Episode Transcript
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Welcome to Buns and Banter, apodcast buy work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Ali. We're both morning show hosts for I
Heart Media. We're both millennials,and we're both trying to figure out how
to build the lives we dream about, dating, marriage, career, career
and being a mom. How toget through a week without crying. Welcome
to Buns and Banter. We're gladyou're here. Do you have a thing
that you do that irritates you butyou're only irritating yourself because you're the cause
of it. Probably let me tellyou what mine is. When I take
my shoes off. This is atotally solvable problem. By the way,
when I take my shoes off whenI'm going into my house, I don't
untie them, and then I'm rushingout of the house when I see that
my shoes are taught and I haveto stop and untie them in order to
put them on and retie them.Nothing infuriates me more. And it's a
self caused problem. Wouldn't it beso helpful right now if I said something
like, you know, the definitionof insanity is doing the same thing over
and over again, but expecting adifferent outcome because I do the same thing.
I thought I was cool and youthful, and I pought a pair of
like not really tennis shoes, butlike, I still have to tie them
because I feel very weird about havinglike open laces. But every time I
take them off, I just likekick them off with the heel, and
then I go to put them on, I'm like, oh, like because
they're so tight with the laces.Yes, I'm never going to untie them
when I get home. Ah,I know, I know, I just
yeah, And it's like a it'sjust it's totally it's ridiculous and it happened
to me this morning. I'm runningout the door. Of course I can't
get anything ready to night before.It's impossible to do. That is just
too much for me. I'm like, oh, I'll do that tomorrow morning
when I know I'm going to shortmyself five minutes. I know that even
my early alarm still shorts myself fiveminutes. Why because apparently I think that
I can get ready like fifteen minutesfaster than I actually can. And then
I you know, it's just likeit adds insult to injury. When you're
already late and you get there andit doesn't even take very long to untie
the shoelaces to put your feet in. But it's just the fact that I
have to that makes me so mad. I don't know, That's just one
of those things I gotta tell you. Speaking of fashion, I wanted to
open with and it would be verygreat if you watched this on YouTube because
then you could see what I'm talkingabout. Our beautiful listeners. I'm trying
to bring back some fashion and theydon't know how I feel about it,
because we talked I think last episode, maybe two episodes ago, that it's
going to be our flowy pant summer. Yes, right, we're giving our
coastal Gramma feels in the best waypossible. Yeah. So, I think
I think they're still called Are theseplazzo pants? Do you remember that term?
I do? Or is that superold? Because I saw these and
I'm like, I think they're cute, They're flowing. When I tried middle
school. In high school, wecalled them gaucho pants. Yeah, so
same thing. Yeah, I don'tknow because I also had gaucho pants,
which I would love for those tomake a comeback. I think they are,
but I think so, I don'tknow, maybe because these are pleaded.
They're kind of pleaded. So Ihad the song right now, and
I was not going to keep themfor sure until I had all of the
people in my life that I thinkare very fashioned forward judge them. And
I've already been told once that Ilook like a lampshade. Who I think.
I think we both know who someoneI work with. But now I'm
like, I still think they're good. Someone a double check and look see
tag o. God, I wasn'tready. I was like, I want
to see what the helly thinks ofit, because she's so fashioned forward with
her great pants. So this sothis is what I'm doing today. This
was my pant for the podcast.I love those plants or plants pants for
the pot yeah, pants with thepleats, pants with the pleats. I
think it makes some palazzo pants ormaking up that word entirely. I don't
know. That's from like nineteen ninetyfour, that's og. I know palazzo
pants are a thing. I justwouldn't be able to draw you a picture
or describe them, but I wouldsay like they're a flowyer pant. Okay,
so I think I'm going to keepthem. I like those pants though
I was very, very like weirdlyself conscious. If there's something outside of
my comfort zone, it's clothes,Like I could never do what you do,
and I mean that it's such acompany me. You're always like testing
with new styles and stuff like yourpants today. Never in a million years
what I ever. But they lookso good on you. Well, thank
you. Yeah, these are actuallya reach even for me. But um,
you know, I do the clothingthe rental subscription Newly oh yeah,
where it's all like anthrow and freepeople. And they've added in urban outfitters
now and there are some really cutebrands on there. But the stuff that
I want isn't always available, soit kind of forces you to pick some
stuff that you wouldn't normally outside thething. Yeah, so that's why I
like it. But these I feellike skew a little bit younger, and
I'm actually really glad that I gotthem because I actually they're cute. They're
so comfortable. See that's what I'mall about. They're so comfortable, and
the print I wasn't super crazy about. I'm not like a big y two
k see that's interesting. I wouldthink that that looks like late sixties to
me. Late sixties, Yeah,yeah, which I love again, Yeah,
I like them. I'm I don'tknow. Maybe it's the like it's
the flowers that say why two Kto me? Like those this like screams
Delias to me, Oh Delia Didyou get those magazines? Yeah? Oh
my god. My friend in highschool was obsessed with Delia's. Like,
when you think about what fashion youwould bring back, I think about,
like, come on, Dahlia's evena pop up shop. Yeah, I'd
take like a day where you couldgo through. Yeah, I loved Dahlia's.
