All Episodes

March 26, 2024 57 mins
We are on the hunt to find the hottest dog breed
Anyone listening who gets sad with a single mother
Animal encounters took a turn with a family of rats

That and more on today's episode!! Thanks for checking it out :)

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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One to one point three Katie WBwith Fallon and Cultu. So a couple
of things. My family's been outof town all weekend. Yeah, you're
like single again? I am amI a bad person for not missing my
family yet. Wait, wouldn't knowbecause it was just Friday, right Yeah?

So wait, okay, maybe alittle bit. I feel like I
love them like I when I leaveon vacation, Like if I leave my
daughter behind, I feel like bombguilt and I miss her I think because
she's with Jake. I don't knowwhat it is. I've been leaning into
having no family all weekend. Youlike that fifteen hour buffer from your kid,

Like you like having that big gapbetween you and family, saying that
you love you? Look bubbly andbright and tan? Have you been tanning?
Oh that's a whole different issue we'regoing to get into later. Look
at my hand, A whole differentperson out of your family. Look at
my hands? Why is it sopatchy? Yeah? What is going on?

I self applied it. Okay,let's not focus on me for a
second. I got a text lastnight from your wife. I'd like to
read the text to everyone own.What did she say? I keep first
of all she calls Colton, whichthrows me off, but apparently that's his
real name. So this is thetext she sent to me last night.
I keep catching Colton eating the girl'sgummy multi vitamins by the handful because he

likes the taste. I said,I don't think you should be doing that,
and he said, quote, sincethe girls can eat one a day,
it would make sense that he couldeat six to ten based on size,
it's a big variation. But ifyou're thinking about like a thirty pound
kid one gummy, you know,I just do the math. That's I
can have at least eight of thosethings. And they taste, But they
taste. When I'm eating gummies,it feels like it's bad for me.

But if I'm eating their gummy vitamins, it feels like no the But hell,
how regular are you? Listen?Have have I been sick at all?
You have never once seen me witha running nose? Okay, okay,
ballad point. But also I thinkthere's such a thing as you know,
the vitamins. They actually ran outon Saturday, and I was glad

because I was like, I feellike I dodged a bullet, like oding
on vitamins. I mean, like, now that they're gone, just leave
them out of the house. You'regoing to get more, aren't you.
Yeah, I have it in mycar at Target. You and the cabney
start reaching and you're like, ohno, I mean I'm down to my
last two gummies, which by theway, would be enough for each of
your kids to have their datally doesYeah, listen, this isn't about the

kids. Oh so you judge mefor not missing my family, but I
should step back for you taking yourkids vitamins? Gotcha? At least I'm
not drinking twenty four to seven,you know I do. I do okay
vitamins. That's my vice, youknow what. We all have our vice.
Yes, I'm not saying it's normal. I'm not saying it's not.

We're going to come back. Wegot a lot of snow overnight, and
uh, there is something that happenswhen it snows. There's a little bit
ice and it doesn't matter how coolyou are, you look unbelievably uncool when
this happens. We're gonna talk aboutit when we come back on KTWB Calling

and one KWB with Founding Colts.A lot of snow a lot of ice
over the weekend. How was yourdriveway? It's all uphill fine because it's
like mostly slutch, you know whatI mean. Like I did go out
and my shovels my sidewalks. Tooka photo, sent it to Jake and

said the neighborhood's calling me a hero. Was like, wow, yeah,
but no. My mom was like, I can come get you, like,
you don't need I actually have allwheel drive. You don't. It's
slush. I need an assistance overthe weekend because I'm getting out of the
car. I just went to Starbucksfor the family, and I got cake

pops and some coffee, and I'mstepping over the edge onto the sidewalk.
There's a puddle, right, there'sa melty you gotta step off, yes,
God. And there's a lot ofkids in my neighborhood, so everybody's
like outside at this time playing withtheir kids. And I ate it.
Like when I tell you, myfeet slid up, landed right on my

booty. Did you catch the drink? Coffee went everywhere, especially on my
pants. The cake pops were fine, thank God. But I'm like newer
in the neighborhood, so I'm tryingto be cool in front of everybody,
Like I'm trying to make friends andI just coffee everywhere. There is something
about that's actually I almost think thatwhen you fall, it's less embarrassing when

you almost fall, Yeah, becauselike women wear these little booty boots and
there's no traction on the bottom,and I can speed walking on like what
cement and I'm like trying to takeit looks so I think it's almost just
as bad. This is crazy.But you will not believe how much the

door, you know, the famousdoor from the Titanic movie just went to
auction. Okay, this from themovie, not the actual there's no actual
door. Cult it just go toauction. You won't believe how much.
And the show we were expecting comingback for a third season has been postponed
indefinitely. We'll cover it when comeback in the pop Culture Minute on Katie
w B. Right now. It'sthe pop Culture Minute with Selling and Cult

on one on one point three kdw B. And it's brought to you
by Ovo Lasik and Lenz. Findhim at ovoi dot com. So Rebel
Wilson, she said in her upcomingmemoir she was going to reveal who this
huge d bag in Hollywood was.She said she had this horrible experience with
him. He was such a jerk. And then she finally was like,
it was Sasha Baron Cohen. Itwas I can't stand him. And so

he of course was like, uh, not cool. So his rep said,
while we a pre shape the importanceof speaking out, these are full
flames and directly contradicted by extensive detailedevidence, including documents, film footage,
eyewitness accounts, blah blah blah.And she's like, no, I'm not
backing down. You can get allthe expensive lawyers and stuff you want,
but no, you were awful tome. I've heard mixed things about him

too. Yeah, me too.So I don't know, I could see
it going either way. I mean, I'm sure when you get I feel
like when anybody gets awesome, yourego gets so big that anybody could be
out of control for sure. Forsure. You may say the same thing
happened to Anne Hathaway. Now,remember when Anne Hathaway won for lay Miss.
Everyone hated her so much because heraward season, she was like she

annoyed people very much, Like therewas a whole thing about hating her and
her speech was so cringe worthy.This is what other people were saying,
and she got tons and tons ofhate. It was called half the hate
was known as that she said shecouldn't get a job. She just went
an oscar and couldn't get a job. But Loveily. Yeah, the director

