All Episodes

April 17, 2024 66 mins
Love is blind is happening thursday!!!!!
Falen was annoyed with Colt in an all staff meeting
Viral people and where they are today
Travis Kelce has a new game show?
Jenn is limiting Colt's spending after his terrible habits lead to him buying an emotional support potato

That and more on today's show :) love you!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Just announced that the state Fair tpain and ludicrous, so sick. I'm
like, that is like shout out. If you have ever booked in the
Minnesota State Fair, many kisses sentyour way. I literally asked, I
said, can I do a stageintro? Know? They said you could
be there. They didn't say yeahin the back row. Hey, listen,

we have actually bigger issues that wecan talk about. Why I will
never sit next to you in anotherstaff meeting, we had an all staff
meeting why I will never sit nextto Colt? And another all staff meeting
we come back on Katie w B. Okay, let's do that. Yeah,
Stalin and Colt's one to one pointthree kd w B. We had
an all staff meeting today eleven thirty. I'm going to send a note about

how highly inconvenient that is for ourschedules. We even know about it till
I saw somebody. I'm off thoseemails because I don't know. I'm not
trusted yet. I don't know.I've been killing time for like two hours,
just bothering other people. Not thepoint of the story. Colt sits
next to me at the meeting,and when I tell you, it is
the first and last time he's allowedto sit next to me in the meeting.

Can I guess what I was doing? No, I'm just gonna tell
you. I'm gonna rip the bandaid off. Colt is a nose breather,
and you know what I mean,He's the kind of person. It's
like, it was so I can'teven do it. I literally have tried
to give an example to Jenny earlierbecause it was so loud. It's like
when someone is out of breath andthey're trying to presud like they aren't,

so they keep their mouth closed,but their nose is still breathing really heavily.
Okay. I looked aside, andI looked at you, like,
if you heavily, if you goback on the podcast batting the Colts,
you can hear me throughout the showcoughing, sniffling. I have a mucus
issue. There was no like itwas like a but is what I'm saying.

So how would it not be youcan't let me Rebuttal want me to
give you another chance when you've clearedup. Yeah, I don't know why
because we're about to hit allergy season. But like sometimes it worked, maybe
in like June maybe. I don'tthink so. I think the winter,
I don't know, we'll find out. Well, thanks for that. That

was cool. So viral people fromthe past and where they are now breathing?
Do you remember Zoe Roth might notring any bells the name, but
on Saturday morning two thousand and five, when she was four, her family
went to look at a house firein the neighborhood. What her father took

a photo asked her to smile.She is the girl with the knowing look
in her eyes, the devilish smirklooking out the camera, the house off
fire behind her. I've seen thatmeme. Okay, so what happened to
her? How old is she now? Just graduated college? She sold the
meme him as an NFT for fivehundred thousand dollars. That's actually not that

much. I thought it'd be somuch more than that. Okay, those
nose breathers make a lot less thanyou dang money bags from here. I
don't know. I mean, that'slike her one claim to fame, and
she sold it well, and thenshe paid off her student loans and then
gave the rest of charity. SoI think maybe she's from a rich family,
probably, or maybe got a gooddegree and she has a good job
a little bit, you know,Double Rainbow Guy history ends tragically. He

made a lot of money off this, Unlike Zoe. He got a Microsoft
deal for millions, bought a houseten minutes away from Yosemite. Great spot
passed away. Oh in twenty twentyat fifty seven, Oh theful from COVID.
Oh God, bad story. Butthis lady got Brooke get it.

Everybody can tempt it. Comfortable.May have found someone who didn't r I
P you do seriously talking about theDouble Rainbow Guy dying and you went to
this. Okay, So anyways,sweet sweet Brown. She was in local

television commercials, a Tyler Perry movieokay, a celebrity spokesperson, a will
I Am music video, and thenlaunch Drown Barbecue Sauce company. Yes,
talking sweet Brown. All right,Oh my god. Somebody was like,
so what did you do with allthis money? And she said, I'm
saving it. I still live inthe hotel that burnt or the hotel slash

apartment that burned down from that videovideo had some renovations. Good for her.
That's smart. When you save yourmoney a little bit, you don't
just go blow it all and thenyou went up back in the but she
never left. Okay, it doesn'tmatter for her. And other than that,
we have a j R tickets wedo. It's two pair Tuesdays.
You don't get one, you gettwo pair of tickets for their show tomorrow

at Excel and I'm gonna go getsome breathewright nose trips and order some one
Amazon hates fallin when you've been injured, you know, finding a lawyer that
could be intimidating. I think Iwould have a difficult time. I'm you
know, looking for reuse googling,but you could just look up and see
billboards everywhere. My friend Russell withNicolay Law, that's who you want to

call if you've been injured. They'lltake on your case. They're gonna make
sure the insurance companies pay and they'reall over offices throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Give Russell a call one eight fivefive N I C O L E T.
Or find them online Nicolay Law dotcom dot com and it is two

pair Tuesday on one on one pointthree katiew B. We have three chances
for you to win two pairs oftickets to see a j R. Brown
Night, Good, Big Bang.Well, I love how the like they
tell you how a song was written. So when that guy was like,
uh, here we go. It'sthe guy who does all of the subway

voicing in New York City and they'dheard that their whole lives, like now,
we'd never get him. And he'slike, y'all do it? No
what but they tell you he doesn'thave much going on. It's got a
lot of voice work to do.But if you'd like to win, and
who wouldn't to see him tomorrow?And I at at Excel the Colored ten
six five, one, nine eightnine, Katie w B. Again it's
two pair, which means you getfour tickets to you. Yes, it's

kd WB. So we do thisthing called two pair Tuesdays. I'm on
a one point three ktw a PohnainColt giving away two pair of A JR.
Tickets win. What's your name?Yeah? Oh my god, Jeff
your collar ten. Yeah, we'reso proud of you, Jeff. What

are you doing? It sounds yourdrive somewhere right now? I am driving
back to get to my second partof my shift at work. Oh you
need a day off? Yeah,we can't offer you that, Jeff,
but we can get you four ticketsto AJR tomorrow night. Congratulations so much,
You're so welcome. Your next chanceto win is coming up at three

twenty two pair Tuesday for AJAR onkatiew It's the pop Culture Minute with Selan
and Colt on one on one pointthree JDWB, Cold and I have been
by the way. It's brought toyou by Ovo Lasig and Lenz. Find
them at ov oi dot com.Cold and I have been on the edge
of our seat. We want toknow what happened with Gypsy Rose and her

husband Ryan. Why did they split? Well, we finally have about our
look into why a righty, Idon't even know. Apparently they had a
major fight about his food hoarding beforethey split up. Why they shared a
two bedroom apartment so not a toennof space and a allegedly Ryan collects and

keep food items in bulk and shewas wait, wait, wait, like
okay, so actual food not justlike replicas or like no the tricks,
Bunny are like actual yeah no,so basically he just maybe he goes to
Costco a lot. I'm not sure, but either way it's not How much

food are you hoarding to where youget you and a relationship. None of
your business. It's got me alot, right, He's like a warehouse.
Listen, it's a two bedroom apartment, so it could have been like
some people look when they're hoarding,there's like one little path to one area
and that's it. I've watched theshow Hoarders and it's not great. That's
terrifying. Travis Kelcey basically has officiallyconfirmed he will be hosting Are You Smarter

