All Episodes

January 8, 2022 29 mins

Ryan Gorman hosts an iHeartRadio nationwide special featuring Dr. Adriana Cadilla, a pediatric infectious disease specialist with Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Florida, who discussed the latest information on kids and COVID-19. Coach Monica Aldama, host of the Emmy-award-winning Netflix docuseries Cheer and author of the new book Full Out: Lessons in Life and Leadership from America’s Favorite Coach, also joined the show. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to I Heart Radio Communities, a public affair special
focusing on the biggest issues impacting you this week. Here's
Ryan Gorman. Thanks so much for joining us here on
I Hear Radio Communities. I'm Ryan Gorman, and we have
some important conversations lined up for you coming up in
a moment. I'm gonna talk to a pediatric infectious disease
specialist about kids and COVID, including what you need to

know about the latest CDC guidance on vaccinations for children
and how the omicron variant is impacting the health of
kids across the country. Then I'll talk to Coach Monica
al Dama, host of the Emmy Award winning Netflix docuseries Cheer,
and author of the new book Full Out Lessons in
Life and Leadership from America's favorite Coach. A great guest
to have on to get us all ready to tackle

this new year. Right now, to get things started, I'm
joined by Dr Adriana Kadilla, a pediatric infectious disease specialist
with Nemir's Children's Hospital in Orlando, Florida. Dr Kadilla, thanks
so much for coming on the show. And let's begin
with where we are with Seed you see recommendations for
the vaccines and booster shots. What's the latest? Sure, thank

you so much for having me. It's always important to
try and make sure that we're getting the right information
out there, because I agree there is a lot of information.
Things are changing almost daily sometimes it feels like, and
so keeping up to data is going to be paramount
in order to be able to get out of this pandemic,
hopefully sooner rather than later. UM. So very recently we

just had some more updates right since UM. On Wednesday
we had the latest update, and that was that we
have now recommended booster shots for adolescents ages twelve to fifteen.
So that booster is that extra third shot that you get.
UM that was just recently recommended. The CDC had their

advisory committee review a lot of the safety data concerns,
and UM when they make recommendations as this, it's usually
on risk versus benefits, and so that's why the benefits
seem to outweigh the risks. And so it's suggested or
recommended now that all adolescents ages twelve and up reately
because prior to this older adolescents were eligible for the

booster dose. So now it will be pretty much everyone
over twelve who should be getting that third dose. Now,
taking more of a big picture look at the purpose
of these vaccines. Everyone's hearing about someone they know who
perhaps is fully vaccinated, even boosted, yet they're still getting
infected with this omicron variant. What can you tell us
about what these vaccines are actually meant to do. So

what we're looking for these vaccines is to keep us
from getting severely ill um ending up in the hospital
and preventing depths. That's that's what we're looking for. When
they looked at specifically children between the ages of twelve
and seventeen between the eight months of July and November,
so this was mostly Delta that was causing infection. Now
we do have omicron and so we don't have a

lot of data on that. But with delta, for instance,
the children that were not vaccinated between ages twelve and
seven team had about a seven times increased risk of
testing positive and between July and December, again mostly with delta,
unvaccinated children between twelve and seventeen years of age had
an eleven time increased risk of hospitalization. So the children

that are vaccinated, adults that are vaccinated are largely being
able to stay out of the hospital, so yes, we
might get sick. There is some evidence that vaccinated individuals
can also transmit the virus, but we suspect they transmit
it less effectively for shorter period of time and the
illness is milder. And this is what's going to keep

us out of the hospital and helping us continue and
um with our daily lives. Um Ryan Gorman joined right
now by Dr Adriana Kadilla, a pediatric infectious disease specialist
with Nemir's Children's Hospital in Orlando, Florida Kids in COVID.
It's interesting because what we've seen with this virus is
that it impacts different people in different age groups. And

