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February 9, 2024 69 mins

In a convention center full of heroes - Dan Hanzus, Gregg Rosenthal, and Marc Sessler are LIVE from radio row in Las Vegas. The heroes open the show with a sit down with Sauce Gardner (04:47) and then preview Super Bowl LVIII with Nick Shook (18:02). The show is wrapped with the heroes catching up with Chris "Mad Dog" Russo (43:52). 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Around the NFL Podcast asn't lost Mark to the desert yet.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Hello, and welcome to day two from Radio Row in
Las Vegas of the Around the NFL Podcast presented by
Draft Kings. Dan hansis here, of course, with the heroes
Greg Rosenthal and Mark Sessler.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
I think we should start here.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
GREGI Mark, how you feeling, dog, because there were it
was a little touch and go yesterday looking at.

Speaker 4 (00:34):
You, and I feel, you know, I typically feel terrible
when that's happening, because it's like people are having to
listen to someone's voice that is not Radio Row ready,
and Greg is looking at me, and I understand, like,
is this person gonna fall? So no, I would say
I was at twelve percent yesterday. I'm in about forty
thirty eight percent.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Okay, that's great, that's great.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
In fact, we we took a car to get to
Radio Row, and leads with the fact that he thinks
that he might be on the way out and his
illness is raging, and I could see the driver getting
very uncomfortable in like a March twenty twenty kind of way.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
I like, you know, in this huge, vast Radio Row,
like a lot of people were huddling together and talking
and catching up.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
There's a seat over by the wall over there.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
I was just sitting over there, trying to respect everyone else.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Is one does as one does.

Speaker 6 (01:26):
It wouldn't be your normal antisocial proclivities that are contributing.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
To I don't think you're sitting against that wall. No
matter what.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
Well, in this case, it benefited multiple.

Speaker 7 (01:35):
I hope you remember this.

Speaker 6 (01:36):
You say you have no recollection of what happened yesterday.

Speaker 7 (01:39):
No, we we had to.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
That sounds like more than a.

Speaker 7 (01:41):
Out of there. And uh, it's got to be a big.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Show, you know.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
So excited because this is this is the episode.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
Of the year for me.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
Guest wise and reviews are in the premiere, the pilot
episode of Mark's Man Cave.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
People love it.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
They love the energy, they love the tone, they love
the conversation. Coming up today, it's the Sauce Dog Spectacular.

Speaker 3 (02:12):
Sauce Dog.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
We have Sauce Gardner, New York Jets Superstar. We have
Chris mad Dog Russo, icon of sports media, both on
the show today.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
And if that's not if that's not enough, we got
a pipe here.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
We got a pipe in person, which was an incredible
surprise to me because it was off my radar. Nick Shook,
who is so important to our show during the season,
is here covering the forty nine ers, and he had
an interesting bar experience that we're gonna get to later

yesterday that really tied it to our show in a
really neat way.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
So here we are. What a show again?

Speaker 2 (02:58):
This is the Sauce Dog Spectacular.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
With a little side of pipe.

Speaker 6 (03:09):
Well, I love anything with the side of pipe. And
it's our previous show too. You know, we're we're diving in.
No One I'd rather do it with than Shook and uh,
no one I'd rather fawn over and tell the same
sort of stories as we introduce how we grew up
listening to him than Mad Dogs.

Speaker 7 (03:26):
But we can skip that part this time.

Speaker 5 (03:27):
Greg maybe is less into that aspect of it.

Speaker 7 (03:29):
I love Mad Dog. I don't want to hear that.
You know.

Speaker 4 (03:32):
It's like you could say some you know, someone who's
a pessimist could say that we cater some of our
guest appearances to our own personal interest. We've had two Browns,
We're gonna have a jet, We're gonna have a Shook
is everyone's interest, but Mad Dog our childhood hero. But
you know what, you go do a podcast for twelve
years and bring a guest on that you want to
bring on?

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Is it whose show?

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Is it?

Speaker 3 (03:51):
It's our show?

Speaker 8 (03:52):
A bit?

Speaker 6 (03:53):
Well, can I get like a pro woman's tennis player
on the show or something?

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Let's get I would say stephie Graff.

Speaker 7 (03:59):
He has been getting out in the mix more lately.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
See if we get Steph a little uh now already
I'm in the whole little bit with the tennis corn
of Coba.

Speaker 6 (04:08):
Can see if sell us in a big spot. Yes,
let's go with the.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Little Chrissy Evert Martina. And by the way, mad Dog
he loves talking tennis too, So if you were to
get a tennis question in there, why don't you do that, Craig.

Speaker 7 (04:22):
I'm sure that would be of interest to our listeners.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
When he died solo shows, he talked tennis for an
hour on a ripley.

Speaker 5 (04:29):
He would love it, Craig.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
I think what what Greg was indirectly saying is he
doesn't want you to tell the story about driving with
your dad in the car listening to Mad Dog on
Saturdays again.

Speaker 5 (04:38):
I think we've covered.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
But I would love it because mad Dog's in here
like he's never heard it before, so right, all right,
so let's get into it. I mean enough enough, because
right now, as has been mentioned, it's time for the
Sauce Dog Spectacular Part one. Toss Gardner of the New
York Jets, All Pro, former Defensive Rookie of the Year,

the best player on my favorite team in the world.

Speaker 3 (05:11):
This is cool. This is what it's cool to be here.
What's up, Sauce? How are you?

Speaker 9 (05:15):
I'm great, man. I appreciate you all for having me.
You know, it's a blessing to be here.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
And tell us, yeah, tell us what you're doing with
Verizon now, it's.

Speaker 9 (05:22):
Always great to you know how my name of Verizon
ain't mentioned in the same sentence. I'm a huge fan
of them and I'll just enjoy working with them. Like
I said, I'm here on behalf of Verizon, you know,
the official Viagey Network go to the NFL, a network
that the majority, if not all, of the NFL players,
fans and coaches rely on. So, you know, it's a

blessing to be here.

Speaker 6 (05:44):
How do you feel about this is the Sauce Dog
Spectacular kind of being the opening act here for Mad
Doc Russo coming on later in.

Speaker 9 (05:51):
The show's fire right there. I like that.

Speaker 7 (05:54):
Okay, I like that. I'm glad you're with it.

Speaker 5 (05:57):
You got a sound effect and everything.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
I think that I saw them looking in your eye
with hit it sauce.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Here's a theory to get into things. You know, this
Chiefs team, your Jets, our Jets. We kind of beat
them in Week four. If the officials didn't shenanigans.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Let's be real.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
I don't know if you could say it, but I
could say shenanigans by the transit of property. If the
Chiefs went on Sunday, the Jets are the super Bowl champions.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
Yeah, your name.

Speaker 9 (06:30):
I guess Jets fans can possibly say that. But you know,
reality is everything. So if it's not actually saying Jets
super Bowl, then we ain't win it.

Speaker 6 (06:40):
What was it like going up against them at that
point in the season and everything and what they kind
of presented to you, Like, how is it different?

Speaker 9 (06:47):
It was great, you know, a competitive, a whole bunch
of elite players on that team. You know, I still
feel like we should have won that game. No, come on,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Did they get you on one of those penalties?

Speaker 8 (07:00):

Speaker 9 (07:00):
Yeah they did?

Speaker 2 (07:00):
Oh come on, you're gonna analyze sauce in the fourth
quarter of crunch Time, it.

Speaker 4 (07:06):
Was it makes me sick, it does What did you
What did you learn about Patrick Mahomes in that game?

Speaker 9 (07:11):

Speaker 3 (07:12):
You got lucky.

Speaker 9 (07:13):
Now I learned that he you know how to how
do I put this when this crunch time? You know
exactly what to do? You know the guys to rely on,
you know, win and went not to do certain things.
He's just a smart player.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
He made those big plays with his legs I remember
in the game, and always an underrated part of his game.
And we're gonna, I'm sure see more of that. So
it's interesting two years ago and you talked to a
million people and so probably don't remember, but like an
hour after you were drafted, we had you on the
show right here in Vegas, and I was giving you

the sad sack Jet fan routine of like when's things
one of the things is gonna get better? And you
kind of cut me off, which I loved, and you're like,
that's in the past, that's over, Like I don't care
what happened before I got here. And of course then
you and Garrett and us young Nucleus is coming together
and you've made steps.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
Of course, still.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
There's been disappointment in the two years for the team,
and the Rogers injury it was an all time blow
for the franchise in terms of gut punch. Like I'm
I'm usually an optimistic fan, but I'm worried about where
things are and how things go moving forward. Could you
do me the favor of spinning things and making me

and Jets fans feel good about what's gonna happen this
year and maybe this is the year things change.

Speaker 7 (08:32):
Make Dan happy, make him feel better or try.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
I don't know if you could.

Speaker 9 (08:35):
I mean, Aaron be Back defense, we're gonna do what
we do, special teams, We're gonna do what we do.
Like I said Aaron to b Back, would it be
bring us new pieces in for the offense, and those
new pieces gonna be great for the offense, great additions.
We're gonna dominate.

Speaker 7 (08:54):
I feel it. I feel the confidence, all right, I
felt it from day one and get there.

Speaker 6 (08:58):
Now you're working on a one game winning streak against
the Patriots. I'm a Patriots fan, and so I remember
the Jets Patriots game at the end of the season
more than probably the average NFL fan who was not
paying that close attention to that game, But at that
point in the season, he kind of figured it was
the end of Bill Belichick and so many things that
happened for the first time in the Belichick era or

a streaks ended. But the one thing he had left
in life, the one thing he had left with the Patriots,
was that winning streak against the Jets, and you took
that away from him.

