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February 12, 2024 26 mins
Have you ever watched a movie that changed your life forever?

Join Lauren and Aly as they chat about wrapping up their 2023s and kick off the New Year — forever changed, and a little more feral, post Saltburn.

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Welcome to Buns and Banter, apodcast by work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Ali. We're both borning show hosts for iHeartMedia.
We're both millennials, and we're bothtrying to figure out how to build
the lives we dream about, dating, marriage, career, career and being
a mom. How to get througha week without crying. Welcome to Buns

and Banter. We're glad you're here. Two houses, one house that stuff,
one house does some stuff. Ihate that limbo. Yeah, but
I hate change. Yeah, it'sprobably been a while since you've moved ten
years almost ten years. Whoa happynew Year? Like New Year's same year?

Stressful shit, Oh my gosh.Yeah, I feel like we really
need to reset and just like letour dear viewers and our dear listeners know
what has transpired over the last twomonths. We closed out twenty twenty three.
Yeah with a freaking bang, that'sa word for it. Yeah,

so much has happened. So let'stalk about the last two months. Okay,
elephant in the room. The podcastisn't over. We just took the
holidays off. Yeah, well,just from the podcast, which is actually
really unfortunate, because I think itis, for both of us, our
most favorite thing and unfortunately the thingthat tends to fall down that priority list.

Yeah, and our two months werejust so absolutely insane. We could
not find a single day any weekwhere we could both sit down and do
this. Truly, truly, itwas wild but big news, big,
Oh my gosh, we bought anew house. It is very exciting and
I am very blessed. I understandthat because I know there's a lot of

people that are still house hunting thatare just like, wow, it's absolutely
the most demoralizing thing I could imagine. And there there were a few.
There was a few, a fewinstances. There was a few. And
here's how it started real quick,just to give you the idea of the
stark difference between myself and my husband. So in October one of so,
my husband's a realtor, and thenone of his coworkers came to him and

said, Hey, I was talkingabout your house one day, and I
have clients that are kind of interestedin maybe looking at it. We we
were not listed, we were noton the market. We were not even
going like I thought, I'd stillhave another summer there before we really started
to look that's why you should benice to your colleagues, So I should
be nice to your colleagues. Andwe like sped clean to the house in

two hours on a Friday. Theycame and looked at it and they were
like, yeah, we want tobuy it, and then gave us five
more than we were even thinking oflisting it at. I go, oh
my gosh, okay, like buyingit off market. Let's pump the brakes.
We have nowhere to go. Chrisgoes absolutely, let's sign on the
dotted line. So the end ofI even know you sometime? How long
have we been together? How longhave you known me? Like I remember

somebody asked me last night because I'vejust been having so much anxiety. I
don't do well with change. Thishouse is very different financially than the house
we bought in twenty fourteen, andso my friend was like, it's really
exciting, though, why are youanxious? And I'm like, do none
of you know me? I wouldlike shit turns of anxiety for fun,

Like I'm just everything blessed that's blessed, like some of us could be so
lucky. So that was a bigpart of the end of our twenty twenty
three and we finally found a place. And so now we are in the
process of we're in that limbo wherewe're going between two houses and then middle
of the month we'll be out ofthe other one. And I'm having all
these feels because I'm a woman andit's like, there were so many firsts

in this house. That's where welike brought our babies home. But at
the same time, God, weneed more space. I love my kids
so much, but I am sotired of living literally on top of them.
So it'll be good. It'll begood, and we're like, we're
into neighborhood life. I am soexcited for you, but I'm so curious

as to how this journey will go. My sister and her husband and they're
like they had a baby and movedin the same week. Oh my god,
bless your sister, or like thesame month. No, all feels
the same, And I tell youit has just bet they like hit the
ground running, and that was shewent from two to three in that instant.
Kids and then they had like anew house and they moved like a

half an hour away. They're somuch closer to my parents now nice,
but the adjustment with the kids was, in my opinion, hilarious. They
didn't think so, but I justkids don't know that they can be such
savages and like just completely destroy youin the span of six words. So

unaware they and why should be aware? Like it's not their responsibility. It's
like tiny humans to manage our likeadult emotions. But I'm just so still
hurtful. I'm so ready for allthe stories and like Sophia and Will just
like knowing their personalities, I'm like, I can't wait for all the moving
stories and all the new house stories. I I don't. People have asked

