All Episodes

April 4, 2024 66 mins
Anyone listening who has a creeper, makes over six figures, won big on pulltab
Dude chases off robber with a weedwacker 
Falen Colt Vont and Ted show off what their Producer tag would be if they were hip hop artists
Is Promo director Ted an asshole or in the right??
Mother in law does a shocking thing with this woman's baby. Why is her top off and who is the baby doing skin to skin with her
What did your ex do but you still stayed with them??

That and more today!!

Love you lots!!!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, Yeah, okay, sowe're a little early. We have like
two minutes before we actually start theshow. On one on one point three,
katiew w a founding cult. Buthere's the thing. We need a

filler song. Are you asking me? Yeah, I'm talking to you.
I'm not a clock yet. Idon't cover three more minutes, I'm not.
Baby, what song you want toplay before you actually have to work?
I will give you a song.Okay, you have to get me
overtime because I'm not currently clucked inbaby two PM. I know you're pay
You need to give me overtime.I'll pay you the overtime and then you

pay me back. What okay?I choose in sync insane okay? Anything
okay? Random, INSANCT, Generatorand Spalin and Cult one oh one point
three k d w B. Ireally thought our partnership was going to last
longer. Unfortunately, it's are yougoing to take this live? Yeah?

Cult is probably getting fired today andI actually witnessed the destruction. The word
I will use is destruction and ithas caused chaos in our building today.
No, don't, don't, don't. Don't give anything away. You have
nothing to say. I have away to not be accountable for this.
Oh, I know you came intomy studio and started like actively talking out

scenarios with me on ways you couldlie and get yourself out of it.
The word lie, I said,I'm not lying avoiding. This is going
to be truth. This is goingto be truth avoiding that I'm not going
to omit anything. Yeah. No, And I know this makes no sense
right now, but let me justexplain that Coult did something the most destructive
thing you can do in a radiostation, and he's only been here for

about a month. So this isexciting to see where this goes. Listen,
when you're a legend, you getleft, we'll come back and talk
about what you did and also addressyou calling yourself a legend. Dene come
back on Katie w B F FattyFelling and Colt one on one point very
k d w B. Today Iwent into so we have this is that

like a scene. There are thestudios where we do like our shows,
and then then we have other studiosthroughout the building where like what record commercials
edit audio production studios. It's what'scalled. Yeah, and Colt was in
his and I walked in the dayjust like to say hey and start talking
to him and I am not makingthis up, not even remotely. Smoke,

actual smoke started coming from the equipment, and I go, oh my
god, I think something's on fire. And Colt unplugs everything, and just
like immediately the whole room smells withlike smells like that burnt like rubbery like
equipment is burning smell, and Igo, oh my god, what happened?
And he goes, I mean,I may spilled the aluttle bit of

water, but I didn't think itwas like going to cause any issues.
I'm like, you spilled water,Like the number one thing you cannot do
with extremely expensive equipment is have opencontainers and spill water like some of these
some like this board where we pushall the buttons. Those things are like
over twenty five thousand dollars. That'swhere I come in. Okay, this

it's true. You don't even havea rebutt. Yeah, I took accountability.
I went into the engineering office andI said, I you got to
open the door and let this airout. And then he started like pacing
the hallways and said what do Ido? What do I do? And
I said, you have to tellengineering And then he comes in another studio
I'm in and he starts being like, oh, what should I say?
I'm like freaking out. I goyou should freak out because that's like that

is their trigger, right, Andhe's like, you're making me feel better.
I'm like, I can't equipment.Let me tell you what. So
after I left your room, Iwent in there and I went my hands
up and I said, I brokeit. I ruined production one. I
ruined the studio. And they werelike, well what happened? And they're
like, what do you mean youbroke it? And I was like,
well, I had water, andthey're like, so you broke the first

rule. That's the first thing youbroke. But they stood up immediately.
First they're like, yeah, okay, sure, whatever, and then when
you said the words water spill,they jumped up like it's like an act
of war happened. If you havean IT department, think of how serious
would have to be for your ITdirector to stand up and leave his sandwich
he was about to eat for lunch. And they did like that's how you

know it's serious because you used tolike all get to it later, but
not in this situation. So anyway, congrats, it was nice working with
you for a month. I alwayshave the right intention with the wrong move.
I came in to get stuff doneearly thought I was beeting a good
employee now left with a broken studio, make mistake. We like to do
this really early in our show.Anyone listening who because it's kind of like

kind of like doing a little shot. We'll pre drink him before you go
out. We're gonna loosen you upbecause two o'clock is like a weird hour.
People are like a little bit moreon their shelves. We're loosening you
up. With anyone listening who makesover six figures, that's nosy. No,
that's so nosy. I just feellike, there's no way anybody listening

right now makes over six figures rightprobably not combined so loud. So if
you're balling, anybody listening here's fallingor has a creeper alert story if you
have a creeper in your life,or one big on a poll tab,
that's cool, okay, So anyonelistening who makes over six figures has a

creeper alert story or one big ona pool tab call us sixty five one
nine eight nine KATIEWB and also todayis when your way Wednesday. So I
just want to give you a headsup that at two fifty, three,
fifty and four fifty bigger chance towin Dan and Shaye tickets on KATIEWB.
This is fuck three katiew with Stalinand Colt. Anyone listening who Colt knows

the ass wants to know makes oversix figures, has a creeper alert story
or one big on a poll taband that happened with you, right,
So how much did you win onthe poll tab? Well, actually it
was my it was my seven yearold daughter. But she opened two one
thousand dollars winners in the same likethirty minutes. What now, Okay,

be honest with me. You saidit was your seven year old. Did
you keep the money she has toher seven year old? Tike o redeemed
blottery money. That's true. Mydaughter can't can't redeem it. But listen.
So then she says, Daddy,you're gonna take me to target right
after we leave here. Oh sheknows what's up. That's amazing. I

need well, thank you for thecall. Yeah, I have a great
day. I KTWB. Which categorydo you fall into? The sixth figure
one. What you do? What'syour job title? Well, it's my
husband. I'm gonna stay at homemom, so technically I make six figures.
Yeah you do? Yeah, claimthat. So what does he do
for a living? A construction foreman? Oh amazing means but when you have

the title foreman, I assume thatmeans you're important. He could probably fake
stuff around the house unlike me.Oh all the time. K katyw B.
What's your name? My name isAustin. Which category do you fall
into? The poll tab category?Yeah? How much money did you win?
We won one thousand dollars after notwinning anything in bingo? Where were

you at and Over Lanes in Minnesota? Yay? We got to hit Andover
Lanes. It's where all the catchesapparently. How much is a poll tab?
It can range anywhere from a dollarto five dollars usually, so that's
a huge return. Well, howmany did you buy? Well, forty
dollars worth, so twenty we gottwenty tickets and we won a thousand dollars.

