All Episodes

March 13, 2019 99 mins

Humpday is today and The CEO is still in Dubai and he opens the show by sharing with us the parts of the culture in Dubai.  A Virginia woman wins $150,000 in unorthodox fashion.  Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin are at the center of a huge college admissions scandal.  Jussie Smollett had a hearing and was full of a little too much swagger and Uncle Steve has some advice.  Former Yankee teammates Alex Rodriguez and Jose Canseco are on the same page with cheating allegations and an offer for a fight.  Mitt Romney celebrates 72 years of living in style.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about belief, resiliency and more.  

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have
a suit looking back the back down, giving them like
the million bucks things and the cubs me true good it.
Steve Hary listening to the movie Together for Studley. I

don't join by join me in doing me. You gotta

turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn,

you got to turn them out. Then turn the water
the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh,
I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice,

Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey
Man got a radio show. Wow man, how good has
God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get
right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today,
and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of
you who go through the same things today. Today was
just a little tough morning for me because I didn't

want to leave home yesterday. You don't want to stay
home a little I just gotten home, you know, I
gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight
of all that you have to do just gets on
you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh.
You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this

way every now and then, and I'm assuming that would
be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just
ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what
do you do when it gets hard to stay up?
What do you do when it gets hard to be positive?
What do you do when it seems like things aren't

happening for you fast enough or in the time frame
that you thought it was going. What do you do?
And the reason that I guess I chose to speak
about this this morning is because I'm having one of
those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday.
It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's
nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think

the weight of all that's going on started to feel
heavy to me. Not being able to sit down with
my wife and talk some of these things through so
she could help me out. That kind of got to
me yesterday because she had to go take care of
some business. I had to go take care of some business.

When she got it was late, you know. I got
in it was late, you know, And so I guess
so so it sort of pushed me into this thing. Now,
I didn't have nobody talk to about it. And so
what do you do when you when when you have
days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when
it's hard to stay up. Okay, here's what I had

to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it.
Can I just be real with you. I haven't completed it,
excuse me, but I am processing it out because I
know what to do, because I've been here hundreds of
times before. See. That's that's the cool thing about getting older.

That's the cool thing about life is that you gained
experiences along the way. You know, been there, done that.
I didn't had that pain before. I know what to do.
You know, if I sprained my finger, I know what
to do now. You know the first sprain I had
a Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I
gonna be handac half. I didn't know how I was
gonna fix it all. Lord, what now I can't write
no mold? Now maybe I can don't have to go

to school. I was working all kinds of stuff I
when I first sprained my finger. But now if I
sprained my finger, I know what to do. So since
I've been in this position, in this hole, so many
times before, and God has always gotten me through it.
I decided I've got to start the process today. Want
to here are some things now. I'm going to get

to the big one last, but here are some things
that you can do immediately to start pulling yourself up.
And one of the things I do is I remember
the plan. I just sit down and consciously remember the plan.
Sit down and I consciously think about the goals I've set.

I go over them. See, I've got mine down on
an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I
am and pull them up. And I've got two lists
that I've made. I've got a list of things that
I know I can accomplish if I just keep working
hard and if some couple of things just fall into
place that I can see. Then I got a list

of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I
have a second list. And the heading of this list
is called only God can help Me Now. And on
this list, it's things that I'm aspiring for or things
that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen,
I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list.

It's the list that I have of the things that
I don't see, no way it can happen. I'm just
operating on faith and the hope that God hear me,
and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have
this list of who only God can help me, now
that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just

operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me,
that he's so much more capable than I am, that
I can actually acquire some things in my life, as
He's proven to me time and time again up to
this point, that He's willing to do for me if
I'm willing to just give him some of my life.
That's the only why I can't explain my existence today.

You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how
do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful?
That would be God. That's only God. Because if you
can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book,
I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so
would you, So that would be God. How it got

purchased to become a movie when that was not my
intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that
would be God. Right, there has to be because if
I can't explain it, and it is by no doing
of my own. Then who did it? So when I
get down in days like this, I remember the goal

I remember, but the plan, I remember the journey. I
think about of all the things God has bought me
to how did I even get to this point. Yeah?
I might be having a little bummer of a day.
Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio
rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah,
I'm just having one of those days. I feel a
little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I

need some time off to just go and regenerate. But
right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what
I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta
start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all
the things that God has done for me and how
He has bought me this far and the blessings that
I have instead of what I don't have. And that's
what I'm in the process of doing this morning. And

on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad
and I'm gonna go over my two lists and I'm
gonna read my little list of what I think I
can accomplish. And I'm gonna really read that only God
can help Me now list, because that's the list that's big.
That's the part where I've been telling y'all. I said,
quit telling God how big your problems, and start telling
your problems how big your God is. See, And that's

why I got to sit down to do this morning.
And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's
the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta
quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like
you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you
going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well,

when you get that feeling, sometimes you got to stay still.
And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight
to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let
the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told
you this. Now, you're in a fight now. So trying
to get you to get on that positive train so
he can get you off the faith train. So God's
delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith

that you can he can shake your faith and get
you to thinking negative and then he wins. See. So
when you start feeling negative. Just know that that's the
other force trying to throw your off track. And when
you get through it all that here is the key
to build. When you want me to tell it to you,
you gots to pray, man, You got to pray. You
gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God,
look I'm having one of these days. I need your help.

I got business to take care of. You got blessings
in front of me. You got stuff you to ship
to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way.
I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I
can receive the delivery when you get there. What I
don't want to do is be it on be on
doubted Way or or Lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity
Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep

going by. I need to be standing and sitting on
Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me,
I can go on and get it. You feel me.
You gots to pray. You got to stay still, You
gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan.
You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God
and brought you too far. Come on, pick yourself up today.
I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't

mind you're listening to show. I got news for you, folks.
This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and that's what
it is all day long. Steve Harvey still broadcasting live
from Dubai over here, learning different cultures and meeting wonderful people.
I've said it before, Dubai happens to be my favorite

city on Earth. Um you know, I just I just
love it. I do, man, It's anyway, I'll talk to
you about it, But let me tell you why I
love it. Right after I introduced the team Dream Team
Shirley Strawberry, Hey, Steve, Dubai dream Team calling for real?
What's up Steve and doing it big? Yeah? Dream Team

killed Junior Spright Morning Dream Team Thomas Miles k the
food Nephew tom acor Steve ancor Steve over there in
Duby Duby, Hey, man, let me let me tell you
what it is. It's New York City times too. It's

New York City on steroids time too. Imagine this though clean,
no paper on the ground, that are no homeless people here, no, no, no,
none of that everybody over here can work. If you
want to work, there's worked for you. And there's no crime.

I've only been to Dubai and to Abu Dhabi. It's
the only place that you can walk and you don't
have to look over your shoulder at all. Now they're
aggressive with selfish, oh are they Okay, they're very aggressive
with selfish. Okay, I can handle that. And you know,

other than that, that's I mean, man, there's no crime.
They're very respectful, they're very pleasant. I mean, I ain't
seen nothing over here, man. I mean, I'm not saying
it doesn't happen, but you know, it's it's nothing visible
for you. And crime is very very low to non existence.

And they have everything every day. I don't care what
story you want. They have ski ski slopes inside of malls.
They've got ice cream. Yeah, you can go ski in
the mall. Oh like, whoa, that is so flip, you know, ladies,

you they got malls over here where each floor is
a different you know, like there's a floor with just purses.
It's a floor with just just then floors with just
women shoes. The big mall, which my kids love to
go to. You can't see it in a day. It's

it's really something fabulous. Uh. I stay on the palm
the majority of times I've come here. This is my
about six trips. But they've got the world's largest hotel
pool swimming pool over here. They got some stuff over him. Man,
we have got to see and the people are absolutely beautiful.
It's a different culture. They got some rules over here.

