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May 16, 2024 26 mins

Two-time Emmy and Three-NAACP Image Award-winning, television Executive Producer Rushion McDonald, interviewed Ashley M. Fox.  Between her wealth of experience as a Wall Street financial manager and her status as founder of a financial education company, truly, the “M” in “Ashley M. Fox” must stand for “money”. Bursting onto the Money Making Conversations Master Class Podcast, Ashley M. Fox is here to deliver important advice on how to build financial literacy at any age and the critical mental barriers that must be overcome for you to start building that wealth for your future.  

Not only that, she also discusses the reasons behind why she founded the educational fintech company, “Empify”, and the challenges that she had to overcome to make that company a success. Finally, Ashley M. Fox expounds the importance of HBCUs in the Black community and discusses how going to one not only prepared her for a career in Wall Street, but how it helped put her on the path that she is still on today. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
If you're about to make a change in your life
and you feel uncomfortable, that's the best feeling you can
have because for the first time in your life, you'll
make a new decision that's going to be best for
you and not what somebody told you to do. And
that's when all bets are off. Welcome to Money Making
Conversation Masterclass. I'm your host with Shan McDonald. Our theme

is there's no perfect time to start following your dreams.
I recognize that we all have different definitions of success.
For you and maybe decide to your h it's time
to stop reading other people's success stories to start living
your own keep winning. My next guest, Ashley M. Fox
is a former Wall Street analyst, Howard University grad HBCU

and an expert in a field as a financial education specialist.
After helping manage money for both millionaires and billionaires during
her career on Wall Street, actually quite a job and
started own company, Implify. Implify, merging of the words empower
and modify, is a financial ad tech startup that was
created to show both adults and children how to build wealth.

Since twenty fourteen, Implifier has reached thousands of individuals and
his programs have been implementing over fifty different schools and
organizations across the country. Her work and story have been
featured on Jim Kramer's The Street, Y'allhoo, Finance, Rolling Out Magazine,
Philly dot Com, Fox News, ABC, Huffington Post, Glamour Magazine,
and forks Please Work with the Money Making Conversation Ashley M. Fox?

Speaker 2 (01:31):
How are you?

Speaker 1 (01:31):
How are you? Did I miss the thing?

Speaker 3 (01:33):

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Because you know you got a lot to talk about.
Did I miss anything?

Speaker 2 (01:35):
You know?

Speaker 1 (01:36):
I want to make sure everybody know you are the bomb.
You know when it comes to what we're about to
talk about it, you know, I get a lot of
people to show down. They kind of have the credits
they you know, they'll throw some credits out there, but
you your credits all at the top of the food
chain credits there. You know, how do you feel about that?
When you know you're out there working in your brand,
Because that's what it is all about. You got to

you gotta get gain respect for your brand. Then you
have to put it out there so people can know
about your brand. Because you left Wall Street, tell us
about just update I mentioned any of the credit to
updates about how did you make that decision, because a
lot of people are afraid when they leaveing a solid
base to something that's not so clear.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
I think for me, when I never wanted to be
an entrepreneur, I always wanted to be a profound African
American on Wall Street. So after being there, ultimately my
goal was to do something bigger and better. I think
working on Wallstreet, I worked with millionaires and billionaire so
if you had at least twenty five million dollars, it
was our job to manage your money. And after a while,

when you are working with millionaires and millionaires and you
realized that you deserved to be just like the client,
when you're on the other end of the table, you
realize you're not going to get there serving the wealthy people.
And for me, I always actually wanted to be a teacher.
I just never became a teacher because in my mind,
I felt like teachers didn't make a lot of money.
So if I wanted to make a lot of money,
I needed to major in the subject of money, and

I needed to work on Wall Street. But after a while,
I felt like the things that I've was learning, what
I was getting exposed to, so I saw where people
were spending their money, where they were traveling, where they
were living, what they were investing in, and I felt
like you shouldn't have to come from money work in finance,
major in finance to learn how to manage, save, and
invest your money. And so ultimately I just got to
a point where I had a feeling. I knew something
was out there, bigger and better, and I did take

that leap. It wasn't the easiest thing I did. I
did lose a lot along the way, But for me,
it wasn't about the money anymore. It was about what
was the inside of me saying what was my calling?
And I knew that I was there for something bigger
and keeping rich people rich wasn't it. But I needed
that experience to make sure that I had the tools
and resources to educate people who did not get the

same exposure that I was giving up.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
Now do you know, because I was driven by money,
I think everybody was driven by money. I remember I
went to college my degrees in mathematics and started out
in civil engineering because I felt that it would pay
me the most money. And I realized that wasn't my calling,
and eventually my degree was in mathematics, my mind was
in sociology. Do you driven by Are you driven driven
about the opportunity to make money?

