All Episodes

June 19, 2020 100 mins

Rookie of the Year Jerry Trainor and Arden's friend Lori joins Arden, Anna and Katie to break down another episode of Juan Pablo's season of the Bachelor! Adult Braces! Oprah singers! My special ones!

- Arden puts Jerry in a box!

- Jerry can't believe the ladies are not Team Nikki!

- Lori gives us a history of why the public turned on Juan Pablo?

All that plus........TWEET OF THE WEEK!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Will you Accept This Rose? A production of
I Heart Radio? Oh yeah, I just got one little
puss where you reach your word sneeze. Hello, Welcome to

Week eighty eight from the Bunker. My name is Arden
Marine and I am rocking nineteen seventies hair. It's officially
crossed over, but I am clean, which is more than
I can say for my hair. I am so excited
to be breaking down. I'm just gonna now go by
the it iTunes, Amazon count It is episode ten of

the One Pablo season. If you were watching on Bachelor Archives,
it is the Miami episode. Probably episode seven would be
my guest. I think they're three behind us. Um okay.
Joining me is a man who takes me late at
night and goes, what have I turned into? What did
you do to me? Um? A man who who I

feel that I have actually had a chemical effect on him,
like his life has changed, not necessarily for the better.
You might know from I Carly. You might know him
from Drake and Josh. You certainly do not know him
from our program we were on together called Still the King.
You definitely know him as Rookie of the Year, Ladies
and gentlemen, Jerry trainer, what do Yeah, it is a

chemical reaction. I am questioning my sanity, my manhood, my masculinity, intelligence, Emily.
But here's my question to you, Jerry, has this madness
given your quarantine structure? Yes? Yes, When I start to
get real nihilistic and weird, yeah, and I haven't showered

for a couple of days, I'll have this moment where
I go, oh, I'm gotta watch The Bachelor because we're
recording this week. That's right. And then I shower, I
clean up. Yeah, I do a couple of crunches and
maybe one or two push ups. Um. I just I
were actually recording on zoom today so I can see Jerry, Um,
it does not look like you've cut your own hair yet. No,

I'm growing it out. I'm just growing it. Your eyebrows
look great, your fix, Harrison point, I'm growing. I'm growing
the eyebrows out. I know I was. I know that
Katie Levine is very upset about her eyebrows. Katie's on here, Katie,
how are your eyebrows doing. Oh they're a mess. It's horrible.
I'm trying to keep them under control. It's just Yeah,

and if the group that was Andy Rooney down there.
If a woman who does my eyebrows, like, I really
don't want her to go out of business because she
did such a good job, and I worry about her
every single day. And I'm sure you'll be able to
hunt her down and pay her to thread your brows
in your house, like you didn't really need a store.
I can't bring someone into my house though, No, no, no
no no, But I'm saying I know. But you were

saying you're worried she's gonna go out of business. I'm
just saying you can help help her get back on
her feet as if she has to restart her store. Yeah,
that's true. We can. We can talk about her all
the time on the podcast to help her out. Who
is it? What's her name? She's on Colorado Boulevard. Let
me see, I think it's she has It's called Stas Browse.

How do you spell that? How do s? I t
A great? All right? If if it's if somebody's really listening,
is not quarantine time and you've got browse the situation,
go to SETAs brows a Colorado Boulevard. Um also with
us a woman who looks incredible. I like to think
of her like, is it pre Funtaane? Is it? I
feel like there's like a like a sex see Jared

Leedo Prefontaine things are. It's like the the German Jared Ledo. Um.
She's also happens to be the ken Burns of the
Bachelor World. Ladies and gentlemen, My friend Laurie, Hi, you know,
I have to say, I'm really impressed that you all
are sitting up unlike myself. I'm happy to be reclined

and chatting with you today. Uh, thanks so much for
having me here. You, me and Anna all were the
same glasses again, which is terrific. Yeah, I can say
without him, Okay, I have two things to stay before
we get going. Laurie sent a very cute video to
Today to me. Her adorable young daughter walked in and
saw the rose ceremony and got all excited. She didn't

understand that it wasn't scripted. She thought it was a
TV show that I was acting on. She loved it
and she was so excited for me to be a
part of the rose ceremony. Is that correct? Yes? Yeah,
she I think any excuse to watch television, and she
said it was very interesting and she was looking forward
to seeing you on it. I also have cut her
hair and she has sobbed because I have never cut

anyone's hair in uh my entire life, and so at
least my hair dresser has a job after the quarantine ends.
So I'm gonna ask you a hair question. So I've
been doing quarantine braids. Should I just cut my own bangs?
Or do I? Is this an acceptable look for the quarantine?
Do we feel okay about the sixties seventies quarantine breaks? Okay?

All right this I'm I'm sticking to this. It's like
college hair. It's hot, is it? Yeah? Okay, I'm gonna
rink right now. I feel very sort of seventies roller
rink version of art. And is the car's out there?
So Lori has gossip for us. Apparently they would be

airing later, but this is the gossip. This is the
bachelor gossip. It'll be a little dated when you hear this.
But Peter made a bunch of rounds of you. You
told me, you texted me that you would news for us.
What is it, Laurie? Well, Uh, Peter and Kelly, as
you probably know, are are. They seem like they're an item,

although not officially an item they're quarantining together. He made
the rounds. I don't know if everyone's board made the
rounds on a lot of podcasts, uh this past week.
And as you know, that is my bedtime material. I
do not listen to this podcast before I go to
bed because it does not I me to sleep because
it's so titilating that I listened to the other Bachelor

podcasts and then it lodges into my brain as I sleep.
So Peter talked a little bit about Madison, talked about,
you know, the challenges their relationship face, talked about Hannah
and give me the hot go, give us like three
details on hot God. Okay, So what what was interesting
about Madison is is after the on a Rose, they

they chatted for an entire day, and you know, they
determined that they wouldn't even be able to travel together
because he travels a lot. Because if they would travel
together and just be boyfriend and girlfriend, she didn't want
to sleep in the same hotel room even if they
were not doing anything. Um. She also apparently has given

given her blessing to Peter and Kelly, who he's quarantining with,
like Kelly, yeah, and uh and and so Kelly, you know,
on a series of these interviews, came out and said,
you know, she felt she was too awkward for the season,
and that she couldn't quite understand why she liked Peter

prior to filming and during the film and she was like,
who is this guy? Like I don't like this guy
and uh and so, but it looks like they may
have Why did she why did she like him again?
If she didn't like him when she was filming, she
thinks it was the producer manipulation. And you said that
they locked her in a closet. No, I think Anna

said that. I don't know if that if she it
was hyperbole, or if they actually just you know, I
read that too. I think she she said that she
got locked in a closet for three hours or something
that's really illegal, if I remember correctly. She said something
like the producers were manipulating him. And when she had

a one on one date with him, she he he
looked pissed. He seemed like disinterested or something I remember,
and she was like, what is wrong with you? Like
she said something like can I speak freely? What's wrong
with you? Is this? And then she realized that the
producers were sort of in her head or in his
head the whole locking in the closet, Like, I don't

understand the context of that, but apparently it was a
situation where they didn't want her to see him, and
so they were it was that, Jerry, how do you
feel about Kelly? I know, are they still locked down together?
Because he's so he was always one of my favorites
of the season. Like, I just didn't understand. I didn't
really love her, like reclining on the park bench, being like,

wrap it up with the other ladies, Peter, I'm all
right here, Like it was a little arrogant, but I
love that, you know what I mean, It's like we
get it. But I did not Um and Sarah her
in my mind, I liked her and Anna, what do
you think about before out of Peter's league? By the way,
are they you know completely He's I had a dream
about him the other day. I had a dream that

I accidentally entered the mansion and I was like the closet,
and I liked it at the closet. Here's a question
that Lorie, because he seems to be very like much
so he doesn't even care about the quarantine. Are they
actually still in the same apartment together. So it sounds
like because he is an essential worker, he is flying

a lot, and he is living sort of uh part
time in Chicago with Kelly and Dusty Dustin and uh
part of the time with his family. So it sounds like,
I mean, which is not actually quarantinating people. But he uh,
he lives at home. That's where he lives. He lives

at home, that's right. But he he was saying during
some of these podcasts that he actually people made made
it a big deal and it wasn't a big deal
for two reasons. One, he is very rarely ever home
to begin with, so he's always traveling. Um, so it's
you know, a few weeks out of the month or
or a week out of the month. It's not that
big of a deal. And to that, you know, people

were denigrating Cuban culture, where it's very natural for the
kids to live with their parents for a while. So
that was his m O. This pest wook All right, Anna,
what do you think of all that? Um, I mean,
it's yeah, like Lauria said, it's not really quarantining, but
I mean, I'm glad they had they found each other.