Just come over here, respected culture. You have a great time.
I want to hear about the rules. Okay, all right, listen,
coming up at thirty two after the hour, inside of
Something Funny a Virginia. A Virginia woman won the state
lottery thirty times. And check this out. The powerball lottery
drawing is tonight, so right in front of her. You

better hope it ain't. Mate. We'll talk about it right
after this. You're listening to show, you know, some people
just have all the luck. I mean, that's what the
saying says, and apparently that's what's happening here. This woman
named Deborah Brown definitely is that person. She's from Virginia.
She's from Virginia. She's a sister. Carlin just said she's

a sister. She won the state lottery thirty times last month,
after she bought thirty pick four tickets with the exact
same combination of one zero, three, one ten thirty one
number Yeah, Deborah Brown initially bought Yeah, Deborah Brown initially
initially brought bought twenty tickets with that combination. She bought

it at a gas station. She said, a couple of
times during the day, I saw those numbers. So later
that day she bought ten more tickets at the same
location with the same numbers. Each winning ticket earned her
a five thousand dollar prize. Okay, yeah, so her total
winnings add up to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Steve,

which in the same day she in the same dirty
times with all those tickets the same day, the same ticket. Well,
she said, she had a ticket won. She just kept winning.
She bought twenty tickets initially, then she went back around
back again and bought ten more. So that's thirty And
she said she saw those numbers, that combination of numbers,

and she just went back and bought them again. What
game is she playing? It's just four numbers, right four
that the Virginia Lottery is tonight a hunt tonight is
a powerball jack Pottowall over four hundred and forty eight
million dollars k Junior four hundred forty eight million. It

could be over that late only day. Go ahead. Let's
just say, do you you could take it over a
twenty thirty year period or something like that, and or
you could take the bout. Let's say the buyout is
three hundred million. First thing, I'm gonna have to get
eight planes. Don't ask me why I'm getting eight. If
they tend if they ten million a piece, that's eighty

million dollars right, yeah, at ten plans. Then I would
like to have a house, if you don't mind a little,
I would have two house in Brazil. And I'm gonna
have a Cuban family. Y'all not gonna know about It's
gonna come up stupid. Now you're gonna hear about it.
Who is these people that's not speaking correct English? That
is my Cuban family. He did, I've have an American
family too. I'm gonna be married twice in two different counts.

I got three hundred millions. Why I can't. I'm gonna
change your number, Yes, changed my number. Because you've been
to be broke so fast with the made plane. Okay,
you're on Eve one, Junior, can't flying by one plane, Shirley. Okay,
you got two hundred and fifty million. What you're gonna do? Okay, Okay, Shirley,

I just found out from calling cash value. If you're
taking it right now? Two hundred and seventy one meal,
I love. You got two hundred and seventy million. What
you're gonna do? Well, Okay, I learned from the last
time you asked this question. I'm gonna get a financial
planner first, but I am gonna buy a house. While
I'm trying to figure out which financial planner I'm going with.
How much is the house? Ten million? I'll just say

ten millions. That's a good one. Yeah, that's a hell
of crib. Yeah, it ain't gonna be no hell of
crib in LA. But three bedroom, two baths in LA?
Right you Okay, go ahead. Yeah, And I'll probably invest
in in real estate. That's where I'll invest in real estate. Okay, caller, Yes,

two hundred and seventy one million. What you're gonna do? Okay,
First of all, I'm gonna get a house twenty five
million dollars. I'm gonna get a lambo with rim. Gotta
have rams on the lambo two lambos. Let's see. Then
I'm I'm gonna get some money to the church. I am.

I'm gonna get some money to the church. My jury
game is bananas like a diamond. Then I'm gonna invest.
I am gonna invest, Steve, you always talk about investing.
I can I do? We do that now? Me and
my husband's I will invest. And then I'm still gonna

walk up the four people and just slap the heck
out of them. Here we go, time back to seventy million?
What you gonna do? I'm actually I'm gonna be honest
with y'all. Now, I'm gonna do everything most of y'all doing. Yeah,
but but I can't do that first? All right? What

do you mean, Junior? With the with the families and
you with the house and lamble. I'm gonna have all that, Okay,
but I can't have all that, yeah until I blow
myself up. Here we go in front of my family,
what would you? Because they got they got to go.
I'm gonna be they got to go. When I'm gonna

be outside working on on a gas line or something,
it's gonna blow, right, hold back yard in flight? What
is he? He's making his death because in order to
enjoy two hundred and seventy one million, illegal to be
by myself, Steve, that's illegal to fake your I'm with
Tim one million. But what about you big dollar two

hundred and seventy one million, two hundred and seventy one million.
I immediately take one hundred and fifty million and put
it in the fund yielding enough money in seven years,
that money will double. In seven years. You can double
your money in the right fund, so that that one

fifty goes away to this fund and in seven years
it will be three hundred million. That's my retirement money.
This one twenty five has this one twenty one that's left.
Come on, let's walk with it. Yes. First of all,
I'm gonna buy a very very lightly used uh six.

That's that's an airplane. Yeah, that's oh, that's that's first.
I'm guying that because I'm gonna be going a lot.
But that's gonna cost me probably about thirty so I
got about eighty eighty. I'm gonna go buy a cold
ass creole. Huh. I'm moving right next to Jay Z

and Beyonce. Don't care what it costs. I'm moving right
next door to that big asshouse, State guy. And then
after that, dog, I'm gonna give my wife or the
rest of the money and she could just do whatever
she want to do with the grandkids. All right, coming
up more fun, run that prank back with the nephew
right after this. Believe you're keeping your friends. You're listening.

Coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news,
Hollywood actresses Felicity Huffman and Laurie Laughlin have been arrested
in college in a college admissions cheating scan. This is
this is huge, This is huge. And r Kelly also
in the news, he says his spirit, his spirit told

him to do the interview with Gail King, his spear
ought to tell him to get on that lottery. That
his spirit told him to do the interview so he
could get his side of the story out there. But
right now, nephew, you are here with running that prank back.
What you got for truck driver exchange? Truck driver exchange,
We exchange the truck driver. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to

reach Franklin. Yeah, this is Franklin. Hey, Franklin, how you
doing this is Roosevelt giving you a call from Human Resources. Hey,
what's up, Roosevelt? What could I do? All right, man,
I'm calling you from Human Resource and we'll train the partners.
Where you been here. You've been driving trucks for us
for quite some time. Now, what do you you? Six? Six,

six and a half years right now? Man, I'm eight
and a half year. He's two years short, baby, okay? Eight? Man?
Have you and how you doing? Man? I'm good Man,
enjoying this road life. Man. I love working with you guys. Man,
the benefics is there. I mean, I'm surprised to get
a call from you. I mean, I hope everything. I'm

sure you're on the road right now. You're probably driving.
I wanted to give you a call and is it's
a bad time? Can you talk right now? Yeah? I
actually told ope, but man, I had to get something
to eat. Man, Okay, okay, So listen, let me tell
you what's going on here with what GTP. What we're
doing is we are doing some job exchange and some

of the drivers that we have have been pulled out
of a pool and some of you guys are gonna
be actually driving in different places now. So for the
next six months within the next thirty days. Here, Franklin,
you're gonna be um, You're you're gonna be driving trucks
in South Africa. You're gonna be or for about six

for about six six months, you're gonna drive in South africahole,
hold on, holda hoo. Yeah, listen, I ain't got no
problem in the South Africa. But y'all, y'all rather smile.
I'm not going on South Africa. I don't come out
of job on the right hand side of the road. Man.
I love Africans, I love everything about Africa, but I'm

not going I got a family out here in the
United States of America, and you're trying to tell me
I got to go to South Africa. Come on, man,
what type of do you on that? It's it's frequently,
it's part of the job exchange. Just what it is, man, Okay,
you always change, y'all got going on? Man, I don't
want to be part of that job exchange. No, No,
I'm not going to no damn South Africa. This is
not happening. To listen to the track. Six months and

you'll be back in the States. Okay. Let me say
this has a national geographic program y'all got going on, man,
I don't know what y'all got going on that y'all
calling me. I'm in the middle of I'm talking lot,
trying to eat me at cheeseburger from being on the
road or one night, and you're talking about sending me
to South Africa? What you on? Man? There's some foreign

exchange program you'll got going on it. I'm not being
part of this. You pulled my name out of the the
pool like it was a su suitor. Come tell me
that I'm up to be joving in salad. This must
be a joke, you know. No, I don't know. Not
so good. This is a good thing, though, Franklin, I
think you're gonna like it. And no, it's not a
good thing. What are you tell me it's a good thing.

I got wife and kids? But I'm what the fuck
are you talking about? South Africa? Do they even have
roadways out there? I'm not gonna are you serious? You're
not here, I'm not I'm not hearing this correct, brother,
I'm not hearing this correct, mister Roses. Though I don't salad?
What okay? I can't playing? Just you tell me South Africa?

