All Episodes

May 24, 2024 86 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all at all
given them black the busy listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Show. I don't Joy, Yeah, Joy, you want to do that?

Speaker 4 (01:01):
Turn love, turn.

Speaker 5 (01:24):
You gotta turn.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
To turn the mouth, the turn you probably got to
turn mouth, turn out, turn the water the money.

Speaker 6 (01:55):
Come on, come on you b.

Speaker 7 (02:01):
Huh. I sure will come on, and everybody you're listening
to the voice, come on dig me now.

Speaker 8 (02:08):
One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show.

Speaker 7 (02:12):
Man, if I had time enough to tell the whole trip,
the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in
there going, okay, Steve, are we going to play the
show this week? But man, it's been a lot of
amazing things has happened to me over the years, and

not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad
things that have happened too. But I just come on
in the morning as a reminder to everybody of the
actual goodness of God, that you know, man, that these
mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having,

that these falls that keep occurring in your life, that
they all are leading you somewhere. If you just don't
ever give up. That's the key. You can never ever
give up because you don't know how the trip has
been laid out for you.

Speaker 8 (03:11):
You know, if somebody had told me.

Speaker 7 (03:15):
Years ago when I had the dream of being on
TV and then I thought about being a one of
one of the best comedians I could be, you know,
when I when I started, if somebody had told me
everything that was gonna have to happen in order for
me to get there, I would have changed it. I
would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't

gonna be that.

Speaker 8 (03:38):
How about this?

Speaker 7 (03:40):
See and no one can know all of the events
of their life ahead of time. You know, it'd be
so nice, wouldn't it. You know, to prepare for it,
see it come, and be aware of the haters, always
knowing when the backstabing moment is coming in your life,
always know when you're gonna get blindsided by the enemy.

Were really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's
not how it works. So since no one knows exactly
the challenges and the pitfalls and the detours that's gonna
beset them, it's it's it's imperative that you just don't
give up. Because see, knowing these things, we as human

beings by nature, would choose another route.

Speaker 8 (04:31):
But it ain't the route God God for you, though.
See the route God God for you.

Speaker 7 (04:36):
If you if you're trying to do the right thing,
if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't
out here just intentionally just messing over, folks, If you're
using faith and that's the belief in things that you
cannot see. If you have something on the inside of
you to keep saying there's got to be more to
life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend,

have a great chance. And if you've ever had that
feeling then gave up on it, just get it back,
Just ask for it back, Just say, hey man, I'm
getting back to the way I used to be because
there's a change that's available in your life.

Speaker 8 (05:14):
But you got to take it. You got to take
a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you
to get it right, but you got to take a
shot at it. Folks.

Speaker 7 (05:22):
There's a chance for you to turn this whole thing
around with God's help, but you got to take a
shot at it.

Speaker 8 (05:29):
You See, this decision is yours, the decision to lay
down to give up.

Speaker 7 (05:34):
That's yours. It ain't even just got too hard for me?
Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody.
What I got to get you to See? My father
used to always tell me, it says, some best lessons
in life, the one your value and learn the most
is a bout lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young,
but I show got it now. Ain't no lesson like

a bout lesson, the one you pay for. Those are
the ones that hold to you, that stick to you,
that that start turning you into who you're gonna be.
Those are the character builders. See, you got to be
forged to get to where you want to go in life. See,
that's what the challenge is and missteps is for that's
what the failing is about.

Speaker 8 (06:18):
Now. I know you don't like it. I didn't.

Speaker 7 (06:21):
I know you not comfortable when I wouldn't. I know
you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do.
I always want it to be over sooner than later,
because the later, Man, it just seems like it's so
much I got to go through.

Speaker 8 (06:35):
But let me tell you something, Man.

Speaker 7 (06:38):
If you can, if you can forge your way through
it and understand that you are forged in life.

Speaker 8 (06:44):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (06:46):
I was on TVN one time when I was doing
one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder
about this experience I had at Ford Motor Company and
my last job after the auto industry starts going down,
my last job was in the foundry and my job
was to stand at the end almost where the engines

first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are
poured into a mold. It's hot, melted down metal whatever
they call it, larva or whatever. They pour it into
a mold and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot.
And my job was after the heat was applied to
the engine block, it would come through and it would

go through a hardening stage. With the way it was hardening,
they would cool it. Suddenly, they would flush.

Speaker 8 (07:39):
It with water. It was just blast water on it.
But the fire and the high.

Speaker 7 (07:44):
Temperature is what made the engine block solidify. It's because
it's got to get real hot, get melted down first.
Then it's got to get poured into a mole. Then
it's got to be pressure hit with water and all
of this and then it and it's real hot. Now
it's still hot even though it's water been shatter. But

when it comes out the end of the side, there's
a lot of flashing in it. It flashing is a
metal from that to drip through the cast of molding
on it, just like flex of extra pieces of metal.
My job was to hit this engine block in the front,
which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing

off the front, and when it came around back to bam,
hit it real hard again on the backside. And that
became the core of what the car is. A car
without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty
looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what
it was made to do because the engine blocked and cracked. See,

you can have a car look real good, but if
it freezes. An engine block cracked your car, you could
it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The
block is the core. But in order for you for
the car to do what it's got to do, it's
got to have a strong enginet it. In order for
the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged
and steel come through fire, get poured in a mole,

cooled off, heated, knocked around beat on the front end,
beat on the back end, in order for it to
be what it's gonna be. The mall of the story, folks,
is you got to get forged in fire to be
what you gonna be. You got to get beat up,
you got to get pressure washed, you got to have
heat on you, you got to get melted down, you

got to get pulled into a mole.

Speaker 8 (09:31):
That's how you become who you are.

Speaker 7 (09:34):
So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult
challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went
to prison, ma'am. And the whole reason he ended up
going to prison because he was looking at the little
window looking out in the yard at him working out.
And then the next thing, you know, man, this brother
decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well,
guess what, he's one of the top trainers in country.

Speaker 8 (09:56):

Speaker 9 (09:57):
You're listening Hardy Wore Show.

Speaker 8 (10:02):
One two three. When you think of love, got to
get it on your mind.

Speaker 7 (10:11):
When you think of love, got to get it on
your mind, Billy Valentine, when you think of it.

Speaker 8 (10:21):
God and get it on your mind. Yeah, that's how
we're doing it today.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
A little bit different, Hey, good morning, Happy Friday, Steve.

Speaker 8 (10:40):
It was a throwback Friday opening for me Carlin for rel.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
Never Mad on a Friday.

Speaker 8 (10:45):
I love it, Steve Ma never Mad Junior, Jodasy Junior.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
Having one everybody.

Speaker 8 (10:57):
King of pranks.

Speaker 10 (10:58):
If you tell me y yay, top tops Friday. Baby,
let's get it, unc Yeah.

Speaker 8 (11:06):
Gone get it? Younger love Yeah, No, I won't know y'all. Younger.
Hey boy, Oh the truth. Boy, they still put on
the show. Uh huh they do Friday.

Speaker 11 (11:30):
Yes it is.

Speaker 7 (11:31):
You're feeling good, it's yeah, go get just about the
way today and U two days off for the weekend.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
What's gonna do this weekend?

Speaker 8 (11:41):
Because I have no idea, but nothing is at the
top of the list.

Speaker 6 (11:45):
Though, Hill Mode.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Yeah, how do you sleep? I know you're a morning person,
but like on your days.

Speaker 8 (11:56):
Off, oh like maybe six thirty maybe that's.

Speaker 12 (12:02):
For us.

Speaker 3 (12:05):

Speaker 8 (12:06):
I get it in deep on the weekends six thirty.
Huh Yeah, Like I was up this morning at four
thirty wow.

Speaker 13 (12:13):

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Yeah, because you have to come to work.

Speaker 8 (12:16):
Yeah, but I ain't got far to driving. Are you
working at that early? Yeah? Workout first? Oh, that's what
you're working on? Such a pain working on fat at

just working on fat. No, I got plenty of muscles.
I'm muscular. I don't need it.

Speaker 7 (12:41):
I just need to uncover them to spread it off.
Only nice man. I'm strong, I'm strong as hell.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
But you're doing cardio A lot of cardio.

Speaker 7 (12:50):
No, I do a lot of damn card I don't
like cardio. I do it, but I don't like it.
You know, I do a combination. It's lifting cardio comingy,
that's best way to shred. Wait for me, cardio without
weight training isn't the best way to burn the fat
because I got a tone in shape too.

Speaker 8 (13:09):
As a dope, earn it.

Speaker 7 (13:13):
No, I don't like hit either, Jillian, you don't like
I don't like high intensity training.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
You don't like Jim.

Speaker 8 (13:21):
I like lip.

Speaker 7 (13:23):
Lip low intensity, low intensity training. I like lit cot
low intensity training with coffee.

Speaker 9 (13:37):
All right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour,
we will hear from the nephew as he runs that
prank back.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Right after this, you're listening morning show.

Speaker 9 (13:48):
It's time now to start your morning off with the
nephew and run that prank back.

Speaker 8 (13:51):
What you got for us, Nef, his wife is in
the limousine. That's where she is?

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Okay, but she not in now somewhere.

Speaker 10 (13:58):
She not in it with him? Oh, what's you in
that limousine? So the name of the title of this
we're gonna run this spring back. The title is your
wife is in the limb all let's.

Speaker 14 (14:10):
Go get Hello.

Speaker 13 (14:12):
Hello, I'm trying to I'm trying to read rob robber
this this Robert?

Speaker 14 (14:17):
What's that?

Speaker 13 (14:18):

Speaker 12 (14:19):

Speaker 14 (14:19):

Speaker 15 (14:19):
How you doing?