Yeah, that's that's a good.Yeah, that's good. That's good
win it most never has me.One time I won like one hundred dollars
on a scratcher, and then Iwas like, I got to get one
hundred more dollars scratchers. There's gotto be like a big win in one
of these note nothing. Nope,yeah, that's it was a good try
called Do you know some people likeyou and I we bring a negative energy
to a situation. Apparently that's true. Okay, so Logan, you have

a little creeper alert story, right, Yeah. So I had been a
bartender for a couple of years,and during that time I had posted on
my dating profiles that I had workedat this particular bar, and I had
actually received a letter at the barfrom the creeper handwritten Yeah, a handwritten

note. I had no idea whowas from. Okay, yeah, I'm
just my favorite bartender, Logan,And have you never met the person before
at all? I had no ideawho was it was that signed er.
Oh yeah, that's weird. Someone'swatching you through your windows. Okay,
yeah, that's what I would thinkimmediately. Well, yeah, because think
about it. Back in the day, Logan, a love letter that was

beautiful, like, oh my god, a letter sent to me. But
when a letter comes in this dayand age, when we are in the
digital era, you were like,this is someone who is terrifying. They're
coming to wear my skin. Andalso at the same time, it applies
to how good they look, becauseif someone you're attracted to when they write
to a letter, you're like,oh, I just got a letter for

the koolsbers ever, and then ifthere are you know, no, something
you're not interested in. The problemis Logan has no idea what it was.
I was not interested in the personand they were jealous, but I
was sleeping with people there. Ohgod, oh yeah, you were Logan.
That'll happen, Logan. Horry Creeper. Thanks to the call, Logan,
We appreciate it. We do havethe pop Culture Minute coming up.

Gypsy Rose. She got out ofjail, she got married, she separated.
You will not believe what she justdid now, Davidson. Yeah,
well no, and Kanye West wassuit again. The reason is insane.
We'll cover it in the pop CultureMinute. Woo, it's the pop Culture
Minute with Felon and cult on oneon one point three d w B.

Gypsy Rose got out of jail.She's married to a guy named Ryan Anderson.
Crazy already, Yeah, it waslike immediately shocking, but then she
was like posting like all these sexualthings about them, and then there was
like we aren't together anymore. It'slike, oh, that was so quick.
Now she's saying it's because she feltlike she couldn't do anything right with

him, and they said that thisis the other thing that she's saying.
She left because there was jealousy overher spending time with her dad, and
so he was guilt tripping her.Okay, but she took no time off.
She immediately went and rekindled with herex fiance. Oh yeah, and
they're making up for lost time.They're currently in Louisiana. They're in New

Orleans and they just got matching huskytattoos. Yes, like the dogs story
that we may just say yes,yeah, thank you, Cale, I
know it. Imagine if social mediaand say that she was taking a step
back because her parole officer was warningher that she was getting a little It

sucks that you can't choose your parents, like imagine, I don't know,
maybe they'll be good parents, butyeah, that's yeah, no comment,
no chance. The rapper is divorcinghis wife. They've been together for many
years, but they made a publicstatement and they said that after a period
of separation they decided to split.Oh so he's gonna be single at the
State Fairs telling me, I'm justsaying you want to slide into Chance the

Rappers DMS. There you go.I'm gonna be honest. It sound like
you were the excited ones here.No, I'm content in my relationship.
But okay, good news to yourwife. And she didn't worry about you
trying to shot with Chance. I'mcontent perfect. Taylor Swift officially entered the
billion ere We knew she was goingto officially become a billionaire due to the
aerostour, but she officially is.She's on that list, so congrats.

I was like, I was worriedabout her. I was worried, like
will she or will she not?Yeah, and we'll play some more of
her songs coming up. Just youknow, she gets some more royalties.
Make it too line those pockets.And Kanye was always in the news with
something. The latest is he hasemployees suing him, claiming he threatened them
by saying things like I'm going topunch you in the face, before abruptly

changing tone, mimicking Super Marios victorydance and saying I'm going to give you
one more chance, another life.What So he's just running around like me,
Oh, I get scared when youtext me out of the boot like

what I do wrong? Imagine Kanyebeing your boss. I'm gonna start.
If I ever get up that withyou over something, I'm going to use
a highly offensive Italian accent. Absolutelynot to come back and haunt me.
No thanks. That's your pop cultureminute, brought to you by Ovo Lasik
and Lens by them at OVOI dotcom. Don't forget coming up later this
hour, we have your Win YourWay Wednesday tickets to see Dan and Shaye

in concert on one on one pointthree KTWB. It's the unbelievable story of
the day on one oh one pointthree kt w B. I had someone
steal my bicycle out of my garagewhile I was sleeping before. Oh let

me let me backtrack. It startedwith them steal in my car. Okay,
so that's how good morning. Goinginto the Morning show super early,
I was like, that's weird.My car isn't in my garage. What's
your first thought? What a prankis it? April howls and then like
panic and then my car was fine, So uh, they did find it

a little bit later, but aweek later the thieves came back. They
wanted more. They were, yeah, and you didn't do anything, probably
right, I did. I well, I installed an alarm system on the
garage because of Minneapolis at the time, I only had it on the house.
But I was like, oh,I got to put one on the
garage. Apparently broke back in andthen I watched them through my window walk

out with my bike. But Iknew not to go out there, you
know what I mean, because likeI didn't want to be like window no
no noise, because the cops werealready called because of the alarm system.
There is a sick joy that comesto me knowing that the police dog caught
the guy and he had to goto the hospitals to the police dog attacking
him. There, you steal someone'sbike and their car, then you know

you got something. Some car funfact, when your car is stolen,
you have to pay to get itout of impound. So I also had
to spend money on impound and hadto pay to buy a new bike because
the guy through my bicycle at thecop car when they were coming for him
and they ran over it. There'sa lot more story. It was a
lot of money and a lot offear and all the things in so like

just a the unbelievable story isn't mine, even though it is one, but
a similar thing. This guy's justlike literally in his garden gardening, and
some thief comes up and tries tosteal equipment from his truck, and he
happens to be holding a weed whacker, and he's like, oh, oh

hell no, okay. For somereason, that guy holding the weed whacker.
I thought you were talking about likea hose at first, and you
shold me this, but like astraight up weed whacker. That's you.
Don't that hurts even if grass flingsback at your foot when you're doing it
and flipping first of all, okay, you should not be weed whacking and
flip flops or mowing your lawn andcrocs. Okay, I don't know that

you're supposed to do that either,Okay, moving on. Someone's security camera
got the video and we can't playit because it's full of bad language.
But the thief was a passenger ina car and he fell out onto the
street when the car swerved because thegardener threw the weed whacker at the car.

