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May 14, 2024 38 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Okay, my friends, listen nowto CNN. You're not dreaming. This
is not you know, Jeff what? Jeff? What? What did I
just hear CNN in a positive way? I mean, what has el frozen

over? Jeff? Are pigs flying? Coonerman? Listen now to for Read
Zakaria on CNN. And now they'relooking at all of these poles and they're
saying Trump is destroying the Democrat coalition. It is fracturing, it is splintering.

He is now getting stronger and strongerand stronger. And he's saying there's
one thing the Democrats blew this lawfair has now blown up in their face.
Roll cut thirteen A Mike the Republicansseem to be uniting behind Trump.

Whatever opposition he faced in the primarieshas largely melted away, and the trials
against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base, who sees him
as a martyr, and even myselfto make him the object of some sympathy
among people in general who believe thathis prosecutors are politically motivated. This happens

to be true in my opinion.I doubt the New York indictment would have
been brought against a defense whose namewas not Donald Trump. CNN, CNN,
So this is for reid Z thecarrier man. He's a liberals liberal
and he's like, look, whoare we kidding? Who are we kidding?

You think Alvin Bragg would have boughtit, would have brought this no
nothing, garbage case against any otherhuman being on the planet if his name
wasn't Trump. So if CNN issaying it's political, and the polls are
saying it's political, and even mostDemocrats admit it's political, it's political.

And so the question I have foryou the Kooner Country Pole Question of the
Day sponsored by Kelly Financial Services.Michael Cohen's testimony is it helping or hurting
Trump A helping be hurting. Ithink there's no question it is. It
is. It's clearly helping Trump.To me, I'm a all the way

on this. People look at thatscumebag and grifter and they're like, what
and the only one committing crimes ishim? And you want to put Trump
in jail as this guy lies throughhis teeth. No, it's a hit
job. So I think Cohen isactually helping Trump. But that's me.

I want to hear from you.You can vote on our web page WRKO
dot com slash cooner w RKO dotcom slash cooner kuh and is in national
Er as always. You can voteon x my handle there one word at
the Cooner Report, kuh N er at the Kooner Report. Linda in

Medford. Thanks for holding Linda,and welcome good morning. I'm calling because
I'm worried when they finally jump Bidenand send him off to greener pastors,
then we're going to be suck withNewsome and I don't know if we're going

to be that much further ahead.To my knowledge, he's pushed through or
was trying to push through, theage of consent in California to twelve twelve
to vote No. Twelve to givesexual consent. He's sick. I mean,
he's a sick man. No,really, if I have to look

into that, obviously, I'm sureyou're you know, I'm sure you got
your you got your information from somewhere, but I just want to double check
it, because, Linda, ifthat's the case, then he's a sick
man. He's a sick perverted Imean, he already is a sick,
perverted, twisted political man. Butnow this is I mean, that's you're
talking now about exploiting children. That'sthe sexual exploitation of children. Twelve years

old is a child. That's myAva, Ava, My Eva's going to
be twelve in September. I meanthat's I mean, that's that's the monic,
Linda. I don't think even ifthey do dump Biden, I don't
see how they can put or foista Gavin Newsom. And the reason is
because Kamala Harris is going to belivid. Kamala Harris will not stand up,

she will not put up, shewill not stand up for the fact
that she gets replaced by a whitemale. The Congressional Black Caucus won't stand
for it. Jesse Jackson won't standfor it. Al Sharpton won't stand for
it. She won't stand for it. She's going to screen bloody racism.
So I think that's they've boxed themselvesin. They want to get rid of

them, they want to throw themunder the bus. The problem is the
person warming up in the bullpen isKamala. And if you think Trump is
destroying Biden in the polls, yougot to see the polls Trump versus Kamala.
Forget losing by fifth, ffteen ortwenty, they lose by forty with
Kamala forty. In fact, shejust made a fool of herself. I'll

play the cut coming back on theother side. She just made an absolute
fool of herself in front of agroup of Asian Americans. She's trying to
sound cool, that was her intent. But the last thing she came across
as is cool. The last thingshe comes across as an absolute idiot and

an imbecile. And so that's that'stheir problem now. Six one seven two,
six six sixty eight sixty eight.John in Pabaty, Thanks for holding
John and welcome. How are youJohn? How are you my friend.
Okay, Jeff, I do loveyou when I'm non sexual and nonliberal.