Speaker 2 (04:03):
I don't think I'm driven by either. To be honest,
I think I'm I'm a big proponent of just knowing
that success makes noise because I remember, even when I
left my Wall Street career, people were like, you left
from working with millionaires and billionaires to work with people
who don't have money, and it made me feel like
I was crazy, But in all actuality, I was just
like yes. And for me, I created a space. I mean,

we all say we don't learn about financial education in schools,
but nobody really wants to go put it into the
school system because it's not the norm. For me, it
was like this has to happen, This will happen, and
I'm going to figure out how to make it work.
And then I started to make money. So for me,
I chose happiness over money. And the more I focus
on serving people, the more I focus on doing what

I felt was my purpose driven life calling, the more
money started to come to me. So I created a
space where I would go pitch schools and find out
how they ran their schools, understanding how they ran their
budget to say, hey, let me teach financial education to
these students. I think I created a need that was
once there, but no one knew how to provide that need,

and so in all honestly taste the money. When I
did it, I wasn't happy. So and I realized, let
me just do what makes Ashley happy, because I'd rather
wake up every single day doing what I love and
doing what I love and serving the people that I served.
Opportunities come to me so much more than when I
was just looking to make money, and I think also
to when you're just looking to make money, people can
feel that like I can't teach financial education to people

who don't have a lot of money and then looking
to make money off of them. Now it defeats the
whole purpose of me serving the world that I felt
like God put me here to serve. And so I
found that the more I served, the bigger the opportunities got.
The bigger the opportunities got, the more people saw that
it worked, and the more successful I became.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
The whole Your curriculum in schools as a elevated O
fifty different schools. Now, that's ironic that you said you
wanted to be a school teacher, and you left to
be in finance, and now you're back to implementing school.
So you basically are doing what you wanted to do,
but you are controlling, controlling the tone, you know, the

tone of you know in other words, you know, you
create a curriculum that that values your passion and now
you're teaching it as a school teacher would teach your
brand and educate the masses like you wanted to do,
wanted to do. And so when you when you when
you talk about young people, what is the difference that
you find the most unique when you're talking to young
people about money and talking to adults about money.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
I think working with kids, there's there. Okay, so when
you're an adult, we were once that child where possibilities
were internet. You're once that that child who thought we
could do, be and have everything. And the more we
grow up, including our experiences growing up with our parents
and our environment, society, the news, we then we then

don't feel like it's possible. So we feel like we
have to go to work every single day because we
have to say build that dream of being happy no
longer exists because we feel like we got to do
a we got to do working with a child, the
possibilities are infinite. Shifting their mindset is infinite, and I
think there's less conditioning when you deal with a child
than it is with adult. Now, it's not impossible with

an adult. You just got to break through a lot
more barriers because they've been told no too many times,
they've been afraid too often. Whereas a child, they still
believe it's possible. A child hasn't seen a bill, So
let me prepare you for what a bill looks like.
But then also show you how you can build wealth
like the people you idolize. But let me start early
so that you don't make the same mistakes that adults

have made in the past. So in all, honestly, it's
it's a lot easier to teach a child because they believe,
and also they're there to learn. They know they're coming
to school to learn, whereas adults, their fear, there's doubt,
there's worried, there's I don't have time. A child, they
don't have those excuses because essentially their kids, they haven't
gotten to that point in life where they where they
would tell themselves no, because society has told them no,

too often important.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
That you say that. I would tell people that when
you look at their life when they hit forty and fifty,
that really, when you don't know what you want to
do with your life, just look at look back when
you was eighteen to twenty five. We were feearless when
you had dreams that, like you stated, the dreams of
the impossible, until you start putting up these stops signs,
or you got married, or you went off to the
military assignment, or you just your dreams or I can't

do this because we are very self defeating a race
of people once we reach a certain age, I'm not
going to try to do that. And that's what a
lot of people just kind of like give up, to
give up on how they look in the mirror, to
give them on what they can do, and the car
they drive, the house that live, the neighborhood they live in.
And that really is true because as a young person,
all you see is what I could can be. And

