All Episodes

May 15, 2024 • 85 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded. Y'all know what y'all don't know.
Y'all bat all at all.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
So don't giving them.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Black a million bus, Buss and Boozy.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Each other for.

Speaker 4 (00:38):
Joy, Yeah, joy.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
They sat.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
You turn you.

Speaker 1 (01:23):

Speaker 5 (01:29):
I got to turn the mouth turn.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
You probably got to turn the mouth of the money up.
Come come on.

Speaker 6 (01:56):
You're thinking, uh huh yo will good morning everybody. You're
listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one
and only Steve Harvey got a radio show.

Speaker 7 (02:08):
Well, nothing changes about that. Nothing changes about that.

Speaker 1 (02:14):

Speaker 7 (02:14):
I was just so getting ready to come on the
air this morning. I was just thinking, man, I was
just having a reflective moment of just how really good
God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man.
Let me just say that again, how really good God

has been to me. And here's a cold part. In
spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings,
in spite of all of my flaws.

Speaker 1 (02:50):
And and and and in.

Speaker 7 (02:51):
Spite of all of what anybody has said about me, God,
through his grace and mercy, just keeps me anyway. So
many of us are exceptional people, but we refuse.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
To just go ahead and be exceptional.

Speaker 7 (03:11):
We settle for the ordinary, We follow the pack, we
try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man. You
know I've heard my wife say this to my children
all the time. When she's scolding my talking to him,
she'll be talking to him about leadership. You know, why
are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead?

So many of us are born, and so many of
you are born to be exceptional people, but we always
trying to follow the pack. Why would you try to
fit in? Why would you try to be like everybody
else be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack when

God has created you to be exceptional? The key word
in exceptional is accept you. You ever did this right here?

Speaker 8 (04:03):
You know?

Speaker 7 (04:03):
Everybody did that accept me. Everybody felt that way except me.
Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that, accept me.
Everybody went over there except me. Everybody jumped in except
me except me. See why have you said that in

your life? If you were not to be exceptional? See
you got to say everybody except me at one point
in Yo, ta, I don't know who ain't done it?
You know everybody wanted everybody voted no except me. See
so you're not You're not created to follow the pack.
You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to, uh,

you know, to be ordinary. You were created to be exceptional,
as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You
were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the
year that you go head on and be exceptional? Why
won't this be the year that you decide in your mind?
But just has to be a decision that we make. Now,

were not following the pack no more? We not trying
to fit in, no more. We ain't settling for ordinary
no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know you
got to go ahead and follow that. You got to
get on the exceptional path, because that's what you were
created for.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Why be ordinary? You know?

Speaker 7 (05:31):
But all of this this comes It has to start
with a thought. You got to first think something. Thoughts
become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all
you'll ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why
not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not

have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting in thoughts?

Speaker 8 (05:54):

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Why you want to be like everybody else?

Speaker 7 (05:56):
Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly
be a extraordinary with a change of your mind, a
change of your venue, and you don't have to be
any other kind of way just because my mama was this, well,
my daddy was this way, or this, this school I
went to, This is what race I belonged to, This
is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is

my dad?

Speaker 1 (06:18):
How many? How many? How many excuses you need? I mean,
I'm any excuse?

Speaker 9 (06:22):

Speaker 1 (06:22):
What? What? What?

Speaker 7 (06:23):
What's it gonna be this year that we let another
three hundred and sixty five days slip by without improving
our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality
of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting
all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person.

How many times have you set up and said, everybody
did that? Accept me? You know I was on everybody
jumped in except me. I told him I knew it.
Everybody voted for that except me. And now look at it, man,
it seemed like everybody went that way, accept me.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Okay, do you get it?

Speaker 7 (07:10):
Do you understand what's being said to you that all
accept me is because couldn't it be? Because you're an
exceptional person and it's time for you to take control
of that. It's time for you to start thinking different.
It's time for you to start acting on what you think.
It's time for you to start doing something about it.
It's time for you to stop taking each and every

day that God gives us for granted and letting them
go by the wayside.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
Like you got plenty more.

Speaker 7 (07:37):
Well, you may have plenty more, but guess what what
you wasting the ones you got for?

Speaker 1 (07:43):
I got you.

Speaker 7 (07:44):
Young, and you feel like you're gonna live forever. Eah, okay, cool,
But let me ask you something. See here go the
part about it. I suppose you do live. See see,
everybody worried about dying. But I got news for you.
Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living
in the condition now. You want to keep living with
the money you got. Now, you want to keep living

with the relationship you got now. You want to keep
living by yourself like you are now. You want to
keep wanting the right relationship, the right man to the
right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You
wanna keep doing that for the rest of your life.
Problem ain't dying. There's problem is if you keep on living.
Who wants to keep.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
On living just the way they are right now.

Speaker 7 (08:24):
And if you can say I'm cool, what I am
just the way I am right now in cool, this
conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that,
you know. You know to say, greatness ain't for everybody.
Being exceptional ain't for everybody. Becoming extraordinary ain't for everybody. Heck,
becoming successful ain't for everybody.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
I got it.

Speaker 7 (08:44):
And you can come up with a way to justify
your non existence and your ordinary life all you want,
and that's fine, and Daddy, I ain't got no problem
with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some
people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some
people just want to fit in. But if you're not
that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you

want to be exceptional, if you want to be if
you want a dad or be great at something, and
you got to change your mindset. You got to get
what your creator and find out what he created you for.
You got to quit thinking of things just in your
own thought process. You know, lean not to your own understanding.
I don't know where that is, but it's in there somewhere.
Seeing Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding,

you know what it is gonna do. It's gonna limit you, man,
it's gonna limit you. Why not see what God got
for you. I would rather know what God got for
me than to think of all the things I could,
because I can't out think him out and tried it before.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
All right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a
good one.

Speaker 8 (09:44):

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Let's go.

Speaker 10 (09:45):
You're listening.

Speaker 7 (09:47):
Show, ladies and gentlemen. Well, I'm at a loss today.
I've tried everything to get you listen. If you do
not realize that today is a gift, a blessing and honor,
a privilege.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
I can't keep telling it to you every day.

Speaker 7 (10:05):
Now, come on, at one point in time, we all
got to go, you know what he right about that?
Or I might be able to say, hey, y'all right
about that? He is, but he worthy. I don't know
what else to tell you. He's just worthy. He all that.
So I give thanks and honor to God, my creator.
Now you join in, man, have some gratitude. We're gonna
have a good one today.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
Man. I'm all set up now.

Speaker 7 (10:25):
It depends highly on this first question we get from
our sports castle today. But we'll get into that in
just a moment, ladies and gentlemen surely start being called
for real Mississippi Monicca Junior and the legend that is
Nephew Tommy.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Well, here we go.

Speaker 7 (10:41):
A lot of our days start off with this dude
right here and what's on his mind?

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Yeah, Junior, what's going on today?

Speaker 11 (10:51):
Well, unc, let me just ask you a question.

Speaker 7 (10:53):
I just now yesterday you asked me a question. You
provided your own answer.

Speaker 12 (10:59):
No, no, no, no, I gotcha. This just sumer fun,
just just some fun. Listen, Okay, if we was a
if we was a unit Steve Hary Morning Show, we
was we were superheroes up. What would be our powers
and what would our names be? What would you think
that'd be about us?

Speaker 1 (11:16):

Speaker 7 (11:16):
See, I think your power would be flashback, while my
last be fact. You would have the power to be flashback.
That'll be your superhero name because you go back to
when you had a hairline, and then you are every
every everything that come up your mind. Go back to
when you had a hairline, and we'd just go ahead,

who Junior remember everything?

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Then then your music come on turn.

Speaker 7 (11:42):
Flashback and then that's that's your thing. Thing surely's or
super surely super power would be the inability to cook.
Her superpower name would be crock Pop. And then remember
when she made that steak in the crock pot. Remember

when she did that, put that steak in that crock
pot and we all didn't understand that. So her special
powers would be she would kill everybody through her.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
You know, she would feed the.

Speaker 7 (12:17):
Enemy, like slide the food in. And then Monicas Monica's
super power, Mississippi Monica, her super.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Power be all be uh. They'll call her scug Cap.

Speaker 7 (12:32):
Scug Cap for all her brain power, you know, because
she got them full degrees and everything, and she always
throw them up in your face and she will overpower
the enemy with knowledge and words that don't mean nothing.
Just call her scug Cap. And then uh, calling super
power would be cussing, and we'll have caller come on

and just cuss everybody out. And then Thomas super power
would be uh, his super name be stupidness. And then
here just come on and be so stupid. All the
enemies just staying there, they don't know what to do.
And that would be the super piles that yours lying,
oh yeah, coming captain that.

Speaker 10 (13:17):
Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll
hear from the nephew as he runs that prank back.
Captain stupidness, did you say, Sid you're listening hard Morning show.
It is time now for the nephew to run that
prank back. What you got for us, neph.

Speaker 9 (13:35):
We are headed back to the graveyard this morning, Charley.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
We're headed there.

Speaker 9 (13:39):
We're looking at tombstones. Tombstones it is. We want to
make sure we got the dates right, the wording right.
We want to make sure that's all done properly in
the cemetery, ladies and gentlemen, this will be tombs.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Still, we got a problem with y' want to mess
around and put the hand a tombstaw as well as
the date, and we got a problem. We gotta get richified. Man,
y'all got hold.

Speaker 13 (14:05):
Hold on, hold on, man down. First of all, what
is your name?

