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May 6, 2024 23 mins

During today's show, we talked about lessons our parents taught us the hard way, Jason spilled his soup, and Fred's Fun Fact for the alcoholics 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Eight one three five is how you get a hold
of Fred show. You can call him text the same number. Caitlin,
what how did this come to mind about your parents
teaching you a lesson?

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Okay, so my friend Ashley and I have just similar dads.
I don't know how else to put it. They're kind
of hard asses, but they they pairing differently than moms
I feel like. And so we were talking about the
worst lesson that our dad's taught us the hard way.
And my dad was trying to teach me to listen

because I had a very big issue with listening and
he knew that I don't listen. So how he did
this was we ordered sushi one night and he looked
at me. He brought me over to the wasabi and said, Kaylin,
do not eat that. It is very hot, it is spicy.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Do not.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
And he knows I don't like being told what not
to do. He went in his bedroom. He heard the
loudest scream. He said he's ever heard I put the
whole wasabi in my mouth.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
It was yesterday.

Speaker 3 (00:55):

Speaker 2 (00:55):
And then for Ashley, she got caught drinking and so
her dad said, instead of like, you know, punishing her
classically He sat her down, and he poured a glass
of scotch and said, all right, if you can finish
this glass of scotch right now, I'll let you drink.
You think you're old enough to drink, I'll let you drink.
She pukes, but she tried.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
She tried.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Yeah, And so then she never got caught drinking again.
She still did, but she didn't get caught.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
How did your parents teach you a lesson? That's what
I want to know, because, and I'm sure my parents
will appreciate me telling the story. But we used to
go we grew up in Arizona. We used to go
to Mexico for like spring break or whatever. And I
don't know, maybe third twelve, thirteen fourteen, they'd start letting
me drink a little bit on these trips, cause it's
like we're in a resert, we're not going anywhere. No
one's obviously driving. I don't have a driver's license, and

I think they sort of just would let me take
it a little further and a little further and a
little further. And I can remember one night just getting
hammered at like fourteen at a hotel. I mean I
was and okay, so I was up all night. I
was sick, you know whatever, parents checking in on me.
I was sick. Next morning, eight o'clock, get up, Come
on with vacation. We're going You're not sleeping all day.

We paid for this place. Come on. And that was
their thing, was like, you're not wasting your whole day
because you're a drunk or whatever. But the thing, here's
the interesting thing is the probably there are probably people
going that's crazy, too young for that whatever. One we
couldn't go anywhere. Two I was always under their supervision.
And three I was one of the few people that

went to college and on the first night didn't blow
it out to the point where like my parents probably
needed to come get me out of jail or something
like there was. It wasn't taboo, like I had already
sort of done it under their supervision to us, and
I could only do it on vacage. I couldn't do
I couldn't like crack a beer at the house or whatever.
But I don't. People thought this was a crazy parenting tactic.
But the truth is, like I just didn't go nuts

when I had the chance to, because it just like
I didn't have to, you know, I mean, I don't know.
I kind of knew what my limits were already, and
then when I went off into the real world, like
of course, I still pushed them, but it wasn't like,
oh my god, this is this was all forbidden to me,
so let me do everything now. And a lot of
people I went to college with did first time away
from home, first time out of their parents' supervision, first

time ever drinking, first time you know, going on days
and doing whatever with other people. And then and they
went they took it too far? Did your parents ever
make you? Did they ever? Because you rupil? You were
like you were a criminal.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
For me, they never helped me any in any way,
you know what I'm saying. They never failed me out.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
My parents never helped you out.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
Like like a lot of my friends were doing the
same things I was doing, and their parents were like, oh,
let me help you pay for the lawyer, let me
do this. I guess that was my lesson, Like I
did the crime. I got to do the time right.
So I mean because in our local like if you
ever got pulled over or arrested, in our local newspaper
they would put out once a week. There was like
police reports like like Kevin age eighteen from this block,

you know, got arrested. It's like the reports were there,
and it's like you just had to live with it,
but never once did My parents were like, all right,
let me bail you out again this and that, like
you you did it, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta
due to time.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
So right, what about rule follower Jason Brown over here? Ooh,
so did you ever get in trouble? I did?

