Episode Transcript
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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, beautiful, let everybody go. Why don't you put on a show
and charge admission? Okay, soI would say something with music. I'm
comedy, you're talking. It willbe a show for everyone who loves music
and murder. Coming on, chuted, We got it a show to dude.
Showtime? Are you ready? I'mready? Job? Good morning?
Hi, how are you? Thanksfor listening. It's six o' eight Friday
morning. We made it the weekend. It is upon us. Oh that
didn't work. Crash. Sorry,I to try it to another way.
I'm trying to sing crash a verylarge file. And for some reason he
locked out of all this stuff thismorning, locked out of everything. Did
your card work when you came intothe building? Hard word? Fine?
And I can get into the computerlike the like the computer part. But
I can't because see what happened isI updated my password because we have to
update our passwords every three months.So I got the thing. If you
have one day to update your password, you have to do it right now.
So I updated it because this hashappened before. What happens you update
the passwords, you get a newpassword, and then all the other computers
will start pinging the old password don'trecognize it because that's now the wrong password,
So it locks you out of everythingand it has to be overridden.
So I called the help desk,you know, the iHeart Helped desk.
I called twice and I got twodifferent people. Each one said, yeah,
we don't have overnight people anymore.You're gonna have to wait till seven
o'clock to get that fixed. ButI did get to wake Dustin up at
three point thirty. I'm sure thatwas fun. It is six o nine.
We're gonna chat with Terry McLaurin thismorning from your Washington Commanders. I
actually had that conversation with him outof training camp, but we're going to
play that back for you. He'spretty excited about the upcoming season, so
well, we'll get his scoop onJayden Daniels. We'll talk about that receiver
corps this year, and got histhoughts on Sam Hell and how Sam's going
to do out in Seattle, whereI think he's currently the backup. We'll
see. I'm sure he'll compete forthat job, but we'll see what happens.
So that's coming up. We'll doit about seven twenty ish this morning.
Right around then as well, we'llgive you the final letter for the
big word of the week, andthat's going to be Black Crows. Tickets
up for grabs this morning, allright. STC's Classic Crock Big one hundred.
DC's Klassicrock is Big one hundred.There's Tom Petty and Refugee Jackson here.
Good morning to you. Six twentytwo things I know coming up here
in just a few Terry McLaurin onthe program about seven to twenty five ish,
seven twenty isue right around there thismorning. We'll play back I had
with him at Commander's training camp,which he's underway in full swing here.
Sumer Olympics are also underway, overten thousand athletes going to compete across thirty
two different sports, and Team USAhas the youngest and the oldest athlete this
year. One of the gymnasts,Hesley Rivera, just turned sixteen, Stephan
Peters in the fancy horse dancing event. What the Stephan Peters is almost sixties
fifty nine years old? What isfancy horse dancing? Ever seen that?
Some sort of equestrian thing? I'msure actually I have seen seen it.
They train these horses really well todo some pretty crazy, amazing things.
But ten thousand athletes, two hundredand six different nations. Wow, is
this the first time for skateboarding?I don't know. I'm looking here.
It's because breakdancing is making its debut. Breakdancing'll be there. There's three hundred
and twenty nine events have crossed thirtytwo sports, including Force Bowl. Four
different sports they're testing out this year. So yes, surfing, skateboarding,
sport climbing, and breakdancing. I'vealways thought surfing should be in. I'm
cool with skateboarding. Sport climbing.I guess that's kind of like wall climbing,
like a rock wall, you know, right, like the climbing gyms.
I mean, that's pretty cool.Breakdancing I'm not sure where that came
from, but there it is,and I'll watch and probably be thoroughly impressed
and fall in love with it.Can you break dance? No? Can
I breakdance? I don't mean onan Olympic level? No? What is
an Olympic level of breakdance? Idon't know, but we're going to find
out. Since the first Modern Gamesin eighteen ninety six. Ten sports have
been dropped. That includes croquet,polo, lacrosse, motor boating, tuga
war used to be in the Olympics. That dropped it. Boy when they
tried to drop wrestling, which isthe oldest sport in the Olympics. Oh
man, the backlash they got thathad they had to They had to backtrack
on that quickly. Around ten thousanddifferent torch bearers have carried the torch over
the past three months. It's beenwinding its way through France since early May.
