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May 7, 2024 100 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You've got your wait.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Fred Show is on now, hotest morning show.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
Hello every one, Good morning, Tuesday, May seventh, The French
Show's not hig Kaylin, Hello, Jason Brown. Hi, Rufio Kiky's here.
Good morning, Shelby. Shelley has money. Next hour another time
breaker right a thousand bucks? Yes, sir, he turned vent
and me not. Benjamin's here. Pauline is back next week. Man,
we are in trouble, Rufio Kiki, No, we are in trouble.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Waiting on y'all.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Well, guess what I told Paulina, I'm waiting on you.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
You would, I know you would. He's so busy. She
wants to go together.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
But oh my god, that's what I've been saying.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
I'm Collie hurt today.

Speaker 5 (00:47):
I'm gonna go today if I can, if she will
allow me, since y'all want to play game, No, I'm
gonna go right now.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
I'm gonna go right now.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
You can't beat me over there.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I will say it has been a little kind of
match up schedules with you guys and then with her. Nonetheless,
maybe Gabrielle is a month old and we have not
been there. Now these two over here, these kids asses
over here were the first two they were there. They
actually had their arms out and accepted the baby into
the world.

Speaker 6 (01:16):
From you mean, like when she invited us, she didn't, Yes.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
Were well we were all invited.

Speaker 7 (01:25):
Yeah, yep.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
Yeah, Wait a minute, who I think I was out
of town?

Speaker 1 (01:31):
You were you were under the weather, you were sick.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
Oh that's right.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Yeah, yeah, never met.

Speaker 7 (01:35):
I was like every time we have something planned, like
we're like, let's go. Friend's like, hey, guys, I'm sick.
I'm like, oh, that's what it is.

Speaker 4 (01:42):
That's what it is.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
You know what it is. It's Rufio doing his Jess
gamely guys. Oh, Jess says no. Es Yeah, Jess says no.
I can't suggest, And then Calen asked Jess and Jess
because I don't care, not about.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
This specific situation. But yeah, she's like, I don't know
why he's always blaming me.

Speaker 4 (01:58):
Typical married people stuff, you know.

Speaker 7 (02:00):
For friend and I, it's a little you know, it's
it's not really close.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
By, but like Kiki, you're right down the street.

Speaker 4 (02:05):
Yeah, yeah, you are.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
You are as for me, I don't know, it's far.
It's Rufio and I are far. It is, yeah, far,
because I actually bought a house next to Rufio.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
I hang out there sometimes.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Yeah, that's like my It's like my vacation home is
right next to Echland.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
Ye, him knocking on my door all day.

Speaker 7 (02:23):
He's there with the popcorn outside there for the tea.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Uncle Fred. You lose her play with me. That's what
Ashland says to me all the time. Yeah, anyway, we'll
go over there. I love Paulina. I'm sorry I was.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
I wouldn't even let you out come.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
I wouldn't let you come either.

Speaker 8 (02:38):
I know.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
What I mean.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
I've probably talked to her almost every other day since
she had a baby, but I haven't gone over there.

Speaker 4 (02:47):
I'm I'm in trouble.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
I don't know about it.

Speaker 4 (02:49):
I'm in trouble. Yeah, we're in trouble. I don't think so.
I really don't think she's.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Paulina remembers everything. She remembers things I said eight years ago.
It's wild. All right, Well, we're in trouble anyway. The
Entertainer reports coming up, trending stories, headlines that starts you Tuesday, blogs,
audio journals all on the way.

Speaker 4 (03:12):
What are you working on, Kaileb?

Speaker 9 (03:13):
Well, of course we have to talk met gala, which
I know you've been waiting up all night for.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Who wore a wet T shirt? Who wore sand who
wore a corset on their head? We gotta unpack it all.

Speaker 4 (03:25):
Why can't I get the context here? Of course? It
on your head?

Speaker 1 (03:29):
Yeah, it looked goofy as hell too. She's a goofy
for that one.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Is it like the same kind of thing, like a fascinator?
Fascinator from the Can you wear the same hat you
wore from the derby?

Speaker 1 (03:39):
You could?

Speaker 2 (03:40):

Speaker 1 (03:40):
Of course it goes on your like rib cage on
her head.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
Okay, so Rudy Gobert who plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves,
I can finish the centager.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Sorry, I promise. Sorry, my bed messing with you. I
get there, I I get there.

Speaker 7 (04:03):
I was maybe maybe I should Jason Brown, Jason Brown
should have said it first.

Speaker 9 (04:09):
Sports are part obviously, He's like, did you say the
Mets gallop?

Speaker 6 (04:16):
All the Mets were there? You still don't get the
reference to you know, what isn't the Mets? That's is
the team?

Speaker 10 (04:24):

Speaker 3 (04:24):
What team? Though?

Speaker 4 (04:25):
I don't know? That's basketball?

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Matt's nuts, that's.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
The NATSY is a basketball team? That's is another New
York team.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
You don't like the Nuts?

Speaker 11 (04:36):
Okay, real lazysus the Nuts.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
That's is New Jersey Brooklyn now. And then the Mets
are baseball team in Queens, New York.

Speaker 11 (04:56):
Matt's got it. Yeah, well, I mean New York man
York short and the Yankees. They have two like Chicago
does right ment and the Yankees. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
Nonetheless, this guy who plays for the Timberwolves is probably
going to it looks like he might miss Game two
of the NBA Playoffs, the second round of the NBA Playoffs,
because his wife either is having a bit I'm trying
to get the story here straight because I have the
clip of a bunch of people complaining about this.

Speaker 9 (05:25):

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Following the birth of his first child, a baby boy,
So he's thinking about missing a playoff game because his
wife had a baby already. So we're not talking just
to be clear, we're not talking about the baby was
about to be born and he might be out of
town for that or something like that.

Speaker 4 (05:48):
We've heard of that story before.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
The baby apparently has been born and so he might
not play in this game. And a bunch of other
NBA players have a bunch of things to say about it,
but just to I mean, I want to know if
that makes a big Does that make a big difference though,
if the baby just arrived and is here versus the
baby hasn't been born yet and you might be missing

the you know, actual birth. I think to support your
you know wife, girlfriend, whatever it is. I think it's
his wife and and and be present for the you know,
actual arrival of this kid. He's a bunch of NBA
players Gilbert Arena complaining about it.

Speaker 4 (06:27):
Yeah, I would imagine in Minnesota. I don't know for
sum not that man's business, Like, okays, what game for
that baby? They're gonna be there when you get back.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I mean, so that that's his comment. Uh, the baby
will be there when you get back. So do we
think that missing a playoff basketball game for the birth
of your kids so you can be there for like
I don't know, day two, three, whatever it is they
you know, just I don't know. Again, big difference between
the baby actually being born and you being there to

support your wife in the process and however long that takes,
and you don't want to miss that moment once in
a lifetime. First is okay, I was there for that
baby's here, baby looks healthy, wife's healthy. I'm gonna play
this basketball game. I'll be right back.

Speaker 5 (07:11):
So he already met the baby. Just to be clear,
he met the baby already.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
That's the way that I.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Understand the game was he missed the game yesterday. The
game was yesterday. It's already happened. It happened he missed
the game, So he did because the story just read
was that he might miss the game. So we missed
the game, but not because he was trying to be there.
The baby was already here when he missed the game.
Are we clear about that? Okay? So then, so are
we mad about this? I mean, should you? Should you?

Does it? Is there any excuse for missing work if
you're if you're an athlete, is there any excuse? Are
you allowed to miss work for the birth of a baby?

Speaker 5 (07:46):
You should be allowed to You should be allowed to
be with your baby. That's the ones in a lifetime
moment that you won't get back. You can play another
basketball game, but you will not get that precious moment
with your child again. However, if I'm on the team,
you got to come to work. Were trying to win
a championship, I don't have time for you to go
meet no baby, let up, bring the baby up here.

Speaker 4 (08:09):
What are you talking about this?

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Actually that's a good idea, Helena, Bring the baby up here.
Baby is four weeks old, come on priority, taking the
baby to Taco Bell. At least the baby up here.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
So, yeah, I get.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
I feel like if it's if it's hey, I'm gonna
be on the road and my wife is in labor
or something, then I'm not going. I'm sorry, I'm not going,
especially if it's my Wow, No, I don't think it's anything.
I was gonna say it's my first kid, but no,
because every time it's dangerous, every time my wife needs support,
I help make the baby. I need to be there,
So I'm I need to be there.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
You're missing the playoff game.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
If now here's the thing though, If I was there
for the birth, I held the baby, everybody's okay.

Speaker 1 (08:52):

Speaker 4 (08:53):
I don't know that I sit.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
There and stare at the baby for another how many
times I gonna say baby in this break? I don't
know that I sit there and stare at the child
day or two instead of going and helping my teammates
win the game. Because it's a very important game. But
yet that's I think. I think I go if the
baby's already born and everything everybody's okay, then I go play.
If the baby's not here yet and it's gonna happen

during the game, I'm missing the game, right, No, you
missed the game. It's a game. It's you missed the game,
even after the kids already here. So the game was yesterday.
His wife, his fiance, gave birth to the baby early Monday,
and then the game was at night. But right, so
that's what I'm saying, the babies here, everybody's okay, get

him at PJ or whatever, and go wherever it is.
You're already, and you're already in Denver because they're on
the road. He has to fly back to Minneapolis for
the birth of his first child. And you're gonna be like,
all right, see you later. I gotta go play this game.
They didn't even need him yesterday. They won by a
gazillion yesterday, but he didn't know that at the time.
But still, like it's just one game out of a

game of seven, you know, Like it's it's like if
it was like the final championship game. Okay, that's that's
a little like if the the championship's on the line,
that's a little different. But if the baby was worn
at like nine o'clock in the morning and everybody's okay,
and you were there and she wants to like she
probably wants to sleep. You know, there's nurses at the hospital,
the whole thing. I mean, I probably sound wildly and

you're taking care of a child. Well, I don't know,
there's I assume there's nannies and moms and dads and family.
I mean, he's rich, he's an NBA player. I'm sure
there's no there's no lack of support. Here's what you do.
You hop on a PJ, you hang out all day,
you hop on a PG two hours, you go play
the game, hop back on a PJ, come back, and
it's almost like you weren't even gone.

Speaker 9 (10:39):
I mean, if I'm his girl and this is gonna
shock you all, I'm team basketball, I'm like, go, baby,
I don't remember one second of meeting my parents, So like,
it's fine, meet meet me, gay, what up, and then
go win a game and come back.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
I would say that, But if she says no, then
he's got to stay. What about my FanDuel you know what.
You know, we're betting on our husband's name as a consumer,
as a watcher.

Speaker 5 (11:01):
What about that fan duel? But it's like, I need
you to be under there. You know, I've been loyal
to you for years. This baby just met you, so.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
It's why they won regardless. But that's the thing you
didn't know. He's a very good player, which we don't have.

Speaker 7 (11:17):
You don't have a child, Fred, That's what I'm saying,
Like that experience is once in a lifetime.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
He was there for that, Yeah, but it's it's just
not over.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
The baby doesn't come out.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
And you just say, if I were to do that
and be like, hey, Jess, the show's on.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
You had the baby at seven, I'm gonna go stupid.
It's the same thing. That's work. It's it's work to him.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
That's a job.

Speaker 9 (11:39):
Yes, nobody could affect his money in the future, which
affects his baby's college and stuff.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
I'm team basketball ball.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
Is like, no, I'm getting I'm getting killed this. Fred
never had a baby. I'm also not in the NBA. Okay,
it's the same. He has the same situation here, Fred.
If you were if your girl was pregnant and she
was going to get bird and say, like, if she
gives birth at four thirty in the morning, this show
starts at five.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
It's the same situation.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
We do two hundred and fifty stupid shows a year.
I mean eighty two basketball games a year.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
That's no difference. That's a job.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
He gets paid forty million dollars or something to play basketball.
It's the playoffs. He was there. He's got tons of money.
He can teleport his ass and play and come back,
and it's all. She could take a nap. It's up
to the wife. It is one to the wife, and
I would I wonder what the wife said. I agree
with you. It's what if she said stay, then you're staying.

Oh well if she said go and he stayed anyway,
well then he could have gone.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
Hey, that baby could change his whole life. That baby
could have been born yesterday.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
He doesn't like me.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
He doesn't want to play basketball ever again. He gets
his head up. I'm just saying, like kid, people have
kids that they don't want to work ever again. That
baby could change his life for that instant that baby's born, says,
I don't want to ever play basketball again.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Him already, he's like I no, I still want to play.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Hey April, how you doing all right?

Speaker 8 (13:05):
How you doing?

Speaker 4 (13:06):
What do you think about this?

Speaker 3 (13:07):
So this dude, we finally got the story right after
but twenty minutes is stumbling around. So this guy uh
plays with the Timberwls. Very good player, important player on
the team. His wife had a baby early yesterday morning.
They had a playoff game at later in the day
at night that same day, and he missed the game,
and people are asking the question, should he have made

it to the game. He would have had to travel
from Denver to Minneapolis the other way or the other
way around, but yet he didn't go.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
And are we mad about this or not?

Speaker 12 (13:40):
Well, I'm not mad if the baby was born that day.
But if everything was okay and everything, he should be
on the first thing. Smoga back to the playoff game.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
This playoff time, yep, this is shut up and boot up.
Let's go come on now, game two.

