Episode Transcript
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He Welcome to Buns and Banter,a podcast by work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Ali. We're both morning show hosts for
iHeartMedia. We're both millennials, andwe're both trying to figure out how to
build the lives we dream about,dating, marriage, career, career and
being a mom. How to getthrough a week without crying. Welcome to
Buns and Banter. We're glad you'rehere. Shoes off, filters off.
Oh, isn't that just? Oh? Welcome into it? How goes it?
How are we doing? How wefeeling? I'm pretty okay? How
are you? That was like ahuge You just got off of a huge
load of work with faster horses.You did a phenomenal job. Thank you.
How are you doing? Thank youfor seeing us? Yeah, it
was fantastic. Really appreciate that.I try to throw a heart where where
I can. We love that.It takes a lot of work. You're
just the best hype girl. Itwas a great weekend. I was only
there on Sunday because I was ata wedding. Oh yeah, which was
fantastic, very cool, a venuethat I had never been to in West
Michigan, and I just like Ilove watching my people get married. Yeah.
I will say one of the thingsthat I especially love about weddings is
like just the vows that people writeor that they choose to go with for
different yeah, occasions and ceremonies andstuff. This particular couple wrote their own
vows and exchanged them in private,which I thought was so sweet. And
then like we got the do youtake so and so typical legality side of
things. Yeah, but they hadlike their own price, which I thought
was a nice touch. I hadnever seen that before. Oh that's fabulous.
Yeah, and then like man,love was in the air. People
got engaged at faster horses. Ithought you were about to stay at the
wedding. I'm like, oh no, okay, good, No, not
at the wedding, but at fasterhorses, which see that. I love
that. I love that for people. I love love. That is my
personal nightmare. It's like jumbo tronproposals for me, like jumbo tron sports
events proposals stuff like that, whereit's like so public. I just like
can't I can't get on board personally, but like I love seeing it in
public, and I love like celebratingthat with people. I just like,
would not want it for myself.Chris and I remember our proposal story so
differently, and he constantly tells meI'm wrong. I'm like, there's no
way I would ever have forgotten thispart of our proposal. So he proposed
to me in Chicago, which isimportant to me. My dad's from there.
We used to take family trips allthe time. His entire side of
the family is still there were Chicagosports fans. So Chris actually took me
to my first ever Blackhawks game.Oh that's cool. Yeah, I'd never
gotten to see a hockey game atthe United Center. I'd seen the Bulls
play there, but I'd never seenthe Hawks. It was really cool,
really really fun night. And thenwe got out and there were no ubers,
no lifts, nothing, not evenlike a regular taxi. So we
figured we'd just hook it back downtownto our hotel, which was miles and
I don't do distance well in mybrain, so it's like, oh,
it'll be like a six minute johnAnd it was like an hour and a
half to get back to where wewere. And he's got the ring in
he got the ring in his pocket. He had the ring all night and
he was acting a little strange,which now like looking back, you realize,
and he we were crossing the bridge. Oh my god, I I
believe you made him walk miles downtownChicago with a with your beautiful ring in
his pocket. He's probably like,oh my god. Of course, the
one time we get mugged in Chicago. His plan, as it turns out
later, he was going to takeme to the Sears Tower. It's the
handcocked her or whatever it is now, the one that you get to go
off, and like he was goingto do it up there. Oh no,
because he's such a planner. Googleit during the game and it was
like spring hours. This is closedat four pm. And he's like,
oh, so that's not happening.So we're walking back and I'm sure he's
trying to figure out how to doit. We're crossing this bridge and he
figures it's really pretty. The moonis how we've got the skyline on either
side. So I love that,right, And he goes and proposes to
me, and it was very nice. Like I didn't believe it at first,
and so it was just us onthe bridge and I didn't realize that
there was a gentleman dealing with homelessnessthat was also there, and he was
the first one to congratulate us,and he went so nice but Eagles,
Hey, man, that's a niceland you got there. He refuses,
He does not say that that happened. I'm like, there is no way
I just made up a person thatwas on this bridge. He's like,
he was just a person walking by. He said, no, that was
his home that we were like standingin proposing to. But he was lovely
in that man's house. We wentabout ours and that's our story was it's
very it's very cris mm. Butwe didn't actually do vows. Had a
big old Catholic mass to make myparents happy. Yeah, and so we
did, you know, the traditionalwhatever they allow you to do or say.
