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January 24, 2022 29 mins

Ryan Gorman hosts an iHeartRadio nationwide special featuring Dr. Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor for Equity for the White House COVID-19 Response Team. Dr. Webb offered guidance on COVID-19 at-home tests and the latest face mask recommendations. Gabby Landsverk, Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Reporter for Insider, also joined the show to offer health tips for 2022. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to I Heart Radio Communities, a public affairs special
focusing on the biggest issues impacting you. This week, here's
Ryan Gorman. Thanks so much for joining us here on
I Heart Radio Communities. I'm Ryan Gorman, and we have
some important conversations lined up for you. In a moment,
I'll talk to a member of the White House COVID
nineteen Response Team, and then I'll check in with Gabby

lands Verk help fitness and lifestyle reporter for Business Insider.
She has some great new reporting on health and fitness
trends for right now. To get things started, I'm joined
by Dr Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor for Equity for
the White House COVID nineteen Response Team. Dr Webb, thanks
so much for coming on the show. And I guess
the place to start would be with one of the

big initiatives that was rolled out this past week, the
at home COVID test kits being sent out to millions
of Americans. What don't we all need to know about that? Well,
you know, first, thanks for having me today, and in
the free at home test notions really different. We have
to make sure that we can get tested as many
people as possible. And in many places as possible. And

the President's been clear about this really beginning of pandemic testing.
It's going to be a real key in the setting
of the omiconvrant. We've seen a huge increase in demand
for testing, you know. We had over three million tests
available in the in the marketplace, you know, over the
last month, in the month of December, and those were
gone quickly, as everybody experienced when they went to their

wall green to write AID or CVS. And so what
we've been doing is figure out what are some of
the other ways, and we've we've been getting free tests
out through community health centers directly the long term care facilities,
to organizations serving people are experiencing homelessness. But this is
directly to people's homes. And so the website was launched, um,
you know, this weekend. It's it's www dot COVID tests

dot com and on the site you can go in
now you can click order order your tests here, and
when you do, it just takes you to a green
where you into your name and your address and you
get the the test ship to you. And so it's
it's four tests in a kit that's being shipped to
each residents when people request and and uh, and it's

exciting news because it's just another way to get tested
in people's hands. And adding it builds on the insurance
announcement from last weekend where insurers are reimbursing for eight
tests per month per person, which is an also big deal.
So really we're trying to create a lot of ways
for people get access to test. So I went on
the website right after it was launched and took me
like a minute to sign up to receive one of

these COVID nineteen test kits. But the question then becomes,
once we receive the COVID nineteen test kid, how does
it work? Well, a few things. So if you go
to www dot COVID test dot dov um, it does
include information on when you should take an at home test.
So I think that's the first piece. And we want
people to have these tests at their home. If they

begin to feel like they have symptoms, or if they
come into contact with somebody who has COVID nineteen, you
know they can they can give it a couple of
days and go ahead and test um. Depending on the
circumstances right test win is appropriate timing wise, and then
you know, test again if they need to to make
sure that they're safe to kind of go back and
do activities they typically do. So those are those are

really the key notions in terms of when the tests.
The other is there are instructions on the site UM
on what to do with their depositive tests and also
what to do if there's a negative test, and so
there's there it links to broader CDC guide and so
it really tries to help people navigate as well. And
then when the test, a ship to their instructions on
exactly how to use it that are included in the

in the kids so uts lots of information. You know,
for some folks they've been testing off and on over
the last year. For other folks they've they've never done
at home tests. So we wanted to make a product
and get something out that anybody and everybody could use.
And I think we're also looking for ways to make
sure that um you know, for folks who have accessibility limitations,

we also have good tools and resources for them too,
because again, everybody's ability test is really important. I'm joining
right now by Dr Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor for
Equity for the White House, COVID nineteen Response Team. When
it comes to when one should administer one of these
at home tests, I think there are a lot of

questions in terms of the timeline, and you alluded to
the facts of those answers are on the website, but
I figured why we have you here, Let's just dive
into that for a second. If you've been exposed to
somebody who did test positive for COVID nineteen, but you're
not feeling any symptoms, or maybe you're not sure if
you're feeling symptoms. I mean, it's winter weather across the country,