when it comes to the more recent variants Delta and
now O macron, what are we seeing in terms of
the viruses impact on kids. Um Uh. There's going to
be so much information coming out of this in years
to come. Right now, what we're getting is data on
a daily basis, and that's why you're going to see
that we're going to be maybe changing what we're saying,

changing our recommendations, But what we see is that kids
are being affected differently. But we also have to keep
in mind that early in the pandemic everything shut downs,
kids were not going to school. They're not they weren't
being affected as much. They were being protected far above
and beyond that what they are right now, they're not
as sheltered anymore. So they are going to be out

there and they are going to be getting sick. Schools
is breeding ground for infections, right, I mean, they're they're
all day, they're sharing all these UM organisms, and so
now that they're all going back to school more in
face to face learning, we're gonna see changes UM now.
An earlier day is Also, we were noticing that kids

were not affectively transmitting infection to older individuals or their
family members, and that's not the case with DELTA or
with omicron. We are seeing entire families being affected. So
one person is sick in the family UM most of
the times the majority of that family will be UM
infected and will test positive at sometime or have some
sort of symptoms. With DELTA. Also, because there were so

many more children being affected, we saw the strain in
our hospitals. In the pediatric world, where we had not
been affected previously, had been mostly the adults that were
being hospitalized and adult hospitals being burdened. But with the
onset of Delta, along with other respiratory viruses that had
been um on hiatus, if you might say, because kids

were not interacting as much, we were bombarded in the
hospital systems were very full. Now, most kids do well,
we do know that, but there are some kids that
do have ongoing simple We have had too many children die.
Over five children have died in the United States due
to COVID nine team. So it's not to say that

it doesn't affect them. It just does seem to affect them,
perhaps less severely than in adults. But we certainly are
seeing them hospitalized. We are seeing them having um the
long COVID symptoms. They do come to our clinic for
months out of COVID, they're still having some sort of
lingering symptoms, and so it does affect them, and we

do need to address it and we do need to
protect them. We've been hearing that the effects from this
new variant O Macron aren't quite what we saw with
the Delta variant. Is that what we're seeing with kids
too or is it too soon to tell? I think
it's still too soon to tell. Certainly it's what we're

hearing and we are very um reassured by this information. Uh.
The one thing I will add to though, is we
I remember that if there are millions of people being
infected at the same time, even if only a teeny
tiny fraction, actually have to be a disease and require
higher acuity of care. So you have to be hospitalized

either on the general floor or do you need a
higher level of therapy by going into the intensive care units.
Even that small proportion, that small percentage, if everyone gets
infected at the same time, that's gonna be a lot
of people, a lot of children coming into the hospital.
So we have seen an increase in the number of
children coming in that require hospitalization in the last week

or so. Also remembering that the amount of fires in
our community locally and nationwide right now essentially is very high.
I'm Ryan Gorman, joined now by Dr Adriana Kadilla, a
pediatric infectious disease specialist with the Mirror's Children's Hospital in Orlando, Florida.
The safety and effectiveness of this vaccine for children based

on everything that we've seen so far, what can you
tell us about that? And there is still only one
that they're able to get at this point, right, so, um,
they're safe. They've been studied. So remember in adults, we
started vaccinating adults, the childs were started a year and
a half ago. We would have seen long term effects
of these vaccines by now, and there are none reported.

We have the acute events that the side effects that
can occur. Those are being monitored vigorously. The amount of
work that's being put into monitoring for vaccine safety is
it's impressive. Now. As far as which vaccine for kids,
we only have one available right now. It's the Fiser vaccine.

