Episode Transcript
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He's ever been left waiting by thephone. It's the Fred Show. Deanna,
good morning, Welcome to the show. How are you hey, I'm
great, how are you? Thanksso much for taking my call. You
know what, You're welcome and we'retrying to help you out here with this
guy Steven. How did you meetSteven? Tell us about any dates that
you've been on and kind of what'sgoing on now. But so I met
Stephen on the app and we did, like, you know, just the
usual match. We exchange slaw numbers. We did a little light texting before
he asked me to dinner, whichwas really nice. We met and like
he is even tutor in person,like just a really great guy and like
a great catch, which I don'tfeel which I don't know, I just
don't feel like that happens a lot. So I was really excited. I
just I thought he was going toask me out again, but he never
did, and honestly, I textedhim and just kind of ghost with me,
and I have no idea what happened. Yeah, I'm not even sure
what's going on, but I alreadyfeel that we should hook her up with
the guy from the other day.And then whoever this guy is with the
toxic lady, we'll just swap him. But let's see. Yeah, well
that's the thing. Ideah, whoknows, but let me not speak too
soon. But look, it soundslike you like this guy, and I
think we can all relate to likingsomebody and then you know there, for
whatever reason, it's not connecting andyou want to know why. And in
this case, this guy has hasghosted you and that responded to you left
you unrad. Do you want toknow what's going on? Yeah? I
really like him. Yeah, okay, well, let me play one song.
We'll come back. We'll see,we can get Stephen on the phone
and we'll ask these questions for you, Deanna, and hopefully you know there's
something reasonable going on that we canstraighten out and then set you guys up
on another date that we pay for. So I'm good. Yeah, thing,
you've got to hear what happens nextin parts you of waiting at the
phone after the weekend. In twominutes, we'll do it. It's the
French Show's commercial free by the wayon the radio and the iHeart at any
times, so it's been a friendshow on demand. The weekend is on
the Fred Show this time tomorrow,group Therapy and Stay or Go. Also
waiting by the phone from the Hallof Fame. This guy was a master
impressionist. Think for the Hall ofFame from the Vault Fred's version tomorrow morning.
Hey Deanna, Hey, all right, welcome back. Let's call Stephen.
You guys, you met on oneof the apps and did the whole
match thing, phone number change,texting, all of that stuff you talked
about, and you went out,had a great time. You were certain
that he would ask you out again. He has not reached out. You've
reached out to him, he's Iresponded. So you're being ghosted, it
seems, and you want to knowwhy. Well, Hey, let's call
Stephen now and I wish you thebest of luck. Awesome groo. Hi
is is Stephen? Speak? HeyStephen? Good morning. My name is
fredam calling from the Fred's Show,the Morning Radio Show, and I have
to tell you that the whole crewis here and we are on the radio
right now, and I need yourpermission to continue with a call. Can
we cha out for just a second? Sure? Yeah, I know it's
weird. I would be uncomfortable too, And you can hang up any time
if you want, but we're hopingthat you'll tell us about a woman named
Deanna who you went out with.You recently went on a date with her
after matching with Deanna. Do youremember her? Yes? Yes, I
do? I remember really well,Okay, well that's good because she reached
out to us and was telling usthat she really liked you and I enjoyed
the day that you guys went onafter matching on one of the apps.
But apparently she hasn't been able toget ahold of you since then. She
feels like you're ghosting and she's surprisedby that. So what happened? Yeah?
So yeah we met online, meton the apps, and yeah I
asked her to dinner and yeah,dinner was awful. It was bad.
Oh yeah. The restaurant that wentto, we're seeing next to a family
with two small kids, like ababy and a toddler. And I'm glad
we were because I saw her truecolors and now I know she is not
for me. Wow what does thatmean? Ah man? Well, the
minute like we sat down, shecould not stop going on about how the
people next to us like they shouldn'thave bought their kids and just kept repeating
that over and over and over again, and you know, she was saying,
like, it's turn nice a restaurantand it's for adults, and you
know, it's the weekend, thisis like adult time. And she mentioned
it to the waiter and then shecalled the manager over to him as well,
Yeah, and it seemed like shejust hated children, which you know,
I'm I'm dating seriously right now.I want kids, I want marriage,
all that stuff, but like forefrontingthe kids, like the baby like
started crying, and she was sointolerant and kept going on about how these
kids just should not be allowed inthese restaurants. And the last row was
that she said that she wanted tobe a mother herself. Well, are
you serious that going to work completelyintolerant of kids? And granted, I
mean there are situations where you know, maybe kids are acting up and the
parents aren't doing anything, but atthe same time, I mean, it
sounds like she was just totally impatientabout the whole thing. And to say,
like, I don't know where youguys went, but if it was
if it wasn't that fancy, thenyou can expect families to go there.
