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June 30, 2023 36 mins
It's been a minute! Lauren and Aly talk about their busy schedules, their morning to-do lists, some marriage advice from Brene Brown, and the Titan submersible vessel. Let's catch-up! WELCOME TO BUNS & BANTER - WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! xo Lauren & Aly

Follow Lauren and Aly on social media at: @shmitinthemitt and @alymaconair
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Welcome to Buns and Banter, apodcast buy work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Ali. We're both morning show hosts for iHeart
Media. We're both millennials, andwe're both trying to figure out how to
build the LICs. We dream aboutdating, marriage, career, career,
and being a mom, how toget through a week without crying. Welcome

to Buns and Banter. We're gladyou're here. Yeah, my torso is
so long. It's so long,like any kind of romper or anything.
It's just like it's a shot inthe dark because it's Yeah, I just
don't so. I hate this.But I have gotten to the point where
like I have to try everything onin the store and tall ladies, or

I'm just like buying everything online andreturning, which I suck at. I
have clothes that I literally have neverworn that are past the point of returning
at this point. Yeah right,yeah, Oh, I hate that.
I know you're just like staring atwasted money and my mom is like,
my mom gives me grief about it. But it is the reality of the

situation. It's just who I am. I'm trying to be better about that.
Oh my god, real, notit in it good? I miss
this. I know, I go. It's sad when you posted on your
Instagram story the other day about theperson who greg is Buns and Banter over

and I was like, oh mygod, has it been that long.
It's just so we had Birthday Bash, multiple summer promotions. We were working
on different time off. You hadthat wedding finally in New York. Yeah,
just it was absolutely insane. Idon't even feel like I've seen that
much of you just in the officerandomly because we've been like shut in our

studios doing a billion things. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's now
that Birthday Bash is over and thatwedding the weekend before Birthday Bash, Like
those were my two big things forlike the entering into summer, and now
I have a couple big things likeat the end of the summer. But
I feel like I'm just like coastingright now, like I'm in a little

bit of vacation mode. I've beendrinking a lot, Like I want to
go out and get a cocktail likeon a Wednesday, And then I already
texted you earlier. Yeah, It'slike, so what like maybe after the
podcast today, what are we thinking? Oh, but it like destroys your
sleep schedule. Yeah, it reallydoes. So I am suffering. I'm

suffering, God, So I'm havingyou carry it so well? Oh thank
you. If I had like apalm leaf that I could fan you with.
Yeah, And honestly, I wouldsay, it's the melatonin that's getting
me through. But I'm going tobed at like eleven o'clock because I'm just
like that it is late for you. I want to see people, and

I have a friend in town,or like I've been out on a couple
of dates, or I know nothingto report as of yet, but we'll
see. Yeah, we'll see.So, speaking of suffering, can we
just really quick of suffering, recapthe insane week with this wildfire smoke?

Because I don't There are people inthe world with serious problems. I get
it, environmental poverty, food insecurity, but honest to God, this week
I've been like, I just don'tknow. Fucking have you scaled one to
ten? How did you feel youwere affected? Like here in West Michigan,

because our air quality has never beenthis bad. If people weren't aware,
like the Canadian wildfires in Quebec finallyhad their like smoke come down here
and it is so bad this week. Yes, I feel like I have
been affected, but also I haven'treally Like I said, I haven't been
sleeping my normal sleep schedule. Couldyou it's been so smoky. I've been

having a couple of drinks during theweek, which I which I don't normally
do. We can't go outside.Keep them coming. I will find rationalizations
for anything and everything, yes,but usually those are reasons. Sleep deprivation
and alcohol are usually reasons I'm affectedin my chest and like in my field,

especially when you wake up in themorning, and like we are on
the air, so we have tosound good like right when we get up.
So I've just been noticing, like, is it the wildfires or is
it my boozin and party in neitherof which we're going to judge on this.
It's the wildfires, right, becauseI had the funniest thing happened,

right, I was very proud ofthe sun. I'm raising because my five
year old we have a call everymorning when I get off the air,
and he was like, he alwaysasks, how's your damn mom in the
summer because he's not in school.Right, And I had like the most
ridiculous email situation this week. Myemail completely crashed. I went a whole
day without working email, which isyou know, it is lucky, right,

