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April 28, 2023 31 mins
We're so excited to present to you the inaugural VIDEO episode of B&B! You can watch full episodes on YouTube now at @BunsAndBanter! In this episode we're re-introducing ourselves, the podcast, and other things we’re getting serious about in 2023 - including, but not limited to, feet pics? WELCOME TO BUNS & BANTER - WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! xo Lauren & Aly

Follow Lauren and Aly on social media at: @shmitinthemitt and @alymaconair
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Buns and Banter, apodcast buy work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Alie. We're both morning show hosts for I
Heartmedia. We're both millennials, andwe're both trying to figure out how to
build the live sweet dream about dating, marriage, career, career and being
a mom, how to get througha week without crying. Welcome to Buns

and Banter. We're glad you're here. Good side, No, like,
what was side? Do you feelcomfortable on? I feel comfortable here.
We could mix it up, wecan mix it up. Yes, yes,
in the studio, we don't havethis problem because it's just the microphones
are where they are. They arewhere they and they're in terrible spots most
of the time. Yeah, andin here, I mean the options are

unlimited, unlimited, So maybe notunlimited. I don't know if i'd necessarily
want to show off the windows thatI can only assume have some kind of
crazy glue and tape stuck on them. Yeah, that's a situation that looks
like crime scene tape left over,you know, So maybe that end of
the room, Yeah, stays behindthe scenes. Yeah, so we've talked

about this quite a few times.This is going to be an adjustment for
learning experience because I want to talkto you, but I also like how
I know, how often do Icheck back in with the camera. So
if you if you're listening to thepodcast right now and you're not watching it,
the podcast is now available in videoform. Yeah, the visually pleasing

side of Buns and banter m.We look visually pleasing today. I'm glad
we both did buns me too.Did you wake up or extra la to
try to look nice? Because Idid? I did you look gorgeous?
And I tried to do my hairthis morning and it just didn't work out.
I wanted to do a half up, half down bun oh, and
it just wasn't working for me today. And sometimes you just gotta say effitt,

we're putting it all up. Sothat's what we did. Yeah,
this is um let me see daysix, day six of this loveliness,
so it was not going to beworn down. That is impressive to wash
night tonight. So impressive, Well, impressive, that's a that's a strong
word for it. I mean Ithink people have a lot of I've had

a very small amount of my followersthat notice when I post my elevator picks
in the morning, and they willbe the first to call out and be
like, oh hat today. Didn'twash your hair, did you? And
I'm like, I don't know ifI want that as my legacy. I
love a hat, I love itup, but it is usually in the
days where I really need to washmy hair. Yeah. Same, I'm
not wearing I mean, I likethe hats that I wear. You have

great hats, but I'm not goingto put a hat on my clean head.
So we're doing it. We're doingWe're doing it. That this episode
is all about, I think fairto say, the hard work we're putting
into this podcast, how important itis to us. Yeah, how good
we've been feeling connecting with so manynew people because of it, And then
we wanted to take this next step, and so we're doing it. You're

doing the damn thing like you saidwe are, And I just got tired
of talking about it. And it'scertainly not perfect. We have some things
on the list that we want todo to sort of make it a little
bit more visually interesting and make ita little bit more buns and banter.
Yes, and a little bit less. Iheartread and Gray and Ship Lab.

Yeah, which is like cool foran office, but just like maybe not
the vibe for our podcast, becausethat's like we've talked a ton about that,
you know, the vibe we're lookingfor. And I know, I
mean, I know my listeners andI'm sure yours are too. Love to
give advice that we always enjoy.We do. So you know, if

there's something that you guys have seenor that you really enjoy from podcasts you
watched, like, oh, floatus some advice, blow us, some
idea is yeah, let us knowif there are podcasts that you strictly will
only watch and you don't listen to. Yeah, and we I mean I
love to look at other what otherpeople are doing and see if I like

it and if it works for them, and so we're into it. So
you know, send us a messageor whatever, because right now, my
only ideas are all pink, rightyeah, because obviously I feel like that's
very much a vibe. It isgood. Yeah, that's good. And
I love your idea of maybe incorporatingsome merch soon, right. Yeah,
this is so fun and so newfor us, and I feel like we're