Speaker 14 (14:20):

Speaker 13 (14:20):
Hey listen, man, my name is Phil Dog. I know
you through some other people. Your brother, right, Yeah, that's
my brother.

Speaker 14 (14:28):
Yeah, what's hadden?

Speaker 13 (14:30):
Listen, man, I'm calling you because there's.

Speaker 14 (14:33):
Something going on out. First of all, everything all right
with my brother? Right you ain't this ain't no he
ain't no trouble is it?

Speaker 15 (14:41):

Speaker 13 (14:41):
No, no, no, no no no. Ok straight man, listen
know you're married to right, Yeah, that's my wife's boss. Okay,
Well man, what I'm trying, little man?

Speaker 14 (14:51):
I mean, what's adding about?

Speaker 8 (14:53):

Speaker 13 (14:54):
What I'm trying to explain to you? At getting my
name for you? Part time? I drive limbos and uh
I'm actually driving right now?

Speaker 14 (15:02):
Okay, what's up?

Speaker 15 (15:03):

Speaker 13 (15:04):
I had seen your wife, you know, I knew you
were little brother, you know I was like, Okay, this,
this right here ain't cool.

Speaker 14 (15:12):
Hold on what you've seen?

Speaker 13 (15:15):
My wife?

Speaker 14 (15:16):
What do you mean?

Speaker 8 (15:16):
My wife? How you know?

Speaker 14 (15:17):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 15 (15:18):

Speaker 13 (15:18):
We live Okay, okay, rob, Let me ask you. Is
your wife there right now?

Speaker 16 (15:22):

Speaker 13 (15:22):
My wife being gone? Man, she was out with us
some in her homegirl.

Speaker 14 (15:25):
Man, they've been gone. What are you trying to get at?

Speaker 15 (15:27):

Speaker 8 (15:28):
Get from?

Speaker 13 (15:29):
Okay? Hey, hey, I understand.

Speaker 8 (15:31):
Just listen to me.

Speaker 13 (15:31):
Man, listen, hey man, I'd have been dogged out a
many time by some ladies. You know what I'm saying.
I just hate to see brothers get gone wrong.

Speaker 14 (15:38):
I was like, where are you coming from? Dog?

Speaker 15 (15:40):

Speaker 14 (15:41):
Dogs? You go ahead and stood out with all the revenue.

Speaker 13 (15:44):
Oka, listen, man, I needed to get to drive my drive,
my drive limousine. And what I'm trying to say to
you is what your wife is in the back of
the mamozine and I'm driving right now. She in the
back door?

Speaker 14 (16:01):
What what the girls out?

Speaker 15 (16:03):
And like that?

Speaker 13 (16:04):

Speaker 15 (16:05):

Speaker 13 (16:06):
Man, if it was a bunch of girls out, I
wouldn't need to be calling you brother. Your wife is
in the back that it's limousine with a man? What
the man. What the man?

Speaker 14 (16:18):
Hey, jy y'all step out, Hey, y'all, step by the
room from any man. Step out the room for a minute.
Step out the room, just hold on.

Speaker 7 (16:24):
Hold on.

Speaker 14 (16:25):
Step by the room for a minute. Man, step by
the room. Hello, see them? Yeah, hey, hey, look man,
you need to come correct man, because this ain't gonna
matter right here. Dog, you're saying that my wife you
you got my wife in the back of the limousine
you're driving.

Speaker 13 (16:39):
Man, she got on?

Speaker 17 (16:40):

Speaker 8 (16:41):
What she got on?

Speaker 14 (16:42):
What con is that?

Speaker 13 (16:43):
She got on a black dress with white lines? And
hey hey, hey, hey bro, I'm trying to make sure
I got the right person. What she had on?

Speaker 8 (16:56):

Speaker 14 (16:56):
You know, my brother, you ain't got that accomplish And
you say that you got my wife? What's you the house?
What he's talking about? Just look cute, listen, I wasn't
starting this. Look cute, and listen for your car when
you driving that dog?

Speaker 16 (17:12):
Where you driving that?

Speaker 14 (17:13):
Man? That's all I need to know about you.

Speaker 18 (17:15):
You ain't got out that.

Speaker 14 (17:19):

Speaker 13 (17:21):
Okay, dogs listen, man, Well I'm trying to say this
to you. See I've been around. I haven't been on
this road here myself. Man, you know what I just
jam to name. It's the brow that's sitting in the back.
Do she got the curls coming down on the side.
That's all I need to know. Does she got the
curls is dangling on the side.

Speaker 14 (17:39):
Yeah, I ain't hear your boss.

Speaker 13 (17:41):
I ain't hear you speak up, man, I said, yeah, Man,
I can't talk loud. Man, they're in the back.

Speaker 14 (17:46):
Looks man. You calling me though, and just cous You
won't call it. You're trying to make it straight, right,
So you bring your whole little to where I'm at.

Speaker 13 (17:55):
Boss, Dog. I can't do that, man, I can't bring
them up.

Speaker 14 (17:58):
You ain't do that.

Speaker 13 (17:58):
Dog, You.

Speaker 14 (18:01):
Crazy. You lave me a look though, you call me.
Put it on the phone. That put on the phone
I couldn't put off. Get a phone to her dog,
Get up over here. You need to drive where I'm at, boss,
flying out where I'm at, both because this is gonna
be ham right now. I just got.

Speaker 13 (18:23):
I said, I want to go up back to my
whole her home up, damn kiss that man.

Speaker 14 (18:28):
I can't hear your dog. You listen, listen all these whisperings.
You need to need to stop this car and say,
you need to stand outside the car and tell me
where the others you at. I can come to meet you.

Speaker 13 (18:38):
Whenever the hell you at all. You need to know
that now to tell this, you gotta take a thief
to some dogs, because okay, you gotta calm down. Man.

Speaker 14 (18:49):
You don't even know me. Man, you ain't mess with
the room dogs. So listen about here's the thing about. Look,
I'm easily gonna find out what little things hurt the
rhythms you drive, and I'm gonna find your or you're
gonna have to come find me.

Speaker 13 (19:01):

Speaker 14 (19:02):
You'll mess with the wrong Put on the phone, balls,
put on the phone.

Speaker 13 (19:07):
They push the phone.

Speaker 14 (19:09):
Man, it ain't got time to be hey. Look look, hey,
you would have to be up.

Speaker 13 (19:12):
Appreciate the call.

Speaker 15 (19:13):

Speaker 13 (19:13):
Put up on the phone. Wait wait wait wait wait
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait rob Rob, what's that?

Speaker 14 (19:18):
Man? Okay, listen, man, you say this a game. Man,
I'm goin to come fine, Hey guy, do you want
to We don't have to know.

Speaker 15 (19:29):

Speaker 13 (19:32):
All I know is they're gonna stop at the hotel
for a minute. Man, it's changed hotel.

Speaker 7 (19:37):
What's up?

Speaker 14 (19:38):
No, hey, look you right now, tho, I'm on my way.
I'm on what tail dog?

Speaker 13 (19:47):
Come on, man, don't don't act like well ship at all.

Speaker 14 (19:51):
I don't act like that.

Speaker 13 (19:52):

Speaker 14 (19:53):
Hey, look, you got one more time to be trying
to tell me how at.

Speaker 13 (19:56):
Okay, okay, I'm going to tell you man to listen
to me. I want to pay you one more.

Speaker 14 (20:01):
Thing, man, I ain't got time for no more. One
more things and one more thing. You need to be
telling me where you're at though, where you hit?

Speaker 7 (20:07):

Speaker 13 (20:07):
This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show.
You just got prayed by your wife. No man, Man, Nephew,
tell me, Nephew, tell me mand Man God listen do

my bad man?

Speaker 14 (20:32):
You got me man, you got me Main gouy.

Speaker 13 (20:37):
Man before we go Rob what is man? The badest
radio show?

Speaker 15 (20:42):

Speaker 14 (20:42):
Man and Steve and run and show with nephew. Tommy's
cray that.

Speaker 9 (20:49):
Lord, Nephew, thank you. Coming up next, ask the CLR.
Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. You're listening Harvey Morning Show.
Listen up, Steve, Seve Harvey Nation. We're about to send
someone to Vegas to see a show. Awakening is the
thrilling adventure at win Las Vegas that dazzles audiences with
soaring aerialists, acrobats, high energy choreography and comedy, and.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
You can win two tickets to see Awakening.

Speaker 9 (21:17):
This prize includes a two night's day at when Las Vegas,
round trip coach airfare for two and a four hundred
and fifty dollars resort credit. Enter now and get rules
at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. That's Steve HARVEYFM dot com
sponsored by When Las Vegas.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Time now for ask.

Speaker 9 (21:37):
THECLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This
one is from Choo Choo. I love that name, Chew
Cheo in the DMV Chee Chuo rights. I've been back
and forth to my son's schools. Some schools started because
my son is being disruptive. I call the corporate office
and told them their staff is incompetent and I shouldn't

be disturbed at work. I have read demanded him, put
him in time out, and taken all of his electronics
from him. The director of the school insinuated that my
wife and I can't control our son. Our son is
only six years old and he starts grade school soon.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
What am I supposed to do with this kid is
spanking the next best thing firsday.

Speaker 16 (22:18):
Really don't.

Speaker 8 (22:20):
I don't know what to tell you, but don't listen
to me. Don't let this school what's the title little
person at the school?

Speaker 19 (22:29):
The school, oh, the principle whatever, or the director of
the school, the director of the school.

Speaker 7 (22:39):
Don't let him get you sent to prison. Okay, it's
spanking the next thing. Don't don't worry about that. Raise
your children. You're going to have to be a little bit.
There's something missing him. Something is wrong because children want approval,
and children do want to make you pride mostly all

children want that. So there's something else going on when
you take the electronics and all.