Than a Celebrity? Yeah, soit's not a fifth Grader, it's Are
You Smarter Than a Celebrity? WhichI think is that would be really fun.
Prime Video announced the show will bea spin off of Are You Smarter
Than a Fifth Grader, and Kelseysaid in a statement he's pumped to be
the mic man for it, whichhell yeah he is, because you know
he loves He said quote, Igrew up loving game shows, and I'm

excited to be following in the footstepsof so many TV icons by hosting my
very first one with Are You SmarterThan the Celebrity? You know, these
are going to be like C listcelebrities to get them on this show,
probably, I don't care. Ithink he has. He and his brother
both have great charisma. Oh yeah, so I think he'll probably be actually
pretty good in that. Yeah.And speaking of Roll, Katy Perry is

leaving American Idols. She announced thatbecause she wants to focus on music and
stuff, but she suggested Jelly Rollwould make a great replacement for her,
And I think that's right. Ithink he would be really great. She
said he was crazy when he cameon the show, and he would be
really great to replace her. Notbad one time? Yeah, what was
that? Like? How did youguys hang out? Let me tell you.

I hung out with him for likefive minutes. Yeah, and I
think I will hang out there.I think I still have a contact from
that. Really, just being byhim for like five minutes. You can
you can smell if I'm down thestreet. Really. Yeah, I guess
I didn't know that about them,but I guess I'm not surprised to hear
that about any celebrity anymore. Soit's all about it. Okay, Well,
congratulations, we're going to come back. I'll mean, yeah, in

your meetings. Yeah, we're gonnacome back, and we're gonna do anyone
listening here and don't forget. We'repaying your bills soon. On KDWB one
on one point three katiewb with Fallonand Colt. Anybody listening who listen,
this is like especially the day whateveryone's just like they're not feeling like doing

anything. It's a rainy it's sogross. But this is when we need
you most. You gotta pull yeahto prove you listen in the two o'clock
hour. Anybody listening who had bracesforever? You know that one friend You're
like, oh my god, you'vehad them on for thirteen years? What
is going on? Like? Yeah, I had this one tooth. It's
like it would never I thought aboutgetting brake because we were too poor for

braces. Same so I thought aboutgetting it like two years ago. There,
Like, you don't have to keepthese on for like six years?
Okay? Anybody listening who had bracesforever? Cleans houses and that's mostly me
being nosy to know what kind ofweird stuff you've found and if I don't
want anything, oh so could becan we also do can we lump this

in maybe not clean's hotel rooms,because there's some things that have been found.
I feel like everybody else I don'tknow that I want to hear about
the hotel or anybody listening who hasa weird toenail. I'm sorry, I'm
gonna call it. My friend Kimberlyhas one. She got in a horrific
bicycle while we were Oh so it'snot even like laughing at her bicycle accident.

She doesn't care anymore that there's nolike insecurity about it. She'll go
to the nail salon and she's likethat toenail, it's like it's like a
toothpick toenail. It's like the sizeof a toothpick growing. It's like very
thin, oh much thinner than heractual nail bed. It was black for
many years I think got it felloff. Yeah, so anyway, a
couple of people with I know acouple of people with jaundice toenails, like

somehow they're just yellow. I don'tknow how that happens. They need's that
exposure and they're probably missing something importantnutrient in their life. Anybody listening who
had braces forever, cleans houses,or has a weird toenail give us a
call six five one nine eight nineKDEWB. And we're just a few minutes
away from your keyword that you'll enteron our website to one one thousand dollars

Ballon and Cults one of one pointthree KATWB. Want to get right into
this, You got to you gottago to KDWB dot com. Like right
now, we've listen, I'm alittle salty. The morning show's already had
two thousand dollars winners. We juststarted yesterday, two thousand dollars winners.
Here in afternoons zero thousand dollars winners. And I'm not saying it's Fallin's fault,
but it's Scotty somebody's fault. There'sa theme. It's me. We

want you to win you piece forone thousand dollars with anything, but you
have to use this keyword at kdewbdot com right now. Here is your
keyword to win one on one playone on one point three katiew B with
Fallon and Cult one more time.Your keyword is when wi n at kadiw

dot com your chance to one onethousand dollars. Anybody listening who here are
categories today? Anybody listening who hadbraces forever, cleans houses, or has
a weird no nail and we'll kickit off with cleaning houses. So what
kind of weird stuff did you find? Some very interesting things? Tell us
all about it. What'd you findso well as a normal like teenagers leaving

dirty condoms ins? Oh wait what? And then I went to wait a
minute, so they know what cleaneris coming over and they just don't take
care of it themselves. Yeah,I got a better one. I went
to a house one time and theymust have a collection of pictures of each

other, and they were all ontheir digital photograms photo screaming replane over and
over all the the pictures. Ohno, you're like, I need a
tip, I need to raise something. I didn't sign up for that,
I mean, depending on who youare. Then when they came home and
realized it was on, or maybethey left it on on purpose, I

don't know, maybe that was likea subtle sign they're into you, they're
fishing for a third I don't knowwho knows. Well, thank you for
that. That's crazy. Thanks IKatie W b Hie. I was just
calling about one of the three things, which one cleaning houses. What's the
what's your name? And what's theweirdest thing you found? Kayla and it's
not weird. It's just that Ihad to wear white gloves cleaning their glass.

That was their rule. Yeah.Oh no, they sound like somebody
who attext you you missed the spot. It's like one spec it was.
It was like they have this likefancy lamp from Japan, and it was
like, don't sleep or mop tooclose to it. Oh and that would
only make me want to sweep andmop super close to it. So did

you have did you have TI?Did you have to fire them as clients
because that's too much? No,I actually still do it. I only
clean glass like once search twice ayear, so it's not terrible. But
they're just super picky. I guessI mean money. Maybe I'd be picky
too. You said your pan right, Yeah no, they pay good.