Speaker 5 (13:54):
I got winey that the baby sweets twenty two hours
out of the day.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Get somebody.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
You gotta do the look you gotta, you gotta, you
gotta in the first twenty four hours.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
You have to establish a relationship with that baby.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
You gotta do skin to skin that baby.

Speaker 13 (14:15):
You got eighteen years established the lationship this.

Speaker 14 (14:20):

Speaker 15 (14:20):
It's playout time.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
And you O belong to the NBA.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
You get that.

Speaker 12 (14:25):
Everything's okay, everybody's okay, Okay, let's go.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
We got it.

Speaker 15 (14:28):
We got a championships.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
The job.

Speaker 4 (14:30):
It's a job. Thank you. Have a good day. Look
all I love about you.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Guys. Keep trying to roofy over. You're trying to keep
up making it apply to me. I'm not him, I'm
not famous, I'm not important. I do a radio show.
We'll do it. You just see you another one another day.
I'm missing it. I am missing it. Ninety nine percent
of people are missing it. But in this particular case,
you got so much money. Honestly, he could have left

it like three o'clock and been back in the hospital
room six hours later. He wanted to because he got
pj's and money and rolexes. I don't know what the
rolex has to do with it, but he probably got those. Hey, Jessica,
hert Jessica, you say, you say, don't play the game,
it doesn't matter, stay with the baby.

Speaker 13 (15:14):
Oh absolutely. I think that there's a lack of understanding,
like the pregnancy end once the baby's born. But there's
a whole life that's starting, so you have to think
about those first twenty four hours, forty eight hours. It's
just the start of a long game with that baby.
So what game matters more?

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Okay, No, that's fair, and you're right.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
I don't know about that, but I have been present
right after a baby was born, and there was a
lot of sitting there staring at the kid. Yeah, because
there was nowhere to go. In fact, I think my
sister and brother in law were downright board because my
sister had to stay because she was wearing a diaper,
and you know, the baby's brand new, but the baby
just was there. I think at one point the baby

went to the nursery for a little while and they slept.
So how about we do that part? Well, he goes
and wins a basketball game, comes back, everybody wins.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
I don't I don't care about either one of these
teams either. By the way, I really don't care about
this man, Rudy Gobert. I don't care. I'm just I'm
just wondering.

Speaker 13 (16:10):
This is my one and only time where I'm.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Not fully on Rufio.

Speaker 4 (16:14):
I appreciate that. Okay, all right, one time we agree
with Rufeo.

Speaker 13 (16:19):
Also stay with the mama is also there who may
want some support where.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
If she says go And by the way, we all
agree on that. If the wife is like, you're not
going anywhere. I need you here for this whole thing
start to finish, then then he's not going anywhere.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
But I will say that.

Speaker 13 (16:36):
At Sometimes I tell my husband you want to go
to the bar, go well, go ahead, but it's really
just a threat. You don't go.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Oh yeah, I see what you're saying. Have fun. If
I tell you have fun and does not mean.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
Do not have fun, do not go. Yes, I thank you, Jessica,
have a good day.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
All right. People agree with the Rufio here. I have
a kid. I understand the significance. But it's a playoff game,
not a regular season. Ruffeo's acting like this is his
kid and needs to chill. I gave birth to two am.
My husband's father was wake was that day. He didn't go,
but he went to the funeral the next day. As said,
so sad. He's a basketball player. Baby was born. If healthy,

jump on the plane player game, jump on a plane,
go home. She has help with mom, nanny's, et cetera.

Speaker 4 (17:19):
How you know that just because he's got money.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
Oh, come on, you don't think they have nanny's and stuff.
Come on, you think they do? You think they're out here?

Speaker 4 (17:26):
Just will you?

Speaker 3 (17:27):
You don't know. Just because you have money doesn't change
the situation. It's becoming a parent for the first time.
My husband is not in the NBA, and after he
spent the first night in the hospital, I sent him
Home's probably that too, I don't know. Anyway, this was
a very controversial topic. Yes, I had no idea how
he did this one get and it also it already

happened and he didn't go.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
He didn't go, so I didn't look it all worked out.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
I mean, that was probably the right decision and the
team one and nobody can really be mad about it.
But if the team had laws, this man has would
have problems. This man would have problems in the city
of Minneapolis, Minnesota. And what if the nurses were like
big Timberwolves fans and they're like, dude, we'll.

Speaker 4 (18:11):
Take care of it.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
This place she can be is right here.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
Right, But that is true. That's another thing. It's not
like he left her like on the street. You know,
all right, well someone'll come pick you up. I guess
get an uber home. I'm being discharged, Sonny, I don't care.
I'm outright. I'm in the club right now in Denver
or wherever they were. Let's do trending stories after Benson
Boone headlines to start your Tuesday in three minutes and

the entertainment report on the Fred Show. It's the Bread Show.
This is what's trend. I'm getting to you. I mean,
I'm getting killed you, guys. First of all, let me
be clear about something. I've missed work for much less
when Polly was born, and it's not even my kid.
I wasn't even I didn't even help create said child.
I was. I jumped on air Fred and I was
there the day the kid was born. And I missed

work for two days when Polly that was made. When
Polly was born during COVID, I went and sat for
three days in my sister's house waiting for the kid
to come out. So this is not about me kidding me.
If I had a kid, I'm like two weeks ahead.
I'm sorry, guys, seven weeks out, eight five thousand weeks after.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
I'm not coming back. I'm of course going to be there.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
I also don't have a job that pays me thirty
million dollars a year and depends on me to perform,
and so I think it's fair to ask the question,
if everybody's okay, can I kind of slip away and
play in this game?

Speaker 4 (19:35):
It just kind of slip away, you know.

Speaker 8 (19:37):

Speaker 3 (19:38):
I mean, what's his name is Scottie Scheffler, the golfer.
He's been out playing on the tour within two weeks
of his wife going into labor and he won the Masters.
And the whole time, they were like, at any moment,
his wife could go into labor and he would have
to jump on a plane, and God forbid, there was
an emergency, and nobody was bagging him for that. Now,
granted there were two weeks and I'm sure they consulted

doctor and everybody was like, it's fine. He had a
PJ waiting and it was a two hour flight and
he would have made it, but God forbid, there had
been some sort of complication.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
And this guy's out there just putting.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
The worse because the baby wasn't here yet.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
I'm my opinion, right, Oh but no, oh, but it's okay,
because it's the Masters, you know, it's the man who
it's only once a year, and it's the Masters, and
you get a green jacket at the end. Nobody was
criticizing him for that. He probably should have not left town,
right in Siri, two weeks is not along. Two weeks
before a birthday of due date is not very long, right,

But I wouldn't know anything because I don't have a kid.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
That's true, though, no opinion.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
You should.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
But let me tell you something else. If my wife
is in labor slash. My wife just breached and I'm
sitting here talking about the met Gala, you guys should
kick me. Every one of you. Everyone who's listening now,
should line up and kick me in the nuts, one
by one. Every one of you is very important. Oh say,
Now that's the thing. Can't miss the metal. No more
on that in the entertainment report, of course it was

last night. It's treading. But to Anna Wintour has banned
for more things at the Metgalea in case you were wondering, chives, onions,
garlic and cell phones, none of that stuff.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
Yeah, she doesn't like the way it smells.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
People sneak their phones, but Yeah, she doesn't want people
to have bad breath.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
Chives, onions, garlic. Yeah, because where would you put like
the tic TACs in those outfits? You know, there's no
pockets a lot of those things. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
A lot of people change when they get to the top.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
Yeah, you know, well clearly as you know, well in
some doubt, like Rudy Gobert, hero of the day, Boeing,
did you know Boeing had a spaceship? Yeah, well, you
know how I feel about bowing. But if it ain't bowing,
I ain't going to space. But Boeing Starliner launch has
been scrubbed after having another problem. The first astronaut crewed

flight into space that the Boeing Starliner was scrubbed just
before it was set to lift off due to a
stuck valve in the rocket. The crew is loaded and
ready to blast off, considering some of what's going on
over there? Are we sure that you know, if you're
an astronaut and you're about to get in the Boeing.

Speaker 4 (22:00):
Yo, my wife's having a baby, right, Hey, Rudy, Rudy,
go Barna. We are staying with her.

Speaker 3 (22:08):
On the I'm sorry, yeah, right, I'm extremely busy. I
would be a little nervous. But if we have all
the doors, is everything bolted in? It turns out it's not.
The next launch window is for tonight. But I don't know.
I mean, we know we love bowing around here. We
don't want anything to happen to Boeing love getting on
a Boeing jet. I just think if I were jumping

on their first spaceship, I might say, you know, can
we go around with an Alan wrench and just sort
of check everything?

Speaker 4 (22:36):
Put the monkey or something?

Speaker 3 (22:38):

Speaker 5 (22:38):

Speaker 4 (22:38):
Can we how about?

Speaker 3 (22:39):
How about I'll get you on the next one. I
go to space next on the next one, bring that
thing back. I get on there. Miss USA twenty twenty three.
Her name is Noeli I Believe Voight. She was the
pageant winner in twenty twenty three. She anounced yesterday that
she has decided to resign from the title. The official
Miss USA Instagram confirm that the news in a posts

saying that they respect and support her decision to step
down from her duties. She said she's giving up the
title and wrote, never compromise your physical and mental well being.
The organization says it's reviewing its plans to transition the
responsibilities to a successor, and we'll announce who that is soon.
Oregon's Sports Braw, which will show only women's sports, announced

plans to extend nationwide through a franchise model. The rise
in interest is not just for women's basketball, other sports
as well. The twenty twenty three Women's World Cup reported
record attendance with nearly two million fans. University of Nebraska
volleyball game played in a football stadium drew more than
ninety two thousand people in August, And so, yeah, they're
thinking about spreading this that all over the place. A

would you go to a sports bar that only shows
women's sports?

Speaker 13 (23:48):

Speaker 4 (23:49):
Yeah, yeah?

Speaker 3 (23:49):

Speaker 1 (23:50):

Speaker 4 (23:51):
Now are there enough? Though?

Speaker 3 (23:53):
Like? Are are there as many women's sports going on
at any given time? And I don't know the answer.
Are there? Like I feel like you can walk into
a sports bar and they're some dudes hitting something, some
ball with some sort of club at any time of
the day. Yeah, is there enough? Is that just as
prevalent women's sports? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (24:12):
I mean there's basketball right now, there's women's golf is
on every weekend, there's tennis, there's you know, every male
sport has a women's equivalent.

Speaker 4 (24:20):
Are they all televised though, Yeah.

Speaker 7 (24:22):
I mean if you if it's a bar they use
you pay for you know, they'll find a way to
put on TV.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
I watch Kaitlin Clark. Can get hammered at a bar.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
I can get hammered pretty much anywhere.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
Yeah, anything, honestly, Yeah, I get hammered. There's nothing on tape,
nothing at all. Me in a dark room. That's normal, right,
It's not a problem at all. And video nickname the
most Boring of all Time has wracked up millions of
views on YouTube as a sleep aid, so this is
considered to be the most boring video of all time.
It's a nineteen eighty nine tutorial on the latest version

of Microsoft Word, which you can imagine what that must
have looked like like.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
You could see the pixels.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
In each you know, some people of jokes about it
being an unlikely sleep aid. The video's voice by Randy Smith,
who was working for Florida Marketing International for two hours.
The video features him going over the basics of Microsoft Word,
as well as talking about formatting, saving, and printing documents.
Since it's been uploaded to YouTube a decade ago, it's
gained over ten thousand comments, with people saying it helped

put them to sleep.

Speaker 4 (25:21):
All right, let's check this out.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
What is this thing? Microsoft word boring video? Hold on
a second, let's listen to it. Let's see if it
puts everyone to sleep. This show puts people to sleep.
So let's see if it puts more people to sleep.
It's like when I was started working at McDonald's. You
gotta watch those videos, those training videos, the same thing.
Wor let me see here here it is the most
boring video ever made. Okay, all right, let's wait for

the ad to play. M m mmmm because we don't
have a premium subscription. Obviously we don't. Okay, let's see
what we got here, see okay, oh neat hell?

Speaker 1 (25:59):
Yeah? All right. First of all, this is the mac
Academy tutorial system.

Speaker 4 (26:04):
This is not boring. International.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
First of all, I am wildly entertained already, so that
that be right there. Yeah, that makes you want to
get up and dance honestly. Okay, all right, let's see
here so far on wide away, so nothing's happened to me.
Are we gonna get oh here?

Speaker 10 (26:26):

Speaker 4 (26:27):
Whoa lighting? Okay, hello and welcome to mac Academy. My
name is Randy Smith. And over the next couple of hours. Yeah,
we'll be discussing Microsoft word. Honestly, yep, that's the most
boring video I've ever seen.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Hmm. I mean the music. At the beginning it threw
me off a little bit, but then it became less boring.
That computer though, I know he's got one of those
like it's like the skinny narrow mats, you know what
I mean. Like, yeah, and it's kind of like that
the weird like cream color kind of yeah, and it
has the disc drive in it and the whole thing. Yeah,
that desk. There are people listening now who have no

idea what we're talking about. But if you're a child
of the nineties and you know what we're talking about.
It's National Tourism Day, National Foster Home Day, National Barrier
Awareness Day to dissolve stigmas accepting people with disabilities from
advancing and education, and National Teacher Appreciation Day. Shout out
to all the teachers. List to the Entertainmer Important Blogs.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
Next Fread Show, Alin's Entertainer Report is on the Fread Show.