Fifty nine percent of American adults plannedto watch the Olympics. I love
it and there's stories that develop everyyear. I really enjoy it. Seventy
four percent of people do prefer towatch the Olympics live if possible. But
you know what time difference is.It can make things stuff. Tickets to
the event this year ranging price fromtwenty four dollars all the way up to
close to one thousand dollars. Openingceremony tickets went for as much as twenty
seven hundred dollars. That's still cheaperthan the Taylor Swift concert. Well,
they're expecting to sell a total ofabout ten million tickets. What time is
the opening ceremony today our time?That's a good question. I'm not sure
you asking me questions. I don't. You're just the vault of knowledge that
I'm reaching in. No matter what, no one is going to pass Team
USA on the all time medal listbetween the Summer and Winter Games, America
has twenty nine hundred and seventy fivemedals coming into the Games. Next up
is the Soviet Union when it wasthe Soviet Union at twelve hundred and four,
and then Germany was just over justover one thousand. I'm excited,
man, I'm looking forward to this. Didn't they didn't they opening ceremonies already
take place. Maybe there's time differencein what's teris time. I'm pretty sure
it did, because I remember seeinga little bit is seven thirty pm Central
Europe time, Like what is thattime? That's when Snoop Dogg was carrying
the torch? What is Central Europetime? It's probably like Central US time.
I'm sure they have time zones aswell. Sure, but I think
Paris is about well, it dependson where you're at in the country,
but I think it is about fivehours in front of us, right,
So if it's you know, seveno'clock here, it's midnight there. I
think it's between five and six hours. All right, it is six twenty
six. You're listening to DC's ClassicRock Hits Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Crock Hits Big one hundred. There'sblack crows and hard to handle time once
again, four things I know atsix point forty do you know there are
lefty and righty snails and they cannotmate with each other if one's a lefty
and one's alrighty, because they're they'regenitial. You won't line up. That's
crazy. So are they are theymale and female? Well, there's males
and females, and then there's alefties and righties. But a righty has
to mate with a righty and alefty has to mate with a lefty where
it doesn't work. And I wantto know who studied snails so intently that
they figured this out. West Virginiais the only state that was formed by
seceding from a Confederate state. Itseceded from Virginia and was admitted to the
Union in eighteen sixty three. Thebiggest popular vote landslide in a presidential election
in the last one hundred years wasone hundred years ago. Calvin Coolidge beat
John Davis. Well, that's hisat all. That's his all Because if
I say Calvin Coolidge, you go, I know that name. If I
say John Davis, you go whoCoolidge had a twenty five point two percent
margin in the popular vote. Wow. Most elections, especially the more recent
ones, rarely even crack ten percent. When scientists in England saw the platypus
for the very first time in thelate sevenventeen hundreds, they thought it was
a fake and that someone had ditchedtogether a bunch of other animal parts to
prank them, which is exactly whatit looks like. Turns out it was
not a prank. And finally,the word kimono literally means thing to where
key is, where mono is thing? All right? Like the translation it
is six forty three. It's DC'sclass crack big one hundred. DC's klass
scrock hits a big one hundred.There's a cars Just what I needed.
Jackson here, we'll have chat withTerry McLaurin coming up this morning. Do
that about seven to twenty Ishue that'sfrom training camp. Get his thoughts on
Jayden Daniels. So chat had alittle chat about Sam Howe and how he
thinks he's going to do in Seattleand about the Wide Receiver Corps this year,
and he's got some good stuff,good stuff to say about the team.
You'll see that's coming up in justa few Have you ever walked on
hot sand beach? You know that, like really hot sand? It is
brutal right. This guy, fortytwo years old, tourist out of Belgium,
was hiking in Death Valley and helost his flip flops. They're not
sure if he lost them or ifyou know, if he if they broke
for whatever reason. He did nothave his flip flops, and oh man,
it was one hundred and twenty threedegrees and the sand on the ground
was much hotter. At some pointin the walk he either lost them or
they broke, and he ended upwith third degree burns on his feet.
Third degree burns, that's the kindof burn that like destroys like two layers
of skin, can even damage themuscles and bones. Nasty. His family
called for help and other tourists hadto carry him to the parking lot.
Rescuers actually wanted to life flight him. Out because the burns were so severe
and he was in quite a bitof pain. But it was too hot
for a helicopter to even land safely, so an ambulance had to take him
to another landing spot at a higherelevation where it was only one hundred and
nine degrees and a chopper was ableto pick him up and take him to
the hospital. No update on hiscondition as of yet. But man,
I tell you what, I'd havestripped naked. I'd have used my shorts
and my underwear around my feet.I don't There had to be a solution
here. Man. Some questions aboutthat though. Why was he well,
first, why was he out hikingin one hundred and twenty degree temperatures?
