All Episodes

January 23, 2024 70 mins

In a room full of heroes - Dan Hanzus, Gregg Rosenthal, Marc Sessler and Colleen Wolfe talk about the unsolved mysteries from around the NFL. Before the heroes explore the unknown, they get you caught up on news from around the league including the the Titans hiring Brian Callahan (08:40), Jim Harbaugh and the Chargers (17:45), the Raiders hiring Antonio Pierce (22:17) and the Eagles keeping Nick Sirianni (26:50). After the break, they explore the mysteries surrounding Bill Belichick and the Falcons (44:03), the Lions defense (51:50), and the Buccaneers (55:45) and Dolphins (01:01:10) offseason moves.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They Around the NFL podcast can still play the guitar?
Hell yeah, we can.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Sixteen hundred episodes in eleven years in We're like Slash
coming out of the Church in the November Rain video.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
I am forty three from the Chris Wesley podcast studio.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
It's around the NFL.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Dan hands us here with Greg Rosenthal, Mark Sessler and
you heard it. I've been teasing this really since the
Use Your Illusions double album Colleen would be on the
show again, and she has yes returned fresh from Detroit.

Speaker 4 (00:40):
You guys, I missed you. There were a couple of
people on Twitter that were like, Dan really needs you
to return this week.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
So it's true.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
I needed you, I missed you, we all missed you,
and now.

Speaker 5 (00:52):
Not being around, I miss you, guys.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
I feel like my energy, my orbit, all of it
is off when I'm not with you, guys. I don't
see you at least once a week week, So now
all is right.

Speaker 6 (01:02):
It becomes clear on Tuesdays that Mark and I are
not enough. We are not enough.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
That is nice.

Speaker 6 (01:08):
And there was a moment and I know he really
meant it because it was off air too, where he
just like this this show just needs a shot at Colleen,
A just really needs some Colleen.

Speaker 5 (01:17):
I got shots. Let's go.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
You were in Detroit, yeah, speaking of shots, and because.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
I remember being down of the field after the Super
Bowl when the Eagles won, and we'll get maybe get
to the Eagles later. Well however, and seeing like Connie
at like the thirty yard line and bumping into it.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
You were in tears. Cut to five years later, tears
of joy.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Right, you're watching the game with diehard Lions fan Cynthia
Freeland and Michigan native.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
That must have been nice.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
Cynthia is truly such a Lions fan, so it was
so much fun to be there with her because there
were so many of her friends and family that were
coming through the bar that we were doing live shots from.
But then we made it in the stadium just in time,
right before they started the game, for like the end
of the pregame ceremony, and you guys were watching like

the whole stadium the way they had the wristbands and
it was lighting up. But it was just really cool.
And I looked over at Cynthia and she was just crying,
like and this was before the game kicked off. She
was already crying.

Speaker 7 (02:17):
You have a like a knack for being president at
these ground swell fan events that like Flores, I know,
they hire you to bring you there, right, the Jets, Cleveland,
other teams, Oh my gosh, critical mass moments.

Speaker 4 (02:28):
It was I just I really miss traveling for these games.
So it's been really fun because the only two games
that I've been to this year have been Lions games,
and I had never been to a Lions game before.
I had never been to Detroit before this year, and
in the span of like five weeks, I've been to
two games at this point.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
And the fans that I talked to in.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
The bar beforehand, they were so funny because they were like,
we've just like never been here before. Literally, we don't
know how to act, we don't know what to do,
and so they would just randomly start yelling like playoffs.
Like it was almost like a ter Brett's type of
reaction in the most endearing possible way. And I met
this dad who he was like, I didn't even know
I was coming to the game, and my daughter surprised

me with tickets when I got off the plane last night.
They're right at the fifty yard line, and so I
was talking to them, and right before we left, the
dad came over and he's like, you know, I didn't
want to mention this beforehand, but my wife passed away
eight years ago. She was such a big Lions fan,
and we're here to honor her, and it was just
so special for you to like have us on the

show and blah blah blah. So then I started crying.
There was a lot of crying going on in Detroit.
It was so nice.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
I love that.

Speaker 6 (03:37):
I need to get Dan Campbell crying really to feed
my soul, I think.

Speaker 7 (03:43):
Dan Campbell, I will I will keep this to thirty seconds.
But I woke up in the middle of the night
from a like an insane dream where I could tell
something like crazy it happened. And then I started, you know,
you start to remember it. And I had been in
my childhood house with a bunch of male like like
bro friends. I didn't know any of them in real life,
but then my neighbors down the hill, this is like
my real childhood house. Dan Campbell was a teacher teaching

people right Lions and wrote came up the hill and
gave me an assignment to do a book report on
the Detroit Lions, and then the dream ended.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
I love dream I love dream stories.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Dream stories are the worst.

Speaker 7 (04:21):
But it was football related and it left me another
hour and a half trying to figure out what was happening.

Speaker 5 (04:26):
I love that Dan is visiting you in your dreams.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
He was large too.

Speaker 7 (04:30):
It was like the real sized person, the real size
Dan Campbell Mark.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
How are you, buddy?

Speaker 3 (04:37):
Are you ready for a big W at your next
watch party? Well?

Speaker 1 (04:41):
I haven't really thought about that, but I do want
a W. You got any.

Speaker 7 (04:45):
Tips, whether you're cheering on your favorite team or hosting
a movie night? Does yourno knows planning a winning watch
party on a budget isn't easy.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
I will thank you for that advice.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
Man, I get the anxiety, you know, and I know
my cess dog he loves hosting hangs with all his
work friends.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
Everything needs to be just right.

Speaker 7 (05:03):
You need the perfect setting, the perfect squad, the perfect eats,
and the perfect plan to keep everyone pumped all night long.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
That's what you always say, man, perfect eats, perfect squad.
That's your whole thing, keeping everybody pumped up.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
I like to just wing it at parties, you know, No,
you need to draw up the perfect plan.

Speaker 7 (05:23):
Luckily, you're a game time mastermind, and you know the
grabbing Adjorno Classic crust pizza is one call that brings
home a w with half a pound of cheese, sauce
and other toppings at an incredible price.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
It's your game day MVP most Valuable Pizza.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Thank you for all the sports metaphors. It helps a
regular guy like me. So I guess I'll just make
the call and have it sent to the house. It's
not delivery, it's djorna.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
A yes, well, thanks Mario.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
It's a good info.

Speaker 7 (05:49):
I now understand the text that I read during that
as opposed to before I suddenly have a gun to
my head.

Speaker 2 (05:55):
Well, it's funny putting together a masterful bit like that
and send that straight to the web.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Uh A rifle time.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
As I'm listening to it over and over again, I'm
like this, this isn't angry read this man is angry
as he's reading it. And maybe that's why people are
really connecting with it, because it's so unusual for someone
to read an ad about pizza, like from a grocery
store and be furious as they do it.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
I wonder if that's why the journal has not gotten
back to me. As I thought.

Speaker 7 (06:28):
They'm like, I'd never actually heard it. I think one
mistake we make is because we wrapped the show and
like we've got our coats on and like my cars
started out in the parking lot, it is now we
need you to read an ad, and so I'm like,
knock it out, baby, it's like Thursday after. I think,
if we just do it, maybe before the show, you're
gonna be a part.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
Of you doing that show.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
You need me, that's fine, and you're gonna get I'll
be pleasant and everything.

Speaker 7 (06:53):
But I've learned actually because I'm not gonna I don't
want to sound like that on the next ad spot that.

Speaker 5 (06:57):
I have pizza. You didn't have the journo before you
had the reads.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
I always need to They got.

Speaker 6 (07:03):
More pop in and they just got a whole five
minute bit on the show for free that that that
this was not like a live read.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Are you ready for a big w at your next
watch party?

Speaker 7 (07:12):
I would say this, I don't know who we're reading
these ads for, but we don't see the product or
payment for it, so we just simply we do it
out of the kindness of our hearts. I know Greg
is looking at Dan like don't say that. Don't not talk.
You know, I get it, but like we've never I've
not received any dijournal pizza.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
Let you cook. I'm done. All right, let's uh, let's
do some news night.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
There are seventy thousand plus who are screaming against him.

Speaker 8 (07:38):
Well, that's how many fans I play in front of
normally at my house.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Pretend like they're all there, but there's zero. But right now.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Tony Romo, ladies and gentlemen didn't know what word was
coming next as they were tumbling from his mouth.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
Sometimes you just start talking and you figure out where
the journey's going to.

Speaker 5 (08:00):
I don't know who does.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
That, but like how many people watch that game? In
Romo's defense, I guess we've all been there. But when
you're doing that, in addition to the panic of weight,
one am I saying?

Speaker 3 (08:11):
How do I land this?

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Knowing that there's what like fifty million people? What problematic is.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
It's difficult landing the plane when there's a lot of
turbulence like that, It's really rough.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Let's get to the news.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
The Titans have a new head coach. They plan to
hire Bengals offensive coordinator Brian Callahan. The pel Rays reported
on Monday night. He had a second interview with the
team on Monday.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
Then he's staying.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
He had interview scheduled with the Falcons and Panthers for
their vacant head coaching gigs, but they decide, or he decides,
I don't need to go anywhere else.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
I like this spot.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
So Callahan mark who had success in Cincinnati, and I
think it probably helped him the way the season went
on after they lost Burrow, that they remained competitive on offense.
He ends up getting a gig, and that's what happens
with successful organizations, they lose their coordinators.