I always tell people I never tell a child what
they can't be. Not if they can't sing, I'll tell them, hey,
you know you can't sing. Now you need to stop
all that manness. Okay, maybe you can rap. Now try
rap it, but you can't sing okay, and you know
you can't dunk. But from a physical standpoint, but from
a mental standpoint, you're unlimited on what you can do
as long as you stay in the lane of what
you're capable were doing, and that's what you were just

implementing right there. That adults tend to doing the teaching process.
They got all these limiteds that they keep putting in
their brain. I don't have enough money to do that.
Oh I don't have time to do that. Why would
I want to do that? While you just telling them how,
they're telling themselves what they can't do. That's really distracting
when you're trying to teach people how to be successful.
Can you get can you can you? Can you get

them to overcome that? Or you just lay down the plan?
And so I'm not going to do it, and a
lot of them are not going to do it.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
So I'm a firm believer that things are not taught,
they're caught, and I think when people are ready, they'll
be open to it. So one of the biggest things,
and this is since since I've left my Wall Street career,
I've never solicited what I did. I never said, hey,
I can show you how to make a bunch of money.
Let me show you how to do this. I get
people to a point where they're ready. They've exhausted all options.

They taken the classes they can take, they went to
the bank, they tried to learn everything possible, yet they
don't feel connected to the people that are providing the
information that they need. And it gets to a point
where they say, Okay, I'm frustrated being frustrated, but I
know I deserve to make a change. And ultimately that's
why the word emplithy was community because it's one thing
that gives people education. But in all honesty, everything we
teach you can google it. But the real question is

why don't we take that information off of Google and
actually implement it. That means that there's a mental barrier
that is stopping us from executing on the information we
have access to. And I think it's one thing to
get information, but it's also another thing to get that
with inspiration. And so that's where the empower part of
emplify comes in. The first three letters are E ANDP.
That comes from empower because I can give your resources,

but I need you to feel empowered to know that
you can do something with these resources, no matter where
you are, no matter how much you have, it is
still possible. And then ultimately, when you have that inspiration,
you have the tools and resources, it then changes the
way you see yourself in the role of money in
your life, which is where modify comes from, because that's
where the change takes place. And so ultimately we start
with the mind. If I can change your mind, I

can change your bank account. So we focus on your
thought process. We know what you we know what you're
dreaming of, we know what's uncomfortable for you, and we
literally do the complete opposite of that. And then once
we do that, give you the tools and resources, and
then you realize, hey, I actually can do this. Hey
maybe these beliefs that I have are not in mine.
Maybe society put them in my mind. Maybe my parents
gave me these fears, but they're not my narrative. And

so we take those narratives and those beliefs and we
change the thinking behind the person with the money, and
once you have the tools and resources, you go running
after that.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Ashley and Fox, you know, when I interviewed you a
couple of years ago, you was a bad girl back
then you're on fire. Now you're on fire. I'm just
listened to you going this girl here is you know,
because we all learn. I've learned, I've grown, I've grown
as an interview I've grown as a person my brain.
I know exactly what my brand is and pushing it

in the right direction. And I'm listening to a person
who's really focused, who knows. And I'm not saying you
wouldn't focus when I first interview, but you on fire now?
Tell us what makes you have such a strong comfort
zone and how did you get to this point to
be as comfortable as I'm hearing you speak now? And
as I've been following your brand on social media, every
time an article pops up, I reading about Ashley and

Fox tell us this whole march too, and I know
you're not there where You're trying to get what I do.
Notice a different tone, a different message being spoken by
Ashley and Fox. Am I right?