Speaker 7 (09:30):
How do you feel about doing that on his way out?

Speaker 3 (09:33):
Nice setup, Greg, Yeah, it feels great.

Speaker 9 (09:35):
You know what I'm saying, I'll be lying if I
said that's not what we wanted to do, and that's
not what our thought process was going into that game.
We knew it could be the end of that Patriots
era or whatever, so he had to make sure we
sent them on his way the right way.

Speaker 6 (09:50):
But he's like a future Hall of Famer. Couldn't you
have just like given him that much, that one little bit?

Speaker 9 (09:55):
I mean, he already a future Hall of Famer. You're
a great coach, you know, he's always he's done great things.
He won multiple Super Bowls. He knows so much about
the game of football. So it's like doing that would
have just been an extra little cherry on the top.
It was no point of.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
I'm the Belichick point. So this is I think before
you were even born. But when Belichick spurned the Jets
and went to the Pats in two thousand and then
went on, you know, the greatest run ever for a
head coach and a quarterback with Brady. I've been scratched
my head and yelling on microphone in the past couple weeks.
I cannot believe all these head coach openings, nobody went

and got Belichick and gave him a second bite of
the apple like Brady got in Tampa. Are you surprised
that he's not going to be coaching this year? How
sure were you that he was going to pop up
somewhere else and you might see him on the field
next year.

Speaker 9 (10:43):
I don't really know because I don't know what going
to all of that. You know, when it come to
job openings, you know what they talk about with the
other teams. You know, I'm sure those teams know that
he's a great coach. He's a Hall of Fame caliber coach,
you know what I'm saying. So I don't know why
he wasn't selected. You know, that's not my place. I

don't really know. I just know he's he's a great
coach and wos the best in the future then get
a job.

Speaker 4 (11:11):
Well, maybe he will down the road on the Jets front,
because I feel like he probably have learned a lot
in your first two seasons. And you know, in college,
everything's going great, but you hit a team that's hit
you know, Aaron Rodgers goes down right away. It seemed
like two years in a row, you've got this glowing
Jets defense and an offense that just was struggling.

Speaker 10 (11:31):

Speaker 4 (11:32):
You don't you don't know if you're number one quarterback
two times in a row, and it's like, how do
how do you because there are a lot of reports
come on in York. How does the locker room stay
unified when the defense is doing one thing and the
offense can't find their way? What have you learned about
how to like not have the team completely be a
sinking ship.

Speaker 9 (11:49):
I mean, we brothers before anything. What I'm saying the football,
that's that's the game. That's what we love to do.
But you know, the bards and the relationships that you
make when you're going when you're coming into this game,
when you're leaving the game. That's that's what matters the most.
So it's easy to maintain that bond. You know, you
get guys that's on defense that's closer with guys on offense.

So it's just it's just that easy, you know, to
keep the locker room, you know, keep the keep the
bond in the brotherhood.

Speaker 6 (12:18):
So you were named first team All Pro this year,
again doing that back to years to start your career.
That's only been happened, you know, that's only happened a
handful of times at that position, like in the history
of the NFL. Usually it's team players from winning teams
too that get recognized.

Speaker 9 (12:35):
So I think I think I was the first one.

Speaker 7 (12:38):
You're the first corner corner you're on it.

Speaker 9 (12:41):
I'm like one or three. I just found that out. Uh, Michael,
Michael Parsons, Laura Taylor and me.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
An incredible uh achievement to start your career. Also incredible
dexterity to keep giving guys like you know, dap them
up as they're walking while you're doing the interview.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
You're also the first person ever do that on.

Speaker 9 (13:04):
This is the certain places I don't I don't really
get to see too much so when I see him.

Speaker 6 (13:09):
Yeah, one of my all time favorite bikes. I didn
want to ask you about the All Press, Like, what
do you think you did this year specifically, maybe different
than your rookie year and that set you apart where
you got the nod over some great players like well
Jerry Steve didn't get it. He's in this game, Charvaris.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
We didn't get it.

Speaker 7 (13:26):
Daily Scops didn't get it. What did you do that
put you?

Speaker 3 (13:28):
You ahead?

Speaker 9 (13:30):
Just dominating? You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 3 (13:32):
Yeah, Greg, different, No, that's simple.

Speaker 9 (13:35):
Different when you dominated, you know what I mean.

Speaker 7 (13:37):
But you gotta added things to your game from your first.

Speaker 9 (13:40):
No, it does I do. I'm still finding ways to
get better, you know, still find ways to get better
for sure.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
Hey, before we say goodbye.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
One of our favorite segments with guests, we really get
to know them as a little game. We call eight
o'clock to Delight. It's a speed round, first thing that
comes to your mind, and then we'll say goodbye.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
Hit it.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Eric the producer, Spring or Fall, m Fall, Jersey Shore
or the Hamptons, Jersey, Tarantino or Sor I don't know
who that is, jay z or Nas jay Z Capel
or Kevin.

Speaker 3 (14:13):
Hart friend.

Speaker 9 (14:18):

Speaker 3 (14:19):
Are we alone in the universe?

Speaker 9 (14:23):
Are we hello? Are we alone?

Speaker 8 (14:24):

Speaker 3 (14:24):
Are there alien in this?

Speaker 9 (14:26):
I don't know? No? No, yes, let me say yes,
because I don't want an alien to pop up, you
know what I mean? Sometimes you gotta believe in stuff
so they don't, you know, come and chill the taser
believe The Jets switch to the throwback jerseys full time.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
I mean, come on right.

Speaker 9 (14:44):
I like that, but I do think we should have
got some new ones and never line.

Speaker 7 (14:49):
I like that.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
Where's your defensive Brookie of the Year award? Right now
at home in my game room?

Speaker 2 (14:55):
Favorite ice cream flavor Strawberry. What's the movie or TV
series you've reword watch the most? I don't rewatch TV
series interesting?

Speaker 3 (15:04):
Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes, we'll get back
to that.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Minigoal for play a team. Do the Yankees have enough
starting pitcher depth? I have my doubts.

Speaker 9 (15:15):
I haven't got to watch the Yankees, but I'm huge
fans of them.

Speaker 3 (15:19):
All right.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Pineapp pineapples are pizza on pizza. Yeah your nag I
had it before it and is good. But no, are
people inherently decent?

Speaker 9 (15:28):
People? Inherent me?

Speaker 3 (15:30):

Speaker 2 (15:30):
There are people good at their heart?

Speaker 9 (15:33):

Speaker 3 (15:34):

Speaker 2 (15:35):
And the final oh would you try? And would your time.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
Travel if you could? Is it backwards or.

Speaker 8 (15:46):

Speaker 3 (15:47):

Speaker 2 (15:47):
And finally, this one's from my dad, Keith, who's been
a jet spent since the name of days.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
Who is the toughest receiver to cover in the NFL?

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Right, I don't know.

Speaker 9 (15:56):
I can't have some. I can't. It's not just one
because you got them all down. I can't just quote one.
I had the name multiple?

Speaker 7 (16:03):
Do I name one name?

Speaker 3 (16:04):

Speaker 9 (16:05):
You got tyree? The farm there a lot, Okay, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
They don't have a chance that the great Sauce Gardner saus.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
I can't wait.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Next year, We're not going to be able to do
this because you're gonna be playing in the Super Bowl.
But the year after that, or maybe a couple of
years down the line, we'll do this again. Thank you
very much for having us, and have a great super
Bowl weekend.

Speaker 9 (16:29):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
All Right, there here goes a Sauce Gardner.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
I'll tell you what I already do use that particular carrier,
phone carrier.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
But you would have been convinced I might sign up
again after Yeah, I think well, he's made it clear
that the vast majority of NFL players, coaches, and fans
use it, so.

Speaker 6 (16:49):
Well, he's only he's not wrong. I do not have
a second phone. I have my NFL official phones that
we have no choice. He doesn't have a burner, A
beautiful it's a beautiful thing.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Hey, you don't got no burner? No, that's good.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
It always makes me suspicious to the peoples, like you
don't have a second was like, what's going on in
your second film?

Speaker 2 (17:05):
I think the same thing, but people look at us
like we're crazy. Anyway, that was good with Sauce. I
wouldn't say that I now feel better. The cell about
why things are going to be okay really boiled down
to really what the Jets party line is, which is, well,
Aaron's back and maybe that will be enough.

Speaker 3 (17:23):
Maybe I don't know.

Speaker 6 (17:26):
I think Sauce is like what more do I need
to do? I don't think he's the one going to
be making the like huge speech before.

Speaker 7 (17:33):
It's not his spot.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
Just why don't you guys be as excellent as me
and then we can be somewhere right.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Like, yeah, you go get a couple of right tackles,
get another receiver and then let's see if we can
not fall apart in horrific fashion. All right, we are
just getting warmed up. We're going to take a break
and when we come back, friend of the show Extraordinariy
will join us. Welcome back, so scheduled guest Nick Shook.

But Nick has run into some issues with getting through
the masses and into radio row, so we do have
a fallback plan.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Sitting to my right is Dave.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
Ealy, news Editor, Chief news Editor NFL Media. Luckless in love,
but a good man with a good heart. Dave, Welcome
back to around the.

Speaker 8 (18:27):
NFL and also bald. So I feel like I'm covering
for Shock as well. I noticed you push the mic.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
Up higher I got here, so I appreciate that. So
not quite Nick, but I feel like you can fill in.

