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June 15, 2024 25 mins

Two-time Emmy and Three-time NAACP Image Award-winning television Executive Producer Rushion McDonald interviewed Chef David Rose.  Chef David Rose is the King of the Green...Egg! David has cooked everything you can imagine, from ribs to cakes, on the world-famous Big Green Egg. With countless recipes to his name, he has authored a bestselling cookbook that has delighted thousands. Foodies, rejoice and tune in for this delicious conversation!


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Speaker 1 (00:00):
If you're about to make a change in your life
and you feel uncomfortable, that's the best.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Feeling you can have because for the first time in
your life, you'll makeing a decision that's going to be
best for you and not what somebody told you to do,
and that's when all bets are off. Welcome to Money
Making Conversation Masterclass I'm your host with Sean McDonald. Our
theme is there's no perfect time to start following your dreams.

I recognize that we all have different definitions of success
for you and maybe the side of your HM. It's
time to stop reading other people's success stories to.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Start living your own keep winning. Look to my show
Money Making Conversation Master Class. I'm your host ra Sean McDonald.
I recognize that we all have different definitions of success.
For you and maybe the size of your paycheck. Mine
has inspired people to develop a plan to reach their dreams.
It's time to stop reading other people's success stories to

start writing your own. You can only exceed expectations by
believing in yourself. People always talk about purpose of gifts.
If you have a gift, leave with your gift and
don't let your friends, family, or coworker, stop you from
planning or living your dreams. My guest is Chef David Rose.
You may have seen David in action on many TV
cooking shows and national talk shows, including competing on Food

Network Star. He is born in New Jersey to both
his parents who are chefs. WHOA wait, that's some good
eating right there. If it smelled good, look good, chances
are in that house it was good eating. Chef David
Rose is also an Omaha Steaks Executive Chef spokesperson and
serves as a national brand ambassador for Nissa USA and

Big Green Eg. He is on the show to talk
about his new cookbook, Egging David Rose Cooks on the
Big Green Egg. Please welcome the Money Making Conversation Masterclass,
the one and only David Rose.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
How ain't doing, sir? Your morning brother?

Speaker 4 (01:55):
Thanks for having me so much, man, I appreciate it.
It as enjoyed to be here and I'm excited to
dig into it. So thank you again for having me.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
First of all, thank you for sending your book, Egging
David Rose Cooks on the Big Green Egg. Let's let's
let's let's go and get it out. Let's go and
get it out. I guess. Okay, I have the setup,
I have the the Big Green Egg, I have the
table that comes with it. I got this beautiful cover
that goes over it. And that bad ball I've set up.

That bad boy has been covered for six years.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
That's the damn saying, brother, Okay, I got it. I
gotta put you so.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
So having you own the show means that, guess what,
it's time for the big unveiling of that. I gotta
pull it off. And your book, tell us how you
got involved with this. You know the Big Green Eggs.
You see the signs. I'm based in Atlanta from you,
born and raise Houston, Jaxson. So it's like barbecue Capital,
smoke Capital I've lived all my life. Okay, so the

Big Green Egg. You cannot avoid the Big Green Egg. Okay,
So tell us exactly what is there and what makes
it so special?

Speaker 4 (03:03):
David, all right, So the Big Green igguess been around
for forty plus years now, back in the seventies and
Ed Fisher, the founder, creator, CEO of Big Green Egg.
What he did actually was he was in the military.
He was overseas in Japan and it was based off

of the Komodo Smoker it's been around for thousands of years,
Clay Pott. And essentially, you know, you could smoke and
you could do all types of foods, meats, proteins, vegetables
on it. So he sent a couple back, shipped them
back to the States and said, this Komodo smoker.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
This is good, but it can be better, it can
be great.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
So what he did then from there is he started,
you know, kind of fixing them up, enhancing the hardware,
making them a little more sturdier, and started selling them
and branding them as Big Green Eggs.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
But when Big Green egg really.