So there are other studies going on to the other
vaccines such as the Maderna one, the other m R
and A vaccine, and we hope to have that data
available right now, but for now, uh, it's ages five
and up teenagers. It's going to be the fast vaccine
and it is um safe. We have as soon as
they detected UM that there may have been an increase

in the rate of myopardeitis, which is the inflammation at
the heart, which is one of the things that we
were looking at right UM there was pass in um
in thinking so that we could figure out is this
a higher rate. Are we seeing more than we were?
And yes we were. So there is association with some

hard inflammation following some of the doses of the COVID vaccine,
mostly in mail and usually in the older male, so
the twenty and up or even the sixteen and up UM,
but we have been able to understand that these children
still do better with having this inflammation at their hearts

following vaccination then they do if they have actual disease
and then have heart problems. UM there as far as
the new recommendation to offer that third shot, that booster
dose two teenagers, tolment up Uh Israel has been doing
this for a why and data from there from from
their country show that in children twelve to fifteen, there

were no cases of hard inflammation following the third dose
in males or females that were vaccinated UM over six
thousand vaccinations at that time. So we do know that
it's it's effective. If there are concerns, just talk to
your doctor address those concerns. But the actual active disease,
we don't know what's going to happen. That has a

lot of different clinical symptoms that can occur. We do
know a lot of what can happen if you do
get vaccinated, and we feel very comfortable in recommending it.
There are some parents who are looking at the risk
of severe illness from COVID nineteen two kids and saying
the risk seems to be pretty low based on everything

that we know at this point, Why should I bother
getting my child vaccinated? What would you say to that parent?
Oy um so um edutrition. So vaccines are my life.
On top of that, I am a pediatric confrectives disease doctor,
so that's even more so. We vaccinate for a large

number of infections UM that may have less mortality UM
maybe even less morbidity. But we do this because we
have the tools available and they may have been UM
A lot of these diseases, we just don't see them
anymore because of the value of the vaccines UM and
we had seen prior to some of these institutions. Are

vaccines being developed, a lot of time being spent away
from home from families being disrupted by the illness that
the vaccine can prevent. And so what we want to
do as a pediatric community, as a healthcare community, is
prevent some of these things. Not just when you look

at it not just death, not just hospitalization, but the
morbidity associate at it with it. UM the long COVID Again,
I am seeing children with long COVID. They do have
symptoms UM that are ongoing and they have to stay
out of school. It disrupts daily life. It can disrupt
a parents ability to go to work. So there are

multiple factors. It's a public health concern and by protecting
our childs from those things that we can protect them from,
UM is what our goal is. I'm Ryan Gorman joined
out by Dr Adriana Cada, pediatric infectious disease specialist with
the Merors Children's Hospital in Orlando, Florida. For kids who
are getting other vaccines that are needed, should spacing them

out with this one, with this COVID nineteen vaccine. Should
that be a consideration or does that not matter? No? Um.
So initially there was his concern about administering the COVID
vaccine separate from other vaccines because they're just right. UM.
There wasn't data. We like to do things in the
scientific world knowing that we studied it and we can

give you some information, UM. And so early on there
was that hesitation about administering it the effectiveness would it
be affected, UM, But we've come to realize that that's
not the case. It works well UM kids meet all
their vaccines. That's one of the things that happened, especially
earlier on the pandemic, when we were closing clinics, parents

weren't taking their kids from other follow ups, they weren't
able to. A lot of children lost that UM vaccine opportunities,
and so it's a great time to catch up. Get
everything that's out there. Gets these vaccines are there to
help protect the communities and your child, and so if
you are behind on any vaccine, you can get them

all at the same time. There are some other vaccines
that you do have to space out, and those are
well described. But as far as the COVID vaccine using
get alongside any other vaccines. And the final question for you,
one thing we've seen as a result of this pandemic
in adults, you have other conditions that have gone unaddressed,
untreated because the pandemic has been front and center. Are

there any issues with kids that you think we need
to make sure we're focused on that fall outside the
realm of COVID nineteen related issues. So the big thing
is that the vaccination delays. We were a bit concerned
there when a lot of the vaccinations were falling behind
because we really didn't want to measles outbreak in the