So you're taking those for a testdrive. You got the price tag
on them as a classy brunts,and that tells me that you did not
wash those before you wore them,though I did it, which I don't
either. I don't either, butI almost don't want to share this.
I God, I just saw anapartment therapy. The other day. There
was an article where they had intervieweda bunch of dermatologists, and the dermatologists
were saying, I will never wearclothes without washing them because I've seen some
shit. Basically, like dermatologists scabies, fungus, are you? And one
of them said, clothes are shippedwith preservatives on them, and those preservatives
can get moldy, so there's sometime, Oh my god, mold on
the clothes. I've never been moreuncomfortable in something I've been wearing than this
very moment. I mean, honestly, I don't know that I've ever washed
something, never straight home from thestore before I wore it. Usually I'm
wearing that like i'd buy something.I'm this kind of shopper. I'd buy
something for the occasion. I don'tbuy stuff and just have it in that
closet. I don't go shopping everyseason for like, Okay, here are
my clothes for the season. Iwait as long as I can until I
am absolutely completely overstimulated and stressed outbecause I'm going somewhere and I don't have
anything to wear, don't have anythingto wear, full close, full closet,
but don't have anything to wear.And then I'm rushing out to Target
or Jay Crew wherever to be like, I have to dress myself for this
event, and then it's something thatis totally not wearable in my every day
but was just appropriate for that event. And then you're stuck with it,
and then I'm stuck with it.Yeah, yep, it's It's interesting because
never, never have ever watched somethingbefore I was going to wear it,
because I want to see what itlooks like when it's on me in pristine
condition. Yes, right, becauseit is my opinion that this piece of
clothing that I have purchased at thestore and have not watched it is not
going to wear this way after Iwash it, never again, never again.
After I watch this, it isgoing to lay differently in it.
Just got to get the good wearout of it at least a couple of
times. But I don't want scabies. Girl, have you ever had scabies?
What the heck is a skabie?Let me tell you a real quick,
uncomfortably close preview before we get tothe other the other uncomfortably close later
in this episode. I got scabieswhen I was twenty two. It is.
It is to this day one ofthe grossest things like that in Pink
Eye, I just never want totalk about again. Are they bugs?
They're like little At first I thoughtit was um psoriasis, right, that's
the skin condition, Okay, becauselike they tend to go and like crevasses.
So they were like between my knuckles, okay, between my fingers,
and I was like, oh,my skin's just so dried. And then
it was getting worse, and soI was going to go to my doctor
to try and get a referral toa dermatologist, and she was like,
oh, so those are scabies.I'm like, what are skate? So
it's a fungus. Yeah, butthey're all but but I think they're like
bugs. They're I think they're likegnat type. I gotta get the Google
machine. It was so disgusting andthe worst thing. It's like an std
itch light. It's an itch.It's a mite. That's worse thing.
I don't like that. That's worsethan buck. It's like an std in
the fact that you have to likecall all the people you've been around in
the last week. Absolutely not Alleyand I got it. I'm pretty sure
I got it from this nasty apartmentI went to one time, like with
a friend of a friend. Ididn't even know who it was because the
doctor's like, oh, yeah,you can get it from all these places.