me that they're like, well,do the are the kids excited? I'm
like, I don't know if theyget it yet. Yeah, they're like
excited about this new space. Butthey also were super stoked when they went.
We took them house hunting with us. Would buy a sitter, Okay,
get a sitter? Yeah that wasthat's good. Oh and then every
time we go to kindergarten the nextdays like yep, move to a new
place. And I was like,we're not living in seventeen different houses,

bro, Like we don't. SoI don't know if they fully get it.
I will tell you that we closedearlier in the week and the first
time we went in the house asours, uh huh, will beefed it,
I mean Yard sailed it on thehardwood floor, smashed his face,
started crying. At the same time, my dog Bulah took a giant poop

on the other side of the hardwhite floor. So I was just like,
oh my god, hello everyone,We're super excited to be here.
What a great start. Yeah,what just a poetic start to a fresh,
brand, new beginning. I'm soglad you put it that way because
I was about to say a greatstart to a fresh new health gape.

Yeah on brand, but on brand, so on brand, Yes, but
I'm also throwed them feeling better.That was another lovely part of my twenty
twenty three. Yeah, you weresick for like two months, two months,
like, go to your PCP becauseI had an antibiotic resistant respiratory infection

like the dogs. Yeah, itwas insane. Well I don't think no,
was the dog's respiratory. Yeah,remember all those Yes, I'm sorry,
I'm not carrying you to a dog. But there was that mystery like
kennel cough thing going around, butit was like antibiotic resistant and they didn't
know how these dogs were getting it, and like a lot of people didn't
even know dog could cough, andI do. I saw the videos too,

so I had kennel cough. Andnow I'm over that and I'm like
just so thrilled to be here withyou. I'm so glad you're feeling better
than That's so insane because there's nothingthat will drive you to the brink,
like moving and the end of theyear and the holidays and being and feeling
shitty on top of all of that. Yeah, it was. My patience

has been tested. But we've madeit through and here we are good because
I need you. How about youwild ride the last two months of the
year, just you know, nothing, nothing crazy, a little bit of
dating, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. At
you know, we're in a goodspace. We're in a good, good

space. We are. I wasexcited. I love you whenever you come
back from the Dude Ranch and yougot to do that again. Yes,
you're so happy there. I loveit there. Yeah. Well it's also
the time of the year that wego. There's so shine there. It's
like a little bit warm and no, horses are just very I am not
a horse girly like I wasn't growingup. I didn't ride horses. I

didn't like we used to go horsebackriding, like maybe once every blue moon
when I was a kid, likejust the you know, yeah, yeah,
but I don't. I just loveall animals and the horses, and
they like take you out and youride with them, and you have the
same horse all week at the duderanch that we go to, and it's
just like I love it. They'relike big dogs. I just want to

lay down with one of them andhave them put their head like in my
lap. I know that that's superunrealistic, but it's on my bucket list.
I see a brand new year tostart a new bucket list. Yeah,
can I ask, are you aresolution person? I didn't mean to
say it with that face yes andno, yes and no, Like god,

I can't stand them. Right.I didn't make I didn't make anything
this year. I'm not going toone year tried to give up gossip.
It's not a resolution, of course, sacrifice, thank you, because I
don't really have. I'm not goinginto this not to sound pessimistic. But
I'm just not going into this newyear like, let's get it. Let's

I liked the meme I saw whereit's like, you're not supposed to start
over in the dark, bleak wintermonths, like I love that, say
that for the springtime and just kindof get through and we're good. Yeah,
Mother Nature's rebirth is also our rebirth. I did. I did find
I don't ever have resolutions at thebeginning of the year. I kind of

find them throughout the year, andthen at the end of the year I
can look back and be like,so I just posted this on my social
media, like five things I failedat in twenty eighty three, which you
know, not a complete failure,just I didn't do as well as I
could have. So I wanted tolike, yeah, I wanted to hit
ten k on Instagram, which youdid. I didn't know that until the

other day. I don't look atmy numbers. You did. I'm so
proud of you. I'm so proudof you. A lot more cleavage in
the new year. So it's in. It's the only way, which it's
in. We're going to do ourins and outs here in a second.
Did didn't even come close to thatI wanted to work out like more consistently,
which I did, but I didn't. I wanted to drink more water,

did but I didn't. As muchas I feel like I should have
wanted to finish all of my houseprojects, like I wanted to finish my
house in twenty twenty three delusion.That was an absolute delusion. And I
wanted to read one book a month, which I felt was a safe number,
Like one book a month, that'snot hard. I didn't do it.