Speaker 8 (23:07):
This's hell. Now, if you're.

Speaker 7 (23:09):
Taking electronics ain't working, and time out ain't working, and
shut your mouth ain't working, then me what I'm gonna
do is I'm gonna get your undivided attention that since
you don't listen, let me see how you feel.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
Okay, we all got thinking.

Speaker 17 (23:32):
Well, maybe the schoolwork is too easy for him, and
he's born and he's acting out in class because he
needs to be challenged.

Speaker 7 (23:43):
Yeah that's good, but I've never had that happen to me,
so I wouldn't know how to school was easy for
me thinking I don't.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
Know what that is, so I but the.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
School's responsibility.

Speaker 8 (24:00):
It's just not your respect. But see that's what's wrong.

Speaker 7 (24:04):
These kids sending these half ass behaved kids up to
the school and then they want to teach us to
turn turn around and turn out this a student.

Speaker 8 (24:13):
Well you didn't send them an a student.

Speaker 7 (24:16):
See, you can't expect the children. The school's job is
not to raise your children. They're supposed to be there
just to help them get an education. But if it's
a little ass, this little booty booty boy don't want
to do, you need to whoop his ass. Let's go
on side as I've been started my ass way for six.

Speaker 10 (24:42):
Then your mama get all your shirt in her hand
and six just as much.

Speaker 8 (24:47):
As she could shirt skin.

Speaker 1 (24:51):

Speaker 8 (24:53):

Speaker 7 (24:53):
I've had myat in my mama's hand before, and my
mama went straight to ass whooping.

Speaker 8 (24:59):
It was nothing to take away from me.

Speaker 13 (25:02):
I didn't have.

Speaker 8 (25:04):
Straight as.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
You didn't have any You couldn't do take.

Speaker 12 (25:13):

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Right, We're moving on.

Speaker 9 (25:16):
Smithsy and Canton, Ohio says, I'm an activities director at
a nursing home and I have one dirty old black
man that keeps harassing me. He's eighty one, and every
day he asked me to show him just one of
my breasts so he could die happy.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
He loves to say that.

Speaker 9 (25:32):
He could die at any time, and it will be
on my conscience if I don't show it to him.
Yesterday he pulled down his shorts and gave me the
shock of my life. He is humongous and very proud
of it. I reported him several times before, but my
supervisor responds, like, it's my fault.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
What do I doo?

Speaker 8 (25:53):
Eighty one? He don't care what you're going to do
to him, Uncle guph, what you're going to do to him?
So you can't do nothing? So you know, you know
I could. I have some suggestions.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
Come on, she's asking, what do I do?

Speaker 8 (26:12):

Speaker 7 (26:12):
If you pull his pants down and throw ice cold
water on that crump, sh it ain't gonna.

Speaker 8 (26:16):
Stay here one.

Speaker 13 (26:20):
It has.

Speaker 8 (26:20):
I'm not gonna do him like that.

Speaker 7 (26:23):
You know his old last nasty asshold man, you gonna
sit up and take this mess through somebodce cold water,
then the turtles show up.

Speaker 8 (26:30):
Then see boy, but he own his way out. He
said he could die by this woman.

Speaker 7 (26:41):
Ain't got to sit up in here and deal and
they don't buy. Why that's the damn show, all right.

Speaker 8 (26:52):
He got to please him because he fit to leave him.
Just show me one. He just want one, asking for
both of them. He's asking for a damn thing.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
Noll just die unhappy.

Speaker 7 (27:10):
He just want Why don't you take you and auto
condo and go buy you something somewhere, all right, but
in the last of your check and help your damn self.

Speaker 8 (27:23):
This woman, they gotta do nothing for you. No, he
could die.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
Yeah, all right, Pam and Charlotte, we're moving on.

Speaker 9 (27:31):
Pam and Charlotte says, I'm married to a man that
is seventeen years older, and he used to date my mother.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
My mother and I have never seen eye to eye
on a lot of things.

Speaker 8 (27:40):
She said, she's dating a man.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
Yeah, she's no, she's married to him.

Speaker 9 (27:44):
I'm married to a man that is seventeen years older,
and he used to date my mother. My mother and
I have never seen eye to eye on a lot
of things because she is very disrespectful to my grandmother
when I was younger. My grandmother raised me, so she's
more of a to me. Whenever my husband and I
have a disagreement. He likes to tell me that I'm

just like my crazy mama. I don't like him talking
about her or comparing her to me. How do I
stop him from bringing my mom's name up all the time?

Speaker 8 (28:14):
Wait a minute, Wait a minute.

Speaker 7 (28:16):
You married a man, excuse me, that was dating your
mother and you don't want him bringing up your mama?
What kind of disfunctional mess is this? So you knew
this was a man that your mother dated. We can't
help you here. We all know how y'all got married,

why y'all got married, But let the disfunction continue.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
All right, Thank you, fellow, you're listening morning show.

Speaker 9 (28:51):
According to a new Planet Fitness study, women actually prefer
the dad bod over six pack abs.

Speaker 8 (29:00):
Right, thank god for I know you're.

Speaker 20 (29:03):
Welcome, guys.

Speaker 9 (29:05):
Yeah, the results of the Planet Fitness study suggests that
women are still being driven wild by a bit of
extra pudge. The survey recently revealed that, contrary to what
you might have believed, women do actually prefer a man
with a little bit of belly on them. Okay, man,

but that begs the question. Yeah, is this a double
standard though? Because because do men prefer a woman with
a little belly with a mombot. So you don't care
as long as what what was that, As long as.

Speaker 8 (30:00):
Problem with mom bought, I don't. I don't you know,
I don't you know, especially you know mom Bob. Women
have babies, their body's gonna change. Well, that's hard. Just
snap all the way back.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
Yeah, that's good.

Speaker 9 (30:11):
That's good to hear, because you know, there's so much
pressure on women on their physical lawyrence and you know,
their bodies.

Speaker 10 (30:19):
And all of that.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
It be so perfect.

Speaker 7 (30:22):
But yeah, I'm telling you, man, my wife's hairdresser was
at the house one time.

Speaker 8 (30:27):
Her husband dropped him off.

Speaker 7 (30:29):
Real big guy man, I'm talking about really really overweight,
nice guy man. I liked him and his wife. His
wife used to do my wife's here and she cut
her hair. You know, she was a stylish she cut
her into her hair, little Halleyberry had cut and she
was over the house kind of quiet one day and
Margie said, baby, what's wrong? She said, she's in here
arguing with this food. She said, my husband, you know,

he saw my head.

Speaker 8 (30:53):
He ain't like it. He come talking about he liked
long hair. I told him, Hell, I like muscles.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
I just got it.

Speaker 13 (31:01):
What we like.

Speaker 8 (31:03):
But we got over there.

Speaker 7 (31:06):
She said, well I like muscles, but we got each
other deal with about you like long hair? She said, hell,
I like muscles.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Shut it down?

Speaker 9 (31:19):
Yeah yeah, but yeah, I thought it would be more
of a double standard because I know men are so visual.

Speaker 8 (31:28):
I don't care that woman has a would you say,
see what? I don't care that woman has a six pack?
What is that going to do? It's nice to look
at it, but you know a requirement and my two
that don't end? Yes, what is that? What that take?

Speaker 17 (31:49):
But if you lookerator, if you look at your man,
then you see him, then I have no right to
demand about it if I can't provide him.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Okay, now that was profound.

Speaker 4 (32:02):
That make damn Yeah it really did it?

Speaker 8 (32:05):
Really? Yeah? You want somebody to be something you not.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
Yeah, as progressive as you guys, you know it don't.

Speaker 8 (32:14):
Matter, but that they can be non progressive. But they'll
be over there by themself.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Somewhere, Yeah, exactly, Or.

Speaker 8 (32:22):
You mess around to get some dumb woman with a
six pack. Now what you what? What did you say?

Speaker 1 (32:28):
John said?

Speaker 12 (32:29):

Speaker 4 (32:29):
Three is not that hands So we can't really y'all.

Speaker 8 (32:32):
Two, I'm not that Han.

Speaker 10 (32:35):
Trio, Tommy, Okay, here, cute with a two pack.

Speaker 8 (32:40):
Okay, that's gonna be with a two pack.

Speaker 7 (32:47):
Unattractive as you want to be cute with two I mean,
I mean and let Tommy, can I tell you something?

Speaker 8 (32:53):
At times shockingly not attractive.

Speaker 18 (32:59):

Speaker 8 (33:01):
Yeah, I've caught him from some angles. I've seen him
from some different.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
But you can't convince some of that. Steve Tommy feel
that way about himself. He believes that that's.

Speaker 7 (33:11):
Because he looking out through one set of eyes. Come
out here and look at him through these eyes. There's
a lot wrong with you, tom.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
For you to be tell me you know how much
stuff got to align?

Speaker 8 (33:24):
Well, you know what.

Speaker 21 (33:27):
You need Moon, you need I there's some sexy on
me somewhere. Okay, where what what we're doing? Well, go ahead,
we got time.

Speaker 8 (33:39):
We all here.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
For the guys to determine where another guy is sexy?

Speaker 5 (33:46):
No, no, no, no, But he says, sexy on me somewhere?
Where is the tom tell him? Yeah, the ladies, No, ladies, Now, ladies,
don't you go first?

Speaker 15 (33:58):
You go?

Speaker 8 (33:59):

Speaker 1 (34:01):
No, no, seriously, Tommy, I've always thought this about you. Really, Yeah,
you have you have nice hands. Your hands got nice chances. Well,
I mean they're that coon, they're a little bit. They're
nice though they're always you know, man cured and everything.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
Yeah, yeah, but that still don't make it cute.