I mean, I guess from the star it looked like
they really did have chemistry. Yeah, I mean there was
a reason he was so excited to see her when
she showed up. Um, so I'm glad. I mean, I'm
glad he found someone out of all this and it
wasn't necessarily like the route we were expecting. But God,
Madison sounds so uptight. What do you mean you don't
stay in a hotel room. You could get a hotel

room with two beds. I have to sleep in the
same bed. Yeah. Yeah, look at Burton Ernie, jeez, like
you don't have it well. I don't know that she
It almost feels like she really plays it up for
just I don't even know. Like sometimes she'll she seems

like so modern, and then you'll be like, so should
we go somewhere and she's like, that's not okay. We
can't travel together. Why go on the Bachelor? Why you
know that's that's an interesting uh interview that uh she
gave this or not she he gave this past weekend,

which was I listened to as I was putting together
a basketball who for my children because I'm driving me crazy.
You're a good mom. Uh so she so it was interesting.
He was on Rachel Lindsay's podcast, Who I Love Rachel Lindsay,
so like normal and cool. Uh and he actually is

quite affable. Uh. He was saying that, Um, the reason
why the after the Final Rose was so awkward is
that Madison said, well, why don't we not meet after
that filming where they were reunited, Um, just so it's
fresh for the camera. And Rachel uh validly pointed out that, well,

that seems like a really strange thing if you wanted
to pursue a relationship not like a show uh showmanship,
that you would meet before reuniting again after the final Rows.
But she wanted to keep it fresh for the cameras.
So that made Rachel rather suspicious. You know, in retrospect,
I feel like I like Peter out of the whole budget. Yeah. Yeah, Hannah, Hannah,

and she had a good last couple of episodes. She's
so painfully boring and her social media feed is so boring.
Madison is interesting and just that she's hardcore evangelical, which
is a little bit fascinating. Oh not you know whatever,
but you know, I would rather be trapped on an
island with Peter out of Sorry, can I just say?

Hannah and retweeted Mike Pence with like a heart and
like prayer hands over something. He tweeted that. I was like,
are you out? Like it was like him saying something
that you know, classic Mike Pence, where you're like, well, okay,
I don't know if that's actually correct. And also you're
sending out your thoughts and prayers to all these like
doctors well at the same time completely screwing them. Um

and and then she like Retweeter like, oh my god,
my pens and I was like, you idiot, are you
a Trump supporter? It was not good. Would you make
out with Hannah and Jerry? Oh yeah, Hi, hurry out?
All right? I want to make out with Peter before
I would Hannah and make out Peter and I am.

I am sporting Allen degenerous haircut right now. And that
tells you how much I don't like them. Wow, that
really does? That really does? All right? Who's ready for
the free skate? You guys are ready? Queries? Okay, here

we are. We're in Miami. Oh. I love being backed.
I get to go see my family. Camila is the
one I missed the most give made a sound like
a balloon as he drove up to seeking like and
he goes and he sees his family and the ladies

boo up to the Lows Miami Beach Hotel and run
around like, oh it is the Lows. Let's jump on
the bed. We're at the Lows. And Um, they got
boxes from a company named Zinky. They're like, guys, guys,
there's boxes, there's boxes, and then there's big kinis that
nobody seems that interested in. They kind of hold up
and they never quite see again. And we find out,

um that Charlyne gets a one on one day Jerry
and Laurie and Aaron's girlfriend is going out on a
one on one day. Um, she's not sure she's ready
to introduce Jan Pablo to her family next week. Um.
And he knows that there's something different about her. He's
telling his cousin that has the thick adult braces that

there's something elegant and sophisticated, that she's an OPRAH singer.
And his cousin, who was so cute with the full
adult races, was hearing all about Charlene. It does make
me like one Pablo that he likes Charlene that he
sees it. She's different and cool. I appreciate because there
are a lot of just hot ladies and he's got
a great bunch of women. But I like the fact

that he likes this sort of intellectual opera singer. That's
the one that he's liked from day one. Thoughts Jerry
with you to to be clear, we have heard sort
of horror stories about one Pablo. Yeah, and we're on
episode ten and I'm not seeing it. I'm not like

a huge one Pablo fan. The only thing I all,
the only thing I didn't like was how we handled
the Claire Ocean thing. But aside from that, Sid, I'm
not minding him. Like honestly, I'm like, why did everybody
he was hated bachelor? And so far I don't quite

know why. That's my point is so far, like nobody's perfect,
everybody's gonna make mistakes along the way. But I'm not
seeing this awful person that people have warned me about.
So and when he sees his daughter and his family
and he's talking to his brother and he's like, Charlene
is so intellectual, she's so different, She's an opera singer.

I appreciate that about him that he is really in.
He's sort of reaching for the stars with the ladies.
I agree with you. I'm watching the whole thing and
I'm just thinking, Okay, this is gonna be the episode
that I really hate one Pablo, and it's like I
like him better than most of the bachelor's we've had recently. Uh,

Laurie thought, Lorie, well, you know, I I mean, I
certainly don't love him, but it is interesting watching it
again and understanding sort of the impact of the external
world upon your viewing experience. And he was getting a
lot of negative attention because of his you know, his

homophobic comments. He made another comment a round uh you know, uh,
developmentally disabled individuals, and he had he had let me
tell you, he said, uh he uh, let's see he

said that, Um, okay, so you know at this time,
of course, the slut shaming of Claire. Uh, he said
there shouldn't be a gay bachelor and then he mocked
uh mentally disabled individual and a tweet saying quote, not
every flower can save love, but a rose can. Not.

Every plant survives thirst, but a cactus can not. Every
retard can read, but look at you go, little buddy,
this is not real. That's real. Who did head? That's
not so ridiculous thing I ever heard? Prompted him to

type that out, and so and so As a result, Um,
during this time, you know, they pulled his gig from
Dancing with the Stars. Uh, they pulled you know, he
they they they had to, I guess, have a whole
pr apparatus around him because he was making all of
these stupid comments and he was he was seeing sort

of averting around with with uh women. Um, and so
I think at that time that he uh, you know,
I think between the slut shaming and this whole weird
uh Madonna whore complex where he's talking about whether he's

kissing people or not kissing him, using his daughter as
sort of a pawn, and all of that, staring at
people vacantly, not asking follow up questions, talking in a
sort of patronizing voice, I think all of that sort
of led to a general I mean, the immunity being
insulated because we're just watching this in a bubble. Yeah,

not knowing about I mean, those tweets are appalling. That's
pretty bad. That's pretty bad. Why you write that, I
don't I don't remember that I don't know. If you
know how Twitter works are and you write it to
the world, why why would you write that? I I
don't remember the context. I'm going to see if I can.
I can, Gloria, I have a question for you. So,

so America sort of didn't like him because so so
we're not expecting I'm not expecting I shouldn't be expecting
to see something occur on the show that makes me go, oh,
there he is. It's all the stuff that happened outside
of the show after it's both No, no, it's so
there's something coming still. Yeah, no, he I mean I

think that a certain component is, of course, um, all
of the stuff I mentioned outside of the show, the Claire,
the slut shaming of Claire, that using his daughter as
sort of a pond for sort of manipulating women. I mean,
his hasn't It's not good, but it's not been as
bad as some other people. But but then when you

throw in all those tweets to it, you're like, Anna,
do you remember anay of this? Anna, are are you
aware in the back of your brain hearing about this? No,
I don't remember. I remember hearing about him disparaging the
LGBTQ community, But I like, I never heard about the rest.
I don't think I was like reading enough online at

the time about Juan Pablo, Like I just remember people
being like, you know, he's a homophobe, and me being like, oh,
that kind of makes sense, right, he's got a vibe
like that. You and I hadn't drank the kool aid
yet and gone so deep into the way. I know,
I wasn't like refreshing my Twitter feed at that time,
Like Katie, you watched it, do you remember all these tweets?

I remember him saying like there could never be a
gay bachelor. I remember him saying, I remember him kind
of like thinking that he slept shamed Claire, remember him
saying the R word. No, I don't remember that at all,
like at all, that's insane to me. He did. He
he deleted it. You know, there was a retweet and

then he followed up with people try to be happy
and enjoy jokes and sarcasm. And then he said, in Venezuela,
the R word is used commonly and by no means
is to offend anyone, Okay, And yeah, all right, people
need to travel more. All right. He really sold me

on Venezuela. Welcome to Venezuela. You retired a plane. Oh,
Peter's the pilot and Justin is the second in command. Okay,
up bringing me some bags of peanuts. Oh my god,

Hannah Anne, Okay, so we have one Pablo. Um, he's so.
Chelsea is really really hoping to get a one on one.
She's she's really hoping. And then it shows up one
Publo shows up in person, and he loves living a
surprise as a lady. He loves giving it to them himself.
I have a surprise for you, oh Charlie, and this

is for you. And then um, come see my city,
s e A. You've got ten nuts. And she was
like I used to for the look on her face
was almost like when he gave her the first impression
Rose just shock and Stunn not that into it. Um.
And so then Claire was like, Wow, I don't get it.

I mean, what's her problem? She should be thankful, she
should be thankful. Jerry, you hate Claire. Take the field golf.
This This was a great episode because much came to light.
Charlene doesn't like this guy. I get it. I I

know the experience of being physically attracted to someone and
having that chemistry and she's just no cerebral connection. I
understand that, but like she's on the fence. If she's
on the fence, there is no fence. The answers, no,
you need to go home. So this whole moment where
she gets on the yacht and then and she's they
keep cutting to her and she's like, I just don't know.