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Absolutely? I think I think as the as I grow,
the company grows. I think There's been a lot of
years of spiritual internal work, a lot of years of
therapy also, and to be honest, me recognizing what my
beliefs were right. One of the biggest things that I've
noticed is while I can sit and say, hey, I
want to be a millionaire, the idea of having a

million dollars actually frightens me. Right, So there's times where
I want to have big dreams, but when I'm presented
with the opportunity, I get scared. I remember when I
got my first six figure contract. It was just this
mind blowing experience, but it was like, hey, you can't
sit here and say you want to be a billionaire
and you're afraid to cash a check for over one
hundred thousand dollars. And so I think as I break

through my mental barriers, as I do more, the company
grows right along with me. So I personally do not
teach anything that I do not do or have not done.
And it's a lot easier because it's not just about
I read a book and I learned how to teach
individuals how to invest in stocks. It's no, this is
how I started, this is what I've learned, and this
is what I do. And let me try to understand

you to make it, to make it easier for you
to understand. And so I think the more I grow
the bigger I get, the more people I served. So
we recently launched our wealth Builders community at I would
have never envisioned me being a black woman in tech right,
but every morning I would wake up, go into the
mirror and say, you are the owner of an ed

tech startup. You are the owner of an app that
impacts thousands of people from all over the world. And
then when it happened, it was just like a oh
my gosh, it's here. But it wasn't about something that
I wanted. It was about who I was. And I'm
a firm believer you don't attract what you want, you attract.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Who you are.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
Please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back with more
Money Making Conversations Masterclass. Welcome back to the Money Making
Conversations Master Class, hosted by Grishaan McDonald.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
So when I started to believe I deserved six figure contracts,
when I started to look at one hundred thousand dollars
like it wasn't a lot of money, that's when the
money started to come faster. But when I was afraid,
the money was coming slower, when I was afraid I
would lose money, money was coming slower. But if I
knew that I was going to keep going, that this
was going to work, and I'm going to change the world.
When I change my thinking, the company changes. So I

think again. As I grow, the company grows. The bigger
I get, the company gets, and not just me as
an individual or a brand, but my thought process. Like
understanding that, hey, we could make a quarter million dollars
in a month and saying that doesn't frighten me anymore, right,
but at one point, making ten thousand dollars in a
month that scared me at one point. Now it's like
I can't pay my bills with ten thousand dollars. We

got to do bigger team, We got to get better team.
But the more people we impact, the bigger the business
get to. So I focused on serving the people because
if we could serve a billion people, we could make
a billion dollars. And now let's figure out how do
we get to a billion people to reach that mark.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
You know, when we started this interview, Ashley said, how
many minutes? I guy, because see, you know she got
something to say. Now, I'm so impressed with your tone
and your leadership in this call, because that's all I
want from individuals who call me on money making conversations
for their message to be heard. And you're absolutely right
unless you believe in something. I know for years, Ashley,

as successful as how I have been in my life,
it wasn't until my forties that I realized that I
accepted my success based on who I was and what
I was capable of doing. I just use phrases like
right place, right time, just lucky, I know somebody, you
knock on wood. All those corny phrases that have nothing
to do with being successful, and people use them all

the time. And what those phrases do. They limit your
capabilities and also limit you and knowledge of what you
really are capable of doing.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
And I like you.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
I remember in nineteen ninety five of Steve Harvey and
I or Janthon bron we did a concert in the
Music Hall in Houston, Texas, and I was my first
concert to ever promoted, and I had to write a
check to Steve for fifty seven thousand dollars and that's
nineteen ninety five, and I went, I couldn't believe I

was writing that check, just like you couldn't believe you
had a six figure And the thing about it is
that once you believe in understand that this is part
of your life, part of your mantra, part of your mentality.
Then guess what, you could write another check like that.
But if you stop and disbelief and awe and get
giddy like this is not normal. And that's all she's

saying right now, this is the normal way she thinks. Now,
see the people that she was doing these twenty five
million dollars in these billion dollar deals with and all
these people around Believe me, they think a certain way.
And I think a certain way too, because guess what,
I'm successful. So I go on the grocery store. I
don't if I have a coupon, I use it. I'll
tell you that I use it. But guess what, I
just go in the grocery store and shop. And in fact,