I did not say obey. Irefuse that part. I was like,
well, we can switch that toagree upon things, compromise, but
we're not going to obey. Butwe actually wrote each other letters, which
I really liked. Yeah, that'sso cute. Open them right before.
Yeah, we did that, bigfan man. Weddings are just like,
there's so much to them. Startingto do a lot of thinking about it.
Well, I don't know. Youknow, sometimes it just like comes
up in conversation and it's like,let's talk about it. Yeah, let's
talk about it. Which is sowild because for such a long time I
was just like so anti marriage,anti kids, and Jimmy is in finance,
so I like ask I asked hima lot of financial questions, like
what's a budget and how much moneyshould I have? You know, just
the basics. That's why we arelooking for a man in finance, the
basics. Five blue eyes, oneout of three, A bad babe,
one on a three am bad.He's gonna be mad at me. I
said that. But the other daywe were just like talking because like,
you know, after we started dating, spent six months. By the way,
hey so many if you ask me. But he doesn't count it from
that day. He counts it fromthe day we define the relationship. So
we'll go with it, all right, I guess say seven. Yeah,
But like when we first started dating, I had opened like a brokerage account
to save for like a bigger purchase, and in my mind it was like
for a wedding. Yeah, Andhe was like when do you open that?
Why do you open it? Solike of course, he wants like
all the like, Oh, Ijust knew you were the one that's like
weirdly romantic, like, Babe,when did you open your brokerage? Can't
Oh my god, that's probably sucha turn on for him. I bet
it. Oh absolutely, oh rightover my head. Oh my god.
He probably sits at night and likegoes through potential numbers and the things.
Oh my god. Yeah, Ohi'd be so great. I don't think
so, though, because surprisingly,for like a finance guy, he's like
very nonchalant and just like very gowith the flow on finances and stuff like
that, Like he doesn't you know. I'm like, if you want to
have the financial conversations, like I'llI'll have the conversations. And he's like,
we don't need to talk about ituntil we're filing taxes jointly. And
that is just like so bizarre tome that like a finance guy would be
like I don't care, who cares. We can wait. I'm like,
all right, that's nice. Cool, I'm a dumpster fire. Now I'll
be a dumpster fire. Then noworries. If you wanted to get a
handle on this early should probably intervene, but we'll chance it. You know
how to extinguish part of that fire. Just don't question any of the boxes
that show up in the shipment's onthe front porch. Because I'm also like
trying to get a new car.Right now, we're a car because I
am riding around in the Star oneof five point seven Dodge Journey. You
see me around town, the momfan yep, if you see her around
town, it's not me. It'snot Smitty. I wish, which I
did. I did feel bad theother day. I was driving this station
Maybe I shouldn't say this out loud, but you know, not everyone knows
how to drive that drives, andthere was someone in front of me who
didn't know how to drive, andlike I honked, and like I totally
forgot that I was in a stationvehicle. And I was like, ooh,
I probably shouldn't have honked in thestation vier. I probably should have
just waited for them to realize thatthe light was green. But places to
go, people to see, sojust a little beep beep, And then
I was like, oh shit,not only am I in a station vehicle,
I'm not even in my own stationvehicle to take the heat if it
comes down they probably would think Iwas you. That's fine. I'm great
with enlightening PDPs. That's what Icall them. People driving poorly And if
it takes a good beat babe toremind you that the light is indeed green,
and green means go, you dothat all day in that mom bangirl.