I just don't know. It's like, yes, you do. And
she's like, there's this little voice in my head that's
saying this isn't right. I'm like, that voice is screaming
at you and has been from the beginning. I think
I said on another episode, I was like, she is
forcing this. She's like really trying hard, and she has
been from the get go, but now it's she has

been since she got the first impression run right, but
now it's go time. It's game time, and and she's
making them a sure decision that okay, right, we're not
we're not yet. But but she's but she's contemplating do
I stay or do I go? Because she's not right
because she doesn't know if this feels right, and the
contemplation is like coming to a head and needed to. Yeah,

that's your question. I don't say I was getting as
you're headed Claire Claire. Oh, that's right, but I mean Claire.
We talked about it last time about how Claire is
like can't I speak to the manager person she is?
When they were in the limo just going to the hotel,

and she's she has this look on her face. It
is a mask and it is desperation and craziness and
like neediness and like do you think we're gonna meet
his family? Or hey, guys, what do you think is
gonna happen? And it's just like, uh, Claire, relax, like

just chill and be real, which that comes into play later,
the whole be real thing. I just don't think Claire
is a real person, and I and I don't see
the attraction at all. All right, we'll get there, okay.
So Charlene gets it they's a OPRA singer. So she
goes and she's like, well, um, I'm missing the mental component. Um.

And then all the girls are upset that that Charlene
got it. Charlsee's confused why he's so into her, um,
and so uh You're like she's an anomaly, um. And
so Charlene is conflicted, you know, about being together or
why am I here? Um? She's like, maybe we don't

get each other. Sometimes I feel like we get each other,
but maybe I don't get each other. So then they're
snuggling and she's sort of there on the big yacht
and she's staring off and he goes relaxed. Because I
can't relax. She goes, I seem up tight, and he goes,
just look into my eyes. She goes, I'm having a
deja boo. It's just like the soccer deja vu. Your trouble.
You must look in the mirror and go, good God,

I'm trouble. And then she but then she's so attracted
to him that she starts making out with him and says,
I'm so surprised by how attracted to him I am.
You know, is this a Canadian kiss or is this
a German kiss? Lory tensive Field, Charlene, go for it. However,
you wanted me to weigh in on Canadian kisses in
German kissing? Um? So uh yeah, no, I mean, what's

interesting about Charlene? And she still has my heart along
with Chelsea and Renee. Um. She basically thinks that he's
a big dummy and he just wants him to woo
her brain. Uh so it's it's more of the same
from Charlene. I think she's absolutely terrific. She's too good

for this show and I can't to tell you about
her later on you can see that he jangles her chemicals.
You can see is like just Jones and for it
and really is Sanna? What do you think she seems
she's so attracted to him. Yeah, she's definitely horny for him.

But I do think she's starting to realize he's a
bit of a Yeah, Like I think she's starting to
be like, I mean, you're real hot, and I wouldn't
mind tabbing that, but I don't think she wants to. Like,
I think she's realizing like, oh, this is just like
this is just my chemicals are jangled, like you always say.
It's not like a life, like I'm not trying to
marry you, like my feelings aren't there and this is

on TV exactly, and you're going to propose to me.
Whole meeting my parents thing is her? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
you're like you're not meeting my parents. You you could
meet my hotel room. You can't meet my parents. Watching

her mental hop Scotch to avoid saying you're too dumb
for me, is was is fascinating to watch. Yeah, and
she just starts kissing it. It's like, do you think
when she saw the yacht she was like, oh no,
there's not gonna be enough distractions out there on the water. Well,
she did say when we kiss, our issues just disappear.

The chemistry is through the roof. I mean he is irresistible. Um.
And then she's like, look I because I'm like a nurse,
I travel all oh no, oh, sorry I say this.
The Nikki is trashing her back at the hotel room,
basically trashing any I hate when they when on the show.

There's a track record of shaming women with the ambition
and big careers, not necessarily the lawyers. Some of the
lawyers get away with it, but they're like, oh, she
works a lot, she travels a lot. She's not going
to give up her career or moved to Miami. Like
so Andy and Nikki are just throwing shade about like
oh she wouldn't. It's like, well, do you like both

of you like your careers? Would you want to give
up being a lawyer or a nurse, Like it's like,
why can I play Devil's advocates? You are? And right there? Yes?
What else are they going to talk about their competing
against each other? I don't feel like her it was
like personal shade. She wasn't saying like she's a bit
or something like that. She was just like, uh. I

think they were justifiably confused how her life fits with
his life? Like they're very seamlessly does You've never seen
the Bachelorette though as a woman, It's never like would
Robbie give up his career as a broker to move?
Like it's always like she would she you're doing that,
We did that, We're doing that with Maddie. We're going like,

what are you even doing on the Bachelor? Like your
life doesn't fit here? Yeah, but but there's there's a
history on the show of people being upset that the
women won't give up their careers to move. I don't
know about that history. Arden, Okay, you're doing great. What's
on your mug glory? It's designed by my daughter. It's

it's one Pa and Arden pretty much Rose am I.
So then they go, So that was that at the
moment where you kind of turned on Nikki right there.
I've turned on Nikki episodes past where Nikki would go
with like I turned on Nikki when she said well I, um,

well she goes. I mean I could go on a
group day and not get a rose and then she goes,
I know my kidding, that would never happen. It's like
that ship that she's such an asshole and stuff like that.
That's like, let's say, I don't get fining pleased. Obviously,
I'm getting the roads like she's such a it's things
that there's a camera on you. You're a pretty baby nurse.

It's so easy to not say that, like why not
just not that and just you can think it, just
don't say it out loud. I don't like NICKI okay.
So so then um they have so then they have
another date at night and they're like and he's like
asks her like would you girl? Oh my god, she
looks fantastic. I actually went did she pack that dress? Yeah? Who? Who? Oh? Yeah?

You know I I actually never noticed this stuff, but
I was watching with my wife last night and she
she said, well, look about dress. Yeah, what color was
it was? It was it was like she was stunning,
and he goes, I think a lot about Charlene the
Oprah singer. And she goes, I want to address that

I have put my job before all else. But I
like change and I'm good with change. Change is good.
And then and then I have to say I like
that he likes her. There's a non answer change change
is good. What does that mean? So then they were
kissing in the water for a long time. She goes like,
it's been a long time since I clicked in this way.

And then they were on the boat and they were
having dinner, and she was like, there's chemistry so bad
that it's like a flicker in my heart. There's like,
but I'm missing the mental connection. I need to find
out if it's there tonight. It isn't. It is absolutely
not there. He has he says I he had too.
Tea is two things that he says that I just

create my gag reflex this on the boat where he goes,
he said he constantly says I like it, or I
like that. I like that, and he's like, we get it,
we get you like that. Now expand on that thought,
You're dumb, dumb. And then last the week before in
New Zealand. He's like, you know, you're one of my

special ones? What is who is this serial killer? One
of my special ones? That felt like that felt like
a cult leader the moms, the mom special. I didn't
like that. And what do you think of the special ones?

He the way I mean, yes, clearly there's a language barrier,
but he his accent, uh, the way he like says
certain things. It I think it he sounds like corn here,
because he'll be like that is so special. I don't know.
I feel like he would be to me so much

sexier if he was just speaking Spanish. I would just
be like, just speak Spanish, will throw some subtitles, will
get you a translator, because um, he doesn't under like
certain concepts. He like he just doesn't know what they
are because he wasn't born and raised in America. So like,
I think he's doing his best. Um, but I do
feel like sometimes he comes off corn here because of

the language barrier, and it's like we can't do anything.
That's just the unfortunate way things go. I've always said
about my dad, who's like an engineer and has like
people working underneath him, but then he has the thickest
English accent where I'm like, how do people like, how
do people take him seriously? When he's like, yeah, I
don't know. And I'm like, but you're like a boss,

and and you're you when you sound so smart when
you're speaking in Farsi but like you speak in English
and and people look down on you because of your accent,
and it's like it's just like our forever thing where
we're like, I don't know about this guy. He sounds weird.
I don't know what he's talking about. It he just
doesn't speak English. It is amazing. I like the fact
that ABC had somebody has the Bachelor, Like that's exciting

and I hope they do something like that again, Like
that feels a little progressive. Even then he starts tweeting yeah,
but then he just says he says things that make
him sound like a fool, and we're all like us
really and he says other things, you know, just to
sort of piggyback up. What Jerry says is that he

says things like you've been thinking a lot and and
and it's always really patronizing. Um, and we we have
heard it's okay, um. I don't like, you know, I
know people like to mock him by saying it's okay,
I don't that feels a little strange to me, but um,
he there there's some sort of tone behind his words

that feels a little bit look at insulting and look
at me like you've been thinking put the lotion in
the basket, all those things he's saying. I like, I like,
you impressed me. You you do nothing to impress You're

not trying to impress me, but you do anyway. It's
just like wow, okay, okay. So then so then they're
on the boat and um and she's like she's like,
he goes, you're good at not trying to impress me,
and you impress Yeah, there you go. Do you get this?
Like he just a real quick just to put a

pin in this language barrier thing. I think it would
be hilarious if he did speak in his native language
is Spanish, right, Yeah, he starts speaking Spanish and it's
just the same dumb Shit's like, oh yeah, it speaks Spanish.
I like that. I like that about you. And he's
just like, oh, he doesn't have anything else to add.

