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October 16, 2023 33 mins
Are you ready to be spooked, informed, and entertained!? Join Lauren & Aly as they cover The Tampon Tax, (haunted) house-hunting, discuss the dreaded Mom guilt complex, and have a laugh over a big wedding guest DON’T. Grab a bevvy and get cozy and join us for another episode of: BUNS & BANTER - we’re glad you’re here! NOW ON YOUTUBE!

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Episode Transcript

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He Welcome to Buns and Banter,a podcast by work Busties for work Busties.
Hey. I'm Lauren and I'm Ali. We're both morning show hosts for
iHeartMedia. We're both millennials, andwe're both trying to figure out how to
build the live speed dream about dating, marriage, career, career, and

being a mom, how to getthrough a week without crying. Welcome to
Buns and Banter. We're glad you'rehere. Have a great day. Oh
my gosh, you came like blastingin here in a great way, in
a super excited way. And Ireally want to know why I am so
much for us to talk about today. You printed notes. I have notes

printed and one of these I amso excited to get your feedback on.
And the other one do you see? Oh I thought we got rid of
that in Miss Again. We did, but there are still twenty one states.
Okay, So what do you wantto start with? Do you want
to start with the tampon tax?Yes? Because I am outraged. I

also just like anytime that there mightbe a man listening and we say tampon,
they're like ooohoo, So yes,please, Yes, there is a
new tax refund coming. For decades, people who use tampons have been fighting
against taxes on tampons and other femininehygiene products, and now they've been joined

by a slew of company who makethem. Nice. So this is actually
the companies. A few companies thatmake feminine hygiene products have come together and
they have said, hey, wethink the tampon tax is bullshit. We
don't think that you guys should gettaxed on stuff that you literally have to
use every single month. Because ain'tnobody out here wanting to free bleed.

Sorry, no, there's not graphic. We don't. Yeah, So they
have come together to form the TamponTax Coalition. Oh my gosh, a
lot of states, Michigan, wherewe are included in this, has banned
gotten rid of it, has gottenrid of it. Governor Whitmer, our
governor here in Michigan, signed abill repealing the tampon tax back in twenty

twenty one, and it was likesupported on both sides. It was bipartisan.
And this says that in Michigan,it saves families from paying taxes on
up to forty eight hundred dollars ofspending over the course of a lifetime.
So that's wow, like five grandthat you spend over a lifetime just on

being a woman having a period andbuying feminine hygiene products. Meanwhile, I
think the whole thing here is thatnot to put this like, I don't
ever want to pit men against women, but I think the thing is here,
things like rogane and viagra, whichare used primarily by men. Hold

up, they are not taxed.Rogaine isn't taxed. Men trying to look
younger by painting their hair isn't taxed. Are you kidding? I did not
know that they are considered medical necessities. Oh no, I'm sorry. I'm
thinking of just for men. Roguangrows it right, yes, still stand
by it. They don't get taxedfor that. And I do know there

are a lot of women that Ihave seen on social media that are now
using rogain because like it grow yourit'll grow your eyebrows back. Yeah,
I had no idea, So they'renot. So twenty one states in the
US are still taxing period products becausethey're non essential goods. That's how they're
classified. Meanwhile, products like roganand viagra are considered medical necessities, so

this tampon tax coalition. I've cometogether to basically say this is bullshit.
We're collectively taking a stand against thetax or the tampon tex August of twenty
twenty three. The coalition was builtto expand impacts. So if you are
buying from participating brands August, Cora, Diva, here we Flow the Honeypot,

here, Lola Salt or Rayel Rayale, I'm not exactly sure how to
rail. They'll reimburse you for anytampon tax that you pay. That's nice,
but just these companies. So here'sthe deal. You gotta sign up
with your phone number on tampon taxLet me get the let me get make
sure I get the website correct.This is I'm glad we have a video

component because if you could see myeyes rolling out of my head right now.
With the row game Tampon taxback dotcom. You just have to like
put your phone number in. Youdo have to submit receipts for the purchases
of the participating brands, which againare August and Cora on the Honeypot and
Lola and whatever. Yeah, butthen you'll get a refund back in forty

eight hours or whatever tax you forforty eight hours too. Yeah, leave
it to women to be on topand timely. That's insane. I thought
that was amazing. That's really cool. I'm so sorry. I'm just still
gobsmacked by the rogain thing. Iknew the viagra thing. I did not
know growing hair is considered essential whilesomething that keeps my clothes and those around