midst of a uh COVID nineteen pandemic. That would have
been difficult. So for us, one of those big things
is making sure that kids are containing to get their
vaccines on time. Uh. You know, I think there's a
majority of us are proponents of getting kids back face
to face going to school. It's important, um, the amount
of mental health issues that come about. How school is

not just for learning, it's where kids feel safe, someone's
watching over them. A lot of children get their meals there.
So we need to prioritize children and make sure that
we do whatever it is that we can at the
community to ensure that they have the best shot out
there to to do well. Um and whatever that takes.
So UM, I think that on top of everything else,

that the adult space, which you know, luckily it's not
like they're not coming. The heart rate, heart attack are
not as comment in kids, but all the other things
that usually get picked up during physicals. We're going to school, Um,
we're going to be seeing those effects Dr Adriana Kadilla,
a pediatric infectious disease specialist with The Mirror's Children's Hospital

in Orlando, Florida. Dr Kadilla, thanks so much for coming
on the show and sharing all of that really valuable insight.
We appreciate it. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
Thank you all right, and finally let's turn to Coach
Monica al Dama, host of the Emmy Award winning Netflix
docuseries Cheer and author of the new book Full Out
Lessons in Life and Leadership from America's Favorite Coach. Coach Aldama,

thanks so much for coming on the show. And what
I want to start is with an overview of how
you got to where you are today, because it really
is very interesting. Tell us about that. Yes, UM, definitely
talk about this in the book, but I, uh, I
definitely never First of all, thank you for having me. Um.
I never thought that I would be coaching. I went

to UH college at the University of Texas at Austin
and have a finance degree. So my dream was to
work in the finance world, and uh, you know, eventually
moved to New York City work on Wall Street. But um,
you know, one of my friends called me. He was
coaching baseball in a very college. I had uh not
been out of college too long. I've working in Dallas.

I didn't really like my job there, and um, he said,
you know, I should come apply for this job as
a cheerleading coach. So, um it was in my hometown.
I had actually grown up in course, Dakna, Texas. So
I thought, sure, why not, I'll just do that until
I figure out what I'm gonna do, uh, you know,
in the business world. And so that was twenty seven

years ago, and here I am, uh still coaching. I Um,
you know, I I'm very competitive, and so I wasn't
gonna just you know, diddle dat a while I was there.
I was actually gonna work and and try to make
this program great. And I created this program, built it
so it's like my baby, and uh, you know, I

fell in love with it and I haven't left. And
from what I got from the docuseries Cheer and also
from your new book, the main job of a coach
basically seems to be getting the most out of the
person there, coaching, getting them to live up to the
best version of themselves. Correct. Absolutely, I mean, you know,

at this point. You know, I've I've won fourteen national championships,
so it's not you know, I don't I don't need
to win any more trophies to prove anything to anyone else.
It's really about the athletes, the kids that come through
this program. They are definitely like my second family, and
nothing brings me more joy than then them having success

after you know, college, and uh, you know, that's one
of the things that that really fills you know, fulfills
my heart, is given them structure and consistency and uh
teaching them the values that I think are important for
success and being a good role model for them. So yeah,
that's that's why I continue to do it. You know,

coaching as hard. It's a full time job. It's uh seven,
it's not an eight to five job. You don't get
to go home at five o'clock and and not think
about work again until the next day. That's not how
it works. You know. Sometimes I think we take a
look at at great coaches and a couple that come
to mind. One we just lost recently in John Madden. Also,
you've got Bill Belichick and Nick Saban you and and

it's not necessarily as much about the xs and ohs
and strategy. Although that is important, there seems to be
so much more that goes into coaching a team or
coaching an individual into becoming a champion. Yeah. I mean,
if you're right, it's not about the xs and ohs.