Are you serious. Okay, this plank. Hear me out here,
mant me like I said. They pulled names out of
a pool, and U, you and about fifteen other guys
are gonna be going to different parts. What type of
pool you pulled that? You better be put me back
in the shallow part. You're going to the deep end
pulling man, Get the fun girl. I'm not going to
South Africa. I am not gonna South Arica. I don't

I'm not taking on malarious shots, so I don't even
gotta pass what you want me to go to. About
that point, well, listen to me, Franklin. We're gonna get
you all the shots you need within the next thirty days,
so you'll be shut to go. I'm not going to
go around go to South Africa and someone wanted me
back in the country because of y'all. My off with
right now, I'm not going to South Africans. It's a

job exchange, Franklin. Okay, let's type a job. So what
so what we're exchange it? You're bringing South Africans over
here and then you're bringing me over it. Y'all. My
wife is not going to be happy about this. I'm
not going my like someplace, Basbo. I tell you this
that your salary actually doubles the six months while you're

over there. Don't try to don't try to tell me
about that with South African dollars or American dollars. What
is it? What is it? Don't tell that whole American dollars, Franklin, Franklin,
it will be American dollars. I'm not going to South Africa.
I am not going to. Matter of fact, this is
my last day in the bro y'all could come pick

up this brig and a talking like because I'm not
going to South Africa. I don't care how you spell
it or you say it. I ain't going. Okay, Franklin, Listen,
you've been into Country Company eighty eight plus years, and
I just gotta tell you you are obligated. You've been
chosen out of a pool. All you have to do
is six months, you're gonna get paid double. Your family's

gonna be fine, You'll be back. I ain't obligated to
do but driving truck like I do everything day, I'm
not going. You can't tell me about being obligated. Let
me tell you what I'm obligated to you. I'm obligated that.
So it isn't the truck I'm fourth hear and try
right to your human resources window because I ain't going
to South Africa. And I keep telling you that I

told you that since you got in the damn phone,
I ain't going no with Okay, uh but but but
but let me ask something, Frankly, you've been here for
what us for eight some years? Man? You don't you
don't want to continue your job here with the company.
I don't give a about this job right now, trying
to send me overseas like setting me up from them.
I ain't going out of fact. Let me turn this

truck on right now. I'm coming down and see you,
mister Roses out. Okay, hold on, nah, do you know Jermaine? Yeah,
I know Rivers? But what do you gotta do with it? Okay,
let me go and don't say this, Frankly, This right
here that you're talking to is nephew Tommy and your
boy Rivers got me the planking phone call you. You

just got pranked by your boy Jermaine Rivers. Oh that
wait till I see River. So you ain't no Roses though,
And I ain't gonna go to South Africa. No, God, man,
I just listening to hes on the road, or you

want to play it with us. I want to put
some sugar in your trunk. All right, Franking man, tell
me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land,
The Steve Harvey Morning Show that is driving change. Put

it out there for y'all. Little something differently. That's my friend,
and I'm sold out this weekend. But that's the blues,
Jads and supper club. Well, I will be slaying some jokes,
all right, seven o'clock and ten o'clock. Well, the answered
that question. Congratulations, y'all he put it in there. I
like the way he said it, though. I'm gonna be
slanging some jokes from the kitchen. Congratulations. I'm being sold

out though, that is big. Yeah, this is nice club.
You want to sell out a lot. Man, y'all don't
know this boy right here, he coming trying. I'm trying. Boy,
ain't giving You're doing grinding all right, Tad, Congratulations again, nephew.
Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment News,
we'll talk about the spirit then Steve. Right after this,
you're listening to say morning show and Today's entertainment news

actress Laurie Laughlin. You remember her from Full House. She
was at Becky on a Full House. Yes, Felicity Huffman
was one of the Desperate Housewives. They are among more
than forty people that have been accused in a major
college admissions cheating scandal. Federal prosecutors in Massachusetts state that
they paid bribes to a consultant who would steer the

money towards SAT or act administrators or a college coach,
and in some cases, the test administrators would then hire
fake people to fill in correct answers for them. They
call them proctors to fill in the correct answers for
them when they took the tests in everything. Laurie Laughlin
and Felicity Huffman are charged with conspiracy to commit mail

fraud and honest services fraud. This is like the biggest
story in LA and then the country. Did they do
for their kids? Yeah, for their children? Yes, yeah, yeah.
And they bribed, Yeah, they bribed the schools to get
their kids in these great schools they brought them. Yeah, yeah,

they the schools. He's a one with all. They've been
doing this investigation now, Steve, for about a year. Laurie
Laughlin and Felicity Huffman are charged with conspiracy to commit
mail fraud and honest services fraud. Seven FBI agents showed
up at Felicity's Hollywood Yeah, with pulled guns. The guns

were um pulled out. She lives in Hollywood Hills. They
showed up there about six am yesterday, drew their weapons
as they ordered Felicity to come out and surrender. Can
you imagine six o'clock in the morning. Her husband, William H. Macy,
Now you probably know him from the show Shame Us.
He's on that show. He starts in Shameless, he was

in that movie. He was he was in Fargo Fargo. Yeah,
well yeah, he was one of the stars of Fargo. Yeah. Yes.
They were all asleep when the federal agents ordered them out.
Sources say she knew the arrest was looming, would have
gladly surrendered on her own, but the FED saw it differently.
People on social media are saying, these kids already have

every advantage in life, and yet their parents sheet it
to get them into the top colleges. Yes, yes, yes, Steve,
you're in Dubai. So all these kids who work hard,
study hard, work their butts off to try to get
into these schools because there's only limited positions, you know,
a lot. They don't have a lot of openings there.

They can't get in because these kids parents have money
and they bought you know, ask you question though, after
you get the little stupid after the keys, how are
they gonna get the grades to stay there? Keep paying
who you find the trick now? See now you got
to pay all professors. You the game just get thicker,

because even if you can get into school, what you're
gonna do to stay that exactly all they created charities, Yeah,
and donated money to charities so they can write the
money off. Oh it's yeah, it's deep. A lot of
people involved. You're right, that's a lot of it was
tax for tax right off purposes. I mean, this was
this has been going on for a while. But they

also did it on a sports level. Well your your waitment, man.
So she said she knew the arrest was coming, and
she would have gladly the same thing they said about
roger Stone. No, see, get your ass rested like all
of us do. See, we used to the Feds coming
to the house with the guns drawn. So that's how
Roger Stone posts get picked up. Man of foot cold.

That's how you get picked up by the FEDS. Gun
in your face, get your ass down, in your draws down,
draws up in the flout. I know you crack is showing.
Get out of the crown walk all right. Let's let
miss Anne take it over. Steve ken I brought you

being on full house. Get your ass come from than lady, gentleman,
miss and okay, Steve, this is er. Put the news.
Let's get on that. Authorities say they've broken up the
largest college admission scam ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.

Massachusetts US Attorney Andrew Lelling says that the ring leader
is a guy named William Singer, the owner of a
supposed college counseling service called Key Worldwide Foundation, and Singers
played guilty to various charges involving his alleged acceptance of
millions of dollars and bribes as much as like twenty
five million from wealthy parents to guarantee their kids admissions
to elite colleges and universities. Prosecutors say they were people

who took their SATs and their acts. Lilling says the
Singer's operation also worked the sports angle in return for bribes.
These coaches agreed to partic and that certain applicants were
recruited competitive athletes, when in fact the applicants were not,
as the coaches knew, the students athletic credentials had been fabricated.
Among the fifty people allegedly involved are nine coaches, two

SAT exam administrators, one test proctor, a college administrator, and
thirty three parents, including the two actors that you just
heard Shirley talking about, one who starred in Desperate Housewives
Felicity Husband and another from Full House. Also the CEOs
of private and public companies. Some of these parents big
time real estate investors, and also the co chairman of

a global law firm. Saw Americans are calling for US
air carriers to ground all Boeing seven thirty seven, Max
eights and nines in the wake of two deadly crashes
of that model jet within only five months. Meanwhile, an
investigations on a way to find out why one Max
eight went down Sunday morning in Addis Attaba killed one
hundred and fifty seven aboard everybody, and why another MAXID

crashed off the coast of Indonesia back in October, only
five months ago. Killing all one hundred eight nine in
that craft. Ethiopia, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Singapore,
South Africa, Turkey among the many many nations who have
moved to ground those new planes. However, more than seventy
max eights are still flying for US carriers American, Southwest

and United Airlines. They're still using these planes. Several American
lawmakers calling on those carriers to stop using them until
all the probes are over. However, company officials insist their
jets are okay, they're safe. Well, who knew things with
this bad On the heels of the Green book about
how black Americans looked out for each other as they
travel the country, listing places where they could avoid racists,
now comes word that there's the new app for Trump

supporters that lists supposed safe restaurants and other businesses where
they won't be harrassed for supporting the current commander in chief.
You may remember that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
was asked to leave a restaurant last year in the
DC area, and other Trump officials like Homeland Security Secretary
Kirsten Nielsen and Trump counselor Kelly and Conway say they've
been confronted by protesters and other diners while trying to

eat out. Finally, Today's National Donald, I'll tell you what's
up Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody you're listening to Steve
Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you've been in Dubai.
So yeah, this this story is like the number one
story in the country right now, and a lot of