Speaker 5 (04:06):
This was really bad. So my grandma got me a
brand new car when I sixteen. When I turned sixteen,
and I decided to go on this road that had
a lot of potholes and completely total the car, like
rip the whole bottom out of it, like the accle
went flying, the tire was in someone's front yard like whatever.
My parents were pissed, obviously, right, So their punishment to

me so that I understood, you know, the value of
nice things was I had to drive.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
A nineteen ninety two.

Speaker 5 (04:36):
Opal colored Ford Explorer nice with no air conditioning all
summer and then start going to class. And my dad
refused to like put free on in it or whatever.
He's like, no, you're going to learn. You're driving and
you're paying for the guests because you're driving the expressway
with this giant car.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
So that was their way of being like, you need
to value what people get youkiking, I got how did
your parents break you up? The c mob? Well, the
girl gang? You remember of what was the seventh grade? Yes,
you know.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
I decided to change my life on my own with that.
The hardest one was trying to wear heels. As like
a twelve year old, I really wanted to wear heels
really really bad, and my sister kept saying, you're too
young for that, You're too young. But I was like,
but all the girls are wearing the wedges.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
I want to wear the wedge.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
Oh yeah, So she let me wear the wedges to
church and I completely fail in front of the church,
in front of everybody, in my little wedges and I
had scratches all over my face from falling, and yeah,
so I didn't.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
I don't wear wedges to this day. But I got
my drive. My parents let me drive when I was sixteen,
and the thing was like, don't get a speeding ticket.
If you get a speeding ticket, all because I was
on their insurance. Of course, like all of our insurance
is screwed. Like, I don't even know if that's true,
but anyway, it was like, don't get a speeding ticket.
That's irresponsible. I got a speeding ticket when I was

like seventeen, coming back from work in the middle of
the night at Blockbuster Video. So I didn't tell them.
I booked the driver's ad because you could get the points.
The points. Didn't you pay it and get the points
you go to court or you could go to the
class like all day Saturday and then it went away.
So I booked the class, paid for the class, took

the class all without them knowing. And then I sat
them down and I said, guys, I have to tell
you something. I got a speeding ticket, and and my
mom starts to load up, like she you know what
I mean, you can tell you know when your parents
are about to go. She starts to load up, and
I was like, but I paid for the drivers that
I took the drivers, that it's taken care of, and
you could her mouth was open, like her hand was up,

and oh, like what can you say? Like I just
I got ahead of the whole thing, because you're gonna
go to drivers I already did. You're gonna pay for
I already did. Oh, well, don't do that. That was it.
That was it though. And my sister, on the other hand,
here we go. My girl lied all the time, didn't

take anything. She probably got fifty speeding tickets. Guys in
the house. Nobody cared about anything when my that's the
difference between the first and the second, especially when they're
eight years apart.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
Oh don't I know it.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
But my sister, she wouldn't have done that. She would
have like forgotten about it. I hope nobody ever found out,
and then like the sheriff would have shown up to
arrest her, you know, because she like threw the ticket
away like kicky over here, key right, yeah, hoping that
it never you know, that nothing would ever happen with it,
and then they'd have to hire Johnny cochran to come
and like get her out of prison. That's what my
sister would have done, and I love her for it. Uh. Text.

When I was about ten, I found a pack of
old cigarettes in my parents' cupboard. My mom said, you
want to smoke them, go ahead, but you suck as
hard as you can, real hard. So I did it,
lost it along on the backsteps that day, and she
said if you ever want to smoke, That's what it
feels like cured. Yeah. I had my own keys to
the house and other text, but I would still sneak

out after curfew. So one night my parents hired a
twenty four hour locksmith and change the locks to the house. Yeah.
I love that. I love it. See that is a
good one. I like that. Let's do blogs. Next, Fred Show.
Someone tested my parents made my sister eat a pack
of cigarettes. My god, Jesus, Yeah, I don't know. That's

sounds drastic. Okay, Wow, are you okay? Is your sister
still alive? Hi? It's the Fred Show. Good morning. Let's
do waiting by the phone? Next? Why did somebody get ghosted? Jason?
I want to hear your You had a bit of
an embarrassing story with a bowl of soup.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
Yeah, oh my god, yes, yeah, you guys this it
only happened to.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Me, Okay, Jason versus soup? In just a minute, let's
see nine hundred and fifty bucks show? Is Shelley a
tiebreaker in the showdown the Entertainmenter Report? Good news? All?
Next on The Fred Show's dead here more fread show? Next?

