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May 6, 2024 93 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You've got way up.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Fred show is on the hottest morning.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
Show Morning Good Morning, every one Monday May sixth, It's
the French show Hiklin. Hello, Jason Brown back from assignment. Yes,
in Austin, Texas, from the field for the Yeehaw Festival,
the iHeart Radio Country Festival, country Folk. How was it?

Speaker 2 (00:25):
It was good?

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Yeah, it was great. I mean country fans are awesome,
you know.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
And what's nice is the country artists are like very nice,
and they always want to do stuff, and they're like
down and they're on time.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Stop it. Some are actually early stop it.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Shouts out at ten minutes early for his thing with me.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
So yeah, man, Jason Brown, you must have been walking
around like a little bit tingly because I know you
love an organized run sheet. I know you love a
call sheet that's just boom boom boom boom boom. Yes
I do.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Yeah, And it was That's how it turned out, was
everything I could ever dream of.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
Wow, you were back and then in the city where
it all began for me, well, the second city, but
my first full time job was in Austin. Oh really,
so you probably met several of my children working concessions
there who knows who knows what they were doing? Okay, Drake,
I mean nobody's called me for money. Then I'm also
afraid to get the twenty three and me. So I

had a good run. Austin was good to me. I
was good to it. Yeah, and I'd like it.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
I wish I could spend some more time there. I
got to go on Sixth Street, which I guess is like,
do people still go there?

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Yea yeah? Oh man like that goes so yeah. I
love my innocence on six sidewalks?

Speaker 4 (01:42):
You did?

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Wow? Oh wow, yeah do boy.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Rainy is a good place.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
I don't think one single place that I where I
went is still there. I think I think they're all
like shuddered, banned. Oh god, no, I was that. That
was Dallas. Okay, let's get it. They may have one
in Austin now, but let's let's get it right. That's
not where it all began for that. Okay, Rufio is here.

Good morning, Good morning mornings, intern, ben mean that Benjamin.
We are one week away from the return of Paulina
row everyone. I confined yesterday and I asked her, I said, hey, look,
it hasn't been that long, like, uh if you don't
you know if you need more time, Yeah, Gabriella, whatever
you need. And of course the response was, why is

it okay if I come back? Why can't I come back?
Is it okay if I come back? I'm like, Paulina,
you can come back tomorrow. You could have come back
with the placenta still, you know, I don't care. You could.
You were never you were never mandated to leave, you know,
and you can come back anytime you want. I just said,
if you want more time, you can have all the

time you want. We'll figure it out. Oh no, she
wants back Monday this time, and she shall receive that. Yes.
But I am was like, this doesn't seem like enough time.
I think she's ready to come back to being Paulina
ROI again, I think she is, Yeah, and I'm ready
for her to play her game. So this is great.
I don't know that you're undefeated. It doesn't just because

I wonder if he doesn't mean I don't like it.
I get super nervous. I'm already nervous for Wednesday and
it's Monday. Now, you know how I felt the entire
time she obit. Jelly was out, We're not doing that
again if she gets plugging against somebody else. Cana's writing
the questions and playing the game because she's usually smoking
the Devil's letus when she writes them, so she'll probably
forget the answers by the time. Yeah, it comes around,

it'll be fine. Sure, if you can beat Caylen in
her own game, you really deserve. You wrote the questions,
then it's all yours. Let's see the entertainment report this hour.
Blogs will do headlines and trending stories. What are you
working on, Kaylen?

Speaker 6 (03:47):
The biggest concert ever and the last person who should
be opening a bar is opening a bar.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
Okay, you know, we don't do like super serious news,
or at least we try not to in trending stories.
And I don't have serious news. I have sports, and
I have Jason here to tell us what he thinks
about the Kentucky Derby about boxing. Also, we're all getting stupider,
and that zebra that's on the loose. We have a
we have more. I have a follow up, the follow

up story to something that I covered last week in
my journalistic endeavors.

Speaker 2 (04:19):

Speaker 1 (04:21):
Yeah, have a fun fact today. Waiting by the phone
this morning showed me to Shelley with money King Keith's court.
What's coming up?

Speaker 2 (04:27):

Speaker 5 (04:28):
You're stupid?

Speaker 1 (04:29):
Oh I know it, that's the whole thing. Wait one
more time, just so I can because it was a
long one, so I wasn't able to fully like absorb it.
What was it again?

Speaker 5 (04:38):
Girl, You're stupid?

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Okay, thank you? And Keith could that's next hour? And
what else do we have this morning? Oh? What was
I going to say? Oh? A follow up to Waiting
by the Phone too, the Waiting by the phone, and
this one was about what was it? What was the
gist of it? Because it was like three or four
weeks ago.

Speaker 7 (04:56):
She went on his Instagram and looked at all his
exes and said, I don't compare to I'm not his type,
and they keep things to get to get married.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
After this, she's like, oh, they're gonna get married now. Yeah, right,
because because that's why she was like insecure. And then
she wouldn't go out with him again, and we called
straighten it out. They did go out again, and then
we gotta know what happened. Maybe maybe they're already married.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
I mean it's mom, Yeah, she's fighting. I think this
is amazing.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
Now that would really be something, wouldn't it. Yeah, Okay, well,
I guess we'll find out a little bit trending stories.
Next Fred show is on, It's.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
The Fresh Show. This is what's trending.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
I miss whatever you're laughing at, but I'm sure it
was funny. Then again, you laugh like that over things
I say that aren't funny.

Speaker 8 (05:43):
Soy this morning? He yeah, yeah, it is. Honestly, this
guy gases us all up. The other guy is our
buddy over at WGCI, Leon Rodgers. I found this with
comedians comedians like good comedians I shouldn't say, because there
are good comedians that don't do this, but a lot
of comedians have been around they make you feel funny,

like he laughs at things that you say. And I
don't know why I've found that in comedians, because some
are very dark and don't laugh at anything. Some roast
me on stage, like Cannibal buristed several times. But I
don't know. I've been around comedians that like, I don't know.
Every time I'm around Leon, I feel funny, and he's
the funniest person I know. So I'm like, wait a minute,
why do I feel funny right now?

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Anyway? Mystic Dan won the one hundred and fifty is
Kentucky Derby, The Kentucky Derby, Jason.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Yes, horses, okay, good and hats and beautiful hats.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
It was a three horse photo finish, edging out Sierra
Leone by a nose, with Forever Young the third in
the tightest finished since nineteen ninety six. What were your thoughts?
You know it was tight?

Speaker 8 (06:48):

Speaker 3 (06:50):
But there were horses, so the right, but there were horses, Yes, Rufio.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
Did you get an invite to go friend the Kentucky Derby? Yeah?
No I didn't. Yeah I didn't. Who all was there?

Speaker 7 (07:03):
Boss man and then the boss man's boss man where
they're both there?

Speaker 8 (07:07):

Speaker 1 (07:07):
Yes, No, I never get invited in.

Speaker 7 (07:10):
No, you got the outfit already, but you just never
get no idea sucker.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
I had my seersucker. I had my what do they
call those hats.

Speaker 5 (07:17):
Like a fastener?

Speaker 1 (07:19):
It was a fascinator or something.

Speaker 5 (07:20):
Oh yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
It was fascinating what I had.

Speaker 9 (07:22):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (07:22):
I don't wear hats like that.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
I was ready to go and I was waiting for
them to come by. I actually had the outfit on
the day before your suit. Yeah, no, I was just
standing there with a mint jewlip in my hand and
my fascinator fascinating fascinator on. Yeah, And I was standing
out in front of my house for about three hours
and then finally nont became so then I got on
my own horse and I rode. Yeah, it's what you're

supposed to do, right, Yeah.

Speaker 7 (07:46):
I saw a boss man and then the other boss
man post on Instagram and I was like.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
Oh, that's been a trip that's been going on for
over a decade. I've never been invited to, but that's fine. Yeah,
I know it's happened for a long time now. I
also heard rumors about that trip that Big boss Man,
one of the suits brings an entire like kitchen set
up to his hotel room and then cook's food in
his hotel room for everybody or something like that. I mean, yeah,

I guess the guy travels with like burners and stuff.

Speaker 5 (08:13):
Are you allowed to do that?

Speaker 2 (08:14):

Speaker 1 (08:15):
I don't believe you are, actually, but you know, because
like I guess, like room service or like a restaurant
or something what not, we wouldn't do that. And fire
is that a common thing? Do people really do that?
Do people bring like I mean I've heard of people
bringing snacks and you know, I don't know like stuff
to eat that so I don't have to spend a
bunch of money on room service or hotel restaurants or whatever,

especially if I have kids. I've heard of that. My
mom used to bring an entire suitcase full of just
crap for us to eat, especially when I was younger,
because I would just I was it was too expensive
to feed me. I mean I would eat like two meals.
It was ridiculous. They try and take me to buffets
because that was where they like felt like they were
getting like a hotel breakfast buffet. They ate that up
because my parents were like thirty nine bucks, Sure, this

kid's gonna eat you out of house. And I would
I just sit there and just shovel food in nice
They saw me comming. My parents at least were getting
on moneys were out of this thing. But otherwise, Yeah,
I've never heard of. This is what the Big Suit does,
is it he brings burners and and like meat and
he cooks it in its hotel room. I heard that's
everywhere he goes, not just to the Kentucky Derby.

Speaker 6 (09:16):
Yeah, one of my friends pulled out a sandwich when
we were on the beach in Brazil, and I was like,
where'd you get that? It looks good and she's like, oh,
I made it at home. I was like, we got
here four days ago. Yeah, yeah, like home, home, home home.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
You're also not supposed to I don't think bring like
raw but not raw, but like I don't think you're
supposed to bring perishable items across the border.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
Right, And her husband was like, yeah, we just like
put it at the top where it's cold. I'm like, oh,
you had an ice bag. He's like no, it was
cold on the plane. I'm like, this sandwich is not
going to.

Speaker 7 (09:41):
Be good for you.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Guys don't have sandwiches in Brazil.

Speaker 5 (09:45):
The girl figure it out. You guys like you make
good money.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
I'm rich you I can buy you a sandwich, like
like they're negative twenty five cents.

Speaker 6 (09:54):
So I was like, are times that's hop because you
make more than me. I don't know what's going on,
but yeah, from home.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
I was actually thinking about how because you were in
Brazil a couple weeks ago for the wedding and you
were talking about how inexpensive it was. And I went
to visit my aunt in she you know, Saints and
aunt has an apartment in one us aires where she moved.
I mean, this lady's like, never had any kids, married
a couple times, whatever, divorced, she just does whatever. She went.
We went to dinner with her. It's like friends of

hers or four of us. And it was at this steakhouse.
And I've never I'm not embelliching, I've never seen more
food in my entire life. Everybody had a steak the
size of like Fred Flintstone steak. I mean like there
was just sides everywhere. Dessert had like twelve flavors of
ice cream wanted. I mean, I don't even know what
was going on. And then this guy and I were
like haggling over who was going to pay for it
at the end, and so finally I get my bill

and it was one hundred dollars US and I paid
it and I'm like, well, that's my half. And it
was a ton of food, and so my aunt we
walked out. She'd liked how much was that. I'm like, well,
my half was one hundred bucks. She's like that's pretty good.
I mean, look at all the I mean, this was
the nicest restaurant in Ba and look at all the
food we ate, Like, that's pretty good. It was by
far the most expensive meal I'd paid for there. The
next day, this guy call says, hey, thank you so

much for treating us last night. I want to take
you to dinner tonight. And I'm like, what are you
talking about. I paid my half. He goes, no, you
paid the whole thing, remember, like you won the haggle
or whatever. Amazing, the biggest meal I've ever seen in
my home. Literally, like more food than I could even imagine,
twenty five dollars a person. It was wild and it
was good, it was delicious. It was supposedly one of
the top two or three steakhouses in the entire city.

Twenty five I'm like, how do they make any money?

Speaker 7 (11:31):
Yeah, that's how it was when I went to when
I went to the Philippines for the first time, Like
I went with all my family and we went to
this fancy restaurant. We had like four of everything, and
then the bill came. It was like forty five dollars.
I was like forty five dollars, and I was like,
let me treat you, y'all.