Speaker 7 (09:14):
Well, we're obviously like getting deeper and deeper to the
trend of just younger coaches being made head coaches.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
He's thirty nine.

Speaker 7 (09:22):
He has already worked with Peyton Manning, Matthew Stafford, Joe Burrow.
Obviously you can throw Derek Carran there if you want.
But he's like a he's a lifer, Like he's the
son of Bill Callahan. It's like he's been around head
coaching and around the NFL since like his earliest days.
And so I think he's a little bit anonymous just
because he's not the guy who was the obvious play caller.

He wasn't in Cincinnati, but he's been around football forever.
And I mean I kind of was like tracking some
Titan fins reaction to this, and they're fired up because
I think, like the Mike Rabel experience for some kind
of hit its wall and you have this defensive coach
who does things his own way, and it feels a
little bit like an attempt to modernize the Titans, bring
them up to speed with other teams that are offensive based.
Good good news for Will Levis. They've got the second

most cap space in the NFL. But I do wonder like,
does this mean like Bill Callahan comes over to Tennessee
too and recreates that offensive line to.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
Work with it.

Speaker 6 (10:15):
That alone would make him worth it. Brian Callahan. If
you could bring his dad, Bill Callahan, the best offensive
line coach in the entire NFL. He's with the Browns.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
He so you could fire him and show him that, Dad,
you're not under my thumb anymore. Great power play, familial.

Speaker 6 (10:30):
That would be amazing. I don't reaction too. What why
would the I guess, why would the Browns let Bill
Callahan do that unless they just wanted to be nice
and let him work with.

Speaker 3 (10:41):
Or you could you could make him like, you know, assistant,
but they.

Speaker 6 (10:44):
Did that even last year. I think they gave him
a big raise. I would guess he's, you know, if
not the highest paid offensive line coach in the league.
Close people love Brian Callahan. I'm sort of over even
guessing which of these coaches are going to be good
or not when they get hired, because it's just the
most impossible thing to predict. You made a good point
that he hasn't been a play caller, so we don't
know his profile too much, but we do know, like

there there are only so many of these McVeigh tree
guys every year, and like everyone wants one now, Like
Zach Robinson is a guy who's getting interviews all over
the place for coordinator jobs to bump up a level.
Bobby Slowick might get one of these head coaching There's
like only a couple of them out there, and they

all eventually get hired at some point. I feel like,
won't this have diminishing returns? But to be fair, it
really hasn't yet. They're almost all hitting. It is an offense.
It's working. I think the their number one objective of
the Titans was to find a coach to work with
Will Levis. They it really struck me, the owner Amy
Strunk saying when they asked her, what's there to be
positive about about this Titans team, and she like went with, oh,

we have a quarterback to build around. I was like, oh, okay,
that's that's how they're kind of viewing Will Levis, Like,
I get it, he's a first round pick, but that's there.
They're really looking at him as the guy, and Callahan's
going to be the guy to make him better.

Speaker 4 (11:59):
And for Levis it's going to be his fourth offense
in four different seasons. But Callahan's offense it's going to
have obviously some similar concepts as Zach Taylor in Cincinnati,
and Taylor worked with Levis's former offensive coordinator from Kentucky,
Liam Cohne for a season with the Rams, so there
might be some overlap there. But the Titans always had

eyes for Callahan. This was like the first candidate that
they requested. It was the first one that they met
with virtually, it was the first person that they had
in person in the building. And I think it's positive
that Callahan has a track record of getting good production
out of an offense with a shaky offensive line like
he did in Cincinnati, because that's exactly the issues that

are in Tennessee with that offensive line there.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
So bringing him in to try and develop will levis.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
I mean, the Titans have never had offensive continuity under
Mike Rabel. Was four different offensive coordinators during that time,
so I'm wondering if not only will he bring over
his ad from Cleveland, but also will they end up
hiring Alex van Pelt, the offensive coordinator who was let
go by Kevin Stefanski at the end of the season.

Because Van Pelt previously worked in Cincinnati as the quarterbacks
coach for two seasons. I went down such a rabbit hole.
I spent way too much time on this one.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
That's why we missed you.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
He worked directly with Callahan, so they're probably gonna share
some similar concepts. I came up with a little list
of potential offensive coordinators that he could hire, including now
you're scaring me, Liam Cohen, who is the offensive coordinator
at Kentucky. So then maybe they end up keeping their
quarterbacks coach who is in place now in Tennessee.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
Like that seemed to get blamed quite a bit for
the twenty twenty two rams ze.

Speaker 5 (13:44):
Fair, that's fair. Was it his fault? Who knows. We'll
find out.

Speaker 4 (13:49):
Also Studsville, Eric Studsville.

Speaker 6 (13:53):
I like Studsville former interim head coach of the Denver Bronco.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Let's not objectify the coaches.

Speaker 4 (14:00):
Conny Well Studsville, Studsville. The co O sees he was
he was the p offensive coordinator and keeping keep going okay,
So he's survived multiple coaching regimes in Miami. He's been
the running backs coach, go on game coordinator, the PO
offensive coordinator, and Callahan and Studsville spent six seasons together

with the Broncos. So there's also that connection there. You
mentioned Derek Carr by the way, how he's you could
just like throw him in, but you might remember that
he helped Derek Carr reach his first four thousand yard
passing season.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
So that wow, that Tony.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
You can leave now because that's an incredible amount of
heavy lifting.

Speaker 5 (14:43):
I have nothing else to offer you guys.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
Right out of time on the rest, we got to
move on.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
But I just I will just throw out there. It's
not a Desmond Riitter situation. But you know they have
the seventh overall pick. We're definitely all in on will Evis.
We're just all in.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
I don't think you should be. I think you should.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
I know he had some pretty nice moments, but just see.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
What falls to at seven, because you know you can
do a lot.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Which is tricky obviously, because if you you take a
quarterback he was the thirty third overall pick last year.
If you take another quarterback, you're not only kind of
punting on that, you're also passing up a chance to
add a major piece around him on the offensive line
or as a playmaker. So I get why you probably
are going to be in on Levis, but not a

perfect prospect, never was.

Speaker 6 (15:28):
I agree with being in on him from not in
terms of not drafting another young guy. Add a veteran
to the mix that is going to be a decent back.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
That's a good plan too. I just have a plan,
have a backup.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Plan, and then this is the year for that, This
is the year for them.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
In other by the way, you know, I have a
tremendously close relationship with my father Mark.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Yes it's evident, humble brag, but the idea we.

Speaker 5 (15:52):
All know that. Why are you just singling out marks.

Speaker 6 (15:54):
But it's like, hey, guys who don't really get that
along with your dad, I'm going to make you feel
bad in that.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
I'm just pointing out, like if I was appointed to
the top of the company and had a chance to
just be like dad, you know, every generation, like you know,
we build, and that would be my opportunity to say, Dad,
we've got to let you go, that's all. And and
imagine being at IBM Mark during your dad's time there,
getting promoted to all the being able to call your
dad and be like, Dad, you can't tell me what

to do anymore.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
In fact, to get the your office.

Speaker 6 (16:22):
You're gone.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
I don't feel a box like this. I don't like that, you.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
Know, feels like something you personally might need to unpackle more.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
You can have to turn it on me.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
I'm just saying this is an opportunity that young Callahan has.
I wouldn't do it to my father. I'm just saying
he might want to if they don't have to read.

Speaker 7 (16:41):
We don't know like what that relationship is. And to
the point of the people that he works with six
or seven years, maybe you know, maybe Brian Canna Hitler
Callahan just burns people out right, maybe the father burns everyone.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Out, you know, right, and now it's our rank relationships
with our dads.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
Okay, So Colleen, you are unbelievable. Race for the top seed.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
I won't do that. We don't need to unpacked it.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
But you're just like you don't even know, you don't
even inquire about it.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
I think it'll take like.

Speaker 6 (17:05):
Until the ninth month of therapy for for dance therapists
to be like, why is it your greatest wish to
fire your own at father? What is this really about?

Speaker 5 (17:14):
Tis, I'm bringing my dad to the Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
You'll be able to hang out with them there, and
we're gonna go to the Red carpet honors together.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
It's gonna be great. We love that you gonna bring
your dad.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
I've done it four times. Right, Let's who's brought their
dad to the Super Bowl?

Speaker 3 (17:26):
I have as well?

Speaker 7 (17:27):
Yeah I have not, but there were extenuating circumstances around
some of that.

Speaker 3 (17:31):
So let's take on that. No, let's move absolutely not right.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
The Chargers Uh and Jim Harbaugh are now in striking
distance of getting a deal. You know who that's from,
Mike g Mike Garafolo and you know you could trust it,
So uh, the Los Angeles Chargers. After saying by to
Brand and Staley, they decide it is time.

