Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the Fresh Show. This is what's trending.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
PEP were like, Uh, why are you trying to ruin relationships.
I'm not trying to ruin relationships. I just knew that
if I brought this up, that somebody was going to
say something that was like truly revolutionary that I wasn't
aware of. Like the thing you just said, open a
new message in the iPhone. You put a dot, you
put a period, period, and then it will it will
list all the people that you've texted before.
Speaker 3 (00:21):
Oh my god, let me see your phone.
Speaker 2 (00:23):
I'm all set. Well, I don't think you'd let me
see him. I don't think you'd see anything surprising. Honestly,
he's got three.
Speaker 4 (00:35):
Speaker 2 (00:36):
No, find out the radio guy in North Carolina. Girl,
I'm talking to another radio guy, my friend Marley. No,
there's nothing salacious in here at all.
Speaker 3 (00:48):
What's the second one's name name name?
Speaker 2 (00:52):
Yes, name name name name name named. They're all on
my phone is name name name name name name. I
just figured somebody would have I didn't know about that one.
That's a nice one to just a little feather in
the cap, you know what I mean. Just hang on
to that one for future use and the Instagram trick.
But what I'm also saying is is also a public service,
which is that I think sometimes too much information is
not helpful. I think there is such a thing as
too much information, and I think if you're looking for stuff,
you're gonna find it, which is why I'm not a fan.
I'm not an advocate of people going through each other's
phones and relationships unless they insist that something's not there,
that is there, Like if you've been caught lying before,
then I would argue that if you really want to
be with somebody and you've been caught in multiple eyes
and you really want to be with somebody, then if
they if they throw the hail in there and they're
like let me see your phone, or they're like this
or that. I mean, look, I'm not a guy for
invading people's privacy, but if you lie to people and
then you know you want to get them back, then
sometimes you got it. You're gonna have to like open
the curtain and show them that what you're you know,
to reenforced that you're telling the truth this time. And
I've found the liars don't like that, liars because they're
still lying, you know what I mean? Yeah, like, if
you're telling me I'm not contacting somebody, I'm not contacting somebody,
and you're in a relationship and and you're in a committed,
monogamous relationship, and then you find out they are, and
then they're like, I'm not anymore. Well, then if like
three weeks later, I'm like, let me see your phone,
cause I don't believe you.
Speaker 1 (02:21):
I don't know that.
Speaker 2 (02:21):
I think that's unfair because you're not doing it. You
say you're not doing it, you lied about it before,
you say you're not lying. Now, but just show me exactly.
Just show me, no big deal, just show because there's
nothing there, right, Yeah. And what I found is these
people will be like, absolutely not, I would never do that.
Speaker 1 (02:35):
That's an invasion of privacy. You're trying to control me.
Speaker 2 (02:38):
And I'm like, it's not because you lied and you
got caught in the lies. So then all I'm asking
you to do is now, show me you're not lying.
I don't even need to see anything else in there.
Just show me you're not lying. And I've found that
oftentimes these people cannot do that, and you're right, and
then they gaslight you and it's like, oh, you know,
this is this is an invasion of privacy, and there's
no trust in this, Like, you're damn right, there's don't
trust him. You're exactly right, which is why we've come
full circle. Give me your phone and let me hit
the message doc there you go, and let me see
and let me see because if you're not contacting anybody,
that no one's going to be there, right, And then
I give your phone back and we never have to
talk about it again.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
But what I have found is.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
Nine times out of ten that person still won't give
you their phone because they're still lying.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Other than that film, if you're in a trusting, happy relationship,
I still believe that people have a right to their
own digital space, Like I.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
Don't know that.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
I think if I'm in a relationship right now and
I'm committed to whatever, then yeah, you can have my phone,
you can look through it. But then that comes back
to my initial point, which is you'll find something like
if you grab my phone with the intention of finding
something you're not going to like, You're going to find
something you don't like, even if I'm not doing anything bad,
Like well, why did you text this person or why
did you text that person? And it's like, well, I
don't know, I'm not doing anything.
Speaker 1 (04:02):
I just right you knowing stuff out on Mike. I
mean there were people who you know this.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
I've dated people who are like white text and Kaylin
at six o'clock at night, White text, Kaylen, you know,
eight o'clock on a Saturday or whatever.
Speaker 3 (04:14):
My friend seven pm said.
