All Episodes

April 19, 2024 60 mins
Jenn spills Colt's secrets to Falen last night
We dove into things our siblings did to you that were way over the line
Taylor swifts newest single was announced
If you've ever wondered if theirs poop waste in your water we have the answer 
Theres a woman in MSP whose been bussing for 47 years and she's retiring. We want to ask her the top three weirdest incidences she's ever dealt with

that and more on today's show

love you!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Balin and Cults on one oh onepoint three, Katie W B. Or
should I say k d w Bbecause here's thank you cal Yeah? Four
more names? Well, should Ibe concerned that this is my daughter's favorite
album and she's like play the Snakeone oh spears? I loved it.

Four more names. We're gonna readout today. We'll call it today for
your chance to go to Paris tosee Taylor. Our first in comes up
at two twenty on KDEWB, Salinand Cults on one on one point three.
Katie W B. When saw theNew and Halfaway movie last night with
Colt's wife, and by the way, it's really cute. It's like a

new it's gonna about Amazon Prime,like on May second. It's based on
a like a fan fiction book writtenabout Harry Styles. She said that she
thought it was gonna be bad,but she can't. She was like,
it was so good. Yeah whenit comes out, Yeah, definitely should
But the best part about it wasn'teven the movie. Is the things that
I learned about Could when I'm withhis wife like on our show, like
she won't let me cook steak,and so I got I'm gonna do that

tonight while she's gone, and shegets annoyed because she can't defend herself on
the radio, and she was like, I just want She literally told the
whole theater. She's like, Ijust want everyone to know. I don't
care if he makes steak in thehouse. What I don't like is that
he burns it every time he burnssteak, So our house. It's not
that I don't like the smell ofmeat, it's that our house smells like

burnt, like get week. Yeah. So she's like, I'm sick of
this, and she goes, also, he like does these he tries to
me? Yeah, she's like astand and she also says this was my
favorite. She's like, he triesto like hide stuff from me, but
like he's terrible. So she said, oh, yeah, recently, that

makes sense. She sent you agrocery list and she's like, can you
please grab me a poppy? Shewas really graving craving a soda and you
came home and you didn't have any, and she's like it was on the
list and you were like you werelike, oh, I didn't see that,
she said. She later goes outto the car, there's a poppy
can in the car drain, okay, and you were like, oh,

I got myself one, but Ididn't see that on the list. And
she's like, no, I thinkwhat actually happened is you did get her
one. You got thirsty on theway home, and you didn't even cover
up. You're evidence. She saidthat you do that kind of stuff all
the time. She said, allthat happen, okay, the pop didn't
see it. She said She'll openthe glove box and candy bar wrappers will
fall out. She said that it'slike you're a shame, but you could

just throw it in the dump,like the trash can. Too lazy for
it. I just leave it.They're so bad at hiding. I just
leave it. And I'll blame iton the kids. She's like, they
don't sit up front. I'm like, oh, yeah, I was right.
They're in their car seats. SoI just enjoy hearing that. You,
Well, what's nice? Said?She just gets to have this fun
and guts to tell her side ofthings. Yeah, but do you want

to explain yourself the show? You'llalways like, my wife will let me
have X y Z. And she'slike, won't. I don't care what
she's she really doesn't like she couldsay whatever she wants, but there is
a reason why I'm hiding things becauseclearly I'm not allowed to have them.

Well, if that's the case,I will say I do know. Like
when you try to keep children fromeating sugar. This happened with Steve.
He was to be on the morningshow. They like he didn't He's like,
we don't give our kids sugar,and they discovered his son had,
like at tire all this hidden candycaughtu band like under the bend in the
fence in their house. It's likechocolate, you can't put it in the

fence. But their kids so good, like yeah, because you're keeping them
from it. So it's almost likethey have to hide their addiction because they
want that sweet susy. That's whatit is. I don't know. I
think you sorry shamed. I thinkshe's she feels a little guilty that she's
a crunchy mom quote unquote, andsometimes parents do kind of give her some

flak, like you know, whydon't you it's just a goldfish, Like
they're not gonna die. You gotraised on spaghettios and you're fine. Yeah,
And she I don't know I thinkit does make her a little insecure,
how tightly regiment she is with thesethings. So when I'm not around,
she likes to put it on me. And that's fine. Listen,
I'll take one for the team.It's interesting because you put it all on

her, and now you're saying,she puts it all on you. It's
fine, it's fine, it's fine. We're both gas La. You're like
a couple therapists right now. Whatthey out. Yes, I am Taylor.
Thanks for asking. We're gonna comeback and we'll have our first name
for our show. So this isthe moment where you're like, you know,

is that alarm on your phone?Tell your friends, family, anyone
in your network that you know tolisten for your name because we're in a
call one and that person has tenminutes and thirteen seconds to call back in.
You get the really cool prize.You get the brand new Taylor Swift
album that isn't even out yet,Taylor Swift The Tortured Post Department on Phantom

clear vinyl, available only at Target. And then you're qualified for a trip,
you know, the Paris, Franceto see Ronnie Earra's tour. We're
doing that when we come back onKatie w B. This is the fallon
and cold Ship. Are you readyfor it? The cliff at least four

we gotta for every day? Dothis all right? People tell me I
take too long, so let metell you about what I did last night.
I'm just kidding. Here we go. Our winner this hour is Sarah
Reese from Saint Paul. Say it, I'm doing it. If Sarah Reese

from Saint Paul calls back within tenminutes and thirteen seconds, Sarah, we'll
get the new album from Taylor Swift, The Tortured Poets Department on Phantom Clear
vinyl, available only at Target beforeyou can even buy it, and be
one of the very few qualifiers towin a trip to Paris. Taylor Swift
pretty epic. So one more time, Sarah Reese from Saint Paul. Call

in now to six five one nineeight nine, five three nine two.
You're ten minutes and thirteen seconds start. Now we're gonna come back. We're
gonna do the pop culture Minute.A lot going on. Caitlin Clark has
already blocked someone, a famous personon X because of the things that they're
saying. Yeah, I know.Also, Taylor did just announce her first

single. We'll talk about it allcoming up on katiewb the cut. It's
the pop Culture Minute with Felon andcult on one on one point three kd
WB. Can't say the name again, but the name we announced for KATIWB
only has like fourish minutes left,so boo com on the phone. Perfect.