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Took off is when he started working with NASA and
using the same ceramics that NASA space shuttles you.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
So there's some scientific to it as well, my friend.
So it heats up quickly, cools down quickly, and retains
temperature very evinly.

Speaker 4 (04:10):
And due to the porous nature of the smoker, you know,
for those who aren't quite as technically you know, savvy
with drilling, it really is forgiving because if something's porous,
that means it retains moisture as opposed to your stainless
steel smokers or grills. And the thing that I love
most about the big green neck. What egg hads you

call big green neck advocates love so much about it.

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Is the versatility of it.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
Where you can do low and slow, hot and fast,
could cold smoke, you can do steaks, pizzas, ribs, briskets.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
And eggin.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
What I really love doing is highlighting that versatility. So soups, solids, entrees, desserts.
You have some breadgatd.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Okay, you know this is my show. We can talk slowly.
We're gonna talk about recipes. We ain't got to do
a little quick sale on this show the day the
quick sales, just to get to know you. So my
audience they know I talked about food creatively now because
see I've been blessed with the skill. You know, I've
I've been an award winning chef. I've gotten that honor.

I mean, I mean a baker, and I love to cook.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
You know.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
I come from a family, a big black family, six sisters,
two brothers. You know, all the home cooked meals because
we didn't have that much. So everything was cooked. But
I didn't learn to because I had six sisters. My
parents old school, they wouldn't let me in the kitchen. Okay,
so I just had to watch all the time, and
not until I went to college I started cooking. I
learned how to cook at a Jewish deli. That was

my first job out in college was a Jewish deli.
And that's why I learned how to cook matsa balls
and all. You know, one of my favorite all time
meals a German potato salad. You know, all that, all that,
all that stuff, and so that's why I really got introduced,
you know into green bean gulash, all that good stuff.
I learned now to do that at the Jewish deli.
And so, but the thing about it is that as

over the years, you get trapped in your own skill
set what you do and not want to innovate or
not to want to change. And that's what this interviewers
about showing people like, you know, my dad, he grew
up on the fifty five drum barrel. That's what we
drew up barbecue on and so and so, what I
want to make sure we understand is that the Big

Green Egg is not about just bobbycuing. And so that's
why I want to slow it down so everybody can understand,
because it can get thrown into that BOBBYQ club and
that now on the fifty five drum barrel barrel. That's
what it was. They were there for barbecue and smoking
and all that stuff. Okay, you couldn't fry no eggs

on that. You you couldn't do nothing that. You drop
them links on that, you drop them ribs on that.
There dropped their chicken on there. You put your barbecue
beans in the corner, and brother, you went to work
and it smoked. Now, the big Green Egg, that's not
the same conversation.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
Correct, correct, that is correct. That is correct, and it
can be used for barbecue and smoking.

Speaker 4 (07:05):
But it's more so the versatility of everything you can
make inside on your soavetop and your oven you can
make on the Big Green Egg. And that's one of
the few girls that can say that I can do that.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Now. My my senior marketing activation director, he lives and
dies by the Big Green Egg. Boy. He talks a
big yeah, he talks a big story about the Big
Green Egg. And so now me, I want you to
I want you to kind of like admonish me for
having it lockdown for six years. Tell me rausehan, shame

on you. This is what you should be doing with
that beautiful green egg that's just sitting under your in
your house, covered up. So why why why should I?
Why should I unveil it?

Speaker 3 (07:50):

Speaker 1 (07:50):
After this book, this beautiful book that I've read called Egging,
there's a specifically geared to green egg cooking.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Yeah, with this book right here, all these recipes were.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
Made with the Big Green Egg in mind.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
Not to say you can't use the book as well
for any other kind of grills or smokers. But you know,
for me, after talking to you and kind of taking
a brief look at your social media, I see that
you're a foodie. I see you're a lover of food.
And you know, for you to be a foodie and
not use the Big Green Egg and have it out
there collecting dust and pollen, you're doing yourself with this urvice.

