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April 3, 2024 33 mins

Join us for a special seven-week series of "Off the Edge with Cam Jordan," where we're featuring standout interviews from Season 1. 

This week, Cam is revisiting his conversation with none other than his former teammate and future Hall of Famer Drew Brees. 

In this interview, Cam and Drew discuss the possibilities of teaming up for Flag Football in the 2028 Olympics. Drew shares whether or not he still has the arm strength to compete in the NFL. He then breaks down why he believes Brock Purdy and Tua Tagovailoa are the two quarterbacks in the NFL most comparable to himself. Delving into the ups and downs of the New Orleans Saints' season, Drew provides his observations and analysis. Then, Drew and Cam explore the importance of veteran leadership, drawing from Drew's own experiences. 

The Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeart Radio.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
What's up, people, it's your boy Camjay back with another
episode of Off the Edge with Cam Jordan. Now, as
we gear it for another exciting season, I wanted to
reflect on some of the incredible guests I had the
pleasure of sitting down with last season. But hey, don't worry, though,
I got you. New episodes coming your way real soon. Relax,
I got you. But in the meantime, in between time,

let's rewind and play back some of my favorite interviews
from season one. This week, I'm bringing you an interview
with the true leader of men, a New Orleans savior,
a man who's won a Super Bowl right down under
whether Super Bowl's coming up this upcoming year. Some call
him Breezes. I call him Drew Orleans. That's right, folks,
I'm talking about none other than my former quarterback, Drew Breeze.

Take a listen, hey, it's my honor, my privilege of
bringing a teammate, a leader of sorts, a leader of men,
because beyond just football, he does everything well. I don't
know who he doesn't leave. You look up to him.

I look up to him. The world looks up to him.
It's Drew Orleans. Drew Breesiana. It's it's it's Drew's way.
It just is what it is. Drew Brees Breeziana. My
dog Mark V would hit him with all types of
nicknames while he was throwing nice ball number nine. I see,
Drew Breesiana is sailing today. You know, those type of
situations as we were practiced from twenty eleven through twenty

twenty when I was teammates. He was part of the
New Orleans Saints from two thousand shit nine six two
thousand and six to twenty twenty, who fifteen years of
New Orleans. Drew Brees. I appreciate you tapping in.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
With me, big dog.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Welcome to Cam, you know, off the Edge with Cam
Jeordan Jay.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
You make me feel good. Man, I missed I I
don't have a hype. I don't have a hype guy anymore.
You know. Ah when I'm just when I'm feeling down
or depressed or get you know, just like down on myself,
I just gotta I just gotta hit you up. You
you and Mark Man, y'all like ma yell a.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
My guys, come on, man, you're you're my goat. You're
my go you know, like nobody in the history of
the NFL has ever thrown for four more five thousand
yard seasons. You know, now that you're retired, I can
say these things with confidence.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Nobody's gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
You know, super Bowl MVP. You know been to Super
Bowl should we could have gone back to two or
three of them in twenty eleven and twenty nineteen, like
could have could have been, could have been, records, could
have been, could have been us?

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Hey, I wouldn't. I wouldn't trade it. I wouldn't. I
wouldn't trade any of it. Man, those those those fifteen years,
and shoot, we had a lot. We had ten seasons together,
Cam ten ten. I mean you're you're that. You came
in as that that young pup, you know, talented but
kind of big eyes right like trying to figure it out.
And now look at you, man, you're like you're the

old dog. You're the one everybody goes to giving out
words of wisdom and advice based on all this wealth
of knowledge and experience you have.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Now, Man, no doubt, who's who's who's your who's your
you know, who's your jeweler, Who's who's your sup guy?
Who's your Like, I'm like, did we get to football. Yeah, Hey,
who's like, who's your barber? I don't have a barber.
I've been doing my hair like for so long. I
got a great barber now. But like you know, like
who's your massuse? I can't get you my massuse because

I use him and I can't have him being too congested.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Right, Yeah, there's some secrets that just you know, can't
give out, you know.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Absolutely, But like I said, Leaders of Men, Drew, let's
talk about this. My kid plays in your league. I
say it's to Drew League. I believe the name of
the league is FNA. I call it Drew Orleans Ball.
But you started that up a couple of years back.
When did that start off? How did you get to
New Orleans?