Your pop Culture Minute is brought toyou by Ovo Lacy and Lenz.
Find them an ovo i dot com. Taylor's have just a little click click
click on the typewriter to let everyoneknow. The first single from the new
album coming out will be her songwhere she's clabbing with Post Malone called Fortnite.
Do you think she's getting paid forthat? Probably? What do you
mean Fortnite? I mean they gota game. Give her some sort of

money? Right? Oh? Idon't think there's any connection to the game.
No, No, I don't thinkso. But I like that that
would be a smart pairing, Butno, I don't know. Okay,
speaking of hold on, Oh,this is gonna be a l It's going
to be someone to say, whatdid you say? Probably? Well it's

not risk it Okay, hold on, this is yeah? Hello Katie w
b Oh no, hold on onesecond, there's no way that is the
person we call. Okay, allright, so Kaylynn Clark has already blocked.
Now I didn't know who this wasand Toonio Brown on appods, Antonio

Brown blocked? Is that a thingyou don't know Antonio Brown his history?
No, I don't follow NFL players. He's the dude that you saw him
stripping, like when he went offthe field like that was his last football
game. He's on hand. Okay, Well, I will tell you that
he kept writing inappropriate, crass thingsabout her on X including calling her the
quote cracker of the day, andI think that was the final straw.

So she blocked him. On acting. This is actually a really interesting,
kind of sweet story. So youknow, do you know who Mariska Hargete
is. She's the woman who starsas Olivia Benson on Law and Order.
Oh yeah, So she's out andabout filming a scene for the TV show

and a little girl legitimately thinks she'sa legit police officer. She lost her
mom and comes up to her,and she actually like helped and cupter calm
until her mom came like basically runningup and was like, that's my daughter.
But how cute is that? Likeshe thought she was an actual cop
and she did help her out.So nice, It is very nice.
We're like, we're so close tothe new Taylor Swift album and I'm so

excited for I know a lot ofpeople are talking about it. And if
you're not a huge Swifty I gethow this is probably the most annoying twenty
four hours of your life. Butwe are, by the way, we're
huge swifties here at KATIEWB. Andwe're actually right for five o'clock, Like
right around five we have a minimix of like Taylor's song and then at
eleven PM tonight we play we startplaying Taylor's full album, the brand new

one. We're gonna play at topto bottom, so don't miss that.
On all that that's your pop cultureminute. We're gonna come back with anyone
listening who and maybe our KATIEWB qualifieron one on one point three KATIEWB Balin
and cult on one on one pointthree katiew B. And just like that,

where the first the first name todaythat didn't call back All the names
for the morning show called back inour very first one did not call the
good news for those that are qualifying. That's one last name in the big
old pot. It's actually a prettysmall pot. I would say for you
if you entered your name though,literally just any tell anyone to listen,

and you can always do it onthe iHeartRadio app because if your name is
in there, the chances of yougetting your name called very high. At
three twenty. Yep, three twentyis the next time anyone listening who this
is? Because now I really thinkno one is listening because our girl Sarah
didn't call back in time, sowe can say it now. But if

you are listening, this proves youare anyone listening who had a super odd
school field trip. We went tothe Pudweiser plant, which, like back,
is so bizarre to take high schoolersat the ana. At the end,
if you do the Budweiser tour,you get a free beer. So

our teacher just drank the beer.Well, the school teacher doesn't drive the
bus, but still it was likecharge of the children, and he was
like, I'm Catholic, it's fine, and we're like, what, You're
right? Your parents all drink anyways, I might as well when I'm watching
you. That's fair. Anyone listeningwho has eaten dog or cat food,

Like why people like I think it'scurious and they're like, I'm gonna try
it and see if it's good.I knew it did this once. Why
because Jen's grandpa was in the kitchenand he was older. Yes, my
wife grandpa was in the kitchen ather house. He was older, and
he thought the cat treats were likea new chip, and he ate him

and he offered me some. AndI didn't want the heart to tell him
that guy, why do you justsay I'm not hungry? I wanted to
be nice and I had the cattreats I had to review. They were
kind of like an off brand cheese. It, I mean, not the
worst, but also okay, allright, or anyone listening who tooted in
an embarrassing place that would be memiddle school. It was like the most

horrific story. We had a gasleak in our school that day, but
like one that isn't toxic. Thankyou, you'll get your jokes in later.
It wasn't a toxically, so Ijust let you know, but like
it won't affect anyone. We're inthe middle of science class. I laughed
so hard I didn't even feel likeI had to toot a toot squeaks out
and you know those like little plasticchairs you sit on in middle school.

Oh yeah, just like amplified it. David Spears sitting in front of me,
and he's like, oh, andthen missus Crone, the teacher who
should be protecting me, goes lookslike, we'll see where the gas league
came from. And I was like, you're the worst ever. I didn't
know this was happening in my body. So anyway, so how did you
recover? You did? No,My friend Tiffany stood up for me today

and she's like, you gotta shutup. Day even know what my shoe?
And he was like, oh,because Tiffany had power. So I'm
happy I didn't go to your school. Yeah, me too. We wouldn't
have interacted. You're much younger thanme, so anyway, hopefully anyone listening
who tooted in an embarrassing place hada super odd school field trip, or
has eaten dog or cat food callus six five one nine eight nine KTWB

balon and cults on one on onepoint three kdw B. In case you
dismissed it, we gave out thekeyword for your chance to one one thousand
dollars. You go to KDWB dotcom and enter the keyword grand, g
R, A and D right now. You only have a few minutes to
inter that for your chance to oneone thousand dollars? Are we doing?
Anyone listening? Who tooted in anembarrassing place, had a super odd school

field trip? Or has eaten dogor cat food? Hazel? Have you
eaten dog or cat food? Ihave which one? Dog? Why?
Hazel? I wanted to get whatdid you think? All right? Would

you eat it again? Maybe?Hi? I like open minded? Was
your dog mad that? You werelike taking the trees now sharing? Sharing
Poppy? I like that? Thanksfor calling you? Thank you, HOLLI
which category you fall into? Iwent on a weird field trip in elementary
school? Can I tell us aboutit? I went to the water treatment

facility where they like clean poop outof the water forget. I don't know
why they brought us there, butwe were standing there and there's a pool
full of poops and it was verytraumatizing. So which school was this?
Did you grow up locally? OtFull Creek Elementary School in Temple Minnesota.

