All Episodes

March 23, 2024 66 mins
We had a conversation with social media super star Catherine! 
We are on the hunt for the hottest dog
A man from North Dakota shares his story about oil massages at a tanning salon
You're on an island. You can bring three things. Are those things as trashy as ours?
Women can regrow their breasts?!

There's alot going on today lol

Thanks for listening :)
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Salad and colts on one on onepoint three kd WB. Okay, so
I dropped my family off. Itis my stepson's spring break. So Jake
my husband. Some people would sayhe's a saint, and I would argue
that I feel like moms do thisa lot. But he's taking two kids
on a trip. Isn't that crazy? When I'm ever out of my house
with my kids without my wife,people just roll out a red carpet.

They're like, Oh, you're thebest at ever. My sister kept doing
that and I was like, youknow that, like you did that all
the time with your kids, andshe's like, that's my point. My
husband never did that for our kids. I'm like, okay, Well,
anyway, he's taking them on aone week trip to go skiing, which
is really great. But then hetexts me and he's like first class upgrade
and I go what And he sendsa photo of them in the most luxurious

seats and I go, I sawit. There's so much realm. Yeah,
I go, you paid for that, didn'ty. You're just lying?
He's like, I swear, hegoes, and I go why and he
goes. I honestly think the ladyat the gate felt bad for me,
and I'm like, she would neverhave felt bad for me. I've never
gotten an upgrade in my life.Like, why am I so jealous?
He does deserve it because it's gonnabe an exhausting trip. Yeah, I
got some free cake pops one time, take my kids to Starbucks. He
had to be like, oh,you are such a nice dad, and

I'm like, just getting coffee,nothing too crazy, said up buckle and
unbuckle a kidfe actually says, homewith them twenty four to seven, and
this is the one time I'm alonewith the first time I've seen him in
four days. But thank you forthe freak caake pops. But what do
I do with all of this forthe next week? Okay, I thought
I was going to be because mywife was gone last week with the kids
in Florida, and I thought itwas going to be so productive. Jake

didn't leave a list of things forme to do like your wife did for
you. Yeah, I had nothing, So I have nothing I have to
do other than like your usual workmeetings and things like that. I don't
know, it sounds so blissful tojust nothing. Yeah, just sit there
chill. I mean, I'm definitelygonna watch a lot of TV. Some
would maybe argue that's a waste ofmy time, but I don't get to

bend shows anymore. I miss thedays when Netflix would judge me and be
like, are you still watching?If? Nevermore? If you were going
to turn up tonight like one club, No, that's not what that is,
not even on my rate. Iknow it would be though, if
you if you go back to liketwenties first, in my early twenties,
when I actually would maybe go toa bar I did. I didn't live
in Minneapolis. I do not evenknow what the hip bars are here,

so there's no chance I'm making thatguess. So you're not gonna be out
the Poorhouse tonight. I don't thinkthat's open anymore, is it? What?
I don't know? I'm probably wrongthat'cause that's the only place you could
see some se cover bands, whichis the best thing. Okay, it's
open. I'm sorry I lied aboutthat. What do you want to do?
I just assume, since I havebeen to the poorhouse it had been
closed since the last time i'd beenthere, because it was so long ago.

You have what do I first ofall, you've known me long enough
you really think that the first thingon my agenda was to go to a
club with who name one friend thatwould go with me? I don't have
anyone. Do you have friends?I don't have follow But do you have
friends? Oh yeah, that's right, plenty of friends. But no one
goes out clubbing, and if theydo, they aren't my friend because we
are not in the same lifestyle.I know, sure, you're probably gonna

sit there, You're probably gonna painta portrait. No what, No,
no painting? Why did I askyou for any advice? You don't know
me at all? I don't.This is like when you sit down with
your partner and you're like, what'smy eye color? And they're like brown.
You're like, oh my god,my eyes are blue. You've been
together for seven years. You guysnever blue. That's right. Sorry,
I just noticed you do not knowme in the least, and that's fine.

If anyone that actually has listened tome for any amount of time has
any suggestions, what do you dowhen you're actually alone? You actually,
now, I know most people gonnaI don't know what that feels like.
But the few of you who've hadalone time from your family. What do
you do cause eventually your body doesget bored rotting on the couch, right,
Yeah, I have a think Soyeah, you could text in five
for nine two to one Katie wb one And yes this is me bragging

that I am alone for a week. Ellen and Colt Hellan and Colt on
one on one point three Katie wb. Uh. This is a great
piece of advice I got from someonewho when their family leaves, they said
they literally sit in a room intotal silence and do nothing and they love
every bit of it. Amazing advice. We're going to come back and do
the pop Culture Minute. If youhaven't seen, Kate Middleton made a very

big post video release about what's goingon in her life. We'll cover that
and more coming up in the popCulture Minute on katiewb and the pop Culture
Minute with Felon and cult on oneon one point three jd w B.
It's brought to you by Ovo Lasyand lyndsidnmont ovoi dot Com. The biggest
story came out. I mean wewe were in the mix with everyone kind

of making jokes and everything about likekategate and then obviously she made. If
you haven't seen it, she posteda video today and it was actually hard
to watch it. I like tearedup watching it where she revealed that when
she did go in for her abdominalsurgery, it was not cancerous. That's
what they told her, But thenafter she had it done, they did

find cancer within And this is hertalking about it. As I've said to
them, I am well and gettingstronger every day by focusing on the things
that will help me heal in mymind, body and spirits. Having William
by my side is a great sourceof comfort and reassurance to as is a
love of support and kindness that hasbeen shown by so many of you.

It means so much trust both.We hope that you'll understand that as a
family, we now need some timespace and privacy while I complete my treatment.
So she is beginning her just begetit seems, starting the early stages
of her chemo therapy. And ifanybody has access to the best stuff,

yeah, this is the Royal family, you know. It's so crazy.
They said that three separate people withinthat hospital were fired for trying to get
her records. Because I'm sure theyare being offered crazy amounts of money by
newspapers and stuff, and people weretrying and so I think you got to
the pot where she had to makea stay, and I said, you
know what, it's got to bebrutal for William who now his father and

his wife are battle of cancer.So I'm scary. Everyone was out of
here saying it's because you're cheating.I know, it's like it's I feel
but we joked maybe she's on themasks singer. I mean, I'm not
going to pretend like we did notdive on board and like say some stupid
I stand by that comment. Thatis imagine if she was on the map,
could you imagine just say that wasthe funniest room or I heard,

which we all knew was ridiculous.Lady Gaga shared on her Instagram story she's
returned to the recording studio so she'llbe working on her next album, hasn't
released one since twenty twenty, andalso some new movies coming out this weekend,
which is pretty exciting. The newGhostbusters movie. Do you have any
interest in seeing that it has likethe kid from Stranger Things? Yeah'd be

cool. I think my kids werea little older it'd be nice, but
that's true. They're kind of youngfor that. Yeah, although we guess
what my daughter's favorite movie is nowthe Spider Man movies. And she she's
like the green Goblins around the corner, like, we gotta stop letting to
watch this because it's getting dark herehere. Yeah, it turns out we
Yeah, it's like when we tookher to Disney and the first ride we
took her with the Haunted Mansion andmessed her up. I don't know.