Speaker 4 (18:36):
I was approaching from a distance in saw a bald
and white and I thought, well, that must be Shook,
and then I realized just seeing the dimensions, and I'm
not a tall person, so it's no knock on you.
That is absolutely not Nick Shook. But what is happening
in your in your love life?

Speaker 3 (18:50):

Speaker 5 (18:51):
I I want an update.

Speaker 8 (18:52):
We've only got a couple of minutes here. Wow, so
we're just diving right to do it. I know, I
knew we were not going to taugh football. Well, ka,
before we get to that, I just want to give
a little background. So I ran into Ely yesterday last night.
That's called the NFL House.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
They invite all NFL Network and NFL media and NFL
New York Office employees and uk UH to a venue
and it's it's a nice scene. There was there was bowling,
there were there was booze food, all that good stuff.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
You know, zuzzer.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
We had We had a meeting with some iHeart people.
I had a couple of Tito's. Then we go to
this event. I meet up with Handsome Hank and you know,
I have a couple more. Then Dave rolls over with
his posse, Dave and the Dave posse, and you know,
you know how Dave does. Dave starts going to Dave.
Dave's gonna Dave. Dave's one hundred percent Dave. And that's

what we love about Ely.

Speaker 7 (19:41):
Got to be Dave.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
You know, all of a sudden, we have a conversation
that I didn't recall until this morning, and I get
a text about all right, So when am I coming
on the show, and I had I had.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
I had apparently agreed to have Dave.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
On today's show, and then I had to let him
know the bad news that Nick Shook who just walked by.
So you're about to get bumped again, uh la. Later
in the night, I contacted chuk Or Shook contacted me
and he took your spot. But because Nick was late,
you are now here to talk about anything you want.

Speaker 8 (20:12):
I mean, I thank you for letting me talk after
what felt like a two minute introduction to go back
to what was just to let you know. But yeah,
Dan did agree around ten o'clock last night to have
me on. Had no idea what he was talking about.
When I texted him this morning and it was great.
I did say, like, I guess, promises from ten pm
at open bars don't mean anything.

Speaker 11 (20:30):

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Yeah, I kind of apologized. I wasn't blackout drunk. I
just didn't remember the conversation very well. It kind of
came and went and didn't stick around.

Speaker 6 (20:38):
And it's like any scheduling with talk Talk with Dan
just assume he'll never remember it.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
Yeah, I guess, so whatever.

Speaker 8 (20:46):
Yeah, the floor's mind.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
The floor was yours because Shook's here now.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
But I just want to say we've been kicking around
some ideas for off season shows, and the idea of
you know, finding ilia Mate would be I'll be near
the top of the list for like a spinoff summer show.

Speaker 5 (21:03):
Yeah, I think we'll wait till then for that update.

Speaker 8 (21:04):
I don't love finding ilia Mate as like the name
of the show, but I think maybe we could workshop that.

Speaker 6 (21:10):
But yeah, how are things going? Because you're going full
full Dave that the shirt you guys have said.

Speaker 8 (21:15):
You guys have said full Dave so much, I'm not
just quite sure what that means. Maybe i'll take that
answer off the air mark. Things are going fine in
the love life department. I'm still single, but you know what,
it's a jury.

Speaker 6 (21:26):
Those are two different things, right, So there's the options.
You could go like half day, you go three quarters Dave.
You've chosen to go full.

Speaker 7 (21:32):
Day to.

Speaker 5 (21:34):
Love that.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
I think we've reached.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
The Yeah, so we Dave, we have we have to
bump you, not unlike how your college sweetheart had to
bump you from her long term life plans and can
didn't dive on that fumble and fifty Yeah, so thank
you for joining us a.

Speaker 7 (21:51):
Super Bowl prediction really fast.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
No, I don't think so.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
All right, thanks, thank you Dave for there he goes
Dave Elee.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
That was a good appearance.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
I thought, by Dave, we're just gonna keep rolling.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
I love that feel. One of his best was that?
Was that the best Eely performance?

Speaker 5 (22:08):
I don't know, it was pristine, it was, you know, concise.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Come on, Nick, and now another bal Dwhite rolls over,
this one different than the last.

Speaker 7 (22:17):
Also bearded, different stature.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
Here you go sitting down.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
With us now is none other than man, you're trying
to get this pipe. Oh we got this pipe? Nick
Shook now sits down with us. Yeah, and apparently Eli's short.
He gause, this thing's way down here.

Speaker 3 (22:36):
EALI taking some fire here. We love Dave.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
He's one hundred percent Dave Shooky. So here's a great story.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Was Shook.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
So last night I'm coming back from the hotel after
I had agreed to have Dave on the show, and
Shook hits me up and says, I'm at the hotel
bar and you're not gonna believe this, but what.

Speaker 10 (22:58):
The pipe was within five to ten feet? Yeah, we're
a little wobbly here. Of the pipe God, the namesake
himself was right there, and I was frozen in time.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
I was actually gonna go somewhere else. I saw him.

Speaker 10 (23:10):
I was like, I can't leave, and then I was
trying to muster up the courage. Wait, who is this Jr.

Speaker 2 (23:15):

Speaker 3 (23:16):

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Smith, the former Calves Nicks enter, probably five other teams.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Great, who you know?

Speaker 2 (23:24):
He is the He is the original pipe And to
see so two pipes in the same bar, right next
to each other, feels dangerous.

Speaker 3 (23:31):
I never talked to him. I chickened out. I blew it.

Speaker 10 (23:35):
Why Nick, I don't want to be that guy who's like, hey,
can I get a picture?

Speaker 7 (23:40):
You might need to do that, but you can just
strike up a conversation.

Speaker 10 (23:43):
Well, the problem is I would have walked up and
been like I was in downtown Cleveland for Game seven
and twenty sixteen.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
You're my second.

Speaker 10 (23:48):
Favorite Cavaliet, like I would have just exploded with adoration.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
Would have been bad. It's like, how come you to
know what the score was the year after that? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (23:55):
No, that would have been a bad one. That's George
Hill's fault anyway, So Chooky, you are our boots on
the ground, and thank you, because it's great to have
someone here that is covering the teams. You're covering the
Niners for NFL dot Com. Check out everything that Chook's
writing up over there. What is your like overall vibe
about what's.

Speaker 10 (24:14):
Going on around the NFC champions Well, everybody likes to
talk about the rematch, but that was four years ago,
and the Niners have been pretty quick to point out
that was four years ago.

Speaker 2 (24:21):
A lot of things are different.

Speaker 10 (24:23):
But one thing that those returning players who were on
that team have repeatedly said, there's two One is talent
won't win this game, and whoever executes will win this game,
who plays better. And the other one is they're all
bent on washing away that feeling of losing. And you
even had a guy like Javon Hargrave, who lost the
Super Bowl last year to the Chiefs, same thing.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
We don't want to feel the same way we did
the last time we got to the end of this game.

Speaker 10 (24:45):
I mean.

Speaker 4 (24:46):
So, the one feeling I get from the Chiefs is
that you know, they've been here so many times, so
many of the same players, Like there's this calm and
ease and a sense of like we're just gonna do
this and we're not concerned or isn't fear like do
the Niners have because they I'd been up the upper
echelon too. Do you sense that they also go in
with that kind of calmness and serenity or do they

Is there a little more pressure on them?

Speaker 2 (25:09):

Speaker 10 (25:09):
I think actually I feel like they're not operating with
very much pressure. There is a professionalism, a bit of it.
We've been here before. What it is is there's less
of a circus. You're still getting those you know, off
the wall questions and everything else, but it's not it
like it was if you followed a team that had
been there for the first time in many years, and
they're all really just happy to be here. They know
the task at hand and what they have to do,

and they also know that the challenge is very great
and that this is a team that you know in
the chiefs that people have not beaten in the last
few times that they've been in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 6 (25:36):
I hesitate to get too deep into the psychology of
the team, because, look, it's it's fifty three players. It's
forty five players on game day, and it's just a.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
Couple you don't believe in momentum things like I'm just saying.

Speaker 6 (25:48):
Like, it's very hard We've found this over the years
to figure out which team is gonna play well based on.

Speaker 7 (25:54):
How they act during the week.

Speaker 6 (25:57):
But I do think there is something the forty nine
ers potentially that they got over the hump in the
NFC and games they were expected to win in games
they didn't play well. I don't know whether to take
that as like, Okay, they got past that, and you're
right now they're in the biggest.

Speaker 7 (26:14):
Moment of their life.

Speaker 6 (26:14):
They got to it, and it's somehow almost a release
to get past it, or to be more focused on
the fact but to keep hitting, which is that their
last three big games, yeah, they played not They didn't
play to their best abilities, certainly on defense but even
offensively in two or parts of all three of those games,
they weren't at their very best.

Speaker 10 (26:35):
Yeah, that could go two ways. You could either say, look,
we haven't even played well. We're playing with house money.
You know, imagine if we actually put together a good
game and do what we're supposed to do for four quarters,
we should be able to win against anybody. But on
the flip side, you also have that fear in the
back of your mind of what if we lay out
another clunker and this time we can't come back, we
can't overcome the hole that we've dug ourselves in the
first half. And that's gonna be the big test, because
they're facing a team that has plenty of experience and

knows exactly how to win these games.

Speaker 3 (26:59):
And if you think about.

Speaker 10 (27:00):
The psychology all the way back to Super Bowl fifty four,
they were in a great spot to win that game
before it all fell apart.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
Sure, so they have to avoid that as well.