Speaker 9 (27:24):
The Mechala went down from New York last night. I
always like to explain in case people don't know what
it is, but it's a fundraiser actually for the for
a Museum of Arts costume department the Metropolitan. So this
year's exhibit itself is called Sleeping Beauty's Reawakening of Fashion,
which is kind of bringing back old gowns, which is
why you saw some from like the fifties and sixties,

a lot of vintage back to life, but the dress
code was different. It was Garden of Time, so it
all kind of went together. That was why you saw
a lot of florals ethereal. It's very exclusive every year,
put on by Anna Wintour, the editor and chief of
Vogue since nineth eighty eight, I believe, and she always
asked celebrities to be co chairs, like Zendea was last night.
And by the way, as far as Zendia, I think

she was the first person to ever do two full looks,
which was really cool.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
She walked at the.

Speaker 9 (28:12):
Beginning and kind of did to take like like a
darker got more gothic side of the theme, and then
her second look was a vintage look and she had
I believe it was real flowers and that huge headpiece
she was wearing. She was changed amazing, like yes, really, yeah, yeah,
she changed her makeup and everything, so she walked the
stairs and but I was like thinking in my head,

like I wonder how that went over with Anna, Like, yo,
can I cause you're supposed to greet everyone.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
At the top.

Speaker 9 (28:37):
Oh if you're a co chair, Yeah, it's like a
receiving line. So I wonder if she was like, thanks
for asking me, but can I go, you know.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Make history. I don't know. Tyla, who you.

Speaker 9 (28:45):
Know from the song Water, which is a banger, was
wearing literal sand and had to be carried like a
little baby child up each of the stairs, which was
really cute. Cardi B pulled up with nine dudes to
help her carry her black gown and spread it over
the entire carpet. Ahead of the met, Doja Cat was
spotted heading into the Cardier store with the Vetma designer,
which is who she's been wearing all week. She was

wearing a bed sheet. Also saw her in saran wrap.
But she showed up to the met in just a
wet T shirt. She I mean, she looked amazing. She said.
It was a nod to cotton, which is the most
used flower. Perhaps Lizzo showed up and what they're calling
a vase dress to meet it was a full body corset.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
I don't know, she looked kind of weird.

Speaker 3 (29:23):

Speaker 9 (29:23):
Some of my faves for the dudes Sebastian San lil
Nas ex Barry Keegan.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
For women, I mean they crushed it.

Speaker 9 (29:29):
Janelle Monnet I loved Rosalia Shakira was there.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Nicole Kidman looking like a statue. Keith Urban gives me
the willies a little bit though. I know package to
you they're cute, but I don't know. He was scaring
me a little bit.

Speaker 3 (29:44):

Speaker 9 (29:45):
I don't know, just the way he was looking at
her kind of gave me the whilies.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
I don't know if anyone else felt that way. It's
invite only right very much so okay, very very much?
Does does?

Speaker 3 (29:54):
I tried to pull up, but they said, yeah, outfit
have to be approved or you.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Just it does Okay, No, it's just the yeah.

Speaker 9 (30:02):
Usually, like if you're a big celebrity, a big designer
will ask you to go and sit at their table,
I know, like Michael Core's tables all like notoriously like
the fun one. Am I misaying anyone that you guys
loved Kim Kim, Yeah, I loved the sweater.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Oh yeah, it looks painful.

Speaker 15 (30:21):
I know, you.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
Look at a corset. Who did you love? Kiki Palmer
looked really good. Loves your hair. Palmer is Shakira dated
for me?

Speaker 9 (30:30):
Yes, And I always like to see what Gabrielle Union
and Duyne Wade wear because I feel like he gets
into it too.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
He compliments her. Lala, Anthony looked good.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
Kendall, Kendall looked that had ever worn?

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Yeah, like that was boyfriend's sweater. He was wearing a
boyfriend sweater.

Speaker 9 (30:48):
She threw like a little cardigan on top of like
this insane like ball gown.

Speaker 12 (30:52):
It was.

Speaker 4 (30:53):
It just kind of looked like I went to Old
Navy on the way Because it was Taylor Swift wearing
a cardigan and she's dating Tom Brady. People are saying, they've.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
Been saying that for a while. I I don't know.

Speaker 4 (31:07):
That doesn't look comfortable. You're right, they really?

Speaker 1 (31:11):
Yeah, I wonder if she I mean it really does?

Speaker 3 (31:13):
It does look like we're on our way to an
Advantag's like, God, I'm cold, honey, Like, all right, hold on,
let's stop at Target. Yeah, the sweater, it's probably an
eight million dollar sweater too. But I don't know. That
does look a little like afterthought.

Speaker 9 (31:24):
Well, their vision was she was running through a garden.
That's why she had half of the shell braid. And
she just grabbed a sweater and put it on with
the ice.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
Oh my god, so Cameila Cobo.

Speaker 9 (31:36):
Fred had a just a brick of ice that when
it melted was going to be calm like a flower.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
But she carried a brick of I mean, you got
to commit. She looks so silly. I'm sorry. It was
just like painful, like why are you doing this?

Speaker 5 (31:50):
All of them looked silly last night, like it's just
come on, Well.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
It's a costume exhibit.

Speaker 3 (31:57):

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Connie couldn't walk, Tyler had to be picked up.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
You got Camila, she got a frost body. Nobody takes
account of these stairs that they got a climb, like
you can't.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
You can't walk up these stairs.

Speaker 9 (32:11):
Think if it is a costume party, if that helps
your like you think about it?

Speaker 1 (32:14):
About it with the ice, Yeah, look at the ice clutch. Yeah,
frozen rose right, I love the art.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (32:22):
Speaking of Camilla, by the way, she.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
She literally carried around a block of ice.

Speaker 9 (32:26):
All yeah, as it was between her and doja, I
bet like it was slippery and then.

Speaker 4 (32:32):
About her right.

Speaker 9 (32:33):
Speaking of Camilla, she annow she's gonna drop her new
album ce XO XO on June twenty eighth, which features
her new track love It a.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
Little Carti Yeah.

Speaker 9 (32:45):
Rubio's Dancing for Us shared the album artwork her looking
on a Lollipop and really Quick. Snoop Dogg is getting
into the bowl sponsorship game, and the Arizona Bowl is
going to be officially known as the Snoop Dogg Arizona
Bowl presented by Gin and Juice by Drey and Snoop, which.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Is a mouth and pretty cool.

Speaker 9 (33:04):
As the presenting sponsor, it marks the first time the
NC double A sanctioned bowl games will be presented.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
By an alcohol brand.

Speaker 9 (33:11):
Stoop set It's time we get back to the roots
of college football, you know, focused on colleges, the players,
the competition, the community, the fan experience, and the pageantry.
As he called it, only fitting that I step up
and help this get this thing right.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
He's ready to bring the juice back to college football.

Speaker 9 (33:27):
The game used to be the Barstool Sports Arizona Bowl,
and it pits Jason.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
I know you know this.

Speaker 9 (33:34):
The team from the Mountain West Coast Conference and Mid
American Conference at Arizona Stadium in.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
Tucson, home of the Wildcast.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
Yeah, can you try and make it to that one
every year?

Speaker 15 (33:45):

Speaker 1 (33:46):
What's your favorite bowl aside from the new Gin and
Juice Bowl?

Speaker 4 (33:48):
Your favorite bowl?

Speaker 6 (33:49):
Yeah, Bowl, Double Bowl, the Fruit bal is good.

Speaker 4 (34:01):
Yeah, that's a good one.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
Everyone I like that. Yeah, there's a lot of weird
ball games. What can we check out online?

Speaker 6 (34:07):
So someone stuck their phone in and got some footage
of Arne Grande performing last night?

Speaker 1 (34:12):
Was she the surprise?

Speaker 4 (34:13):
She was the performer?

Speaker 9 (34:14):
Okay, only ten people know who's going to perform, and
then all of a sudden things like go dark and
then like someone just pops up. Like one year there
was like I heard like a bunch of monks like
with lanterns, and then.

Speaker 1 (34:23):
Like Madonna came out and was like my face.

Speaker 9 (34:27):
She actually, oh Anna doesn't play, but Fretshill Radio dot
Com to that.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
I'm sorry if you don't care about that, because I
just that.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
Was that was very informative.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Thank you. It's one of my.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
Favorite looking at some of these bowl games.

Speaker 3 (34:41):
Fiesta Bowl, smart cheese at Bowl, that's smart.

Speaker 4 (34:47):
The pop Tart. That was brilliant marketing.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
Yeah, and then like an actual pop tart pops out
and it looks like they're eating the pop tarts. Man,
it's got the brilliant, like absolutely brilliant.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
We need a fred Bowl.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
The Visit Florida Tangerine Bowl. Somebody don't exist anymore. Yeah,
there you go, that's that was your favorite one. Yes,
somebodies don't exist anymore. Actually, yeah, let's let's make these
like relatable. Yeah, the Rolls Bowl presented by PlayStation two,
of course, Blockbuster Bowl, CompUSA Florida Citrus Bowl, the Popeyes

Bahamas Bowl, the famous Idaho Potato Bowl. A yes, god,
somebody's are really ridiculous. The Salad Bowl from nineteen forty
seven to nineteen fifty five in Phoenix. That's actually kind
of funny. Why do they call it a bowl? Like,
do you know why, Tony, The Tiger Sun Bowl, the

cheese At Bowl.

Speaker 4 (35:46):
Yeah, it's like a play off that same purpose.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
The Duck Commander Independence Bowl doesn't exist anymore. The Cherry
Bundy Tart Cherry Boca Ratone Bowl, saying I wonder, I'm
not even I wonder. That's like NASCAR when they win
and they have to say that, you know, like yeah,
like when a NASCAR driver wins the race and they
hand him a coke and they put like a you know,

rolex on him and then you know whatever, it's like, yeah, well,
I just got to fight the you know, the Coca
Cola Formula one, but a NASCAR driving motors, they.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Look at all their patches. Thanks to Alpine Dog, it takes.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Like four minutes and the target Coca Cola, uh popular
weed eater. You know, it takes him forever.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
Like this hand, this man wants some water. That's what
I just did five hundred laps and you had.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
Always think that I always think that this dude just didn't.
I realized they have water in the car. But like,
this dude just drove around in circles for five hours
and the first thing you hand him is an ice
cold coke and he has to drink out of it too,
because of course he's getting paid.

Speaker 4 (36:52):
You know, it's so good.

Speaker 3 (36:54):
The beef O Brady's Bowl Okay, yeah, there really is
a popular we to eat her Independence bowl.

Speaker 4 (37:03):
Hmm. The Bad Boy Mower's Gasparilla.

Speaker 7 (37:07):
Bowl, the Gasparilla Bowl okay, oh, the Duke's Mail Bowl.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
I'm here for that.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
Yeah, yeah, Dukes, it's good.

Speaker 4 (37:15):
Good marketing.

Speaker 7 (37:16):
I've tried Dukes for the first time this past It's
pretty good.

Speaker 3 (37:20):
No, that's long ago. I'm glad we settled that. Well,
we've really handled a lot of matters this hour, Blogs
our audio journals will do host next day ago. Let's
debase some relationship drama tiebreaker with show by Shelley. A
third appearance on the show for Jamie Jessica. It's one
of the other A thousand bucks in the showdown. That's
next more Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
Next show is ONOD.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
Morning Everyone, Tuesday, May seventh. It's the Fred Show. We're
glad you're here on the radio and the iHeart app
any time. Search for the Fred Show on demand. Hikayler, Hi,
Jason Brown, Hello, Rufia Hello, Kiky's here. Shelley versus Jessica.
Another tiebreaker. A thousand bucks eats the prize today. We'll
play the showdown in about twenty minutes after blogs, stay

or go. Let's debate some relationship drama. The Entertainer Report
this hour too. What are you working on?

Speaker 9 (38:11):
K Well, the Drake Kendrick rap beef has hit not
only the WWE, but also go.

Speaker 4 (38:16):
Fundme oo, okay fund me? Oh wow yeah.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
Happy second wedding anniversary to Sam from your husband.

Speaker 4 (38:27):
They listen every morning together. I guess see you look
at this.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
Stronger relationships are made by listening to this program, probably
because they listen to me talk about my bs and
they're like, oh, guy, let's just stay married. Otherwise I
might wind up with any more like them. Also, Happy
first birthday to Charlotte. Hey listener number fourteen. Well, that's crazy.
That is not a thing. That's not happening fourteen listen.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Yeah, they talk better than they sell. These are the
radio blogs on the Fred Show.

Speaker 3 (38:55):
We added a whole damn city and we still don't
have thirteen old fourteen listeners. It's thirteen. How did that happen?
I thought for sure we'd get at least to like twenty.

Speaker 4 (39:03):
Nope, I don't know what goes. Are we even on
the radio over there?

Speaker 3 (39:05):
I don't know. Supposedly, yeah, I supposedly we're doing quite well.
It's unbelievable. So shout out to the people and other
cities to listen to us. News to me, Uh, let's.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
I'm so ready.

Speaker 4 (39:19):
It's not like I make a dollar more so take
it away.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
Dear blog.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
I don't know if you guys ever have this moment
where you kind of reflect and you want to apologize
to your parents. It happened to me over the weekend
because my family was over for Sinko de Mayo.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
You know, we do a big celebration. Yeah, And while
they were there.

Speaker 5 (39:38):
They were pressuring me to have a baby per usual
and how the family gets together. Nothing, never mind anything
I've accomplished this far, but they you know, I don't
have a child. So we got on that topic and
I started to think about it, like at this age,
if I had a kid, would I really be mentally
strong enough to do it, like to really raise a child?