Speaker 6 (17:51):
To get see you think data side, it's always it's Harbaugh,
who's had some crazy stories over the years.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Also, striking distance is interesting.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
Right, it's sometimes he's been at the finish. So I'm
gonna give this like an eight ninety percent chance, all right, well,
because Mike ge is implicitly putting that ten percent in
that report.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
So Jim Harball, who's had great success everywhere he's gone
from college to the pros, back to college, and now
coming back to the Pros, it looks like gets a beautiful.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
Canvas to work on.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Maybe not the perfect Charges roster, but certainly not a
bad one either. And most importantly, he comes back to
the NFL with a quarterback that, if he hasn't quite
reached superstar status yet, obviously has that potential With Justin Herbert.
I think everyone that likes Herbert and is frustrated by
the arc of his career so far has to be
happy about this news, especially Bolts fans.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
AFC West. The head coaches are going to be wild
if that happens. You're gonna have Jim harribaal Sean Payton,
Andy Reid, and then Antonio Pierce, which is a wild
card because you just don't know his track record. But
still those other three head coaches in one division makes
those division games so much more fun.

Speaker 6 (18:58):
I also, I'm hesitant here to get too deep into
what it all means, and I'm a little worried about this.
Aaron Wilson Report, who does good work for the Houston
Chronicle or was there now he covers the Texans for
another outlet. He said Greg Roman would be the offensive coordinator,
which is like Greg Roman, I don't need.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
More Gregan of Greg Rosenthal never been a Greg Roman.

Speaker 6 (19:23):
No, he's a very interesting coordinator who you sort of
can't write the history of the last twenty years in
the NFL without him, because he led to that Colin
Kaepernick offense was totally different than anything we'd ever seen.
And he did a great job with Alex Smith too
initially and it could not have crashed and burned harder.
And then the same thing happened with Lamar Jackson, where

it's very one dimensional. Just just like imagining that. I guess,
I'm I guess I have a.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Little bit of skulls partition, and because it comes from
a very it's speeding at a high rate before that.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
Look, he was the OC of that twenty nineteen That's.

Speaker 6 (19:58):
What I'm saying. And they never sort of developed or
had answers. They weren't like a complete offense. But we'll
see if this happens. Because Jim Harbaugh is different than
other people, and he supposedly he was really close to
getting that Viking's job in twenty twenty two and then
the wolfs and at some point I think couldn't stand
being in the same room with Jim Harbor and all

the demands he was making, and it blew up in
his face and he didn't end up getting that job.
And he promised, he said, I'm done chasing NFL jobs,
never gonna do it again. Right after that, the very
next year, he tries to get the Broncos job. He's
reported to be close to getting that job. The Broncos
didn't want to hire him either. Again after he's like, actually, no,
I didn't want that job. I'm gonna stay at Michigan forever.

And so like now here we are again, they're close.
It's like, I don't know what is he going to demand. Supposedly,
according to Mike Careful, they are offering a lot of
money and probably all the control that he wants. So
I think he found his spot that he will take.
But you never know what this guy, he's a little erratic.

Speaker 7 (20:56):
Well there is one thing though, because the Chargers are
a special team and a strange situation eternally because they're
in Los Angeles as the undercard always and their stadiums
are filled with the enemy fan base game after game,
and Harbball changes that a lot. I think Harball would
juice up the Chargers in a way that you know,
Brandon Staley never could, anyone from the past never could.

And he had to work with Alex Smith out of
the gate in San Francisco and turned him into a
pristine quarterback before they switched over. I think him and
Justin Herbert, like I don't know if I see a
two or three year crash and burn thing, although the
Greg Roman thing is I thought the relationship by the
end of all that was a little funky too.

Speaker 6 (21:35):
So tell you what this off.

Speaker 7 (21:36):
But I'm not theoried about Brendon Rouhman right now at
this point. Wet'll see what happens.

Speaker 6 (21:40):
Kind of fun to imagine Harv with Justin Herbert.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
There's all these like old Greg Roman headlines that I
just pulled up from twenty thirteen. Why is his play
calling holding back the Niners? And I'm sure we could
go and find multiple other things with Greg Roman. But
the fact that Jim Harball is going to be back
in the NFL, it's like, I'll believe it when it
actually happened, but.

Speaker 6 (22:01):
It will be spicy, it will be It's great.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
It's great for the NFL, it's great for this podcast,
it's great for the Chargers, at least in the short term.
I think great news for Raiders fans that did not
want Antonio Pierce to be only an interim coach because
they decide to rip that interim label off and it
will be Antonio Pierce who will be the full time
head coach. Rap Sheet and Mike g reported this on

Friday for sources. The team later announced it. Pierce took
over for Josh McDaniels. And it was just an absolute
circus there and a non competitive, just trash bag operation,
as Mark would say, floating trash bag, as they say,
whereas he says, only Mark you're a unique man.

Speaker 6 (22:45):
Mark, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
I mean you're allowed to. You put those words and
do it the way you do it.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Mark Pierce is hiring comes after coach Raiders to five
wins in those final nine games, and that a long
sess dog with his a very vocal, fiery style and
the players latching on to him and him being essentially
the antithesis of what McDaniels was.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
I think all that kind of came together and got
him this job.

Speaker 7 (23:13):
I don't think it's just bells and whistles in terms
of how the players responded to him. I mean they
were a different defense down the stretch.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
I think it matters.

Speaker 7 (23:21):
I think we're seeing this all over the place, like
these coaches need to relate to these players in a
different way.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
Meetings need to happen differently.

Speaker 7 (23:27):
And there was this drum beat with Josh McDaniels of like,
why is he not getting along with this important guy
and this important guy And there's all these like behind
the scenes whispers that this is just not working. So
this is like when you have one relationship and you
just go to another, and you go to someone completely different.
Antonio Pierce couldn't be any more different. Than Josh McDaniels.
But I think the hard work begins now because it's like,

nice idea to put n O'Connell in there for a
bunch of time. Last year, Jimmy G is Jimmy G
and that thing flamed out. It's like, you've got to
figure out who you're going to be because you can't
be one of these teams in a power heavy AFC
with a maybe he works quarterback, maybe he gets us
six wins type of guy. So it's like a nice
story now turns into the acid test.

Speaker 6 (24:08):
We still gotta find out who the GM is. Don't
know that there's a reporting that Marvin Lewis will be
involved in the staff kind of in a over helping
Pierce out. He apparently actually was getting help from peer.
He might have been on the staff last year and
we didn't really know after Pierce came aboard like a
costume Yeah no, and like, uh, you know, advisory role

in Tom Kaughlin helping in case he says he knows
what he doesn't know and needs some help maybe filling
out the staff. All this different stuff and I'm curious
to see what the staff looks. There's Zach Robinson again.
Another McVeigh guy is getting interviewed for the OC job,
that that would be promising. I just think it's it
should not be lost because we didn't hit it on
this podcast that Max Crosby put it out there that

he will request the trade if Antonio Pierce doesn't get higher,
and then like a day later, Antonio Pierce was hired.
So I just think by the transitive rule, Max Crosby
runs the team. Now, yem he's the GM, he's the owner.
He does it all. He's gonna be like looking at
the tax receipts from the restaurants inside the it's all

Max Crosby.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
He's all the strings.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
I just I'm wondering about the offense, the philosophy there,
if they do end up going with like a McVeigh guy,
if it is going to still be like a run
first like with a bunch of play action type concepts,
and if he does end up hiring an OC like
from McVeigh or Shanahan going forward. But I think three

out of their five offensive line starters are free agents,
and Josh Jacobs too, so they have they really got
to hire a GM because they have a lot of
questions that they need.

Speaker 6 (25:53):
To they might keep Champ Kelly who is there too,
and they are letting go of the previous offensive staff
which did a better job.

Speaker 7 (26:00):
Keep an eye on Tom Telesciler's reporting that like if
you're Mark Davis wants like because you're got a rookie
head coach like a GM with experience, and he's someone
they've talked to.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
And so I mean Tom.

Speaker 7 (26:11):
Telesco I thood he did a good job with the
with the Chargers in the terms of like stock and
also the Chargers we didn't mention before like the second
biggest cap red space issue right now of any team
that league. So the Chargers, Yes, so you know he
left them in some in a bit of a fix too.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Yes, I think the Mark Davis and company have dreams
of this being the next Dan Campbell higher man.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
There's a lot of work.

Speaker 2 (26:34):
That needs to be done, and you know, the charge
still in the same division as the Chiefs. It's good
luck to Antonio Pierce and the Raiders on to Philadelphia.

Speaker 3 (26:45):

Speaker 2 (26:46):
It looks like Nick Sirianni will survive the epic flame
out to twenty twenty three, but he is cleaning house
along the staff.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
So Sewan decide the DC. He gone.

Speaker 3 (26:59):
After being booted upstairs, Matt Patricia, he gone.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
He decides to pursue other opportunities. Uh, they got rid
of the OC. Now who's the O c Ryan Johns,
Ryan Johnson. So it's it's that move, Connie, where they decide,
what are we gonna do.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
We're gonna fire the coach.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Oh, we're just going to clean house under the coach
and give him one more shot.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
And that's where they're going with it.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
What a weird Do you agree with that?

Speaker 3 (27:25):

Speaker 4 (27:25):
I mean no, I think that the team pretty much
like quit on the coaching staff, whatever the main issue was,
because it really reminded me of that Chargers Raiders game
the night before Brandon Staley was fired, when the Chargers
defense completely gave up. And that's what it looked like

watching the Eagles trying to tackle like no one was
even trying.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
And I know that Siani's.

