Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
She's got to wait.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Fred Show is on.
Speaker 1 (00:06):
Now, hottest morning show.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
Guys. We did it. It's Friday, January seventeenth. The French
Show's on. Good Morning, Calen, Good morning, I'm Jason Brown.
Hello there, Paulina, Hi, Kikky, good morning, Shoe Bis. Shelley
is here. Next hour and she has money? How much? Seven?
Speaker 1 (00:27):
That's right?
Speaker 3 (00:27):
I like it.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
You think i'd remember, but I can't. Okay, I gotta
go look at the thing every single time. That's right,
we too, that I mean is here as well. On
the phone the text you can call antext anytime eight
five five five nine three five. The Entertainer Report. This hour,
we'll get to trending stories, headlines and start your day
blogs coming up, new waiting by the phone, Money with
Showbiz payin Bills this morning. The Friday Throwback Dance Party
all your favorite throwbacks mixed together with d Janner Roddick
to kick off the weekend. That's later on, What are
you working off of? The ports case?
Speaker 4 (00:57):
A rapper has turned himself in and all so Justin
Baldoni has brought Taylor Swift into his four hundred million
dollar lawsuit against Blake Lively four hundred million dollars.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
Oh boy, that's how much he's doing her for.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
I think she upset me too. I think I'm upset
with Blake Lively. I think she came from me. Yeah, yeah,
I think it's class action. I need to get internet.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
There you go.
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Yeah, I'm pissed too. I gets four hundred million dollars right, like, you.
Speaker 6 (01:25):
Don't need it to the fires please, and right gonna
write how much of it do you really need?
Speaker 2 (01:30):
Come on, I just want to start the morning with
a viral. I don't even know what this is, like, uh,
I guess this is a what are we calling this?
It's a thirteen year old Oh, it's his bucket list.
So a thirteen year old kid, I guess wrote down
his bucket list. His parents found it and posted it
anonymously on the internet. And I just want to say, like,
this is one of the coolest kids I think I've
ever heard of in my life. And I would love
to know eight five five five one one three five
Just if you if you got a second, hit us up.
But you can text this too. Has your kid said
anything to you that's just outrageous that you're like, well,
I don't know where you came up with that, But
to that is awesome that you said that. I mean,
I've told the story a million times, but it's my
favorite kid story that I can think of. But it's
my friend I work with in Charlotte, North Carolina. His
name is Bo, and his kid was in kindergarten and
he went to kindergarten like the parents' night, you know,
they had like a night. I guess the kids weren't there.
They get to like see the classroom or whatever, meet
the teachers. And and there was like a board up
outside the classroom and all of the kids had put
on there what they wanted to do when they grew up.
And so it was like, you know, Sally wants to
be I don't think there's a kid named Sally anymore,
but Sally wants to be an astronaut, and uh, and
Jim wants to be a veterinarian, and Steve wants to
be a fireman. And Hank, my friend Bo's kid, wanted
to be a cat. A cat. That's what I wanted
to be, right wrong, And and and Bo is much
better or Hank rather. Bo is a big He's grown
as well. But Hank's a big boy. Now, and I
would love to see him one of these days and
ask him how that question is going to become a cat.
But this guy number one on the bucket list, thirteen
year old boy, get a full taxidermy alligator. Okay, where
you come up with that? I'm not sure why that's necessary?
Not sure. Number two he wants to go to go
to New Zealand. Okay, okay, all right. Number three he
wants to become a published author. I mean he's a
good aspiration alligator, New Zealand author. We're off to a
good strip. Number four he wants to discover a new species,
just something minor, you know, just a little something. Go
out in the Amazon rainforest or something and discover a
new species. Number five he wants to eat an octopus,
which is not that hard to do. You can do that.
Number six he wants to befriend a binch rong, which
apparently is a bear cat. If he didn't know what
that one, I didn't. But he wants to befriend a
bear cat. This kid, because as you know, I believe
that I can reason with wild animals. I too, now
would like to befriend a bin trong or however you
say him. Number seven he wants to get a cool
g Number eight wants to have a YouTube channel. Number
nine he wants to prove the existence of goblins. This
is a thirteen year old kid. I mean these are
high aspirations and I like it. Number ten he wants
to meet JK. Rowling. Okay, he's a Harry Potter guy.
There you go. Number eleven he wants to become the
world leading expert on Red Wall, which I guess are
fantasy books. Something else I don't I don't have any
I don't know any about. He wants to change his
name legally. Number twelve wants to get married. What do
you want to change your name to?
Speaker 1 (04:44):
Speaker 2 (04:44):
Like I Wantauline. Yes, that's a story we'll have to
tell someday. Oh yeah, about how the nurses in the
maternity work. I vince your mom, who didn't speak English
at the time, that name, the name she chose, was
too close to the street name in Chicago. So don't
do that. We'll just a name entirely.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
Listen to your heart, not the nurses.
Speaker 2 (05:02):
That's a real story. By the way, I get married.
Save an animal species, go on a fossil dig Go
snorkeling with a shark, help make a movie, meet an alien,
become a millionaire, and Number twenty on this thirteen year
old boys list bucket list is to beat somebody up,
which there's another topic in itself. Have any of you actually,
I know kikiS because you were in a gang. You
know what, you were in the c Mob, which is
what it was like.
Speaker 7 (05:30):
I was like a leader in that gang, an eighth
grade gang. Yeah, I don't even have to get my
hands dirty. Yeah, I was like a mob boss.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
You were more of a delegator. Yeah, yeah, I see
eighth grade gang that Kiki was in called the Sea Mob.
But have any of you actually been in a fist fight,
like an actual fist fight, because the number of people
that I it's a small percentage of people who've actually
been in a fil actually someone hit somebody. You have
what happened?
Speaker 4 (05:54):
A friend was in my face, in my face. I
kept asking her to move away, move away, move away.
Speaker 2 (05:58):
Speaker 4 (05:59):
Yeah, it was really heated issue, and I punched her.
She wouldn't get on my face.
Speaker 2 (06:04):
I've ever actually punched anyone in the face. I don't
think I have. I don't really have a desire to
but I don't think it's ever happened. I feel like
my theory is it's a relatively small percentage of people
who actually been at a fist fight. And I'm not
talking about boxers or boxing or wrestling whatever. I'm not
talking about that. I'm talking about like, really, dude, and
then just hit him with that left hook.
Speaker 5 (06:24):
Speaker 8 (06:25):
That was every week at my high school was the
train station. Everybody went to the train station. There was
always a fight.
Speaker 2 (06:30):
Really yeah, yeah, were you people?
Speaker 9 (06:32):
Speaker 1 (06:32):
I got into one fight. It was one.
Speaker 8 (06:35):
It wasn't even I didn't go anywhere because when it's
goed in like each other, I forgot what it was.
I didn't want to hit her first. She didn't want
to hit me first. This is really terrible. I'm really embarrassed.
I spit at her.
Speaker 2 (06:44):
Yeah, I would rather get I think, get hit in
the face and spit on same.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Oh sick.
Speaker 2 (06:50):
That is so vital a time ago. I'm not like,
but I am condemn you don't spin on peoble, No.
Speaker 8 (06:58):
Please don't do that ever. And then she hit me,
and then I started fighting. And then my friend Keky,
not the Kiky sitting here with us, but my other
hero keeeky.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
That comes up behind me.
Speaker 8 (07:07):
She grabs me like completely, like a full body, and
all I hear is because call me Paul in high school,
Chill Paullie, Chill Paully, And I.
Speaker 1 (07:14):
Was like, Jill, that's no chill, right, don't grab me
the other person right.
Speaker 8 (07:18):
The worst part is it was right in front of
the uh what was it called ROTC recruiting or army recruiting,
and the two dudes came out and everyone just ran
and I was like, I'm telling you, it was so stupid.
Speaker 1 (07:27):
It was so stupid.
Speaker 2 (07:29):
I was the guy who had managed to like time
my presence at the fight out such that I was
there like when I could act like I was going
to do something, but like I didn't have to do
anything because it was either like it was either like
being like negotiated or it was over. But I was
the guy that would like, like I remember in UH
when I was in college, my buddy he texted like, oh,
you know, we're about to throw down with some dudes
from the bar, and I was like ten minutes away
and it was happening like right now, but I'm like,
oh no, let's go, but it was happening right now.
So like we all jumped in the car, but we
knew that when we got there that it would either
be resolved or over, but we should. We pulled up
and we were fierce getting out of the car. Man,
We're like, I had, you know, three Abercromby shirts on.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
Should have seen what I had played, you know, Blue, Green, Red.
Speaker 2 (08:10):
Or whatever, and I was like, let's go. I'm a
homie bat, you know. But like the guys had already left,
ex Like Fred, it's over, Like William, I'm here though
I showed up.
Speaker 4 (08:20):
I also would jump into dude's fights all the time
to try to break them up. Like I was an
idiot in Vegas one time. Oh my god, I have
bruises everywhere because I don't right in the middle like stuff.
Speaker 2 (08:29):
No, Jason radwell, what would you say it was on
your thirteen year old like your real thirteen year old
bucket list? Uh, the one that was clearly being held
within that would be repressed because at that time you
were straight right.
Speaker 10 (08:41):
I mean I wanted to be an international pop superstar
like Britney Spears.
Speaker 3 (08:45):
Okay, that's who I wanted to be. True, Mike was
going to be that, And.
Speaker 2 (08:48):
What were you doing to prepare for that, because I
think this guy, I don't know what he's doing to
prepare to be, you know, to get his taxidermy alligator.
But I'm you know you can. You can acquire some
of these things are very reasonable. Yeah, he can find
a taxa dear me alligators somewhere. He can go to
New Zealand. He could become an author the species saying
I oct push he could do, and a lot of
this stuff he could very easily do. Yeah.
Speaker 10 (09:08):
Yeah, I mean I was just practicing dancing in my basement, okay,
my dancer.
Speaker 2 (09:12):
Teens as a thirteen year old boy. Yeah, you wrote
a song or do you remember what the song was called?
Speaker 9 (09:18):
Speaker 2 (09:18):
Oh, that's a shame. I had a notebook, that's a shame.
Speaker 3 (09:21):
Speaker 2 (09:22):
Yeah. So when do you think your parents realized, you know,
what you were really want to do.