Speaker 2 (14:09):
My name is Ritchie Man. But y'all, y'all, I can't
understand a funeral making these kind of mistakes, you know,
that don't make no sense. How long have y'all even
been in the business to be doing something like this.

Speaker 13 (14:19):
So this is a family business. We've been doing this
forty plus years.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Ah, y'all making mistakes like this, man, what what what's
the problem? What's the mistake?

Speaker 13 (14:27):
What's what mistakes you think we made?

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Okay, look man, we're bearing Miauni two weeks ago. Her
name is Rose hud Up. Okay, all right, where do
you spell? Our name is r O s E t
t A. Y'all got r O z e t t
a A. She was born Tune the eight nineteen forty eight.
Y'all got August to sect nineteen forty y'all got the

dates mixed up. Then y'all got her name mixed up.
And when we ain't finna do. That's how Mia Auntie
rested in peace with the wrong stuff on her tombs.

Speaker 14 (14:58):
Song all that.

Speaker 13 (14:59):
No, first, calm down where you keep getting at me.
I can't age no way I can help you if
you getting at me.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
I mean, we'll take the problem, damn man. Why I
can check the paperwork.

Speaker 13 (15:09):
I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now,
if you gave me the wrong information, y'r family gave
me the wrong information, then we just put down where
we would give it. And if we gotta change something,
we'll change it. But it's gonna cost you some more money.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
I'm not We live. We're not paying another damn damn
to that funeral hall. Not another damn damn. The stuff
gonna get changed on that damn tool. And we're not
paying for none, not paying this. I'm on that. I'm decided.

Speaker 13 (15:35):
I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you.
But if you gave me the wrong information, that's on you.

Speaker 14 (15:40):
I didn't do that.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
That's so as you. But we ain't gave you the
wrong information. I'm gona tell you that what's your name,
turner on, what is your name?

Speaker 13 (15:49):
My name is Kendrick.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't
get changed, ball to name me and some of my
cousin are finna come out there and start digging.

Speaker 13 (15:58):
Up body not coming over here and digging up nothing.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
That this is my cla.

Speaker 13 (16:03):
He will disrespect my family and come.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Over here, and you're gonna get up what we're gonna
dig up somebody. If they're gonna get direct blends.

Speaker 13 (16:11):
It's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having
you coming over here. We're gonna fix the Problem'na check
the paperwork and I can get back to you. That's
why I can do.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
But you ain't digging up nothing on my hand tools
of me and my cousin is coming out there digging
up some of them damn dad bodies. Until y'all get
this damn thing.

Speaker 15 (16:28):
Six, ain't gonna be nobody coming over here. I'm nothing.

Speaker 13 (16:33):
Wait a minute, this hold on, See what now? I'm
getting excited too, com Man.

Speaker 15 (16:37):
Let me just talk to you like a man.

Speaker 2 (16:39):

Speaker 13 (16:40):
What I'm saying, is you in that the family sells
out the paperwork puts the name in the birth date
on there. If it is incorrect, it has.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
To be fixed.

Speaker 13 (16:49):
I have to call the man out here to fix it,
and that's gonna cost some money. I have to pay him.
All I'm saying is if that is the case, if
the paperwork is incorrect, it's not on us, and I
might have charge you a little extra money just so
I can.

Speaker 15 (17:02):
Get it taken.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
Care to get charged none, No, we ain't got no
more money, man, we ain't got no more Money'll charge
of alarm and the head to bear in my honey,
we ain't got no more. Let me tell you. I'm
gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrick. If I
don't see a child, I'm coming out there this evening,
and look at my handy tom song. I'm coming out
there now at the date, and the name ain't fixed,

I promise you so help me. I'm finna start digging
up by it. And if your ass is out there,
I'm gonna put you in one of them holes down
and does up.

Speaker 15 (17:31):
Now, I'll tell you what, virgie, You're not gonna put
me in no hole. Man like I say it, I
tell it.

Speaker 13 (17:37):
I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what
the dead is and how we will get this fixed.
Ain't nobody come out here and dig it up nothing.

Speaker 14 (17:45):
I'll be cast the loss, I bet you there.

Speaker 2 (17:47):
I bet you I'm digging up a home and I'm
putting your in it if you don't fix my handy tones.

Speaker 13 (17:51):
And we both be going in the damn hole. That's
what's gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
So we're both going in that end because somebody I
want to fix, mess around and put the wrong date
to put the shutter spill on my head and everything.

Speaker 13 (18:04):
I don't even answer the damn phone. My uncle get
a kissed regid resident.

Speaker 14 (18:11):
Not gonna fix nothing.

Speaker 13 (18:12):
Me and you yelling at each other, we mean we
don't do this yelling at each other is not gonna
fix the problems. I'm I still have to do a
step here. I have to look at this paperwork.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
But where is You're gonna look at it?

Speaker 13 (18:23):
The regid You keep yelling. Now, I don't even have
time to go over this paperwork. Every time I get
ready to look at something, you're yelling in my head.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
Say this to you one more time. I'm coming. I'm
gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm falling.
You know what we're to Come on?

Speaker 15 (18:35):
Then I try to talk nice to you.

Speaker 14 (18:38):
Tell you what I told you that.

Speaker 15 (18:40):
This is the family business. You just respecting me. You
came out here. You ain't nothing becausin we both going
it every day. That's what I'm trying to tell you
right now.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
You know is on my way because I guarantee you
I'm gonna chere again.

Speaker 15 (19:00):
Bring No, you ain't gonna cause I'm laughing. I'm doing both.
Setting holds out the.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Day Bett getting ready to sail kendricks on the tombstone.
I bet they won't sail it round.

Speaker 15 (19:09):
Oh women, come on, you you ain't no custins.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Why I got I got something else I need to
take you. Yes, you got to say, I said you
listening to me ken drink?

Speaker 15 (19:19):
You have to see rechid.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
I got to say, it's miss you.

Speaker 14 (19:23):

Speaker 2 (19:24):
You just got breaked by your secretary.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
With no.

Speaker 14 (19:34):
Right man you tell me ill?

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Hey man, he lay you got you?

Speaker 8 (19:42):
Man man? Ohd he wass to be ahead today?

Speaker 13 (19:47):
I knew something was funny.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Oh man, man, you got me.

Speaker 8 (19:52):
But I was gonna do a over yo.

Speaker 14 (19:54):
Today try a gig all.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Hey man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What
is the bad? I'm talking about the baddest radio show
in the land, the morning.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
And now you have it there, you have it. Well,
my tombstone gonna be so flied. It's a lot of money.

Speaker 10 (20:16):
Are you thinking about that stuff?

Speaker 1 (20:18):
Right? Girl?

Speaker 9 (20:20):
I think about all of it. Okay, I'm gonna have
a sea through pay By and see me.

Speaker 10 (20:28):
Coming up next it is ask the clo you're listening
hard morning show coming up at the top of the hour,
and entertainment news will be called for. Told Don Lemon
that she prefers the occasional quote hid and run over relationships.
White men are trending over the black wife effect, and
Tyresee's ex wife has asked a judge for a restraining

order and therapy. That's all coming up at the top
of the hour, But right now it is time to
ask the clo. This is from Shiwana and Tulsa. Shiuana says,
my boyfriend is separated from his wife and has his
own place. His wife picks up his laundry and drops
it off. I told him he needs to cut ties
with her. He asked me if I'm willing to do

his laundry if he cuts his wife off, does he
still want his wife? No?

Speaker 1 (21:19):
He needs somebody to do his Damn, damn you want
him cut his wife off? He don't know how to walk.

Speaker 7 (21:30):
His wife is coming through that picking up these cold
Now that ain't separating. Here's another abnormal relationship. If somebody
normalizes and wants some help, My boyfriend's wife is still
doing his laundry. I got some more news for you.
She's still his wife. Flash, And you're worried about who

picking up these draws. I don't even wann to stay.
How is the fact she picking up his jaw? How
that's the issue. It ain't dawned on you that they
still married.

Speaker 10 (22:08):
Well, he has his own yeah, and they're married. Yeah,
they can't change how she thinks about it though.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
Yeah, yeah, she needs to be thinking about help. George,
how do you get him to be yours? Damn? Who
washing his clothes?

Speaker 8 (22:26):

Speaker 1 (22:27):
He still won't?

Speaker 8 (22:27):
He? No?

Speaker 1 (22:28):
He needs help.

Speaker 8 (22:32):

Speaker 1 (22:32):

Speaker 7 (22:33):
If he cut ties? He asked you a simple question.
If I cut ties, are you gonna pick up this lunch.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
And separate the lights from the colors and the bright?

Speaker 14 (22:44):

Speaker 1 (22:46):
Know what going hot? Water? What going cold was?

Speaker 7 (22:48):
Because last time I watched, I ain't got no clothes.
That's next question, Vincent?

Speaker 10 (22:56):
Right, Because I got married and my wife is upset
with me because my son's mother claimed my son on
her taxes, even though my son lives with me full time.
My wife wants things to change. We make good money,
so why is this bothering her?

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Wait? Wait a minute, bro, that was a little blurry.
I don't understand. I got my what I got married
and my wife is upset?

Speaker 10 (23:24):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
He just married. Yeah, but see here's here's here's.

Speaker 10 (23:29):
A problem the son's mother.

Speaker 7 (23:31):
Here's the problem if your ex wife is paying child support,
baby mama. If if your son's mother is paying child
support and she don't want to write this boy off.

Speaker 5 (23:46):
She sons.

Speaker 10 (23:47):
Now if she is, if she's paying south or she's
getting there.

Speaker 7 (23:51):
If the if the son's mother, who is his ex wife,
who is claiming the boy?

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Okay, what am I missing?