I was like, this is sucha cool ride, and she's like,
it was so scared. And thenI learned after that, but a lot
of Disney rides are in kind oflike dark caves, and so then she
would traumatized. It was hard toget her to even go see Ariel and
her Grotto. Yeah. Yeah,so thousands of dollars just for Olive to
crive. Cool. Cool. Also, Sidney, Sweetey, I know you
like seeing her boobs cold. She'sin a new devout none horror f like

all immaculate. Okay, good.I thought you were gonna say she's now
a devout nine. I was like, oh right, so those are some
movies you can check out. Thisa lot I mean, she's blessed.
But come on, okay, it'sone on one point three kg WB.

So it's one on one point threekatiewb with follin and cold. So we're
gonna get to know you by finishingthe blank. Okay, alright, so
let me give you an example.You knew you were a little trashy when
I think it's when, uh,well, there's there are so many Yeah.

First of all, when I grewup, we only had paper plates
on like what are they called?Like weaving wicker holders. Wouldn't use real
dishes. You didn't have like anylike pora I might have, but we
didn't use them, so I alwaysate dinner on those. But I also
like when I was explaining that mysenior prom was in a barn and they

had toilet paper guns. Toilet paperguns? Is that like almost like streamers
were shooting out a toilet paper whichalso great, collect a little bring it
home for the month. You knowthere some money obviously, what about you?
Probably when I got a potato gunfor my tenth birthday. Those are
so dangerous. Should not have apotato gun whipping potatoes? Terrifying? Yes?

Good? Okay, So if Iwas spending the next year on an
island alone, I'd have to bringthese three things blank blank in blank if
I was spitting a year on theisland, I'm guessing my phone. I'm
not allowed to have it. Youcan whatever you want on my phone.
Give up with the joneses. Iwant hibachi chef okay, brilliant. IM

not going to be mad at that. And I want sunscreen because I'm not
trying to deal with sunburns. Yeah, you gotta go with some water.
I don't even do right, SoI would in theory I you would find
it in a coconut or something.Yeah, well, I would just bring
some water. I know it wouldrun out, but I would bring a
pack of bottle of water out withthe day. I feel like I would

be bored. I don't even smoke, but I would pick up smoking,
I think, just for something todo. Why you would have no access
to Ciggy's just the whole carton orsomething, Okay, real smoker would go
for a cartons. And then yougot to bring some alcohol. So you're
telling me water, cigarettes and alcohol. Yeah, it's a good time.

When you knew you were trashy,that's all you bring to an island on
uh, okay. The most memorablemoment I've had with the celebrity is when
blank, can you go first?Because I need to think about this.
It's when Bozzi was on Mall ofAmerica and he didn't want to go on
stage unless he ate talapia beforehand,so I had to be fresh and the

Katie w W Street team had topull up. I ran to the front
door, sprinted with talapia to Bosijust to you know, get in to
perform. Okay, that's amazing.I'm gonna go with like a less braggy
one too. That's not braggy,that's hilarious. Yeah. Sarah and my
buddy Mike just texted me about this, and there was an event she was
performing at. I asked her thesimplest question, f Mary kill, Guac,

salsa and case, and she wouldnot film with me until lighting was
good. At one point we hadmoved positions so many times. She grabbed
a camera guy from a local TVstation and had him turn the camera light
on her because she wanted better lighting. And then she had repeat him again
what were they? And I keptbe like sALS and she would say one

and what were the other two?And I was like, oh my god,
I don't even want to do thisinterview. She just wanted to do
to cancel the bit that's what youwant to I'm like, Siera, it
was way past Goodies, by theway, like years after. I'm like,
let's move on. We're gonna comebackward to the deep dive. I
tell you how a song was written, and we're doing Katy Perry's dark Horse
on the Deep Dive on Katie wB. Today's deep dive is on Katy

Perry's dark Horse on Katie w B. Him coming just like a dog.
So what is a dark horse?The term dark horse is used to describe
a person whose abilities or possible courseof action are unknown, or to somebody
who reveals unsuspected talent. The earliestuse of this phrase comes from eighteen thirty

one. He described a horse racewhere a dark horse, which had never
been thought of, rushed to passthe grandstand in Sweeping Triumph. Katy Perry
wrote a lot of her songs withsongwriter Boonni McGee, but not on this
one. And actually Katy Perry's realname is Kate Hudson, which she changed
to Katy Perry because there was alreadya Kate Hudson and that Kate Hudson's cousin

is who wrote this with Katie.Her name's Sarah. Other writers are Perry,
Doctor Luke, Max Martin, JuicyJay, and Circuit. This song
was inspired by the nineteen ninety sixmovie The Craft, which is about warning
a guy that if you're going tofall in love with me, make sure
you're sure, because if not,it's going to be your last. He's
a witch too, you know,and the only reason you're in love with
her is because she has to spellon you. Katie described the lyrics as

witchy and dark, as if Iwas a witch warning this man not to
fall in love with me, andif you do, know, I'm going
to be your last. This songalso features Juicy J. He said.
Doctor Luke gave mccollms like kay,will you be on the song with Katy
Perry, and he said the processwas really unique. It was really different.
Usually you record a verse, yousent it to the artist, but
she wanted him in studio. Hesaid. Katie really is a genius.
She was by the mixing board tellingthe guy what to take in take out.

She's really hands on with her music. She knows music, but his
line have been the object of apublic debate lately because they were considered disrespectful
to Dahmer's victims. Remember this lineshe had out like Jeffrey Dumb. This
song was also taken to court bya Christian group called Flame over a song
called Joyful Noise. Initially in twentynineteen, she was ordered to pay money,

but in twenty twenty they overturned thatbecause they said if the original decision
stayed, it would have dangerous consequencesfor future creativity. This song was the
most popular music video on YouTube intwenty fourteen and won an American Music Award.
It's the Unbelievable story of the Dayon one oh one point three kt
WV. So there's a funeral andnot everyone everyone can make it. And

I think since COVID, they youknow, the I'd say one benefit is
they do have the option to zoomin for things like graduations or funerals or
weddings, so that people who can'tmake it can still see or be a
part of these moments. Yeah,you think it's a good idea. Yeah,
but but the church set up azoom so people could watch the funeral
online and the downfall is the onewoman who accidentally broadcasts herself. Now,

it wasn't like she was just sittingthere eating some chips and dip or anything,
which would have been embarrassing anyway.Yeah, during a funeral. No,
she was getting ready to go tothe wake later on, I guess,
but she wanted to watch, soshe sets her computer up next to
the shower, doesn't realize the camera'son, and she not only showered live

on zoom for them to see,but apparently it was time to shave as
well, so she shaved. It'sthe worst part because it's not even like
you can check your phone, likepeople are hitting you up, like turn
it off now because you're a kid, no access. If it was on,
she'd be like, oh man,why are people like you? Wouldn't
think I must be lie while I'mshak you being my inner thigh. You

gotta just hide forever. Can youimagine the panic when you step out and
you're like, no, no,no, no, this wasn't on it.
Well, my question is I wantto know because it doesn't say did
she Oh they did? They didn'tsay. She only found out after she
showed up at the way, sono one told her, she gets dressed,