Just this guy one of my special ones. Yeah, one
of my special ones. Um, he goes, I feel happy,
and then she goes, why can't I stop kissing you?
It's so hard to stop kissing you. You got to
fill the time. Somehow. We're playing chess. And then she goes,
m it makes me work, it makes her worry. She's concerned.

And then he goes, how do you feel about me
meeting your family record records? Daring to look at her face. Oh,
she was so trapped because she's now she's confronted with
her own honesty, and there's it's like when they're kissing,
she's relaxed because there's nothing to do or say or

think about. It's just physical. And then he's like, here
we go marriage, what do you think? And she's like,
I don't know. I don't know. It's like she just
got cattle prodded or tased somehow. She goes she goes, um,
I think it could work. I think I can do it. Um.
It's worst, the worst answers to those questions, and every

other woman would be like, I can't wait, and she's like,
maybe I think I think I could do it. It's
hard for me to wrap my head around. It's hurts
to say this, but I am not sure and then
she says, I wish I was a little bit dumber.
There it is, and he laughs, he laughs, He's like yeah,

And she goes in this moment um laying on the
boat with while I'm Pablo, it's he feels right, but
yet there's a little voice in my head telling me
it's not right. Um. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Nikki
gets the date car and Claire starts freaking out. Um.
But so yeah, she's so she's starting to have doubts, Katie,

what did you think rewatching Charlene get back into a
corner frozen with panic, Katy Levine, she just does not
want to be there, Like she doesn't want to be there.
I think she thought, oh, this could be like a
fun thing something. She probably she seems very uptight, very
street lace. She's never done anything like this before, and

she's probably like, see, I can be fun, I can
be you know, you know, spontaneous and do this. And
now she's just like, I have a career, I have
a path, Like this is not it. And I think
she's just she she probably is attracted to him, but
I think it's like just sexually and she's just kind
of like, oh, I got a way further into this
than I thought, and I feel very stuck, and I

think I honestly did the but she kind of felt
bad for the other girls, like am I taking a spot? Ye?
And I you know, well, she goes back to the
She gets back to the house, so she starts talking
to the house therapist, Renee, and she starts freaking out. Yes,
Jerry Barton, real quick. There was a moment before the
sun set where the girls were questioning Charlene and they

said something. They talked about her type and they were like,
sort of demeaning her. She's like, yeah, I think she
said she likes like nerdy guys or like nerdy intellectual guys.
And I was like, yeah, you guys wouldn't like that,
Like what's wrong? What's wrong? Of course, you basic bees
wouldn't like a nerdy intellectual guy, like they're stoked just

to look at the abs, you know. Yeah, I thought
that was so gross and telling. Yeah, although I still
like Chelsea and Renee, so they're you guys, want to
take a break and we'll be right back. The eagle

is landed, so Nikki gets a date card Claire and
Chelsea's freaking out. Poor Chelsea's freaking out. Um, and Nikki
is such an asshole when she gets the date card,
it's just listen to my heartbeat and she goes, am
I gonna dance again? I thought I paid my dancing
dues in Korea. And Claire's like, her perspective on the

world is so negative. I have to say, I think
Nikki suck now Claire is crazy. But regardless of whether
or not Claire is crazy, Nikki when she's with him
is lovely. Nikki the rest of the time fucking eats
a bag of dicks. I think Nicki sucks Lori. Uh yeah, no,

she totally sucks. Um. Then I think that assessment is accurate. Um,
I think I Claire is much more enjoyable in her
and her insanity. Uh. And I know there's gonna be
a conversation around this. That's not to say that Nikki
is or that Claire is is. I'm sorry, I got

distracted by everything. Okay, Jerry's out. Jerry's out, he just
left the room. I'm grow up real quick. Okay. So,
but that's not to say that Nikki makes some serious errors.
And they are both uh not my favorites, but I

believe that Nikki is not a good time and this
date was very interesting in that he picked her to
go see his family. And uh, but you know, in
a way, I kind of appreciate her competence too. So wait,
I'm gonna take a screen grab. Smile into the camera.
He let's take a screen grab. Smile into the camera. Great,

it looks great. Okay. Um, so Charlene goes to that. Hi, wait, wait, wait,
I gotta play Wait Arden, I gotta play Devil's advocate
to that. I have to play Devil's advocate of that, Nikki.
I know I'm with you. I don't love Nikki. I

think she does also suck. But but take a screenshot
of it, dare you? Okay, just so everybody knows Arden
is doing blowjob motions. It's really bad. Oh somebody did

a screen shot a screenshot and I shared my screen instead. Devils,
what you said is Arey telling with him? She's great
with the women. She sucks, But that I think is
the construct of the show. That is not her fault.
No wait, wait, Landy Land the plane women other women

have been charming with both the women and the men. True,
she's not everybody's gonna be good on social like some others,
Renee and Chelsea are lovely. I totally agree, and Charlene
and Charlene. But when Nikki gets the card and she
starts going negative, I understand why she's doing that because

she's trying to do the opposite of gloating. She doesn't
want to be like, yes, in your face everybody, so
she goes like, oh, no, do I have to dance?
She doesn't like he's trying to downplay. She doesn't give
two ships about what the women think. She's really that
much of an she doesn't care. She's not trying to

save anybody's feeling. She's an asshole. And you have to
remember that she was the most despised person on this
entire cast, with the exception of Andy. Andy liked her,
but she was not liked by by the members of
the house. I mean, Jerry, if you've worked with guys

trying to date the other women, I know, but like
you're you have a lot of guy friends. If if
you guys were all fine, let's pretend you're all fighting
for Charlene, and it's like what I was, like you
and you and Jeff and Kevin and like if if
there was a guy that couldn't hang with any of
you guys who just fucking sucked. That's Charlene like, like,

you would still be nice to Jeff and Kevin, Like,
do you know what I mean? You you would never
go be an asshole to everybody in the room. You
would just know that you could go with She's like
an asshole to Laurie. You could be an asshole to
Laurie this whole so I feel like you would be
nice to the other guy didn't have a good time

with the guys. You wouldn't have to be a dick
head and then go win, Charlene, if some guy was
there that wasn't hanging with you, I'm amazing. That's why
not everybody can be as amazing as me. That's the whole.
That's all I'm saying. I think I'm not giving her
a pass. I'm just trying to explain what why I
think she's She comes off negative because she's an asshole. Okay,

so we're gonna okay. So Charlene goes and talks to
the house therapist who is Renee, and she's like, Renee,
I'm freaking out. I've been hoping I would be more
black and white. I'm not sure. It's not fair to
the other people that I would take a spot from
somebody who is sure. And that's why you like Charlene
because she actually cares. NICKI doesn't give a ship. Yeah,

and what are you thinking in your closet there? Are you? Okay? Honey? Yeah? Yeah,
I was just thinking about what you guys are saying.
What did you think? I don't like Nikki. I think
she's kind of shitty. I mean, it's I under I
mean I understand why her and and and Claire wouldn't
get along. I could see they're both kind of like
alpha females who um, you know, they're outspoken, but there

is a negativity that Nikki brings and she's just like
kill she's cocky. At least Claire like minds her own
business for the most part. I mean, yeah, she's a
little like out there and like cause like she's always
getting in front of Juan Pablo and kind of dramatic,
but she doesn't really like talk shipped to the girls,
like she just minds her own business. But like Nikki

is kinda she's kind of rude. Katie, Katie, Katie's getting
that Mike ready, I agree I do not like Nikki
at all, Like I remember now disliking her a lot.
I think she's very rude and condescending to the other women. Claire,
like when someone else gets another day, she's upset about it,
but she just goes, oh, good for you, which is
what you're supposed to do. You know, you just sucking

play it like, oh, I'm so happy that you better date.
But Nikki, she just like when she was rude to
cute little Chelsea at the road, which he was just
trying to make a conversation about jewelry, She's like, who
do you wear that all the time? She's like, she
won't even be nice. He was pissed. That was post
the fight with Claire, I know, but but like Chelsea

wasn't a part of it. And Chelsea is just like
a harmless, sweet teacher, you know. But it's like at
that point, I think she was done. I think she was.
I think she was done trying. But it was a
different day. It's like a whole different day. At least
be nice. Chelsea didn't do anything. Three words suck it up. Yeah,
But I think her way of sucketting it up is

just like Okay, I'll be here, but I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna talk to these people anymore. Like they
don't like me, I don't like them. But she's being
rude to Renee and Chelsea, Like, think about, like who
you're being rude to. These are not rude women. I
don't think she means to be rude to those two specifically.
I think she's done with the process. That is the
guy that defended Barb, not defending her. If he defended Barb,

team bar, team bar you know what it is. I
like honesty and and and Claire's fatness and Chelsea trying
I love I love Chelsea, but her trying to like
sweep up the mess is it's like we're done, We're
not there yet, all right, we're going to continue out

of the episode, so uh so, um, Charlene starts crying
and she's like, they're definitely moments where I feel like
he could be the one for me. And there's a
little voice in my house that's telling me to stick around,
but I still don't know what to do, stay and go.
It's not an easy decision. Well take walk, decision, get out.