Speaker 10 (09:27):
I think they knew way before. I think they knew.
I don't even know if that makes sense. That was repetitive,
but yeah, I think I think they knew. I think
they knew. My dad walked in on me once in
the basement dancing to like a Prayer by Madonna, and
I think that was probably like you know, conformation for him.
Speaker 2 (09:42):
That may have been the moment. Oh yeah, yeah, okay,
that may have been the moment. But I don't know.
I don't know. I mean that sounds like something I
would have done, not at thirteen, but at some point
in my life, maybe more like eight. I was dancing
to like a prayer.
Speaker 9 (09:56):
Speaker 2 (09:56):
I remember I begged my parents for that album. It
was a cherish any of the album. It was a
Madonna Oh the Immaculate Collection. I think it was because
it was all those songs. I heard it from Glee.
Oh you did, Yeah, okay. I remember I begged my
parents and they were like, I think I was like
six of his seven. They're like, okay, and then they
listen like do you know what any of this stuff means?
I'm like, no, Like I don't like a prayer. I
don't know what I'm singing. I have no idea, Like
Guy all the other songs it's on that album too, Yeah,
I have no idea what I was singing. I have
no idea what I was saying. And now as it
growing up, I'm appalled. My parents must have been like laughing,
laughing like a prayer. Yeah, I'll take you there, right,
right me, I have some self discovery to do stuff.
All right, we need the Melahamine and Jason Brown wild
Card picture of the NFL. We'll do the next three
five kiss ffter Chicago's number one hit music station, Fred Show.
This is what's trending, all right, guys, NFL wild card.
I guess wild Card's over now. So where we moved on?
Now we're in the actual playoffs. So we made the
wild card picks. Now we have the actual playoffs. I
have to erase wild cards on my sheet. Divisional round, well,
I said that, sure, thank you. Bello me bella mean
mean phone text sports. She does it all. And it's
time now for you to take on Jason Brown, the
actual expert in this.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
Yes, he beat me last week week beatiz.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
That's because he's the guy that knows. Okay, just just
let's face.
Speaker 6 (11:22):
It, all right, I rethought my life path last week.
Speaker 2 (11:25):
The man doing his own choreo and writing his own
pop songs at thirteen, it's also a sports expert. Who
is it? Okay, let me see here, so we gotta
fast forward here to okay, the eighteenth all right, so
here are your choices, and there aren't many like.
Speaker 3 (11:40):
The eighteenth, they're playing on Saturday.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
They are playing on Saturday and Senday because college football
is basically over. Their championship game is Monday night. That's
what's Monday.
Speaker 6 (11:48):
So for the NFL playoffs, they never have a game
overlapping each other. So that way that everybody can watch
every game. Okay're going to one hundred percent. Sure should
believe what she's saying. I mean, I eat her last week.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
You obviously already know all of this. It's like I'm
just testing you. Like the regular season, there are so
many games they just played, just several at once. But
in the playoffs, oh no, we need complete and total
focus on whatever's happening at the time. All right, So
tomorrow we have the Texans at the Chiefs.
Speaker 3 (12:16):
Oh Chiefs, come on, y'all, Chiefs.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
You're going to do it. Okay, you're going to be objective.
Speaker 5 (12:22):
Oh sorry, we're turning back and forth.
Speaker 2 (12:23):
No you can do no, no, no, no, no, I'm saying
in the elevator coming up this morning, we're talking about
our disdain for the Chiefs. I believe, not real big
Chiefs fans. I was just you're going to be objective
about this. You're not going to let your personal opinion.
Speaker 6 (12:34):
Yes, I'm going to be logical, and the Texans are
not going to go into Kansas City and beat the
that's truths.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
Taylor's probably going to be there.
Speaker 2 (12:43):
What was it, Commanders and Lions, Oh, Lions, the Lions.
You have to go with the Lions. Yes, shout out
to Dan Campbell legend, Rams Eagle, that's on Sunday. I
gotta go with the Rams, right your boy who you
think is very attractive.
Speaker 1 (13:07):
Oh yeah, may need to win right now?
Speaker 3 (13:09):
Yeah, yes, they deserve it.
Speaker 2 (13:11):
Okay, all right, Rams Eagles.
Speaker 6 (13:14):
As a Bay Area person, it's really hard to pick
Los Angeles team.
Speaker 2 (13:18):
Although, wow, everybody even though they didn't care environmental situation,
they forget about it.
Speaker 11 (13:29):
Well, obviously it's terrible what's going on. But I can hear,
I can hear how much you're really hurting you guys around.
Speaker 2 (13:44):
Their football team loses. Come on, it's hard.
Speaker 6 (13:47):
It's hard to play in Philadelphia. I think this will
be a very close game. But I think Philly wins US.
Speaker 2 (13:53):
Okay, and then Ravens Bills, which you were saying you
think bellahmine, what do you know? But you were saying
that you thought it would be the most exciting game
of the weekend.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
Yes, I'm so excited.
Speaker 10 (14:01):
Okay, I know those teams Ravens, the Ravens Rhode Island, right, No, right,
of course, yes, of course they are.
Speaker 2 (14:09):
Don't lie to him, right, And the Birmingham Bail That's
exactly right.
Speaker 3 (14:13):
I'm a Southern girl, So we'll go Birmingham Bills.
Speaker 2 (14:16):
Okay, Wow, the Bills couldn't be any further away from
there actually. Okay, so you're going for the Bills, Josh Allen.
Speaker 6 (14:24):
Oh yeah, Timu Yeah, okay, I'm also going Bills. This
is going to be a crazy game though, Okay, it's
going to be very high scoring.
Speaker 2 (14:36):
All right. So the only ones you differ on you
differ on Eagles, and you differ on It's it, right,
that's it. Yeah, all right, Well we'll see, we'll see
who knows more. Yeah, I guess come Monday morning.
Speaker 4 (14:47):
Bellamine, is there a game I should bet on? Because
I have seventy dollars in my little bedding app.
Speaker 2 (14:51):
Okay, you have seventy dollars, Jason, He's going to give
the parselay no matter what, Like, when you have this
sort of resource sitting next to you, why what you
asked her.
Speaker 6 (15:02):
I think, sorry, the lines beating the Commanders is like
a Sam dunk.
Speaker 1 (15:06):
That's I know, it's hard on your own team.
Speaker 6 (15:09):
I don't know if okay, if I could bet on
another team and probably pick the Chiefs of the Texans.
Speaker 2 (15:14):
Okay, okay, Jason, you going that?
Speaker 3 (15:17):
Yeah, that's I already betted.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
Obviously, did we do a parlay last week? What is
the part?
Speaker 3 (15:25):
That's why?
Speaker 10 (15:26):
Didn't think we're gonna do it today?
Speaker 2 (15:27):
So well prepared for these always, Jason.
Speaker 10 (15:33):
I was prepared last week. Taylor Slip's going to be
at the game. Let's see, Sean mcfay is gonna be
wearing khaki pants and you look fine as hell. And
Josh Allen is he's gonna score three touchdowns.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
That's a lot.
Speaker 2 (15:52):
Okay, Okay, so I throw for three or you know,
okay on my tuddies. Yeah, all right, So that's exciting,
a very nice job. Thank you, but let me thank you.
I think I don't know. Also, there's a diehard Baltimore Ravens.
Baltimore Ravens. I know that's shocking. Maybe yeah baseball, but
Baltimore Ravens fan. That about in September of twenty twenty
one that he would get new ink every time the
Ravens won a game up until they clinched the Vince
Lombardi Trophy. He stuck to that promise, and now forty
five tattoos later, he's game to keep going with the
hopes that Lamar Jackson and the team earn that super
Bowl win next month. Imagine that, though, if they don't
win the super Bowl and he's really going to do this,
that means he's got to get you all next season
because he's had a win every win, so that would
mean I don't know, ten, twelve, thirteen, fourteen more tattoos
plus to play. This dude was gonna wind up covered
if they don't win the super Bowl soon? At what
point do you give up? Like when we get to
your face and neck? Yeah, because you know, you know
I love a neck tattoo. You know nothing, nothing, nothing
sells me in, but like a neck tattoo. How was
that delusional?
Speaker 12 (17:02):
Speaker 1 (17:02):
No, no, it's like that fan like he's so convinced that.
Speaker 2 (17:06):
I mean, if if you're one of these people that
like you're doing like a whole piece, like a whole
mural on your body, you run out of space and
the knack it needs to be included in the like art. Well,
then I guess fine, But like if you did, I'm
a little confused if you just go to the tattoo
place and you're like, man, I don't know my right arm,
you know, my shoulder or my let's just let's do
my neck, you know, like that one doesn't seem painful,
but it's just it's just right there. I mean, I
feel like this is all Really you really need all
this stuff right here? Do we really want to be
riding on top of it?
Speaker 3 (17:34):
Speaker 2 (17:35):
I don't know's so bad like that, I know, that's
what I mean. An Arctic blast is forecast to give
President elect Trump the coldest inauguration in forty years, but
it will be the most attended of all. Don't worry.
See if you ask him. The temperature in Washington, DC
at noon on Monday is expected to be in the
low twenties as Trump stands in front of the Capitol
to take his oath of office. It would likely be
the coldest inauguration day since President Ronald Reagan's second inauguration
in nineteen eighty five. It was seven degrees at noon
that day. Temperatures in much of the US are expected
to drop this weekend, could be almost thirty degrees below
normal by Monday for millions. The same weather pattern that
will bring the Arctic chill across the lower forty eight
is also partially responsible for making more Santa Ana wind
events in southern California, which sparked the firestorm. Well it
certainly spread him. The Supreme Court said yesterday KIKI that
it may announce opinions this morning, but it didn't say
what causes might be decided. It's the last day the
court could weigh on a TikTok ban that's set to
go into effect on Sunday, which would penalize US app
stores and hosting services if they don't cut off TikTok
on Sunday. However, yesterday was filled with plot twists in
the case, including an announcement for President Biden that his
administration would not enforce the law and would leave it
up to the upcoming Trump administration to deal with it.
Now he has said that he vows to save TikTok,
and then he said, and then she said, mentioning an
executive order to delay the law. It's not clear what
options Trump has to stop the law, which was passed
by Congress the bipartisan support. So we'll see what happens.
TikTok has said that the Apple will go dark on
Sunday if the law isn't delayed or blocked.