she drives there, and now everyonehas seen her without her clothes on,
shot shaving her most intimate areas.At least she had a couple of
hours where it saved embarrassment, likeshe was still a normal person up until
the moment she found out. Igotta be honest, I do some weird
stuff in the shower, and I'mjust sitting here thinking, not like where

your mind is going, but Ilike, there are many things I do
not want people seeing me do onthe shower. Well, uh, probably
just me you standing there is enoughfor people the background. I do like
what you were saying, You're likethat person probably doesn't care about the funeral,
right, But they came. Theydid come to the wake, so
she was actually preparing to go tothe wake, so it wasn'ly she just

skipped it and she put it onfor background voice, so people saw her
name show up like she was there. And you don't want to exit because
then it says you it although inthat situation, please exit exactly. That
is your unbelievable story of the dayon one on one point three katiew B
I Know con six season on Katiew B one on one point three Katie

w B with Fallon and Colts.We're going to create a little ick list
together. Yeah, because I don'tthink men have X for women. Okay,
well you think I'm completing wrong.I think that some of some of
us our existence are the ick formen. So we'll come back. We'll
talk about that also right now.This is brand new music. She's released

her deluxe version of her album.I check out the songs on the way.
This is definitely my favorite of theadditional tracks. It's Olivia Rodrigo's new
one called Obsessed to Wearing. Kickoffthis hour with that one on KATIEWB one
on one point three KATIEWB with Fallonand Cult. An ick is hard to

explain to some people because you'll goyour mind is like, oh, just
something I don't like about a person. It's like, no, it's such
a specific, weird thing. Likeyou'll see someone do something and it's an
ick. It's not like, ohI don't like them because they're mean.
That's not an itck. Yeah,Like this girl I saw she left her
man because of the way he waskind of wobbly and falling during an ice

skating event they went to. Butshe's like you're uncoordinated immediate breakup that I
think if you if it's something likethat and you bring up with someone that
to me says you are not readyfor a relationship, that feels so rude.
I don't even know if men lookingfor the men have X because I
feel like I feel like women havea lot more X for men than men

have for women. Right, I, well, you're how would I know?
I'm not a man? I feellike you should know that answer more
than me. I mean I wentto like, I went straight to that's
interesting. I feel like, guys, you see a girl over as I
six, you're like, come outso rude. I don't think that,
Yeah, oh she has too muchof an opinion it I'm out. It's

a little too chat. I don'tknow, I know those aren't it's that
was my example of them. Justsomebody said tucking in their shirt to work
out shorts. I just nodded.Obviously a very big one would be for
me, Like, I, what'sthat dance class with my daughter on Saturday?
I look down and Jake is wherewearing fool sucks in Birkenstock. What

what a move? Mother? Iwas doing that? Actually a couple of
weekends ago too. I think that'shis move. He's a confident man.
He doesn't care. And I'm like, why are you doing that? Somebody
said running with a backpack on medialike the time they're heavy. I have

my kids strapped in my chest.Once I'm in a baby beorn and I
got chased down by some geese,and I know I had to look like
the biggest fool in the parks runningaway. What did you do to fire
a mob? I just walked byhim and they're like, you're a little
too close for my comfort to justhot breathing on you, So I kiss

it all started pecking at my feet. You brought this one up about the
way people applied chapstick. My dearfriend Mike, who used to be the
web guy here. I will neverlet him live it down. He did
not move the chapstick around his lips. He held the chapstick in one spot
and he would his lips around it. And I was like, you're a
monsterick, And I would always anytimeI see a video of someone doing something

like that could be annoying, Isend it to him like you're still the
worst, the worst. What aboutusing your teeth to scrape off the cereal
or the ice cream on your spooninstead of just your lips. I think
some people can get too intimate thosemoments with their lips too, and it
makes me uncomfortable. Yeah, thet'stoo uncomfortable. If somebody said when they

walk with their feet to outward,oh, they can't help. That's meant
personal. Sometimes people talk and likewith food in their mouth, and I
don't. I think everyone talks alittle bit with food in their mouth.
But there are some people where I'mlike, do you only eat like cream
based food? Like? And they'lltalk and I'm like, just stop talking

when you're eating, Like, whyis everything had a cold tots? Just
salad with a cream based If youhave an ick that someone you've been with
or your friend, please share withus with it. It makes me laugh.
I don't know what word I justsaid there, Share it with us
because it'll make us laugh. Fivethree nine two one Katie w B one.
This is the Felony Today's trending withFelon and colt On one Kati w

B. It is confirmed by theway we've been playing that new song by
Joe Joe Carrey from stranger Things onKatie w B. And his like artist
name is dj O and he actuallysaid he thought, what is the most
confusing whitest my name, and that'sit and that's chose it, which made
me like silent. I guess,so oh okay, not always okay,

I didn't expect that. I'm sorry. Insecurities all right, also like not
laughing. The biggest obviously trending storytoday is Kate Middleton. I know,
I know, and it's like,but it is, like the biggest trending
story is we have to cover it. She went in for the abdominal surgery

and it was supposed to be kindof like a nothing surgery, but they
did discover cancer. So she madea video and she posted it today.
As I've said to them, Iam well, I'm getting stronger every day
by focusing on the things that willhelp me heal in my mind, body
and spirits. Having William by myside is a great source of comfort and

reassurance to as is a love ofsupport and kindness that has been shown by
so many of you. It meansso much trust both. We hope that
you'll understand that as a family,we now need some time space and privacy
while I complete my treatment. Soshe is basically going to begin or has

just begun, the chemo therapy journey. So I know that must be very,
very difficult for the entire family formany reasons. Obviously, not too
long ago, they now that KingCharles also was discovered he has cancer,
so a lot for that family.Not which the other conspiracies are true,
like it was just bad or Brazilianbutt lift. Absolutely, yeah, all

those things. That is your trending. It's brought to you by Minneapolis Classic
Surgery. You can find them atMPs m N dot com. We'll come
back into the after school pop quizfor Fallout Boy tickets. It's beautiful,
says it? Cool? All right? Time for our after school pop quiz
and check this out. We haveball Out Boy tickets. We're gonna get

you. We need two people tocall and we'll ask you middle school level
questions like trivia questions and the winnergets Fallout Boy tickets. Let's go six,
five, one, nine, eightnine kd W b A. You

know what that means? What's that? After school cool? That's right?
And we have Victor and Hastings takingon Stacy and Odds sego. We asked
middle school level trivia questions. Whenyou know the answer, you chime in
with your name first to two whensand we're doing followup boy, take us
to day, which is a bigprize. You guys ready, Yes,

Question number one, how many greatlakes are there? Yes? Stacy six?
No, not saying or, Victor, it's no, it's five.
Okay, here we go. Whowas the first Disney princess? Yes,

Stacy, not Cinderella, Victor nosnow white questions. Okay, here we
go. Question three, raisins originatedfrom which fruit? Stacy? Yes,

Stacy, great, yeah, allright, here we go. What is
the name of the ship that's thankin nineteen twelve? Yes, Stacy,
yeah, Stacey. Rough start,but you did it. You won yourself.