Okay, well then keep that keepthat client. Then thank you for the
call. Thanks Kayla, Hi,katiewb Are they're calling about the weird toenails,
get one tell us about it.Yeah. So, quite a long
time ago, I had a prettynasty mursa infection in my right big toe

and spent eleven weeks in the hospital. They removed my toenail, drilled a
couple holes to drain the infection,and I was not supposed to have a
toenail back and loaned behold. Acouple of weeks later, I grew a
toenails. Yeah, you're magical,dude. You got some sort of help
in you or something. Oh man, got the dog in me? Oh

you want that dog? Yeah,dude, that's a great story. Does
it look normal? Oh no,it looks the vampire cor Do you feel
like more connected with your right toethan your stupid left toe? Oh dude,
you wouldn't even believe it. Fastease. Oh man, thanks for

sharing. That was that's great.Thank you. Oh my gosh. One
to one point three kg WB withBalan and Cole. It is a big
day. We're giving Way one thousanddollars every hour on the fifties casual.
We're giving away two pair of AJRtickets. Come up at three twenty and

four twenty. Cole puts his hoodiearound his headphones and it makes his head
look like a massive alien. It'sso mad. It's like a dunky spot
for me out. And also Cult'swife doesn't trust him, but that's not
surprising, and that isn't And we'regoing to come back and we're going to
address that. It's basically our formof couples therapy. Thank you. Without

hearing your wife's side of it.I'm on her side, saw me.
I told you that when we comeback, it's beautiful. When your significant
other says, hey, we needto have a talk. You never know
it's going to come next. Itcould be anything. It's one on one
point three ktew A Fountain Cults.My head was racing, like, oh

God, did she finally realize shecould do better? She leaving me?
Did she realize you're a nose breatherand that's a deal breaker because I realized
you are a nose breather today?Does she want to just why do you
guys keep saying that like trying todo things and get past it. Oh
right, okay bringing it up.So, was this like when the kids
go to sleep tonight we need totalk or was this like a first thing

in the morning, Like you couldtell she'd been thinking about it all night
and it was stewing. It wasstewing, and we're having coffee and we're
sitting at the kitchen table, thekids are doing the thing, and she
says we need to talk. Thenshe says, I was listening to my
favorite show, Found a Cult yesterday. She didn't say that, did she,

And you guys are doing an Amazonaudit. We did do an Amazon
audit yesterday. It was in thefive o'clock hour for tax Day, where
we each had to reveal everything we'dpurchased in the month of March and our
totals spend on Amazon. And Ihad like normal things like a camera,
pot three possum, moon, hovelingshirt, appointment co worker today and our
all staff meeting goes cult. Iheard you say you bought a what was

it potato? What was emotional orpotato? And she's like, I was
judging you, And I said,I hope your wife didn't hear she did.
She did here, So then shehas now given me a spending limit.
So anytime I need to purchase anythingover this amount, what's them,
I have to call her and getapproval ten dollars. Everything is over ten

dollars. No, I got toget a foot long. I got Jake's
mouth tape for under ten, Igot my I just bought tights for Olive
dance under ten dollars. Yeah,but like eighty five percent of stuff I'm
gonna have to call my wife.Well, maybe that's the issue in general.
Maybe you were just clearly if youbought an emotional support potato, you're

getting fast and loose with your spending. Baby, Dude, that are therapy?
Which one do you want? Therapywould definitely be therapy. When I
got my potatoes and I said thefries because there was also emotional support fries,
and I did end up getting those. I think I would have gotten
fries because I like fries better.So anyway, you have to every single
time before you make any purchase.Yeah, anything, And I'm gonna be

dramatic about it. I'm like,I'm getting gas. You want to go
over ten dollars or check out acostco? Is this cool? You're petty?
And I would do the exact samething. Do you know what what
happens in my household? Stopping aphoto? Can I fill it up or
not? Okay? Cool? Thisis what I do with Jake out of

nowhere. It'll be like a randomday. I start looking at because most
times, most of the time Idon't look at our credit card statements.
But then I'll start being saying,oh, that's that's more than normal.
And I'll start going through and I'llquestion the three things out of the eight
hundred purchase the three things Jake thoughtAnd I'm like, did you need to
spend eighty dollars at shields? AndHe'll be like, I don't think that's

why our bill is like one thousanddollars. It's because of this launch out
in And then I'll be like,that's not what I asked, and he'll
say, you do realize the majorityof the items on that are yours and
you're just picking out like three thingsI purchased, And I'm like, I
don't know what your point is.See, I wish I could be Jake
in this, but I'm not.I am you are. I'm yes,

I need to be accountable for myactions. And it's annoying. Are you
allowed to what? I wonder whather qualifications will be for her to approve
your item? I do. She'snot gonna prove anything. All the stuff
I buy is stupid. You're notgonna prove anything. Oh, by the
way, one thing you don't haveto bube. Don't call them a transition

king for nothing. What it isit is transition tuesday two pair tuesday.
Oh that's right, wrong name.Two pair Tuesday on Katie w B.
Which cold and I've been in heresweat and we have one of those little
a visors on doing the math.That's four tickets. Four tickets you see

a j R. I have abachelor's degree. What it four tickets to
see a j r? Tomorrow atExcel. We're gonna give those away when
we come back at three twenty ishon Katie w B. This is the
fact hate fallin when you've been injured, you know, finding a that could
be intimidating. I think I wouldhave a difficult time. I'm you know,
looking for reuse googling, but youcould just look up and see billboards

everywhere. My friend Russell with NicolayLaw, that's who you want to call
if you've been injured. They'll takeon your case. They're going to make
sure the insurance companies pay and they'reall over offices throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Give Russell a call one eight fivefive N I C O L E T.
Or find them online Nicolay Law dotcom. Play all right here we

go. Phones are already lighting up. People know what time it is.
It is two pair Tuesday on KDWByour chance right now to an AJR tickets
for tomorrow night. Yeah, yougotta beeoble to go to the concert tomorrow
night. Four tickets are going toWhat color cult you pick? It's a
lot of pressure. Let's see.Let's do one we have never done before.
Ten Okay, let's do call her? Ten okay basic six, five,

one nine eight nine kd w B. Today's trending with Felon and colt
on one on one point two andit's brought to you by nicolay Law dot
com. Big announcement made today thatis hyping everyone. New grand Stand announcement
for the State Fair Luna and tPain and the Grand fand My God August

twenty seventh. Baby, I normallywould never be out on a Tuesday night,
Mighty look out. No one askedhow do we get backstage? How
do we get on stage? Howdo we become a part of it?
I don't think they want me backstagebecause I would be a little too excited.
This is crazy. But Nike,they're getting some heat because they released

the US women's Olympic track and fieldoutfits. They're ridiculous. They are They're
like, they look like bathing suitslike so not like little shorts and they're
high cut, and one of theathletes actually wrote, wait, my huha's
gonna be out And it's not evenfunny. They're getting like a lot of
flat because it's like, why wouldyou design it like this? That's not

the it's actually way too skimpy.There really is chance of like things being
revealed, and it's like very inappropriatebecause no other country is going to have
that much showing for their athletes.So it's kind of like, what were
you thinking, Nike. I don'tknow. It's getting such a flack that
maybe they'll change them. I'm notsure. Can I pull it off?
Yeah, it's a very small stripdown the steeah oh yeah yes. Also

I really did it no surprise.Everyone knew Caitlin Clark was going to be
the first round pick and shout outshe's playing for India. Yeah, but
I'm so annoyed. I'm annoying anywaybecause she like I went on there and
it was like her first year,seventy six thousand dollars. I'm like,
she, I feel like she deservesa lot more than that, right,

But she's gonna that only think that'swhere they make their money. They make
their money from their endorsements, andshe'll get so she'll be like the face
of everything. She looked the firstw NBA athlete. I think they like
Guccie or someone dressed she is.Maybe she's the person that changes the salary
stuff. I don't know. Maybemaybe we'll see. All right, we're
gonna get our caller ten. Ithink we have them on the phone.
Hello, KATIEWB. Who's this Cravis? Did you say Cravis or Travis?