But I'm just going and say that real quick. But
this book just really highlights everything from baking to smoking, vegetables,
literally everything on the Big Green Egg. And you love baking.
A really great thing with the Big Green Egg is
that little smoke kind of hint. The smokiness adds a
kind of a deepened layer to the cake. So that

German chocolate cake, that cheesecake, that smoker that grill. That
big green egg is gonna kind of bring it from
a good cake. It's good right now, right it could
be firefire, and two fires is better than one.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
Absolute, come on in the chi extinguish it now. He
introduced a conversation about Okay, you have the word smoking,
and then you have you know, then you have then
you fire. What is how do you when do you
use smoke and when do you use fire in the
process of preparing meals?

Speaker 4 (09:22):
Okay, yeah, so as far as you smoke, you can
do cold smoke like you know, for salmon, seafoods, things
of that nature, to kind of you know, where you
want a low and slow smoking. You don't want to
smoke to overpower it. Smoking also comes into play with
your briskets, your ribs. You can smoke chicken, you know,
things of that nature. Or if anything you want to smoke,

you can add smoke to it. But we have direct fire,
which is direct grilling, and indirect grilling, which is smoking.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Direct grilling is more of your high.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
And facts like your stinks, your chops, the bob stuff
of that nature, where you want that direct heat the
flames to kind of kiss it, just suddenly kiss it.
Just get that nice char that nice grill, that nice brown,
because color that brown, that's flavor, brother, and that's what
you want.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
Now that is you brought up steaks. Let's slide right on,
Almaha steaks. Now I did. Now, I've eaten steaks many times,
David in restaurants, you know, and and early on I
used to just drive people crazy by saying the word
well done to get the ugly look well done. Why
did you come in here? Why? Why? Why? While you're

wasting our time burning up a good piece of meat. Okay,
So now I'm a medium guy. I'm a medium, a
medium guy, and uh and I understand the value of
what they were trying to teach me, but I was
sticking to my guns at an early age. Now on
the what how do you prepare steak for for for

the big green egg, and how do you see it?
Words like seer, I hit words like two minutes on
this side, two minutes on the other side. Talk to
us about the whole preparation. Since you are represented Omaha Steaks,
talk to us with the magic yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
Yeah, yeah yeah. Essentially, So, first off, you want to kind.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
Of notice the basics of the composition and DNA, so
to speak of a steak, what a steak is, you know,
So a steak is essentially, you know, it's cut from
different primal cuts of the steak and it's sliced into,
you know, the muscles. So essentially the steak is the
muscle and then the white that's in between the muscle,
that's the intermuscular fat.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
And that's the good fat.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
That's the fat that melts inside of the steak gives
it that nice juiciness and mouth watering mouth deal which
we all love and look for in steak.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
So a couple first things.

Speaker 4 (11:38):
Before you even get that steak on the grill in
that cast iron fan, A lot of core mistakes people
make is you want to bring that steak to room temperature,
because you got to remember, a cold steak is essentially
a cold muscle. And what cold muscles do is they
take a while to you know, to warm up, and
they remain tense. And if you want to go ahead

and put that steak on the grill cold, it's going
to have inconsistencies and it's not going to get that
nice chart and cook to that perfect temperature you want.
So always put the steak up for at least twenty
five to thirty minutes when it comes to room temperature.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Second steaks take seasoning very well, salt, pepper. That is
a great basis right there.

Speaker 4 (12:20):
A lot of times, you know with Omaha steaks, the
quality of the steak is so great, it just needs
salt and pepper. But feel free to add, make your
own rubs, your own seasonings, get crazy, get creative, do
your thing.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Now. When it comes to the grilling process, there's a
couple different ways to grill and cook up your steak.
You could do direct grilling, where.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
From start to finish, you finish it, and you start
it and finish it on direct teat that's over the flames.