Speaker 7 (19:17):
Somebody better figure it out, he she They whoever, somebody
down there at that courthouse better work it out between
today and Sunday.
Speaker 1 (19:24):
That's all I know because we write it down for TikTok.
Speaker 5 (19:27):
So you moved on the anger, yes, and I'm ready
to run.
Speaker 7 (19:35):
Yeah, And I'm ready And I don't need any more
announcements about you know, it's in this person hands. Like
you signed off with your job yesterday, so obviously I
didn't expect you to do anything.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
So you know, somebody I was gonna say, if you are,
if you are a politician and the outgoing administration, like
your out of office is on like you are so like, dude,
this is my last day, Like like I got my
stuff in the box, I'm out of here. I'm moving on. Yeah,
we're moving on. Man. You know, I never thought you'd
be part of an insurrection, but it sounds like this
year it's possible. In the room that's going to join that.
I got you my hat and my horns.
Speaker 3 (20:17):
For TikTok. I will thank you.
Speaker 2 (20:19):
I had no I had no idea that you would
wind up storming the Capitol. And it was not and
not for the reasons that happened four years ago. No,
this is all for the glory of TikTok.
Speaker 7 (20:27):
Got to say, I Laughel like you snitch it so
you might be on the outside now.
Speaker 1 (20:31):
We might have to handle some things here first.
Speaker 2 (20:34):
I just I just upset the mob boss, right, I'm
on your Okay, I'm with you. I'm not riding with you, but.
Speaker 9 (20:42):
I'm with you.
Speaker 2 (20:42):
I'll be right here getting this number while you saved
the day. Billy Eilai's Lady God Got, Katie Perry and
several more stars have joined the lineup for Fire Aid,
which is happening January thirtieth. It's a benefit concert that's
expanded from the into It Dome to also include the
Key of Forum to support victims of the ongoing wildfire
crisis that has devastated the LA area. Jelly Row, Gwen
Stefanie Tate, McCrae, Rod Stewart, Stings, TV Nicks list goes
on and on. John Mayer Earth Wind and Fire, Dave Matthews,
Red Hot CHILDI Peppers, Gracie Abrams. I mean literally, it's
like it's like thirty people. This thing will be broadcast
at select AMC Theater's, Apple Music, Apple TV, I Heart Radio,
who all over it? Yes, and a bunch of other
places too. So try and support it in one way
or another. And go fund me campaigns have raised more
than one hundred million dollars for the LA wildfire victims
as well. State Farm has scrapped their Super Bowl ad
as the company is facing backlash over LA Fires. Maybe
not the best time for you know whatever. The cost
of a Super Bowl commercial is this year ten million,
seven million, eight with a lot of millions. And finally,
because we have to have some form of food story
in what's trending if possible, Progresso is launching soup Drops,
a chicken noodle soup flavored hard candy drop that resembles
a off drop. Would you yes, The company said. The
savory drops are arriving for a limited time this month
for National Soup Month, right at the height of cold
and flu season. They taste like broth, veggies, soft egg noodles,
and a hints of Parsley and you suck on them. Oh,
I mean, why just get one of those bull yawned
things and suck on the head that the same Maybe
I will, it's the same thing. Yeah, I like it.
You can get the soup drops exclusively at progressosups dot com.
I don't know the twenty individually wrap candies per thing
two forty That sounds disgusting. Soup drops, Why don't you
get soup? How about just get soup and then you
get it's hot and it does all the things you're
supposed to do. You both taste like soup because it
is exactly it's hot. You know, it has all the
nutrients and everything else in the time. Yeah. Yeah, I
walked it around like what's going on here? Like, who's
eating chicken noodle soup? No, it's just me. I got
my progresso drops. Feeling great over here. It'stional Bootleggers Day
and National Classy Day, which is Betty White's birthday and
a data celebrate those who graced with the ability to
live their lives with class passion and who are driven
to share it with others like Betty, heh, you and me.
They queen a lot like it's me too, absolute class life.
But a lot of people say that about me. They
do the Entertainment Report blogs, Brand New Waiting by the Fall.
Why does somebody get ghosted? All next to Fred show
he is back in two minutes, My Beamer report he
is on the Fresh Show.
Speaker 4 (23:28):
Rapper Buster Rimes was hit with three assault charges Tuesday
after he allegedly attacked his assistant for being on his
phone during work. Cop say he punched the fifty year
old in the face several times, leaving him with swelling
in his left eye. Bus to turn himself in yesterday,
and the assistant says he doesn't want to mess up
his case by talking to the press, so he's not
saying anything until.
Speaker 1 (23:48):
It's all over.
Speaker 4 (23:50):
Speaking of a legal mess, it ends with US actor
and director Justin Baldoni issued co star Blake Lively and
husband Ryan Reynolds for defamation yesterday.
Speaker 1 (23:59):
For four hundred million dollars.
Speaker 4 (24:02):
Some backstory, because there's a lot of moving parts to this,
and Fred, I know you were confused as well. So
Blake and Ryan and Justin were all repped by the
same agency, which dropped Justin as a client after Blake
filed the initial legal complaint prior to the lawsuit, and
that la time story on the fight surrounding the film.
Justin even claimed that Taylor Swift was brought in to
sway him to side with Blake on the ideas she
had for the script.
Speaker 1 (24:27):
So I guess there were.
Speaker 4 (24:28):
Some meeting at Blake and Ryan's penthouse in New York.
He shows up Ryan's kind of singing Blake's praises on
her script changes, and then hours later they bring in
Taylor Swift to try to do the heavy lifting, according
to him. Blake responded to the lawsuit saying, this is
an age old story. A woman speaks up with concrete
evidence of sexual harassment or harassment and retaliation and the
abuser attempts to turn the tables on the victim. This
is what experts called darvoy attack, reverse victim offender. Her
lawyer said, this is just since attempt to overwhelm the
public's ability to understand that what they're doing is retaliation
against sexual harassment allegations. And he says that the cast
has their own negative situations that they dealt with with Justin.
So it's getting messier and that's a hell of a
lot of money. So there you go. Grace, Gracie Hunt,
excuse me, The daughter of Kansas City Chiefs chairman and
CEO Clark Hunt, says Taylor Swift has up the team's
fan base by more than a third. She was talking
to people, and the twenty five year old Chiefs heiress
estimated that Taylor has grown the four time Super Bowl
winning teams fan base between thirty and forty percent since
attending her first game in September. It's no secret that
Taylor has obviously influenced her fan base to watch football.
Ahead of twenty twenty four Super Bowl, sixteen percent of
US shoppers confirmed that she influenced their decision to spend
money on the big Game, which is a huge impact.
I mean, that's crazy on an NFL team, But I
know some Chiefs fans will get mad by that story.
Speaker 2 (25:56):
She have fallen in love with a guy who's my
crappy team, like the Browns, you know, like a really,
this is just terrible Panthers. I'm sorry, but the Panthers like,
you know, yeah, great the bear. Why you all with
Kayla Williams and bring some positivity this way and like
come on, you know, like why you got to go
for the team that's already really good. They don't need you.
Those guys are already rich. They got four Super Bowls.
They don't need you.
Speaker 4 (26:19):
Travis has famously said he wants to end his career
with the Bears, so we'll see.
Speaker 1 (26:23):
I don't know. He's always been a fan, so maybe
she will influence.
Speaker 4 (26:26):
But The New York Times reported in February that regular
season viewership was also up seven percent from the previous season.
And I know that Taylor has sent Gracie a lot
of her merchant stuff because.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
She's a fan. She said.
Speaker 4 (26:38):
She's absolutely incredible as a whole the world knows, and
it's been such a special time to have her be
part of Chief's kingdom. She's beautiful and wonderful as you'd
ever imagine her to be, so smart and intelligent.
Speaker 1 (26:49):
So there you go.
Speaker 2 (26:49):
I don't know if this is true, but I it
was fake or not, because you know you can't. This
is crazy. I want to make an announcement that everything
on the internet's real, which which is I know, I know,
but and maybe even google this. I saw a website
that had a like a sewer of what was essentially
a house inside Arrowhead Stadium or g E h A
or whatever the hell it's called stadium in Kansas City.
The owner has like a full on house attached to
his box in the stadium. Like there's like a there's
like bedrooms and a living room. And if this is true,
like he could live there.
Speaker 1 (27:26):
That's cool.
Speaker 2 (27:26):
Like could you imagine you own the team and it's
like halftime and you're like, hey, what's up, and then
like go to the master bedroom and like take a shower,
like you know, do what you gotta do to have
a nice dime, and then you know, just clean yourself
up and like up third quarter and then just go
right on, go make yourself a little chicken soup or
something in the kitchen that you got, and then go
right back out and watch the game. But it looked
like you had a full on like condo built inside
the stadium.
Speaker 10 (27:52):
In a luxury suite. It's got like a dining room,
a living room, a staircase.
Speaker 2 (27:57):
Yes, yes, exactly, Okay, it was real. Then it is
so cool.
Speaker 4 (28:02):
Oh it wasn't Kanye living in a stadium for a minute,
I mean his little room.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
Yeah, he just had a value. Oh my god, there's
like a stained glass minute.
Speaker 5 (28:09):
Wow, that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (28:10):
I'm church.
Speaker 1 (28:11):
Oh my god, well that is that is very fun.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
I would do the same if I Well, that's the thing.
I think. I don't know. I guess you'd have to
own the stadium if you because if the if the
city is paying for it, you're like, yeah, I just
go ahead and just slide a condo in there for me.
I don't know if you could do that, but yeah,
if it were up to me and I own the
Bears and they're building a new stadium, I would build
myself a full on party, like a full on like
just man cave house up in that thing you live
in there year round.
Speaker 1 (28:37):
I'm so poor. I wouldn't even think to do that.
I didn't even know you could do things like that.
Speaker 2 (28:41):
No, in Charlotte, at the I believe it's still called
this Charlotte Motor Speedway, there are apartments that line I
think it's Turned one or turn two of the like
that you live in year round, that you can buy
a condo. I think there are maybe fifty of them.
I don't know what they are, and they're in the
turn they and they're just sort of there, three or
four levels of them, and you like you buy condo
and you can live there year round, but like you
could live there on race weekend and full on two
bedroom you know whatever, and then your balcony just looks
at over the track. But you know, there's not always
stuff going on that there's only several races a year there,
but like the rest of the time, you could you
can live at the track, literally at the track.