Well, he said, tourist,Why was he wearing flip flops doing that?
And what happened to them? Yeah, I'm more like kind of wonder
what happened to his foot flops?You know. It's like, but then
again, I've been hiking, notreally hiking, but I've been at like
surf spots where we have to youknow, we're like up on top of
a cliff and there's a trail downonto the water to get to the beach
to get to the water, andI've lost my flip flops. They when
they fell off a cliff. ButDeath Valley's not a surfing spot. No,
it was not. It was notbad at all. It sucked walking
over the rocks getting down in barefeet. But I can see losing your
flip flops is my point, becauseit's happened to me to where I was
like, oh, shoot, therethey go and they're gone. So who
knows how he lost them or ifthey just broke Uh, you know,
who knows. But third degree burnson your feet that is no joke.
And I, you know, Igotta think there had to be something he
could do. I would, Imean I seriously would strip completely naked and
use any clothes I had had onmy feet. I would have. I
don't know, that's I'm just thinkingdesert flip flops. I'll bet peyote was
involved. I don't know. Maybe. Uh. It is seven o eight
and you're listening to DC's Classic RocketsBig one. He had a ponytail too,
DC's Class crock Hits Big one hundred. Jackson here, good morning to
you. It is seven twenty four. We will check in with Dennis a
little bit later this morning. Heis out at Commander's training camp this morning.
I was out there yes day before, yes day before, day before
yesterday, got to sit down witha bunch of players, one of those
players being Terry McLaurin, and goingto play back a chat for you here
on the other side of that willgive you the final letter for the big
Word of the week and your chanceto win Black Crows tickets. So let's
do that, this little chat withTerry McLaurin from Commander's training camp right here
on DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred. All right, Scary Terry. Terry
McLaurin joins us at the broadcast table. Man, it is an absolute pleasure
to meet you. You're a legendin the making. We're you're looking at
what how many consecutive thousand yard seasons? Four now? I think it's four?
Yeah? Four? Yes, lookingforward to another one. Yeah,
I am, Laura says the same. I stay healthy and continue to you
know, keep my keep my standardup there. And new offense, new
quarterback. But it's fun, youknow, nothing really changed for me my
mentality wise. Yeah. So youplayed with Sam last year and Sam is
now in Seattle, right, Seattleis going to play. I think he's
at this point he's a backup,but I think he's gonna fare out there.
I thought that kid was a goodquarterback and in a tough situation.
Definitely. I think there was alot of moving parts around him where it's
technically. I know he started thatlast game against Dallas year prior, but
that was really almost like his rookieyear, sure, you know what I
mean, and new offensive coordinator,new offense, a lot of moving parts,
and I think he handled it well. He handled it like a pro
all things considered. For that tobe his first starting experience, and you
know, obviously he didn't go theway that he wanted or we all wanted.
But I think he's a competitor.He's a super smart, sharp guy.
He has a great work ethic,and he has the talent to play
in this league. He had alot of great throws last year and a
lot of very high moments, Soeverything that happened last year didn't follow on
him. But I'm looking forward toseeing how he does out there, and
I know a fresh start was probablygreat for him. Sure, So Jadeen
Daniels, you're looking forward to thatYeah, Jay has been great so far.
Jad has been great. Obviously,the pedigree he's came from LSU and
being the quarterback. He doesn't carryyourself in that way. I think he
carries hisself like a professional. Yeah, you can tell he has a quiet
confidence about him. But he camein very personal and just looking to learn,
looking to follow the leaders that arealready established here. And obviously the
talent is there, you know,I mean the release, the ball placement,
the anticipation, some of the thingsyou can't necessarily coach. He has
that and it's been fun getting toknow him and just seeing the way he's
grown up until this point. AndI think it's gonna be fun to continue
to get to work with them.So tell me about the receiving core this
year. What do you think what'sthat gonna look like? And with the
addition to Zach Ertz, you know, another kind of leader or that you
got some young guys. What doyou what do you see there? Yeah?