Okay, so what I still don'tknow. Were there like like weird analogies
with the poop, like this iswhere you'll end up if you don't study,
or like what. No, itwas just teaching us that they do
that to our water. I guessdid it smell horrible? Yeah? And
so now all I learned is thatthere's poop in our water essentially, Well,

that's that is traumatizing. I'm sorryyou went through that. All right,
I'm gonna go buy a Britta Godheyo, who's this? Uh?
I'll just say John, that's notmy real name. My girlfriend heard me
tell the story. She kill me. Okay, what do we got?
We were at the local bar yesterday. It was fun, but she ended

up. We were talking and Ilike sought my breadt smell bag. She
was like waving her hand in frontof her nose, and then I took
a snip of my breath. Itwasn't bad. And then it turns out,
Uh, whatever she exited out ofher body hit me like a brick
wall, and it was embarrassing becausewe know everyone at the bar, and

I wasn't just gonna sit in thathigh missed. Uh, So I walking
away and just leaving her to marinateit. And uh yeah, I swear
my nose hares got burnt. Geez, why did she follow you out?
She just sat there in her ownfilth. We'll find your own sin.
I just you know, I couldn'tsit in it. So do you look

at her any differently? Have thingsbeen off ever since? Then? No?
I think it's kind of uh endearing, because she's that comfortable to just
let something like that. I meanmaybe she could be a little less comfortable
in a public setting, but sure, yeah, you're not wrong. He
thank you for the call, andwhat was your girlfriend's name? We can

stay on the radio, try tocatch up, all right? See him?
All right? Tabby? You hada toot and an embarrassing place,
is that right? Yes? Ohmy gosh, Okay, so my senior
year graduation day, walking across thestage, I was holding so hard to

keep it in, and no,it went out and the entire place heard.
It was so loud and embarrassing.And that's the last impression you left
on that school. So it's notlike you could redeem yourself. Yes,
Like, oh my god, peoplewill find you randomly on Instagram? Is
that the woman that is the graduation. Yeah, I had random bunk calls

from like people from school and theywere like, ha ha, I caught
you on video, Pardie. Ohno, being in the age of like
cell phone videos has really affected alot of people in a negative way.
Oh man, Well, Tabby,thank you so much for sharing. We
appreciate it. All right, havea good one. It is tadyw B.

If you haven't become a verified fanyet, you still have time,
go to TADYWB dot com, Stalinand Colt on one on one point three
kd WB KDWB. It's a bigday for us Thursday's meeting. We are
getting you qualified to go see TaylorSwift in Paris, and we didn't have

a two twenty winner and it's reallyit's a big bummer. And yeah,
the winners today are getting her newalbum before you can even buy it,
the Tortured Post Department on Phantom clearvinyl, available only at Target. So
hopefully our three to twenty person iswinning. But before we get to that
next name at three twenty Cold andI are going to facebacks. We're going
to face reality. There's a scientificmethod to find out if we are compatible,

and we'll do that when we comeback on KTEWBA have two have two,
Stalin and colts on one on onepoint three kd WB. I don't
even know how this came up.We were kind of going back and forth
on this yesterday and I was like, actually, let's check this out tomorrow.

It's a scientific way to see ifyou're compatible. Yeah, and it's
kind of a newer thing. Youcan check with your spouse or people you
work with, see how great youwill maschine relationships. Did you put this
in? It's like, are wecompatible in a romantic way? Did you
specify co workers? I don't know. We don't know. Okay, whatever,
we'll see how it sounds. Okay, so let me just get to

the thing. Yeah, Google,are aries and tourists compatible? So it's
super scientific? Then this is itastrology or astronomy. I think astronomers would
be like, well maybe I likeastrology. People always like mind that woo

stuff them. But when I getto googling about it, it's actually interesting.
Your interests very quickly. Wait thatis like me, okay, so
what's to say? Is it goodnews? Bat on the fire side,
don't know what a tourus is?Okay? Aries and tourists share very good
compatibility with each other, good asthey are both fire signs. Oh you

are a fire uh oh. Arieslikes to take things easy in their relationship.
Taurus is someone who expects new thingsin their relationship once in a while.
Oh, so you want me tokeep things? Lets things flow,
And it's on the tourists to overthinkabout multiple things. That doesn't feel accurate?

Does it doesn't feel accurate? Doesit? Could just repeat exactly what
I said. Factory aries will cometo see their tourists counterpart as their rock,
providing the comfort and security they maybe unable to provide for themselves.
Oh that is huge. I thinkyou could do. You asked me at
least ten times a day. Dowe suck? Are we good? Do

people like us? You literally dothe same thing to me. On the
flip side, turreans Dang often lookup to bold aries as the leader.
Hurt, what is this so accurateyou provide? Wait? Do you look
at me as a bold leader?I feel like you lead this. I
feel like I'm here to assist youinto an ascending You don't answer questions,

you reword things. Do you lookat me as a bold leader? Yeah?
You're bold. You're bold a fYou're the boldest. I'm okay,
older car, Okay, So youprovide the energy and spontanuity that I lack
in my own life. You don'thave any spontaneity in your life? Is

that what you said? No?Yeah, I feel like I lack energy
a lot. I know because halfthe time Run's bread and I'm talking and
he's like, I look over andhe's yawning, like what the hell starting
diet? Oh before the show?Bro Okay, So we're pretty compatible then,
Yeah, we're attracted to each other'sthe versas, and we find happiness

by communicating, respecting, and balancingtheir art contrasting traits. So, yeah,
that's true. I think that wedo. That's beautiful. Yeah,
and Jake is a Leo, andI've read that air and leos are really
good together. Here we are notime. Unfortunately, we don't have time.
I'll go down that rabbit hole later. High five from a distance.

