All Episodes

January 24, 2024 31 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss Jenny's sickness, Falen's book recap, upcoming trip and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to I'm still fun. Jennyis back, and I had the plague,
I had something. There were sores, there was there were sores.
Hold on, hold on, Ihadn't heard of the stors. No I
could, I could. Do youhave bed sores now from laying so much?
That's what I felt like. Iwas about to get bed sores because

I was curled up in the fetalposition for a solid like almost twenty four
hours straight from the pain that wasin my tomb. But you think,
you what, do you think youhad just a random flu or something weird.
I think it probably was the flu. And it's just it's wild because
literally I was texting Fallin after Iwent to brunch on Sunday and I was
having some issues that involved me beingin the bathroom very frequently, and Fallin

goes five times, oh my god, and I'm like yeah, and I
don't think much of it, eventhough every time I was sitting down,
I was having this like awful painin my stomach and needing to run back
to the bathroom. Right, sowhatever, this is normal, like typical
Jenny's stomach issues. And then likethis evening time, actually Tina came over
to catch up for a little bit. I feel fine, Yeah, nothing's
out of the norm. And thenI made a little bit of a dinner,

watched some football with Andrew and hisfriend that was over, and I
started feeling kind of nauseous at thatpoint, and as I was going to
bed, I was like, God, I feel like I could puke at
any moment. But I was like, whatever, it just I must have
just like maybe ate something a littlefunky today. I'm fine. Well,
fast forward like an hour later,I'm wide awake, feeling nauseous, fell
back asleep for like another hour,had fever dreams. Woke up. It's

two thirty in the morning, andI'm like, I can't go to work
tomorrow. So this is like twothirty Monday morning. So I text you
because we usually record this on Mondaysix the Morning Show. Everyone. I'm
like, I can't come in,guys. I do not know what's wrong
with me. And I had afever. And I spent basically most of
Monday sleeping, and then I sleptlike twelve hours overnight Tuesday, and then

I woke up Tuesday morning. Ifinally felt like mostly back to normal.
I still kind of had a stomachache. But Monday, I think I
ate like ten blueberries. That wasit. I couldn't eat anything. The
thought when I would even see foodon Instagram, it made me sick.
It was so weird. Yeah.So then Tuesday, So yeah, yesterday,
whenever you're listening to this, Ihad a box of Goodles, which

is like Kraft mac and cheese,but a protein version of the very highly
recommend if you've never tried them before. They're super good. And I had
like half of the box, whichnormally I can stomach a whole box,
like in one sitting in. Thatname is fucking disgust Goodles, Googles,
that's good. Nothing about that soundsappealing good in anything? Like just why
did they name it that? Idon't know anyway, Sorry, Okay,

so that's okay. So I wasable to actually eat about like a normal
serine size of the Goodles, andthen I later had a little bit of
yogurt and then ate the rest ofthe Goodles like in the evening. So
I had about a meals worth finallyyesterday. Yeah, but then I like
really felt a ton better. Iget so bored laying around being sick and

stuff, and I don't obviously wantto make any and I was sick,
but I had planned on coming infor Wednesday morning, and I feel mostly
okay today. I'm still not superhungry, okay, but just as a
result, I barely slept last nightbecause I basically slept for almost like two
days straight. So I'm a littlebit tired today, but other than that,
I feel mostly normal. I checkedmy temperature like ten times before coming

into work this morning because I didn'twant to get anyone sick. Yeah,
and it was all back to normalfrom there. But that sucks. That's
brutal. Yeah, So I don'tknow. I don't know if it was
like a mild case of food poisonbecause I wasn't puking, but I had
the nauseousness. Yeah, I'm likeusually with well, I say usually I
had it once, Like I'm afucking expert. Now I was an expert.

It was coming out of both endsfor me, and I hear that's
pretty common if it's food poisoning.So yeah, but then it's also like
sort of the same symptoms for theflu. Yeah, so that's why I'm
like, I don't know what Ihad. All I I was. I'm
happy, I didn't have to goto the doctor. Yeah kidding. I
didn't want to waste money going out. So I know, while I am
happy that you're back, I thoughtwe were just going to skip this week.

Honestly, I was like, I'llskip, and then you were like,
I can come in Wednesday. Iwas like, oh, okay,
we can do that. So totallygood. I have an update on my
book series. I finished it.I finished it. I finished all five
books. Wow. So I didsix books in the month of January and
the month isn't even over. Onebook was not part of the series.
It's a Court of Thorns and Roses. In case you're like, what series?

