Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, guys, time now for ask the CLO chief
Love Officer, the Close Steve Harvey and your love questions.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Here we go.
Speaker 1 (00:09):
This one is from Honey and Queens Honeywrights two years ago,
I had a hip replacement. I had hip replacement surgery,
and I'm still using it as an excuse to keep
my husband away from me at night. He eventually stopped
pressing me for sex, and now he doesn't come to
bed till late at night. Instead, he sits out back
and smokes cigars. Last night, I looked for him and
his car wasn't there. I called him and he said
he was watching the game with his brother. I wanted
to call his brother to verify his story, but the
background was quiet. Should I trust my husband or did
he lie?
Speaker 2 (00:49):
No? No, he probably didn't lie. So let's talk about
this four minutes.
Speaker 3 (00:53):
See, because just sarelate about your hust Let's be real.
Is you freaking this hip? Is you with this fake
hip injury? Now you ain't got your hip replace? So
I know you're old. So now you don't got your
hip replace because that ain't a twenty year old problem.
You got your hip replace because your ass mess around fail.
So you didn't have your little panic alert butt on
to help our fallings. And I can't get up, so
you laid there, and now you got to get the
whole damn hip replace. Now you don't want your husband
touching you at night, and so you done kept the
lie going you lines. Let's not turn this into is
your husband lying? You've been lied to your husband about
your hip injury. This is your line. So now your
husband been sitting in the backyard smoked cigar. Now you
go out there one night in the car and there
how long it's been since you had sex with your hugs?
And what you want him to do because he knows
your hip. Don't take that damn long because he was
a doctor's office with you, and he don't want your
help anyway.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
So now of.
Speaker 3 (02:00):
Course wrong with everything else, because well I'll stay on
the front side. We even got to go over there
with a hip back because what I want is not
your help.
Speaker 2 (02:08):
Now what's up? So is he at your brother's house?
Speaker 3 (02:11):
Probably should you call hell now because you started this lie?
Speaker 2 (02:16):
So this lie only not Hell, honey.
Speaker 1 (02:22):
Honey, out of Queen's Moving on to Ian in Saint Louis,
I says I took my girlfriend to Vegas for her
birthday and scheduled her a spa day. I gambled, then
went to the pool to relax and have a drink.
I was being sociable with two peuties and they said
they had edibles in their room, so we went up there.
I stayed in there for or for four hours straight,
and the three of us pleasured each other. I felt
so bad about how I did my girlfriend on her
birthday trip. I planned to marry this woman, but my
conscience is eating me up. I know that I can't
confess what I did, So how do I get past this?
Speaker 2 (03:02):
So let me something. Dog? If you know you can't
confess what you did, what is you writing a swarm?
Speaker 3 (03:08):
No, you can't run the risk of one of her
friends seeing this and talking about Wait, man, didn't I
Dmitria has taken you out of your birthday? And when
he listen and all this and then you come to
couldn't find him? Girl, He was upstairs eating edibles in
a room with two girls and they were pleasuring each other.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
Hold up, dog, dog, listen to me. We all make.
Speaker 3 (03:29):
Mistakes, everybody. Don't you walk your ass in there and
have no moment where you got to get this off
your chest? This is you've heard the statement cad to
your grave. This is a take it to your grave moment.
I thank you stupid for writing this damn letter myself personally.
Now this is you a young ass student because you
done yes?
Speaker 2 (03:52):
Oh yes? Did he say how all he was?
Speaker 1 (03:54):
Speaker 2 (03:55):
But he did say he in in is Saint Louis?
How many ends there? What he put his name into?
Speaker 1 (04:04):
Dam And why is this bodying his thathing?
Speaker 3 (04:11):
It wasn't bothering you when you was eating brownies and
all the gum dropping and all this hell, wasn't nothing
bothering you. Wasn't nothing bothering you when they was up
there pleasuring each other. Dog, what happens in Vegas stays
in fags.
Speaker 2 (04:26):
They created that another Vegas six times and years. Do
you know the thing that I've done in Vegas? I
can't repeat your.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
Say for you man, No wonder the igland ass moment
you're trying to eat past it.
Speaker 2 (04:42):
You passed it. Vegas ain't for amateur cy.
Speaker 3 (04:45):
It all right, that's say what you need to do.
You can't take your hands back out there. I used
to go out to Vegas expecting that you went out there.
Speaker 2 (04:52):
That just happened. I went out there, fought.
Speaker 3 (04:55):
She got different dudes right now, No, I know what
this is out here. I don't believe mole stuff can
happen to you in Vegas. Sitting up in here, man,
till you fit to have something? How do you get
past it?
Speaker 2 (05:08):
You it's in your past.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
They don't call it sin city for.
Speaker 2 (05:13):
Nothing, that's sure. I don't think he understands how many
of us have a bag we can to our grave
that's full of stuff. You know how big that much load?
Speaker 3 (05:26):
I got Turman, I got a slave behind it.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
I got a drunk load. You that not.
Speaker 3 (05:41):
I'm telling you right now. I look, man, my bag.
You don't even understand. It's stable, it's so, it's stitched,
it's clowned, it's gorilla glue. You get in this bag,
my bag, don't move. Let me give you some advice.
Don't take your ass back there by the bay.
Speaker 2 (06:06):
No, No, I'm asking a question. Hey, come all.
Speaker 1 (06:13):
Right, all right? And Virginia Beach says, I'm dating a
new guy. And we met at a football game. He
had on a baseball cap, so I couldn't see his hair,
but I did see his big smile and grayish blue eyes.
On our first date, I got to see his hair
for the first time. It was shiny, wet and jet black.
His baby hair was pulled out and it looked like
a Jerry curl. I asked him what he'd done to
get his hair like that, and he said, it's natural.
It's only it's the only flaw he has so far.
So how can I encourage him to fix it?
Speaker 2 (06:45):
Speaker 1 (06:45):
Speaker 2 (06:45):
I don't know?
Speaker 3 (06:46):
First of all, the three of us on this show
don't have half ball.
Speaker 2 (06:52):
The three comedians don't have hair.
Speaker 3 (06:54):
The fourth comedian is closing in on us on his
way over here, could be any months there. Yeah, we're
just waiting on him like he on zoom right now
and he's all forehead, here's hairline back then where his
head set is at. Wow, we can't wait till he
gets here. We were in the fight. We we already
know that's how it starts.
Speaker 2 (07:27):
Two us. I'm just look, he got a lot look
at his forehead. I'm just telling you all, it's just okay,
you back up, I'll back up. Let her show you something.
Speaker 3 (07:42):
All right, straight forward and in angle. We can't see
the front of your hairline.
Speaker 2 (07:50):
It's happening.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
Thank you L you're listening. Morning show