very much stepping out of a comfortzone. Yeah, because we are not
those people. We've never been LikeI would never in a millionaires think of
like, oh I should have merchSelf promotion is very very difficult for me
because it feels so egotistical when itcomes to promoting myself. When I watch

other people execute self promotion, I'mlike, do your thing, Like,
yes, that's what you have todo, Like, you got to get
the word out there, especially ifyou know you enjoy what you're doing and
you have a product that you're proudof, Like do that. But I
just get so why do I getso nervous and I don't know, scared.
I think I have a fear ofbeing seen Probably me too, I

think we do. I just haveso many levels of anxiety. I never
know which one I'm going to popout on at any given day. Yeah,
And I'm like, WHOA self selfpromotion? Just we're going to do
it together. We're doing it together. It's less scary when you have a
buddy, it is, and wehype each other up. We do.
And if we're the only two thatwe're going to watch this, that's fine,

that's fine. I'm gonna look atit. And be like you look
good. We look we're killing it. Yeah, for the two of us,
it's amazing. I think we shouldreset now that we have a video
element. I think we should resetwhy the podcast is called Bunsen Banter and
also what we get up to.I liked this what we get up to

see, These are the things you'remissing when you're only listening and not watching.
She just did the most like maniacal. You're making a great like happy
villain. Yeah. So Ali andI we've been working at I Heard together
for over a decade. Over adecade. Yeah, that's crazy. And
you know we've we're kind of likethe only two women at this point in

morning shows, you know, onour on our studio floor, and we've
just naturally gotten super tight, Ithink. But we also come from very
different life spaces right now. Yeah, totally, what's your life space?
I am married with two kids ofa five year old and a two year
old. But I still get it. You still I still get it,

you know, like I don't lovethe whole Oh you're a mom. Oh
so you like don't do things anymore? For your information, I was at
the club in Grand Haven like twomonths ago and I got home at like
two thirty in the morning. Yeahyou did, paid for it for the
next five days, right, butworth it. Yeah, whereas you,
I am a single, crazy doglady in my early thirties and basically I

just want to sell all my possessionsright now and refurnish my house. Literally,
that's all I want to do rightnow. I think the furniture house
is beautiful. I love creeping onyou in your videos, so not to
be I think you have a beautifulbedroom. Thank you. You're just very
good at decor. Oh, thankyou so much. I feel like I

suck at it. But see twovery different thing. I don't even try
to decorate because at any given momentthere will be some kind of fluid on
it. All of my Like Ifeel like I'm an old woman because so
much of my furniture is covered,like not in plastic, but like I
have a couch cover that I boughtonline, and I have a blanket over
my nice new fabric chair. It'slike really just my like my husband's leather

recline where I'm like, well,yeah, somebody pukes or blades on that,
It's easily clean, can wipe thatoff. Everything else though, I
just feel like I wonder when thatchanges, When do your kids get old
enough for you can have nice thingsAgain, I don't think ever, Boom,
I don't think ever because I don'thave kids. I have a dog.
Yeah, and my furniture is alsocovered in seventy five blankets because she
sheds, and it's just it's it'stoo much. And you know what it's

funny is that I remember when Ibought my house. I was talking to
my co host Matt and I wasasking him because he had two or three
dogs at the time. Yeah,I was asking him about couches and what
he has and his dogs because Iwas worried about the shedding with fran And
I was like, I think I'mgonna get a leather couch. He was

like, oh, I wouldn't getleather because their nails will scratch it and
puncture it. I would get probablysomething like fabricy, but like a tight
weave so that the hair can't getin there. So that's what I got.
Smart. Yeah, yeah, no, oh spoiler, it is not
a good situation. And now hehas since purchased himself a leather couch and

with his dogs, and I'm notmad about it, but I'm like,
mmm, mmmm, of course looksgreat. And now I feel like I'm
stuck with this couch until it,literally, yeah, is worn down to
the threads. Because furniture is hardto bring yourself to buy. I feel
it's just like expensive stuff when youwant it nice. And I was very

much a I don't know what kindof phase I was in, but I
just I knew that I was goingto get my couch from West elm oh
I got it on sale. Igot it on sale, but I lost
it. I wouldn't repurchase a couchfrom there, really, I wouldn't.
I really wouldn't. Hot hot tipon the like I like that. I