Speaker 8 (24:00):

Speaker 1 (24:00):
Your baby got it right there.

Speaker 10 (24:02):
They weren't never married. It's just her son, his son's mother,
and now he has a new wife, and she's upset
that the boy's mother is claiming him on her taxes?
Does she even though the boy lives with them full time?

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Right? The boy can live with her full time? But no, yeah,
she don't pay no child support.

Speaker 10 (24:25):
She doesn't pay. No, it doesn't say anything like that.

Speaker 8 (24:27):
No, no child support.

Speaker 10 (24:30):
It doesn't say anything about child support. The boy lives
with his father and the new wife full time.

Speaker 7 (24:37):
Okay, the wife is mad because the mother of the
child claiming the boy on her taxes.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Yes, all I'm.

Speaker 7 (24:46):
Saying is, since this is not in the letter, if
the mother is paying child support, she's gonna claim it.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
But if she's not paying.

Speaker 7 (24:55):
Child support, could be the reason why the new wife
is made because why you're letting her claim this boy
and we taking full good care of him and he
going watch she tripping?

Speaker 1 (25:07):
We make good money, right, That's what I mean, I know,
personal situation. He just want peace. But see, sometimes sometimes
people don't understand a.

Speaker 7 (25:21):
Man's job and a man's role and a man is
just trying to be kind to the lady.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Here, get yourself some relief. You already don't have the son.

Speaker 7 (25:31):
I got the son here, go and claim him on
your attack and then you know, just give me my
boy and then and then we ain't got to be
in court.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
I argue about no child, supporting nothing, and that's all
the dude want, right but at home.

Speaker 7 (25:45):
And but see, but ladies, you have to understand when
you got a man that does that type of thing,
that's your husband.

Speaker 1 (25:54):
That's the man you have too.

Speaker 7 (25:56):
So when the event that something happens at verse to you,
he may have the same kindness towards you.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
You gotta be careful man, when you got a.

Speaker 7 (26:04):
Dude that's just evil towards everybody, especially X because if
you ever become in a situation, how would you want
to be treated the way he's treating her or the
way you want to treat her. That's what you have
to be. And if it ain't no harm, no fire,
you'll let some of this stuff go. Yeah, and just
live in peace you live in your life. She fired

once a year, she filed for file and poor and
attack and what.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
Yeah, come on, man, wife.

Speaker 10 (26:31):
That's to the new wife.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
To the new wife, she gave birth to the boy.
Now let her be all right.

Speaker 10 (26:42):
Moving on to Kalandra and Yonkers, Calandra writes, my three
year old walked in on me performing with my boyfriend.
My boyfriend didn't stop me when he saw my baby
walk in. I think he's stick in the head for
not stopping me. He thinks I'm overreacting. Does my baby
understand what he's say off three year olds?

Speaker 7 (27:01):
No, no, no, your baby don't understand. But your baby
is gonna need there. Sure I saw I thank you, sir.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
See Now, the way she worded that.

Speaker 7 (27:17):
Was she said I was performing, performing with my boyfriend
with with my boyfriend and.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
He the baby walked in and he didn't stop him.

Speaker 7 (27:28):
Now only two ways this could have happened.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Your back was at the door.

Speaker 7 (27:35):
Your boyfriend was facing the doorm.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
Okay, you didn't look up and see the baby. He did,
but he didn't stop it. You didn't locked him.

Speaker 10 (27:45):
You thinks her boyfriend is sick in the head for
not stopping.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Yeah, I change her as, you gotta be somewhere else
in the room. You need to move to bed.

Speaker 10 (27:56):
Ain't glad of all of that.

Speaker 7 (28:00):
So the baby don't know, but he gonna, but he
gonna have some questions for you. Y'all gonna be eating
cereal one morning, and that little boy gonna ask you
proper question you. Yeah, all over the place, be like
that little boy on his mom and daddy was on
the porch, and the little boy was in the asses.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
Mama, he said, Mama, when did we get a cat? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (28:25):
Yeah, she said, baby, we don't have no cat. Well,
you was you was telling daddy, boy and man, speak up.

Speaker 10 (28:33):
Be all over that porch, coming up.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Some entertain He's gonna bring it up in breakfast one
right after.

Speaker 10 (28:41):
This You're listening.

Speaker 16 (28:45):
Morning show.

Speaker 10 (28:48):
On the most recent episode of The Don Lemon Show,
Whoopy Goldberg sat down with Don to promote her new book,
but ending ended up sharing more than we bargained for.
Whoop Be shared her thoughts about marriage, saying that currently
she does not have time to be in a relationship
and she does not want to be married. Whoopy said, quote,
hidden runs are great. I don't mind those, but you

can't spend the night. I'm at the point of my
life where I want to see you. When I see
you and then you go, okay, woop be haded that
enjoying hidden runs doesn't make you a bad person. By
the way, Whoop be sixty eight years old. So here's
the question. Do you agree with a little hit and
run occasionally at Whoopy's age?

Speaker 1 (29:30):
Yep? And I'm not waking up which you're gonna be gone? Yep?
I'm with with it. Yeah, I'm not mad at her
at all?

Speaker 10 (29:39):
Why can't they stay?

Speaker 8 (29:40):
Or what?

Speaker 10 (29:41):
What's the issue? And cuddle?

Speaker 8 (29:44):

Speaker 10 (29:44):
What's the issue?

Speaker 1 (29:46):
Back a time? Call it?

Speaker 8 (29:47):

Speaker 10 (29:49):
What's the issue?

Speaker 1 (29:50):
She gotta go to work?

Speaker 10 (29:51):
She gotta watch.

Speaker 8 (29:54):

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Yeah, you gotta see what trump want? Steve apixiate, do
what you wanted to do? You want to hear hit
and run? I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 7 (30:10):
I'm so I'm so tired of trying to fiddle other
people's life. Could I not call one day on this day?
I don't matter of fact?

Speaker 8 (30:21):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Matter of fact?

Speaker 7 (30:23):
Today all of my responses will be in the vein
of how much I really don't care?

Speaker 10 (30:30):
Okay, all right, okay, I.

Speaker 7 (30:32):
Am taking a day off from caring and sharing so much.
So all my answers today will be based on that.
I don't tell what what big do?

Speaker 10 (30:45):
And you love these next two stories?

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Uh okay, watch.

Speaker 10 (30:51):
This, Okay, I want to hear it. Have you guys
heard of the black wife effect that's currently trending on
social media. It was started by a white man that
proclaimed that his black wife has upgraded his swag from
now he from how he dresses to how he carries himself.
Other white men joined in and now it's the thing.
The black wife effect is said to drastically transform the

white man's appearance after marriage. So all three of you,
that's Junior, that's Tommy, that's you, Steve, all three of
you are married to black women. So does this apply
to black men as well? Did your black wife transform
your appearance?

Speaker 11 (31:27):

Speaker 1 (31:29):
Okay, we're starting with how Jr.

Speaker 11 (31:32):
I ain't by myself, Noma, you see me?

Speaker 1 (31:35):
You see her? Yeah? Yeah? About your appearance?

Speaker 11 (31:41):
Oh well, she ain't bring my hair back, that's for sure.

Speaker 10 (31:44):
You got them before they got you.

Speaker 14 (31:46):

Speaker 1 (31:47):
Let's not going here, let's not going hell. That's well,
I think she did.

Speaker 7 (31:51):
I think the day after you got married, you became
a father, a husband, and a grandfather.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
I think it did affect your hairline because I've been watching.

Speaker 10 (32:02):
Anyway. What about your nephew.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
But I remember when Junior damn near had.

Speaker 10 (32:08):
Bangs, looked great. So you lost a lot of weight.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
You look great, baby, we ain't talking about.

Speaker 7 (32:19):
Remember brush his hair and if you slicked down in
the front, y'all thought it was curly, it was that.
Y'all thought it was curly. It was just went y'all
thought it was slicked down. That was sporting waves. Yeah,

she's made me better my appearance. I'm cleaner, I well not.
I wear mold cocoa butter.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
She got me all up. I'll be glistening. It used
to be you don't have. I used to be dry.
You got me right, I got that cocoa butter working
for moisturized. I got him. Any sense when I come
in the room, it would be so many fragrancies.

Speaker 10 (33:02):
What about you? I know you don't care, but what
about you? Let's hear it.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Well on listening right here, I will say she got
rid of uh my heavy urban Yes, she got rid
of that.

Speaker 7 (33:20):
Slowly worked me into mainstream and then pushed me into
advanced clothing areas.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
I now know what Joe Malone candles are. Love those. Yes,
I never knew what that was. I know what uh
thousand counts? Uh she No, I didn't know what that was.
Found out how much mattresses really cost? Suh. I didn't

know that Persis was what they are? Okay, quite a bit.

Speaker 7 (34:03):
Oh. He exposed me to travel. Which person got married?
I ain't understand why she ain't want to go to Vegas?

Speaker 16 (34:10):

Speaker 10 (34:10):
Yeah, everyone, everyone everything.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
If you're talking about Italy and past and all that's out.

Speaker 10 (34:17):
There, Africa, Safaris.

Speaker 7 (34:19):
But Bellaggio out there as friends, you want to go
to pat The Paris is out there, The Venetian is
out there.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Why are we going to clearly everything is in But
that's what we do. Black rides, get you one, That's
what we do.

Speaker 8 (34:39):
He so.

Speaker 10 (34:41):
Moving on, Tyrese's ex wife, Norma Mitchell, has requested a
temporary restraining order against Tyrese because of his harassing posts
on Instagram. She's asking the courts to have him remove
the negative posts and force him to stop talking about
her on lines. She says it's affecting her and her child.
She also wants to judge the force tyrese to pay

for therapy session.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
All right.