Speaker 6 (11:46):
Treat y'all, right, My nicest sushi meal was twenty nine
a person that's drinks and a ton of rolls.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
For Oh we had wine too. I forgot to mention that. Yeah,
oh yeah, it was It was wild.

Speaker 5 (11:55):
I was like, I can't get a salad in this building.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
For twenty nine dollars, Like we're being row right, And
then we walked by Gucci and I'm like, let's go in,
and she's like, no, it doesn't work that way. I
guess all those places they charged the same or more
but for whatever reason. Like and then I remember looking
at my my my credit card bill and my ubers.
I think I was mentioning this last week. Yeah, my
ubers were like a dollar twenty nine, a dollar four

like and I mean for an uber that would cost
twenty dollars here.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
Yeah, my hot.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
I mean gas is gas making money.

Speaker 6 (12:28):
The max tip you could leave I said on Uber
was five percent. And even then they were really weird
about it. I was like, I wanted to be more
and they're like no, no, I'm all right, fine, I'm moving.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
It was crazy moving to Filipino spring rice cookers. Is
that true? That's that is true? You guys travel with
rice cookers. Oh, yeah, okay, I don't know. I mean
I've been tempted. If I've stayed at those hotels that
have like little kitchenettes, I've been tempted. But I don't
know like all the food. I don't know what's going
on with the pots and pans, and yeah, I don't

know what's going on with it, you know, like who
used it last? What are they who cleaned it? Really?
Like really who cleaned it? You know? And I'm not
I don't get too weird about hotel rooms because, as
you know, I am a germophobe and I'm a total weirdo.
But I just I sort of let Jesus take the
wheel when I walk into a hotel room, because there's
just no way, Like, you know, you got these people

that are like I bring my own sheets, and I
bring my own pillows, and I don't wear I wear
socks at minimum in the hotel room. I don't walk
away around barefoot. I clean the whole place myself. You're
never gonna like, it's a hotel room. Three hundred and
sixty five days a year, somebody's in that room, a
different person. More than likely, You're never gonna like, They'll
never they're gonna have to tear the building down to

make and then burn it all to make it clean,
like really clean. So I guess when I walk into
a hotel room, I just I just I acquiesce, like
it just is what it is. I can't just let
the germs make me stronger, right, I don't stay with airplanes.
Like I've been on airplanes before. People clean in all
the seats with these wipes and weren't a meta. It's like,
you know what, I'm sorry, as soon as you walked in,

do you just breathe them? Thirty years of oh god
knows what.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
Every time I fly, someone has the black lungleg right
next to me. I'm like, that is that's COVID forty five.
Like I don't even know what that is? Like why
are people so sick on the flight all the time.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
My buddy flies for an airline and he was standing
in the cockpit like door. Someone gets on the plane
and says, uh, there are no peanuts on this plane, right,
And the flight attendant was like, there, we haven't served
peanuts for years, Like we can't, you know, like whatever,
peanuts whatever. She's like, that's good because if there's any
remnant of oil or anything any form of peanut on
this plane. I'll die. Oh and my buddy's like, no

peanuts on the plane. She walks in the ail. He's like,
this airplane's thirty years old. We served peanuts on it
for twenty five of the thirty. Like there's peanut oil
and dust everywhere. She was fine. And I'm not saying that.
I'm not saying that that's not dangerous. And I know
that it's a very serious issue. But the point is,
like what the filth got? You know how many thousands
and thousands of people have been on these stays. It

just is what it is. Yeah, you know, Kiki, it
is what it is.

Speaker 10 (15:03):
It is what it is. But I'm not taking pots
and pans on vacation.

Speaker 5 (15:06):
That's too much.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Do you use the pots and pants that are in
the room.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
No, Why would I be cooking on vacation.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
I also agree with that. But it's cheaper if you're
there for like a week. I don't know. I mean,
it's it's expensive to eat out every single meal.

Speaker 5 (15:18):
Have you seen the price of groceries in this.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
That's true too. That's the interesting question. What is the
strangest thing that you have to have on vacation that
you bring with you. A rice cooker is that's something
I mean? But that's easy to take.

Speaker 7 (15:31):
Like the rice is dry, you just fill with the
with water, plug it in and it stays warm all day.

Speaker 1 (15:38):

Speaker 5 (15:38):
I bring my own pillow everywhere I go.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
Oh yeah, but I feel like the pillow is just
getting covered in whatever mess you brought it.

Speaker 6 (15:45):
I wash it, but I can only sleep with a
pillow with like the microbeads in it. I can't sleep
with a normal pillow. So you're not really worried about no, no,
come on, no, I'm here. I'm because I carry a
microwave pillow from Amazon.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Why do airplanes have carpets? It's a better question. What
do you want to put marble in the thing? Like
hard with.

Speaker 5 (16:04):
Hard would be NARSI I think it has to.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Do with flammability and some other stuff. But I really,
actually I don't know the answer to that. YouTuber turn
Price fighter Jake Paul is promoting his summer fight with
boxing legend Mike Tyson while at the Formula one Miami
Grand Prix on Sunday, which was the Star sud At.
Everybody seems to have been there he said. I love Mike.
I'm super respectful of him. It's an honor to be
in the ring with him, but I have to end him.

The twenty seven year old will fight the fifty seven
year old on July twentieth at eighteen and T Stadium
in Arlington, Texas. He'll be available on Netflix. I don't
know about that.

Speaker 7 (16:36):
I saw it's a legitifight too, like it's gonna go
on the record winning it is.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
Yeah, they're not gonna have head gear and all that stuff.
I don't know. There are all kinds of rumors and
right now it was like one two on a right there.
He was gonna be a little tag team and like
all this tuff. And I saw Mike sparring the other
day and he I don't know. I don't I know
for someone who's in this fifties, I still would not
take it for a mint dollars. I don't think I

would do it, yeah, because I feel like if he
hit me wrong, I would die. So it's not worth
it to man like I mean, if you if you
can't like fully, yeah, look very dangerous. So it turns
out that we're getting stupider guys. IQ scores in the
US are on the decline for the first time ever,
and experts are saying that technology is to blame. And
you know, I believe this because I don't know how

to spell anymore. I don't even bother. I don't even
bother spelling anymore, because all I do I bother. I
am bother trying to get anything right on the I
just text real fast. The phone either corrects it or
tells me it's wrong, and then I click on it
and change it, or I go back and edit it
if I didn't. But like, I'm not even trying to
spell words correctly because if you just get kind of
closed and it tells you what it is. So then

when I go to write like a handwritten thank you
note or something, I have to sit in front of
Google because I have to like type in the words
and be like, oh, that's how you spell that, Okay. Like, honestly,
I believe that we don't have to remember stuff anymore.
We don't have to be able to do math anymore.
I mean, you really don't.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
You don't you don't need any of this kids.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
All right, Keith, you well don't say that I'm reports
time with the average intelligence test score fell from one
hundred and ninety eight, which is a two point decline.
Test takers are quizzed on matters of logic, spatial reasoning,
visual and mathematical problem solving, and vocabulary, and scores have
only been tracked since the beginning of the twentieth century.
So let's see here. The smartest state is New Hampshire

average IQ at oneh three and the least smart New
Mexico at ninety five. So New Hampshire Jason's favorite state, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
and Vermont, North Dakota and Wyoming the smartest and the dumbest,
according to this New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Nevada.

Have you ever taken AIQ test? Friend, I apparently I have.
I don't know what the score is. My mom claims
I'm smart, but that's what But that's what my mom's
supposed to say. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (18:59):
She's not gonnatant.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
She's not gonna tell me if I'm a complete imbecile.
I made it this far. She knows the score, but
she won't. But again, I.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
Don't know that.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
My mom is never like if I were a total moron.
She wouldn't tell me, like she'd be like, yeah, you're smart,
even though she knows I'm dumb and I made it
this far, you know what I mean. Maybe they sit
at home every night they're like, oh, thank god, thank
god you thought a job where he can be an idiot. No,
but if you ask her. But then again, if you
ask her, I'm the best at everything. If you ask her,
I'm Ryan Seacrest. If you ask her, I'm you know,

I'm Oh my god. No one on earth gasses me
up like she does, so I might be actually like stupid. No,
that's why I say that. Like my mom knows the
score and says it's good.

Speaker 5 (19:49):
She won't tell you.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
No. No, my dad is actually brilliant, though he is
like he is. I think he's borderline mensa my dad.
And you can tell because he just kind of sits
in his chair and just kind of shakes. He just
he reads books and kind of just vibrates. He's like,
that's your kid. Oh yeah, no, trust me, No, I
didn't get any of that.

Speaker 2 (20:08):

Speaker 1 (20:09):
No, I mean sometimes talking to my dad is an
inconvenience to him because whatever words you're using or not
turns not at his level. And a zebra that I
told you about last week has been captured in Washington
State after six days on the run. He's no longer
on the lamb or she rather. A female zebra name
sug was one of the four zebras that escape from
a trailer east of Seattle. Sug ran through the foothills

of the Cascade Mountain Range for six days and was
captured by a group of private citizens. And she will
now complete her trip to Montana where she's going to live.
I guess it's National Melanola Monday and National Nurses Day
today as well. The Entertainment Report is next. We'll do
blogs after that are audio journals. Money Today with Shovin Shehollow.
What do we up to? Nine to fifty time breaker,

nine hundred and fifty bucks waiting by the phone. Lots
of stuff coming up.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Fred Show. He is on Good.

Speaker 11 (20:58):
Morning Entertainer Report. He's on the Freas Show.

Speaker 6 (21:02):
Speaking of Brazil, one point six million people hit Brazil's
Copa Cabana Beach for a free Madonna concert Saturday. I
think I told you guys, I saw them setting up
for this and they were braving the heat really to
see her.

Speaker 5 (21:14):
It was the end of her Celebration World tour.

Speaker 6 (21:17):
Some fans were there for hours, some even days to
get a good spot. They were lined up outside of
her hotel when I was there. Bougie fans anchored boats
nearby to watch. Firefighters sprayed down water before the concert
to cool fans down, and they were also handing out
free water, which is good. Brazilian pop artists like Anita
and Pablo Vuitar also performed, as well as students from

local schools, which was pretty cool. By the way, Madonna's
audience was not only her biggest ever, but the largest
for any standalone concert by any artist, a record that
was previously held up by the Rolling Stones. So she
made history with that one people. Oh I yes, one
point six million, So that's that's a lot of people.
Snoop Dogg and Tea Pain also on Saturday put on

an impromptu concert at Resorts World in Vegas after the
Lovers and Friends Music Festival was canceled just hours before showtime.
If you didn't hear about this, I guess they pulled
the plug over bad weather forecasts.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
The line title thing came to fruition because I know
some people that went, and they were there and they
called it fourteen hours before. And I know that they're
super sensitive too. Of course, you know, it's because there
been so many a number of tragedies involving bad weather
at the stage, collapsing, whatever else, and so I get
that in the interest of everyone's best interest they did that,

But I don't know that it got that bad and
people were pissed.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
Yeah, people were very I mean, the lineup was amazing.
It was Usher, Mary J Blige, Jannah Jackson, Alicia Key's job,
rule of Gwen Stefani and the Battery Boys. So they
ended up just doing you know, concert just so snoop
and tea page, just so that people weren't as pissed.

Speaker 5 (22:52):
I guess Usher shared that he.

Speaker 6 (22:54):
Was disappointed about the cancelations, but if you did buy
tickets through front Gate tickets, you are going to get
a refund. But still, I mean, you go all the
way to Vegas for that, right if this is the.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Same thing my friends went to that. They're from the
East coast, so they stayed till twelve thirty Vegas time,
which is like I think probably three thirty their time.
They left at twelve thirty thinking nothing was going to happen.
I guess those guys came out at three thirty in
the morning in Las Vegas, so like three hours after
they left, and like, if we'd only stayed three more
hours in the club in the everyone's dream, that's that's

an eternity, and that's a three hours more club time
is yeah, normal time? My gosh, thousands of dollars and
years off of your life.

