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March 3, 2024 41 mins
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You're listening to Food for Thought withBilly and Jenny, brought to you by
the Box Center. For more thanfifteen years, this dining duo has been
eating their way through New England,mixing it up with top chefs, jumping
behind the line of the hottest restaurantsand giving you the inside scoop on where
to wine, dine and spend yourtime. So get ready, it's Food
for Thought giving you something to chewon. Hey, everybody, welcome into

Food for Thought. Billy Costa here, it is a Sunday night on DOUGHYBZ
News Radio and Jenny and I.When we started Food for Thoughts several years
ago, it was exactly that Foodfor Thought. We talked more specifically about
chefs, about restaurants and dining institutionsand so forth. And we still do
that, but we've kind of gradually, right aja the producer, we've kind

of started to include more lifestyle,even wellness, a little bit of everything,
a little bit of everything, youknow what it is in general,
whatever the topic on this show,it's food for Thought. It sure is.
That's the way you should think aboutFood for Thought. Anyway, my
special guest this weekend, we're goingto hold on to him for the entire
show. Is Brendan Carrey, Brendan, you're what the marketing director for Ocean

Edge on Cape Cod That is correct. Yeah, I've been there for it'll
be ten years this June. Okay, and by the way, named best
Hotel Cape Cod by Boshington Magazine.Yes, that was in twenty twenty three,
and we're hoping to be awarded thesame in twenty twenty four. We
actually won four years consecutively in thetime that I've been there, so it

was a great achievement for us tosee. Now is that a big cause
of celebration on the resort, likeeverybody pop champagne or something. Definitely definitely
boost everyone's morale around the resort,not that we don't already have high morale,
but yeah, it's really, asI tell my team, it's not
just a marketing effort for us,it's really a compliment to our entire our

entire team are the service level thereat the resort is quite exceptional. Well,
I got to tell you, andI'm sure you're aware, I've been
to Ocean Edge a few times overthe years, and it's such a magnificent
resort. And if you're listening andyou're thinking about places to go, maybe
a weekend get away, it's reallyamazing any time of the year. And

I say that because just recently,my wife Michelle and I brought went down
to Ocean Edge Resort for the longweekend, the President's Day weekend, and
it was bitter cold out and thewind was gusting at about forty miles an
hour, and we still had anunbelievable time. Even in the winter,
the dead of winter, there's somuch to do. I mean, beaches

I think are as beautiful in thewinter as they are in the summertime.
You just have to dress warmer,and it's a totally different feel. It's
a totally different look. That beachat Ocean Edge Resort is among the best
in the country. I think Icould not agree with you more. Actually
been ranked on some some top tenlists for beaches across America. And I

was actually just speaking to you aboutwhen you visited it was at high tide,
but at which is our beach isabout fifty feet from the dunes to
the water's edge. But at lowtide it reveals what's called the Brewster Flats,
which are the largest tidal flats inNorth America. Imagine that. See
I didn't know that when I wasthere, now, but I went to

that beach every single day. Yeah, so fortunately it does happen every day.
And at low tide, our beachextends out over a mile and so
it reveals these great tidal pools,a lot of great exploring for kids and
and adults. It reveals these oysterbeds that sit right off our beach.

They're the same oysters that are servedin all of our restaurants. And we
lead these oyster bed tours in thesummer. So you're taken out by a
guide. They show you where oystersgrow in the wild, and then they
should tell you walking through the farms. If you're lucky enough, you get
to meet the owner of Brewster Oysters. His name is Brian Day, and
you get to open the cages.See how small the oysters grew image them.

They're the size of a thumbnail toI think it takes five years for
them to mature to be sold,and yeah, it's quite quite an amazing
process. So when Michelle and Ichecked in, there's a book in the
room, and the book tells thehistory of ocean edge resort and the family
that started it and grew it,and there's so much work they did for

the environment, the properties and thewaterways that they donated to the town.
Share some of the history with ourlisteners. Yeah, thank you for bringing
up. It's a terrific story.And you know, our property dates back
over one hundred years. So foranyone who hasn't been to Ocean Edge Resort

and Golf Club, we are inBrewster, Massachusetts on the Cape, and
if you were to drive by ourresort, you would have to do a
double take because our property is notsomething you would associate with Cape Codd.
Yeah, you don't feel like you'reon the cape multi respect to k and
it sits between you and the mansionis a beautiful three acre lawn and then

there's this beautiful mansion and carriage housesitting right next to each other with the
backdrop of Cape Cod Bay. Andagain that's not something you see anywhere else
on Cape Cod. So yeah,the mansion itself, the property dates back
to eighteen ninety, which is whenthe first mansion was built by this well

to do man named Samuel Nickerson.He was actually from Chatham and he married
a woman named Matilda Crosby. Herfamily was from Brewster. Oh what a
beautiful story, the merging of family. I know, I know which when
we can get to it later,but we host plenty of weddings on our
property throughout the year. But sothey got married. They actually moved to