Speaker 10 (35:04):
Coming up at twenty minutes after, as requested, Junior has
a birthday poem for the nephew at nephew's birthday is
this weekend. It's Saturday, and we'll hear about it. We'll
hear from Junior, a poet laureate of the Steve Harvey
Morning Show. Right after this.

Speaker 16 (35:22):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (35:25):
So Tommy, you asked Junior for a birthday poem. Steve,
please do the introductions.

Speaker 7 (35:30):
I normally don't care at this point, but I'm hoping
with everything and that this poem that he has written
for Tommy's birthday would make me proud. Please do it justice, ladies.
In the event that he does it, do it justice.
Here is Jay Rap.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
Here we go Junior's raggedy as poem. Thank you.

Speaker 11 (35:56):
You know Tommy you asked for a birthday poem, and
I will on end and did it for you. Tommy man.

Speaker 12 (36:01):
You know I love your brother and this is for
you man. Happy birthday, nephew. Tommy is ty love the poem.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
Here we go.

Speaker 12 (36:09):
Tommy's birthday is Saturday, so let's give him a hand.
Happy birthday, nephew Tommy, or should.

Speaker 11 (36:15):
I say little man?

Speaker 12 (36:18):
At your age, everything should be so frightening, like how
you still scared of germs, blood and enlightening.

Speaker 11 (36:24):
You always think you handsome and fresh like flowers.

Speaker 1 (36:27):
I'm gonna tell you take too many damn showers.

Speaker 11 (36:30):
I got to tell you this, and Uncle Steve will agree.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
You noted you and you show ain't sexy. Happy birthday,
and this is no hate, but we know you either
gonna take off or come in late.

Speaker 11 (36:42):
Happy early birthday the end.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
You know what Julia say? Come on boy, yeah, put
it all in there. One of the greatest poems I
heard seven.

Speaker 11 (36:57):
Yeah, everything.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
Germs lighting and it was lightning yesterday too?

Speaker 10 (37:10):
Is there a robutzal like this one?

Speaker 1 (37:14):
I liked it.

Speaker 10 (37:15):
I liked it.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
It was all true. Though.

Speaker 9 (37:17):
Well, I'm am sexy on that at that part that
you keep that little man, the little man part. I
ain't like that part. I like the little man.

Speaker 7 (37:32):
I like that everything is frightening, how you still scared
the blood, thunder and lightning. That was my favorite line. Uh,
the part about you thinking you was cute? I thought
that covered it. You took notes, Steve notes, No, I

didn't take notes. I remember stuff. If it's gonna remember
it ain't his poems don't do nothing funny. This one
was classy. And then they tried to say it wasn't
hate but it was really wit hate work, which I
thought was absolutely fascinating.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
You know, all right, great job.

Speaker 10 (38:16):
Junior, great job. Yeah you have you have birthday plans? Nephew, No,
I got no.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
You guys will be at the house, so yeah, no, no,
I gotta go, buddy, mind losses. Mom, I'm gonna go
to the show.

Speaker 10 (38:31):
Oh it was coming up at thirty four minutes after
the hour, we'll play. One has to go right after this, Junior,
gotta go. You're listening.

Speaker 16 (38:44):
Morning show.

Speaker 10 (38:46):
It's time now for a round of One has to
go a mattress, pillow blanket. One has to go, pillo
their pillow, the pillow. Gotta go see mattress pillow.

Speaker 1 (39:00):
I got to have that, got it on fit.

Speaker 7 (39:02):
But I had to stay on the bed though I
can't go nowhere else with your blanket and pillow. Because
I can go somewhere else with that blanket and pillow.
I'm gonna take the blanket. Until you had him man,
I slept a coffee three years.

Speaker 10 (39:14):
Oh, you can do this all right with your eyes blurring?

Speaker 1 (39:19):
All right.

Speaker 9 (39:19):
By the way, I want your mattres, cause, Doom, you
were talking about the mattress earlier. How much is a
real mattress?

Speaker 8 (39:24):
You know?

Speaker 7 (39:24):
I just bought a mattress. You ain't, boy, Let me
tell you something. I'm glad you brought that up this
weekend down at the wrench.

Speaker 8 (39:33):

Speaker 7 (39:34):
I went to mattress firm myself. Yeah, what why myself
my store?

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Yeah, and bought a mattress doing regular stuff.

Speaker 5 (39:45):

Speaker 7 (39:46):
I bought a mattress because my wife told me we
getting a new bed at one of these places and
told me to go down there and get a mattress.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
I said, which one you want? She said, lay on
the one and get the one you like.

Speaker 3 (39:59):
You like it, okay.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
Delivered to mattress firm. Yes, that salesperson got a picture
you laying on that thing, right, sleep expert.

Speaker 7 (40:10):
Yeah no, we did take pictures though, but I just
walked in. I laid on too, and then he said,
there's a hybrid that makes you ten degrees cool at
cooler and all this head and hey, hey man, when
I got through doing all that, I said, I got him.
I say, man, what's your best mattress in jay? He
said that would be a therapeutic Come right this way,
went over there and laid on that thing. Give me

that one right there, and I got out of there,
and I bought the cover and uh, folk at soft pillar.

Speaker 10 (40:39):
Oh all right, all right, Now back to one has
to go. Uh, one has to go Italian food, Chinese food,
Mexican food, Chinese that Italian got this Italian, Chinese, Mexican
and we in.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
Texas on this border, we got to have this message.

Speaker 10 (40:58):
What okay, thanks mix?

Speaker 1 (41:03):
Yeah, all right, I'm gonna take out the Mexican are you?

Speaker 14 (41:09):

Speaker 1 (41:09):
All right? All right?

Speaker 10 (41:12):
After sex, one has to go a snack. Cuddling round two.

Speaker 14 (41:19):

Speaker 1 (41:20):
Ain't nobody doing all that cuddling? Cuddlings? Got to go?
Dawn there? Who am I doing this again?

Speaker 10 (41:29):
What if your partner wants to caddle before.

Speaker 1 (41:31):
You stop all this cuddling? To account? That is cuddling
two birds? Round two is very questionable.

Speaker 10 (41:44):
Even though, but you can count it as cuddling.

Speaker 1 (41:48):

Speaker 10 (41:49):
Uh, Watching boxing, a baseball game or a tennis match.
One has to go watching boxall, boxing watching all or
tennis watching boxing, baseball, tennis. One has to go babo baseball.

Speaker 9 (42:06):
This is my son, I'm watching baseball. But other than that,
it's between tennis and baseball. That boxing.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
We're gonna keep that, uh huh. And if Serena's retired,
we got Coco. We got we watched.

Speaker 10 (42:23):
Which one Steve.

Speaker 1 (42:31):

Speaker 10 (42:32):
Okay, so boxing, baseball or tennis. One has to go.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
Scrape they are sports, all right.

Speaker 10 (42:48):
Last one, guys, Last one. Nice boobies, nice booty, nice lips.
One has booty, booty lips. One has to go. They're nice,
all nice, they're all nice.

Speaker 1 (43:03):
One has to go.

Speaker 10 (43:04):
Man boobies, boy lip.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
He's got to have boot one has to go.

Speaker 9 (43:11):
I'm just gonna have a girl with no lips walk
around here, just a fat face, I guess, unlifted.

Speaker 1 (43:22):
Yeah, you can just go with a little less lipid
if you got everything else.

Speaker 10 (43:25):
Lord help coming up next, Thank you, guys.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
The next.

Speaker 10 (43:31):
Good right after this. You're listening hard morning show coming
up at four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry
letter for today, and the subject is he let the
two girls sleep over. We'll get into that find out
what that's all about in just a few because right
now it is time what too, It's time for the

nephew's prank phone call? Nephew, what you got for us today?

Speaker 9 (43:57):
Ah, y'all ain't ready for this one here now you
just just's this one. You might want to throw it
in park, pull over at the lights somewhere, you know
that's right here. This is workman's cop. Workman's cop. Yeah,
you know, Workman's cop. I'm not gonna give it away.
Let's let's just take a listen here we go.

Speaker 14 (44:15):
Come on cat, Yeah, hello, hello.

Speaker 8 (44:18):
I'm trying to read the vincent please.

Speaker 14 (44:20):
Uh who's calling?

Speaker 7 (44:22):
My name?

Speaker 8 (44:23):
Is uh ed from the human resources?

Speaker 14 (44:26):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah that means.

Speaker 8 (44:27):
What's what's a well bention wanted? First of all, check
on you. We know you're got injured here at the job.
How are you doing so far? Yeah?

Speaker 14 (44:36):
Man, I'm I'm making it.

Speaker 6 (44:38):

Speaker 14 (44:38):
You know, everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't
know how long. The therapy is going pretty good though,
but I'm all right. I'm okay.

Speaker 8 (44:47):
Therapy is going pretty well.

Speaker 14 (44:49):
Yeah, it's they say. I'm doing all right.

Speaker 8 (44:51):

Speaker 14 (44:52):
The things that was about maybe a fix still, but
it's getting better though.

Speaker 8 (44:56):
Okay, listen, have you been getting your check on time.

Speaker 14 (45:00):
Yeah, I've been getting them in and I appreciate it
because it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't
able to work right now. They say it's gonna be
a little while, so I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending.

Speaker 8 (45:11):
Proteck, Yes sir, yes, sir. We all want to getting
the checks out and want to make sure that that's
definitely getting there.