Speaker 2 (03:44):
I coach. I've coached just about all my my boys,
so let's see. It's hard to believe too. My boys
are now fourteen, thirteen and eleven, so ninth grade, seventh grade,
sixth grade. But I had a chance to coach him
all the way up. So yeah, we we started. Yeah,
our bailing. It was actually this started when Baalin was
in kindergarten. He was playing in a flag football league

and it was a good league. But it was one
of those things where I just saw all kinds of
areas where it could improve, from just the overall family
experience to the rules to and then it really just
got me on this path of you know, youth football
is interesting because, yeah, once you get to tackle, it
is what it is. But the flag game is so

so different because a there's all these different leagues and
they're playing by different rules. Some are five on five,
some aer six on six, some are seven on seven.
Different field size is different, flag like all kinds of stuff.
And I was like, how do I standardize this to
a point where this becomes the type of flag football
that's played that everybody really embraced. Is because it's safe,

it's fun, and it prepares kids in the best way
for tackle football if they choose to want to go
on and play tackle. So that was really the kind
of the objective was how do we create the gold
standard for flag football that kids can play and enjoy
with with like the reality that you know, maybe thirty
to forty percent of all the kids that play flag

football end up going on and playing tackle, But that's
not the point. The point, I think for me and
for you is football has meant so much in our life,
and it's it's taught us so much about life. We've
developed so many traits, qualities, attributes as a result of football,
and I think it's important that every kid gets a
chance to experience that. And it doesn't have to be
the tackle level, but how can we help them develop

a love and a passion for the game that they'll
carry with them forever. And if it wasn't for flag football,
they may never get a chance to experience it. So
how do we create the experience possible? So that's that
was like the origin and I think the you know,
really the story behind howf ANDA started, and that was
in twenty seventeen in New Orleans. We started off with
three leagues and then brought it to California, and then

the leagues started popping up in Texas and in the
Midwest and other places. So now we've got thirty leagues nationwide,
represented about eight states. And it's awesome, man, it's awesome. Right.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
I was like, it's taken off my daughter, My five
year old Nia, plays flag in football. She just scored
her first she just scored her first touchdown this past weekend,
and as a dad, I was like, oh, she's finally
in there. Because at five years old, you usually have
like the really really good kids that I swear have
been training since birth, and you have everybody else at
a five years old, they're just like, oh and there's

an ant hill right here, and just the gay man.
It's like complete opposites. And now, like you know, you
see that difference. But she just scored her first touchdown
and previously she was on soccer and now she's like, Dad,
I like playing flag football. I was like, hey, baby,
that's all I want to do, expose you to something different.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Yeah. Well, here's the other thing is, you know, they
just they just made the announcement last week that flag
football will be in the twenty twenty eight Olympics in
Los Angeles, unveiled October. It's going to be a five
on five version, which I think is probably more appropriate
just as you think about, you know, the worldwide kind

of embracing of the sport of football that probably kind
of brings to competitive levels, you know, more more equal
to you know, you know, across all countries. But you
saw it this year with what they did with NFL
teams basically having a chance to partner with different countries.
Like I went over to France on behalf of the Saints,
you know, so that France is kind of like our

sister country, you know, from the New Orleans Saints. So
it's one of our charges now, you know, across all
the NFL teams is to you know, partner with a
country around the world and then help provide support resources
to help grow the game of football in those countries,
so that here in five years we're going to have
young young men and young ladies out there representing their
countries playing flag football. So what a great way to

continue to grow the sport around the world. And also
I think for young girls, give them a vision for
what's possible. Right Like, young girls up until this point
have been playing flag football, and hey, it's fun, but
at some point it ends. Well right now, doesn't necessarily
have to end right like that chance on and represent
your country at the Olympics, becoming a list and doing that.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Drew, I'm not saying you're timeless, but I'm saying, like
you were slinging the rocket forty years old, twenty twenty eight,
are you are you? Are you still gonna try and
get out there and sling that thing? One good time.
I seen Look, I.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Just saw you.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I just saw you last weekend, Drew. I saw the heater.
I saw the heater with the left.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Did you see how I was gonna say? You saw
me throwing left? Look if I trained, Man, it's so tampting, Bro, it's.

Speaker 1 (08:26):
So tamped I might change. This is about twenty twenty eight,
Like I may lose thirty to try and get in.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Bro, I would. I'm more so I think I've passed
the baton on to the young, to the young Breeze kids,
you know what I'm saying, And to Tank, to Tank Jordan.
You know, I think I think I think we're passing
the baton on to the next generation to go represent
the US and the Olympics.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
I'm saying, like your oldest kid to be like eighteen
or nineteen.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Like we're
here right about time.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Member, Hey, I might I might have to hold it
down for the joy and try and just drop thirty.
Be like, yeah, what's up? I'm here for this five
on five?