Speaker 4 (27:54):
Record exactly, his record with the team is good, and
he was just at the Super Bowl last year, and
you have players doing the Max Crosby thing, like Fletcher
Cox coming out and standing by their man and really
like kind of pleading to Jeffrey Loriie for him to
stay I think, but watching Jeffrey Loriie at that last

game against the Bucks, like I thought for sure that
Sirianni was going to be gone.

Speaker 5 (28:22):
That was it.

Speaker 4 (28:23):
So I'm kind of surprised that he's sticking around, but
it seems like he's sticking around on an extremely short leash.
I don't know what happened between, like where the friction
was with Jalen Hurts and the offensive staff as well,
because it wasn't just the defense. The offense too was
just not doing what it was supposed to be doing.
And when you return nine of your eleven starters on

offense and you have an MVP runner up as the quarterback,
and you have two incredible wide receivers and a really
good tight end and one of the best offensive lines
in the league, you should absolutely be able to do
more than they did.

Speaker 6 (28:57):
I have a theory what I've been working happen this
What if it's just all inexplicable like football results, Like
literally no one knows why did that all happen. There
actually isn't a reason other than maybe they didn't adjust
enough offensively, and that that's a big thing. Like there
everyone who's into the ex's and is like they just
ran back the same offense as they did a year ago.

But to be fair, like the offense was kind of
fine until the last three weeks of the season. It
was pretty good until the last three weeks of the season,
and then they joined the defensive collapse and just like
and then I know that's what I mean though, but
what if, like literally no one knows. I think that's possible.
That's like, I don't know why this team fell apart totally,

Like they're like, there isn't a reason, it's just the possible.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Save them for the next segment.

Speaker 5 (29:45):
I was thinking about that, but that is a mystery, one.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
Of the great mystery. And I think, yeah, I think
the no one because no one's talking.

Speaker 6 (29:55):
Answer and them keeping Siriani, maybe they at least don't
know the answers. So they were just like got I
think they like Nick.

Speaker 4 (30:02):
They could blame it on the new coordinators, sure, like
that's a huge difference, but still it's.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
The easy move. That's the move when you don't want
to go. It's a half measure, is what it feels
like to me. And what happens when they start two
and six next year, Not saying they will, but then
you lose another whole season for a coach that you
already saw last year. They already told you they don't
want to play for him, So it's a it's a
big gam I think it's a massive gamble, Countie. You
bring him back when if it doesn't work next year,

you're going to there's gonna be a ton of second guessing.
So this is first guessing saying, hey, like, this is
your fault. You lost another year here because they told
you by the way they played that they were done.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
With this head coach.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
And I have to look at the cap space and
I have to look at the free agents for next
year too. I don't know what type of shape they're
even in.

Speaker 6 (30:46):
But you have a lot of big decisions to make, because.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
It seemed like last year they did and they just
made it work and it looked like it was going
to be good, and Mark, it just wasn't.

Speaker 7 (30:53):
I don't like teams that have their third o C
in third DC in three seasons, Like for a team
that a year ago where like they're so consistent, their
front office is so forward thinking, it seems like.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
Whatever, and they lost the first two because they went
to the Super Bowl. No I mean, but it's still transition.

Speaker 7 (31:09):
It's still transition, and it's like I kind of feel
like when Doug Peterson refused to make staff changes before
his exit, that it doesn't feel like this serious coaches
don't want to fire their own guys, their own assistance,
even even with the deciding what I'm saying, like they're
loyal to the dudes for the most part, Like you don't.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
You know what they're getting fired.

Speaker 7 (31:26):
But but I'm saying, I think it was LORI probably
saying you're here on you're obviously on the eleventh the
eleventh hour here Syriani, but like you've got a clean house,
and I think you could lose the rest of your
staff by doing that. The players already have issues, Like
it's a chaotic swirl for the Eagles in this offseason.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
They can look a lot different.

Speaker 5 (31:42):
Well changed, Big Dom, So that might be.

Speaker 6 (31:45):
That's the Big Dom did come back for the playoffs
and that was maybe their worst game, I mean better. Yeah,
he was back on the sidling.

Speaker 7 (31:52):
For the play well, the trigger it just postseason, it
was just society didn't well at least I killed that theory.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
You can't all offseason guy back.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
On the the moment he put hands on that player
is really when it began.

Speaker 6 (32:06):
That's fair.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
You know that could be that could be a seventy
year curse calling. You just know, you never know what
those things right.

Speaker 5 (32:12):
Don't get to get that juju off of me.

Speaker 6 (32:14):
Rouse. You know who's interviewing for the Eagles defensive coordat
to drop among other people? Who Ron RIVERA Wow, I'm
just like, wow, this guy loves ball. He doesn't need
the money, but he loves.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
Let's spin the coaches carousel, by the way, let's wrap
this up. The Jaguars. Jaguarars hire former felt Oh, this
is a good transition to.

Speaker 3 (32:38):
Our next segment.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
They hire former Falcons D c. Ryan Nielsen, so he's there,
gonna run the show there. Shane Waldron lands with the Bears.
He's their new OC, so he's got I have a
lot of eyes on him. So there's two more. And
then in the front office ranks. The carousel spins as well.
Dan Morgan hired by the Panthers as their GM. He
was previously the assistant GM under the previous dude Scott

Scott Fitter, who was fired after the Panthers went two
and fifteen.

Speaker 1 (33:08):
I do have a statement.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
This is not temper Be talking, but this is an
episode of temper be a release in a statement.

Speaker 3 (33:15):
Okay, okay, now that works all right here.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Dan has a thorough knowledge of our football personnel and
a clearer vision to take us where we all want
to go. We know he will attack this opportunity with
the same intensity he did as a Panthers player.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
He was a linebacker or something, give me or something.
He was like one of the sorry, oh my god, hey,
if someone said that about C. J. Moseley, I say, like,
you stick it to me. You had stick it to
get stick it to me. Those concussions though he had.
He was kind of a poster boy for too many
concussions and it ruined his career.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Great, well, that's the guy I want running my football team.

Speaker 6 (33:55):
I'm surprised that they stayed in house considering are you yes,
because it's like things, because they interviewed because nobody wants to.

Speaker 7 (34:03):
Think Tepper's like, I want someone who's gonna follow my orders.
I mean also, I mean Bear Morgan rose up through
the ranks to become like the director of pro personal
with the Seahawks during their big run. He was with
the bills, So I mean, he's not being pulled out
of nowhere. But I am not that surprised. It didn't
surprise me that Tepper couldn't go get a powerful, experienced
candidate from outside of the building when he needs people

simply to follow his order.

Speaker 6 (34:27):
Yeah, they did like seven or eight interviews. They've had
so many second interviews with head coaches that it's almost
not worth listening. We'll see who they end up high.
I want Ron Rivera going back there. That seems perfect.
He could handle it. He dealt with Snyder, He's already
been in the building. He knows where the bathrooms are.
The Waldron news to me, is the biggest here. Nielsen
did a great job I think for the Falcons overall
with the town. Yeah, that's a nice high for them.

But the Waldron news is big because, first of all,
we heard this news that maybe Cliff was interviewing for
that job. I'm glad they didn't hire Cliff Kingsbury. Kingsbury's
interviewing around. Waldron takes that job. I think, knowing he's
got the number one overall pick, and I think Waldron
did an overall very good job. Another McVeigh tree guy

in Seattle the last couple of years with Gino Smith.
You know, Dave Canallis got so much pop. Moving to
Tampa and being the QB coach, it was Shane Waldron
who was running that offense the last three years, and
for the most part, I think he's a good play caller.
He is balanced, Like they were creative enough. I know
they weren't like incredible, but they were good. And he's
probably gonna be working with Caleb Williams or Drake May

whoever they choose.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
And then when he was with Golf, Golf had two
of his best seasons as a passer when Waldron was
the Rams passing game coordinator and quarterbacks coach in twenty
eighteen twenty nineteen. So it's like, who's he going to
be calling plays for. We don't know if it's Justin
Fields or Caleb Williams, but they hired someone who's going
to maximize the talent on that roster, and they need

someone who's going to create a little bit more of
a balanced.

Speaker 6 (35:56):
They didn't want to wait. They didn't wait because this
coaching process is taken forever for all these teams, It's
never taken this long, and so they snapped up someone
quick that I think would have been in all of
these interviews. Once head coaching guys got hired, and he
took it because he's like coaching the number one over
I'll pick that's how I get a head coaching job
next year.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
I think they took rise.

Speaker 7 (36:13):
They brought in Cliff Kingsbury in a bit of trickery
just to get some Williams information. Lift thought he's getting
flown into town for a steak lunch and it's like,
we're just gonna pick your brain and then send you
back home.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
Doesn't seem nice.

Speaker 5 (36:26):
I'm sure he got just a theory.

Speaker 3 (36:27):
I don't. It's not a report.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
It's a cutthroat situation. Just like you calling the old
man into the office. You got a little vacation editing
in a cardboard box.

Speaker 5 (36:36):
Take a seat.

Speaker 6 (36:37):
I feel like, based on Cliff's house, he doesn't need
steak dinners to be paid for. He's good. He's talking
to the Steelers about their oc job. According to Peter King,
any other.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
Cliff Kingsbury news, you're good, all right, that's what's happening
in the news.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
All right, what is that?