You know what, I'm making theworld a better place. Well,
pretty soon, I'm gonna have anew vehicle if I ever figure out the
budget. But you know, we'reJimmy and I were talking about like what
my monthly payment would be and likewhat the down payment would be, and
he was like, okay, welldoes this fit in your budget? And
I'm like, well, it allfits in the budget. You just got
to move stuff. And he's like, okay, wait, now your take
home pay. And he's like tryingto explain a budget to me like I'm
a two year old, which Iappreciate because you should's that is how you
should explain things to me when itcomes to finance. I'm still like counting
eminem's to remind me of my mathskills. Yeah, that's helpful. Food
would help. Food would help,just like from a like from a visual
perspective and all so I am foodmotivated. So then but he's like,
so what do you what do youspend? Like what do you spend a
month on? Like your your musthaves like your you know, your house
note and your bills and your groceries. I don't know who. No,
I don't either. I don't know. Uh, I don't know. I
know that I don't always buy impulsepurchases right like Dorito's are a treat.
And he's like, how do youwhat do you? Like? I can
see in his brain that this makesno sense because he's like, how do
you keep track of anything? AndI'm like, I don't really. I
just kind of like hope it allworks out, and like so far it
has been. I figure one dayI'm gonna die and it won't be my
problem anymore. You can't take itwith you know how all millennials are living?
Right? No? What? Butyeah, we had a good We
had a good laugh over that.Although I feel like he was laughing at
me and not with me, remainsto be seen. Oh so helpful,
so helpful. We've got to pivotfor a minute because I need to ask
if you think what I think aboutwhat's happening at work? Right now.
I think we've got a discgruntled employee. Could be any one of us?
Is this not anyone of the eightof us? So that's where this straw
your suspect pool begins. This isnot admissible in a quarter of law.
By the way, that was kidding. I was just joking. Good disclaimer.
I was just joking. What isit? What's the SVU beginning?
Like all parties are Oh no,that's cops. All parties until proven guilty.
I think this is the pettiest slashmost hilarious. It was inconvenient,
they but also it just like wasso annoying. Yes, so inconvenient.
We have a water cooler at work, like most places, Gordon Water shout
them out. Somebody broke both spigotsoff of the water cooler so we couldn't
get water. And it happened sometime. I got water at twelve thirty two
pm on Friday. The spigots werenot there four two am Monday, Monday,
and like, I just like,who's here on the weekend? And
I don't even know how, Likedid they just snap them off? I
guess because then somebody we're like,well we can't get our tap water?
Is no. They have told uspoint blank, do not drink the water
out of the taps. These areold pipes, they're probably lead. We
don't need a lawsuit. Don't doit. No, no mesothelioma and lead
in this body. So we needthe water cooler, and so I came
up with the idea because we alsocouldn't find the handles. Someone ditched the
evidence. There was just no wayto get water out. So we've been
using needle nosed pliers, yeah,to like weirdly pull it up, and
then even then it's just a slightdribble into the cup. And I'm thinking
to myself, this has to besomeone that hates working here, but don't
take it out on the rest ofus just to be a fly on the
wall. I want to know whoit was. I really would like to
know, or if it was anaccident, what made you so mad that
you were going to get water outof the cooler and you were just like
crack, try to like get thewater out. But there are so many
things that happen here that are justso questionable, that are so questioned such
a good term like I leave hereat least bi weekly thinking like what must
be home lives of some of ouresteemed colleagues. Look like, if you're
willing to do that and work infront of people that you like, no,
but you don't know no, Yeah, yeah, does that give you
a little bit more mental freedom becauseyou don't really know us, so you
don't care. Because for me,it's the opposite, Like I am much
more buttoned up around people that Idon't know than people that I do know.
Yeah. Yeah, it's just it'sa wild I just don't I don't
understand it. And we were talkingabout this on one of my shows because
I'm like, man, people musthave insane stories about what happened when a
coworker was fired or let go orwhatever happened. Because you remember the one
sales rep we had to call thepolice. Oh I do remember that too,
pre COVID and I got a DMSor rough one. They literally told
us to steer clear of the lobbybecause of the unfolding situation. You have
to have more in your life thana job to get to that point.