Fallo up boy tickets. You're goingto see them April six at Target
Center. Congratulations, Thank you,Thanks for playing, Victor, thank you.
All right, we're going to comeback and uh, we're gonna do
we had something scheduled, but thenthe snow melted, so it affected what
we were going to do, Sowe're gonna pivot. We're going to come
back on Katie w b W ballonand Colts on one on one point three,

Katie w b we might be doingthe most unhinged thing we've ever done
next week on our show, andthat's saying a lot oak. And then
it was like, maybe you willwork. I started because I got it
went down a weird dark rapit hole. Let's back up, cold, run
up. I don't know what youbrought up, Okay said, I said,
yes, what is the most attractivedog? I thought that was so

straight. And then you were like, but there is one when you think
about it, like close your eyes, picture an attractive dog. One just
popped up. You actually unsolicited textedme about when you think is beautiful today?
Oh one of those Irish stutters.Yeah, And I said, oh,
they do really have beautiful coats,those luscious locks. Yeah, And
I was like I get it.I get it. So we're taking it

to a place we shouldn't. Andnext week we're going to do a hot
dog bracket. Hot dog bracket,So it's like the most physically attractive dogs,
not like one you not one specificone like a breed. Yeah,
like if you yeah, there aresome that definitely aren't making it top of

list. Pug pug, you know, they're cute, but they're not hot.
That's how That's what I've been mywhole life. Well, like,
oh foul, you're cute. Yeah, Now a pug is like someone that
they got a good personality. Maybeyou could wipe up, wipe them up,
whether or not. You know,you're one night stand and that's fine,
that's fine, don't I don't knowif it's fine one night stands in

the same sense. Fine, nothingabout this is fine. But so we're
gonna do we understand dog Pole nextweek. So if you have any suggestions
for what you think are the mostbeautiful no you breed you think is super
beautiful and hot, textedents we canstart looking them up. My search is
getting weird. Five three nine twoone Katie w B one is the text
number to give us a few ideas. Yeah, we're doing that next week,

and I'm not proud of it,but also looking forward to it.
One on one point three KATIEWB withFallon and Cold. I'm so excited because
we have our good friend. She'sbeen on like in the morning with us
like months ago. A got itlike begged her, I was like,

please come back in do the afternoonoonshow with me and cult. She's huge
on TikTok. I posted a littlepreview of who's joining us on our Instagram
and all the comments you're like,oh my god, I love her so
much. So we're very excited tohave her. We'll introduce her when we
come back, but first we gotto get you the brand new Olivia Rodrigo.
We're playing it at the top ofthe hour all day on KDWB.
It's called Obsessed on k S.Balin and Cult on one oh one point

three k d w B. Welcometo the show, Catter. All right,
so Catherine, people, as soonas I posted that you were going
to be here, people got reallyexcited. But just in case the three
people listening you don't follow you,how can they follow you on TikTok,
TikTok is Caddy ebs c A dy E b S and then Instagram's a
little different. Yes, Catherine ismy actual name, Katherine ebbs so c

A t h E r n ee E. And the reason you don't
have both is because someone held yourusername hostage and said you can have it
no literally ransom, literally ten thousanddollars. Yes, and my nickname in
elementary school was Caddie because mean girlscame out in elementary. So I just
went by Caddie and that was howBut a lot of people are like,
is it Katie. I'm like,it's Catherine. Actually. Yeah. A

lot of we love your content formany reasons that they just laugh a lot.
We feel lots of emotions obviously watchingit too. But I love your
interaction with your husband on there alot. And we were talking about something
off there. I said, wait, save that for on the air,
because so Cole just got himself introuble with his wife. You tell her
quickly what happened. Well, Ijust throw everything away. So we moved

about a month ago, and theU haul was smaller than I anticipated,
and she she flew up to Minnesotaand I was up to me to pack
everything, and I couldn't fit allthe stuff. So I left a mountain
full of our belongings just on thecurb side for the dumpster to pick up,
including what the treadmill, some barsa bar at the lawnmower like this

actively uses the treadmill like all thetime. That's her mistake, though she
should have she should have known Iwould never Yeah, that's not heard that's
that's heaslating your wife on the right. Now, get rid of stuff and
like not tell her, Like hegot rid of a vase and gave it
to my mother in law and shegave home to flowers in like a blender
cup. Oh okay. So currentlyin our household, an SD card went

missing with content on it, andI'm like, Raphael, I know you
took it off the table, okay, and he literally goes, I wonder
if one of the dogs ate ittoday? You guys are kid you not.
We got home to the gym andthere was an SD card on our
coffee table. The dog literally rippedit to shreds. Wait did the dog
really? I don't, Yeah,I don't know what happened to them.

First, I'm gonna tell you whathappened. She was like, I got
to prove these dogs are big guilty. Like he put peanut butter on it,
and he's like, rip it up, rip it up? Oh no,
see I told you. Okay,So she hast issues. It's his
bag out, perfect, perfect,Great, Okay, this we're gonna do
a couple of things. You're gonnaquiz us on trends in a little bit.
But You've been really open, andI thought, this is interesting.

I feel like so many people thatlisten to our show are curious about this
and thing I even endorse, likea plastic surgeon. But you've got a
breast reduction. And I was like, I have so many questions about this
because I just talked about how ridyis on my side is massive compared to
lefty. And I had someone DMme and they said that they just had
like their right one reduced to matchtheir left one. But why did you

get a breast reduction? They wereso large. I've always hated them,
and I'm so petite around so likethe older I was getting, I was
having more like shoulder issues and I'ma stomach sleeper and my collar bones felt
like they were fractured every morning.Yeah. So finally I just asked one
of my just my normal physician.I was like, hey, do you
have a recommendation for a surgeon?And she was like absolutely. I was

actually thinking that when I first metyou. Seriously, she she's like,
oh, she needs to get you. Guys, if you met me back
then you would be like, oh, those are some yonkers, Like those
are hard. People think her backmust be killed literally, but fun fact,
the larger one is normally your moredominant hand and armed, so that

arm is stronger and that peck muscleis strong at tracks for me, yeah,
yeah, my right one was awee bit larger as well. They
say sometimes it'll like your insurance willcover it one hundred percent. See that's
amazing. It covered. It wasa medical yeah, because it cost She
woke up with her shelter bones that'sactually coming in together. Okay, now,

how long is the recovery because there'sanother thing a lot of people ask,
So they say two weeks. Problemwith that is I'm also again petiteter.
So they had said I had areally fast recovery. Like day after
day two, I was ready forthe gulls to come off, and I
was ready to go live my bestlife. Day four I got the gauze
off, and day five I wasin Florida chill with my mom. I

was like, I took two weeksoff of work. I'm gonna make this
worth it. That's awesome. Yeah, Oh, you get two weeks off
work, maybe I'll get a breasHey. Hey, hey, you know
men do get proster ductions. I'msure. Okay, you need to be
shopping for a treadmill right now.That's true, a treadmill. If anyone

just turn on the radio, theydidn't hear he got rid of her treadmill,
and they're like, wow, she'ssaying me to tread the next comment
on Katie w B's and be likeshe's so mean. No, no,
no, they're like, we agreewith Catherine. That's a question I was
going to ask. Is there anyfear of them like coming back? They

did say in my lifetime, theywould most likely need a second one.
Yes, like a lizard tales theback. Yeah, they grow back.
So like wherever you dominantly gain weight, which in my younger years it was
my chest, I wouldn't gain weightmuch. Oh so it just goes straight
to my boobs. And then whenit was like those were really big that
I would gain elsewhere. So theydid tell me like after kids, nine

times out of ten someone will haveto come back and get another one.
But I've actually been lucky enough tojust maintain my weight, and I haven't
been I haven't been gaining it.But okay, I was so curious about
questions. Yes, I'm always open. You convinced cult today to get a
breast reduction, exactly what we weredoing for on the show. We're going
to come back and you're gonna quizus on trends, right, We're going

to be so bad at this.I actually tried to do it in a
fun way where you're like, youguys would actually do well? Okay,
perfect? What didn't we come backon KDWB The Salent and Cult on one
oh one point three kd WB somepeople were texting in and they're like,
wait, who are you talking toyou? So I want to reintroduce Catherine.