Why would you say Gravis is obviouslyTravis. You think Gravis? You think
there's a Gravis calling us? Igotta be honest. Together, you talked
to Cravis. I got some newsfor you. But you're going to A
j R. Okay, Cravis?That woo? What in the hell?

What's that? I love you somuch. I think I watch too much,
too many Kardashian episodes. Because it'sCourtney and Travis. Their couple name
is Cravis. I think that's whathappened. Yeah, anyway, A j
R. They're in town tomorrow night. You're going to have four tickets.
Travis. Congrats, we have anotherpair or sorry, be four more?
So two pair coming up. Ihad four twenty on kdn't have June June

Fallon and Cult on one oh onepoint three KDWB. We are just a
few minutes away from your chance towhat one thousand dollars cash, So we'll
get you your keyword that you enterat KDIWB dot com. Again. That's
in a few minutes, but rightnow we're going to do our after school
Pop Quiz, your chance to wintickets to Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of
America. We ask you some kindof like school level trivia questions and if

you win, you get the passes. If you want to play the game,
call right now six five, one, nine, eight nine kd WB
The after School Pop Quiz on oneoh one point three with Fallon and Colt.

Today we have Bailey from Prescott,Wisconsin playing and Joey from Egan.
I'll ask you some trivia questions.If you know the answer, you chime
in with your name the first totwo. When's Nickelodeon Universe passes? Are
you ready? Yeah? All right, Joey's ready. We just lost Bailey
though, so new contestant. What'syour name? What happened? I'm not

sure? Hi? Who's this Hi, this is am Amy. Yep,
okay, Amy, where are youcalling from. I'm going from Farmington,
Minnesota. All right, Amy,If you know the answer, chime in
with your name. Okay, herewe go. Question number one, what
ocean is between California and Hawaii?Joey, Yes, Joey specific. That's

correct, Joey, Joey. Questionnumber two, which vegetable is believed to
help you see better? Joey,yes, Joey herek that is correct.
Amy. You We're so close withthat one. But Joey got in right
there, which means Joey quickly dominatedtoday. Thanks for playing, Amy,

But Joey, you get the NickelodeonUniverse passes. Congratulations. You're so welcome.
Hold on one second, we'll grabyour info. We're gonna do justin
bieber, and then right after Bieber, we have your keyword, your chance
to win one thousand dollars. Wehad a winter this morning, Emily.
We want to do it again thisafternoon. Hey, in case you missed

it, it's one on one pointthree KATIEWB. Your keyword was bank b
A n K. Go into thatat KADIWB dot com. You only have
a few minutes to do that.Because then it only works up until four
o'clock and then new keyword next hour. We did Love is Blind a little
while ago. We have our newcontestant on so Andrew, how are you?
We're good are So? We didthis experiment in studio about a month

ago, Love is Blind, andit was with a guy named Richard,
and we have three lovely women comein and we hid Richard in like a
spare studio, and all the girlswere in the main studio with us,
and it was almost like speed dating, and then he had to pick a
girl at the end. And sothey were in their like kind of early
twenties, and everyone's like, yougot to do it again, but you
have to do it for people intheir thirties. So we decided to start

like looking for people in their thirtiesagain. And as it always happens,
Andrew, I get one million dmsfrom women and then very few from men.
That's how it always works, iswhy. That's the only reason we
do one guy in three girls,because it's easier to get girls for some
reason. But I got a messagefrom you and I was like, Andrew
looked like such a nice cute guy. Let's have him in so, Andrew,

you are going to be our contestant. I guess if you want to
look at it like that for ournext in studio experiment of Love is Blind,
are you nervous, are you excited? What are you thinking? Above?
Well, tell us a little bitabout yourself, like what are you
into? What are you not into? I would say I'm into somebody who's

active. I definitely like going onhikes, whether it be here on the
Cities or up on the North Shore. I always have something going on.
I'm never one to sit at home. I definitely have my days, but
I'm always doing something. So Idefinitely want somebody who's got more of an
active lifestyle or can live life onthe go and not necessarily live life on

the go, but just not justsit around and do nothing waiting for something
I have for an adventure. Yeah, what are so? I did see
because we're not allowed to talk aboutwhat you look like because love is Blind,
But I did see that you.I don't know if you have your
own dog, but you walk dogsor you like dogs. I pets that
I have all own side hustle ofpet sitting, so I hang out with

dog all the time. Just aboutit it's just not every other week or
week that I'm pet sitting somebody.Jenny on the Morning Show, that's her
side hustle too. She does likepet sitting, so I know that she
loves doing because she loves dogs.And one of the women that we have
set up, she I asked whather deal breakers were and she said,
someone who doesn't like dogs, that'sa deal breaker. So I was like,
in my mind, I thought,well, Andrew will be good like

dogs, so that will be good. Well, we're gonna do this on
Thursday, Andrew, and I don'tghost this, Okay, you promise you
won't ghost us. You're going toshow up and see who's park and do
this. Okay, perfect, Well, we will see you on Thursday,
and we'll get our ladies in hereand we'll see if we can cast out.
The theory is love blind, doit? I have faith this time.

I think it's going to work withone on one point three Katie w
b Okay, it's a lot ofthings. We have more prizes than the
amount of water falling from the skycurrently. I won a one point three
katiew a fountain Colts first two.I'm exhausted. I don't I don't have
the energy for another prize. Imean, we have to do it's not

like we do. You got todo it, I'm too Okay, Well,
I have is two pair of Tuesdays, two pair of tickets to aj
R. Will do that. Youhave four to twenty. We're gonna pay
your bills. Get you one thousanddollars A four point fifty and everybody's favorite
segment promo director ten in the building. Hello, Hello, back for another

round of clip quiz when we comeback on straight it's clip quiz on kd
WB. All right, we gotthree clips, a show movie song,

all correlating in one year. Youget the guests each whoever has the most
points wins. All right, allright, get it straight to it now.
The past couple of weeks been verydisappointing. You haven't brought your game.
Yeah, side note fed That meanscult can't be a part of the
conversation because it's a sign note betweenyou and I. Okay, he keeps