It's usually like dirty housing or thingsthat haven't been cleaned. I'm like
college college, right, And Iwas like, so then I had to
go through and I had to callthe few people that I had had like
close interaction with. That's my worstnightmare is having to call like that was
the worst part of COVID for me, yes, was having to call people
after I had been infected by it, to say like, hey, you
you got to get tested that no, you have to get tested. I
got that. I called and Iwas like, hey, so I have
something called skaties. You might wantto call your doctor. And for two
weeks, I think it was twoweeks, my now husband Chris and I,
who weren't even officially back together atthis point, he got them too.
Oh we had to rub this likeantibiotic mint all over our bodies.
Okay, today, it's just annointment. It's just annointment. And you think
it sounds sexy, it's not.We didn't want to like look at each
other for at first. I waslike, so I gotta about this.
One's like oh, And then likefive minutes later, girls, oh no,
this was not pictured. It's terrible. So when you say that,
like, no, I feel likethings are crawling all over me and my
unwashed pants. Now you're fine,how many times have you ever caught scabies
from the clothes that you've worn?See, that's true. I don't think
it was the clothes like you,you haven't, but and I do want
to mention these were all dermatologists fromsome like big college in a city which
I just feel like New York,LA. Those places are hotbed for infestations
dirty. I mean, so manypeople in such a big place hard to
keep clean. Yeah, mice ornot mice while also mice rats, but
lice bed bugs. Like you alwayscare about outbreaks in big cities like that,
we live in the suburbs. We'reso also like we're we're based out
of Grand Rappids is a very cleancity. People that come from bigger cities
always say that, do they Yeah, Oh my gosh, they're like because
we when I would do events withum some of the syndicated talent we have
in other markets that would come infor a concert or something, they always
said that. They were like,oh my gosh, this is my first
time in Grand Rapids and it's likesuch a cool city. But it's so
clean. You just have such aclean city. Hats off, who are
downtown cruise? Right? What dowe down the ambassadors then sorties. Yeah,
that's what they are. They're ambassadors. Yeah, they are always always
working man, keeping the escapes away. Because my husband watches everything before he
wears it. He does he doesnot buy clothes and ever put them right
on. He thinks that's like sodisgusting of meat. That makes me worry
that a guy is saying this.He's yeah, he's like, oh,
you're going to put that right on. His thing was always like, there's
so many chemicals that come out oflike the factories where these clothes are faked.
Yes, that he's like, thepreservatives and the chemical that was one
of the other things they can likeget moldy and dry your skin out and
stuff like that. God, wellwe're great. I mean we are pictures
of gorgeousness. So clearly our dirtyclothes have not affected us yet. And
I say the pants are a bigwin, big win. Yeah, okay,
I bought them in a wine coloras well. And I just want
to circle back to the lamp shade. Why is it? What is it
with coworkers and like commenting and comparingthe things you wear, like have you
guys not? Because I'm assuming itwas a guy. Oh, yeah,
because I would. I just wouldnever. I would never walk up to
one of my co workers as awoman, yeah, male or female and
be like, those pants look likeyou're wearing a lamp shade. But sub
like you thought it would be acompliment coming out now, I will admit
the other day I did say tosomeone and I felt that about this afterwards.
Oh remember when we were in thatmeeting and one of our sales directors
was wearing that really cute dress.Yes, And I said, that's a
super cute dress and she said,thank you. It's from like ten years
ago brother's wedding or rehearsal dinner.I think, YadA YadA, And I
said, and you still fit intothat, you bitch. And then I
felt really bad about that after Oh, I think that's so complimentary. I
just I just felt, I know, I like a woman, especially like
I meant it as a compliment,but I just I wasn't sure if I
was on that level with her.So then I felt bad, like did
I come on too strong? DidI? Yeah? It's the month twelve
of my life. I feel likeanything i'm saying something, I'm like,
WHOA, that was aggressive? ButI mentioned nice aggressively nice, aggressively nice.