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Yeah? Yeah? Uh Megan, Megan, Mega Tribe.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
That's what I'm saying, Hey, treat, treat me like Jimmy
and Jimmy in twenty thirteen, if you see me in
en zone, you know it's good.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
Right right? TDB? That was that was That was Jimmy
and My saying back in the day. TDB stand for
throw me, throw me damn if I'm if I'm in
the in zone, I'm open. Okay, nobody else around here
in six seventy I'm open. Nobody.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Nobody know why I've never actually asked you this question,
because you know, I'm just thinking. I'm thinking like draft comparables,
because now I got I'm thinking about my kids in
the draft, Your kids in the draft. Every year they
come out with like those comparables, right the next Cam Jordan,
the next you know, I have not seen the next
Drew Brees. And is there one? Have you ever seen

somebody comparative? And I only bring this up because Toron
said two is like the next Drew Brees. Toron arms
it over in Miami was like, man, he's got a
lot of measurables, a lot of comparables to Drew Brees.
And I said, huh.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
Yeah, okay, so I think I think the first I
think the first thing, Well, first off, everybody and Look,
Sean Pagne used to say this all the time, Like
we sit around and talk about personnel. You know, you're
trying to see how different guys fit into the system,
whether it's offense or defense. And look, we're all visual people,
and so if you can anytime you can take someone

and and give them a comparison, I think it just
gives you an immediate vision as to oh, okay, like now,
now I see how that guy fits into this offense
because I know the guy's skill set that you were
just talking about. If we're saying this guy can eventually
be that guy, all right, I've got a vision for him. Right, So,
I think the first the first thing I think of

when somebody says like, oh, that's a Drew Brees. First off,
you're talking about a short quarterback. Like, let's just be honest,
you you're talking about a guy who's like, you know,
on the shorter side, right, so maybe part of the
six foot and under like yours truly right here? Whoa
a bro? I appreciate that it's babe, But I like
to think that we've changed the perception or the misconception

about the short quarterback. Right Like back when I was
first coming into the league like that was a big deal.
Even ten years ago, that was a big deal. I
think enough has happened now where you see the Russell Wilson's,
the Kyler Murray's, the Baker mayfields some of these other
guys now that are man, they're like six foot six one,
and I don't even it's not even discussed anymore. Like

that used to be the first thing out of somebody's
mouth if they were trying to, you know, talk bad
about a kid coming out of my eyes he's only
six foot. Nobody says that anymore, Right, So, I think
the game has evolved and changed enough to where maybe
that misconception's gone. But then, like, let's look at the
other things. Okay, I was never the strongest armed guy,
right Like, I felt like I could make all the throws,

but I was forced to throw with anticipation because it
you know, maybe I didn't have as strong and all
arm as some of the other guys in the league.
Well what is throwing with anticipation force you to do?
It forces you to be prepared and to be on
the same page with your receivers, to have incredible chemistry,
to know what the defense is because You've got to

know where defenders are and where they're not, because guess what,
you aren't always going to see those defenders, but you're
going to know the spot and you're gonna have to
trust that. I've always felt like accuracy is trust and anticipation, right, Trust,
trust to play, trust the coverage, trust the guy you're
throwing to anticipate the throw, and the ball is where
it needs to be. And you got to expect your
gott to be there too. Why do you expect them

to do that because you've worked at it? Right, because
you worked at it.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Did you develop that and Purdue or the Chargers or
when did you didn't? Just like you weren't straight out
of Texas. Like anticipation, I got no, but I kind
of was, though.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
I mean that's to me that that's always been my
survival mechanism. You know, like you learn to survive, right,
I mean call it what you want animals in the wild,
like right, like you chameleons changing color so they don't
get attacked or you know, like like they blend in
Like that's you. You have to do what you have
to do in order to survive and get the job done.