me clean is not. You know, I don't even. I don't.
I'm not like super familiar with whatis taxed and what's not tax Like,
I guess I didn't realize that thingslike viagra or things like rogaine, like
we're not. I knew viagra wasn'twell because like you have to have a
prescription for those things. It's notlike you can buy. Do you have

to have rogain? You can buyover the counter, can't you? Yes?
Is viiagraph prescription though it's not OTC. I don't know, so we
don't need it. No, I'mjust but no, I don't. I
don't know. That's that's a goodpoint. But I I did know that
they were not taxed, and it'sjust been like driving this force where it's
like what what Because when you talkinflation, especially, I mean if you've

seen the price of some of thefeminine hygiene products lately. Oh yeah it
is, Oh, it is upa lot, and then you put that
tax on there. It's like,I don't know, Maybe I do move
to a commune for one week everymonth and join my fellow sisterhood and we
just bask in our glory. Yeah, because it ain't cheap. So if
if we call you and ask youto pick us up a box of tampons

or pads or pantyliners or whatever,and you choose that opportunity to gripe about
these this is your stuff, youneed to pay for it, that would
be that I would advise you justpick it up and don't say a word.
Can I tell your relationship red flag? Because Chris has never done that.
He's never picked up you never saidno, Okay, because I had?

I did. I dated a guyonce and we were together for a
decent amount of time and he wasso weird and actually rude about it,
and I'm like, if you can'thandle this, there is absolutely no way
you can handle what's going to bethrown to us. And if you don't,
you can't hit me at my worst, at my thickest, at my

raddest you do not deserve me atmy best. I agree, And Chris
is number He's he does have toFaceTime me. He'll FaceTime me in the
mire and be like, there's justa lot of boxes and sizes here,
baby, right. I appreciate that. Thank you. Yes, And you've
got to get your brand and you'vegot to get your size and you've got
it. There's just there's a lotthat goes into it. So anyways,

that got my click this week online. I like that. I thought that
that was very very cool and Iwould like to applaud these brands August Cora
Diva, here we float the Honeypot, Lola Salt, and rael are Ael
for coming together to form the TamponText Coalition. Three cheers, whoop,
woop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. hYP Hey peay love it.

Yeah, that's a good click.Oh my god. And I just
love that you printed things off.Yeah, I'm still I'm still working off
of the Instagram. Because I sawthis, I actually wanted to talk to
you about maybe the differences in ourlives outside of work. Yeah, so
because we talk a lot about this, what Ali and I really love about

hanging out and especially doing this together. Is that all of these things we
talk about lots of times will agreeand then lots of times it's not that
we disagree. We just have suchdifferent life spaces that we're in that it's
an interesting conversation. Yeah, andso I follow Mel Robbins. I think
we're both big fans. I loveher motivational speaker, author, podcaster.
She has just I think, reallyreally great advice about a lot of things.

And she has talked a lot abouther hashtag do it anyway, Oh,
big bang, big band, Andusually I put that into more of
a professional scope, but this pastweek, I'm going to Vegas in a
couple of weeks. Yeah, andI want to feel good. You know,
I'm going to be wearing dresses andbathing suits and I'm going to be

in warmer weather again. And soI started, I started like trying to
run ough and it looks as terribleas it feels. I mean, I
am just I will never be abit fluencer because I just I look like
a broken windmill when I run.My legs stick out, I've got weird
knees. It's not good. Butit was the other night, it was

raining, it was cold, itwas dusk, and I thought, you
know what, Mel Robbins says,do it anyway, because she has a
whole series about how, you know, I don't want to go to the
gym, but I do it anywaybecause at the end of it, I
feel good. It's not about fixingmy rolls or fixing anything about me.
So I went and I walked likethree quarters of it, and then I
ran a quarter of it and Idid feel really good about it. You

did, I did? I gotdone, and I said, you know
what, that actually was a verysolid moment of self care for me.
But being in a marriage and afamily with kids, I feel guilty that
my self care comes at the expenseof someone else. So in order for

me to do that, I hadto make sure that Chris was down with
cleaning up, dinner, doing bath, bedtime, books, homework, all
of it. Yeah, for meto go and do that, And I
feel sometimes I feel like I missedthe opportunity to build these habits when I
wasn't married or a mom, becauseI feel like I had more time back
then, like I had more spontaneitywhere I could be like, oh,