and I think sometimes people are trying to figure out,
could these be COVID symptoms, could be something else? What
would you recommend in terms of the timeline when a
test should be administered. So, if you if you begin
having COVID symptoms, and these are things like a running notes,
that stuff, you know, sort of throw fever, you know,
losing your symptom tasters, now go ahead and test immediately

that you know, if you're symptomatic, the likelihood of of
the test being really sensitive is very high. So that's
the time they go ahead and and test um. You know,
other instances, if you're planning on gathering with a group
of people, and some of those folks are at risk
con severe disease, and you want to make sure to
keep them safe. You can test beforehand and that will
helpe um, you know, make sure that you're keeping those

folks as safe as possible. But to your your point about, hey,
if I've been in contact with somebody who has COVID night, um,
then you'd want to test within the those uh, you know,
those next five days. And so usually takes a couple
of days from being in contact with somebody to where um,
you you are even potentially gonna start to develop symptoms.
So we say about five days afterwards. Um, And in

the meantime you want to you want to be pretty
safe and careful. Almok on it in particular is a
little different than Delta and alpha before it, and then
it seems to cycle a little faster. So so you know,
often folks those first two days, UM, they may have virus,
but not enough of it to get other people sick.
It's really the the next couple of days where we
start to see people transmitting a lot of a lot

of illnesses. And so you know, the first two days
you may not pick up anything on our home tests.
The days afterward, you're more likely to do so and so. Um,
you know you say that about five days after you
coming too close contact with somebody's tivid bank ting is
kind of the height of of when you expect to
have a positive test. Another question I know a lot
of people have about these tests, how accurate are they? Well,

you know, all these tests have received Emergency use authorization
and so they've been evaluated by the p a UM
to get a sense of their accuracy. The thing to
keep in mind is the most accurate tests that we
have are the PCR. So you'd go into a you know,
uh testing to so to go to a hospital or
a health care setting and they do PCR tests usually

get the redults back in a day or two. Um.
That's that's the most accurate, especially if you're looking for
asymptomatic disease, because that's looking for viral genetic material. These
at home tests they're looking for viral proteins, so they
can they're gonna have some false negatives sometimes and they
can have some other instances where again it just takes
time to to get the right amount of virus to

know if you're positive or not so they're they're really
highly accurate for the purposes that we recommend them for.
So if you if you're symptomatic, very accurate, very useful
in giving you a sense of whether or not SOVID.
But what I always tell people is us just common
sense to you know, if you have all those symptoms, UM,
you're sick with something, and even it's not COVID, you
don't want to get other people sick. You want to
use a mask if it is COVID, right, you want

to keep people protected. And that's where that that broader
quarantine guidance UM really comes in handy because it gives
you a sense of exactly what to do while you're waiting.
And I've seen people who who have had a negative
test when they first had an exposure and they were like, oh,
things are all better now. You gotta you gotta give
it a little bit of time before you can test
and have its highest level of accuracies. And what I

always advised people to do is touch based with your
own healthcare provider. Tell them what's going on, and they
can also give you guidance. You can say I have
a test at home, when's the best time for me
to take and they can also help grad you through
that process. I'm Ryan Gorman. Join right now by Dr
Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor for Equity for the White
House COVID nineteen Response Team. You just alluded to the

new CDC guidance on when one should quarantine. Can you
step us through that because I think there's been a
bit of confusion about that change. Well, So the CDC's
most recent guidance is when they shortened that period of
time from for isolation from ten days down to five.
And again, this is the folks who have a known

COVID nineteen case and you have diagnosed case of COVID nineteen,
you're isolating because of it. And what we know is
after you have that positive test um, we find its
typically the first two days after UH and then the
next three days UM. There after those those first five
days of the transmission happens then UH. And so that's

why why they changed the recommendation down from ten days
to five days. But what's really important for people to
know is that throughout that ten days, throughout throughout ten days,
you're strict mask wearing, right, You're not going anywhere without
a mask. So so you know, even after day five
or if you're able to go back into into places,
especially if the tests and the test comes back negative