Oh my god. And there havebeen a lot of people who have been
let go from here that like they'vebeen let go, but they don't let
goo. Yeah, they just likeyup, and I'm like, listen,
I love working here, don't getme wrong. Yeah, but if I
get fired from this place, Iam not going to spend any more time
thinking about it. Or at leastthat's how I feel now. Now.
Talk to me after I get fired, and then maybe I'll change my mind.
Maybe it'll be my personal mission tolike not that we're inviting this karma
in but no, no, no, no, never never, But I
just like some people go full scorchedearth, yes, and not even like
specifically here, although it does seemlike it has happened with quite a few
people who have been invited to leave, but in all workplaces. And I
get it, like if something reallyreally shady and like you're terminated with and
it was completely uncalled for or Idon't even know what situation that would be,
but it just seems like, whywould you waste any more time on
it? It's insane. I'll behappy. Go be happy, Go be
happy. Go you know what,you just need to go. It's the
same thing that parents hear about kids, like if your kids are having a
hard time, add nature or water. One of those two things will work.
Either take them outside, run someenergy off, go for a walk,
play out in the backyard, orlike draw bath, or just give
them a water bottle to hydrate water. Nature always fixes a good always fixes
a mode. That's a good tip. It's a good tip and it works
for adults too. It's like,who step outside? Because I got a
message when I was talking about thisfrom Catherine. I don't know if that's
her real name or not, becauseshe wouldn't tell me where she worked.
And one of her managers got firedafter a really bad situation with their CEO,
and before he left, he emailedeveryone everybody's salaries. That is scorched
earth. Can you imagine if youjust got a random email that was like
piece out moufucker's and it had alist of what every person in your office
makes for what they do? Ohmy god, I would love to see
that list. Was like, oh, like petty and terrible, but do
it? But like the robin hoodof yeah mmm. I was like,
oh my god. And to beso planned on it too right to run
to your email before they could shutyou off and be like did you do
send? See? I just Idon't know if there is any like one
thing that I would like if Iknew it was coming, and I knew
they were gonna do it. Idon't know. Nothing comes to mind for
me that I would like want todo like on my way out. Yeah,
no, I'm and I don't havethe guts. I'm not confrontational.
I have thought about though, likethe song I would play on my phone
as my own personal exit music.Yep, do tell it would be something
upbeat, and it would probably itwould probably be I don't know, either
like like a Lizzo I'm feeling good, or like we're like way back,
like a Oh my god, whatwas her name? I can see her
face and she always did like walkingdown town faces past d D Vanessa Carlton
Carlton. It would probably be somethingstupid like that where I just felt like
a late nineties early two thousands montageafter like Anne Hathaway left her job in
the Double Wars Prada. I thinkall the time about what my music that
i'd have playing off my phone,not in headphones. I would want everyone
to hear it and watch me walkto the beat as I get on the
elevator to leave my job. Youknow, I'd be filming it to send
you later. It's really something funto think about your exit theme song hollo
oates you make my dreams come true? Good? What that's a really good
one. But that I mean,see, I'd be so busy with that.
I wouldn't even think about breaking offwater spigotts so the rest of my
former staff and colleagues had no waterto drink. It's just such a bizarre,
very specific thing crime if you willthat. I kind of feel like
it wasn't premeditated. It must havebeen an accident. But to do both,
but to do both like what Ithought the same thing. I was
like, oh okay, but they'reboth off. And if it had happened
by accident, possibly you would haveleft the handles. Would you have told
old people like if if you haddone this by accident, would you have
been like, uh oh oh no, actually I wouldn't have. I don't
know how much those cost. Imean, they can't be. I didn't
budget for a new water court thisyear. I feel like, yeah,
I don't know how much they would. I would just be so nervous that
they'd be like, okay, wellit's gonna be five thousand dollars out of
your next paycheck, and I'd belike, so that would be my next
nine paychecks. So no, Iwouldn't say anything, but I'm just curious.