And so if you're not a strong arm guy. You
have to learn to throw with anticipation or else ball's
not going to get there on time. Ball's going to
get knocked down, picked off. I'm not going to succeed.
So I look at guys like toa, I look at
guys like Brock Purty. To me, maybe those are two
of the guys that are most similar from the perspective
of Hey, they're shorter quarterbacks, right, they're not the strongest

armed guys. I would say, look man like, they've got
a lot of experience. I mean, to two had a
lot of college snaps. Brock Party at Iowa State had
a lot of college snaps. I was a three year
starter in college. I think that's something that as scouts
look at, you know, young qbs that can't be underestimated,
and that is their experienced level in college. Like look

at the hype that was put around guys like Trubisky,
Trey Lance. And I'm not saying those guys aren't going
to become, you know, great players, but those guys only
had eleven games or less in college. Right, So you
think about the number of games, the number snaps, the
amount of experience, Like you kind of expect them to
come in and be this world beater. Well, no, that

takes time, right, It takes time because it takes experience,
and it takes reps and just time on task. Right.
So I think these are all things that as you
look at like this next generation of QBS man, experience
in college is so important, right, and then you know what,
height's no longer an issue, Like can this dude process
the game? Does he have leadership ability? Can he throw anticipation?

You know? Is can he you know? Does he fight
back from adversity? Like does he have some mental toughness
and fortitude like overcome tough situations because everybody's going to
face those tough situations even within the course of the game.
Does this guy have a mechanism where he can move
on from bad plays and get on to the next
play and not let that effect you know what's going
to hap and next to get right back on track.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
Can you quantify that as an attribute? Though? Like can
you be like, oh, what is his mentality as from
drafting somebody Like you're like, oh, you can you can
only deal with your tangibles? How do you Is there
a gauge for that?

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Well, no, I'd say this, like, man, like I'm going
to bring up names that that you know because we
played with these guys. Like Pierre Thomas was the first
guy that came to mind. Pierre Thomas, undrafted free agent
out of University Illinois. Right, nobody's heard of Pierre Thomas.
Now if you really start looking at it, Pierre Thomas,
I think was the all time Big Ten yardage leader

in return yards in the history of the Big Ten.
Like nobody would ever know that, But like that tells
me this dude does stuff when he has the ball
in his hands, all right, number one, number two, This
dude comes in and basically makes our twenty seventeen by
blocking like two punts in pre season because we had
drafted Antonio Pittman a Roman round the fourth round right

that year, And here's Tt coming in as an undrafted
free agent, and basically he's only going to make the
team on special teams, right, So he ends up making
the team, But he plays so well in the preseason
that like we're forced to cut this other guy, right,
and then he starts off the year at like four
string running back. He blocks upon on Sunday Night football
at Seattle when they're undefeated No. Seven, right, and then

before the end of the year. This dude's the starter.
The last Dame was Teason who played at Chicago and
one hundred yards rushing, one hundred yards receiving. It's like
the first time it's ever been done in Saint's history.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Drew Drew, what year is that? And why do you remember?

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Dude? I got because I got crazy recall when it
comes to this kind of stuff, because like these are
life lessons, right, Like these are the things that I'll
sit up at night and tell my kids, or like
something will happen in a game and I'll be like,
let me tell your story. Let me tell you a
story about somebody. Right, And like Peter Thomas, here's the
dude who was just constantly sold short, like man, you're

not good enough, We're not going to draft you, Like
you don't have to make the team on special teams
that like, this dude did nothing but earn it, like
every single day, right until all of a sudden it
was time for him to get his opportunity. And guess what,
he was ready. He was ready, and he wasn't afraid
of failure. He wasn't afraid of adversity. He wasn't afraid
of challenges or stuff being hard because they'd been through it. Man,

he's been through it his whole life, right all the
way up through his career too. How many times have
we seen guys come in this league and man, it's
just been spoon fed to him. It's been given to him.
They never really had to never really had to face
it like that kind of adversity or earn it like
it's it's just been coddled a little bit and all
of a sudden stuff gets hard, you know, And I've

never had to face this before. I don't know what
this is like. And then going to tank and they
don't have that mechanism just to be able to like, man,
this is just part of life, right, this is what's
here to make me better, and you know, like, I'm
ready for this. It's a it's it's it's probably the
main thing that's wrong with the transfer portal right now.
You're just you're just making it easy on everybody. Oh,
you're you're unhappy, Okay, you can you always have an out. Well,

guess what happens if you be in a situation where
you don't have an out and you got to figure
it out, you know what I'm saying, Like, that's we
are depriving a lot of these college kids the opportunity
to face adversity and to develop the traits and attributes
they're gonna help them be the best they can be,
not just in in athletics.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
But in life on and off the field.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
Driving these kids, man, let's let's make them work for it,
make them earn it. I'll get off my soalbox now care.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
No, I mean, I'm with you, but I also I'll
be seeing these kids leave for these bigger nil deals
And I'm like, and that's what you get when you
ball out, you get a bigger call. I said, that's yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
So what do we Yeah, so what's what are we putting?
What are we putting the priority on? Are we putting
on education? Are we putting on being in the best system,
the best program, the best coach, like the best environment? No?