love the that stuff. Though.Yeah, when you say, like,
hey, guys, or at leastthat couch in particular, I would not
repurchase. I think that there arebetter I think that there are better options.
I so it's interesting, like adviceyou get as like a dog mom
versus advice I've gotten as a kidmom. It's very rarely positive. It

feels like every single person who hasever had a kid, or even those
without kids but they've had kids intheir lives, just love to save the
horror stories for advice, and I'mlike, I've got my five year old,
my two year old now, andwe could be talking about like,
oh my gosh, when can youhave nice things again? And without fail?
Someone will be like, huh never, and you think it's bad now,

I just wait, but like that, but I get that. Then
when they go on, they goI mean, wait until they're teenagers and
they're coming home hit Someone tell me, well, at least little kids can't
get caught underage drinking on school propertyand then have to be tethered for a
year and a half. I'm like, true, I guess I should savor

these moments. Like the advice youget as a human parent is never anything
other than do you want to hearthat crazy my kids put me through?
Yeah, maybe you get that witha dog, but I didn't. I
have two dogs that I never gotthe kind of advice I get from weird
humans. I don't get horror storiesfrom people. I just get people telling

you that you're doing everything wrong.You're just you're doing everything wrong, Especially
because fran is a special girl.She's got some quirks, she's reactive,
aggressive. So we've done a lotof training with different trainers and stuff,
and I swear every time I postlike a related video about her training or

like what we're working on or whatever, there's always five or six people.
I posted a video of her eatinga bone one day and someone was like,
those are really bad for her,and I was just I get it.
When people know something or think theyknow something, like they want to
share that knowledge. And I trulyhave to believe that those people are not

meaning to make you feel like anidiot or make you feel bad. I
truly just feel like they are tryingto share the information and they just don't
know how to do that in anappropriate way. There it is. That's
what I'm going to tell myself,you know. Yeah, I just that's

I have to do. You wishyou could tell them that though, like,
oh, I see that the positiveintent was there, but you completely
left it up. Yeah, butthat's that's the Internet is so hard,
because it's it's not what you say, it's how you say it. And
you don't know how someone is sayingsomething because you read the comment and interpret

their tone of voice or right theirbody language or whatever, like you don't
actually have them in front of you. And this could have been the nicest
person in the world saying, oh, those are not good for them.
Yeah, but you read it,but I was like, of course I
read it as those are so badfor them, you know. Oh,

I'm so glad we're getting into warmerweather because I cannot tell you the comments
and any parent will tell you this. They're kids not wearing a coat in
cold weather. Oh my ever lovingthe Lord like it's just And I follow
so many moms on my Instagram,I TikTok and stuff that have just they
do that thing where they're walking aroundholding the coat Like I tried, y'all.

I tried here, it is here, there she is, I have
it with me. She doesn't wantit on back the f off. I
mean, just how many times I'vetaken because kids aren't supposed to wear coats
and car seats and it doesn't havekids yet, you're not supposed to have
coats on them in the car seat. There's a really jarring video where they
show you what happens with crash testdummies if your kid has like a puffy

coat on so the car seat can'tbe tightened all the way. The stuff
of nightmares. Okay, don't wantcoats in the car seat, No coats
in the car seat. But thenyou got to like take the kid out
of the car seat. You knowyou're going to mir or whatever. Oh.
This woman passed me once. Ihad just pulled my daughter out,
and she was like, who bitnippy for short sleeves? And it was
just one of those days. Itwas one of those days, and I'd

had a day and I looked ather and I was like, ma'am,
her left thigh is still in thecar. Her coat is right here.
I am putting it on her formy walk into the grocery store. Thanks
so much for your concern. Sheobviously didn't know that. She obviously was
at an age where she she wassome old curmudge. She didn't have grandkids

yet or I'm being ages, butshe was an old biddy. She didn't
know that you had to wear heryou couldn't wear coats in the car seat,
though, because that's if you knew. If she knew that you couldn't
wear coats in the car seat,you're not saying that if you're watching someone
get their kid out of the car. Yeah, I like to think that.
I think she would have said itno matter and just the way she
didn't like walk and buy with hercart and it's broken wheel. You know,

