Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Ever been a lass of waiting by the phone. It's
the Fred Show. Hey Caylem, good morning, Welcome to the show.
How are you.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm doing, good man, I'm trying to figure out this
situation rather than that I'm all right.
Speaker 1 (00:12):
Yeah, well, let's let's see if we can help you
here all waiting by the phone. You met a woman
named Molly. That's what we know. How did you meet?
Tell us about any dates that you've been on or
interactions that you've had, and where things are now?
Speaker 2 (00:23):
Okay, uh, you know. We met at a bar, my
favorite bar. We got with new friends. She was there.
Speaker 3 (00:29):
The second I saw her, I knew that I was
gonna go up and talk to her.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
We met, she gave me her number. We had a
really good before really good sort of vibe. I asked
her up the next day, didn't beat around the bush,
kind of got right to it, and she was really excited.
We went out, had a good time. I can usually
tell when someone's like pretending they're having a good time
and when they're really having a good time. We were
really like vibe, and I mean we were we were
on the same page the whole night, lacking everything was good.
And then just like a ghost from a fairy tale.
She just up and disappeared.
Speaker 1 (01:09):
Well, that is no fairytale, my friend. I've seen a
lot of Disney movie. I don't end like this, Bro.
Maybe we have a new concept here. But let's see
if we can figure out what's going on. We're gonna
try and get Molly on the phone, which you've been
unable to do. We're gonna ask them questions. We're gonna
see if we can figure this out. And the hope
is that we can straighten things out and set you
guys up on another day that we pay for sound good,
good look.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
Getting her on the phone. Man, I tested it, I called.
I don't think it's gonna happen.
Speaker 1 (01:30):
I suspect that we'll have no trouble. Let's see what's
going on. We're gonna investigate part two of waiting by
the phone. In two minutes after this song, Neo on
a Fred show. That show is not good Morning on
the radio and the iHeart app live and anytime search
for a Fred show on demand. Hey, calem, Hey, welcome back.
Let's call Molly. You guys you met out, which again
I mean, this is crazy. You met like in the wild, right,
which we we just don't hear about this happening. But
it is like two in a row. I think people
who uh actually will all right, walked up to another human,
used their mouth, spoke to them, and you got her number,
and you guys you went to dinner. I'm just trying
to recap here. But you haven't heard from her since
to dinner. You want to know why I.
Speaker 2 (02:09):
Have heard from her. She reached out, she's not responding.
It's weird, man, She's a sweetheart. I don't know what
the deal is.
Speaker 1 (02:17):
We're going to see if we can figure this out
for you right now. Good luck, Caleb.
Speaker 4 (02:21):
Okay, Hi is this Molly Slick?
Speaker 1 (02:32):
We had no trouble. Hi, Molly, Hi, Molly, I'm Fred.
Nice to meet you. I assume it's Molly because you
haven't said no yet. But calling from the Fred Show,
the morning radio show. I have to tell you we
are on the radio right now. I need your permission
to continue with a call. Can we talk for a
little bit on the show?
Speaker 2 (02:50):
Exactly? Yes?
Speaker 1 (02:51):
Okay, good, so we're calling. I'll be half Actually a
guy named Caleb who you I guess you met him.
Been at bar and you guys recently went out. Do
you remember meeting Caleb?
Speaker 4 (03:01):
Speaker 1 (03:01):
I remember Caleb.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
Okay, so why you're calling? Right?
Speaker 1 (03:05):
So Caleb reached out to us and he wants to
know why he has not been able to get a
hold of you, says he's called and texted since the date.
You're not answering. I mean, we had no trouble whatsoever
getting you to answer the phone. So why are you
avoiding him? Why are you ghosting him?
Speaker 5 (03:18):
Oh my gosh, So this is ridiculous, Like I thought
you were calling for any other reason. Thanks, no wasting
you're wasting my time talking about Caleb.
Speaker 1 (03:28):
I will waste less of your time if you'll just
tell us why you're not calling him back. We'll tell
him and then it's the end of it.
Speaker 5 (03:34):
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Speaker 6 (03:35):
And look, leading up to the date we had, like
he just kept hyping me up.
Speaker 5 (03:39):
You know, saying like we're gonna we're gonna have such
a great time, Like he's going to take me to
his favorite place and he's literally gonna spoil me.
Speaker 1 (03:47):
Well that sounds like a nice thing to do for
a date.
Speaker 5 (03:49):
No, not at all, okay, because he goes like, well,
get right in. So my anticipation is like through the roof.
I'm thinking, like, we're going to go to a fancy
restaurant or something.
Speaker 1 (03:58):
So he's going to take you to a nice place
where he frequents and he knows people, and you're just
gonna cruise right in and have a great time. And
he made it seem like it was nice. I don't
that sounds like what you would want, right, A thoughtful person,
a thoughtful man on a first day. What's the problem.