Speaker 1 (29:14):
Speaker 2 (29:15):
Yeah, which is kind of cool. Like I think if
I lived there, I'd go get like, yeah, I got one.
Speaker 1 (29:20):
Well, man, I better get to work. That's crizy. Okay.
Speaker 4 (29:24):
So we have a lot of new friends joining us,
and if you are welcome, I want to tell you
some ways to keep up with the show on social
media Instagram and x and Blue Sky.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
Fred Show Radio.
Speaker 4 (29:35):
We also have fred show Radio dot com if you
like waiting by the phone while supplies last.
Speaker 1 (29:40):
We have the Fread Show TikTok and then if you search.
Speaker 4 (29:43):
The Fread Show on the free new and Improved iHeartRadio app,
all the entire show is up there and you can
listen anytime.
Speaker 2 (29:50):
I just wanted to give you one more opportunity, Kiki,
because then we don't have to do it right now. I'll
give you a little time, but we did. There was
an invitation that we extended on our Instagram. I believe
it was to the wake for TikTok. Yes, yes, what
were some of the details on there? He was a
full on wake.
Speaker 7 (30:06):
Yeah, it was awake. It's at the Fred's Show Church
of God in Christ.
Speaker 2 (30:10):
So I was wondering what that abbreviation match. I didn't
know it was FS.
Speaker 7 (30:15):
No, it's CEO, you know, Church of God in Christ
c O G I in. You know what I'm trying
to say, Yeah, c O G I S. We are
laying to rest TikTok Ashley Williams. She lived a good
life from August twenty eighteen to January nineteenth, twenty twenty five.
The body has been done by the Fred Show Funeral Home. Wow,
they have done the arrangements.
Speaker 2 (30:38):
Yeah. Wow, that's the division of the show. I didn't
know we had, but I just didn't know. If maybe
before the show was over today, if you wanted to
give the eulogy, I would for TikTok. I would be
honored because I'm the one who gets nominated for that
crap in my family, and in this family it's gonna
be kiky because I'm not doing it. But it's like, oh,
well he talks, so let him do the really, like,
let him go up there and you know, talk about
his grand father who raised him. Stuff. That'll be easy
for him. You know, he does this for a living.
You handle it. I'm like, why do I got a hand?
I'm done with this. Yeah. No, let my sister do it.
She's a therapist. What I got to do it?
Speaker 1 (31:10):
You talk?
Speaker 2 (31:10):
Man, that's different. This is different than that. Right, you're
the yupper, but I'm not. I'm really not. She is
so from now and she has.
Speaker 1 (31:18):
To do it like organ music or something.
Speaker 2 (31:20):
Don't worry, I have I have an actual organist play
the word.
Speaker 1 (31:23):
Oh that's in the corner. They've been looking at me
all day.
Speaker 2 (31:27):
Okay, you run over here. Yeah that's an organist. Yes.
And I thought maybe you knew because they sit next
to an organ I didn't. I thought maybe that's true.
I thought that was the giveaway. But I'm sure, yeh know.
Next time, I'll let you know. I'll give you a
heads up on it. All right, Well, well you can
work on that and we'll do it in a little bit.
Blogs now three five Kiss FM, Chicago's number one hit
music station. Yeah, they talk better than they. These are
the radio blogs on the Fred shows, like running in
our diaries, except we say them aloud. We called him blogs. Kaylin, Yes,
it's a big weekend for you. It is, and I
know you're you're on the edge of your seat please.
Speaker 4 (32:05):
Oh yeah, So, dear blug if you've been listening to
the show for a little while, then you know I
was raised like twenty minutes from downtown Detroit, so the
burbs near Detroit.
Speaker 1 (32:15):
I've been in Chicago, gosh, almost ten.
Speaker 4 (32:17):
Years now, but I am a very big Lions fan
for a ton of reasons. I have been going to
games since I couldn't even lift my head up, as
they say, since nineteen ninety one, since the year I
was born.
Speaker 1 (32:28):
My dad said he.
Speaker 4 (32:29):
Used to sneak a fifth of vodka in my stroller
because they wouldn't check in there, which you know.
Speaker 2 (32:35):
That's like something my father would say too. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (32:37):
Yeah, they had a sweet but apparently the booze was
still too expensive, so we were sneaking.
Speaker 2 (32:41):
Really glad I had a kid so I could sneak
my vodka.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
Hey, listen, it's you know, pro tip.
Speaker 4 (32:45):
I guess they probably got a little smart on that,
but I have been going since I was little, and
I've always been a fan. If you know football, you
know the Lions have never been to the Super Bowl never,
not once.
Speaker 3 (32:56):
Speaker 4 (32:56):
Yes, fun fact, so tomorrow which is wild. Yes, they're
playing on a Saturday, Jason, it is confusing. Is a
very important Lions game. And I, as you guys know,
I'm so superstitious that I don't even like to say,
like when Balhamine told me to bet on the and
the Lions, like, I don't want to do that because
I don't want to jinx it. And we were here
last year and I brought my nana's ashes to the
bar because she was the biggest Lions fan I knew,
and I wanted her to experience if we were going
to go to the super Bowl.
Speaker 2 (33:25):
That's a real thing. The Urn was at the bar.
The Urn attended the game.
Speaker 5 (33:31):
It was at a dive bar.
Speaker 2 (33:32):
People, not a joke, like it really happened.
Speaker 4 (33:34):
No, No, people were cheersing her their drinks.
Speaker 1 (33:38):
I was holding her.
Speaker 2 (33:39):
And well, I can assure you Nana has better tickets
than you do.
Speaker 4 (33:42):
Oh yeah, I mean, well, girl, if you do, then
make it happen from up there. Jesus so Yeah, I'm
just I'm just really nervous, like I don't know how
to act, I don't know how to feel. I don't
want to talk about it, but I will be out
at a little dive bar watching because I could not
afford tickets to the game. So I don't know just
if you could find it in your hearts, even if
you're not a fan for this small little.
Speaker 2 (34:02):
Girl, it's going to start to go fund me. But
I don't think we could have gotten it high enough
because I think it was the most expensive non it
was the most expensive ticket and it was approaching Super
Bowl type prices too, just to go to this game
in Detroit. Yeah, thousand bucks was the average a couple
days ago. I bet it's gone up.
Speaker 1 (34:17):
Speaker 4 (34:18):
And if you don't want it for me, Dan Campbell
was on the Lions in his NFL career and they
went zero and sixteen.
Speaker 1 (34:24):
They didn't win a single game.
Speaker 4 (34:25):
He's a wonderful guy, The players are amazing, the city
deserves it.
Speaker 2 (34:30):
So yeah, Dan Campbell's what got me few years ago.
And well Ian Camblin, but Dan Campbell mostly, uh, just
watching the guy cry as he walked through the stadium
on his first day because he got the job and like,
I don't know, I just something about that, like he
loved it so much, Like it means so much to him. Also,
the caffeine consumption is it's otherworldly.
Speaker 4 (34:52):
Yeah, he's a wonderful man. He shows his emotions. He
in every press conference. Will not ever blame the team.
He blames himself. His wife Holly every morning, the day
after they win, post victory, coffee with Dan and he
goes to Starbucks and they write, I mean, he's just
he's a wonderful person.
Speaker 5 (35:08):
The team deserves it.
Speaker 4 (35:09):
So if you could keep me in your thoughts because
I may have a heart attack.
Speaker 2 (35:13):
I think it's gonna be okay. I feel good about him.
Speaker 1 (35:15):
Well, yeah said last time you did say that last year.
Speaker 2 (35:17):
Okay, do you want to what do you want to
say it? You only say it's gonna be terrible. I
don't want to do I'm I'm trying to be positive
in twenty twenty five, you know, captain positivity. That's me
in twenty twenty five. Will I can't send you bad vibes.
I have to send you good vibes.
Speaker 1 (35:31):
Thank you. Just say we'll see how it goes.
Speaker 2 (35:34):
Yeah, that's probably a much same, Yeah, more Fread show
next right here, This is the Fread Show. It's the
Fred Show. Welcome to Friday, Good morning Winn three five
Kiss FM, Chicago's number one hit music station. We got
lots of stuff on the show this morning eight ten.
Your first chance at one thousand bucks, thirteen shots to
win that money today to pay out some holiday bills.
We are bribing you to listen. We've got bonnot tickets.
We got the High Wheels Monster Trucks tickets this morning
as well next week. On this show, we're teaming up
with Amy wither Right again because we have a new
bag of money for twenty twenty five. It's a gigantic,
large bag of money and we're going to start giving
it to you for listening to our show, for being
part of the thirteen. We appreciate you. And you can
get signed up at one O three five kiss fm
dot com and next Friday thousand by And you know,
she never just does a thousand And I've spoken with
her and I've totally the importance of this, like this
is extremely important. Like we bribe, we're literally bribing people
not to listen to our crappy competitors. So I don't
know why we have. I don't know why we have
to pay people, but we do. Yeah, so fine, so
we'll do a we'll do a great show, and we'll
pay you. It works for me. I also want to
do Just take a moment this morning, have I how
long has it been. It hasn't been long, maybe five
ten minutes since I've commented on how attractive and wonderful
I think the people of McHenry County are mckenry County.
Speaker 1 (36:58):
Oh yeah, You're always talking about them.
Speaker 2 (37:00):
Are you, Kiki? It's like, I really can't get enough
of mckenry County and the beautiful people there. And it's
crazy because it turns out someone won five hundred thousand
dollars in the Lucky Day Lotto as well in McK
henry County. Are think aren't they good looking? At an
intelligent there?
Speaker 1 (37:14):
They are beyond sexy?
Speaker 2 (37:15):
Yeah? And they won this at a place I'd never
heard of before called the International House of Wine and Cheese.
Oh oh yeah, yeah, I'm Highway twelve. And the Lucky
Lotto player is not the only one who will get
a prize. I guess the International House of Wine and Cheese.