I judged her for that too.You know, if the cart's got
a broken wheel, put it back, grab any one man. But she
just had to. I bet shedoesn't take her car back. Oh,
I bet she definitely does not puther cart back. That's a deal breaker
for me. Yeah, that mademe feel good to hear that. If
I'm if I am considering someone ina romantic way and there they don't put
their car back in the cart,Correll, you may as well have just

called your waitress a cursword or something. I don't know, Like that's as
bad as like not tipping well orsnapping for the tracks. Can't can't do
it? Have you ever put someone'scart back in front of them? Oh?
I do it all the time.I'll wait for them to like get
in their car and they'll take itand like make sure I'm like walking behind

their cars they can't pull out,Like, don't worry, she's taking your
cart back like God intended. Iwas at flower Land over the weekend getting
some stuff, and it stresses meout there because they don't have actual metal
corrals where you go up with acard back. You just have signs that
say leave your cart in this area. Yeah, and that it's kind of

like Cosco. It's just a bigcorral and you're like, I gotta line
them up. I'll line them up. I feel bad. I can't do
it. Oh my. The otherconsistent theme in this podcast is that Alie
and I are just really great people. I mean I think most of it
is never not me, not you, not us. We think we're great.

Apparently other people do not think thatI'm great. I was really torn
if I was going to share thisor not. I have already told you
this. Yeah, Oh got ghosted. I'm so mad about this. Yeah
still yeah. I mean I justtalked about him on the podcast. I

believe you had mentioned him. Ithink I had mentioned him. Yeah,
yeah, this was He lived onthe east side of the state. Yeah.
So I mean, like I wasdriving over there, which it's like
a two hour two and a halfhour drive, So I was scheduling like
dates with him when I was goingto see my family, and I thought
it was going really well, andI was very optimistic and I was like,

okay, like all right, thisis I like this. I'm into
this. Kiss a death I know, I just I know. Whenever I'm
starting to be like, yeah,no, I'm feeling this person, that's
when it's it's over. The endis in sight because we had a great
date and then we're talking about thenext time that we're gonna see each other.

I had a wedding in Vegas.He mentioned he was going to do
some traveling for work. I said, okay, I do have like a
weekend in the future. It wasEaster at that point, I am coming
home for Easter to see my family. And then I just like never nothing
heard back from him, Like,never heard back at all. So it

was I mean, I'm I'm notsurprised because dating, there's not much that
can surprise me being thirty one andlike online dating, I feel like I've
seen a few things. I've seena few things, but you know,
keeps keeps me humble for sure.God, So I thought of you the
other day because I've kind to findthis article too. Would you wear something

to let people know you are single? Oh? Did you see this?
So it's it's the one I sawwas a ring and this girl was talking
about it, and I think Isaw TikTok on it as well, and
she said she was very confident.She was I realized that I'm a really
gorgeous woman. Oh right, itstarted and I was like, Mariam,

She's like, I realized that I'mprobably a really gorgeous woman, and I
am not maybe very approachable. I'mprobably intimidating and you know, pretty,
so guys don't necessarily come up tome. And so she has decided to
try and like start this movement thatyou can wear something to let guy girl
whoever know I'm available and interested,like I'm looking, I'm game, feel

free to come up to me.Would you do that? No, because
I'm gonna tell you I would.I would love to wear something to let
people know like, yes, I'ma mom. No, my life hasn't
ended. Like I just to cutthat conversation out entirely, right there would
be great. Yeah, but no, not for you. No, I

don't No, I just don't wantto invite any unwanted attention. It's a
bold move into my life. Noram I ever anywhere where I would be
Oh, like, I'm not outat the bars anymore. That's true.