Speaker 3 (36:53):

Speaker 2 (36:54):
What is this award that we're trying to win what
one of the shadowy League figures sent a text like, hey, idiots,
like try to win this award, like plug it on
the show.

Speaker 6 (37:04):
This is this is why we we know we've made it.
It only matters so much to us. It is the
sports podcast awards that college hosted. It's a UK property.
That's right, we're nominated for Best American Football Podcast and.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
We've got to win that award.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
Listen, we don't ask for much from the listeners, but
where is that? Can you tell us Eric where they
can go vote for for around the NFL.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
Let's bring home a trophy.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Who are we up? In a while Europe?

Speaker 9 (37:35):
It looks like it's on sports podcastgroup dot com Okay,
and then it's yeah, it's under the Best American Football Podcasts.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
Just vote for us, that's all. Let's let's take a chip.

Speaker 9 (37:43):
I'll throw it up on all the all the socials.
I g so make it nice and USIA.

Speaker 6 (37:47):
We're going against eisen Overreaction Monday, which I guess is
a separate thing from his shows in the Mix Uh
Shannon Sharpen and Ocho Sinco or in Mix hr Huddle.
If you're if you had moultiple votes. I would you know,
I would hurt huddles. You know that those are friends
of ours. God blessed football with Stu Goatts who took
some shots at you, Neil Reynolds and Jeff Reinbold inside

the huddle, We're going again. Friends with the most one
on the FONT, Matt Coombs pff NFL, the fantasy footballers
who we had on. There's too many people we know.
Why are we plugging them as options? Vote for us?
They're not options.

Speaker 5 (38:27):
Dan's gonna have to talk to you.

Speaker 9 (38:29):
There are a ton of options in every one of
these categories, but there's obviously only one number one.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
If we can't win the the Overseas Best American Football.

Speaker 5 (38:37):
Podcasts, I'm voting right now.

Speaker 2 (38:38):
Well you know what I'm you know I'm doing. I'm
pulling the Max Crosby. If we don't win that award,
I quit, Okay.

Speaker 3 (38:44):
I will? I will also quit.

Speaker 6 (38:45):
Well what about what if you learned that these awards
have been this is the third year when we haven't yet.
This is our first time being nominate first nominations, So
what's going on? We did not win the awards previously.
Assuming this category, you're gonna quit if we don't win. No, No,
that was a nice Plan's gonna he's setting it up.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
Well done, Greg, What we're gonna lose the award and
then Mark and I will quit and then over your show.

Speaker 6 (39:11):
I don't want anyone to quit.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
I think well done. I think it's all very strategic.

Speaker 6 (39:17):
It's all good strategicy.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
All right, let's uh no, let's win. Mark and I
are out if we don't win.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
Did you guys vote?

Speaker 1 (39:24):
I just voted, and this.

Speaker 7 (39:25):
Isn't This isn't like I'm not even gonna vote because
I don't want it.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
Yeah, yeah, don's in the hands of the listeners.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
That's glorious.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
All right.

Speaker 5 (39:33):
Yes, it's like when you lose by two votes. That's
gonna suck.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
We're gone.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
In fact, you know what, we're gonna do the move.
We're gonna do the election move from a few years ago.
We're leaving the country as well. Yep, we're going to
Canada or some other country. But yes, I mean, if
we're leaving, we're starting over. It may not be Canada.

Speaker 5 (39:51):
Let's go to Mexico.

Speaker 3 (39:53):

Speaker 5 (39:53):
I'm going with you guys.

Speaker 6 (39:54):
For some reason.

Speaker 1 (39:55):
All right, Colleen's out too, Is that what you want.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
All right, let's take a break and uh then we're
gonna dig into some scary territory.

Speaker 10 (40:06):
This program is about unsolved mysteries. Whenever possible, the actual
family members and police officials have participated in recreating the events.
What you were about to see is not a news broadcast.

Speaker 8 (40:23):
Whenever you heard the voice over, it was like, get
out the blanket, make sure the back door's locked.

Speaker 5 (40:36):
I hated it, hated it.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
It is time now to explore some unsolved mysteries of
the NFL playoffs and beyond. And you know what, Mark,
you're a big conspiracy guy. Some mysteries don't want to
be solved, you know, and then they take on a
whole life of their own. So maybe that that's how

this ends. And it's always because you always wanted at
the end of the EPP of with Stack and Company,
you want to update and then want that wanted closure.

Speaker 3 (41:08):
Visceral reaction to that when that happens.

Speaker 2 (41:10):
So there's a frustration because we won't have any update
at the end of this episode, not that we know of,
but we're gonna put it out there.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
What what needs to be solved, what's out there?

Speaker 3 (41:24):
What is out there?

Speaker 1 (41:25):
What was your favorite type of unsolved mystery episode.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
I I like the paranormal ghost lady on the Lake
type stuff, so.

Speaker 5 (41:32):
I got I hated that.

Speaker 1 (41:33):
Yeah, I hate it if.

Speaker 7 (41:34):
You go and because you know, now there's like the
channel that has like it's unsolved mysteries NonStop, warmly common
fast channel.

Speaker 3 (41:39):
They they do.

Speaker 7 (41:40):
There's a big problem with with unsolved mysteries in general
is that they have to go recreate with like typically
low level actors, right, and it's it's a lot of
them become unwatchable.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
But my favorite plot line.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
I made it more watchable for me. But teach there on.

Speaker 7 (41:52):
You, well, yeah it was variable. I mean I to
me even as a child, for some reason, I always
liked the guy that was living like multi to pull
lives in different states back before the internet where it's like.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
Well I'm just saying like it's it's.

Speaker 7 (42:05):
It is incredible micro managing skills. Like it was always
some business guy that wasn't accountable to anyone, like able
to have like situation in Iowa, situation somewhere in like
northern California, flipping back between because all the rest like
ghost stories and murders and it's like cool, like That
one to me was like, weren't.

Speaker 1 (42:22):
You so mad when the Internet came in and made
the world smaller?

Speaker 3 (42:24):
We can't do it, can't do any That guy doesn't
exist anymore.

Speaker 5 (42:28):
What happens when a family member is on Unsolved Mysteries?

Speaker 1 (42:31):
M did that happen for you?

Speaker 5 (42:33):
We've talked about a show.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
He was on.

Speaker 4 (42:37):
The On the show, John's grandfather disappeared in Vegas in
the eighties and his family was interviewed on Unsolved Mysteries
because they still it's still cold case. They never found
his body. They found his far at the airport at
mccaren and his name was not on any of the
flight manifest and the we actually got the police reports

from Vegas and it reads like a who done it?

Speaker 6 (43:05):
Screen? I thought John was working on like an eight
part podcast about this.

Speaker 5 (43:09):
Well, we'll see.

Speaker 3 (43:10):
I would.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
I would listen the hell out of that.

Speaker 4 (43:12):
Oh yeah, sometimes I just like, yeah, his his nineteen
eighty eight Cadillac was found at the airport, but no
evidence of him taking a flight.

Speaker 3 (43:19):
I like to think he's he's somewhere in Mexico right now. Yeah,
the brighter end of the rainbow there. You know.

Speaker 2 (43:26):
The worst episodes were I haven't seen my sister in
fifty years since we were split up at the orphanage.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
Don't care.

Speaker 7 (43:33):
Yeah, and then they reunited just like mass night, raging
Hay for you.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
Not for me.

Speaker 4 (43:39):
I saw one where it was like talking about someone
spontaneously combusted and just like I like that and I
it shook me for my entire life. But I was like,
at some point, am I just going to like light
on fire and die?

Speaker 3 (43:52):
It's possible.

Speaker 5 (43:53):
I didn't know until Unsolved Mysteries.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
All right, here we go, let's get into it. Greg,
it's time to unpack some Unsolved mysteries. Did you have
anything to share? Do you ever have a family member
on Unsolved Mysteries? I have not, nor have I. Have
you ever watched the show?

Speaker 6 (44:16):
We have not.

Speaker 7 (44:17):
I was sort of sensing Greg sitting back there a
little bit.

Speaker 3 (44:19):
But that's fair.

Speaker 5 (44:20):
You don't have any connection to Robert Stack.

Speaker 6 (44:24):
I have not seen it.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
He's being honest.

Speaker 6 (44:29):
No one watched more TV than me from ages seven
to twelve. I challenge you, all.

Speaker 2 (44:35):
All right, that's okay. Though you don't need to know it.
We've talked about it enough on the show for you
to be aware of a program. By now anyway, So
I'll start. Are we about in Atlanta to Galaxy brain?
Our way out of having Bill Belichick.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
As the head coach? Is that where we're at.

Speaker 2 (44:53):
The Athletic reported on Tuesday morning that Mike Vrabel is
expected to interview for the vacant head coaching vacancy. When
that happens, he will be the fourteenth person to do
so this I love this. On Sunday Sunday.

Speaker 6 (45:10):
Scored two touchdowns of interviews.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
On Sunday with the extra points.

Speaker 1 (45:15):
On Sunday they knocked out two in one day.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
They got Texans OC Bobby Slowick, Detroit OC Ben Johnson.