Speaker 6 (23:34):
Club post, Malone and Morgan Wallan announced their collab I
Had Some Help, will be out this Friday. They did
premiere the song though, during Morgan's headlining set at Stagecoach
last weekend. Speaking of Morgan and the absolute last person
who should be opening a bar, He's opening a bar
in Nashville. During his headlining set at Nashville's a Nissan

Stadium over the weekend, he revealed that his Morgan Wallen's
this bar in Tennessee Kitchen will we open on Memorial
Day weekend? He said, it's over off Fourth Avenue, just
beside the Riemann Auditorium. It's going to be opening that
weekend and he hopes to see us there.

Speaker 5 (24:11):
I don't know if you.

Speaker 12 (24:12):
Get a chair when you walk in to throw off
the top floor who's in Western part. He throw the
chair off of it church. They put a sign there,
they put a little bit memorialized it. No, they put
it right where he right where he like threw the
chair and he said, don't throw any chairs.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
You're not Morgan Wall. That's what it said. It's like
it's like a like metal. They put it right there.

Speaker 6 (24:33):
I mean, do we delay the opening of our own
bar or do we like use it as publicity?

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Like, well, nothing seems to have happened, Like everything seems
to be like water on the rim. See because he's gy.

Speaker 7 (24:44):
If he's at that bar every night, you'll go, so
something's gonna happen, right, he needs to like.

Speaker 5 (24:49):
Just not drink for a little bit. I think maybe.

Speaker 7 (24:51):
But I's gonna have no cameras bolted to the ground.

Speaker 6 (25:02):
More to check out online Today we got more wrap beef.
Chloe Feynman does an amazing Jojo siwah and she's a
parody of herself Jojo, but people, her impression was good.
And if you want to see the aerial view of
that Madonna show, it's amazing.

Speaker 5 (25:17):
It's on Fred Show Radio dot com.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Eight three five is how you get a hold of
freend show you can call in text the same number. Caitlin,
what how did this come to mind about your parents
teaching you a lesson?

Speaker 5 (25:26):
Okay, so my.

Speaker 6 (25:27):
Friend Ashley and I have just similar dads. I don't
know how else to put it. They're kind of hard asses,
but they they parent differently than moms I feel like.
And so we were talking about the worst lesson that
our dad's taught us the hard way. And my dad
was trying to teach me to listen because I had
a very big issue with listening, and he knew that

I don't listen. So how he did this was we
ordered sushi one night and he looked at me. He
brought me over to the wasabi and said, Kaylin, do
not eat that.

Speaker 5 (25:59):
It is very hot, it is spicy.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
Do not.

Speaker 6 (26:03):
And he knows I don't like being told what not
to do. He went in his bedroom. He heard the
loudest scream, he said, he's ever heard. I put the
whole wasabi in my mouth.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
How you like twenty two?

Speaker 5 (26:11):
It was yesterday, yeah.

Speaker 6 (26:14):
And then for Ashley, she got caught drinking and so
her dad said, instead of like, you know, punishing her classically,
he sat her down and he poured a glass of
scotch and said, all right, if you can finish this
glass of scotch right now, I'll let you drink.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
You think you're old enough to drink, I'll let you drink.
She puked, but she tried. She tried.

Speaker 6 (26:32):
Yeah, And so then she never got caught drinking again.
She still did, but she didn't get caught.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
How did your parents teach you a lesson? That's what
I want to know, because, and I'm sure my parents
will appreciate me telling the story. But we used to
go we grew up in Arizona. We used to go
to Mexico for like spring break or whatever. And I
don't know, maybe twelve thirteen, fourteen, they'd start letting me
drink a little bit on these trips, because it's like
we're in a resort, we're not going anywhere. No one's
obviously driving. I don't have a driver's license, and I

think they sort of just would let me take it
a little further and a little further and a little further.
And I can remember one night just getting hammered at
like fourteen at a hotel. I mean I was and
and okay, so I was up all night. I was sick.
You know, whenever parents checking in on me, I was sick.
Next morning, eight o'clock, get up, come on with vacation.

We're going You're not sleeping all day. We paid for
this place, come on. And that was their thing, was like,
you're not wasting your whole day because you're a drunk
or whatever. But the thing, here's the interesting thing is
they're probably there are probably people going, that's crazy, too
young for that whatever. One we couldn't go anywhere. Two
I was always under their supervision. And three I was

one of the few people that went to college and
on the first night didn't blow it out to the
point where like my parents probably needed to come get
me out of jail or something. They'd like there was
It wasn't taboo, like I had already sort of done
it under their supervision to us, and I could only
do it on vacation. I couldn't do I couldn't like
crack a beer at the house or whatever. But I don't.
People thought this was a crazy parenting tactic, But the

truth is, like I just didn't go nuts when I
had the chance to, because it just like I didn't
have to, you know, I mean, I don't know. I
kind of knew what my limits were already, and then
when I went off into the real world, like, of course,
I still pushed them, but it wasn't like, oh my god,
this is this was all forbidden to me, so let
me do everything now. And a lot of people I
went to college with did first time away from home,

first time out of their parents' supervision, first time ever drinking,
first time you know, going on days and doing whatever
with other people. And then and they went they took
it too far? Did your parents ever make you? Did
they ever? Because you bruphal, you were like you were
a criminal. For me, they never helped me any in
any way, you know what I'm saying. They never failed
me out. My parents never helped you out.

Speaker 7 (28:43):
Like like a lot of my friends were doing the
same things I was doing, and their parents were like, oh,
let me help you pay for the lawyer, let me
do this. I guess that was my lesson, Like I
did the crime, I've got to do the time, right.
So I mean because in our local like if you
ever got pulled over or arrested, in our local newspaper
they would put out once a week. There was like
police reports like like Kevin age eighteen from this block,

you know, got arrested. It's like the reports were there,
and it's like you just had to live with it,
but never once did My parents were like, all right,
let me bail you out again this and that, like
you you did it, you gotta you gotta, you gotta
do to time.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
So right, what about rule follower Jason Brown over here? Ooh,
so did you ever get in trouble? I did? This
was really bad. So my grandma got me a brand
new car when I sixteen. When I turned sixteen, and I.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Decided to go on this road that had a lot
of potholes and completely total the car, like rip the
whole bottom out of it, like the accle went flying,
the tire was in someone's front yard like whatever. My
parents were pissed, obviously, right, So their punishment to me
so that I understood, you know, the value of nice
things was I had to drive a nineteen ninety two

opal colored Ford Explorer nice with no air conditioning all
summer and then start going to class.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
And my dad refused to like put free on in
it or whatever. He's like, no, you're gonna learn.

Speaker 3 (30:04):
You're driving and you're paying for the gas because you're
driving the expressway with this giant car. So that was
their way of being, like, you need to value what
people get.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
Youkiking, I got how did your parents break you up?
The c mob? Well, the gang the girl gain? You
remember of what was the seventh grade?

Speaker 5 (30:21):
Yes, you know.

Speaker 10 (30:22):
I decided to change my life on my own with that.
The hardest one was trying to wear heels. As like
a twelve year old, I really wanted to wear heels
really really bad, and my sister kept saying, you're too
young for that, You're too young, and I was like,
but all the girls are wearing the wedges. I want
to wear the wedge.

Speaker 5 (30:37):

Speaker 10 (30:37):
So she let me wear the wedges to church and
I completely fail in front of the church, in front
of everybody, and my little wedges and I had scratches
all over my face from falling, and yeah, so I didn't.

Speaker 5 (30:50):
I don't wear wedges to this day.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
But I got my drive. My parents let me drive
when I was sixteen, and the thing was like, don't
get a speeding ticket. If you get a speeding ticket,
all because I was on their insurance. Of course, like
all of our insurance is screwed. Like, I don't even
know if that's true, but anyway, it was like, don't
get a speeding ticket. That's irresponsible. I got a speeding
ticket when I was like seventeen, coming back from work

in the middle of the night at Blockbuster Video. So
I didn't tell them. I booked the driver's ed thing, yeah,
because you could get the points. The points. Didn't you
pay it and get the points you go to court
or you could go to the class like all day
Saturday and then it went away. So I booked the class,
paid for the class, took the class all without them knowing.

And then I sat them down and I said, guys,
I have to tell you something. I got a speeding ticket.
And my mom starts to load up, like she you
know what I mean, you can tell you know when
your parents are about to go. She starts to load up,
and I was like, but I paid for the drivers
that I took the drivers, that it's taken care of,
and you could her mouth was open and like her
hand was up and oh, like what can you say it? Like,

I just I got ahead of the whole thing because
to go to drivers I already did a paper. I
already did right, Oh, well, don't do that again. That
was it. That was it though. And my sister, on
the other hand, here we go. My girl lied all
the time, didn't take anything. She probably got fifties feeding tickets,

guys in the house. Nobody cared about anything. When my
that's the difference between the first and the second, especially
when they're eight years apart. Oh, I know my sister,
she wouldn't have done that. She would have like forgotten
about it, hope nobody ever found out, and then like
the sheriff would have shown up to arrest her, you know,
because she like threw the ticket away a kicky over here, right, yeah,

hoping that it never you know, that nothing would ever
happen with it, and then they'd have to hire Johnny
Cochran to come and like get her out of prison.
That's what my sister would have done, and I love
her for it. Text. When I was about ten, I
found a pack of old cigarettes in my parents cupboard.
My mom said, you want to smoke them, go ahead,
but you suck as hard as you can, real hard.
So I did it, lost it along on the back

steps that day, and she said, if you ever want
to smoke, that's what it feels like cured. Oh yeah,
I had my own keys to the house and other text,
but I would still sneak out after curfew. So one
night my parents hired a twenty four hour locksmith and
change the locks to the house. Yeah. I love it.
I love it. That is a good one. I like that.
Let's do blogs. Next, Fred Show, someone tested my parents

made my sister eat a pack of cigarettes. Oh my god, Jesus, Yeah,
I don't know. That's sounds drastic. Okay, Wow, are you okay?
Is your sister still alive? Hi, it's the Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Good morning.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
Let's do waiting by the phone?

Speaker 2 (33:40):

Speaker 1 (33:40):
Why did somebody get ghasted? Jason? I want to hear
your You had a bit of an embarrassing story with
a bowl of soup. Yeah, oh my god, yes what?

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Yeah you guys this it only happened to me, Okay,
Jason versus soup?

Speaker 1 (33:58):
In just a minute, Let's see I had dred and
fifty bucks? Show? Is Shelley a tiebreaker in the Showdown
the Entertainmer Report? Good news all? Next on The Fred
Show's Dad here more Fredshaw? Next, He's got to wait.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
Freds Show is on the Hottest Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Wait, good Morning Everybody. Monday May six is The Fred Show.
Hi KLB, Good Morning Hy, Jason Brown, Rufio Morning Shelby.
Shelley is here at Tiebreaker with Jessica nine hundred and
fifty bucks In the showdown, can she win that money?
Beat our pop culture expert in five questions, we'll find
out about twenty minutes after blogs, audio journals, waiting by

the phone. Why does somebody get ghost at the entertainer
reports coming up? As well? What's in their cave?

Speaker 6 (34:42):
Well, the roast of Tom Brady went down last night
and there may have been one joke that he thought
went too far. But I want to discuss this because Fred,
you and I were off air, and I don't know
if that's really what happened.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
Yeah, yeah, I think it's being a little dramatized. Yeah,
but around for the port okay, cool, and we can
talk about about it.

Speaker 11 (35:04):
Yeah, they talk better than they These are the radio
blogs on the Fred Show.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I'll stick around. I was going to go home, but
I'll stay. We're getting real close to my ninety minutes
to work a day, R real close. I think we've
gone over so yeah, I am too. I think that's
people are like man, he doesn't stick around after the
show for very long. No, I don't because I'm starving.
That's what that honestly, that is the priority. If you

feed me like what I want to eat, not whatever
crap they bring around. You're like, what if you feed
me what I want to eat? On my stay longer?
But that's really the priority. Is where am I going
to feed this this instrument of mind?

Speaker 5 (35:44):
You know, where are you eating?