You can follow her. I mean, you do different content on all
the platforms. You're definitely you havelike over a million followers. You passed
that big threshold this year, righteight? Yeah, or at the end
of last year. Yeah? Actuallyyeah last year. That's huge. The
passing a million followers on TikTok iscrazy. You know, just when people
are like, how do you feel? Like, I don't know, it's

just another Tuesday? Does that makeyou? Does that? It doesn't alter
you're what you're posting because you're notlike, oh no, no, when's
saying this? No? But whenpeople meet me in real life, we're
like, oh my god, Ifollow you in TikTok. I'm like,
I'm so sorry. I always amlike I never know what you see.
That's exactly what I will say.People say, well, I listen with
you with my kids in the car, like, oh, I'm so sorry.

What did I say that? Once? I'm jan and my wife her
boss came out to her and hewas like, do you know Colt said
he would turn for Justin Bieber.Today She's like, just don't listen,
please start him off. Okay,but what's your name on TikTok? People
can follow you caddiebs Okay, andI apologize in advance. No, life
is just what really put it inperspective? Is my dad before he passed,

you would always say, like whenI hit a milestone, like when
I had thirty thousand, he waslike that would fill the Target center or
something like that in perspective is true? Yes? Yes, And now when
I'm in Target Center, I'm like, and I'll do the math on.
I'm like, okay, this iscrazy, Like more people follow you than
the amount of like the population ofMilwaukee. We'll do that. Milwaukee was

just staring at you. Think ofthat. Hey, But when people get
in their head over like, ohI only got three hundred views. I
was like, imagine if those threehundred people were in your house right now,
that's true, that's terrifying. Likea lot of people. I can't
entertain even like five. I don'tneed that in my life with the vacuum.
No, no chance. All right, we're gonna do a little game.
And this is where you're quizzing uson trends. This should be humbling.

Okay, I got a couple ofdifferent styles of the game, so
we're going to do a finish thisline. Okay, see if you guys
can get this. I don't likethis already. I picked really simple ones,
so I feel like you can doit. Okay, can I give
you a big coup? Yes?Are you guys lying? You don't know
this? No? Can I giveyou a big coup? No? Mommy,

no thanks? Oh god, it'ssound you really don't know. Oh
I I do know the card.She's like, that was my easiest one.
Oh god, strong god. Okay, here's a little jingle. Oh
that work? Oh that work?What did it get? Got this?

So then he says to me,what's your problem? And I says,
I don't know. You guys don'tknow this one. Okay, this one's
big right now. Okay, it'sa There is f words in it,
but I took them out. It'sa. So then he says to me,
what's your problem? What's my problem? You're a jerk off, that's
my problem. You gus don't knowthis. I just did that one.

I would say, I like thesetoo, because sometimes you'll do them forever
and you you don't ever know wherethey originate from. And then somebody be
like, oh came from a Parksof Rock episode. You're like, what
he did? I had no idea. But I also think trend like,
testing trends is always hard because yourfor you page is gonna be so different
than my. Yeah, I gota lot of hoof cleaning on mine.
I get so deep. I'll belike, oh, he pulled a nail

out of that hoof y. Thathorse gotta feel so much better now.
Those horse ones get me. I'mlike, are they not hurt? Satisfying?
The cleaning ones took over mine fora while, and then I felt
so bad about myself I had tojust stop watching them. I'm gonna scroll.
Yeah, okay, so this one'sgoing around and it's someone it's like

a it's a photo, okay,and they say social media is fake.
So here's something I'm struggling with.And then you swipe to the next photo
what is and then it's something that'slike kind of embarrassing to admit, but
it's so normal that you're struggling withit. So for example, I put,
like, say something that makes youfeel less alone, like I'm breaking
out right now from my period orI don't know, my period toots are

so bad. I don't know.So what's something that you guys like that
you wouldn't see Of the two ofyou guys on social media? I can
tell I need to drink more waterbecause my hemorrhoids are flaring. Oh you
guys, this was fun, butI don't think I'm coming back and I'm

not gonna show up to you andyou want to see oh last time you
weren't here. At this point,her yaws were out, Okay, okay,
Me and her played a game withDrake, and Jenny gave fallon the
extra boy because her yiddies were bouncing. Yeah yeah, well yeah, I
cut mine off or I would havewon. What's your embarrassing pay? I

mean, I don't know if I'mgonna solve that. Okay, all right,
sorry, Okay, this one isliterally sending me. This one is
Hello Sharks. Have you guys seenthis? Okay, this is just the
funniest thing to me. So theone I saw the other day was Hello
Sharks. I'm asking for thirty twodollars to order taco bella door dash was
zero percent equity. It literally isthe funniest thing I've ever seen. Okay,

So what's your guys, random amountof money that you want freely given
to you? And for what?Oh I want thirteen six hundred dollars?
Okay, what a small amount ofmoney like a dark arm? No,
because, uh, for some reason, I know this is a thing.
But people who ron preschools are billionaires. I didn't know it was so expensive.

They're like, okay, we're gonnahave to This is gonna be seventeen
hundred dollars a month. But thatcomes with all the enrichment activities. And
I'm like, are you taking herto Disney every week? What do you
do enrichment activities? Grand? Yeah, thirteen grand for thirty three weeks whatever?
That is? So not even ayear short of fifty two is a
full year. Yeah, oh,I'm so smart, crazy. All right,

what what's the shark's return? Whatdo they get? Did they at
least get like school pictures every year? Yeah, you can get a school
picture maybe like a magnet you canput on your fridge. You get more
doctor bills because your kid's gonna catcheverything every illness. I'll be back for
more money, Sharks. Actually,do you have one more, Catherine?
We do. It's okay if youdon't know, that's okay, Okay,