Nikki heads up to Camilla's dance recital and it's the
second one on one day and she goes, I'm falling
in love with one Pablo. I'm not ready to tell
him yet. And they go to a flower store and
she says, oh, are we making a our arrangement? He saying, surprised,
We're going to Camilla's dance recital. She did not look excited.

She looked and to be fairer, she was meeting his
daughter and his parents and the mother of his child. Uh.
And she was flattered but looked really freaked out to
be meeting mom, Carla and Camilla. She was speechless and
she goes, I'm so excited. She looked horrified. Lorie, Well,

you know, I thought she looked a little nervous. Would
I also I would be petrified. Yeah, But I also
feel like in a way she was saying, I locked
this ship down. I got it. If I'm seeing the family,
I don't have to worry about a thing. I think

that was the moment she realized that she was safe,
and so she was excited and nervous and she was like, oh, yeah,
I gotta get through this family crap. And you know,
meet the ex wife who you know, was uh, sort
of pageantee herself. And when he was like, oh, she's fine,
it's like she did not look fine. She I loved them,

kept calling to Carla. She looked a little like, are
you fucking kidding me? Banna? What did you think of
Carla's face when they went to the recital? I mean,
I don't. He says that Carla is fine with everything,
but she does not seem to like one. She's just
like here he goes again. Yeah, he's it was acute recital.

His daughter is adorable. I mean she's saying to be
good with kids. What this is a tough date. What
did you think, Jared? I agree with Lorie. I think
I disagree with you and that she I think she
looked nervous but excited, and I think she took it
the way I think anybody would take it, which is like,
oh wow, okay, this is I'm meeting the daughter. And

she she locked in. She went, I'm a pediatric nurse.
I'm great with kids. I've got this thing sewn up.
And I think she does the moment I went, she
wins this, Yes, she wins. She definitely wins. And there's
no one else that's gonna win. No one else is
even coming close. She wins. I predict Renee gets cut

next because he won't take a mom to the fantasy
unless he's going to propose to her. So then we've
got Claire, Andy and Nikki and then I think it
comes down to I think he comes down to Claire
and Nikki and that Nikki is gonna win. That's my prediction.
I'm with you, I'm with you every that whole way.

But did Laurie go? Where did Laurie go? You never
like to look at my faces covering it up for you. Good,
thank you, You're welcome, Okay. So then so then they
go and they were really cute and she's like this
could be my life and he was like, my family's
all really good about Nikki. Then they go to Marlin's Park.
Welcome to my office. When they drive right into the stadium,

the stadiums empty, and uh, they go and they toss
the ball around. She's got a good throwing arm. Laurie,
were your prayer not so much, but you know, I
wish you could kind of throw a ball and terribles
I have, like literally there's been numerous times in scenes
where I have to like toss the like a phone
to people like the camera operators on Insatiable could not

believe it is the worst arm because it's not consistently
bad in the stay. It will never go in the
same bad. So but like you have never seen somebody
it's the worst throwing arm that it was genetically ever
created with a working arm. Have you seen me through, Laurie?
Of course I have. I don't. I don't remember being

that bad. But you know if you are saying, where
you trying to make me hit something three times with
the ball and and I get like a hundred tries.
Bet Jerry was an athlete. I got. Jerry was varsity
of course, water polo swim team. Come on, you got
a wide wing span. I could swim, and I grew

up playing soccer. Yeah I was. I was a big
I was an outdoor kid. I bet you did well
with the ladies. I bet you. I know, No, really,
I was like tall and skinny, like you could see
my ribs. You still can probably behind here. So what
I was a dork? How old were you when you

got your first kiss? Oh? Young, young? We did the
whole like seven minutes in heaven. Yeah, Carrie O Leary,
if you're out there. I still remember, baby, Yeah, Michael
Bartol you if you're not in prison. I've been chasing
that ever since, just chasing it so fun. I always
wanted to play the Seven Minutes in Heaven. Anytime there

was a party, I was like, you want to play
some Heaven? How about you? How about through the dayre
I wanted to the Bottle. I remember I wanted to
play it too, And I was so excited at Alex
Romer's party one time we played. We played in the
Bottle someonman isn't having him? Like I feel like I
never I never got picked, and like I was ready
to go and it wasn't happening for me. Yeah, well

there you have it, okay, so um so then it
was exciting to be in the middle of the baseball field.
He looked great and throwing arm by damned like she
was game. I was like, this is They're a perfect fit. Yeah,
everything he wants Megan throw it out the window. She's

she's like Anna said, she's like a h an alpha
woman who can take care of kids and and you
know what she said, She's falling in love with him.
And it's like, isn't that what we're all waiting for
is that moment when someone says I actually love this person,
like I'm in she is ning, and it's juxtaposed with

Charlene's sort of she's a tall she's a tall drink
of water. She's a good looking lady. She's okay. I
don't mind the Nikki that goes on the dates with
Wan Pablo, but I don't think that's the full Nikki
I him, I know, but eventually the other Nikki will
show up when when the when the cameras aren't rolling exactly,

I think it didn't happen. I think no matter, I
think he's not with whoever he was with. Okay, So
I know that that's true. I know that that's true. Laurie,
your face is good at neutral and okay. So then
so then Nikki goes, um, wow, you've got a special
little girl. And then there was silence and she was like,

today I met your family, Camilla and Carla, we're just someone.
This was actually a good question, where does someone fit
in all of that? Like it's Carlo okay, and he's like,
she wants was best for me. She's fine, it's natural,
It's like is it um? She goes if she goes,
if the moon and the skies want us to be together,
then it we're together. And I thought, no, that's actually

he's at She's asking logistically, how does this work with
your ex wife? And you're pointing to the moon at
the moon wants and it's fine, I just moved to Utah.
That's what they do. Um. They I think they have
very well matched and they I appreciated her actual substantive question. Yeah,

and you know this this day kind of impressed me.
I mean, she's a total drip, but I can I
can see why he liked her after the day. And
I actually really liked the baseball field date. I don't
think I know, it's exciting. It's a beautiful stadium, and
it was like, oh my god, like imagining in the
middle of that jacket. It was very exciting. He's like,
welcome to my office and not on the field. My

daughter ruined that for me. Yea, my office is in
the stands, so that she says family is number one
in my book, and then she's like, well, I'm hopefully
you can come to my hometown next week, and then
she goes, I'm in love with one Pablo, But what

is all you love, and now I'm in Pablo. I
want my forever and I want my forever to be
with Wan Pablo Anna Oh today that I mean, it's something.
It's so hard to see any of these women truly
lasting with Juan Pablo because he's so weird. But I mean,
if she feels it, good for her. At this point,

I just want all these women to find happiness in
some way, maybe not as much for Nikki. I want
her to kind of go to therapy and realize why
she's so negative. But other than that, I hope everyone's happy.
I hope Andy's happy. I hope Claire finds happiness. I
hope she goes back to putting humans in cages. That yeah,

not gonna be any shortage of her happy. No one
makes her read anything like I hope she. I hope
they all are happy. Honestly, they seem they They're all
nice ladies. And I do think Nikki is a good person.
I just think the show is kind of bringing out
the worst in her, and I really didn't see it
common when we first met her. When we first met

her as like the prenatal nurse or like the kid nurse,
not prenatal, but like the the pediatric nurse. I thought, oh,
what a lovely like. She didn't have to play this part,
but I think it's who she is, and I think
I want Renee, out of all of them, to truly
find I feel like, you know, what do you think

of them going on the marlins Field? What did you
think of this date? What did you think of her
falling in love with that? Thought it was a really
fun date. I think I think she did a good
job with the family. She didn't try too hard, which
I thought was really good because sometimes they try really hard.
And she seemed very natural. Like you said, she's a
totally different person on dates. Like on dates, she's very nice,

she's very fun, but obviously that's not the full her,
because you know, there's a lot of people who are
like Renee's fun on dates and then she's fun in
the house and um, but yeah, I thought the Marlin's
Field was fun, really so sparkly. Renee is great. I
wish Renee had been the Bachelor. I love Renee. Oh god,
he'd be great. She's probably off the market. I hope

she found someone. I feel like I just lost you.
Did we hit forty? I'm back we're back. Okay, do
we lose Laurie or there's Larry. Okay, great, Oh Laurie
knows things, Okay. So then, um, it's so weird that
you guys expect the women to be so sociable in
the house. I just think she's getting she's exhausted with it,

like it's over. It's been how many weeks with the
same women, and at a certain point you just have
to be honest. These are your adversaries. She's been an
asshole in her one on ones with the producers, not
even around anybody. When she says stuff like, let's say
I didn't get a date, obviously gonna get like. She's
an asshole alone, she's an asshole with other people. Her

personality is that of an asshole. Fine, okay, So then, um,
Charlene back at the ranch. Charlene pulls the women aside. First,
your lovely Charlene, you have better taste, Jerry, go back
to your good taste, Charlene. Here we are. I mean,

that's the thing she goes. I feel sick. Um, there's
a decision that I'm not sure about. I feel thinking
the way when you make a decision that you're not
sure about I'm super conflicted. I'm potentially taking a spot
of somebody, but I've decided I'm leaving tonight. And she

goes and she tells all the women and you could
see all of them just be like like because they
know he loves Charlene. And she goes, I'm very sad.
And then what she goes to see one problem and
they're all like, why are you so glammed up? Why
are you so fancy? Her hair is like, she's got
her big, old bouncy hair. He's got her cute little
a line short shorts. And he goes, what happened? She's

so fancy because I'm gonna take Juan Pablo's heart and
I'm gonna put it in a blender. I'm gonna put
it on pure yes. And then she goes, it's very difficult.
I just feel I don't know if I can get
to the place that I'm supposed to be at. Oh. Now,
if she starts whispering in a way is the quiet

oh that that drives me up the wall? She was
annoying to like a little baby girl, a little baby
bird like head. Yeah, I don't I don't know if
I can get three weeks. I don't want to take
a spot of someone who's at the place I can't
get too. I don't feel right about yesterday. And she's like,