Speaker 2 (04:16):
My point is outside of business hours. It's like, well,
because she's my friend, Well that's unprofessional.
Speaker 1 (04:20):
No, it's not. You know who I'm talking about. I know.
I'm like, well, here read it.
Speaker 2 (04:25):
You know, you could you can go through, you could look,
you can see whatever you want.
Speaker 1 (04:28):
What I mean, though, is like, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (04:31):
If there's no if you haven't been betrayed, then I
think it can be a reach and an invasion of
privacy and a bad precedent to set. But if you
if you've been betrayed and the person supposedly is you know, changed, well.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Then what's the problem.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Show me the stuff that you usually won't do it
though they still lying ass liars. Jason Brown once again,
I talked all over your Olympic music talking about some
other thing.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
But let's do it. Give us an.
Speaker 5 (04:59):
Olympic read Jason Brown. Where are we today live from?
We are at the Stop des France, Sure we are.
That is the the stadium where they do all the
running in it makes perfect sense, right in the middle,
little grassy knole in the middle of it. So American
Sydney McLaughlin lavone, she is that girl.
Speaker 1 (05:21):
Speaker 6 (05:22):
She runs in circles over the hurdles, and she won the.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
Gold for ron circles over the.
Speaker 6 (05:30):
She is the fastest doing that. She won the goal
for four hundred muh and she broke her own world record,
which is crazy. So Sydney is that girl. We got
the silver in the men's running in circles, lost to
Botswana for their first ever gold.
Speaker 2 (05:48):
So shuts out shuts Okay.
Speaker 1 (05:51):
Losing to Botswana. Think they have they have a medal.
Speaker 6 (05:53):
Now let's see Steph Curry and the basketball team.
Speaker 3 (05:58):
They beat all the rest of them.
Speaker 1 (06:01):
And those guys and stuff in them.
Speaker 2 (06:03):
That was actually very exciting. They came back from behind. Yeah,
it was really close. They only won by like three
or four points. They beat Serbia another going to the final.
But my biby daddy stuff got thirty six points.
Speaker 1 (06:13):
Yeah, he came through clutch. I love him.
Speaker 6 (06:16):
Let's see. So today there's more running the US. His
name is Ray Benjamin. He's the one to watch today.
He is that dude. He is going up against Norway.
More running in circles over hurdles for the ninth time
that these two guys are battling, and it looks like
the US gonna get the goal with that, hopefully. My
girl Olivia Reeves she is a weightlifter. She is supposed
to win goal today. She's the favorite America. And then
women's basketball for America is playing Australia today to move
on to the next round. And closing ceremonies this weekend. Guys,
it's almost over. I believe it is that Katie Ledecki
and Mead who rose? I guess he rose boats in
the river or pool or wherever he rose boats in
the Coli River. Yeah, he survived. He did not get
a colt. He's going to hold the flag. And there's
a ton of performers. I got anounce, Billy Eilish, Snoop Dogg,
Hutchley Pepper's and you could see all this in the
closing ceremonies on the free radio ap Frothings Olympics.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
I think Snoop is the winner of the Olympics, five
hundred grand a day, and his.
Speaker 3 (07:22):
Like hotel and food covered and everything.
Speaker 1 (07:24):
I mean incredible. He's good for him, man.
Speaker 3 (07:27):
I'm so happy for him all the time.
Speaker 1 (07:29):
No, I mean, yeah, look at that.
Speaker 2 (07:30):
So what to say he was if he was there
for fourteen days seven million dollars to go to the Olympics,
and and all he's doing is being himself. He's just
going to events and like hanging out. Like it's not outfit, right,
it's not even like he's got it, you know, it
can't be that rig I mean, he's busy. I'm sure
he's won a lot of events, but like it can't
be that rigorous. And when he goes he gets to
like ride the horse and like hang out with the
anthleenes swimming. But it's like it's awesome. Yeah, No, good
for him. That makes me happy. Let me see. You
got the Taylor Swift story. In a couple of minutes
in the entertainment up forwards. Some politics, blah blah blah
blah blah. An American Airlines jet from Dallas to Spain
was forced to divert to New York after a bathroom
on board overflowed. This is my worst nightmare is being
on a plane and there's just everybody's funk going down
the aisle because the thing messed up. The airline called
the disruption of maintenance issue and said that it paid
for hotel accommodations for the effected customers. This comes weeks
after another flight was diverted to the GfK when several
passengers felt violently ill after being served spoiled food, So
watch out for that. I do have one semi political story.