Chicago and started their family there.He became the co founder of the first
Bank of Chicago. He also madea lot of money in the distillery business.
And this I always love saying thisfact because I would love if someone
did this for me. But theybuilt this mansion as a summer home for

their eldest son, Roland Nickerson,and it's a magnificent building. There were
two of them actually right there,correct, yep, the mansion in the
carriage house. And so those existeduntil nineteen o six, and unfortunately there
was a fire that the mansion burntdown in nineteen oh six. But at
that time Matilda and Samuel had passedaway, and then unfortunately Roland also passed

away. But Addie Nickerson, whois Roland's or sorry, was Roland's wife.
Yeah, she you know, didn'tlet that get her down, and
she carried on the legacy and shestarted to rebuild and so she completed the
construction of that building in nineteen twelve. All right, we're gonna have to

hold that thought because we have togo to commercial. We're going to continue
with more of the history of OceanEdge Resort. And as Brendan said,
it's in beautiful Brewster, Massachusetts,on the Cape cod So much information,
by the way, you planning awedding or anybody you know planning a wedding
in the future. I have somuch information for you when it's coming up.
Stand by. You're listening to Foodfor Thought, brought to you by

the Box Center and Salem Waterfront Hotelin sweets. Hey, everybody, welcome
back to Food for Thought. We'retalking with Brendan Carrey, who's in charge
of marketing for Ocean Edge Resort andgolf club and everything else. And when
I say everything else, I meanit. You've got so much going on
there. And I'll get to thatin a minute. But right before the
break, you were talking a littlebit about the history of Ocean Edge.

You mentioned the name Nickerson, theoriginal name attached to Ocean Edge Resort,
and somebody, one of your staffmembers had said to me, because I
had gone to several beaches, likea different beach every day while I was
there, and they said, oh, you really need to check out Nickerson
State Park. And it was literallylike a mile maybe two from the mansions

from the property, and it's onour way home. We said, oh,
let's check out Nickerson State Park.What a magnificent property. And all
of that was donated by the ownersof Ocean Edge Resort to the town,
right, that is correct. Soover time the property became really hard to

the land, I should say,became very hard to upkeep. Sure for
just one there weren't many Nickersons leftat the time, and so they started
to donate off the land, partof that being Nickerson State Park. So
the name Nickerson can be found throughoutall of Cape Cod, but Nixon State
Park. In my eyes, Iactually believe it was me who might have

suggested it is quite a hidden gem. It is right across the road from
our mansion, and it you know, there's there's campsites, there's hiking trails,
there are kettle ponds, which kettleponds are remnants of glaciers, and
I believe that means that they don'tfreeze. I knew there was something with
the bodies of water because Michelle andI kept saying to each other, Oh

my god, this water is likecrystal clear, like maybe is it being
fed by the rocks or something?Why is it? It's like magnificent.
So what are they there? WantThey're called kettle ponds. Yeah, And
I do have to say it's veryyou know, while while Cape Cod is
beautiful, it is it is myplace of work and there anytime I need

an escape, I can just driveinto Nickerson State Park. It's nice and
quiet. There's just nature around you, tons of wildlife and just to just
to take a few moments to sitby one of the kettle ponds. Oh,
very undisturbed. It is very peaceful. Yep. And we were in
a car driving and I don't thinkI ever saw the entire state park.

I was like afraid of getting lost, you yeah, But we got out
two or three times and walked someof the trails and what a magnificent property.
So if you're headed to the Capeand you're passing through Bruce Dore or
you know what, go out ofyour way, okay and check out Nickerson
State Park and definitely try out OceanEdge Resort. Now, speaking of the
resort in general, there are somany different areas. We tried to take

in as many as we could.But is it a combination of ownership and
rental or and hotel. It's kindof broken up, right, Yes,
that's correct. So we do havetwo sides to the property. There's the
mansion at Ocean Edge and the villagesat Ocean Edge. Right, the Villages
at Ocean Edge is the property that'scloser to Cape Cod Bay, but on

both sides there are privately owned,privately owned homes, so there are people
who that's either their primary residence ortheir second home. And that's where the
golf course is. Right. Thevillage is at Ocean Edges, of course,
and I've been to the villages becauseyou've got several dining up options on
the property. And there's a reallycool restaurant right on the golf course,