I think we got obviously some guyswith some experience with myself and Zach
and even the Alama days, thekids has played a lot of football around
the league, and you know,with Cliffs offense, We're gonna have a
chance to really have you know,a lot of guys in a lot of
positions to make plays down the field. And I think it's an opportunity for
all of us to add our skillset to this offense. And I think
that's one thing that he's made itclear, like it's not the offense that
he's bringing from when he was atArizona, but he wants to make this
offense Taylor to us and our skillset and our playmakers. So I think
we have a fun group. Obviously, Johann's coming back and you know,
he's playing inside, he's playing outside, Damie. I think he's getting a
chance to really try to take oneof the starting spots on the outside.
And I think we just got acompetitive group. You know, Luke McCaffrey
drafted. He has a really goodnuance of running. Tell me about this
kid, because it's in his bloodand I got I got to watch him
at mini camp and he's quick,yeah, and he runs. Well,
I feel like there's something there.Maybe it's just based on his family,
but but I was like, theremight be something here. I think I
think that that's definitely part of it. Obviously, the family comes from,
and you can tell their competitors,and they go about their business a certain
way there we call them. Hecarries yourself like a pro. He doesn't
carry yourself like a rookie. Butalso that he's extremely humble. He looks
to learn. He's always asking mequestions, and that's how it was as
a rookie. So you gravitate toguys like that. You want to help
them because you know that they care. You know they want to be the
best. And he does everything thathe can on and off the field to
try to bring his best self tothe field. And he has energy too,
like you'll see him, you know, congratulating guys when they make a
play, hyping each other up.He just has a good disposition about him,
which I think as a rookie isa great way to start your career.
So I'm really excited to see howhe grows. I think he has
the ability to play inside and outsideas well. So we'll just see how
he grows and where, you know, the offense of coaches see put him
best. Yeah. I went downa YouTube rabbit hole the other day.
I think it started with Santana Mossand I was watching the highlights of just
him just trucking people, you know, And then I watched one of you,
and then I watched one of Dotsin at Penn State, and I'm
like, man, these guys aregood. So it's just it'll be really
nice to see everything come together whereyour talent's really gonna shine, you know
what I mean, Because when allthe pieces, when all the pieces fit,
that's when you guys play hundred percentright. And so you were here
last year and last year was atough year. What's the difference with the
buzz in the air compared to lastyear? I mean, we can see
it, we can feel it.How's it feel out there? I think
it's been great. I think obviouslywith EQ coming here and even Adam Peters
like they've basically wiped the slate cleanfor everyone. Rather you had a good
year, bad year, whether you'recoming from West coast, East coast,
wherever. We got guys from wherever, We got coaches from all over the
place, and it's really setting anew standard of what we want this Commander's
team look like. How can youbring your experience, the good and the
bad, and put your best footforward to make this team a special team?
And I think it started with thecontinuity that we built together in the
spring, having with everybody there,having a lot of team building exercises where
we just got to know each otheroutside of football, which I think is
a really long way and just amessage of breeding competition. I think it's
extremely important and guys feel like theyhave a real chance to earn their respect
on this team and around this leagueand help us this year. And I
think having that kind of one soundand one message goes a long way in
the locker room. Well, we'relooking forward to seeing you play, man,
We're looking forward to the season.A mad props, total respect for
you. Know. I've seen younot only act like a professional on the
football field, but all the stuffyou do for the community. I appreciate
it. That's a wonderful thing,man, and not a lot of people
do that, and it's pretty good. Thank you. I appreciate it.
And it's just the platform that Iget to have playing in the NFL.
I take the extreme me seriously andjust the passion I have for this community
and just giving back in general.It's always on my mind, on my
heart. So guys, blessing withnot only the ability but just that hard
and I try to pay that forward. That's awesome, Terry, thank you
very much. Hope you have agreat season. Yes, thank you,
looking forward to it. Terry issuch a great guy man, fantastic player,
and just an awesome human in general. Next week we're gonna have chats
with Bobby Wagner. We'll have achat with Zach Kertz as well. We'll
get to those like Monday and Tuesday. Next week it's Steacy's class cracked Big
one hundred. Let's give you theletter for the big word of the week,
final letter, your chance to win. Here ready the big word of
the week on Big one hundred.Today's letter is the letter k is in
kiked, the letter k is inKangaroo. That's gonna complete the word aller
number five at one eight hundred fournine three one double three. It's good
for Black Crows tickets. Good luckfrom Big one hundred. DC's Classic Rock,
Big one hundred. Let's see ifwe can get a winner on the
Big Word of the week. We'llgo to the phones. Hi, who's
this, what's up man? It'sJim, Hey Jim, how are you
doing this morning? Good man?How you doing? Good? Good?