So this one's really going around inthe girl community. Okay, I something
my ex did and I still stayedon our show. Really you okay?
We have had that. Yeah,obviously we had the best ones. We
had a girl who the guy brokeinto the neighbor's house stolen necklace, gave
it to her for Valentine's Day,and she found out when the police showed

up on their date. She saidsix months. Another woman got in a
motorcycle accident, called her boyfriend fromthe hospital and he couldn't come because he's
getting high with his friend unless therefor like a year. Oh, these
the loyalty is so deep, sodeep it is, And I have some

cultic with his high school sweetheart.And actually I have a couple of good
ones, but they cut deep someI know mine were like I'm still healing
in therapy from you have one youcan share. I was with the X
for a very long time, aloyal girl. Okay, when I'm with
him, I'm with him, anduh, he was like a known cheater
for like three years. I wasjust still like hanging out. I was

like, I'm gonna change him.I'm gonna change him the last time.
Yeah, I failed it that one. It's fun. Catherine, thank you
so much for coming in. Welove you, We want to have you
back, and everyone needs to followCatherine one more time. What is TikTok
and then Instagram they can follow you. TikTok is Cadieubs. Instagram is Katherine
Ubs. Okay, and you're thisweekend you're cleaning your house? Yeah,

okay, nothing wild. Michael makingsome content for us, Yeah, okay,
we'll make sure like it. Wewell, thank you so much for
coming in. Thanks for having me. Yep, kd w B. It's
one on one point three kd wB with ballon and cold, you know

cold. I've definitely made some jokesover the past few weeks even with like
a fun little intro song about KateMiddleton. Yes, yes, we did
the whole bit of like uh sheon the mask singer. That was because
it was the craziest That was thecraziest rumor we we got. So now
she's in hiding, so they growback exactly. But then she made a
really big announcement today. It's kindof what everyone has been talking about,

and we're going to cover that withplay a little audio from her video when
we come back and talk about itin the pop Culture Minute on one on
one point three kt w B.It's the pop Culture Minute with Felon and
Cult on one on one point threekd w B. All right, here

we go, scribe you by OvoLasik and Len's find an ovoi dot com.
I watched a little bit of this. Gwyneth Paltrow was on like Hot
Ones, Yes, like the WingHot Wing Challenge. Yeah, I love
that platform and she gets so muchhate, but I actually saw so many
positive comments out how her weird quirkswere coming out and it actually made people
like her more. But she hadsome interesting thoughts throughout the interview. She

said they need to cool it onthe superhero movies, which is proven because
movies are flopping left and right.I've fallen off by the box ups because
there are too many of them,like you can't even I can't even keep
up. I don't care. Andshe said they're losing their originality. And
I remember she's like in the IronMan movies and stuff, so I guess

she's allowing. Thing about that showis like when you're sweating and your mouth
is on fire, it's pretty hardto be inauthentic, you know what I
mean? I know I love thatJennifer Lawrence clip just pulls up all the
time, like what do you mean? What do you mean? That?
Alice makes me laugh when I sawit or when I see it, and
I love that all right. Soobviously Kate Middleton had hadn't really been seen

and we knew she had abdominal surgery, and people are like making up crazy
rumors about her, including us,and then it became very serious today when
she released this. As I've saidto them, I am well, I'm
getting stronger every day by focusing onthe things that will help me heal in
my mind, body and spirits.Having William by my side is a great

source of comfort. And reassurance too, as is a love, support and
kindness that has been shown by somany of you. It means so much
to us both. We hope thatyou'll understand that as a family, we
now need some time space and privacywhile I complete my treatment. All right,
So she is beginning or has justbegun chemotherapy. When she went in

for the surgery, they said itwas you know, they weren't doing the
surgery because they thought it was cancersand then they discovered it was. So
I'm sure that was quite the horrible, scary surprise for their family, So
sitting them all the best and thenobviously, you know, we learned earlier
that King Charles also has cancer,so it's got to be very difficult for
the entire family. I'm sure theyhave all the resources, which, yeah,

that's just good. Yeah quick killing. Uh and that is your pop
pulture minute on KATIEWB. What aboutthis dog destruction? Well, I know
that your dog destroyed something in yourhousehold. Oh yeah, everyone's dog has
done something sketchy at some point.Like I'm looking forward to going home today.
I know Dolly's gonna rage eat somethingI didn't one point three KATIEWB with

balon and colts. So you mentionedthat you, uh, he left your
dog home for a while. Yeah. It was the first time I left
him uncreated because Jen and the girlsthey were gone in Florida, and I
was like, I feel bad.I don't want to leave him locked up
for like eight hours. It's usuallyout all day. So I left him
out in this dog somehow within theeight hours figured out how to open up
the cupboard where we keep the catfood and his food, and I walk

into the living room and it's justa sea full of cat and dog food
mixed together. Everything's chewed up,the scoopers are chewed up plastics all over
the place. Yep. And ofcourse he lay on his back with his
paws of like, I don't doanything. You're like, okay, I'm
cute. But at least it wasn'ta couch, you know. He just
went for the food and that's good. Yeah, that's fair. Can I

ask you a serious question, doyou think it's trashy when I scream at
my dog outside the neighbors can hearwhen I'm like, uh, I think
it's trashy. And I know it'strashy because I do the same thing,
and I feel trashy ass I'm doing. I feel it, but I'm like,
maybe my neighbors don't think it's butshe'll be barking, and I'm like,
I don't want her to be,you know, annoying the neighbors.
One. Doesn't it feel trashy whenyour dog just barks in general? Because

I feel that way, and I'mlike, you're just it's just so consistent.
And I'm like, oh god,that sounds like a golden doodle.
You named it. That's what sheis. She's a beef. But what
did your dog destroy? Everyone's animalhas a destruction story. My dog can
eat anything. If I turn myback, a whole loaf of bread is

gone, an entire loaf of bread. You said your dog is on the
she does. And if we can'tput any food near the counter, I
know you you're gonna say, oh, she's poorly trained, and you're right,
she is. She'll eat an entireavocado and spit out the pit and
I'm like, oh my god,you whats wrong with you? She's she
was a rescue, so she's likesome food issues, that's why. But
what did your dog destroy? Youwant to hear your story sixty five one

nine eight nine Katie W bit Bagain at sixty five one nine eight nine
kd WB Stalin and Colts one onone point three Katie W B talking about
things your dogs destroyed eight mauled whateverit may be, it does, it
does, so first before we findout what they did. What is your

dog's name? Her name is Soda. She's a British lab adorable. So
what does she destroy? My socialSecurity card? That's personal? She's like
your dog was like, this issomething that's going to take her so much
time to get a new one,and just went for it. I'd rather
have to buy a couch than geta new Social Security card. Yeah for

real. It was like a monthbefore starting a new job, so her
timing was impeccable. Where was itwas it laying out or did she like
open a safe? No? Ihappened to have it in my wallet because
I needed it for something and didn'ttake it out right when I got home.
She got my wallet somehow and theonly thing she shook out of there
and destroyed. How mad? Howlong were you able to stay mad at
her? Like a day? That'sa long time, actually long for a

dog. So but I would betoo. I'd be like, you got
to get online, you got togo do the government discussions and payments,
not me. Yeah, Hi,KTWB. Would your dog destroy? Oh
well, they didn't destroy anything,but I uh so I left them out
when my grandparents were out and Iwent to work and I had like,
so you know those chicken patties kindof like the Hamburger sized ones. So

I had like four or five ofthose on a plate over my bedroom and
I left for work and I cameback and yeah, the entire patties were
gone. The plate was broken.You have temptation out. Yeah, that's
not even on the dog, that'son you. I probably would have done
the same day, you know exactly, Just leave some ketchup out next time

and we're good. Well, thankyou for that. We appreciate you.
Hi, Katie w B. What'syour name? Lovely? All right,
so lovely, what did your dogdestroy? So my boyfriend's dog destroyed the
easter chocolate? No, first ofall, bad dog chocolate combo, but
also now what the easter buddy hasto go get some more candies. Yes,