A Well, John, what doyou make of Michael Collen? What do
you make of his testimony yesterday?He said he was gonna berry Trump.
What do you think is going tohappen in this trial? Well, Jeff,
you know, like people say,if you're going to go to war,
don't forget your sword, you know. And at this point, like

it says, we know where thisguy stands in terms of you know,
his his his false accusations and everythingelse, and using Trump to basically line
in his pockets without facts or youknow or anything. So I first,
like I said, I'm very surprisedthat the judge isn't isn't technically just telling

him, you know, come upwith the come up with the you know,
a case, or like I said, just turn around and close the
door behind you. Well, John, according to Trump, and I agree
with him, he's saying the judge, the problem is the judge is completely
conflicted. He's got a massive conflictof interest. He's a big Biden donor.

The judges himself. His daughter isa political consultant. She's worked for
Joe Biden. She works for KamalaHarris, she works for Adam Schiff So
and his apparently his daughter has putup pictures on social media of Trump behind
bars, so she's saying, daddyis going to put Trump behind you know,
in jail. He's going to puthim in the clink. So you

know, Trump's point is this isa hatchet job. It's all rigged.
The prosecution is rigged, the trialis rigged, the judge is rigged.
This is all being masterminded by theBiden regime straight from the White House.
And they just want to put mein jail, or at least at a
minimum, hit me with a felony, a conviction so Biden can use it

the campaign against me, saying I'ma convicted felon that in other words,
you're not getting justice in this court. What say you? M well again,
Jeff, I don't want to stepoutside the question, but I want
everyone and every listener, including authorfrom Chestnut Hill, to stop saying that
we didn't do anything about this,that we didn't stand behind us. We

can't stop a judge from being ana hole. We can't stop lobbyists from
paying people off. We can't stopuh liberals from terrant coding or or even
a house speaker from terranting coding againstus. We're not in the game.
We're not in the same building.So it's not us. Everything is set

and put to put in place,and you know, with with the with
the money and and the payoffs,everything is set in place. So the
old, the the the idea isthat they're going to do what it takes
and and dig up in every everyinch of that toy box to find any

missing piece to put this man injail. So this is not something we
did. We got to stop saying. We got to blame ourselves for this.
We hired, paid and elected peopleto help us with this. They've
done nothing, they won't do anything, and they probably have been bought and
paid for two But we got tostop blaming us for everything that's happened.

John, let me ask you,and this is now really the sixty four
thousand dollars question. Are the Democratsgoing to steal the election again in November?
And the reason why I'm asking iswith Biden now being just decimated in
the polls and I'm going to getto the polls in about twenty five minutes.

I mean, it's Trump is runningwrong. He's running wild right now.
I mean it's the New York Times, Siena poll, it's the Philadelphian
cho I mean, it's just pollafter poll after poll after poll. I
mean, these numbers are staggering.So when he's polling that badly, Look,
it's getting to the point. NowThe New York the New Republic,
which is a big influential liberal magazine, are telling the Democrats you gotta dump

Joe Biden. The Democrats quote theDemocrats have a Joe Biden problem. That's
the headline of one of their toppieces in their latest issue. So you've
got the New York Times, You'vegot the New Republic, You've got the
Washington Post, You've got I mean, it's you've got CNN. They're all
saying, you're going We're going downwith this guy, like if the writing
is on the wall. So eitheryou dump them overboard or you're gonna get

destroyed in November. Can with inthe face of this massive opposition and these
I mean just horrible polling numbers,can the Democrats still steal the election and
get away with it? Or isit going to be too many votes to
steal? What say you John,Well, let's that you just said.

