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April 8, 2024 • 24 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Greeting salutations and welcome my friends toanother edition of The Power Hour on six
to t n WTV and an EclipseDay special. No it's not no,
it's if you heard me with Markearlier, much ado about nothing, and
now that it's all over with,I can say it. I can say
it openly, I can say itout loud man seriously, National Guard being

called out, NASA launch and rocketsinto the dark spots and all kinds of
speculation online and what was Iran goingto attack O bets or something during the
eclipse. I'm not sure, lookanyway, and it was just stuff,
much ado about nothing. But it'sover, thank goodness, and uh and
we get to move on from here. What a gorgeous day. Aside from

that, you know, four minutesof darkness totaled four minutes of darkness that
we had today in sub areas.Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day. Hope
you enjoyed it, because nothing,I guess is going to look like that
for the rest of the week.We'll have the temperatures, but not the
beauty. Who've got the complete forecastcoming up for me first warding weather.
But before we get into all ofthat, there was a new movie.

It was released last week, andit's up. It's up. What would
you call it? I guess abio a bio drama, but it's biographical,
but it's uh. I guess thereare some dramatic licenses taken in there
too, but it's from someone whowas uh kind of cast aside. He

was cast aside, he was up. He was blamed, he was defamed,
he was ostracized, he was leftstanding in the code. He was
left almost broke if you listen towhat Rush used to say about him all
the time. But he is backwith a vengeance, like a phoenix rising
from the ashes. He's he's gotthat new film that just came out this
past week to tell his story.And I want to say thank you,

thank you, thank you for makingsome time for little me this afternoon,
General Michael Flynn, and I reallydo appreciate you allowing me some time to
talk about this great film that wehave out right now. And Flynn delivered
the truth, whatever the cost.I just found out the last night that
we are number one on Amazon ofyou know, head and Shoulders above Barbie

Willy Wonka Oppenheimer and uh and uh, I think Aquaman is the other one.
So we probably you know, we'vehad our Sheriff Chocolate now with Willy
Wonka, you know, and WillyWonka too. I like I like that
show. But the fact that we'renumber one above those says a lot about
the American people, where the Americanpeople are at, and what the American
people are looking for right now,especially with the country and the shape that

it's in. So I think it'sthe fact that you're you're just beating Barbie
on the stream right now says alot about your military acuity. I still
don't understand the Barbie thing. Ireally don't this this movie. As I
told you before we went on,I have not seen the film. I
have seen the trailer. I aminspired by the trailer. This to me

and and and correct me if Iam not correct, But this looks like
you're sticking out your chest and sayinghere's some truth. You haven't heard it
yet, so here's what really happened, and just telling the world this,
This is what General Flynn is allabout. Yeah. The The movie features
Tucker Carlson, Devin Nunez, acouple of investigative journalists who who were really

deep into this and I'm you know, this is done. And also the
director and the production team are actuallyfrom Hollywood and I and I asked them
specifically to do this show, todo this film because I didn't want,
you know, some real strong conservativedocumentary team. I know a bunch of
them that are great people, andthey would have they would have, you
know, taken this thing and maybecreated some some false narrative. But I

can't have that, so I wantedto go with a completely different It took
me two years to find them,and I found really the right team,
which is really important to me.And the story is a very honest,
very open, authentic portrayal of whathappened, but also uh and and I
call it a story of survival,but it's also uh it shows and it

talks to faith and family and thecorruption in our government. It talks to
the idea of endless wars. Wediscussed, you know, the the narrative
of you know, Flynno's where thebodies are buried. We just specifically address
that there are things that will beseen in this movie that I have never
spoken about ever. Uh and andthere's and the only people that knew about

them were the people in the roomswhen I was there, and so,
uh, those are those are powerfulmoments and and people will realize right away
that this is not about Democrats andRepublicans. This is about, you know,
the direction that America is going totake, uh, if we don't
get our act together here coming intoyou know, this next year or this
year. And and it's also atimeless movie. Like one one woman who