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Yeah, they talk better than they these are the radio
blogs on the fread show sound stick Around.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
I was going to go home, but we're getting real
close to my ninety minutes to work a day, real closet.
I think we've gone over, so yeah, I am too.
I think that's people are like, man, he doesn't stick
around after the show for very long. No, I don't
because I'm starving. That's what. Honestly, that is the priority.

If you feed me like what I want to eat,
not whatever crap they bring around. He're like, what if
you feed me what I want to eat? I might
stay longer. But that's really the priority. Is where am
I going to feed this this instrument of mind?

Speaker 2 (09:32):
You know, where are you eating?

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Then? I don't know whatever, Probably something crappy for the instrument.
I don't know what. That's another I want to say
with me and the movie references today. I hate when
people do that. What movie is it from? I can't
stand when people do that because there's no way I
could possibly remember that's Rufo's. I was going to say,
just at Rufeo next time. But my body is my tail,
my body is my instrument. It's Wayne Newton in Vegas
Vacation when the wife is trying to when Yeah, when

Wayne Newton's trying to get with Chase's wife, huh, and
he says something about my body is my instrument and
I keep my instrument fine too, or something like that.
So that's what I tell the ladies when they come
over and they go and look like it, Wayne new
where is it? Yeah? I came here for way Newton.

Speaker 5 (10:15):

Speaker 1 (10:16):
It's like we're writing in our diaries, except we say
him a lot. We called him blogs Chasing Brown versus
Soup Go.

Speaker 5 (10:21):
Yes, so, dear blog. We talked about it earlier last hour.
But I was in Austin, Texas this weekend for the
iHeart Country Festival, which is great, but I'm sorrying to
think that I'm cursed in Texas.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
So if you remember last year, I think we talked
about it.

Speaker 5 (10:36):
I was walking with my team down the street and
fell in the middle of the street and spilled my
coffee everywhere. Embarrassing, right, Yes, Well I had an equally
embarrassing situation happen with me this weekend with my one
of my best friends, which is soup.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
So I love soup.

Speaker 5 (10:50):
I talk about it very often how much I love soup.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
And so there are a.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
Lot of people this festival that I like try to
impress you, like, want to make sure people you know,
respect you, you and all this stuff. So we're going
up and we're getting lunch at catering.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
So, because you should explain, I'm starting to interrupt you.
But like, these are big events for our company. Yeah,
like the whole company, you know, whether it's the iHeart
Radio Music Festival or the iHeartRadio Country you know, country
dram swing, swing dance, shin ding ding whatever the hell,
it's called country and Western event. And so they invite

like the best people in different departments to come work.
So it's kind of an honor. Oh yeah, it's kind
of an honor to come work for free. Yeah, our
company is famous for that. Here's the honor. Show up
and don't get paid. Good mind a little bit. Yeah,
it's fine, it's fine. But nonetheless, so everyone around you
at these things is like the best of the.

Speaker 5 (11:44):
Yeah, like executives, like higher people, the best people you
know in the company, in the whole country. So we're
all up in line getting catering. It's like a buffet
style sort of thing. So I'm like, okay, well I'm
gonna be like a little healthy. I'm gonna get just
a sup and a salad, like you know, like we're healthy.
We're gonna be a healthy girl. So I was chicken
tortilla soup, one of my top five faves.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
Put it in the bowl.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
Right, and as I'm walking to my seat, the soup
is so hot that it melts the bowl and all
of it falls on the ground and on my shoes
in the middle of the cafeteria, like the middle of
the lund room, lawsuit, like a cardboard paper bowl. So

I'm embarrassed, So I like throw everything away. I go
and I like stand at this table behind this curtain
because I'm like I need to breathe. Like that was
so embarrassed over the floor again literally and then I
looked down all on my pants, all on my shoes,
just soup.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
And I'm like, who spilled this? Your covering?

Speaker 5 (12:51):
You're like, I don't know, like the workers are anything,
Like you gotta double bull the soup.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
You gonna.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Let's sue them. I would not assume that double bowling
is necessary. I never assumed that double the one bowl
is sufficient enough to double bowling. Is that is a
big deal, And I would not normally do that standard
operating procedure double ball.

Speaker 3 (13:16):
I'm ingesting the ball like I'm eating.

Speaker 4 (13:17):
The ball because the one bowl is gonna melt in
your soup and the second bowl is holding the soup together.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
No, it's not to go to the bathroom.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
And I took my shoe off, and I'm like cleaning
my shoe in the bathroom, like trying to clean my
pants off. I'm like, why can't I get through this
event without doing something really embarrassing?