I'm going to go run because itdoes make me feel better and it's great
for my mental health, versus canI go run because I know that it's
been a super crazy day and you'vedone a ton and then I'm leaving you
with all this stuff, which he'dbe the first one to be like,
no, go do it. Youdo, Like, I can tell that
you are in a much better moodwhen you come back. But then I

slip into that guilt. Right.Do you have that at all in your
single life right now? Yes,because and this is something that we have
talked about before, you did nothave more time when you were single.
I do not have more time asa single person as opposed to someone in

a relationship or with kids. Weall have the same twenty four hours in
a day, so like it it'sa it's a little bit triggering for me
when people who are in relationships andhave kids and have relief full they're like,
oh, you have way more timethan me, or like even people
who talk about our jobs, weget out a lot earlier than people do

from there nine to five, yeah, Like we're out half the time when
they're going to lunch where we workafod to noon yeah, and there they're
saying like, oh my gosh,you have so much more time in your
day. No, I don't.I don't have more time in my day.
I have the same twenty four hoursthat you have. Right, it's
just a different allocation of time structureddo you have? You have priorities or

things that you choose to prayrioritize yourkids. It's a good priority, right,
mostly, right, Like keeping themalive is a huge priority, whereas
like someone like me who's single.I mean, I like, my priorities
are different. I don't have twohuge priorities that come before my every need

you do. But I totally understandand relate to the guilt that you feel
because it's just it's other things thatshould be made a priority that I'm not
making a priority. So it's justnot kids, right, So you still
feel like there are moments where you'repouring from an empty cup because you are

not always putting yourself as a priority. Yeah, okay, one hundred percent.
One hundred percent. Like there aretimes where, for example, we've
got like six events in a daythat we've got to do after our regular
on air stuff. Yeah, andit's like, well, I'm not working
out today, I'm not going fora walk today. I'm barely even feeding

myself today because I don't have time, nor is that my priority today.
My priority is not me today.My priority is my job and my clients
and my performance. It's interesting.It's interesting because I being friends with you
and talking through these things I thinkhas definitely changed a lot of the unfair

perspective I had to people that didn'thave as much quote unquote you know as
I feel like sometimes I do,you know, like, well, I've
got my two kids that I haveto like, feed, clothe, take
to school, and then I havelike my husband, who I need to
make sure that there's time for towork on our relationship and make sure we're
fulfilling each other's needs on top ofthis professional side of things and this work

life balance is just not an actualthing for anybody, despite the fact that
we still love to say that term. Yeah, but it's it is still
similar for you and I don't Idon't want to be diminishing of you having
kids or saying like, no,we do have the same amount of hours

in the day. You don't havean excuse as to why you're not working
out. That's not what I mean. I just mean, like it when
people will come to me, orto single people in general, and they'll
say things like, oh, well, so and so they've got to get
to their kids baseball games, Socan you pick up this extra project at

work? We have talked about that, or like, oh, well,
they can't make this event because youknow, they have to go out of
I also have a family. Ialso have a family. I just don't
have children that came out of mybody. I have nieces and nephews.
I want to go to their soccergames and their recitals and their stuff.
And it's like, oh, well, you know you don't have kids,
so yeah, and it's like sucha I just don't And I don't know.

I realize that they that is yourpriority and it should be, and
people with kids they have to balancethings differently. I just don't feel like
I should pick up the slack.I'm more than happy to be a team
player and to like help someone outand do them a favor, but there
are also going to be times wherelike I need help and like I need

favors to Now you extend the favorto me. And did you know?
Did you know that men who havefamilies, are married with children are typically
higher earners than women who have familiesand children, because it's a it's a

view that oh, well, he'sgot a family, he needs to provide
for them. But when it's talkingabout giving women more money with families and
children, it's used in the exactopposite way, and it's well, they're
not going to be able to performbecause they have so much other stuff going
on with their families and their kids. I cannot remember what study I will.