Christopher Nolan threw her a lifeline,and she says he is the reason her
career was saved, so she oweshim so much. Taylor Swift and Travis
Kelsey had been vacationing in the Bahamas. And I know this because of the
creepy, grainy photos I've been lookingat on Tama. They're so creepy.
They're like so soon and they're likelook at their bods. Yeah, it's

so weird. Euphoria supposed to havea season three. Everyone's like they just
scrap it, and it's like,no, it's not scrapped. But they're
still working on bringing you the bestseason ever. But the stars are so
in demand they kind of are likeletting them go free to work on projects.
Oh yeah, they're almost bigger thanthe actual show itself exactly. I
mean it's they The first between firstand second season was like years and now

it's the same case for season three. Finally they sold the Titanic door.
Yeah, thank you. See atfirst I thought it was the actual door
and that blew me away. Solike anybody can just go down and get
stuck and sell it, like thereis a door on the Titanic. Yes,
cult, but the story with KateLeo is not a real story.
You got to be difficult to trackdown a door that was just floating.

But the door in the movie wentto auction. Guess how much it's sold
for ten ten what thousand? No, a lie. This is like a
famous piece of seven hundred and eighteenthousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Why did people have this kind ofmoney? One on one point three katiewb

with Ballon and Colt. Anybody listening. Who if you're listening right now and
you don't cry, you're heartless?One wow, some listen. When's the
last time you cried today? Besidesthis morning in the corner in the studio.
I actually Jake sent me a videoof Olive without the little toe straps
or the straps to him going weavingin and out of cones skiing today.

I cried. It's adorable. Itwas a horrible. But some people don't
cry. So anybody listening who doesn'tcry, I want to talk to you
has a weird fetish. And wedon't kink shame here on the show.
And you don't even have to sayyour name on these two if you want
to remain anonymous, you want tobe like, I'm Dave, I have
a fetish, live in whatever,that's fine. Or was class valedictorian and

that's just bragging rights right there,Yeah a little bit. What did you
go off and do from become beingclass valveictorian? Okay, so anybody listening
who doesn't cry has a weird fetishor was class valvectorian? Wow? What
a weird is? What a networkcasting? What a great group of people?
Truly give us a call. Sixtyfive one nine eight nine kd WB.

Again, that's sixty five one nineeight nine kt WB And if you
have all three, you're the winnerfor today one oh one point three KTEWB
with Fallon and Cult we in thein our two o'clock hour. We know
people are busy, a little introverted, or you're on like you're like you

need it, you need a sugarhit because you're on your way down,
like you're on your like from working, you're like, I'm sick of it.
So we do this thing called anybodylistening who? And it's like casting
a wide net to prove people arelistening at this time. Yes, and
we have learned you're all unhinged.Yes, and that that is a gift
from God to us. So thankyou so much. So today's anybody listening?

Who? Is anybody listening? Whodoesn't cry? Anybody listening who has
a weird fetish? Surprisingly the phoneshaven't been bringing off the hook for that
one. Or anybody listening? Whowas class valedictorian at six five one nine
eight nine, Katie w B.But yours is you? You say you
don't cry anymore? Yees? Unfortunately, I used to cry at literally anything.

I'd listen to a song on theradio and I would cry. And
now I don't cry it all anymore. And why is this? I think
I'm just tired. I'm running onfumes. I'm single. Mom's two kids
and I love them to death,of course, but I just have no
help when I work a full timejob. So I don't know. I

guess it's just the burnout. Iabsolutely I think you're right. I think
that's what it is. I've hadthis before where I would I was in
a situation where I cried like almostevery day, and then eventually it wasn't
like the mom burnout situation, butit was like I got so The word

I would use is numb. Thatlike, even when something was sad and
I was like I would I needto cry, I was like, I
think I'm out of tears because I'mdone crying over this situation. Yeah,
I went through the same exact thing. I mean, that's what I'm going
to write. So I think becauseI was so emotional and now I'm just
like I have nothing left. Yeah, I feel like I'm an emotional stage

right now. It's like any oft talk video I open up, I
just start tearing of on YouTube,Brady the I'm like, why am I
so crying? Peaks and valleys?And I know you know that. How
old are your two kids? Myoldest friend five and I have a three
year old. Oh, so youare definitely in the trenches. Time to
cry, that's what it is.You got no time, don't have a

four and a two year old.So I'm right there with you. Yeah,
so busy all the time. Yeah, but I'm also not a single
mom. Yeah, I was gonnasay, no offense calls. No you're
not you're not right there with her, and let's not we're not comparing apples
to oranges here. Well, Iwish I could give you a big hug
because you're doing an amazing job.And I know it isn't easy. I
was raised by a single mom andit's it's not easy. So I just

want you to know you're doing anamazing job. Thank you. I really
appreciate that You're welcome. And itwill it will like like level out and
I know that because I mean everyonesays that and it's just true. Yeah,
I'm waiting. Obviously I'm not rushingthrough it, but I'm kind of
waiting for don't know where you at, don't know where you mean, don't

know nothing, bath Right, thedim right, the balon and cults.
I'm Katie w B. Sometimes Iwish all of you could come into the
radio station studio and here the phonecalls we get. Let me explain.