it has to do with because you know, people are upset,
So many people are upset. We're talking about this keating
story as far as Los Angeles, Well, not just in
Los Angeles with u C, l a USC, it was Stanford,
it was colleges across the country. It's not just in LA,
but it broke in LA. And man oh Man, Steve,

it's been a massive investigation for about a year now.
And lady from Full House, Laurie Laughlin Becky Hey, explain
that part to me. I know, she got arrested. It
didn't want to be at gunpoint laying on the ground. Yeah,
that was Felicity Huffman. Yeah, um, well yeah, I mean
they've been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and

honest services fraud. More than forty people have been acque
so far in this major college admissions cheating scandal, they've
paid people bribes to steer money towards sat or Act administrators,
you know, to change their scores for people to come
in and take tests for them. I mean, it's just

been a major, major story doing that. Phone, Just give
yo little polk ass kids a life to just get
asked some light right there, trying to educate your little
stupid ass kids. Phone. If you can't passing, then they
come time about they need more time to take the test.
I did too. Oh that's where you're so mad. He
Oh yeah, I went to school. Really, they had a

program created back then for people to come to Kent State.
I went in on affirmative action. Oh yeah, remember affirmative action.
They had a Cleveland scholarship program they had to have.
They try to get some old blacks down there. That's
how I got in hot. Yeah. I needed two more
years to get ready for the SAT A hard co

ass to do it. Felicity was at home, Laurie. They
showed up, the fads showed up at High House yesterday morning,
and she wasn't there. She's in Vancouver filming filming movie. Yeah. Yeah,
but she's turning herself in today. Okay, all right, Felicity husband,
But as soon as you pull up, they pull, the

FBI pulls, they goes out here you go. Yeah, and
these are the parents doing this, I mean for their kids,
and the kids are still in school, you know. Come
on a total of twenty five million dollars Steve between
two thy eleven and February of this year for this arrangement. Okay, um,

but they have paid an admissions and admissions consultant. His
name is William Singer. He's gotten a total of twenty
five million dollars. Where you don't understand it. The FBI
investigation into this alleged game. They nicknamed it Operation Varsity Blues.
All right, listen, we gotta go right here, but we'll

be back coming up at thirty four after the hour.
Jesse Smallette he got his swag that Jesse Smallett. Yeah,
we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to
show Jesse, who's been laying low since he was arrested
for filing a false police report. Was he had on shades,

he had on gloves, he had on a trench. Yeah,
he looked like a movie star. I mean really he did.
He did. Yeah. The hearing is really for his attorney,
Mark Garages, to file the paperwork so he can represent
Jesse in Illinois, okay, because he's licensed to practice law here,
and also to determine if cameras will be allowed in

court for the case. Source to say, uh, and Jesse said.
Jesse says he's done hiding and cameras will be allowed.
I hear you breathe heavenly going on at home? Can
I tell you something? Yes? You say he walked in
there with swag? Yes, yes, swag is an acronym. What

what does it stand for? It stands for sitting there
wishing your ass could get out. That's what you keep swaging,
your assing. You're gonna be sitting in there wishing your
ass could get out. Keep on with this here. This
is not a game, young fellow. I'm through hiding. You
ain't got to hide. But Jesse, listen to unc man,

Just listen to Uncle Steve. They got sixteen charges now
they Now some of them is a little trumped up.
I'll admit. That's how they do it though, because they
only need a couple of them to stick. That's it.
But they put sixteen charges on your ass to create
the please down situation. See, so we'll drop eight of these,

We'll let you plead to foe, and this's gonna be
your your your penalty. When they come in with their
many charges, man, it's because they know it's a little
trumped up. His lawyers was right, but that when you
got sixteen charges of misconduct, sixteen, they already know they
setting you up to plead down. They just need to

to foe of these to stick. And your ass got
some time coming and now we can start the plea process.
Just ain't the time to be cute, wear glasses, wear
your little trench coat. I ain't seen it. Just just
listen to me, man, I got a lot of partners.
Go set your ass down something You and R Kelly

need to Chris saying the same thing in y'all's interview.
What who does that? Why would I do something that's stupid?
Y'all y'all need to go back, and we're saying the
same damn thing. I don't know how Kelly didn't listen
to Jessice say this, and Kelly kame it was his spirit,

ye yeah, his spirit uh told him to get his
side out there. Steve. That's what they're claiming to me.
All Kelly need quit listening to his spirit. His spirit
got his ass in spirit so far? Yeah, well well
this is according to TMZ. They say that our Kelly

said he is in touch with his spirit and doesn't
care about anything that other people say about him. Okay,
that's cool, that's cool. All that's cool. They called. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
it don't matter what nobody say. They got some stuff
called evidence in that court room. You don't talk. See,

you ain't court, You ain't on a bloge, ain't public opinion. Yeah,
esus charges, Yes, you got arrested. See so this is
not uh, it ain't about what people saying about you.
DeSUS charges. Yeah, yeah, you got to get serious here.
And you and Jesse no, no hold on, you took

card kid. Let me tell Jesse just they ain't got
the kind of sandwiches behind the wall you talk aback.
They don't have it though, that Italian airband chief. They
ain't got that. They ain't got that. The mayo you've
been to get very little mayo they've been to put
on that. You understand me, Yo, Salmon fends to be different.
It fens to be different, ain't no, ain't no pepper,
Ain't no pepper jack chee, ain't none of that? Man,

Hold it right there, Um. Next it is the nephew
with the prank funk call for today. Holding together, Steve,
We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, guys,
U coming up at the top of the hour, writer
about four minutes after. It's today's strawberry letter. The subject

should I ask for permission or forgiveness? The nephew is
here with today's prank phone call. But before we get
to that, Steve, quickly you wanted to say, what now?
I just want to send a message out to these celebrities.
It's wrong withies. I happen to be a celebrity. Being

a celebrity is hard enough. But just do what we do.
If you sing, just sing, if you act, just act.
You know, all in here getting college money, in having
babies come over. It's horrible, sang in camps for children

and all this here, this is not what we do.
We celebrities ain't good at crime. See, if you want
to be better at crime, you should be a criminal.
Have a little bit more experienced, you know, they know
how to avoid certain things. When you just start practicing
crime for the first time and you can't go high

level crap. Y'all gotta start with little stuff like change
your price tag on the bread and you got it,
you got you gotta go ahead, you know, put put
a couple, eat some grapes and produced just try to
you know, being here with no high level you know,
just opened up pack of cheese back in the delay
and either slice and set it back down. No level

crun that's what you do. They don't go past the
Red Cross bucket, you know, reach in, snatch your twitter try.
Oh no, Steve, all right, we gotta get thank you.
Do you have anything you like? I just want to
say I saw Jesse walking into court the other day
with her loves and sung glances. Yes, brother, this is

not a real episode of Empire. Ain't no cook, ain't
no LUs name. They got Judge Spillers now persecuted David.
All right, thee what you got for you? That's what
you got man? Here this base, FRANKI is one of

your twins is mine? One of your twins is mine?
Let's run that. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tony. Yeah,
this is Tony, Tony. What's going on, man, my hey, brother,
my name is Kendrick. Man, I'm trying to reach out
to you. You. Um are you? Are you the Tony
that used to used to day? Man? Yeah? What about it? Man,

I was trying to reach out to you. Um when
you say this is again my name Kendrick, Kendrick, I
I got, I got, I got a little problem, bro.
Hopefully we can work this out. Man. Look, man, I
ain't got nothing to do with no damn no mote. Man,
that's the path Tony. Don't even call me about her. Man.
That just you know, I don't want to hear. Do

you win? Do you win? Um? You do you all
have kids together? What do you all have? Do you
all do y'all have children together? Yeah? I got kids
from Keiper? Man. How you get my number? Man? Hey, bro,
I ain't trying to have no beef with you. Man,
it ain't anything like that. I'm just y'all do y'all
Do you have a set of twins? Yeah? Man, we
got a set of twins? Man. But waving hold on, now,

why are you calling me? Man? Whatever you and did, man,
that's you know. But what you're asking me about my kids? Fun? Man? Okay, bro,
it's I mean, I don't even know how to break
this on you, but I'm just gonna just put it
out there, Okay, just and just hit me out, man,
just hit me out. Um, it's been brought to my
attention that there is a strong possibility that one of

the twins is mine. Oh are you crazy? Them? Man?
Who you say you is? Again? Man? Just kendrick Man, Man, Man,
don't call my house with this. Man, how twin gonna
be yours? Man? Ain't my twins? Man? Hey, man, I
found out and I thought I thought the same thing
you thought, Tony. I was like, okay, man, they doesn't
even biologically possible. Man, what I thought. But I'm found

out that two seeds could actually join together create twins,
and each one of them could have a different daddy.
I'm finding this out for the person for firsthand myself.
Oh Man, you ain't fun man. Look man, whatever man
I'm telling you, dog man, the kids is mind. Man,
you ain't got nothing to do with this dog. You

ain't got nothing to do with this man. Hey listen, man,
I'm trying to do is get to the bottom of something.
Let me, let me, let me, let me tell me
out and listen to them. Let me ask you to
your set of twins. Are they are they? I mean?
Are they the same shade of color? Are they different shades?
I mean, I'm just asking. I'm never look dogs. Let
me tell you something, man, I want you to get
this through your head right now, man, whenever you got

that's on y'all. Man, this ain't got nothing to do
with my twins. Man, ain't got nothing to do with
my twins. Man. One of them dog skin? When I'm
light skinned? Right down right there? Man? What right there? What? Okay? Tony?
Let me ask you what shade of color are you?
Are you? Dog? Kind of light skin? Now? A skin? Man?
I'm light scanned, Man, I know the life skined twin

must be mine. You know what, Man, I'm not even
continue this conversation. No, mo, I'm gonna just tell you something. Dog.
You don't know where you with because I will you up.
You're understand that, dog, Man, listen, I just find out
that this this is a fluke accident that it is
possible to happen. You understand that you talking about my kids, man, Man,