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Maybe, hey, maybe you know, if you're if you're leaving
you know, like uh, Ohio State, and you you know,
because you're not star in there or whatever it is,
and you get a transfer into like a University of California, Berkeley,
You've just elevated your education right there.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Boom. But how hard is it to be a college
coach right now?

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Man? Oh yeah, no doubt, no doubt. My d my
D line coach now is a DC over at Oregon,
Or my D line coach from college that cal is
a DC over at Oregon. And I mean luckily they
have forty five different jerseys every other week, so I
mean it's probably a little easier his ways. But it's yeah,
these kids don't care. They're going for a dollar signs.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
Out unless your name is coach prime or you have
an endless budget, right Nick, say the right like you?
It's so hard, man, it's so this Actually in IOL
is the non in IOL transfer portal is the best
thing for Alabama. It's the best way for Alabama. You
know why because Alabama can never make a bad investment. Now,

never make a bad What if I told you Cam
that you could invest money into something and if it
doesn't work out, you just get your money back and
you can move on to the next one, like you'd
never go wrong. Right. My point is this, Alabama's recruiting
pitch to kids is, hey, come here, we'll coach your heart.
We'll get the best out of you. Every year. We're
going to bring in the best players, and if it

doesn't work out for it, you can transfer and give
us back that scholarship. How about that, right?

Speaker 1 (20:20):
And so it works both ways.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Yeah, but man, it's really good for Alabama. Think about it.
Otherwise that would have to be really selected, right, because
all of a sudden, you recruit a kid, he comes in,
maybe he's not what you thought he was. You're stuck
with him. You're not stuck with him anymore. You just
you just treat him like practice so thieves, and then
you take a scholarship back and you just go make
another investment. You never lose, man, you never lose.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
I mean that's the I hate now that you say
I'm formulating, what's what's going wrong? I'm like, all right, no,
that that that creates a lot of holes in the things.
Like these kids. Yeah absolutely, So Now where do these
kids formulate the mindset to become a leader like you? Like,
in my mind in college, like that's how I became
a leader. It was like that freshman. Be sure, I

was a true freshman. So like I fought to get
playing time. I fought, you know, I was on all
special teams. In my mind, I just popped off my
freshman season. I made the first tackle on kickoff against
Tennessee at Cal right, and I was like I had
to work my way up even you know, like that
made me who I was. I looked at a defensive
end opposite of me, Tyson Lulu, who ended up going
to the Jacksonville Jaguars, like top ten picks or whatever.

It was like there was a mission there. I was like,
I want to be better than him. There's like, you know,
goals there. There was never leave Cal. I guess it
was like, how do I make the best of this
four years that I have?

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Yep, exactly, So let's be honest. Like there was moments
during my freshman year where I questioned myself. I questioned,
you know, was like doing the right thing? Was I
in the right environment, was on the right situation? Like
every I think every kid has those feelings and emotions
perfectly natural. But if the answer to that is stuck

it up, like learning him adversity, it's supposed to be hard.
Embrace the challenge. You're not going anywhere like then you
you work through it. On the other hand, if it
is hey, it's okay, you can just leave, you can
you're gonna you can just hit the reset button on

your video game controller. Right, you're having a bad game,
you just hit the reset button and just go somewhere
else and just start over. Right, It's okay. And oh
guess what if it doesn't work out there, let's just
reset it again. Let's just keep let's just keep kicking
this can down the road. Let's just keep transferring out
till you find so like, come on, come on now, look,
I'm not saying that. At some point, like look, Joe