Speaker 5 (04:13):
It's it's like funny, how stupid?
Speaker 4 (04:16):
This is?
Speaker 1 (04:16):
Like he took me to cost though it's a cute
to see that car. I was gonna say, does he
have the executive membership? I mean, so he had you
believing that you were going someplace fancy, But really, I
mean he took it to Costco. Could he have been kidding? Like,
could he have been just fooling around like just I
don't know, being funny. Well, I mean, there's nothing wrong
with a hot dog and a slice of pizza over
then they got that chicken bake over there too, you know,
get a drink and everything. You guys could have strolled
the aisle. I actually don't. I think this is kind
of funny. Are you sure though, that he wasn't just
being playful? Are you sure that you didn't just I mean,
I understand what you what he may have been doing.
But maybe he was just messing with you just to
be cute.
Speaker 4 (04:53):
Speaker 2 (04:53):
Yeah, you don't go and.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
Get a girl excited and tell her days on days
that we're going to be going somewhere nice. You he's
going to get me in somewhere like it's very exclusive.
And then we ended up at Costco.
Speaker 1 (05:04):
Like honestly, it was like a newer Costco. It could
have been nice and like at the IPA, you know,
an event or something right, you didn't have to wait
to get in. No, and he did get you right in.
It sounds like, let me bring Caleb in here. Caleb,
were you trying to be like funny and clever or
or are you trying to figure out if she was
like a gold digger or like what was the strategy here?
Because to say something nice, to say I'm taking you
something everything else you could be like silly and funny
and have a sense of youwhere, But you did imply
you were taking her somewhere nice, which most people would
associate with like a fancy restaurant.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
I mean nice, fun whatever you want to call it.
But I don't know anybody that doesn't.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Like Costo fun a different things.
Speaker 3 (05:45):
I don't know anybody that doesn't like Costco. I don't
know anybody that doesn't like the food at Costco. I
don't see the problem. We had the food, it was fun,
We had the ice cream. We had a more free
sampled You loved them. You were loving a free sample.
Speaker 1 (05:59):
You could sweatshirts. I don't I think it's cute. You
would not do this, do not even think you would
do this. But but I think that except for the
fact that you were saying that it was nice, I
think the rest of it could have been just cute
and funny and original. But but she was of the
impression that it was going to be something that it
totally wasn't. And I can see why. So, I mean,
and you knew what you were doing.
Speaker 3 (06:26):
Okay, then how can she, Molly? How can you weren't
all dressed up all fancy? We both looked appropriate for Costco.
You weren't wearing high heels like that?
Speaker 5 (06:35):
Are you serious? And your I actually you were going
some fancy downtown restaurant.
Speaker 2 (06:44):
You were wearing them and TikTok. Why I mean.
Speaker 1 (06:50):
I don't know what that has to do with it.
I mean, she didn't know she was going to Costco, clearly.
Speaker 2 (06:53):
But it's a nice place, the food is good, everybody
we had a good card. That's what matter.
Speaker 1 (07:00):
There's a way to do this. There's a way to
do it. Bro. I don't think you did it because
you gave her the impression that you were going someplace fancy,
bottom line, and that's not what it was. I think
you were trying to be funny or cute or something.
There's a way to do this. You didn't do it right.
Molly didn't like it. She feels like this whole thing
is a joke. And now she's on the radio, so
I can see why she might think that the whole
thing is a joke. Molly, you liked him otherwise, right,
I mean, let's he was being serious about that. He
really wanted to go to Costco. So and he says
you had a good time, which maybe he wasn't observing
it properly. But would you give him another shot if
he takes you to a real place because we're paying
for it now?
Speaker 6 (07:36):
No, I honestly I would not, because I want to
be taken care of I want to be treated as
a princess and like we're just getting to know each other,
and the fact that he could pull something like this
on me right away, like who knows what he's going
to do later on in the relationship.
Speaker 1 (07:50):
Yeah, it's not a first date joke. I mean, I
feel like it's a joke, a relationship joke. But then again,
I don't know. Maybe the guy's just kind of that's
his sense of humor, and I don't know, it seems
like he was being serious. It does seem that way.
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,
but he's not really helping himself here. But anyway, Okay,
so Molly says, no, Caleb, you know, I'm sorry, it's
not going to work out. Next time you go holl
at your boy. I enjoyed the food court there, so
I'd be fine with it.
Speaker 2 (08:14):
I can't. I just can't believe.
Speaker 3 (08:15):
You know, that's not the first time that I have
done that, and nobody else has had a problem with
it until you.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
Molly's well, you're still single, so maybe they did. I
don't know. Milla's got interested. It's not going to work out. Guys,
Thank you both for your time, The Entertainment Report and
six point fifty with Shelby is Shelley, if you could
beat our pop culture expert in five questions That money
is yours? Both Necks on The Fred Show.