Speaker 6 (27:07):
It didn't used to be a thing that there was
a ten point come back in the fourth quarter of
a Super Bowl. The Patriots against the c X were
actually the very first, and then it happened a ton since.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
I mean, if he h's Manny Sanders Jimmy g it's
a whole different story in that game. And the question
for me part of this matchup is we've all been
impressed by the Chief's ability to just kind of turn
it on and get to this point. But even you know,
when you look at the game by game here, there's
still not the old Chiefs in terms of offense. And

I'm wondering San Francisco's defense has been pretty disappointing down
the stretch. I've been able to get by even with
the struggles. How do you like the game from a
matchup standpoint, Let's like focusing in more on the secondary
and the coverage against the Chiefs wide receivers, and of
course there's Kelsey, but like the ability to keep MBS
from making the play that he's made the last couple

weeks to really open up and and give the Chiefs
that extra dimension that they've lacked so so much this season.

Speaker 10 (28:03):
Yeah, I think it's really important that you point out,
which you just did, that this is not the Chiefs
team that we came to know a few years ago.
They're not the super explosive team that they used to be.
I think about that one hallmark play from fifty four
Jet Chip Wasp where Tyreek gets open and Mahomes has
enough time to run that play and it's a game changer.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
That's not this team anymore. They don't do that anymore.

Speaker 10 (28:20):
Mahomes is best in zero to ten air yards and
the short pass is getting the ball out. So it's
gonna be hard to kind of compare the two different situations.
But if I assign confidence points because you look at it.
I mean, nobody really knows which way this game is
going to go. It's not like there's a heavy favorite
in either way. But if I assigned confidence points of
it and try to make sense of it, I feel
the best about the Chiefs defense. I feel okay at

best about the Chiefs offense. I feel all right about
the Niners offense, especially if they get their momentum rolling,
which I know you don't believe in, Greg, but we're
going to talk about it anyway. And then the Niners
defense they're talking about day have effort issues this week,
that's concerning. So that's the unit I have the least
confidence in. So I do still kind of side with
the Chiefs.

Speaker 2 (28:58):
Yeah, we talked about that the thing and how that
just that word, it's a it's an ugly little word
is being thrown around. And is there a reality here
where that their defense collapses here and with Mahomes leveling
up and all of a sudden, Kelsey goes eleven for
one seventy four and two touchdowns and it's another red
and yellow confetti day. I think that's certainly possibility if

you just look at the trending nature of the two teams.

Speaker 4 (29:22):
There's another world where like that being told about your players,
like maybe writes the ship and like, but again we
don't know how that actually works behind the scenes. But
I do like the fact that, like the Chiefs are
a defense that has been consistent. They're playing their best,
Like they've allowed the fewest yards after the catch of
any team in the league. That matters with against the Niners,
that matters against Deebo Samuel.

Speaker 5 (29:43):
And it's a team that has gotten to the quarterback.

Speaker 4 (29:46):
And if you can get it, you know, Carloftis and
Jones into brock Perty's.

Speaker 5 (29:50):
Bee house, I think you've got a bee high b
house whatever.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
It'd be like, No, you had it right the first time.
It's a bee house.

Speaker 4 (29:57):
It's one of those things you make doesn't really make
sense ether if you make him uncomfortable. I mean, like,
I think that when brock Perty's made mistakes, that's that's
been a big factory mahomes is when he's thrown multiple interceptions,
he's overcome that, Yeah, and they still won the game.
It's like that who is party is in a different
world when the mistakes start to occur.

Speaker 6 (30:15):
Yeah, I hate Keisha just called me live on the show,
and I just thought this could be a chance for
Lakeisha Westling to just like join the program. Now you're
live on the NFL. Uh the Around the NFL podcast, Keisha?

Speaker 3 (30:27):
Right now?

Speaker 6 (30:28):
Okay, okay, love you talk later.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
Who's winning the game? Al Keisha, give us a score.

Speaker 7 (30:40):
And you gotta get over that.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
I would say, I'm gonna.

Speaker 7 (30:49):
Okay, that's all the analysis we need.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
Jeeves, Man, there it is, See you next week.

Speaker 7 (30:55):
Doctor later.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Was nice.

Speaker 6 (30:57):
I just just felt like that would be nice to
get her out.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Yeah, set back to the cess dog point sess what
you're saying, good year, No, it's.

Speaker 5 (31:05):
What we're saying, if you can.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
Just because I found it interesting that you had brock
Purty at number seven in your QB Index and down
at number nine was Mahomes And that flips the script
from what some people think how this will play.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
Out who these quarterbacks are.

Speaker 10 (31:19):
But really, I got one more season, I got one
more shot comes out next one.

Speaker 6 (31:23):
Well here's the thing, though, like you said, you're only
so confident in the in the chiefs offense, Like I'm
really impressed with what they've done throughout the playoffs. I
mean they were fantastic, and that's all that matters to
me at this point. They were fantastic against the Bills,
they were excellent I think overall against the Dolphins, and
they did show some vulnerability against the Ravens in the
back half of that game where the blitz really affected

Mahomes in a negative way. But I did think that
the game script was a big part of that. I mean,
they were throwing way short of the sticks on third
down with a lead and being extremely conservative, and so
that that's actually one of my big questions of this game.
It's weird to say, but like, how aggressive will Patrick
Mahomes be? Because I tend to think Steve Wilks is
gonna look at that and he's gonna take some chances.

It's not like they're just gonna be sitting back there
in a shell coverage or anything. They're gonna go for
some situations where they leave their guys in one on
one situations. And will we get a little more of
an aggressive Patrick Mahomes instead of just the taking a
profit Patrick.

Speaker 10 (32:25):
Yeah, I think that's the only way that you get
an early control of this game, because you cannot afford
to do what the Ravens allowed themselves the position that
they got into in that game, which is Andy Reid's
opening script basically worked to near perfection. The Chiefs dominated
time of possession, they got the stops on defense, they
had control of that game before the Ravens were able
to adjust and shut down that offense.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
So the fort Ninders have to take it to them.

Speaker 10 (32:45):
They have to do what the Ravens do in the
second half early and then playoff the adjustments from there.
But I think, you know, even back to your point, Mark,
what you said about brock Perdy is incredibly important to
the value of Christian McCaffrey to this game, and I
think Isaiah Pacheco as well. I think the running game
is gonna factor way more into this than we're probably
talking about, because.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
Of course it's a quarterback driven league.

Speaker 10 (33:04):
But I think if McCaffrey ends up making the impact
on the groundbreaking tackles, you know, picking up extra yards
and that sort of thing, that'll keep this offensive float
against the Chiefs defense. It's done a really good job
of womiting opposing quarterbacks. So even if perty's not on,
if you can rely on McCaffrey heavily, then they'll have
a fighting chance or even more than a fighting chance.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
And the side, I mean, the idea of McCaffrey getting
what twenty five, twenty seven, thirty touches, it's all it's
in play because they you know, he's so incredible, and.

Speaker 3 (33:31):
I just I love watching that guy play.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
You know, no one hearns just a zero to three
yard gain or a seven to twelve yard gain like him.
And he's I think almost it's a little under the
radar like hit. His ability to maybe just go off
and have you know, like that Marcus Allen type Super
Bowl game, like that's certainly something I'm thinking about when
I'm trying to decide who's gonna win this game.

Speaker 3 (33:55):

Speaker 2 (33:55):
One other thing, like kind of circling back to Mahomes,
who's been so good as a scrambler, and he's healthy
this year. There's another bad ankle that he had in
the playoffs last year. You know, Ken the Niners this
you know the last time these teams played, which again
is ancient history, but they did a nice job for

most of that game messing with Mahomes and then he
got loose and they had that nice comeback obviously to win.
That are they gonna be able to keep Mahomes in
check because that is the part of his game. Because
he can't beat you deep in as much anymore. He's
still an assassin inside the short yardage. But it's those
runs that are ripping the hearts out, Like how the

Niners do they have the personality think to handle that.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
Keep them chan It's the runs, it's the extension of
the plays.

Speaker 10 (34:43):
It's not even that he has to cross the line
of scrimmage, but just buy more time to throw. I mean,
I looked at that third and five that they converted
against Baltimore early in that game, where Travis Kelsey essentially
ran a route that was equivalent to when you take
your kid to a diner and you get the kids
menu and it's a piece of paper and they give
him crams and he just starts scribbling like that was
the route that he ran, and they pulled it off
with an incredible complete That's the.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Stuff you really have to worry about.

Speaker 10 (35:02):
If you're worried about him actually getting out and running,
you're in deep trouble. They do have the personnel for that, obviously.
Fred Warner is a great linebacker all around, and he's
good in coverage and he's fast enough, but he's not
necessarily the eraser of a mobile quarterback that you might
expect him to.

Speaker 11 (35:15):
Be, or one You're not gonna put a spy on Mahomes, right,
He's not that. Yeah, but if you can take away
his scramble and you already know the personnel they don't
really have that deep game, then maybe you're in business.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
It's just it's an interesting see how combat it.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
It seems like Mahomes also because it's it's plays breaking down,
it's out of pocket stuff, and he knows exactly when
to go and where to go, and he leads the
league in first downs on the ground. And like you
think of other quarterbacks that Josh Allens is being like
more dangerous on Tara Firma, But it is Mahomes that,
like in these huge moments last year and this year,
have done it with his feet when in the most

critical third down moments and big yardish moments.

Speaker 2 (35:51):
I thought of it, by the way, not not beehive,
it's kitchen.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
It's the I'm using beehive because he's back in this
area where all these like enemies and things that can
sting you were.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Moving a horns nest and war the bolts are flying.

Speaker 5 (36:05):
I mean, creating a new term.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
I didn't know the kitchen.

Speaker 7 (36:09):
It just came to me.