But I just really liked her dressand that was impressive to me that
like she's still she still has clothesfrom a decade ago. That girl,
right, look great. There's areason I bought flowy pants with an elastic
band. I'm here for it.They were like a lastic band or drawstring.
I'm like, oh my god,I'm a mother. I'm not going
to draw stirring anything around this section. Thank you so much. Two children
have busted out of this. Iwant to cover it the best I can.
Yeah, but you're looking good.Oh god, I appreciate, thank
you. Thanks. It's good hypegoing into the summer. Yeah, this
is because this episode dropping right beforeMemorial Day weekend, so this is like
the open to swim suit season.You know, don't remind me. And
it's like, oh, don't remindme. I was looking at bathing suits
the other day, and I knowwe've covered this before on this very podcast.
One hundred and eighty five dollars fora bikini. Wow, man,
it did say that that bikini wasa lifetime guarantee no color fading. So
I don't know if you're paying morefor some crazy technology but one hundred and
eighty five dollars for bikini bikini.I just am not in very X bracket.
No, thank god me either,because I got I mean, I
gotta give the props. I havevery good luck with cupsh when I when
I buy sun I got to checkthem out uli cups. But you just
have to be you have to becautious sometimes about especially the one suits that
you buy. Because I've got thisgreat navy one that I think I'm breaking
out this weekend, oh that Ihave not tried on yet, and I'm
pretty sure the up top is fine. It's the down below that I think
is going to be showing a lot. Where are you going to be that
you're going to have your pants off? Like up north? Okay, I
like the beach and stuff I do. It was a good question to ask,
but like, oh, what doyou plan? I'd rather keep my
shorts on with just my bathing suittop than do like both. Really yeah,
I'd rather I'd rather have my assout than my and be covered up
top. I would feel better aboutmy bottom half than I do my mid
to top half. I mean,don't get me wrong. When I say
my top half, I mean likeright up to here, right below my
boobs, if we can cover everythingfrom my toes just to like right up
buy my boobs. Good? Yeah, so pretty much just like my shoulders
in my head. Yeah, we'regonna be looking so snatched this weekend though,
with all of our like outerwear coveringall of our spots. Oh,
we're looking so good. Those pictures, yeah, pictures. Who's taking pictures?
You never know. That's why youhave to be prepared. Speaking of
bathing suit picks, did you seeMartha Stewart, I'm Sports Illustrated. Yup,
eighty one. She's hot. It'sgonna be eighty two in August.
So good. I love that becauseI will tell you one of my I
don't have many hopes and dreams,like like, I don't. I don't
have I'm not that type of galwho like has a five year plan and
here are the things I want avision boards for us. I don't have
a bucket list. I don't havea forty by forty. I don't have
a thirty by thirty. I don'thave anything but one thing that I would
like to do aside from being ina Hallmark movie. Oh no, yeah,
that's number one. Number two isbeing sports illustrated the Swimsuit Edition.
Really, Yes, Now I thinkI would love that more. I was
never a fan of the illest theswim Stood edition back in the day.
Now that they're putting in more likedifferent body types and figures and women in
age, right, I love it? Yes, I love it. Mmm.
I agree. Say well, I'mstill not fully invested into the Victoria's
Secret fashion show. I think thatjust needs to end for good. Like
I appreciate Victoria's Secret making the effortto be more inclusive, yeah, but
like the way that you got there, it just feels so gross. Mmmmmmmmmm
Yeah, I agree. It justfeels like you much you wouldn't have taken
the steps, in my opinion,to be more inclusive and to um work
on some of the issues that youhad if you had been called out,
if you hadn't been called yumbled out. It's because you got caught and then
you're like, oh, here's whatwe're gonna do. Yeah, it's a
nice thing to do, because Ithink you were just fine having those little
eaty bitty models on the verge ofpassing out walking down your runway when you
were cash in those checks. Ittybitty right. Remember the first time I
went into Vicki's for anything and Iwas like, what, this barely covers
my Ariola. It's not for it'snot for big busty women. And they
were expensive. Oh yeah, LikeI don't think I ever had a braw
from Victorias dogret. But the underwear, the five for twenty five, that
was the original five. I feelyou, Yeah, I feel you.
