like,
we'll just say it, right. So we're texting and she's like, sorry,
dealing with the hemorrhoid right now.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
And I'm like, I'm like, I.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
Was like, girl, that's been my past like ten months,
like it's been awful, Like it's so and I'm like, and.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Nobody talks about it, Like I had to.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Hide my hemorrhoid cream from my fiance so we didn't
see it in the bathroom.

Speaker 7 (06:50):
I know. Yeah, it's there's such an unfortunately negative connotation
to the whole topic. But I have to tell you
as a GI doctor who does call and oskar bees
like all the time, so I see inside people's call
it and even if they don't realize their hemorrhids, they
have hemorrhoids, I can see if they have them. They
are so extremely common, and especially in women who've had children,

we can we'll talk about the science about why it happens,
but so that like, really no one should feel embarrassed
because chances are the person you're talking to has also
experienced it, or you know, at least half of them have.
So like I do, I do get you like that
hemorrhoid cream is not the thing you want leaving outside
in your bathroom. It's all like a beautiful candle or no.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
And also like, don't come in the shower. I'm trying
to push up a hemorrhoid, you know what I mean,
Like it's not the sexiest thing. You know what I mean,
Like I'm like, God, I don't think this thing back up,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 7 (07:42):
I know, and definitely can be uncomfortable, So we can
we'll talk about what to do about the discomfort or
the pain or the symptoms, but just the notion of
having it. I do hope people walk away like learn
or you know, at least believing in some sense that
it's really common and you really shouldn't be you should
be like Amy, talk about it, text about.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
It all right, So Amy, tell us your hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoid
Journey is hemorrhoids season as Easton says.

Speaker 5 (08:21):
It's colon Hope a month.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
So what happened was, I'll tell the whole I can
tell you all the gory details, but I decided that
I was like because I did, I was so embarrassed.

Speaker 5 (08:33):
I didn't want to call my doctor.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
And that was actually the biggest mistake I made that
I waited like five days before I called my doctor,
and had I called her the day, I would be
way quicker evolving the prompt.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
So of course I text Jenna and then you know,
don't hold back with Jana.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
We go there and then like every other girlfriend and
I would say, ninety percent of the girlfriend's that I told, yeah,
I had the same issue, right, I mean you think
of it kind of like a weird boy thing too,
Like I always was like I pictured like my dad,
you know, but it was like right, women and I

then I did a deep dive and learned external internal.
Yeah that and actually ninety percent or more go away
on their own, which because I started to get so
anxious about it too, like is this forever so right?

Speaker 7 (09:30):

Speaker 4 (09:31):
My external which okay, Anna, sounds like it was internal.
I had.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
I had, like had everyone you could imagine, like I'm like,
do I gotta strangulate this bitch, like what's going on?

Speaker 3 (09:43):
You know what I mean? Like I'm good in all
of it.

Speaker 4 (09:45):
So yeah, And I had a friend of a friend
who actually also had one and went to the emergency room,
was like in so much pain and they're like, yeah,
there's we can't really do anything. So I've got questions,
jama if I.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Go take it over you have.

Speaker 4 (10:03):
The first question is do most go away on their
own with like home treatments or cortizone or I am
the proud owner of a what I call it a
toilet bath the.

Speaker 7 (10:16):
Yeah it sits bath, yep, yep, yeah yeah. Well let
me just you know, for those of you who don't
know what an hemorrhoid is, let's let's just define our
term for terms for one second. So we all have
little veins in that rectal area, like that's normal, That's
how we get blood flow and blood drainage and all that.
But when those veins become swollen or in gorge, that
is what a hemorrhoid is. It's literally a swollen vein.