It's about so much more than that. And uh, you know,
I've I've kind of joke around sometimes and I say,
you really need a counseling degree to coach. But it's true.
You know you are. You're there for them and in
uh every aspect of their life, you know, um, advising

them for school, um, you know, counseling them through breakup
or through parents getta divorce, or through whatever whatever it
is that's going on in their life. And you have
to be aware that you know, when they come into practice,
they may not be a hundred per cent. You have
to be aware that this person needs more of this,

and this person needs more of that. It's it's not
you know of one happens at all. It's you have
to be aware and you have to understand, you know,
how you're going to get the best out of each
individual for since and when you're able to do that
and find that formula, you can create some magic I'm

Ryan Gorman, joined now by coach Monica al Dama, host
of the Emmy Award winning Netflix docuseries Cheer, and author
of the new book Full Out Lessons in Life and
Leadership from America's favorite Coach. So, when you are coaching
someone or giving advice, like in your book, what are
some of the top items that you list as being

essential to getting the most out of your abilities? Well,
you know, I think it's uh, for for one, if
you're wanting to be a leader. Um, whether it's you know,
you're a parent and you're leading your children, you're uh
leading a team, or you're leading, uh you know, a
division at work or whatever. The most important thing is

is you have to lead by example because uh, respect
is earned, it's not uh nobody can demand respect. And
once you have respect, you can really do a lot
of great things and your family, your team, your work
or whatever, because you're you know, people feel appreciated. They

uh you're all working towards the same goal. And uh,
so you know, leading by example. Number one. Self accountability.
I'm very big on self accountability because especially I feel
like in today's world, uh, there's a lot of blame,
Like everything everybody else's fault and and that's not a

good place to be because it's you know, if you're
always working on yourself, you're always working to be a
better version of yourself, then that's how you're going to
get to the place that you want to be. And
in order to do that, you have to look at
your own actions. Do you have to be accountable and
say where did I make you know? Where did I

mess up? What could I do better? Uh? What did
I bring to you know? This relations steps that I
could have worked on or whatever, you know, And and honestly,
when you're in a leadership position, sometimes you just you know,
you even own things that you didn't do because that's
just the proper thing to do. But self accountability, uh
you know that. I think leading by example, self accountability

and just communicating those are those are the very most
important things. There's two chapters in your book. I want
to hone in on here for a second, and the
first one has to do with and this is the
title of the chapter, your doubt is My Fuel. There's
a lot of negativity out there these days. There's a

lot there's a lot on social media that's negative, and
talk a little bit about finding ways, and I would
say Michael jordan Is is probably one of the best
examples of this of channeling others perceptions or doubts about
you into fuel to do the best job that you
possibly can. Well, you know that there's so many things there. Okay,

first of all, I think any anybody that's competitive knows
that as soon as someone thinks, you know, doubts you,
or says you're you can't do it, that's you're gonna
work class. You're working class as hard, you're motivated, you
are out there to prove them wrong. Uh. And you know,
I think, you know, with that chapter, a lot of
things also come up people that don't realize. I think, uh,

the hours that you put in. And I was feeling
very uh you know, like people were dismissing the fact
that we're good because we couldn't a lot of work,
you know. Uh. Yet no, it doesn't And it's and
it's odd, you know, like you said, there's so much

negative and people like to chatter. It's so easy to
stay in age with the internet for people to be
keyboard warriors, and they want you know, I did all
this negative stuff out there when doubt even understanding that
you've you've got a lot of work in silence just
because you you know, have a trophy and you've got
these accolades, like it's the work it's unseen that you

know got you there. And um, it's it's a weird
thing when you're successful because you hear, you know, people
don't like for people to be successful. It's it's very strange.
I love to be everybody's cheerleader. Like there's plenty of
room in this world for us also be successful. But
it's just a strange thing that's happening right now that