And then Airy just snuck right inthere. And I was loyal to Arie
for a long time. Yeah,I was because they did. I've never
gotten panties from them. They doeight for thirty five. And we may
not be great at math or stem, but that's a deal. That's that's
a good deal. That's a gooddeal. But I do feel like quality
suffered over the pandemic. It's dida lot of things. Of things,
as did a lot of things,but all of a sudden and you know,
maybe it's just because I turned thirtyand like things shifted and like moved
around. But what used to becomfy pair of pantaloons at Airy now I'm
like, we're not covering really muchof anything down there now. Welcome,
welcome. I don't like, Idon't think things have shifted on you,
but like I do remember that feelinglike, oh no, this is how
it peaks. Yeah, like itlike the um the part of the underwear
in between the back and the front. It's called the gusset. I didn't
know that. Yeah, wow,you're welcome and the gusset. I feel
like during the pandemic, specifically atAiry went from a comfortable acceptable size to
maybe a fraction of that, andI was like, what happened? What
wrong? What happened? Like didmy hips all of a sudden, Like
I turned thirty and my hips werelike we are baby making hips now and
they just expanded Because I don't thinkso, I still fit into the same
pants. It's oh, it's thegusset's fault. It's the gusset. When
in doubt, blame the gusset.Yeah. Always going back to Martha Stewart,
Yes, do you really believe?Because everybody right is like, she
looks amazing, she looks ageless,No way, she's in her eighties.
You buying that she does pilates andthat's what she mostly attributes to how great
she looks. No, I thinkshe's on ozempic. Absolutely not. Please,
I'm listening to her interview and she'slike, well, in true Martha
form, I've always led a veryclean lifestyle, you know, lots of
hydration and Brits and veggies. Butit's it's really pilates. I started doing
pilates, and I'm like, there'sjust no way I look like be Arthur
at thirty six. There's no way. It's just pilates that gave you that
whole situation at eighty almost two.Martha Well, I would not be surprised
if they also did a fair amountof photoshopping on her. I wonder too,
because she said they didn't. She'slike, they barely even airbrushed.
I'm so proud of being a partof this because they didn't do a lot
of that. So they did saythey barely. What's what's barely mean to
you though? Because barely to memeans like maybe we're slapping a filter on
this minimum and Instagram filter. Yeah, honestly, I think she looks great.
Yeah, but I also appreciate someonewho looks great and also looks like
a normal human being. I willgive you that. Oh my god,
she does not. If she hashad work done, it's beautiful, which
that's another thing. I don't thinkshe would ever tell us about all of
her plastic surgery, but I thinkover the years she's had some work done.
I don't think that's all polities.Her tatas were so nice. They
cast at a lot of park inthem. I'm like, I like that
secret. I just feel like posingcan be really yeah, beneficial. Like
you and pose someone in a waythat makes them look awful in front of
a camera, and I in theother way, you can also pose someone
that makes them look great. AndI didn't see her in any two pieces.
She did wear one piece, andshe's got a big hat in the
pictures that I saw, Yeah,and the white one she had like that
shall type thing and drapey thing,drapey, Oh, I love drape if
I can never just yeah, Ijust I'm gonna thrive as an older woman.
But like you and I, wehave both had and I will cop
to this, like we both hadcool sculpting. Mhmm, yep. So
I just had cryo done with handand stone. Yeah, yeah, And
I think, to the credit ofthe Kardashians, that just doesn't happen often.
To their credit, though they areopening up about the procedures that they
get done. There for a whileon the show, like they were filming
at the office the med spa wherethey were getting oh, I'm getting this
treatment done for my today, orlike oh I'm getting this this paddle done
for my cellulite or whatever it was, right, And I do think there
are a lot of non invasive proceduresnow, like the m cellam Oh what's
it called. It's not a laser, but it's like m cella like microcurrent.