Speaker 4 (36:09):
I mean obviously I went down a path that was
you know, needed a little honeycomb.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
I like that. That's a little workshop.

Speaker 6 (36:17):
It feels like a sweet I do remember, you know
when my cousin hit that beehive when we were back
in the forest just looking looking back there when I
was ten years old, and he didn't know he was
swatting a beehive and it's not what you wanted to do.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
And he got he got stung by He.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
Don't give me a yeah.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
I wanted to say that's yes.

Speaker 6 (36:33):
But it really happened. And he got talking about twenty
seven times. I got like two or three. My other
cousin got three.

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Can run outside the funeral home and dan ackro after you.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
We just sprinted back.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
I has no idea what we're talking about.

Speaker 4 (36:44):
Escapes again, just two beast things. Twenty six for the cousin.

Speaker 7 (36:47):
Well, he's the one that hit it.

Speaker 6 (36:49):
So like you know, my running ability was a big
factor that that game pushed back. And yeah, I do
think the coach, the coaches with the willingness to stick
with the run is a big deal. The most memorable,
one of the most memorable moments of that AFC Championship
game to me was when the Chiefs got to the

six yard line in the second quarter and they just
ran two inside runs in a row, a four yard
run for Pacheco to the two and then a two
yard run for a touchdown. It I was like, when
was the last time we've ever seen the Chiefs do that?
The second run was against ten men in the box. Yeah,
there's like, oh, you can't ruin the books against eight.
It's like you can if you're if you want to,
if you're a good running team.

Speaker 7 (37:30):
They did it.

Speaker 6 (37:31):
And I think both of these teams, when you look
at the opposing off defense, is that's the vulnerability. So
Shanahan might have some regrets of how he handled his
play calling in the Falcons Patriots Super Bowl. Reid's been
knocked plenty for not sticking with it, and so I
think that's just one issue, like who can just be
comfortable and stay with it because we know these quarterbacks

they just refuse to get sacked.

Speaker 7 (37:55):
So it's tempting to just throw the ball all the time.
But I think that's the way you attacked it.

Speaker 10 (37:59):
I mean that even marks a change from last year's
Super Bowl when the Chiefs got down on the goal
line and they ran the same play in opposite directions
and one of them was the wrong formation and still worked,
and they scored two touchdowns that way. Like they didn't
do that this time around. They trusted the run game.
It's a bit of a throwback. That's them adjusting to
the fact that they know they might not have the
personnel to pull off what they were able to pull off.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
In previous years.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
One weird like they did play a year ago in
the regular season and there's some connected tissue and some
of it does not connect. But Chiefs forty four, forty
nine Ers twenty three. The Chiefs ripped off six touchdowns
on seven drives and it was close, but then the
Chiefs went nuts at the end in the game. And
that game, in the final three minutes is when brock
perty entered to throw his first NFL passes are again.

Speaker 7 (38:38):
I like that that was kind of peak.

Speaker 3 (38:41):
Did you know it was also Christian McCaffrey's first game
as a Niner.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
And did you know that Damn Darnold is the first
quarterback in the class of twenty eighteen to make the
Super Bowl.

Speaker 10 (38:48):
Okay, but now is that a backhanded shot at Baker Mayfield.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
Well, I saw that yesterday.

Speaker 5 (38:54):
Ye ain't here the probo MVP.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
Sammy look confident? Does he look ready to go in
if if h Brock fails? Sam he looks content? He
was like Teddy Bridgewater on the sideline for the lines.
He's like, don't put me and.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
I'm good cool, I'm just happy to be here.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Chook. Here we go.

Speaker 2 (39:09):
It's time for the Game of the Week, presented by DraftKings, and.

Speaker 7 (39:12):
I you know what should we choose?

Speaker 3 (39:15):
Well, I don't know. It's it's up.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
There is no Pro Bowl game per se, but the
kick Tac toe is pretty elite. Yeah, but we're gonna
go with Super Bowl fifty eight.

Speaker 3 (39:26):
What do you think? Give us your pick?

Speaker 6 (39:28):
I thought I was Niners favored by two moneyline minus that.

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Movement a little bit out of the tic tac zone
as they say, Oh, look.

Speaker 10 (39:39):
I talked about confidence points earlier, and that's really what
I tried.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
To use to come to a conclusion on this. And
I don't like to be the guy who's like they'd
been here a million times. So they're definitely gonna be better,
and that.

Speaker 10 (39:52):
Means you're gonna be But I'm kind of be that
guy because look, the Chiefs offense was terrible for most
of the season. They we had glimpses, and they weren't
good until the playoffs. Like you said, Greg, that's all
that matters. I feel confident enough in them that if
they find themselves in a situation where it's twenty to
twenty three, they're trailing by three, it's the fourth quarter,
and Patrick Mahomes as the ball and he authors a

couple of signature moments and they score a go ahead
touchdown and it's Isaiah Pacheco running it in from seven
or eight yards out, and it's twenty seven to twenty three.

Speaker 3 (40:24):
Chiefs. Over the nights, they do it again.

Speaker 7 (40:26):
They get it.

Speaker 3 (40:27):
I'm struggling with my pick.

Speaker 2 (40:28):
We're gonna make the rest of the heroes are gonna
pick on Friday's program, And uh, you just gave me
a lot.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
To think about.

Speaker 2 (40:36):
SHUCKI shoogy what you got going on the rest of
this weekend?

Speaker 3 (40:38):
Soup? You got friends coming in? Anybody, Yeah, we're gonna have.

Speaker 10 (40:41):
Friends coming in, But we uh, we got some more
coverage to finish up today.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
We got some stuff is up Tomorrow.

Speaker 10 (40:46):
We're gonna go head over to the Madden Bowl and
watch the top two Madden competitors who are also best
friends face off for the final championship game of their
competitive series.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
Baby best friends. Yeah, this is like when the Mega
Powers exploded.

Speaker 3 (40:57):
Macho ma.

Speaker 7 (40:58):
They're not NFL players anymore, the Madden Ball.

Speaker 10 (41:00):
Oh no, no, no, no, it's all like highly competitive
esports kids. Greggie, come on, stupid good I've played them
and they have destroyed me.

Speaker 6 (41:09):
I mean, I you know you don't need to come
after me for my Madden bona fides. I covered the
Madden Bowl in two thousand and eight for Patriots Giants,
and it's just like it was the other guy at
a bar. Yeah, it wasn't that big of a party
and you got to sat down and do segments with
I did a segment with Marshall Lynch. Wally played Madden
in the Madden Bowl. So don't come at me with

my Madden Bowl bona fides.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Apparently you've you've put me in my place, and you're
going to be at the Madden party as well.

Speaker 10 (41:37):
Yeah, I'm to stop by there on Friday, stop by
you know weapons.

Speaker 2 (41:41):
If Killer Mike gets out of jail, we're gonna be
able to Yeah.

Speaker 7 (41:46):
He's not he's out, never was in jail, just arrested.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
But the pr Greg Rosenthal, I'm just I like.

Speaker 6 (41:51):
To be factual. I like to double the double source
my facts.

Speaker 7 (41:55):
Maybe you've gotten a little loose.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
With your Was he in jail?

Speaker 3 (41:58):
No, yes he was, he was the aimed.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
That's actually jail.

Speaker 3 (42:02):
Are you in jail in the back of the police car?

Speaker 5 (42:03):
On prison, you're tangling with the law though he was
a cow.

Speaker 10 (42:08):
Words matter else, words matter, No, that's it. Words matter,
And I'm happy to be here, happy to sit down.

Speaker 2 (42:19):
This is great.

Speaker 3 (42:20):
We've done it remotely all year. I love being in person.

Speaker 2 (42:22):
Yes, I was texting with the boys earlier that you're
such an important part of our show every season on
the Flagship Sunday program. So to be able to reunite
in person and see the pipe up close by the way,
you don't have.

Speaker 5 (42:34):
To cover Falcons bucks this time. You got a real game.

Speaker 3 (42:37):
The game of the week, not the f tier game.
Eightier eightier baby, because there's only one left.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Chokie back into the the huddled masses.

Speaker 3 (42:46):
You go, I'm gonna go fight my way out here.
It took me allow to get down here.

Speaker 9 (42:49):
All right.

Speaker 2 (42:49):
And uh and don't you know, don't let Eely because
Eely was throwing you under the bus a little bit.
He said, oh he turned the wrong way, and let
him know that.

Speaker 3 (43:00):

Speaker 2 (43:01):
I was right outside.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
Had to walk all it down and around and upstairs.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
So just so you know next time you see him
that sometimes you know he's he's not looking out for
your best interest. So maybe if you have to say
something face to face, this is the time for that.

Speaker 10 (43:11):
Is you know that that's a bald on bald betrayal.
And I'm gonna have a long that's a hard thought
think about that. Yeah, all right, very nice, Thank you,
Nick Schuck. We'll take a break and we'll be back.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
With the Mad Dog.

Speaker 1 (43:23):
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Speaker 7 (43:55):
Wow. Wow, wow, you saw that at me? There's thirty
years ago. Oh my, I think that's a deep cut.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
Yes, and of course that is the voice of the
great Chris mad Dog Russo. I stumbled upon on YouTube
a clip of all the different stings from the old
place of work, and I was looking for the one
specific one that starts with Beware of the Dog, which
didn't get as much run.

Speaker 7 (44:15):
You're right, it was a little bit like probably didn't
like that one.

Speaker 3 (44:17):
We were were yeah, of.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
Course, we were just talking about you went to see
you two, and I was talking about I'm a big fan,
and they're playing some deep cuts. That would be the
deep cut of the w FA.