And my boyfriend Min would always dresshim up or her up in like
Easter outfits and maybe he's just rebelling. Yeah, maybe it's like I don't
want to wear literally doing everything.He's like, I'd rather be in the
hospital. The bat do this,Yes, well, thank you for the
calls. One on one point threek d w B, Saliny Cults one

on one point three k d wB. I saw this on BuzzFeed and
I was like, I bet peoplehave stories about this because neither you nor
I are from Minnesota. Originally,we're both happy to live here or like,
I mean, you were despert tocome back. But I saw these
articles like what was your culture shockwhen moving to a different state? I

mean, this is just in thesame country, but to a different state.
I have one, and it's reallypositive. Okay, we'll get to
that. We're going to come back. We're going to do what your culture
shock moment was if you moved toMinnesota. I mean, I guess you
could share it if you move toanother state from Minnesota too. And we'll
read some of the ones on BuzzFeedand then get yours when we come back.
But first we got to play thebrand new Olivia Rodrigo Lovely Pep.

I was just as surprised as youare that that song is on a low
way, like, oh wait,what's my body doing? Just know it's
how to move to. This's someweird flashbacks when that song came. I'm
knowing mad about it all right.There's a BuzzFeed article and was unexpected culture
shock when you move to just likea different state. You're not going to
a different country. Of course,you go to a different country, you're
probably gonna have a culture shock.Yeah, when I came, when I

left Indiana, one thing that Iwas shocked about. And this was not
just here in Minnesota because I wentto Reno, Nevada. First, when
you order a tea at a restaurant, they bring you hot tea. And
in Indiana it's like southern Indiana.You order a tea that like you want
sweeter on sweeten because it's iced tea. Yeah, and you're like you might
go half and half, which meansthey gave you a little half a sweet
And if you said that here,they'd bring you half and half to put

in a highlight. Was like,does nobody half cold see here? And
there was like nope. And nowsome places, like I it's a southern
restaurant, they'll have it. Butthat was a culture shock to me.
Yeah, I think mom was howfit. Everybody was, oh good one
Like. I came here and Iwas like, cause where I grew up,
I was normal, maybe even aboveaverage. But then you come here

and it's like, oh, there'ssome competition. Everybody's outside and running before
I do pushups for no reason.There's biking, bikes are everywhere. It's
a very very active city, whichI like, you have to be active
here because it's so cold so oftenyou have to be hearty and just like
say, screw it, I haveto do things outside. Indiana shuts down,
shuts down for the winter. Thereare no trails, there's no hiking,

there are no sidewalks. They don'twant to encourage walking. It shut
down in the winter and the summer. It's all over every season. Well
it's really humid in the summer too, so you know. And I brought
a boyfriend home once and we atea Texas roadhouse. He's like that,
I'm gonna be all honest with you. I've never seen larger people in my
life than at you're in your hometown. I was like, that is so
rude, Like keep it to yourself. That was not family at that table.
First of all, this is myfamily, so rude. He's like,

I'm not just your family, itis, but you're looping them in.
It is true, like I dofeel pressure to be more active and
in shape. Yeah for sure.No, Yeah, that's very active community,
which is a good thing. Thistext made me laugh. I'm from
Chicago originally, so the f andturkeys are terrifying to me, Like they
just roam. We're on the cityhere, that's wild. And I read

that our quote read off the igo. It's true. I was an uptown
once and was waiting for coffee andoutside it was along line and the turkey
came up, and I was likeintimidated, like he was trying to line
cut. But I also was like, I don't want to lose my spot.
But I was also genuinely scared ofit. I don't want to beat
me up. Yeah, and they'rehuge too. They're like on steroids or

something. I don't know what's goingon everywhere, but it's basically like an
EMU from a from a distance.What is that? I don't want that
near me is gonna cut me,for sure. So what was your culture
shock when you moved to the TwinCities, or if you left Minnesota and
you went elsewhere, what was yourculture shock call a six five, one
nine eight nine kd WB. Soholding something like yourself scaling a colt one

a one point three KDWB. Soeither you moved to Minnesota from a different
state or you moved to a differentstate from the Twin Cities. There's culture
shock that can happen even within theUS. So did you move to the
Twin Cities? Actually, when Imoved to North Dakota for school, Oh,
what was the culture shock there?So this is an odd one.

But I was canning at the time. This is when tanning was cool.
I get it. Yeah, likeit wasn't last week maybe it was.
Yeah, But anyway, so whenI was sitting in North Dakota, they
actually have a person that puts onthe canning motion for you. Oh really

yeah, and that and maybe itwas there were three places a minute,
so it seemed like it was aculture Wait a minute, are you sure
you weren't throwing an extra like tenon top or no, I have no,
this is totally just is your wifenext to you and you're like,
I gotta tell you that it wasn'tme actually doing it? I have a
question. We're talking inner side,like you know, you get ready.

The only thing that was on meis the underwear. And then afterwards they
just left. So they put thelotion on you and then you can and
that was it. Be honest,be honest. How hot are you?
I mean, you don't have toask. My wife's right now. So
do you do you trap? Doyou travel back to North Dakota for time
time? No? No, Idon't. It was kind of a traumatic

ind I feel like those women weremessing with you and they're like, oh,
I'm gonna rub him down and tellthem this is what we do,
because it was not women that weredoing it. All right, Okay,
you got played at three different places. They sent your picture around at each
location. Should I be telling someonethat? I think? So, that's

not that's not good man. Iknow there's probably at least one person driving
around right now. It's like,I'll put some lotion on this guy.
Well, I guess it's on theradio, So come meet me behind Costco.
Thanks for the call, We appreciateit. No, take care.
Hey Rondes, you moved to theTwin Cities from Chicago, What was the

culture shock? Oh you're so yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone's trying to
raffle for that met. Yeah.I still tell my friends about it and
they don't believe me. I'm like, you have no idea. People buy
tickets to win me. RONDI,that is the perfect one. You're so

right. They did not even havethat Indiana, which is saying a lot.
I was like, you gotta bekidding me. Oh my gosh,
happened. I love it, Ronda, and I realized perfect one. Thank
you so much for sharing. Wegot Sam from Salt Lake City and he
moved here to the Twin Cities.What was the culture shock for you?
Sam? Yeah? So the cultureshot for me was liquor samples. Oh

like you walk around like assyrtics andyou get liquor samples here. Yeah,
Like walking into a liquor store andthey're like, you want to try this
tequila or this room or this whiskey. I've never seen that where you Where
can I go over? Yeah?If you go like a total wine whatever,
have a liquor store, liquor.It's very different coming from Salt Lake