right, Yes, I know you'vebeen there. Yeah, Links Taverns Tavern,
which it's unfortunate that it's I don'twant to say it's so tucked in
into our resort, but it's it'snot right off the road, as if
all of our other restaurants are.But Link's Tavern. Every time I take
someone to see every restaurant. Theyalways rave about Link's Tavern. The the
views right it's overlooking the the firsthole of Okay, our golf course,

and the food is just spectacular,spectacular. The lobster roll. We do
want future a lobster role on everymenu at our restaurant, but every one
has every lopsterol has a little bitof a different take on it. Yeah,
had we've We've taken our TV showthere a couple of times, and
the last time we did it,it was the first time I had been

to Link's Tavern, and I couldn'thelp but notice as you enter the Villages,
which is right across the street fromthe mansion side at Ocean Edge,
it goes on forever. It's likeyou can just keep driving and it's that
in itself is a beautiful drive.I mean, in the summertime, people
are going to be golfing, butyou're driving through all the different parts of
the golf course and there are residanceslike spread out all over. Are there

always residences for sale or can yourent any of the places on the Villages
side through Ocean Edge? Yes.Again, so if you're booking at Ocean
Edge, you have an option ofstaying on the side, the villages side.
Yes, so accommodations wise across theproperty at the mansion, not ocean
edge. We have hotel guest roomsthat are in our guest wings off of

the mansion, right, and thenwe have the two and three bedroom villas,
which are what you stayed in twobeautiful ago. It's like like I
had my own home. Well,that's that by the way I was going
to I was actually considering squatting.That's how much fun we were having.
We would have let you. Wedon't recommend that you know, when it's
time to go, it's time togo. We would have politely asked you.

You know, you say the wordpolite, and it reminds me how
incredible the service was no matter whatyou know. Obviously, in the off
season, so to speak, you'relimited in terms of terms of dining options,
but you still have more than anyother place, because I know you've
got Bezos tavern downstairs in the mansion, and then you have I hope I

get it right ross ross Common loungeand restaurant, and those are both in
the same building. Yeah, it'sthose are both in the mansion, and
it's it's a great place any time, any time of year. You mentioned
the shoulder season. We like torefer to it as a sweater season because

you know, there's while it's alittle quieter in the off season, it's
still lively. There's stuff going onabsolutely entire year. Well, you have
an indoor pool. In fact,you always have events, and we're going
to get to events and activities.And the weekend I stayed there, you
can appreciate this, Aja, becauseit was a long weekend. I wanted
to go away and I really wantedto go back to Ocean Edge Resort in
Brewster. Well it happened to beHarry Potter weekend. Oh that's exciting.

And I got to tell you,even as a couple of adults roaming the
property all weekend, you know,you'd see the kids in their capes and
their Harry Potter glasses, and youguys had all kinds of activities set up
for the kids, and it seemedlike these families were having a ball.
Oh yeah, this is actually Ibelieve our sixth or seventh year doing it.
And it is just as kids ageout of Harry Potter, which I

don't think that actually really happened withyou guys. But there are new kids
getting introduced to it and falling inlove with books and characters. Some of
my own nephews are starting to getinto it and they've attended Wizarding Week.
It is very exciting to see allthe kids running around and we do all
the sorting into the houses, doingall the crafts, we play pool,

quidditch, we really go. Theteam has gone above and beyond it.
I wandered into the wand making.But you have movie spells. Yeah,
no, I know, but youknow I would go to the gym,
you know, every day, rightbefore dinner. But to walk into the
gym you had to walk through theindoor pool. And because it was Harry
Potter Week, I mean, itwas so cool to see entire families.

The pool was packed with kids justhaving a ball and playing games and the
parents were all having fun. SoI guess my point is it's a great
place for your events and activities offamilies are looking to do something really cool
with the kids. Yeah, isn'tthere something this weekend? You'll get the
Murder Mystery weekend? Right? Yes, we have you impressed that I knew
that. I am very impressed.Somebody their homework we do have. We've

done a few Murder Mystery dinners overthe years, and this one coming up
as actually masquerade themed, ah,which is great because the Nicholson family who
built the mansion, they actually usedto host an annual masquerade party, so
it's a nice little allusion to them. So what happens at Murder Mystery Weekend?
Well, there's not an actual murder, but yeah, we want to

be clear. Okay, make thatclear. Yeah, but it is.
It's more of like a dinner theaterpresentation. So we there's a group that
comes in and they put on ashow and you as a team at your
table need to figure out who doneit. Oh yeah, and then the
rave reviews on the food, reviewson the performance, and everyone just walks