And I don't even know where Iwas one Like last week when we
talked, I don't know. Ican't remember if I was in book one
or book You had done a bookone. I've only done book one.
And then you said you were goingto pay because you didn't have enough credits,
and I booked to went crazy andI bought all the all the books.
Yeah, and I did a reallygood job of I stayed off of

anything that could give any spoilers awaybecause everyone kept saying there was like a
big twist, which this isn't aspoiler. I didn't think there was a
big twist, so I was alittle confused, like I kept waiting for
something. I kept predicting, likethis person who I thought was good the
whole time is going to turn andlike all these things, and there wasn't
like this crazy twist in my mind. Yeah, but it was so good,

and I feel like my therapist literallysaid, because I go in the
middle of our session, have youread these She's like, oh my gosh,
yes, And she was like anyway, but she said that prepare you're
gonna have like a hangover when you'redone. And I feel weird. I
feel like sad, like I cangenuinely feel I feel sad that it's over,
and that series isn't technically over.I think she's supposed to release one

or two more, but she hastwo other series. But I'm like,
I need to take a break becauseI was obsessed with it. But like
the way she described some of theseguys, like the last book is the
most sexually aggressive because the first fora book. Four books are from the
point of view of this girl namedFeyrah. And I won't give any spoilers,
so don't worry, and then thelast book is from the point of

view of someone else and a differentguy, and they are much more aggressive
with their sexual ventures. Okay,and I liked it. I have really
listened to only the sex parts ofthe book, like twice now only like
three chapters of sex parts. AndI was trying to like tell Jake about

it, and I part of mewants Jake to read it, but I
feel like there's enough battle in fightingin it that he might like it.
And then this is how I feltafter I finished like twice, and I
was like, I need to findpeople who have read it so I can
talk to him about it. Andmy friend Heidi had, but I think
she reads so many that she waslike, oh, my favorite character is
x y Z, and I go, that is not a character in the

book. I think you're thinking oflike a different series, and so I
don't have and so anyway, Iam horny y. It benefited Jake,
he got tons of action. ButI'm going to start another series of hers
soon. But everyone doesn't. Everyonesays they don't like the first book,
and I didn't mind the first book, but I found this really this series.

Yeah, I found this really funnyguy on TikTok who reviewed all of
them, and his review are likethe funniest reviews ever. So but now
I'm deep and it's my algorithm becauseI was like, now I need to
look into everything. Okay, Iwant to get on that algorithm once I
start reading them, and I amgoing to start reading them soon because shout
out Jenna, who listens to thepodcast. Yes, she emailed me after

we talked about it last week,and she goes, Jenny, I have
another set of all of the booksbecause she loved them so much she bought
them in a hardcover set also gotand so she literally just today dropped them
off with the radio station for me. So I'm finishing one book that I
only have like one hundred pages leftright now that I'm going to finish,
and once I get done with that, I'm going to start the series too.
I probably won't bust through them quiteas fast as you, but I

am excited that i'll have you totalk about them too. Yes I do,
okay, yeah, I will saytwo things. Are you supposed to
return these to her? She didn'tspecify, she said I could. I
think she said I could have them, but Jenna, if you want them
back, you can totally have themback. She doesn't want them back,
Okay, well why because I knowshe doesn't want them, pass because I

know I want them back from youread them. I do think, she
said, I could keep them.But if you're listening, Jenna, and
I'm wrong, let me know,because obviously I'll give them back to you.
You offered vemo her any money forthese, Jenny, No, I
didn't, she said. I thinkthe only reason she's partying with them is
because she already has another set.So that made me feel better, and
I also want to give them tosomeone else who wants would you stop,

I'm not gonna get them that sticky, My gosh, They're gonna be fine.
I'm not gonna get them that sticky. Be fine, Okay, I
gonna say no one except book fivefrom Jenny I like. Okay, I
like. I never I truthfully havenever read a book more than once,
so I don't and I don't liketo collect things. Yeah, I'm just

not that type of person. SoI would like to do what Jenna did
for me, which is give themto me. So I would love to
give them to someone else once Ifinish reading them. Once you finish,
Yeah, once I finished, babyOkay, I will say this too.
So the audiobook. I like theaudio because I because they're so long.
Jenny, yeah that I listened tohim at one point eighty five speed because