You just said it, Jeff.It's the only way they can do it
is to seal it. Because thepeople who used to be opposite of what
we are and now seeing what we'redealing with, because they're feeling it in
the pocket, we're feeling it.I think it's what people are now seeing
in the pockets that's now turning Democratsthe other way. They're saying, I

can't do this any longer. Ican't play, you know, I can't
play. You know, I can'trole play being a liberal and turning against
America and afford to do so.I think that's why the polls are turning,
Jeff, because everyone says, I'msick of paying poofs of the game.

I'm with you, Johnny. Kindof lost you there, but I
hear you in other words, andthank you for that call. John.
Well, Look, that's that's whatall the polls are showing. People can't
afford to pay four dollars a gallongas. You know, they can't play
sky high rent. Rent has neverbeen higher. They can't afford now,
they're monthly mortgage payments because of interestrates being so high. They're struggling to

pay their grocery bills, They're strugglingjust to keep the lights on in their
house or in their apartment. Soin the terms of the basic necessities,
they're like, we just can't continuelike this. We just can't. And
we've maxed out all the credit cardsand there's nowhere else for us to go.
And that's why you're right. Therole playing it's over. It's one

thing to be woke, but nowyou're talking about, you know, putting
food on the table and keeping aroof over your head. And that's now
where the numbers are really starting toturn on Biden. And notice, old
numb Nuts is not doing anything tostop this. What's he done now to
help improve the economy. Nothing.What's he doing to lower inflation nothing?

What's he doing to reduce the priceof gas. Nothing. So he's got
no plan except more of the same. And people are looking at Trump and
they remember those four years under Trumpand they go, you know what,
those were, damn good years.We could have, you know what we
could have. I'd love to seethose four years again. And this is

now the conundrum that the Democrats arein. This is where Biden. Biden
has now taken them to the edgeof the abyss now this election. If
they stick with this guy, hewill be the Herbert Hoover of the twenty
first century, mark my words.He will be responsible for creating a new

political coalition and making the Republican Partyto be more accurate the maga Republican Party
the dominant political force for generations,because people are going to say, we
never want to repeat this again.Agree, disagree Anthony in Michigan in thanks

for holding Anthony, and welcome Hellohain the hollow from Michigan. Jeff Anthony,
what do you make of Trump andMichigan? Can he beat Biden?
That's their blue wall, Anthony,Michigan falls, it's all over. I
think he ekes it out. There'sa lot of stuff breaking here about the

malfeasons that occurred here in twenty twenty. It's you know, follow Patrick Coulbrick
on X He's a former state senator, retired term and limited, and they've
been delving into the malfeasons that occurredhere. I don't know always Ben win,
the American public'll see and if it'llbreak out, but you know,
amongst the blue collars, they're allgoing to vote Trump. It's dumb deal.

Think about the auto plants, Jeff, to'll all go on a hundred
percent for him. They love thisguy. You can't you can't lie to
the blue collar people. They seeright through you, especially detroiter's you know.
Anyhow, the reason I called thereason I mentioned moha if Coder country's
not listening. And I don't meanto hunt this guy's podcast, but Richard

Barris his podcast are unbelievable. He'sa number one polster in America and Larry
Schweickart on X follow those two people. On this podcast yesterday he was saying
Nevada is pro Trump right now bythirteen points. Jeff, that'sn't heard of.
That's the state they usually steal alot of it, he claiming,
is the Hispanic vote. Well,there's another little thing that happens in Nevada,

and that is Hawaii has gotten soexpensive the locals can't afford deliver there
anymore. And since a lot ofthem were inculcated in the hotel industry,
they've all moved to Nevada to survive. I don't know if Barris has done
this. How much of the Trumpvote is Hawaiians that have moved, Native
Hawaiians that have moved. With thatsaid, wouldn't it be amazing if Trump