Speaker 3 (39:57):
Well, yes, the answers yes. I know it's rhetorical question,
but the answer, of course is yes.

Speaker 2 (40:01):

Speaker 5 (40:01):
When I started thinking about this, you know, my sister
raised me. So I started thinking about the things that
she was going through and the age she was raising me.
I don't think I can handle that, like I saw
it was like just thinking about how often I used
to call her at work and like bother her for
stupid stuff like hey can I make chicken tenders?

Speaker 1 (40:21):
Say? Can I go outside?

Speaker 4 (40:23):
Like I she'll do that.

Speaker 3 (40:24):
Can you imagine that I'm years old, I still call
my mom and asked her if I can spend money
on stuff and what should I have for dinner? Oh yeah,
I still yeah, so she It never stops.

Speaker 5 (40:34):
Exactly, That's my point. So I don't know if I
can handle that because I cannot imagine leaving this job
going home. There's somebody else that's home. There's somebody else
that you have to pay for. Like, I just couldn't
wrap my mind around doing it. And then I started
thinking about, like remember when your parents would call and say,
can you take the meat out the freezer?

Speaker 1 (40:52):
I'm going to make that tonight, and you, as.

Speaker 5 (40:54):
A child, you have nothing else to do, that's your
what responsibility?

Speaker 1 (40:57):
You don't even take the meat out the freezer.

Speaker 5 (40:59):
I would lose my mind if I got home and
the meat was not out of the freezer. I understand
why parents get off work, go home and close their
door and don't want to talk to the rest of
the world. I completely understand. You know, It's just like
when you think about what parents go through and rufie,
I know you can feel this. You probably just want
to go home and play Xbox PlayStation, but you still
do you know, it's just hard. So I don't know

if anybody else have the reflections of like how they
used to bother their parents and just they are the
world's strongest soldiers.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Because I true, some of the stuff I used to
complain about her could even complain about now about my childhood,
I'm like, I don't know that I could handle it. Yeah,
I mean the amount of money they spent on the
private school that I hated.

Speaker 4 (41:39):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (41:41):
All the basketball games they had to go to to
watch me lose. I was the worst player, and they
still came to everything. I mean, just like the overall commitment.
The craziest thing for me, Kiki, is that when my
mom was my age, I was nineteen, she had a
nineteen year old almost twenty in college. Like for me
to think about me a twenty year old and like

what the last twenty years would have looked like in
order for me to get I don't know that the
kid would still be alive. To be honest with you,
I'm barely alive. I can hardly keep my own self alive.

Speaker 7 (42:12):
Yeah, it's it's no one's ever ready to be a parent,
but it definitely is karma sometimes, like for me, like
I was, I was a dick as a kid, you know,
like real like you.

Speaker 3 (42:24):
Like you're you're raising a mini you, and it's just
like why are you like this?

Speaker 4 (42:30):
I'm like, oh, that's because of me.

Speaker 3 (42:34):

Speaker 4 (42:34):
Actually, then you want to have more, you.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
Want to have more kids, like it's it's so crazy.

Speaker 4 (42:40):
Now you're going to have two of them.

Speaker 1 (42:41):
Yeah, I know too, Mini me's.

Speaker 9 (42:43):
Say they do say like, don't have kids if you
don't want to argue with a mini versu yourself all day.

Speaker 7 (42:47):
Yeah, that's terrifying the worst for Jess because it's like
she deals with me, she deals with it's a MENI you, and.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Then she's gonna have another like hopefully that one gets
all the Jess's personality, our second child.

Speaker 4 (42:59):
But yes, well this is why.

Speaker 3 (43:01):
Rufio comes in here and he is like he is
to us, because then he goes home and he gets served,
he gets roasted, yes, by two people at home. When
you get home, it's like it's like we're up early,
we do this show and then just like oh man,
I got more to do, Like you can't just like, oh,
I'm just gonna go give.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
A little less here.

Speaker 4 (43:19):
And you know, so you have more from home for
child rearing.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
You can always tell, I believe you can tell the
people like at work who try and dominate or like
try and like flex or walk around with their chest
puffed out or whatever. You can tell they're the ones
to get their asses kicked at home like that their
wives just own them. Like we've had a few suits
around here over the years that like they think they
can come in here and like be assertive, and you know,
the second they walk out of here, they just get

you know, just just like whipped, like physically assaulted by
their you know, because the only the only time they
get to exert any power is what or feel like
they get to exert any power over anyone anyone here
because they go home and they just get dominated. You
can always tell, yeah, but you are fully worthy and capable.

Speaker 5 (44:06):
Well, thank you, I thank you for saying that. But
I do want to apologize to Helena if she's listening.

Speaker 4 (44:11):
You have to put the TikTok down in order to.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
Make the kid.

Speaker 1 (44:14):
Can you imagine that?

Speaker 3 (44:15):
No, like taking taking five minutes just to put the
TikTok talk in order to just create.

Speaker 4 (44:21):
Or I was talking about making the kid.

Speaker 3 (44:24):
That might be on TikTok now too, I don't know
you trying to save the damn platform. So that's supposed
to go on OnlyFans. By the way, Kiki that content?

Speaker 1 (44:31):
Oh okay, yeah, well yeah, I'm on TikTok.

Speaker 4 (44:34):
I'm hungry, mom, I'm in the middle of.

Speaker 3 (44:36):
Some I could never Fred be like, order Doors'll leave
me alone.

Speaker 4 (44:44):
You know the code.

Speaker 3 (44:47):
I've been waiting for you for years, so I can
order more and don't feel like a fat out. Let's
do stare or go. Group Therapeople debates the relationship drama.
Next step to says in two minutes the French show
is I'm glad you're here.

Speaker 4 (45:00):
Fred show is on, it's stay or go.

Speaker 3 (45:04):
What if somebody text I had my daughter at forty
and I was a better, more patient, more wise, more
stable parents. I do believe that I would worry about
my if I had a nineteen year old. I would
worry about that kid if I had raised it over
the past nineteen years.

Speaker 5 (45:18):
Maybe when I'm forty, I won't be as addicted to TikTok.

Speaker 3 (45:22):
So maybe I don't think TikTok will be here though
you don't have to worry about it. Yeah, it's fine
my work. I was talking to somebody the other day
who's the person in their life works at TikTok, and
they were pointing out to me that she got so excited.

Speaker 4 (45:37):
Yeah, and I are they freaking out?

Speaker 3 (45:40):
And the person's like, well, yes, But the thing you
got to remember is that the US TikTok contribution, or
the US contribution to the TikTok you know, corporation, worldwide corporation,
is only ten percent nothing. So if they if they
lose the US, they've still got ninety percent, you know,
of their business still.

Speaker 4 (45:58):
So it sucks.

Speaker 3 (45:59):
But I guess they're sort of not inclined to sell
the business because why would we sell the whole thing
just because the United States has decided that you can't
look at it right.

Speaker 1 (46:10):
But more importantly, you know somebody on the.

Speaker 4 (46:11):
Inside, I do all the way in there.

Speaker 7 (46:13):
No, it's like, what's your macallge Shelley having what's you
McCall's phone number?

Speaker 3 (46:19):
We found out a guy we've been trying to book
for years, his close personal friends with show. But with Shelley,
she knew it the whole time and will not endorse it,
said nothing, not a thing for years. I ain't stand
on it for you. I vounch you for you for
trying to get in mama pocket. That's my personal friend.
What are you talking about? Hey, Jenna, Hi, good morning,
Good morning Jenna. Welcome to stay or go in the
Fred Show. We're glad you're here. What's going on? Because

you know, as you know, the right thing to do
when you're wondering about a predicament in your life is
to call the Fred Show a morning radio show. Why
would you not do that? But we do have a
cross section of folks who listen. She might get some
interesting perspective. So what's going on in your life and
how can we probably screw it up and make it worse?

Speaker 1 (46:59):
Go ahead, Well, I'm calling about my husband. I'm worried.

Speaker 16 (47:04):
I recently went on a girl's trip to Mexico, and
of course he stayed home.

Speaker 1 (47:09):
And you know, when I got home over the.

Speaker 16 (47:12):
Next few days, I just realized that some of my
stuff was put away that usually wouldn't be, you know,
like my perfume and my lufah and you know, girl stuff.
And I asked him about it, and he said, oh,
you know, when I was cleaning, I put stuff away.
I forgot to take it back out. But I've never
seen him clean that way hmm thoroughly. Yeah, And so

I don't know. I mean, I feel worried, and you know,
I've told my friends about it, and they think it's
a red flag, you know, and I just wonder if
I'm overreacting or you know, maybe I could get the
opinion of some listeners out there.

Speaker 3 (47:53):
I mean, like, are the pictures of you hanging on
the wall and stuff ben they've been replaced by like
you know, the one the stock photos from Target, or
like you know, posters from Spencer's or like, I mean,
is there is all the evidence of you erased from
the house or just the bathroom?

Speaker 12 (48:07):
No, it was.

Speaker 16 (48:09):
He also did put away some pictures of us, and
I understand you might dust them or something.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
No, that's not good, because I was gonna say, maybe
the dude puts some stuff away because like, you know,
you ever done the kind of cleaning that I usually do,
where you like, you don't really move anything, you just
kind of clean around it. So like if you were
to move stuff, then it's like it's like a little
you know, dust pattern around. Because I'm too lazy to
actually like pick stuff up and whatever. I've done that

kind of cleaning before it. But I've also done the
kind of cleaning where you put everything away and like
you get the gloves out, you know, and you put
your cleaning clothes on, and you really deep clean. That
didn't happen very often, but that is one thing like
that I could understand.

Speaker 4 (48:48):
But if he removed photos of you and he hid.

Speaker 3 (48:53):
Your stuff, because the thing is, my question was going
to be, like, do you think if he was cheating
and bringing some woman over, if that's what you're speculating,
do you think that all evidence of you was a
raised in this person who he brought over, like had
no idea that he was married, Like he was truly
trying to pose as somebody who was single, because I
guess it wouldn't matter. But also what I'm saying is
hiding the loof and the razor, does that really like it?

You know, eradicate your presence in the house to the
point where somebody comes over and doesn't think he's up
to anything.

Speaker 16 (49:24):
Well that the pictures too, though, like you said, I
noticed that also did you.

Speaker 1 (49:29):
Check the jam or was the jelly bowl?

Speaker 4 (49:30):
Was a Shakira story?

Speaker 13 (49:32):

Speaker 3 (49:35):
I mean, have you ever suspected Jenna that he's up
to anything before? Or is this just kind of a
new thing.

Speaker 16 (49:40):
No, No, I never have.

Speaker 1 (49:43):
Huh he cheating girl.

Speaker 4 (49:44):
You have time to get a hidden camera, teddy bear
or something.

Speaker 5 (49:48):
Check that ring camera, check your ring camera, and if
you don't have one, check your neighbor's ring camera.

Speaker 1 (49:53):
Yes, that's true.

Speaker 4 (49:53):
You gotta figure out who.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
Was at your house, because somebody was definitely in your house.

Speaker 3 (49:56):
I do not like the hiding of the pictures that
I'd now. Putting stuff away is one thing. Maybe, Look,
I've done that book, like I've I've damn near organized
somebody else's house before because it drove me crazy. There
was crap everywhere, so I'd put other people's stuff away
because I don't want to look at it. But I've
also I've not hidden pictures of the two of us together.

Oh my god. My college roommate. I only had one
for one year, my freshman year. He must have hated
me because he was a complete pig and I, you know,
am very tidy. And he went away for a weekend
and he came back and I didn't realize at the
time how inconsiderate of me, it was, But I organized
all his crap too, like not his closet, but like
I basically made his bed and cleaned up his desk

and like cleaned up his side of the room. And
he came back and he was pissed, and I'm like,
why are you pissed? I clean for you, And it's
that's how he wanted to live, and like that's how
he gets to live if he wants to. And I'm
the idiot that I thought I was being nice because
I just couldn't live like crap everywhere. This is irrelevant.
He's cheating, and I think it's more than just a hookup.
I think he's got like a full side piece. But

that's the case. He's not hiding stuff because if he
has a full side piece, then that woman knows he's married.
That was what I was trying to get to.

Speaker 4 (51:09):
Technically, they don't have to know that he's married if he.

Speaker 3 (51:11):
Has a full on side Well, if you changing the
pictures with the two of them, you know what I'm saying,
he's replacing photos. You're not doing that, But you're hiding
a loofah like someone's there taking a shower.

Speaker 1 (51:21):
And you're cleaning the shower.

Speaker 9 (51:22):
I don't want you to sprits around the loof and
get like chemicals on it.

Speaker 4 (51:27):
The pictures, That's where I'm at with this. The pictures.

Speaker 3 (51:29):
Is he hid pictures of you, all of them, just
a few.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
Check the other side.

Speaker 3 (51:36):
Maybe it's a double sided photo and maybe he's got
him and another woman on the other side.

Speaker 4 (51:39):
Look at that right.

Speaker 3 (51:41):
Let me take some phonecos on this heavy radio on
jenn I, let's see what people have to say. But
I wish you the best of Like, I'm sorry you're
going through this. My suspicion here. The putting stuff away
is one thing that the removing photos of you and
not putting them back is, that's not a good thing.

Speaker 4 (51:54):
I don't like to thank you, Jenna. I have a
good day.

Speaker 1 (51:57):
Good luck all right?

Speaker 3 (51:58):
You eight five five five three five. You can call him,
text the same number, kicking. That man is cheating.