Oh, and you can get iton your abdominals, but you can
also get it in lieu of yourcaggles and it's like doing like two thousand
sit ups or something. But it'sjust like something that just like contracts your
like muscles for you. And it'sit's a wavelength or a frequency. I'm
not exactly sure like the science behindit, but there's a lot of stuff
like that available. I was goingto say, that's the kind of science
I would put more money into.Forget curing these diseases. You guys,
yeah, give me ads that Idon't have to work for. But I
think that there is a lot ofstuff like that that we just You're never
ugly, you're just poor. Howmany celebrities. How many celebrities do we
see go from looking like this andthen they end up looking like this,
And it's like, I haven't everhad plastic surgery. No, but you've
had botox, and you've had likefiller, and you've had You've gone to
the line of a facial every singleweek, and you you've had those raps
that like deep bloat and deep puffyou and the lip fillers all that,
which you know, we're not hereto judge that. It's just I would
be doing it too, if Ihad the money to be more open about
it too, be like, youcan't look like this, you're right more
right. So, while I dofeel like gold, Martha is doing pilates,
Yes, girl, get your pilates, but don't don't talk to us
like we're stupid. Don't Martha makeyour read I have seen you make an
entire haraph of cocktails, and Iknow you're smoking that weed with snoop when
you're getting the muncheese. Don't don'tdon't. That was That was some of
the strongest victual reaction I've seen fromyou on a topic. I loved it.
It was so honest. I justsaid, yes, those are my
thoughts. This is why we've startedthis, Like could we say this to
just anyone? Probably not, buthere it's a safe space, right,
speaking of, I think it's time. Is it time for another round of
uncomfortably close? Let's do it.I've been so excited to share this with
you. Excited might not be theright word. So I think I have
to start by saying, I'm sucha weird phobia almost it's probably the word
of toilet paper. Oh, likeI don't. I just don't love toilet
paper in general. I understand thenecessity of it, but I just don't.
Oh, it's something weird about it, and I don't like it,
and I get nervous that it's goingto get stuck in places and I just
don't. I don't like it.Okay, I never liked it, and
so I'm coomfortably close today. Ithink personally affects you because we're the only
two women on our floor in themorning, yes, doing all the shows,
and so it's just you and Ithat'll be using the women's bathroom,
right. I can't stand when anew toilet paper roll has been put on
and it's still like like stuck together, like the sticky. How you like
am I describing it? Yeah,well, I know what you mean.
I can undo it. So ifI'm in there and that's happened, I
use paper towels and leave it foryou. That's funny. And I'm sure
there's been so many times where youwalk in there and you're like this role
is always brand new and like nobodyever because I can't do it. I
can't stick my finger in there andtry to rip it and use it.
So I'm coomfortably close. I usepaper towel on a bot on end,
toss it in the toilet, notmy pipes, not my pipes, not
my problem, not my pipes,not my problem. Honestly, I've never
noticed no, Okay, it's it'sprobably just because I'm so hyper aware of
it with my like hatred of toiletpaper. Then I'm like, oh god,
I'm believing another one for but Ican't do it. I've tried,
but then like, oh my gosh, especially ripped toilet paper, like if
the square slightly ripped from someone,I can't do it. I cannot use
it. That That does it breaksme out. Logically, you know that
the toilet paper is ripped, notin a clean right. There's a reason
there's a preparation, right, Andlike logically your brain tells you it's because
someone like ripped it and it justdidn't tear perfectly. But there's something about
that that just feels like I gottatear that little piece off and start.
I can't and just toilet paper onbathroom bloors, Like I am horrible in
public bathroom? Seven? How doyou survive here? Our toilet paper holder
has been ripped from the wall.There's there's like half of it less so
terrible toilet paper roll just like hangsoff of it. I have half a
mind to actually get fix the specklethe ripped out dry wall, and you
could know I've seen your home renos. I could do it. I mean,
don't do it for me because Ibarely want to touch the thing as
it is, but for you.But I do think we're gonna take this
even a stuff further. I alwaysget nervous because I don't realize that it's
toilet paper I don't want to use, like it's you know, still stuck
together or whatever. Until I'm inthe stall. My pants were already dropped,
so I can't tell you how manytimes I popped that stall door open
to run out really quick and grabsome paper towels, and I one of
these days you're gonna walk in andget a full cute shot. It's gonna
be our relationship will ever be.And I'm just like, but I gotta
risk it. I gotta risk itbecause the toilet paper freak to beut honestly
so weird. Well that's why Ido turn the lights off before I leave,
Yes, the bathroom same on myway out, because that is to
me a little indicator of like ifsomeone's in there or not in the lights
on in the bathroom, I won'tgo in there. No, I don't
either except for today, and Idid, but you barely and I had
already, like you barely knew,and I was in there like trying to
get a stand under my shore,which I'm sure you can all see.