Um yeah, I mean it's it's hey, keep Hayton, because
all it does is make me work harder. I'm not
scared to work. I put the hours in. You know,
I don't mind getting a little sleep if that's all.
If I only can sleep a couple of hours because
you've said something that's gonna make me go in and
study more film or or uh you know us put

more time into the gym than you know. That's that's
good on us because we're gonna work to preview wrong
and um, you know the thing about it is you
just have to be careful with what you let get
in your mind. You got to keep that demand positive. Student,
let that Twitter chatter get to you. I'm Ryan Gorman,
joined now by coach Monica al Dama, host of the

Emmy Award winning Netflix docuseries Cheer, and author of the
new book Full Out Lessons in Life and Leadership from
America's Favorite Coach. Another chapter, I wanted to touch on
separating fantasy from reality. And I think this is particularly
important here at the beginning of the new year, where
we often have a tendency to set these lofty goals

in these New Year's resolutions that maybe aren't necessarily realistic.
So tell us about your advice for being real with
yourself about your goals. Yeah. I mean, we're in a
different a different place in the world right now, and uh,
you know, we have to be realistic and but get

at the same time push ourselves to get to get
out of our comfort zones and and uh that higher goals. Um,
you know, get out of our comfort zone. I mean, boy,
I definitely did that when I went on Dancing with
the Stars, and I know I thought, yeah, that's always good.

Let me tell you, it's good for you to put
yourself in that position when you haven't in a long time.
That'll teach to some things really fast. Well, you have
to be willing to fail, right, Oh my gosh, because
that's where the most most growth happened. Lose only learn,
I mean for sure one of the chapters that really
stood out to me because I feel like this is

something so many of us can relate to. It's something
we all go through finding ways to make the best
out of a bad situation. So many times we find
ourselves in the middle of a struggle, something that just
isn't going our way, maybe at work, maybe at home,
and you can easily start to wallow in it like
quick sand. But the other option is to try to

take a different approach. So what's your advice for making
the best of a challenging situation? Yeah, I mean once again,
when you you allow yourself to get in your head
and and wallow in a bad situation and feel sorry
for yourself, I mean, you're only hurting yourself. Like I'm

always going from Plan A to Plan V. My mind
goes immediately to Plan V. If something goes wrong, Um,
going to how are we going to get through this situation?
And if Plan B doesn't work that I've already gone
to Plan C. I'm going to plan d uh. You know,
working to get through it. I'm not working to stay

so sorry for myself. I mean, and it's okay to
feel sorry for yourself for a moment, but if you
stay there, that's pretty it's dangerous. You know, you put
yourself in a situation where you're gonna get depressed or
or things like that, like get the emotions out. Feel
sorry for yourself, absolutely, but then you better get up
and move on. Uh, and you know, go to the

next thing. I mean, La, It's not gonna wait for
you to sit there and have a pitty party forever,
you know. And then one last question for you. You know,
we're in a new year and it's a very challenging
time for a lot of people. So coach us for
a second. If there was one piece of pretty simple,
tangible advice, maybe a change in habit or a change

in mindset, that you think could help us tackle two
in a better way, what would that be? You know
what I talked about the power of positive self talk.
I would say, Matt, talk yourself every single day. I've
done it quite a bit the past couple of years
because it's been two of the hardest years of my
coaching career, and be your biggest cheerleader. Tell yourself really

great things. Uh when you wake up in the morning. Yeah,
it'll it'll in your home mindset, alright. Coach Monica al Dama,
host of the Emmy Award winning Netflix docuseries Cheer and
author of the new book Full Out Lessons in Life
and Leadership from America's favorite coach, Coach Aldama. Really appreciate
the time and and insight and a really interesting book.

Thank you so much for coming on the show. We
appreciate it. Thank you, I appreciate it. Have a great day,
and that'll do it for this edition of iHeart Radio Communities.
As we wrap things up, I want to offer a
big thanks to all of our guests and of course
to all of you for listening. If you want to
hear previous episodes of this show, we're on your iHeart
Radio app. Just search for iHeart Radio Communities. I'm Ryan Gorman.

Will be back, same time, same place, next weekend. As
they say,
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