Speaker 1 (45:23):
These guys had like playoff games. Do you think they were? Like?
How efficient could that have been?

Speaker 3 (45:27):

Speaker 1 (45:27):
What kind of interview could that have been?

Speaker 3 (45:29):
Those take a long time too, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (45:31):
Like those guys weren't able to prepare for those interviews.
What's the point? I don't get it anyway, Rooney rule
they are all over that as well. They've interviewed six
minority candidates. The only guy so far of that group
to get a second interview will be Raheem Morris and
that will happen this week. So that Dell takes us
back to Bill, and he has met with the Falcons twice,

most recently on Friday, this again per the Athletic in
a meeting that included Arthur Blank, the owner, team CEO,
Rich McKay, team president, Greg Beatles, GM, Terry Fatna uh
and and yet he doesn't have the job. It hasn't
been offered. Bill hasn't taken any other formal interviews. And

I think this would be a horrendous decision by the Falcons.
I think it's a home run higher but there at
least because of the depth Gregie, of how how deep
they're going in this.

Speaker 1 (46:26):
It's not for show.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
They're they're really wrestling with the decision, or they've outright
passed on Belichick.

Speaker 6 (46:32):
They're According to the Coaching Tracker on NFL dot Com,
people should check that out, there's been eight second interviews
or scheduled or completed eight second interviews.

Speaker 1 (46:43):
When does it become too much?

Speaker 5 (46:44):
By the way, f YI, well, I think I think
we're already there.

Speaker 3 (46:49):
At what point do you when by analysis? When does
that set in?

Speaker 6 (46:52):
I think I think the mystery here is, does does
anyone really want Belichick? Because the reporting around Belichick from
the outside sounds like the reporting that you would get
if there actually wasn't much interest in Bill Belichick, and
that his agent is using his connections to make it

sound like Bill Belichick has a lot of interest. Oh,
the Falcons are after him so hard. He's their number
one pick. All this is happening. Okay, well look look
what's actually happening. And then there's some pushback that like, no,
actually the Falcons are looking at a million people. He
may not be the number one pick. It's a weird setup. Oh,
there's other teams that are really interested in him, including
one that's still in the playoffs. You know if if

they lose, and but they're circling him, it's okay, let's
see it. Because there are only five openings left, and
they all seem to be circling different people. I think
the mystery, or possibly the solution here is that Bill
Belichick doesn't really have that big of a market.

Speaker 4 (47:54):
What if he doesn't want it. What if he is
the one who is lukewarm on coming back. What if
he wants to do as Sean and type year and
just do take.

Speaker 6 (48:02):
You twice with his job though, Well, but to your point,
maybe he's like on the fence though, right they maybe
even they did want it, but he doesn't want to
be reporting to Rich McKay, you know, like and that's
the setup there or whatever the setup's gonna be, right, Like.

Speaker 7 (48:15):
Belichick I think is probably very driven to get that
Don Shula, Mark Beaton, I mean from one angle, but
from another angle, like they really certain like they characterize
it not as an interview with Arthur Blank. They talked,
and I think a lot of it is Belichick saying,
look it, I don't care who anyone is, like I've
been I'm the greatest coach around. Maybe not in those
words obviously, but like here's how I structure my front office.

Speaker 3 (48:38):
Here's how how I've been doing things.

Speaker 7 (48:39):
I've been doing it for twenty plus years, and the
results speak for themselves. Like if you're gonna pick up
put up blockades and make me at my age change
and do things in a Falcon's way when the Falcons
have nothing to show for it, like this doesn't fit
for me. I could see it where he is peacefully
saying I could wait a year or I don't have
I'm not gonna jump into the wrong situation.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
We don't know what the Falcons presented to him, and
the ra.

Speaker 2 (49:01):
Went after Tom Brady a few years back, and then
the Bucks got him and there wasn't a huge mark
for tom Brady Otherwise. I think this is that same
thing all over again, but with a head coach like
take a chance on Bill like being more motivated than
ever and getting the greatest, most successful coach in NFL history.
I think it would be a huge mistake by the

NFL on the level of the Lamar Jackson situation if
you let this hiring cycle go by and everyone is like, nah,
that he's not going to.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
Be for us.

Speaker 6 (49:29):
Yeah, but Lamar Jackson wasn't coming off of two awful seasons.

Speaker 3 (49:35):
Well, they weren't high level seasons by his stand.

Speaker 6 (49:38):
No, they they were bad. He did a he got
hurt both years and missed the end of the season.
Oh Lamar, I mean Lamar was playing well. My point
is Bill Belichick did a bad job at what his
job was the last two seasons, and it is a
what have you done for me to.

Speaker 1 (49:52):
Say that about Tom Brady.

Speaker 2 (49:53):
It's all relative, but he was a guy that appeared
to be in decline the last couple of.

Speaker 6 (49:57):
Years there even there, like those guys are playing at
a level that's much higher than the average performer. I
would say it's fair to point out Belichick did not
coach and run that organization in an average way the
last two seats. That's between the Patricia year and But.

Speaker 1 (50:12):
This is my point.

Speaker 2 (50:12):
My point is if people are going to look at
how the end of the Patriots run when after Tom
Brady left, I think you're overthinking it.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
When you have an opportunity to.

Speaker 2 (50:24):
Give him a fresh start and listen, go hire some
thirty seven year old offensive coordinator that's never been a coach,
be the Raiders and hire a guy in Antonio Pierce
that was an interim coach that was coaching.

Speaker 1 (50:35):
High school the year before. That's all cool if you
want to do that.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
But like the idea of fair talking yourself out of Belichick,
I just I think it's a possibility of a huge I.

Speaker 7 (50:44):
Think when you've rooted for a team where you've never
had a Bell Belichick or anything close to him as
a coach, your mind's going to like, why not take
a shot?

Speaker 2 (50:53):
Points you made earlier in news, it's not even a
trend anymore.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
It's the way it is.

Speaker 2 (50:59):
Everyone wants to get the young guy now and you
want it's like you want him to almost be the
face of the organization. I think that's one of the reasons.
Like my team, Robert Salace still is a job. They
like the way he looks, they like the way he
presents himself. In Belichick, it's a quarterback like a sev
seventy two year old frumpy guy that's grumpy with the
media and all that. Like maybe he's that's part of
his problem now too. He doesn't look the part the

NFL has changed.

Speaker 6 (51:22):
Well, and like what is his plan? Because there was
reporting from Washington Post other from being grumpy, that his
staff could include Josh McDaniels, Matt Patricia and Joe Judges.

Speaker 3 (51:32):
Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (51:34):
But that's I think that's I think that's a little concerning.
Absolutely is yes, I can't deny that. All right, God, Connie, Okay,
give us an unsolved mystery of the NFL.

Speaker 4 (51:44):
Okay, So, this is a team that has given up
four hundred yards in three games, three straight games. Defensively,
they've given up seventy four plays of twenty plus yards
this season, which is the third worst entire league. They've
had six different quarterbacks throw for over three hundred passing

yards against them, and only the Jags defense.

Speaker 5 (52:09):
Was worse this season.

Speaker 4 (52:12):
But the Lions are still in and their defense is
just such a mystery to me because their run defense
is incredible. They've only allowed one one hundred yard rusher
this entire season, and it was a quarterback.

Speaker 5 (52:27):
It was justin fields.

Speaker 4 (52:29):
The most a running back had against them in a
game sixty nine yards. That was ty Chandler in Week eighteen,
ty Chandler. Their run defense is awesome. Aaron Glenn is
getting all sorts of head coaching interviews. The players absolutely
love him. They just do one thing really well and
then everything else. They're just kind of mediocre in or

bad in. They're bottom ten in sacks they're the middle
of the pack, and total yards bottom ten and points
allowed middle of the pack and takeaways.

Speaker 5 (52:58):
How are they doing it?

Speaker 1 (53:00):
Is this working Lion's magic?

Speaker 7 (53:01):

Speaker 5 (53:02):
That's what I don't understand.

Speaker 6 (53:03):
I think offense being more important than defense is how
in the end, like you gotta be you got to
make some plays on defense, be opportunistic, situationally like look
at the forty nine The forty nine Ers defense played
terrible against the Packers until they didn't in the fourth
quarter and they made a couple of plays, but like
before that, they're kind of getting run over, even the Bills,

I mean the Chiefs defense, like that was their worst
game of the season. They get through, so I get
that would be my.

Speaker 2 (53:33):
Yeah, Like the this last game, as an example, they
forced Baker into two interceptions. One stop the opening drive
led to points, the second one Mark ended the game.
So they're opportunistic and their pass rush has gotten better.
Hutchinson's been on a tear the last couple of weeks,
so I guess it's maybe the numbers don't tell the
full story of where the defense is right now in

this moment under Aaron Glenn.

Speaker 5 (53:56):
Or they just have that magical.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
Thing, or maybe they do and we're gonna they'll have
I'll tell you what, Marky. They're gonna be tested in
a big way at the Big Bell Bottom on Sunday.

Speaker 7 (54:04):
Yeah, And I think you know, it comes down to
the end. And they gave up twenty points to the Cowboys,
twenty to the Vikings, and that started, you know, their
playoff run after that, twenty three to the Rams, twenty
three to the Bucks. They've generated some turnovers aiden Hutchinson's
been playing you getting the best version of him neither.
The Lions are just a different type of story where
like they're winning close games here, but there's just something

about the team that I think under Campbell that's like,
we are deficient in certain ways.