And why does it happen? You know, when there's pressure
in that area, and that could be due to pregnancy,
obviously carrying a baby and the weight puts pressure on
those veins. Giving birth, you know, vaginal delivery, You're a
getting a lot of pressure there for that those hours
that you're pushing. But it could be you know, weight training,
so bearing down and that can you know, being on

a bike, so the whole soul cycle. I see a
lot of people getting them when they get really into
cycling and that kind of thing. Sitting for a long period,
you're on a plane for a long time, a long
car ride, so all of those things can increase pressure.
But I would say that probably the most common cause
is constipation. So the more you're straining and your colon
is straining, you're putting pressure on those veins. That can

cause hemorrhoids to form. And so some of the most
simple things you can do are very effective, like increasing
your fiber. That's first and foremost. You know, more fiber
in your diet, a fiber supplement. Unfortunately, over ninety percent
of Americans are not getting the recommended like twenty five
to thirty grams of fiber a day, so it's no

wonder that a lot of people are getting hemorrhoids. So
that's the first thing I recommend which goes along with
what I just launched a fiber company called Yateay, and
we really want everyone to be getting that optimal fiber
because fiber is great not just for hemorrhoids, but poland
health overall, cholesterol, blood pressure, you know all these great things.
So fiber is really important. Drinking more water is really

important for hemorrhoids. We recommend that. And then, like you
were saying, Amy, these topical treatments, those could be ointments,
it could be suppositories that you actually insert in a
lot of them do contain hydrocortisone, so like a little
steroid ointment, which absolutely can help shrink and decrease the inflammation,
as well as soaking in warm water. And so while

you can do a tub, you can sit your tub
three times a day for ten to fifteen minutes. That's
obviously not very convenient. So then what's recommended is getting
what you're talking about, the Sitz bath or it's like
a plastic basically bowl that you attached to your toilet
you can put a little warm water.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
It's so crazy. It's so crazy that my friend, so
as I started to tell more people what was happening,
I not name the friend. But she's literally text me
from Amazon, you have to get this, and I would
like immediately know I'm not doing that.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Was it like a dog bowl? Is that like that
you put your button?

Speaker 4 (12:55):
Well, Jane, it's literally a dog bull that goes into
your toilet and you like sit your butt in it
with maybe like epsom salt, and I'm like, I can't
do it. But this thing was so bad that I
was basically like I'll do anything.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
No, my god, I have to tell you. This is
the like life change.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
It's like a Nettie Pop for your a Nettie Pop
for your butthole or your butt.

Speaker 7 (13:18):
Exactly because that warm water, it not only soothes the
you know, the hemorrhoid that's inflamed and painful, but it
actually relaxes the muscles, which makes it easier for that
hemorrhoid to go back in. You know, you were talking
about pushing it in in the shower. Actually that's why
it works better in the shower because things are warm
and more relaxed, so it's easier to push it in.
But but yeah, they work. They definitely work.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
Game changer. Just don't worry about it. Order it on Amazon.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
It's literally fifteen bucks, Like it's not expensive and it
is a game changer. So I will tell you what
my doctor told me. So okay, mine's external.

Speaker 5 (13:53):

Speaker 4 (13:53):
And I before I first of all the fact that
my doctor had to just like look up my.

Speaker 6 (13:58):
Butt, I was like laughing.

Speaker 4 (14:00):
I decided to lean into the whole mess of it.
So what she explained it because I kept telling her
there's a grape with a frozen pea next to it,
like that was when I was like, I can see
it and I can feel it. It's sort of a
squishy grape with a frozen p So what she explained
to me is like think of like Juinna. You blow
up a balloon, right, and you tie the knot of

the balloon. So what it was explaining is the frozen
pea is the knot, and it's like basically a blood clot.
The squishy grape is not going to fully go down
until the knot comes out. Okay, slowly, but surely, the
frozen pee is getting smaller. I also thought like, I'm

gonna go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow and
this thing will be gone.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
No, this thing is staying at the course.

Speaker 5 (14:51):
Slowly going away.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
And it's so uncomfortable and what you it sounds like
what you had was a clot within the hemorrhoid.

Speaker 7 (14:58):
We call it a thrombo temorroid, and those definitely can
be way more painful. I mean to the point where
some people can't even sit down they're so painful. And
when it first happens, that's when you if you did
go to an emergency room, like on the first day,
there is a way they could actually it sounds painful,
but it's really not like make a tiny little cut
and just take out the clot. But if you wait,

it's kind of too late and then they can't do
that procedure. You just need to wait it out, which
is kind of what it sounds like.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
Yeah, I mean it's look, I'm happy to tell everybody.