Speaker 14 (45:16):
So you're yeah, yeah, it's good. It's all good, man.
I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
Okay, let me go to this.

Speaker 8 (45:23):
We've got a bit of a problem that we wanted
to check on.

Speaker 2 (45:26):

Speaker 8 (45:26):
You haven't been doing any any stringuus uh uh no, no, no.

Speaker 14 (45:31):
No, I ain't been ain't. I ain't been working at all, man.
I just you know, I've just been taking it either.
I can't do nothing really right now, and they told
me not.

Speaker 8 (45:39):
I can do nothing all right now. You do know
the rules are that you're not supposed to do anything
that to jeopardize your back, correct.

Speaker 14 (45:45):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. I'm straight. I ain't been
doing nothing, man.

Speaker 8 (45:49):
Okay, Well, let me let me say this to you.
We do have some surveillance cameras that are showing us
that you've you've been doing something stringuous.

Speaker 14 (45:57):
I ain't even been going nowhere. Come about surveillance coming
only how they go nowhere?

Speaker 8 (46:01):
Well, you know the strenuous work that you're doing is
actually at.

Speaker 14 (46:05):
Home at don't I'll be inside.

Speaker 2 (46:09):
I don't.

Speaker 14 (46:09):
I don't do nothing outside. I don't. I don't even bobecue. Man,
But you know what you're talking about? Strings work?

Speaker 8 (46:15):
Okay, have you vincent? Have you have you been having
Have you been having sex at home?

Speaker 14 (46:21):
What the kind of question? Who is is this a
supervibor or something? We're kind of Let me talk to
the supervisor. Now, you know you're damn doing that.

Speaker 8 (46:30):
I'm with human resources.

Speaker 14 (46:31):
I don't get man, excuse me, dog, but I don't
mean disrespect you that because you're paying me, you know,
looking out for me. And I mean you can call
me and and just say any cop like that. Man,
how about have you been having are you conn? Are
you having sex at home? Say that ain't none of
your business?

Speaker 2 (46:49):

Speaker 14 (46:49):
Have I been having sex or not? Owner?

Speaker 1 (46:52):

Speaker 14 (46:53):
What kind of man?

Speaker 2 (46:53):
Let me talk?

Speaker 8 (46:54):
Who is your supervisor? Man, sir, I'm the supervisor here
in human resources. We brought it, and we actually have
you on surveillance. You've been you've been having sex now
all the way you.

Speaker 14 (47:05):
Can do that. I've never been not be no tambers
in my house, I know that. And who authorized them
like that? Anyhow to bailing to me?

Speaker 8 (47:13):
You're not supposed to be having sex if your fact is.

Speaker 2 (47:16):
Hurting, man, you you have it.

Speaker 14 (47:19):
Man, you've been you've been not having no damn camera?
And my what keep on mind?

Speaker 8 (47:23):
U uh?

Speaker 14 (47:24):
Have you beenbating for me having sick? That's a damn lie, sir?
What's your name?

Speaker 8 (47:29):
What? What? What?

Speaker 14 (47:30):
What's your name?

Speaker 8 (47:30):
Man? Sir?

Speaker 14 (47:32):
And who d because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice,
but you're pissing me off.

Speaker 8 (47:38):
And and here, sir, sir, here it is and you
can we find out. I'm good.

Speaker 14 (47:44):
I'm giving you a warning. No, I don't need no,
I'm giving you a warner. You let me find a
damn camera my house telling me I can't have no
sext and all that I have sex.

Speaker 8 (47:52):
If you're that is strenuous work and you're putting it
on your back and we're paying you, we're paying you.

Speaker 14 (47:58):
Damn about what you're paying me and what you ain't
paying me you're gonna call my damn phone tell me
talking about you got from dat's cameras in my pund
that's ed.

Speaker 8 (48:07):
Okay, Well, sir, sir vincit, let me say this to you.

Speaker 14 (48:10):
Don't want, you don't need, You don't need to say
nothing to me, but but your last name and your
supervisor names that would.

Speaker 8 (48:17):
Me My name is okay, and you don't need to
worry who the supervisor is. You need to make sure
that there's no more sex going on until your back
is healed.

Speaker 14 (48:25):
Look, you're gonna have me to cush up out and
hang up on your man. I don't have time for this, man,
y'all because y'all that's what y'all do, because y'all doing
for people. Y'all think y'all can he'll do illegal and
talk to people. Crazy, man, when y'all talking to them.
I don't appreciate that at all. Man, this is I
don't know who y'all think y'all is down there, y'all
do something for the y'all can just call them and

say anything that.

Speaker 2 (48:48):

Speaker 14 (48:49):
I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful,
but you got me heated right now, man, there's better
not be no cameras in my house. Do you understand
that I'm.

Speaker 8 (48:58):
Gonna tell you once and one time only, no more sex?
You know?

Speaker 2 (49:02):

Speaker 14 (49:04):
Put you talking about I'm sorry man, because I'll tell
you one day.

Speaker 1 (49:06):

Speaker 14 (49:07):
You think you've giving up some money? Now I'm gonna
see y'all by catch the camera in my up in
my house. You ain't gonna have to never pay ut
pay me no more. You're gonna pay me one big
check that I'm sure out of y'all. Then, now you
understand that.

Speaker 8 (49:21):
I understand I need I need you to understand one
more thing? Are you listening to me?

Speaker 2 (49:25):

Speaker 14 (49:25):
You go ahead? Man, y'all got me easy man? This
and then it don't even call me no more telling
you it's ridiculous.

Speaker 8 (49:33):
Okay. Are you familiar with Leonard? Man?

Speaker 14 (49:35):
Familiar with what Leonard?

Speaker 8 (49:36):
Do you know Leonard? You're coworking Leonard?

Speaker 14 (49:38):
Yeah? What about him? Leonard?

Speaker 8 (49:42):
Got me the prank phone?

Speaker 2 (49:43):
Call you.

Speaker 8 (49:43):
This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Offery more
than your filson, buddy.

Speaker 14 (49:48):
You've been praying, Man, get out of here. Man, y'all
about to help me? The oo lord talking about my
checking man, and no, man, what's up?

Speaker 3 (49:57):

Speaker 1 (49:57):
This is.

Speaker 14 (50:00):
Y'all had me going out? Man, y'all have me heated?
I'm kicking. Let me be called that he on the phone.

Speaker 5 (50:07):

Speaker 2 (50:08):
He ain't on the phone.

Speaker 14 (50:09):
Man, I'm sweating like oh I still so, I'm still
getting my damn check there. That's what that means, y'all
have you heated?

Speaker 2 (50:15):

Speaker 14 (50:16):
Y'all gonna take what's up?

Speaker 2 (50:18):

Speaker 14 (50:19):
Nice to hear from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man,
y'all got me.

Speaker 8 (50:24):
I got one more question? Man, what is the baddest
and I mean the baddest radio show in the land.

Speaker 14 (50:30):
Of course, no doubt, man, it's a Steve Harvey Morning Show,
always will be. Especially y'all don't.

Speaker 8 (50:36):
Got me like this here.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
Come on, come on, what do you want?

Speaker 9 (50:51):
I know your workmans, come up. I know you ain't
up in here having sex and stuff. Okay, it's going
down June fifteenth. It is the nephew Tommy's House party
Comedy Jam. Tickets are flying and I'm excited about it
because I'm going to Dallas, Texas baby at the Majestic

alone with my boy Tony Robbinson and Dominique. We will
be in the building acting a dog gone fool. So
that is Father's Day weekend. All your fathers, tell your kids,
get you some tickets, Come on out and hang out
with the nephew. It is the Nephew Thommy's House Party Comedy.
Damn we partying and we're slanging jokes all at the
same time. You don't want to miss it. It's a really, really,

really nice formula that I put together. I must commend
myself on me, really, I really must commend myself. I'm
doing excellent with that. It's the Nephew Tommy House Party
Comedy jam. Get your tickets. They don't seal up right now?
What's laying in the cut after that?

Speaker 1 (51:49):
What I got? I got?

Speaker 9 (51:50):
You know, I'm going to Philly to shoot Ready to Love.
I told you guys that right while I'm in Philly,
I would be at the Helium Comedy Club while I'm
in Philly July twenty sixth, twenty seventh, and twenty eight.
Those tickets are on sale right now the club Helium,
The Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July twenty six,
twenty seventh, and twenty eight. All right, that's right, that's

all I got for you. I'll let y'all know what
I'm doing in August. Y'all gonna love this, y'all.

Speaker 1 (52:18):
I think y'all if it is what I'm doing in August.

Speaker 10 (52:21):
Labor Lloyd, Yeah, all right, coming up next. It is
a Strawberry letter and the subject is he let the
two girls sleep over. It's what you think, but not
what you think.

Speaker 9 (52:31):
It's just but it didn't go to well. Letter, It
ain't going the way I want to think.

Speaker 10 (52:37):
It's what you think, but it's not what you think.
All right, we'll get into it right after this.

Speaker 16 (52:42):
You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (52:45):
It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if
you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more,
please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve BARBFM dot com
by clicking submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your
letter live on the just like we're going to read
this one right here, right now, and you never know,
it could be yours.

Speaker 1 (53:05):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on type.
We got it for you. Here it Strawberry LETTA.