Speaker 5 (52:05):
And you know what, you can't blame him because he
was respectful enough to clean the house, but you just not.
He's not sneaky enough. Sneaky she would have never known.
You put the loofa back. You put the razor back
like nothing happen.

Speaker 3 (52:16):
Yeah, everybody knows you take pictures of the stuff you're
moving so that you can put it back exactly the
way that it was. Everybody knows that old diddy, but.

Speaker 5 (52:25):
He's definitely cheating, and she can find it in four
K if she just go ahead and look at that
ring camera footage, or look at the neighbor's ring camera.

Speaker 3 (52:33):
Yeah, neighbor, the ring camera, the neighbor is that's the
one that is always overlooked. Yeah, on dateline, I see
it all the time. You know you, Oh you erase
your own ring camera footage. Oh you sle like, oh,
it wasn't working that night, but old Smith's house across
the street was working just fine. And I saw you
carry out a rug rolled up in the middle of

the night at the old Smith's house right across the street.
What were you doing moving a rolled up that looked
real heavy at four in the morning.

Speaker 1 (53:03):
I don't see the.

Speaker 3 (53:04):
Who was in there? And your wife's missing? Where is
that run? That's what I want to know. What do
you think, Caitlin cheating? Not cheating?

Speaker 9 (53:11):
It's not good. I just feel bad for her. I
feel like we're just like, ha ha, he's cheating.

Speaker 8 (53:15):
You know.

Speaker 1 (53:16):
I felt like you called the frend show. I know,
solid advice.

Speaker 4 (53:21):
Come on now, well I think it is advice. He's cheating.

Speaker 1 (53:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (53:25):
I don't like Jason.

Speaker 6 (53:27):
I think, well the pictures, I'm hung up on that
with you. But like when I got back at a
trip this weekend. When I got back, there was like
stuff rearranged in the shower and I was.

Speaker 4 (53:35):
Like, why do you touch that?

Speaker 3 (53:37):
Like whatever?

Speaker 6 (53:37):
Then I was like, okay, I'm crazy, Like let me
like chill, Like I think you're kind of hyper vigilin
when you come back from somewhere, you know, might do
some of that. But he didn't like remove photos or
my clothes or like.

Speaker 3 (53:49):
No, somebody said maybe he hired a cleaning service. That
is true. I mean I have a cleaning person that
comes once a month, that's all I get.

Speaker 1 (53:56):
And throws away everything.

Speaker 3 (53:58):
And every time I come back, I have to spend
and she does a great job, but I have to
spend thirty minutes putting everything back where I had it,
because you know, they don't care. They're just in there
to clean and they do the actual cleaning you're supposed
to do, like where you pick stuff up and move it,
not that kind of cleaning. I do, which is like
blow on stuff, you know, to make it less dusty.
I don't know where that dust goes, but certainly it's
not where I could see it anymore. Hey Kate, Good morning, Kate, Kady. Okay,

all right, Kate, Mary, Hi Mary, Hi Mary. So what
do you think stay or go? You heard this story?

Speaker 7 (54:37):
I think she should go.

Speaker 3 (54:38):
Yeah, what happened? What happened to you? You have a
similar experience I did.

Speaker 12 (54:42):
I have very similar experience. I would leave for the weekend,
whether that was a day or two, I would come back.
Some of my belongings are moved, some of the pictures
were out of place. You could see the dust around them.
Happen used, but it wasn't clean, and I actually end
up it happened so many times.

Speaker 15 (54:59):
I was like, what's going on?

Speaker 12 (55:00):
And he just said he was cleaning. You moved out
of place. But I had different suspicions. So I started
asking some of my neighbors did they see.

Speaker 13 (55:07):
Anyone when I was in there?

Speaker 12 (55:08):
And that's how it started to kind of unravel. So
I definitely think something going on.

Speaker 3 (55:12):
Okay, Mary, I'm sorry that happened to you, but thank
you for the feedback. Have a good day. Glad you
called Stephanie. Hi, Stephanie, Hi, Stephanie. You had just heard
the story this woman went on a girl's trip, came
back her stuff had been moved put away, he said it, well,
he was cleaning. And then she realized some of the
pictures of the two of them had been hidden, which

that to me is the red flag, not necessarily the
movement of the stuff, but the but the pictures of
the two of you.

Speaker 4 (55:42):
What are you things going on? Stair?

Speaker 15 (55:44):
Go go?

Speaker 8 (55:46):
That man was not cleanly exactly.

Speaker 3 (55:49):
He was cleaning something. No, I agree, I agree, And
the pictures, the pictures definite again for it.

Speaker 14 (56:02):
I think you should go.

Speaker 10 (56:05):
I think she should letty Low give him a little distance,
laylo see how he acts. And I think she starts,
I don't know, saying she's going to the store and whatnot,
just keeping herself a little distance to see how here
we acts. And I think best and like, yes, in a.

Speaker 14 (56:25):
Ring camera, I ain't trying to advertise. I ain't trying
to advertise Ruth who got in Hoole cameras for twenty
dollars one.

Speaker 3 (56:36):
Again on the TikTok shop, Stephanie, And you can't where
you calling from Stephanie.

Speaker 10 (56:41):
I'm actually currently calling from Rally.

Speaker 4 (56:44):
That's right, we got one. We got one. Any you
know what, let's We're.

Speaker 3 (56:54):
Gonna give you the back number. You can call anytime.
Anytime there's a contest, you call my cell phone and
you win. Stephanie, have a great day. Thanks for calling.
Please tell everyone you know our little endeavor into other
cities it is. It's going quite well from what I'm told.
But at least we know that it's on over there. Yeah,

because apparently some days it's not so. I guess only Monday,
Wednesday and Friday between.

Speaker 4 (57:22):
Wow, we got it onto the Tuesday. That's amazing.

Speaker 3 (57:26):
I guess Trevor's up there with the satellite moving stuff around.

Speaker 4 (57:29):
De pointed it in the right direction.

Speaker 3 (57:30):
Today he actually has to physically hold it up all morning,
which is really inconvenient.

Speaker 4 (57:35):
But oh boy.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
All right, So the consensus here seems to be this
guy's up to something.

Speaker 5 (57:40):
Yep, yeah, check that bluetooth in the car. See who
was last connected, Check that phone.

Speaker 3 (57:46):
I think I like the idea of saying Kiki that
you I got another girl's trip by something coming up,
and then all come back like Saturday morning. Yes, go
get you a hotel down the street, you know, enjoy yourself,
treat yourself. And then the next morning show all trip canceled. Boom, Yeah,
let's see what he's up.

Speaker 1 (58:02):
To that way, Stephanie got the right idea.

Speaker 4 (58:04):
Yeah, I think so too.

Speaker 3 (58:05):
The Entertainer Report, we'll do it next after Suprena Carpenter
in two minutes. Kaitlyn's got that show Ba Shelley Jessica
Time for a grand the less than.

Speaker 2 (58:13):
Ten minutes, Caitlin's Entertainer Report is on the Freas Show.

Speaker 9 (58:18):
Ben Affleck led a rough seven and a half minute
roast of Tom Brady that kind of confused a lot
of people online. So it even had sports personality Katie
Nolan questioning whether or not he was sober. She said,
can I ask how calm? In sports TV? We never
get a good Affleck anytime he does anything on sports TV,
we get his is he on drugs? Affleck, which is

of course just her opinion. She did admit that she's
quote bad at telling if someone's on drugs, but said
he was giving the energy of when you kind of
get stuff talking to.

Speaker 1 (58:49):
A guy late at a wedding and you don't know
until you're in that combo that he's on coke. That
is what she said.

Speaker 9 (58:57):
Other people don't feel that way, but that's her opinion.
Sunday wasn't the first time that he was called out
for a sports related appearance, and she was referencing this.
He went on Bill Simmons since canceled any given Wednesday
HBO show in twenty sixteen and launched into an absolute
tirade against the NFL over the suspension of Tom Brady
related to Deflate Gate.

Speaker 1 (59:16):
I mean, he's a Boston guy.

Speaker 9 (59:17):
He is gonna do anything he can to be there
for Tom Brady.

Speaker 3 (59:21):
I finally got to watch most of it yesterday, and
you know who crushed it was Nicky Glazier col Love.

Speaker 4 (59:27):
Yeah, that's what I saw.

Speaker 3 (59:28):
People were crushed it like kiss I mean, one after
another after another after it was so good because usually
the joke is about her being kind of a hoe bag,
like she called herself that, and it's like, okay, I
even though she said a boyfriend for like ten years
or whatever, Okay, but no, this was just like heavy
hit after it boom boom boom boom.

Speaker 4 (59:48):
It was so good.

Speaker 14 (59:49):

Speaker 1 (59:49):
I really like her.

Speaker 9 (59:50):
She had only had a good reality show as well,
but I have to still watch it three hours.

Speaker 1 (59:54):
It's hard to like carve out of your day.

Speaker 9 (59:57):
Something else people were questioning was did he get plastic
s ahead of this rowse?

Speaker 1 (01:00:01):
So people thought he had a facelift wow, which is
kind of a crazy thing to say.

Speaker 9 (01:00:06):
Others are like, no, he shaved, which we don't see
a lot, and got botox before a big event, which
everybody does. And people are saying, Jaala would never let
him change his face like that. He just wanted some botox,
which we can't blame him before, but people did accuse
him of getting a facelift. The Drake Kendrick rap beef
seems to be like slowing down, with many saying that
Kendrick won, but people online are still very much in

it and talking about it and kind of taking things
too far.

Speaker 1 (01:00:31):
So I guess a ton of people created.

Speaker 9 (01:00:32):
Fake go fundme campaigns over the past twenty four hours,
and a lot of them are at Drake's expense, soliciting
funds to celebrate his metaphorical burial. As ridiculous as it sounds,
these pages were actually trying to raise very real money
and people are crazy enough to donate, but luckily go
fund me stepped in and is taking them down, so

no money has been raised, thank god. But while we're
talking about the beef, WWE wrestler Sean Michaels wants Drake
and Kendrick.

Speaker 1 (01:01:00):
To settle things in the ring. And if you didn't know,
in Kindrick song not Like.

Speaker 9 (01:01:03):
Us, he brings up Sean's finishing move and also gives
a nod to And this is very inside wrestling the
Montreal screw Job, which is an incident that involved in
the Heartbreak Kid and the w w E conspiring to
unseat Canadian wrestler Bret the hit Man Heart as champion.

Speaker 1 (01:01:21):
Idn't know it was such.

Speaker 4 (01:01:22):
A fan's face. It would be your finishing move.

Speaker 1 (01:01:26):
Kaitlin, I like this, first your elbow to tap.

Speaker 4 (01:01:32):
Your elbow, your elbow.

Speaker 9 (01:01:34):
Yeah okay, and then I will know my finishing move.
I think it'd be with my mouth, like I pretend
I was gonna do you.

Speaker 1 (01:01:41):
Guys like sitting on someone's face one of the two.

Speaker 17 (01:01:49):
My word, you do so much some sweet chickens.

Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
I met like acting.

Speaker 9 (01:01:57):
It was gonna be physical and then just like annihilate
with my work.

Speaker 4 (01:02:00):
And what would you say, though, what would you say?

Speaker 1 (01:02:01):
I can't say it on the air. Say it on
the air.

Speaker 3 (01:02:06):
Yeah, okay, I think i'd be like, you can't hang
with I mean actually a good Saturday that anyway, but
anything else? Can with anything else?

Speaker 1 (01:02:17):
Yeah, let me wrap this up. He invited them on Twitter.
I don't know what I'm changing.

Speaker 4 (01:02:23):
I think I use my mouth. Oh boy, like hell,
you can read this up.

Speaker 1 (01:02:31):
What's online?

Speaker 9 (01:02:31):
I'm tapping out the most looks from the Yella Frencher
radio dot com.

Speaker 3 (01:02:37):
Okay, Shelley, I mean, of course that it wrote it.

Speaker 4 (01:02:43):
Why wouldn't it.

Speaker 3 (01:02:44):
She'll be Shelley versus Jessica another tie breaker a thousand
bucks after the weekend in three minutes, we'll play you know,
my finishing move with me.

Speaker 4 (01:02:53):
And opened that big nec box.

Speaker 3 (01:02:55):
Just start going to town on my cheeseburger.

Speaker 4 (01:02:58):
If you know, you know it's the Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (01:03:00):
You do you have what it takes to battle show biz?
Shelley in the show Biz showdown.

Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
By the way, Kiki's illustrations for that waiting by the phone,
That's what I was referencing from yesterday.

Speaker 4 (01:03:14):
I mean, Picasso, thank you. What was the title of it?

Speaker 3 (01:03:17):
Was hilarious?

Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
The Hamburger help her the Hamburger.

Speaker 3 (01:03:24):
You. I mean I got several texts yesterday from people
who listen to that going I would ask for a bite, yeah,
come on. And then I told someone the story about
how you have texted me back in the middle of
the act.

Speaker 5 (01:03:36):
Oh, I forgot about that. Let's just forget about that together.
I can ever remember.

Speaker 3 (01:03:40):
I will never forget about that, the story that you
once told about. You may have been in the front,
somebody may have been in the back, and somebody well
then you go, you go, Well, somebody important texted me
and I had to respond and he didn't stop. And
I was like, well, who was the somebody? And You're
like it was you, Like you could wait? How long
could it possibly take?

Speaker 1 (01:04:01):
I mean I had just started here, man, I had
to secure to bed. You deserted? Oh no, no, no,
that was in.

Speaker 4 (01:04:07):
Motion, Shelby, How you doing? Good morning?