I love talking to you. Pleasecall us any time for any reason to
talk at six five point nine eightnine Katie w B. But you know
how like sometimes like crazy things willhappen. You're like, oh, it
must be a full moon. Itmust be a full moon tonight. We
have gotten back to back. Themost I'm telling you, I think what

happened is people people are just snowedin and they're just drinking. They're just
drinking. The last guy was definitelydrunk. He was hammered so drunk.
And the guy before that, hejust wanted to I don't know. And
sometimes I'm like, someone's gonna someone'sgonna meet me in the parking garage one
day and wear my skin. Thefirst guy, I felt like that,

what would you do if you werein a dangerous situation. Let's see,
you're leaving work, okay, andthat random man approaches you in the parking
garage. Yeah, what is yourfirst What do you do? I've been
told you're supposed to scream fire?Okay, you can do great at that.
So I have such a loud voice, Yeah that's true, so loud

and a parking really quick. I'mnot gonna I'm not gonna give an example
and that to someone, okay,And I'm not going to give away.
So what's so the fire? Ohyou don't want to your tactics. Yeah,
maybe I have a weapon that Iwear. What, Yeah, maybe
I do. What grade of weapondo you have? Doesn't matter? Pepper
spray? Maybe maybe more, maybesomething stronger. More of the story.

Don't mess with Fallon. I likethat You're uncomfortable, diabolical laugh. You
know what I was actually going totalk about, not what I'm strapping,
but I was going to talk abouthow pricey proposals have gotten, which is
just the most random thing to talkabout. Now, proposals. How far

are people going for these two thousanddollars to go to prom? That's a
rich kid. What in what world? I remember I wanted to dress.
It was like fifty dollars. Mymom was like, to keep going,
dude. I wanted to tie forten dollars. My mom kept sending me
right to voicemail. I was like, I'm at the off brand J C.
Penny at Peebles. Can I getthis ten dollar little uniform type tied

thing? And She's like, uhno, And then I kept calling.
She just voicemail, voicemail, voicemail. Okay, Well, I mean at
least I got a dress. Iguess I went tieless, but I was
dateless. Dude, it was notlike anybody was looking at me. So
whatever, two thousand dollars tell yourkids. No. One on one point

three KDWB it's Fallin and Cult.I am a huge well, we both
are huge animal supporters. I wasonly gonna say that. I wasn't saying
you're not. But I'm thinking,like, no, I work with like
a bond between I work with pausefor pause. But the next thing we're
doing on the show is one ofthe weirdest things we've ever done, and

I would say one of the mostforward thinking, yes, progressive, when
it comes to attractive dogs. Okay, we'll explain when we come back on
KTEWB It's Beautiful Things one O onepoint three KTWB with Fallon and Cult.
A week or so ago, Cultasked me what I thought the hottest dog

breed was, which is not theweirdest thing he's asked me. I just
said, everybody you might want notwant to admit it, but if I
ask you, like, what's themost attractive dog? So I'm just popped
up in your head. Yeah,And I did say, I know it's
basic, but it came to melike just a beautiful golden retriever with like
a really shiny coat. It's sobeautiful. That's the chanting Tatum of dogs.

That's what they said, who forpeople? And so things got out
of control. Uh. I don'tknow how we got here, but we
are officially hosting a hot dog bracketon our instagram, Fallon and Cold.
So we've went we've been googling thehottest most beautiful dogs. I don't know.

Immediately immediately like deleting the search historyas well. You had to delete
it because you typed it in sexiestand that is where when we're and our
boss walked in and I was like, I told him that was sexy and
first it's weird, Yeah beautiful.I immediately was scared and I backed down
to that. We have a lotof breeds, but we're going to start

with like two against two today.Yeah, we'll make it simple. So
today's if you go to Fallon andColt and we're gonna be We're gonna have
voting every day somewhere. By theway, submissions we asked for on text
last week and people actually texted inhot dog options hold on, let me
hit this, thank you. Sotoday's competitors are a beautiful pit Bowl against

a beautiful King Charles. Lovely bothof them. You go to the next
slide, a golden doodle versus aMaltese, and I did try to find
the most beautiful photos of them onGoogle for fair representation. You were nice
about it, though, you werelike beautiful, loving ador. Not everyone
sits around Google. Your kids weren'tlike sexy hot attracts. The FBI is

going to show up on your doorone day. Well, okay, let's
say, if you had to decideon this, are you going with King
Charles or Pitbull? If I gohot, I would say pitbull because King
Charles, I think are beautif Yeah, they're beauty. Think they're different.
But in this category dog competition,this category, they're the nice one,
you know what I mean. Andyou kind of want a bad boy.
You want someone a little more musclesto find, y'all lies, Well,

all right, you're thinking way toomuch about this, So next one,
golden doodle or malty Maltese. GoldenDoodles are too goofy. I don't know
I have one, so I'm like, they're just a little too goofy.
And to be weird, if yousaid your dog was attractive. But I
just want you to know if you'refeeling upset that your dog breed is not

represented, here's a preview if someof the dogs will have to come Australian
shepherd. Wonder why that one madethe list? Who has what? Cult
has shot lab Golden Retriever, Irishsetter up. My neighbors had the Samoyads
and they are beautiful and the bigwhite puffy dog. Yeah super, this
is so weird, but we haveso many Some people texted in sheiba enu

blue tick coonhound didn't know what theylooked like. Beautiful vis laws, vise
laws. It's not beautiful, thoughit's hot. That's what you've got to
commit. I don't feel right isand then cult text today Are we going
to get canceled by PETE? Idon't think so because we're not celebrating the
like we're celebrating them. Yeah,we want everyone. We want dogs to

love their body what they are.Why you talk, you're the reason we
are going to get canceled by PTAis Okay, go vote help us with
our hot dog bracket unless you don'twant to be associated with it at all,
and I respect either choice. Fallonf alien and cult on Instagram.
Balan Today's trending with Fallon and Colton the no surprise at all the Boeing