I'm just curious what's happening. Maybethere's something we can do to help.
I saw a meme online today speakingof workplace drama, drama about this
woman, and this could be totallymade up, but I like memes,
love them. I read them.This made me go, that's wild.
I believe them. Same. Thiswoman was like, hey, we just
had like a new supervisor start atwork, and like, I'm a direct
report to this person. Turns outit's a guy I matched with on dating
apps last year and he had sentme dick pics. No, what a
welcome packet. And I was like, oh my god, who would that
be more awkward for it the guyreporting to the job or the girl who
received the dick pics. It depends, I would say, the guy reporting
to the job. I don't think. I don't think, I don't care.
I don't think that if they haveanother thought in their brain after they
send them. I think they justlike, well, Okay, see you
later. It's like sending a pickof like a big fish who caught yep.
Yeah, And then I think theycarry about their carry a go on
about their day. That's so weird. I would be like, as the
as a woman, I would thinkit was hysterical, and I would bring
up different ways to be like,so, what do you think you can
offer this this place? What's whatis? What's your hope to rise through
the ranks? Which, please don'tsend me like unsolicited dpicts. That's not
I'm not but i'd probably him alittle bit of fun with it. See,
it's a bold move. It isyou never know who you're especially like
our industry is so incestual. Itfeels like I'd be so scared to do
that. Never again. Don't dateyour coworkers. Don't do it, And
that could be an entire new episode. It is not fun experience. No
vow. I'm trying to think likevows, now's and no's mm hmm.
It's not something. There's your tip. Oh that's funny. I'd say that
during the deep conversation. See,hey, so nice to meet you.
I've got a couple tips for workinghere. God, I can't believe we're
not in management yet. It's reallyit's shocking and surprising and yeah, transitioning,
Oh did you have a bachelorette partyI did. Where was it?
It was friends themed, which isfun, and my friend hosted it at
her house. We did a weekend, but everything was like hubbed at her
house. We did a beach day, we went out one night, but
stayed at her house. Did abunch of things at her house. That's
so nice. It was really reallycool. Uh Oh, I'm going on
a bachelorette party for my best friend. She's getting married in November, and
we're going to Vermont. Oh andwe have like, uh so stunning.
We've got like this cabin. Ithink it's by water. I don't know.
We're doing like boat stuff one dayand like the highlight of my trip,
aside from celebrating her upcoming nuptials,will be Ben and Jerry's, Oh
that's good. I am so excited. But you know, with bachelorette parties
and group trips. Jimmy asked methis the other day. He was like,
are you excited? And I waslike, I am so excited to
celebrate my friend Ange who's getting married. I was like, I am so
excited to celebrate with her, andlike it's her bachelorette party, so yes,
of course, I'm excited, butI'm about as excited as one can
get for any group trip. Doyou know everyone in the group just about
just about. There are a couplethat I'm like not super close with,
Like I know them because they're goodfriends of hers. Yeah, but like
not on my side of the friendgroup, right, But like everybody is
super nice and like super chill,and like if you're a friend of Ange,
you're already vetted and like I'm notworried about that. The dynamics of
a group trip though, Like Ilove an itinerary. Yes, I would
never have thought this about myself liketen years ago, but I am the
person who plans out like every singlehour of the trip, which I know
some people love it, some peoplehate it. I love it. We
don't have I'm not like a aWe don't have to stick to the plan,
but I just like having a planso that we just have like a
general because nothing irritates me more thanjust sitting around and wasting time being like
where do you guys want to eat? What time do you want to go?