Speaker 3 (12:45):
That's one way I'd recommend those.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
For your thinner cuts of meats, like your flanks, your skirts,
we're essentially something like that. For a nice medium or
a medium, you're doing three to four minutes on each size.
But now you have your bad nammajammas, like your porta apps, yeah,
your ribbis, you have your tomahawk bone in chops, those
right there. You kind of want to approach those differently
because you want to have that fat rendered down and

get nice and chewy, and you know, just kind of
get really really nice to that desired temperature to what
you want. Because the last thing you want to do
is cook a steak and you have grizzly, hard fat.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
That's not pleasant. Nobody wants that.

Speaker 4 (13:22):
So for what I recommend with that particular process right
there is I consider that with the reverse searing process.
So what you do is you start out indirect, so
that plate cetter that comes in there, you have that
in there, You do that two fifty low and slow,
and you let that come about ten degrees below your
desired temperature. So you said you're a medium man, medium

is one forty five. So you let that steak go
to the reaches one thirty five. You take the steak off,
you remove that plate cetter, you crank it up to
direct heat, direct flames about five to five fifty. Essentially,
at that point, the steak is already at that temperature
that you want, but ten degrees shot.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
So by you getting that.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
Hard fast seer on there, it's gonna raise five degrees
five to eight degrees. Then you want to always let
your steak rests. By letting your steak rest, you're letting
the chill out. You don't cut into it, you don't
touch it, you don't eat it. It's gonna allow those
juices to redistribute, right, and stay inside the steak where
it belongs.

Speaker 5 (14:23):
Please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back with more
money Making Conversations Masterclass. Welcome back to the Money Making
Conversations Masterclass, hosted by Rashaan McDonald. Money Making Conversations Masterclass
continues online at Moneymakingconversations dot com and follow money Making

Conversations Masterclass on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Repeat that one more time. You said, the one thing
you don't want to do is cut into if you
broke up a little bit. I want to make sure
we get that. That was important you was talking about
because me, I'm a guy who wants the steak to
be warm, cut into I need to smoke. You don't
want to do that, right.

Speaker 4 (15:03):
Well, what you can do, actually is if you're sitting
at home, yes, and you're dining at home, you definitely
want to let it rest. Even in steak restaurants they
let it rest as well, right, they're.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Keeping it warm.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
Yeah, But a lot of times, you know, especially if
you're making a lot of steaks or roast, you want
to always let it rest because that's going to allow
the juices to stay in there inside of the meat
where it belongs.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Okay, cool chef David Rose, I'm talking to them. One
of the great stars and TV great personality. You've seen
them on national talk shows, Good Morning America, all these
types of shows, all the Food channel type shows. Form
of Food Network star. Well guess what he is a
Food Network star. You don't lose something that you're great about, Okay,
just like I will always have a degree in math. Okay.

Now let's talk about before I get into the book again,
let's talk about your your food training, your culinary history.
How did we I know both your parents were chef.
Was that a natural path for you or did you
have another journey you wanted to play? Was this borg
and you went back to chef, being a chef as
a career opportunity. Talk about that, and people won't get
back to the Eggy, the book about cooking under vicery

and egg.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, So it's funny. We have a lot
of parallels as far as the learnings.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
You become a big friend a big family. I come
from a big family. I'm one of eight. I'm the
baby and my mama's thirteen.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
Dad's one of.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
Ten huge, huge Jamaican family. Literally everybody was born in
Jamaica except for me. So Mama was a chef, Dad
was a chef. But everybody in my family, even though
they weren't classically trained or was their career, everybody could burn,
everybody can cook, everybody can cook their tail off. So
it's always being around that. Some of my fondest memories

were about great food. So I've always been in the hospitality.
For my first job, I was thirteen years old. I
was a room service attendant for the Radison Hotel in Inglewood,
New Jersey, and I served, I bartended, I bar backed
literally every position in front of the house. I moved
down to Atlanta. I'm bartending at the time when I

was twenty one, back in.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Three and from there, I'm trying to figure.