sometimes I walked out of the grocery store the other day.
I didn't even know how much I pay for groceries.
I just gave my credit card because that's not part
of my mantra to worry about how much I'm going
to spend. It's the fact that I have money that
can buy it. And that is the mantra that people
have to do. As an adult, you get to that
point you start saying, I can't live in this type

of house, I can't drive this because cause what I
don't have to tax money. I don't what's gonna happen
next year? Well, I don't think like that. I beat
successful people planning next year. They don't think what's not
going to happen next year? If you plan next year,
I'm a six month, I'm a year. The average person
thinks thirty days, and you cannot be successful thinking in

thirty day increments in your life because that means you
worry about the rent, You worry about stuff that you
actually should be controlling by planning. And that's why I
wanted to bring you back on the show because the
mentality you've always talked about has it been about planning, correct.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
In abundance. Don't forget abundance.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
And when you look at all these things, tell us
a little bit more about your app. And also you
hit it along a built the Wealth Builders community. Talk
a little bit about that so we can get a
good feel and also how can we download that and
also any webinars you have coming up as well as
I always like to use a middle age she kind
of like forgets you sometime.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
Thank you. So our wealth Folders Community app. You can
literally go to wealth builders Community dot com. You can
see everything that we offer. So literally, just imagine the
Netflix of finance and the palm of your hands. So
you can go to Netflix. You can find all the
different types of entertainment. Imagine literally saying hey, I want
to learn how to invest? Where can I go? And

it all is in your hands, literally lives in your account.
But here's the beauty of it. You're now going through
this journey not alone, but you're going through it with
thousands of people who are just like you from all
over the world. And I think we can't at this point.
We can't sit the dinner table and talk about learner
how to build well. We can't talk about how your
stock portfolio was up. We don't talk about how we're

investing for our kids to make sure that they're not
taking out seat the loan. We don't have these conversations,
specifically in the African American community. But this should be
our norm, because that is the norm of wealthy people.
They're sitting on their yachts talking about big deals that
they're closing, when in all actuality, that's why they continue
to sustain their wealth. The conversation is different, the thought
process is different, and so ultimately our wealth is community

is an intimate space where you can come together with
people who are just like you on the same journey,
both working professionals and entrepreneurs, where you're learning how to
build wealth brick by brick, layer by layer, where you're
celebrated for your successes. When you're learning how to open
an account, you're processing a transaction, but you're getting advice,
tools and resources not only from experts but also people

who have been in your shoes. But they are growing
every single day because they made well building a choice,
they made it a commitment, and that's ultimately what our
community is about. So we have classes on a weekly bass.
We're literally about to launch our parent Accelerator because a
lot of our members are parents. And during the time
when it's holiday season Q four, we're spending tons of money.

Companies are projected to make billions this holiday season. Why
is it that we're making all these billion dollar businesses
more money and we look up and we still feel
like we have nothing. So we're now literally educating our
adults to say, hey, it's great to buy gifts for
your family, But what about the gifts of wealth? What
about buying your kid that stops in the sneaker company
because you know the kids are gonna want sneakerts on

holiday season, right, But educating the parents to think all
the things your parents need not give you all the
tools and resources you wish you would have had. Let
me show you how to literally educate your children so
that you can build for them. So it's literally like
emplified now with this particular accelerator that we're launching in
our app is now merging both world. We're merging the

connections and the classes that we've done with our youth
and then the classes and the connections that we've done
with the delts, and we're bringing them together. So the classes,
adults will be able to take. Classes will learn how
to open different accountable themselves and their children, how to
put their kids through college. But also now we're giving
a resource on this is how you can also do
this with your kids. Not just for your kids, but
this is how you can do it with your kids,

bring your family. So now we'll have classes where kids
can participate, and all of these things will live in
the app, and I think it's during the time where
we're spending so much. Now, let's literally train our minds
to look at opportunities. I know, if everybody's going to
be spending their holiday season, I need to own these
companies that are making billions of dollars during a holiday season.
And it's literally rewiring the thought process of our community.

