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May 30, 2024 10 mins
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What's going on? It is hitMan with you and I got the pleasure
on the phone right now. I'vegot Bobby Ingram, who's with the original
Molly Hatchet brother. How are youdoing today? I'm doing great. How
you doing, Jeff? Thank youfor having on today, No problem.
You know you're coming to the postog on June fourteenth. It's going to
be a great show. Molly Hatchet. I still remember seeing him in nineteen

eighty five on South Padre Island duringspring break. It was crazy and you
still rocket to this day. Asa matter of fact, we were talking
off air just a little while ago. You're going back into the studio to
make more new music and you're doingit at Abbey Road Studios. Yeah,
and that's something, right, Imean, who would imagine? And what

a privilege and an honor to bein the studio where the Beatles recorded all
the original stuff back in the sixtiesand to have Paul McCartney's engineer this doing
the album. Wow, I don'tknow what's said same microphones. I mean,
that's unbelievable. We have got alot in store coming up. We
released a single a few months backcalled firing Line right and that's that's just

gone crazy, and that's just ataste of what's going to happen on this
next album. We've been working Orderfor a while and we wound up over
at Abbey Roads because I wanted toget back to the original analog sound,
you know, that real gussy,you know, the hair stands up on
your arms when you listen to it, type analog recording, and we did,

and it's amazing what the difference is. You know, when you kind
of get away from it for afew years and you go digital stuff and
everything's digital digital, you can hearthe difference as soon as you put the
track on. So I'm just reallyhappy to do it and ready to bring
this everybody and hope everybody enjoys it. Yeah, you know, you're going
through the same route that Dave Grohldid for the Food Fighters. He actually

did the exact same thing and heloved every second of it. And I
completely agree with you. Analog tome, believe it or not, sounds
to me better than it does adigital. I mean, but then I'm
also the same person that likes toget vinyl records and still like to hear
the little scratch on the vinyl fromthe needle when you put it on the
record player, I still love thatsound. It's crazy, absolutely absolutely,

and it's and when Dave Grohl wentover there to Abbey Road, we're using
the same engineer, Paul McCartney.He's the name is Chris Bolster. Did
Paul McCartney, did the Food Fighters, Maroon five, he's done Elton John.
We said, you know, anduh, I think he just just
now mixed the new Eric Clapton records. Wow, So we're totally honored to

be working with him. And yeah, you can hear the difference. It's
amazing. This album will be ofcourse is cee the of course online,
but for real on vinyl. It'sgoing to be coming out. So having
a blast wi it and the newsongs were having a great time. Got
a new singer, Parker Lee fromNorth Carolina. He came in like gangbusters

and he's tearing up the stage.Make it Bill like twenty five years younger,
that's for sure, you know.Oh and I A yeah, John
Alvin's in the band and and uhyou know Tim Lindsay And we're also we're
also making music. Man, that'scrazy. It's like I'm really looking forward
to seeing you guys when you guyscome to the post o g very very
soon. I actually found something thatwas kind of interesting. Uh when I

when I looked you up on Facebookand LinkedIn, you're also a lawyer.
Yeah, well yeah, I guessso, so you know listen, and
that was it was kind of byaccident in a way. I mean,
I'm an intellectual property owner, youknow, for the and the trademarks and

and worked hard for that and andyeah, so I wanted to know more
how to brand and how to protectthe band, and how to protect the
music and how to protect us goingforward. So I said, you know,
let me just you know, Ijust want to take a class of
an intellectual property. Well you goonline and you see these courses for you

know, nineteen ninety five. Ididn't want that, you know. So
I wound up sentpony lsat and Igot accepted into law school and I graduated
in twenty twenty. Wow. Soyeah, I've got my juris doctor.
And I think I started with fourhundred and fifty other students from all around

the country, actually all around theworld, and only nineteen of us graduated
of this four fifty, So Iwas one of the nineteen, so I
feel pretty pretty blessed about that.Yeah, But I think the main thing,
and this is where it kind ofgoes back to the educational part of
it. If you're a business owner, I really think that you need that

extra, that extra push, Youneed that extra in site into what the
new laws are and have to textyour brand and your business and keep the
band out there, you know,and know what not to do, right
right, No, you're absolutely right. We're talking with Bobby Ingram from Molly
Hatchett. Coming to the post ogvery soon. You know you've been out
on tour with Molly Hatchett for quitesome time. Now, what is the