I can't look at you. I do want to cry
if I look at you, look at me, look at me.
And he goes, I will be upset with you if
you cry because of me. I'm sorry. I don't have to.
It's not easy. No, it's fine, He's not easy. And
then he starts whispering. I don't want you to say
I'm sorry, because you cannot be sorry for something that
you feel. I feel like I've wasted your time. Look

at me, look at your difference in a good way.
Only I just feel that I've wasted your time. And
he goes, the only thing that pissed me off if
you didn't was that you didn't sing for me enough.
And then he starts crying and goes, he's gonna have
a hometown, and then he goes, goodbye, Charlene. You have
my total respect. You have guts to say we say

was honest, and she goes, oh he's crying there you go,
law right, you have horror. Oh my gosh, Charlene. Okay,
so I had a different assessment of the whispering. So
the reason I think why she was whispering is she
wanted to say, look, here's the situation one babo, I

don't want these freaking producers to hear this, not knowing
that the sound person is so terrific that they're gonna
pick up any whisper. So she's like, hey, you know
this is this moves too quickly for me. I think
you're a cool guy. There is some attraction there, but
you know your brain is mush and I gotta go.
I got a bounce. But um so, what's interesting my

lovely Charlene is that she, uh, she is still friends
with Juan Pablo, and she is one of the few
people who has I mean, she hasn't necessarily outright defended him,
but she's like, I got nothing bad to say about him.
There's still buddies. Uh then, not like they hang out,

but but she's she just has a real um affinity
towards him, and she appreciated her time with him. Uh
he She said when when they do get together over
these past few years for dinner or whatever with her husband,
that that he still tries to do things like have

her sing and She's just like, he's just ridiculous. Uh,
but she um. I Another interesting piece is that she
had a performance in Germany. Uh. Later on, I guess
that following week of filming, and so at that time,
you know, reality Steve came out and said, no, you
just left because you had this you had this performance

in Germany that you had to show up for. And
she and you know, she was just interviewed a few
years back, which I really listened to last night where
I went to bed, uh, and she said, well, you know,
yes there was a performance, but had I really was
trying to give this a genuine stab and I, you know,

had I been feeling something that I there was somebody,
There was certainly somebody to perform my my part, and
I would have stayed. But she's like, I just wasn't.
I wasn't feeling it. Who give us a follow up?
Who did she marry? Give us tell us where Charley?
So she Uh? So I guess the filming uh or

I guess the showing of the Bachelor at this time
ended on March tenth, two thousand and fourteen. She met
her husband on March thirtie. See, I'm not looking at
any notes uh, and and they so what I'm wondering.
And I actually tweeted at her last night and I
raised it because I was like, I'm so absurd, I
can't even bear my own self. Uh that I'm wondering

whether want Wan Papa was her last boyfriend before her husband,
because she met her husband right afterwards and they've been
together since. So yeah, maybe, um kids, I don't think
they have kids yet. They live in New York City. Um,
she's still opera. I No. I think she loves them.

I think they just had an anniversary last week. Does
she want to marry Jerry you and Aaron? Yeah, I
mean she did. I did tweet a proposal to her
with a rose um and she hasn't gotten back to
me yet. But I think you look like if we
could send an entire proposal from a podcast, I feel like.

I mean I had three full people on the podcast. Him,
that's him? Where's that picture ticket? Where's their anniversary? And
it's is that it's Chili's or and Applebee's. Now she
does not go to chill? What does he do? He?
What does he do? I don't they live in New York.

He's handsome, but you could look like that. Oh, I'm
not that type of handsome. He's like a silver fox handsome.
But you're fun. You're handsome and fun. Right. But she's
fun too, And I think she is pretty much occupied
with her blog. She blogs about the Bachelor. She's very
good friends with Nick Miile. Uh. She texted me the

other day. I woke up to an eight am text
from Nick Vale. He's filming a lot by himself in
his apartment. I saw that he looked like, Okay, that's yeah.
She found she found a match and his last name
is Levine. She's Charlene Levine. No, she still has her

last name. I know, but if she married me insane? Okay,
I actually I have to use the ladies room, but
I will say this. I feel like one Pablo handled
it really well because I do think she was his
top pick and I felt like he again, aside from
the tweets, I felt like he was really gracious about it.

I did not mind him Anna thoughts. Yeah, I thought
he was pretty cool about her, being like this is
not happening for me. Yeah, I thought he was very sweet.
I think he really likes Charlene as a person like
hes x her versus just like wanting to bone on her, right,
I think he yeah, chill, I think she broke him,

she broke I think his tears were legit. I think
there's something speaking is the male here. I think there's
a hard that's a hard thing to be confronted with
your league. Yeah, and that's I think that was that
moment was I really I really wanted to be in

her league like I wanted to be. I wanted her
to want me as much as I want her and
she doesn't. And that the best situation of like you're
I'm riding high, I'm I'm being pursued by all these women,
and now one of them has stepped back and said
I don't belong here because you're just not for me.

And it's like want and it's the one he wanted. Yeah,
that was brutal. That was a brutal moment, and I
really felt bad for him. I felt such a good
assessment Jerry, and I felt like and again I felt like,
aside from his horrible tweets, I felt like he has

been aside from how he handled as far as just
watching the TV show, yes he whispers, yes he throws Camilla,
and yes he's left shame Claire like. But there's been
a lot of moments where he's been very gracious. I
thought this was one of it. The woman early on
who got really drunk and he I feel like he's
let's they believe with dignity. I feel like he's actually

been gracious about a bunch of things, which is so
confusing because everybody hated him. I do, I'll be right back.
I'm gonna run into the restaurant. I don't know about you,
but things getting so hot, I think break and we're back.

We just had. Charlene has left. The girls are delighted,
and um, they go on a group date. There's four
people and one person is going to get a rose,
So you bet them, as Chris Harrison says, make it
count because somebody's going to get the rose, securing a
hometown and a date later on that evening. Um. So

Chelsea pulls them aside and she has a stack of
letters from her mom. I was worried she was going
to read all of them, um, but the letters were
actually kind of entertaining. Um. The first one is mom
said no gum chewing, to drinks maximum and keep your
clothes on. And then the dad says, don't do do

with the opposite of whatever mom says, and you'll be fine.
And she's so cute and sweet. I wish her well.
I knew she wasn't gonna win, Laurie. I need an
update on Chelsea, please, okay, because she's gone so uh So,

Chelsea is as adorable as ever. Um and she seems
to have a little bit of an older man right now. Um.
And she I believe went on Bachelor in Paradise the
first the first season, if I'm recalling correctly. Um So, Chelsea,
you know, not surprisingly not a lot to report because

she's you know, she's just living in Colombos, Ohio. I
loved her so sweet. Yeah, she's a ray of sunshine
and she's gorgeous in a in a very sort of
effortless way. She's blond, natural beauty. She's Marilynn rice Cup
with blonde hair. Absolutely, And when she started doing the

letters bit, like you, you could feel her energy. She's like,
I haven't had enough time and she's in this she's
in such a rush and she's trying to I did
this letter's thing, and you can feel her sort of
like anxiety in wanting to sort of like, get it
all out now, because she knows this is like it.
And that was the moment where I was like, uh,

I don't feel I don't feel good. I know, and
and it almost feel like, c C, you're gonna want
to me? How can you not want to go to
my hometown like I've got the best letters? Yeah. Yeah,
but he's he you know, he's just been he's just
had his heartbroken. And I don't think she's of of

a caliber of women that he's clearly looking for. You know,
he's got a lawyer, a pediatric nurse, an opera singer.
He's kind of looking for something more than just the
fun girl from Ohio. And then that sounds bad, not
looking for you think he's looking for that. I think

he's looking for a piece of tail. And besides, she's
a science educator at COSA in colous I'm not look
she is. She would have and in my top three,
Like I like her, But he I think he thinks
he wants that that other stuff, the DJ model actress
side of him. Yeah, he did all kinds of women, DJs, models, actresses.