Speaker 8 (34:23):
Isra's hands is pretty?

Speaker 1 (34:25):
Who's era?

Speaker 8 (34:28):
He's six months old?

Speaker 22 (34:31):
What is that?

Speaker 4 (34:32):
What is hands? Don't help me make it?

Speaker 8 (34:34):
What is his hand? You thought?

Speaker 15 (34:35):

Speaker 8 (34:35):
That's all you got is cute hand.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Women like a man with nice Is he cute?

Speaker 8 (34:41):
Hell no, he got nice hands. She tried to give
him something. I don't be ugly with your Tommy is
sexy color? What on tommy is? She wouldn't do?

Speaker 9 (34:53):
There we go?

Speaker 1 (34:55):
Oh, let me see stand up?

Speaker 8 (35:01):
Not wasn't I'm up now?

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Okay, okay, okay, let me let.

Speaker 8 (35:04):
Me scoop back.

Speaker 6 (35:05):
You'll see nothing sex over here?

Speaker 1 (35:07):
Turn around?

Speaker 4 (35:08):
Boy, you need a car to be sixty like you
like a roll?

Speaker 8 (35:11):
Roy, you got nice heeled.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
I got nothing.

Speaker 8 (35:15):
I got nothing.

Speaker 6 (35:16):
I'm precious.

Speaker 8 (35:17):
Oh real, Timmy, I'm gonna get you got some night.
You got nice heel. People don't even see my heels.

Speaker 20 (35:29):
I got shoes on, all right?

Speaker 1 (35:31):
Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right
after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning show.

Speaker 9 (35:38):
All right, So Memorial Day is right around the corner,
and Triple A expects that the holiday weekend we'll see
a record number of travelers. They report that over forty
three million drivers will take road trips and over three
million travelers will be flying, making it the most crowded
Memorial Day weekend at airports since two thousand and five.

Speaker 8 (35:58):
We're now all going.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
That's what everybody wants to know. Where they going.

Speaker 9 (36:03):
The most popular destination, uh here in America is Orlando, Florida.
So I guess everybody's going to Disney World. Yeah, Universal,
Universal Studios down there.

Speaker 7 (36:14):
Yet, Well, I want to ask the most regular person
on the show, Junior and Monica, where are y'all going?

Speaker 8 (36:21):
Monica going to Mississippi. She's not going to Orlando.

Speaker 7 (36:26):
She's driving to see her mama and grandmama at the
at the Grand Catfish Championships this week is.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Good eating goodness, she checks on her mom.

Speaker 20 (36:37):
Yeah, yes, I love that.

Speaker 6 (36:38):
It's frant of Mississippi.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Yes, law, yes, lord. So what are you doing, Steve?

Speaker 13 (36:46):

Speaker 8 (36:47):
I don't really do holidays like that. And I'm I'm
gonna be working, be at the house.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Okay, you're not gonna do nothing barbecuing or anything on
the grill.

Speaker 8 (36:57):
No, I got to go try to get this golf
swing other.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
Oh, poor baby, that's that. Ain't working.

Speaker 8 (37:06):
On my golf game. That's what I'm gonna try to do.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
Work on your golf day, Okay, Tommy.

Speaker 7 (37:12):
All I want to do, man, is just get my
driver back to just a solid two thirty down.

Speaker 8 (37:19):
The middle of the fairway.

Speaker 7 (37:20):
Just keep it there if I can every now and
then cook one two forty two fifty after strong for me.

Speaker 1 (37:26):
Man, golf Tommy, what are you doing for Memorial Day?

Speaker 13 (37:33):

Speaker 8 (37:35):
I'm not booked. That's the best thing. I get to
be at home with my wife and kids.

Speaker 6 (37:38):
So are traveling?

Speaker 8 (37:41):

Speaker 7 (37:42):
No, no, no, you better not have no base Come
I find out that boy got a baseball game. You're
gonna be out on the patio, big boy. Y'all seen
Tommy patio.

Speaker 1 (37:56):

Speaker 8 (37:58):
What are you doing work Saturday?

Speaker 17 (38:00):
But I'm after I get off, Me and the wife
going to a jazz festival.

Speaker 8 (38:04):
That's all my jazz. That's what he's said, Like a
beautiful man.

Speaker 1 (38:13):
That's what people do a Memorial Day.

Speaker 8 (38:16):
Yeah, you know, because she sees stuff in me, don't
nobody else.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
It's still mad about that.

Speaker 4 (38:21):
You know, she has a beautiful.

Speaker 23 (38:22):
Mind, you know when she looking on into me and
she's starting to see things in me that I don't
see in myself.

Speaker 8 (38:28):
You see.

Speaker 23 (38:35):
A woman, you know, who looks into me and see
things in me, you know that I didn't even know
I had, like you knowing on the inside of me,
and you know, seeing bacteria and things you know, and
floating around in me that I didn't even know was there.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
Coming after alright, is coming on. We'll come right back
with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this.
You're listening Morning Show. It is time now to check
Steve's voicemail.

Speaker 9 (39:06):
If you would like to leave a message for Steve,
you can call him eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve,
you might just hear your call on the air. Let's
go to Johnny Steve, who's a truck driver. He needs
a little relationship advice.

Speaker 22 (39:18):
I Steve, this is a Johnny from Mississippi. I'm twenty
six years old and I'm having a bit of a
problem right now.

Speaker 13 (39:25):
I'm a truck driver, but I'm home every day and.

Speaker 22 (39:29):
I'm getting ready to get married. So but my fiance
has a problem with me working all the time. My
goal is to make Dick's Viggish and I'm really really close.
And on top of that, I'm trying to write a
book in my free time. So I was wondering if
you could give me any advice. I'm trying to find
a balance between time with her and tasting my hosts

and jams and working.

Speaker 7 (39:52):
Thank you well, brother, that's the phenomenon most people make.
You're twenty six years old, You're young, You're in your
most important earning years because at least at twenty six,
you set some goals for yourself. You want to make
six figures, you want to write a book one the
But she complaining about you ain't there. Well, see, that's

the problem with being a real man. You can't ever
get it one hundred. If you're there, you can't make
the money you need. If you make the money that
you need, you can't be there. So now you got
to get somebody that's a teammate that understands that, yeah,
I'm gone, but me being gone provides a lifestyle for us.

Speaker 8 (40:41):
You know, the stuff, stuff you.

Speaker 7 (40:43):
Might enjoy, like you know, somewhere to stay. You know,
stuff like groceries. You know, just you know, you know,
maybe you want to go somewhere and not walk. You know,
it's just it's just something some out of there trying
to accomplish for see. And there are teammates who have

to get with this program and understand that. Why would
you want a man that wasn't trying to be nothing?
Then when you get one, you want him to stay
home and sit around. Well, he can't get.

Speaker 8 (41:20):
It like that.

Speaker 7 (41:21):
They are not mailing checks to the house. I have
asked them. Now, your man is in to go get
it business, so let him go get it. And if
you don't understand that, you really need to check yourself.

Speaker 8 (41:37):
Use some wrong with so, bro, there is no balance
that you're never.

Speaker 7 (41:46):
Gonna get achieved, perfect balance until you find the right
partner who helps you with that. Because if she gonna
complain every time you go out the door, you you're
gonna have a problem, bro, because when you go out
the door, man, man, it's hard.

Speaker 8 (42:04):
Come on, all right?

Speaker 9 (42:06):
This call us from a female listener, Steve, who left
a message about your response to and ask the clo question.
Remember when you suggested that Baskin Robbins create a sexy
ice cream flavor.

Speaker 1 (42:20):
Take a listen, Peeze.

Speaker 24 (42:24):
I have listened to you on the Steve Robin morn
the town and you are so Frindy, you are so
crazy man. You would saying how they'll say, if bat
Robbins ain't got nothing on this, If that bat the
robbers can put this in a coump.

Speaker 18 (42:41):
And put it on the me and you and and
you would like I know they are stay aloud, Steve,
you want to.

Speaker 20 (43:01):
Black people laugh. Yeah, I'm trouble man, you so pray.

Speaker 8 (43:13):
Look up.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
And they're laughing so much and makes.

Speaker 8 (43:27):
You frank brendandah man.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
All right later.

Speaker 9 (43:47):
If you want to leave Stephen message eight seven seven
twenty nine, Steve. Coming up next, it is the nephew
and the prank phone call for today. Right after this,
you're listening Hard Morning Show. Coming up at the top
of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my
strawberry letter, the subject love at first bite.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
Wait till you hear this letter.

Speaker 9 (44:09):
We'll get into that in a little bit, because right
now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call.

Speaker 1 (44:14):
What you got for his nest?

Speaker 8 (44:16):
It's time to hit the pool.

Speaker 10 (44:18):
So much time is coming here basically, the title is
naked lifeguard.

Speaker 8 (44:26):
Naked what lifeguard? Don't don't, don't, don't let this bother.
I know I ain't the only one on this shoulder
swam naked. I know I ain't the own. Let's go
catch naked lifeguard.

Speaker 12 (44:38):

Speaker 15 (44:39):
Hello, I'm trying to reach a carried Yes, there's this
carried Hi, Carrie. My name is Oliver. Oliver. Do you
put in an application with the employment agency about looking
for some work as far as being a lifeguard? Oh? Yeah,
I did. Okay. Have you had much experience being a lifeguard?

Speaker 12 (44:58):
Yeah, I've been doing that for a while now, back
since I was like eighteen I got my CPR certification.
I've had as many as like two hundred people at
one time watching them. So I'm good. I'm good at
what I do.