Yeah, you're compatible. Love tohear it all right? Yeah, we
call another ADWB verified fan name toget qualified for a trip to Paris for
us to see Taylor Swift in lessthan ten minutes. Are you ready?
One one point three, k dw B w all Right, Salin and

Colts. On one on one pointthree kdw B Taylor Swift is bringing the
Aras toward to Paris May tenth.Yeah, Yeah, Taylor, we freak
it are and for the new album. But one on one point three it's
KDWB has your chance to qualify orthis trip right now. If this is
your name, our winner this houris Maria Garcia from Farahbau. Maria Garcia

from Farahbau one more time. MariaGarcia from Farahbau. Call in now six
five one nine, eight nine,five three nine two. If you know
her, text her Facebook or whateverit is, let her know so she
can call in to be a qualifier. Her ten minutes and thirteen seconds start
right now. Also, this isvery cool. If she qualifies, she's

gonna get the new album from TaylorSwift, The Tortured Post Apartment on Phantom
clear vinyl, available only a targetbefore you can even freaking buy it back.
That's what all of our qualifiers todayget. We'll have another qualifier at
four twenty and five twenty. Ifthat wasn't your name, Today's Trending with
Felon and cold on one on onepoint three Katie W. B brought to

you by nikolay Law dot com andhow adorable is this? Money dot com
listed best places to live and aMinnesota town landed on the list. So
they basically picked a charming Minnesota townwith quote affordable homes and room for adventure.

Northfield landed on the list. Ijust thought that was really cute.
Congrats to Northfield. You got alittle little shout out there. I love
that for you. Now everyone's gonnamove to Northfield. Maybe they already are.
Maybe that's why she's booming there.Also, this is like a little
wholesome moment. After forty seven yearson a job, Metro Transit's longest serving

bus driver retired. Her name isMelanie Benson and she has been a Metro
Transit bus driver for forty seven years. Oh and by the way, there's
like a photo of her smiling onthe bus. Oh she write a book
doc you should I would read that. Can we interviewer? I don't know,

Let's bring her in. Reach out, Melanie Benson. Have your people
call our people top three craziest thingsyou've seen on a bus? I would
love to hear those stories. Ithought someone was called. They were calling
a second ago. Do you wantto see if it's this person? It's
Todd Okay, ready, yeah,Hi KATEWB Hi. What's your name,

Maria? What's your last name?From? What city? Fab? And
what year were you born? Nineteenninety? Yeah, Maria, this is
good news for you. We didsay your name. We're not just screaming
we did, Maria. First off, let's tell you about the prize you

automatically get. You get the newalbum from Taylor Swift, The Tortured Poet's
Department on Phantom Clear vinyl, availableonly at Target. But you, Maria,
get it before you can even buyit. That's number one. Number
two. You're in a very verysmall drawing of people who could possibly win
a trip to Paris to see TaylorSwift. That's so amazing. Now,

Maria, do you have a passport? I do? Okay? Nice?
Good? Good? Did you hearin May? Yeah? Did you hear
a say in the name or didsomebody call you? Yeah? I got
a message from one of my childhoodfriends and he goes like, I think
out of work, So God,are you serious? She's like, I

know, we haven't talked in liketen years, but if you win,
you should take me to Paris.Well, Maria, hold on a second,
We're going to grab some info fromyou and you might just find out
next week if you're going to Parisor not. Pretty epic, Pretty epic.
Thank you, Maria. We'll doanother name coming up at four twenty

on kd WB. You look greattoday, by the way, Oh,
I know what you're doing. Whatdo you like most about it? A
compliment? You are a good humananyhow? Balin and cult on one on

one point three kd WB. Wehave given away more prizes this week I
think than any week in the historyof kdw B. A lot it is,
and we're continuing it. We haveour after school Pop Quiz and we
do this every day around this time. We ask trivia questions and you compete
against someone and whoever gets to twofirst wins and it's always really cool prizes.

It's been from Mall of America lately, which is extra awesome. So
Crayole Experience passes calls to play six, five, one, nine, eight
nine kd WB. Balen and cultone a one point three KDWB heads up
right after the after school Pop QuizWe're gonna be that keyword your chance to
win a thousand dollars. But firstwe're gonna play the after school pop quiz.

We have Bailey from Prescott taking onKeisha in Menomine. All right,
I'm gonna ask you trivia questions.If you know the answer each time in
with your name, the first twowhence Crayola Experience passes? Are you ready?
Yeah? I'm ready? All right. Question number one, at what
temperature fahrenheit does water freeze? Bailey? Yes, Bailey thirty two. I

don't know why. That's one ofthose like I cannot remember to save my
life. It makes sense that youcan't. Geez all right. Question number
two, what was the first animalto be cloned? Peja? Yes,
Dolly? Yeah? Wait they cloneanimals. Oh you're so young. But

to not know about Sally the sheepbeing clone? What are you talking about?
You could literally clone your like actualdog if you wanted, if you
had enough money. What are yousaying? Yeah? Okay, welcome anyway,
all right, this is going tobe the decider. Question three,
how many branches comprise the federal governmentof the United States? Yes, it

is three. It's legislative, executive, and judicial so Kija, congratulations you
when the Krayle experience passes today,Bailey, thank you for playing, Yes,
thank you for having me one onone point three Katie W. Brown
throw Back throw down take you graduatethe old school of KD W B.
So normally do this at five o'clockon Thursdays, but we're doing a Taylor

Swift mini mix at five o'clock aweek put it here instead. Colt and
I both picked a throwback song.We take votes. Whoever gets the most
votes, we play the full song. So today I chose you know,
just we know you came to mindbecause of Coachella, Little Kesha. We're
new Dye, You're dumb down banger, numb dumb, we are who we
are. It's my selection and couldsong yak with you? But I cannot,

Baby, you can move your bodyto that. It's okay, I
am moving, can't tell you holdit in. Who sings that Soldier Boy?
Tell him? Oh okay, Iknew that all right. I thought
it was Soldier Boy. I thought. So. Just making sure you decide
which song we play by calling andvoting at six five, one, nine,

eight nine, Katie W. B. I've been running a lot of
that song. So that's why Icame to mind. You literally work in
you running into any conversation the news. It's a throwback pro down, thrown
throwback throw down, take you backto the old school of kad w B.