And then even his cousin said teacher and the other
one goes teacher and they started laughing. It's like, right,
so he's trying to like prove them wrong. There's that
part of him that's like playing against type. Well, if
I'm going on the Bachelor, I should step it up
and look for someone who's not a DJ. Meanwhile, Andy
starts freaking out. I have to say, and Andy was

my I was gonna give my first impression roads to Andy.
She's such a drag. She's such a Debbie downer. Yeah,
she's like super downer. She's crying on the beach, like
I just feel like she seems depressed. She wants reassurance.
He goes, trust me, trust me, and she's like, oh,
that's her whole game. That her whole game, this whole

time is like in the in the in the farm
field and Vietnam. I'm like, she's just like, look like
she's trying to get him to promise her the win
before he can the prosecutor, the prosecutor in her who
keeps saying I don't like giving up control. Yeah, She's like, okay,
but just tell me it's going to be me right, Yeah,

come on, you can just and he's like I can't, Like,
you're I want you're here, because I want you here now. Uh.
And then she's like, Okay, I feel better. And it's
like she's kind of been a downer. Anna. You thought
she was depressed last week? Yeah, she just seem so sad. Yeah,
I think I think it's she's not like I think

we said that last week the week before that. She's
not used to not being like the hottest girl in
the room and having the attention, and I think this
is shocking her system. Yeah, and she's befriended the other
mean girl. Laurie thoughts, um, she doesn't bother me so much. Um,
you know, she is a little insecure for somebody who

shouldn't be. She's gorgeous, is I think she's pretty interesting
outside of if she can just get past that insecurity.
I actually think she's kind of interesting. She's the alpha, though,
I'm sure who's used to not like what do you mean? Obviously?
I'm in what do you mean? I didn't get the first?
Why didn't I go meet your kid and go to
Marlin's Park? Yeah, yeah, no I think that. Well, well

I'll just leave it at that. I got I'll got okay.
So then okay, so she starts crying and she's she's nervous.
She doesn't want to fail. What if it fails, what
if it doesn't work out? And he's like, they're like
sitting on the beach, and then Claire, I have a

clear impression. Here's my visual clear impression. Ready. I hate that.
I'm just I'm the youngest of six girls. It's like
to describe what Arden is doing. She's doing the Clare
like head sort of shake, like she's trying to shake

off like a like a without using her hands, like water,
like a dog would shake off water. I hate that
she doesn't. She did that when they went to swim
in the ocean to like you want to and then
she kind of like it's so childish and weird and
fake and bizarre, and I it makes my skin crawl,

affected and performative and and the kind of like his
paper in the pew where he you know, does that,
Oh yeah, he does that. He also played it so
right for a girl with a little domage. She's got
a little damage. He goes, I wish I could meet

your dad, oh for a one. And who's I mean?
Him saying that like that's where the wound is. Her
sounds like a sweet pea of the dad has passed away.
She's the baby girl, and we hear, what's age about
the video? He made a video. She's the only sister
that's not been married off and it's for the only
the husband. I hope it's for you. But he brought

it up, he brought it up. She didn't bring it
up because she was like, I've got a big family. Oh,
there's so many more close big family, and if he
brought up I wish it could be your dad. Lorie,
you're shaking your head, thought, well, you know, I actually
don't recall what happens, but it looks like her in

the future. But today, so as I'm watching this, I'm like,
oh God, please please please don't show him the video.
Please don't show him. Don't DVD is calling out the
DVD I was. So I'm petrified because of course leave
it's a Bachelor producers. But it looks like in the
coming attractions, like her sister is a major cock block. Yeah,

we'll see, we'll see, Okay. So then Andy gets the
group dad. We barely heard anything from adorable Renee, who
couldn't be cuter in her bathing suit running, and then
she's that like they just like jumped right past her.
They didn't talk about anything, and then Andy got the
Rose and Claire could not believe it. We just got

introduced to the real Claire. But the girl Claire has
been crazy the whole time. Yeah, but when? Yeah, but
the can I speak to the manager Claire in the
in the seaplane which, by the way, and now I
want to be a seaplane pilot for some reason, that
just looks so fun. Would you rather be at a
seaplane or have the truck that would drive in the
jeep that drove into the wall, No way, get water

in the air. Now I want to be drive from
the Americana and Glendale straight to the Venice beer friend,
I will dry, I will drive to the pier and
then get in a boat and that'll be fine. A
plane that can be on the water and then soar
into the heavens. Come on, you are objectively incorrect, Jerry.

Damn it. We were so close. I know you guys. Really,
I feel like you guys would do well an end
of days bunker together. I feel we would do great.
We would do we would be very level, heaven headed,
I believe, and I felt you would just stay up
all night playing sort of something like kind of trivia game.
Oh those like good? What's that? Just some racy chocolate chocolate.

But here's the thing. We meet Claire in the plane
for that that moment they put in where she's like,
let's pack this ship up and get out of here.
Like that moment, I was like, there she is. The
masks just came off. She's awful, but she's trying to
put on a good face like as she is. As
upset as she is, She's like, Okay, that's so disturbing.

That freaks me out. It's great, It was great, And
what are you looking at? I was actually looking at
I was trying to find pictures of Claire during the
like the face that you were that you were doing,
because I wanted to potentially use it for the image. Yeah,
she goes it all the time. It's the only thing

when she's talking to him, she goes when he gave
when he gave Andy the rose, she had that smile
that like with the Thousand Yards Stare, you could feel
her skins wanted to split open and a fiery skull
come out, feel her hatred. And for the kids out

there that are too young to remember this, in the eighties,
there was a show called V that had humans that
it was not it was not popular. It was on
for like we made like peel off. I remember people
would peel off their skin and have like lizards. Yeah,
there were lizards, and I think that that's where she
might be a a member of the ye okay great

so then um so then they he takes Andy O
a date to Bamboo to go see Romeo Santos and
Andy is a terrible dancer, but they go get up
on stage and she's a good sport about it. Actually
looks gorgeous. She's a knockout. Oh my god, two thousand
and fourteen. She's got her she's got her body con dress,

her skin to all of them in Miami have busted
out their colorful body con stripped bandage dresses. She looks incredible.
She's got a cute peeptoe platform heel two thousand and fourteen,
like a Jessica Simpson knockoff. And uh, they are dancing,
and I thought she was a good sport about diving
in whereas Nikki would have been a real like crab
apple about it. She's like, I can't dance, but I'm

gonna try even though I'm on a stage that's hard
to do. Jerry, Yeah, I thought she looks great. I
thought she was a good date. She she gave it
a whirl and she let him lead and he that's
I think what he liked about himself, as he's his
Venezuelans sort of Don Juan sort of act, and she
went along with it, and I think he's attracted to her.

And yeah, Laurie, Laurie, what do you think. Well, I
wanted to dance with him because I love to dance,
so I would have happily let him leave exactly. Well,
Mrs Roboto likes him as well, but um she really
this this episode, in this particular scene, really revealed itself

to me to be a humongous indicator for someone's chemistry.
So if you are unable to dance well with your partner,
then I think I think they're doomed. Because if you're
a bad dancer and you have another bad dancer, then

you can sort of like clutz around together. But you
want to have some that you can dance well with
because you know that's that can be assign for whether
you can there can be assigned for what those hand
motions that you guys are doing mean, what do those means?

Whether you kids? Why are you putting your finger inside
of your other fist? What does that mean? By Anna?
Why are you doing that? I would never I would.
You're saying you can't learn to dance. Well, she might
not have known the steps, but it feels like she
says she has no, she's no, she's no, Laurie. Laurie

actually does have the move. That's what's amazing about. Laurie
actually does have the move. Okay, so then, um so
then they're dancing. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Claire is
hanging out with Renee, and we go, here we go,
Chelsea and Claire and Renee are hanging out. And now

remember that Chelsea and there who were just nice ladies
and um ding dong. Nicky comes down and and she
just had no compassion. They're like, well Andy got the
rose uh and and they basically she just she literally

was like just stormed off, was so crazy and it's
just wait, you're saying Nikki was the crazy one here? Yeah, no, yeah, no,
wait a minute, wait, we're gonna put you on pause
and putting you in a box. Anna, who's the crazy one?

Oh god? That whole. They were both crazy. That was weird.
Why did she walk off? And then to confront her
like it was not necessary to Katie, Katie, who do
you think was the great? I mean they're both crazy,
but who was the bigger annoyance? And this I thought
Nikki was the crazier one, just because like me, she

just like stormed off and was just like I just
I like Claire really was like, hey, I just curiously
what did I do to piss you off? And NICKI
just and then she says, you could excuse yourself from
my room. And then she says, um, did you pay
for it? Did you sleep here? Did you pay for it?
Did you say no? No, Laurie, you're still about er Lori.

I'm gonna say Nikki was the bit now Clara was crazy.
Nikki was just so rude. LORI who Lorie? Because I mean,
you know who were about to let out of the box.
So let's just get your piece in, Lorie. If this
is a boxing match, I would like to call a draw.