Burrow is a perfect example. He goes Ohio State Red Shirts,
sits for two years, gets beat out, gets beat out,
timing again. So you know what, I'm gonna transfer out.
But man, he was there three seasons at least, I believe,
And so he's man, he's had to fight through it.
He's had to struggle, he's had to Now he's got
a giant chip on his shoulder when he leaves three

years later, and look what happens when he goes to LSU.
So look, there are there are successful examples of that,
but it was after a period of time where they
had to like get through the fire a bit. You know,
they had to suffer a bit. And I'm sure I'm
sure that that Joe Burrow would would would recognize the

value of being at Ohio State for three years.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
It probably, i mean probably made him up more of
a more of a leader because he valued it that
much more.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
There's no question. Man, I'll tell you what really comes
as a results. That as gratitude, And that's probably the
greatest trait than any of us could have. His gratitude.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Drew to beck to you with that added to your
leadership qualities, Like when did you become a leader? Because
when I got there, you already had the huddle chance going,
And like when did you become a leader? You weren't
just a born leader or maybe you were. Texas football
is different. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
I say this, I'd say I've always loved sports, right,
I've always gravitated sports. You know. Sports always gave me
great confidence, you know. I always felt like I was
an athletic kid, you know, so I could pick up
the sport and I could, you know, usually figure it
out pretty quick, you know, and then I'd be good
at it, and then that would build self esteem and
all that stuff. So I've always wanted to be the

guy who had the ball in his hands. Right. If
I'm playing basketball, I'm either the point guard of the
shooting yard. If I'm playing baseball, I needed the picture
of the shortstop, right, Like the list goes on, right,
Like I want to be the dude with a ball
in his hands. Who's going to win the game, right,
or who's in charge, who's in control of the moment
in the situation, right, and getting people on the same
page and all that, Like I did that, Like that's

arrive on that stuff, right. So I do think there
is some some innate stuff that happens with that where
you can just see it in some kids, right, Like
when you're on the field, you're like, man, that guy's
got some natural leadership ability, right. But so much of
what I learned through the years was from having great mentors,
from being around incredible players, like watching guys Like when

I stepped into the locker room my rookie year, I
was staring at Junior Sayout and Rodney Harrison on the
other side of the ball, and I was terrified of
these dudes, but like also like just profound respect because
these dudes were the first one there. They were working
their ass off, like during practice, man they did not
let anything slide nothing, So like they set the tone

early as to this is the level of expectation, this
is the way that we operate around here, and if
you don't like it, then get them out right, like
you had to get in line. And then I'm alongside
Ladanian Tomlinson, right, and then Lorenzo Neil comes in, who
was an awesome mental for me. I had Doug Flutie there,
I mean, and then you know, I'm playing for Marty Shaunhan,

one of the greatest coaches of all time. That I
come to New Orleans and it's Sean Payton and it's
all the guys like you and others that we played
with that I had a chance to be around every
day and like woke up every day wanting to go
win for so like you're so much of a product
of your environment and those that you're surrounded with, and
they just bring out the best in you. Like I've
always felt like, what's the best leadership traite, Like if

you were boil it down, what's the best description of
a leader. It's someone who can bring out the best
in other people. And that's done in a lot of
different ways, right, Like I would call Marcus Colston and
Darren Sproll's leaders. Those guys, as you know, did not
say much, but all you had to do was watch
them work. And if that didn't inspire you, then I

don't know if you got a heartbeat. Right, Like those
dude would come to work and work their tail off,
and like I was so inspired by those guys every day.
So I just I feel like I'm just a product
of being around some great people, right.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
I mean you say that and you can you know,
Marcus Colston nine went down in our seasons called him
the quiet Storm, But it does say something for the
guys who work and talk and inspire, because you can
be inspired by watching anybody, you know, but when you
talk that talk and you walk that walk, then like
that's where, in my mind become a leader. Like you
can dub anybody a captain. I feel like a captain

is a patch. A leader is something more Like it
feels like a leader is a rally point. And that's
what I like to be. Like I want to be
a rally point because I'm balling because I'm doing things
the right way. Like you look, you just gravitate towards
all right. Well, if he's doing this, I can push
myself to be more. So that's why you were a
rally point, like a leader. You know, there's certain guys
you just look for, like or the amount of work

that he puts in, I gotta put in more. Like
you're challenged me to be better, you know. Like that's
what I like. Like, Oh, we talk, we talk about excellence. Well,
that's why we're being excellent because there's so many things
that were going on. But now that I got to
this podcast, what do you see from this first seven
weeks of New Orleans States football? And how can that

be cleared up and or get better? How to assess
us let's go with that work.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
I mean, look, I think I think defensively, you guys
have been pretty consistent. I think offensively it's been it's
been a bit inconsistent. I think there's as you look
at as you look at every game you've played, I
think you would look at and say, man, there's no
reason why you couldn't have won all of them. I
know Tampa Tampa got all out of control, right, But