acting like it's us, even thoughyou've consistently been great at this game for
like eight plus months. And thenhe came in and we are the problem,
not his hosting. Yep, that'shilario. Now continue again? Okay,
cool? All right, so Fallin, you cannot go first because of
things, and I will volunteer togo first today. Okay, So your

show is what are you talking about? I was told we were doing this
together. What did you not getmy message? What about this morning?
Then? When you glanced at thecall she did you see my name on
it? When I wasn't in hairand makeup? Didn't that seem strange?
When the dressing room had only yourname on the door? What did you
think they just forgot? I wastold you were running late and they asked
me to do some test shots first. Blair. They told me you wanted
me here, and you believe them. I heard Blair and I think Blair

is a part of Gossip Girl.Good why'd you leave that? Kid?
Oh? Hot, start, hot, start? All right? Very happy
about this? Okay? Your movie? How old are you? Twenty two?
You certainly are. That'll be eightydollars. This is the modern comedy

classic super Bad. Do you justneed a little motivational speech, some kind
of like rotten tomato score or something. It's rated the funniest comedy of all
time. Isn't that so random?It is really I could see it.
It's pretty good, universally loved,pretty awesome. Okay, and then your

song thinking treating you this way becauseI've been not get it? That's a
enough fuck could escape The Great Escapeby Gwen Stefani. Oh shoot, your

sweetest sweet escape. The Great Escapewas by that emo band, wasn't it.
You guyn't know what I'm talking about? Yes, there you go.
Yep. So which year did theseall fall? Under? My gut is
saying two thousand and seven. I'lltrust that gut ted that gut. I'm

so upset. That was such aperfect category for me. That was almost
perfect for me too. I'll beall war movies, in shows, blue
bloods. Okay, some math Millersong I've never heard guaranteed, Here we
go. My cousin made this songin twenty fourteen. All right, so

here is my year? No,here is your TV show? So why
did you bring me with you?Well, you're not the worst company in
the world, Lena. You shouldgive yourself more credita seriously, nice Elena
gave it to me all right,and your movie we have a reservation under

doctor Frank. Okay, let melook that up for you. Doctor price,
Stu, you're a dentist. Hey, don't try and get fancy.
It's not fancy if it's true.Oh, I know what this is and
I can't think of it. Youdon't, don't, don't ask any questions.
I know, I know. I'mpretty sure the guy in that clip

is at Helms. And I don'tknow what the name of the movie is,
so i'm gonna call it THEA reallythink about it, I'm gonna call
it Hollo Pasks. I don't knowwhat it is. Hangover, it was
hangover, okay, the Hangover andyour songs on the back of your hands,
wash them in the bathroom like fansand set list list you stole off

the stage read and purple lipstick allover the page. Prusis literally my least
favorite band ever. It's three Othree. They're the worst human mens.
Really. I think maybe I hadtheir time. Yeah, an a hole,
the terrible people. The one timeI met them, they were a

little jerks. I'm sure I copon off day. It was like a
huge thing that I canceled for andI didn't know, but it was just
you. No, it's personal,it was personal. I was bowling.
This is a this is a casualdrop bowling with them, Cobra starship and
gym class heroes, and they werelittle turds and I didn't like them.
Yeah, it was a radio dope. It was super dope. I don't
read it about oh wow, littledone. Okay, I uh this kiss

it's like, uh kissed the kissedme. Oh, I don't know how
I don't know that is. Don'ttrust me, don't trust me. I
don't trust them because they're horrible people. But haven't mentioned that lately. Well,
you still have a chance to getanother point. What year did these
all happen in. Uh, It'slike I think it's gonna be like two
thousand and ten or eleven, SoI'm gonna say two thousand and ten,

two thousand and nine. Mary,Okay, you kill it all right,
you still got a chance to comeback. Not really do Part two next
on k d W Boo, it'sCliff Quiz on kd WV. We do
have a JR tickets two pair Tuesdaysright after Cliff Quiz. So if you're

like, oh God, I wantto go to HR gonna be at XL
so I'll go. We got youafter we see Ted win. Probably maybe
let's go you don't go anywhere.We're gonna play this round two and then
like literally after ten wins, we'llgive them away. Ted's up three,
fall and one. We have aclip from a show, movie, and
a song, all correlating in thesame year. Ted, howdy do you

know this show? Oh stuck?I was grievously sorry to hear of your
troubles on the King's Road. Weare all praying for Prince Jeoffrey's full recovery.
Why don't you just hand them ascript with the title of the show
on the top of it. Iactually got nothing for this except for maybe

a Game of Thrones? Is itreally Game of Thrones? But let's goad.
My brother likes this show, andthe rest of America catered a category
for me and gave it to Sad. I actually did, because you would
one know this movie oh very much? You could stop it there. I

know was probably just tight from thepart you got food poisoning from that restaurant,
Oh bridesid, I had the samething. I've been. It's just
so good. You probably know this. Oh you to tonight I'm loving you

by enriqueis excuse me? I'll giveit to you no happy, Well,
it kind of is because it's tonight. Parentheses. I'm loving you parentheses,
so I'm not trying to say anexpletive on the radio. Also, can
I make a request during my songyou don't dance? Because I think it
was not fair that I had tosit through you chest thrusting during that song

called I power through. I stayedmentally strong even though you were pop locking
and dropping. I was, Iguess some pardio. Eventually, all right,
so this is your show fouling goodluck? Oh yeah, I mean,
I guess it doesn't matter. ButTed, what is your year?
You know? Actually I'm not toosure. I'm gonna go two thousand and
eight. Hmmm, eleven eleven.Finally your smack talk is immaculated. I

know, come on, really,I'm a few minutes later, you're gonna
call me out in front of everyone. Good idea, everyone round, fall
out broad in front of you neverwatched the show? I didn't. I
didn't know why I was expecting youto not know that. I don't know.
How did you say, oh,girls don't watch shows about cop stuff,

just like you always off stereotypes cult. All right, here we go,
and I'm gonna dial themselves. Okay, without you, they're just worthless
hunks of plastic, like a loadedM sixteen without a train marine to pull
the trigger. And in the caseof the telephone, it's up to each

and every one of you, myhighly trained stratonites, my kills, Mike
killers, who will not take nofurn answer, no idea. I'm not
even gonna guess in the world streetew why would you give me that movie?
I'm running out movies? Click quizAnny Leonardo dicapri movie other than was

eating Gilbert Grape and I've never seenReally he doesn't do rom com, he
doesn't do any like he's his movies. You're kind of missing out. Oh
trust me, Jake probably just orgassomebody listening list of him. He loves
him so much. All right,well your song is I used to five
my tongue and wore Katy Perry,thank you? All right? Wow,

this is a close game. Sotwenty twelve, Oh yeah, I forgot
the year. You want to changeit? Glad to change it? Yeah?
Yeah, okay, twenty thirteen,okay, wow, all right,
well you're not too far off.Four to six Ted taking the big old
w all right, back to backwins. We'll see howse categories goes on

Friday. Oh and tomorrow we're doingsomething new at like three fifty called our
Ted Talk, and Ted's going inon something that's been this is this is
where Ted might get canceled or younever know what's gonna happen. I'm about
that polarizing. I think this oneactually he'll he has a good point on
but you'll hear it at three fiftytomorrow. But now it is time for
two pair Tuesday, your chance toget those A Jr. Tickets. You

get two pairs, so four total. That's pretty that's pretty lit. That
some college algebra right there. Yes, yes, yes, even though my
teacher called us, his name wasmister FOUTSI called us Foutsy's failures because we
all stopped all yeah, there weremotivating a lot wrong about that. You're
kind of a foutcy'st failure. Atclip Quiz, I literally won like two

weeks in a row, and nowTed has it. You didn't ever come
in with this kind of positive energyfor me when I was on my wedding
street. Go to caller ten rightnow, six, five, one,
nine, eight nine. Katie W. B. Are you grabbing collar?
Ten? Yeah? Hello, Kat, you did what's your name? Yay?