I understand the passion that you have for your children. Man,
I know you wanted the kids don't eat house talking
about my kids and shows man, one of the twins
is mine. Man. That ain't no man. Look man, look dog,
I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna let you make it. Dog.
You know what, because don't call here or no mo man.
Whatever you in for doing, that's what you in. That

crazy it's doing. So she with you, old crazy stupid.
You're stupid enough to call here talking about one of
the kids here. I guess she told you that stupid. Now, dog,
don't call me no more. Many cantona listen when you
when you consider I mean, I got us an appointment
tomorrow the doctor. Would you consider bringing the kids if
we can see which one is yours and which one

you are? Retarded? Man, that's what's up with you, doc
retarded Man, I ain't meet your neck well dog, that's
what I'm talking about. Man. I'll tell you what, dog,
I'll meet you man to man, man, man to man,
me and you dog man the man, I'm gonna kick
your when you got to fight, Tony, I just want
you to give me my child. Man. I'm gonna tell

you I got me loving it. Be a slugger, you stupid,
That's what you was, man. You are ignorant man calling
me Sunday morning talking about my kids. It's your kids, man,
were retarded that that can't happen. Man. I understand the man,
but it's a fluke accident. And now you're trying to
deprive me or man, I'm having a relationship with my child. Man,

I've been raising these kids for five years by my
damn self. Man, I get him up, I take him
to ballet, man, I take him to literally you understand me, man,
my man, and I understand and dog it was heartbreaking
the meat too. Tony, call you what man, I'm gonna
get up phone and uh, I'm I want you man,
I want you to never ever call my I don't

call me with new ignorant like this. What you say?
Your name is? What? What? What? What's your name again? Dog?
My name? My name Kendrick. Man. Listen, listen, Tony, I'm
gonna find you. Dog. You understand that. Dog. We're gonna
settle with you. Understand you with dog. Okay, But Tony,
I got one more thing I want to say to you, okay,
and you ain't got to say to me. Many let

me say one more thing to you, man. Man, oh
cat man, hold on now dead all right, yeah, y'all
gonna play. I'll I'll be out there in a minute. Man,
see dog, Oh man, you didn't got to everybody around here,
all man, curse like it's around my kids. Man. Okay,
can I say one more thing to your man? All right? Man,
say what the you want to see? And don't call

her no more? Man, Tony, This is nephew Tommy from
the Steve Harvey on the show. You just got prank
by your homeboard. Oh man, you know what, Tommy, Man, Man,
that's the man. You know what dog man, you was
really about to get your man? Man, you can't be

put nobody about their kids? How they no? Man? Oh man? Okay, okay,
you all right, all right, see you what man, don't
don't don't even tell you did it? Man, because I
say we're meeting. We're meeting later to night. I got
something for you. Hey, nephew Tommy, you do me one favor. Man?
Was that watch the ten o'clock news tonight. Man, you're

gonna wat mockets on there, man, watch dog. I can't
believe it, man, oh man, all right, hey man, I
gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest. I'm talking
about the baddest radio show in the land, oh man,
the Steve Harvard Morning Show Man. I listened every morning.

Got me all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next,
it is today's Strawberry Letters subject Should I ask for
permission or forgiveness? We'll get into it right after this.
You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time
now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice

on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit
your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit
Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on
the air, just like we're going to read this one
right here, right now. Her se fuck up and hold
on tight. We got it for you here. It is

the Strawberry Letter subject, Should I ask for permission or forgiveness?
Dear Stephen Shirley. I am married to a great man
and I am truly blessed to have him in my life.
But there is one issue. He is a very proud
and he now is the sole provider for our family.

We were both in the military, but I retired to
be home with the children full time. He's still enlisted
and he makes good money, but it does not always
cover all of our expenses, so money and finances are
becoming an issue with us for the first time. My
husband has gone a lot because he is on base

on the weekends and he works a part time job
during the week This man has sacrificed so much for
me and the family, but I can't stand to see
him work so hard. I have told him that I
could get a job for a few hours during the
day while the children are at school, but he always
tells me no. I feel awful because if I had

stayed in the military, we would not have these issues.
He is deploying next month and he will be gone
for seven months, so I am dying to get a
job and pay down some of our bills while he's
gone without him knowing it. I believe in submitting to
my husband and letting him lead our family, but I
am also a strong woman that can help take care

of our family. Before I jump out there and defy
my husband, I want your opinion. I am not one
to lie or keep things from him, but in this case,
I am willing to do that because I just want
to help. I don't want to embarrass him or defy
his orders. But I want to work as a wife
or a husband. Would you be mad if your spouse

went out and got a job without telling you. No,
I wouldn't be mad if you know, if my spouse
went out and got a job without telling me. I
would be mad if they lied about it, though, if
they went out and didn't tell me about it and
kept it from me. We're in a marriage. This is
a partnership. This is twenty nineteen. And if you guys

need more money to make ends meet, and you're willing,
you're able, You're perfectly healthy and ready to work to
keep your family a flow. What is wrong with that? Okay?
What we are in twenty nineteen? Like I said, Okay,
you got to talk to your husband. I mean, you
really have to talk to him. You got to tell
him that you're a family. This is a partnership, for

better or worse. Remember those vowels that you took when
you got married. Uh, you know, tell him that working
right now would be good for the entire family. What
is the problem. You guys can work out childcare. You're
gonna do it while they're at school anyway, like you said,
and you can work and make sure your family is good.
And guess what, this is a great part. He can

still lead the family. He can still be headed a family.
If you go to work. This is two thousand nineteen.
What is he talking about? Come on, you work in
is not going to diminish that in the least. So
let him know how you really feel, how you love
and appreciate the fact that he works so hard and
he makes all these sacrifices. You know you love that

and that you have his back, and h you want
to do your part, Steve, Yeah, this is a real
easy one for me. This letter is not even difficult
at all. First of all, most families statistically are two
checks from serious problems, serious problems two checks. And we

learned that doing the government shutdown, that some people develop
some serious problems. Because you know, when you when you
work in a job that pays you enough to take
care of your living expenses and a limited lifestyle, that
money can't come up missing twice. Now you face with

eviction choices of selling your card to stay in your home,
moving out. Then you know, we have a president who's
out of touch because he's never struggled like that, so
he's sending it, sending this stuff out messages by his
staff member saying just go get a loan, call all
your creditors and tell them you know that you're gonna

be a little late, and asked him to work with you.
He's out of touch. Banks don't loan people money who
are not working. Hello, and your landlord don't give a
damn that is to shut down. He won't owe you
with the government. Oh it's okay, just pay me when
you get it. Ain't nobody doing it. So let's let's

let's be real. Most families are two checks away from
serious problems. A lot of people money don't cover all expenses.
I've been in it. I know exactly what you're saying now.
Your man is committed. He's everything you ever wanted. He's
the man of your dreams. He's hard working. He's on
the base on weekends. And you've been a loving wife.

You stayed home to be with the kids. You retired
from the military. You can't stand the same work so hard. Okay,
we don't really have finances can cause some big problems,
but you ain't nobody cheating. It ain't infidelity, This ain't
trust issues. But you told him you want to work,
he says. Now you're saying because he's a proud man. Now,

so you want to work. He don't want you to work.
He's about to get deployed. You want to work while
he's gone. But would I be mad if you worked
and didn't tell me? Yeah, So what's the solution to this.
It's very simple. You're a grown woman. Here's what's gonna happen.