I will find that study so Ican reference it. But sounds I
know that, Bata, I knowthat we've talked about that on this podcast
before, and that to me,I just feel like, is it says
a lot. It says a lotthe minute a man has as a wife
and has kids, all of asudden, it's oh, well he needs

a promotion or whatever. He's stillit's still the provider stigma, right,
It's the provider stigma, and weare still as women. I just I
love I love that statement made whereit's like you are supposed to work like
you don't have a family and parent, like you don't have a job,

and it goes I feel like itgoes right back to that work life balance
where and you're supposed to and you'resupposed to work out like you're an athlete
with no you know what I mean, Like, I just don't. I
don't know if it's because I'm gettingolder or my priority wiser are and wiser
and hotter, but like my entiremindset of working out, because I used

to be in college I'd work outsix days a week. Wow, six
days. I never did that.And even after college, I was still
working out a ton, and justwithin the last I would say, like
four or five years, I mean, the pandemic really just I was like,
quit the gym, quit everything,and just we're going to take a

hard reset and just try to figureeverything out. But but I just don't
feel like working out is how Iknow it's really good for you. You
should move your body. It's sogood for your mental health and your physical
health. But I was just approachingit in the wrong way. M See.

I will tell you that. Ithink a great solution to maybe not
feeling as guilty about leaving my husbandwith stuff so I can go and even
like take a walk around the neighborhoodis doing it after my kids go to
bed. Because when I got homeafter that first run, my son asked
me if I was having a heartattack. Oh, he does, he

know how funny he is. Hewas so concerned because I was like,
he wants to give me and hegoes, mom, are you okay?
Are you having a And you know, he like takes a pause because he's
trying to find the words of somethinghe's clearly just learned about for the very
first time, and he goes aheart attack. Now I'm just wickedly out

of shape and trying to snatch myselfback in two weeks. So that might
be the solution. So what isit about leaving to go like work out
or take a walk or whatever,Like, what is it about that that
makes you feel guilty for leaving them? Because I leave everything with Chris,
especially in the evening when things canjust be really chaotic, like the kids

are in their witching hour. We'retrying to get like, he just cooked
dinner because he is our cook.I don't do much of the domestic stuff
at all. We talked about that. So he's just gotten done, like
cooking all this dinner. Now he'sgot to like clean up dinner, and
then he's got to like wrangle thekids and make sure that they get a
shower and a bath and the bagsare packed and then get bedtime. It's

just still there at that age whereit's not a super flawless routine. Right.
Every night is different, And soI feel bad going out, you
know, with my headphones on andlistening to my music or a podcast and
being by myself. That it's notfair because then he doesn't. I don't
know how I reciprocate that for him. Well, what does he say about

it? He's fine with it becausehe's stupid Chris that is laid back and
great. I'm the only one that'sgiving myself this own thing. But I
also know how to get rid ofit, because I still feel like I
should be giving more or not allowinghim, but giving him like a time
to go and do things. Iguess I don't know. Yeah, but

by whose definition? Probably mine yourdefinition, because it sounds like he feels
like he does have that time,Like, yeah, I shouldn't give a
shit and do me. I mean, I just I think it's like just
built in to certain people I identifyas a people pleaser. And yeah,
like even my mom has more recentlybeen like stop worrying about everyone else and

just do something for you or likejust think about only you in this scenario.
And I'm like, I I can't. I don't know why I'm wired
this way. I like, don'thave that wiring I feel you. Yeah,
I don't. I am so affinganxious. It's the worst. Did
you see my tweet the other day? We've had like all of these We've

gotten really close on a couple ofhouses that we've been looking at. Yeah,
which is a terrifying move, butlike Chris will just go I think
it's really exciting. And I snappedback at him the other day and I
was like, well, you've beenmarried to me for eight years, so
you know that I walk a verythin line between exciting and vomit inducing anxiety.
So just y'all, like, Idon't. I don't have like other

ways to operate. I'm either reallyexcited and then nervous about why I'm excited,
or I'm just like, well,the world is coming to an end
and I'm going to be stuck witha mortgage, right, And then it's
like the anxiety that like I knowthat I'm anxious, so then other people
obviously know that I'm anxious too,And I not only could I not solve

this problem for you, but likeI also can't solve it for me,
and now I'm a burden on myselfand I'm a burden on you. This
is so fitting as my TikTok foryou page has really changed up in the
last week or so to like peoplepleaser and burden type tiktoks. It's also
the time of year, like Ido feel like this is a very seasonal