and your back out into your job or back into community,
you're wearing a mask at all times because even though
it's a much lower likelihood that you're transmitting to lease
at that point than the first couple of days, we
still want to use that abundance of cautumes to people,
say when we have a tremendous number of cases of
the overcron right now, so we we get it. We
know a lot of people are are you know, seeing

folks come down because of the nineteen But I think
there's guidance UM from CZE learn from what they've described
test as it's rodin their understanding of the science. And
that's what we've asked them to always give us their
best guidance based on their understanding as a side it
so that you at this point what it is is,
you know, five days after that positive test, that's when

you're going to be strictly isolating UM and then after
five days strict mask wearing when you're out in public spaces.
On the issue of masks, I know, another big announcement
from the White House this week was that some four
hundred million high quality masks we're gonna be sent out
all across the country for people to go and pick up.
When it comes to what we know about masks, which

masks are more effective, How O Macron has impacted the
effectiveness of masks, What can you tell us about that? Well,
you know, O Macron, because it's transmissible. It really is
more unforgiving about folks not taking every measure they can,
using all the layered mitigation strategies they can to keep

people safe. And so the first thing I'll say, and
the President said this before, but I really do believe
masking is the patriotic duty. It's kind of a duty,
not just to yourself to keep yourself healthy, up to
your community. And that's precisely why we're making those four
hundred million in ninety five masks available. And they're coming
from our strategic national stockpile. So we've been making sure

that we've got enough in masks that we don't have
a shortage, and and now we're saying, hey, let's mobilize
four hundred million of those to get them to people.
So they're going to be available for the public to
pick up at tens of thousands of local pharmacies and
thousands of community helps center sites all over the country. Actually, um,
you know, starting started to shift those at the end

of this week, you know, most recently, and and so,
and they're going to be available, these pharmacies, um by
later this coming week. And so that's that's really really exciting.
And we think the program will be fully up and running,
you know, with those mascot and communities by by early typewary.
But we're we're excited here because it's yet another effort

that we're making. The Key Community said, this is the
largest deployment of personal defective equipment or PPE in US story,
and I think that's a that's not a small thing.
You know. This is in part because of the work
we did using the Defense Production Act to ensure that
we have enough mask not just for frontline workers, but
also so all Americans can protect themselves. So so it's

building on the progress has already taken. I've already made
with increasing masking, but we think it's going to be
really helpful in this moment as well. I think we
just want to make sure communities and remembers have all
the tools that they need to kind of make it
through whether this storm and again get these cases moving downward,
these hostilations moving downwards. We really have to think creatively

and and get every resource we can to communities. I'm
Ryan Gorman, joined by Dr Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor
for Equity for the White House COVID nineteen Response Team.
A lot of Americans have cloth masks. That's that's what
they got early on in the pandemic. Are they affording
the person wearing them any protection from O macron or basically,

if you're not wearing a surgical mask or even better,
one of these nine masks, the protection is extremely limited
at this point. Well, you know that's it's it's a
couple of things I'd say there. That depends on the
nature of the exposure. So how long year around somebody
with COVID nineteen, whether or not they're wearing a mask,
So there are different factors that play. Let's let's assume

that you're wearing a cloth mask and you're around somebody
who's wearing and the ninety five masks but has COVID nineteen. Well,
then you're still going to have pretty great protection because
their mask is also helping to protect you. If you're
around somebody who's wearing a cloth mask, then you've got
good protections, right because you're both wearing masks. So that's
that than not wearing masks, and that I think by

virtue of that, you're less likely to have those drops
of particles make their way into your space unless you're
extremely close to that person or unless you're there for
a really long time, right and then and I think
that the so the consideration really is the length of
time for the interaction and uh and the mask dynamics
between people and the If you're in a room where

nobody else is wearing a mask and all you're wearing
is a cloth mask, you know that that's not the
highest level of connection you can have in that setday.
My advice would be, don't be in that room because
that's not a I say space necessarily unless you you
can't avoid it. If you are going to be in
that space, you know, I'd recommend wearing a you know,
the best mask you can access, and that's our our guidance,

you know, better than cloth masks would be Kate in
ninety five. Masks that is in Kate in ninety five
is in ninety five. But but it doesn't mean that
you have no protection by wearing a cloth mask. You
certainly have more protection than than nothing. And that's that's
good news. I think that that's you know, and where
they'll fitting with surgical masks. I think for a lot
of people that are weighing, Um, you know, is this

something I can reuse? Right? And I think that everybody
has access to two things constantly. That's part of why
we're sending UH masks out. But I think the role
for cloth masks really is trying to make sure that
people have something on the face at all times it
hits them. Well, that's at least two layers that can
help keep them safe because we have to use all
the tools we've got. And what about when we're outside? Yeah,