Speaker 3 (01:04:11):
Texts boy, Jessica is here too, Hi Jessica, Good morning,
hy good morning Jessica. Welcome back. You didn't know this
was going to be a full time job. This is
your third appearance on the show. You've tied twice. A
thousand bucks is the price Shelley's record in the showdown
eight eighty and fifty seven, and prior to this, she'd
won fifteen straight.

Speaker 4 (01:04:31):
Are you guys ready to play the game?

Speaker 1 (01:04:33):

Speaker 8 (01:04:33):

Speaker 16 (01:04:34):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:04:34):
Good luck?

Speaker 3 (01:04:35):
With all due respect, Shelly good to hell out off
to the sound boof poof, She goes, Jessica. Question number
one for you. The Roast of Tom Brady Made History
is the first live unedited roast which streaming service aired
it Netflix.

Speaker 4 (01:04:48):
The beef between these.

Speaker 3 (01:04:49):
Two rappers escalated over the weekend after the release of
the songs Meet the Grams and the Heart.

Speaker 1 (01:04:56):
Part six Kendrick, Lamar and Drake.

Speaker 3 (01:04:59):
Which singer did double duty as the host and musical
guest on SNL Over the weekend, Olivia Simone Bio said
she blacked out from drinking at her wedding in Mexico
last year. Simone's husband, Jonathan, is also a professional athlete.
What sport does he play?

Speaker 1 (01:05:15):

Speaker 4 (01:05:16):
That's right for the Chicago Bears.

Speaker 3 (01:05:18):
The Lovers and Friends Festival was canceled over the weekend
due to concerns of severe weather.

Speaker 4 (01:05:22):
What does that wear? Rather?

Speaker 3 (01:05:24):
Does that festival take place Vegas? You're going to be
here for a while, I think, Jessica. Let's bring Shelley back.
I don't know. She got a five.

Speaker 4 (01:05:36):
Okay, well she's really good.

Speaker 3 (01:05:39):
Question number one show The Roast of Tom Brady Made
History is the first live unedited roast. Which streaming service
aired it?

Speaker 1 (01:05:46):

Speaker 3 (01:05:47):
That's right to be between these two rappers escalated over
the weekend after the release of the songs Meet the
Grams and the Heart.

Speaker 4 (01:05:52):
Part six Kendrick Lamarra Yeah, which singer.

Speaker 3 (01:05:56):
Did double duty as the host and musical guest on
SNL over the weekend. My favorite Olympian Simone Biles. She
was amazing. By the way, how did dd in the monologue? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:06:05):
She did, didn't She She.

Speaker 1 (01:06:06):
Was like, oh, people said I can't dance.

Speaker 17 (01:06:07):
I was like, oh, yeah, why did you say that?

Speaker 4 (01:06:13):
She's like, well look at me now.

Speaker 3 (01:06:15):
I was like, yeah, dua, yeah, except I didn't say that.

Speaker 4 (01:06:23):
We have video proof proof.

Speaker 3 (01:06:25):
Olympian Simone Bile said that she blacked out from drinking
at her wedding in Mexico last year. Simone's husband, Jonathan,
is also a professional athlete. What sports does he play?

Speaker 1 (01:06:34):

Speaker 3 (01:06:35):
That's right? And the Lovers and Friends Festival was canceled
over the weekend due to concerns of severe weather. Where
does that festival take place. That's not five Jessica, clear
your schedule. Okay, But here's the good news. You get
paid fifty bucks each time you show up, because tomorrow
it's ten fifty. So you've earned yourself some extra money

just by being so damn good. But this will be
your fourth appearance tomorrow morning. You didn't have any else
to do, did.

Speaker 11 (01:07:00):
You, No, I don't have a life any other things.

Speaker 3 (01:07:03):
Well we certainly don't. So yeah, Jessica, we'll see tomorrow.
Hang on, all right, all right, Jessic coming back tomorrow.
One thou fifty bucks. Shelley, this is good. In fact,
we just heard from Showbiz Jury recently. It was maybe
a few days ago or a week ago. That was
the reunion of Showbiz Jury's legendary appearance on the show,

which we believe is what eighteen fifteen in a row.
You're it. She was on here for like a basically
she worked here like three weeks. Yeah, she was on here,
and then did she finally win? I think so?

Speaker 1 (01:07:39):
So? Yeah, I did well.

Speaker 3 (01:07:41):
At least she got paid for her efforts. So that's
the good news. But all right, so Shelley, you should
come back tomorrow. We'll do it again.

Speaker 1 (01:07:48):
What do you do well, I'll be here.

Speaker 3 (01:07:51):
You don't sound too excited about this. You've met your match.
She's really good.

Speaker 1 (01:07:54):
She is really good.

Speaker 3 (01:07:56):
You're like so deflated, You're like, I just I just
want to come in here. We'll everybody's ask go home.

Speaker 1 (01:08:00):
I just want. I don't know. When they get fives,
I get nervous. It makes me anxious.

Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
So I know, I hear you. All Right, we'll do
it again tomorrow. Shells have a great time. All right,
you let's do good news stories. Waiting by the phone
from the vault. Fred's version today, Rufio girl. I promise
it feels good. Uh, okay, that's next.

Speaker 4 (01:08:22):
More Fred Show.

Speaker 15 (01:08:24):

Speaker 4 (01:08:26):
The Fred Show is on.

Speaker 3 (01:08:30):
Good Morning Everyone's Tuesday, May seventh. The Fread Show's on
the radio, and the iHeart app anytime. Search for The
Fred Show on demand if you love the fun Fact.
We did a whole tangent about a fun fact yesterday,
and maybe we'll do like a little fireside bedtime story
at the tangent where I read from this incredible book.
She comes first. I'll let you think about that for

a minute. Today's fun Fact it's about breakups, okay, and
this will shock you. I think it will shock you,
or maybe it won't. I don't know, but you'll have
to hang around and hear what that's about. A second
good news story is waiting by the phone from the vault.

Speaker 4 (01:09:10):
Rufe girl, I promise you it feels good. Okay.

Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
Trending stories and the Entertainer Report this hour as well.
What do you have kailin?

Speaker 9 (01:09:18):
So the internet and this includes Kiki got tricked by.

Speaker 1 (01:09:22):
Someone maybe being at the Megala or not. We got
to talk about it, no Shah. The French show is on.

Speaker 4 (01:09:29):
It feels good, good.

Speaker 3 (01:09:30):
News, happy stories every day on the show. We love
to share them with you. Calen, what'd you find?

Speaker 9 (01:09:34):
Well, it's never too late to fulfill your dreams and
World War Two veteran Jack Milton knows about this firsthand.
So Jack, who is one hundred years old, recently crossed
a lifelong goal off his bucket list when he finally
got his college diploma. Despite taking the required University of
Maryland Global Campus college courses at the Pentagon and actually

earning his undergraduate degree in the sixties, Jack never actually
to attend a graduation or get his degree, but that
all changed back on April thirtieth when he went to
an event that he initially thought was a celebration for his.

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
One hundredth birthday.

Speaker 9 (01:10:10):
It actually turned out to be a graduation ceremony, a
formal presentation of his Bachelor of Arts degree.

Speaker 1 (01:10:16):
It's adorable the photos.

Speaker 9 (01:10:18):
He was overwhelmed with the celebration, and he said he
was really appreciative.

Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
He said, I've had.

Speaker 9 (01:10:22):
Many ceremonies throughout my life, fortunately to celebrate many occasions,
but this has to be the top.

Speaker 4 (01:10:28):
That's amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:10:29):
Maybe if I start law school now, I can graduate
by the time of one hundred.

Speaker 1 (01:10:32):
Yeah, I'll hold you up on stage.

Speaker 3 (01:10:35):
Dead you may. You'll prop me up like we get it, Bernie. Yeah,
that's about the only way I'll be anywhere when I'm
one hundred. So this is a sweet story, and there's
a lot of detail here, but I'll try and abbreviate.
There's a guy who had it rude awakening. There was
an issue fire alarm and is a part in his condo,
and so he just kind of put on whatever clothes

he had and he went down to get some coffee
because he was already awake, and he was standing outside
waiting for his coffee. And he was doing his morning
prayer in his head and a young man who I
believe was nine years old, walked up to him with
a dollar and said, if you're homeless, here's a dollar. Oh,
I want to help a homeless person, and I had
the opportunity. But it turns out this guy is not homeless,

not at all. He developed several outdoor brands and has
sold over one hundred million dollars worth of businesses. What
and so, not only did he not take the dollar,
but he then took the kid down the street to
a sporting goods store that he owns and gave him
a forty second shopping spree for whatever he wanted. Holy moly,
and the kid bought a whole bunch of stuff. And

now they're buddies. But that's it. The kid just thought
he needed some help and didn't think he looked like he,
you know, was doing well, and tried to give him
the only dollar he had. And then that results in
what did he wind up getting. It's kind of funny.
At the shopping list, he got a compound bow oh
hell yeah, a new bike and a bunch of other

stuff too. But yeah, said you know what, I own
it I'm a moreth one hundred million dollars and I
own a story.

Speaker 4 (01:12:07):
Just go take whatever you want.

Speaker 1 (01:12:09):
Well, Fred, here's a dollar.

Speaker 3 (01:12:12):
I don't own anything, so here's a dollar back because
I could not be with anything.

Speaker 4 (01:12:17):
Have you seen the guy on TikTok.

Speaker 3 (01:12:18):
There's like a trend going on now where stores are
giving people discounts based on their the number the battery
percentage on their phone. I don't know if I think
it started with one guy, but he'll say, I'll give you.
I'll give you whatever your battery percentage is off of
your purchase. That's cool and so like for I don't know,
the one I saw was thirty nine percent, so he
gave him thirty nine percent off. So if you had

ninety percent, he would have given you ninety percent off
of your deal or whatever. And I think it's becoming
like a little bit of a trend. But I'd be
okay because I'm I'm like hypervigilant about it's always like
ninety right now.

Speaker 4 (01:12:51):
Let me see, I don't even know how you tell
you're in the eighties.

Speaker 7 (01:12:53):
Well, you don't have your percentage number on hell, you
just go buy the bar.

Speaker 4 (01:12:57):
Yeah, it's just buy the bar what eighty three, I'm
higher than that.

Speaker 1 (01:13:01):
I'm ninety two, which is rare. That's because for me.

Speaker 3 (01:13:04):
That's because I'm actually I'm at one hundred. I'm at
ninety five percent because I'm actually working here and not
watching TikTok while it works.

Speaker 1 (01:13:11):
Correct, I don't pick it up during the show down.

Speaker 3 (01:13:13):
Mine exactly, so I have tons of battery power because
I have to actually focus on on this what as
opposed to watch TikTok videos. He's already twenty percent down
and he's been awake for three hours. Whoa, that's a lot.
Weren't you watching? Wasn't it seven hours of TikTok a day?

Speaker 8 (01:13:31):
It was?

Speaker 4 (01:13:32):
What is it now?

Speaker 7 (01:13:33):
Maybe like five and a summertime? You know, I actually
wants to go outside now, so oh yeah, yeah, what
are you ad Kiki?

Speaker 1 (01:13:40):
My battery?

Speaker 4 (01:13:41):
No TikTok hours consumed per day?

Speaker 1 (01:13:44):
That's not important. Probably you know, small number?

Speaker 4 (01:13:47):
What would that small time?

Speaker 1 (01:13:48):
Like ten hours? Stops it crazy? I'm kidding. I was
less than ruby. Yeah you were, because I'm on Instagram tea, Yeah,
sur reels, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:14:00):
We got to where you got the phone from the
vault in two minutes.

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):
Ever been left waiting by the phone?

Speaker 4 (01:14:10):
It's the Fred Show.

Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
Hey, Aaron, Hey, what's going on with this This girl
Chelsea who you met by the way, Welcome to waiting
might have phone. I'm glad you're here.

Speaker 1 (01:14:17):

Speaker 2 (01:14:19):

Speaker 8 (01:14:19):
So I met this this awesome girl, her name is Chelsea,
and we met online and we really hit it off.
We were like texting back and forth and stuff like that.
So I asked her out for a drink and she
said yet, and we went on like one date. It
was awesome, and we like had a bunch of drinks.
So you know, she invited me over to her place. Uh,

and we started fooling around and like we're making out
like all this kind of stuff, and you know, it's
all of a sudden kind of just abruptly stopped. Okay,
Which I didn't take anything off because I was like, Okay,
maybe she's maybe she's just like doesn't want to go
any further, and you know, you know, you just have
to stop yourself before it keeps going. So I was like, okay, cool,

and so I left and it wasn't like a big
deal or whatever. So I was like, I'll definitely hit
you up. You know tomorrow, and she was like great,
and so you know, I'm text her, and you know,
I'm texting her over the course a couple of days,
and then I start kind of getting work not texting back,
and so now I'm just kind of like in this
limbo and I don't understand because we had such a

great date, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:15:26):
Yeah, well that can be frustrating, of course, and that's
what I come in. We're gonna call Chelsea and you'll
be on the phone too, and at first I want
you to say anything, but at some point definitely judging
on the call, hopefully we can get some information for
you and we can figure out what's going on and
get you guys going on another date after we straighten
the whole thing out and pay for it.

Speaker 4 (01:15:45):
Okay, Oh that's awesome, Thanks Nny.