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Then? I don't know whatever, Probably something crappy for the instrument.
I don't know what. That's another I want to say
with me and the movie references today. I hate when
people do that. What movie is it from? I can't
stand when people do that, because there's no way I
could possibly remember. That's I was going to say, just
at Rufeo next time. But my body is my town,
my body is my instrument. It's Wayne Newton in Vegas
vacation when the wife is trying to when yeah, when

way Newton is trying to get with Jevys's wife and
he says something about my body is my instrument and
I keep my instrument fine too, or something like that.
So that's what I tell the ladies when they come
over and they go, look like it, Wayne new Where's he?

Speaker 2 (36:25):

Speaker 1 (36:26):
I came here for Wayne Newton. Bro It's like we're
writing in our diaries, except we say him a lot.
We call them blogs Chason Brown versus soup.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
Go Yes, so, dear blog. We talked about it earlier
last hour. But I was in Austin, Texas this weekend
for the iHeart Country Festival, which was great. But I'm
sorry to think that I'm cursed in Texas. So if
you remember last year, I think we talked about it,
I was walking with my team down the street and
fell in the middle of the street and spilled my
coffee everywhere. Embarrassing, right, Yes, well I had an equally

embarrassing situation happen with me this weekend with my one
of my best friends, which is soup. So I love soup.
I talk about it very often, how much I love soup.

Speaker 2 (37:06):
And so there are a.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
Lot of people this festival that I like try to impress, you, like,
want to make sure people you know respect you and
all this stuff. So we're going up and we're getting
lunch at catering.

Speaker 1 (37:17):
So because you should explain, I'm starting to interrupt you. But
like these are big events for our company. Yeah, like
the whole company, you know, whether it's the iHeart Radio
Music Festival or the iHeartRadio Country you know, country, switch, swing, dance,
shin ding ding, whatever the hell, it's called country and
Western event. And so they invite like the best people

in different departments to come work. So it's kind of
an honor. Oh yeah, it's kind of an honor to
come work for free. Yes, our company is famous for that.
Here's an honor. Show up and don't get paid. Good,
mind a little bit. Yeah, it's fine, it's fine. But nonetheless,
so everyone around you at these things is like the
best of the bell.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
Yeah, like executives, like hire people, the people you know
in the company, in the whole country. So we're all
up in line getting catering. It's like a buffet style
sort of thing. So I'm like, okay, well I'm gonna
be like a little healthy. I'm gonna get just a
soup and a salad, like, you know, like we're healthy.
We're gonna be a healthy girl. So I was chicken
tortilla soup, one of my top five faves. Put it

in the bowl right, and as I'm walking to my seat,
the soup is so hot that it melts the bowl
and all of it falls on the ground and on
my shoes in the middle of the cafeteria, like the
middle of the lund room, like a cardboard paper bowl.

So I'm embarrassed, so I like throw everything away. I
go and I like stand at this table behind this
curtain because I'm like I need to breathe. Like that
was so embarrassed over the floor literally, and then I
look down all on my pants, all on my shoes,
just soup.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
And they're like, who spilled this your Coverina, You're like,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (39:05):
Like the workers or anything, like you gotta double bull
the soup you're gonna did.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
I tell you that in the first place. Let's I
would not assume that double bowling is necessary. I never
assumed that double the one bowl is sufficient enough to
hurt Super Bowl. Double bowling is that is a big deal,
and I would not normally do that standard operating procedures.

Speaker 5 (39:28):
Double ball. I'm ingesting the ball like I'm eating.

Speaker 7 (39:30):
The ball because the one bowl is gonna melt in
your soup and the second bowl is holding the soup together.

Speaker 1 (39:36):
Oh no, it's not to go to the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (39:38):
And I took my shoe off, and I'm like cleaning
my shoe in the bathroom, like trying to clean my
pants off. I'm like, why can't I get through this
event without doing something really embarrassing?

Speaker 1 (39:48):
And it al was really nice about it. My team
was joking about it after, but I was like, oh
my god, So that was more embarrassing than when you
showed up to one event and they sent you home
instantly because you had COVID. Yeah, actually, yeah, so I'll
never forget. They send Jason. They send Jason in New York, right, Barly,
Oh my god, I'll tell this. Do you tell me

if this is about accurate?

Speaker 2 (40:09):

Speaker 1 (40:09):
They send Jason in New York for another major event.
He shows up there. His flight landed at like noon.
I get a text from him at like one thirty.
I walked into Madison Square Garden. They tested me and
then told I have COVID and they told me to leave.
And I'm standing on the street corner in New York
with my cakes. I've been here for ninety.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
Minutes crying because I can't go to the hotel. I
don't have a flight home, Like I'm literally homeless in
New York.

Speaker 1 (40:35):
Touch me I'm not gonna let her. They tell me
to get back all the play with COVID home. You
don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
Leave it up to this company to have no play,
and it'd be like, y'all gotta go.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
I don't know what you're gonna do, but you.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
Have to figure it out. So the soup debacle is
more mass. You walking in and walking out of Madison
Square Garden thirty seconds, definitely more public where people super well.
That explains why the chairman of the company texted me
over the weekend. So do you know Jason Brown? You
know it's a cleaning bill. He's got all over the
Can you teach your people how to get the soup

from the bolt their mouth?

Speaker 2 (41:15):
That do that?

Speaker 1 (41:16):
When Rich Bresler texted me, everybody knows it's a double
bull situation. Everybody know it except for your guy. God, oh, Jason,
only you waiting by the phone? Why did somebody get ghosted?
We'll do it next. Ever been left waiting by the phone.

It's the Fred Show, David, Welcome to the show. Waiting
by the phone is what we call this. As you know,
tell us about your date with Aaron I guess it
actually looks from your email like there were a few
dates and where you guys stand right now?

Speaker 13 (41:53):
Yeah? Thanks? This date in particular was a third date.
So we went out downtown, drank quite a bit, pretty
typical tonight, you know, and then you end up at.

Speaker 2 (42:04):
A fast food spot.

Speaker 1 (42:06):

Speaker 13 (42:07):
Bill, We're a little too drunk to drive, so we
took an uber home.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
Responsibly, Okay, very responsible of you.

Speaker 13 (42:13):
And I mean we got back and had some fun.
But I mean the night all went by real quick,
and I remember having a great time. But when I
woke up in the morning, Aaron was completely gone. And
I have I haven't heard anything since that night, and
I'm wondering what's going on, because I mean, I thought

we had a good time, you know.

Speaker 1 (42:35):
Okay, so you guys have this wild night drinking, you
have the drunk food, the drunk you know, hook up, whatever.
You wake up the next day, she's gone. Not that uncommon,
except that you haven't been able to get ahold of
her at all. Text calls, nothing, Yeah, And.

Speaker 13 (42:48):
I mean she seemed to be having a great time too,
Like it wasn't even mixed signals or anything. The only
thing that went wrong is I haven't seen her since,
you know.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
All right, well, that's where we come in. We're gonna
call her and you'll be on the phone and we'll
ask some questions. I don't want to jump in right
at first, but at some point definitely coming on a call,
and hopefully we can figure out what's going on and
straighten this all out and set you guys up on
another date and pay for that.

Speaker 13 (43:08):
Okay, all right, it sounds good.

Speaker 2 (43:10):
We're going for date number four.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
There you go. That's hopefully it works out for you.
Can you hang on for a second. Let's see what's
going on in Part two of Waiting by the Phone
two minutes from now after Sabrina Carpenter will do it.
It's the Fred Show, Sabrina Carpenter, It's the frend Show.
By the way, we're commercial free for the next forty minutes.
You don't have to go anywhere. Hey, David, Yeah, welcome back.
Let's call Aaron. You guys went on three dates, had

kind of a crazy third day, lots of drinking, and
went back to your place. You woke up, she was
gone and you haven't heard from her, sense and you
want to know why. Yeah, that's right, we'll call her
right now. Good luck?

Speaker 13 (43:43):
All right, thanks guys.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
Hello, Hi is this Aaron? Good morning. My name is Fred.
I'm calling from the Fred Show, the morning radio show.
I have to tell you that we are on the
radio right now. The whole crew is here, and I
wouldn't need your permission to continue with the call. Is
it okay if we chat for a couple of minutes
on the show's okay? Yeah?

Speaker 14 (44:08):

Speaker 2 (44:09):

Speaker 1 (44:09):
So we're calling out behalf of a guy named David
who reached out to us and told us that he
had met you and you guys are gone on a
few dates. Do you recall David?

Speaker 9 (44:20):
Yeah, yeah, I recall David.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
Okay, Well, so what's going on? Because he told us
that you guys went on several dates and I told
us about the last day. Thought it was a great time,
except that he hasn't heard from you since and he
kind of wants to know why. So what can we
tell you what's going on? Yeah? I know I know
how this works.

Speaker 9 (44:38):
I know exactly what's going on. I know he's listening.
So like, I really don't think that the actual details
should we talked about on the radio because it's crazy.

Speaker 1 (44:46):
Okay, Well, yeah, so you've heard waiting might of the
phone before then, and David is here, but he didn't
seem to think anything crazy happened. Like I feel like
either he wouldn't have called us if he did, or
he would have told us about it ahead of time.
He just told us it was a crazy date as
far as like drinking was concerned, and that you guys
hooked up a little bit, right David, and then and
then nothing. I mean, that's right, So what what are

we missing?

Speaker 4 (45:10):
All right?

Speaker 9 (45:11):
So everything was going well until we got home and
we went back to his place. We picked up some food,
some fast food, and like we were in the kitchen
and things are getting really hated. But like you know,
like clothing came off because that like of course it's
the radio. But I ended up on the island with
like the food and mail and whatever junk you keep

on the table.

Speaker 1 (45:35):
So like I actually got heated, like in the kitchen,
like you guys are eating and you just couldn't sort
of wait, so it kind of got heated, right there,
is what you're saying.

Speaker 9 (45:44):
Yeah, it was like as soon as we walked into
the kitchen that we just we just lost the roll
and we like you know what.

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Okay, that sounds not terrible. Yeah, I mean it was fun.

Speaker 9 (45:55):
I was enjoying it. So, like I I was on
the island and I looked back and like, mid act,
he's eating a cheeseburger.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
No wait, so I'm trying to get the mental picture
here without you know, so he's behind you and you're
sort of you're in front of him, look back at
him and he's eating well yeah, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 9 (46:19):
I mean I was just so pissed. I didn't know
if this is like some fetish stuff.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
Please wait? So David, like you couldn't even wait till
the act was over to take a bite out of
your your cheeseburger?

Speaker 13 (46:30):
Was that the problem?

Speaker 9 (46:31):
Is this?

Speaker 1 (46:32):

Speaker 13 (46:32):
Like I haven't heard from you since?

Speaker 2 (46:36):

Speaker 9 (46:36):
Yeah, it was so rude. It's so disrespectful.

Speaker 1 (46:39):
You couldn't even wait. A mental picture is amazing you
with a cheeseburger in one hand, and like, oh my god,
really dude, Like, I mean, I guess one could argue
that you focus on one thing at a time, or
maybe you were you were like bored with it so
you you needed to eat to simulate other I mean,
what I don't understand why you couldn't just do one
thing at a time.

Speaker 13 (46:59):
I mean, man, it was it was one of those
nice right. I mean, this wasn't handlelight dinner and the theater.
I mean it was get drunk and get some taco bell.
It was something like that, you know.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
Okay, So so you felt what he felt disrespected. You
thought it was rude.

Speaker 9 (47:14):
This is our first time, like, you know, getting that
close to each other and he can't even wait for cheeseburger.

Speaker 13 (47:25):
I didn't think it was a big deal.

Speaker 1 (47:26):
I can understand the shoesburgers are good. All right, Look,
is there any way that we can get over this?
He he was under the influence. You were under the influence.
It was just kind of the whole thing was kind
of sloppy. You know, Will you give another shot? I
mean he made it to three days, so he can't
be all bad.

Speaker 9 (47:41):
Yeah, this is too much for me. I need I
need more on my future. No, this is I need
a normal person.

Speaker 1 (47:48):
I just can't get the visual out of my mind.
Which is awesome, Okay, David, I'm sorry. It's not going
to be a match. Aaron. Thank you for your time.
Maybe one thing at a time next time, all right?
Thank you? The Entertainment Report and Shelby Shelley versus jessicat
tiebreaker for nine hundred and fifty bucks, both next to
fredshiel Back in three minutes.