plight for me as well. Goodword seasonal plight, seasonal. Oh my
god, that's perfectly said, justthe seasonal anxi entering the season of the
plight. Yes, you thought itwas the season of the Witch. Absolutely
not no plight. Mm okay.That was actually very helpful to talk to

you about, was it? BecauseI don't feel like I was helpful at
all, So you really were.You were very, very very helpful,
So thank you for that. Butnow we have to work into spooky season
for a minute. Oh, becauseI think it's worth pointing out that we're
recording this on Friday the thirteenth,right, I got speaking of There are
times when Chris will call me outand be like, God, you're so

fucking weird, and I don't understandwhere I come from. So we've been
house hunting. Yes, yes,we found this house that we really enjoyed,
not the one I showed you,a different one, okay. And
you look back at the history andyou see that it was on the market,
it was being sold in twenty eighteen, and then it was back on
the market again in like mid twentytwenty, and then they tried to sell
it again in twenty twenty one,and then it's back on the market again.

Does that raise any red flags toyou? No, okay, because
I think that means it's haunted,of course, naturally. Right. We
looked at this house and I'm like, Chris, I don't know, man
like any other any other information ordata to support this. I'm I'm I
want to believe it with you,right. You don't want to take Chris's

side where he's like that's slightly irrational, and I was like, well,
rationalize this. I've watched enough showsof people that buy these buy houses like
this, and then it turns outit's because there's a casper there and it's
not always a friendly ghost. Didyou tour the house? Oh? Yeah
you did. There's not like weirddoors with locks, on the outside.
There is a weird crawl space inthe basement that I have no evidence to

back this, but look like aportal to Hell. And I was like,
I don't think i'll buy this house. Our friend Candice tours around Michigan.
She does the ghost tours in GrandRapids. She always says people are
way more sensitive to this type ofstuff, like the supernatural. Yes,
I would say yes. Then,although our ghosts supernatural, I think they're

considered supernatural, are they think?Yeah, okay, yeah, I don't
know how any of that works,but she always says you're way more sensitive
than you think you are, andsometimes you just you don't realize how it
affects you until someone like actually pointsout like portal to Hell. Yeah,
so you having the portal to Hell. Feeling thank you so much. I
will be playing this back for Chris, So I really appreciate you anytime,

because I'm like, top three dealbreakers for me like district, safety of
the neighborhood, Poulter haunted, andI think that's completely fair. Yeah,
there was. I just read somethingonline. I can't remember how many people.
It was less than half, butit was. I want to say
it was like close to forty percent, like close to forty percent of people

have had some sort of experience withlike a ghost. Wow, that actually
seems high. See, Oh it'sgonna happen. I'm gonna find a great
house, I'm gonna live there,and then all of a sudden, someth's
gonna be tickleing my feet at night. Its ghosts. So I think I'm
just being careful. I'm being agood mom. Can't move my family into
a house with ghosts, you.I can't crag Tea Nelson this. So

sometimes in the middle of the night, this is like my favorite thing that
Fran does. She'll just like wakeup and be barking at the ceiling and
I'm like, I know there's aghost up there. I know it felt
like that. It's it's so scary. Yes, it's so scary, but
like your dogs don't do anything weirdor nothing's ever house now. But we've

never taken that's a good I don'tknow if you could. We've never taken
them to showings like when we're touringa house, and I should because animals
always know animals and kids like themail is thinner for animals and kids.
Was that last episode of the episodebefore we said the same thing. You're
like, man, creepy kids,creepy pets. They always know, they
always know, So that's what youhave to do. Oh God, Will

would be a terrible ghost hunter,though. He'd get so distracted by something
he'd be like, Wow, Mom, look this room would fit all my
legos and completely miss the fact therewas like a ghost family in the corner.
It's up to me. You're don'thave to keep him on track.
Yeah, but no. The onlything I think that's more irrational than you're
haunted house theory, I think isthe real estate market itself. Oh,

that probably explains twenty eighteen, twentytwenty one. That's fair. You gotta
love an eight percent interest rate.God, I'd take a ghost if I
could make him an income part ofthe property. Are you ready for the
next yees? Okay, maybe I'mjust a triggered individual. I think weddings

cause people to lose their efing minds. I don't know. I don't know
what it is about a wedding.I don't know about two people coming together
to proclaim their love for one anothertill death do they part? I don't
know what about that just causes peopleto go in san racist sanity. This