away having a great time. Allright. So you've got Murder Mystery Weekend.
That's this weekend. What's the nextbig event at Ocean Edge? Immediately
following that, we have a twoweek run which is our Taste of Ireland.
So the days leading up to SaintPatrick's Day, we have a jam
pack schedule with Irish step dancers,whiskey tastings. We have a local local

person who does and talk on ancientIrish mythology and symbolism. Now, when
is that? That starts March fourthand runs through March seventeenth. Okay,
because you know, for your information, you see Aja, the producer of
this show, she is an accomplishedIrish step. Answer is that? So
are you free from March fourth throughMarch maybe a special guest. You might

be disappointed with my skills. Ohno, Actually, I've been known to
I've been known to break out intosome my fake Irish kick Murphy's gonna be
there. It seems like they're atevery Irish EVENTU I'm not saying they won't
be there, but you may noteven know, but they're going on their
own. We got to take anotherbreak. It's Food for Thought. I'm
Billy Costa. We're talking about OceanEdge Resort on Cape Cod. We'll be

right back. You're listening to Foodfor Thought, brought to you by the
Box Center and Sailing Waterfront Hotel inSwedes. Hey, everybody, welcome back
to Food for Thought. Billy Costahere, and I'm with Brenda and Carrie,
who's the marketing director for Ocean EdgeResort. Earlier in the show,
Brendan I was asking you about theoptions in terms of what you can accommodate

yourself with Ocean Edge, because therewere so many options. I stayed in
a villa. What's the deal inthe villas? Yeah, so our Presidential
Bay Collection village with villas, whichare what you stayed in. They're great
for families, groups of friends traveling, very luxurious. There are two and
three bedroom villas featuring a kitchen,net, living room, dining area,

washer dryer. So really, ifyou wanted a quick weekend get away,
works for that. But if youwant to come and stay for a week
or two weeks, We've had peopledo long term stays. So families can
book a villa two or three bedroomsfor the entire vacation, a week long
vacation or two week vacation. Ithought of that while I was in the
villa. I said to Michelle,God, you know you can spend our
whole two week vacation here, rightand listen. I'm not a parent,

but I do like to wear myclothes when I go on vacation. I
like to wear clothes more than once. So having a washer and dryer and
unit is it so happens. Iuse the washer and draw. I love
to hear it. I love tohear it. By the way, you
also have a wine cooler in thekitchen. We do. We couldn't help
but notice. Yeah, so thevillas, we can you give me a
ballpark prime season, off season interms of what villas would cause for families

thinking about it, sure, soin the height of our season in summer,
those could get a fir three bedroomvilla. They could be twenty between
twenty four and twenty six hundred dollarsa night. In the off season,
you can get them for around sevenI believe around seven hundred. You could
actually share it with another family ifyou're there for a bedroom, you know
what I mean. Now you're splittingit in a half. Yeah, and

it makes a lot more sense,and you don't have to go anywhere.
Moms and dads, if you're listening, we were talking about a complete home.
We're talking about being on the beach, having a beach bar, having
multiple dining options, indoor pool,outdoor pools, gymnasium, spas, everything
you could possibly need, hiking,jogging, walking, biking. Yeah,
and you want to talk about foodfor thought, this is a nice exclusive

for you. We're actually launching thissummer and experience in those villas that you
stayed in. It's a private,personal chef experience with our executive chef fil
So the chef comes into your villa, comes into your villa, and he
cooks you dinner, serves it toyou, and it's a nice engaging experience
with that. He's been there atthe resort for longer than I have,

so he's quite knowledgeable about the property. So it'll be a really terrific experience.
It's funny you mentioned chef because Iwanted to commend you in the food.
The food is spectacular no matter whichvenue we ordered, and I want
to talk more about the food interms of the restaurants and the options and
the variation in terms of menus.And we definitely want to dive into weddings
because you guys are famous for them. We'll take a break. It's Food

for Thought. We'll be right back. You're listening to Food for Thought,
brought to you by the Box Centerand Salem Waterfront Hotel and Sweeves. Hey,
everybody, welcome back to Food forThought. We're passing along a lot
of value information this week on Foodfor Thought. Well, you know,
before you know it, the warmerweather will be here, and then the
warm weather will be here and youhave to start thinking about plans, what

to do, where to go asa couple, a group of friends,
or a family or maybe two familiestraveling together. And that's why we're spending
a lot of time this week talkingabout Ocean Edge Resort. I've done it
two or three times, and Ithink it's an unbelievable option. We've got
Brendan Carry here, who's the marketingdirector. I want to talk. This
is food for thought. I wantto break down all the different eating venues