visited all the islands with Tulsa Gabbardand he carried Hawaii. Excuse me,
New Hampshire's not gonna go for Trump, but Barris is saying he may carry
all of mein Wow. Okay,this is the pickle that the Democrats are
now in. This is their problem. You throw Joe Biden overboard, Well,

who's the VP? Kamalo now?As every poll shows she's even more
disliked than Joey. So if theyoverthrow Biden, it's not that they're gonna
get Gavin Newsom. By the way, I don't think Gavin Newsoon would do
that well, to be honest,Okay, but let that go. They're
not gonna get Gavin Newsom. MichelleObama has said one hundred times she doesn't

want to run. So who dothey have on their bench? They don't
have a bench. So this isher problem. In a nutshell, she
thinks she's smart, she's not.The woman has no political acumen, no
political judgment, nothing between her ears. So she's now speaking in front of

a group of Asian Americans and she's, you know, telling them, well,
you got to keep rising, andyou got to kick doors down,
and if you know, if they'renot going to open the door for you,
well you'll kick the door down.But she thinks if she drops the
F bomb, that this is goingto make her seem cool and hip.
All it does it makes her seema phony, stupid and a jerk.

Roll cut twenty five, Mike.We have to know that sometimes people will
open the door for you and leaveit open. Sometimes they won't, and
then you need to kick that doordown. Excuse my lane. Where Yeah,

the cackler, the cackler, yeayea ay, she's going to be
the Democrat standard bearer. Just listeningto her voice, listening to her laugh,
it's like nails on a chalkboard.So that's their problem. Okay,
jeff they're gonna throw Biden under thebus, fine and replace him with who,

Well, they're gonna go with GavinNewsom. Jeffer, you mean to
tell me that the woke Democrats,the Party of DEI diversity equity inclusion,
is gonna throw an old white maleunder the bus and replace him not with
a black minority or so forgive mea female black female or a female minority.

No, no, no, no, but another slightly less older white
male. Yeah, I don't thinkso. I don't think so. And
that's that's their conundrum. The wallsare now closing in on them, and
they have no one to blame butthemselves. And so the question I have

for all of you six one seventwo six six sixty eight sixty eight.
With the polls now surging, withthe law fare now unraveling, with Biden's
presidency imploding, can the Democrats stillsteal the election in November? How do

you feel now about the election inNovember six months out? Do you feel
more hopeful than say, a monthor two ago? Are you more positive?
Are you more optimistic that Trump willactually be able to pull this off
and win in November? Now?I was speaking to one of our wonderful
engineers here during the break and Isaid, what do you think? And

he said, well, look,Biden is a disaster. If it was
a free and fair election, everybodyknows Trump would clean his clock. It
wouldn't even be close. But ashe put it, there's a lot of
illegals, That's all he said tome. There are a lot of illegals,
and the Democrats are going to doeverything in their power to make it
as easy for them to vote.So the question now is are there going

to be enough illegals to offset whatis Trump's clear decisive lead and advantage.
So I want to ask all ofyou do you still fear that the Democrats
will steal it in November or arethings now sliding so badly for Biden and

the Dems that's just going to becometoo high risk. That's a lot of
votes to steal, and that's avery risky thing to do because the more
votes you steal, the more obviousto steal becomes. You risk being unmasked
and exposed, and the blowback willbe ferocious. Six one seven two sex

sex sixty eight sixty eighth Gene indrake it. Thanks for holding Gene and
welcome. There is no doubt aboutit. They're going to steal the election.
Make twelve million illegal immigrants. They'vegiven them everything. They're living a

life of luxury, and the Democratsare telling them. You vote Democrat,
discontinues, you vote Republican, youget deported. Who do you think they're
going to vote for? And howmany votes did Biden win. By last
time, there's another twelve million thatyou can add to the coffers. Of