but besides that, I mean, you guys could be sitting
here at whatever.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Seven one one are. We could be sitting at six
and one.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Respectively, just right, So, so you know that part is
kind of frustrating because, uh, I think you know that
there's more in the tank. Look, I think all the
pieces are there. Like it'd be one thing if you
were sitting here saying, man, I think you know you've
had some significant injuries or you know you're just you're
really missing some key components. I don't. I don't think

you are at all. I don't think you're at all.
I think it's certainly as I look at it, like
I look offensive side of the ball. You know, Man,
when we go up tempo, I think we are highly effective.
I think that creates a great rhythm for the offense.
I think that's when we are at our best. I
think that was shown in the fourth quarter of the
other night. Right we get down all of a sudden,

we're up temple. Man, We're moving the ball right down
the field, and I'm probably it's not like they were
just playing prevent and letting it happen. I mean they were.
They were running the same pressures, they were doing the
same stuff they're doing the whole game. We were just
a bit more on point because we had this rhythm
and this slow going.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Sense of urgency. I feel like when we go when
teams go huddle up, it's either one they're trying to
slow the defense down or two their desperation is kicked in.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Yeah, I would. I would say this, man, we have
always been an offense that had a lot of things
for a defense to worry about. You got Kamara in
the backfield, you got tight ends that are explosed. So
if you've got receivers all over the place, playmakers that
are tough one on one matchups. Right, So I still
feel like that is the case, right, Like I still

see Mike t being a guy who can catch seven
or eight balls a game. I see dudes in Olave
and Shaheed that are like meets him and deverywhere for
us back you know in that that that window from
seven to thirteen where like air raid, like push the
ball down the field. You know when you get in
the red zone. We said it earlier in the in

the in the show, Well if if if Jimmy standing
in the end zone, I don't care who's there or
who's covering him, that that would be a great that'd
be a great spot to use him. I mean, look,
there's Taysom Hill is like, I'm I'm still amazed like
everything that I see from him, and I should know better.

I should know better because I've seen everything this dude
can do. And yet I'm sitting there watching the game
on Thursday night and the guy was the tight end
in two minutes. He probably had thirty five snaps at
the tight end position, in addition to quarterback, in addition
to running back, and addition all these other positions that
he plays. And it's still like, man, it's like he's
one of the greatest weapons in the league, right, And

so I think, like, if anything, that would just get
me really excited. And as this continues to unfold, I
think with more of a tempo and just kind of
you know, creating the rhythm, getting the ball into these
playmakers hands in space right, which we've got plenty of them,
and then just finding those matchup problems that we've got

them all over the field. I think that we're in
a great spot. I really do.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
I feel like there's so much potential we have to capitalize.
Like now it's becoming you know, we used to have
those gotta habit wins. It's becoming in that sense, of
like we have to be able to turn it on now,
you know, and you knows, as you've taught me over
the years. Leadership is so important in these in these
locker rooms, this locker room feel, it's leadership, and it's
these rally points that this is where you take that Hey,

okay with three and four, this is how we go
beyond that next step. It's time to elevate, and it
starts with the leaders up top. So I appreciate you
tune the number. I know you got things you got
to do. I wanted to talk about pickaball and how
your game is because I still have yet to do it,
but we'll talk about that in another day. I just
want to know it's being a pickaball owner.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
Will you get We've got to get the Saints to
build a couple of Pickaball courts right there next to
the indoor facility, and we can get some games going,
all right, like a little off season, maybe a little
Tuesday off day run around, you know, like let's let's
get this going.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
I mean, you're already a pick aball team owner. How
much longer do I have to wait till I just
hear that ticker go across Drew Brees. He miss, yeah,
come on, I'm just saying fine, say no.

Speaker 2 (32:37):
Yeah, Look, I like leaving it to the pros there.
You know, I'll just I'll just kind of, you know,
just be working behind the scenes here.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Okay, perfect. Appreciate you chopping in, bro. So there you
have it. It's a round. I just want to say
a huge thank you to all my awesome listeners for
with me. I've got a whole locker room full of
my favorite interviews from season one coming your way. But

before I go, you know the drill. Come on now.
Make sure to drop us a five star rating or
review and hit that follow button on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also
catch us on YouTube on the official YouTube page of
the NFL. Until next time, I'm out.
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