Speaker 15 (45:15):
I love it, very good, very good. Well, i'll tell
you what. I've looked over your application and I've checked
everything out thoroughly, and I'm very excited about maybe getting
you to I don't know if you're familiar with it,
but public Pool it's actually in subdivision. There's two pools there.
Are you familiar with Yeah.

Speaker 12 (45:33):
I'm familiar with it. They're near where I live.

Speaker 15 (45:36):
Yeah, okay, well there's actually in the backup there's a
gated community and that is actually the particular property that
I'm talking about. You coming out and working for us
there at the pool site. If we can get you
on Monday to Friday, we're gonna actually hire some more
college students for Saturday and Sunday.

Speaker 12 (45:57):
What do you say, Oh, I say, okay, sounds great
money weekends off.

Speaker 15 (46:03):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Now we start off. Job actually pays
twenty five dollars an hour. Wow. You would be our
head lifeguard and we would want you to be there
from you know, I mean if you start at twelve,
it'd actually like you to get there around eleven thirty,
you know, just just to be prepared and be the

overseer and make sure the other lifeguards get there on time,
and you know, we'll go from there.

Speaker 21 (46:28):

Speaker 15 (46:28):
Now, carry there's only one catch that actually comes along
with this job. We want you to work an additional
four hours from six to ten at night. But it's
going to pay you fifty dollars per hour, so you'll
make an extra two hundred dollars. How do you feel
about that?

Speaker 12 (46:43):
Man? I feel good? I mean with the recession and everything.
I can use that money right now, especially during the summertime.

Speaker 15 (46:51):
Okay, now here's the deal. This is innegated community, like
I told you before. But also it's going to be
adults at night, and they are actually going to be
swimming nude. What. Yeah, they're gonna be swimming nude. And
what they asked is if they're going to be swimming nude,
they want to make sure that the lifeguard that's protecting

them is going to be nude as well.

Speaker 12 (47:15):
Okay, I'm a certified lifeguard, I'm CPR certified, I'm a student.
I've had other jobs, but nudity wasn't on.

Speaker 15 (47:24):
My resume, and I understand that wholeheartedly. But we're talking
about you possibly making seventeen hundred and fifty dollars a week.
How do you feel about seventeen hundred and fifty a
week for your nursing school. I'm sure that'll that'll definitely
pay for it throughout the entire summer. That should be
a big help, shouldn't it. Yeah?

Speaker 13 (47:43):

Speaker 15 (47:44):
But I mean, I mean, are are you?

Speaker 8 (47:47):
Are you?

Speaker 15 (47:47):
How do you feel about trying it for a few
weeks and then you know, how do you feel about that.
I don't know, But I mean, you're gonna watch over
some adults who are actually just gonna be nude in
the pool, and you're nude as well up on the
big chair that overwatches everybody. Seventeen fifty I don't seventeen

fifty carry, you know, I don't think I'm going to
be able to do that seventeen fifty carry. We're talking
about four hours of you being nude along with some
other people that are already new. So, I mean, what's
the big deal. You know? What we need you to
do is come down. We're gonna do some drills, some
lifeguard drills, and make sure that you're definitely qualified. But
we're going to make sure that when you do those,

you got to be naked as well. Okay, why would
I have to do some drills naked?

Speaker 12 (48:37):
I'm on a radio lifeguard.

Speaker 15 (48:39):
What do I need to drunk? Understand all that. But
in order we for our particular property, we got to
make sure that you're actually prepared and ready.

Speaker 12 (48:46):
You know, I understand.

Speaker 15 (48:48):
Well that's the way it is, Carriy. We need you
to come down and do some drills. Well, it's not
going to take a long probably about a half hour.
You come down, you get undressed, you get in the pool,
and we make sure that you're qualified to swim nude,
to handle to saving somebody's life, nude, the whole nine yards.

Speaker 12 (49:05):
But what I mean, what if my family come to that?

Speaker 15 (49:09):
You know, Carrie, you know I can't go back and
forth with you. I can't now.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
I know you.

Speaker 15 (49:14):
You know. I looked at your resume. I looked at
what you were doing and what you're pursuing in life,
and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you.

Speaker 18 (49:20):
But I can't be you.

Speaker 12 (49:21):
I mean, I can't do that to my family, and you.

Speaker 15 (49:24):
Can no, No, wait a minute, hang on a second. Now,
you can't tell me you can't do it now?

Speaker 12 (49:29):
Oh yes, I yes I can.

Speaker 15 (49:31):
So you get your down here in the morning so
I can get these drills done. And I want you
naked when you get here and get in this pool.
You understand me, Who the hell do you think you're
talking to her?

Speaker 12 (49:40):
You some kind of pool timp? Lifeguard? Human resources are
a pimp.

Speaker 18 (49:44):
You're not tipping me.

Speaker 12 (49:46):
I don't have to come down there, but I want
to come down there.

Speaker 15 (49:49):
You got to bring you think tomorrow and get in
this pool and do this trip. Do you think you're
talking to I'm talking to you tomorrow and you do
this trill you need to do with.

Speaker 12 (50:00):
You're a Pamela Anderson Baywatch because as you're doing nothing
new grass stroke for you all freaking I don't know them,
I know them people.

Speaker 15 (50:10):
I don't give a move you not no, you get
your down here and you take the job.

Speaker 12 (50:15):
I'm not coming down there to your fun told tomorrow
and swim now and life go ahead now for a
bunch of ronchy. I don't know who you think you're
trying to do. I'm just trying to be nice to
you when you come a house with that and then
it stup because I'm not there.

Speaker 15 (50:30):
Coming the girl you got me?

Speaker 12 (50:32):
Okay, you need to go get your a Pamela Anderson Baywatch.

Speaker 15 (50:36):
You know deep s diving.

Speaker 12 (50:38):
I don't know what you need, but I'm not what
you need.

Speaker 15 (50:41):
You get your flock down here tomorrow.

Speaker 11 (50:44):
What you think you're talking to I'm talking to you.

Speaker 15 (50:46):
You think you're talking to I'm.

Speaker 12 (50:48):
Talking to you. Who do you think you're talking to?

Speaker 15 (50:52):
I got something I want to say to you. You listening?

Speaker 13 (50:54):
You know where you you better go?

Speaker 12 (50:55):
Ahead and say, because I'm bout to hang up this
phone in your face right now.

Speaker 15 (50:59):
This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show.
You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I just said this,
frank you, baby, Your girlfriend pranks you.

Speaker 12 (51:18):
When I see that she's gonna have one last float,
I cannot believe.

Speaker 18 (51:24):
She d like this.

Speaker 15 (51:25):
All right, I gotta ask you something, baby, what is
what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio
show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (51:40):
The distress in her voice.

Speaker 8 (51:45):
I thought about it, and I can't do that. I
just can't do that to my family.

Speaker 1 (51:51):
Right, she really was.

Speaker 9 (51:56):

Speaker 8 (51:58):
Could you talk to him, Tommy. I'd have been down
there for sure.

Speaker 7 (52:03):
I wouldn't got my daddy. But Tommy, you kind of
blew it in the beginning. You know you're gonna be
at the pool. You're gonna be like the head. You're
gonna be the overseer. I said, what kind of slave
as you're gonna be the overseer? I said, what did
his old ass say that he's younger could be like
the overseer for them?

Speaker 15 (52:24):
For that?

Speaker 12 (52:25):
What point?

Speaker 8 (52:26):
At what point shall I bring out my bang and
pick a bale.

Speaker 10 (52:33):
All right, the Nephew is coming to town Dallas, Dallas
Fort Worth, Texas. Nephew Tommy's House Party, Comedy Jam Live
with special guests Tony robertson the building, Dominique in the building,
and the Nephew himself will be the Saturday, June fifteenth
at the Majestic Field.

Speaker 8 (52:49):
That is Father's Day weekend.

Speaker 10 (52:51):
So bring your father, bring your husband, bring your boys,
bring your well you're older boys, because it's gonna be
it's gonna be that kind of part. It's gonna be
a grown in sixty type of party. We'll come on
out and hang out with the Nephew.

Speaker 13 (53:04):
All right.

Speaker 9 (53:06):
Coming up next it is a Strawberry letter. Subject is
love at First Bite. We'll get back into it right
after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now
for today's Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 1 (53:19):

Speaker 9 (53:19):
If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting,
and more, please submit your Strawberry letter. It's Steve Harvey
FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could
be reading your letter live on the air, just like
we're going to read this one right here, right now,
and you never know this one could be yours.

Speaker 4 (53:37):
Hope be yours.

Speaker 1 (53:39):
I hope this one is yours.

Speaker 8 (53:41):
Well, we hope not. Buckle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter.

Speaker 1 (53:46):
Thank you, nep you.

Speaker 9 (53:46):
Subject love at first bite. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a
fifty seven year old single woman, but I am dealing
with a man that is slightly older than me. He's
a nice man and he just lost his wife, so's
to settle down with me. We have great chemistry in
the bedroom, and that is what is the most important

to me. He matches my freakiness and has taken it
to a whole new level. But after five months of dating,
he said he wants to only do certain things for
special occasion. I have a fetish that he was fine
with at first. I like for my man to bite

me while we are intimate. Bite my ear, from my shoulder,
my neck, or whatever he can get a hold of
at the time. It's an issue for him to do
it all the time because he doesn't like to wear
his top row of teeth when we are in the house.

Even at my house, he places them on a napkin
on my end table.

Speaker 1 (54:53):
After we eat.