course he's gonna win, and Ihate to see it because this country will
go right down the twops. Butthat's what's going to happen. Gene.
Let me and I hear where you'recoming from. Believe me, because you
speak for many many in this audience, and frankly, sometimes meet depending on
the mood and the time, youknow, depending on mood I'm in and
what time it is, or whattime of the week or what time of

the day. But let me justplay devil's advocate for a second, Gene,
what do you say to the argumentthat Biden is so reviled and so
hated and so unpopular and his policieshave been such an obvious dismal failure that
you're right, there's a lot ofillegals, and they're going to do everything

they can to get illegals to vote. But this time, even if they
do get the votes to steal it, the American people just aren't going to
accept it because no one in theirright mind is going to believe that Joe
Biden won this election fair and square. They're going to say, it's impossible
nobody that hated and unpopular could actuallywin, and so maybe they will technically

steal it on election night, butthen will be plunged into a political,
constitutional, and legal crisis that millionswill go out onto the streets and nobody
will accept them as the legitimate president. What say you that get us last
time? I mean, we knewit was stolen last time. Where'd that
get us? We didn't do anything, and nothing will happen this time because,

just like everything else, we goto work the next day because we
have to pay the bills. Theydon't care if they steal it because we're
done anyways. We just get upthe next day and go to work.
We're not like all these democrats whojust lay around take everything they can,

steal everything that they can. Weget up and go to work. Gen
see anything changing, Gene. Ifyou're advising Trump and he says, listen,
Gene, we're going to lose ourcountry. We're going to lose everything
if Biden steals at this November,what would be your advice to him?

You say, course, keep going, don't give up, because you're all
we have. We don't have anythingelse. You got to stay the course,
you got to finish it off andtry to fight this voter fraud tooth
and nail, right, absolutely right, Yeah, that's that's my big advice
to him. You know, Geene, it's funny, but you and I

ended up at the same point.Geene, again, thank you for your
courage because you're saying what a lotof people are thinking. But you know,
look, I think Trump is goingto win. I look, I
want to be right. Maybe I'mwrong. I'm not saying I have a
crystal ball. I'm just giving youmy I'm just telling you my honest opinion.
But my advice to Trump from nowall the way to November is you've

got to get the ground game.You've got to watch the steal. You've
got to push back on this voterfraud. You've got to try to stop
it, prevent it. You're notgoing to stop all of it because the
Democrats are just too deeply entrenched,but you've got to try to minimize it.
The ballot harvesting, the mail inballoting, the early voting, all

of it. You got to beon them like a hawk and just deploy
an army of lawyers and just doeverything you can to prevent it at the
local level, because that's the onlyway now they can win. I think
to me, it's clear, it'scrystal clear. Agree, disagree. John.

By the way, Jean and Drake, it says they're gonna steal it.
They may have to st use manymore votes to steal it, but
that's why he's brought in ten millionplus illegals. That was his insurance policy.
So yes, they'll have to usethey'll have to drum up and manufacture
more votes to steal it this time. Yes, but they'll do it again.

And he believes that in the end, people like you, people like
me, And he's not saying thisin an insulting way. We're the backbone
of this country. What are wegonna do. We're gonna go to work?
Why because we pay the bill,Because we're the adults. And they're
going to use that against us.Our goodness, our virtue, our honesty,
the fact that we're hard working,law abiding American citizens. They're going

to use that against us to stealit one more time. What say you?
John E. Groveland? Thanks forholding John, and welcome Jeff.
How are you? I'm very good? How are you John? Good?
Good? Jeff? How many timeshas President Trump said, in referring to

political persecution, if they can doit to me, they can do it
to you. You even say thaton your show quite often. Yes,
which brings me to my point ofa Gateway Pundit article that came out yesterday.
It was written by Ben q andhere's the title, irs to target
Biden's critics and those who questioned Washington'squote ability to govern. Jeff, what's

going on with the government with allthese sorrows, DA's all trials, the
indictments against Trump. You're right,it's turning us into a third world as
whole people will watch in our countrycollapse before our eyes. And it's disgusting.
And he is becoming a political martyr. And he is going to win