Those are very good for solutions,though. I actually don't mind any
of those. And I would fightyou on the working out in the water.
I think you, I think youdid a great job, and I
think you look fantastic and hopefully feelfantastic. Thank you. I mean right
now, I feel really effing tired. Me too. I had, you
know, when you take time offfrom this place. Yeah, I had

like twelve days off at the endof the year over Christmas, And that's
just enough time to get you onlike normal people time. You know,
like you're staying up till ten oreleven, you're waking up at like seven
thirty eight o'clock. You notice yourskin getting better. Yeah, under eyes
look wonderful. So that like stresspuffiness yep, like relinquishes and you can

like see your face again. AndI'm like, I just set my alarm
for three forty five and I hadan existential crisis, Like what am I
doing with my life that that willremain consistent in our twenty twenty four?
What are we doing with our lives? Oh my god? Yeah. So
while I don't love a resolution,I am very into this trend on social

media right now, the ins andouts. Yeah, me too, me
too. It's like a take onit, but it's not so militant.
Oh, good word for it.Yeah. I like that they felt more
like guidelines than rules. But itwas a nice I was looking through a
bunch of different ones. I'm like, that's a good idea. That that's
a good idea I could do that. So let's I love. I'm excited

to hear your ins and outs.Oh I'm obsessed with you. So that's
why, well, you know,my like my big in for the year
is reclaiming my time. Oh yes, I am reclaiming my time. That's
in m m out is. Thisis like very specific, but staying in

social situations that are a complete wasteof my time. Good one that like,
I like, I'm gonna still bepolite. Obviously I'm polite Midwestern lady.
But I'm like, I'm gonna letyou go. Yes, I'm gonna
let you go. That's a reallygood one. I actually don't care what

you had to eat on Christmas Eve? Do you know what's so awful?
Like at the end of a year. They did it again. Last year.
They had a report that's like,this is how much time you waste
saying goodbye in a year, andit's it rounds out to be like an
hour and a half. You're noteven joking, Like, I'm like what
and I I do that? Ido that? Ash me too, I

have to like let whoever. Iwas at a baby shower over the holiday
for a college friend and I carpooledwith another friend who like lives kind of
close to where the baby shower was, and she was like, Okay,
are you ready to go? Likemy ride was leaving and I was like,
oh, let me just say goodbye. Forty five minutes later, I
shit, you not Like I I'dlove to be the Irish goodbye person.

I just don't have it in me. It is in Irish good bye in
I mean the Irish Gobye has alwaysbeen in. I'm a big fan,
but more like more on like anight out. Oh yes, oh,
especially when there's a lot of peoplewherever you are, so you're not even
noticed and you're like this boop ooops, uber's here, gotta go lift just

pulled up. Wonderful. I likethat. Yeah, so my out is
your hustle grind a. I don'twant to hear the words. I haven't
wanted to hear those words in avery long time. But also like stop
if you're hustling towards something that isactually a dream or a passion, all
for it, love you, hypeyou up from the side, if it

is for anything other than that,if it is for a company that clearly
does not care about you, ifyou are not getting paid what you should
be getting, like stop my endnaps, stop the hustle for a minute,
take a breather, take some resthowever that looks for you, and
just do it that way. There'sa lot of angry people, especially in
the winter time. I think that'swhy mm hm, you got it.

Carry yourself first, don't hustle it. No, but we're not doing that
anymore. Yeah. Sorry, Yeah, And I'm not a lazy millennial.
I just want to take care ofmy body and my mind more than a
bottom line. Yeah, that's agreat it's my in and out that's such
a great one. Yeah, slowliving, slow living, living, very
much in for twenty twenty four.I saw a Vanity article the other day

that called it soft ambition, softambition. I gave me Tingles and Milady
parts. I like that. Ilike soft ambition like I want it.
I want it, but I'm notgoing to like lose sleep over it.
I'm gonna work for it. I'mnot gonna kill myself for it. Right,
So, I think my other inand out in polite shopping out.