two of the longer books are liketwenty five hours. Isn't regularly you're like
thought process of it because it's moremore hyps No, some books, it
depends on how the person reads them, because some I could never listen to,
but this one I could. Theyalso have not just a one author
one. They have a version ofeach book they tell you this where it's

acted out, so it's they havemultiple actors, sounds and music, and
part of me wants to go backand listen because I want to hear the
guy's voices from an actual guy andnot a woman when they say some of
the shit they say. And there'sone guy on TikTok I found too,
and he has this really deep voicewith like an accent, and he'll just

say the sexy lines and all thecomments are the thirstiest women ever, Like,
boh, that's one nac fuck noanyway, funny wow a really I
just went on a tear there forthat yeah, oh, I have one
announcement also, Okay, what doyou got? I am doing another group
trip and it's this year in October. I've done two of these before.

I did one in twenty nineteen inParis. God that was before COVID even
I did not realize it was thatlong ago. And then I did one
in twenty twenty two to Spain.So my thing is, I try to
do them every other year because Inow have there's like a set kind of
group of a handful of people thathave come to both and I'm like going

to Europe going to these trips.It's not cheap, so like my in
my mind, I'm like, Idon't how much money to anyone makes,
but like maybe this gives them anextra time to save up for the next
one. That's why I'll only dothem every other year. But it is
not cheap, so I'll throw thatout there. But it will go up
to day or tomorrow. So ifyou're interested, I'll give some quick details.
But if you're interested, sign upbecause they have limited spots and you

it's such a good solo trip.Four girls came to Paris solo the first
year and they are now friends andthey they went on to Spain together,
they've gone like to Scotland themselves,that they go on other trips together,
and so the last one it's sucha welcoming, embracing crew. And this
time the hotel we're staying in isso small it'll just be our group in

the hotel. So we're going toItaly. Okay, it was like,
did I miss where you said you'regoing? Sorry, we're going to Italy
and I have I've been to afew places in Italy, so I was
like really specific that I wanted todo, like the coast. So we're
doing Sorrento. We're staying in Sorrentothe whole time, which if you don't
know enough about Italy, that's goingto be more southern and it's going to
be right close to a malthy coast. So yes, so what I So

this is like a really quick highlightof what we're doing. We fly into
Naples, we take a like maybewe might do like a city tour of
Naples, and then shuttle because usuallycan't check into your hotel to like three
or four shuttle to Sorrento, havea big, like lovely welcome dinner.
This is all like included and theprice you pay. Then like the next
day, we're immediately going We're goingon a ferry to Capri. It's an

island. You've probably heard of Capri. And then we're going to the Blue
Grotto, which is like this beautifulundercave water thing you go on boats.
We're going to go see part ofthe Malfi Coast. These are different days
too, so I'm just gonna throwthings and we're gonna go to Pompei.
We're doing this huge chair lift thatgoes like to the top of a Malfi
coast. You can look out overit. We're going to Positano. We're

going to a lemon cello tasting,a cooking class, we're doing a winery.
So it's like, really it includesalmost every meal. So when you
see the price, know that itincludes like everything pretty much. There might
be a day or two where youhave like go off on your own do
whatever you want, and you wouldbuy your lunch or dinner that day,
but for the most part, it'sincluded. One question yet October okay,

seventh through fourteenth, that was oneof the questions. Another question is are
you going to do like a pastamaking class. I think, so we
have a cooking class. Okay,so probably you'll do pasta. I would
assume because I feel like that's likethe number one thing you see people do
when they go to Italy. Ifthey're doing a cooking class and they're they're
cooking classes on a Mofye coast,they're crazy. I've watched videos. They're

very they're not like serious, they'relike fun, you're drinking, very interactive,
and it's a very lemon based area. So that's why, like lemon
cello is popular. But we're doingdining one night and this lemon it's not
orchard, but it's like a lemonrestaurant where you're covered in lemon trees and
stuff. It's like beautiful, veryscenic. So long story longer. I'll

be posting that today or tomorrow.And I'd love for you to come on
the trip with us. I wishyou could come, Jenny. I know
that would be fun. Okay,October I feel like is the perfect time
to go to because it won't besuper hot, it's the tourist season is
done, yep. And since youguys already have everything planned, like you'll
know what you're gonna be doing becauseI had a friend go to Italy and
Greece I think in October, anda lot of things were like shut down