Speaker 4 (15:28):
The pain does sort of subside after For me, it
was like a week and I can sit, but it
was just like bugging me. I literally was like, I'm
walking around with a grape in my bottom. What's going on?

Speaker 5 (15:40):

Speaker 4 (15:41):
It's still there, but I'm living my life like it's
not painful, but it's just so slow that had I
not gone to the doctor and done all this research,
I would be kind of panicked.

Speaker 7 (15:52):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Like I think.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
My message is like we got to talk about our
butts and just the doctor right away.

Speaker 7 (16:02):
And the other thing because you mentioned it, I definitely
want to say, like this is colon cancer Awareness month.
It is so important to not assume that what you
have is a hemorrhoid. Even if your friend says it
sounds like my hemorrhoid, you know it could be, but
go go get it checked out, because we can't take
anything for granted these days, like young people are getting
colon cancer. If there is something new and worrisome, a

lump or a bump in that area, especially if there's
any blood associated with it. While again it could be
something very benign like a hemorrhoid, you want to make
sure it's not something more serious like a colon.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
Can well, and I did not have blood. I don't
know why I'm like saying all of this is.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
That I for sure did, so now I'm like, maybe
do I have cancer?

Speaker 7 (16:44):
So bleeding is very common from hemorrhoids, but anytime someone
has blood, you should always be checked out. And you
said you're forty. If you haven't had a colonoscopy, you
should if you've had rectal bleeding.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
Oh oh, really, a colonoscopy? What is that? Like?

Speaker 2 (16:57):
A like I've never obviously is that I've had a colonic. Okay,
I really love a colonic. Clonics Like, I remember my
first clonic. I was like, wow, I've got a flat
te me today.

Speaker 7 (17:09):
So, colonoscopy is a test that we do to screen
for colon cancer. It's now recommended that every single person
starting at age forty five should get it. Used to
be fifty. Now forty five because we are seeing colon
cancer and younger people, but we recommend it earlier for
people that have any kind of bleeding or other symptoms.
What it actually means is the day before, you drink

a laxat of solution to kind of clear everything out,
and you do feel actually quite flat and clear. Then
you go into your doctor's office or you might go
to a hospital. They put a little I V in
your arm, you get anesthesia so you will be totally
asleep for the duration of the test, which is usually
fifteen to thirty minutes, and then during that time, a
doctor like me is inserting a very skinny, flexible tube

in the rectum. We look all through your colon also
known as your large intestine. And if we see anything abnormal,
like a polyp, which is a little growth that grows
out of the line of your colon, we can just
remove it, just cut it out during the procedure so
that that polyp doesn't have a chance to grow into
something bigger, like a colon cancer. So that's the way
you can actually prevent colon cancer from even starting. And

of course if we see something like a colon cancer,
it's always best to diagnose it early. It has a
very high survival rate when diagnosed early. And that's that's it.
You wake up right after, within a few minutes, and
you go home with your friend or loved one, and
you can do whatever you want the rest of the day,
just no driving.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
If the bleeding has stopped, though, is it is it okay?
Because now if there's no bleeding, now I'm like, now,
I'm like, oh God, get checked.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
Yeah, I would.

Speaker 7 (18:37):
Say it's like for you to not panic. It is
most likely okay. However, colon cancers can also bleed intermittently,
and I don't think you have colon cancer by any means,
but like any kind of blood in a four year old,
we always would say go get checked.

Speaker 5 (18:51):
To be able.

Speaker 7 (18:52):
Better to be safe than sorry.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
I have two questions.

Speaker 4 (18:55):
Number one, I have like one hundred questions, but I'll
try and NA what ful of guard? So I'm terrified
of the colonoscopy. I will do it one day, but
I'm like baby stepping my way to it.