Speaker 11 (48:06):
Caitlin's Entertainment Report is on the freadshell.

Speaker 6 (48:10):
The Roast of Tom Brady, hosted by Kevin Hart, aired
on Netflix last night. Comedian Jeff Ross was introduced as roastmaster.
I feel like if he's not there, it's not a
real roast. He entered the arena wearing what looked to
be a bloody number thirty two football jerdy jersey with
the words Roast Jay Simpson on the back. Like OJ
He made the joke if the gloves don't fit, you

must talk spit oof. Now here's perhaps one of the
biggest things or moments that people.

Speaker 5 (48:38):
Are talking about today.

Speaker 6 (48:40):
Jeff made a joke about Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and
some think that Tom Brady got upset for real about it.

Speaker 5 (48:47):
Here Listen.

Speaker 15 (48:48):
Tom was eventually drafted one hundred and ninety nine in
the NFL Draft. He sat there for days, waiting and waiting,
and then you were finally picked in the sixth round.
When Bill Belichick's dog stepped on the keyboard by accident.

So Tom became a Patriot, moved up to New England,
and on the first day of training camp That's Strawny
Rookie famously walked into the owner, Robert Craft's office and said,
I'm the best decision your organization has ever made.

Speaker 1 (49:34):
Would you like a massage?

Speaker 5 (49:38):
So here's the part.

Speaker 1 (49:47):
I love Robert Kraft.

Speaker 7 (49:48):
I know, okay, okay, but that.

Speaker 1 (49:52):
Was it and I don't but he was smiling and
he waited a while to do it, and I don't.
I don't think he was really mad. Yeah, I don't
know that joke not how could someone not tell that joke, right,
I had to know that was coming.

Speaker 5 (50:03):
Yeah, I don't know if he.

Speaker 6 (50:04):
Was like doing it just to save face with like
Robert Kraft, like, oh look, I defended you, but like,
if you're going into a night like that, that's probably
like one of the least bad things you could say.

Speaker 5 (50:12):
But yeah, people think it was real.

Speaker 6 (50:15):
And the reference, of course, was in connection to Robert
getting arrested for soliciting prostitution at a Florida massage place,
but the charges were dropped like the following year. But
I mean, that's an easy joke and we'll talk more
about other things that happened next hour. Drake responded to
Kendrick Lamar's latest distrack, saying he baited him into telling
a lie about a fake daughter. Yesterday, he dropped the

Heart Part six play on Kendrick's running song series of
the same name. Drake says that Kendrick mentioned, you know
about how he said on Meet the Grams that he
had another kid that he was quote unquote hiding because
remember they were accusing him of Adonna's being hid.

Speaker 5 (50:54):
Well, Drake says, it's bs because.

Speaker 6 (50:57):
He himself leaked that information to see if Kendrick would
be and he did so.

Speaker 5 (51:01):
I don't know if we're believing that or not.

Speaker 6 (51:03):
By the way, other outlets are saying that he doesn't
have a daughter that he's hiding too. For what it's worth, now,
you think he is hiding a daughter for me?

Speaker 10 (51:10):
Yeah, no, no, no, I don't think he's hiding a daughter.
But I don't believe that he leaked that information. Right, Yeah,
Kendrick knew a lot, Okay. Drake dropped the song and
Kendrick dropped a response to the song in like five minutes,
so clearly somebody in you're.

Speaker 5 (51:22):
Headed on ready.

Speaker 6 (51:23):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am seeing that a lot that,
Like someone in Ovo is talking, oh you sure, oh yeah,
but yeah.

Speaker 1 (51:28):
Yeah just that cover.

Speaker 7 (51:29):
The cover photo alone has got a lot of stuff
from Drake's house in it.

Speaker 6 (51:34):
Yeah yeah, I mean also like when people are just
posting things that Drake himself posted, it makes me laugh,
Like you both of this yourself.

Speaker 5 (51:42):
This is so easy.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
I've been listening to you guys at with the with
the extensive coverage of this now for two weeks, and
I still don't know what the hell's going on. I can't.
I can't follow it all. I really can't. I think
it's I watched the TikTok videos and everything. I'm really
trying to understand. I think what I need is a
visual diagram. Okay, if somebody could get a white board out,
maybe like a nice easel or something.

Speaker 5 (52:00):
Thank it for you play a different rapper perfect.

Speaker 1 (52:03):
If we could react the whole thing.

Speaker 5 (52:04):
We will.

Speaker 6 (52:05):
Here's something else though. Drake also addressed Kendrick repeatedly claiming
that he's a pedophile, saying he's never been with a
minor and he's way too famous to have done so
without a getting.

Speaker 5 (52:14):
Out, which is a song about yourself, right listen.

Speaker 6 (52:20):
Finally, Drake once again pushed down his own wife good morning.

Speaker 1 (52:24):
Definitely. I know that nobody actually brought that up, but
I just wanted to make sure to get caught what.

Speaker 6 (52:38):
I don't mind him saying that, like it would have
gotten out you're talking about the Millie Bobby Brown thing
because he texted or saying I like the show. But
Drake once again pushed down on his own wild claim
that Kendrick physically abused his longtime fiance, whom he suggests
Kendrick is actually a strain from Will, once again insisting
that one of their kids might belong to Kendrick's creative partner,

Dave Free.

Speaker 5 (53:01):
So there's a lot being far around. I mean it
did make it. Drake made it sound like he's done
at the end, so we'll see.

Speaker 10 (53:08):
Drake seems exhausting. Yeah, every right, it's very break I
think we're exhausted.

Speaker 5 (53:14):
I'm tired. I stopped dropping things.

Speaker 6 (53:17):
And could you send me the schedule if you're gonna
drop because I'm like, I don't know when we're doing
what and family matters and TV shows, it's a lot
and really quick. YouTuber turned prize fighter Jake Paul is
promoting his summer fight with legend Mike Tyson, and he
was at the Formula one Miami Grand Prix, which Jason
was also their covering, and he said, well, you did
the interview, but he said, yes.

Speaker 1 (53:38):
Yeah, everywhere. Tell me about the fight.

Speaker 6 (53:41):
Right, and he said, I love Mike. I'm super respectful
of him. It's an honor to be in the ring
with him, but I have to end him. The twenty
seven year old will fight the fifty seven year old
on July twentieth from Texas, but you can watch on Netflix.
He said, it's war. All is fair in love and war.
I love that guy, but as soon as it turned
to a pro fight, one of.

Speaker 5 (53:58):
Us has to die.

Speaker 1 (53:59):
Oh my god. Do you have the Mike Tyson interview
somewhere from way back in the day. I try to
find it. Trying and fight, you know Mike Tyson. Yeah,
what was your favorite Mike Tyson fight? I mean, you
are the president of Sports reporting. Of all the Mike
Tyson fights that you've watched in your lifetime.

Speaker 3 (54:13):
Uh huh? I mean probably the one where he bit
the guy, didn't he bite?

Speaker 1 (54:18):
He did bite somebody man's ear who was that that.
Do you remember do you recall Martin?

Speaker 2 (54:24):
It was?

Speaker 1 (54:25):
It was Martin Lawrence. Martin Lawrence is ear that he bit, Yeah,
Martin Scorsese, Yeah, no, it's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (54:32):
Evander Holyfield, yes, yeah, well was the other guy, uh
huh Yeah, he was in the ring too with Martin.

Speaker 1 (54:40):
That's why he was biting. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (54:42):
By Nana has a photo that we found of her
and Evander Holyfield. I was like, okay, yeah, I'll have
to find that.

Speaker 5 (54:48):
But yeah. Now he sells edibles in the shape of
little ears. Mike Tyson, Oh, yes, that's a fun time
for you. Yeah, mar to take online today.

Speaker 6 (54:56):
Someone speaking of the Roscot Bood, it was very, very
hard to listen to.

Speaker 5 (54:59):
It's on Fred Show Radio dot Com.

Speaker 1 (55:01):
All right, Jessica versus show Bees, Shelley are pop culture expert.
Five questions, nine hundred and fifty bucks. The tiebreaker happens
after Ariana in three minutes. Good News story is coming
up and Kiki's court Girl, Girl Girl, You're stupid.

Speaker 11 (55:17):
Okay, that's coming It's the Fred Show. Do you have
what it takes to battle show biz? Shelley in the
show Biz Showdown Show?

Speaker 1 (55:33):
Hi, good morning, how you feeling.

Speaker 5 (55:37):
I'm feeling good.

Speaker 1 (55:38):
I'm feeling good. Jessica is a good player and you
had to sort of marinate on this all yes.

Speaker 16 (55:44):
Yes, sandyper Why did I say that, Linday Lapper? I
know how much you hated it TI on Friday. But
here we go Monday morning with Jessica. Hi, Jessica.

Speaker 5 (55:55):
Hi, Good morning, Fred.

Speaker 1 (55:56):
Good morning, welcome back. How was your weekend?

Speaker 2 (55:59):

Speaker 1 (56:01):
Oh? I mean, you know, I know it's a big
deal to beat showbiz. Only happened fifty seven times, and
nine hundred and fifty bucks is good money. But let's
see how this goes. Five questions against the showbiz you guys.

Speaker 5 (56:13):
Ready, all right, Jessica, good luck, all right, here.

Speaker 1 (56:15):
We go, with all due respect, Shelly, get the hell out, Jessica.
Question number one, which singer broke her personal record with
one point six million fans at her last celebrations were
stopping Bruzil. That's where Kaylen obviously is Brazilian. Now yeah,
she was there for three days, so she's Brazilian. Sleeping
Beauties is the theme for the met Gala tonight. Where

does the met Gala take place.

Speaker 5 (56:42):
In New York City? Or do you mean the that's perfect.

Speaker 1 (56:45):
We'll accept that some bad bunny fans got into a
brawl at his show in Texas. True or false? Benito
is his first name?

Speaker 2 (56:54):

Speaker 1 (56:54):
Which Ocean's eleven actor Tequila connoisseewer and husband to Amal
turned sixty two to day George? And which is its skie?

Speaker 5 (57:05):

Speaker 1 (57:05):
Right, yeah, I'm doing to one more time. I'm so
white ski. I don't know it just algorithopping today, you know,
like you said it, you said it right, but it
just didn't land away. Did Zach Bryan bring out during
his tour stop in Saint Louis Sexy?

Speaker 4 (57:27):

Speaker 1 (57:27):
That's fine. I think you're gonna win. That's so fine?
Oh boy, shall it's a five focus all right? You ready?

Speaker 2 (57:39):

Speaker 1 (57:39):
Which singer broke her personal record with one point six
million fans at her last Celebration tour stop in Brazil?

Speaker 5 (57:45):

Speaker 1 (57:46):
Right? Sleeping Beauties is the theme for the met Gala tonight?
Where does the met Gala take place?

Speaker 4 (57:52):
New York?

Speaker 1 (57:53):
That is right, some bad bunny fans got to do
a brawl and he's showing Texas. True or false? Manito
is his first name.

Speaker 2 (58:00):
That's true?

Speaker 1 (58:01):
It is which Ocean's eleven actor Tequila, kind of sewer
and husband to them All turned sixty two today, George
Clooney and thank you. You guys are much cooler than me.
Which ski rapper did Zach Bryan bring out during his
tour stop in Saint Louis?

Speaker 5 (58:16):
Sexy rap.

Speaker 2 (58:19):

Speaker 1 (58:22):
That's the time. Yes, he does this, frends show radio
dot com.

Speaker 5 (58:27):
Every day, true every day.

Speaker 1 (58:31):
Yeah, it's Kie Radio dot Com. There's our website because
Jason's in charge of it. Jessica, we got to do
it again tomorrow, but more money, one thousand bucks tomorrow. Wow, Okay, okay,
hang on one second, stay there, Shelley, nice job. One yes,
one more time, one more time. I'm so cool, one

thousand bucks. Jessica's back tomorrow. We're stalled at eight hund
and eighty wins, fifty seven losses and fifteen straight up
until this point, so we'll do it again tomorrow. Shows.
All right, have a good.