Speaker 10 (53:09):
Thank you nephew, He let the two girls sleep over.
That is a subject. Dear, Stephen Shirley. I'm thirty eight
years old and my husband is forty two. We've been
married for six years, and his business has taken off
in the past three years. He used to be a
club promoter and now he owns a lounge with three
other guys. I was scared to date a man that's

always in the streets, but he's proven that he's just
out to get the bag and bring it home so
he can spoil me. I trusted him until this past weekend.
It was his birthday weekend, so his partners threw him
an all white party. I went on home around one
thirty am. He came in around three am and crashed
in all of his clothes. I woke up around nine

am to the sound of running water. I woke my
husband up and he said it was his two home
girls upstairs getting ready to head out to a graduation.
I was like, what home girls and what graduation? He
told me to trust him on this one. Instead of
getting mad, he told me to go with him to
meet the girls. We went up to our guest bedroom

and I was surprised to see two gorgeous women wrapped
in two of my best towels. They greeted me with
big smiles. They were just as sweet as they were cute.
They thanked us for letting them get a few hours
of sleep and said they would be leaving town after
the graduation. I wanted to be mad, but I couldn't be.
My husband told me that one of the girls is

the daughter of a guy he went to school with,
and they planned to stay with a friend, but she
ghosted them. I find this story hard to believe. I
don't think my husband is even aware of how dangerous
it was to have strangers in our home, or were
they even strangers. Why didn't he call me to ask
me first? Because it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Okay,

he knows that had he called you first, you would
have said absolutely not, And who could blame you? What
would that even sound like? Look like, hey, baby, I'm
coming home and I'm bringing guests, two beautiful young women
to spend the night. What No, No, like you. I
do find this story very hard to believe, but it's
so crazy, It is so out there, so preposterous that

he could be telling the truth in this instance. Steve said,
all you need is reasonable doubt with a good lie,
because what husband would be stupid enough to bring two
random chicks to his house to spend the night knowing
his wife is there? Is he that drunk? I mean
on his birthday night? This is a very dangerous situation.
What wife is going to say yes to any of this?

The question is if one of these girls was the
daughter of someone you went to school with, why couldn't
she stay with her dad? Where was he? Or why
couldn't they stay with one of his other friends, one
of your husband's other friends, or one of his three
business partners. Your husband asked you to trust him on this,
but you need a whole lot of more information. There

are huge holes in this story. A lot of things
are left out. You said you were hesitant to marry
your husband in the first place because he was in
the streets, But so far he hasn't done anything to
make you not trust him until now. But all you
need is one time, right you left the party at
one thirty am. You need to find out exactly what
happened after that and until three am when your husband

finally made it home.

Speaker 1 (56:29):
Steve, I loved him.

Speaker 10 (56:33):
You don't care, No, I really care.

Speaker 1 (56:38):
Fellas you know, I try to help y'all. I really do.

Speaker 7 (56:45):
I go above and beyond to try to come up
with something create to help y'all.

Speaker 1 (56:51):
Y'all making it hard. Oh, y'all making it hard? What
the hell?

Speaker 3 (56:58):
Okay on?

Speaker 1 (57:01):
I mean, dog, I'm trying to Damn dog.

Speaker 7 (57:08):
I can't do none of this. I can't do none
of this. I can't say this to my wife. I
can't do none of this. Matter of fact, nobody I
know can do this. Okay, here's the problem. You used
to be a club owner promoter. Now you got another
bee as that's going on. And I guess he used

to just be a club promoter. I'm sorry. Now he
owns a lounge with three other guys. Oh lord, mercy,
club owner just got trouble written all over it. It
just ain't no way round it. And so now here
we go. You got these partners. You had a birthday party.

They throw all white party for you. You go to
the all white party for his birthday. You leave it,
go home round one point thirty, show up at the
house at three m crashed in all his clothes. All right,
so far this story he.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
Ain't going that bad. So far not bad.

Speaker 7 (58:11):
You woke up around nine a m. Nine in the
morning to the sound of running water. Where's your husband at?

Speaker 1 (58:23):
At this point does it say in the letter Shirley,
where is he at?

Speaker 10 (58:30):
He came home.

Speaker 1 (58:33):
Crashed in all his clothes, woke up at nine? Where
was he at?

Speaker 2 (58:40):

Speaker 10 (58:40):
He was downstairs because the two homegirls were upstairs getting ready.

Speaker 1 (58:44):
So he must still be in his clothes. Okay, that's
good news.

Speaker 7 (58:51):
I woke my husband up and he said was it
was his two home girls upstairs getting ready to head
out the graduation.

Speaker 1 (59:00):
Home girls and friend's daughter.

Speaker 7 (59:05):
Ain shouldn't be in the same since hang on, that's
the problem. Yeah, I can't fix this for you.

Speaker 10 (59:13):
We'll have part two of your response coming up, Steve
at twenty three minutes after the hour, Lord Willen Today's
Strawberry letter, subject he let the two girls sleep over.
We'll get back into it and find out what this
is all about. Right after this.

Speaker 16 (59:28):
You're listening hard morning show.

Speaker 10 (59:32):
All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter.
The subject is he let the two girls sleep over.

Speaker 1 (59:38):
I feel so bad. I don't know what to do.

Speaker 7 (59:40):
He forty you thirty eight, He forty two you thirty eight.
You go to his all white birthday party at this
lounge he owned with his two homies. They throw all
white party for imports birthday. You lead a party. At
one point thirty he come in. Around three thirty. He
fall asleep downstairs in all his clothes. Been a hell
of a night, hell of a party, y'all sleep. At

around nine o'clock in the morning, you hear running water. Okay,
you hit this running water. You go downstairs, wake him up.
He tells you it's his two home girls upstairs, getting
ready to head out to a graduation. What there's two
women in the house upstairs running water?

Speaker 1 (01:00:25):
Say it again. I'm just dog.

Speaker 7 (01:00:32):
This is so impossible for me. And I don't apologize
to the fellas because I usually try to be there
for you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:38):
What What did you just say?

Speaker 7 (01:00:42):
Wait a minute, it's two home girls? Whatpstairs? What they
take the shot and getting ready to go out to
a graduation?

Speaker 1 (01:00:51):
What homegirl?

Speaker 8 (01:00:52):

Speaker 10 (01:00:54):
What graduation?

Speaker 7 (01:00:56):
And then I said, what home girls? What graduation? He
told me, trust him on this one. Instead of getting mad,
horror bit me, trust me on this here. Instead of
instead of getting mad mad, the shock, the horror, with
the amazement, the unbelief, instead of He told me to
go with him to meet the girl.

Speaker 1 (01:01:17):
Come on up here with me. Boy, what this is?

Speaker 10 (01:01:22):
Not proud of him? At this point, Steve, come on
up here.

Speaker 1 (01:01:26):
And meet him with me?

Speaker 11 (01:01:29):
Oh man.

Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
We went up to our guest bedroom.

Speaker 7 (01:01:34):
I was surprised to see two gorgeous women wrapped in
two of my best tiles. They greeted me with big smiles.
They were just as sweet as they were cute.

Speaker 1 (01:01:50):
Hey, hey girl, how you doing? You just Chante's wife?

Speaker 2 (01:01:59):

Speaker 1 (01:02:01):
What's going on?

Speaker 7 (01:02:04):
They thanked me for letting him get a few hours
sleep and said they will be leaving town after the graduation.

Speaker 1 (01:02:11):
What graduation y'all keep talking about?

Speaker 10 (01:02:13):
Where is this graduation?

Speaker 7 (01:02:16):
Because all we was was at the all white party?
What what graduation y'all keep talking about? I wanted to
be mad, but I couldn't be. My husband told me
that one of the girls is the daughter of a
guy he went to school with, and they planned to
stay with a friend, but she goes to them.

Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
Where you meet their mad? Was they at the lounge?

Speaker 9 (01:02:41):
Was the party?

Speaker 2 (01:02:45):

Speaker 1 (01:02:45):
If you forty two and these girls is going to a.

Speaker 7 (01:02:50):
Graduation, I'm assuming they somewhere and they're young, and they
sweet and they gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (01:02:55):
They between twenty twenty five. They in that age range.

Speaker 7 (01:02:59):
Right, let's stop in the middle of say they twenty three,
you forty two? Your boy had these babies when he
was nineteen. This is what I'm going on.

Speaker 1 (01:03:11):
Goha, I like it? See go ahead?

Speaker 7 (01:03:15):
How they your homegirls? Because I ain't got no twenty
three year old home girl. Now they planning to stay
with a friend? How you get in this though?

Speaker 10 (01:03:30):
That's the butN that's left out?

Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
How you out.

Speaker 7 (01:03:35):
They girlfriend ghosted you? Where your hotel money? Where your
room at? Where are your other friends at?

Speaker 1 (01:03:43):

Speaker 7 (01:03:44):
I don't think my husband he is even aware of
how dangerous it was to have strangers in the house.

Speaker 1 (01:03:50):
Why you so stupid? What are you talking about? The danger? Stop?
There's no danger. They harmless that you've already met him.

Speaker 7 (01:03:59):
It was it's a dangerous How you making I don't
think my husband even aware how dangerous it was to
have strangers in the house. There was no danger there,
you met him, So how you picking that part out?
Or were they even strangers?

Speaker 1 (01:04:15):
Hell? No, they not strangers. What is your questioning is stupid?

Speaker 7 (01:04:23):
Did my husband know how dangerous it was to have
strangers in the house or are they strangers? He just
told you they his homegirl. He just told you they
friend ghosted them. He been knowing them, and he called
them homegirls. They upstairs. How he didn't wake you up
and say, hey, baby, it's two women staying in this

guest room up here, Just so you know, why didn't
he call me to ask me first? Because I don't
know how to fix my lips to tell my wife
at three in the morning bringing two women over.

Speaker 1 (01:05:01):
To the house. They need place to stay. And I'm
gonna be Captain sable.