Some I say Boeing, but Isay Boeing. CEO David Calhoun is stepping
down following all the endless videos ofthe like safety issues on a play lea
Yeah, President and CEO today announcedhis decision to step down at the end
of twenty twenty four. He'll continueto lead through the year to complete the
critical work underway to stabilize the positionthe company for the future. My god,

some employees were leaking information, likeengineers, like yeah, they're just
skipping over this check that check.Hello. Remember the guy that was some
argue taken care of in his carabout to expose some things. So,
speaking of planes, this is likeso interesting. Saint Cloud could be landing
be the landing place for a fullsize space shuttle model, which would be

pretty epic. Yeah, this isthe picture that I saw in the news
today. It's like a big lookingspace shuttle this so that could be a
really cool spot for that. AndI don't know if you saw this,
but Chick fil A announced now Chickfil A causes controversy anyway, let's be
honest. But they announced that they'reoverturning a twenty four team commitment to use
only an antibiotic antibiotics Geees free chickenstarting in the spring. They say they're

going to offer chicken with no antibioticsimportant to human medicine, and they said
that that means they will have antibiotics. They claim it won't affect humans,
but you know, let's be honest. You go down a rabbit hole on
these things, and that is messedup because why are they giving the chickens

antibiotics? Well, some more meat? No, I think I think I
think that would be like like otherthings. I think the antibiotics are because
they're in horrible living conditions and itkeeps them alive. So yeah, that's
pretty table. The only time Iwant chick fil anyways is on a Sunday,
and that's always the worst you pullup, Yeah, always closed.

Yeah you know why because well that'syeah, that's your trending. It's brought
to you by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery finda an MPs MN dot com. This
song I'll repeat all week and longis the new Olivia Rodrigo Balin and Cults

on one on one point three katiewb. They have a brand new ride
at Nickelodeon Universe. We've got togo check out on Friday. And they're
like, you know what, whydon't you guys give away some passes to
Nickelodeon Universe. We're like, uh, yes, please, I'm perfect for
our after school pop quiz where weask middle school level trivia questions and the
one that gets the most right win. So we'll get you a pair of

nick you passes at six, five, one nine katiewb oh Clarenet The after
School Pop Quiz on one on onepoint three KATIEWB with Balin and Cult,
officially brought to you now by theMall of America. Let's go. So

we're gonna get you a pair oftickets to Nickelodeon Universe if you win today.
We have Kissa in Minneapolis and Theoin Blaine playing. If you get
two the first you get two outof three questions for act When's they're kind
of middle school level questions and onceyou know the answer, you chime in
with your name. Are you ready? Yes, I'm ready? What do
Panda Bears eats? Yes? Kissa? Yes, yes, Oh you're close

to name the smallest breed of dog. Kissa, Yeah, you educated.
I didn't even have to go tomy easier questions. You killed it kissing

and THEO. You were there soclose each time. I'm so sorry,
Kissa. Are you single? No? I was gonna say maybe you and
THEO could go together, but nevermind, not made it awkward. I'm
sorry to you. All right,all right, all right, THEO,
thanks for trying cold. You've gotto stop yourself kiss so we're gonna get
you a pair of Nickelodeon Universe passes. Okay, so cool, thank you,

Already to do another pair of tomorrow. Craziest story just came out.
Why police are invading right now raidingI guess p Diddy's house running cover When
we come back on KATIEWB. It'sone on one point three KATWB with Fallon
and Colts and I'm getting this straightfrom TMZ, our boss Rich call.
This is like, oh my gosh, this is so crazy. Do you
see what's going on with Diddy rightnow? And we're like no. We

go to TMZ and I mean they'regiving updates that they are raiding all of
his houses. They're raiding his housein LA. They're rating his East Coast
home. They came on boats tohis Miami home. Very serious allegations.
If you remember, different victims havecome forward with sex trafficking allegations and Diddy
has completely denied those, of course. But in the photos coming out because

of course worse, there are helicoptersall around. They're completely armed the police
that are there. It shows lotsof people under arrest and including what appeared
to be his children, Justin andKing Combs. But we don't see Diddy
and any of those people. Aren'tsure if he's at any of his homes
right now while this is going on, but they are raiding all of the

homes. I'm sure it's trying tobe on a jet. Well, they
said he was like yesterday, Ithink he was in La and then he
flew out to the East coast,so you would think he'd be at one
of his East Coast homes. Butyeah, that is what's happening right now,
and it's just they of course,they say TMC. We've reached out
to Diddy's rep so far no word. Yeah, I'm guessing not. If
his children are currently sitting on thelawn in handcuffs, I'm good guess commenting

to TMZ is not that's got tobe so bizarre, Like you're sitting outside
of your home cuffed up because ofthese allegations against your dad. Well,
you also don't know if the childrenare part of it. Now, they
might be. I believe his childrenare our adults. They very well could
be. They very well could itbe. Of course, at this point,
all of it is allegations, butit's obviously serious enough allegations that they

would get warrants to raid all allthe properties exactly. If we get any
more information on that, we willfill you in. But that's what's been
going on. Yeah, there's beenspeculation for the past couple of weeks.
But everybody, even like Ginger theMac, like fifty seven interviews, he'd
be like, oh, you know, not to go to a party with
Diddy or you know, there's alot of artists who are out there who
say these subtle things, but youcan't run with it because it's what said

she said. But then you lookback at it later and you realize people
were making these quote unquote jokes fora while, like with Harvey Weinstein,
and you're like, wait a minute, we just laughed those things off and
then it becomes a reality. Soanyway, we'll keep you up to date
if we hear anything else. Nowit's Beyonce. We completely shifting gears Texas.
Hold them on, Katiewbo. Imean can't. I can't even focus,

it's so bad. What so oneto one point three KATWB with founding
Colts. You look different today.You better tread lightly. And at first
it was like she is it thehair? I know you get a haircut
on Friday, and I'm looking closer, I'm like, is it you look
patchy? What? It's just alittle patchy. It's like like hair patches,

not hair patches. No, you'renot hair, you don't have patches
of hair, but like your skincoloration is canna explain? I can't explain.
You want to fill me in.I will when we come back.
I'm excited for this. Stalin andColts on one on one point three Katie