I mean when you're outside. I think a lot of
a lot of the lessons we've learned are the guidance
we gave back in March of still applies when you're outside.
If you're spread out and have some space between you,
then you shouldn't be concerned as much about kind of
spread of of COVID from person to person. Um. I
think as long as they're space when you're outdoors, again

the risk is relatively low. UM, but its indoor spaces
in particular mask learing. It's going to be really important
when crowded outdoor spaces. You know, there's a lot of
football games coming up this weekend, and and um, you
know a lot of folks who are in close proximity
because of it. You know, it's it's um, you know.
And even though that's an outdoor space, keep in mind

when that many people are packed in, the likelihood of
something I think still is higher than zero. So I
think in doing what you can to be safe is
always important. UM. And and just understanding your circumstances and
your your risk level. But I think everybody should be thinking,
especially when they're out in public, you know, is what
I'm doing putting me at risk of either getting COVID

or giving COVID to somebody else? And what can I
do to minimize that? And final question for you one
more time, where can people find out more information about
those at home tests? For at home tests, the location
is www dot COVID test dot gov. That's c O
V I d T E S T S dot d

o V And you can go to that site and
and it's got great information on the test and you
can click or at the top of the page order
free at home tests. As you mentioned, takes under a
minute and uh, and we'll get those tests out as
soon as they come. We've certainly seen a lot of
interest in and so as soon as we get them,
we're shipping them out and we're gonna keep doing that.

Dr Cameron Webb, Senior Policy Advisor for Equity for the
White House COVID nineteen Response Team. Dr Webb, thanks so
much for the time and insight. We really appreciate it.
Thanks for having me. Take care all right, I'm Ryan
Gorman here on I Radio Community the Use and finally
let's turn to Gabby Lands for Health, Fitness and Lifestyle
reporter for Insider to talk about some of the big
health and fitness trends. For Gabby, thanks so much for

joining me. And so, as you know, the start of
each new year, a lot of people are making resolutions
to improve their health, diet, exercise, all of that. What
would you say are some trends this year that people
might look to incorporate into their day to day routines
that will set them on the right path to a
healthier year. So I think this year a trend that
we're going to see in a healthy eating space is

moving away from the idea of super foods as some
sort of food that's a cure all or going to
fix your whole diet, to the idea of functional foods. Right, so,
foods you can incorporate into your diet as part of
an overall healthy pattern of eating that will give you
some immediate benefits in terms of having more energy, better digestion,
things like that. So I think some examples of functional

foods are going to be foods that have a lot
of fiber. Um. Fiber has been proven by evidence to
help your digestion. It's really great for your gut microbiomes
to the beneficial bacteria that lives in your body that
are responsible for all kinds of things from your mental
health to you know, your chances getting various diseases. Um.
So I think fiber is going to be a big one.

It is also a great school for weight loss, if
that's you're saying, because it helps you feel more full
and satisfied after eating. So I think folks are going
to be reaching for fiber rich snacks in the form
of things like nuts, sceeds and berries this year. Now,
this is one of those dietary changes adding more fiber
into your diet that you want to do slowly, right,

because I had read that if you do it too
quickly you might feel some discomfort. Yeah. Absolutely, so there
is going to be a little bit of an adjustment curve. Um.
So I think with any sort of healthy habit that
you're trying to pick up in the new year, it's
always best to incorporate it slowly because you're better able
to sort of see how your body is feeling and
adjust it so it works for you. But you're also

more likely to stick to it if you adjust and
the changes slowly, as opposed to doing everything at all
at once, throwing out your whole kitchen covered and replacing
it with nuts and seeds. What are the popular diets
at the moment? We hear a lot about the Keto diet,
and then there's like a Mediterranean diet and all these