now. Earlier in the show wewere talking about the tavern on the golf
course, Links Tavern, Link's tavern, which is phenomenal. So that's one
option. Do they do dinner aswell as lunch? They do? Oh
wow, So it might be abeautiful view at night too or for sunset.
Oh yes, there's a beautiful stargazingon the cape as well. Because
you have less light pollutions. Soif you're able to, if it's a
beautiful night, you can sit outside. It's really cool. Did you get

that, Ah, less light pollution, you hat another reason to go.
So you've got that and that it'sgot a big deck. You can sit
outside or inside. We've done that. Okay, So now I want to
talk about the beach bar because Imean, you go to the beach bar
in the warm season and you're literallyout over the ocean and you could be
anywhere in the Caribbean. It's it'sbeautiful it When you are down there,

you do not feel like you wereon Cape God. No, not,
it is quite I actually I believethe last time you were down there,
the last summer you were down there, it was quite an exceptional day.
And the water I think we madea comment about like did we import this
water fromwhere? Because it just didnot look like Cape God. Yeah,
we had the cameras there that dayfrom the dining Playborg. I can't help

but remember was it a bloody marythat they brought to the table and it
was the size of a small car, Yes, I believe that. And
it had everything from shrimp and likejust sticking out of the top of it.
Oh my god, it was soquite over the top on So what
are the hours on the beach bar? First of all, when does it
open for the season. The beachbar will open for the season. I

believe Memorial Day weekend and it willrun stay open through the end, at
least through the end of September.Yeah, and the hours are typically eleven
to I believe eight point thirty islast call and then needs to be shut
down by nine. And again literallysitting right over the ocean, the ocean

is actually going under your feet.It's unbelievable. And as you said,
all of your restaurants serve the lobsterroll and that's to die for. That
is correct. Yep, even downat the beach bar and great drinks by
the way, So there's the beachbar. Now let's go back to the
mansion. Is the roof deck whichis not open in the off season,
but is the roof deck considered thepremier dining option at Ocean Yes, So

that is called Ocean Terrace, andso that is our obviously our outdoor venue.
The Ross Common Room, which youmentioned earlier, which is inside the
mansion. The Ross Common Room usedto be an extension of Ocean Terrace,
but now since we've started, we'vebecome a year round property. Since since
COVID, the Ross Common Room hastaken on its own identity, been very

cozy, very charming by those centuryold fireplaces. I can't really, it's
become one of my favorite rooms.And there's a nice cozy bar in the
Ross Common. Okay, so thegive me an idea of menu items on
the roof deck at Ocean Terrace.Yeah, we have everything from from you

know, chicken to your favorite seafoods, from scallops to those brewster oysters that
I mentioned. We had a seafoodtower that we launched last year that was
a quite a site for the eyesand for the stomach. And there's a
wrap around bar in the middle.Yes, we actually just redid our bar
last year and it includes a rawbar as well, so that's where all

those that seafood is coming from.We have terrific bartenders out there. They
can make we have a great cocktaillist, but they can make anything under
the anything under the same. Andif I recall, you do have TV
screens too if people want to watchgames or do whatever that is correct,
and fire pits if it gets alittle cool at night, which I remember
this stuff. I gotta say that'smy favorite time of day in the summer

is when it gets a little cooler. You need to be either by a
fire pit or with a nice sweatshirt. So I happened do you happen to
notice somewhere in my ocean edge?I did notice that they have really cool
merch. Yeah. I got acouple of hats, baseball hats, and
their hoodies and T shirts, reallycool merch. And the boutique will probably
reopen Memorial Day weekend, right,yep, it will be open for the

summer and ajency. You know.And if you're listening as we talk about
the ocean terrace, now again you'reraised up on top of the mansion and
now you're looking out over the bay. The view was just spectac It is.
For people who I bring there forthe first time, they say,
how did I not know that exists? And then I have to say,

well, that's my fault because I'mthe market. But I'm glad you know
now it is. If you haven'tbeen, please just stop by. It
is a sweeping, picturesque view ofthe entirety of Cape Cod Bay. And
we used to say, in aclear day you could see Province down in
the distance. You actually need alittle bit of contrast with the clouds in
the sky. But if you lookstraight across the bay, you can see
Pilgrim Monument and it just gives youa really great god concept of just how

big Cape Cod Bay. Okay,so we covered the tavern of the golf
course. We covered Ocean Terrace,which is the roof deck, and we
still have three, maybe four morerestaurants to talk about. We have the
front lawn. Oh that's right.The lawn as well served as an eating
venue, so to speak. Okay, so we got to take a break.