Speaker 5 (19:08):

Speaker 7 (19:09):
So coll of guard is a stool test that a
text for little mutations of your DNA that could be
associated with polyps or cancers, and it is an alternative
screening test to a colonoscopy. However, it's still not as
accurate as a colonoscopy, so it can miss polyps or
even cancers in some cases. Although it's pretty good for cancers,

it also can do the opposite. It can give you
a false positive. So I've had a lot of patients
who've come to get a colonoscopy because they did a
call of guard it was positive, and then we do
the colonoscity it's totally normal. So I would say it's
definitely not as good or you know, equivalent. If there
is a compelling reason why someone can't have a colonoscopy
for you know, they're two medically ill, or they have

an issue, you know, problems with anesthesia. That is an option,
and I definitely would prefer that to do nothing to
you know, someone have no screening, but I would say
at this point it's still better to get the full colonoscopy.

Speaker 5 (20:05):

Speaker 4 (20:05):
So then that's my second question, which I know everyone
listening is to be like, you're crazy, but I have
like phobia of anesthesia.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
Oh I love it. I'm like, I get to have
a nap, peace out.

Speaker 5 (20:19):

Speaker 3 (20:20):
I love it, but.

Speaker 5 (20:21):
I get it.

Speaker 7 (20:22):
And I see a lot of patients who because maybe
they've never had anthesia and they don't want it and
they're very nervous. The kind of anesthesia that we use
for colonoscopies is very short acting, which means it gets
out of your bloodstream very quickly, which is great because
if you want, if for God forbids, something were to
happen and you want to like stop that anesthetic effect,

you can do it pretty quickly during the procedure you're
on and it'll be out of your bloodstream. You're also
obviously being heavily monitored. You know your heart rate, your oxygen,
you're breathing, all blood pressure, so you know you're doing
it with an antithesiologist. Who's you know, trained to make
sure everything is safe. And I think the most important
thing is it's it's a very short time that you're
under So, like I said, most kolonaska bees are like

fifteen to thirty minutes. That's a very short period of
time to be under anesthesia. You're still breathing on your own.
This isn't general anesthesia like if you're a major surgery.
But I am going to tell you one other thing,
which is in a lot of countries, they do Pulenosco
bees without anesthesia.

Speaker 5 (21:20):

Speaker 7 (21:21):
Yeah, you could elect to have it without it. And
I probably have one patient every couple of weeks who
for whatever reason, either they have a heart condition and
they really shouldn't get anesthesia, or they just they're like you,
they don't want anesthesia, and we do it without it.
And the kolonascob for the most part, is not painful.
There are a few twists and turns, so I would
say cumulatively, out of fifteen minutes, there's probably like two

minutes that are more painful, but they're short lived. Now,
I can't predict that with everyone. If you happen to
be someone who had a really twisty colon which no
one would know until you had your calasm. You know,
you could be that unportrait person where it's a little
bit more painful.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
But it's you.

Speaker 7 (22:00):
Usually not a big deal. So if you're someone who's
really scared about the anesthesia, that's definitely an option.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
I'm like at the dentist earlier today and I'm like,
can I go down? Can you put me down? Like
I'd like to opt for the like they're just getting
a cavity. No, no, I know, like knock me out.
I'm good.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
I'd like to take a nap, thank you.

Speaker 7 (22:19):
I mean, I've had two colonoscopes and I've had antistasia
for both and I was very very happy with the experience.

Speaker 5 (22:24):
Oh I don't wait.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Can we can we switch a little bit to gut
health because I've been on this since having the baby
and my levels have been like super off. And I
was meeting with this one doctor who he's more of
a gosh well the holistic doctor, but you know, I
was telling him that. I was like, yeah, I have
soft wore with anxiety. He's like, you know that comes
from your gut, most of it. And I'm like no, no, no,
Like I had PTSD when I was like nineteen. I'm like,

that's when my anxiety started. And he's like, Okay, He's like, maybe, yes,
for sure, like you might have some like PTSD trauma stuff.
He's like, but most of the anxiety you're probably actually
feeling your body is all GOT related.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
And I'm like.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Really and so yeah, I mean I had no idea.
And so since then, I've you know, I've changed. I'm
now you know, taking supplements, doing making sure because I did.
I wasn't on a daily probatic I wasn't doing certain
things for my stomach again at forty, so, you know,
I'm just kind of like learning this all on. I
feel like gut health is like the new word that
everyone's like talking about gut health and everything on socials,