Speaker 7 (44:27):
You have to be a pretty big fan to know
the Beware the Dog was brought it out jingle that
is again that has to be at least twenty twenty
five years old.

Speaker 6 (44:35):
Oh that you found And I haven't seen Mark's face
glow like that all week. You really cured mark sickness
just by playing yea, yeah, i'ven't been feeling well Mark
Mark line, but I.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
Would say that you know, it brings me the max
to a childhood innocence.

Speaker 7 (44:48):
It's wonderful. So thank you, very good. Good to be
with you guys again. So good and I'm.

Speaker 2 (44:52):
Doing We're doing great, Chris, because like and everyone now
was talking about the Russo third act and everything we've
been even the there was the first act better well, no, well,
the there is a nostalgia factor. But I think we're all,
as fans of yours, just so pumped up to see this.
And I'm curious. I'm curious from a like a fame standpoint,
because you know the you know the business better than anyone,

like terrestrial radio. Back in the day w f AN,
everyone was listening to you and the dog, and I'm
sure you were gonna go out in public with that people.
But now you're on this national platform, like are you
more famous? You get recognized more now than you did
in nineteen ninety.

Speaker 7 (45:31):
I know, I yes, I try not to make too
big a deal about it, but you do notice it.
From a first take standpoint, there's much more notoriety. I
do a lot of things on first take that have
been doing forever on the radio, and nobody's say anything
forever on the radio, And I'm as an example, you know,
the example would be play a shut up and play

the game shut up and play. I said that a
million times, really Steve really my and then I've said
that a thousand times. There is a lot of them.
You know my old sayings, you know my rants, you
know the pauses, you know I used to I probably
put the pregnant pause in there. There's a lot of

little examples which I've always I'm using now that I've
always used and now people, wow, look at that. I've
never heard of somebody do that before. Donut since nineteen
eighty nine. Right of course, now they've picked up on it.
Saw's resort, you get noticed a loumit bore.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
Chris mad Dog rus So headlines the Mad Dog Sports
Radio channel and Sirius XM, and hosts the channel's anchor program,
Mad Dog Unleashed weekdays three pm Eastern, two pm Central
noon Pacific. You can also see him on an MLB
network's High Heat. And of course, as you just said
ESPN's first take, I think when I kind of watched
the arc of the Russo career, which is now like,

let's be honest, you want to talk about like Mount
rushmore like in terms of longevity and you are at
a high level. I think what surprises people? And I think, Mark,
what makes Chris have the successes.

Speaker 3 (46:59):
You're so real. That is who you are people people are.

Speaker 2 (47:02):
It's authentic, and the authenticity especially in not to take
any shots, it's like that genre. There's so much of
it is at play acting and you're saying things you
maybe don't believe. But I know when when you're you're
faced up on the camera like Bono on the Zoo
TV tour, like you are being yourself, I think that
really matters. And like when we talk about the announcers

like Romo when he had his big rise and Olsen
who gets a lot of pop outs because they authentically
love the game, and you hear that as well. You
can't fake that.

Speaker 7 (47:31):
Stuff now one hundred percent. The gummies is a perfect example.
I say that gummies and that's not embellishing it. The
gummies are real and you say that people. It's relatable
to people. And I think that is probably the key
to this little run here is the fact that I
say things that the average person wishes he could say
or do, and I say it for them, and I
say things that they're uncharacteristically they don't then necessarily listen to.

Speaker 10 (47:55):

Speaker 7 (47:55):
I said that on F A N and I said
that on Sirius for one hundred years now, I say
eight on the TV. It gets virus viral, it gets
the clips and if you get involved with ESPN, you
get in that machine and they churn it out so
they you can't miss it. But not Gummys before first day, No, no,
definitely not. You have to be contract I don't care

any you have to be sharp to be you can't.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
Work at NFL network. And I love he's a great kid.
The Mali expression or whoever else you're with us, whether
Steven a Smith are just.

Speaker 7 (48:29):
Like they look at me really Christmas. But you're gonna say, now,
I've gotten in jubble a couple of times. But they
for the most part allow you to do what you
want to do. And you know, the other key to
the whole thing relatedbile relatability is one passions the other thing,
you know, I still enjoy it. You know, I still
love watching the game, and I watched the games regardless

of working or not. I would still watch the games.
That's a big factory.

Speaker 4 (48:52):
Like before we get into this game, there was an
incredible rant that you had a couple of weeks ago
coming out of the Chiefs RAVENSFC title lost for Baltimore,
where you know, like Greg is part of what you'd
call the Lamar me and a lot of people see
him as like the MVP, and I see that. I
grew up a Browns fan, so I have some issues
with the Ravens to begin with. But that experience in

that playoff game with Lamar Jackson, you seemed irked by
what happened there, and I thought you spoke from the heart,
and it's like, I think you connected with me in
my own I rate anger about the whole thing and
how the season ended up for the Ravens.

Speaker 7 (49:26):
Let's go that's funny too. I thought you were gonna
say Campbell because I did that thing with the field
goals with him, which got a lot.

Speaker 2 (49:32):
Of you're right.

Speaker 3 (49:34):

Speaker 7 (49:34):
The thing that bother me about Lamar is, remember I work.
When you work on an ESPN, they oh love Lamar.
He's the greatest thing in the world. And he had
won two playoff games. So I will go the exact
contrast to that, because I want to say, oh no, no,
let's not put him in. When Shannon Sharp said, you know,
he wins this Super Bowl, he's going to be one
of the all time greats. Shannon take it easy. First off,

he hasn't won the two games yet. And you know
he has one Super Bowl? Does it make it one
of the he has quarterbacks of all time? And then
he lays an egg. He no, Listen, they had a
lot of issues in that game. He wasn't all of it.
They flowers fumbled, they were on discipline, the charger the
chief scored first possession, so it wasn't all him. But
he didn't do anything in the game to rescue his

team from their demise. And that's what a great quarterback
has to do. A great quarterback has to recognize. All right, now,
they pay me forty million. We were down seventeen to ten.
We haven't played well. I got to do a job here.
I got to get this team down the field, get
some first downs, stabilized the stabilize everything. And he didn't
do that. And he hasn't been able to do that
in the big game. And that is the reason why

when people put him on this unbelievable level, I get
turned off on it. You know, think about it. He's
not better than Burrow, He's not better than Josh Allen,
He's not better than Mahomes. He's probably not better than
Matthew Stafford. Right Stafford's this year, but Stafford was great.
And then Stafford against against the Lions was tremendous. He
was heroic in the game. How he won a Super Bowl.

If I asked you right now, the biggest game of
your life, if you want Matthew Stafford or you want Lamar,
you're taking Matthew Stafford. You have to seventy yards against
the Lion. You have to.

Speaker 6 (51:08):
This is a tough one because I love me some
Stafford and thought he was a top three m VP
pick this year and wasn't getting a lot of love.
When I rewatched that Lamar game, I realized just how
poorly he played, Like watching the coaches film and seeing
it again and taking the emotion out of it. That
my reaction to the game was partly what what you
guys just said, which is there was a lot going on,

and there was, of course that was true, but it
was also his worst game of the year. He was
even more of a disaster. I thought, you watch worse
than I thought. I thought he was even worse than
I thought. And I'm a huge fan, and that's a
tough spot for him because that's just how the playoffs are.
But I also just think he's a two time MVP
as a twenty six year Part of the reason everyone

loves him is because there's never been anyone like him.
He's the greatest running quarterback in the history of the league.
And he's gonna have to adjust his game because he's.

Speaker 7 (51:57):
No longer that guy. If he was that guy still,
he would have.

Speaker 6 (52:00):
Scored on that on that play in the divisional round
where he got free a little bit, you might have
had a bigger run when he caught his own catch. Like,
he doesn't have the exposit, so he's gonna have to
just But he's twenty six years old, and I just
get sick of these great players in the middle of
their career having this same art like conversation over and over,

and then they inevitably do win the title and they
do play better until because it's not inevitable, but it's.

Speaker 7 (52:27):
The same players over.

Speaker 6 (52:28):
Like we had it with Lebron, we have it with
Dirk Nowitzki, we have it with a million You had
it with pulpri like you have it with a billion
different people who eventually get over. People thought Matthew Stafford
was one of the most overrated quarterbacks. And it's like
and it's like they don't talk about him like that
so much when it's actually happening.

Speaker 7 (52:46):
And understand there is an arc to his career.

Speaker 6 (52:48):
And he's a twenty six year old who I believe,
because he's in that organization, is going to get chance
after chance after chance, and one of those it's gonna.

Speaker 7 (52:54):
Turn out different.

Speaker 6 (52:55):
Maybe he won't even play that well in it, like
Peyton Manning didn't play that well in his when in
Super Bowl in two thousand.

Speaker 7 (53:02):
Never brings that up. They're going to take it to me.

Speaker 6 (53:04):
You you measure quarterbacks by sixteen game samples. I think
that's the best way.

Speaker 7 (53:11):
Yeah, you know, I got to measure them in what
they're do in a big game. That's all. Now the
problem that Lamar has. You know, Mahomes is not going anywhere,
nor is Josh Allen nors Burrow, Yes, and he's not
as good as those speak guys. Stroud too is now,
Rodge another one, good job, Strouds another one, and Herbert
you know with hardball there he's gonna he's good.

Speaker 2 (53:29):
Say Aaron Rodgers to make the Jets go, I will
say that good for you.

Speaker 3 (53:33):
I'll put the Jets.