This this requires that you know,yeah, I will occasionally go out with
my friends or whatever to go geta drink or go grab dinner. But
typically in those spaces, I'm Ijust want to hang out with my friends,
Okay, I don't want to likecruise for guys. What if we

were in a space full of toptier I'm just I'm just spitballing here,
Like where do you think like thefire department department? I'm sorry, I
have never in my life seen anunattractive fireman. Fire fighter. I'm men,
women, I would love to berescued, especially by some of Gr's

finalist. I'll be honest with you. I see him in parades. We
lived down the street from one ofthe firehouses. And I also saw a
TikTok of a woman who went toan air show and she was like,
WHOA, Suddenly I'm going to actvery confused, used about what this is
all about. Babe. When didyou find service people can explain it to
me. Yeah, there's some spots. Yeah. I saw a guy talking

about how a failed situation ship thathe was in. This was on TikTok.
He said, so it's time togo look confused and target again.
Yes, And then a woman commented, don't go to target all of the
women that you want to talk to. Are not at Target, They're at
Low's or home depot looking confused.So you guys are missing each other again.

Oh my, the lumber department ata Lowe's home deepoemonards. I mean,
how a board hasn't just crushed meto death just because I'm like flipping
through like it's magazine. Chris tookme once when we were redoing our bathroom.
He's like, what are you doing? I said, oh, I'm
just looking through two by four us. He's like, that's not how any

of this works. So you areabsolutely right, that's where that's where they're
at. Yeah. Never, Ijust don't really ever look my best at
Low's or home depot. I disagree, and I just like I rock that
RBF hard so hard. Well,it's typically like a Saturday morning when you

can go right, That's how itis for me. I'm irritated to be
awake. I don't want to bethere listening to things I don't know about,
you know. And then like thetipping of the scales is when Christal
tried to involve me and he's like, babe, do you mind grabbing me
like a Philip's four point two seven? And I'm like, what, why
did you marry? I don't evenI just I thought you said that there

was like snacks here. Let's justdo what we need to do. I
don't even know. I was justgoing to watch the kids and make sure
they didn't run off. Yeah.I don't know what that is. Yeah,
I don't know what it holds.Well. The biggest relationship builder ever
was remodeling. Yeah, oh mygod, we had to do that bathroom.

I know. I will never forgetthe definition of the word blush,
babe. Is that dry wall flushagainst the wall. Yes, but we
didn't known till we drilled it allin oh some words, And I said,
why can't you just cut another pieceand stick it in there. It's
like this could end us. Iwas like, it could, but I

love you and I'm going to gohave a glass of wine and come back
and work more. Wow. Imean you guys, you've renovated a bathroom.
You renovated a kitchen. Someone elserenovated the kitchen. The bathroom was
really the one and done for us. We didn't divorce, we didn't die,
and that was pre kids, sowe still procreated. And you've got
to be in some kind of goodspace. You know, do you do

that? That's impressive. You andCurse are very solid, very solid.
You know. Yeah, we're okay. If my therapist ever again asks me
if I have healthy examples of relationshipsgotten, I'm gonna say you and Chris
don't do it. Literally. Heattempts to me the other day and we

have to put in all this paperworkfor the kids school. It's like that
time right now, which is insaneto me. And he was like,
hey, like, I got Will'spaperwork all done for kindergarten and Sophia should
be all caught up. And Iwas like, thank you. I really
appreciate you. I get back up. Yeah, question mark, question mark,
question Oh here we go. Ohit's not what you think. Okay,
No, okay, because I knowwhat I thought was coming. And

he goes, so you're saying thatI could fish two days in a row.
And then he sent me a bunchof gifts. He sent me that
cat from Puss in Booth that's like, and then he sent me the Law
and Order gift of Olivia Benson going, it's a long shot, but it's
worth a shot. That's the relationshipwe have. So so what'd you say?

I was like, that's that's fine. After I looked at the forecast
and realized the next like two weeksit's going to be just terrible. So
after it gets two days fishing,I get girls nights sleep ins. See,
it's all about the give and take, endless gratitude for being the best
wife out there. Yeah, maybehe'll be your cameraman when we finally start

taking feet picks. I thought thatthough you think you need like a second
shooter for that, you've got yourperspective like a wedding. Laura and I
joke about this all the time,but for real, we both saw the
same video on TikTok last week.Yeah, they asked this woman how much

money she made a year, andshe said three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
And they asked her what she didfor a living, and she sells
feet picks online. I have feet. I got two of them, all
of the toes still on them.I'm like, seriously going to look into
this. I have you did somegoogling? We did. We did do
some googling. And the thing is, though, you have to like when