And the reason why is Nicky is allowed to leave, right,
She's allowed to leave if she thinks, whether it's accurate
or not, that her friend Andy has is getting talked
negatively about she's a lovely She's allowed to step out
of the room. That's fine. Um. I also don't believe
that Claire's initial intention was to come up to see

whether she offended her. I think she came up to
start some ship. Um. At the same time, I think
that Nikki uh one I love. I don't know if
this is during this this exchange, but I loved how
Nikki was like Claire, Claire's gotta come get that crazy

from so on. And I don't know if it was
right then, but when she says she says, um, she's
claimed her it as well. She's like a dog. She's
pissed on him and made her character at first, but
it might not be hers. And then he's gonna have
a giant crazy family to go meet because she didn't
get that crazy all on her own. Yeah. I mean,
I can't believe she said that out loud, my god,
But but I thought I thought it was true. So

I think you know that that whole exchange was so bizarre.
Nikki clearly is not a very warm, uh engaging person,
but she also doesn't need to participate in those conversations.
Claire didn't need to start any crap um and she is.
She is completely bonkers. But but Nikki also doesn't need

to to to start anything, right, all right, I'm gonna say.
And then when Nikki said this, well this was talking
about the rose ceremony. She said, people who um, people
who don't have the people who don't have a rose
are sad. People people who have who have the guy whatever,
people whatever. People who don't have a rose are nervous

or not. I have a rose. Oh wait, I don't.
Well pretty much, she's such I see you next Tuesday.
All right, Jerry, have at it. You guys are fucking wrong. Okay, okay,
I had to watch it again because I was like,
I don't so much happened and it was so crazy

and weird. But okay, Nicky comes down. The three Chelsea, Renee,
and Claire are clearly just blindsided, upset. It's awkward, it's
cringe e, it's weird. Nikki is just like, you guys
are funny, Like she's just trying. You guys were just

ripping on her for trying to for not participating. She
was just trying to lighten the mood, sort of like
what Chelsea normally does by saying like you're smiling, you're
like weird, and Claire's just checked out, and Claire goes
like this, Claire, who's just dripping with insanity, goes goes, uh,

I'm not I'm not checked out, but I'm not gonna
sit here and be fake. And that was just a
needle right to Nikki, like you you're you're fake and
I don't get what he's easy you. And then she goes,
and then she said and then and then Claire goes,
and then Claire goes, I don't get why why he

would take Andy. Oh, maybe she just needs that kind
of reassurance. Now, later Claire says, I wasn't talking about anybody,
and you absolutely were. Nicky goes, NICKI up, wait, you
get in your box art and get good in your books.
So Nicki goes, this is stupid, Like I'm not gonna

sit here and listen to you. So she bounces, good
for you. You're allowed to extricate yourself from a situation
that you find unpleasant. I'm not even looking at you, guys,
I'm not even looking. So she goes upstairs, and then
Claire goes, oh, here's what Claire thought, Here's how it happened.
She goes, I'm gonna look bad now. I need to

somehow save face because now I look like a villain.
I need to go and try and like do this
like mature power, like confront confront adversity type play. And
she ends up coming off like a like a dumb child.
She's standing there and she and Nikki is just like, look,
you don't why are you here? Get out of my room?

Is this your room? And then it becomes this like
I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. Did you
pay for it with me? And I was like that's
when I started texting you are didn't Like this is insane.
She's a crazy person. She's lost it, nicky Nikki. Okay,
for as awful as you guys think she is, she
did the mature thing. She was like this chicken, psycho,

I'm going upstairs, and then she followed her into the
room and that's a that's crazier move. Well, this has
been a delight, all right, so here and then then
we get to the final Rows ceremony and he how's
that sweater on? And he not been doing this whole time?

So he cut Chelsea. He cut Chelsea. Yeah, Oh my god,
look at wait, what is Laurie? Oh man, I remember
doing that in fifth grade two. I like that that
was happening, didn't I thought? I thought her sweater off

was like she su what's happening anyway? I just want
to follow up on something that I forgot to say.
Uh that clear, actually, I think is able to say.
I'm just not being fake. So what she was saying,
she wasn't trying to be bestive aggressive towards Nikki. What
she was saying was that she was disappointed that she

got sent home and she was upset, and she's just
gonna she's not gonna pretend like she's not upset. So
the way she said it, though, was real gross. Okay,
wait wait, wait, are gonna We're gonna wrap this down
because it's already an eight hour episode, the best episode
so far. It's been a great season. And I have

an email so from you guys, we get We have
so many emails about us, I'm just gonna read you one.
This is from Kate Fabra. You can email us at
Rose Podcast at gmail dot com. One Pablo season. I've
been rewatching one Pablo season. Isolating tempted me to get
ahead of you guys. I distinctly remember disliking him, but
several episodes in he's getting a good edit. He has

had some actual conversations with the women about their jobs.
He asked us on their mind. He talks a good game.
He does kiss them to get them to stop talking, though,
but the show seems like it's actually attempting to build
a real relationship between real people. I just find it
a fascinating comparison to the shallow game show that has
become I absolutely adore your podcast. You have amazing guests.

As a mom to a teenager, I didn't think Debbie
could be matched, but darn it if Spencer, I mean,
Jerry is. Thanks for keeping up the great work. Thanks
to the laughs. Kate Favraa, she loved you, Jerry, I
love you too. K How sweet is that? Um? Okay, wait,
let's see. Uh I'm gonna hear. I'm gonna read one more.

This is from Mary Murray podcast Love and a Request,
High Hearted and Friends. I've been an art of listener
after the to the podcast ever since after Joe Joe
season when you had Wills Adams on for the first
time with Steve Heitner, which is a great episode, I thought, Wow,
a podcast that combines The Bachelor with Seinfeld alumni and
some badass comedians. This show is for me. Since then,

I've convinced my younger sister to start watching The Bachelor
franchise because of how hilarious your podcast is. We live
in different cities, but FaceTime every week to watch an
episode together and then text each other not time about
your awesome show. You all are truly doing the Lord's work,
I have to admit. In addition to sending you some love,
I'm emailing with a small request. My sister, her name
is Katie Riley, is an I See You nurse. Thankfully,

her hospital has yet to be hit super hard by
the pandemic, but she recently volunteer year to exclusively work
in their COVID unit. I'm so so proud of her,
and I know it would make her day if you
could send her some love from your bunker in l A.
She's the strongest person I know, but like so many
of us, this time has been very hard for her.
She's so deeply cares for her patients and it breaks

her heart to see them going through this in isolation.
She's my hero. Thanks so much for consideration, Have a
great day's day safe, best Mary Murray, Well, Katie Riley,
Katie Riley, from all of us here, thank you so
much for your service, Thank you for listening to the podcast.
We love you, We are cheering for you, we admire

She's our hero for sure. Absolutely, we're just dingdongs hiding
in garages and it's awesome. And we hope you're doing okay.
We hope you're hanging in there. We hope this is
just a nice distraction and it's can brighten your week
a little bit because I'm sure you're in the trenches
right now. Anna, Yeah, thank you for listening. I can't

imagine that seems like a very uh tough emotional place
to be in. But thank you for doing what you do. Like,
we need more people like that who are willing to
volunteer to work in these uh the COVID wings if
you will, and we're so grateful and and it's to
all of you listeners, like truly, this is this We
were just talking about this before we came on, and
this is always the highlight of my week. Um. It's

we love hearing from you guys. I love seeing my friends.
It provides a sense of community and a distraction. And um,
we're rooting for all of you guys and hope everybody
is safe and sound out there. Um and you can
like us on iTunes, you can like us on follow
us anywhere you do it. Jerry, where can people find you?
I'm at Jerry Trayner on Instagram and Twitter. Um, Anna,

where can people find you? I'm at Anna Host on Twitter. Um,
Miss Katie, where can people find you? I'm at Katie
Underscore Money on two her and Instagram. I'm at Arden
Marine A R D E N M. Why are I
n on Instagram and Twitter? I prefer Instagram? Um, and

please follow me on Instagram. I've actually because I've been
losing a lot because of the teenage, like the eleven
year olds that stopped following me because because I'm not
posting pictures of Michael Provost from a stageable. So just
help me stum the tide of losing the eleven year old.
But um, Jerry, I have a question. Yes, that speaks
to this whole experiment watching this old season now that

we have really gotten to no Claire, Yeah, what how
did she get picked to be the Bachelorette? I don't
get it. LORI, well, Jerry, here we go, here we
go on our three. Um, let's get into it. Let's
start back up. So what what you've been doing over
the start? Start the boat car right back up, let's

get going. Uh. Well, you know, over the past few years,
the Bachelor contestants and the main role have become very young,
and so there's been quite a bit of criticism around
the age of the contestants and sort of the quality
of the programming because you know, it was so top

notch during this time and um, and so there were
a lot of complaints, and they wanted, uh, an older
uh main main role. What's it called, what's it called
Hollywood people? Um? Lead? Yes, so they wanted an older lead.
And clear is good TV. I mean she has been

on three or four actually four times on the Bachelor
series or spinoffs, and she always brings drama, right, so
she can carry a scene, and they wanted to to
ramp it up and make it a little bit older.
I'd rather watch Annelie well, I mean I don't know
about that, but uh. And also Peter's women, although very attractive,

we're so boring. I mean, who on Peter season would
be able to take this selling she wouldn't do it.
I mean, she's with Peter, but but she And it
also seemed like the production didn't really like her because
she wasn't even invited to the women. So all, I'm
gonna wrap this up because I don't want to scare everybody,

but I think we got everything out. Um, we appreciate
you guys, and uh we will talk to you guys later.
Thanks for listening. Oh yeah, want to get all feels
so good. I just gotta wonders, world, World, Will you

accept this? Rose is a production of I Heart Radio.
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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