Just gonna tell him, this is all you got to
do while you're gone. I'm gonna work. Now. He gonna
be mad, he gonna kick his pride, gonna come up.
He gonna tell you that I don't want my wife working.
I got this. I'm a man. Okay. When he gets
through saying that, then I want you to say this again.

I want you to say, Honey, I love you, I
respect you. You're the head of the family. I've got
to go back to work so I can feel complete
because right now I feel like I put us in
this position. So I want to go back to work.
Now he's gonna be mad. He gonna tell you this
right here, I want you doing that. I'm ahead of him.

But then we have another problem, though, lady, that I
picked up in the letter, you said you don't want
to defy his orders? Right, y'all? Really on some serious
military sugar honey iced tea? Yeah, real serious military sugar

honey iced tea. I told my wife not to do
a lot of stuff I never had told her she
can't defy my orders. Do you know what to happen
if I tell this? A look crazy? If I'm mad too,
Come on, don't defyre my orders. Boy, come back. I'm

gonna find another way to say it. Yeah, all right,
we'll part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty
three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letters, Should
I ask for permission or forgiveness? We'll get back into
it right after this. You're listening to all right, guys,
let's recap today's Strawberry Letters Steve. Subject, Should I ask

for permission or forgiveness? Well, you know, my wife has
taught this to me. This is about a couple who's
struggling financially because she retired from the military. Her husband's
stayed in the military. She feels like it's her fault
that they're struggling because she could have just kept working,
but she retired to stay home. With the kids. Boom.

She feels it though. Now she hates to see her
husband working so hardy working a couple of jobs here
on the base all weekend, and they don't have enough
to cover the expenses. I told her, relax, that's most
families are two checks away from serious problems. We learned
just doing the shutdown of the government, which is absolutely ridiculous.
And most people can't cover all the expenses. So she

can't stay and work that hard. So she wants to work.
He's very proud man, he says, he got it. He
don't want his wife work and you ain't got to work.
I got it. Okay, cool, he's very proud of So
you want to work. And he's about to get deployed
and gonna be gone for months, and so you want
to work while he's gone. The question is do I
tell him I'm gonna work, or do I just go
to work and ask for forgiveness then try to ask

his permission. He won't give it. Here's the troubling line
in this letter. You said you don't want to defy
his artist. I said, y'all on some real military sugar, honey,
ice over that, and I'm consuming because you've been in

the military so long that that's what you consider. This
is defying artist. But the marriage happens to be a
compromise us. I don't know how I could say to
this woman I'm married to. Come on, say it though.
Just don't define my order, Margo. Don't define my damn

ardom so hard at you, I would be laughing. Don't
define my artom. Even if we were in the middle
of a fight, I would be laughing hard. You just
told you what you do that you define a direct artom.
It again, you don't define my order a military him.

I can't fix my man. Come on, man, so listen
to me. Here's my solution for you. Tell your husband, honey,
I love you, I respect you, and it surely said
you're still the man of the house. But I want
to contribute, and I'm miss working and I miss feeling
because just sitting at the house is not fulfilling to

me as I thought it was gonna be. I want
to go back to work, So I'm gonna take a
job and help us out. Now, when he goes and
gets deployed, you go to work, he gonna be all right. See,
you can't stay mad. Your asses at work and what
you're doing working? Body? Help out? What help out? What's

the money? Help me? You know who I am. I'm
jess O Davius Gustin. Oh. I don't need no damn
help from no woman. Yes you do, sir, yea all
need help from women. She happens to be the mother

of your children. She has a skill set that none
of us have. She has a mind of her own.
She's very bright, and she's very helpful. And women know
a lot about raising a family that men do. Now,
men may know a lot about protecting a family, but
women also have had to be the pre protector and
the provider of families when men walk away. So, sir,

understand that you may have a higher rank than your wife,
but that's at your job. You do not have a
higher rank and a bigger vote than her at a
home that Margie would tell you that. I'm the head
of the house and we mostly compromise, which means I
mostly do what she wants to do exactly. Now, when

it comes down to some real serious stuff and we
just can't compromise and I just can't bring myself to
do what she do, then I make a call. I
pull I pull, you know, rank card out and I go, look, baby,
I heard what you said, but I just think that
if to sink a swim comes down to it, I'm
gonna make that decision because I can't. We can't sink.

And you told me stay home. But see even the
way you said it just then, it wasn't don't define
what it was. You were talking to your wife like
a human being. Well that's because I have to do. Yeah,
But that's what I'm saying in this letter. It seems
a little different, she said. She also said she believes
in submitted for a husband, and let oh, that's cool,

that's very spiritual. That's not that's not how y'all are though.
It's really not even churchwomen, the mother of the church.
That's submissive. But not after the house, in front of people,
you make baby and carried to me. That's how that

cannot be held by anybody else except women. That Trump's
everything we can do, our money making power, our decision
making power, our physical strength. The fact that you all
make babies trumps everything we do. You can be a billionaire.
I gave you a son. That Trump's it, That Trump's it.

I just climbed mount Everest with four of my buddies
and none of us died on the trip and we back. Okay, cool,
I had a baby while you are going and I
know that baby. I'm just trying to figure out what
you can say. I had twins. I just broke the
world record for the hundred yard dash. I beat you,

saying boats time and I'm sixty two. Okay, cool, why
you were running? I had a baby. I'm the damn
president or the United States. Okay, cool, while they were
voting for you, I had a baby. Yeah, I had

carried it for nine months. I'm telling you to a
very very powerful position. Yes, I had a baby. What
the hell are you talking about? Just a direct order?
I had your children? That's it, all right, Steve. I

think we get the message. Absolutely, she should go to work.
She should go to work, all right. Listen, guy, email
us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter
at Steve Harvey f M now coming up in ten minutes.
Jose Conseco Conseco, have you guys heard about this? He
accuses a rod of cheating on j LO. They just

got engaged. This is so Stu, what happen? Yeah, we'll
talk about it right after this, Steve. You're listening to
show so we all know. We're so happy for j
J Low and a Rod. They just got engaged. That
million dollar ring on their finger and ring, yes, okay Rod, Well,

someone's already trying to ruin the moment. There's always someone
lurking in the background trying to ruin your happiness. Haters.
Um Remember former UM Major League baseball star Jose Conseco,
Remember him? Uh, he's taking swings at Alice Alex Rodriguez,
accusing him of cheating on his wife to be Jennifer Lopez.

Conseco made the claims in a string of tweets while
Jlo's competition show World of Dance was airing over the weekend.
How does he know, Well, he's saying it's his own
ex wife, Jessica, who a Rod has been cheating with,
and that he's seen the proof, he has the receipts. Well, uh,
yeah he don't. What kind of this is terrible? But

what you tweeting about it? Yeah? Is your X wife?
What is your punk ass tweeting? Yeah, he saw a
Rod calling Jessica on the phone. Not only has he
challenged a Rod to a boxing or mm A match.
But he says, oh, he'll take a polygraph to prove
he's being one accurate. What do he win? Nothing? Exactly?

Is your ex wife? Don't if if, let's say its truth,
if his x wife, what is your perk? Ass talking
about it? What you tweeting that he's been snitching long? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
they tweeted, Oh yeah, he wrote that book. Jose tweeted

Steve watching j Low text a rod Little does she
know that he is cheating on her with my ex wife? Jessica?
Poor girl, She has no idea who he really is.
Conseco writes Alex J. Conseco talking about Alex Rodgers fault
and Low. Yeah, he's saying, Alex Alex Rodriguez stopped being

a piece of sugar honey iced tea. Steven Conseco needs
to sit out somewhere. Yeah, the man is engaged. He's
sitting up here talking about Alex Rodrigus was cheating. No
JENNI from no pass with my ex wife keywords never
was your wife? Don't. I don't understand any problem your
ex wife for Secondly, though, why are you tweeting it? Yeah?

Why is he you know what it's really ugly's a
this's a ladin thing. We got too much going on
the black community. We got the worry fact. We're gonna
let them handle We're gonna let George Lopez do deal
with this here right now. But we got too much
going on over hill. Yeah, you know, in time, I'm
gonna have to go and agree with man. We're trying
to handle this Jesus smullet things. Yeah, yeah, George Lopez,

Carlos Man see them all, y'all know, Yeah, yeah, man,
y'all go ahead and handlers right here, Saturday Night Live, y'all. Yeah,
we got our hands full overhire stupid and they're trying
to mess over Michael right now. We gotta hear y'all

agree with you, Tommy. We're gonna let the Latino community handlers.
We're together though, get on this. I did want to
ask you guys a question now, Um, would you confront
your significant other about cheating rumors after you just got engaged?