We'll get to the rest of therestaurants, but we have to talk
about what that is great. Youactually have a separate site for weddings,
because I know the website is oceanEdge dot com, but then you have
Ocean Edge Wedding Start You impressed atall that I have this information right a
top of my scoling. Impress,But we have to take a break.
It's Brendan Carry from Ocean Edge andBrewster on the Cape. It's Food for

Thought. I'm Billy Costa. We'llbe right back. You're listening to Food
for Thought, brought to you bythe Box Center and Sale and Waterfront Hotel
in Swedes. Hey, everybody,welcome back to Food for Thought. Billy
Costa. Here we're talking about OceanEdge Resort. Brewster on the Cape Cod
named best Hotel Cape Cod by BostonMagazine and for good reason. Before the
break, Brendan and I were breakingdown the multiple dining options at Ocean Edge

Resort, and so we started withthe beach bar, we did the tavern
on the golf course, we didOcean Terrorists. Now Ross Common is within
the mansion and it's a classic kindof vintage, publish, high end restaurant.
Tell me a little bit more aboutross Common. Yeah, so that
sits within our mansion. So allof the decor, it's very old world,

old world charm looking. We havethe Central century old fireplaces and the
name the ross Common Room is actuallyan homage to our ownership's lineage from County
ross Common in Ireland. So withthe Taste of Ireland coming up, we
will be featuring some some Irish taste, our Irish tasting, many some Irish

dishes, some Irish whiskey. I'moh yes, we'll have some Irish whisky
tastings for sure. And it's reallyit's it's one of my favorite rooms on
property. Some great Kraft cocktails justare really cozy. It's not a huge
room, but it's it's a veryintimate, cozy experience. And I noticed
I didn't get up there, butif you go up the rounded staircase,

there's this really cool space up there. It's like a nice little see yeah,
where you can sit and just kindof chill and you can have a
drink. Yeah. Right outside thosewindows you can see Kape Bay. Yeah.
And then again within the mansion downstairsfrom Ross Common you have Bezos Bezos
Pub. Bezos Pub. That's yourbiggest bar in the property, right,
that is our although no, there'sthe Ocean Terror our biggest indoor bar.

Yes, yep. And you getlive entertainment there. We do every weekend
every Friday and Saturday. When wewere there, I forget the name of
the event. Very good, verygood band. There was so much going
on, and it's you know what, it's really cool that people watch too,
you know, because you have youknow, couples that are just out
to get away. You had abig event going on, the Harry Potter.

But it's very cool. And nowwe've got to talk about the front
lawn because that comes back what MemorialDay weekend? That is correct, Yes,
and and a lot goes on.I remember when we shot Dining playbook
there last time, did you havea pizza truck out on the lawn or
something? So we actually have twobrick pizza ovens. That's said on the

summer, And I'm glad you broughtup the pizza because I mean, I
you know, I love I loveseafood, and I love all the other
other dishes at all the restaurants,but there is just something about the pizza
that they make. Some nights whenI'm going home and I'm like, oh,
I forgot to eat today, iwill run out and I'll grab one
of those pizzas and it is thepershudo and there we go. It's it's

and it's also cool because you're outthere on an open lawn. You know
you're chilling, and the kids cando anything they want. There are games,
you can just sit back in anAdirondack chair and have some really good
pizza. Listen, if you're aparent and you're coming home from the beach
and you're like, I just wantto sit back, have a few,
have a few drinks. I wantmy kids to go make friends away away

away from me, but within eyesight, so that I'm still being a parent.
You twenty for the kids to doon the lawn. Yep, we
have every long game you can thinkof. We have a full sized croquet
court, we have we also havefor a resort. Yes, we have
lessons throughout the day, so we'llteach you how to play. Okay,
Well, you even have a bikeshack where they could pick up bikes.

Speaking of which, it's the longestbike path I've ever been on. It's
twenty six miles, not on ourproperty, but no, aj, you
have no idea. We took bikesone weekend when I was there, and
you can go through several towns onthis bike path. Yep, like it's
I never got to the end andthen I said we better turn around.
We've been going half a day.You going to get lost? Yeah you

can actually so it fortunately cuts rightthrough our property on the village's side.
So you can pick up a bikeright one of our bike fleet and hop
right on the trail and you canpedal to your heart's content. Yes,
don't pedal too far because if wehave to come pick you up, and
I couldn't help. But note weactually stopped. There was an ice cream
place, yes, along the way. Well, let's grab on ice cream,
and I think that's when we decidedmaybe we'll head back now. Yeah,

but the point being you mentioned momsand dad as they all day they've
been with the kids. You wanta little break. The kids are going
to be exhausted by the time youget home at night, between going to
the beach all day, doing everythingyou're doing all day, and then out
on the lawn all afternoon and thenyou going to dinner and they're playing games
and swimming in the pools. Imean, it's perfect. Well, I