Then the gardener picked it back upand started swinging at the guy.
Now the guy got away, butbecause of his injuries, he had to
go to the hospital and the policecame and got him and arrested. So
that's terrifying. Like outside of likeactual weapons, Like what would be the
thing you wouldn't want to get attackedby if you were robbing somebody box?

But I mean a weed whacker hasgot to be up there. That or
the weird mixture my wife makes withwhite vinegar and water. I feel like
the bidet has a lot of power. Adet a lot of power to it,
and sometimes it catches me off guard. I'm like, oh, stop

that. Guess who's coming to theTwin Cities and very soon this Friday,
actually April fifth, Dan and Shayare going to be at Excel Energy Center.
How much tequila would you drink ata show like this? Would you
make it to the encore or wouldJen have to wheel you out? No,

I'm pretty responsible. How much wouldI sneak in? Maybe a couple
See the benefit of having boobs isyou can tuck something under it, but
you can't do metal flask. Thisis terrible. By the way, I'm
just kidding. I never do that. No, it's a joke back when
I was younger and didn't know youheard other people used to do that.
That is, I would never.I mean, I get a couple of
drinks before I go, but thenI get a couple drinks while I'm there.

Yeah. I just never want tobe the person at a concert who's
everyone knows because you've had the beerpour on you from the drunk dancer who
slash in their beer. Yeah.Those people are the worst, by the
way. Yeah, it's not I'mnot a fan of that, but you
won't be that person. The goodnews is you will get free tickets,
so all of your money allotment cango to your drinks. If you're collared

ten right now for Dan and Jaytickets, they're at Excel Energy Center at
this Friday six five, one,nine, eight nine Katie W B one
on one point three ktw B Fallonand Cult. Congrats to Gene, she
just grabbed our tickets for Dan andShay. Don't worry. It is when
you're way Wednesday, which means wehave another pair at three fifty and four

fifty on. Katie W B soa few months ago ahead an idea to
do this thing where it's like,oh, we should see what are because
like a lot of artists have ahip hop sound, is they call a
drop yeah in the beginning of asong. Yeah, and it lets you
know, oh, this artist ison this song. So what would hours
be. We've invited promotions director Tedden. We've invited vaunt in our night guy
slash morning guy slash sometimes inside andwe're gonna do hours. You know that

right? He also cleans it.Yeah, the middle of the night too,
busy guy, busy guy. Well, premiere Hours when we come back
on Katie w B as she promisedme one ktw B with Fallon and Colt.

We also have promo director Ted joiningus good afternoon afternoons and he's everything
to everyone. Vom it's a it'sif you listen to KATWBT all you now
realize you hear want mornings, afternoonsand nights and colts that he caught you
cleaning the building indeed, Yeah,yeah, to do that on the side

on the weekends. Love that foryou pick and have a little extra cash
at all, Okay obviously. Yeah, So a lot of artists have their
their signature drops in a song likeeven if it isn't hip hop, like
we all can think of Jason Derulo, he just says his name, yeah
yeah, and a song. Buta lot of hip hop artists especially have
this, and I'll let you knowthat it's their track. Here's an example,

Travis, It's lit see they hadfalls plastic. Yeah, so we
thought if we were hip hop artists, never gonna happen for any of them

in high school, never say never. Yeah, I used to free style
in high school. I mean,I'm a white kid from Apple Valley.
Of course I free style. Theycalled him tea Bear. I was gonna
go something different, old tea bagthe beach, all right, just really
quick ted on the spot, freestyle. Just give me a couple of bars

about I don't know, like no, okay, no, I didn't want
to do it to you, butshe did. I'm glad you know how
to set your own boundaries around found. I got to learn that too,
because I feel like something you usedto drop a couple of bars. Minnesota
Spring, Minnesota Spring, okay,yeah, Minnesota Spring, trying to get

a flaying? What up? Igot a girl with a ring, but
maybe not later is a player,says the guy who married his high stole
sweet out. It's my alter.Wait, hold up, this isn't a
bit though. This is not thea. We each had to come up with
what we think our drop would beif we were a hip hop artist.

Okay, okay, so we havethis is the music we're gonna play.
I thought it was a nick soit's not cold? Would you like to
go first? Oh? Made mewrap? But I'm gonna go first.
Okay. So if I was anartist and I'm in the studio and I'm

feeling myself, Oh daddy, sosensual. One more time? Here we
go, Here we go, oofdaddy? Hold on? Did you say

oof? What an ap? Oofdaddy? I like it. I like
it. It's to the point youit stands out recognizable and you know it's
a oof daddy beat? All right? Are you ready? Nobody? Can?
I know I can't drop my trackmy music, y'all know? On

the beat? Come on in abuilding silence, cold teddy, let's get
it. Oh he's the line.You almospect me to wrap? What's gonna
do it? I like that's gonnado it to you. That was great.
It was hype very energetic. Pipingit up, yeah, piping it
up, oof daddy. All right, up, I'm gonna leave Ted for

last. I feel like his isgoing to bring it. Okay, no
pressure got found. Here we go. I feel like I should have gone
second. Here we go on somuch energy. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah. One song with all ofours. That's fine, all right,
Tad, Here we go. Thisis promo director Ted. If he
had a drop and a hip hopsong as a hip hop artist, this
is what it would be. Thatbeat my guy, Teddy beats radio.

You Teddy beats radio? Oh mygod, oh daddy Teddy both pretty Yeah?