came out of the the you know, the evening the other night showing she's
a lawyer. She sayes, thisneeds to be taught in every single law
school in the country right now.She said that this is just it blew
her away. She came because shewas a skeptic of you know, General
Mike Flynn. She had heard allthe things in the media, right and
she said, I just wanted toget I wanted to see I had a

chance, you know. So Andon that note, Chuck, We're going
to thirty five cities in the nextfifty fifty five days. We've already done
two cities. We're now in Savannah, Georgia, tonight, I'll be in
I'll be up in South Carolina tomorrow. People can go to flynnmovie dot com

and and see where the tour sitesare at you can purchase tickets on that
at that site that we have generaladmission and VIP. VIP gets about one
hundred dollars in gifts that we're presentingto all the VIP, So it's a
pretty good deal. The general missiontickets are, you know, and I'm
at every single event, and whatI do is I we attended. We

go to the event, we speakto the people prior just just briefly.
We we show the movie, andthen I stay for another hour afterwards to
do Q and A and the PowerfulThing so Far, And just the first
two eight hundred and fifty at thefirst one and four hundred and fifty at
the second one. People stayed forthe Q and A. And I was

really, you know, honored thatthey did that because I think that they
they were like, oh my god, I can't believe what I just saw.
And and that's the that's the youknow, that's part of what the
testimonials that that we're getting from peopleare just like blown away and they just
they can't believe how corrupt our systemis. But the other big message is

how do we how do we fightback? How do we fight back?
And and that's that comes out inspades from the members of my family who
the country will be introduced to.That fought. You know, we'd say
that, we use the phrase fightlike a Flynn and very very important to
us as a as a you know, as a large family. On one
of nine. My father's the WorldWar Two in Korea, VET. He's

deceased now. He's a retired sergeantfrom the army. My mom, you
know, she's deceased as well now. But you know, taught us a
lot of great things as kids andas a family. And you know,
when the when the going gets tough, the one the one group that gets
going is the Flynn family. Andwe were not going to give in and

you know to what we were facing. And a lot of people ask me,
well, why did you plead guilty? And I talk about that.
I talk about that very honestly,and my wife does as well. People
will be introduced to my wife andher and I've been together since we were
thirteen years old, so so youknow, you don't have a relationship that
long with somebody, you know,and be described the way that the media

and the left have described me.And I will tell you two other people
that are very powerful in this movieis Tucker Carlson and Devin Nuniaz. Both
of them are people that I knowand and respect, and they are very
powerful and commentary in the kinds ofthings that they say. It's really it's
not about Democrats and Republicans. Thismovie is not. This is about this

country and how we can get throughwhat it is that we are facing right
now. And we're definitely off therails, there's no doubt about it.
How do we get back on therails? We address that in the movie.
So anyway, I just appreciate yougiving me some time to talk about
it in such detail. Oh,I'm honored. And I think twenty twenty
four, with what we are facingin November, what I consider to be

an obvious choice between a leadership andfalling on our face for the next four
years, this is the time forthe story to be told. But I
hear a vibrance in you general that. Frankly, during the hearings, I
would watch and I will not saythat you looked broken, but you looked
fractured. You looked as if youwere wondering, how is this a conversation,

How is this an accusation? Howis this America? And I hear
a renewed vibrance in you right nowis making me very happy. But I
will ask you on on a personallevel, sir, how long did it
take for you to breathe deeply,get your head together and realize, Okay,
I've got to change strategy because thisis no longer the country that I

knew. Yeah, I mean,you know, that's a good question.
I think that all throughout and there'snot you know, for you and your
audience. There's a lot of alot of days when I didn't feel so
great, you know. I mean, but I think that where where I
felt it? And I talk aboutthis in the movie actually, you know,
and I wrote a book about thistoo, and people can go to

flynnmovie dot com and find the book. I wrote a movie called Letter to
America, and in the movie Iaddress letters from Americans. And it's a
really powerful moment in the movie becauseand I and in the in the trailers
that you see where there's a there'sI used water as a metaphor for how