but I'm like hosting at a differentstation this week, so it's horrendous,
like China, schedule interviews, tryingto do all these things right,
which the running joke is whenever Laurenis so low hosting on wood, there's
always something catastrophic in the world happening, like everything give me going fine,
and then all of a sudden,like wildfires, You're oh my god,

the wildfires, your email crashes,Russia invades Ukraine, like just catastrophic,
huge world events, and it's likenot what you want as the fill in,
Like you just want to coast asthe fill in kind of thank you,
you know, just protecting the jobsecure of the other host. Not
thank you are host wonderful, becauseyou are. And if there were any
person that I would choose for theseevents for a fill in thank you,

it would be you. But Ido feel like you have not had a
fair shake. It ain't bad luck. Sometimes like I'm talking to my son
and I go, oh, it'sit's okay. I had a pretty tough
day to day, Like mom's emaildidn't work, so I couldn't really talk
to anyone. We're not missing up, behagles, Oh these wildfires are hurting
everything. It's like, as I, oh, honey, it was totally

my fault for not changing my password, but the fact that you blamed it
on the wildfires just goes to showI am doing my job right. Yes,
never our fault. Solidarity always anoutside issue. Yes, thank you.
Oh that's adorable. Yeah, soI've been using I've been very fatigued
and using the wildfire smoke is it? Is it just a really good chance
to reset that doing Well, howare your kids doing, because like you

can't go outside in this no,and Will's okay. But as it turns
out, the past probably three weeksto a month, we've had like anti
issues really with my two year olddaughter with sophia. So this was like
really, yeah, it's it's awhole thing that we're still working to like
figure out. They don't think it'sasthma or anything, but this stuff has

just wrecked her. But she alsoloves being outside. Yeah, so it's
the worst trying to keep kids coopedwhen they don't understand. They're like,
well I can still see some sunshineand it's not raining. So and then
they'll go outside, and so Iwas like, who's cooking something? I'm
like the forest, I think,just so you know, so that's been

that's been tough. Yeah, wellthat's also is the smell, Like it's
not a bad toxic smell. ButI'm reading these articles online. I just
sent one to my brother in lawthe other day as we were talking about
this on the family group chat,and my brother in law post a good
question. He asked, what isthe difference between the wildfires and be exposed

to like a bond fire for afew hours at night? And I thought
that was I had not thought ofthat because it is the same in the
articles that I read, it's thesame type of smoke, like it's literally
just wood that is burning, right, Yes, But then I also read
that the wildfire smoke is more toxicthan like car fumes, like car pollutants.

Oh god, So I'm like,huh. Someone said in like some
of the southern areas like Byron Centerand over there, this is just what
I heard. They could like actuallysee like ash raining from this guy really
ash, which I'm certain shouldn't begoing in your lungs. I'm not a
doctor, but I have terrible lungs, so I would know. Yeah,

a little bit insane. West MichiganGrand Rapids specifically was the worst place in
the US for air quality. Yesterdaywas it? What was it? Wednesday?
Tuesday? Tuesday? It was,Yeah, But I think it's been
like that, I mean all week, and like now i'm thinking about it.
I'm like, like, we're insideand I'm still feeling like, you

know, yeah, I was doingsaying it was so bad. I'd not
really looked at numbers before. Whenyou look at the index, yeah,
and they're like, well, anythingover two hundred is pretty hazardous to even
people outside of sensitive groups. Andthat's like okay. At one point we
were at like two seventy, andthen it was like three hundred hazardous for
everyone. Don't step outdoors. Ihave not, oh my god, I

have not taken the dog for awalk at all this week because I mean,
it's so crazy. But I didsee people outside when I was driving
home from work. People little exercising. Yeah, people are running, people
are sitting outside having lunch. I'mlike, you people are nuts. Yeah,
it really shaped for me exactly whatI would do in the event of

an actual apocalypse, which was layon the couch. Yeah, I would
just it is what it is.Yeah, Jesus take the wheel. No,
the second season of The Bear cameout. That's fine, take me.
I've all set. But that sellsme at it. It's so good.
Yeah, I've heard that. Ihave not watched the second season yet.