Speaker 4 (17:14):
Out, Okay, what's my next step, what's my next move?
And I see a commercial and the commercial says, as
clear as day.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
The Cordon Bleue, realize your culinary dream.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
And you know what, something just kind of snapped, something
just kind of registered in my head.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
I said, you know what, I love to cook.

Speaker 4 (17:30):
I've always cooked, I've done everything in hospitality.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
Let's give this a try.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
So I went, I visited the campus, and you know,
like in the cartoons, those old school Looney two cartoons and.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
The light bulb goes off.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
It was a light bulb moment where I looked at
the itinerary, looked at the syllabus, took a.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
Tour, and I just knew that's where I was meant
to be.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
And prior to that, you know, the words scholar and
David Rose were seldom.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
I'm lying, not sell them, never used in the same sentence.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
But I graduated top of my class, summa cum la,
and then from there the trajectory just was fast, quick
and in a hurry, and haven't been looking back since.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Well, first of all, man academia has been a good
to you, a matching personality because when you own TV,
personality plays role and also simplicity, you know, you know,
because the thing about it. I think that the major
thing I've enjoyed about seeing the evolution of TV cooking
or TV preparation is that it doesn't look difficult anymore

because a lot of everyday people are doing it on
social media, YouTube, TikTok and all that. Your book, your
recipes are very simple. You know, I don't get caught
up into the you know, the t spoon and the
quarter cup and all that can really just barg you
down to go that looks more like science than cooking.
Tell us how the whole a process you went about,

not so much dumbing this down to the everyday person
like me, but putting together a fun cookbook that you
call eggy.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Yeah, for sure, you know eggin, you know, big green
egg eggin.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
You know, it's kind of the informal word you're using.
You're using the big green eggs. So I wanted to
make it a casual, smooth approach.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
When you look at a book.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
Called egg and it looks fun, it looks excited, and
it draws you in immediately, just based.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
Off the title.

Speaker 4 (19:22):
And I wanted a very approachable title. That was very
important for me. And you know a lot of people
are intimidated by cooking, intimidated by grilling, because the last
thing you want to do is buy these big old steaks,
spent over three hundred dollars in ribs and brisket, and
be that person.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
At the cookout. Everybody looking at you. He messed up
the ribs et, the brisket. Nobody wants that.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
But I think this book right here, this book is
the plag the quintessential playbook for everything grilling, especially.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
With big green eggs, from how to light it, how
to keep.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
The temperature, cooking temperatures, cooking dumbness, grill maintenance.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Where if you have never used the big green egg,
never heard.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
The word big green egg in your entire life, and
you see this book, you read this book, I guarantee
by the time you are done reading it, you're self
sufficient and you can be a grill at ficionado and
have the knowledge to know what you can make because
the preparations, the sauces, the marinades, just because it's for chicken,
you can easily take that and apply that to fish

or take And the great thing about cooking is this
right here is the blueprint. You take this blueprint, you
make it yours, You add your own flavor as your
own Swiss and just you know, put your put your
senator on that. And that's the great thing about cooking
and options, endless opportunities for your player.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
Yes, I'm speaking interviewing Cheff David Rose his book Egging
David Rose Cooks on the Big Green Egg. My fans
always want to know what I like about the book,
what recipes stood out. I'm from the South, everybody you
know that, Houston, Texas, born and bred in the inner city.
So that he said, I've had experiences for a certain
type of meal all my life. In this book he

talks about making ox tails on the Big Greene. Now
you know, that's the first I had to you know,
I had to bring that up on the show David.
Oxtails on the Big Green Eir, if that ain't a
Southern delicacy, If that don't make black people go, hmmm,
let's see if they falls off the bone. Let's see
when you when you put in your mouth, do you

just suck all the meat off? Is that the type
of oxtails were getting off the Big Green egg, Sir?