Speaker 10 (01:05:06):
Young beautiful girls.

Speaker 7 (01:05:14):
I saved two young girls lives on the chattle Chatdow
Hoochie River one time on God Float got away from them,
I say, day life on the Chatto Hoochie River one time.

Speaker 1 (01:05:25):
I got in trouble for that. I know good. Hell well,
I'm gonna get cussed out from them.

Speaker 10 (01:05:33):
If you can leave your comments on Today's letter on
Instagram at Steve harb m and check us out on
the Strawberry Letter podcast on the Free iHeartRadio app where
free never sounded so good. Coming up next it is
Junior and Sports Talk. Right after this you're listening.

Speaker 16 (01:05:50):
Morning show.

Speaker 10 (01:05:52):
It is time now for junior and sports talk. What
you got junior?

Speaker 11 (01:05:55):
Well, opening night was in the w NBA last night
and the games was sold.

Speaker 12 (01:05:59):
I'm telling you it's a good thing for the w
NBA because they are really getting the recognition. And they
also awarded Toronto or franchise in the w NBA for
next season, So go ahead, WNBA. They expanded, but Kaitlyn
Clark opening man Son fell that the Fever fell to
the Sun ninety two to seventy one. Caitland Clark five

or fifteen four to eleven from three twenty points but
ten turnovers in her debut.

Speaker 1 (01:06:26):
In the WA's one game. Oh she's a rookie. Yeah,
she's a rookie.

Speaker 7 (01:06:32):
You're playing in the w NBA. Now, everybody out there fast.
This ain't college, but she's the fastest around.

Speaker 1 (01:06:39):
Everybody out there. Everybody out there balling grown this. Yes, ma'am,
Yes it is, yes'am. You're not finn to come out
there and.

Speaker 7 (01:06:47):
Do what you did at our It's not the same
right of way. Now she will get there, but it's
gonna take some turn.

Speaker 1 (01:06:54):
She'll be fine.

Speaker 11 (01:06:55):
You know what they're gonna have. You know, she's gonna
be on TV two.

Speaker 12 (01:06:58):
More times this week, Tomorrow night and Saturday. So she
she's she's, she's bringing the numbers. They're gonna get to
see her, They're gonna get to watch her grow. I
don't I don't feel like it's bad for one game.

Speaker 2 (01:07:08):
It's just one game.

Speaker 7 (01:07:09):
But see all of the w NBA attendance has increased.
That's because of the coverage they got in the nc
double as.

Speaker 1 (01:07:18):
The fine right and all of that. That the girl,
the Rees.

Speaker 10 (01:07:22):
Reese Andesitlan Clark girl, the girl down in the game
Cocks and Girls was balling.

Speaker 1 (01:07:31):
Man, that girl down there bad. So that's what happens, man.
So it's gonna be better for the lead. And I
watched the game.

Speaker 12 (01:07:38):
I watched the Aces, I watched, Yes, I watched the
WNBA game last night.

Speaker 1 (01:07:42):
See I'm supporting you. Yeah. They beat Mercury eighty nine
to eighty.

Speaker 10 (01:07:46):
Yep, uh excuse me.

Speaker 12 (01:07:47):
The Lynks came over the Storm eighty three to seventy
and the New York liveing reunder Steward and Company, they
beat the Mystics eighty five to eighty. Moving on to
the NBA. Though here we go, man Jalen brought is
the truth. That's all I can tell you. That boy
ball twenty eight points in the first half, forty four
for the whole game.

Speaker 5 (01:08:07):

Speaker 11 (01:08:07):
I don't know what they're gonna do with this boy, man,
but this boy put it on his back.

Speaker 1 (01:08:10):
Man, they'll tell you.

Speaker 12 (01:08:11):
The Knicks one one ninety one, they take a three
two lead over the Pacers, and the Temple Wolves fall
for the third time to the Nuggets. And Djoki is
the MVP for show, putting on a forty point game.
He had thirteen assists, seven rebounds, and he got his
trophy last night. So hey, aunt man, you started playing
like Anthony. That's all I know. We're gonna have to

start calling you Anthony. We need ant Man come back now.
So so now we have now we got the Celtics
tonight and the Casts. Okay, three to one the selfis
and the Casts, and then we got the MAVs and
the Thunder they both tied it to tier piece.

Speaker 11 (01:08:49):
So let's see what happened.

Speaker 2 (01:08:50):

Speaker 11 (01:08:50):
I don't know how this is gonna go, but we're
gonna see what happens.

Speaker 8 (01:08:54):
Thank you.

Speaker 10 (01:08:55):
Coming up next, our listeners need advice, Steve, You're gonna
give it to him. I'm sure.

Speaker 16 (01:09:00):
Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (01:09:06):
This is from Ava on Steve Harvey FM. Ava says,
next month, my ex boyfriend is getting married, but he's
asked from my blessing to go through with his wedding.
We got separated when I moved to Washington State for
five years. The distance wasn't good for us. He has
professed his love for me every day since I moved
back home. I love him and I know we'd have

a great life. But what about his fiance? I would
hate to ruin her life. He is waiting for my
answer and this is way too much pressure. Would it
be selfish to get my man back? Or should I
give him my blessing to get married.

Speaker 1 (01:09:40):
I know exactly what's happening. I'm just trying to figure
out how what'll put it okay.

Speaker 7 (01:09:44):
This guy, he's still in love with dis Wilting, but
he's a good guy. So what he's trying to do
is I know I messed over her because we were separate.
I wouldn't get this new chick. Let me ask her
if I can get her blessings. If she say no,

that means she still loved me, and I'm gonna walk
away from this chick. But I don't want to walk
away from this chick, and she don't want nothing to
do with me. So let me ask her to give
me hurt my blessing.

Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
That's what that is.

Speaker 10 (01:10:20):
Yeah, but it's not like the girl. The ex doesn't
want him. She's concerned about.

Speaker 1 (01:10:27):
The He don't know that. He don't know that. I'm listening.
Sometimes harder and listen.

Speaker 10 (01:10:37):
I'm not one of your children.

Speaker 7 (01:10:41):
Surely he's trying to test the water. He don't know,
So he's throwing this shumming in the water.

Speaker 9 (01:10:50):
You know what that is.

Speaker 7 (01:10:51):
No, he's throwing this bait in the water. Yeah, to
see if he can get some nibble. Okay, And now
she's she don't. Both of these are good people that
have made a simple mistake. He jumped the gun, he
let the distance get in the way, and now he
walking away because there was no distance. But now, guess what.

He want this girl back. But he don't know if
the girl want him back. So now let me throw
this up to her. I'll get married if you give
me your blessing. If she say no, he goes, oh damn,
she still loved I don't really want to marry this girl,
no way. But he don't want to hurt her like that,
and she don't want to hurt.

Speaker 8 (01:11:29):
Her like that.

Speaker 1 (01:11:30):
That's what the deal is right there. Okay, what is
about that that you are questions to you? Cheryl?

Speaker 2 (01:11:44):
I get it.

Speaker 10 (01:11:45):
I told you, I got it.

Speaker 8 (01:11:47):
I got it.

Speaker 10 (01:11:49):
She played beautifully the first time. All I said was,
you're right. The girl his ex is concerned about the
fiance too, That's all I said.

Speaker 16 (01:11:58):
What was wrong with that of it?

Speaker 1 (01:12:00):
Because that's not what you said. But go ahead with that,
is what I said.

Speaker 10 (01:12:07):
Go ahead, it's here. Well, by the way, we have
time for another one. This is from Tommy in Chicago.
Kemmy says, I got a special recognition at work for
being a top seller. Look, and there was a small
celebration after the awards program. My husband did not show
up and he didn't answer his phone. He said he
got busy at work and it wasn't that big of
a deal. I am so hurt that he doesn't think

the work that I do is important. How do I
get him to respect me and what I do? Is
it because I make more money than him?

Speaker 1 (01:12:38):
Well, it depends on what you do. Let's just be honest. Now,
if you top fry cook of the week, do you
probably know.

Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
What you know what?

Speaker 10 (01:12:52):
And she makes more money than him, Well, you know, he.

Speaker 1 (01:12:56):
Just might be. You know, he might be. Looks it
sounds to me like.

Speaker 10 (01:13:04):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 7 (01:13:06):
Her appreciation and recognition the lady Walt's appreciation.

Speaker 1 (01:13:13):
Yeah, he feels as though the job gave you that
what you need me for, which is a mistake on you.

Speaker 10 (01:13:19):
Don't think she wants support from her husband while she's
getting the.

Speaker 7 (01:13:22):
Sear Your ear buds don't work for I know, I know,
I know. Okay nine, neither one of y'all listeners.

Speaker 10 (01:13:32):
Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have
more Harvey Morning Show right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:13:37):
Both of y'all ass is crazy a hater?

Speaker 10 (01:13:42):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Do you guys stress out
over money? That's the question. According to a new money
and Mental Health survey, forty seven percent of Americans say
that wording over money is negatively impacting their mental health.
Money related stress worries us more so than current events, relationships,

and our physical health. Sixty five percent of the people
surveyed ex cited that the rising cost of everyday items
is the main cause of our stress.

Speaker 16 (01:14:12):
Is this true?

Speaker 10 (01:14:13):
Do you stress over money? Like? Do you remember when
a carton of eggs was seven dollars? It's about that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:23):
A dozen eggs is seven dollars.

Speaker 10 (01:14:25):
It's high though everything is high, though everything is yeah higher?

Speaker 1 (01:14:28):
Right, Well, yeah, people are stress about money, of course.

Speaker 11 (01:14:33):
Uh huh.