That was great. So when don'twe get fired or something like our
boss bridge clalsification for one week?Yeah, I landed bride room on fire.
That's working everybody's hours. We're doingthe most ridiculous stuff. It was
those sweet rhymes. You set thebooth on fire, my dude. All

right, So who just one moretime because feel it was a lot of
fun. Who let's vote for thebest one and then they go next,
Just one last time, vote forthe best of all of us. Who's
got the work? I got,oof daddy, Oof daddy. They gave
me the biggest shot I love.All right, so let's leave a lasting
impression. O the same. No, no, no, today's trending with

felon and cold on. Uh.Waconia, look out with your cats?
All right? What? Yeah?This is uh, this is this is
real. Okay, cat's got tobe unleashes out there now. Waconi is
out near me. I'm out inMinnetrista. But there's an actual rule now
from the city council. They updatedan ordinance that only applied to dogs,

but people apparently are taking their catsout more and more. There is nothing
better to me than seeing a catthat willingly participates in leash walking because like
most cats like that, I've alwaysalways had my whole life. I didn't
train them, so when I wouldtry to put it on, they act
like they're paralyzed and they're like,I won't move. I've had a few

leashers in my life. I've takensome cats on some walks. Oh,
I was gonna say, No oneasked about your kink. So the new
statute requires cat owners either microchip orkeep identification tags on their hats, and
cat owners must also clean up theirpets droppings. That is one thing that
shot me property. The first timeI took my cat for a walk.
I was like, oh, yeah, you're like a dog. Now I

need a bag. Yeah, Ijust didn't have ones. They're just the
biggest in my neighbor's yard. AndI'm like, I'll be back, I
promise. And did you sorry aboutmy tabby? No comment? Okay,
that's your a despicable human. Congratsto Beyonce. She becomes the first black
artist in history to occupy the entiretop fifteen of the US Apple Music Country

chart. That is crazy. That'sawesome. That's so awesome. I'm surprised
it's not the top thirty considering shehad like eighty songs. I had twenty
seven, but some of the songs, by the way, I should say
this when you go through there aretwenty seven track listings, but a handful
of are kind of like like justinterludes between songs, like Willie Nelson acting
like he's a radio DJA talking tointro. The next song is not really

a track that she did, butyou know, we still support that and
that is your trending other van.I have to mention this because it's so
huge. Tomorrow is such a bigday on katiewb, it is ADWB.
Starting at seven twenty the morning shows, they're going to announce a name.

It's kind of like the Olivia Rodrigocontest we did and back when Taylor was
in town last summer, we didthis where we say a name. You
have ten minutes and thirteen seconds tocall back in for this though, if
you do call back in, you'reinstantly a legit qualifier and then there'll only
be a handful of qualifiers will drawone to one a trip to freakin Paris
to see Taylor Swift. If youaren't already a verified van, go become

one. Go to kadiwb dot com. You can actually just type in ADWB
dot com and sign up and thenmake sure you listening tomorrow for your chance
to qualify these beautiful things. Oh, it's so much wedding on one on
one point three, katiew b.It is Wednesday. After all, we're
gonna have Dan and Shae tickets aroundthree fifty. But first we have to

do the after school pop Quiz simpleish trivia questions that are kind of middle
school level for your chance to winNickelodeon Universe passes. We have a pair
of those. If you'd like tocall and play our game to win,
you can right now at six five, one, nine, eight nine kd
WB. I didn't think Balan cultsone on one point three KATWB with the

after school Pop Quiz Shout out tomal America proking us up with Nickelodeon Universe
passes. Amanda and Woodberry is takingon Mendy in shakap Today. We'll ask
you trivia questions. Whoever gets tworight first wins. You just chime in
with your name. Are you ready? Which US president delivered the Gettysburg address?

Mandy, Yes, Mindy Lincoln.Yeah, that's correct. Also question
number two, who was the leadsinger of the Black Eyed Piece until twenty
eleven? Yes, Mindy Bergie.Mindy took it today, Amanda, thank

you for playing Mindy. You geta pair of Nickelodeon Universe passes. Congratulations.
Awesome, thank you, thank you. And we do this every single
day around this time, and forlike a whole month. We're like hooked
up with various Mall of America prizeslike Moose Mountain, Nickelodeon Universe, Crayole
Experience. So we try to makeit easy. It's a little more difficult

especially under pressure when you get inthese these questions thrown at you and you're
like, I like Getty's burger dress. I don't know, I'm sitting app
Yeah, well I never knew that. I don't know. Now the best
example. All right, we're gonnacome back and have your chance to win
Dan and Shaye tickets for When YourWay Wednesday on Katie w B. Shu

shut okay, what what when YourWay Wednesday? On one A one point

three kt w B. Dan andShay They're coming to the Twin Cities this
Friday to Excel Energy Center, andwe have your tickets. Oh where they
get you in the mood. Thisis a hold up the flashlight on your
phone song right here. But sowith like ten thousand that one, that
one with Justin Bieber and they performedat Biaber's wedding too casual. Must have

missed that in fights mail. Ifyou would like to see Dan and Shay
this Friday, just be collared tenat six five, one, nine,
eight nine Katie w B. I'vealways heard people say that they have one
of them. I can't remember thedifference from the two, but the one
has like one of the best voicesin all of yes, one of the
two, Dan or Sha Yeah,balin a cult on one on one point

three Katie w B on Wednesday,all right, what's your name? Okay,
guess what what You're going to see? Danny Shay thank you day.
Yeah you are. They're going tobe at Excel this Friday. Congrats,
it's perfect. Thank you so much. You're so welcome. Your next chance
to winds it four point fifty onKatie W B. And Uh, Ted

our promotion doctor back in the studio. He has like a little dilemma.
He's like, am I an ahole for this? And I was like,
you know, that's actually a reallygood question, and we're gonna have
him ask that question. We'll discussit. We will decide live on the
spot if Ted is an when wecome back on Katie w B. Is

it weird Wednesday? Inesday? We'rechanging it up. We usually do would
you rather Wednesday? But then Tedwas like, what if we do?
Is it weird Wednesday? I said, yeah, that's smart. Ted,
our promotions doctor joins us, justthe creative brains behind this whole show.
Yeah. Basically at this point,yeah, Ted comes up with everything we
do. It's so impressive. Youhave to uh ted, you have a

little bit of a dilemma, andit's one that I wouldn't face. So
I'm curious. Yeah, what isit? Okay, So one of my
platonic girl friends invited me to abridal shower recently. She flat out let
me know that I would be theonly guy and it would be a bunch
of family members and a bunch ofwomen. And I said, you know,

respectfully, I'm going to have todecline. It seems a little weird,
but I truly appreciate the invite.Is it weird? Am I the
a hole? Don't know? Well? First of all, how she texted
you back she understood, Okay,locked, why do you think she invited
you? Because usually if it's likea bridal shower, I feel like you

would be invited if you were maybepart of the wedding party. Not even
I'm not even included. Oh god, I'm the wedding party. She was.
Her gift could be I am agood gift giver, or maybe she
thought it was going to be lamelike boo and she wanted someone to chew
with, yeah, or just likesomeone to spice it up a little bit.
Is it her wedding or she oneof the bridesmaids. No, it's

her wedding. Oh yeah, it'sher bridal shower. Okay, it's hers.
Yes, Well, usually the brideherself doesn't invite people like a bit
of honor, or bridesmaid invites people. That makes sense, Okay, I
don't know either way. I thinkit's at unconventional web right, But the
bride specifically reached out, which tome feels like she really meant a lot