Well? What time do you wantto go? Well? I would
I want to take a nap?Should we at? Just like those types
of dynamics on group trips, andlike I said, everyone is lovely and
I'm sure it will be a lovelytime. And this is nothing against anybody
personally, it's just the crux ofthe logistics on trips like this. Absolutely,
And if you do want to goto dinner, you need to have
a time, you need to havetransportation because there's a number of you,
and you want a reservation. Youare my perfect travel partner because I don't
do any of those things. ButI love like and if you say,
hey, here's like here's a generaloutline, there's a couple things, I
will jump right in and be likesweet dinner Saturday night, let's do this,
just found it like I'll fill inblanks, I'll help. I love
a person that has but like I'llline, I like to have reservations made
before we get there because then everythingis there and if we want to do
something else, like by all means, let's go with the flow and let's
like feel the vibes and feel theenergy. But you know, I don't
want to get to a point whereeleven of us are walking into this restaurant
and they tell us that it's atwo hour wait yes, and we are
drunk and angry and a little bittired because, let's be honest, but
we're in our thirties now. Well, but we're in our thirties now,
some of us approaching our mid thirties, and it's it's it's not the same
as it was when we were twentyfive. Go set you fast, live
off of pretzel sticks and graft beer. Somebody brought a little bag of goldfish.
It ties you over for like fourteenhours. Yeah, like everybody could
split that. It's so funny becauseChris is that for us, he is
the planner, needs to have schedule. And I remember getting in such one
of our biggest fights ever, Ithink last summer because we took the kids
to Macanaw Island. We were playingstaying up in the up. It's like,
we'll just take a day trip,pop over and we get off the
boat and Chris is like, okay, so now what and I was like,
what do you mean? He goes, Okay, I know that you
did not bring us to Macanaw Islandin the middle of summer and not have
a plan. And I was like, that is exactly what's happening, and
he was because He's just like,all the restaurants are going to be full.
Do we have tickets for the fort? Do you want to go to
the fort? Are we gonna checkout the butterfly house? This? This,
this, And I'm like, wehave a butterfly house. Have a
butterfly house. Yeah, it's oneof the things we got to do because
there wasn't a line. And tobe fair, we did not speak to
each other for three and a halfhours, but when we got back on
the boat to go home, Idid say, you're absolutely right, and
I apologize because it was a nightmare. It must have been bad, must
have been it's been bad English.But he does not prove anybody right.
If she is so surprising about you, it is I just I don't know
you were such a details person.I feel like I'm such a details person
when it comes to like here,or scheduling my kids or making sure things
aren't missed that when it comes tosomething I consider to be leisurely, I'm
just like, no, I don'thave it. I spent it all on
the other stuff. Yeah, yeah, but it was. It was terrible.
It was a pain because you justyou would go to restaurants and there
were eight of us because we camewith a couple of his family members.
Look at your face. That's theexact face I got. We walked at
least fifty to twenty feet from eachother the entire day that we were there,
because he wanted nothing more than tolike drown me, and I wanted
nothing more than to like blow acanon through his face. So what did
you do about the food situation?We eventually found something making me panic even
I know, right, We walkedall the way up near the Grand Hotel
and found a place that had somespace, but we ended up eating at
like two thirty three o'clock in theafternoon. No, no, I know.
No. That's why I said,I love you who are my exact
match? Because I'm the worst atthat, And like this, I apologize
because afterwards I thought about it,I said, that was really terrible.
Like the kids survived on eight scoopsof ice cream and a piece of fudge
for like three hours. It wasn'tideal. But now I've learned my lesson.
We need to have we'd have ageneral outline, get into the other
women in a bachelorette party. Ifeel like, are gonna be so grateful
for that. Well, I'm justlike kind of confused by the whole thing
because I thought that, like she'sgot a maid of honor and she's got
a all of us are like closefriends. But you know, I did
kind of inquire or ask like,hey, if you need any help or
like what's going on with a bacheloretteparty? And she was like, oh,
it's all handled, like you guysare off the hook or whatever,
and I was like, okay,great, Like I look forward to receiving
the details now and now, likeAngie the bride is like sending us like,
hey, did you guys maybe wantto charter a boat when we're there,
And I'm like, Angie, thisis next weekend, not this weekend.