This morning, a British influencer and OnlyFans model had the
word Trump tattooed in thick black capital letters across her forehead.
I want to believe this is some form of frank
guess on your forehead. I don't care what you put
on your but I mean that's especially controversial, but like,
I don't really care what a forehead tattoo.
Speaker 1 (08:54):
That is serious.
Speaker 3 (08:55):
It's getting to the point where we're like idolizing the
people more than their policies. It feels like, you know
what I mean. It feels like people are like fans
of like I don't know, in the past, where people
rocking merch like this and getting.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Tattoos, maybe the merch, but not JFK.
Speaker 3 (09:09):
You know, it's like Abraham Lincoln.
Speaker 2 (09:11):
I mean, just any kind of any form of forehead tattoo.
I didn't Mike Tyson even say he wouldn't have done
the face tattoos. Again, I thought I saw an interview
with that. I just I mean face tattoos, Like there
is no.
Speaker 3 (09:23):
Concealing it, Like, how do you know you're gonna like
a person that long for it?
Speaker 1 (09:27):
Is insane?
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Trump Girl Rain Monroe is her name. She uploaded videos
to her Instagram show. I mean, this is clearly for
publicity and for money and to promote her only fans
or whatever else. But again, she's pretty young. This, if
this is real, it will be there forever.
Speaker 3 (09:41):
Can she even vote here?
Speaker 2 (09:42):
Speaker 3 (09:42):
Is that's the dumb?
Speaker 1 (09:46):
I'm not sure why she's writing so hard.
Speaker 2 (09:47):
But the twenty one year old wrote I finally did it,
alongside a picture of herself with the tattoo on her face,
and oh and here's a story. And I wanted I
need some like I don't know, sad music. I need
some sort of mut give me something, give me music,
stat any kind of music in the I don't do
we want that that's I mean, that's too said. That's
very triggering for people that Sarah macglaa so because no,
because it sounds like you were about to see like
an abuse pet. I know people that physically cannot watch,
like my mom, my mom will physically change the channel,
like I cannot watch this. I mean I can't either,
but I can just look away.
Speaker 1 (10:23):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (10:24):
I can focus on something. I don't have to change
the channel. But as soon as I hear that song,
I'm like, oh no, no.
Speaker 3 (10:28):
At that gall you host.
Speaker 1 (10:31):
Because they show videos like like sad videos and whatever.
Speaker 3 (10:35):
What level of sad.
Speaker 1 (10:37):
I don't know that I need that sad is so hot.
Speaker 2 (10:42):
I suppose the story is about very sever I don't
need the music.
Speaker 1 (10:47):
I'll just do it.
Speaker 2 (10:49):
So if you happen to be on a vacation in
Canada Ontario beach, you're not supposed to poop on the beach.
This is a real story today, Yeah, Caitlin, I am.
Apparently there's an issue and the Ontario Premier Doug Ford
speaking out about this. He was asked about social media
rumors that visitors to the Wasaga Beach had been using
tents to hide the fact that they're pooping in holes
on the beach and then covering them up. He simply
reminded and said, folks don't be pooping on the beach.
It's as simple as that. The town has been given
funds to build new bathrooms, so they're there, but people
are bringing I mean, that's a lot of work. You
could watch in the bathroom, or you could bring a tent,
dig a hole on the beach, poop in the hole,
cover the whole hole, take your tent and go home.
I just love the fact that as a as a
what's the word I'm looking for, you're serving the public
and that's that was your job yesterday as the Premier
of Ontario, was to tell everybody, Hey, on the beach,
don't poop there. Okay, there's another place to do it.
It's National veep Day, National Rice Pudding Day, and National
book Lever's Day today as well. The Entertainment Report will
get to it next with Caitlin.
Speaker 1 (11:59):
Will do Boogs.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
Audio journals Waiting out of Foam is near this morning.
Why does somebody get ghosted? That's all in the next
twenty minutes on the fread shown.
Speaker 1 (12:06):
Yeah, they talk better than they say.
Speaker 5 (12:09):
Tell me these are the radio blogs on the Fread show.
Speaker 2 (12:12):
Okay, like we're writing an hour diaries, except we say
I'm aloud.