I haven't started it, but thefirst season was phenomenal. Oh awesome.
Yeah, I have a great bingefor you. It's on Amazon Prime
and it's called The Lake. Itjust dropped its second season. It's a
comedy. It's really really good,and they're like twenty eight to thirty two

minute episodes and it's really really good. I've got so much stuff on my
list right now. I got tofinish up ted Lasso. I still have
like three or four episodes left inthe current season. I've got to finish
up The Bear, The Lake.I'm adding to my list now. I
just this is what I gotta watchshows before work when you're getting ready like

I do. Honestly, I don'tleave myself enough time. I know it's
so weird of me to do,but It's the only way I get out
of bed. Yeah, I wishI had a morning routine like that.
And my routine is just like wakeup in Panic. That's it really quick,
really quick side tangent. If anybodyis interested in collaborating on T shirts

with us, I feel like wehave so many great one miners wake up,
want to wake up and panic Tshirt with buttons and pants are on
the back. Oh yeah, gettingtough with us wake up in Panic morning
routine to do wake up Panic,it'd be so good. Me and a
nutshell, Me and a nut jel. So this is something I'd been holding

onto for weeks because we hadn't gottena pod yet. And I know I
told you about it, and whenI brought it up to you, you
knew exactly what I was talking about. I am dying to talk about this
Brene Brown Interview. Yes, becauseI also feel like the timing is perfect
with how stressful summer can be.Yeah, for parents especially. I guess
That's where I'm coming from on this. So Brene Brown was recently on the

Mel Robbins podcast and they were talkingabout marriage and it was the most mind
blowing thing she said. Everybody saysmarriage is fifty fifty and it's the biggest
bullshit out there. Marriage is notfifty fifty. Marriage is whatever percentage you
can bring to the table and thenworking with your partner to make up for
that, right, And she said, you know, she used examples like

I might have a really hard day. I'll come home and tell my husband,
hey, I've got twenty two percentto give today, and he can
look at me and say, gotyour back. I'll grab the other seventy
eight percent. She talked about howher mom had been sick recently and she's
like, those days were really hard. So I'll come home and have even
less, like I barely have ten. He's usually like, great, I'll

make up the ninety. And thenshe said some days we both are coming
at it and it's like I gotfifteen percent and my husband will go,
well, I've got thirty percent,And then we sit down and have a
conversation about the grace we're going togive each other the rest of that day
because we're both just not going tobe at our bus right. And I
was sitting there like light bulb inmy head going off. I've never heard

it put that way, and itmade me feel so much better about my
own marriage. Yeah, especially becausewe were talking about at the beginning of
the episode, June was a blurinsane. I mean between like Will finishing
up school, figuring out summer camps, working a lot of the same events
with you, a lot of ourclients, you know, geared up with
really great summer stuff. But wewere out doing videos, interviews all that.

I feel like I was getting homeand it was like, I've got
five percent to give, I've got, you know, eight percent to give,
right, and feeling really guilty aboutthat, which then just puts you
in an even worse mood. Right, And I just thought that was such
an incredible way to put it,and it would be a tough conversation to
have, but I think it's areally good one to have a dating too.

Yeah, I think definitely, whatdo you do when you both come
to the table with ten percent?Right? What do you do when you
just don't have that other ninety andneither does your partner those conversation? What
do those look like? And thenwhat are you doing like things you just
don't what goes? Something's got togive? Was something? Oh? Yeah,

you remember the podcast you made mecry on Yeah, it was the
Shanda one where she's like, youcannot have at all. That's not a
thing. It's a really nasty liethat makes people feel inadequate. Yeah,
and that I think is has servedas a great reminder when serving social media
or like looking at these women withthese high powered jobs and you know,

I'm looking at them like they're succeedingin their career and also succeeding at home
and also succeeding in their health andfitness. It seems like but you just,
I think, have to believe,or at least I have to believe.
Not to be pessimistic or take anythingaway from them, but you just
have to believe that there are someareas that they are not driving in.