if you'd be there to support heras one of her best friends. So
you're saying I'm the a hole.I don't think i'm saying it. I
think your actions are that's fair.Well, I decided it'd be too much,
so I said, no change ourfriendship. You know, in what
way would it be too much?Having a free meal, having a laugh
with some friends too much for yourjet? I mean, what if other

women were like why is this?Like dude here, like this is pleasure
in a newer relationship, ladies wouldbe throwing themselves at you because you're the
only dude there. That must bethe case I think happened in Bridal Towers.
Been right, So in your world, it's a bunch of single,

horny women. You know what,for the sake of all men and our
knowledge, I should go. Youshould go and report back. And I
am gonna do a load dance.When you come in here, you say
fall and they are all over me. I've told you. At the wedding,
like that's when the bridesmaids are hornyand drunk, you know, because

they're like, oh, love's inthe air and I'm lonely. You you'll
do tonight. You're a state fairsix, I'll take it home. No,
I don't think you're a jerk fornot going. Okay, Like I
wouldn't be offended at all if Iam if one of my bridesmaids was lived
in town and was like, I'drather not that's offensive. Yes, if

my sister mother in law mom werelike I wish I could shoot offensive just
like a guy friend of mine,like if I invited my buddy like Harry,
or if I'm fighting cold, Idon't feel like like that. If
she prefaced this is like, youknow, it's like a cookout. We're
going to be doing some grilling inthe backyard. Maybe it's just like,

you know, everyone can just kindof come as they go, yeah,
drop in, but no, that'snot the case. That's not the case.
So I said, no, ifyou don't send like a Venmo for
some shots or something, I'll dothat. Yeah, I have that's the
Bachelor wrete party. Now this bridalparty is turning up regardless. You could
still drink. Don't get me wrong. I have a bridle shower, like

depending on the time of day,definitely happen. Like you're just like,
oh, you're a gift. Ohso it's just a thing for gibs.
Yeah, I think so. Yeah, you just get get I want to
have another bridal show. Don't inviteme. Hold would you rather Wednesday?

All right? Would you rather finda rat in your kitchen or a roach
in your bed? Rat in thekitchen? And explain yourself why, Well,
a roach in the bed. ThenI gotta get up and I can't
just maintain my sleep. Then it'slike an actual thing I have to deal
with. Then the adrenaline. I'mnot gonna be able to sleep afterwards,
and I know my wife's gonna haveme change in the sheets. It's a

long process. Where a rat Ican just be like, oh, gotta
call poison control or peck pest controlwhatever control. Both of them liked it.
Actually, I don't know. Ratsare pretty large, like it's a
mouse is one thing, but theysay where there's one, there's many,
right, or like that's not thesaying at all, but it's something like
that. Yeah, I have threecats too, probably put them to work.

No, if your animals are likemine, they will bark like my
dog will bark at a squirrel.But if an intruder came in, she'd
like lay on her back and leta rubber stomach like it. Yeah,
would you rather have a third nippleor an extra toe? Oh? Give
me that third areola? Jake hasa third nip. It's not like fully
developed, it's just like it's justhe's got a mininip. Yeah, it's

just the like, Yeah, we'reat below. One of them chosen one.
Harry Styles's four nipples. Four?You've never seen his nips? I
think I have seen. Oh Idon't want to google it. Then I've
done enough today, Yes you have. Would you rather burp soap bubbles or

have your hair turned green when you'redrunk? What I'll do? Hair green?
Because I think like I would thinkthat was super funny and cool when
I was drunk, I'm like,oh, you some free drinks too,
like Moore shots. Yeah. Wouldyou rather win twenty five thousand dollars or
your best friend win one hundred thousand? Give me that twenty five your Haribal,

you would do the same. Idon't know who's my best friend this
week. Some of them might belike, nah, my friends are fine.
They gotta figure it out like everybodyelse. Wow, would you rather
people knew all the details of yourfinances or all the details of your love
life? Well? I just learnedwhat his credit score was three seconds ago,

so he clearly doesn't care about meknowing about his finances. Yeah.
The love, I mean my lovelife. What is it when you're married?
It's just your love. It's notlike I'm going out crazy around the
town. I know. But somepeople are would be embarrassed for people to
hear about the things they fight withtheir partner over, or like, are
things you you're not talking about theact of making love? You're talking about

relationship, I think in your situation. Yeah, but also some people that
are married would be embarrassed for peopleto hear about how infrequently there is love
being made as well, So whichone. I don't know. I guess
you can hear about my love life, ask no thing me. Would you

rather have chapped lips? Or dandor if you can never get rid of?
Oh, I've been dealing with chappedlips. My mom bought me two
big tubes and stuff for my birthday. I was like, okay, I
that crackly you got to throw tubes? Act thinks it apparently is there tubes
at me? I don't know,give me the dandre if. I guess

I can cover that A trying tonot wear black? Just you wear black
all the time? Wrobe? Allright, that's would you rather? Wednesday,
We're gonna come back with a popculture minute. Gypsy Rose is back
on her ish. She's moved onfrom her husband already, and you won't
believe what she's already done with anex. Yeah, she's back with an
ex and what they just did isjust such a Gypsy Rose story. And

also we found out someone, anartist that is that is coming to the
Minnesota State Fair just announced the're gettingdivorced and we're not happy about that,
but Colt is looking out for thesingle ladies out there. Form a line.
Yeah about money, we can tellyou who it is coming up in
the pop Culture Minute on one onone point three, KATIEWB. It's the

pop Culture Minute with selling and culton one on one point three jd WB
Gipsy Rose wastes no time out ofprison, married three months later, separated
back with her ex getting matching tattoos. She's getting it. That's everything that
has happened. She's got a howis not a reality show? I don't

I bet she legally can't do oneyet. Probably yeah, probably some limitation.
I don't know enough about you.Probably don't like that, probably not
so anyway, That's that's what's goingon. She got a matching husky tattoo,
yes, like the dogs. JustI don't know. I'm just throwing
it out there. This is crazy. But Kanye West is being sued.