I don't want to see anyone charginginto a target to buy Gallantine Stanley cups
while they push little children over toget six or seven of them in their
bag. You're kidding, did yousee the video? No, So they've
got these limited editions Stanley's that areout now. They're like a reddish pink
and they're for Galantine's Day. Andlike the target I read about, I

think was in Arizona, sold outin four minutes. People were lined up
before three am. I mean,I'm bitches, I would never have made
it to the Stanleys. By theway, I get so distracted by that
dollar ben, I was like,why is that pillow for only a dollar?
Targe? People were lined up beforethree o'clock in the morning for this
doors flew open. It was likeog black Friday, sprinting in, pushing

people down to grab as much ofthese mugs as they could and like leave.
People were shouting like employees were shoutinglike limit tuber customary. Just nobody
gave an f and it was justthe worst of humanity. M let's be
polite, in polite obnoxious out inblinkers. Oh man, when are they
ever going to be in? Whenare we going to get on the same

page about blinkers. I was followinga woman yesterday and man, like multiple
lane changes, she like cut meoff at one point. So you know,
when you like drive past those people, I always look. I'm like,
I said, get what I'm workingwith here, I gotta see this
piece afraid. She's on the phone. She's also I legal in the phone.

She wasn't texting, she was talkingon the phone. She's supporting it
with a body part. Yes,Michigan law. She was holding it with
her hand, but she was alsodriving like a medical transport vehicle supplies.
That's even more supplies, and shewas turning into the hospital. So I
think that I just in my head, I made up a little story like
it's life for death. It's lifefor death. Everyone got there in one

piece. Slight for dad. Sheyeah, mmm, blinkers in, but
also polite excuses in. Yeah,that was very nice of you to think
those things. Yeah, that's onething that's out for me in twenty twenty
four. I gotta get a holdin my road rage. Like I'm let

me know how you do it.I'm not like a dangerous driver, but
like I will yell at you,yeah, and like you can't hear me.
So I think that's okay. We'reso brave, hey with the windows
up. But there's a lot that'sbeing said. There's a lot that's being
said, and I won't do itwhen other people are in the car with
me, which just like digging alittle deeper and exploring that. Obviously,

I know it's like not a nicething. So maybe we're maybe we'll work
on that. Maybe that's out forme this year. I'll tell you if
you want to borrow my son,he will cut down on the road rage
because boy does he call you outon his little Jesus love and heart.
I gotta be so careful when I'mdriving around with them, because I'll just

I'll start to and he'll go,mom, what's wrong? And I'll be
like, well, that man isjust that man's just not driving very well.
And he'll be like, I know, but ass is a bad word.
So there you go. Give youlike two rides with him and you'll
really you'll find all of the reallyokay naughty words like well, this guy's

just being a little jerk and namewell, because I owe in the same
way, I can't do it.Yeah. Oh, it's just got to
a point. This is what thiswas a little bit controversial out TV shows
in absolutely insane wild ass movies.I do you know where I'm going with

this? I do, and I'mnervous. Have you watched Saltburn. I've
watched it twice two times. Iwatched it. That is so unlike me.
I watched it one time and thenI was like I gotta watch it
again. So okay, So whybecause I think you have a very similar
I posted about this on my Instagramto ask the question is it scary like

Haunting of Hillhouse Witch scar literally scarredme? Or is it like it's very
misleading because a lot of the feedbackand a lot of the messaging online is
that it's a thriller. Yeah,and it sounds scary from all the like
plot things. It's not. It'svery much not a thriller. Thriller to

me is like like American Psycho oryeah, okay, or even like Nightmare
on Elm Street, Like that's athriller to me. Also like scary.
I don't want scary scary, it'snot. Okay, it's not. You
will not have oh well, you'llhave dreams about it, but not scary

dreams. Oh not scary. Iwill say you and your husband should watch
it together because I know you guys, and like, you guys will be
fine. I was uncomfy watching it, like at multiple points. Yeah,
yes, yes, and the secondtime, the one time I watched it

alone, one time I was withcompany, and oh watching it alone like
it was just as uncomfortable the secondtime. But worth seeing, so worth
it, so worth it. It'sa brilliant film. It's a brilliant film.
And if you are into movies thatdon't make sense up until the very

end, oh god, Okayen,you get to see the genius of the
screenplay and how it just It's alwaysbeen very fascinating to me, the way
people can write books and write moviesthat are so full of suspense and like,
write these things and weave these foreshadowingand these little hints in, and

then later it comes back and you'relike, holy shit, that you will
like it. Okay. And alsoJacob a LOORDI, oh okay, not
your type. I wasn't totally sure. I only know the name. I
don't know a ton about him.I only know the name because he's also
being rumored for the new Twilight series. Oh yeah, that's the okay.