All right, we've completed the word. If you've been keeping track of the
letters, you know that word.What is it? Man? Yeah,
it's Greek. You got it.Congratulations man. We're gonna set you up
with tickets for the Black Crows atthe MGM National Harbor on the twenty second
of February. Awesome, man,appreciate it. Yeah, you bet.
Hold on the line. We'll getsome info from you and we'll get y'all
set up. All right, Allright, there you go. We'll do
it again next week. First letterof a new word Monday morning at about
seven twenty five is Big thanks toLive Nation. It's DC's Classic Rock,
Big one hundred, DC's Classic Crocket'sBig one hundred Land down Under. It's
been at work. Jackson here.Good morning to you. Seven forty six.
We'll check in with Dennis Glasgow outit too. Commander's training camp this
morning for sports on SAP. That'scoming up in the eight o'clock Florida Man,
just around the corner as well.I read an article yesterday about the
friendliest and least friendliest states in thecountry. The northeast, pretty much the
Eastern seaboard dead last everywhere, Placeslike Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Uh, you know,just all the way down and I think
it starts to get friendly right aroundSouth Carolina. And of course friendliest state
was Minnesota, right which Minnesota standsto reason, But so they have got
awful winners. It's not worth it. But I got to thinking about it.
It's like it's not that. Look, I'm from the Northeast. It's
not like people are trying to berude, right or mean. It's just
like the fingers are our way ofsaying, hey, how you doing right?
And here's here's a prime example.And we like Northeast mentality. Yeah
versus all right, so hold thedoor for somebody. Hold the door for
somebody in DC. They'll be thankyou, hold the door for somebody in
New York. Why are you makingme hustle? Yeah, it's same thing.
We just like to get straight tothe point, right, and we
speak our minds. That is notbeing rude. If you think that the
problem is tourists are, well,you're stupid and scene you're dumb. No.
I just think it's a completely differentmentality. It's like, you know,
it's completely different mentality if you ifyou go through a drive through at
a Taco Bell in Denver, rightright, it's like, can I take
your order please? And you orderand they're like, that'll be you know,
four dollars and seventy four cents,Thank you, sir, Please pull
forward? Right. You go toa drive through in you know, Philly,
and it's like, yeah, canI get this? Yeop. Don't
wait for them to tell you topull forward or say thank you, because
they're not. That's your cue,go dummy, Just accurate. It's just
different. It's not rude. You'rejust not used to it. It is
seven forty eight TC's Classic Rock,Big one hundred, DC's Classic Rock Hits,
Big one hundred. Mick Jagger's birthdaytoday. He is one hundred and
twelve. How old is Mick Jagger? Now? My nay one gosh iy
that guy. I am thoroughly impressed. I just saw a video of him
the other day in a bar onvacation somewhere, dancing around. I mean,
the dude still runs around and dancesaround like he's twenty years old.
It's just my guy. I wantwhatever he's eating, whatever he's drinking,
whatever, magic elicks or they're givinghim. It's just amazing. Eighty one
years old today made it all theway to the Ohio Supreme Court. Can
boneless wings boneless chicken wings? Canthey have bones? Yeah? All the
way to the Ohio Supreme Court.A few years ago a man in Ohio
ordered boneless wings at a restaurant andone of them did have a bone.
He ended up choking on it,got an infection, ultimately had to have
two surgeries. He sued the restaurantand the chicken suppliers and the processors,
and the case made it all theway to the Ohio Supreme Court. It
was a divided decision, but itwas four to three. The conservative leaning
court ruled that boneless chicken can havebones. No. The majority said,
quote, boneless chicken wings is acooking style. It's not a guarantee,
just as a person eating chicken fingerswould not have been served actual fingers.
Basically, they argued, the bonesare natural to meet, so consumers should
simply expect them, be prepared ifthey encounter them, and no one is
liable if a boneless chicken wing hasa bone, and that's just chicken wing
if there's a bone in it.The minority argued that the ruling could have
more serious consequences, like could someoneallergic to nuts or gluten sue if they
were served something dangerous to them?See, now they have a point too.
People can die under those circumstances.But lactose and gluten and nuts are
also natural to foods, which wasthe argument that the bone was natural to
food. The majority pushback on that, saying, yeah, that's different.