That part is not surprising because thatseems to happen frequently to him. He's
being sued by previous employees. Theysaid that he would threaten them, saying
quote, I'm going to punch youin the face, before abruptly changing tone
mimicking Super Mario's victory dance and sayingI'm gonna give you one more chance.
Another in the most offensive Italian accent, like even in the like the more

recent Mario movie, which my daughterloves and so did every other kid this
year, because everyone at Halloween thisyear, every like child is Princess Peach.
Yeah, they didn't use that accentbecause they're like, oh, yeah,
it's really offensive. We're not gonnado that. Kanye. Kanye does.
Also he threatened to punch his employees. We are ignoring that the biggest
part of it, which is threatening. Now granted, I feel like I've

done things like that, but it'snot real. Yeah, flench when you
move your hand quickly, don't youdare? Chance the rapper he has come
to Minnesota State Fair. So who'swho he is? Who we were talking
about. He and his wife aregetting divorced. They were together for many
years. They say they separated fora while and now they are officially getting

disorced. So if you're single,you want some chance in your life,
get a Sweet Martha's bucket, presentit to him. Maybe I would.
I don't think i'd say no thebad so I mean I get it.
And also wanted to mention one moretime because Taylor Swift is officially in the
Billions Club but we have your chanceto see her. You got to become
an official verified fan at tadwe dotcom. Starting at seven twenty tomorrow we

announced names your chance to win atrip to Paris to see her Ami Era's
tour. That is so cool,and then we'll announce names during our show
two twenty three two. So allthroughout the day, we got an email
from a woman. We're gonna gether on the phone. She's a newborn
baby, her mother in law's over. She walks downstairs and you will not

believe what she caught her mother inlaw doing. And she's like, I
don't even know how to react tothis, but we're going to talk to
her when we come back on Katiew B, Ho, Salin and Colt
on one O one point three.Katie w B. We have Monica on
the phone. Now, Monica,A lot of people have issues with their
mother in law for various reasons,but yours is a newer one. She

did something that really surprised you.So I'll let you share with everyone what
you walked in on your mother inlaw doing. It was very troubling.
I have a newborn baby and Iwalked downstairs and I saw that my mother
in law had her shirt off andwas pressing my baby to her chist.

What yeah, wow, And soI was like, what are you doing?
And she said that skin to skincontact was important. Yeah with the
mom or dad. That's crazy.How did you react? I freaked out.
I mean, it makes me feelsick right now, like it was

gross. I told her it wasinappropriate, yeah, and then she got
all offended and she was like,well, you know, like because she
takes care of my baby for free. And she said, oh, well,
if my standards aren't good enough foryou, And it's like, I
don't even know how to begin toexplain how inappropriate it was. I don't
even know where to start with this. I am envisioning, first of all,

if my own mother did that's yourmother in law. My own mother
did that. Like if I walkdownstairs, I would be like, kick
put your top ix, no oneasked to see them, number one,
number two? Like where she thoughtthat was an okay? Like okay,
and I am so I didn't evenhave words. She sounds like one of
the most overbearing mother in law's ever. She is. And I told my

husband, you know, if hewants her to look after our baby,
again, They're going to have totalk to me. I mean, I'm
not okay with it right now.We're gonna have to pay for childcare,
I mean, and how do youeven trust it? Too? Like you
would have to get cameras, andlike I would feel like I need to
put cameras in every inch of that, Like I don't want your skin all
over my baby exactly, And everybody'sdoing nanny cams and good days and I

just have no choice. I wouldhave to. Well, also, like
what else will she decide is importantfor the baby without running it past you?
You come home, Wow, theygot their ears, peers that claires
together or something. God, Ihope not. I'm gonna have to watch
her. Well, here's my question, if you're listening right now, if
you walked it on your mother inlaw doing this A, what would your

reaction be? B Would you continueto let them do it? Because it
sounds like she is like she's puther foot down, like I'm this is
okay. If you want my help, then you have to allow me to
do certain things. But there's adifference between your grand the grandparent giving the
kids some red dye or if youknow right, just motor boat and the

baby. That's not what anybody wants. That's a little far. I'm just
saying, Yeah, Monica, Iknow we're like kind of joking a little
bit because I think it's just sooutlandish that anyone would think that's an acceptable
thing to do, even with liketheir grandchild, without running a pass the
mom and dad first. But I'mgoing to guess a lot of people listening
have had their mother in law orfather in law, or even their own

mother or father do things that theyare shocked they thought were acceptable with their
new babies. I would love toopen up the phones and talk to other
people at six five one, atnine eight nine, Katie w B.
I think you're right. I thinkthe best thing you can do is,
like I think your husband has tostep in and set those boundaries with his
mom because you've got enough going on, You're taking care of the baby.

You know what I mean exactly.Well, Monica, thank you for sharing.
I'm so sorry you had to dealwith that. Thank you so much.
I appreciate it. You got afast come. I want to to
get to anyway. Maybe we makea deal. Maybe together we can get
somewhere and it place is better it'sdown from Zoo. Got maybe we will

make something me myself? I gotnothing too prude body, Well, if
you dismissed the lady we had on, I mean, my goodness. She
it's Katie w B Fallon and cultshe comes down the stairs. She has
a new born baby. Her motherin law's watching the baby while she's upstairs

showering or whatever. Comes down.The mother in law's top is off.
She's like, what is happening.I'm doing skin to skin with the baby.
It's important. And she's like,ah, nope, nope, not
cool at all. So she waslike it was so inappropriate. I don't
even know what to do, andI like, I have to get childcare
because I don't want her, Likewhat else will she do? And think
it's totally normal without asking our permission, And I think a lot of people

are a little freaked out. Accordingto text messages, so many people are
like, uh, yeah, whodoes that? That's so creepy or icky
icky. I don't even know ifI'd be able to see the mother in
law like Pierre, like I would, it would take a minute, you
get pass it, but you wouldget I would know you would always talk
about it. I'm saying, likeyou would trust the mother in law again,

But I would always say like littlestuff like are you gonna take your
shirt off? Obviously you would,Yeah, for sure, I know you
wouldn't you hate confrontations. You woulddo it behind her back, for sure,
to your face. But did youhave a situation like this with It
was at your mother in law?It was my mother And when I had
my daughter, my mom was watchingher for me while I go to work,

And one day I came back topick her up and she had shaved
off all her hair. Whoa howold was she? Why? She was
about four months old? Because itwas right after maternity leave, and it
was a cultural thing according to mymom that the baby should not grow up
with the hair they're born with.Without asking myself, for my husband,

she shaved her head off. Ohmy god, how did you react?
What did you say to her?I was not happy. I was I
was livid. You should have atleast asked me. And my husband was
not happy either. So is therestill weird tension between Is there a weird
tension between everybody? So? No, not at all. I mean we
moved past it, but I meanthat was a huge no, no.