because it was like the end oftourist season, and she like kind of
regretted some of the things they planned. But obviously everything will be set with
that trip, and there is nothingI love more than avoiding a tourist season
absolutely, so August is kind ofthe end of their tourist season. So
October people, I had a coupleof people like, wait, is it
going to be It'll still be warm, Like it's still like the temp the

average temp is still like eighty degreesduring the day, but then it like
to sixty six. So for mewhen we went to Spain, I was
I had to change my underwear likethree times a day. I was sweating
so much. So I will beso it's basically warm enough to still get
in the water and things if youwant to, and we'll be right on
a like beach basically, but alsoin the evening it might chill off a

little bit, which I think isnice. And by chill off, I
mean it's not gonna be like thatcold. So anyway, I think it'll
be amazing and I'm excited. Iam so excited. I knew you were
probably doing a trip this year,but well it was back and forth.
Yeah, because that area is sopopular right now, the like Positano a
Malfi Coast area, it's so popular. It was the guy who bookstart he

could not find a hotel, couldnot, for the life of him find
a hotel, and he was likehe was, I mean, he was
like getting stressed out too, soit almost came to we weren't going to
do one, and then last minutewe're like okay, He's like, how
do you feel about the hotel?I'm like, it looks chill, let's
do it. Yeah, So well, that'll be fun. I'll be obviously
extremely stocky that week on your socialmedia to see obviously thing you guys are
doing. Thank you so much.I do desire to go to the Amalfi

Coast, Italy, and like,IMNA be honest, Rome doesn't appeal to
me as much. I don't reallylike I didn't go to Rome when I
went the last time. I'm notas much of a like I want to
see the historical things as much asI want to see beautiful landscapes and stuff.
So that's like more of my vibeof like what you guys are doing
on that trip when we went Iwent in like twenty fourteen and that we

did Florence, Venice and Lake Comoand like Chink with Tara, which was
like a day trip and that waslike the coolest kind of that was one
of my favorite things we did.So it's like, okay, that's cool.
Florence was my favorite of those.Yeah, Venice was confusing. Af
It's like endless one ways that justend and you're like I don't know where
I am and everything looks the sameand it's waters everywhere and it's very confusing.

And the day we had like agondola ride planned, it rained,
so we never even did a gondolaride. Yeah, okay, whatever,
So, oh my goodness, butis there anything that you wanted to Okay,
real quick, I forget. Haveyou been to Savannah? Yeah?
Okay, did you guys ever,whoever you went with, did you do
any of the like ghosts tour stuff? Okay? You know me, I

am a baby and I'm scared ofeverything scary. Okay, are you sure?
Because literally my girlfriend was over theother night of whose Bachelotte party were
doing, and she was like everyonewas getting in my head and they're like,
well yeah, and then you startthinking like what if this is real
and what if blah blah blah blah, and I'm like, oh, well,
everything is real. I mean Savannah'swell, Savannah is a town built
on it's dead. Like that's whatyou'll learn in your ghost tour. I

mean literally the it's the I meanin the war, I mean like the
bodies that the town was built ontop of the dead. So I mean
I would say, I guess youmight not believe in ghosts in general,
but I mean if you were goingto that would be a town that I
would think you would, I know. But I think there was one part
where it was like, okay,that's a little creepy. But we did
a hearse tour, so you actuallyride in a legit hearse oh and get

a ghost tour. But you're youknow how it is. Your tour guide
is like the best part, Likeso we have the best tour guide.
She was really awesome, very entertaining. I think it's fun because it really
is kind of like it's like ifyou went to Salem and you and you
didn't do like some kind of witchthing you kind of. I think it's
cool to do it. Also,I would recommend someone just asked me for
Savannah recommendations, so like, Ihaven't been a long time. So we

did the Pink House was very delicious, dinner, very popular, so I
have heard of that. Yeah,it's very popular. One for once.
I am actually not leading the planningon this one because this is a huge
group of girls. And how youfeel about that, I feel okay.
I was partaking in like trying tohelp where we were going to stay,
and we did not go with whatI thought was like the best option.