Biden's dismal poll numbers. And Iam afraid that the only way that the
Democrats and even come close to beatingTrump is the cheat and have just imported
millions and millions of illegal invaders intothis country. And it's all orchestrated and

planned, too pronged attack to fundamentallytransform America right, get rid of the
middle class and a new voting base. It's the cloud pivot. Theory.
Yet it's disgusting and then go rightback to the Department of Justice. You
know is a veteran in the stateof Maine that was visited by Secret Service

agents, not for threatening political thepresident or anything like that, for joking
that President Biden depends adult diapers.The persecution is trickling down from their political
opponents to everyday Americans who speak outagainst the unjust tyranny that we're witnessing happening

to America. John, let meask you something, and this is just
to reinforce your point. And ifI'm betting, if I'm getting too personal,
please tell me, in your heartof hearts, do you fear increasingly
that the IRS is going to audityou, that the FBI is going to

knock on your door, That you'regoing to be harassed, You're going to
be bullied, You're going to beintimidated. You may even get thrown in
jail on trumped up charges. Notbecause you've done anything in league, not
because you're hiding money or you're evadingtaxes, or you've committed any crime,
but simply because you are an enemyof the regime, because you are a

dissident, you're a Trump supporter,You're a conservative, you're a patriot.
Are you more reluctant now? Evenif you still do it? You post
something on Facebook or x or whatever, but in the back of your mind,
which there wasn't before, But nowyou're like, I don't know,
is the FBI going to read this? I don't know. Is this going

to trigger the irs to come andgo through everything and try to get me
on some little dinky audit and tryto get me on a few bucks here
or a few bucks there. Areyou now becoming more afraid of your own
government? Honestly, I wouldn't sayI'm afraid of my government, not at
all in the least bit, becausewhen it comes down with it, we

have the ultimate power of the Constitution. But believe me, Snowden was right.
The NSA, the federal government,the dj is spying on everybody,
everybody. When they're going after parentsat school board meetings and people who are
buying Bibles and using their ATM cardsat bass pro shops, They're targeting a

specific political group, their opponents.It's early similar of the thirties in Germany.
And I'm not going to shut mymouth at all, Jeff. Freedom
of speech first Amendment. Amen,Brother John. Look, I want to
thank you very much for your honestyand for your call. Look, I'm
going to be brutally honest with allof you, like I'm in the confessional

and you know I'm bearing my soulto you. I am afraid. Now,
I still say what I want tosay. I never give in to
my fear. And when I sayafraid, afraid is a strong word.
I'm like, wooh, I'm terrorized. But what I mean nervous, anxious.
I'm not going to lie you like, am I anxious that I'm going

to be targeted by the Irs?Yes? Not because I've done anything.
I'm telling you. Really, mywife's the finance minister. Ask her.
I don't we take very few deductions. I'm always like this, pay whatever
we got to pay, and ifyou have to even pay more, I
just I don't want the IRS onmy back because I know they're out to
target their enemies, and I knowwhat they can do if they really want

to destroy somebody, and they canget you on something so small, so
technical, and destroy your whole life. And so now do I stop?
No, do I hold back?Never? But I'm going to be brutally
honest with you. This has onlyhappened to me in the last couple of
years, where it's in the backof my mind and I'm like, oh,

hey, if I going to havethe FBI coming after me, now,
are they going to be surveilling me? Okay, just send it anyway,
you know whatever, post this orsay this or whatever. But no,
Look, I can feel it withinmyself. I can feel I'm being
spied on. I can feel I'mbeing surveilled, i can feel I'm being

targeted. I know I'm hated.That's because I'm you know, my position
and the show. But I'm justbeing honest with you. We are not
as free a country now as wewere in the past. There's no way.
So they are attacking the First Amendmentand they are slowly beginning to terrorize,

intimidate, and bully us. Andthat's their purpose to have you lose
your job, to have you loseyour professional career, to not be able
to feed your family. You know, I'm looking at poor Steve Banning.
What the hell did this guy everdo? He's going to go to prison
soon. Peter Navarro is in jailfor what for what? Don Junior Donald