Speaker 3 (54:31):
We understand it.

Speaker 7 (54:32):
We're still a team that's being built, and like a
lot of their their draft picks hit so hard. I
think that's why they've leveled up and won one extra
playoff game. Then maybe they would have and it's like
next year, this offseason put you amp up the defense
to some degree, but they're surviving. But they're not giving
up forty five points a game here and having to
win shootouts at the end of the season here like
they were last year. Last year was like we've got

to somehow score thirty eight points and give up thirty seven.
It's a little bit different textually in terms of like
what they've done in the last three or four weeks.

Speaker 6 (55:01):
And they come up with some big plays, like yes,
they gave up a ton of yards last two weeks,
but like you think of the stops, the negative plays
they forced the Rams into to get him out of
field goal range last week. So many times the Bucks
get across midfield and then Baker you know, gets fooled
by by a Blitz scheme that Glenn cooks up. So
it's like to bend but break defense. But you're right,

like the next two weeks, if they get to play
two more games, they're they're gonna have to win shootouts.

Speaker 2 (55:28):
Uh, Greggy an Unsolved mystery Debating between two sof always tough,
you know, but this team doesn't get a lot.

Speaker 7 (55:37):
But that's what the showrunners of Unsolved Mysteries how to do, Greg,
So you do ununderstand how the production.

Speaker 3 (55:41):
And they came to stack with the rundown. Get this
out of my face, rearrange.

Speaker 5 (55:47):
Smashes a bottle against the wall like whiskey.

Speaker 6 (55:51):
Is what does Jason Light see this Buccaneers team being
mystery because I think he's sneaking down a good job
with this team, drafting, keeping it together. They've really hit
on their drafts better than almost any team in the
league over the last six or seven years. E've been
pretty good. Mike Evans is a free agent. He is
going to cost an incredible amount and you could franchise

tag him. That would be that would cost a lot
on your gap. Levonte David is a free agent, Baker
Mayfield is a free agent. Antoine Winfield, I would argue,
is your best defensive player is a free agent and
David might be second, So you're maybe your two best
defensive players. Heck, even Chase McLoughlin's a free agent. Just
a lot of pieces. I think they'll say goodbye to
Devin White. But the biggest part of all this is

how much do you really love Baker? Because I think
when you mentioned the Gino Smith type of contract you
you were probably right Dan of like, that's what it's
going to take to that's what he's going to take
to prevent him from going in the free agent market,
which it would be something like twenty five to thirty
million dollars a year and then maybe forty total guaranteed,

where like if you really wanted to give up on
him after one year, you'd have to eat it a
little bit, which is which is what the Geno Smith
deal was, which was what the Derek Carr deal was
with the Raiders, actually not with the Saints. Do you
want to do that for Baker? Are you willing to
spend all this money because they have a lot of
cap space on Evans and these other guys and actually
move on from Baker.

Speaker 7 (57:18):
Yeah, I think like Baker worked partially because it wasn't
quite to the level of Tom Brady landing there. But
this was a better roster than people, I mean the
roster around yeah, people around him. People kind of wrote
the Bucks office like a five win team, and a
lot of it was like, well, Baker Mayfield feels like
a placeholder and you got you know, at least I
think the best sea the second best season of Baker

Mayfield and like it came at the right time in
the playoffs, like the whole thing, and like it worked.

Speaker 3 (57:44):
And it's a nice story.

Speaker 7 (57:45):
But I think the teams have to be really, really
careful of nice stories. And I'll give you another Browns
example when they went ten and six back in the
day with Romeo Crenell and Derek Anderson and and as
that season came crashing to a halt and they missed
the playoffs, you could kind of see through it and
it was like, well in what they did was because
they had never had that kind of success. Was they

re upped Romeo Cornell in a monster contract, re up
Derek Anderson and brought in a bunch of like half
big free agents and they were being talked to there.
We gave him the most primetime games in the league
and then went on like the worst scoring drought of
any team in like forty five years or something.

Speaker 3 (58:19):
So I think, if you're the bit you have, you're
the bucks.

Speaker 7 (58:22):
You have to be self scout and say we were
in a terrible division inside wrapped inside a conference that
was gonna make it easy to go through a trapdoor
into the playoffs. But don't deceive yourself. Bigger might deserve
to stick around, but don't annoint him as the starter yet.
I'd say look in the draft like a competition, but
also give him credit for what even.

Speaker 6 (58:39):
Mike Evans, as great as he is, is gonna be
thirty one next year and is probably gonna like, does
he even fit better on a team that can just
give him sixty million dollars over two years to try
to go win a Super Bowl, you know what I mean?
Versus having to pay that much money in.

Speaker 5 (58:52):
This is off topic. Is Mike Evans a Hall of Famer?

Speaker 2 (58:55):
I think he's probably right there now because it's been
so so many years.

Speaker 6 (58:59):
What Eleven Stry he feels like one of those guys
that's gonna be slowly like he'll be a semi finalist
for five years and then at the end of his thing,
it'll be like he'll get into the room and he'll
be like on the border and one of those guys
will have to wait forever because he doesn't have it's
so tough too, doesn't have those all things.

Speaker 2 (59:15):
I think you mentioned the Browns is an example that year.
Jets said the same thing with Ryan Fitzpatrick after he
had a great season out of nowhere.

Speaker 3 (59:22):
A good season out of nowhere.

Speaker 2 (59:24):
It's very easy for these middling teams that are maybe
a coup ball bounced the right way and you win
a playoff game to talk yourselves into, oh, let's bring
this the core of this team back, and then it's like, well,
this team actually isn't that good and they won a
bad division, and this is a lot of the core
players from the Super Bowl team from three years ago
that continue to get older, and you could make the

same You can make a case, which is weird because
you're coming off a team that was just in the
essentially the quarterfinals of a Super Bowl tournament to blow
the whole thing up like you could do that too, right,
and it might not be the wrong decision, which typically
you don't say about a defending division champion that won
a playoff game.

Speaker 1 (01:00:05):
But they are in a weird space where they could
go two ways.

Speaker 6 (01:00:08):
Imagine if Antoine Winfield hadn't done that play against Carolina
where he knocked the ball out at the half hour
eighteen and the you know, the Bucks didn't score an
offensive touchdown in that game, and like that the season
had ended.

Speaker 3 (01:00:19):

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
Mike Evans has my vote, Colleen. Yeah, not in the
Superstar club, but the Hall of Fame. Weird occupies a
very weird, unsolved mystery of his own.

Speaker 3 (01:00:28):
In my opinion, it might serve.

Speaker 6 (01:00:30):
A little bit of Reggie Wayne, but not He didn't
get the as many like primetime games and stuff like that,
but occupied a similar space. Yeah, Andre Johnson, he's in
the Hall of Fame, right, I mean, Andrew Johnson to
me is another level above.

Speaker 4 (01:00:42):
But yes, and then Tom Brady aside, like the quarterbacks
that he's been with, Mike Evans has been kind of
quarterback proof.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
That's a big argument for him.

Speaker 6 (01:00:50):
I thought, absolutely he would have better numbers if he
had had a better quarterback Mark.

Speaker 1 (01:00:56):
Mark, you are a lot to choose from.

Speaker 6 (01:00:57):
No Mark told us he had twenty seven different.

Speaker 3 (01:01:01):
Twenty three of them were you know.

Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
The brain I want to know.

Speaker 3 (01:01:09):
I think the Eagles collapse.

Speaker 7 (01:01:10):
When something like that happens, you kind of forget about
the second biggest collapse sometimes. Right, It's like Eagles became
such a big story and they were part of.

Speaker 3 (01:01:18):
Our flash point.

Speaker 7 (01:01:19):
But what about down in Miami a team that I
am absolutely was torn to pieces by most winning teams
in general, but the Ravens exposed them in every possible way.
I think that launched Lamar Jackson and ended the MVP
race right there. They have a critical game at home

against the Bills that they lose, and you and the
division floats away, and the early season luster and the
idea that Mike McDaniels, who is an incredible press conference guy,
had some sort of like hand or secret over the
rest of the league when they were scoring seventy points
on the Denver Broncos back in Week three. Goes on
from there into inclement conditions and Kansas City. The offense

never shows up. The defense gives the Chiefs one of
their best offensive performances of the year, and you now
march into an offseason, this team that looked like they
were going to soar to playoff wins with the second
worst cap situation in the league. And I know that
you can say all these things are just solvable, but
they are fifty eight million dollars in the red. You

have got a flock of free agents. Jerome Baker, Connor Williams,
your center, Christian Wilkins, Andrew Van Ginkle.

Speaker 6 (01:02:31):
These guys all sound like they're going to get murdered with.

Speaker 5 (01:02:33):
This is a character. If I am convinced that you've made.

Speaker 7 (01:02:37):
Up man Ginkle, I think he's you know, through two
coaching staffs, he's been a difference maker for all Right,
They've got three, three or four offensive linemen, uh who
are free agents.

Speaker 3 (01:02:48):
They already were really short at wide receiver.

Speaker 7 (01:02:50):
As soon as they lost Wattle, it looked like they
were exposed at that position. They have to start over
at that position. Essentially all the backup guys are gone too.