WB. So many things are comingup on the show. Okay. First
of all, we had a womanon what was it two weeks ago now,
yeah, and she had just receiveda diagnosis that she has cancer,
and she said she wasn't the bestmom grown up. Her two kids don't
live in Twin Cities anymore, andshe had decided she wasn't going to tell

them because she didn't want them tofeel obligated to, like care be a
part of it. We were like, yeah, but they might like to
know, you know what I mean. They probably want to make that decision
themselves. So she came back ona couple days later and had decided to
tell them because she did think butshe wanted to make it very clear that
it wasn't their responsibility. She wasn'tlooking for help. She just thought they

should know. Well, she hasan update for us, So she said
that she did talk to her kids. So we're gonna talk to her a
little after five o'clock and get theupdate in case you were following along with
that. That's one thing also comingup in like ten minutes. We have
tickets to the Minnesota Twins home openerand that's coming up April fourth. And

I'm looking outside, going, okay, I don't know, but we do
have tickets for the home opener.Every day this week they're hosting the Cleveland
at Guardians, So we'll do thatcoming up in about ten minutes. I'm
trying to figure out why you're patchy. First of all, you could angle
it a little differently. Let mejust give you some advice for the future.
Let's hear it. I'm open.Some would say, wow, fallon

you look tan. You look glowing, glowing and bronzed. Did you buy
chance take a trip out of townthis weekend of Florida? You look like
you went to Florida. Well,some of you went to Florida. The
other is somebody just stayed back inMinnesota. Have you ever missed a couple
of spots with some block, Yeah, but not that many? Like,

how are you applying it? Withits? Almost like you had someone just
jump on the bottle spray rude?Okay, something about me? Yeah,
I am not patient, okay rewind. I saw self self tan, a
selfless tan that would make no senseself tanner at target on end cap and

I was like, it's meant tobe about a MIT and I bought it
sketchy already okay. Some people wouldsay you should exfoliate first, you should
read the back of the bottle,second, and then apply. I did
none of those things, and Isquirted it on the MIT. I aggressively
applied. I couldn't reach my ownback. I missed chunks of my arm.
I didn't do my hands right.I went to sleep. I didn't

know how many hours it was supposedto be on. I got my friend
Tina's gard and she goes it enhancedyour mustache. I don't want to go
to doway. But now it's Oh, is it okay? All right?
Nick naych Falon and Colts one onone point three k d W b oh

you know that one? Okay?So the Minnesota Twins are hosting the Cleveland
Guardians Thursday, April fourth. Oh, quiet down? Can you please buy
me some good? I'm rude?April fourth, target Field. It's the
twenty twenty four home opener game,and we want to send you and a

friend to the game, which isjust crazy to me that there's going to
be a game. Yeah, itdoesn't thistle melt, baby, thisle melt?
Probably? Yes, How dare you? You don't know that there's always
one in April? That's possible.Yeah, that's true, that's absolutely true.
But what we're gonna do is somethinga little bit different. We're going
to get four people on the phone. You each get like ten or fifteen

seconds to explain why you deserve thetickets. Then as a group, the
four of you have to decide who'sgonna get them. So three people like
base got to bow out. Ifyou cannot decide, no one wins them,
and we just give them the callerten. We're putting it in your

hands and you can be one ofthe four potentials. Right now at six
five one nine eight nine KDWBS,it's the home opener. It's gonna be
epic, it's gonna be huge,it's gonna be great. Six five one
ninety nine kd WB. It's oneon one point three katiew trying to give

away some Twins home opener tickets.All right, so on the phone we
have Addie McKenzie, THEO and Roy. How we're gonna do this. Is
only one of you potentially will wintickets to the Twins season home opener,
which is coming up April fourth atTarget Field. You're each going to get
ten seconds to explain why you thinkyou deserve the tickets, and when you

hear this sound, your time isup. Okay, So then the four
of you have to decide who deservesthem, and if you cannot pick one
person by the end of what yousay a minute, Yeah, Okay,
then none of you get the tickets? Are you ready? Yeah? All
right, Roy, you were firstyour ten seconds to sell everyone on yourself.

Begin now. Well, I thinkI should get them because I'm trying
to be the best dat and takethem out to a baseball game and found
a Funday, he proved he's adad in those ten seconds, for sure.
All right, THEO your ten secondswherever you're ready go all right,

I'm ready, all right, SoI think I'm deserving that any tickets.
I've been trying to win some ticketsand whatnot pretty much almost they have to
noon, and I'm trying to getthis on the time. You know,
the birthday is coming up and it'sto be perfect for it's going night birthday
President. All right, THEO Mackenzie, it's your turn. Here are your
ten seconds starting now. Hi,We have a one year old and my

husband and I have not been ableto go on a date since he was
born, and we just are losingthe love man. Oh okay, and
Addie our final contestant one minute,whenever you're ready, begin similar sort of
the last. We have a thirteenmonth old and that he has been on

and off six since Christmas. Andme and my husband have not gotten a
break from this, so we needa date night. All right, it's
a difficult decision. Now we're gonnainstead of just doing one minute, we're
gonna give them this song to makea decision. If not, we're gonna
take collar ten. Only one canwin the ticket. Three people have to
bow out. I don't know that. I'm so worried. Well to see

when we come back one on onepoint three, Katie w B. We
have four people on the phone.We have Roy, Theo, Mackenzie,
and Addie, and they have todecide which one of them wins tickets to
the Minnesota Twins season opener, whichis coming up April fourth at Target Field.
They're hosting the Cleveland Guardians. Sohere's the thing. Three people have

to bow out. It can onlygo to one person. If nobody bows
out, or there's two come,it doesn't go down to one one of
them when none of them When wego to caller ten, Yeah, so
what are your arguments between each other? We heard your ten second spiel on
why you should get them. Sowho do you think should bow out?
Who's bound out? Who's stang?I don't know. I think anywhere else
other than a game. I'm tryingto take my kids. Oh dang.