Speaker 4 (59:06):
Day, you too.

Speaker 1 (59:07):
The Fresh Show is on. It feels good, all right,
good news, happy stories. We share them with you every
day on the program. Kale and Go.

Speaker 6 (59:16):
I love this so much so Parting ways with your
phone actually pays off at one restaurant in Italy.

Speaker 5 (59:22):
Al Condominio, which.

Speaker 6 (59:24):
Opened in the northern city of Verona in March, offers
a free bottle of wine to customers who hand their
phones in before meals. We wanted to open a restaurant
that was different from the others, said the owner, so
we picked this format. Customers can choose to renounce technology
while enjoying a moment together.

Speaker 5 (59:40):
Technology has become a problem.

Speaker 6 (59:42):
There's no need to look at your phone every five seconds,
but for many it's like a drug. This way they
have a good opportunity to put it aside and drink
some good wine upon arrival.

Speaker 5 (59:50):
Diners can also so they can.

Speaker 6 (59:52):
You can put your phone in one of those boxes
under lock and key at the entrance, and then the
key will get you.

Speaker 5 (59:56):
The free bottle of wine.

Speaker 6 (59:58):
There's also another perk where if you leave a review,
you get a free meal the next time you go.
And they say ninety percent of customers have opted to
leave their phone in exchange for the free wine, and
it's I'll bout my own one.

Speaker 10 (01:00:11):
I mean, hey, we got to have balances those people.
And then it's me, right, are you still going to
get a free meal? We's been a review, you know, Victoria.

Speaker 1 (01:00:19):
Well, Victoria is going to Victoria one. I still think
it's where the Victoria is a picture of You might
want to change that on your burner account. Massachusetts, where's
it again, O mass Jose it nice job that place.
Has won a million dollar prize in this state lottery

instant ticket for the second time in ten weeks. So
her name is Christine Wilson. She claimed the first million
dollar prize in the Lifetime Millions fifty dollars instant ticket
game on February twenty third. She opted a receiver prize
in the form of a one time payment of six
hundred and fifty thousand dollars before taxes, and then ten
weeks later she hit it again playing the one hundred

times cash ten dollars instant ticket game, and she said
she plans to put her winnings into savings two million
dollar scratch off winnings. Whoa in ten weeks and I
just keep playing. Here's the thing, like, I would not
think to keep playing if I won because the odds
and I realized that some statisticians listening going wow, that
I would just think, look, I already defy the odds.

I want, I don't need to play it a lotter anymore.
The odds of me winning twice are just absurd, and
then just keep buying one twice. Uh kinkyes, Court, Yeah, girl, girl,
you're stupid. Uh huh. That's next. Also a waiting by
the phone follow up that you guys are all asking
for this woman a few weeks ago, was a little
bit insecure about the guy's Instagram profile. We straightened it

all out. We set them up on another day. But
let's see if the insecurity prevailed or if they worked
it out. Let's see if they're married. Now, let's see
if they have a kid. It's totally been a month,
but anything's possible.

Speaker 2 (01:01:57):
More Fred Show. Next, The Fresh Show is on.

Speaker 1 (01:02:04):
Hold on, I'm trying to do that, trying to follow
this a text we just got eight five five three five.
So I started driving to work, and forty minutes in
I forgot my external hard drive, which is my whole job.
Took me twenty minutes to drive home. Then I thought
I heard it was forty minutes commercial free, which was
almost an hour commercial free. Now I'm about to drive

and there are commercials playing. Did I hear wrong? No? No?
What where we go? Like almost an hour commercial free,
then we have to play commercials because we have to
get paid, and then we go like forty five minutes
commercial So like basically two hours not a lot of commercials,
basically is what it is. So you should listen to

the whole thing. Yeah, just the whole thing.

Speaker 5 (01:02:49):
Yeah, yeah, don't blame it.

Speaker 1 (01:02:51):
Don't blame us because you forgot your hard drive at
work at home. That is not that is not a
us problem.

Speaker 3 (01:02:58):
Okay, sometimes we're here for you.

Speaker 1 (01:03:01):
Yeah, but occasionally we have to play commercials, but we
try and put them off as long as possible, for
about two hours. So I think that's good, right, m Yeah,
your Dale turn around, it will Everything's gonna be fun. Morning, everybody.
It's Monday, May six. Forty five minutes Commercial free starts now.
Hi klin Hey, Hello, Jason Brown, Hi, Hi Rufiollo, Hi
k King. Shelby's the intern, Benhamine not Benjamin. One week

away from the return of Paulina Row Everyone. Yeah, it
has been confirmed she will be back next week on
the program. From maternity leave Waiting by the Phone, a
follow up from one a couple of weeks ago, one
of about ten all time that resulted in a second
date that we paid for. Let's see how that went
Caky's court after that girl, girl, You're stupid. Okay, headlines

and trending story is fun fact. What is my fun
fact for you today? Oh? This one's for all the
alcoholics out there. Yeah, yeah, an alcoholic fun fact for you.
Oh yeah, this one's for all the alcoholics and the
entertainment reports in there. And see what are you working?

Speaker 5 (01:03:59):
Okay, we're very well rounded.

Speaker 6 (01:04:01):
We are talking met Gala, we are talking Titanic, and
we are talking your favorite rapper, Sexy Red.

Speaker 1 (01:04:07):
Oh yes, it's coming up, Fred Show, It's the Frend Show.
Good morning, waiting by the phone. A couple of weeks ago,
we had Andrew and Christy on now. If you remember,
Andrew wanted to go out with Christy again. They met
in person. Christie said she had a good time, then disappeared.
We called Chrissy. She said that she had gone through

Andrew's Instagram and believes, based on who she thinks he's
dated before and who he follows, that she wasn't his type.
But then after we sort of straighten all that out,
Andrew was very sweet and said he want to go
out with her again. We set them up on another date,
and now we have them back. Christy and Andrew, are
you in love? But we're having fun? Okay? So now, Chrissy,

do you do you no longer believe that you're not
his type because you went and looked at you know
who he's dated before, which, yeah, I get it if
there's a trend, but it doesn't necessarily mean he didn't
find you attractive. I mean, do you still think that?

Speaker 5 (01:05:11):

Speaker 4 (01:05:11):
And I owe you guys such a huge thank you
because I almost missed out on such a great guy over.

Speaker 2 (01:05:17):
Like something's so stupid, and I'm so grateful to you guys.

Speaker 1 (01:05:21):
Look at look at that.

Speaker 6 (01:05:23):
We all get in our head girl, but I'm glad
you did too, thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
I mean, look at Rufio. You know he likes every
single bikini picture on Instagram. If there is a bikini
picture on Instagram, and he likes it. And yet he
has a really hot wife and who's wonderful, so you know.

Speaker 5 (01:05:38):
She doesn't always wear a bikini.

Speaker 1 (01:05:40):
No, she does normally, that's what he makes your wear,
but like not all the time. And so yeah, exactly,
and Andrew, you're having fun too, You're happy? Oh yeah,
I love her vibe. She's great. Oh my gosh, look
the sweetest thing. Look at you. All right, well, let

us know about the wedding, and I'm glad things are
working out and for once we were able to straighten.
I mean, we had the one weirdo a few weeks ago,
the stalker, and now we got this happy love story.
So it's a wave of emotions around here. But guys,
thank you for your time and good luck. We hope
it continues. Order a fresh show. It's Kiki's Court. It's

all right, the honorable Judge Kikilik takes the best. All right,
what you got?

Speaker 10 (01:06:30):
All right, baby, this case, says Kiki. I feel like
you can relate to this. I've been dating my boyfriend
for six years, and a few months ago I finally
gave him an ultimatum, either marry me or it's over.
He reassured me that marriage was in the future for us,
so I decided to give him a little more time.
But in the meantime, there was a bridal convention coming

to our city, and I decided to go with my
mom just to get ideas for our future big day.
While there, I ended up falling in love with the
dress and the designer told me that it was a
one of one, so I had to buy it.

Speaker 5 (01:07:05):
Fast forward a month later, he broke.

Speaker 10 (01:07:07):
Up with me. Now I'm stuck with a dress and
completely heartbroken. I paid over thirty five hundred dollars for
this dress, and I feel like he can, at the
very least give me my money back.

Speaker 5 (01:07:18):
No, he completely misled me. Please tell me what you think.

Speaker 1 (01:07:23):
What Sarah.

Speaker 10 (01:07:26):
You're a listener of the show, so I won't call
you stupid. But what I will tell you is that
you are less.

Speaker 5 (01:07:32):
Than smart, ma'am.

Speaker 10 (01:07:37):
And no, I cannot relate to this at all. Okay,
because I am delusional in most cases of my life.
Think I'm fine and you know, the cutest thing walking,
very Delulu, but not this, Delulu. There's no way you
would go and buy a wedding dress for some You
just bought a dress for a party you're not invited to,
Like he never proposed to you, ma'am.

Speaker 5 (01:07:57):
Why would you go buy a wedding dress?

Speaker 10 (01:07:58):
And your mother is just as thelul, you know, because
why would she take you to a bridal convention for
a man that hasn't proposed to you.

Speaker 1 (01:08:05):
No, he didn't say it's coming in a month. He
didn't say it's coming in six weeks. He just said, hey,
we're getting there, right. What was the future? In the future?
So I do, I do intend to do it, but
not in any immediate span of time.

Speaker 5 (01:08:20):
He didn't even say with you.

Speaker 1 (01:08:22):
He said, that's true.

Speaker 10 (01:08:24):
He did not it's in the future, which means I
can marry you or the next girl. But what in
your mind made you think that you needed to be
at a bridal convention.

Speaker 1 (01:08:33):
Let me tell you. If you if you went to
that thing and you found the dress that you had
to have for whatever wedding, and your mom encouraged you
to buy it, buy it, and you keep it at
her house, and you don't tell anybody about it. If
you if you just gotta have it, then don't tell
anybody you did that, especially the guy who you've been
pressing to propose to you, because now it's like, oh,

you're really trying me now, right. And the other thing is,
you know how I feel about marriage ultimatums, about proposal ultimatums,
I do not like it. I do not like it.
You are, of course allowed to express that you want
to know where things are going, and that that's the
direction you wanted to go in, and that you hope
that happens and that you're not gonna wait forever. But
to say to somebody, either do it or I'm breaking

up with you, you're doomed, because more often than not, aren't
you going to wonder later if that person really wanted
to propose to you or if you just force them to,
Like who wants to believe that the proposal that they
received was not organic and not from the heart.

Speaker 6 (01:09:31):
Yeah, there was a whole Friend's episode about this where
Monica goes to a venue and they say, you know,
we do weddings here, but the wait list is for
two years. So she's like, oh, I might as well
put my name in.

Speaker 5 (01:09:42):
Because I'm dating someone seriously.

Speaker 6 (01:09:43):
But they call and leave a voicemail and Chandler hears
it and gets all freaked out.

Speaker 5 (01:09:48):
Right, you know, so the same thing here. You ran
this man off.

Speaker 7 (01:09:52):
At this point, girl, Yes, but also she's not out
them like you're gonna use that dress whenever you eventually
you get married, which he doesn't owe you that money,
like you know what I'm saying, Like it's a wedding.

Speaker 1 (01:10:02):
People, I know the money anyway, because That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (01:10:05):
Like she doesn't know them, but like, you're not gonna
keep the dress.

Speaker 1 (01:10:08):
It's not like you're out there.

Speaker 7 (01:10:09):
You're out there like you're gonna use the dress, like
eventually you get married.

Speaker 1 (01:10:13):
I know a lot of people that will buy a dress.

Speaker 7 (01:10:15):
Because that's the dress they want to and that's the
one they're getta get married in.

Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
But like, you're not out that money.

Speaker 10 (01:10:20):
I think she is out that money. Let me tell
you why, because any man she gets with, she's gonna
run him off. There's nobody that's gonna marry this girl.
I'm sorry, care we're gonna sing together. Girl, it's we
are in the stry because it's a special type of
crazy that you would go purchase a dress and what's
your mother?