Speaker 1 (01:02:57):

Speaker 7 (01:02:58):
Well, I'm saying, just beyond your two stars. You lose
one star and they don't they're not the same.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
Team, and the other star needs to get paid soon.

Speaker 3 (01:03:05):
That's right. You've got problems.

Speaker 7 (01:03:07):
I mean, I am just sort of saying also that
you are in this place where you can look at
Tua and I understand that he's one of these guys.

Speaker 3 (01:03:14):
It's like the people that are pro Toua.

Speaker 7 (01:03:16):
You can paint any picture you want, but I can't
repaint the picture of what happened to him down the
stretch and in that playoff game. And it's like, I
just feel like he's a quarterback. And I have my
own thoughts on Tua where he's like very capable, accurate,
there are good things about him. It's not not to
put him in one box. But do you trust him
in the biggest NFL moments that your team's going to encounter.

I think we've got a couple we've got so we've
got to sample size where the answer is no. And
you are Mike McDaniel, who is You've come out of
the belly of Kyle Shanahan, who for a decade plus
has had like an intense man crush on ky On
Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 6 (01:03:54):
Oh this is Allie.

Speaker 3 (01:03:56):
I'm just wondering if, like, do.

Speaker 7 (01:03:58):
You just sit there with Tua, Because I would say
one thing about Mike McDaniel He's gone as far as
he can to build up the confidence.

Speaker 3 (01:04:04):
Publicly of Tua.

Speaker 7 (01:04:05):
He has been his supporter verb belief from wire to wire.
I'm just saying that someone like Kirk Cousins other options
in the world. If you're Mike McDaniel and you feel
like an inflection point of like, we can't just repeat
this same season where you walk into the playoffs and
get waxed and cold weather, how do you change things?

Speaker 3 (01:04:22):
What is Mike McDaniel's next move.

Speaker 5 (01:04:24):
There a lot of questions. Y, I appreciate how that
was good.

Speaker 6 (01:04:29):
I want that entire thing on Instagram.

Speaker 2 (01:04:32):
Well, welcome to the fish fry. I've been here for
a while and you're the seats.

Speaker 3 (01:04:36):
Right next to me.

Speaker 7 (01:04:37):
I also appreciate having you not have to take every
bullet from that fan base, like they've got to have
open eyes.

Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
And it's not just.

Speaker 2 (01:04:42):
They had they did not have open eyes, and and
they their offense went into a funk last year too
that people looked away on and just said, oh, well,
two it was hurt and all this stuff. I got
to see if that offense is functional when it's not
Super Bowl September in Miami, And yeah, there's there's a
lot of work to be done there to see them
as a real content I don't need to add anything
else because I was saying it all year.

Speaker 4 (01:05:03):
It was the same questions that we had about this team,
and they showed us the answer in the most important
and biggest game possible. We weren't sure how they would
play against good teams, and we definitely weren't sure how
they would play against good teams on the road, and
then that's exactly what happened, And that was the concern
all season long, and it came to fruition.

Speaker 6 (01:05:20):
I think defensively, there's a lot to be excited about,
and they can keep most of their people. Year two
of vic Vango that was really showing dividends before the
injuries struck. But everything you said is really well positioned, Mark,
because I think they're in a very difficult spot where
they have a lot of challenges to keep this team

together and very difficult decisions to make, and yet they
have these high expectations and yet they haven't really achieved
that much. It might be the most difficult spot you
can be in. It's like true, you know what I mean,
Like the expectations are high, but there's a chance it
could all crash in really tough decisions, but you actually
haven't put any playoff wins in your pocket. It's a
tough spot that their GM Chris Greer and their coaches in.

Speaker 3 (01:06:03):
And I like McDaniel. We all like McDaniel, right, some
of us love him, some of.

Speaker 1 (01:06:08):
Us are adore him. He's what work there.

Speaker 6 (01:06:11):
I think they can avoid it falling apart, but I
think in terms of their roster, they have as many
questions as anyone.

Speaker 3 (01:06:20):
Ugly ending to the season for sure.

Speaker 1 (01:06:23):
All right, I think that's good.

Speaker 2 (01:06:25):
I think we're good, right, Yeah, Colleen, Yes, Dan, are.

Speaker 3 (01:06:30):
You attending Super Bowl fifty eight? I am?

Speaker 1 (01:06:35):
Are you still going up in that fighter jet?

Speaker 5 (01:06:37):
Oh my god, the Thunderbirds? Yes, I am.

Speaker 3 (01:06:39):
I can, like, is it you and one other pilot?

Speaker 5 (01:06:44):

Speaker 7 (01:06:44):
So you're not like playing gun or I'm not saying
that you'd be shooting and gut like, you're not like
you don't play a role.

Speaker 3 (01:06:48):
You're just a passenger.

Speaker 5 (01:06:49):
I'm just a passenger.

Speaker 4 (01:06:50):
But there's like five hours of training and like medical
assessments I have to go through first.

Speaker 6 (01:06:58):
And yeah, I mean, if I are you trained to
be the passenger?

Speaker 5 (01:07:01):
If I have to eject. I have to eject. Okay,
so I cannot wait.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
I've been falling down some YouTube wormholes.

Speaker 3 (01:07:10):
Lately, about the Thunderbirds, just about everything.

Speaker 1 (01:07:13):
My algorithm's out of control lately.

Speaker 2 (01:07:15):
I was watching watch the twenty six minute video by
the mechanics of the Titanic sinking, and then that spit
me into some different lanes, and then it spit me
to here's a world ninety six year old World War
Two pilot.

Speaker 3 (01:07:31):

Speaker 2 (01:07:31):
You know, guy can barely walk, you know, he's ancient.
They load him up in the old fighter jet and
after showing a whole real montage of you know, able
bodied young people passing out due.

Speaker 5 (01:07:45):
To the G four, I know, I'm really worried about it.

Speaker 2 (01:07:48):
And then Gramps is up there and he no, no effect.
No Gramps, the veteran who's been in, who had been
many battles. And then all I could think was calling
him into the office and being like, Gramps, I'm taking
your wings.

Speaker 3 (01:08:02):
You're fired.

Speaker 1 (01:08:02):
Get the Jesus.

Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
Wow, because that gives you a chance to really get
one over on him.

Speaker 7 (01:08:08):
You were like, you've got some lineage issues, but I
it is making for good listening.

Speaker 4 (01:08:12):
Have you ever been a boss of like people that
you could particularly fire.

Speaker 1 (01:08:16):
Not yet, but I'm looking forward.

Speaker 5 (01:08:19):
To hoping that doesn't happen though.

Speaker 2 (01:08:21):
But it's a lot of family stuff that that I think,
you know, especially like a grandfather if you could, if
you can, I respect.

Speaker 7 (01:08:28):
You, but it's sort of like a Godfather fantasy for you,
where you're like al Pacino in the bathroom finding.

Speaker 6 (01:08:33):
That I respect you.

Speaker 5 (01:08:35):
But ego, So, yeah, I'm worried about passing out.

Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
I think you will, I guess, is what I'm going
to say. I know you've you've flown before. Oh, I've
flown before many times, right, uh huh, but you've never
gone I did.

Speaker 4 (01:08:48):
I did my ground school for my pilot's license, I
got my not not all the hours I needed for
my private didn't solo, but I've been up there, and yeah,
I've never pulled g's before. But when I was talking
into the pilot Jeez, I said that I was worried
about passing out and or throwing up. Really don't want
to do either one of those things, and she was like, oh,
I'm not worried about it. Women's bodies are more physiologically

capable of handling the g's so usually when people throw
up or pass out, it's men, I swear, and I
was like, I'm sorry, can you just say that one
more time?

Speaker 1 (01:09:23):
You dropped down?

Speaker 6 (01:09:25):
What if the man is sixty percent g oh, oh
my god.

Speaker 3 (01:09:29):
I was sitting on that for ten minutes.

Speaker 5 (01:09:34):
So yes, I'll be at Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (01:09:36):
I'll make it to Sunday as long as now it
goes okay on two.

Speaker 2 (01:09:38):
Not only you know, is everyone counting on you, including
your war veteran father.

Speaker 1 (01:09:43):
That's right, who's who?

Speaker 3 (01:09:44):
Flow? He flew missions?

Speaker 5 (01:09:46):
Yeah, he was stationed at a missile silo.

Speaker 2 (01:09:50):
Now all good women of humanity are counting on you
too to keep up the reputation.

Speaker 3 (01:09:54):
Of G Force.

Speaker 5 (01:09:55):
It's a lot of pressure, but I'm ready to handle it.

Speaker 7 (01:09:57):
I like that you harbored, like spontaneous USh and fears,
but also jump into this assignment.

Speaker 5 (01:10:02):
I'll jump out of planes. Let's go.

Speaker 1 (01:10:06):
Good stuff. Thank you everybody for listening.

Speaker 2 (01:10:09):
We will be back on Thursday.

Speaker 3 (01:10:12):
Title Game, Thursday preview.

Speaker 1 (01:10:14):
That's a big one. You got to pick up some
guests for that.

Speaker 3 (01:10:18):
Spicy m Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:10:20):
Connor Heed.

Speaker 6 (01:10:21):
The car
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