Speaker 7 (01:14:34):
That's a huge stress factor. I'm just now learning. I'm
just learning to trust in God more than ever before.
I'm just learning that because He has always provided. But
it never stopped me from worrying. I've over worried myself
so many times because I'm the breadwinner, I'm the providers.

Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
It's kind of hard not to worry about that.

Speaker 7 (01:15:02):
But the stronger relationship I have with God, the better
I'm getting at not worrying about it. But I can
tell you for a fact, if you are responsible for
the lives of other people had, it will produce some
worry until you can get that other relationship playing up.

Speaker 1 (01:15:18):

Speaker 10 (01:15:19):
Okay, all right, we'll have mora of the Steve Harvey
Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour.
We will play around and would you rather right after
this you're listening Harvey Morning Show, It is time now
for a round of would you rather? Would you rather
sit on the floor in the shower to bathe or
would you rather stand up in the tub? Which one?

Speaker 1 (01:15:40):
Either in the flow of the shower.

Speaker 10 (01:15:42):
Yep, to bathe or stand up in the tub.

Speaker 7 (01:15:46):
For everybody feet me, I'm gonna put my neked ass
in that fluff. You gotn't heard athlete's foot, but athletes ask, So.

Speaker 10 (01:16:00):
You'll be standing up in the tub, all right. Would
you rather ride a bike down the four oh five
in l A or catch a ride with your ex?
Can we go on this bike?

Speaker 14 (01:16:15):

Speaker 11 (01:16:15):
Watch it, I'm riding here.

Speaker 1 (01:16:17):
Come on now, I will ride. I will ride a
Willie all the way down.

Speaker 7 (01:16:24):
No, see, I'm gonna just have to touch a ride
with my axe and open that window and hang my
head out the whole way.

Speaker 1 (01:16:33):
I'm not getting on that bike on that day. Full five.
You're not gonna make it.

Speaker 8 (01:16:37):

Speaker 10 (01:16:37):
Four five is dangerous in a car, all right?

Speaker 8 (01:16:40):

Speaker 10 (01:16:42):
For Father's Day, would you rather a gift card to
your favorite store or a special gift for.

Speaker 1 (01:16:50):
One of them? I want a special gift.

Speaker 16 (01:16:55):
Uh huh.

Speaker 1 (01:16:56):
I'm just all right.

Speaker 7 (01:16:57):
I'm telling you right now, for the first time ever,
I have texted my children, the ones that I know
Mike cans buy me something, uh huh, and told them
exactly what I wanted. And thank you Tommy because you
gave it to me yesterday. And that's what I'm requesting
from all my children.

Speaker 1 (01:17:15):
And tell me how much was it?

Speaker 10 (01:17:17):
Do you know?

Speaker 1 (01:17:18):
Few? Honey, it ain't that much. That's all I'm asking for.
That's all I want, man, just day for you. Man,
you know what many don't get that really what.

Speaker 8 (01:17:35):
We had.

Speaker 7 (01:17:36):
Yeah, I'm gonna tell you right now, this is the
last last damn Father's Day. I'm getting pimped.

Speaker 10 (01:17:46):
Last year.

Speaker 7 (01:17:47):
Yes, no, but this is gonna be it right here.
This is it because I've text them. I text them
all and told them exactly what I want. I sent
him the picture Tommy showed it to me. Tommy said, man,
this is dope.

Speaker 1 (01:17:59):
I looked at that. I said, cool, this is what
I want. Cool.

Speaker 10 (01:18:03):
Okay, you got a lot of kids, so you're probably Yeah,
you might have a good Father's Day this year.

Speaker 1 (01:18:08):
If I get three of them, I'll be fine, all right.

Speaker 10 (01:18:13):
And thank you guys for the guys on the show
for wishing us a happy Mother's Day. By the way,
that was really sweet. That was very nice guy, very.

Speaker 1 (01:18:21):
Sweet and tyeah, we'll see how I go for Father's Day. Well,
he always tex.

Speaker 10 (01:18:27):
Don't be bitter.

Speaker 1 (01:18:28):
No, it ain't better. I'm just already set up for
disappointed disappointment. Yeah, I'm not bitter. I'm just going I'm
gonna go on. I much get my hurt out to wait.
Really me up.

Speaker 10 (01:18:41):
Next, it is our last break of the day, and
we'll close out the show with the one and only
Steve Harvey right after this.

Speaker 16 (01:18:47):
You're listening Morning show.

Speaker 10 (01:18:50):
All right, guys, here we are our last break of
the day on this Wednesday. It's been a good day,
been a fun day.

Speaker 1 (01:18:57):
Yes, hey, this last clo before I do.

Speaker 10 (01:19:00):
Yes, Steve, this is from Mercedes and Kingston Mercedes Rights.
My boyfriend of twelve years told me that he is
going to start a side business as an escort for
women visiting the resort where he works. He said, all
he will be doing is showing groups of women around
the island. Does this sound legit to you?

Speaker 1 (01:19:20):
Yeah? Yeah it does. It does. It's but see.

Speaker 10 (01:19:29):
The name is wrong.

Speaker 1 (01:19:31):
What's the name escort?

Speaker 10 (01:19:35):
That's what you guide or something else.

Speaker 7 (01:19:37):
Yeah, I'm gonna have a tour guide business for people,
and just say people, he gave out too much information, brud,
he is doomed and he been your boyfriend for twelve years.

Speaker 1 (01:19:48):
Let's just start there.

Speaker 7 (01:19:52):
That's our twelve year boyfriend. Let's just start there. When
is going dawn on you?

Speaker 1 (01:19:59):
You ain't it?

Speaker 10 (01:20:00):
Mm hmmm.

Speaker 1 (01:20:02):
Maybe concierge service, something like that.

Speaker 10 (01:20:06):
Something not escort, definitely not escort.

Speaker 7 (01:20:10):
All those titles are questionable, but none is more questionable
than this twelve year boyfriendment what you need to work
that opens it up, that leads me to my clothes remarks. Yeah,
not that it did, but that's how I'm gonna transition

into it. I just want to remind people to never
give up. Don't do not make that a part of
your option. Giving up is very final, y'all. The only
thing that giving up as shoes. It assures one thing

that it will never happen. That's the guarantee of quitting,
of giving up. That's why you have to remove quitting
and giving up as an option. It can never be
an option. You have got to hang in there. There's
a saying that says, when you get at the end
of your rope, tie not in it and hang on.
Sometimes we all feel like we are at the end

of our rope, all of us. I felt it many times.
But when you get at the end of that rope,
this ain't the time to let go. This ain't the
time to give up. When you get at the end
of the.

Speaker 1 (01:21:29):
Rope, tie not in it and hang on.

Speaker 7 (01:21:33):
Because in this act of faith, in this showing, this
small act of faith, it sends a message to God Almighty.

Speaker 1 (01:21:44):
It sends a message to your heavenly Father.

Speaker 7 (01:21:46):
It sends a message out to the universe that I
still believe that there's a possibility. I still have some
remaining hope. I'm hanging on by a thread. I'm hanging
on by my fingertips. But I'm hanging on because now
I still have the hope that I can win it.

I still have the hope that God is coming. I
still have the hope that there's going to be a breakthrough.
That's all you need. The Bible says, you need the
faith of a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds.

Speaker 1 (01:22:24):
You just need a little bit, y'all. You don't need
a lot. You need a little bit, a little bit
of faith. You need love.

Speaker 7 (01:22:32):
You need to must st up another one, just to
hang on another day. You know, it's like when you
hear people who are recovering alcoholics. You know you hear
them say it's just one day at a time. I
was listening to this guy, this former athlete. He was
on TV saying he had been sober for twenty seven
years now, but it's one day at a time. Do
you know how it must be to hang on for

twenty seven years? But if you do it one day
at a time, though, you can look up and you
can have done it for twenty seven years if you
approach it one day at a time. See, the goal
is to finish. But I have a saying that I've
said a hundred times on this show, Inch by inch.

Anything's a sich, just a step out of time, man.
See a lot of times, what makes the task seem
so dawning is you keep looking at the finish line
and you don't know where it is.

Speaker 1 (01:23:30):

Speaker 7 (01:23:30):
That's the thing about your goals and your dreams. You
don't know what the finish line is. You know what
you like to accomplish, you know what you hope to
come true, but you really don't know where the finish
line is. You don't know if it's next week, next month,
next summer, next year, you don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:23:53):
But you gotta keep pressing. You have to keep pressing.

Speaker 7 (01:23:59):
Because just like you don't know when it's gonna come,
you really don't know when it's gonna come.

Speaker 1 (01:24:05):
It could be sooner than later.

Speaker 7 (01:24:07):
But if you quit, if you give up, you guarantee
yourself the one thing that you don't want to have
to face, that it will never happen. I would hate
to wake up realizing that I've quit, that I've accepted failure.
I'm just not cut that weight. But you have to
practice that. You have to practice that, you have to

pray about that. You have to get some help. God
to help you man. If you ask God for strength,
he'll give you strength. That's what he does. God shows
up at his greatest moments, in your weakest hour. That's
when He do his best work when you out. So

when you get at the end of that rope, don't
let go. Don't give up. When you get at the
end of the rope, tie not in it, because it
can happen. It usually does. But you will not know
that if you quit. Take quitting and giving up out
of the equation those are my closing remarks today. Enjoy

your day, Listen, talk to God today. He would absolutely
love to hear from you.

Speaker 1 (01:25:18):
He really would. It don't matter if it's been a while.
He understands. Talk to him today. Have a.

Speaker 10 (01:25:35):
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