We went with like the much cheaperoption. So that kind of bruised my
ego a little bit because I feltlike my idea made more sense for the
situation. But that's okay. Theplace we're staying is great and perfect and
it's cheap whatever. But it's beenkind of nice. But I'm getting a
little bit like antsy to have likean actual itinerary because I'm just getting text
here and there of like hey,can you pay me for this? Can

you pay me for that? Blahblah blah. I know we're I think
we're doing some kind of a pedalpub sort of thing on one of the
days, and I know we're doingthe ghost tour one night month. Are
you going to be there in likea couple of weeks? Right? Okay,
yeah, so it's right now.It was like only like highs in
like the forties. When are youdoing a pedal nub coming up in the

next couple of weeks. It's supposedto be more. It does have like
seventies next week, but then itlooks like it's going to drop a little
bit after that, so I thinkwe're going to be sitting around like fifty
to sixty, which I'm cool with. I like a good foolish webbing.
I'm good with that. But yeah, it's been a little weird not having
much of an idea of what theplan is. So I don't know.

I'm going with it. I'm allowingit to happen. It's it's a bacheorette
party and I can't be in chargeof everything at all times. So wow,
that's big changed, you know.Okay. One thing I want to
mention real quick is I've gotten alot of d MS about this, and
I think I've answered every single onethat has come in. But if anyone
is curious about the sex quiz thatI brought up like two or three episodes

ago on the podcast. I'm goingto tell you the website right now because
so many people are like, heyo, send me that line. Yeah.
So it's just it's called mojo Upgradedot com. So m o jo upgrade
how you would spell upgrade dot com? So very simple, Okay, if
you want to take the quiz yourself. I know some people I think have
googled just like sex quizzes and founddifferent ones that they've taken, and I'm

sure a lot of them are somewhatsimilar anyways, but mojo Upgrade dot Com
is the one that I was talkingabout on that podcast, And I do
have an email to read, butwe need to help this woman out,
and I don't know if she wantsus to share her names, so I'm
going to keep it out for rightnow. Okay, so says Hi Jenny
and Fallon. So I have somethingI need advice on. Last year,

my first year in college, somefriends and I joined a club at school
relating to our major. Towards theend of the year, elections for officers
were coming up, and my friendLily, which is not her real name,
wanted to run for president. Therewas no one else running, and
she suggested I be her vice president. I agreed, and since we were
both running unopposed, we thought wewould be there would be no competition.
But that was until Brian also enteredhis name in the ballot for president,

kind of last minute. So Brianwas a junior and had been in the
club for a couple of years.When it came time for the election,
Brian was voted as president and Iwas vice president because I was unopposed,
and so Lily and I were bothupset that Brian got the position, but
understood that he won because of hisexperience. Well, this year, I've
been very publicly working on a hugeproject involving multiple different clubs, including this

club i'm vice president of. I'vedone a ton of leadership and secretarial work
as well as coordinating the event.It's been stressful, but I'm proud of
my work. Many friends and clubmates, including Lily, have been assisting with
the event. I've also taken ondoing a club outreach event before school starts
up for the semester. Doing thishas made me realize I would like to
be the club president next year.It even seems expected of me from the

two club advisors and other current officersnot to mention that I have a ton
of ideas for the club, somethat would have to wait until next year.
However, Lily has referenced running forpresident again a couple times this past
semester. The thing is because we'reboth graduating early, we have only one
more year to hold the officer positions. While I love Lily and want to

let her have her moment, Ifeel as though I've earned this position if
I'm elected, of course, andit seems unlikely that she'd win in an
election against me for president based onthe work I've done. I'm scared that
this could be something that ruins ourfriendship, and I don't want to seem
like I'm being power hungry or anything. I also fear that Lily will talk
bad about me to other friends.Obviously, I would harbor no ill will

towards Lily as she did end upwinning, as it's an election and the
people have every right to vote forwho they'd like. When I brought this
up with my parents, they saidthat I should have a conversation with her
and run for president. What doyou think any thoughts from you or your
listeners are appreciated. Ooe, it'skind of tough because Lily's your friend.
Yeah, that is really tough.I mean, if let's say, like

if you and I were in that, I can see where I'd be like
stressed about it because I care aboutyou and I would like not want to
hurt your feelings. But I mean, I think your parents are right.
I think at the end of theday, like Jenny and I both signed
up for Gracie Awards, for instance, Yeah, it was. It's very

different because it was different categories.Jenny Snipper, producer sent up for co
host. When Jenny won a Gracieand I didn't, was I like a
little sad I didn't get one,of course, Yeah, But I was
also like really happy for Ginny becauseshe deserved it. And so I think
I would hope your friend Lily whileif she'd I think it's fair for you

both to run and if you win, which it sounds like you probably would,
I would hope Lily would. She'sallowed to feel disappointed and sad,
but I would hope she would bea strong enough woman and friend to understand
why you won and not let thatbe a reason that your friendship would fail.