love that. Yeah, I lovethat you brought up going off property because
what we strive to do is provideevery experience that you may need on property.
But there's so much more to CapeCod and we encourage guessing and you're
surrounded by some of the best towns. Oh that's we are a great central
location. I told you. Wedrove down to Wealthlee, we get out

of the car, we walked WealthleyBeach, which is historical. We went
down to Orleans one day for thebeach. We went to Nausset Beach and
every day if we stayed there twoweeks, we'd go to a different beach
every day. We got to getweddings in Yes, first of all,
I'll start first and foremost. Ifyou're planning a wedding, you know somebody
that's having a wedding down the road. I don't care if it's a year

or two years away. Go toOcean Weddings dot Com. Now, how
far in advance do people have tostart thinking about booking if they want to
book the wedding there. We dostill have availability for twenty twenty four over
select dates, but usually around ayear out people are typically booking for Now,
how many people can you accommodate ata wedding? Really? Up to

I would say up to three hundredthat's a big wedding. Yeahs in select
areas. So we're able to puta tent out on our three acre front
lawn, and we also have thelargest luxury ballroom on Cape Cod. We
have Bay Pines Pavilion, which isquite beautiful. We ceremony wise. You
can get married on property. Youcan get married down on our private beach,

you can get married on our frontlawn. I've seen people get married
over on the golf course. Carriagehouse wedding, yeah, I can picture
it now, all the chairs setup and You've got the archways right there
on the lawn. And one ofthe best parts is the entire wedding can
stay there. And I'm not talkingabout just the wedding party. I'm talking
about the entire wedding. That isone of the great things about having a

wedding at Ocean Edge. You don'thave to have your because I've been to
my friends have gotten married on thecape and people get you know, airbnbs,
you can't walk to just meet people. So to really have your entire
wedding stay on the property, isit creates more memories. It's it's it's
a more wedding weekend. You're neverlooking for a bite to eat, You're

never looking for an appetizer, you'renever wanting for a cocktail. You're always
more than a few feet of anotherbar. Yeah. And the great thing
is we can really customize your weddingfor you. That's one of the So
you have a wedding planner. Wehave a great catering sales team that helps
to plan everything from the when youfrom the moment you arrive to the moment

your your family leaves. So wedo private beach fires, we do we
can set up you know lawn games. Actually, last year there was a
couple that met while playing kickball inBoston in a kickball league. Yeah,
and so they had a kickball gameon our front lawn where there are two
teams. They I wasn't one familyversus another family. They were kind of

like you know when you're walking downthe nile, it's like we don't have
size. Everyone mix and mingle andthey had this giant kickball game on the
front lawn. It was very coolto see. Yeah, we talk about
it all the time on the MorningShow and kiss because you guys are part
of the Morning Show. And interms of weddings, yeah, you can
get married right in the sand,right on the beach. You can get

married on the lawn. You canhave beach cocktail ceremony. I mean,
you can do it all and utilizethe entire property right yep, entire four
hundred and twenty nine acres. Anyway you want to utilize it will make
it happen. So people also getmarried on the golf course that has been
done, yes, Yeah, andwe also have a venue over there,

links pavilion that is another option fora reception venue as well. And it's
kind of cool that nobody has toleave, nobody has to go anywhere,
you're spending the entire weekend, soit creates so many memories. Right while
we are four hundred and twenty nineacres. We do have a shuttle service
as well, so if you don'twant to have to drive everywhere, we
can. Oh, I noticed that. I'm glad you brought it up,
because as we're walking around, Ialways saw the shuttle vans. Where do

those take you, like, goover to the villages or something. Yes,
so it runs on a loop.I believe it's every twenty minutes,
but that will take you throughout theproperty so that you never have to drive.
Now, I know, I workedout a few times at the gym
where the pool is, and thatwas the gym's got everything you need.
It's a really cool gym. It'sgot flat screen TVs and everything. But
there's a second gym down at thevillages, right. Does that require a

membership? Yes, so there isa member sports club over at the Beautiful
at the Villages. Yeah. Butif you're a die hard, can you
pay a day fee or something?Yes, we do have options to pay
a day fee and we have classesin there. We also have beach yoga
in the summer, which is quitepopular. Right down on our we tonight,

can we go, Let's go,Let's get a bunch of people and
go for the weekend. Brenda,thank you so much for coming in.
Thank you for having me. Canthey ask for you if they call rend
and Carrie. One thing I wantedto mention is that all of our restaurants
are open to public. So eventhough yeah, resort guests, please come
on by, yeah, crash awedding, Yeah, please do not.
It's Ocean Edge Resort dot com rightgenerally yes, but if you're really thinking