All right, this is simple.Cold and I both picked a throwback
song and you decide the one weplay by calling in and voting. This
is the song I selected this week. We're now dying, were done,
Dum dum dump dumb our body isdumb, dully young, And this is
the one Cult selected, no doubton miss you. Yeah, first of

three votes. When's Katie w B? Who you're voting for? Cool?
What's up? Which song do youthink we should play? Your song?
Oh? Yeah, well I'm talkingabout Thank you. I appreciate that.
Oh, thank you, all right, thank you, all right, Hello
Katie w B. Hi, Ijust wanted to vote for Cult songs.

I accept the vote. Thank youfor that. Turns out b end of
the three o'clock hours or your fanbase live. Have a good day,
Hi, kat w B. Whoyou're voting for? Geez? And just
like that, Yeah, yeah,what's your name? Alyssa? You were
the final vote. So cult songis the one we're gonna play. Do

you want to intro it? Alyssaokay Alissa from Roseville and kiss me through
the phone. That winner. That'sbeautiful. You do it better than I
could. It's Katie w B.Yeah, tell me okay, you win,

you win. I can't do it. You're not going to talk at
all? No you okay? Soyeah, today is Katie to Day.
If you're not a verified fan yet, go to KADIWB dot com get yourself
verified for a trip to Paris,all of it. You might say so

if you are signed up, orif you're going to sign up right now.
This is a big thing. Youneed to be here in fifteen minutes.
If we say your name in fifteenminutes, make sure to hit us
up within ten minutes and thirteen secondsto get qualified for that trip. Will
we call your name? We'll findout what normal for? Nope? On

one on one point three KDWB normalor nope. I think we've have we
talked about this. We never usekleenex, just use toilet paper. I
think that was on there once andthat's definitely me. I do that.
Yeah, that's not normal. You'renot you ain't normal. Tell you up
normal or noe. Vacuuming in thedark so the light from the vacuum shows

everything to pick up. Nope,that's an og move right there. What
that's a gangster move. I dothat all the time? Are all your
wife says, you don't vacuum?So when do you do that? Okay,
she's gotta stop talking to you.Spread lies. I wait, you
want to tell I wake up inthe morning, make the kids some breakfast.
Immediately, she says, that's nottrue. No, there's a reason

because I immediately start a vacuuming becauseI have three cats and I hate stepping
on like there will be katy litterplaces and I'm like, I don't want
this on my feet. Yeah,so I immediately aggressively start vacuuming, vacuuming
in the dark so I can seeeverything. No, No, the light
from the vacuum illuminates so much better. I just don't think that's normal.

I'm not saying it's wrong. Dowhat you want to. I'm sure that's
normal to that person, but Ido not think the average person vacuums the
dark. Please text in right nowfive three nine two one Katie w b
one normal or nope for vacuuming inthe dark, so the light from the
vacuum shows everything to pick up,and if you haven't, you gotta start
doing it. You could write normalor nope. Where you can write light

or dark. I don't care,but I do not think that's normal.
Nope, Nope, totally normal,normal or nope. Planning your last bite
of a meal, big footie.They want the perfect bite at the end.
I want to leave the table feelingsatisfied. A little bit of this,
a little bit of that, untilit's the ultimate bite. Just teasing
your way into the perfect bite.Normal, that's normal, honey. Husband

calls it the perfect bite, though, and he like, I made a
salad the other day and I waslike, what do you think he's a
hold on? He just picture apiece of everything in the salad was on
the fork, so you could getthe perfect mouth explosive experience. You're making
my mouth water. I didn't eventell you one ingredient. You know,

it was so hungry. Even ifI talk about a salad and you're acting
like that, you are you cando that with a make muffinto like you
want the center right, so youeat all the stupid corners off first and
then that last center bite. Trythat while your back you being in the
dark. I will say this too, like some people don't do this.
They eat all of one item ona plate, then move to the next

item. I've never related to thosepeople. Yeah, I don't. Yeah,
that's not I want a little bitof everything as I'm going through,
all right, normal or nope.Sleeping in the same clothes you wear during
the day nasty? I mean really, yeah, Okay, let me put

it like this, I would say, for the most part, Oh no,
are you okay? I feel badnow, because do you do you
do this for the most parts.No, I'm sorry. I was so
harsh. I sleep in my sameundies that I wore that day. That's
even worse, almost somehow, Idon't know how it's worse, but it
feels worse. You don't sleep inthe underwear you wore during the day.
You gotta switch it all the wayup so your comfy, clean in your

bed and those soft sheets. No, I don't. I literally take my
pants off and I'll put on cozierpants and I take my broth. But
like today, I'm wearing a hugesweatshirt. I might just wear this is
sleep if I spilled like ranch onit, I wouldn't. Who are you?
You're like, I'm not planning onit, but like it's always a
maybe probably baby. Oh. Wehad a great hour last hour for tawb

Maria Garcia. She won the qualifyingprize and her name is in the draw.
Now it's your turn. I feelit. It's your turn, Yes,
Taylor, I am. I'm readyfor the new album. We're playing
the full album tonight starting at elevenpm. You're gonna win the album before
anyone else. If this is yourname, we're sending someone to the Aristorne
teris May tenth. We're getting qualifiersfor that. So our winner, this

hour, our qualifier, this hour. Head it in front of me.
I lost. It is Sarah Venuezavenuesa, vin u e z A. I
want to make sure I'm saying itright. So Benuza or Venueza, Sarah
Venueza from Minneapolis. Someone has toknow Sarah and they're like, ah,

her name, her name always getsbutchered. That's what they're gonna say.
So if you know her or youare her calling now six' five one
nine eight nine five three nine twoyou're ten minutes and thirteen seconds. Start
now like I said, Nope onKD w B like I said, I'm
gonna get the new album from TaylorSwift The Tortured Poets Department on Phantom clear

vinyl, available only at Target beforeyou can even buy it, all right.
A couple more normal or no.By the way, going back,
we took a like a kind ofrandom pull vacuuming of the dark so the
light from the vacuum shows everything topick up. I said nope, Colt
said very normal. A lot alot of people agreed it was nope,
but more people were like, fallon, Once you do it, you'll never

go back. Yeah, A lotof people said very normal, and a
lot of people, turns out,thought I was ick, Like the actual
word ick was used many times,just literally yeah, because I wear the
same underwear I were during the dayto bed, but I but then in
the morning I shower and I putfresh one thought like I didn't know if
I work out during the day,I change. Yeah. I just like
the image of you just never changingafter. Don't put that out there.