Speaker 3 (01:15:48):
Have you hang on for a second. We'll come back
and do an next Okay, sure, let's see what's going on?
Part two of waiting at the phone after Taate mccraye
in two minutes, don't move. It's the Frend Show, Tay
McCray The Frend Show is on good Morning. We're on
the radio, of course, and the iHeart app anytime search
for The Fred Show on demand, Part two of Waiting
by the phone.

Speaker 4 (01:16:05):
Aaron, let's call Chelsea.

Speaker 3 (01:16:08):
You guys, you made a line, had a good time,
fooled around at her place, and if you expected to
hear from her again, You've texted, you've reached out.

Speaker 4 (01:16:17):
She hasn't replied at all, and you want to know why.

Speaker 3 (01:16:19):
Yeah, exactly, Okay, we'll call her now.

Speaker 4 (01:16:21):
Good luck.

Speaker 8 (01:16:22):

Speaker 3 (01:16:29):
Hi is this Chelsea? Yeah, Chelsea, good morning. My name
is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred Show, the morning
radio show. I have to tell you that we are
on the radio right now. The whole crew is here,
and I wouldn't need your permission to continue with the call.
Is it okay if we chat for a couple of
minutes on the show?

Speaker 15 (01:16:46):
Yeah, I guess, yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (01:16:48):
Know the feeling.

Speaker 3 (01:16:49):
And I'm sorry to surprise you like this, but we're
calling about a guy named Aaron who says that he
be online and you guys went on a dinner day.
I guess maybe went back to your place for somebody's place,
and I had a little remember this guy.

Speaker 15 (01:17:04):
Yeah, actually, yeah, I do.

Speaker 3 (01:17:08):
Okay. Well, as you might imagine, he was hoping to
hear from you. I know, he has reached out. He
says that he's reached out and you haven't responded. So
that's where we're coming. We're trying to figure out why
you haven't called him back.

Speaker 15 (01:17:17):
Oh yeah, actually I listened to you guys.

Speaker 3 (01:17:19):
So what do you know what's going on? And so
you know, well, I'm going to tell you then that
Aaron is here. Since you listen, you know Aaron Chelsea.
You guys know each other. Yeah, so what's what happened?

Speaker 8 (01:17:37):
I don't understand why it's awkward. We had a good time.
You invited me back to your place, so I mean.

Speaker 15 (01:17:45):
Going, okay, I mean, you know, I can tell you.

Speaker 4 (01:17:51):
Yeah, we all want to know. Everybody wants to know.

Speaker 15 (01:17:54):
No, it was you know, it was it was great.

Speaker 8 (01:17:56):
You know.

Speaker 15 (01:17:57):
We we were went up, you know for drinks and
dinner and and everything is going fine and me were God,
we were making out and then god, okay, we were
making out and then and then all of a sudden,
he gets off of the couch and and asked me

to kick him in the balls.

Speaker 8 (01:18:22):
So it's not like I'm doing anything to you.

Speaker 3 (01:18:27):
For real, you were kidding, that's what you wanted?

Speaker 15 (01:18:29):
No, he was I mean it's kind of demanding about it,
like not inli like a like you know, meanway or anything.
But he was very insistent that I, you know, kicked
him in the ball.

Speaker 8 (01:18:39):
Well it turns me on.

Speaker 4 (01:18:41):
Really, isn't that incredibly painful? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (01:18:44):
But I mean that just it turns me on. So
I don't see especially like if you could take out
all your rage from the day on the ball, you
know what I mean?

Speaker 15 (01:18:57):
Well, I just feel like that's you know, save.

Speaker 8 (01:18:59):
That for Like, I don't know how well do you
have to know someone to like kick them in the ball? Bisically,
there's plenty of guys that are into this, so I
don't understand, Like it's not a big guys.

Speaker 4 (01:19:12):
I've ever heard of this?

Speaker 15 (01:19:13):
Oh my god, it's the real thing.

Speaker 4 (01:19:15):
God, who would I don't know any guy that that.

Speaker 8 (01:19:18):
Okay, So and it could be like a worse thing,
Like I don't understand what the big deal is. It
could be something worse, Like it could be like me
dressing up like a baby or something.

Speaker 1 (01:19:27):
You know what you hear?

Speaker 15 (01:19:30):
Don't you mind going to these places?

Speaker 3 (01:19:32):
So that's okay, But.

Speaker 15 (01:19:36):
Like, man, like the bottom line is I barely know you.
And it was just really freaked me out.

Speaker 8 (01:19:42):
Shouldn't that make it easier?

Speaker 3 (01:19:43):
Oh strange thing because you're not investing. I don't Maybe
that was startling. There's too much too soon. I have
no idea. Look, Chelsea, is there any way that we
can move past that? And you know, since you said
you liked him prior to that, get you guys going
on another day. We'll pay for the whole thing, give
it another shot.

Speaker 15 (01:20:00):
I just it was just it really freaked me out.
I don't know, I don't think it's I don't think
I can get.

Speaker 3 (01:20:06):
Past Okay, all right, so no second date. Look, Aaron,
maybe may it be right off the bat, you know,
don't ask for the thing that's out of the ordinary,
or maybe ask for it and then if the person's
not into it, then you got to know that you
may hear from them again.

Speaker 8 (01:20:20):
Yeah, I just I mean, I just don't feel like
it's a big deal.

Speaker 3 (01:20:23):
So I mean, I'd like to put it out there
right now that I don't I don't ever want anyone
to do that to me.

Speaker 8 (01:20:27):
You should maybe just try it.

Speaker 4 (01:20:29):
No, never again. I thank both of you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:31):
Thanks to both of you for being on the show,
and best of lucky with the dating and she's finding
someone who's into that. Thanks, guys, maybe someone will do
that for you know, for him, take out their aggression.
I don't know. Let's get to the entertainment Report with
Kaylin next, trending stories, headlines to start your Tuesday, and
the fun fact about breakups all on the way.

Speaker 4 (01:20:50):
The next fifteen minutes, Fred shows up.

Speaker 2 (01:20:52):
Oh Man Caln's Entertainment Report. He's on the Fread show.

Speaker 9 (01:20:57):
Kana Perry was not at the met gallow less, but
the internet certainly thought so for a moment, and it
was all things to Ai, which.

Speaker 1 (01:21:05):
It's getting scary. Kiki also got tricked a little bit
with this one.

Speaker 9 (01:21:10):
But photos of Katie started circulating last night with a
couple of people on Twitter just throwing up these shots
to see that they would get noticed and people would
start sharing them. One of the photos, which has upwards
of nine million views, shows Katie in an elaborate dress
that matches the theme.

Speaker 1 (01:21:26):
Certainly there's like flowers.

Speaker 9 (01:21:27):
But eventually people caught onto that one because the colorway
of the stairs was off. They were pink in the
photo and they were kind of like a bluish green
this year. But then another photo with the right colored
stairs popped up. I don't think she's been since twenty
twenty two, but she looked good in.

Speaker 5 (01:21:44):
The AI version, best I've ever seen her. I was
so excited to tell y'all about that. I came in
here like, look, guys, Okay, Ferry looks good.

Speaker 4 (01:21:52):
You're like, that's AI.

Speaker 5 (01:21:54):
I'm like, you know what, Katy Ferry are exactly who
they say you are a woman the one time.

Speaker 1 (01:22:00):
Then she looks good and we're like happy with her day.
Oh man.

Speaker 9 (01:22:04):
Noela Voight, who won the Miss America crown last year,
said that she's actually relinquishing her title to focus on
her mental health. So she's from Utah if you didn't know,
and made the announcement on Instagram, saying that she was
grateful to have that platform to speak on things that
she's passionate about, like bullying, dating, violence, immigration rights, and more,
but said that her resignation might come as a shock,

but advised fans and followers to never compromise their physical
or mental well being. The Miss USA pageants that they
are now reviewing plans to find a successor, and we'll
make an announcement soon, which I feel like, I'm not
sure I've ever been aware of this happening before, so
I don't know if they have a plan in place.

Speaker 3 (01:22:41):
They called me, they want me to take off.

Speaker 1 (01:22:43):
Oh I was wondering, right, But.

Speaker 4 (01:22:44):
It turns out my mentals are way more messed up
than hers, so it won't.

Speaker 1 (01:22:47):
Work, right. Yeah, oh, do you have to be like
mentally sound to have.

Speaker 3 (01:22:50):
A She's the one who's she's leaving because her mentals
aren't right. And then they were like, how are yours?
I'm like way worse. They're like, okay, all right, so
never mind, we'll go find some right.

Speaker 1 (01:23:00):
They said, you have the lookdown, but the mental.

Speaker 3 (01:23:02):
Part, the way that I look in a swim suit
or like a ball gown or whatever. Plus the talent competition,
World peace. I'm big into world peace. Absolutely. What what
was that?

Speaker 1 (01:23:13):
I was gonna say, what would your talent?

Speaker 3 (01:23:16):
It's yodling actually or freestyle wrapping. Honestly, I gotta be
wearing a ball gown to do it. Yeah, yeah, scared.

Speaker 4 (01:23:33):
I got scared. I got scared.

Speaker 3 (01:23:43):
I really wanted.

Speaker 1 (01:23:43):
To do it.

Speaker 3 (01:23:45):
I was really good. I was scared. Let's practice first
for one, okay, for once, let's discuss it.

Speaker 1 (01:23:59):
Goes right. Speaking of rappers.

Speaker 9 (01:24:05):
Tiffany Hattish is done dating men who work in the
entertainment industry after her last relationship with rapper Common. She
was on Monday's episode of Armchair Expert and she didn't
mention him by name, but it was very much giving
that it was about him. She said, I don't think
I'll ever f a movie star, ever ift an entertainer,
and I don't think i'll do that again. I think
I'll f one, but I won't be in a relationship

with one, which was a lot of f bombs.

Speaker 1 (01:24:30):
Her main issue is the.

Speaker 9 (01:24:31):
Egos that typically come with people in the industry, and
that she feels that men kind of want.

Speaker 1 (01:24:36):
To control her.

Speaker 9 (01:24:37):
The dude she dates will be like, oh, you should
do a show here, you should let me run your business,
you should do that, and so she said, no, you're
you're nodding. No industry men, absolutely no, right, they can't even.

Speaker 1 (01:24:47):
Have an Instagram. No, he just needs to have a pinsion. Okay, yeah,
yes her And this is kind of sad. Were were
we just talking about Tom Selleck, I feel like on
the show.

Speaker 3 (01:25:02):
Yeah, yeah, the epic mustache. Yeah, the mustache came on
that man fierce unbelievable.

Speaker 9 (01:25:09):
Yeah, well, he's not worried about losing one of his properties.
And now that his famous show Blue Bloods is going
off the air, he said he's not sure he can
afford his sixty three acre ranch in California. And then
he's really eager to find work. He's going to try
to keep working so he can hold onto the place.
But he said he's not as well off as we
might think.

Speaker 1 (01:25:26):
I don't know that. I thought Tom's house well off.

Speaker 3 (01:25:28):
Yeah, he's been on a lot of epic shows, but
they'd be horrible money management, right, But I don't think
they paid. I don't think the show's paid like they do.

Speaker 4 (01:25:35):
I mean, I mean he'd been on that show for
how long? You see this Tom Seller.

Speaker 17 (01:25:38):
And his magnum p I right, but those you're on
the current show that I mean it's ending, Yeah, but
how long were you on that show?

Speaker 4 (01:25:46):

Speaker 3 (01:25:47):
Net worth is forty five million dollars, So he broke that.
I mean, who knows if that's right?

Speaker 1 (01:25:54):
You said your net worth was wrong on there?

Speaker 3 (01:25:56):
Let me see here, Fred, oh, because it comes up
as networse. Howard Stern's guy right, twenty million. But Fred
Norris is who comes up the guy from Stern. Yeah,
twenty million, that would be nice. Huh is it a lie?
Twenty thousand would be networth?

Speaker 4 (01:26:16):
Are you done?

Speaker 3 (01:26:17):
I'm sorry, that can be done. No, I didn't know,
because you kind of said they looked at it. I
didn't know if you were like pausing dramatic pause, if
you'd had enough. I wasn't sure.

Speaker 1 (01:26:24):
No, I just wanted to hear more about that networth
and maybe see.

Speaker 4 (01:26:26):
A little bit of it.

Speaker 3 (01:26:28):
Well, it's not mine, so I can't help you out.

Speaker 1 (01:26:30):
All right.

Speaker 9 (01:26:31):
You can follow us online on Instagram and Twitter.

Speaker 1 (01:26:34):
Fred Show Radio and then The Fred Show. TikTok.

Speaker 4 (01:26:37):
All right, Fred Show. This is what's trending.

Speaker 3 (01:26:40):
Not exactly a trending story, but I've been meaning to
get to it. A Florida woman bonded with her husband
by rest feeding him.

Speaker 1 (01:26:49):
Oh god, I saw this.

Speaker 3 (01:26:50):
And now they're considering having another child simply so that
he can keep doing it. Which is a great reason
to have a kid. Reasons to have a kid. You're
relationship is failing, kid, breastfeeding your husband kid. I'll never
understand why people like things are not going well. It's like,

let's have a child. This is going to bring us together,
the most stressful thing you can do with another person, like,
let's so much have a kid. Rachel Bailly and her
husband Alexander considered having a fourth child so they can
get their breastfeeding experience back, but ultimately decided that they
should look for other ways to bond. We realize that
was drastic action to take and it was a lot
of work. So instead we're looking for other ways that

we can bond as a couple. The couple now weeks
up at five am every day to meditate and have
time together before the day begins. But there's actual pictures
of him doing that.