was something that I read online.Someone wrote in this is like an advice
column. Okay, and this thisperson, We're gonna call them too old
for nonsense. That's what they That'swhat they wanted to be addressed. The
letters that you normally get about weddingssometimes amaze me and also make me laugh.
I am invited to a wedding thismonth. The wedding is being held

in the couple's backyard, and theinvitation says formal. So I'm assuming everyone
I'll be dressed up. The guestswill be seated on hay bails covered with
a white cloth. When I questionedthis, when I when I questioned this,
I was told, quote, oh, hay baiales are the latest thing

for weddings. The bride is inher fifties. I don't know why that
matters. Yeah, so most ofthe guests will be fifty years old and
up. Can't you just see usall sitting on hay bails wearing formal attire.
It's going to be interesting. Signedtoo old for nonsense? I e.

You have lost your damn mind.These people are paying for a huge
party. Yeah, you're gonna puton a nice dress and look good and
go eat and drink for free ontheir dime, and you're bitching about a
white cloth over some stand. Idon't think any thing that you have in
your closet too old for nonsense,cannot withstand sitting on a hay bale covered

in white cloth for twenty minutes.I do like a good back on a
chair, though, so that wouldbe that would be my complaint. I
know I don't have the back ofthe twenty one year old schmidty anymore.
I totally get that, but likeI just what what? And then the
response really quick? Do you knowwho this woman is? Though she's launching
this huge complaint? Can't handle it? Da da da Someone that shops off

registry and makes you like a birdhouse. That's the wedding guest she is.
She didn't even follow the rules.Not there's something wrong with birdhouses, but
there's a reason they have registries.Yes, spoken from someone that got six
birdhouses. I just think like it'stheir wedding. Yeah, it's their wedding.
If the hay bales are really likethat much of an issue for your

outfit, does I don't have togo like you don't have to go number
one. But also if it's cashwell enough to where they're having hay bails
covered in a white cloth. Theinvitation does say formal, so like they'd
like you to dress up, ButI also think since it's at their it's
in their backyard, I feel likeyou could probably just stand in the back

or like off to the side ifyou if you don't want to sit on
the hay bail, like writing inon the internet and like questioning this,
can't you just see too old fornonsense calling the bride and being like the
invitation says formal, but we're sittingon hay bails, yeah, or so
I say that were sitting on haybales even though it's formal, I assume

you will have a few chairs therefor some of us to use. I
just the slight suggestions was always myfavorite part of the wedding, not not
hey, how's wedding planning? Areyou like super stressed out? Hey,
I'm so sorry. Everything's like twoto three times more expensive right now in
the time where you're you happen tobe getting married, But I'm actually worried

about my outfit at your wedding.Hay bails too well. Plus if it
is a fifty and up crew,and I'm not saying this to be like,
there's probably a few jazzy scooters thatwill be there. It's dress and
that I just there you go.I can't. And the response was like
even better. These weddings are startingto seem as artificial as drive through Las

Vegas Chapel. I love talking aboutweddings with you. You this could be
another hotel right into me if youare a bride or a groom and you
are getting married and someone is beingabsolutely insane. Actually no, this is

my new business. Yeah, tellingyour guests to shut them up. You
can come and shut up or youcannot come. It's not your asle Alley,
I love it. It's just likeit's their wedding. They're paying for
it. If you don't agree withit, don't go. Don't go at

this this to me and I'm Ifeel like I'm a reasonable person agreed.
So like an unreasonable demand at awedding, like hey, you have to
buy adult chain and gabana dress andthen you have to come to my wedding
and you have to sit in apile of mud and it's in the mikonos.
I don't think buy your plane ticket. Yeah, I think that that's
unreasonable. I think too old fornonsense. May have had a leg to

stand on if they were demanding shebuy adult chain and gabana and then sit
in that in a pile of mud. But like you're gonna you're gonna buy
You're gonna wear pants, You're gonnabuy a dress from Amazon. It's gonna
be forty dollars, you're gonna gettwo days shipping, and then you're gonna
go sit on the hay bail andturn your nose up at it because how

dare how dare they ask you todress formally and then sit on a hay
bale. Just to bring this backaround real quick, I will never fuck
with you as a ghosts. Iappreciate that, because I will come back
and I will haunt your relatives foryou. If you're a bride and groom.

That's also a service guarantee of notyour ile alley, your isle alley.
I'm for the people,
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