I felt drowning. I called itdrowning and uh, and I addressed this
in the movie specifically your question,And I think it's a really powerful It's
interesting that you asked to be honestwith you. The the American people is
what gave life back to me.And they did it through a whole variety
of things. And uh. AndI addressed it in the in the book

Letter to America, which is areally simple book. It's only because I
think it's you can probably read itin one cup of coffee. Is a
very simple uh, sixty pages.I think the the uh the movie though,
addresses it also specifically. Uh.And and it's a feeling of having
life breathed back into your body.And I'm a lifelong surfer, right,

so I surf. I grew upsurfing big waves, small waves of water.
Water was always the feature of mylife, my family's life. And
we talk about that in the movie. And and when you wipe out on
a big wave, you know,you get pounded down below the surface of
the water. And and you canhave and I you know, I used
to be able to hold my breathyears ago. I could hold my breath

for well over a minute sometimes.In fact, I've been tested up to
almost two minutes. But now youknow now, But of course I'm older
now. But when you get poundeddown below the surface of the water,
and you're being pounded by by surf, big surf. You you can feel
a sense of loneliness, you canfeel a sense of isolation, and you're
clearly at a certain moment in time, you begin to to you know,

you're sucking for air, right,You're looking to suck for air. And
and and there was moments I feltthat, and then the American people came
to my rescue and breathed it backinto me. And that's that I addressed
specifically in the movie. And Ithink that's a really powerful part of it.
As has anyone from from the administration, from the DC swamp, has
anyone attempted to renew a friendship,build a bridge, maybe even say I'm

sorry, we let you fall ona sword and nobody came to your rescue.
Yeah, very few, very few. I'll tell you I have a
great relationship with with Trump for sure, and but very few. They're They're
weak. These are these are thisis where this is where our country we
we the people have fallen apart becausewe keep electing these people in there.

But now now there's been nobody inthe media, nobody, nobody in the
in the in the in either aisleof you know, the big parties,
right, Nobody's ever come and said, geez, Mike, I'm so sorry
for what happens. You know,they they they want to hold on to
power at whatever costs for them.And what we have a responsibility to do

as as leaders and as and asuh sickly my in my case the profile
that I have and we're you don'trise you know, one one thing I
tell you to your audience. Youdon't rise to the level of the director
of one of the largest intel agenciesin the world, you know, the
most senior intel officer in the departmententire department offense, nor to the National

Security Advisor. You know, mymy being what they described me to be.
And and you don't have a presidentunder Obama who so fears you that
he tells the incoming president during thetransition of the country, don't hire this
guy. Why. Yeah, AndI addressed that in the movie. You
know, why do they fear me? And there's a there's a there's some
of us and I and I'm notco patent myself on the back, but

I I just know how I am. You know, there's an incorruptibility,
that is that is built into certaintypes of people. And UH and by
the grace of God, I Ihave been blessed to you know, what
drives me, what motivates me isUH is our country. It always has.
I was born on an army base. I grew up with around my
father, you know, all Iwanted to ever do that from the time

I can remember, was served andI served you know, nearly three and
a half decades, and uh infive of those years in direct combat operations.
So I mean, you just,you know, you don't get to
the level that I got to,you know, because you're some wallflower you
know, and and that and youand you're owned by other people. I'm
not, you know, the onlypeople, the only you know, people

that are really strong in my lifeor my family. And of course the
strength of my faith was really renewedby my family and by the American people.
Like I said, the American peoplereally really, they really really showed
me in a many many ways whyI fought overseas. I always say,

you don't fight overseas because you hatesome enemy. You fight overseas because you
love your country, you love yourfamily, you love your children, and
the American people showed me why Ibelieve that. Then when I went overseas
to fight for our country, theyreminded me of why I did that and
how important it is to to uhthat we have this beautiful you know,