How would you handle this? Well? I think the better
question is for women, Yeah, not us, because this is
a this is a female situation. Because should Jlo say
something to a rod is y'all's question? Well, I mean
a rod has I think he has a role in
this though you don't see because he's the one that's

being accused, you know, I mean she has to say something,
you know, she has to go to him and say,
you know, the streets of the time. Yeah, I mean
as a woman, I'm sure she would, but yeah, I
don't know if she can ignore it all completely. Yeah,
even though they just got engaged. So that's a tough one.
But you wait till then. The dude is for two

years almost. Come on, I just think that Carseco is
out to do damage to people. I don't think he
has much validity. He released that book with all them
lives and just just a dude. Man, who ain't nobody
be relevant? Why would you tweet? Yeah? Yeah, just as

a man. I mean, I really can't back. And you
know this is not I won't want tobody, Miss under school,
Miss understand. This is not a sexual reference, right, This
is a street turn for how we talk to dudes.
That's doing some jest. What what what? What what are
you talking about? If you really got a problem, you

should just walk up to a ra Yes, exactly, see
all this tweeting it you got a problem with a rod.
You know where a rad stay a rod famous? He
hard to find see that. But you know what, man,
can I tell you something? That's what be irking me
about this social media thing. Your little thumb gagster. So

jose Canseco being the thumb gaster. Hey, Doc, you know
where he at? You ain't You ain't gotta type this.
You can get in front of him. Yeah, that's terrible.
That's what men do. Just get in front of me talking.
You're talking about me, Get in front of me. Don't
type nothing else but take take take your mouth offrom

me in the barbershop. Come see me. Ain't tight enough
where they deal with it. Of the Dayton process. You
gotta have like rollover minutes. What do you mean if
this happened like almost two years ago when he first
started Dayton Joe j Low. You gotta flush out all

he's been single. You gotta flush out a couple of them.
He was with someone before, you know what I'm saying.
So you got you gotta have rollover minutes in this.
You gotta get rid of some of them. You know,
you gotta have a few conversations. You forgot to tell somebody, Hey,
I'm kicking it with somebody now, no, no, I'm with somebody. Yes,

let me swing through that. It's eating he explained. Wow. Well,
coming up at the top of the hour, guys, we're
gonna talk more about sports, and here's the question. Guess
who's moving to Jacksonville, Florida. Duvall, we'll talk about it
right after this. You're listening to all right, so Junior

is here with more NFL sports talk. Hey, jun your
what's going on? All right? Hey, Shirley, listen up, Timmy. Everyone,
guess where the free agent former backup fitting quarterback Nick
Foles is going? Jacksonville, Florida. This boy's down there, and
Duval he can't even say Jacksonville. I have to learn

to say, dude, Nick Foles agreed to him four year
deal worth eighty eight meet man, and that's a lot
for a backup quarterback. You want me to leave what
I'm saying. He might be a leading now, but I'm
just coming from from Philadelphia from a backup and going
to getting eighty eight million. How do you act with

that type Junior? Junior, he led them to a super Bowl.
He was just when you go from when you go
from that type of money from a backup money to
a starting money. Do it change right away? Do you
change meeting? No, but people's perception that you're gonna change. Yeah,
So how many years you get eighty eight million dollars?

That's why I say, who so that's twenty two mill
a year? It's twenty two mill? Yeah? Different? Yeah, you
know when you when you was the starting quarterback. Because
they're gonna release Blake Borders. But what you think Blake
said that morning when he knew he was coming, say,

y'all just gonna bring Nicky started leaving. Now, man, Hey,
I'm sorry, but this ain't the biggest damn NFL news.
Why don't you wait though? Come on talking about some
dick going to Jackson? Member, we really give a dog
gonna flying? Well, let's go. Yeah, man, the New York

Giants didn't trade it off. Old Dale Beckham to the
Cleveland Brown. Here we go. I don't already text him,
and he didn't text me. Welcome to the blankety blank land,
Cleveland Man, jail Old Dale Beckham, Julian you know Cleveland Brown. Yeah.

Every we we hadn't had each other's numbers for a while.
We got a mutual friend. Man okay. Yeah. So you know,
right after I heard the news, I text him. He said, Man,
I'm coming. We're gonna bring one back. Yeah he ready,
Old d old d is in the blankety blank land.
Well congratulations Steve. Yeah yeah, what as we talk about

nick old little du I could care less than Steve.
There were more teams in Cleveland. No, it's not not
to me Cleveland. You won't even understand man, y'all so

high acted when we tied the Steelers the first game. Yeah, yeah,
I remember that. You're right. Don don't understand man, how
we won them game? That was like a super Bowl.
See brod we find you hear me that reason. Everybody
else so quiet, shilly reading junior times. Ain't made no
moods and all we didn't we we we we we
made one who the Texans? Yeah, bring you know who

you get. We got a cornerback that's all came from
down Dominique Rope. No nobody know him whatever. Yeah he
Beckham and now he's sun. Here's my question to you, though.
Steve asked me, are you going to the game any game? No,

to damn cold, all of them. I got NFL packet.
Last walk you have coats. No, I got plenty of
cold hats. I ain't going up there. We ain't got
no done. You got old. He looked way better on TV.

Is to replace sandwiches, all that, all that, see it twice,
run it back all bathroom close by? Oh yeah yeah.
Let's get to this. Uncle Leveon Bell went to the

Jets four years fifty two million. What's the problem with
this whole thing right here? Huh? Okay, Now let me
explain this to you. Four years fifty two million. Y'all
do the math. That's thirteen million a year. Okay. He
set out this past year and did not play for
fourteen million with the Pittsburgh Steves who is the agent

he did? So? Now you just set out a year
miss fourteen million, sign for four years thirteen million. Somebody
helped me, man understand what agent he listened to. I
told y'all, he can't get the money back. He cannot

get the fourteen million back. He didn't want the franchise tag.
He wanted a new contract. This the NFL man. And
I felt bad for that young brother man because he
set out a whole year. But see, and then they're
not gonna reward you for sitting out a year in
the NFL. Boar, he saved his body. Let's pay him
for that. Now they're gonna get right on back to

your value. And guess what they told it. It's thirteen million. Whoa. Now,
I don't know if it's guaranteed or what, but hold
on this just in, news flash, news flash. What leveyon
Bell thirty five million guaranteed? Yeah, okay, well that's not

a bad paycheck. And the Steeler's last offer was fourteen
million guaranteed ten, so he got more guaranteed money. But see,
you lost foot. Now let's do the math. See okay,
you lost fourteen you set out on the ten. I'm
telling about where we're at. Dog, was it worth it?

I don't think so. But congratulations he's back playing football. Hey, y'all,
stop stop letting your method. This is what I've been
trying to say. Man, I just said it wrong on
the show, admittedly, but just know this right here, stop
letting your method of doing I'm not gonna do this
hill get in the way of what you're trying to accomplish.

That board is not gonna play professional football for the
Cowboys because he want to smoke weed. Is compete. Let
me tell you something, son, You're twenty five years old.
You have nothing else to do now you and you
posted on into grad Why are you smoking weed? Was
that for pain? I think it's the off season? Was

that for pain? I don't think what he was doing
on that one, I really do. I think Steve wants
to be a sports agent or seriously, that's what I
think I would talk to these young kids. Cannot let
your method of integrity, which is what I was trying
to say. Your method of integrity is what I was
trying to say, The method of what you choose to

go about something cannot get in a way I use
a prime example. All right, we'll be back with more.
Can I come back with my prime example. Yeah, we'll
be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show
right after this. You're listening to show? All right, enough
sports talk guys. Okay, you know how I love company, right,

some people on the show don't love it. But I
love when people come over to my house. I really do. So.
I had some family over yesterday. Two of my aunts
came over, and all of the women on my mom's
side of the family are really critical when it comes
to a clean home. That's just how they are. They're
built like that. They're old school. You guys know how
that can be, Right, Tommy, you know how worried you

get when company is coming over because you know how
particular you are. Yeah, I'm going through right now. I'm
not even talk about it. I was running around making
sure everything was put away and that my floors and
countertops were spotless, because they will be looking well. My
house is normally clean, but yesterday I did some quick
spring cleaning with my favorite Pine Salt Lemon Fresh cleaner.

I love this stuff because I wanted to make sure
my house smelled clean too. It's one thing for it
to look good, but I wanted to smell good. Pine
Salt is the number one Lemon sent it dilutable cleaner.
When I was done cleaning, my aunts could not find
a single spot to criticize in my kitchen, thank you
very much, or in my living room or the bathroom.