craziest thing that ever happened to youon stage? Oh? My gosh.
Well, now this is kind ofthe summarize that I'm the longest standing member
in the history of the band NonStopright. In other words, I came
into the band, I never quit, I never went to another group.
I never did anything else. Istayed right with Molly Hatchett. I stayed

true to the music, to thefans, and to the legacy of this
band, right, and my missionwas to keep it going and way back
before Hatchett, Danny Joe Brown andmyself had our first band together. I
actually handed him the microphone to sing. Little did we know he was going
to be such a powerful singer anda powerful front man, one of the

top five top three in Southern rockand roll. And and yes, and
then went into the Daneger Brown band. From my history and my legacy with
it goes further back than the banditself. Wow, it's pretty weird to
think about that, but it's thetruth. And now I'm the longest standing
member in the history of the band, you know, members that have passed

on or members that are here now, and I keep it going because of
the music is important. You know, it's not about the members in the
band. And we've changed, youknow. Of course the original sixth have
passed on and we wouldn't be hereif it wasn't for them, right,
but many many band members along theway. Because it's forty five years into

it, almost a half a centuryinto the legacy of Hatchett, So we
wanted to keep the music alive tous. That was the main thing,
is to keep the music in frontof you know, in the in the
public, in front of fans,in front of our friends. Wants to
still hear Molly Hatchett's music live.Yeah, you know, no, you

can only put up the album somuch. And you want to go out
and rock and roll in a concerton twelve or fourteen or fifteen. Yeah,
yeah, man, you know,I gotta tell you. I know
what you mean. It's it's it'scrazy. I mean, it's it's Molly
Hatchett. It's it's through the yearsand and the thing I love is the
fact that you're keeping it going andthe fact that you're now even doing new

music and it's going to be outpretty soon, a full album of course,
you get the first single that's outnow, and looking forward to seeing
guys when you guys come to thepost og. One last question I wanted
to ask you, and I askedthis to every single artist that I always
talk to. There's always bands outthere. They're like the local bands,
they're up and coming bands, andthey want to get to that status like

what you are right now of coursewith Molly Hatchett and becoming legendary. What
advice would you give to up andcoming bands to work to become this legendary
status. Don't ever give up?No, matter what, just keep going,
no matter how bad the road gets, no matter how many times you

run off the road, no matterhow many highs you have and how many
lows, just keep going, Staytrue to your music, stay true to
yourself, and just believe in whatyou're doing. That to me is the
biggest you know, I guess youknow what I could give everybody, you
know, from from all my timein it. I mean, I've been
playing guitar fifty five years, right, play playing guitar fifty five years.

I was like, let's just sayI was really young when I started.
I don't just say you can kindof do the math, but I was
super young when I started, youknow. So I mean I've been on
tour, you know, since theseventies. So the main thing is just
to stay out and stay relevant,keep writing music, you know, keep

making music. You know, don'tever let it anybody tell you you can't
do it, because you can doit. I mean, look at what
has happened with Hatchett. You know, I kept this going, and so
did the fans. I couldn't havedone it without them. You know,
media, yourself, I couldn't havedone without you. You know, you're
the conduit between the between us playinglive and our fans. You know,

you have to have all these elementsto keep it going. So definitely don't
give up because things are going tohappen. And that's what I would give
to the to the younger guys thatare coming up and want in the rock
and roll and do it for aliving and do it all your life.
Yeah, I appreciate you calling intoday, Bobby. Looking forward to seeing
it at the post Og on Junefourteenth. Tickets are on sale right now.

You want to find out more details, of course, go to the
post OG's website, and of coursealways go to Molly Hatch's website to find
out the latest on what's going onwith the band. Looking forward to hearing
more new music from abbey Road.And it was a play, dude.
I'm so happy that we got achance to talk today and hopefully I'll well
get to meet up with you thereat the post Dog on June fourteenth.
Buddy, Jeff again, thank youfor having me on. Everybody pick up

the new record. It's coming outin the fall. We did it at
abbey Road. I can't release thetitle, but that's coming out soon.
Jeff. Thank you so much foreverything,
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