All right, here we go acouple more normal or nope. Wearing a
hoodie without a T shirt or anyshirt underneath, feels illegal when you do
it. I do it all thetime, but I don't think men do.
No. I feel like I alwaysneed something on. Is it because
your naps get chafed. They're alittle chafy, but not to that extent
like when you're running. Do theyget chafed? Oh yeah, they'd be

hurting sometimes if Colt doesn't work inthat he goes running into every concer so
long that like, all right,one more normal or nope? Handing the
drive through person you're used coffee cupfrom yesterday to throw away for you as
you get your new coffee. Normalor Nope, that's so rude. No

actual trash Nope, nope, no, no. If you do that,
reevaluate yourself. Most places even havea trash can around you. Yeah,
but unless you like triple Tip,absolutely nope. Salin cult one on one

point three KDWB. We might Ithink we might have our qualifier on the
phone. Why I think you calledmy name? Okay? We might maybe
did? What's your name and whereare you from? What city mine?
And what year were you born?Sara? You did? Sarah? You

sound like quiet like you're in anoffice. So did someone text you?
Yeah? Okay, that's totally fine, all right, Sarah. This is
how it works. You get acopy of the new album from Taylor Swift,
The Tortured Post Department on Phantom ClearFinal, only available at Target,
but you get it before everyone else, which is very exciting. And now
you're officially in this very small poolof people who are in the running to

win a trip to see Taylor Swiftin Paris on May tenth. It's the
Pop Culture Minute with on one onone point three jd w B. You
have another name coming up at fivetwenty. Just want to get you prepared
and you know, yeah, makesure you're listening for that for sure.
Uh. They enlisted the time onehundred most influential people. Okay, this

list is crazy to me. Whybecause I've seen some of the names and
I'm like Patrick Mahomes. That makessense, that makes sense. The tribute
is written by a Rod do ALipa, twenty one, Savage, Divine
Joy, Randolph Taraji p Henson,Kelly Rippa, America Ferreira. Yeah,

what which one is the most offensiveto you? They're not offensive, they're
just what's your Why are they ridiculousto you? They're just like, I
mean, the most influential people,which one's not influential to you say a
name, come on do it?Can I do something else? Will be
on go on tour for Cowboy Carterwhile people caught up right he did with

Miss Tina Knowles her mom like whatwas she going to do a tour or
what? She was like, You'llhave to ask her. So not a
lot of info on that one.Also, the New Heights podcast with Jason
and Travis Kelce. They I didwatch a clip from it and they talked
about Coachella and they had the chanceto be you know, VIP like you

know, Jason was like, thatwas a little weird. You guys were
kind of like in the pit witheveryone else. He was like, that's
where I want to watch a showlike He's liked, I love live music.
I want to like be it withall the other fans watching the music.
No, oh no, no,are you kidding me? Would I
rather be in a pit of peoplewho have been standing in the desert sun

all right, freaking of bio hotbooze breathing on me, spilling their drinks
on me, or have the accessthat Taylor Swift has to have, like
access to clean bathrooms. Ac Traidersbasically had a luxury resort at that.
I am not a field best person. Coach Ella has never sounded even remotely.

Everyone says you have to walk somuch. You know me, I
hate walking. You wouldn't take aif you take a seguey or a golf
car all the way to Taylor SwissCorner if they let me, and then
you don't even want to hear itbecause it'll be too loud for you boculars.
Yeah, I would that green hatshe wore the New Heights podcast.
Their merch sold out immediately now thaton how she wore it. I want

one somehow, so desperately. Idon't want any other color. It has
to be the green one. Yeahthat's I'm gonna get one on eBay right
now. Okay, good luck tellme how much it is. By the
way, we are just thirty minutesaway. We're gonna play a Taylor Swift
mini mix and then coming up thisevening eleven PM were playing her brand new
album top to Bottom. So that'spretty exciting. And your pop culture Minute's

brought to you by Ovo lsa goodLenz find them at ov oi dot com.
Speaking of Beyonce. Is she gonnatour with this song? I don't
know her mom said, ask heras if I have her number. Thanks
Tina Balin and Cults on one onone point three, Katiew, You want
to give you a heads up ifyou missed Our Ted Talk yesterday. It's

a news feature on our show wherehad promo director coming uh ted and rant
about something kind of rants the rightword, give a strong opinion on it.
We called it our Ted Talk andit was about settling down and the
phrase of settling down and how hedoesn't agree with that phrase. But it's
up on Ballin and Cults on Instagram, so you can go check that out.

So I grew up with his sisterand she is eight and a half
years older than me, and shewas mean to me in the way that
you are to your siblings, Likeshe didn't want me around, I was
annoying, blah blah blah, allthose things. But I don't remember like
one specific mean thing she said tome. But Jake, my husband,
he's close in age with his sisterHannah, and she says he was a

awful to her. She has manyhorrible memories. Her top one was that
he would just call her fat boyand like, oh oh, he just
was so mean. But that's whatsiblings do. They're just like you younger?
Is she younger? And he alwayssays she was just in a room
listening to angsty music all the time. I'm like, yeah, probably because
you were such mean. He's likewhatever, I was not, And she's

like, oh, gay, I'vesaid some really mean stuffs my older sister,
and she's nothing but nice to me. What's the worst? How much
older is she? Then? Youknow she's two years older, and what's
the worst thing you ever said toher? I once told her we were
in the middle of an argument andI was like, you're just mad at
me because you got mom's face anddad's body cold. She started laughing.