Speaker 1 (12:15):
We call them blogs. Uh, Paulina, Yes you got one.
Speaker 7 (12:18):
Speaker 3 (12:18):
Thank you so much, dear blog.
Speaker 7 (12:20):
So today is Grandma Bopcha day at the old Casa.
Speaker 3 (12:25):
She is watching baby Gig.
Speaker 7 (12:28):
She does that about a couple times a week because
of my work schedule and then hobbies of firemen, so
his work schedule.
Speaker 3 (12:34):
She arrives very early.
Speaker 7 (12:35):
She has told me many of times, I don't know
how you'll do it, because this is very hard to
wake up this early. She wanted to throw up the
other day. That's how early she was up. Not a fan, right,
But that's okay. So she arrives and once she enters
the house though, that is no longer my home.
Speaker 3 (12:51):
That is Grandma's. It's her way or no way.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
Right, Everything gets done her way everything, and you don't
bother pushing back.
Speaker 1 (12:58):
I don't really you're Oh that's smart.
Speaker 3 (13:02):
Thank you.
Speaker 7 (13:02):
I like to think that it is just because to me,
I would rather I pick and choose my battles. Right,
So if Grandma wants to do something like this, as
long as it's not like some crazy out there thing.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
I'm not gonna challenge her, like do your thing.
Speaker 7 (13:13):
You want to put socks on her, you want to
put her in a longer onesie, you want to do
the goal ahead. You want to feed her five ounce?
Is like, I'm not gonna fight it. I also get
free babysitting from Grandma, which I think is the best
babysity you can get in my opinion, because she gets
to be with her grandmother and I don't have to
pay for it, which is a win win in this economy.
Speaker 3 (13:30):
So I prefer that.
Speaker 7 (13:32):
But what she loves to do is I noticed, is
that she gets there and I have I have two
monitors right one's on the crib and then one is
kind of like a floating one.
Speaker 3 (13:39):
I take it with me.
Speaker 7 (13:40):
If she's the baby's napping downstairs. Monitor calms, you know.
So I'm like moving around the house and the monitor
is in my bed because I leave her in my
bed when I leave with Hobby, and she got her
own little space.
Speaker 3 (13:50):
That's all safe. Trust me. I've looked into it.
Speaker 7 (13:52):
And my mom goes upstairs and the first thing she
does she takes the camera and she flips it.
Speaker 1 (13:57):
Because these monitors are not just audio, their.
Speaker 7 (13:59):
Video video audio. I can hear and see everything. She
flips it at the wall the first thing she does.
Doesn't say anything to me because I'll look and I'm
looking at, you know, my dresser or something all of
a sudden, like the baby's gone. It's just I'm looking
at a wall, the dresser, and I want to say
something to be like my you could leave it on.
Speaker 5 (14:16):
You know.
Speaker 3 (14:16):
I'm not gonna like stock you guys.
Speaker 7 (14:17):
I just like to see her sometimes when I'm at work,
but that's not gonna fly over. And I don't want
to fight about it today. But she loves to come
in and just do her own thing.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
You sound like my mom, Yeah, but you don't. My
sister fights it. Don't fight it, just let her do it.
The baby's not in any form of danger.
Speaker 3 (14:34):
Wait, she's fine.
Speaker 2 (14:35):
She's done this before twice that you were one of them.
I was, and then she doesn't want to be watched.
Speaker 7 (14:42):
Well, in your sister's defense, I do think she would
agree with this. There are things that I seemed very different,
like our parents used to do for us that we
no longer do, and that it's many of things, So
I can see why maybe like if your mom or
my mom comes in right and they want to do
it their way, it might not be the safest or
it might not.
Speaker 1 (14:57):
Be the new way do things.
Speaker 7 (15:01):
But I'm curious though, like, how does that go over
when your sister tells your mom, not well, don't turn
the camera around, don't do this, I'm not well, doesn't.
Speaker 2 (15:08):
Well no, no, no. But I mean between those two,
I don't get involved. But at the same time, I'm
convinced that my mom that no one's in danger when
my mom is watching these kids, she just might have
a different approach. Well, my mom doesn't do And I'm
not being critical because I don't have kids. I don't
know what the hell I'm talking about. But what I
will say is what my mom doesn't do is if
there's a coup or a ca or a noise or anything,
she doesn't go screaming across the room to attend to it, like,
she'll wait and see if it plays itself out. And
I will say, and I don't know if it's just
because it's easier or whatever. And again I'm not a parent,
I don't know, but my sister and my brother in
law are very quick to make the problem go away immediately,
you know what I mean. And as opposed to like,
maybe there'll be times when my mom is like, you know,
the baby's taking a nap in the crib or whatever.