The owner Tom also gets five thousand dollars, equal to
one percent of the jackpot. But you know, if you're
listening and you're from McHenry County, Camlin would like to
go to the Alliance game this weekend. The tickets are
really expensive and you you just came into the into
the five hundred thousand dollars area or whatever. You just
came into some money, right, Yes, you did any sexy,
So maybe you should go hang out of the International
House of Wine and Cheese then I go. Now that
sounds cool. I like the International House of Pancakes. That's
that interests me, but so does the International House of
Wine and Cheese. It's a little far from my home,
so if I were to go there and consume either
the cheese or the wine, I would need, you know,
maybe a hotel room nearby or something, or some lactaid.
Is that what that lack? Is that grad?
Speaker 13 (38:19):
Speaker 2 (38:19):
Maybe try that, you know, But anyway, just I want
to say good morning to mc henry County and only
McHenry County and all of those who are patrons of
the International House of Wine and Cheese. It's the Bread Show.
I just need one Disney producer to be driving somewhere
in for one day. Angle that dude's voice, he should
be the voice of a turtle Bread show is odd. Guys,
we get it. We made it to Friday, January seventeenth.
We made it to Friday. I mean I said it
like that. It was like somehow today's a milestone, like
we made it to Friday seventeen. It is Friday. No,
we made it to Friday, and the Fread Show is on.
Good morning everybody. Hi Kalin, morning, Hi, Jason Brown, Paulina, Yeah,
how you doing? How am I doing? Yeah, I'm doing good.
I just wanted to pause and give some Paulina appreciation.
That's behind the scenes. She back there. Just you should
see her. She's soldering wires together. She didn't even know
what a soldering gun was two weeks ago, No idea,
do you even know what it is?
Speaker 9 (39:18):
Speaker 2 (39:20):
She's putting stuff together, she making things work.
Speaker 8 (39:22):
She uh, yeah, I got eighteen screens.
Speaker 1 (39:25):
You got yeah, two phones and yeah, a lot of computers.
Speaker 2 (39:28):
I thought the other phone was for your other business.
Speaker 1 (39:29):
Oh, she said, too much. You're right, yeah, your Hi,
good morning.
Speaker 2 (39:34):
She'll be Shelley seven hundred dollars in the Showdown nine
eighty nine and sixty seven to record if we can
beat our pop culture expert in five questions. That money
is yours? Start the weekend, Belahamine. He is here on
the phone in the text you can call him text
anytime eight five five five one three five. Waiting by
the phone. We're gonna try and figure out if somebody
has been ghost it's brand new and next the entertainer
reports coming up to what are you working on?
Speaker 1 (39:56):
K I will tell you who got robbed?
Speaker 4 (39:58):
And this intruder made food, used the bathroom and took
a shower.
Speaker 14 (40:02):
Oh wow really during the robbery? Yes, made himself right
at home. Oh okay, great, Well that's coming up the
Friday Throwback dance party. Lots of stuff. It's the Fread Show.
Welcome to Friday's.
Speaker 2 (40:17):
Ever been lots of waiting by the phone, It's the
Fred Show.
Speaker 3 (40:22):
Hey vanessaup, Hey.
Speaker 2 (40:24):
Hi, good morning, welcome to the show. So waiting by
the phone. We're trying to figure out if you've been ghosted?
Here you think maybe that's what happened. A dude named
Jerry might be the culprit. How did you meet this guy?
Tell us about any dates you've been on and then
where things are.
Speaker 15 (40:37):
Now, Thanks so much, you guys.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
Speaker 15 (40:38):
No, I met this really cool guy last weekend at
a bar. Like we were just having some drinks and
you know, he asked for my number, which was really cool,
and you know, this nice and sort of ship overless
and we talked for a couple of days and then
like he asked me to grab dinner, which was really fun.
Speaker 1 (40:56):
The date was going well, conversation was flowing.
Speaker 15 (40:59):
Like we were totally we were totally hitting it off,
you know what I mean, Like just totally nice guy,
totally normal, had some food, asked me to go back
to his house and we hung out and like nothing happened.
We didn't hook up or anything like that. We just
sort of watched a movie.
Speaker 16 (41:11):
It was really casual, Like I don't I had I
thought I had a great date with him, and I
just I haven't heard from him at all and he
doesn't like text me back or inswer my text.
Speaker 2 (41:22):
I mean this all sounds good, right, I mean you
go have a good time, good chemistry, good conversation, wind
up hanging out, you know. Yeah, I mean that all
sounds good.
Speaker 15 (41:30):
Yeah, nothing even happened, Like it was just like really
like a really good first date totally just like buy
the book and I don't know. I thought we could
be really keep together. We had a lot of similar interests.
So it's just kind of tough out there.
Speaker 2 (41:41):
Yeah, you know what I mean. We say it every time. Yeah,
everybody out here trying to find somebody. It's like when
you feel like you had a great connection, you feel
like maybe it could go someplace, and they don't call.
It's frustrating. So that's where we come. And we're going
to call this dude, Jerry. You'll be on the phone.
We'll see if we can get him on the phone.
I will ask him quite at some point. You're welcome
a jumping on the call. And the whole, as always
is that we get stringing things out to figure out
what's going on. Maybe he's been busy or sums up,
and then we set you up on another date that
we pay for. Okay, awesome, you guys, Thank you. You've
got to hear what happens next part to you of
waiting metaphone after Oh is here, we're back in two
minutes on The Fred Show. Don't move. Ohwas here? The
Fred Show is now We're commercial free, by the way,
for the next thirty minutes. You don't have to go anywhere. Hey, Vanessa,
let's call this guy Jerry. You guys, you met in public.
You met in the wild, right, that's how this happened. Yeah,
you met in the wild and then you exchange numbers
and you want to going out and hanging out, and
you hung out at one of your places and watch
the movie even right. Yeah, so this is all good
on the first date, except you can't get a hold
of this guy Jerry, and you want to know why.
So we're gonna call him. Good luck, Thank you, Ella.
Hi is this Jerry Jerry? Good morning. My name is Fred.
I'm calling from the Fred Show, the Morning radio Show,
and I have to tell you that we are on
the radio right now, and I do need your permission
to continue with this call. You can hang up anytime,
but can we chat for just a second. I did
think you're about to tell me I want something cool
or something well. I always say no, I always say no,
but I actually this could work out an abrupt no too. Now,
my man, this this could work out well for you.
We're gonna find out right now. But we're calling on
behalf of someone you recently went on a date with
apparently her name is Vanessa. Do you remember Vanessa? Yeah? Yeah,
I remember. All of a sudden, the winning aspirations are
someone happened with this woman, because she called us and
and she told us that she met you and thought
there was chemistry and went out with you and had
a great time and really expected that you would call
her and ask her out again. But she believes she's
being ghosted. So what's your side of the story, Jerry.
Speaker 13 (43:50):
I mean, I guess I could have handled it a
little better. But she's she's cold, man, She's just made
of stone. And I mean, what do you.
Speaker 2 (43:59):
Mean, do you mean give me an example of why
you feel this way?
Speaker 13 (44:03):
Okay, So we went out right and we met at
a bar. We had fun YadA YadA, you.
Speaker 2 (44:09):
Know, for dinner. That seemed to go well.
Speaker 13 (44:12):
And then at some point during this interaction, she told
me that she had never seen the movie Titanic.
Speaker 2 (44:18):
How was that possible? Like, how could you have never?
Speaker 3 (44:21):
I didn't believe her.
Speaker 2 (44:22):
So I'm glad that Kaylen was impresent for that conversation,
because if Kylen had heard that, we would have had
to evacuate the building. We would have had a real
scene on our hands, because that is it's just a
part of being, I think, just a human being. Yeah,
I would say worldwide. I would say I wouldn't even
I wouldn't even isolated, isolated to just that. I mean,
it's part of part of breathing. He's seeing Titanic. She
had never seen Titanic.
Speaker 13 (44:45):
Jerry, Well, the Titanic event is not an American event,
like it happened in international waters.
Speaker 2 (44:52):
Everyone's aware of it, like this is a major Yeah,
it was a major world catastrophe at the time. Yeah, yeah,
how could you multiple governments or whatever ships went to
try to like help the survivors. About the movie, it was,
we're talking about the historical implications, but you know, I
mean Leono DiCaprio was not actually present. He didn't actually die.
Speaker 5 (45:12):
I don't want to break it to you.
Speaker 2 (45:14):
But nonetheless, back on track here, which we're still bad at,
but listen, you you wanted to go watch the movie.
You're like, I cannot believe that you have not seen Titanic,
So let's go watch it, right, So we went and
watched it.
Speaker 13 (45:27):
It is the statust movie ever created. I know some
might say the the what's the old yeller with the
dog gets shot.
Speaker 17 (45:37):
This way worse right spoiler alert, Well you've had like
where you described terrible, but wait to watch. Yeah, so
he did not listen.
Speaker 13 (45:49):
She did not shed a single tear watching Titanic. Not
not when like, dude, you know, when like the mom
is reading the book to her kids the ship's going down,
or like the old couple in the bed the water's
coming through and you see them this gripping He's.
Speaker 3 (46:06):
Like, you know they're dying.
Speaker 2 (46:08):
Cam's about to cry right now a description of the movie.
And you're telling me this woman Vanessa had in zero
emotional reaction, none, cry.
Speaker 13 (46:16):
As a bone, her eyes were I'm telling you the
didn't shadowing.
Speaker 2 (46:22):
I mean not what Come on, that's you're you're inhuman,
You're a sociopath. Come on, how to do?
Speaker 1 (46:35):
Like what? It's a movie, you know that it happened.
Speaker 2 (46:39):
Emotions? Are you free from emotionally? I mean, I will say,
I mean I'm an emotional guye Jerry, but I don't
cry as much. It takes a lot. It takes a
lot for me to cry. And it doesn't mean that
I'm emotionless. It just means that Titanic is not going
to make me cry. I don't think she.
Speaker 1 (46:56):
Didn't even get mad when he didn't.
Speaker 2 (46:58):
She didn't let him up on the door. Plenty of
room on plenty door. Probably could have put some kids
on there too, but didn't care. She didn't care. Doctor
them off, and she was like, all right, nothing.
Speaker 4 (47:12):
Well the necklace out of the jacket and gives his
last name.
Speaker 1 (47:16):
Jack's last name is her own. When she says Dawson
Rose Dawson, Wow, no tears.
Speaker 2 (47:23):
I'm about to cry dramatical re enaction. Let me bring
up Jerry. I forgot to mention that Vanessa is here.