Wow, you did it? Congratso much? Are you crying your
name such a long time? Soexcited? Oh my gosh, so happy
for you. Me too, You'regonna make me cry. Hey. Whatever
you're going through, it's gonna getbetter and you're gonna have a great time

at the show tomorrow night. Okay, thank you so much. You're so
welcome. Hold on one second,we'll grab your info. Congratulations, Stalin
and Colts on one oh one pointthree kd w B. We got an
email from a woman and she hadher friends over the other week and her

kid said something in front of theneighbors to her and she kind of laughed
it off, but it's been botheringher ever since, and we're gonna get
her on the phone. We're gonnatalk to her about it and hopefully help
r. I get her a littleadvice because I think it's something that would
weigh on me too. But we'lldo it when we come back on KDWB
and get Salent and Colts on oneoh one point three kd WB. We

got an email from Ashley and shesaid that she something happened the other day
with her. I think it wasyour son, you said, Ashley,
And it's really been bothering you andweighing on your mind. So I'll let
you share what happened and maybe wecan help you out and get you a
little advice. Yeah, so thanksso much for the call. But basically,
we were having people over to ourhouse the other weekend and you know,

parents and kids in the whole thing. Parents were in one room,
kids were playing in the other kindof you know, going crazy, just
being kids, all that good stuff. And one of the moms basically comes
over to me and is like,hey, I'm so sorry, but I
think I traumatized your son. Okay, I like what why? What what

happened? And I'm like kind ofbrafing for like, oh god, you
know what happened. And she's like, well, I'm sorry, like my
husband kids in front of the kids, and she said that my son was
like, oh my god, daddynever kisses mommy. And she like laughed
it off when she told me andwas like, you know, kind of

sort of jokingly like apologizing, likeha ha, sorry you think I traumatized
him. But meanwhile, like Iwas laughing, but I'm sitting here going,
oh my god, this is likebad, this is awful, just
like I've embarrassed. I was sortof sad. And I also don't like
that my son noticed that that myson was so taken aback by people parents

kissing. Yeah, yeah, Iget that. So first of all,
I feel like she should probably havenever told you that that happens a little
bit rude, because then that doesyou know, that's something you can laugh
off. But if someone if likesomeone said that my kids said that,
that would wail my mind to like, oh no, because like I've always
you know, one of the thingslike Jake and I have talked about is

like we do want to like hugand kiss and stuff in front of our
daughter because we want her to likebe you know, see a good example
of like happy, healthy relationship andthings like that. I know some people
just aren't into PDA, so it'snot abnormal for some people. Doesn't mean
they don't love each other. ButI totally get where that probably was like,
oh god, that's my kid's perceptionof us. Yeah. I actually

I actually don't mind that she toldme because while it was, yes,
definitely like kind of embarrassing, inthe moment, especially in front of all
the other parents that were there.But the truth is it kind of opened
my eyes and I'm like, okay, this is this is like a thing
that I have to like work on. So I actually have a plan.
Oh okay, once you're p areyou gonna try to like spice things up

a little bit? Yes? That'sso. What did you like google things
like ways to spice up a marriageor like that's what I would do everyone
does on Google Chat? Everyone gotmake my relationship sexier? Yeah, I
mean, why not? Well maybeI should have done. I just I

just thought, okay, well I'mgonna like challenge myself to I'm gonna try
and like hook up with my husbandevery night. Oh okay, well yeah,
hook up every night for ever?Or I mean I don't know,
at least for now, until Ifeel like that kind of you know that

this isn't about you, all right? Do you have anything else there is?
Like that's kind of like the gameplan. Like we're gonna just like
I'm gonna try to hook up everynight, like get to ignite some things.
Yeah. So I'm not going totell him my plans to hook up
every night, but I am goingto tell him that I want a good
night kiss every single night, sothat part I will tell him, and
I'm sort of hoping that the kissalone will kind of lead to more.

Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Maybe Also, if anyone's listening and
they have like suggestions on things tospice things up, they can text those
in or call in with those texasfive three nine two one KATIEWB one or
call six five to one nine eightnine Katie w B just in case you
wanted other ideas. But I thinkit's a good start for sure. Would

you this is TMI probably, butwould you mind checking back in with us
and let us know how it isgoing, like if this plan is helping
because it could help other people too, like, oh, maybe I should
try that. No, I definitelywould love to. And actually I heard
you saying if people text in withideas, like I will love ideas,
so I will be listening because Idefinitely did not google. Okay, maybe

people have better IDUs. Okay,perfect, Well, thank you so much
for the call. We'll check backin with you maybe in like a couple
of days from now. Okay,Okay, sounds I hope I have good
update for you. Yeh, shepromised me. It's the Pop Culture Minute
with Sellan and Cult on one onone point three kd WB. All right.
Katie Perry says she thinks jelly Rollwould be a perfect replacement for her

on American Idol be so good andeveryone else was like, who still watches
American Obviously enough people to keep iton TV. I actually did see and
they were like down in the toptwenty. I was like, I just
haven't heard about it. Yeah,is it because TikTok? There's so many
other singers out there where it's like, oh, this is a new person
discovered, new person discovered. Ithink the problem is that most of the

show's like the voice and stuff,they only have like what three or four
people that have been super successful fromthe show but have had forty seven seasons.
Or if it was on Netflix,maybe like once a week updated,
Yeah, maybe that would or probablyjust binge people like to binge on Netflix.
If you put all the whole seasonof American Idol on Netflix, I
bet you're right, it would likedo better and we get ten percent.