It's like, let the baby cry for a minute and
see if she goes back to sleep on her own.
And again, I don't know that my sister doesn't do this.
I don't know how she. I don't know, but I
do know that like when I go to dinner with
them and my mom's at home watching the kid, they
just sit there on their phones at the table, just
staring at the camera. And if there's any disturbance of
any kind and my mom is not right there, man
is on the phone.
Speaker 1 (16:19):
What are you doing? The baby's crying, what are you doing?
Speaker 2 (16:21):
My Mom's like, I'm outside the room. I'm just waiting
for her to stop, right. It's just I think it's
just a difference in style. You know, my sister wants
the problem to stop. My mom wants the problem to
fix itself, because I think that's how it was when
we were young and she was a young mom. It
was like sometimes sometimes you let him cry it out
a little bit, you know, or that kind of thing,
which is not a safety thing. It's sort of more
of an approach one hundred percent.
Speaker 7 (16:45):
And I think to they say not to even immediately
run on the baby because they can still be in
active sleep, so you're not even supposed to technically do that.
It's a lot of rules to this whole parenting thing,
by the way, So you're not wrong, and Amana is
not wrong either.
Speaker 1 (16:56):
Is your mom right?
Speaker 7 (16:57):
Speaker 2 (16:57):
And I don't think either one of them are wrong.
It's just a difference of opinions. Wake windows and this
and that, and you know what, what the kids will.
My mom is like, you'll eat what's in front of you,
and my sister's like, she won't eat that. And my
mom's like, well, she won't eat that because you don't
make her eat that, because you'll you'll go get her
whatever she wants, and so she's never gonna eat anything else.
Speaker 1 (17:16):
It's just it's just different.
Speaker 3 (17:18):
Different parenting styles. It's hard.
Speaker 7 (17:19):
I get it, and when I get to that age,
I might be saying the same thing.
Speaker 3 (17:22):
I don't know, whatever's easier.
Speaker 2 (17:24):
I'm certain that when Gigi has kids and you're you're
the bopskaka, Yeah, I have a feeling that you'll look
at how she does it and go, no, that's not
the that's that's not how you do it.
Speaker 1 (17:36):
So yeah, and then to.
Speaker 7 (17:37):
Learn have all sets of rules and babies and space
and all these things.
Speaker 2 (17:41):
Yeah, it's just a very different approach. And again those
two go at it. I don't want anything to do
with it, but she did. My mom does the same thing.
She's like, turn the camera around. I don't need to
be watched, Like this isn't in insane, it's kind of
an insane asylum.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
But that's the thing.
Speaker 2 (17:53):
My mom just she like takes away the ability for
them to do this, and then they get mad about that,
like why can't we gotta be a stair at her?
Speaker 1 (17:59):
You don't like I'm here. Everything will be fine.
Speaker 2 (18:04):
Go enjoy your dinner, you know, like enjoy be present,
because that was the purpose of all this.
Speaker 3 (18:09):
I know, I know. But the anxiety though, like right
now I have And that's the thing is, I can't.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
I don't know what that's like.
Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah, to be a mom or a dad and leave
and have So I'm saying to you that while I
see my mom's side of things, and I see that
a different from my sisters, I don't Hell if I
know the right way to do.
Speaker 7 (18:26):
It, same same, just doing the best we can.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
Yeah, dear blog, we had a hey, a bit of
an epiphany, you know. We went on our trip vacation
a couple of weeks ago, a little I don't know
if it was a vacation or if it was more
of a outing team building.
Speaker 1 (18:48):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
We can call it whatever you want, summit, whatever it
was to to Madi on Incarnable, beautiful place. We stayed
in a very nice hotel casino. I did not book
the room, and so when I arrived to the room,
I noticed there were two beds and not one bed.
And that's normally a major sticking point for me. I'm
six foot five, I'm two hundred and forty pounds, and
I have a king sized bed at home, and if
I'm staying in a hotel, I want a king size
bed too. I don't want to I don't want a
queen bed. Normally it's like two queens, sometimes even smaller
than that. In this case, it was two queens. And
so I look at it and I'm like, am I
gonna go complain? Or am I just gonna live with this?