Speaker 9 (54:55):
I've told him that the bite isn't the same without
his teeth, but he's not willing to compromise. If he
doesn't have his teeth in, it feels like a teething baby.
That's why he only wants to do things my way
on special occasions. I've dated older men before, and they
don't mind keeping their teeth in for sex. So I
need my men to get his top row of teeth

adjusted so that they are more comfortable and he can
leave them in. He got defensive and called me a
weirdo for being into biting. I think it's weird that
he is into having sex without his teeth, but I'd
never make him feel bad about it. I am getting
bored with our sex life, and if he can't spice
it up a bit and do what I like, I

may have to step out on him. When I was
in a swingers group, I saw that some people like
choking and some liked costumes. I just like teeth marks,
and if that's so crazy, I may need to move on.
Is it too unreasonable to expect that this whole letter
what Lady is unreasonable? Okay, if you ask me, everything

in here is unreasonable you want him to bite you.

Speaker 1 (56:04):
You used to be in a swingers club.

Speaker 9 (56:06):
Oh my god, you've only been dating this man for
five months and he's already, you know, just doing something
that's uncomfortable to me.

Speaker 1 (56:15):
He's taking his teeth out, and at home, I'm putting
him in a napkin on.

Speaker 9 (56:22):
The side table. I really don't get this. Then you
like him to bite you and leave teeth marks, so
that means he has to bite you pretty hard to
do that, but he won't do it because his teeth
are out, and you're mad about that.

Speaker 1 (56:35):
Do you understand?

Speaker 9 (56:36):
Hear how crazy this sounds? The question I had when
does he wear his teeth? Because it sounds like he
doesn't wear them, not at your house, not during sex.

Speaker 1 (56:46):
When does he wear them? I just don't think this
is okay.

Speaker 9 (56:49):
I mean, with him having no teeth in his mouth,
where's the attraction, where's the sexy?

Speaker 1 (56:55):
I don't get it. Are you still physically attracted to
him or you.

Speaker 9 (57:00):
Just don't care as long as you're being bitten, that's
what it sounds like. And he leaves bite marks on you? Uh,
he offered you a compromise to do it on special occasions.
That's not good enough for you.

Speaker 1 (57:11):
You said no to that. I just think this letter
is crazy, I really do. I mean this is crazy
to me.

Speaker 20 (57:18):
The teeth out and.

Speaker 1 (57:19):
The bite mark.

Speaker 9 (57:21):
All right, you guys need to make some sort of
deal or compromise about his teeth and this biting issue,
or yes, you need to step out on him or
move on, Steve.

Speaker 8 (57:31):
This letter crazy to you. This is why I come
to work. I come to worse.

Speaker 7 (57:40):
Is like this right here, beautiful advice. I ain't got
none of that for none of these fools. Oh I
see is opportunity to him riding my scope of humor.
As we read this letter together, it gets worse as
it goes on. Yeah, I'm a fifty seven year old

single woman, and according to this letter, you're gonna stay
that way the rest of your damn life, because after
this damn letter you have made a truth.

Speaker 8 (58:13):
You are fifty seven, you old single.

Speaker 7 (58:15):
You can write this letter when you sixty seven, you
can start the same damn way. I'm a sixty seven
year old single woman. I'm dealing with a man that's
slightly older than me. He's nice and he just lost
his wife, so he trying to settle down with me.

Speaker 8 (58:32):
For now.

Speaker 7 (58:34):
We have great chemistry in the bedroom, and that's what's
most important to me.

Speaker 8 (58:39):
Yeah, yeah, you fifty.

Speaker 7 (58:41):
Seven, that's what's most important to me. I hate to
tell you this, but you're close to the tape. Let
me tell you something about fifty seven. If you're fifty
seven years old, it's like a twenty one year old
is at high noon on the clock son as hot as.

Speaker 8 (58:57):
It gonna be in his life. You fifty seven, and
it's about eight thirty for you, it's evening. Change your priorities.

Speaker 7 (59:09):
It's getting late, say damn near. Time to lock these
doors and pull this cover off. This again, that's to
This letter is for Steve Harvey. Please come back.

Speaker 9 (59:22):
We can't wait for part two of the Strawberry Letter
at twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject for
today is love at First Bite. We'll come back with
Steve's response right after this.

Speaker 1 (59:34):
You're listening morning show, all right?

Speaker 6 (59:38):
Come on, Steve, this.

Speaker 1 (59:40):
Is the letter Tailor made for you.

Speaker 14 (59:42):

Speaker 8 (59:42):
I want to thank God, love it first out. I'm
at work today.

Speaker 7 (59:44):
Love at first bite, did Stephen Shirley. I'm a fifty
seven year old single woman now based on this letter,
Like I said, she gonna stay this the rest of
her damn life. She has no chance of securing a
mate with what you're about to read in this letter.
Ten years, she could say, I'm a sixty seven year
old single one twenty years, I'm a seventy seven year

old single woman.

Speaker 8 (01:00:06):
I'm damn near dead and I'm still sinking. You could
write that too.

Speaker 7 (01:00:12):
But she met a nice man that lost his wife
trying to settle down with her now, and they got great,
great chemistry in the bedroom. And that's what's most important
to me. If sex is most important to you at
fifty seven, you need to readjust your priorities a little bit,
because let me explain something like I said earlier. If

you're twenty one years old, you're at high noon, it's
twelve o'clock for you, sunny shining, you participating. You ain't sleepy,
and you ain't just got up. You twenty one is
high noon. If you fifty seven, according to the clock
for you, it's about eight thirty. It's evening.

Speaker 8 (01:00:51):
It's time to get these dogs locked. Pull this cover,
pull the cover up. You might not make it to
the news no more.

Speaker 6 (01:00:58):
I'm just saying so.

Speaker 8 (01:01:00):
Anyway, she says it's great chemistry.

Speaker 7 (01:01:03):
He matches my freakiness and has taken it to a
whole new level. You like it because a man match
your freakiness and you fifty seven. Okay, I'm just gonna
make this statement right here.

Speaker 8 (01:01:14):
You too much?

Speaker 7 (01:01:16):
But after five months a day and he says he
wants to only do certain things for special occasion. Now,
without reading anymore into this letter, I'm assuming that you
are too much and he wants to slow it down
and just do it on the holidays. Yeah, because whatever
this freakingness is is too much every damn day.

Speaker 8 (01:01:35):
We needs to break this down on holidays.

Speaker 7 (01:01:38):
Fourth of July, Sweetish Day, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Saint
Patti's Day, Easter. You know, I got it for you
all the day, Columbus Day, we all Martin Luther King Day,
that three day weekend.

Speaker 8 (01:01:52):
I got time for you.

Speaker 7 (01:01:54):
Other than that, I want to just break it down
right here. And the reason she want to break it
down the so she got a fetish that the man
was fine with it.

Speaker 8 (01:02:03):

Speaker 7 (01:02:03):
See, I like my man to bite me while me
while we intimate, bite my ear, bite my shoulder, my neck,
or whatever he can get a hold of at the time. Lady,
that's a different kind of fetish. I'm glad you ain't
talking to me because you'll you'll you'll get off me
with that request, because I bite for real.

Speaker 8 (01:02:23):
You know I'll put some on you. She wants. Yeah,
I'll sink in, I'll sink I'll take me to meet
out you one time.

Speaker 7 (01:02:30):
I bet you could asking me you asked to be
asking for just for special occasions. Once I sank these
big ass chompers, I got your tea and I put
something on you right here. I don't know if you
ever had a piece of shoulder out, but I like
shoulder sandwiches.

Speaker 8 (01:02:45):
Any damn you've got the right man.

Speaker 7 (01:02:48):
If you come to me, come on something, bite me.
You better break it down what it is about me?
Sure you better break this letter down to can you
nibble me? Because if you say I'm taking it to
a whole nother level, you think he took it to
another level. And I ain't gotta take my damn teeth
out because see, here go the problem with your man
right here?

Speaker 6 (01:03:06):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 7 (01:03:07):
I don't but I got a solution for that too.
He don't like to wear his top row teeth when.

Speaker 8 (01:03:12):
We in the house.

Speaker 7 (01:03:13):
What the hell you don't win? How much older is
he than you? He gotta take his top row out.
You probably dating somebody didn't have a bottom row, and
you got somebody got full set of dentist. What are
you doing? You can't help all these fetishes with these
old ass men. You need to start dating somebody younger.
Got all they damn teeth? Now you say that even
at my house he places them on the napkin on

the end of the table.

Speaker 8 (01:03:36):
When we eat. Who wants to eat without they damn teeth?
What did you make it?

Speaker 6 (01:03:41):
As hard as you Polly?

Speaker 7 (01:03:43):
What is you make it?

Speaker 8 (01:03:44):
What did you make it? Where you gonna set your
teeth out on the nampkin? What did you do to
this hamburger?

Speaker 15 (01:03:50):

Speaker 8 (01:03:51):
Have mercy? Why does this hamburger taste like probably meat?

Speaker 7 (01:03:56):
I wan't read one damn teeth take He just set
his damn teeth on the napkin and y'all having dinner.
And then I've told him that the bite isn't the
same without his teeth, but he ain't willing to compromise
when he don't have his teeth in, It's feel like
uh teething, baby, that's why he only wants to do

things my way on special occasion. I've dated older men
before and they don't mind keeping their teeth in for
six what.

Speaker 8 (01:04:25):
On your men got teeth problem?

Speaker 7 (01:04:27):
So I need a man to get on top row
his teeth adjusted so they more comfortable, and he can
leave it when he gets defensive and call me a
weirdo for being in the bike. You he is weird, yeah,
by in order to get fit all the time. But
if he having sex and he got his teeth on
the knighte stare while y'all having sick. My suggestion is
to reach over, grab them teeth and shop him on

your back.

Speaker 4 (01:04:50):
We can get the.