Really, yeah, absolutely right here. That's great. I'm super good at
dressing myself and being a grown asswoman that's put together every day. But
it's hard now that we podcast andthen the next days are all staff meeting.
It's like two days in a row. I'll full on effort, and
you've been doing all these ticket dropsfor B ninety three. My god,
girl, just take the month ofJuly off. I plan to just like
sit in bed, do yourself care. Yeah, I'll put yourself together for
anyone starting not a coworker that usespaper towel on her bomb instead of just
being cool with Well, I dokind of feel like I'm in a space
in my life where I have tostop wearing shirts and leggings to work.
Oh, you're younger than me,and I haven't hit that moment. Why
because she's a wintertime Well it stemsfrom a conversation I had with our like
Big Big Boss a few weeks ago, maybe months ago at this point.
But he came into my studio oneday and I was like, in a
sweatshirt and a hat and which,by the way, you always look cute
in you do a very cute atleisure look. You really you do.
I still think it's super presentable.But he was in a full suit.
Oh well, and I was like, is there something happening today that I
should be concerned about? It's notvery often that you're wearing a full suit.
Flashback to like five minutes ago whenI was like, I would never
go up to someone we worked withand tell them that their pants looked like
mapshades. But I did not.Anyway, I asked the question. I
don't know if he had like aluncheon r you know, something going on.
And he was like, you know, back in the day, we
all had to dress like this comingto work. And then he looked at
me, and then I looked atmyself, and I was like, hmm,
I'm picking up what you're putting down. So I feel like I got
dress coded. No, I mean, yes, a little bit. But
you want to start coming in atfour um in a full suit, I'll
follow suit, but I do thereis something for me that just feels a
little bit better about myself when Ido look good in my own yeah.
Way, yeah, you know,like I just feel I don't know,
I feel more confident. I feelmore like a professional thirty one year old.
It's like a wardrobe superstance. Yeah, you know how you're supposed to
like do your superstance at the beginningof the day, and like research shows,
it actually puts endorphins into you,like, yes, let's do this,
let's do that too. For sure. Oh absolutely. If it's a
Friday, I do not give ashit. No, No, I've never
and I know I'm not setting anunrealistic expectation for myself where I am going
to come into work as the bestdress to every single day. I'm thinking
like two three days a week.I think that's a great number, you
know. But I'm just struggling becausewe do have such a creative Maybe creative's
not quite the word for it,but it's definitely not a traditional workplace environment
where we're wearing dress pants and buttonup shirts and blazers and and those things
can be styled in a casual way, but they just don't feel right for
this environment to me, especially inour studios. Yeah, I just never
know what our studios are going tofeel like. Well, that's the other
a tue is that it's been eightydegrees this week in my studio. I've
been cutting glass. Yeah, it'sbeen chilly. Yep. That's why I
had that north faith performance belief inmy studio. At any given moment,
you do, I'm like, it'seighty six outside, it's twenty six inside.
Well, and you are in severaldifferent studios in the morning, running
back and forth. Are they differentin each one? I imagine? Yes,
it's the weirdest thing. We've allthe same floor, same HVAC system.
I know. I believe they havetold us so many times this HVAC
system is special. And then literallyyou can there's Lauren's in the Wood Studio
and then in between it's been ninetythree and then the Star Studio, and
she does the morning show for bothof those stations simultaneously. I don't know
how, but you do a greatjob. It's like going from the north
pole of the south pole, Iknow, and it's literally eight steps,
like that's the distance and that much. I don't and they I don't know.
They have told us, well,it's opposite ends of the building.
It's twenty feet apart. So Ijust I'm like, I can look cute.
I can spend all the effort tolook cute. Chances are when you
come into the studio, I'm stillgonna be in that giant puffer north face
with the hood. Respect. Respect