Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
In our diar reason excep. We see them aloud. We
call them blogs kiking Yes, take it away.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Dear blog.
Speaker 3 (00:05):
So I saw this post on social media and it
just struck me really in my heart. Why do grandparents
like their grandchildren more than.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
They like their own children?
Speaker 3 (00:17):
I think we need to discuss this, okay, because my family,
the grand in my family, the grandkids reign supreme. There
is you know what I'm saying, And it's like the
grandparent that I'm seeing is like, where was this person
when I was a when you were raising me?
Speaker 1 (00:34):
You know, Like, well, I think, isn't it because like
they have a responsibility to discipline you and sort of
make sure that you are, you know, are equipped to
go out into the world and be successful. But then
that's your job if you're the parents, not the grandparent.
All they have to do is just be a hero
because they don't really have any responsibility necessarily.
Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yeah, but don't do you ever?
Speaker 3 (00:55):
Sometimes just step back and look at your mom with
polly like the level of patience, the level of you
can have literally whatever you want, Like for me, you know,
my mom, my parent, I lost my parents young when
my sister raised me. We're twenty years apart, but she
never had McDonald's money.
Speaker 2 (01:12):
You know what I'm saying when I.
Speaker 4 (01:12):
Want a McDonald because we got food at home.
Speaker 3 (01:14):
Yes, And now the grandkids they order in door Dash
and Chick fil A and just doing whatever.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
And I'm just looking. I'm just sitting back watching like wow,
my net.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
Like in one of her grandkids's birthdays coming up, she's
like planning a cruise, like what yes, And I'm just
like it's really wowd. Like we flew to New York
as a family. I won a Gracie Award. She came
to support me there, but then she was like, I
gotta go because my grandson wants to go to the
Statue of Liberty.
Speaker 2 (01:40):
She was like, so this was cute, but I gotta go.
Speaker 4 (01:42):
A nice job on that national award.
Speaker 3 (01:45):
So it's like the grandkids, it's just a whole new
person that I've never seen.
Speaker 2 (01:50):
I'm like, you know, I love this for the grandkids.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
Speaker 1 (01:53):
Like when I was growing up, my mom wouldn't really
give us money for I mean, she'd give us my
favorite video games, but like not that, not like the
the kitchen stuff in the arcade, like the little arm
and the you know, whatever, like the ticket thing, Like
she's like, that's a rip off. You know, I'm not
going to pay twenty bucks to get you a thing
that you cost, you know, ten cents. Then we go
to the bowling Alley over Christmas and Polly wants to
do the thing, and my mom is just pouring twenties.
I mean just twenties are coming out of everywhere. I mean,
does she you wind up like a little stuffed animal
that was like three inches tall for eighty seven dollars
And my Mom's just like whatever you want, you know,
And I'm just I'm watching the two of them, and
Polly's just manipulating the hell out of this woman, and
my mom just wants to make her happy. Because again
I feel like then it's you know, same with uncles
and ants.
Speaker 4 (02:36):
That's true. You know this, you know that very well.
It's like, hey, you know what do you want? You want?
Speaker 1 (02:40):
Oh, your mom won't buy you cookies or whatever. Here
have them and then you give them back and then
you go about your life with gluttony. And they got
to worry about like shaping the future of the kid.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
Yes, yes, it's very wild.
Speaker 3 (02:52):
And you know she was texting us the other day,
just like you know, oh you know, Sean's birthday is
coming up and he was thinking about getting this, and
I'm like, you would ever entertained the idea of us
getting something like that? What are we talking about? It's
just they are totally different people.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
What This is a great quote someone just texted eight
four to seven. Someone just texted this quote in quotations.
So I'm guessing it's not theirs. But if you spoil
your kid, you'll be raising your grandkids. If you raise
your kids, you get to spoil your grandkids.
Speaker 4 (03:23):
Speaker 1 (03:24):
Like if you if you if you coddle your own kids,
then you're doing them a disservice. Then then they won't
be potentially that successful in life, and then you wind
up raising their kids. But if you actually raise your
kids and are tough on them and whatever shape them,
then you know, hopefully they'll be successful. You'll have a
good relationship with them, and then you'll get to hang
out with your grandkids because they're responsible people who do
the hard work, so that you can then take them
and buy an ice cream.
Speaker 5 (03:46):
And it's another level. If you're the first grandkid.
Speaker 3 (03:48):
Oh yeah, y'all are the I am you the queen
on a whole You can't tell me nothing. Yeah, make
them a little jealous. I didn't really have a grandparent
like grandparents like that, because my grandparents were so old
by the time I can I'm along, So maybe I
just need a grandma.
Speaker 4 (04:02):
You do, I kind of want to.
Speaker 5 (04:08):
And you were listening, that will be our grandma.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
I missed my grandparents every day. They were the absolute best. No,
but every single day. I think about them every single day.
But yeah, I think that was the and but they
were involved. They were stern with me at times when
they had to be there was I can maybe that
was what I was thinking of yesterday. There were fewer
than five times that I can remember my grandfather using
the I'm so disappointed in you line, Like he saved
that one up. He said it on my on my
my mom and her sisters too, Like he busted that
one out once a decade, And if you got that one,
it would absolutely take you to your knees, like it
would like disappointing him and him telling you that was
the absolute worst thing. But the rest of the time,
it was a total free for all. Yeah, man, but
they loved me, well, I didn't love me more than
my sister. But I with my grandmother, I could do.
With Nana, I could do nothing wrong.
Speaker 2 (05:00):
See, and you knew that, you knew that your whole life,
and I know you used that.