Speaker 7 (53:34):
So you can make an argument that the beginning of
next year in the AFC, you could take five or
six quarterbacks ahead of them. You could take the Big
three Big three, no issues, and then Rogers is four.
And what's the well Alan Burrow and Mahomes. He's not
as good as Josh.

Speaker 6 (53:50):
Allen, No way, Burrow's got to stay on the field
if Lamar Jackson missed half of his career.

Speaker 7 (53:54):
So here's the thing about Borrow four seasons Burrow, Burrow
beat Mahome on the road.

Speaker 3 (54:01):
Yep, that to me.

Speaker 6 (54:03):
But Burrow was another example like people like that first
playoff run Burrow had, he didn't play that well.

Speaker 7 (54:09):
He actually struck.

Speaker 6 (54:10):
That was his worst three game stretch of the year
was the AFC playoffs, and he made the Super Bowl.

Speaker 7 (54:15):
So it's it's a team got a little unfair.

Speaker 2 (54:17):
You're right, because we Burrow doesn't carry that around because
the team the field goal kicker went nuts and they
had the Super Bowl.

Speaker 7 (54:24):
Like he played so won a championship game, a championship
in college too.

Speaker 3 (54:27):
I think that.

Speaker 7 (54:27):
Carries into it a little bit as well. And I
know he had an l SHU. He had a great team,
but he was great in college and hey, dony Be,
any one against Saban and Tua in Alabama scored forty
five points. I think that comes into the you know,
the feeling when you think of Burrow is maybe he
is played quite as well and you look at it
down deep as the record with Deicate, but you think

he's played great because he's had big games.

Speaker 8 (54:50):
You know.

Speaker 3 (54:50):
It's kind of funny.

Speaker 2 (54:51):
It's like that thing where you're watching the TV inside
the TV, inside the TV. It's when Greg and I
both in during that conversation, go that's fair, that's fair,
and it's.

Speaker 7 (54:59):
Like, Chris, that's I say that. I say a lot
of those wacky things.

Speaker 3 (55:04):
So we listened to you so many years that that's
just ingrained in my head.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
Oh that's fair, that's fair.

Speaker 7 (55:08):
I do say that. Oh, let's be honest. Mike used
to say let's be honest all the time. I say
that too, too, But I do like, uh, I'm going
to take Kansas City in this game because I'm going
to take my homes and read over Shanahan and Purty.
I'm the kicker. That kicker is a good kicker. Talk
we were talking about yesterday stinks and I close game. Berk.
He know miskicks this, but is it? He's incredible and

bad weather two and fifteen minus fifty degree weather. He
goes out there and mixed kicks. I like him. I
think the Chiefs want a.

Speaker 3 (55:37):
Close game, all right.

Speaker 2 (55:38):
Before we let you go, Chris, we always need to
dig in on what what's Chris washing?

Speaker 9 (55:43):

Speaker 2 (55:43):
There's more the rue so especially you know the gumpanies
get popped? Uh, Mark, you had you had heard something
around Chris. You guys share a passion for something.

Speaker 4 (55:51):
Well, Dan and I along had a you know, debate
and ongoing debate about.

Speaker 5 (55:55):
The JFK assassination.

Speaker 4 (55:56):
Oh geezu all right, and you know we're with our
heart radio and we know that Rob Reiner.

Speaker 7 (56:00):
Did at the JF I had and I had him on.

Speaker 5 (56:02):
Well, that's just kind of wondering.

Speaker 4 (56:04):
There's also this thing floating out there where they have
duo pictures of Rock Party with various pictures of Lee
Harvey Oswald, like there are places where they do so.

Speaker 5 (56:14):
I was just sort of wondering with the whole Some.

Speaker 2 (56:15):
People think Rock Party is a patsy, so you know there, well,
there you go, where are you with the whole.

Speaker 5 (56:19):
JFK and Oswald's.

Speaker 7 (56:21):
Birthday is the same as mine ten eighteen.

Speaker 5 (56:23):
Really, yes, but where are you with the whole?

Speaker 7 (56:26):
Where are you on the I mean the Rhiner podcast
is excellent. I haven't heard the last two yet. There
is no doubt in my mind if anybody thinks for
one second that that Lee Harvey Oswood, there is evidence
that he may have not even killed that cop. I
tip it outside that that movie theater, there's evidence you

did you know that they found two wallets and the
police both said they were Lee Hovey Oswold's who you
found two wallets? They found one at the scene at
the at the thing at the at the movie theater,
and they found one in the in the depository. I mean,
come on to watach. This was with a lot of
money and he was he was a CIA operative.

Speaker 4 (57:06):
Well, there's a picture of him so called in a
CIA file down in like Well, there's another one overseas
and it's basically like the double of Mike Ditka that
they're trying to tell us a Lee Harmis was a mustachioed,
heavy set man, and that they're passing.

Speaker 5 (57:19):
It off as Lee Harvey's dad.

Speaker 7 (57:21):
I need to remember again, if anybody says, I don't
believe Oswald did it by himself, if you have to
answer me, this was one question. Okay, why did Jack
Ruby kill him? Doctor? We didn't kill him because he
was trying to prevent dismay for the Jacqueline Kennedy and
the Kennedy's. I feel bad for him.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
The Ruby situation is that that's fair. That's fair.

Speaker 2 (57:39):
I have to say my stance has been and Mark
hates it, and you do as well. I'm sure now
that someone and I don't know where Greg stands on this,
but we're gonna hear from Greg on the two. But
there's something destabilizing to us as Americans, to society to
think someone so inconsequential as Oswald can change the world

with it with a shot from the depository. So in
your nature is to say, well, no, that couldn't be it.
It has to be a larger conspiracy because the president's
president of the United States. This is one of the
most powerful men in the world and a special person.

Speaker 3 (58:15):
I named my son after John Kennedy.

Speaker 10 (58:17):

Speaker 3 (58:19):
But I understand there's there's like this, is.

Speaker 7 (58:22):
There someone in the GRESSI hall, I think there were
you know Ryaner thinks there's about three or four shooters.
You know the Warren Commission nineteen seventy six. You know
who ran that Warren Commission, Alan Dulles. He was in
charge of all the information they received. You know, Alan
Dallas is the guy that Kennedy fired for the Bay
of Pigs. Now, how the hell is Alan Donald of war?

I mean, how is he the guy that is doing
the Warren Commission who in nineteen sixty four said that
Leavis was an only show. There's too much smoke there
to think they did it by himselves. Okay, well I
have you disagreed? Go ahead, and Greg No, I don't.

Speaker 5 (58:57):
I thinks Lamar Jackson did not do in Yeah.

Speaker 6 (58:59):
I don't have a take on this because I'm uninformed
regrettably in general about this topic. But I do have
a It's not a conspiracy. It's something that I've done
some reporting on myself. Dan likes to think of himself
as the ATN media insider. If I am, and I
have sources in this very building that tells me Chris

mad Dog Russo was involved in what we'll call an
incident yesterday.

Speaker 7 (59:26):
Coming into the building. I was where he was very upset.

Speaker 6 (59:29):
I was that they were trying to take the tags
off of his job backpack.

Speaker 7 (59:35):
Did you hear about this? And I want to hear
what happened here?

Speaker 9 (59:38):

Speaker 7 (59:38):
Can you confirm this? What red that brown bag right
dare that you see is a bag that I've had
for a long time. The little those little tags there
at the top, there's yellow and green tags. I've had
that bag for twenty five years, and so a lot
maybe twenty years. A lot of the tags I had
on that bag were from events that I had been

that why the World Series, super Bowl, so they had
a little sentimental value. Yeah, I bought the bag Monday.
Nobody says it work. I come in Tuesday and the
guys there at the X ray machine, well we gotta
take the tags off. I said, what you got to
Why you gotta take the tags off? Well, we gotta
take them off. Were assigned to him. So why didn't
you take him off yesterday? If you would have told

me that, I would have left the bag here today
and not bought the bag. Well we got so they
grabbed scissors and they start cutting cutting the tags.

Speaker 3 (01:00:27):

Speaker 7 (01:00:27):
So I was upset and I gave them and I
never do this. I gave them one of those don't
you watch first take deals? Who gave I.

Speaker 3 (01:00:36):
Hate that you had them on a don't you know
who I am?

Speaker 7 (01:00:39):
And answer was not thoughts. Result, I got my bag.
I got my bag, TEGs cut matter ifact have all
the tags and the compartment there. I was gonna use
it yesterday as a what I'm mad about segment, but
I didn't get around to it. But I was annoyed,
and I noticed in the last two days they didn't
have anybody cutting with the scissor. There was nobody there
doing that on Wednesday and Thursday. Yet there were Tuesday,
which I can't understand. So my little pigs and I've

had on that don't be big for twenty years, fifteen
or eighteen of them, World Series, NBA Finals, US Open.
You know they put the tag out and go through
the X machine with a little baked the little take
on it. All of them are gone. So that's football.
I me, Greg, good job on your part. This isn't exclusive.
I was good. You know that you did not.

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
I got scooped on that one. I didn't want to
tell them that's good, good job. Well, and that guy
has been fired now, so I wonder what he does next.

Speaker 7 (01:01:26):
I hope he wasn't. And that's somebody said, Chris, really,
you're making a big deal about your stupid tags. And
it only was five minutes. Greg caught the bad five minutes.
I deserve it. I have to give him the credit.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
For digging it up. There. You got job, Greg, You're
a muckrakers? What you are?

Speaker 7 (01:01:39):
I was not there?

Speaker 5 (01:01:39):
Per journalism?

Speaker 3 (01:01:41):
All right?

Speaker 7 (01:01:41):
You guys have been doing this show a long time?
How long?