I'm very forgetful about this. Vanessa, I mean no emotion
with Titanic. He believes that you are made of stone.
He believes that you're emotionless, and that's a problem for him.
Speaker 18 (47:39):
I've been listening to this and I'm just like, my
jaw is like dropped open. You cannot possibly be serious.
That's the reason that you're.
Speaker 13 (47:49):
Not more shocked at this, and you're having more emotions
to this than.
Speaker 2 (47:54):
The band was playing. Oh yeah, right, right, what nothing? Nothing.
Speaker 4 (48:03):
It's because I would be all seriousness. I would be
I would be interested to know why someone had no
emotion for one of the saddest movies of all time.
Speaker 2 (48:13):
What did you listen?
Speaker 1 (48:14):
You just crash?
Speaker 3 (48:16):
Yes, yes, you know that point.
Speaker 13 (48:21):
You know that point in the movie where like the
ship breaks in half and you see like the guy
falling in the part, and.
Speaker 2 (48:28):
Like you've mentioned, we got it, Jerry, Like I appreciate
the Rotten Tomatoes review, but like we he yawned right, No,
when that happened she was born.
Speaker 18 (48:40):
I just I mean, if you didn't like me, why
didn't you just say that? I mean, and also, I
know what happens on the Titanic. It's not something that
is a huge surprise. The movie was fine, but like,
you cannot be telling me that that it is?
Speaker 13 (48:53):
That is that is so I like to until I
found out you were sociopathic and people had to.
Speaker 2 (49:00):
Say this, Jerry, if she had just sat there and
sobbed on the first date and uncontrollably emotional about this movie,
then you'd probably be complaining about that. So I don't
know that we necessarily well, I feel like you're I
feel like you're go on a step too far.
Speaker 13 (49:14):
You're saying that you know, her heart grew two sizes
of like the Grench when she was watching it.
Speaker 2 (49:19):
That's somehow man.
Speaker 12 (49:22):
You put Titanic on and you're looking at the cryometer
on me to see like where I fall? Like, is
this your sort of like weird data mining tool that
you use to.
Speaker 2 (49:31):
Like date women.
Speaker 12 (49:32):
This is the most ridiculous, Like you need to grow up, dude.
Speaker 13 (49:37):
I've never met someone who's never seen Titanic, let alone
someone who watched it and was completely unaffected.
Speaker 2 (49:43):
Okay, did you.
Speaker 12 (49:45):
Met someone who stares at someone for their reaction to
a movie like a creed?
Speaker 2 (49:49):
Did you? Jerry? I need to know? Were you emotional? Course?
Speaker 6 (49:53):
Speaker 2 (49:53):
I have a heart. It beats, and therefore I cried,
Oh my god, I.
Speaker 12 (49:59):
When you didn't respond to me. I had a lot
of emotion when you left me on Red. Does that
also factor in?
Speaker 15 (50:04):
Or is it only just like a Hollywood thing where
you actually feel, you know, momentum of anger?
Speaker 2 (50:10):
What is going on with it? I mean, okay, are
you embarrassed you cried? Jerry's not what this is that
she didn't cry and you did and that's the issue. No,
not at all.
Speaker 3 (50:19):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (50:19):
I don't think that emotions are bad. They just are
what they are, right.
Speaker 3 (50:23):
I'm not saying like like men should.
Speaker 2 (50:27):
Be able to cry that whole old stereotype. Oh no,
dude should never cry. That's that's why guys. I had
heart attacks of like you know, at thirty eight or
whatever like that. That's just ridiculous. And now we're learning
about medicine.
Speaker 1 (50:39):
So do any movies make you cry, girl? Anything?
Speaker 2 (50:43):
Speaker 18 (50:43):
Old yell are things for the spoiler guys.
Speaker 2 (50:50):
That was the most emotion we've heard from her. Actually
she is capable of. That's actually twisted, and I'm starting
to see it side. It's amazing. I don't normally pivot
in these things. But all right, Jerry, thank you for answering.
I bet I'm assuming that you don't want to go
out with her again. We'll pay for it if you do.
Speaker 13 (51:08):
I mean we're gonna go see Bambi and she's gonna
laugh at the beginning of them.
Speaker 2 (51:14):
All right, Jerry, I wish you the best. Vanessa, thank
you for calling. I'm sorry it's not going to work out.
Good luck to you as well.
Speaker 15 (51:22):
Thank you Guyst's have my answer the.
Speaker 2 (51:24):
Entertainment Report and Shelby Shelley seven hundred bucks in this showdown.
You can win next for back in two minutes on
The Fred Show. After Rihanna Oh three five Kiss FM,
Chicago's number one hit music station, Calon's Entertainer Report. He's
on the Fresh Show.
Speaker 4 (51:38):
Miss Leta Gage, Billy Eilish and the Red Hot Chili
Peppers will be among the fifteen acts well, actually it's
more than that now that have been booked so far
for the upcoming concert to help those affected by the
wildfires in a La Green Day. Jelly Roll and Gracie
Abrams will also be performing as well. Now, the initial plan,
I think was for twenty four artists and bands total
to hit the state, but now more than like fifty
have thrown their hat in the ring, like Dave Matthews,
John Mayer, Earthwin and Fired, Gwen Stefani, Joni Mitchell, Katy Perry,
Lil Baby Pink, brought Stuart Sing, Stevie Nicks tat McCrae
and counting. So there will now be two venues, the
Into It Dome, which Jason has been to and.
Speaker 1 (52:17):
Talked about how high tech it was.
Speaker 4 (52:19):
They have chargers at all their seats, and also the
Kia Forum in Inglewood. They both are so the concert
is going to be streamed and they expect to raise
millions for disaster relief and iHeartRadio I believe is streaming
it right so you can hear it. Yeah, so yes,
there you go. And I hope they raise a lot
of money because they certainly need it.
Speaker 1 (52:38):
Kick Cuddies.
Speaker 4 (52:39):
La Area home was burglarized by an intruder who said
they helped himself to food, used the bathroom, and freshened
up in the shower. The intruder was discovered Wednesday around
five pm when a shirtless man was seen on Cutting's
security system hanging out in the kitchen. Cops rushed there
and caught the guy, but not before he had, like
I said, eaten a meal, relieved himself and hit the shower.
Speaker 2 (53:00):
Man. Imagine being that comfortable robbing someone. But I'm like, eh,
make some toast, right, you know what I mean? Like, eh,
what you got in the fridge? Here? See if I can,
you know, nourish myself while I steal your stuff. I
can't imagine no urgency. I don't think i'd be very
nervous if I were robbing someone.
Speaker 17 (53:17):
Yeah, I think so, yeah, I think that's the right,
you know, I think so yeah.
Speaker 2 (53:21):
I feel like it would be would be I think
i'd be I'd be a bad criminal all around, because
I I'm a little too like prenetic, you know, I
just over I don'verthink it, you know, And then yeah,
I don't think so, and I would I feel really
bad about I have Catholic guilt for like the next
probably rest of my life. That's good. Probably not gonna
rob anybody.
Speaker 4 (53:40):
I'm thinking, Yeah, good, I'm glad we figured that out.
Speaker 2 (53:42):
Oh good, I am too.
Speaker 4 (53:44):
Something else apparently that needed to be figured out. President
elect Donald Trump has appointed actors Jean Voyd, mel Gibson
and Sylvester Stallone as Special Ambassadors to Hollywood. So Trump
says he's confident that this trio will restore Hollywood to
its former glory. He made the announcement on his own
social media platform, Truth Social and said, these three very
talented people.
Speaker 5 (54:04):
Will be my eyes and ears, and I will.
Speaker 4 (54:06):
Get done what they suggest, and it will be like
the United States of America itself, the golden age of Hollywood.
So he has a direct link from Hollywood to the
White House, and it's those three who are gonna usher
him into it.
Speaker 1 (54:18):
So there you go. I'm leaving that right there.
Speaker 4 (54:20):
And Mattel has come out with an alia jol and
I'm so sad because I lost my chance to get.
Speaker 1 (54:25):
This, but the collect.
Speaker 4 (54:29):
Collectible Barbie, I just I just short circuited.
Speaker 2 (54:34):
I have to unplug myself, blow on it.
Speaker 1 (54:37):
No, no, it's not my grounding sheets. Get here today.
Speaker 2 (54:40):
So close, we're so close.
Speaker 4 (54:44):
Well, this is this Dan Barbie celebrates her influence on music, fashion,
pop culture, and it was available for pre order yesterday
on what have been her what would have been her
forty sixth birthday. I can talk and it's sold out
in half an hour, So I'm sad. It's a very cool, uh,
very very cool doll. She was a Detroit girl if
you didn't know. But it was retailing for fifty five
dollars and now, of course it's on eBay for much
more than that.
Speaker 1 (55:08):
But they did a great job with the doll. Did
you see it?
Speaker 7 (55:10):
No, you know, I don't do dolls like that, but
I haven't seen this one.
Speaker 4 (55:13):
And that's around with dollars. But yeah, no Barbie for you. Well,
she's in one of her iconic outfits. And for our
little ones that didn't know she was an up and
coming or was she already was a very popular artist.
But I feel like she had a lot more to do,
and she died in a plane crash, very tragically.
Speaker 2 (55:30):
What's your problem with Barbiekiki?
Speaker 7 (55:31):
I just never liked it. I never liked her that.
I felt like the body parts came apart. It was
very creepy to me. The head will pop off, you know. Okay,
I see, I don't play around with barbies.
Speaker 2 (55:42):
What did you play with as a child?
Speaker 1 (55:44):
A karaoke machine?
Speaker 2 (55:46):
You know that sounds about.
Speaker 1 (55:47):
I had a little cash register. Why don't have worked
so bad? Like it was wine? I had a broomset.
Speaker 2 (55:56):
I was cleaning my niece. My four year old niece
has all that like she got, She got the cleaning stuff.
She has a little like store. She sets up like
she wants to operate a little retail outlet. I'm like,
it was hard work, cleaning, cooking.
Speaker 4 (56:10):
I was playing teacher. But I always wanted to have
a lesson like girl just be a kid for a while.
Speaker 2 (56:15):
No, No, she's ready to work. She's ready to make money,
contribute to this household.
Speaker 1 (56:19):
We all wanted to be cashiers.