Speaker 6 (05:05):
Speaker 4 (05:05):
I just remind her of it all the time.
Speaker 5 (05:07):
Of course, nana's are harder on granddaughters as well. Though.
Speaker 4 (05:10):
That's a thing.
Speaker 5 (05:10):
It's like a generational thing.
Speaker 1 (05:12):
Yeah, yeah, well yeah, because I think I think the
expectations were different, especially in this generation or maybe the
previous generation, if you want to call it that.
Speaker 4 (05:19):
Yeah, Like you know, women.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
Who were raised in the thirties and forties, you know,
have a different expectation than I feel like my mom
is a grandmother will be very different. On of course,
I think she'll still maintain my mom is still old
school in some ways. But I also think like this
generation of grandparents will be different because I think we're
being raised different as far as like fairness and equality
and so think about that true, because somebody has to
have while it's wrong, is hard to deprogram. I think, Hey, Laura, Hi,
hi your grandmom for congratulations.
Speaker 6 (05:51):
Thank you that Oh my gosh. Kiki. First off, I
can tell you I loved loved my boys. I love
my boys, but the love that you have for grandkids.
My heart bursts every time they call me Gaga and
every time they say every time they say Gaga, I
mean literally, I could feel my heart bursting out of
my chest.
Speaker 2 (06:15):
Shut up.
Speaker 6 (06:16):
Yeah no, they just start like they're so it's amazing,
Like I don't have to discipline them. I don't have
to they do something wrong, and I find myself laughing,
where if I was the mom, I would be upset
about it. So my son gets mad at me and
he's like, Mom, stop laughing, and I'm like, I can't
help it. They're so damn cute. I'm so cute. You know.
They do it exactly exactly because you know what I
have them. Please. Hey, I've met all you guys.
Speaker 4 (06:47):
I've met all you guys.
Speaker 6 (06:48):
You guys are fantastic. I was at the Cubs game.
Speaker 4 (06:53):
Well, thank you.
Speaker 6 (06:54):
Yeah, you guys are wonderful.
Speaker 4 (06:56):
I appreciate you every morning. Thank you so much. We
appreciate you. And ye have a good day.
Speaker 6 (07:04):
Yeah you too.
Speaker 5 (07:05):
Yeah, some candies from your purse, yes, please?
Speaker 7 (07:07):
A man.
Speaker 8 (07:08):
Speaker 1 (07:08):
And I don't know if it's the same way with boys.
And you have a lot of nephews all nephews. But
when Polly, who's about four, when she starts with Bobby
and whatever she says next is whatever if it's Bobby,
can I have one gazillion dollars of your money? And
then can you live in like poverty? Yes, yes, Polly, Yes,
the answer is yes. I'm happy to hey Carlos, Yes, sir,
hey soon to be grandfather.
Speaker 4 (07:33):
Congratulations, thank you, thank you, thank you. And what are
your observations?
Speaker 9 (07:37):
So my observations is one, so you know, I'm a
second time father, first and foremost, I remarried and had
a second set of kids, so you know, I get
I get the same kind of concept from my older
sons to my twins now, you know, like I treat
them differently whatever, And it's the same thing with like,
you know, the thing I can talk about grandparents is
when I asked, like my mother, like you know, hey man,
you know the same questions, like why why do you
treat them differently?
Speaker 7 (07:59):
You know they you know, you go to every game,
they play, every you know, every event that you're at,
like you never you know, I ended up playing college
well at one point and like you want to see
me played once? You know, And it's like, you know, like,
what the hell. So, you know, what they tell me
the difference is this is that they see they see
me in them so much that it's almost like their
second goal around, you know, like they you know, like
it's like they get a second chance of you know,
seeing you know, raising me in a sense and kind
of kind of wrong their rights basically.
Speaker 4 (08:29):
So that's the theory I have heard.
Speaker 7 (08:31):
And the same thing with my I I kind of
do the same thing with my kids, you know. I again,
my son is twenty seven and I have ten year
old twins, so you know, it's it's a huge difference, right,
so you know, and I even ask them what should
I do different now than I did it with you guys,
and then they you know, they tell me. And so
I feel that's that that theory is is pretty accurate
when they say it's like your second goal around you know.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
Well, and I think the other thing and maybe you
can relate to this car is a little bit. But
like when my mom was raising us, or when most
parents are raising their kids, they're working, you know, maybe
there's not a lot of money, you know, and and
it thinks are hard and so it takes a lot
more time and energy to do things. And then I
think as we get older and then we have a
little bit of expendable income, kids are out of the house,
we're not paying for, you know, our kids to eat
or and go to college. Or maybe we're retired and
we're on a fixed income and now we have the
time and the money and we don't have as much
to do. So it's like my mom, you know, I
just think she's like a different She has a whole
different outlook on things now than she did that for sure, Yeah,
for sure. Thank you, Carlos, have a good day. Thank
you for listening.
Speaker 4 (09:32):
Congrats. That's really exciting too.
Speaker 1 (09:34):
I don't know, it's going to be a that's going
to be a very surreal thing when your kid gives
you a kid.
Speaker 8 (09:39):
Oh yeah, and I think I mentioned this to you
guys before, but there's scientific research that proves when grandma's
are expecting a grandchild they get the same chemicals as
if they are having a baby.
Speaker 5 (09:51):
So yeah, that like makes me want to cry, But that.
Speaker 8 (09:53):
Is scientifically proven, so I think there is something to it.
Speaker 1 (09:56):
It's pretty clear my mom thinks that Polly and may
or hers it'd be insupportingly but yeah, waiting by the phone,
it's new and next after the metro booming in two minutes,
it's the French show.