I call it an experiment in democracy, but we are a constitutional republican.
For us to sustain as a constitutionalrepublic, we are going to have to
you know, we're going to haveto stand our ground here and this inside
of our country. I use thephrase local action equals the national impact.
So I want people to now's thetime stand up, step up, speak
up, no more wallflowers. Getinvolved in your communities, get involved in

your families, your churches. Idon't care what you do, but do
something. The destiny of this countrywill be determined by each one of us
right now as individuals. What wedo, what we decided to do going
forward, not what we did inthe past, because what we did in
the past didn't work. And anduh and uh, and maybe that's being
overly general to all to everyone.Maybe there's and people that are in your

arts that say, I I've beendoing a lot for my community and things,
and I serve my country well,I serve my country too. I
know what service is about, butI'm serving it again and I need people
to do the same. Every oneof us has to do it. You
know. I don't have the liferecord that you have, but you sound
like you and I would probably haveprobably a big friends had we met in

our youth, because the way myfolks hear the same preaching all the time,
I do something, stop complaining,do something, be involved, and
do something. And h Unfortunately that'salien. All those things you just described
about yourself and your rise over theyears are not qualities that are shared in
America the way they used to be. And people people don't understand them.

Therefore they can't initiate them in theirown lives. And that's a sad thing.
Yeah, yeah, and it reallyis. And and but it's not.
It's not universal. And you know, for you know, your audience,
for the audiences that I speak toaround this country. What what else
I want to tell people is thatyou're not alone. That there's a lot

of people right now that feel thesame way, and there's a lot of
people that are starting to rise upand get involved. I mean, I
love when I see I do alot of work with with different organizations that
that are prominently run by women,especially these these women that are like you
know, Moms for America or WomenFighting for America, women for Liberty.

And the reason why is because theI watched so many of these women,
I got to know a couple ofthem that were fighting for their children.
These are young moms fighting for theirchildren in schools and and they're standing up
in front of school boards. We'veall seen these videos in the last couple
of years. Well, I knowa lot of these people, and I've
and I've you know, done alot of a lot of things to help
them to raise their statute, toraise them raise funds because they can fight

back, and to help them runfor these offices. Because now these moms
are saying, I'm sick of this, I'm going to run for school board.
And and we've we have won alot of school boards around this,
you know, across the nation,and you know, we're we're getting control
back of our of our education system. You know, if I if I
was ever asked to go back intothe government, I would I would only
go back into the government. I'vetalked about this, I've answered this in

different ways to different people. Butyou know, we have got to We've
got to, you know, getrid of this Department of Education. It's
ruining our country and uh and thenturn the education back over to parents.
That's why home schooling is is isuh rising. I mean, it's rapidly
growing across the country all at everyplace I go, every state that I

go to, I talk about homeschoolingand people go, oh my god,
we have homeschooling is exploding in mycommunity, in my town. And that
means that people are pulling kids outof their public schools because the public schools
are teaching filth to our elementary andsecondary kids. These are kids, this
is this is to me, thisis this is you know, this is
child abuse. So but but wehave but we have people in our country.

We have a component in our countrythat believes that that is okay.
It is not okay. In themilitary, you never you never stayed a
red line on the battlefield. ButI will tell you my red line is
anybody who abuses a child. Thatis my red that's my personal red line.
And I and I do a lotof things to to uh to get
involved in that issue. Like Ijust talked about, and we also have

another another effort where we do whatwe call Project Defend and Protect Children,
and it's an anti child track effickinguh project that I'm part of. But
these are the things that you know, because I know what my capacity is,
I know what my capability is.I know I know how how influential
my voice can be. Uh.And I'm not perfect. I'm I'm away

from that way. You know,I'm hugely imperfect in many many ways.
But I but I refuse, I'verefused to give give up. You know.
If anything, I will be thelast redoubt of defense for this country,
uh, if necessary. And I'mjust not going to put up with
this, this communist or socialist takeover, which is very real. I mean
the Trump Trump talked about this whilehe was the president. He said,

he's he said it in a Stateof the Union. He said that America
will never be a socialist nation.Why would a president of the United States
of America have to state say thatin a State of the Union addressed to
the nation, you know. Soanyway, that's that's that's me. I
before I have to say goodbye,because I know your time is limited.