And it's impossible. How do youchoose which areas go first? Like for
me, the first thing that alwaysgoes is working out. Oh yeah,
like that's the first. I don'tsay that or that would be mine too,
but that's always it for me.Like when I get busy with work
or I get busy with work.Yeah, yeah, yes, you know,

I can't neglect the dog, althoughI do feel like her, like
well, longer walks is something thatalso goes to her, but like those
are the two main things, likesuper long walks and like just spending a
little bit of time outside with herand working out. Those are the first
two things where I'm like, Okay, those have to go this week or

this month or this corner, whichis really what it feels like. But
sometimes you're picking these back up afterthree or four months and you're like,
where did these go? Yeah,oh yeah, the worst naps go for
me? I know. Then thenit's like, oh, you know how
I came home and said I wasgiving ten percent. I am, but

I'm also now a bitch when you'mtired because you're tired, and I've given
up my nap because I feel likeI need to make up for a time
I didn't have what the kids yesterday, or I needed to like check in
on Chris and how his day wasgoing, or I need to be doing
all of the posts I should havegotten done this morning at work but didn't,
And then like at the end ofthe day, I'm just like a

fire breathing piece of shit, youknow. I mean, not trying to
negative self talk, but something I'vehad to recognize her I'm like, oh,
maybe that's not what goes Yeah,yeah, no, I cannot give
up sleep or naps. I shouldn't, but it's a tough task. I
mean, you nailed it with thatquestion. Good to identify the problem,

then what do you give up tofix that? I haven't figured it out.
I wonder what life is like asBrine Brown, Like if I could
spend a day as her and justhave access to everything on top because she's
just a wealth. She's a wealthand she's got I feel like the anthropological

experience and research. Well, she'sstudied people for so long, Like how
long has she been studying shame andgrief? Like twenty years? It feels
like multiple books. Yeah, andshe just always has really insightful comments like
information to share, and like thesame with moult Robbins too, she's got
some good advice. They're so articulate. I'm like, I would never have

been able to put those words andphrases together to explain the jumble that's in
my head, but that's exactly whatit feels like. Yeah, and they're
very much I feel like the narrativeof like overnight success, but they've actually
been grinding and trying to make thingshappen forever which makes me feel better.

It does, doesn't it? Yes, it does, Like there's still time
far more validating. Yeah, becausethe memes don't always work where it's like
Picasso didn't pay until it was fifty. I'm like, but that doesn't help
me. Yeah, I'm not doinganything revolutionary. I'm just trying to be
a good, contributing citizen that canpay my bills. Yeah. Is that

too much as No? No,But how soon is too soon to have
that conversation about like where what you'recoming to the table with, Like I'm
coming with ten percent or I'm comingwith twenty percent, or like I've got
seventy percent today, I've got onehundred percent today, Like what do you
have? How soon is too soonto have that conversation with someone you're dating.
No, I don't know, becauseyou and Kurds have been married for

it'll be eight years in August.And is this something that you guys are
doing currently or something you plan ondoing? Not really, I mean we're
doing it in the fact that Idon't voice it correctly. I just come
home and I'm like, I'm exhausted. I don't have it today, So
we have room to work on it. Okay, well, at least you're
communicating. Yes, we call itthat that there's unications there. Just work

on the style. I would sayin dating, I think it could be
as early as like six months,six months that nut is that too late
if they make it. These guysout here are not even making it six
days. I mean, I thinkit should be soon or I'm just I

guess I'm looking at it from amale perspective, and it's like, you
know, how long it takes themto catch up? Yeah, I mean
you know, you know, yeah, you know, I definitely have been
in worse spots psychologically when dating andnow once you know, I'm not in
a good place, but I'm likegoing on these dates and like I know

that these are my issues. LikeI've had a little bit of time as
a single person now to like workon some of the things that I didn't
like about myself in relationships, whichhas been it's been great to like do
that work alone. But you know, I saw a meme the other day
that said, at some point,you're going to realize that the reason why

you feel like you've done all thiswork and you feel like you've healed is
because you've been single for so longand you're just not triggering the issues.
And now I'm like kind of backout there and I'm like dating a little
bit, and I'm like, that'strue. No, that's absolutely there's more
work to be done. But likeI'm in a better spot than I have