Okay, So if you didn't hearthat, Roy said you can have a
date night anywhere. I'm trying totake my kids to the baseball game.
Roy, that is fair. AndI was gonna say, you deserve those
tickets to be a good dad.And who was that McKenzie. McKenzie's out
McKenzie, Oh, April second.I mean it works perfect, Thank you

McKenzie. We appreciate you. McKenzie. Mackenzie put her vote in for Roy.
I will say that that was herfinal thing. Addie, what were
you saying? I was going tovote for McKenzie mom to mom, But
if she bout out, then Iguess we're giving it to Roy. Oh,
you don't have to give you yourchoice. Yeah, you could,

you could hold on strong. Imean, I guess we'll leave it up
to We'll see what the last personsto say. THEO, you can't vote
for yourself. Who do you thinkshould go? All right? If all
right, Roy, if you werevoting for Addie or THEO, who would
you vote for? The Okay,this is a split thing. Okay,

you guys have I think I'll justrowl it at this point. Then okay,
I say Saddy, all right betweenTHEO and Roy Then okay, you
guys have twenty seconds to decide orwe take collared ten between THEO and roy
Alright, man, come on,make me a super year old gad man.

I know birthday coming out. Thanks, So a decision needs to be
made. Who's bouncing out? Comeon? Roy alright, Roight you go
ahead and have them back? Ohwow, in the nick of time.

Okay, we have a pair everyday this week, you guys, so
I hope you still each of youwon a pair. I wish we could
give you all a pair. We'regonna do it every day at four twenty
this week, Roy you and yourkid are going to the season home opener
of the Twins April fourth. Congratulationsmuch all right, so congratulations. That
was not easy. I was gettingstressed down, like, well, a

pair go for collar ten. They'reselling Bob Barker's historic Bob Barker's historic estate.
Guess how much they're gonna sell itfor. We'll cover in the pop
Culture Minute. Belly Yell, Betty. It's the pop Culture Minute with Felon

and Cult on one of one pointthree jd w B. I don't know
what's going on with this time andour show every day, but around this
time we've been playing like the mostlike throwback club bangers, and my friend
listens at the same time every dayand she's like, are you trying to
get me to pour from? Yeah, pops, Like what's happening Friday was
lollipop when she said she could justtaste the cranberry vodka in her mouth when

she heard it, I was like, honestly, you're funnier than me,
maybe you should be doing this Rightio. As soon as you hear that lollipop,
your mouth starts watering, like Ineed a Tekila show. Yeah,
okay, why do I need UVBlue all of a sudden? Okay?
So yeah, so gross. Popculture minute brought to you by Ovo Lasgan
Lynn's find him ant ovoi dot com. Not a lot of updates since we

last mentioned what's going on with Diddy'shouse, but in case you mentioned that,
basically federal agents are raiding all ofhis homes, his LA home,
his Miami home. They pulled upin boats. Did Yeah. It's appeared
to appears to be tied to theset trafficking allegations that have been up against
him. He's denied those. Butwe see both of his sons, King

and Justin in handcuffs on the lawn. No side of Ditty yet, so
we're not sure if he's on theproperty. But that is the update,
and that is so bizarre, Likewhat a bizarre story to share, changing
years completely. Bob Barker, hishistoric estate of fifty years, is up
for sale. Guess how much they'reselling Bob Barker's house. Now, I'll

give you a couple of little deatson it. He did pass away if
you remember last August at ninety nine. He owned the six bedroom, six
baths Spanish colonial estate for fifty years. Guess how much money it's going for.
It depends on if he kept itupdated, Like are the is the

kitchen white cabinets or covers? Oris the question? I haven't looked at
evident the virtual tour there is thatyou could launch the gallery and I'm not
going. Am I going to goon Zilla? And I'm like, even
though I can't afford it, I'mgonna hate on everything in this house.
I do it every single day thehouses go for sale in my neighborhood and
every single day Jake and are likecrusssh. They're selling it for they think
they're gonna get this much and theycouldn't even update the captain try bad.

You have a white fridge, grusYeah, as Okay, I'm gonna guess
this guy. He no, you'rewrong. Two point nine million. Okay,
I just knew it was going tobe wrong, So I'm saving you
the time he has an updated thefloors, carpet or anything for fifty years
basically, but because I feel liketwo million, that's what things were made
better back then. Though I guessmaybe no they were. They were made

better back then, fight me.I guess right. Everything now is made
from fake wood because any time youbuy a piece of furniture, I'm like,
if I sat on that, Igo through it, it's not real
wood. One to one point threeKatie, WB and Colt. It's time

for animal encounters. We started thislast week where we shared emails and calls
from people's animal encounters. It couldbe like kind of like your normal animals,
local like a turkey, or itcould be exotic like an elephant.
Like there is no limit to animalencounters. You were in a drive through

zoo an elephant charge view. Yeah. I saw a video like that literally
yesterday. I was so scared.I was like, I don't know.
I want to go on to soFarry, but I don't want that to
happen. You can call in withyours at six five to one nine eight
nine kd WB. So tell usabout your animal encounter. When I was
about eight and my stepsister was likesix, my dad had moved to Woodbury

when it was still all wood andwe were over by the woods and my
dad was in the garage doing somestuff and this cute little animal that we
didn't know was a rat. Wewere trying to pet it because we thought
it was so cute and standing ona hind legs with this big yellow teeth,
kissing and the dog's barking, andwe're trying to get over to it,
and all of a sudden, myyedge comes over and wat it over

the head with its double Oh yeah, that's so traumatizing. He was even
while he was kissing. But didyou cry it all? Did your dad
come for you? Actually? Wewere so mad at him, and then
we wanted to have a funeral forthis thing. And he refoosed to dig
the hole. Was he like,I'll give you something to cry about.
Was a sorry little guy? Thatwould be that is man, that's something

my dad would have died. AndI'm like, why is happening? Yeah,
no, you gotta you gotta catchhim release if the kids are around.
That's why I do absolutely well,thank you for that. Hi Natalie,
what's your animal encounter story? So? When I was like eleven,
I went to this like four AHcamp at Morris, the Uvent Morris.
Yeah, and so we had likeall these different things we did, and