different types of diets. Is there one in particular that
seems to be pretty popular right now? And are there
any warnings for any of the ones that are most popular?
Anything the nutritionists that you talked to say about them
that people should know sure. So I think the keto
and low carb diets generally are going to continue to
stick around. I think they're really popular, and I think

we're learning a lot more about how the effective body
long term. So one thing about keto diets tend to
spend an emerging friend of the past couple of years.
We don't have a lot of data about what they
do for your health over the course of a lifetime,
so that's something that that refusers is trying to figure out.
Fasting is another popular trends, especially intermittent fast thing, so

eating during a specific window of the day. I think
those are going to stick around. The plant based diet,
vegan diet or a flexitarian diet where you eat plant
based most of the time, included maybe a steak or
a burger once in a while. I think those are
up and coming as well. The big thing that I
hear from experts on any sort of diet that's going
to be restricting or cutting out things that you eat,

is you really need to be mindful of your mental
state when you're going into that, because that can be
a risk factor for disordered eating. It can be a
risk factor for getting into some unhealthy habits around not
eating enough or restricting foods too much. So it's really
really good to be mindful of whether you're starting to
get stressed out or have anxiety about food, and as
that's the case, you should really talk to an experts

before trying any of these diet trends. I'm joined by Health,
Nutrition and Fitness Reporter for inside our Gabby Lands work,
we're talking about some food trends and health trends for
Are there any apps or programs that you found to
be particularly helpful for those who are trying a new
diet to stay on track and to monitor their progress.

So I think there's a lot of apps out there
that will help you do some pretty basic things in
terms of tracking your food intake, so you don't need
to track things like calories protein cards. It can be
an interesting way just to take stock of what your
current habits look like and sort of monitor how they
change over time. I use my Fitness Pale. I find

that to be really helpful. I also think a step
traffer can be a really popular and useful way to
monitor your habits going into the new year. Walking is
a great way to improve your overall health, your mental health,
your energy levels, and so keeping track of how many
steps you're taking in a day can be really eye opening.
I know I've looked at it and seeing, wow, I
really haven't gotten moving much today, And it can make

a big difference to notice that and give you some
motivation to get up and get moving a little bit
more often. And is there a particular step target that's
generally considered like a baseline for most people. So the
ten thousand steps a day is uh sort of the
talked about goal. You don't actually need to walk that
many steps, I think, depending on the person. For me,

that's about five miles a day, which is quite a
bit walk five miles a day. What I would say
is that any amount will help. So if you're walking
a thousand steps today, maybe try for two thousand tomorrow.
If you're walking ten minutes today, try for fifteen twenty
minutes the next week. So I think it's all relative

to what you're doing currently. In terms of the evidence
that we have, research suggests that anywhere around six thousands
or seven thousands steps can have benefits compared to what
most people are doing in a sedentary lifestyle. I want
to go back to the diet issue that we were
talking about a few minutes ago, and in particular intermittent fasting.

Can you explain what that is and why that's become
so popular? Sure, So, intermittent fasting is the idea that
you want to give your digestive system and your body
a break from processing food, which takes a lot of energy,
and so you only eat during set time periods. So
that can look a couple of different ways. A popular
trend is to eat for eight hours during the day,

so I might eat from noon until eight pm and
then fast the remainder of the day. Another popular way
of doing it is too fast two days out of
the week, where I might not eat anything Tuesday and
Thursday and then just to eat normally the rest of time.
So intermittent fasting is really caught on as a weight
loss school, and it can help you lose weight, mostly

because you're eating less overall. Um. There's also some really
interesting research that it can improve your overall longevity by
sort of reducing the stress on your body from having
to digest and process food all of the time, in
particular protein. However, Um, there's really not a lot of
sure evidence that it has better benefits for weight loss

than any other sort of diet that reduces your calories overall.
And it really depends on by person. So if interament
is fasting is something that makes you feel good, um,
that's fantastic, you should do it. If you really hate
the idea of going for a while without foods, it
makes you angry, it's not necessary. Now, is that a
diet where when you're not fasting you can pretty much

eat what you want? Or are you still needing to
stay on track with the healthier diet for it to work.
You can't just eat whatever you want, can you. The
idea is that you can't eat whatever you want, which
to so many people. Yeah, and so I think that's
where some of the data is a little bit mixed,
and we get the mixting result because someone who is