Speaker 5 (01:10:36):
I can't believe the mother didn't talk some sense to
her daughter.

Speaker 1 (01:10:38):
Now, let me ask you this, Yes, how is that?

Speaker 2 (01:10:41):

Speaker 1 (01:10:42):
I see why? But I'm asking sort of a hypothetical here,
or a rhetorical question maybe, But how is buying the
dress ahead of time any different than the women that
have Pinterest pages for the wedding that isn't happening or
that hasn't happened yet, or the proposal isn't even in place,
but people are already sort of in their mind planning
how they want that to look.

Speaker 10 (01:11:01):
Well, you know, I have my wedding plan. I have
John rule booked, you know, to come to the wedding.
And you know, I know you don't all people have.
Most people have ideas of what they like and what
they dream of, right, we all have type of vision
boards and things that we want, we want to manifest.

Speaker 5 (01:11:15):
This's my girl, Paulina would say.

Speaker 10 (01:11:16):
However, to actually take the step of purchasing a thirty
five hundred dollars dress and hanging it up is if
you have a wedding plan and this man just told
you in the future. I just feel like that's a
different level of delusional that we should be safe about,
Like she's not safe.

Speaker 1 (01:11:30):
Well, you guys are the jury in Kiki's court. Eight five, five,
five nine one one O three five. You can call
in text the same number. Yeah, I can't disagree with you, judge,
I really can't. I mean, I'm telling you, if if
you said to me I really want to get married,
I want you to propose, and I go, hey, I
want that too, and hopefully someday we can get there,
you know, sooner than later. And then you come home

from a bridal thing with a dress. I am freak
the hell out. What did you did You not just
listen to me. You didn't just hear me like, we're
not I'm not ready yet and you got to respect that.
And if you are and I'm not and it's been
too long for you, then maybe you gotta go.

Speaker 5 (01:12:05):
Yes, start cheating.

Speaker 1 (01:12:06):
I mean it could cheating. It could work because you
mentioned Paulina. Paulina actually did that.

Speaker 7 (01:12:11):
Wait a minute, You went to bridal events before even
being engaged to her husband?

Speaker 1 (01:12:15):
What and she was Yes, I didn't know that, and
she was trying to prime to win. She was trying
to win a like a wedding like he wasn't even
engaged yet.

Speaker 5 (01:12:27):
But like Shane knew how coose she was. I mean,
we knew they were getting engaged.

Speaker 13 (01:12:30):

Speaker 10 (01:12:31):
Maybe, yeah, Hobby probably told her like look on this
day or Lena this year. Even if the guy would
have said this year, he said in the future.

Speaker 1 (01:12:39):
Let me tell you something. Once Paulina's promise was on
the table, George, We're open if you know what I'm saying,
and if you don't know I'm not going to explain
it to you. Hey, Gina, good morning, how you doing. Hi,
I'm doing great, okay, So, and I just wanted to
go ahead. No, I just wanted to reset here Gina
and Kiki's court. This woman asked her boyfriend in there

going to get married. He said that's coming in the future.
I would like that too. She runs out to a
bridal event, buys a dress, not even engaged. Dudes freaking
out dumpster but go ahead. What did you want to say?

Speaker 6 (01:13:13):
I say, she totally played herself and anybody that went
with her.

Speaker 9 (01:13:17):
To that bridal show, they just egged her on. She
did not read the room.

Speaker 5 (01:13:22):
Oh yes, hey.

Speaker 1 (01:13:24):
The fact that I would think the mom might be like, hey,
we can go if you want, you know, but like
we don't need to buy anything because we're not quite
there yet. Also, is she gonna wear that dress with
another man? Because she bought the dress with him in mind,
a wedding to him in mind.

Speaker 10 (01:13:40):
And that's why I don't think she will. That's why
she wants their money back.

Speaker 6 (01:13:43):
And he hadn't he didn't do any should not he
should not have to pay for that dress, and the
mom shouldn't have even encouraged her to even.

Speaker 4 (01:13:51):
Go look not at this point.

Speaker 1 (01:13:53):
Yeah, I agree with you, Gina. Thank you, You're welcome.

Speaker 5 (01:13:57):
Have a great day, guys.

Speaker 1 (01:13:58):
She thanks for being part of the thirteen. We love you. Adriana, Hello, Hello, Hey,
good morning, Kicki's court. What say you?

Speaker 4 (01:14:05):

Speaker 9 (01:14:06):
First, she shut herself on the foot by pressuring the
man and by.

Speaker 5 (01:14:09):
Telling him are we getting married or not?

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
I don't like that, you know how I feel about that.

Speaker 14 (01:14:16):
And second, in law dress before they're even playing with
their wedding, like I done, to find a gross your
dream to hide it, you don't see anything because yeah
green when it comes to that stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:14:26):
But who called him by.

Speaker 2 (01:14:29):
Anything appear actually playing your wedding?

Speaker 1 (01:14:32):
Yeah that's crazy. Yeah yeah, I mean yeah. What can
I say, Adriana? Thank you? Have a good day.

Speaker 5 (01:14:40):
People relate, No, I can't.

Speaker 1 (01:14:42):
Girl, Well, there are people, there are women that do
that though.

Speaker 7 (01:14:45):
They see the dress of their dreams and they got
to buy it, and they you know it's for they're
gonna use it for their wedding.

Speaker 1 (01:14:53):
A bunch of text. Kiki's ruling stands, this is her
dress to lie in. Her mom should pay the money.
See here, you didn't have to do my girl Paulina
like that. Somebody said, I mean Paulina. We love Pauline
of course to death. But Pauline has always been about
ten steps ahead of everything else. She secured her ring
she she maden't have him, but Paulina is my mission.

Speaker 4 (01:15:16):

Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
Message to Paulina for like the what is eight almost
ten years I've known her, is just like, let's let's
just focus on like today, let's focus on getting through,
like you just safely driving from here home, you know,
kind of thing, like we don't need to I don't.
I can't tell you it's gonna happen in three years,
like we just got to know. But you're right, it
did work. Her manifestation she shouldn't have bought address if

she knows that he wasn't ready. To be fair, it
doesn't say she told the guys she bought a dressed. Well,
I don't know. I assume he found out right, Okay,
buying a dress before having a wedding on the books
because it's one of a kind and she loves it.
Kind of weird but not insane. Somebody said, thinking the
dude's going to pay for it is delulu. I agree
with that. Yes, that is the Delulu part.

Speaker 10 (01:16:00):
Can you imagine she's at this convention sending him pictures
like look at me in the stress.

Speaker 5 (01:16:04):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (01:16:05):
I'd be like, look at me, move my stuff out,
look at me get in a new apartment. Look at me,
emil out of here, look at me downloaded hinge going
to another text. Going to the bridal show isn't the problem.
It's purchasing the dress. Yeah, I totally agree.

Speaker 3 (01:16:25):
See, I'm a planner, so I feel like if it
were me, and if I asked him, like, first off,
I would never do an ultimatum, But if that exchange
did happen, he was like, it's coming.

Speaker 1 (01:16:36):
I need to prepare for it's coming. But you're going
to have time once it happens. You know it's not
gonna happen. It's not you get engaged and you get
married tomorrow. Yes, but don't you just want to, you know,
have all your eyes dotted cross.

Speaker 7 (01:16:49):
Get it out of the way, get it out the west, complete,
done right.

Speaker 1 (01:16:54):
Yeah, it's just like planning events. I gotta get together.
But deep Stephanie, Hi, welcome, good morning, Hi, good morning
man Keiki's Court. What say you?

Speaker 4 (01:17:09):
I think that Keiki's really stands. Thank you her dress,
she needs to lie in it, and mom should pay
for the delusional event that occurred.

Speaker 1 (01:17:19):
Yeah, the illusion.

Speaker 4 (01:17:21):
Event that the mom the mom has. I mean, if
the mom was the one that was there with her,
that mom should be the one that gives her that
money back. This guy has no there's no tie to
this dress for him, there's nothing. He should absolutely not
pay well, So I think if she wants her money back.

Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
It to be mom, Stephanie. If I'm looking at this,
if I'm the dude, I'm looking at this going by
girlfriends a little Delulu and Mom's Delulu, so I know
where it comes from. We got multiple generations of Delulu
going on here. So we have many problems the bullet Yeah, exactly,
Thank you, Stefanie. Thanks, have a good day. Let's do
the entertainment report next in two minutes. Will do trending

stories after that. Fun fact for the alcoholics all coming up.
It's a fresh show.

Speaker 11 (01:18:06):
Good morning, Calin's Entertainment Report and he's on the fread show.

Speaker 6 (01:18:10):
A model claims that he got disinvited from the Matt
Gala for upstaging Kylie Jenner.

Speaker 5 (01:18:16):
So here's the deal.

Speaker 6 (01:18:17):
A man named Eugenio, who says he's a model in
his TikTok bio, post a video Friday saying that he's
worked at the BET Gala for the past two years
and was supposed to work at this year, only to
get fired last minute. So if you didn't know, they
do hire models to basically walk around with celebrities.

Speaker 5 (01:18:35):
They kind of tend to.

Speaker 6 (01:18:36):
Them, behold purses, they help them walk, all that good stuff.
But you know, it's pretty people to look at, and
it also helps the models because they might get noticed
by industry people when they're there. Unfortunately for this dude, though,
he got a little too noticed. He went viral, especially
from one photo of him with Kylie Jenner, and now
he got fired saying he caused too much of a ruckus.

Speaker 5 (01:18:57):
By the way, he's not blaming Kylie.

Speaker 6 (01:19:00):
She posted another video saying she was great to work
with all night, she was talking to him. But he
did get fired because he was too hot for the
met Gala, which I'm so excited for.

Speaker 5 (01:19:09):
That's my super Bowl.

Speaker 6 (01:19:11):
Speaking of the Kardashian Jenners, Kim Kardashian, it was the
butt of a ton of jokes at the Rose that
was supposed to be all about Tom Brady, and she
also got a less than warm welcome thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:19:27):
I know a lot of people make fun of your height.

Speaker 1 (01:19:31):
Oh damn, all right?

Speaker 6 (01:19:35):
Why so she was talking about Kevin Hart type.

Speaker 5 (01:19:42):
But eventually she had to take a minute.

Speaker 6 (01:19:44):
And then I think that was Jeff from backstage who
told them to stop the whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 5 (01:19:49):
That wasn't it for Kim though.

Speaker 6 (01:19:50):
So Will Ferrell did a cameo of Ron Burgundy, his
classic Angerman character, and you know, there's a joke in
the movie about Whil's vagina, and so he made that
joke and then goes, which reminds me, Kim Kardashian is here.
That wasn't the end of it, though Tom did take.

Speaker 5 (01:20:07):
Some shots at Kim as well. He didn't hold back.

Speaker 6 (01:20:09):
He said she was nervous about being there, but it
was just because she had to leave her kids home
with their dad.

Speaker 5 (01:20:16):
You know, Kanye, Kanye Joe.

Speaker 1 (01:20:18):
I didn't hear this, Kevin artioke we played this.

Speaker 5 (01:20:21):
Yeah, this is about the CD.

Speaker 1 (01:20:24):
This is brutal. Oh my yo.

Speaker 17 (01:20:26):
The world knows that you left Bill Belichick high and
dry man. You left them and then you went to
Tampa and you won a championship. Holy you left Bill
Belichick with Matt Jones.

Speaker 2 (01:20:40):
Damn you did?

Speaker 1 (01:20:45):
You did? Tom you your coach.

Speaker 17 (01:20:46):
But let me tell you something, people, let me tell
you something. That's what you gotta do to maintain your happiness.

Speaker 1 (01:20:51):
You understand.

Speaker 17 (01:20:53):
Sometimes got to your coach.

Speaker 13 (01:20:54):
You know who else?

Speaker 17 (01:20:55):
Coach Jaselle she found karate Man.

Speaker 6 (01:21:04):
Yeah, so I thingsat Wild and I guess it's like
three hours.

Speaker 5 (01:21:08):
I have to watch the full thing today. But it
was long on there for sure.