been. But now I'm looking atother people like where are you in your
journey? That's a fair question toask, though some people have put in
more time in the journey than others. You know, yeah, I don't
want to be the Saint Shoots andladders. I've climbed the ladder. I
don't want to slide to where youare catch up. Yeah, yeah,
I don't think that's wrong. Yeah, it's an interesting like talk. And

she's like, you know, Igot it in there. I know.
Yeah, it's not helpful. Ohyeah ah yeah. So still rough out
there, Still rough out there.But you know what, I was gonna
make a bad joke, but I'mnot. But I'm not that new Alley,

that new work. We'll find anotherway to transition into talking about the
Titan submersive. Fuscle boy has somethingthat taken my attention like that in a
while. I was there some timesummers I'm like, oh, where was

she going? But any worse thanthe memes I laughed at on TikTok.
I don't want to get canceled today. Yeah, because there were some people
out or on social media that wereliterally they're still searching for this thing.
And these people are making jokes.Yes, and I'm not, by any
means a billionaire sympathizer, but theseare actual people that lost their lives,
right. And I was talking toone of our coworkers. I won't say

his name, but he was talkingabout like conspiracy theories around it, sure,
and how he like, there aresome conspiracy theories out there, people
who think that this may have beena big life insurance stunt. I've heard
that. Now. To me,that seems so not plausible. How do

you have life insurance if you areabout to get on a submersive vessel that
has not been safety tested, hasto be bolted in from the outside,
has death listed in the waiver threetimes on the first page. How do
you even have life insurance if youare going on that journey? Oh,
billionairely I heard that from a lotof people, and I was like,

man, okay, entertain it fora hot second. That sounds like so
much work, Like you can't comeback and be your old self because you're
supposed to be dead, so youkind of like, I wouldn't. I
don't think that's what it was.I think it was just an unfortunate lack
of testing and mother nature breaks meout. Honestly, this this Titan Summers,

I would never ever do that.No, not for in a million
years. I have a healthy fearof open water. And in my opinion,
we're looking for the aliens in thewrong place. Everybody's looking up there.
We got to be looking underwater becausespace travel, you know, we're
making moves on that getting farther andfarther and farther. It just takes us
a really long time underwater, Likeyou can't go there, you can't you,

Oh my god. We need tohave a night. I'm going to
get a sitter and Umi and Chrisare going to go out. I'm gonna
get him a couple of beers andthe two of you are going to converse.
Because he talks about this all thetime, he will not jump into
water. He cannot see the bottomof He's like, I'm sorry, we
have only explored seven percent of theworld's oceans. There is no way we

have any idea what's happening there.Yeah, the hill, he will die
out. He wouldn't go on acruise. No, No, he saw
like he saw the Titan story firststarted to come out, and he was
like, can't then, I can'tsay that I'm shocked. Can't say can't
say that I am shocked, can'tsay that I didn't something come and went

wrong in deep water. It's like, you know what the most terrifying scene
in Finding Nemo is whether at thebottom and the light in the light because
it's so pitch dark. Yeah,a Disney Pixar movie. Scared me out
of ever wanting to go. Yeah, deep ocean. No, there was
this really terrifying graphic I saw onone of the websites that was talking about

this, and it had like differentdepths of the ocean and it illustrated like
this is where a blue whale is. And then it's like and this is
a billion miles more down where evenwhales won't go. No, that's gonna
be And what's with all the whalesattacking the boats and like the hiaks and
like the yachts. Right now,the orcas and they're the experts are saying,

usually orcas don't I don't know ifit's the orcas or if it's some
other type of whale. Yeah,but they're saying they don't usually gather in
numbers of this in groups, andthey're in these huge like migration pots.
There were like two hundred spotted offa coast. They are organizing. I
know, because we don't know what'shappening either. They're probably having pta meetings

about this, have been for decades, announced the time. It's the time
they know about the climate change.Well, you just have the wonders.
You have to wonder if they're pissedat us and they're like, get the
out of here, or if they'retrying to warn us. Oh god.
You also need to watch a Netflixshow called Ancient Apocalypse. No, No,