She was like, he's such ad My little brother those crazy. He
is four years younger than me.And one time I want to let him
hang out with me and Brett ata bonfire. Brett was in our backyard.
Yeah, we were chilling in thebackyard and I'm like, them,
come into your own backyard. Yeah, I was like, such a big
run sixteen. I was like,I'm chewing them up friends, Cannon and

so Cannon went inside. This islike September. So I had all new
school clothes, got an armful I'mtalking like like a hamper size of my
clothes, threw them all on thefire and bore gas on it. Just
up the planes. I'd wear alot of It's like I had a lot
of good will clothes out here afterthat. That's also crazy. Oh yeah,

he's been to jail a couple oftimes. Any any arson related reasons
that surprisingly? No? Okay,all right, So the question for you
is, what's the meanest thing youever said to your sibling or called your
sibling. Now, obviously some thingswe can't air on the radio, so
like if it went too far,we can't say it on the radio.

But you there's probably one or whatdid you the meanest thing your siblings said
to you? Because it probably stuckwith you more than it did that.
Yeah, and I'll even I'd liketo hear a crazy story too, if
you had a crazy fight and Ididn't go like too far. Yeah,
like you were telling me the timeabout your sister with a butcher. I
but that's just for another nine katwB Balon and Colts on one on one

point three ktw B talking about themeanest thing you ever said to your sibling,
or, as it's turned out,than you did to your sibling.
Colts was telling his sister, youjust met. I'll let you say it.
You're just mad at me because yougot mom's face and dad's body.
It's such a burn man. We'retaking your calls at sixty five one at
nine eight nine, Katiew and reallyquick. Sorry you we do have one

thousand dollars paying your bills after this. Yes, okay, So what did
your sibling do to you? Okay, so he is three years younger than
I am, but he was alwayssuch a d and uh. Whenever he
would go to the bathroom, youknow, take a poop, he would
say, I just took the biggestbrand on my life. Such a classic

yep, complete jerk. Oh doeshe okay? As an adult, does
he ever say it just for funzies? No, But we bring it up
once in a while and he justlaughed. He's like, yeah, it
was a good one. Well,thank you for that. That's great,
Katie. W b Hi. Ihave a story about something you mean that
my siblings did mean yep, let'shear it. Okay, So my older

sister she's three years older than me. So when I was a freshman,
her and her friends were seniors inhigh school, and they call it.
I had a smaller chest than mysister. And so they said I was
president of the anybody you know whatcommissions? Oh man so mean. They
also said that I was sponsored byclean NEX. I don't even know what

that's supposed to mean, but apparentlyyeah, so, and yes I have
sponsored by CLEANEX. It means otherthings. It means you stuff you CLEANX.
I mean I get sponsor me.I don't know. I mean,
I don't know. It was awfuland I did not live it down like

all of paceful. So yeah,that'll give you a complex for sure,
kidding I know. Well, thankyou for that. But then text like
after you have your second baby,you can like grow again. So now
I'm like, what's up? Now, I'm not I'm not president anymore.
Yeah, you're like look at me. Yeah, finally, twenty seven years

later, thank you, Hi,Katie w B. Okay, I got
a story about my brother's being supermean to me. Oh I'm sorry already.
I can tell it's gonna be rough. Tell me. Okay, So
my brother said on me and tickletortured me and somehow put my hands behind
my back and he dug his handinto the couch and sound so nasty,

dirty spoon stuffed it in my mouthso I couldn't even last that, not
even being me. And that's justchild abuse. I was disgusting. Oh
my god, that's just abuse.It really was. I'm surprised. Where
was your parents? Where's your momor dad? I don't know it worked,
probably yeah, later, do youremember? Oh no, I would

have got beat up violent an Ohmy, okay, yeah, this is
just dark. Now. I'm sorryyou grew up with that kind of brother.
That's right, all right, Wellyou probably are like the strongest person
you know though. I really am, really am. Yeah, god,
all right, thank you. HeyKatie w B. What did your your
sibling do to mess you up?I have a brother that is four years

younger than me, and our parentswere gone, and he got mad at
me for something I did I don'tremember, but chased me around the house
with the Paris scissors and I hadgrabbed a footstool and I was like trying
to take him back. I've entertainedhim like a lion tamer. And my
parents walked in and his dad's punishment. Form of punishment was to bring him

down to the entryway and make himdo military style push ups as a form
of punishment and reminded him this iswhat jail looks like. It's the visual
story. Oh my, I gotthank you hell. It's one one point

three k Balin and cults on oneon one point three, Katie w B.
It is Katy w B. Man, we have so much Taylor coming
up. First of all, we'lldo another name at twenty after, so
listening for listen for that. Butright after this, we're gonna play a
Taylor Swift mini mix and you don'twant to miss it. I'm very excited
to hear it. On one onone point three Katie w B. Fin,

there we go. Balin and Cultsone on one point three, katw
B. That sound means it isour final name of the day. We
are we we can do this,We can do this. Taylor Swift is
bringing her eras tour to Paris Maytenth. You could possibly be there,
but you have to be AKDWB qualifier. Okay, so if you are person

with his name, good news.You get the new album from Taylor Swift
the Tortured Poets Department on Phantom clearvinyl, available only at Target before you
can even buy it. Our winnerthis hour is Grace clingsborn from Oakdale Grace
k l I n gsp O RNGrace clingsborn from Oakdale, Hall in now

six five one nine eight nine fivethree nine two. If you know her
Texter Messenger, you're ten minutes andthirteen seconds start now. We want to
go out on a win. Comeon, give us a call. Oh
k W B and it's brought toyou by Nikolay Law. We're working very

hard to figure out how to getthis woman on the phone with us because
it's such a adorable story. Welove it so much. A Metro Transit
bus driver is retiring and she's thelongest serving bus driver they've had. Her
name is Melanie Benson. She's beenon the job for forty seven years.
That's amazing. So she's had tohave seen some stuff, the craziest stuff.