and so I'm I'm really like eyes open to everything
now and like trying to understand, all right, what is
what is the best thing that I can be taking
to help my gut you know. So I'm I did
a food sensitivity test, so I'm not eating things that
I'm you know, you know, that are going to hurt
me there. And I'm also like curious, like what else
can I do? Like I'm curious to know about more
about your fiber stuff, but also like what is the
best probatic to take that you take? What is something

else too to make sure that I can continue to
have a healthy gut and that gut lining so that
I'm I'm able to function, you know, have more energy
and everything else and not have that anxiety that that
can happen when you have that in your you know,
bad things in your stomach.

Speaker 7 (24:02):
Yeah, it's a great question. Obviously, the topic that I'm
most passionate about is gut health, and I think it's
really interesting. As we have just talked about everyone's talking
about gut health. They're learning more and more about it.
I think, you know, when I started TULA, gut skin
was like this new topic which now is actually becoming
more mainstream. And I think gut mind is the next
frontier that people are just starting to learn about. And

it's so incredibly important because we now know that the
gut and the brain are so interconnected. In fact, they
call the gut the second brain because we have neurotransmitters
in our gut. You know, we have nerves and neurons
that are signaling between our brain and our gut at
all times. You know consciously and subconsciously. So a couple

of examples I like to say, because everyone's experienced them.
If you've ever had butterflies in your stomach, or if
you've ever been nervous because you have a big presentation
and you feel like you need to run to the
bathroom with diarrhea, like, those are clear examples of your
mind and your gut interacting right. And the reverse is
true when your gut lining is inflamed or it's off,
or it's imbalanced, you know, the microbiomes imbalance that actually

we now know can lead to mood changes, anxiety, even depression.
And there's there's actually now a whole field called nutritional
psychiatry because we know that what we put into our
bodies and how we feed our gut really kind of
an impact on our mood and our brain and on
all of those things. So and sleep is another huge
part of that. So that's why you know, Yay Today
is the company I just started, which we are really

focusing on gut mine. I feel like you can't focus
on gut health without taking into account that the mind piece,
which is why we put magnesium for the sleep in
the mind benefits. And then to answer your question about
what should you be doing for your gut, I still
think that, you know, a healthy mix of prebiotics and
probiotic fiber is the best way to kind of have
a broad support for your gut because when it comes

to choosing specific probatic strains, and I think probatics are great,
and at TULA we have some probatics which I take daily,
But you know, it's hard. I think think the science
is still figuring out specifically which strains of bacteria are
good for which people. Whereas when you take prebiotics and
those are like the fertilizer for all your good bacteria,
then you know you're supporting all the beneficial bacteria. You know,

it's like giving sort of fish food to all the
little fish as opposed to trying to pick which fish.
You know, in particular, should I be having an arm
in my body. So that's why I think everyone should
be increasing their fiber, both in their diet and supplementing
if they can't get that in their diet, which most
of us can't. It's a lot of fiber we're supposed
to be getting every day. And then taking care of

the mind piece, which I think magnesium is a great
ingredient to make sure you get a good night's sleep,
but also things like the mindfulness training, the deep breathing,
the meditation, those not only help you mentally, but can
help calm your butt, your your buttet your button.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Well, you know she is a GI doctor. Later she's
got that butt on the mind.

Speaker 7 (26:55):
People with irrible beowel, which you know, we see a lot.
I see a lot in my practice. We actually you
often treat with either my mindfulness or yoga, but also
with antidepressants because we know the same neuro transmitters are
kind of wreaking havoc on the gut the same way
they can when they're out of balance in your brain
with things like anxiety and depression. So they're very interconnected.

And I think we're just learning, you know, more and
more about the science behind how they affect each other.
But it's really important to take care of that two
way conversation.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
Is there something though that you're like, and I totally
hear you. But if you're like, so, I haven't been
eating cheese because I heard cheese is really bad for
your gut, Like is that true? Is my you know,
I've cut back on on on wine I don't drink
nearly as much wine, more so because I'm just exhausted.
But I followed doctor Aman and I talked to him
a lot, so I'm like, you know, I'm just being
more mindful of like again, you know, controlling the mind,

the gut, all my body. But you know, is there
something where you're like that is an absolute no?