Speaker 1 (01:27:43):
I mean, you can still do that. He just won't
get milk.

Speaker 3 (01:27:46):
Does he need to do that at all? I don't
think that's what it is for. Yeah, yea, or let
her pump it and then drink. What you're doing is
you get it.

Speaker 4 (01:27:56):
Hold on a second. If we're doing this, have.

Speaker 1 (01:28:00):
You tried it roofy? Let me try bresmo.

Speaker 4 (01:28:02):
Have I tried to like tasting it?

Speaker 3 (01:28:04):

Speaker 7 (01:28:04):
I just I've used it on wounds because it'll it'll
it'll heal up a loon real quick.

Speaker 1 (01:28:09):

Speaker 4 (01:28:09):
Of course.

Speaker 3 (01:28:10):
The met Yala was last name Boeing has a spaceship, guys,
and they decided that they're not gonna fly it today.
Another flight problem for Boeing, this time involving space. The
first astronaut crewed flight into space of the Boeing star
Liner was scrubbed just before it was set to lift off.
The crew was loaded and ready to blast off when
the call was made to delay the launch of the capsule,

which failed to make it at the space station because
of a software error during an unpiloted test.

Speaker 4 (01:28:35):
Here's the thing. I'm gonna take the next.

Speaker 3 (01:28:37):
One, the next one after the next one. That's you
know what, guys, I'll hop in the next one like that.
That's where I'm at with this. You know, if I'm
a Boeing astronaut right now, things aren't going great. Doors
falling off, wings falling off, you know, screws, aren't it.
How about you, guys, hop in this one. I'll grab
I'll grab the next one. That's how I feel about that.

But they're gonna launch it again tonight. I guess they're
gonna try again. As Caitlyn just shared, the twenty twenty
three Miss USA has resigned. Also a bar that will
show only women's sports called sports Bra is going nationwide.
They're going to open up with a franchise model. So yeah,
with the rise and interest for not only women's basketball,

but World Cup and volleyball, all kinds of things. Now
they're talking about having a bar that will only show
women's sports. How's the food? I mean, we should go
and find out when they open. One year I'm here
for It's National Tourism Day, National Foster Home Day, National

Barrier Awareness Day to dissolve stigmas affecting people with disabilities
from advancing and education. And it's National Teacher Appreciation Day.
We love the teacher. Shout out fun fact about breakups.
We'll do it next more pread show.

Speaker 2 (01:29:55):
Next show is on Fread's Fun Fact Red Fund.

Speaker 3 (01:30:06):
Learn so much. Okay, well, now I have two fun
facts for you because I just verified one.

Speaker 4 (01:30:11):
This is interesting.

Speaker 3 (01:30:12):
Someone texted, we were just talking about a couple of
times about Miss USA resigning for her mental health. Someone texted,
do you know that if you take the first letter
of the Miss USA resignation statement, it spells I am silenced?
So I went on Instagram and I look, and if
you take the first capital letters of each sentence in fact,

it does spell out I am silenced scared, and I
don't know if that's a coincidence or what, And that
would take a lot of work to put that together.
But the first letters of each sentence I, so it's in.
As it goes on and on, I am silenced. Interesting,

it's gotta be I don't know. I actually don't know
if that thing can do with the illuminati. But okay,
here's the actual freend's fun fact of the day. Studies
show that men actually experience more emotional pain post breakup
than women.

Speaker 4 (01:31:17):
And I believe this me too.

Speaker 3 (01:31:19):
Women get this bad rap you guys for being overly emotional,
more emotional than men. I think you're just more expressive
than most men. I don't know that I think you're
more emotional. I just think you're more expressive. And I
don't know if that's because for you know, generations, men
weren't supposed to be emotional or I don't know what.
I don't know what it is, but I think it's possible.
Studies show that men experience more emotional pain post breakup

than women.

Speaker 9 (01:31:43):
Yep, I've noticed that, like women feel it all right
away and like deal with it right away. Whereas men
kind of delay it like out of sight, out of mind,
and then they feel it later.

Speaker 1 (01:31:52):
You think, So that's what I've observed. Wow, it's true.

Speaker 3 (01:31:56):
I think it's I think I think we just bury it. Yeah,
I agree, But anyway, go what, go ahead, say what
you're gonna say. You've got that look on your face
like you've got something to say.

Speaker 1 (01:32:04):
Go ahead.

Speaker 5 (01:32:05):
But no, I think women a lot of times check
out of a relationship way before the actual breakup. So
we've already digested what's happening, and you guys just are
in the lululand until it's over.

Speaker 3 (01:32:16):
Okay, all right, yeah, that's it. Yes, and then and
then we more Fred Show next.

Speaker 1 (01:32:23):
Right here, you've got some.

Speaker 3 (01:32:28):
Way Freads show is on now, hotest morning show. You
guys are so smart. A text from a psychologist. There
are studies done on post breakup emotions. It's true women
tend to be more emotional immediately after a breakup and
men delay it until later. Okay, I believe that men

being more avoidant.

Speaker 1 (01:32:52):
I suppose.

Speaker 5 (01:32:54):
Maybe y'all just always go think you could find a
renown real quick. You know, I'll go out with the boys.
I'll go to the club, and when you get home,
you're gonna be crying, sliding down the wall thinking about me.

Speaker 3 (01:33:07):
Just what that's Most days when I go home, I cried,
slide down the wall thinking about you. You should see
there's a spot on my wall where it's just like
there's no paint. Because every day I go home and
I'm like, where is it? I just know I have
to come in here every day and see you. It's hard.

Speaker 14 (01:33:21):
Keep here.

Speaker 3 (01:33:22):
It's hard. Blogs in just a second, the Entertainment Report
after that, what are you working on?

Speaker 9 (01:33:26):
K Well, one person from the Tom Brady Roast is
being accused of both being on drugs and getting.

Speaker 1 (01:33:32):
A facelift right before, so we need to unpack that.

Speaker 3 (01:33:34):
Okay, The Tangent are offair Uncentsored podcast. An off air
fun fact that one of the thirteen sent me We've
got into that yesterday. That's on the iHeart app if
you missed Waiting from the Vault this morning. A strange request.
People are into some weird stuff. I'm not sure why
this is appealing, but this guy was into it and
I can't wait for the illustration that will follow. Stair

go this morning Showbi Shelley. All of that on the
iHeart app right now to put a friend show on demand.

Speaker 1 (01:34:01):
Talk about it.

Speaker 2 (01:34:02):
Yeah, they talk better than they say about it.

Speaker 3 (01:34:05):
These are the radio blogs on the Fread Show, like
you're writing in our diaries, except we stay them a loud.

Speaker 4 (01:34:10):
We call them blogs. Roofie, Yes you got one?

Speaker 1 (01:34:13):
Yep, all right, go, thank you, dear blog.

Speaker 7 (01:34:15):
So I have a bone to pick with the United
States Postal Service.

Speaker 4 (01:34:20):
Oh boy, I'm.

Speaker 7 (01:34:21):
Getting I'm you know, I'm not complaining about the price
of a stamp or whatever.

Speaker 4 (01:34:26):
It's eighteen dollars letter.

Speaker 1 (01:34:29):
So when you I don't know if you've ever done this.

Speaker 4 (01:34:31):
When you move, you know, you forge your address. And
then there's this thing you could sign up for.

Speaker 7 (01:34:36):
Uh in my email, it's called USPS Informed Delivery, So
it tells you like if something's coming in the mail
from the or a package whatever. And this is really
ruining my purchase game, oh, because I'd be ordering stuff
and it tells me like, oh this, you know, this
package you got from.

Speaker 4 (01:34:55):
TikTok is coming today. The hell you buy it from TikTok.
You don't go the TikTok shop.

Speaker 9 (01:35:01):
I try not to TikTok what she's ordering a TikTok shop.

Speaker 1 (01:35:07):
Yeah, who does Paulina on the Freshman TikTok. It'll be
like your order has been received. She orders something correct, well,
I mean she uses her own.

Speaker 4 (01:35:15):
Mode's gonna say whose credit card?

Speaker 13 (01:35:17):
Is it?

Speaker 4 (01:35:17):
My credit?

Speaker 1 (01:35:19):
But if you want to give that to us, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:35:21):
Okay, So you are things right and it.

Speaker 1 (01:35:23):
Doesn't have to be from TikTok. If anything gets delivered.

Speaker 7 (01:35:26):
If I and through the post service, they'll send me
the notification like it's coming today. The problem is my
wife Jess kids also gets the same email. You know,
it'll show this, bills coming, this, this letter's coming, birthday
cards coming. It also shows package arriving today TikTok from TikTok.
So yesterday I got confronted. It's like, what did you

order from TikTok now? And I was like what She's
like the email says what does you order from TikTok?
None ya, And I was just like, don't worry about it.
Whoa because it's still this.

Speaker 17 (01:36:04):
It has to do with a certain gift for this
weekend and so I couldn't, you know, say what it was,
but I had to say, yes, something is coming from TikTok.

Speaker 7 (01:36:17):
But yeah, like if something gets sent from Nike, oh,
here we go.

Speaker 1 (01:36:21):
Now I have to deliver stuff to work.

Speaker 4 (01:36:27):
A lot of people do that, by the way, Yeah
for sure.

Speaker 9 (01:36:31):
Oh I just I can't imagine why I would want
this app. Like that's the last thing I need is
to know what's coming.

Speaker 3 (01:36:36):
I don't need another email telling me what is going
to be my mailbox.

Speaker 4 (01:36:40):
I'll just look.

Speaker 3 (01:36:41):

Speaker 7 (01:36:41):
But like I feel like as growing up, you're just
like you never want to get mail. But for some
reason I want to get mail now, like and it
tells me, like it takes a photo copy, like, oh
this is coming today, bills coming, whatever's coming?

Speaker 1 (01:36:55):
Packages? Right, yeah? Packages?

Speaker 5 (01:36:56):
You want to know when you get home your package
is going to be delivered at this time? Do you
want to plan to make sure you get it? So
I get the package part? But I hate mail.

Speaker 3 (01:37:04):
Maybe that's the whole thing tomorrow is how do you
hide your purchases from people? Because it's becoming more and
more difficult to do that. What was your trick with shoes,
You'd put them at the bottom of the pile.

Speaker 7 (01:37:13):
So like in my closet, I have I keep all
the shoe boxes. They're all in the shoe boxes, and
I'll stick a new pair of shoes in the middle,
not at the top, and then I'll be like, wait,
let me, oh, what shoes am I looking for?

Speaker 1 (01:37:25):
Let me take off these ten pairs and get this box.

Speaker 3 (01:37:30):
Dusty right, chrus They've been in the middle of the pack.

Speaker 7 (01:37:33):
And then I can't do that anymore either because we moved.
I have another child coming, so my shoes are all
out of the closet. No, they're in a certain area
which probably gets monitored by secret cameras, are hiding cameras
or stuff like that.

Speaker 4 (01:37:45):
Maybe they have to shop well.

Speaker 3 (01:37:49):
I've known a number of people to work here that
have had all their stuff sent here so that people
at home don't know how much stuff they're buying, so
they just get it delivered here and then it's like
they can sneak it back in their work bag or
whatever else. And then it's like, you know, right, I
don't I haven't been ordered anything. Nothing shows up to
their house.

Speaker 7 (01:38:08):
Normally I'll deliver it to on days at you know,
Chess is working, this is you know, give her to them,
give her to the box for the box You've been everything,
and then be.

Speaker 1 (01:38:18):
Like this, I had this for years.

Speaker 4 (01:38:20):
What are you talking about? This is not new.

Speaker 3 (01:38:22):
What do you mean that's an NBA Finals, that's an
NBA Playoffs bulls shirt, right?

Speaker 4 (01:38:30):
You know this is a nineteen ninety six authentic Yes,
it's yes.

Speaker 3 (01:38:34):
I've had this first to tryout, I mean since two
thousand and four aud it, I don't know, I've had
it forever.

Speaker 7 (01:38:40):
So shout out to not shout out to the Post
Office for ruining my game.

Speaker 3 (01:38:45):
Yeah, they're sea blocking you, the entertainer reports. Next, he's
the Frend Show. Thank you so much for having us
on today. We love you, We appreciate you. The iHeart
app is where to go for anything you may have
miss searched for the Frend Show on demand today we
did Stay or Go, which was shady.

Speaker 4 (01:39:00):
What's his dude? Why's he moving her? Stop? Why is
he hiding picture? Well, it was not the pictures. The pictures.
The pictures bothered me.

Speaker 3 (01:39:12):
Okay, you want to move her loofah, move the loofa
that's loopined to get moved if you want to properly clean.
But the pictures. What are you hiding pictures of your
wife for when she goes to it? Don't I don't
know you gotta hear it. Show Bis Shelley was on there.
New Waiting by the Phone today, fun fact, all the
entertainment reports, it's all on the iHeart app search for
the Fred Show, Onto Man, and a new episode of

The Tangent is up. Our off here uncentered podcast with
a bonus fun fact that we could not do on
the air, So go listen to that with your earbuds.
On Lots of stuff tomorrow, paying bills tomorrow. We got
thirteen chances at one thousand bucks. We got to lots
of free stuff on the show. Another tiebreaker with show
Bis Shelley one thousand and fifty bucks with Jessica, Jamie Juliet.

Speaker 4 (01:39:53):
She'll be on the show.

Speaker 3 (01:39:53):
She's very good at this game game show Wednesday tomorrow
and more so, have a great day and we'll see
you tomorrow morning, bright nearly bye, guys,

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