a little bit more health conscious about what they're eating
in that time period may have different results than someone
who goes goes all out. So I would recommend, just
from a more balanced perspectives, to focus on what you
eat overall all the time, rather than sort of taking
out all or nothing approach of of going all out
during the eight hours and not eating anything the rest

of the time. Um. Ryan Gorman, joined by Gabby lands
Vierk health nutrition and fitness reporter for Insider. We're talking
about health and food trends for We're seeing so many
of these at home fitness devices becoming more and more popular.
Peloton and UH Tempo fits and Tonal and there's there's

so many different ones out there. What are you hearing
about their effectiveness? Are these tools really helping people to
get healthy and stay healthy? Um? Are there any drawbacks
that we should know about? So, the most effective workout
is always going to be the one that you can
do day in or day out, And I think having
a fitness device in your home can be incredibly motivating.

It takes out some of the barriers of having to
get get out and put on your shoes and go
to the gym. Um. I also think it's really motivating
to have a bill been fitness community, which is I
think what many of these products like Peloton has done
incredibly well. If they incorporate aspects of a social life
from your living room and and a little bit of

competitive competitiveness too, if that's what gets you going, so
I think I can be a fantastic way to stay motivated.
The drawback which devices like these, is it can sometimes
be easy to overdo it, particularly if you're just starting
out having access to a gym and a trainer in
your home. Seven, you sometimes don't have the natural limits

that might cue you to take a rest day when
you need it. So we're occasionally seeing that folks to
do a lot of at home fitness don't necessarily realize
when to dial back. So if you're doing a lot
of fitness in your home, make sure that you're looking
out for cues like fatigue, moodiness, aches, persistent injuries, things

like that that signal maybe you should take a little
less time to work out and a little more time
to catch up on your sleep. You're stretching things like that.
For those who are new to all of this health
and fitness and maybe this is the first time they're
making a goal to lose weight or to improve their
overall health in the new year, what are some simple

key tips that you would give them, some general things
that they should keep in mind. So, I think the
first place to start, because all of those things you
mentioned are such broad categories that I think it's helpful
to narrow down a little bit what specifically you're hoping
to gain and what that will feel like for you. So,
if you're thinking about getting healthier, think about what that

looks like in terms of how you'll be able to
tell that you've gotten there. So maybe you want to
have more energy, Maybe you want to be able to
do more things physically, you know, go on hikes, like sports,
things like that. UM. And if you sort of want
it all right, that really open things up for you
because it means you have a lot more options um.
And you just have to start somewhere. And final question

for you, are there any real, small, super easy things
that all of us can be doing that over the
course of a year can really add up and make
a pretty big difference. So the person that you want
to think about its consistency, right, So you want to
plan something that you can add in every day UM

and stay with about eighty percent at a time. So,
like you said, a lot of the times that's a
little thing. So I think some common goals that people
might set for themselves in the new year is something
as simple as going for a walk every day. UM.
I think that's a great way to get active, to
get moving. It will help boost your energy and even
your focus. UM. During the day. When it comes to

being healthier overall, I think nutrition has a lot to
do with that, and there are some really simple ways
that you can incorporate that into every meal. UM. One
thing I hear a lot some dieticians I speak to
is to try to focus on getting a protein and
a produce with every meal. UM. So those will help
you get the nutrients you need it. If you're looking

to lose weight, which I know a lot of people
are in the new year, UM, that will help you
hit your calorie goal to help you feel fuller after
eating UM, and it will. It has a lot of
evidence based benefits. UM for digestion, for your microbiome, which
is a healthy bacteria in your gut UM. And I
think that's a great easy goal for some people because
it can look a lot of different ways. Gabby Lands

for Health, Nutrition and Fitness Reporter for Insider. Gabby really
appreciate the time and inside, thanks so much for coming
on the show. Thank you so much for having me.
All Right, and that's going to do it for this
edition of iHeartRadio Communities. As we wrap things up, I
want to offer a big thanks to all of our
guests and of course to all of you for listening.
I'm Ryan Gorman. Will be back, same time, same place,

next weekend. Stay safe,
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