you come up, like you canput in your name how you want it.
To be displayed or whatever. Andthen some of the different websites we
are seriously considering this, some ofthe different websites. You have to come
up with like a whole story,like a whole branding situation, like a
like a foot background story, nota background story, but like tell people

about yourself, tell people why you'rehere, tell people. Wow. I
know. So I'm trying to likethink of different because I want to make
something so ridiculous up. Yeah,like the many Walks of Flame. Oh
that's a good one, but yeah, like something kind of punny, something

that that also makes me think it'sa reputable site. It's not just anybody
throwing their feet on there. It'ssomeone that's come up with some truly creative
pieces to this. I also thinkthat it's probably harder than we think it
is. I think we have reallycute feet. I don't think. Yeah,
but it's got to be because whenpeople talk to us about social media

and they're like, how hard isit? You just post pictures online?
And we're like, let me tellyou, it's more effort than you It's
more effort than you realize once youare into it and you start trying to
create content and stuff, And Iwill say it comes to some people very
very naturally jealous of those people.But I feel like this is probably going
to be more complicated than we thinkit is. I think you had a

great idea about videos of pedicures.Can you imagine we get in there when
they're doing like the thing on yourheel, the pummis, the pummis thank
you. Yeah, I'm gonna haveto hit you up for some of those
terms, because I mean, Ido think we're actually going to do this
just to see, just to see. It follows the theme of doing the

damn thing. We've talked a lotabout feet picks. Let's just do them.
We're coming into our prime. We'regonna have tantos in the summer,
that's true. We can wear thehot colors. Come on. Yeah,
we gotta think of like some conten pillars though. We can do that,
Oh my god. We can dolike water air fire elements, thank

you. You can do like lakefeet picks, feed out the car picks
for air. We can do likea little bomb fire picks. I know,
that's a great one. Those aresome strong pillars. Some people are
gonna be like water feet Wow,sign me up. And let me become
a subscriber. Yeah. My worstfear though, is that like down the

road, you're applying for like yourultimate dream job, and they google your
name and like that comes up andthey're like what the what is this about?
And you're like, oh, it'sjust a little side hustle. And
when they ask us about it,we can discuss our commitment to finishing a
project. Well, that's some goodspin commit mint. And maybe it's a

job that requires you on your feetall day. Wouldn't you want someone that
takes extra good care of their feetand has wicked amounts of energy because that's
their livelihood. It's been it allday. Baby, they're gonna love feat
by the end. That shouldn't holdus back. Okay, our feet are
getting out there. Yeah, areyou going to have your own? Or
are we going to do this together? And like offer we could split it?

Oh you know that could be agood little pillar. Interesting. Uh
huh. I've got some weird imagespopping into my mind right now. And
what would think you would do?Well? Okay, so I'd like to
hear these maybe like after this though, right, because maybe we should talk
about it before we go live withit. But wouldn't you use the social

media following that you've already accumulated,Like, would you use your same user
name as you do on Instagram?You would use a different user name and
start from scratch. Yeah, Ifeel like you'd. I think I think
Feet would gather a following pretty quickif what I've heard is true in the
feet world? Would you I don'tknow. That's what I was thinking about

when I was looking at these websites. You can pick your user name.
It can be whatever you want.Wow, as long as it's available.
Of course, of course I wouldn'twant to, you know, just blatantly
copy someone's use your name. ButI also feel like I need to do
a little research. I'd want somethinglike but creative, like fo cute?

Yeah yeah, like something a littlepunny, but like something kind of cheeky.
Yep, lures you in because you'relike, oh, I don't know,
that name makes me think they havehot feet. We're gonna put your
kids through college with feet picks.I'm telling you, and you know what,
I'll be super public about it.I'll write a book. How'd you
make your millions? Right here?Baby feet picks? Right here? Feet

picks are us OPI Lavender sponsor US. We have only the brightest of futures.
This podcast is going to serve avery specific set of people and it's
probably not our usual listener. No, what a way to start off with

a just ub. We're gonna scarepeople with our first video feed. I
think it's really a hole in one. Yeah, that's good. I was
trying so hard. Did you seemy brain racking as I was like,
come up with a super funny putin moment? What kind of things do
people say about beat and nothing?But it's good. That's gonna be good.
Yeah, as usual, Head inthe Clouds, Heat on the Ground,
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