General Michael Flynn. Uh, themovie is flintmovie dot com where you can
also pick up you know, ifyou want to get the book, as
he said, you can read thatwith a cop coffee. This is also
available on DVD. I believe whatWalmart and Target I know have it.
Who else? Amazon? Yeah,Amazon, you can, Amazon's number one
right now. If you can goto Walmart or Keep or Target. You

can order it online from those threeoutlets. It'll be live streaming in about
uh probably about another week and ahalf. Well, you'll be able to
have it on live streaming maybe twoweeks. But this is why I'm doing
this around the nation tour. Youknow, if you want to come and
meet me in person, I'm goingto every single one. I'm sitting in
an r V right now. Uh. We're driving all across this country and

I will be at every single eventpersonally to give people an in person live
experience, premier experience to watch thisfilm and uh and and they get a
chance to you know, to meetme and speak with me, uh in
an intimate way, more intimate way. So that's why I'm doing that.
But they can go to flynnmovie dotcom. You can see where we're going
to be traveling to there's a siteon that website that shows the tour locations

and they can order you know,you know, or order the DVD and
uh, and you can just signup for notifications of other things that we're
doing. And and UH, Ihave a few bo I've actually written eight
books, but the one the onesthat are really I think critical for this
is The Letter to America. Andthen I have another book on there that's
a best seller. That's a fifthgeneration warfare, and that's the warfare that

we're in. And uh, that'sa best seller and it's self published,
which is a really big accomplishment.And I've pat myself. I'm a co
author on the back of that hardand retired Boone Cutler. He's a terrific
American great patriots, blown up badlyin Iraq and went through all the serious
post traumatic stress and and nearly committedsuicide. But he's now helping others.

So he and I have been greatbuddies. And and UH, anyway,
you know, this is about standingup for our country. We don't fight
overseas because we hate. We wefight because we love and we love our
country. We love our families,we love our communities and That's why I'm
doing this. I just I believeso deeply in uh, in what we're
facing, and I understand what we'refacing. I definitely understand what we're facing.

And I don't want our my children, my grandchildren, your children,
your grandchildren, to your audience tohave to face the this this tyrannical,
overbearing, you know, socialist movementthat is in fact real in our country,
you know, we you know alot of people describe it as a
globalist takeover, and it's it's real. These are real people really have real

agendas and uh. And there's nomore conspiracy theories. This is this is
a this is a this is abattle, and it's a battle of our
time, for our generation. Anduh and now's our time to to to
to do the things that we aretaught at citizens, which is get involved
in your communities. Christ go vote, if nothing else, pray if nothing
else. Right, if it's noteven to you at this point, you're

not paying attention. I think that'swhat it comes down to. The movie
again, it's called Flynn Deliver theTruth, whatever the cost, available on
DVD at Target, Walmart and atthe Amazon. I checked your tour and
I do not see you coming anywherenear Columbus, Ohio. I would love
to shake your hand, but I'mnot traveling to Kansas to do it.
But I will keep an eye onthat tour list and and maybe some updates

will be made and we'll get achance to meet in person. Yep,
absolutely, I mean we're in Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania. We're in we
actually had a place in in uhin Ohio, but we got all we
got into all kinds of drama witha with a with a nasty pastor who
didn't want you know, didn't wantFlynn, right. So that there you

there's your there's your you know,you know, and I and and it's
really too bad. It's really ashame. And there's people in Ohio that
know about this, you know,and you can share this with your audience.
You know, there's a really reallyuh you know, he deceived us,
and I'm sorry about that. Youknow. I wish that he I
wish he had an open heart andyou know, instead of what wanting to

protect his five O one C threepoison from the pulp. It is not
an unknown thing. It's it's sad, but it is a reality. General
fly for your service to our country. I thank you for your time today.
I thank you and UH and bestof luck with this film. Yep,
thank you so much for having me. God bless you too,
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