So he said that, yeah,boy, because I have heard so many
people are like, you have tosee Saltburn. So I post about that,
and one of my friends messaged andsaid, exactly what you just did.
So that makes me feel I wasjust nervous. It was gonna be
one of those that gives me nightmaresabout scary stuff. You know what,
Watch it with E. Watch itwith E. Yeah, yeah, okay,

you guys should have a midnight MargaritaSaltburn night. Make sure the kids
are like a sleep asleep, likelock their doors because you don't want you
don't want. This isn't one whereyou want them like creeping halfway down the
stairs and like watching a little bitof it. I don't think that that
would be good. Oh, ohmy god, good, Okay, I
don't think that would be good forany anybody. Trust me. You do
not want to explain this, andyou don't want them to. Oh my

god. I don't feel like Iam mature enough as a thirty two year
old woman to have seen some ofthe things that I saw. I mean,
like, don't get me wrong,I loved every second of it.
It unleashed something in me that Idid not know was there. Oh my
god, I cannot So I'm supposedto be moving stuff tonight, and I
think I'm gonna be like you haveme until seven o'clock and then I'm gonna
need to have the TV to myselfthere in my room. Feral, feral,

it is. It's wild. It'swild. I'm glad that that's that's
how I closed out my twenty twentythree was strong Old saw Saltburn right before
the new year, and it reallyjust puts you into a headspace to go
into the new year. Oh wow, yeah, okay, you gotta watch

it. You have me like tinglingwith excitement to see this. I wish
I could go home, like rightnow and watch it instead of having to
do like adult stuff. There arethree like major in that I will be
dying to talk about with you.And I don't even know if we can
talk about him on the podcast.Oh wow, you'll know. You'll know

if you've if you've seen Saltburne,you know exactly which three the three big
things. It's like two hours twoand a half or is it like it's
like two hours. It's two hourstwo hours of you for a eye opening
I wish, like, if you'relistening to the pod right now, thank
you. But we also put thison YouTube, and you need to watch

this one because Allie's face every timeyou've been talking about it like a little
bit, Yes, this is You'vegot to see her talking about it.
This is making me very, veryvery excited. Yeah, what is it?
Netflix Prime? It is on AmazonPrime streaming, which I thought was

an interesting choice. But I alsothink that's part of the reason why more
people haven't seen it. Yeah,good point, because it's been out for
over a month. Yep. Yeah. I think it came out like right
after Thanksgiving. Yeah, but Isaw it like premiered at one of the
film festivals late August and then wasout late November. Yeah. But I
will say I do think they've donekind of a terrible job of selling this

as like a thriller, like ait is suspenseful, like there are moments,
but I there was never any It'snot like gory. Yeah, you're
not gonna okay, okay, good, You're not gonna be like I mean
maybe with like some of the moreit's very sexual. Okay, it's very

That's why I say, like thereare some parts that are like like you
clutch your pearls. Even I waslike, holy shit, how did you
come to watch it? Had youheard about it or you just saw it?
And you were like, let's causeI've had it served to me on
Prime. I've like watched a lotover the and I was like, oh,
I don't I thought it looks likea cooking show, so I didn't

click on it. I was like, oh, is that like the Great
British Bake Off? For like Prime? No, thanks, I'm not really
into that. No, it's aI would say it's a comedy drama.
Yeah, a comedy drama. Ilove that we've like given our first podcast
homework assignment. M like, youall need to go watch Saltburn please,
same time as me, and thenwe're gonna like reconvene please for whatever we

can. I asked on my Instagramhow many people had seen Saltburn, and
the overwhelming majority have not seen it. But there were a few people who
were like, they did not respondto the poll, but they messaged me
separately and they were like, Isaw it, like you little freak.
I totally got it though. Ilove that welcoming our fellow freaks into twenty

twenty four. Yeah, but we'redoing that.
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