Trump's son had to visit Peter Navarroin jail in prison to keep his hopes
up. Leading people in the Trumpadministration have been thrown behind bars over nothing,
nothing. So you know, amI concerned? Am I A little

anxious? Fear is not the rightword? Am I concerned? Am I
anxious? To have a little bitof a pit in my stomach? Yes,
I'm not gonna lie to you.And if they get a second term
or whatever Obama's fourth term, aBiden's second term, the clubs are coming
off. They're not gonna stop Manand those eighty seven thousand irs agents you

watch, They're gonna go after everyconservative they can. They're gonna audit us,
they're gonna bankrupt us, they're gonnaconfiscate us. They're gonna do everything
they can. It's gonna be politicalterror. Six one seven two six,
six, sixty eight, sixty eight. And who's gonna stand in their way?

Mike Johnson? The rhinos in thisstate? What Amy Carnivalley seriously Chris
Dodie, Well, he's not.He's in Argentina now by the way he
left. But my point is whatthe rhinos are going to stand up or
in Washington. Who's it going tobe, Mitch McConnell, Like, really,

this is these are the people thatare going to stand up to these
political gangsters and thugs. If notnow, when, if not us?
Who we have to win this Novemberperiod? Full stop, Julie and Quincy.
Thanks for holding Julie and welcome.Oh Jeff, I'm not thankful enough

that you just called on me becauseI am on fire, and do I
have something to say to you?Go ahead, Julie, I want you
and everyone else to listen. Idon't even know where to start, So
let me tell you this. Okay. I don't know if I ever told
you this, but I'm a realestate agent by trade, okay, and
within the last three years something kindof curious has been happening to me.

You know, I've had my realestate license for about eight years now,
never ever had a problem. Iwill say this. I'm not happy to
report this, but I am divorced. I'm a middle aged you know,
I'm forty two, white woman.I live in the suburbs over here,
and I've twice, Jeff had myreal estate license revot for not paying taxes.

Okay, I've paid all of mytaxes, Jeff. I have to
literally I have to write down everysingle thing I pay on my taxes.
I'm a real estate agent. I'ma ten ninety nine my real estate agent.
My real estate license has been takenaway from me twice for something that

I didn't even do. I hadto go and I had to fight it.
I won each time. Luckily theboard gave it back to me,
or the licensing the mascots of youknow, gave it back to me.
My driver's license. They tried tosay that I, oh, this is
where I'm going with this. Myex husband, I took him to court.

He owed me, you know,dock, child sport whatever, thirty
thousand dollars. They tried to saythat I owed child support, which I
did not. I full tell tome of my children, of course,
and they said because they thought Ithey tried to turn around said I owed
child sport, and they suspended mylicense. They suspended my real estate license,

all of these things, and I'mlike, where where is this all
coming from. I'm like, I'venever not paid my tax level. We've
got a refund, you know whatI mean. And it's just in the
back of my mind. I'm listeningto you, and I'm like, holy,
oh my God, like I fell. This went off in my head
because I'm very vocal, not onlyon this radio station, but on the

internet as well. You know,I'm always defending Trump, I'm defending us,
the Kuna Report, I'm always,always, always on the defense,
and I'm on the offense as well. But I make it very vocal that
I'm a Trump supporter. Everyone inthe world, everybody knows that I am.
Well, no, Julie, Look, look I don't have one hundred

percent proof, okay, but listeningto your story, I can't tell you
how many other listeners have told methis. We are being targeted, there's
no question, and it's not justlisteners of the show.
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