At the time, I was extremelyupset. Yeah, I was like I
would be like afraid to leave heralone with my kid after that, Like
what else are you gonna do?I know, we didn't have any choice
for child's care, and I meanshe learned her lesson out. Ye that's
true. At least she stopped thereand there wasn't like any matching like sleeve
tattoos. Yeah you know that kindof stuff. Yeah no, no,
no, Well thank you for sharing. We appreciate it. I katiewb.

So I haven't really had like nothinglike that happen. That's good. Actually,
I think I would blow my top. Oh yeah, I would be
livid. I love my mother inlaw. She's not a meddling woman,
but if I walk down, I'dbe like, you're gonna need to leave
because I can't be in the sameroom with you right now. And I

don't understand, like why you wouldthink that that would be okay, Like,
yeah, that's very odd. Imean when my daughter was a baby
and my mother in law gave mybaby a chicken bone, I was living
chicken bone. Yeah. How old, like probably like three four months?
Oh my god, Like how longis the choking hazard? What are you

doing? Yeah, three months andmaybe poked the high out to yeah.
You know, some people are likechicken bones are like for teething, and
and I was like, I backthen, I was going to school and
working. So when I came home, picked my baby up, here's a
chicken bone in her in her swing, and I was like, what in

the heck is I'm like, really, it's not the nineteen forties anymore.
They have teething devices, right,Oh, like yeah, so I've just
had like that happen, but nota yeah no, I feel like that
is so odd. Yeah. Idon't even have barely any words like very
awe of same, thank you somuch for calling I have We are all

in the same boat here, yes, thank you. All right, you
know what that sound means? DanShane work here. That's right, that's
right. It's Wednesday on KTEWB.So we have tickets to see Dan and
Shay at Excel Energy Center this Friday, and uh, pretty easy to get

in. We're gonna make it likethe easiest. Just collar ten. That's
it. It's a collar ten.Now. That is not I mean that
isn't always easy because sometimes you calland you get the busy signal. We
get it. Well, we gotto like play hard to get a little
bit like we want to get awanna So anyway, if you want to
win the tickets to be collared tenat sixty five to one nine eight nine

kd w B again sixty five onenine eight nine KDWB. It's beautiful.
We got Dan and Shade tickets onkatiew B. What up up? How
are you? I'm so good?How are you? You sound so good?
You so you just shotguns some monsterenergy? Ready to win some tickets?

Listen. If that red bull thatI had earlier today is getting me
these tickets, then absolutely well lookedout. Try to get that sponsorship your
collar tip. Congrats. Yeah,you're going this Friday to see Dan and
Shade Excel Energy Center. Well,that's so excited. Love which one is

your favorite? Dan or Shape?I mean save voice? Come on,
I mean if you watched The Boysee the Shameless plug, they're on there
and they're freaking amazing. They're sotalented. I'm glad you want really are
Sometimes when people win, they're likewhatever, I guess they're fantastic. So
cool. Well, congrats and wehave another chance to win. Dan and
Shade tickets never because you're the lastwinner. One on one point three kdw

B, Fallon and Cult. That'smy sound. How dare you? If
you missed it? We Cult,myself vaunt in promotions director Tad. We
each did what we thought like ourhip hop drop would be like the sound
would make it if we were hiphop artists. Yeah, if you missed
it, you can hear on thepodcast. Just look for Fallon and Cult

was yeah, that was fine.Yeah, Okay, there you go.
Things our exes did and we stillstayed with them. This is there are
never ending calls because at some pointor another most of us have dealt with
the dumbest, most ridiculous things froman X and there an ext for a

reason and we can look back onit now and laugh, but at the
time we were why why did wedo it? And you stayed with them
because you have low self esteem,time wanting No, you look past it
and you're like, they really didmake a mistake this twenty seventh time,
I'm sure here's an example of whatwe're looking for. On Valentine's Day,
he made me order of the Kid'smenu and I still paid, so weird

it's like a why couldn't you offthe main venue? So we're looking for
your stories. Things your exes didand yet you still stayed with them six
five one nine eight nine, Katiew B. I mean, I have
a handful of myself that I've shared, but these are your stories back Bunny

awesome balaning cults on one on onepoint three kd WB. Things our exes
did and we still stayed with them. Endless stories, endless stories. And
I love it, and I hateit for you, and I hate it
for myself because we've done we've alldone it most about yeah, but we're

all in this together. You don'tfeel bad about yourself exactly. We want
to get your stories at six fiveone nine eight nine Katie w B.
Hello, Katie w B. Wouldyour X do? It was our three
years and we got a fancy AIRBBand everything, and he ditched me to
go hang out with his friend.Yeah he did. What was going on
with his friend? Were they justlike sitting around drinking or what? I'm

not too sure. Apparently he wascheating on me while he was hanging out
with his friends. Lack Saturdays therefor the boys. You know this.
I'm ill just relaxed bros before hoseI always say it. So how long
did you stay with him after that? We broke up three months after nice,
solid time, solid time. Thankyou for the call, Hi,
Katie, w B. Would yourex do and you still stayed with them?

In a nutshell? The mooney fora weekend away? Romantic weekend away
to Arion Dona sent me on afull bodage with massage, nails, everything,
you name it, just so hecould go have sex with his girlfriend
who had come back from over seas. So he sent you alone and he

was going behind your back while youwere gone. No, he was in
Arizona with me. She lived inArizona. Oh, so he had like
a romantic weekend for me. SoI thought we went Friday to Sunday.
I'd spent a full Friday Saturday whilehe was hanging out having sex with her.
Yeah, he was having his cakeand eating it too. That sucks.
Oh good, Wait how did youfind out? So? I ended

up finding out from one of hisreally good friends that he played hockey with
that rat did for him kind ofsaid something that made me go, wait
a minute, you know something?Yeah? Oh god, absolutely? And
then but how much longer? Didyou stay with him after that? Almost
a year? Was in my earlytwenty Yeah, I was blinded by the

love. You figured it out,though. We all go through some things
in those early twenties. Thank you. I'm good Falon and cult on one
A one point three kd w Bcontinuing on with things our exes did and

we still stayed with them. Soyou're ex cheated with how many people I
knew of? Two married women forsure, and then countless other ones that
I would find the creator from hidinga spacebooks WhatsApp. Wow, Oh yeah,
someone's got WhatsApp. Something's going on, yeah, exactly, unless they
have a cousin in a different country, most likely it's sketchy. So yours

goes a step further though you finallydid end it after years, but you
got the ultimate revenge, right.I divorced this person and they were supposed
to get all of their belongings,and they left their bolt that we shared
and I said, okay, wellthis isn't isn't working. You need to
pick us up by this state.And they're like, oh sorry, I'm

grabbing breakfast and so and so theperson that they cheated with and I said,
okay, well, my dog wassick and I have a spotbot,
and so I went to use thespot doot to clean up the fuke.
And he had never changed out fromthe last time we cleaned up when the
dog got stick, so he wasputrid, and I thought, what better
way to clean this than to puthot water in clean it up, dump

all of the contents on the carpetof that boat that's sitting out there in
the sun, and let that bakeuntil he's ready to pick it up.
Then I had it Toad, becausehe still didn't pick it up, so
he had a pity. You didgood for you. That had to have
felt so good. It felt realgood. Okay, well, we'll do

this every week. So if you'relike, oh, I need get to
share the time that my ex didthis crazy thing because we just got like
the craziest one on text. Wewill do this again next Wednesday around this
time. And just a reminder isyou can be single. You don't have
to be in relationships. That's true. That's true. Thrown it up.
Beyonce broke. I guess. Iguess made history would be the word.