Speaker 1 (13:35):
And it al was really nice about it. My team
was joking about it after, but I was like, oh
my gosh, So that was more embarrassing than when you
showed up to one event and they sent you home
instantly because you had COVID.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
Yeah, actually, yeah, I'll never Jason.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
They send Jason in New York, right, really, Oh my god,
I'll tell this. Do you tell me? This is about accurate? Though.
They send Jason in New York for another major event.
He shows up there. His flight landed at like noon.
I get a text from him at like one thirty.
I walked into Madison Square Guarden. They tested me and
then told I have COVID and they told me to

leave and I'm standing on the Street corner and with
my cakes. I've been here for ninety.

Speaker 5 (14:16):
Minutes crying because I can't go to the hotel. I
don't have a flight home, like I'm literally homeless, and
I don't.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
Like gonna let her to get back on the play
with COVID. You don't have to go home, but you
can't stay here. Leave it up to this company to
have no play, and it'd be like, y'all gotta go.
I don't know what you're gonna do, but you have
to figure it out. So the soup debacle is more
messy you walking in and walking out of Madison Square
Garden thirty seconds, definitely more public where people would sup. Well,

that explains why the chairman of the company texted me
over the weekend said, do you know Jason Brown? You
know it's a cleaning bill. He's got too all over
the cart everyre Can you teach your people how to
get the soup from the bolt their mouth?

Speaker 4 (15:01):
Do that?

Speaker 1 (15:04):
When Rich Bresler texted me, everybody knows it's a double
bull situation. Everybody know it except for your guy. God, Jason,
only you waiting about the phone? Why did somebody get ghosted?
We'll do it next it's the Fred Show. Do you
have what it takes to battle show biz? Shelley in

the show Biz showdown show? Good morning, how you feeling
I'm feeling good. I'm feeling good. Jessica is a good
player and you marinate on this. Yes, yes, Why did

I say that? Lindy Lapper? I know how much you
hated Tie on a Friday. But here we go Monday
morning with Jessica. Hi, Jessica, Hi, Good morning, Fred, Good morning,
welcome back. How is your week? Ken extremely stressful?

Speaker 3 (16:03):

Speaker 1 (16:04):
I mean you know, I know it's a big deal
to beat show biz. It only happened fifty seven times,
and nine hundred and fifty bucks is good money. But
let's see how this goes. Five questions against the showbiz
you guys ready, all right, Jessica, good luck? All right,
here we go with all due respect, Shelley, get the
hell out, Jessica. Question number one, which singer broke her
personal record with one point six million fans at her

last celebration. Two were stopping Bruzil Madonna. That's where Kaylin
obviously is Brazilian. Now, yeah, she was there for three days,
so she's Brazilian. Sleeping Beauties is the theme for the
met Gala tonight. Where does the met Gala take place
New York City or do you mean the that's perfect.

We'll accept that some bad bunny fans got into a
brawl at his show in Texas? True or false? Benito
is his first name? True? Which Ocean's eleven actor Tequila
Kinnois sewer and into a mall? Turned sixty two today, George?
And which is its skie?

Speaker 2 (17:07):

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Right, I say right, hell yeah, I'm doing again one
more time. I'm so white ski. I don't know it
just today, you know, like you said it, You said
it right, but it just didn't land way did Zach
Bryan bring out during his tour stopping Saint Louis Sexy? Right,

that's fine. I think you're gonna win. That's so fine.
Oh boy, shall it's a five no focus? All right?
You ready? Yes? Which singer broke her personal record with
one point six million fans at her last celebration tour
stop in Brazil. Madonna Right? Sleeping Beauties is the theme

for the met Gala tonight. Where does the met Gala
take place New York? That is right, some bad bunny
fans got to do a brawl at he's show in Texas.
True or false? Manito is his first name, that's true.
It is which Ocean's eleven actor, Tequila, kind of sewer
and husband to them all? Turned sixty two today, George
Clone and thank you. You guys are much cooler than me.