That's the quote. That's different becauseit is quote not something a consumer would
customarily expect and be able to guardagainst. So you know, heads up
before a chund down on boneless wingsin Ohio. They might have bones in
them. Cooking style not a guarantee. Then, can they still call it
a boneless wing? Yeah, theysay, if you order boneless chicken wings,
you aren't actually getting wings, muchlike you're not getting fingers. But
it's still like boneless seems to be. That's a very specific thing. It's
a cooking style, not a guarantee. Crush right from the Supreme Court.
People much smarter than you or Ieight or nine DC's Classic Crack, Big
one hundred, DC's Class Crocket's Bigone hundred Green Day And when I come
around, Green Day's playing in justa couple of days here Monday, Monday.
It's a nance park. It's prettycool, all right, it is
tod Now, let me explain.It is not very often, once maybe
twice a year, that you canout stupid Florida man. But it has
happened Florida man. So this morningFlorida man is actually a Washington Man.
Actually I think technically is from theNetherlands. But I just had to talk
about this story because I don't understandthe thinking behind this. A forty three
year old man was caught drugs inhis luggage, all right, at the
Seattle Airport. Happens guys trying tosmuggle stuff. Right, People get frustrated
with the TSA, but let's faceit, they've got plenty of nonsense to
be frustrated with two doing that job. Last week, a forty three year
old man flew from the Netherlands toSeattle, where security found a bunch of
drugs in his bags. He hadmore than twelve pounds of ketamine in liquid
and powdered form, nearly two poundsof codine, and three ounces of GHB.
He was obviously arrested. He laterposted bail. He headed back to
the same airport to fly out toLondon, where guess what happened? They
found drugs in his luggage again,a kid just walked out of jail.
Airport security he was probably like,well, let's play the odds, man,
it is westward of the odds,getting you know, checked twice in
the same week. Well, ithappened to your buddy. Airport security stopped
him from boarding the flight when theyfound this time drugs in his checked bag,
more than one half pound of ketamine. We're assuming the first drugs were
confiscated and these were brand new drugs. The man is now facing new charges
under Washington state law or possession withintent to distribute. I you get popped
for all that, you go tojail, you post bail, you know
you're already a you know, screek without a paddle, and then you
go to the airport two days laterwith a suitcase full of drugs again,
what why? And I'll bet hisdefense was what's mine? Or uh?
You know that at the second time, he was probably like, I'm already
busted. It's I'm already screwed.Let's see we can get these through.
Can't be any worse. Well,if he was out on bail. How
is he even flying out of thecountry. I don't know. I don't
know. Maybe they didn't put anyrestrictions on him leaving the country, you
know that also that stuff fall goesbefore the judge, you know. I
think the prosecutors or whatever the DAcan say, yeah, we don't want
him leaving, we think he's aflight risk, or we're not worried.
So there you go. Man,all right, it is eight twenty six.
You're listening to DC's Classic Rock.It's Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Rock Hits Big one hundred Killer Queenfrom Queen eight thirty nine, Jackson here,
Happy Friday. I believe he probablyjust crawled out of bed and is
calling from the bathroom. Dennis,Dennis, that is so that is so
accurate. Where are you really?Are you at camp yet? I am
at cam getting ready for a nineo'clock practice today with all the boys.
I'm not going to be working myass off like they are. But by
the way, it is really tolerable. Tolerable when it comes to the weather.
I mean, it's it's overcast andit's actually it feels cool because it's
mental hot lately, and it's actuallyUnited State for the boys to practice.
So it's gonna be fun today.I'm looking forward to it. On day
three here at Ashburn a lot betterthan it was on Wednesday, right,
it was, Yeah, it waspretty hard on one through when you went
down to the sidelines to get somevideos and pitchers, it was it was
steamy. Yeah, And you know, we had a chance to chat with
coach Quinn and he came in likeright off the field, like right after
practice, walked into chat with us, and he was just drenched like he
was, and I can't remember hewas wearing sweats or not. I don't
He did look a little miserable,but he is having a good time and
he's so full of energy. Butall the coaches are so today it looks
like they're gonna work on some redzone stuff and some short yardage stuff among
other things. And I know thatyou when you were watching the practice kind
of offense takes one field and defenseson the other. So they've got that
going on. So that'll be moreabout the things that are happening. But
I'm looking forward to to, youknow, see the progress of Jaydon Daniels
and them running plays, and it'sgoing to be a lot of fun.