one of the things we got togo to like the science Reptile building,
and so they had a sneak.We're like weddings, I'll like pet it
and like hold it and stuff.And they got through my train and I
was like here, I gos likewhatever, I'm gonna do it, like
like for a fun experience. Sothey hand me the snake. I'm holding
it, and all of a sudden, I started feeling something wet. Oh

no, pete all over meted oldme like had no idea what to do.
And the worst part is like mycousin was videoing it, of course
on her phone. Of course becausethat's what family and friends are there for,
to just like record the painful moments, the highlight everything I went wrong

with you? How rude that snakehad it out for you? You know
it for sure did. I waslike, Oh, it's gonna be so
cool, like I'm going to benice to this snake. Thank you for
the call. Thank you. Hi, Katie w Bause. So I was
calling about the animal storry. Somy mother was actually hanging out in a
cabin of lake for millions and theythey had a chimney that wasn't working right,

and sure up, they tried togo check out what's going on.
Enough fat actually caming through the chimneyand got in my mother's hair and stuck
to it, and they did shego to the hospital. No, no
hair. She freaked out. Ilearned a bat can touch like your cat
outside, your cat combs back inside. You touched the cat. That's how
like invasive their rabies are. That'sexactly how Bruce Wayne became Batman. All

right, So sorry you either getrabies or Batman. Yeah, one of
the two. Hey, thanks forthe call. We appreciate it. Yeah,
thank you guys so much. Ilove the content. I appreciate it.
Thank you so much. Mun Oneon one point three k d w

B with Ballin and Calt we havean update, and you know, honestly,
we get lucky. Sometimes people willcall us to tell something going on
their life and they will give usupdates. Other times I've reached out to
a couple of people on like Secretof the week, they don't respond back
to me. Yeah, I don'tknow if they have like a second like
why did I even share that information? I think that sometimes will recognize their

voice, contact them and they're like, oh, nope, never again.
That's probably what happens. This oneisn't like a secret necessarily. Her kids
don't live here, but she wasdiagnosed with cancer, which is very serious
obviously, but she said she wasn'tthe best mom to her kids and they
don't live in state anymore, andshe didn't want to bring this into their
lives and a lot of people werelike, uh, you should give them
the option. So she did makethe decision to tell them, and I

guess she has told them. Sowe're going to talk to her, get
the updates, see how they reacted, and see what's going to happen next.
When we come back on Katie wB. Number and Stalin and Cult
on one oh one point three Katiew B. We had Paula on I

don't know if you remember this,but she basically had been keeping a secret
from her children, and the secretwas she has cancer and it's very hard
for her. But she said,you know, she didn't feel like maybe
she was the best mother to themat certain points in their lives. They
live in different states now, shedidn't want to tell them she has cancer
and disrupt their lives, especially becausetheir daughter's pregnant. We talked to her

throughout this kind of like decision making. She'd made up her mind and then
she was like, well, I'vereconsidered. I want to tell them,
but just make it very clear Idon't expect them to take care of me.
And that was a while ago.A lot has happened since then,
Paula, So get catch us up. Yeah. So I actually did end
up booking a trip to go seethem, and it was before I did

chemo, but I still kind oflook like myself and I went to see
them, and it made me realizekind of how foolish it was that I
didn't just honestly pick up and moveto the same town or at least the
same state that they were in,because I've missed out on so much and
when I defeat this diagnosis, I'mdefinitely going to make up for lost time.
So I think I should have justput all of the overthinking aside and

just talk to them soon. Howdid they respond when you told them?
They actually said they would have beenreally mad at me if I didn't tell
them. Yeah, that's kind ofwhat I was thinking. No, they
just wanted to be in the loop, I mean, and I did make
it very clear I didn't want themto take care of me. But I
think when when something really serious likethis, that kind of makes you question

how much time you have left andall of that. When that sort of
conversation happens, it really makes someother things seem trivial. And I think
some of the issues that we hadhad it kind of overshadowed those and it
was like those weren't really big issuesanymore. So you could see there was
a lot of growth in the relationshipjust from you sharing the diagnosis and visiting.

Yeah, I think so, becauseit made us able to just kind
of focus on what was really important, make amends. For things that needed
it and be able to kind offocus on the bigger picture. Well,
Paula, that is amazing, andI am so happy to hear that.
I think the last thing you wouldneed during something like this is to just
be facing it all alone with noone there for you at all, or

no one to talk to other thanus of course. So I'm really happy
you had that conversation and you Ijust feel like there's like, I don't
know, I feel like something islifted off your shoulders, just like.
I'm so happy to hear that.Yeah, well, thanks, because it
really came from me being able tothink out loud with you guys, so
that that definitely helps facilitate, youknow, the good change in my decision

making around this. You know whatwe do, We change people's lives,
right, Calm down, Well,Paula is sending you all the best.
Thank you for sharing with us.Awesome, Yeah, thank you guys.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm just shooked. I'm shocked. Why one one three
katiewb with Fallon and Cold we're doinga hot dog bracket. Someone thought we

were going to actually have hot dogswith the figuy and that would actually make
more sense, but no, we'redoing the animal the dog, like what
dog if you think of like thehottest dog, the most attracted dog,
what would it be? Some justpopped up in your head. So we're
not the only disgusting ones. Yeah, you thought of something, You thought
of a dog. That's how thisall started out. And then we got

into like, well what is themost attractive dog? Then? And then
colts are googling sexiest dogs? Inregreted that immediately, so that was a
weird word. Don't ever do that. But we have a bracket at Fallon
and Cult on Instagram on our Instagramstories, and it's the first round of
the bracket. Don't worry many otherbreeds we'll be on here. People are
dming like if you don't have this, I'm never gonna follow you again.