Speaker 4 (21:31):
If you want to have to have a little bit
of integrity to where it's still on the bone, it's.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
Not disintegrating book. Now you go, that's when it falls apart.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
There you go in your mouth.

Speaker 4 (21:40):
That's the secret right there, because you want to have
you know, ox tail, not pulled oxtails.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Yes, yes, you know, yes.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
So it's delicious, it's great and you know, uh, Jamaicans
love ox tell as well, so we share that very
you know, very you know, similar uh situation as well,
you know where essentially it came out of necessity as being.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
You know and not getting me the prime.

Speaker 4 (22:01):
Cuts and just us being the culinary magicians that black
people are the culture.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
We take anything you know, from the big.

Speaker 4 (22:09):
Foot to the tripe, deliver and make it delicious, to
make it sing and oxtails no different to where now
mainstream restaurants are now carrying it ox tails, which.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
Used to be cheap that I really think that's the
credit to us.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
Well, I'll just tell you right now. You know they
were cheap because black people eating it. You know what
I'm saying. We had, We had a budget and we
ate it within our budget. And now if it was
an expensive way back when I was growing up, I
never known about ox tail and you know, you know
you you you should make it. So you know over
in Jamaica oxtail. If you can't make oxtails over they
probably run you off the island. Okay, So you know

it had that cheap over.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
That part right there now, right now.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
Yeah, everybody know, come on now, David Rose, everybody know
I love desserts. Okay, Now I do a great paddle
La Belle pecan pie. You know, I go to the book.
That's my girl. I support. I would support everybody's brand.
So paye lebel that's the recipe I do it forcan pie.
Now you got a bourbon ginger pacn sir that you

do on the Big Green Egg. Talk to us about that, brother.

Speaker 4 (23:18):
All right, So everybody in the South, they have their
own recipe for pecan pie.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
So what I want to do is make.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
My own recipe, you know, to kind of, you know,
really honor the Southern peacan pie because my first experience
having peacam pie. Every's in the South. So I gotta
pay old Mi to the stop. But you gotta make
a different. So what goes good at the smokiness Bourbon
because bourbon is smoked, Bourbon is asi and ginger because
Jamaica we put ginger in everything.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
And brother, one of the.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
Best recipes you will adver taste forget smack your mama.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
You gonna smack yourself for so good.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
Well, brother, I tell you we're talking to the chef.
David Rose is incredible book egging David Rose cooks on
the Big Green egg. But not only that he's a
he's an ambassador for Omaha Steaks as well as Nissan
and USA. But again, my friend being on my show
talking about the book, you know, I gotta see you
photos or the unveiling. That means I got to look

at your book post this or you've gotten it out
of storage, you know, before the summer goes out. But
more importantly, what I wanted to get clarity on that
you've given the people who are listening and watching this
interview is that the Big Green is more than just
a barbecue pitt or a smoker for meat. You can
use it as an extension for your oven cooking and

your stove top cookie correct.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Yes, sir, it is the ultimate cooking store. Cool.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
Again, thank you for coming on my show. Chef David
Rose Hope you joined.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
Man, I had a great time. Man feel pretty money
like any time.

Speaker 4 (24:47):
This is the way to get a day started, much
better than colle Thank you and I appreciate you.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
Here this interview or see this interview, please go to
Money Making Conversation dot com. I'm with Sean McDonald. I
am your host. Thank you, brother out standing.

Speaker 5 (25:05):
Thank you for joining us for this edition of Money
Making Conversations Masterclass Money Making Conversations Masterclass with Rushan MacDonald
is produced by thirty eight to fifteen Media Inc. More
information about thirty eight to fifteen Media Inc. Is available
at thirty eight fifteen media dot com. And always remember
to lead with your gifts

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