Next weekend, yeah, and She'slike, no, they have availability,
which is totally fine, but I'mlike, why are you planning this?
Why are you planning your own betch? Like I would have been happy
to have stepped in and write I'vedone it, but I thought someone else
was yeah. So I'm just likeconfused. And then we're also this is
also how you know, we're inour mid thirties, We're gonna do a
murder mystery while we're there. I'vealways wanted to do one of those.
I hate them, really? Haveyou hate them so much? Oh?
Yeah, I've done several. Mygroup of friends really loves a murder mystery
and I just do not. Ido not, But I really like the
character that I was assigned. Can'ttell you about it because I don't want
to be already know though. Yeah, we've already been We've already been sent
our characters, and we're gonna bringlike some one piece of clothing. She
asked us to bring one piece ofclothing that fits our characters, sort of
like identity. May I ask yourpiece of clothing is? Mmm, I
don't know yet. Your friends mightlisten, so I don't want to give
Yeah, you're right, Oh Igo crash this. Yeah, it's gonna
be fun. And she's like,we're I'm thinking like one nice in her
out and I'm like, where thereare eleven of us and it's rural Vermont.
Oh, so I just like amwondering and like I don't want to
overstep and be like I'm taking over. But also about that, I just
like I don't want to get ina situation where because her and I and
a couple of our other friends.Actually, a lot of the people that
are going on this trip went ona bachelorette party in Nashville, like years
and years and years ago, andthat was one of the things that we
ran into was that we didn't makereservations anywhere, so we were just gonna
like go and then like with everyone'sdietary preferences and the way that people eat,
and like, now, if youdon't feel good on a trip,
that's make or break for the SoI want everybody to feel good. I
want everybody to have access to foodthat they eat. I want everyone to
enjoy themselves. And that was abig cluster on that one back in the
day, was that we didn't makereservations and we were trying to walk in
places and again it was like agroup of twelve or thirteen of us and
we were like, oh god,we're idiots. I loved That's actually what
I remember. One of the thingsI remember the most is how flawlessly my
weekend went. And I know it'sbecause my maid of honor and matron of
honor put so much work into makingsure everything was set. There was not
a single moment where we were goingto do something that wasn't prepared to be
done. I loved it. Yeah, that's you're a good person to have
it, and I would. Idon't know if you were like, hey,
I can do some of this.I texted. I texted a couple
of the other girls, and Iwas like, hey, I don't know
what anybody like has planned or ifanybody has anything planned, but I'm more
than happy to help. Yeah,And like the responses I got didn't really
divulge too much information. It wasjust kind of like, oh, no,
I'm all good. And I waslike, because you have stuff planned,
or because you don't have stuff planned, because all plant stuff right,
because you know, are we gonnaplay like the slutty underwear game? Or
like what are we doing? Wegot to embarrass her a little bit.
Who's picking up the penis straws?Yeah? Come on, great question?
Yep. I kept those. They'regreat straws. The ones I had have
held up. Yeah. I madelike very embarrassing gift bags for people at
my sister's bachelor att party. Yes, decade ago, I was in my
twenties. I still had the energy. But we went to New Orleans.
We had a time. Oh,we had a time. Oh, but
I put penis straws in there.I put condoms in there. All of
these women were already married, andI was like, they don't need any
of this shit, but they're gettingall of it. It's nice to feel
seen. Yeah, to think somedaywe will be wild and sewing our oas.
Once again, I don't have timeto sew any other there's we're just
tired. But that's why. See, if you don't plan out a bachelorette
party, you're going to just send up being angry and someone else and
nobody wants that. That's a reminder. I meant some people want some of
it, not all of it,not all of it, but pick and
choose some of it. Yeah,that's what. See, you are the
person that is able to make thathappen. Pick and choose your own adventure.
I would trust you with that.Your organizational skills have made that turned
on. It's a good way.It's yeah, it's a good end.
There it is. We just gotreal personal and nobody thought that was happening.
But nobody's surprised. Ha