Speaker 7 (01:04:53):
Over staying and snap him on put you'll get some
teeth printing you ass that's what you want.

Speaker 6 (01:05:03):
That might not be with my mouth, but you you.

Speaker 8 (01:05:05):
Don't get to your yo.

Speaker 7 (01:05:09):
I'll reach over and help. I have magnetic glove, I
have him just a why you want you want to?
I can make love to you and put the s
I can put a bike mark on the back of
your calf. That's why you wanted that, because I don't
reach around there with my head When you want the
next bot monk see when you want on back of
your neck. But what you want you back your neck,
I'm putting it on the back of you. I've got

bites for your hell. Where you want, I'll put a
bike mark in head on a whole steal smacking right
up there.

Speaker 9 (01:05:41):
I go coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Steve,
that is not done with this Strawberry letter. We'll have
part three of Love at First Bite right after this.
You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Steve Harvey is not finished
with his response to the Strawberry letter today Love at

First Bite, where a fifty seven year old woman was
dating an older gentleman who took its teeth out and
she wanted them to bite her.

Speaker 7 (01:06:08):
And her said that she is she likes to have
sex and like to get bit while she having sex. Now,
I said, you don't want to say that to me now,
because I got to set the teeth. I'll put it
on you.

Speaker 8 (01:06:19):
You stop. I gonna have to stop asking me to
bite you. I put it, I take, I'll take meat out.

Speaker 7 (01:06:25):
You gonna have to change your terminology to I want
to get nibbled on, Steve, because you had me to
bite you with these teeth I got.

Speaker 8 (01:06:32):
I got something for your ass right here.

Speaker 7 (01:06:34):
But now, since he liked to take his teeth out,
I said, what he could do is can put his
teeth on nice stand and then when she ready for
a bite, reach over and.

Speaker 8 (01:06:41):
Grab the teeth and the half whereever shit you want
to bite marks? You want to get bit on the shoulder.

Speaker 7 (01:06:47):
Here, come slapper with your teeth in your hand, and
you put teeth marks on right here.

Speaker 8 (01:06:53):
You can get them out.

Speaker 11 (01:06:53):
I can.

Speaker 7 (01:06:54):
I can see if that's how you want it. We
get these teeth marks exactly where you.

Speaker 8 (01:06:59):
Want it, when you want you want it in the
real cage.

Speaker 1 (01:07:01):
Why we kissing?

Speaker 8 (01:07:03):
Daddy is right there.

Speaker 6 (01:07:05):
There ain't no problem teeth marks.

Speaker 8 (01:07:07):
Why we kissing? Only quest You get dt marks anywhere
you want to go.

Speaker 7 (01:07:15):
But now you're all you date is old ass men
that ain't have problem leaving their teeth in. He gonna
set his teeth off the on a napkin while y'all eating.

Speaker 13 (01:07:23):
What are you eating?

Speaker 8 (01:07:24):
Well, you don't need your damn teeth.

Speaker 7 (01:07:28):
Where you're eating at the hospital, all this apple sauce
and all this hell.

Speaker 8 (01:07:34):
He hadn't gotten to do what Shirley.

Speaker 13 (01:07:36):
Way, you got it.

Speaker 9 (01:07:37):
When you finish, you have to address the fact that
she used to be in the swingers club.

Speaker 8 (01:07:41):
Well, see that. It's another thing.

Speaker 7 (01:07:43):
I'm bored with our sex life and he can't spice
it up a bit. I may have to step out
on him. When I was in the swingers group, I
saw some people like choking and some people like choking.
Now you ready to damn there, die to have some sex.
That's why you fifty seven and still single. I'm like, cannybody,
stay with your ass. No every day, all this choking.

Speaker 8 (01:08:05):
It here.

Speaker 7 (01:08:08):
Now, soon as you walk in the swingers club, you
gotta wear a T shirt.

Speaker 8 (01:08:13):
The bigger the teeth, the better the sex. You got
to walk around. Let everybody one.

Speaker 7 (01:08:18):
You gotta come in here and make announcements. Ladies and gentlemen,
she's here. Anybody with big teeth. All men with big teeth,
please step to the left of the room. The Swingers
Club is about to get wild. Earnest scene is here
looking for men with big teeth that's in their mouth.
This don't make no damn sen it does. You too

old for this, and ain't no grown ass man thin
to do this with you every day. That's why this
man said special occasions only because it's something.

Speaker 6 (01:08:52):
I've heard it all now, I've heard it.

Speaker 7 (01:08:54):
Teeth shirts is for sale right after the show, Bigger Teeth,
Better Sex.

Speaker 1 (01:09:01):
All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve
Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour.
Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right,
it's time for comedy Roulette Jay now quickly.

Speaker 16 (01:09:15):
It's very similar. You guys test our ability to be comedians.
Give us five subjects. Anything you want. Let the wheel stop.
We put it out on a roulette wheel wherever stop.
We do a couple of minutes on. That's how good
we are, all right, that's how good we all.

Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
Right, all right, we'll see about that. We have five
topics for you, all right. Number one the movies.

Speaker 9 (01:09:43):
You got this one.

Speaker 15 (01:09:44):

Speaker 9 (01:09:44):
Number two being dumped, all right, that's on the wheel.
Number three, bed wedding, it's been there.

Speaker 16 (01:09:51):
I got that one.

Speaker 9 (01:09:52):
Number four, bad grades. Number five When to shut up?
Cat spind the wheel.

Speaker 8 (01:10:00):
Graves come on, wait, week, I like movies.

Speaker 16 (01:10:15):
Whoa okay, okay, And that's a good okay way to
shut up. When to shut up? I'll tell you when
you shut up? The minute just look in your rear
view mirror and you see that blue light. It is time,
and I don't want time for you to shut up.
You make an announcement of everybody in the damn car

to shut the hell up, all right. We doesn't know
that there's gonna be one person talking, all right. Un
the sober is one. If they gotta lean from the
back and talk. The rest have been told to shut
the hell up.

Speaker 25 (01:10:52):
In that same lane, yes, that same length, in the neighborhood,
when you see somebody running from the loft, when the
Lord look at us, we don't know nothing.

Speaker 1 (01:11:03):
I had one on poisy, He went that way?

Speaker 25 (01:11:06):
What did you tell them down?

Speaker 3 (01:11:08):

Speaker 4 (01:11:09):
You already know he knows us.

Speaker 20 (01:11:11):
Now you're sitting the load.

Speaker 25 (01:11:12):
The same way, Darren with you could have pointed the
other way.

Speaker 1 (01:11:15):
That way he see us?

Speaker 4 (01:11:16):
You think he looking?

Speaker 8 (01:11:17):
Fuck, you didn't see nothing.

Speaker 20 (01:11:19):
Shut the hell up?

Speaker 8 (01:11:21):
Got it? Well, I'm gonna go on another route, lem men,
just do two quickly.

Speaker 7 (01:11:29):
Fellas, you know it's time to shut up.

Speaker 8 (01:11:35):
When you're feeling guilty and you want to confess.

Speaker 6 (01:11:42):
It's not that dog, what this moment you have? God,
we're not going in there that. Let me tell you something.

Speaker 7 (01:11:53):
When my first marriage, I went out one night, me
and my partner. You know, you know I just told
told Max whatther I was going out? Right, I'm over
at the house. A couple of days later, my partner
record I went to club with This is what he said.

Speaker 8 (01:12:11):
Hey, man, tell your wife about.

Speaker 4 (01:12:13):
The club we went.

Speaker 1 (01:12:19):
You're looking at it like what.

Speaker 8 (01:12:25):
I just just something?

Speaker 6 (01:12:27):
Just what are you talking about?

Speaker 8 (01:12:32):
Tell my wife about the club we went to?

Speaker 4 (01:12:39):
Was supposed to tell you shut up. I'll tell you
enough time to shut up. And it's a trick to
when your mama say say something.

Speaker 1 (01:12:53):
But then did you hear me?

Speaker 4 (01:12:55):
What impot to do?

Speaker 6 (01:12:57):
How am I gonna answer you?

Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
I'm just about to be quiet. I'm just a take
my hands on, shutting the hell up?

Speaker 8 (01:13:02):
Play something?

Speaker 20 (01:13:04):
Yeah, what you got?

Speaker 14 (01:13:06):

Speaker 10 (01:13:06):
You got when you on the phone with a woman
and you hear her husband say, who the hell are
you talking to?

Speaker 8 (01:13:16):
You? Shut your mon hang up and block that number.
Shut up?

Speaker 13 (01:13:29):
Not doing.

Speaker 10 (01:13:31):
As as far as my mama. When my mama say,
I guess I'm lying, then shut up?

Speaker 15 (01:13:38):
Shut up?

Speaker 4 (01:13:40):
Got shut up?

Speaker 12 (01:13:40):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:13:42):
You guys already what we did? You're listening morning show?

Speaker 8 (01:13:51):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:13:51):
You know I always give it over to uh Steve
to introduce you to It's time Steve.

Speaker 7 (01:13:57):
Please, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for j Rap
j Rap j r Ap Juniors raggedy ass poems.

Speaker 8 (01:14:12):
Boy boy, let me tell you something. Boy, that's the
intro right there.

Speaker 4 (01:14:16):
I embraced that.

Speaker 15 (01:14:17):
You know.

Speaker 17 (01:14:18):
Uh, it's Memorial Day weekend coming up, you know, and uh,
you know I got a new house, so this will
be like one of my first holidays in this house. Uh,
this is this is something I have to think about
because I can't really do much because it ain't much
in here. But uh, I need a lie for Memorial Day.
It's the name of the poem because I need a

lie for Memorial Day. Yeah, why yeah, here it is.
I need an outdoor kitchen at my new house because
I really want to barbecue and impress my spouse. Well,
all my neighbors will be barbecuing for real. But I
can't put ribs and chicken on this Damn George forman grill.
Her family is coming and they want barbecue. Now what

the hell am I supposed to do? I've got a
house and even bought some blinds.