I would say that I broke recordsthat made history. We're going to cover
that coming up and trending in howyou can go to Paris on us and
see Taylor Swift perform there. Comingup in trending on one on one three
kat w B. There are alwayslike some really strange things going on in
like certain cities, and right nowthis it's interesting that this has to be

a rule in Waconia. But they'relike, you have to start leashing your
cats now. Oh what, Yeah, they used to have that applying to
dogs. That more, I guessmore and more people are taking their cats
out for walks and the cats arelike pooping in people's yards and stuff.
Can I tell you this really quick? So I don't mean to show Jack,
but I was in Target and Isaw a dude with a backpack with
the cats inside of it. AndI've seen that several times. I've seen

that. Yeah, but what sodid you were you jealous? I was
jealous? Three cats. I lookedit up by Amazon. But it just
feels kind of weird to put yourcat on display on your back. I
think you have to either have thechillist cat ever, or you had to
have started that when they were reallyyoung. Young First Edith if I tried
to put her into something, shewould claw my face off. And in

the past when I used to likegot an older cat, when I used
to have her Drew before she passedlove kitty, did you say Drew.
Yeah, that's an awesome cat name, thank you. But when I used
to try to put like a leashlike harness on her, she would actly
she was paralyzed and just go wow. I was like, Okay, she
doesn't want this, I'm not goingto force it on her. So yeah,

some cats are about it like illse people on TikTok, Like I
went hiking with my cat to day. I'm like, what you did?
I'd cats got oxygen mask so advanced. I advanced. But anyway, in
Waconia, you gotta start cleaning upafter your pets. They're pooping everywhere and
they're just like going out without leashes, being reckless, so like you gotta

get them out of control. That'sthat. Or in the city she just
put in a giant litter box,like a volleyball type size of just litter
for all the kiddies. That's discuss. I'm just saying no, or just
all over in your yard. Whatthose are? My only two options.
That's going on, all right.I don't think that that is okay anyway.

Beyonce has officially become the first blackartist in the history to occupy the
entire top fifteen of the US AppleMusic Country Chart. So congratulations to Beyonce.
There are like two main songs onher new album, the Miley one
and one called Bodyguard. I've beenlistening to over and over again. I
do like the post Malone one alot. And there's another one called Yah.

Yeah. Those are like my topfour and I knew you were wondering.
You were like, what is balancetop four from the new Beyonce album.
Yeah, it's texted you last night, but it's good to get the
info now. Yeah. I didn'trespond because I wanted you to wait around
twelve hours. Yeah, just tomake sure you I know where I stand.
Yeah, in priority of your life, the lowest the lowest here.

Yeah yeah, okay, that's yourtrending. I do have a crazy,
unbelieva story of the day when wecome back about a raccoon, as I
call raccoon who went crazy. It'san unhinged raccoon in the unbelievable story of
the day, when we come backon, Katie, don't. It's the
unbelievable story of the day. Onone oh one point three kt WB.

Headlines on this one are hot fire, raccoon rampage, furious sailing. I
always say raccoon to the dry spoolcrazy. I like saying it like that,
even though it's raccoon, I understand. Do you remember the raccoon that
was scaling a skyscraper in Saint Paulyears ago? Yes, the famous raccoon,
Yes for sure. Well, ifI do. One got into a

theme park, not in the TwinCities. TMC got video of the whole
thing. But it's actually super crazy. Now. Obviously, if a raccoon
is out in daylight like attacking people, probably has rabies or something. But
the it's I get that. It'snot funny that it attacked people, because
that's scary, But when you hearwhat it did, it was like so
shady people are waiting in line forthe super duper looper. Okay, it

just sounds it's fake. Alright,I know, it's like you've been waiting
all day. It's probably hot.Come on, it's like you're tired.
You want to hit that and outof nowhere, thank you. Raccoon attacks
it bit a young girl and tomake matters work, it works, it's
solar shoe. Why it's too bitterslar shoe and took off with it.

I don't know. Also, wherewere the parents they just throw their kid
in front of the raccoon. Firstof all, we don't know that it
might they might have been in lineand didn't notice. Because you know kids
like, oh, they go topet something and they're like, wait a
minute, survival skills are don't exist. Yeah, example, your kids trying
to put stuff into a light socketat my house. That was one time,

and she was I have a newtheory that my kid tried to start
your house on fire. Because Jakewants that insurance. That's so much.
I don't really have enough. Oneon one point three kd W B,
fallon and cults. I need toconfess something. It's not another hemorrhoid,
is it? Well? I wouldthat's not a confession, and I'd be
like, guess what, yeah,yeah, my but have a new friend.

So much hemorrhoid chat on my phoneon your phone, well from you
mainly group chat, all right,you know what? I was going to
confess something very personal to me.I was going to confess that I have
been eating a coworker's nerds every singleday. Here's a serious question. I
don't I'm usually not a thief.I usually don't steal other people's food,

like I'm a spridge or anything.But there are these like little nerds gummies
in the studio and I have beeneating one full handful a day, just
enough to maybe notice. But I'mwondering if the coworker will notice that I've
been stealing them or not? AmI at my limit? You think you
could probably get away with a couplemore handfuls? What are they called?
I've never eaten this candy before andit is so freaking good. Nerds Nerds

gummy clusters. Oh god, it'slife changing. Don't get it. There
are twenty one grams of sugars.I don't need that information, all right.
If you want to turn things onme. When you ruined equipment at
our radio station earlier by stealing wateron it, we had a lot happened
today. You can find out whyI'm getting fired. You can hear our

Wrap, DJ Drops and a wholebunch of other stuff on the podcast.
If you ever missed the entire show. We upload it directly Founding Colts on
whatever app you use, Have agreat night and thanks for listening to us.
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