So it was a Lemon Fresh and it was sparkling
clean Pine Salt clean your way, okay, thank you very much. Yeah,
I mean it was a little nervous. I need a
bottle right off the spring break. I need a good bottle.
It's clean and you're gonna love the scent. That's that's
what I really love about. I love it when my
house smells all lemony and stuff. Yes, yes, yes, all

lemonye um listen. I don't know if you guys heard
about this, but Mitt Romney, you know he center or
Mitt Romney now out of Utah. He posted a short video.
It was his seventy second birthday yesterday, so he posted
as his seventy second birthday celebration. His team surprised him
that they gave him a birthday cake Steve of his

favorite snack, Twinkies. They made a birthday cake out of
Twinkies for him, but he stopped. Yeah, he had. He
had a strange way of blowing out the candles. He
blew out each individual Twinkie candle he took. He blew
out each candle and took it off each individual Twinkie.
It was just crazy, one by one he did that.

Can you still eat a twink I can't eat a
twink now. They're a little sugar. It's some stuff that
I cannot eat any yet. They used to be so
good when we were letting. Yes, yeah, my partner, butch
love twinking. My thing was hostess, cherry pie and ding downs. O.

I ate a honey bund every morning in high I
cannot eat that. Yeah, what did you eat it with milk?
I mean so I microwaited just like about eight seconds.
Get that heat too, boy, white milk. That they had
a microwave, did you Recard says yeah, I know, that's
what I said. You gotta get it to the lady

in the wind the car call she a woman up
for you ladies here woman. No, no, no, that was
microL waves weren't invented yet, That's what I'm saying, y'all. No,
I didn't hand no microwave. So where she put it
in the stove on the hood of the car. The lady,

the lady in the wind that damn mica wa. I
told my pack open and ate it this? How much sugar?
I love? I had a a hostess, chaired pie and
a PEPSI. Oh yes, yes, my sweet like that even young. Yeah,

I couldn't do it. The twelve six of course, all right,
coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning
Show right after this. You're listening to the show and
today's entertainment news actress Lori Laughlin. You remember her from

Full House. She was at Becky on a Full House. Yes,
Felicity Huffman was one of the Desperate Housewives. Anyway, They
are among more than forty people that have been accused
in a major college admissions cheating scandal. Federal prosecutors in
Massachusetts say that they paid bribes to a consultant who

would steer the money towards SAT or act administrators or
a college coach. So and in some cases the test
test administrators would then hire fake people to fill in
correct answers for them. They call him proctors to filling
the correct answers for them when they took the tests
and everything. Lorie Laughlin, uh huh. Lourie Laughlin and Felicity

Huffman are charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and
honest services fraud for who Yeah, for their Yes, yeah yeah.
They bribed the schools to get their kids in these
great schools they brought them. Yeah, yeah, they got the

school He's a one with all. They've been doing this
investigation now, Steve for about a year. Lorie Laughlin and
Felicity Huffman are charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud
and Honest Services fraud. Seven FBI agents showed up at
Felicity's Hollywood Yeah, with pulled guns. The guns were um

pulled out. She lives in Hollywood Hills. They showed up
there about six am yesterday, drew their weapons as they
ordered Felicity to come out and surrender. Can you imagine
fixed up clock in the morning. Her husband, William H. Macy,
Now you probably know him from the show Shameless. He's
on that show. He starts in Shameless, he was in

that movie, he was in Fargo Star Fargal. Yes, they
were all asleep when the federal agents ordered them out.
Sources say she knew the arrest was looming, would have
gladly surrendered on her own, but the Feds saw it differently.
People on social media are saying, these kids already have
every advantage in life, and yet their parents cheat it

to get them into the top colleges. Yes, yes, yes, Steve,
you're in Dubai. So all these kids who work hard,
study hard, work their butts off to try to get
into these schools because there's only limited positions, you know,
a lot. They don't have a lot of openings there.
They can't get in because these kids parents have money

and they bought you know, question though, after you give
the little stupid kids in, how are they gonna get
the grade to stay that? Keep paying who you find
the trick? Now, see now you got to pay all professors.
You the game just get thicker, because even if you
can get into school, what you're gonna do to stay

that exactly all they created charities, Yeah, and donated money
to charities so they can write the money off. Oh yeah,
it's a lot of people involved. You're right. A lot
of it was tax for tax write off purposes. I mean,
this was this has been going on for a while.
But they also did it on a sports level. So
she said she knew the arrest was coming, and she

would have gladly the same thing they said about Roger Stone. No, see,
get your ass rested like all of us do. See,
we used to the Feds coming to the house with
the gun strong. So that's how Roger Stone posts get
picked up, man of foot cold, that's how you get
picked up by the Feds. Gun in your face, get
your ass down in your draw down draws. All right,

thank you guys. Coming up next, it is Steve with
today's closing remarks right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve,
Last break of the day, take us home with something good.
Closing remarks. I want to just talk to you about
what it really takes to make it, What it really

takes to make it. Now, Look, I can, oh, you know,
sit here and tell you a bunch of stuff that
you know. Sound like I'm really into public speaking, and
I know all of what I'm talking about all is
here in YadA, YadA YadA. But at the end of
the day, what people really want is real simple things

that they can do to make it. People want to
be successful, man, they really do. They don't. They don't
want to to not know what it's like to be happy,
to be free, to be successful. They want a simpler

how should I put this? They want somebody to explain
it to them and simplify it. That's what I'm trying
to say. Well, guess what, I don't know if I'm
the person that's qualified to make it the simplest. But
let me tell you what I do. Though, if you
want to be happy in this life, if you want

to be successful, you're gonna have to develop a couple
of things. Now here's the thing that I want you
to understand. Most people have what it takes to be successful,
but if it does not start with the belief that
you can be successful, you can never bring out the

qualities in you of success. Listen to me again. Everyone
has it in them to be successful, but if you
don't bring them out, and that starts with the belief.
If you don't have the belief that you can be somebody,
that you're worthy, that you're qualified, that you're capable. If

you don't start with that basic belief, it can never happen.
So first things first, in order to be successful and
happy in this world at whatever level you're talking about,
happiness success is for you, it has to start with
the belief that it is for you. I believe that

I should be successful. I believe that God wants me
to be prosperous. I believe that He comes to give
you life and give you life more abundantly. But you
got to develop some things, man, and the way to
develop them is start with the belief and hang on
to the belief so strong that these attributes develop themselves resilience.

If you believe hard enough that you can be successful,
that you can be happy, it will automatically start to
cultivate this thing that's in all of us. It's called resilience.
All y'all got it. Everybody got it. You are resilient people.

All of us are resilient. Hell, if you can survive
the projects, you resil you. If you can survive public schools,
you resili If you can survive walking through gang neighborhoods
because you still want education, you resilient. If you manage
to get yourself a high school diploma or a ged,

you are resilient. And the more belief you have, the
more of these attributes you can develop. You got to
be tough. You know how you get tough. You got
to believe that you tough. You got to believe that
you can hang in now when all is against you.
That's how you get tough. You get tough because you
keep facing the test and you keep passing them. But

all of that, you came past the test unless you
believe you can. Y'all, don't hear me. All of you
have an inner strength. Listen to me, man. Don't you
know even a homeless person has an inner strength? What
is it that gets a person to live under bridge

or live in a refrigerator box or live in some
of these homeless encountments. Do you know what really makes
them live there? Because they have an inner strength. It's
still some fiber of them that's telling them to hold on.
Because if it wasn't, everybody would just get rid of
their self. Everybody would end it. But you know why

people don't end it because you really do have an
inner struth. It it takes something to be homeless. Everybody
can make a mistake, man, and wind yourself up in
a situation. But homeless people have an inner strength. They
have a toughness. It's tough being homeless, man. They have
a resilience because for some reason they just won't give up.

And even though we judge them when we're driving by,
look at them sitting on that corner just asking for money.
They didn't gave up. No, no, it's another form of
giving up. But I'm telling you, even in your darkest
moments and your lowest points in your life, you have resilience, toughness,
inner strength. I got news for you. It can help

develop your faith because if you believe hard enough, The
Bible says that faith is a substance of things. Hope
for that simply means that when how you develop faith,
it's really the essence of it's is hope. You remember
when you was looking you hope you got a bike
for Christmas and you went out there one year and
the Christmas and the bike was under the tree. You

remember when you used to hope you graduate from high school,
you mess around and got a diploma. Do you remember
hoping one day you get a job and now you're working.
Faith is a substance of things hopeful. But if you
keep hoping hard enough and believe that something can happen, eventually,
that hope turns into faith. You got to have dreams

and visions so big that it dwarfs all your fears.
This is how you make it. I hope you got
what I'm saying. All right, dropping baby, drop it, have
a bleep. Thank you for all Steve Every contests No
purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US

residence at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For
complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're
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