it's good. It's so scientific.You're like, oh my god,
we have we have a limited amountof time left. We are so overdue
for an apocalypse. I know.When I was in high school in physics,
my physics teacher made us watch adocumentary about the reversing of the Earth's
polarity and how overdue we are forthe Earth's magnetic polls to flip. I

didn't even know, and like,what will happen if that happens? And
honestly, it terrified me. Itterrified me. I don't even I think
I've blocked a lot of it out, to be honest. Yeah, I'm
just waiting for the next ice age. That's what it'll take us. I
mean, I think we're like weare pedal to the metal, headed for

some sort of your mental apocalypse.And don't you think the Orchis would be
some of the first to know orwills of any kind living down there where
a lot of it would probably start. That's what I mean, Like,
are they trying to warn us?Oh my god? But also about that
the yacht people, though, likepick a better group to warn good.

They don't careiaire, they don't care. They're on vacation. They're on their
yacht and you know when you're avacation mode and you're like, nothing can
get me down. No, that'sreally no warn The locals warn't different people
warm The locals get into a fishingnet real quick and be like, guys,
shit, it's not okay down thereright like and there it's coming up.
It's it's good. It's coming up. It's up. God. No,

but I mean I one hundred percentback exactly what you're saying, glued
to the screens during the Titans submersiveand like, what what a god?
I mean it was a I feltlike it was an okay ending in that
there was no suffering, like atleast they didn't suffer. Oh. Did
you read some of the other storiesof like past nautical disasters like the Russian

submarine. No, I think itwas a Russian submarine. I think it
was called the Curse. They somehowlike lost capabilities whatever, and the sub
sunk. I don't know in whatocean or how deep it was or whatever,
but yeah, they just they didn'timplode. So they sat on this
sub and just slowly died. No, I think I'm oh, my gosh,

I'm gonna I'm gonna google that,but I'm certain that's what it was
called. And it was like,oh my gosh when you talk about how
lucky they were to go fast.Oh God, it happened in two thousand
No way. Yeah, Oh,it exploded and then the rescue booie was

disabled, so it took sixteen hoursto locate it resting on the ocean.
Floor. It dured eighteen, butit exploded, but it didn't like,
yeah, I don't know. Ididn't like kill all of them right away.
I don't think, oh, wikipediathis, but it's terrifying. Oh
my god, Like it's still likein mint condition, well not mint condition,

but like people were on it.It was just a really opu way
to go. So you brought areally positive point in the fact that at
least there wasn't suffering. I wastrying to do the timing in my head
from the scientists talking about like threemilliseconds. It takes your brain like thirty
milliseconds to realize something's happening and react, so like they had no idea.
Yeah, a second it started.I don't think a water depth is for

me. I don't want that.No, I know I need air,
the air. Did you feel likeyou were breathing a lot last week too,
like so thankful for oxygen. Isaw your take Oh my god,
you were like, take it in. It's good and it's free. But
the oxygen reserves, which is whatyou know everyone's sitting down. That was

the fact that there was a timeclock and there was counting down ninety six
hours forty eight hours, just overtwenty four hours. Okay, they are
out of reserve oxygen and that wasn'teven right. I asked this question on
one of my shows. Would yourather in that situation? And this is
this question not being careless or callous. Would you rather be someone on that

sub like us, that doesn't reallyhave any mathematical or scientific knowledge and just
clings to blissful hope. Or wouldyou want to be someone down there that
was super knowledgeable, knew what wasup, and is like, oh,
we're gonna die. I'd want tobe blissfully ignorant, like I don't want
that countdown clock on my oxygen tank. I mean like earlier in this episode,

I literally told you my to dolist is wake up and panic.
Nothing about me on that vessel wouldbe blissful ignorant, Yes, blissful.
So what you're saying is we neverhave to worry about this because no one
in their right mind would take bothof us together on any kind edition like

this. You don't ask me togo on your DeepC expedition. It's a
no for me, no for me. You know what I did do,
Randy Tis, I'm really okay withjust watching footage of other people exploring the
ocean. I don't actually need todo it myself. And that I feel
like, is that something that yousort of are born with or is that

something that comes with money? Yeah? Oh yeah, I don't know,
you know what I mean? Yes, I don't want to like these people
who are like launching themselves on theseSpaceX rockets into the ether. Yeah,
and like paying a quarter of amillion dollars to go check out the Titanic
wreckage like they have simulators at DisneyWorld. I'm okay, yeah, I

can't. I want to live alittle bit longer. And then that billionaire's
step son who went to the Blinkon eighty Tube show while they were looking
for these people. On one hand, I understand they were expensive tickets.
The logic that what am I It'snot like he's leading this search, right,