Speaker 6 (01:21:14):
So Sexy read Fred's favorite rapper, had the Internet arguing
okay after Zach Bryan, of all people, brought her up
to Tork to a song that probably is hard to
talk to.

Speaker 2 (01:21:27):

Speaker 6 (01:21:27):
Zach is currently on his quittin Time tour, and he
performed in Sexy's hometown of Saint Louis on Thursday and Friday.
As he closed out the show with his song Revival,
which you may have seen other he's brought out other
guest stars for this.

Speaker 5 (01:21:40):
Song, Sexy Red comes out. At one point she was
in a full split.

Speaker 6 (01:21:44):
She was twerking, shaking her thing, and and the gens,
as Paulina calls them, loved it. They were eating it up.
They love both of those artists, even if you think
they're not. They don't go together. She posted thank you
for bringing me out Zach Lane Bryant and posted a
photo them. He also hosted a photo with miss Sexy
Red and yeah, it looks like they had a fun time.

But the Internet I was in comments all weekend, like
people were arguing over whether or not this was like
a good idea or did we need it? But they
were having fun. I don't see why it's that big
of a deal. I know Key doesn't like Sexy Red, but.

Speaker 5 (01:22:18):
Oh yeah, we don't need most of the things she does.

Speaker 10 (01:22:21):
I do like, I like sexy Red, but we didn't
need this in my opinion, Oh just my opinion.

Speaker 5 (01:22:26):
Chasing would disagree.

Speaker 3 (01:22:28):
He country and Sexy rds favorite thing.

Speaker 5 (01:22:34):
And this is a sad one.

Speaker 6 (01:22:35):
British actor Bernard Hill, who you might know from The
Lord of the Rings as well as The Captain.

Speaker 5 (01:22:41):
He played the Captain on The Titanic or in The
Titanic rather.

Speaker 6 (01:22:44):
He died at the age of seventy nine peacefully Sunday morning.

Speaker 5 (01:22:47):
We don't have a cause.

Speaker 6 (01:22:49):
But he looked a lot like the original Captain on
the Titanic.

Speaker 5 (01:22:51):
More check online today.

Speaker 6 (01:22:52):
A really crazy aerial shot of the biggest concert I
think of all time by a solo artist that's on
Freendshow radio dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:23:00):
This is what's trending, all right.

Speaker 1 (01:23:02):
Jason Brown thoughts on the one hundred and fiftieth Kentucky
Derby over the weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:23:07):
One hundred and fifty Yeah, yeah, fifty years of horses
running in a circle. That happens and congrats to the
horse that won. Yeah, miss Dan, Yeah, my favorite. I
actually called that, mister mistic Dan.

Speaker 1 (01:23:20):
I have a T shirt. I have a misstic Dan,
I've merch. It was like a three horse photo finishes,
of course, you know, edging out Sierra Leone and Forever Young. Oh,
the tightest finished since nineteen ninety six come out. Soon
as soon as I said that, I thought, you know what,

what'd you think? Ninety six is a long time ago.
I wasn't in the nineteen ninety six I wasn't. There
were no nothing. It's a lot to be said there.
But I'm going to leave it alone and I'll let you.
I'll if you feel in your imagination for once, we
won't actually say it. Rupie way to keep it in

whatever joke you head about it, you got it. I
don't care. YouTuber Inturn Prize fighter Jake Paul is promoting
his summer fight with boxing legend Mike Tyson at the
Formula One in Miami over the weekend. Paul said, I
love Mike. I'm super respectful of him. It's an honor
to be in the same ring with him. But I'm
going to have to end him. I don't know about that.
I realized he's twenty seven and the champ is fifty seven.

It's going to take place this fight July twentieth, eighteen
t Stadium, and the match will be available on Netflix.
But I don't I don't know even at fifty seven. No,
thank you, no for whatever the price tag is. And
I realize Jake Paul's capable of protecting himself. We think,
but I don't know. I mean, I have a price
to get in the ring with Mike Tyson. But what
would it cost to take you in one round with

Mike Tyson? Could you could die? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (01:24:50):
Your life. Yeah, it's gonna cost your line twenty mil.

Speaker 7 (01:24:53):
For twenty million dollars, right, you just run around, you know,
the rest of my family is set up even if
I die, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:25:00):
Because if he were to land a punch on you
right as a novice, you could die, Yes, for sure,
if he could catch me, because I will be running.
Oh yeah, oh you never seen me run so fast?
Three minutes, one round, Yeah, I'll oh exactly yeah. IQ
scores in the US are on the decline. We're getting
stupider guys in the US. Experts are saying that technology

is to blame. I can see. A report found that
the average intelligence score fell from one hundred and ninety eight,
a two point decline, after a previously uninterrupted thirty point
rise that began in nineteen oh five. So where the
smartest people New Hampshire and Massachusetts, Minnesota, Vermont, North Dakota,
and Wyoming. The dumbest, according to this, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,

and Nevada. If you were wondering where the dumb people
live according to this, then according to data, I don't.
That's not what I think though. And the zebra that
we told you about last week, that was Amack that
was on the loose, the zebra is no longer on
the lamb. A female zebra name sug which is a
Great Name was one of the four zebras that escaped

from a trailer east of Seattle in April. The end
of April, but the other three escapees are recaptured within
hours of escaping. Sugar ran through the foothills of the
Cascape Mountain Range for six full days until she was
captured by a group of private citizens and animal control
officers in the woods. She'll now complete her trip to Montana,
where I guess she's going to live. The zebra's going
to live in Montana, I guess, so, I don't know

where are they just horses es. They did say not
to approach Sug, but I wonder if Sug' name after
shook night. If that's the case, I definitely wouldn't approach. Sure,
I don't want to go back escape. That's why he left.
Oh yeah, far away. It's National Melanoma Monday. We're sunscreen guys.
National Nurses Day today as well. We love nurses. We

appreciate all the work that you guys do. Let's do
the Fun Fact. It's for alcoholics and it's.

Speaker 2 (01:26:53):
Next more Pread Show. Next, The Fread Show is on
Fread Fun.

Speaker 6 (01:27:00):
Fact Friends, fun.

Speaker 1 (01:27:09):
So much, guys. I will tell you this bonus fun
fact today, bonus fun fact on the tangent. So I
don't know how long the tangent will be. Maybe it
won't be a very long tangent today. But I was
provided by one of our amazing thirteen listeners in my
DMS a fun fact that I cannot share on the air.
It is only for off air because I couldn't possibly

do a justice. What is it? It's from a book Cold,
have to see. Let me see if I can quickly
find what this book is Cold And for some reason
I was encouraged to read it, which is upsetting because
it's a book about basically being a better pleaser person.
Oh yeah, intimately, hold on, I'm trying to find it.

I lost it.

Speaker 5 (01:27:53):
I think, never stop learning.

Speaker 1 (01:27:55):
No, you can never stop learning. Hold on, let me see.
I'm going to try and find you. I realized this
is Oh it's called she well, okay with the appropriate spelling,
Okay with the it's called she comes first.

Speaker 5 (01:28:07):
Oh you actually heard of that?

Speaker 1 (01:28:08):
But yeah, And there's like a fruit on the cover
of anyway, this is the bonus one on the tangent.
iHeart app A little bit after the show, it'll be
up there. However, this one's for the alcoholics. Today's fun fact.
There really was a Captain Morgan. Captain Morgan spice rum
that sounds like something you would drink Kiki.

Speaker 5 (01:28:28):
Yes, I love me some Captain Morgan.

Speaker 1 (01:28:30):
No, because but you like the you like the fluorescent.
If it looks like a highlighter, then that's what you like.
You like the flavored stuff. Yes, Captain Morgan was real.
He was a Welsh pirate who later became the Lieutenant
Governor of Jamaica. What of all places, m But the
next time somebody orders Captain coke, you can tell him,

did you know the Captain Morgan? Real, real dude, Welsh
pirate who later became the Lieutenant governor of Jamaica.

Speaker 5 (01:28:57):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (01:28:58):
You like that? You gotta put your leg up. Liked
they do? You know? I guess when you tell that story.
Maybe you like that like fruity spicy. I do. I
like flavor. You like flavored drinks, Cana and I just
drink rubbing alcohol just straight out.

Speaker 5 (01:29:11):
Of the bottom.

Speaker 1 (01:29:12):
That's not the wrong, you know either way. If they
have if they have a drink that looks like a highlighter,
like from the little four pack in a blue orange yell.
Whatever it is, Yeky will order. That's actually how she
orders drinks. She says, it goes, what do you have
that looks like a nuclear waste uff? And she shields it.
I'll take that.

Speaker 2 (01:29:33):
More Fred show next right here, The fread show is on.

Speaker 1 (01:29:40):
Let's see on the show today. We had a very
happy follow up in waiting met the phone that's on
the iHeart app. Kiky's girl.

Speaker 5 (01:29:53):
You are less than smart.

Speaker 1 (01:29:55):
We changed them stupid the less and smart. Okay, maybe
she lives in one of those stupid states that we
talked about. Not that I didn't do the research. That
wasn't my you know, I'm just a journalist here, that's
all right. I just cover the news. I don't make it.
Let's see what else do we do your day. We
had a very interesting fun fact, a bonus fun fact
on the tangent that's going up here shortly. I hard
app search for a Fred show on demand for anything

you may have missed tomorrow on the program waiting by
the phone from the vault. Do we know which one
we do?

Speaker 14 (01:30:21):

Speaker 1 (01:30:22):
Okay, then you better give the ball, you better do
some work. Yeah, don't call me stupid. You are less
than working hard. Apparently. Let's see what else tomorrow, Stay
or Go will debate some relationship drama show me Shelley
a big time tie uh, the third appearance on the show,
and one thousand dollars for Jamie Jesjessica Jamie Jessica Jessica,

Jamie Jay. We're just gonna call her. I don't know.
I don't know what, Jamie, I don't know. A Jay
A Jay Jay is throwing me off. That's all tomorrow
morning on the show, and of course a bunch of
chances to win a thousand bucks waiting is next. Why
does somebody get ghosted and show? Well? Show but Shelley doesn't,
but Caitlin does have the entertainment report. I'm just thrown off.

I thought maybe you were moving to Brazil for good.

Speaker 5 (01:31:06):
And I want to. I just ca Yeah, I don't
know if it's it'll.

Speaker 6 (01:31:10):
Work, but I want to because this economy over here,
we got to figure something out.

Speaker 1 (01:31:14):
Yeah, match, if you could make this money and live there,
what would they call me? Rich? Bill Gates? That's right,
you are. I forgot about b.

Speaker 5 (01:31:25):
G G kept commenting on or BG and b G
O G.

Speaker 1 (01:31:28):
Yeah, or b bg O B B G O.

Speaker 5 (01:31:30):
B I gotta work on it.

Speaker 6 (01:31:31):
Yeah, but we got to talk about whether or not
we think one of the jokes during the Tom Brady
Rose went too far and did he.

Speaker 5 (01:31:39):
Get pissed or did he not?

Speaker 1 (01:31:40):
My theory is he was covering his ass. But you'll
hear in just a second, says I is on Fred's show.
Good morning, it's the Fred Show. Thank you so much
for having us on today. We love you, We appreciate you.
The iHeart app is where to go for anything you
may have miss searched for The Fred Show on demand.
The Tangent Our off air uncensored podcast. A bonus fun
fact in the Tangent today. That's the topic of the

Tangent is a fun fact that I cannot share with
you on the air. In the book, she comes first,
and I agree with it. In fact, I'm gonna start
passing it out to man all over the land. It
should be required reading. I think so too, you guys.
I'm not even being like funny. You don't know how
much better your life would be if you lived by

that mantra. I'm dead ass, and that's not to say
that I'm successful at it. I'm just saying that. You know,
it's my life ambition, that's all, you know what I mean.
I just go out there and I give it my
all every single time I'm on the I'm on the court,
whenever I'm on the field, I leave it all there.

There's a lot, Okay, just listen to the iHeart the
Frend Show. Search for the Frend Show on demand. I mean,
there's there's a lot of ways you could take that. Listen,
listen to the show tomorrow. I'm trying to get out
of here before i gotta go. It's like I just

just listened to the show tomorrow. Have a good day
by everyone.

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