I do like that Networks, Ido like that a lot. Gypsy Rose
he found out the final big argumentthat her and her husband Ryan had before
splitting. See, they live ina two bedroom apartment, and she was
sick of his food hoarding. Iguess he has like a large quantities of
food and she was like, shickof it. It's so weird, it's
so weird. Do you know howokay? You know how terrible you have

to be? Like, how badis the hoarding situation for Gypsy Rose to
be like this cross is a lot. That's true, that's true. But
you know what, in prison things, you're probably pretty clean. So she
had a different way for a while, very minimal. And Travis Kelsey's officially
a game show host confirms Are YouSmarter Than a Celebrity gig, which is
really exciting. It's going to beon Prime Video. It's a spin off
of the Are You Smarter Than aFifth Grader? And he said, I

grew up loving game shows. I'mexcited to be following in the footsteps of
so many TV icons by hosting myvery first one with are You Smarter Than
a Celebrity? God, how smartthey were to cast him. He is
so quote unquote hot right now likecharismatics all right now? Do you think
Taylor's going to show up to anyNo, no, absolutely not. That
probably is very much in the like, she's not going to be in this,

don't even try even though that itwould be funny if she shut up
for a celebrity. Are you smarterthan contestant? That'd be funny. I
thought his brother will because they doeverything, Oh yeah to support each other.
Kind of a celebrity, I guess, yeah, that'd be fun.
And also people are upset because youreveal this earlier, Caitlin Clark. They
just announced how much money she's makingridiculous. It's not a lot. And

they found out that NBA mascots,a lot of them are making more than
she is as the first pick inthe WNBA after taxes, like fifty yearly.
Yeah, Your pop Culture Minute isbrought to you by ovo lasyg and
Lynn's find them at ovoi dot com. Balaning cults on one on one point

three kd WB Tuesdays. We dois it worth breaking up over? And
sometimes they're pretty serious conversations. Ifthere was a girl who found out her
boyfriend borrowed all this money from herparents and she was like he was just
on my back, and like,yeah, I thought he was financially stable.
This is concerning, And then thereare weeks with ones like this.
They went on a family vacation,something happened and she's questioning everything with her

boyfriend. But is it worth breakingup over? We'll get your thoughts when
we come back on KTWB. Isit worth breaking up over? You decide
with Felon and cold KDWB. It'sa doozy, is it? It is?

So? My boyfriend and I wenton our first tropical vacation last week.
We've only been dating six months,but when my family invited us to
Cabo, I couldn't say no.Duh. I think to Cabo, by
the way, and I feel like, because like, I've been in Mexico
before, but I don't think I'vebeen to Cabo. And it always like
where like Chris and Cavalary goes,and like and Lauren from the Hills.

It's fancy, that's something we're like. I don't know, I haven't been
dating this dude for too long,but yeah, let's go to Cabo.
Yeah. So everything was going welluntil he debuted his swimwear to me and
my entire family. And when Itell you, he left little to the
imagination I am not exaggerating. Thisis very surprising. I think like this

is something that would happen opposite wherethe girl comes out and like a very
revealing bikini and everyone's like a littlelike, okay, maybe like thong bikinis
are like a thing now apparently theyare, which not in my world.
Let me tell you if it doesn'tcover every I want a wet suit,

same with my undies and somebody hasthis cold out there. Don't judge me,
but okay, so what was hewearing then? Okay, so he
decided to sport a neon green speedo, but basically it was the size of
a thong. Ew I asked himto change. He said he shouldn't have
to change who he is for someonewho won't accept him that as he comes.

He didn't do it as a joke, then he literally that's his choice.
Swimwhere Okay, I like him alot, but I don't want to
have to deal with him and hisspeedo wearing embarrassment all summer long. Also,
you know, the whole family waslike, what I'm going to seeing?
Her name is Brianna. I don'tknow why I made that up.
Be like, Brianna, really areyou ever going to find someone decent.

You can't find a normal person.Part of me likes his confidence, though,
like I don't want that he knew, he knows who he is,
so that's good. Confident. Yeah, it's got a packet. I don't
know. If you were in aspeedo, you gotta I mean I would,
I would imagine you want to showit off. So he's got to
be. I mean that's Three's itworth breaking up of? Right? Don't
you can let us know? Sixfive one nine eight nine Katie w B

or always text in five three ninetwo one KATIEWB one balan and colts on
one on one point three kd WBis it worth breaking up over? So
we got an email and this girl'sfamily invited her and her boyfriend after theiminating
for like six months on a vacationcommo. She's like heck yeah, and
then her boyfriend comes out in frontof the whole family, very like confident,

in like a neon green or whatevercolor it was, speedo and she's
like, okay, a little littlemud extra didn't expect he's not kidding like
that, that's actually what he's wearing. And he's okay in it, and
she's like, I didn't I didn'treally love it. So is it worth
breaking up over? Taking your calls? Do you think it's worth breaking up
over? I think it's amazing thatshe found someone who can authentically be themselves.

You know, that's rare. Ithink that's a good thing for me.
I I really do. And I'malso like the type of person where
I'm like, people shouldn't be judgedbased upon like what they want to wear,
like you know, people sexualize outthat people do all these different things.
But like it's confident, like Idon't know, maybe he should break

up with her, and I'm justkidding him my number. Yeah no,
no, I'm Mary. Thank you. Yeah, I haven't seen though,
that's true. No, if itrevealed like actual things, then I could

see where it'd be like okay,like my dad does need to see your
pukes, you know? But yeah, yeah, I mean it's possibly a
little much, but man, theguy has personality. You got to give
him back, that's for sure.That is for sure. Well, thank
you so much for calling, anduh, hopefully she'll realize like she should
maybe value this guy a little bitmore not be so judgmental. It's unique.

I love it. Thank you forthe call. Yeah you too.
We also got this text. Itsays, not worth breaking up over.
It's just a swim suit. Justtell him not to do it again.
It's the dumb reason to break upnow, Now what if if what you
see you don't like, that's moreof a reason to break up, Okay.
And then this text any man whowears his speedo on a family trip

to show offcause Johnson claims that thequote unquote who he is and quote unquote
shouldn't have to change is not therefor the right reason. Sounds like he
took the opportunity to cut a caboto show off. Find a new girl
Red Flag Jawn Balon and cult onone oh one point three kd WB.

Nike under a lot of heat rightnow. And I don't know if they've
been controversial in the past, butthe latest thing they've done they've parted with
the Olympics, And you're how wouldthink, yeah, probably like why what
could they have done? But Iam totally on the side of everyone else
and not Nike. The scenario willcover it in Trending. Today's Trending with

Balin and Colt on one on onekd WB I just shared this. It's
on our Falon and cult Instagram storiesin case you haven't seen it, where
Nike just unveiled their new track andfield uniforms for Team USA for the twenty
twenty four Paris Olympics. And themen's looks like a totally normal outfit tank

top fandex looking shorts, and thewomen's looks like a bathing suit, which
is fine, like a one piecebathing suit. It's the crotch region for
the women that's ridiculous. In theactual mannequin, it shows like the outer
parts of the female genitals, basically, like it goes so high up it
doesn't cover, and athletes are like, uh, you're going to see my

huha when I jump, Like theseare ask mets who are running, they're
doing the high jump, They're doingall these very active things where it could
move to the side and reveal alot. This hands to be like a
marketing thing, right, because thisis how did this get approved? They
like, don't put on a chalkboard, and they're like, that's it.
I get Like gymnastics, they wearlike Leotari fan they don't even seemingly go

that high up in the front,so I don't know. I put a
pole up. You can go checkit out Fallon and Cult just so you
can see the revealing Justina for themen, can we Flap? Not a
big fan. The big big newsfor us today was that Ludicrous and t
Pain Minnesota State fans. We areso hype about this. They're going to

be there on Tuesday, August twentyseventh. Fallon was like, oh yeah
about it. I'm already trying toget backstage do stage announcements. I'm like,
thanks for the invite. Well,I was going to tea Pain.
I would FaceTime you with te Painand make it a thing. Yeah,
please do that. They're going tobe part of the Grandstand Concert Series.