So I want to mention all thefans that Sunday and Monday are when the
fans are coming out, but thoseare sold out. But for the fans
who are going to have tickets fortraining camp on both Sunday and Monday,
the gates open at seven thirty amand then you can actually go in at
eight am and then practice starts atnine am on both Sunday and Monday.
Okay, Olympics opening ceremonies today,right this afternoon, I know, Yeah,
they actually start at one thirty today, so if you're buy television or
you on your phone or tablet,one thirty. But NBC is putting on
a really big thing tonight at seventhirty for the opening of the Olympics.
I don't think weather it might comeinto play a little bit, but yeah,
seven thirty tonight on all the Peacockchannels, so you're all locked and
loaded for that fantastic I want tosee Snoop Dogg too, so we all
want to see Snoop dog And thenof course you know that Lebron and Coco
Goth that are having to be aplay. But the Snoop might just take
over the Olympics. I got totell you now, don't is he a
brilliant marketer, But it's just brilliantmarketing and NBC to have him there it
really fantastic. I love it.He is. He is such a fascinating
human and what a story is becauseyou know what why he Well, people
think he might not relate to everybody, He really does, but he and
Martha Stewart years ago, that wasthe beginning of a new sp Snoop for
everybody. It's so funny because likeSnoop was like a gang banger and was
doing like gangster rap and yeah,and all these years later, he's like
one of the most beloved characters inthe country. People just love him.
That's fantas well. He gets itright, and I think we all get
it. I think it's a brilliantthing by NBC to do. So we
have that going on. We dohave some soccer tonight at Audi Field.
DC United are in the Leaks Cup, so MLS doesn't take a break Jackson,
but they do play some Leaks Cupgames in Atlanta's and tonight that's eight
o'clock and that's on on I heardSports DC and the I heart app if
you want to listen to it.But there is a game tonight at eight
o'clock at Audi Field, and thenwe've got baseball Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The that's around the road at SaintLouis if you're going to catch you
a little baseball. So there's Olympics, there's baseball, there's soccer, all
the sports and Olympics already into theway there's been I've been watching seven person
rugby and soccer men's and women's andthere's all stuff going on already, so
it's pretty exciting. Mean, I'mgetting jacked up about the Olympics. Awesome.
We'll have a good time out thereat camp Dennis. We appreciate you
calling in and we'll chat with youMonday, right we will, and then
then next time you're going to beout there's on August second, and we're
gonna have a lot of fun withthat. But I really enjoyed being out
there with you. I know you'regoing to continue to play interviews, yeah,
through the weekend next week with allthe stuff that you've got a couple
of days ago. So we're lookingforward to listening to that. Awesome.
Thank you, Dennis. Appreciate it. It is guys, have a good
weekend, heah eight forty three,And let's give away. You want to
do one of those fifty dollars giftcards for the Great Greek Medial Training Grill.
Let's do that for things I know, I like that, Let's do
that. So this is where we'regoing to give you a chance to win.
That's in False Church and they've gotfantastic food. And well here let
me explain the contest. First,you listen throughout the morning, we hit
you with a little trivia question aboutanything we may have talked about that morning.
Know the answer when the prize thephone number one eight hundred four nine
three to one double three, andwhat do we got today? According to
the Ohio Supreme Court, boneless chickenwings can now contain what msg gluten.
I've always said that the Great GreekMediterranean Grill in Falls Church awesome stuff.
And you can pay them a visitor you can even order online at Great
Greek Grill dot com. Fifty buckson a gift card up for grabs.
Good luck from DC's Classic Crockets Bigone hundred. DC's Classic Crockets Big one
hundred. What have we learned onthe show today. Let's see if we
can get a winner. We haveTom on the line. Hey, if
you were listening, the Ohio SupremeCourt ruled that chicken Wings can now contain
this boneless chicken wings phone zone.Very good, you got it, man.
Hey, We're gonna set you upwith fifty bucks on a gift card
for the great Greek Mediterranean Grill.Great man, fantastic, you bet.
Hold on and we'll get some infofrom you and we'll get you all set
up. All right, man,thank you, you bet. I wonder
if we can get bowless chicken wingswith bulls there. Maybe I don't know.
Remember, it is a cooking style, not a guarantee. Not a
guarantee. Uh. We will doit again next week. It's DC's classic
rock Big one hundred.