Speaker 3 (28:08):
You know?

Speaker 2 (28:08):
And I know for him, he always says the alcohol,
which I'm like, well, you know, I did have one
last week, and yeah, it is what it is. But
like I also didn't get mad at myself for it.
But you know, but if you're like, don't eat cheese,
like not good for your gut, or like what is
it where like or is it the process like so
that you can start, Yeah, you know, I would definitely.

Speaker 7 (28:30):
Say processed foods are the worst, and within that category,
things like hole cuts and processed meats are the absolute
worst for your gut. So those are things that really
do avoid. Now I'm not saying once in a blue
moon you have some pepperoni or you know, nice protrudover something,
it's the end of the world. But I definitely don't
think that should be a regular part of anyone's diet

because wa, wait a minute, sorry, that so like lunch meat, yes, correct,
I have one every.

Speaker 2 (28:58):
Day, But it's like the turkey applegates is that okay?

Speaker 7 (29:02):
So if it's turkey, it's usually okay, But just see
what they're putting in it, Like specifically, you want to
avoid things that have nitrates in them.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
Nitrates, Oh it's nitrate free.

Speaker 7 (29:12):
Okay, then it should be fine. That is the ingredient
that's the troublesome one with those. Alcohol is not great.
I do think, you know, once in a while there's
absolutely no reason to be guilty about having some alcohol,
but regularly drinking alcohol is pretty toxic to your gut.
I would say dairy and cheese, it really depends on
the person. I don't think per se it's blanketly bad

for everyone. But of course a lot of people are
intolerant to dairy to lactose, so if you are one
of those people, then obviously you're gonna feel allows you
when you have it. But to me, it's really the
processed meats and red meat in general, even if it's
not processed, is something to really keep to a minimum
for overall health, honestly, but specifically for gut health.

Speaker 6 (29:54):
As well, And I'm kind of like the once a
week or once a month.

Speaker 7 (29:58):
For which one for process met.

Speaker 6 (30:00):
It's like, read meat, well, yeah, red meat, I would.

Speaker 7 (30:03):
Say for red meat, I would say more like once
every couple of weeks.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Oh shoot man, Yeah, okay, yeah, if you.

Speaker 7 (30:09):
Really want to be optimally got healthy, yes, once every
couple of weeks.

Speaker 4 (30:13):
I know, I think cheese can be kind of tricky.

Speaker 7 (30:17):
Yeah, I mean it really depends on the person. I
think cheese has protein, Like cheese is not necessarily horrible,
but for some people it can really cause them to
have a lot of bloating or diarrhea. And you know, often.

Speaker 4 (30:31):
Vegetables like if I look at broccoli, it's diarrhea time.
Like I there's certain vegetables I'm like, no.

Speaker 7 (30:39):
Yeah, Well, vegetables in general tend to have a lot
of fiber, which is good, but there are certain vegetables
which are notorious for producing more more gas. You know, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,
russell sprouts, you know, these are some of them. And
these are all really healthy, but they can definitely have
that gas issue. So you know, sometimes cooking them makes

it a little bit easier to tolerate taking them with
some digestive enzymes or you know, if you're someone who
finds those particular ones very troublesome, then you know, obviously
you can avoid them. There are many other vegetables to get,
you know, good nutrients and vitamins.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
What's your thought on what? So I've been taking this
thing that my doctor, but I honestly I shouldn't. I
should do more research. I don't even know what it is,
but I put it in my shakes for my gut.
It's called anulin.

Speaker 6 (31:24):
Yeah, so you can.

Speaker 7 (31:26):
Help with as a prebiotic and really help kind of
exactly what I said. So probiotics are good healthy bacteria.
Prebiotics are anything that helps foster the growth of good bacteria.
So you think of it as like food for probiotics
or fertilizer. So innulin is a great prebiotic. So he's
kind of doing what I told you. Like, the more

you do the probiotics, then you know you're you're fostering
the growth of all of your healthy bacteria.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
Okay, And what is the website for your fiber? Because
I'm trying, I think I might be putting it in wrong,
and because I want to get some right.