Because I'm not going to be in the room that much,
and I decided to live with him.
Speaker 3 (19:26):
Don't you only sleep on a corner of your bed?
Speaker 1 (19:28):
I do?
Speaker 2 (19:29):
I do, but I want I mean, who wants a
smaller bed when you're I'm alone, right, it's just me?
Or if you're in a couple, like if I had
been in if somebody had been with me, then I'm
down there getting a king sized bed. Really, two people
are not sleeping in my size or you know, no,
I take up the entire queen size bed and my
feet go off the end. So there's really no way
two people are getting in that thing. But just for me,
I'm like, you know, I'm not going to complain about this,
And then I realize something. It's kind of nice to
have an other bed. Yes, you can put stuff on it.
You can eat like I eat in bed in a hotel,
but not a not at home. But like if I
had a little snackies or something, then I have an
eating bed, and then I have a sleeping bed and
there's no cross contamination. If I had been with someone else,
we could have had a sex bed and a sleeping bed.
I could have slept in a different bed each night.
I had a fresh bed each night because they didn't
come in and they they didn't have like major or
whatever coming in cleaning every night. So like one bed
was pristine, I slept in the other one. I could
have slept in one and had the messy one. You know,
you could lay your outfits out. There was a lot.
There was a lot to like about the two bed situation.
And I'm I'm I'm not saying I'm gonna ask for
to request it, but in the future, if it happens,
I can live with it.
Speaker 1 (20:46):
I think it's nice.
Speaker 4 (20:48):
I wasn't mad at it. You had it too, Oh yeah,
I had it too. And what I did was like
some nights we would get a little turnt. So I
fell asleep in all my clothes one night, like everything
weeks still long, makeup on?
Speaker 1 (21:00):
Were you that turned? It? Don't take much for me.
Speaker 2 (21:03):
It's funny because I was gonna say, like it was
a little tough.
Speaker 1 (21:05):
I didn't really Oh my god, I couldn't really tale.
Speaker 3 (21:08):
And then I walking around casino like ladies.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
You like and can and I can tell, but I don't.
Speaker 2 (21:13):
I don't remember thinking maybe I just didn't see you
in that state, but like it came.
Speaker 4 (21:16):
Later, yeah, yeah, so I just slept in all my
clothes and then I woke up at like three in
the morning confused about where I was, and then I
was like, oh, okay, let me get in the shower,
and then I got in the new bed.
Speaker 2 (21:27):
So it was because you got like the clean bed, ye,
the showered bed, and then you got like the posts
being bent out, the you know, casino bead or whatever.
Speaker 1 (21:34):
Yeah, So anyway, not a bad idea.
Speaker 2 (21:36):
I'm not saying if you're by yourself, and I would,
I might if you walk into a room and it's
too bad, you're like, I don't want this, I might
just take a second and think of the positives because
there are a lot there, and uh, I have a
new outlook on it.
Speaker 1 (21:50):
Yeah good, yeah, good, okay.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Good sleeping, bed eating, bad sex bed sleeping. I mean,
come on, I'm here to help. That's a PSA right now.
If I've been with somebody else and we're putting those
bets together because I need a little more room for business,
you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (22:06):
The fread show is on Friend's Fun fact Fred fun
so much so much?
Speaker 2 (22:19):
Do you say rowling or rolling or I've heard it
said both ways, JK. Rowling, the original Harry Well, the
Harry Potter creator, author, this person, this woman. The original
Harry Potter pitch was rejected by twelve different publishers before
somebody finally accepted it. Think of all the money, Think
of all the twelve different people passed on that.
Speaker 3 (22:45):
Twelve nos, one yes, as all takes.
Speaker 2 (22:47):
Right, probably, I mean billions of dollars, probably Harry Potter
related money. He turned out twelve different people said no
before somebody said yes.
Speaker 1 (22:57):
So, Paulina the.
Speaker 3 (22:59):
Moor is never give up.
Speaker 1 (23:02):
Look at look at that inspirational message room.
Speaker 3 (23:04):
Now, never give up.
Speaker 1 (23:06):
Right, We're gonna keep talking even if nobody can hear
it in a pread show. Next