And it's been phenomenal. It's been a few months now.
It's in the app store, will Google download and Apple download.
You can get access to on your iPad or your computer.
But literally, wealth builders dot com wealth builders Community dot
Com is where you can see everything that we offer.
There's tons of everything that we give, but it all
actually while the twenty four to seven, three fifty five,

access to classes all the time, all day, every day,
discussion loads that we're giving out now, Like there's just
tons of things where it's like a secret society of
wealth builders where you can't step outside and go to
the bank, but you can go here and get the
tools and resources in a simple and easy to understand
language that doesn't speak to you but threw you a
into you.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Wow, Ashley and Fox, you've given me twenty nine minutes
of your time. You are specially thank you. Please give
me some banners so I can post it on my
social media. You know, I got like a million social
media followers and namey two thousands of fanclub members, and
I promote you.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
I love what you do.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
I learned and then what you've done for me. It's
like a little free sessions. Sessions she's given me. I
could now walk away confident. But that's what you do, Ashley,
and continue to do it. And I always know that
you drop something, you can contact me, contact my staff,
or contact me directly because I would do anything for you.
You're that special to me. And to hear your tone,
to hear the leadership in your voice, the confidence in

your voice. I know you found your brand now you're
just building it out. That's what excites me so much
because of the fact that I've been watching you looking
at your sessions and you drop dimes and people liking
you what you hear of you, and you get nice
views on your videos when you drop those. You have
a voice and people want to hear what you have
to say, and you're smart. And I just want to

wrap up something I saw it earlier. You know you
mentioned in your credits you'r how university graduates?

Speaker 3 (23:22):
How have you?

Speaker 1 (23:23):
It's been such a I think a profound moment during
this pandemic to see how HBCUs have been so recognized
and donations have come in from private sector to HBCUs.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
What what what? What? Why have? Why? What has?

Speaker 1 (23:38):
What did the hpc you do for you? I guess
I want to ask and why it's so important that
people should know the value of an HBCU and it's
educational principles.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
For me personally, Especially at that time, I knew I
wanted to be I wanted to go to an HPCU
because I wanted to be surrounded by African Americans. But
I also wanted to go to the vest HBCU that
supported the career trajectory that I was on. So I
knew at Howard I wanted to be on Wall Street.
I found out how much they paid. During summer internship,

Howard taught me how to eat, how to dress, how
to do interviews, how to build a resume, how to golf.
It was so many things that I knew would equipped
me for the industry that I was going in, and
I wanted to be the center of attention. I wanted
to be the center of the love that was felt.
And I feel like an HBCU gave that to me.
So I was surrounded by individuals with the same mindset,

with the same goals, with the same vision for themselves.
And I wanted to be around excellence. And I think
I knew at that point in my life I wanted
to feel supportive, love and nurture and I had the
opportunity to do that in a black environment and a
precedious environment. I knew it was a no brainer that
I needed to go to Howard University. Plus I didn't
want to go too too far from home because I'm
from Philly, but I also did want to leave Philadelphia

and Ivy League just wasn't what I wanted. I wanted
to be around the culture of the environment, the love,
and the support, but also have that intentionality around grooming
a black woman who wanted to enter into a Wall
Street space. And I loved everything that how we'd gave
it to prepare me for my Wall Street career.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
Awesome a wealth builders community dot com. They bring together
working professionals and entrepreneurs looking for the support needed to
grow financially. They will help them develop the wealth building mindset,
habits and knowledge necessary to excel so that they that
you can achieve financial freedom, create generational wealth, and become
confident in managing, saving, and investing your money. Thank you

Ashley and Fox. I've read that directly off her website.
That's her mission statement or the mission statement of wealth
Builders Community dot com. Please come back on, Please come.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Back on my absolutely.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
If you want to hear more money Making Conversation interviews,
please go to money Making Conversation dot com. Unrashan McDonald,
I'm your host.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
Thank you for joining us for this edition of money
Making Conversations Masterclass. Money Making Conversations Masterclass with rough Shan
McDonald is produced by thirty eight fifteen Media Inc. More
information about thirty eight fifteen Media Inc. Is available at
thirty eight fifteen media dot com. And always remember to
lead with your gifts

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