I'm like, okay, I don'tknow how passionate you were about that about
their hot dogs. But it's reallysurprising. In the first round, we
have the pit bull against the KingCharles. It had been neck and neck
and the King Charles is pulling aheadat fifty six percent. When I look
at a King Charles, I don'tthink hot. I'm gonna be honest,
no, I don't usually I don'tthink hot when I look at any dog.
Someone said they do think hot whenthey look at a Doberman, so

maybe they should be in the running. Yeah. I thought the piple with
the muscles like it would get alittle bit attraction. But I can tell
you what nobody thinks is hot.The next page, we have a golden
doodle against a Maltese. No onethinks the Maltese is hot. It is
losing so bad it only has fourteenpercent of the vote. And then fact
you were like, who voted forthe Maltese and you clicked into it.

We were like, you voted forthe Maltese? You felt bad for him?
Why? I don't know. Ijust wanted the short king to have
some legs to run on. Youknow, please go vote, because I
don't know what else do you do? And you probably on your couch throwing
as your home. You put ina fake work day where you're doing like
a little move in your mouse aroundlike you were in meetings. And this
is also serious. Who like witchbreed is the hottest? A lot of

them coming in. We have otherswe're going to do this week. We'll
get the lab in there, We'llget an actual just golden retriever Irish Center,
samoy It. I think I mightsay that wrong, but they're really,
you know hot. We're going tocome back with you trending when we
come back. Northern Lights you cansee them tonight. I'll tell you when.
But also there's this ban on socialmedia for certain kids, and I'll

explain it that they're putting into placein Florida, which is interesting. Coming
up on trending on KATIEWB. Today'strending with Felon and Cold on one on
one Katie WB brought to you byMinneapolis Plastic Surgery. Find them at MPSMN

dot com. So, I guessyou'll be able to see the Northern Lights
all over the US tonight. AndI've never seen them other than photos,
and even like not that long ago, you were able to see them here
in the Twin Cities and I wentoutside, I didn't know what direction to
look. Wait a minute, canyou just you didn't swivel around, you
just there were trees and I startedgetting confused. Gotway it was Yeah.

So they say the best time toview it is going to be tonight between
ten pm and two two am,even with the weather. See it anyway.
Yeah, well prob you can inwhat it's cloudy? Right, Yeah,
I don't know that we're gonna havethe best viewing with all the like
weird mucky. Listen, the northernlights are something special. We're not just

gonna give it too easy. Yougotta work for it. What does that
mean? Just say you want tosee it? You need to move around
a little bit. All right,now, I know what do you think
about this? Florida is going toban anyone under fourteen owning a social media
account from January twenty twenty five,deleting existing accounts. That was bill signed

today by their governor. I meanyou could say, you could say it
will help and social media destroys alot of people's self esteem, or you
could say, you know, peoplearen't going to be as connected. Social
media might be the only way kidstalk to each other these days. I
have no idea how they're going tomonitor that that's like and like and actively

keep kids from doing it. Ihave no idea how to do that.
Will the parents get in trouble orwill the actual kids get in trouble?
Kids are sneaky, all right.They have they because they know they're smarter
than us adults with their technology,that's true. So they have little secrets
here and there. I don't Idon't even understand them anymore. I don't
know what's happening. No, there'stoo many things. There are too many
things, too many things. Wouldyou agree there are too many different things.

I'm waiting for TikTok to get banned, just so I don't have to
eat more things. Well, II don't think it's the worst thing,
but it's interesting. That is yourtrending on KGWB selling one on one point
three KTEWB with fallon and cold.I got an email from my daughter's teacher
and it was like, hey,I'm taking off for the solar eclipse.

People do that, They take offwork and they drive across the country because
there are only a certain amount ofspots where you can view it. I
get it. I mean, it'sa really cool thing to experience. Imagine
it's raining when you get there,can't see anything. Why are you you
just you are so much like me. And now it's like looking in a
mirror, and I see why peoplelook to hang out negative. Well,

but here let's pretend it's perfect viewingweather. How far are we going.
I don't know. Let me tellyou what we have to offer you though.
This is really cool. No,we're literally giving away a trip to
see it. Okay, we're doingthis to see the total solar eclipse.
It's an exclusive party. You anda friend. Check this out. I
do know where you're going. Youand a friend fly to San Antonio,

where you'll join the William Chris Vineyardstwenty twenty four Total Solar Eclipse Party.
That is the boosiest way you couldever watch this. And you know you're
gonna be too drunk to care tooby the time clip out. Maybe they
say the morning kicks off with adelightful breakfast, has a morning concert with

the artist Chris Lane, followed bywine barrel tastings. You're right, you're
gonna get leg astronomer led sessions settingthe stage for the eclipse. I mean
you can enter right now. Youjust go to iHeart one on one point
three KATIEWB with Fallon and Colt.We talked about this earlier, but like

a week ago, Colt was aloneand he was like posting pictures of his
daughter when she was a baby,like after day one to be leaving,
and I think something's wrong with mebecause I don't miss my family yet.
I've been gone for like two anda half three days. I'm rejoicing on
the way home. No, Imean, I think by the end of
the week I'll miss I'm they're doinglike a ski trip and I'm really happy

for him. And my husband's reallygood at sending videos and pictures. I
figured it out. Here's the thing. I don't have any hobbies like you.
You do a lot of stuff,and you're very talented and a lot
of like facets of life. Ohmy gosh, you used to be a
bee keeper. You have this painting, You have a lot of friends,
you have things that I don't have. Oh so when I'm sad, i
have family's gone, I'm just aloneto the house with three cats, food

and tournas is going crazy. That'sthe only people hit me up. Only
notifagation. I get, like,oh, another text from my guy Joe.
He's like, you're food is beingdelivered, you're walking, the park
is three minutes away. But whenyou're well, you actually thrive, like
you have things going on in yourin your life. Thank you. I
feel weird celebrating that after what wejust discovered about you but your Are you

saying that if your wife didn't textyou, the only person texting you would
be a door dat No, no, I had someone text me today fallin
account of your coworker. Oh thatgot dark. Well you know what.
You can text us anytime five three, nine to two one katiew one.

Don't miss the hot dog bracket.You can go vote on fallon and Cold
on Instagram. Make sure you hitit up. Mental health depends on it.
Do you think you have a greatnight
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