Thank you, and tickets go onsale Friday, April nineteenth at ten am.
But that's hot, hot, gotright there. It is so good.
Are you more of a tee Painor Ludicrous girl. I'm more of
a Luda person. Honestly, Ilove tea Pain, but I'm more of
a Ludicris favorite song ooh lie tome about wait are you talking about hold

on? Is that a tea Painsong? No? I was just saying
you lied to me. Oh well, I don't know which one I would
choose. It's easy to say moveB word, but I love Cadillac grills.
I go back to a real oldone I am, but not in
that situation. I love T Pain. I thought I met him at a

club at one point in time,had me I was hanging out with him
in his VIP section. Have Itold you this? I saw it go.
I actually have a video about it. I saw your interaction with t
Pain actually happen. Oh you did? Okay? Yeah, so I was.
I was buying him drinks all nightlong and it was kosher and everything.
And then I took a snapchat ofus and I sent it to everybody

I know, and I woke upthe next morning looked at the picture.
Wasn't t Pain no even resemble?He let me call him tea pain and
buy him shots. I would letyou anything if you bought me drinks.
But didn't you post it and didit? Yeah? Ta Pain did respond
to the picture. He's like,sorry, bruh, not me. And
he's like, but I love thatguy for doing that too. But that

is your trending. It's brought toyou by Nicolay Law nicolay Law dot com.
I will this is the salon andcolts one at one point three,
katiewb Cult, I don't know thatyou have a gym membership here, but
it's not seem like a slight alittle bit. You don't look like somebody
who would have a gym. Youdon't live right, that is what I

meant. You've never been on astair climber? Do you know what a
treadmill is? First of all,you just moved here. You haven't mentioned
that, you've mentioned running. I'vebeen trying to get in the lifetime is
like everybody in this building as alifetime membership for Frisbees. That my immedia.
Yeah I could be in cheap andgo buy a lifetime membership. Keep

emailing about it. Well, everyonekeeps posting photos of themselves, especially with
like fitness and floidzeris being a thing. They do videos, they do photos,
and a lot of people do notlike it, and it's actually led
to a lot of confrontations. I'llsee like people post it all the time,
the confrontations in the gym on TikTokand stuff. Oh just because people
are filming, yeah or taking photos. It's a combination. Some people will
be like, hey, don't dothat here other people will be caught on

camera coming up and telling people howto do stuff better, and they get
annoyed, like I don't need yourinstruction. I think it's also blasphemoss if
you get annoyed that somebody comes intoyour shot. Ye when you're at a
gym. Yeah, but you don'tnecessarily know to be fair. Oh well
yeah that But I also like thisis the argument that this person has.
They said, it's a little dauntinggoing into a workout class where everyone's super

fit. The last thing I wantis to be on someone's viral video.
And I agree with that. Idon't want to be the slob in the
back with my non matching out.But I've never been at where sports brought
to the gym kind of girl likea free station T shirt, massive T
shirt, sweat all around the deck, yeah, sweat on the butt,
sweat on the front, everything.I'm a very sweaty person and I definitely
don't want to be in someone's video. So but I also have definitely done

like a selfie like look at me, I'm working out. Yeah, just
support me. So everybody knows Idid some dips. What do you think
would it be? Would you beall in favor of outlawing all phones in
the gym, or you don't carebecause you're saying swul you want people to
see you. Well, I'm massive, but I think the annoying part is
when you're sitting down using your phone. Yeah, and it's like, dude,
can you get off the bench.That's true, Okay, you don't

need that big rest. You don'tneed that big of a rest. I'm
superset super set always. So ifI get superset, you can superset.
What does that mean exactly? Andyou thought I didn't go to the gym?
Hey, you know what if youtexted in this Actually, if you
went on KDIWB dot com. We'renot doing texting. Let me close out
my proteins. Yeah, there yougo. You could maybe afford the gym

membership, you know, that's verytrue. Or you could go buy a
bunch of candy bars and pizzas andfries. And that's the one I would
choose. You choose how you spendyour thousand dollars. Here's your keywords,
Salin and colts on one on onepoint three, katiewb oh. I'm getting
so excited. We have the kdewbeverified, can contest going on your chance

to win a trip to you know, pair us to see Taylor Swift.
But we have this exclusive vinyl ofher new album. It's The Tortured It's
Department on Phantom Clear Final, availableonly at Target before you can even buy
it. That's the qualifying prize,So you become a verified fan. I

take a WV verified fan at TADWVdot com and then Thursday, you listen
all day for your name. Whenyou hear it, you call us back
and if you call back in tenminutes and thirteen seconds. I feel like
I've given so many of the formaticsof how it works, it takes away
from how cool the actual prize is. Literally just listen for your name after
you sign up and tell your friendsand family too. But you'll get that
qualified fine qualifying prize of the albumand then you possibly get a trip to

Paris. I feel like I haven'theard as much hype about this new album.
I mean, she announced it atthe Grammys, but that's like the
last thing I feel like I've heard. Travis Kelsey's more than her. He's
actively bigger on promotions. That's true. He's like he has a podcast.
Maybe that's why we Maybe when youreach that level of success, you don't

even need to promote things. Theyjust happen. Yeah, well I think
that is where Taylor's poop is atin life for sure. But go become
a verified fan. Are you goingto ride your bike? Compandays raining not
the best day for a bike.Colt only has one car. To clear
that up, like, why whywould he ride his bike on a day
like this? That's a great question. Yeah, you ride your bike in

I thought about it. Yeah,because I hate having to like text my
wife like she's my mom to comepick me up after soccer practice. But
that's what's happening. She's gonna comepick me up after all, right,
well stay out of the rain.And she always like she always hates on
me too. She's like, hadto get the kids loaded to come pick
you up. And I'm like,what do you want me to ride in
the middle of the thunderstorm? Yes, she does? Would that be too

much to ask? A little?I mean, I guess I could have
tried kayaking to work today. PeterLake Trails flooded. But okay, thanks
for listening. Have a graaty
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