Speaker 7 (31:57):
Now, myyday dot.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
Com, myyday dot com.

Speaker 7 (32:02):
Okay, yeah, so this is the first nightly gut mind supplement,
so we want to do it at night so that
you get the magnesium to help with sleep. There's a
whole science around sleep and gut health. So I wrote
a book which I think you may know about, called
Gut Renovation right here. It just came out recently, and
it's all about how the gut microbiome really affects every

aspect of our health. And I called it gut Renovation
because it's really about, you know, I do a little
metaphor where every room is every chapter is a room.
So the bedroom is about how sleep affects your gut
and vice versa. The home gym is about exercising your gut,
but the sleep, the bedroom chapter is all about such
great research showing that imbalances in your gut microbiome can

lead to insomnia, poor quality sleep, and the reverse is
true if you're not sleeping well, that can actually cause
the bad bactery to overgrow and in your gut and
the good bacteriy to become diminished. So there's a really
interesting and important relationship between the two and that's why
I wanted to include the magnesium in the A day
supplement so that I'm ensuring like you're going to have

a great night's sleep, which then sets you up for
that regular morning bellet movement, great gut health, and you're
ready to like start your day on the right foot.

Speaker 4 (33:13):
Is there a food with magnesium if I don't want
to take a supplement? Is there like something I could
put in my diet that.

Speaker 5 (33:19):
There are nuts?

Speaker 7 (33:19):
There are a lot of nuts have magnesium. I think
pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium as well.
It's some of that easy to get. I mean, you
will get some in your diet. I just think for
there are a lot of people that are magnesium deficient
that don't realize it. But yes, you can absolutely get
it in your diet.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Okay, so I'm adding to Kart right now. My question
is do I have this? Do I drink this on
an empty stomach or no?

Speaker 7 (33:45):
It doesn't have to be in an empty stomach, but
we recommend it right before bed or soon before bed
because you are going to get sleepy. Like the first
time I took it, and I'm a pretty light sleeper,
and then my son came into my room and I
had fell hold to sleep at like eight o'clock because
I took it to and like I never I've always
wake up with someone walks into my room, and this
time I did it, so so yeah, it's just meant

to be taken before bed. But it doesn't need to
be an empty stomach at all.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Okay, boom ordered, we're doing this all right, Well, thank
you so much for coming on. I feel like this
is very informative. We've talked, you know about the taboo hemorrhoids.
Amy is just chilling with their little blueberries right now.
You know, it's just and it's all good. You guys
go get your call in checked. I'm gonna go get
mine checked.

Speaker 5 (34:28):
Oh good before we hang up.

Speaker 4 (34:31):
When you sneezed or coughed when you add the hemorrhoid,
did you feel it in the.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
Hemorrhoids listen, I felt it with every second breath like,
I mean, it was awful. It was literally the worst.
I mean I would cry in the shower so many times.
Oh but it's better, is awful? Yeah, it's totally like, yeah,
it's totally better now good good.

Speaker 6 (34:51):
Send us your hemorrhid questions like we can do it totally.

Speaker 7 (34:56):
There's so much about hemorrhids or just gut health in general,
like trust, There's a lot, a lot to talk about,
so I would love to go back. But thank you, ladies.
I met d R doctor Roshnie Roj on Instagram and
everywhere else and of course myyaday dot com, and I
would love to I hope you do get your colonoscopy
in honor of colon Cancer Awareness Month and let us
know how it goes, because you'll definitely inspire a lot

of other young women to do the same.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
Awesome. Well, thank you guys so much. First, yeah, I
wanted to do that, Amy, thanks for coming on. Thanks,
thank you for being vulnerable and gus so much.

Speaker 4 (35:30):
There's nobody in the world I trust more to text
about my hemorrhoid than you.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
I feel very honored. Thank you. Okay, thanks guys. All right, Sea,
I talked to you soon.
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