Speaker 4 (56:21):
By the way, if you missed any part of our show,
The Frend Show, you can catch them on everything. You
definitely going to Beat, Paulina Kiki Karaoke. It's all up
on the Free New and Improved. I heard radio app
just searched The Frend Show on demand.
Speaker 2 (56:33):
Seven hundred bucks Show Bitch Shelley nine eight, nine and
sixty seven is a record our prep culture expert our Culture. Now,
I got what you got. I'm sorry you're spreading it
over here. I know if you'd like to play and
win seven hundred bucks, we'll see we can get through
that in the next two hours eight five, nine, one,
three five call now we'll play. Next, Good News Stories,
the Friday Throwback Dance Party with d Jane Roddick all
coming up, eats, The Frend Show back into It's the
Fread Show. Do you have what it takes to battle
show Biz? Shelley in the show Biz showdown?
Speaker 1 (57:06):
BI Good Morning.
Speaker 2 (57:09):
Show, Be's Shelley in the throes of potty training while also,
oh yeah, while also competing in this game. Unbelievable, it
really is.
Speaker 1 (57:17):
We do it all Mama else training.
Speaker 2 (57:20):
Oh yeah. I was only kind of like a witness
to some of that, Like, you know, because my my
niece lives in Dallas, so I don't get to see
her all the times. I'd pop in and pop out
for this stuff.
Speaker 19 (57:29):
But fuck you, yeah, it's it's something you know you
because everyone says, like the three day method. There's this
book that talks about doing it in three days, and
we tried that and my daughter Olivia is very stubborn.
Speaker 1 (57:41):
She likes to do things on her own time, so
she was not having that. She didn't like that, and so.
Speaker 19 (57:45):
Now I figured, try to come back around again before
the baby comes.
Speaker 1 (57:49):
And we still don't like it too much. So I
don't know what to do.
Speaker 2 (57:53):
Yeah, you're doing this similar to how my my sister
and brother in law did it. We're like, yeah, right
around the time when the diapers were going away, let's
have another one and just do another three and a
half years of this or however long it takes three years.
Speaker 19 (58:04):
But the thing is, it's crazy because she'll go with
daycare like pretty consistently, and then she gets home she
has no interest.
Speaker 2 (58:09):
So I see, well, as because mom's there to do
it for whatever, Well, right.
Speaker 1 (58:13):
Mama, wait my butt?
Speaker 2 (58:14):
So yeah, that's right, you got you got the shelley
out of here right right? You know, handling your business
for you? Is it? Demon? Is that how you say
your name d mess Yes, how do you spell it? D?
Speaker 9 (58:33):
I am a oh.
Speaker 2 (58:35):
Okay, we put an in on it for some reason.
So anyway, good morning. How are you tell us about you?
Speaker 9 (58:42):
Yeah, I'm driving my son to school right now. He's sixteen.
I have a nineteen year old and a four year old,
so I got a gap.
Speaker 2 (58:49):
Wow. Wow, Now tell me about that you had the
nineteen year old? Was the four year old? I mean,
I don't know what the four year old could hear
it like it was the four year old kind of
we'll see you know kind of thing.
Speaker 9 (58:59):
No, they were actually all planned that way. I always
wanted the third one, and my wife decided ten years
later that she wanted to go for the third one.
Speaker 2 (59:08):
Speaker 9 (59:08):
I was like, all right, let's go, and here we go.
Speaker 2 (59:10):
Good for you, Good for you, Well welcome, let's play
the game. It sounds like you could use the seven
hundred bucks, nine eighty nine and sixty seven to a
record and on a several game win streak. Because we
got taken, we out. I can't remember, we have to
keep track of that. You let's play, guys. Good luck, okay,
good luck, thank you, good lucky. With all due respect.
Shelly gets a hell out question number one. Dwayne Johnson
is urging fans to patch things up with their dads. Yes,
Twen Johnson Pattant was after he shared his own regrets. Okay,
what is Dwayne better known as the Rock? Okay? Matt
James announced that he and Ray oh God Kirk Kirkaneal Kirconnell. No, sure,
I'm doing great so far. Matt James announced that he
and Rachel Kirconnell have split after four years together. What
ABC show did they meet on? That's I don't know
who it is.
Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
Oh, this is us?
Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
Okay, I know who the first person were. I'm like,
who's the other? Oh, that's fine. Reality star Heidi Montag
now has a billboard in Times Square. Which reality show
brought Heidi to fame?
Speaker 9 (01:00:15):
Uh, I'm gonna go with the Hill.
Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
Good guys, And we had a Jason did had an
in depth meeting with her team yesterday. Her team is
very large now all of a sudden, and we think
she's coming on the show Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (01:00:28):
We think did you see her crying though and saying
she's not doing any more pross on the internet?
Speaker 2 (01:00:33):
No, but we have a verbal I hope.
Speaker 9 (01:00:36):
So my wife is watching all that like crazy. I'm
watching Spencer cry every day.
Speaker 2 (01:00:40):
Yeah, we have a verbal Actually haven't been writing too,
but anyway, that doesn't mean anything. I should we tried.
Sophia Vigara and Lewis Hambleton were spotted out on a
lunch date. What is Lewis known for?
Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
And rumors are swirling that Barak and Michelle Obama headed
for divorce? What are their daughters names?
Speaker 9 (01:01:07):
I know this is Mala?
Speaker 2 (01:01:11):
Okay, good? You get a four. It's a four. You
only miss number two, So we'll get Shelley back from
the boothpoof within a four.
Speaker 3 (01:01:19):
Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
We had an in depth conversation about something else too,
but a four is the score to beat? Are you right?
Speaker 16 (01:01:24):
Speaker 2 (01:01:24):
All right? Dwaye Johnson is urging fans to patch things
up with their dads after he shared his own regrets.
What is Dwayne? Better known as the rock The Rocky
is right? Matt James announced that he and Rachel Kirconnell
have split after four years together. What ABC show did
they meet on The Bachelor? Yep? Reality star Heidi montag
now has a billboard in Times Square. Which reality show
brought Heidi the fame?
Speaker 1 (01:01:49):
Three Hells that's right.
Speaker 2 (01:01:51):
Sophia Bergara and Lewis Hamilton were spotted out on a
lunch date. What is Lewis known for?
Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
He's a race car driver.
Speaker 2 (01:01:58):
Yep. And rumors are swirling that Barack Michelle Obama head
of for divorce. What are their daughters' names, Sasha and Malia?
To five? That is a win And I'm sorry, Demas,
you have to say it. My name is Demos. I
got showed up on the Showdown. You know the rest
my name is on the show Down, and I could
not hang with the go reload. Why are you laughing
for me making the name more complicated again?
Speaker 9 (01:02:28):
Because my son sitting next to me making me laugh
as I'm doing it.
Speaker 2 (01:02:32):
No, no, no, these guys, no these I'm being laughed down
in the studio. It's like, I don't know. I just
like I was trying to. I was trying to make
the name more complicated, like I like to do. I
love that you people, No, I apologize. You can't hang
It's like, can't.
Speaker 9 (01:02:59):
I didn't do it.
Speaker 2 (01:03:00):
You're really you get hang with it. So it's just
I don't know what we're doing. Now hang on one second, okay,
have a great Dan. Thank you for listening.
Speaker 9 (01:03:10):
Thank you guys.
Speaker 2 (01:03:11):
It's just off the it's Shelley, it's off the rails.
Speaker 5 (01:03:13):
Jessy, it's Friday. I understand it really is.
Speaker 2 (01:03:17):
I've never really felt Friday the way I feel Friday today.
There haven't even been that many yet this year. I
think this is only the second or third.
Speaker 4 (01:03:24):
And hey, twenty twenty six is your year, man's.
Speaker 2 (01:03:26):
I think we've already moved on. Yes, no, no, no, I'm
still hey. I am still captain positivity.
Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
I like that side.
Speaker 2 (01:03:33):
I'm still captain positivity in twenty five. Okay, I am
pushing so hard for captain positivity twenty five.
Speaker 1 (01:03:39):
Yeah, every day I got a fight for your life, all.
Speaker 2 (01:03:41):
Right, seven to fifty is a price. Tomorrow, Shelley, have
a great weekend.
Speaker 1 (01:03:44):
Okay, thanks you.
Speaker 2 (01:03:45):
Tomorrow it's next week. But I do whatever. When I
just say it's Friday, I'm talking about tomorrow, like, yeah,
just whatever. Here's a song on the Fred Show. We
out here the gallops here. It's ball like call I
said the name wrong. Okay, well now I'm sitting him.
What else do I have here? Thank you for all
of the of the texts and the tweets and all
that stuff. This morning, Missus Genus is here that I
get to Aeron. I said hi to Aeron. I gotta
make sure I get everybody. There's a lot of texts.
Thank you appreciate that. Let's see trending stories in just
a second. Fun fact is coming up as well. Calin's
entertainment report is on the Freas Show.
Speaker 4 (01:04:17):
Do any of you guys watch Love Island? Or am
I the only weirdo?
Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
You're the only weirdo?
Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
Okay, all right, got it?
Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
But I watched way worse stuff than that, so don't
worry about.
Speaker 5 (01:04:24):
Yeah, what would you say is the most embarrassing thing?
Speaker 1 (01:04:26):
You watch?
Speaker 2 (01:04:30):
That All American show? But I stopped. I had to stop.
You quit. I had to stop. They're like forty years old,
these people. Okay, it's like saved by the Bell. If
you're a child of the nineties two thousand, it's like
they were like thirty years old playing high school kids.
These people are like forty Okay, I can't. I had
to stop.
Speaker 1 (01:04:44):
Okay, all right, so we quit that one.
Speaker 2 (01:04:46):
I mean, as a kid in high school had a
full ass beard, like a full ass beard, yeah, with
gray in it. Yeah, it took me forty years to
get there. Okay, I don't believe you.
Speaker 1 (01:04:58):
Yeah, I'm not buying it.
Speaker 4 (01:04:59):
So of Island, USA star Hannah Smith has just been
slapped with criminal charges stemming from her recent arrest in Atlanta,
after prosecutors say she threatened to kill a cop, which
you are very much not supposed to do. After reviewing
her case, they decided to formally charge her with two felonies,
terroristic threats and willful obstruction of law enforcement officers. So,
if you missed it, the reality star was arrested at
a concert venue back in September. You may have seen
it if you're a fan of the show, when she
was escorted out of the venue for being disorderly and
she spent the night in jail.