If it's a family restaurant. Itwas it was kind of nice, but
like still not at the level.Like it was earlyish in the night.
You know, kids are still up, they haven't gone to bed yet,
you understand. And then the momActually I felt so bad for her.
She leaned over to the mom andtold her to have like she took leaned
over to the mom and told herto take better care of her kids.
Okay, all right, whoa Yeah. Now it's like, look, if
you want to get up and leavethe restaurant or something. If even if
the kids are being unruly and theparents aren't doing anything, I mean,
you don't start talking to people abouttheir kids. That's not going to end.
Well. Forgot to mention the Deannais here. I'm so forgetful.
I'm sorry, Deanna. Hey,is this all true? I mean,
you you didn't like the kids,that's one thing, But then you start
just like to intervene with the family. Well, listen, somebody should have
told them, like you don't bringyour kids on weekend date nights. Who
are doing these kids? These kidsare running around and they're crying and being
crazy and people are like trying toenjoy their dinner. This is ridiculous.
If the manager's not going to doanything and the parents aren't going to do
anything, so be it. Ifyou're that upset about it, then leave.
Listen. I wouldn't like if Ihad not been on this really great
date. I think that what Ihad said to them, to the mother,
to the manager, like that wasall very that was that was handled
with care. Okay, I wasn'ta complete jerk, but I did say,
like this is inappropriate? What canbe done about this? I feel
like they didn't even pop our drink. If the kids had been that crazy,
I feel like the manager would havedone something. So what I kind
of wonder is are you just intolerant? You just don't have a lot of
patience. And also I try andhave I don't have any kids, but
like if I'm on the plane thekids kicking my seat, I try to
have some sympathy for the fact thatthey're doing the I assume that parents are
doing the best they can, youknow, with kids that may or may
not understand what they're doing or howit's you know, annoying other people.
So you have a choice, asa grown up without the kids, to
just get up and leave. Imean, I guess, but like you
can assume that that doesn't mean that'sactually what's happening. So if you say
something, then perhaps the kid willget it. Oh, maybe the parents
will get it. How about youjust mind your business? Okay, I
mean, you don't know those parentsare going through. I have a child
and it's very difficult in the firstplace to get them to go to restaurant.
It's in a restaurant, but they'renot gonna learn unless you take them
to these restaurants. And now myson sits better at restaurants because he knows
better. So you don't know whatthese parents are going through. You don't
know the situation. And sometimes yes, kids could be unruly, but just
mind your business and go under.Jason and we all to be kids weird
though, right, did you forget? I mean, okay, but I've
never kid with parents like you're justyou're just right. Yeah. Look,
we've all been We've all been insituations where we were irritated by, you
know, the behavior of somebody else. But you know, sometimes we can't
control that. And if no oneelse is going to help you, then
either you were overreacting or you needto go find another place to eat or
something because you know, then Iguess either they allow that sort of behavior
or that behavior wasn't really happening andit's just beyond your tolerance. Either way,
I don't think it's fair to callsome some other people's kids, you
know, bad, or intervene intheir lives or whatever. But look,
Steve and I assume you don't wantto go on another date. We can
pay for it if you want.No, No, I don't blame you,
okay, all right, Hey,no, it's my hesitation. All
right. Well, Deanna, Idon't know what to say, but he
doesn't want to go out again.Yeah, well that's fine. I don't
either anymore. Okay, Well,there you have it. I'm not going
to work out. Shocking, butguys, I wish you both the best
of luck, more you Stephen thanDeanna. But either way, good luck.
Oh thank you. That's a goodtime.