City. I'm home. Almost hada bad work Salt Lake City. I'm
sure that was a big change.It was in Salt Lake City that is
extremely illegal. So when I wasat a liquor store, I was like,
this is pregame and for co downto certis Yeah, I mean I
feel like coffee after eleven am islike almost illegal Salt Lake City. That's

true. Yeah, the majority population, a lot of stuff is illegal there.
But yeah, well thank you forthat. That's beautiful. Thanks Sam.
We're gonna come back. We're gonnado trending on one on one point
three KDWB. Today's trending with Felonand Colt on one on one d w
B. All right, if you'relooking for a free movie, if you

have Amazon Prime. I've been seeingthis advertise so much. They're really pushing
the remake of Roadhouse. You're theoriginal Roadhouse I've seen ask out Jake John
Hall now Jehan McGregor. The mostamount of abs I've ever seen on a
human. It is like the picturethey're pushing around for Jake dealing Hall.
But if you are a swifty lugmyself, we know all too well.
Am I right, get it?Weink Jake steal in Hall. I don't

know, but anyway, it isnow on Prime Video. If you want
to check out the remake and judgeit what we love to do. We'd
love to judge a little remake action, especially if it's swifties as Yeah,
but if you want to go tothe box office weekend, the new Ghostbuster
sequel is out and also Immaculate,which is Sidney Sweeney's new movie where she's
a devout nun, which is theleast believable thing I've ever heard. It

is a horror flick, though,So whatever, I don't know. I
don't really, I don't know.It seems like such a sweet she did.
So she did Euphoria. Yes,she did the movie that flopped Madam
Webb. So she's done like fifteenvery explicit HBO show and White Lotus.
I like White Lotus, which wasanother explicit like HBO show. She did

a superhero movie into the biggest romof all time into well or she's really
doing everything horror film. It's almostlike Jennifer Lawrence. Actually that trajectory.
Oh yeah, maybe hopefully hers,because Jennifer Lawrence is I don't know what
she's doing, Lanling. She easyto get it together on my right,
says the person who doesn't make anyamount of money like Jennifer Lawrence and has

zero fame. Jajie mcjutterton over here. Also, let's see the big news
for sure today is Kate Middleton's announcement. We've talked about it in the pop
Culture Minute and in trending because itreally is probably the biggest trending story everyone
feels. I mean, even BlakeLively apologized because Blake Lively posted like a

joke about ah, we all havebad photoshop moments Kate, and then she
posted today, Yeah, I feellike crap now that I saw this video,
So I am really sorry. Notthat anyone cares what I did,
probably, but Kate Middleton announced thatshe has cancer, and here's a clip
from the video she released. AsI've said to them, I I'm well.
I'm getting stronger every day by focusingon the things that will help me

heal mind, body, and spirits. Having William by my side is a
great source of comfort and reassurance toas is a love of support and kindness
that has been shown by so manyof you. It means so much.
Trust both. We hope that you'llunderstand that as a family, we now

need some time, space and privacywhile I complete my treatment. And obviously
she said she's starting her chemotherapy andyeah, and I saw that Harry and
Megan released his statement and in supportof course, so very like just really
surprising news today. And hopefully shegoes through chemo very easily and she gets

to move past this. And thatis your turning. It's brought to you
by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery. You canfind them at MPSMN dot com. Salent,
So, how does it feel tobe single? I'm sorry what your
whole family abandoned you. They movedon without you. Salin Occult on one
A one point three katiewb. DidJake text you? Because my biggest spirit

that he leaves me and moves toa different country. It takes all my
money. I saw him on aflight which by the way, it wasn't
coach, No, it wasn't he. I was like, someone messaged me,
so Jake my husband. He's lovely. He took my daughter and my
step son on a ski trip becauseit's my step son's spring break. So
they're in a spring break trip.I'm not going. I don't ski,
I don't snowboards. I was like, I'll stay home, and uh,
he text me photos of them inthe most luxurious first class seats. He

goes, we got upgraded, andI'm like, of course you did.
I would I have never been upgraded. And someone take I know, and
one a woman messaged me he said, anytime my husband has traveled with my
kids, this has happened for himtoo. Someone else like, how do
you do it? I go,I think he did it because he's a
dad. That's anytime I have twotoddlers, and anytime I go outside without

my wife with the kids, it'slike people lay down the right carpet.
You're like, oh my god,praising me, like I can't believe it.
This is You're such a great father. He just walking you like wow,
give him everything free. He's ahero, my dad who's involved.
But I was like, you knowwhat, he does deserve it because that
is a lot of work to takeeven just a four year old. Look,

the sixteen year old is fine.The first class of four is crazy.
I was. I got first classupgrade one time and I was like
twenty two and they handed me ahot towel and I was like, what
do I do to this? Now? You use it for your face and
a greasy face, and I waslike end people out. I was like,
why can't I just like wipe iton my shirt or something, put
my wipe my hands on my pants. They're like, no, please,

like we revoke your upright, goback to the bathroom and the people who
pay for the first class can tellyou got upgraded to They're like, oh,
this person, yeah, he stinks, hasn't showered in three days.
I'm looking forward to just enjoying somequiet time to myself. Thank you for
asking, and then I'll cry myselfto sleep because I'm going to miss my
family. Well, I don't knowabout that, ad WB, I'm alone.

Hey, this is one on onepoint three Katwu a follon and colts
in the employee of the month.I know he's the employee of the year.
This is vonn has been pulling tripleduty. Like did you at least
go home for a little bit ofa nap today? Not a nap.
I went home watch TV eight lunchand then was like, I should probably
get back to work. I gotlike twenty one shows to do. Jenny's

been off, Vaugh's been filling inon the morning show to help out,
and then he comes back and hedoes the night show. And tonight you're
gonna be doing the night show.And guess what Colt and I are going
to do. What We're gonna goto MA of America. Please, I
don't want to hear it. Andwe're gonna ride their new mind. They
have a new ride. It doesfeel a little dirty that you're rubbing it
in. And we're gonna have likea nice dinner house. Your husband not

be a home. Why don't youjust go home and just be bored?
No, or hang out with me? Oh you guys, stay here,
have plans. Please ride. Hey, the new ride by the Way is
available tomorrow. It's like a grandopening of their new ride in Makekeloading Universe.
It's called AFA I believe it.I don't want to pronounce it wrong,
but it's a like a sky Bison. I don't know. I'm gonna

check it out tonight. I willpost a video or something. I'm so
excited. What are you doing tonight? Oh right, okay, just talking.
I have never ever been more tiredof hearing my own voice. And
it's just like we're getting roasted.What we did. We had you on
for some stuff. This happening andthere's texts like vont sleep and I'm like,
I'm not keeping We posted a videoon Instagram of us just being like

super just having a good time dancingagain. Was like, mud, I
hope they're paying him some extra spoileractually paying me half? No, no,
no, yeah, you woke meup from my nap. They came
like, no, don't you dare. I have a it's literally I have
a robe with my name embroidered init. Fancy you woke me up from

my nap in my comfy robe Andwas like, come be in this video.
The size in the prom Yeah,it's like a pillow and a comforter
and like a stuffed animal in there. I'm like, are you good it's
a pink penguin or I think it'sa Yeah, it is a bunny.
All right, well, BoNT areyou off tomorrow at least? No?
Oh, I feel so bad.Don't ask me what I got coming up,

because it's all they talking all day. It's just gonna be. We're
gonna be off the air. Andit's good because you fell asleep in here.
It's not even coming up, it'sjust happening. Okay, all right,
more fun? Yeah, perfect,Thanks for hanging out with us and
have a great weekend.
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