That's what I just want to hear, like the top three craziest incidences
you had over the forty seven years. Oh. Absolutely, I feel like
I've only taken the bus a coupletimes and crazy stuff I have is every
time I do that. So haveyou seen endless ads lately popping up for
deodorance for your full body, likeall your crevices, Like it's constant.

It's not just deodorant for your armpitsanymore. It's for your bits too,
not just your pits but also yourbits. This might be a youth thing.
No, it's everyone. I sawsomeone else post about it, like
what's happening lately? They're like constantads. Well, I guess the thing
is that people only want this becausethey say people are really insecure about their
groin area smelling. They are,and so uh, Procter and Gambles like,

yeah, it's because people are askingfor them, but that doesn't mean
you should be using them all over. It's not like the best idea for
you. So it's like a lotionyou're running all over you, but not
a notionan is like a stick ofdeodorant. It's like a deodorant. And
they're like, this is for no, I don't think it can be.
We're all just going to walk aroundon slippery I don't Again, I don't

think it's lotion, so I don'tknow how slippery. It depends on how
much you put on. Let's tryit. People are calling, let's just
see all right, this is chaotic, Okay, we're trying to find our
Taylor winner. Hi, KTWB,who's this? Hey? This is Grace
Clings. Okay, Grace, whatcity do you live in? Uh oo?
And what year were you born?Two thousand and one? Gre Oh

my Grace, were you listening orwas someone like Grace you good on the
phone? No? I had peopletexting and calling these lesson rights. Heck,
yeah, that's amazing. Grace.You're gonna get a copy of Taylor's
new album, The Tortured Posts Departmenton Phantom Clear vinyl. It's available only
at Target, but we have itfor you before you can even buy it.

Congratulations. The bigger thing, though, Grace, is you're now officially
in the running with so few peoplefor a trip to Paris to see Taylor
on the Era's tour. There's noway. Wait, Grace, do you
have a passport? Yeah? Yes, I do have a past I have

a passport for this. Oh mygosh, Grace. Okay, this is
amazing. Well, good luck.You'll find out next week if you're our
big winner or not. The concert'smade tense, so you know, to
start planning your outfit just in case. Okay, I will thank you.
You're so welcome, Grace. Haveenjoy the vinyl. As you know,
the new album comes out like tonightat midnight. We are I guess around

eleven pm because we start playing it. Then, KATIEWB, we will do
this again next Thursday, one moreThursday. So next week we'll have a
new list of names and those willbe the final ones. If you're like,
wait, so I still have achance, Yes, you do.
You can go sign up at theKDWB Verified Fan Contest to become a verified
fan. You do that at ADWBdot com. And just in case you

need some reiteration, Stalin and Coltson one on one point three KTWB last
week, I think it was oneweek ago. Today I talked about how
I think mister Monopoly is unpopular opinion, maybe smoking hot and also obviously very
well off. I just want tohis money basically, And then I was

like, he's got a lot ofoptions, he's rich. Yeah, how
would you win him over? AndI was using my riz and using my
pickup lines, and then all ofa sudden you were like, oh,
he does seem in shrieking. Nowall of a sudden colts interested in mister
monop So here's the question, cult, Why is the song playing? What

is your game plan here? Somy game plan is to rise up,
mister Monopoly. Oh you're coming formy man? Yeah? A little risithan
situation we got going on here?The first one, I'm gonna be once
to you a little light. Wait, you're bringing pick up lines for mister
Monopoly to I have pickup lines.Get your own bit. But okay,
hey, hey, mister Monopoly,I'll let you walk on this board if

you know what I mean. Whatdoes that mean? Okay, hit it.
I'll give it to you out ofkitty acceptance. Okay, I don't
want to be two forward, butlet's see. If you put the top
in top hat bottom, it makesme whatever he wants me to be.

Okay, if I roll dice,what are the chances of me getting into
your community chest tonight? A lotof the imagination, Like I don't own
the railroad, but I'll let yourun a train. Take the money,

do not get back. The lastone is more. This one's even worse
than the trade. You can doit, Okay, start it I'll tell
you about to cut you off.Okay. I don't know if you have
anything to do with the water works, but you're really making mut no happy.

What was the actual live I don'tthink I get w E T you're
making me w E Yeah. Okay, anyways, that's that sweet awesome.
Let's get you money. I'll distractyou with some cash one one three ktw
B with Salon and cult. Incase you missed the keyword, it's money.

Go to kdew dot com intern keywordfor your chance to win one thousand
dollars. Thanks. If you wona thousand dollars, would you even tell
your wife? Because she gave youa spending limit of ten dollars. Anything
over ten dollars you have to runpast her. And I've been so petty
about it. I went to Costcoearlier today, call her at check out,
was like, Hey, it's goingto be one hundred and sixty bucks
for all these groceries. That's actuallya cheap run. I was like,

is this okay with you? It'sover ten? She was like, yeah,
don't be ridiculous, leave me alone. So then I go to the
gas station right next to Costco.Costco Gas station, which is the only
gas station in the West End.There's a monopoly on. It's not a
monopoly chat today, but like,yeah, So I'm in line for eight
hours and then I finally get tothe pump and I call her and I'm
like, hey, I'm on nineto ninety nine. Do you want me

to go above? Should I fillit up? Or you've just spent yesterday
telling me I was petty. Youwere way more petty than me. I
know I deserve it too, soI give her a hard time. But
she probably doesn't like it. Iwas gonna say it keeps it interesting,
but she probably hates it. Probablynot. Hey, tomorrow on the show,
Oh, we're doing Love is Blind. And we did it before.

We're so successful, which makes meworried that it will be a disaster tomorrow.
But we're gonna try it. We'regonna do it around like four thirty
pm. It's like an in studioversion of Love is Blind. We have
a guy coming in. He'll sitin the other room. We put up
like a big blanket over the windowso we can't see the women in here,
and maybe there'll be a love connectionand maybe there won't be. We'll
even have an update on our lastLove is Blind couple, but that all

comes up tomorrow. Thanks for listening, have a great
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