Which ski rapper did Zach Bryan bring out during his
tour stop in Saint Louis Sexy repho.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
You know.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
That's a time? Yes, he does this friend show radio
dot com every day, every day. Yeah, basically it's Kie
radio dot com. There's our website because Jason's in charge
of it. Jessica, we got to do it again tomorrow,
but more money, one thousand bucks tomorrow. Wow, Okay, okay,
hang on one second, stay there, Shelley, nice job.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
On that one.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Yes, no more time, one more time. I'm so cool.
One thousand bucks goes back tomorrow. We're stalled out eight
hundred and eighty wins, fifty seven losses and fifteen straight
up until this point, so we'll do it again tomorrow. Shows.
All right, have a good day you too. It's the

French show. Good morning Waiting by the phone. A couple
of weeks ago, we had Andrew and Christy on Now,
if you remember, Andrew wanted to go out with Christy again.
They met in person. Christie said she had a good time,
then disappeared. We called Chrissy. She said that she had
gone through Andrew's Instagram and believed, based on who she
thinks he's dated before and who he follows, that she

wasn't his type. But then after we sort of straighten
all that out, Andrew was very sweet and said he
wanted to go out with her again. We set them
up on another date and now we have them back.
Christy and Andrew, Are you in love? But we're having fun? Okay?

So now, Chrissy, do you do you no longer believe
that you're not his type because you went and looked
at you know, who he's dated before, which, yeah, I
get it if there's a trend, but it doesn't necessarily
mean he didn't find you attract him. I mean, do
you still think that? No?

Speaker 5 (20:07):
And I, oh, you guys, such a huge thank you
because I almost missed down on such a great guy
over like.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Something's so stupid and I'm so grateful to you guys.
Look at look at that. We all get in our head. Girl,
but I'm glad you did too. Thank you. I mean,
look at Rufio. You know he likes every single bikini
picture on Instagram. If there is a bikini picture on Instagram,
he likes it. And yet he has a really hot
wife and who's wonderful. So you know she doesn't always

wear a bikini. No, she does normally, that's what he
makes your wear, but like not all the time. And
so yeah, exactly, and Andrew, you're having fun too, you're happy.
Oh yeah, I love her vibe. She's great. Oh my gosh,
the sweetest thing. Look at you. All right, Well, let

us know him at the wedding, and I'm glad things
are working out. And for once we were able to straight.
I mean, we had the one weirdo a few weeks ago,
the stalker, and now we got this happy love story.
So it's a it's a wave of emotions around here.
But guys, thank you for your time and and good luck.
We hope it continues. The Fred's show is on. Let's

see on the show today. We had a very happy
follow up in waiting by the phone that's on the
iHeart app. Kiki's Court girl. You are less than smart.
We've changed the super the lesson smart. Okay, maybe she
lives in one of those stupid states that we talked
about before. I didn't do the research. That wasn't my

you know, I'm just a journalist here, that's all right.
I just cover the news. I don't make it. Let's
see what else do we do your day. We had
a very interesting fun fact, a bonus fun fact on
the tangent that's going up here. Shortly, iheard app search
for the freend Show on demand for anything you may
have missed tomorrow on the program about the phone from
the vault? Do we know which one?

Speaker 3 (22:01):
We do?

Speaker 1 (22:02):
Not? Okay, then you better get in the book. You
better do any work. Yeah, don't call me stupid. You
are less than working hard. Apparently, let's see what stay
ergo will debate some relationship drama show me Shelley a
big time tie uh, the third appearance on the show,
and one thousand dollars for Jamie jes Jessica, Jamie Jessica Jessica, Jamie.

Who's Jay? Where gonna call her? I don't know, I
don't know what Jamie on a lot, I don't know
what Jay Jay Jay is showing me off that's all
tomorrow morning on the show, and of course a bunch
of chances to win a thousand bucks waiting is next?
Why does somebody get ghosted then shown? Well? Show? But
Shelley doesn't, but Caitlin does have the entertainment report. I've
just thrown off. I thought maybe you were moving to

Brazil for good and I want to.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
I just yeah, I don't know if it's it'll work,
but I want to because this economy over here, we
gotta figure something out.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Yeah, imagine if you could make this money and live there,
would they call me rich? Bill Gates? That's right, you are.
I forgot about b G O G.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
There's kept commenting on or b G and b G
O G or b b G O B b G
O B.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
I gotta work on it.

Speaker 2 (23:13):
But we got to talk about whether or not we
think one of the jokes during the Tom Brady Rose
went too far and did he.

Speaker 1 (23:19):
Get pissed or did he not? My theory is he
was covering his ass. But you'll hear in just a second.
S I is on Fred's show. Good Morning,

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