wedding, just go directly to OceanEdge Weddings dot com. Corect Brandon.
Feel free to stick around because we'vegot one or maybe a few more minutes
left of the show. And whatI'm going to do at the end of
the show every week now is giveyou some ideas other places that I've checked
out recently that might be brand new, maybe you haven't seen or experienced.
So I've got a list, andthat's up next. You're listening to Food
for Thought, brought to you bythe Box Center and Salem Waterfront Hotel and

sweets Hey guys, welcome back.This is something new I'm going to do.
At the end of every show everySunday night on Food for Thought,
I'll give you some ideas places Imay have noticed or experience just recently.
First and foremost, we took ourMeat Boston Show, which by the way,
is a new show that Jenny andI are doing on Nessen and it's
all about Boston places you may notknow about. Boston Public Market is a

very cool place, especially when theweather is a little bit cooler, or
if it's raining out, or evenin the winter, because it's one stop
shopping. They've got everything you needfrom produce to food, to restaurants,
the cocktails, the wine, andit's all under one roof. So check
that out. It's Boston Public Market. It's literally alongside Fanuel Hall and Fanuel
Hall Marketplace, so check that out. Another new place I checked out recently

with the Dining Playbook. It's atthe Seaport District. It's right over by
fan Peer and it's run by TomSelesinger, who's well known in the hospitality
group in Boston. It's called Hookin Line and it's a really really cool
restaurant with a cool bar and againit's at the Seaport District. And he
also has attached to the restaurant acomplete market where you can get if you

want grab and go. You canget lobster rolls, you can get clam
chowder, you can get fish sandwiches, you can get oysters, you can
get anything you want. So checkit out. It's called Hookin' Line.
Ask for Tom. Also the SeaportDistrict, And you know, I've been
to the Seaport so many times.It's never ending. It seems like everywhere
every time you go, it's expandedeven more. I found a section of

the Seaport District way way back pastthe Design Center I didn't even know existed.
I don't even know when they startedbuilding it. But it's got more
hotels and it's got another really coolhotel restaurant. It's called Moxie's. You
may want to check that out.And I know it's open Sunday mornings for
brunch because we took the iHeart team. The billion leaves the Morning Show team
there the morning before jingle Ball.So check out Moxie at the Seaport.

Also, just the other day,I checked out a place in Cambridge.
It's basically adjacent to the Charles Riverand it's inside the Kimpton Marlow Hotel.
It used to be the Marlow Hotel. Now it's newly renovated. It's called
the Kimpton and the restaurant inside isBombara. You want to check out Bombara
and they do brunch on Saturdays andSundays in the food is spectacular and as

the warm weather approaches, one ofmy favorite places in Charlestown year round,
but in the warmer weather they haveoutdoors seating on the cobblestones. It's really
charming. It's called Dovetail and youcan ask for my friend Jessica who manages
the place. She's very nice.Also, the tall Ship one of the
hottest places to go in Boston Harborright now. It's owned and operated by
Charlie Lerner and the Navy Yard RestaurantGroup. They also have Reeal House.

They have Pure six on the Harbor. But the tall Ship is an actual
Canadian tall ship that Charlie had tuggedall the way from Canada and the whole
top deck now is a bar andoyster barn. He's got a huge promenade
with several food trucks and games toplay and everything else. To check that
out. And you can spend aday or a half day at Tuscan Village

in Salem, New Hampshire, countlessretail options for shopping. They've got a
man made lake you can fish,you can kayak, and a brand new
hotel, the Artisan Hotel with bythe way, a rooftop bar. So
check out Tuscan Village. My buddyJoe Farrow owns and operates it. He
built a city in Salem. I'mtalking dozens of retail stores, everything from

pottery barn to our house, torestaurants to supermarkets. He actually has a
mass general hospital in the village.It's gigantic. You go there, you
can spend an entire day. Andlike I said, the hotel has a
rooftop bar. And he's also gotTuscan kitchen restaurants. He's got one in
Burlington, He's got one in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Tuscan Chop House.

He also has Tuscan seagrill and beautifulnewb Report which is right on the
Merrimack River. So that's something I'mgonna do every week. I'll give you
some ideas places to go. Youmay have not checked out yet. He
certainly gave me an idea because I'vebeen looking for a brunch spot this weekend,
so I'm gonna go Check's got tobe taking notes, spending. Always
have to be taking notes. Butnow we are out of time. Thank

you so much for tuning in.I remind you that coming up next is sixty minutes
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