Speaker 4 (01:15:04):
I'm getting things together. But I need some more time.
I need an excuse for this weekend, a real.

Speaker 17 (01:15:10):
Good lie because I probably won't be able to barbecue
till about the fourth of July.

Speaker 4 (01:15:14):
So maybe we can do something different and have a
fish fry because to y'all help me come up with
a real good line the end. That's what I Yes,
I need that.

Speaker 8 (01:15:22):
One of your fast damn poets. Else, really I need
a lot, that's what.

Speaker 4 (01:15:32):
Okay, we'll be back.

Speaker 1 (01:15:34):
You're listening hard morning show.

Speaker 15 (01:15:37):
All right.

Speaker 9 (01:15:38):
So Memorial Day is right around the corner, and Triple
A expects that the holiday weekend we'll see a record
number of travelers. They report that over forty three million
drivers will take road trips and over three million travelers
will be flying, making it the most crowded Memorial Day
weekend at airports since two thousand and five.

Speaker 8 (01:15:57):
Where all going?

Speaker 1 (01:15:59):
That's what everybody wants to know. Where they're going?

Speaker 9 (01:16:01):
The most popular destination, uh here in America is Orlando, Florida.
So I guess everybody's going to Disney World. Yeah, Universal
Universal Studios down there.

Speaker 7 (01:16:12):
Yet I want to ask the most regular person on
the show, Junior and Monica, where are y'all going?

Speaker 8 (01:16:20):
Monica going to Mississippi. She's not going to Orlando.

Speaker 7 (01:16:25):
She's driving to see her mama and grandmama at the
at the Grand Catfish Championships this week.

Speaker 1 (01:16:33):
Goodness, she checks on her mom.

Speaker 6 (01:16:36):
Yeah, yes, I love that Mississippi.

Speaker 1 (01:16:39):
Yes, law, yes, law. So what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (01:16:45):

Speaker 7 (01:16:46):
I don't really do holidays like that, And I'm gonna
be working. I'mna be at the house.

Speaker 1 (01:16:51):
Okay, barbecuing or anything on the grill.

Speaker 8 (01:16:56):
No, you got to go try to get this golf
swinging together.

Speaker 1 (01:17:00):
Poor bag that ain't working.

Speaker 8 (01:17:05):
Golf game. That's what I'm gonna try to do.

Speaker 1 (01:17:07):
Work on your Okay, Tommy.

Speaker 7 (01:17:10):
All I want to do, man, is just get my
driver back to just a solid two thirty down the
middle of the family. Just keep it there if I can.
Every now and then cook one two forty two fifty
at the.

Speaker 1 (01:17:24):
Strong golf Tommy, what are you doing for Memorial Day?

Speaker 17 (01:17:32):

Speaker 8 (01:17:33):
I'm not booked. That's the best thing. I get to
be at home with my wife and kids.

Speaker 13 (01:17:39):

Speaker 7 (01:17:40):
Yeah, no, no, no, you better not have no baseball
on half. I find out that boy got a baseball game,
You're gonna be out on the patio.

Speaker 8 (01:17:48):
I beg for y'all. Tommy Patio.

Speaker 1 (01:17:55):

Speaker 8 (01:17:57):
What are you doing working Saturday?

Speaker 4 (01:17:59):
But after I get off, me and the wife going
to a jazz festival.

Speaker 8 (01:18:03):
That's how jazz, That's what he said. Like a beautiful man.

Speaker 1 (01:18:12):
That's what people do a Memorial day, you know, because.

Speaker 8 (01:18:16):
She sees stuff in me.

Speaker 23 (01:18:17):
Don't nobody's feel mad about that?

Speaker 8 (01:18:20):
No, she has a beautiful man, you know what.

Speaker 23 (01:18:22):
She looking all into me, and she's starting to see
things in me that I don't see in myself.

Speaker 4 (01:18:33):
The woman you know who looks into me and see
things in me, you know that I didn't even know
I had, like, you know, walking on the.

Speaker 23 (01:18:41):
Inside of me, and you know, seeing bacteria and things
you know, floating around in me that I didn't even
know it's there.

Speaker 1 (01:18:50):
All right, Steve coming up closing remarks right after this.
You're listening morning show. All right, Here we are, last
break of the day. It's been a crazy day as
usual of the time. We like right as you and
here's our fearless leader to take us home with closing remarks.

Speaker 7 (01:19:09):
Today, I just want to pose a question because I
try to find different ways to motivate people. As I
asked God to help me find new ways.

Speaker 8 (01:19:24):
Today, I just decided to try this.

Speaker 7 (01:19:26):
I just want to ask you a series of questions
because I'm just trying to get everybody to get to
moving towards their dreams. I'm just trying to get everybody
to get started on the pathway of accomplishing your visions
and your goals and your dreams. It's going to take
some action, though. You know, you can't just want something.
Have you ever heard people say if you want something

bad enough, it'll happen. That's not true, that's.

Speaker 8 (01:19:53):
So not true.

Speaker 7 (01:19:55):
Do you know how many times you've actually wanted something
really bad and didn't get it. I don't know who
said that. Why they tell people that if you want
something bad enough, it'll really happen. It can happen, No,
it won't. It requires an action. Faith without works is dead.
If you don't do anything, you can't stop expecting to

get everything. If you don't do anything, you can stop
expecting to get everything. Now, God is going to give
all of us some grace in spite of our shortcomings
and lack of effort. He will give all of us
some grace, and we'll all get some things that we
really don't deserve. You know, it just provides us breaks.

But in those breaks, he's trying to sustain you, just
to get you to say, wow, man, if I had
just done a little bit more of what could I
have had or if I had done a little bit
more of what could have happened. So my question today
for you is just I'm asking you a series of
very very simple questions, maybe.

Speaker 8 (01:20:56):
Four or five.

Speaker 7 (01:20:58):
You're waiting for what? Tell me what is it you're
waiting for? Because oftentimes when I talk to people, I
get some responses that just throw me off, you know,
because you're waiting for what. What is it going to
take to get you started? What is the motivation? What

is the button? What is the trigger that fires you
to get going to move in towards your dreams and visions?
You're waiting for what? I don't understand. Are you perfectly
comfortable where you are right now? Have you decided and
settled in that this is it for me? Have you

gotten tired of waking up and asking the question, Wow,
it's got to be more to my life than this.

Speaker 13 (01:21:49):

Speaker 7 (01:21:49):
Have you just gotten tired of that and you don't
want to deal with it no more? So you just
decided what that, You're just gonna lock in like where
I am. It's cool, all right with that? Let me
ask you another question. Have all the ducks ever lined
up in a row? Because if that's what you're waiting for,

let me just ask you, has it ever been set there?
While I see how exactly, step by step, I'm gonna
get down and get that everything is perfect. I'm gonna
start now. If you're waiting on the perfect time to start,
you may never start, because there is no such a
thing as the perfect time.

Speaker 8 (01:22:31):
The perfect time is now. That's the perfect time.

Speaker 7 (01:22:37):
If you're waiting on something else to happen, it probably
ain't gonna happen because you gotta figure like this, Suppose
it don't happen what you're gonna do, then she just
gotta come to that conclusion. Suppose it don't happen what
you're gonna do. Then suppose you don't get the degree
what you're gonna do, then you're gonna fail. Suppose you
don't get that job that you got your eyes on.

So you don't get that job, So now what you
unemployed the rest of your life because you didn't meet
that deadline. You can't make another one you're waiting for.
What what's it gonna take to get your started? Have
your ducks ever all lined up in a row?

Speaker 8 (01:23:17):
The answer is no. The perfect time to start is now.
Let me ask you this question.

Speaker 7 (01:23:23):
Does it appear to be getting any closer even though
you're not moving towards it?

Speaker 8 (01:23:30):
Uh? Oh?

Speaker 7 (01:23:32):
Does it appear to be getting any closer even though
you're not moving towards it? The answer is no, it's
not getting closer because you're not walking towards anything. If
you don't walk towards something, please stop expecting it to

get closer.

Speaker 11 (01:23:54):
It will not happen. Success is not a magic trick.
It's a series of steps that people take over and
over and over and over, and in spite of what happens,
they take those steps.

Speaker 8 (01:24:08):
Anyway. Does it appear to be getting closer even though
you're not moving towards it? It's probably not.

Speaker 7 (01:24:18):
But could that be why you're not getting what you
want because you ain't moving towards nothing?

Speaker 8 (01:24:27):
Last question? Could it be that you just don't want
anything more? Maybe that's it.

Speaker 7 (01:24:36):
Maybe you don't quit wanting a new car, Maybe you
don't quit want in a bigger house. Maybe you don't
quit wanting that second home. Maybe you quit wanting to
open up a business. Is it that you just don't
want anymore? Just answer to these questions. Now, let me
tell you all of y'all. Some put God in your

life and it can change all it is. Go to
God and ask God to strengthen you. You can go
to God right now and ask God to give you
the desires of your heart, but enable you with the
character to make them come true. Ask God to strengthen
your character. Ask him to strengthen your will, Ask him

to strengthen your sticktuitiveness.

Speaker 8 (01:25:22):
Ask God for his help because God is going to
make your dream come true. Business. Those are my closing
remarks today.

Speaker 1 (01:25:31):
Drop it, Baby, drop it.

Speaker 6 (01:25:32):
Those were good outstands.

Speaker 9 (01:25:35):
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visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the
Dame Harvey Morning Show.

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