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):
This is season eleven?

Speaker 7 (01:01:45):
This is you want what once a week during the season,
or once have you had the game? Or five days
a week?

Speaker 3 (01:01:51):
We do what? Five shows a week?

Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
Five shows a week during the season, five shows other
digital Sunday nights, you know, after the games, we got
a show Monday night after after the primetime games, we
have a show and then a couple.

Speaker 2 (01:02:03):
And if you want an NFL Plus subscription, we can
get that to you. Two shows a week.

Speaker 7 (01:02:07):
You'll work Sunday night and Monday night and then two
other shows doing a week Tuesday Thursday. How about when
it is a Saturday game at the end of the year,
you work those ninety two Detroit Dallas on New Year's
on New year's eve, did you me?

Speaker 2 (01:02:18):
Those are those are tough and we got you got
young kids and everything. These holidays. They keep on building
out the schedule. A lot of mouths to feed for
the NFL.

Speaker 5 (01:02:28):
Season though, two four shows a week during the.

Speaker 7 (01:02:30):
Office crank good for you? How many How long is
each show getting longer?

Speaker 3 (01:02:35):
Sixty to eighty minutes. That's a hell of a job.

Speaker 7 (01:02:37):
That's a good effort.

Speaker 2 (01:02:38):
Thank you, and it does sincerely mean a lot coming
from you.

Speaker 3 (01:02:44):
That's true. I mean the tag incident that that the
button your reputation. We're now restoring it right now.

Speaker 2 (01:02:50):
All right again, check out mad Dog on Serious and
everywhere else where. He is blown up. He's a superstar
and we're happy to have you every year. It's a
great you guys do a great job. What do you
like in the game.

Speaker 5 (01:03:01):
We have to we have to announce it tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (01:03:04):

Speaker 3 (01:03:05):
I can't say I picked I picked the.

Speaker 4 (01:03:07):
Chiefs Niners before the year and picked the Niners to
win off a pick six in the final two minutes.

Speaker 5 (01:03:11):
And so that's where I'm going.

Speaker 7 (01:03:12):
He's saying, I gotta forgetting it. I have the Chiefs
twenty three to seventeen. All right, you Madcot. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:03:22):
All right, welcome back, and I mean mad Dog is
the best, also the best if you are a football fan,
if you love the game, in the history of the game.
Just looking over my right shoulder and there he is
Doug Williams Super Bowl twenty two MVP, the first black

quarterback to win a Super Bowl. Unbelievable story to him.
Just it's everywhere, it's all around us.

Speaker 4 (01:03:47):
It's almost like if you lived in a land with
only hot people, hot people aren't hot anymore because like
everywhere you turn there's like an NFL icon walking by
about and then then a second, then a third, and
it's like it's almost over so insative oversensatory explosion.

Speaker 6 (01:04:02):
I was almost nine years old for that Super Bowl,
and that's the first one I really remember when it happened.
And that actually is a good example. And I think
I thought I thought it at the time too, like
blowouts can be entertaining, because I remember when that was
happening and thinking like this is crazy, this is great.

Speaker 7 (01:04:17):
Touchdown, touchdown, touchdown, and it was just like this this
fire show.

Speaker 3 (01:04:21):
It's a good and surprise.

Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
It's a good topic because I remember I was seven
and I was not young enough to be plugged in.
But I remember running through the living room with my
cousin Matt, and my uncle Bob and my dad were
watching the game and the Broncos were up ten nothing yeah,
and then we and then we came back in from
outside or whatever we were, and all of a sudden.

Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
It was like thirty five to ten.

Speaker 2 (01:04:42):
Well it was I think I saw at thirty five
in the second order that broke back.

Speaker 7 (01:04:46):
That's what it was. Where that blow that quarter was
so exhibited.

Speaker 4 (01:04:49):
In a room like Timmy Smith, the running back who
had been a non factor coming over. But I will
tell you one thing, I watched that game in horror
because it was two weeks before that the Broncos in
the drive, the drive, No, the fumble was the fumble,
and so it was like I'm watching the Broncos get
the doors blown off, thinking like, wait a minute, right,
the Cleveland Browns could have taken this team.

Speaker 2 (01:05:10):
So anyways, anyway, and then the first one I remember
truly watching was Bengals Niners, and I'll always remember like
thinking was really cool that I was watching.

Speaker 3 (01:05:20):
With my dad.

Speaker 2 (01:05:20):
And then the the start of the Bud Bowl. That
was the first Bud Ball commercials, which I was, like
as invested in the bud ball as I was him
Crumbrise broken leg, which was right. They almost pulled it
off Cincinnati. Anyway, mad Dog was an excellent guest. You
knew he was going to be Greg. I got to say,
that was incredible reporting, and it is on brand.

Speaker 3 (01:05:40):
You took the risk to bring.

Speaker 2 (01:05:41):
It up, you know know how it's gonna go because
that was a moment and he was acknowledging Chris, So
that was kind of diva behavior. He's fired up, but
it was something that had to be uncovered. That's the
that's the job of a true journal So I respect that.

Speaker 6 (01:05:56):
He doesn't strike me as a guy who takes things
like too personally, you know what I mean, Like he's
gotta he's gotta fire back, he's gonna have.

Speaker 7 (01:06:02):
Fun with it.

Speaker 4 (01:06:03):
I was watching his you know, facial expression as Greg
was telling that story and didn't seem to like too disturbed.
It could be his last appearance on the show, and
that would be I Greg.

Speaker 3 (01:06:13):
We'll find out next year. This is an incredible sauce
dog spectacular.

Speaker 2 (01:06:17):
I mean, I wouldn't say they both had the same
level of energy.

Speaker 3 (01:06:23):
Between Sauce and Chris russeo.

Speaker 2 (01:06:25):
But different vibes, different vibes, different people places in their lives,
but both Titans and their respective genres.

Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
All right, And by the way, what do you sstog?
What are we doing? What are we doing this business?
You picked.

Speaker 2 (01:06:40):
The super Bowl before the season?

Speaker 5 (01:06:41):
I picked it correctly.

Speaker 3 (01:06:43):
Why are why are.

Speaker 2 (01:06:44):
We hearing that as a comment made off the cuff
in the middle of that interview. I would have loved
to lead with that all week. That's that's that's branding, baby.

Speaker 5 (01:06:53):
I mean two things. I was alerted to it.

Speaker 4 (01:06:55):
I didn't even remember I picked that, And then people
were saying, like, you know, use it as a explosive
secret weapon at some point.

Speaker 6 (01:07:02):
I could be wrong, but I think we did talk
about this on the show last week.

Speaker 3 (01:07:06):
So I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:07:07):
I don't believe.

Speaker 7 (01:07:07):
Harry briefly that you mentioned perhaps, but I mean, that's
a job, a job.

Speaker 5 (01:07:11):
I also didn't know that I did.

Speaker 4 (01:07:12):
And you know when you make those picks back in August,
and so I don't cling onto them, I know, like
I don't. I'm not on You're on a pic show, Greg,
and like to me, it's like I made it in August.

Speaker 5 (01:07:21):
It happened early in the morning.

Speaker 6 (01:07:22):
So I'm still holding out hope for my Eagles Chargers
banger I have.

Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
I had Jets, which you know v nine ers.

Speaker 2 (01:07:31):
And but again, by the transitive properties of the conversation
with Sauce today, it really is kind of Jets Niners
because Sauce.

Speaker 5 (01:07:39):
Didn't even really buy into your theory.

Speaker 3 (01:07:41):
But he said, you have to get Sauce to buy
into a lot of theories.

Speaker 7 (01:07:44):
What did we say.

Speaker 6 (01:07:44):
He said, reality is like important or something like that.
He's into reality.

Speaker 7 (01:07:50):
That's like fair.

Speaker 4 (01:07:51):
It was also notable that he didn't know who Martin
Scorsese or Quentin Tarantino were.

Speaker 3 (01:07:55):
But uh, he's much younger than us, he is.

Speaker 5 (01:07:57):
I think that's from the different world.

Speaker 2 (01:08:00):
All right, So, so good job by you on the prediction,
and we're going to have our You got to stick
the landing though of course. Now now we need to
know who you will pick to win the Super Bowl
and we'll we'll share those picks on tomorrow's show. We're
also going to have more fun guests, so just make
sure you check out our Friday show, our last show before.

Speaker 3 (01:08:19):
The super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (01:08:20):
And and Mark, we've been concerned about your health. Of
the last couple of days, it's come up in front
of guests. They seem to be alarmed when they realized
how close a sick person is to them. Greg and
I are on some level alarmed. I know you's a
big weekend. Yeah, but you are going and this is
an amazing thing. You're going to NFL Honors tonight.

Speaker 5 (01:08:39):
I do not believe I will be going to that.

Speaker 7 (01:08:41):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:08:41):
I think they're going to suit it in Buddha tonight.

Speaker 4 (01:08:44):
Like the person I was planning to go with is
also you know, in dire strait. So we will see
how any of that. Well, I'll let you know. Maybe
it's early in the.

Speaker 6 (01:08:52):
Day, but if I go, if you go, I go
on that early it starts in like two or three hours.

Speaker 4 (01:08:58):
Yeah, it seems like a long shot. If I go, oh,
I will file a report.

Speaker 2 (01:09:01):
That's what we're looking for. All right, thank you everybody
for listening. Like we said, we'll be back Friday, and
then the weekend and then.

Speaker 3 (01:09:09):
The big game.

Speaker 2 (01:09:10):
We're getting closer day by day until then, you know
what you gotta do.

Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
Heat the call
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