Speaker 1 (01:05:31):
Documents say that Hannah.
Speaker 4 (01:05:32):
Attempted to punch and kick officer Kayla Winfield and told
her I can't wait to kill you, amongst other really
horrible and racist things. So she is if that's what
happened getting charged appropriately. I don't know, But her lawyer
says she doesn't remember it and she's deeply sorry, So
I hope she doesn't remember it. That's crazy. If you
heard those eminem songs that leaked you were not supposed to.
So Eminem hasn't officially released anything this year, but fans
downloaded a handful of tracks that have gone viral on
social including songs with fifty cent Doctor Dre as well
as an alleged Sugar Night and Job Ruled distrack from
two thousand and three.
Speaker 1 (01:06:09):
We listened to a little snippet of it off the air.
I was like, is this AI is? Is real? But
it was real.
Speaker 4 (01:06:14):
They were never supposed to see the light of day,
though his longtime rep says these leak songs were studio efforts,
never meant for public consumption. Demos, experiments and ideas that
are dated and not relevant relevant so many years later.
Speaker 2 (01:06:26):
So it's like, I mean a fe years ago when
Prince passed away and they were going through Paisley Park
and they found that that whole room safe that he had,
he had like it, and I don't know how much
that stuff's actually come out, but they were going to
go through all of it inventory and then release it.
And it's like they had all kinds of masters in there.
And I remember we talked about it at the time
and I'm like, well, maybe he didn't want us to
hear this stuff, because if he did, then we would
have heard.
Speaker 1 (01:06:47):
It, right.
Speaker 4 (01:06:47):
It's like someone's diary, Like, I just don't think it
should be published after you died. Now Mac Miller's family
is releasing an album, but the family is giving their blessing,
you know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (01:06:56):
So I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
Even I get it, but like the maybe they have
a family to take care of moving forward, I don't know.
But yeah, if they.
Speaker 1 (01:07:06):
Were working on it for it to be released, yes.
Speaker 2 (01:07:08):
Yeah, then finished the project. But if you're just like,
well let's tell all this stuff so we can make money,
and that person's passed away and maybe they never wanted
it to be heard, right, then I don't like that.
Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
Yeahs on all my draft emails.
Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
Right, That's what I'm saying. Yeah, we will.
Speaker 1 (01:07:24):
Delete those for you. But yeah, no, I hope Max family.
I hope he was.
Speaker 4 (01:07:27):
He died very young, so I hope he was working
on an album that was supposed to be I get
that they're also raising money for a good cause.
Speaker 1 (01:07:32):
But yes, I do agree with you.
Speaker 4 (01:07:34):
It's very odd to release things that they don't have
a say in, or use their likeness like Marilyn Monroe'
in like a hairspray commercial.
Speaker 1 (01:07:40):
I just feel like that's weird, Like.
Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
Let her your favorite Marilyn Monroe. That's my absolutely to
be confused with your actual favorite Lucille Ball for whatever reason.
I I mix those up all the time. As far
as I'm concerned, they're the same person, but they're not.
Speaker 4 (01:07:52):
Bruce Willis has stayed out of the public eye a
ton since being diagnosed with fronto temporal dementia, but he.
Speaker 1 (01:07:58):
Appeared to be doing pretty well.
Speaker 4 (01:08:00):
New video posted on his wife's Instagram, and he was
thanking cops for their efforts amid the LA wildfires. So
his wife captain the black and white video, spotting a
first responder, Bruce never missed a chance to show his
gratitude with a heartfelt handshake and I thank you for
your service. Yesterday was no different.
Speaker 1 (01:08:15):
And speaking of that, and this made my eyes a
little wet.
Speaker 4 (01:08:18):
A group of LA firefighters stopped by King's Fish House
in Calabasas, and that's not too far from where the
fires in the Palisades raged through the entire neighborhood area
and as they got up to leave from their meal,
they got standing ovation from the entire restaurant and it
was just very, very emotional.
Speaker 5 (01:08:38):
It was a really packed restaurant.
Speaker 4 (01:08:40):
But obviously the LAFD and other agencies have been battling
these blazes for nine days. They've burned forty thousand acres.
You know, lots of stories of these firefighters. And so
their bill was over fifteen hundred dollars and customers kicked
in more than eight hundred and the King's Fish House,
the restaurant took care, so their bill was free and
they got a standing ovation as left.
Speaker 1 (01:09:03):
And they deserve it.
Speaker 5 (01:09:04):
And my eyes are getting wet, so I'm wrapping this up.
Speaker 4 (01:09:07):
By the way, if you miss any part of our show,
The Fread Show, please get the free new and improved
iHeartRadio app and search The Fred Show on demand.
Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
Headlines in trending stories. We'll get to him next quickly.
If you missed Jason and Bella's NFL picks. Hard to
tell which one of you knows more because you actually
she's supposed to know more than you, I guess, or
at least that's what she thinks.
Speaker 3 (01:09:25):
Speaker 2 (01:09:26):
I mean, you are the president of sports reporting for
the show, but you actually did better in the picks
last week than did she. So if you want those
that are on the iHeart app. Search for a Fred
show on demand. We'll get to those. Fun fact waiting
metaphone is new. It's all coming up. Good morning, Carminer,
the Fresh Show. This is what's trending right. I'm gonna
go through these quickly. The NFL playoff picks, those are
on the iHeart app. We did those before. On Arctic Blast.
It's forecast to give President alec Donald Trump the coldest
inauguration in forty years. They're saying the twenties on Monday
when he takes the oath of office. That is not
the coldest inauguration day, by the way, President Ronald Reagan's
second inauguration in eighty five seven degrees when he gave
his speech. But they're saying that temperatures all over the
country could be almost thirty degrees below normal by Monday
for millions of people. The Supreme Court said yesterday that
it might announce opinions this morning on the TikTok band,
but didn't say if they'll do that specifically. They might
have some opinions. We don't know about what it might
be about. TikTok might not guess we're gonna have to
watch se SPAN and find out they're gaslighting us. I
think they are. There are many plot twists in this case. However,
Yesterday was filled with new information, like the announcement from
President Joe Biden that his administration won't enforce the law
and would leave it to the upcoming Trump administration to
deal with him. TikTok has said the Apple will go
dark on Sunday if the law isn't delayed or blocked.
As Caitlin mentioned in the Entertainment Report, Billie Eilish, Lady
God Got, Katie Perry and a ton of stars will
join the fire Aid benefit concert. There's two venues. It
all benefits the victims of the LA wildfire and that
will be airing on the iHeart Radio app among other places.
So go fund me, by the way, has announced that
they have raised, or people have raised using their platform
more than one hundred million dollars towards the victims of
the LA wildfires. And of course, go fund me is
the crowdfunding platform that verifies all accounts to protect against scams.
And this is disgusting, but Progresso is trending today the
soup company, because they're launching soup drops a chicken noodle
soup flavored hard candy that resembles a cough drop. The
company said these savory drops are arriving for a limited
time this month for National Soup Month, right at the
height of cold and flu season. It's soup you can
suck on, is what they're saying. Soup gets a whole month,
apparently does.
Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
It's iconic.
Speaker 2 (01:11:56):
It is, Yeah, it so gets you some soup you
can suck on for two forty nine. I'll be there
at the website progressosoup drops dot com. The fund. Oh wait,
hold on, National Bootleggers Day. It's also this is a
I didn't know about. I don't know if maybe we
haven't done it before because Betty White recently passed.
Speaker 1 (01:12:15):
Right, yes, this is a new one. I believe.
Speaker 2 (01:12:16):
It's National Classy Day, Betty White's birthday, and a data
celebrate those who are graced with the ability to live
their lives with class passion and who are driven to
share with others like Betty. Not like me, but I'll
celebrate it anyway. The fun Fact is more Fread Show. Next,
The Fread Show is on Fred's Fun Fact Fred Fund
so much Okay, so of the thirteen people who listen
to us, and we only have thirteen listeners. And I
don't understand how, because they keep putting us on different places,
we still only have thirteen listeners. I get the report
every week. It's like, how is this? Hey, how can
this possibly be? But of you amazing, fine, intelligent, sexy,
brilliant human beings, yeah, who make our careers in our
existence as many of you, and I palla, you're one
of them. Yes, speak more than one language, okay, and
some people maybe English as their second language or third
or whatever I mean technically, But I learned this this morning,
And here's your fun fact. Did you know that while
you might assume that you would need your native tongue
to fully comprehend all aspects of a problem. One twenty
eighteen study published in Psychological Science, which I'm a voracious reader,
I might get all of them sent to my home.
They found that thinking it over in a different language
might actually improve your rationality. Using a non native language,
no matter what it is, requires you to deliberate in
your word choice and less reactive emotionally charged words, giving
you a more accurate ability to perceive risk. That effect
extended to bets with people who consider the rationality of
a bet in a second language more likely to take
the more profit option. So it's like, I don't know
as many words I guess in another language, so I
have to simplify it. And then if I simplify it,
then I can come up with a better response. Okay,
I mean you you've taken the du aleipa now for
how long? A thousand days in a row?
Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
Oh no, I'm like sixteen hundred.
Speaker 2 (01:14:14):
Sixteen hundred days of do a lipa?
Speaker 3 (01:14:15):
Oh yeah, I can't bet on nothing.
Speaker 2 (01:14:17):
They can't you do a lingo. But but do you
feel like if you were to think of a dilemma
you were having Jason in Spanish, do you feel like
you would come up with a better answer because you
because you have to like use fewer words because you
don't know as many.
Speaker 10 (01:14:29):
Oh I mean, I guess, but I don't know if
I'd be able to convey what I want to say,
Like I don't know how to have a conflict.
Speaker 2 (01:14:36):
Like if I'm like this girl, this girl is not
calling me back, and and and we went on these days,
I spent all this money and then she's not calling
me back. She is she's gohoas But in Spanish, I'd
have to be like girl, no call you know, so
I know. So I'd be like Chica no, yeah right.
So I'd be like Yama yeah no Yo, Yama no
longer I don't know.
Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
Yeah no Yama, you right?
Speaker 2 (01:15:00):
So? Did I just give you credit for speaking more
than what? More fresh show next