He's not with the navy or thecoast Guard. There's nothing he could
do by sitting there doing nothing,yeah, to help locate these people or
keep them alive or whatever. Butit was just kind of like a pipe.
You don't post it, just godude, you could just go on
joy. And then he got ad M from Travis Barker, that was

like praying for you and your family. Did you see CARDI like take him
apart what she was? She didn't. It's to story CARDI b and she
was like people are saying like,should he just be sad and sitting around,
Yes, that's just sad Dad.You should be wisdr mom and your
family praying? Boy not shaking.You're bleep and bleep at a plink way

to concert. Just the Internet hada lot of different feelings about the titan
tragedy, and there were just somany different points of coverage. It was.
I was, I mean, Iwas glued. I was glued to
the screens and just one of thosethings that you did not see coming for

the year. No, not onthe bingo card. No, but like,
no, well done Netflix re mindingeveryone that Titanic is streaming. Yeah,
I saw some people do, likeyou guys, Netflix put Titanic on.
I was like, no, no, no, they did not titank
is but on for months. Iwould know. I've watched it like four
times. It's my Saturday night.Watch the actual film. The actual film.

Okay, yeah, it is threehours and twelve minutes of it's a
good cry. Yeah, yeah.So I also don't think going on a
cruise is on my card. Iwant to so bad go on a cruise.
Yes, why I think they can't? You just go to an all
inclusive somewhere on land. I likeboats, you like boats were good for

boat people, But I wonder ifI wouldn't do well because when we went
out two weekends ago on like Michigan, it's the furthest I've gone out on
a boat, and I couldn't reallysee the shore. And I was like,
oh no, no, no,no, So maybe I'm all talk
not a lot of walk, becausethat's also what I puked. Yeah,
oh yeah, okay, and itshowed up on the fish monitor. It's

a lot of bomb. So maybeI am not built for a cruise.
In front of your kids, yes, well it goes Oh mom, can't
be on the boat anymore. Yeah, I just absolutely blue show. But
the waves were really big, That'swhat I'll say. Waves were. I
hadn't had anything to drink, I'dnot really been snacking. I just leaned
over the side and then there wasanother boat a little bit down the way,

and all I could hear where theguys go. You're doing no good?
Over there, so maybe I'm notbuilt for a cruise. The summer
Solstice, I was out on LakeMichigan on a boat. I've never been
out on the big Lake. I'vebeen in every different experience. It's a
very different experience when you're in GrandHaven and you're on a boat and you're

going down the channel and you passlike Snug Harbor and you pass Pronto Pops
and everything's fine, like it's ano wake zone. You hit this wall
of cold air, yes, andit's like you travel into a different dimension,
is what it feels like to me, because like the temperature drops fifteen

degrees and all of a sudden,the waves are like giant, and I'm
like and I'm like not. Idon't get super scared on boats, like
I tend to feel pretty comfortable onthem. But there were sometimes where I
was like, oh yeah, we'reheading back right right like soon. Oh

yeah, man, it was kindof scary two handed grip and just kept
my whole receipt for like five straightminutes. Is it better on a bigger
boat, I don't know. MaybeI don't know those mute, the big,
taller ones, though I wouldn't wantto be up there or like rocking
back and forth like the billionaire ones. The billionaire one. You know,

I'm not not a billionaire sympathizer.If they were puking because their boat was
too shaky, you get what youget. Wake up, panic. Do
not sympathize with billionaires unless unless theydie in a submersive US and then not
being callous sympathetic about that. Sorryabout that. But also if I would

stay on the land, Muriel hadit right too, under her legs,
stay on the beach rill and youknow, maybe just she should have stayed
down there. There's a lot goingon of here too. Oh God,
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