I do think you show her respect. You do have that conversation in
advance, and say, hey,I really want to run for this too.
I honestly think Lily should probably runfor the vice president spot. She
hasn't held an office yet. Ialmost feel like she should run for that,
and then it'd be the switch.And I get that's not what she
wants, and you shouldn't suggest thatyou should let her run for what she
wants. But maybe when she hearsyour running for president, she'll make that

decision herself, and then maybe youboth can be in office and it would
be like a really positive thing foryou. Guys. Yeah, I agree
with everything Folland said. I alsowill say that I was on the board
of a club at the u Universityof Minnesota myself, and it kind of
was like what Fallin just said,where like the vice president became president the
next year if the vice president wasgood enough. It wasn't just like some

random not that Lily's random, She'spart of the club, but it wasn't
someone else that came in and gotthe president's spot, unless like someone else
really proved themselves. But it soundslike you, the person who wrote in,
have been really proving yourself and youwere you have been vice president.
So just from my experience in theclub that I was in, it did

always. It always went from likevice president to president is usually how the
role came. Yeah, but Ialso know that this guy, Brian sounds
like he just became president this pastyear without having a role prior to.
That's just not how it works inyour club. But I think you just
chitchat with Lily and hopefully you guyscan have a mature conversation and understand that

you're both like I mean, you'rein college. It's like important to be
involved in these things and it's greatfor your resume for both of you.
So have the conversation and say,you know, I really was thinking about
being running for president, and seehow she responds, and hopefully she'll understand,
and then I think you still gofor it regardless, And either way,

I think it's a really really goodgrowing learning moment for both of you
because you are both one step awayfrom being in the real world and the
real workforce where you're going to becompeting against peers constantly for promotions, for
raises, for leads on projects,manager positions, whatever it may be.

And at the end of the day, you can be considered of friends and
let them know you're going for thepromotion or whatever. But that doesn't mean
you should You should never make theysay you should never make yourself small or
someone else right, and you wouldbe doing yourself a disservice if you were
just like, no, I'll lether get it. Then what if she
doesn't even get it? What ifsomeone else friends against her and she doesn't

get it, Yeah, that wouldreally suck. Then you're a good point,
you know. So I think thatthe fact that you care this much
in general just shows what a goodfriend you are. I also probably have
gathered that, like, there mightnot be a ton of people in this
club, so that's probably where itgets a little bit stickier, I guess.
But you bring up so much stickinessin this episode. I couldn't think

of a different word to use there. So that's why you said again,
but I could understand. We're like, if there's only like eight of you
in this club and then suddenly likeyou're pinned against your one, your good
friend in the club, that itis really like a hard situation but I
still think that you go for whatyou want. And I mean, there
are a lot of things I wouldhave not a lot of things, but

there's things I wish I would havedone in college that I didn't. And
one of them, yeah I knowwhich one of the football players wasn't it.
But one of my main things wasthat I didn't join a club earlier,
and I did by my senior year. I was on the board for
the club I was in, butI wish I had joined earlier, and

I wish I would have been onthe board by the time I was a
sophomore if I could have been.You know what's funny. I did every
single club and activity you could possiblydo in my small school because my school
was so small, like you kindof just had to be in everything,
like to fill it. Like likewhen I would play other teams at tennis
and that's the only sport those girlsdid all year, and I'm like,
must be nice. We have toplay every sport and there won't be enough

people on the teams. But whenI went to college, I was so
burnout. I was like, I'mnot fucking doing anything here. And I
did a couple of intermural sports tostart off, I get like sam volleyball
and tennis, and then I quicklywas like, I am not good at
tennis, like I was good atIndiana like our my school tennis, but
I am not good at college likepeople I sucked. And then I also

just like, never have loved sandvolleyball as much as like indoor court volleyball
is hard. It's so hard.I hate it. You always got stand
in your crevices, and so Iwas like, no, So the only
thing I joined was like radio stuff, and I was really happy I did
because obviously it led me where Iam, and I that was important.
But part of me does wonder likeif I ever should have done like any

other kind of club or anything.But I don't feel like clubs were as
big at my school because I wentto a small college too, so whatever,
But I think it's cool when Ihear about people doing that and they
get really great experience. Honestly,being in close clubs stuff probably give you
way better experience than any of theclasses you're going to because you're getting,
like you, whatever project she's workingon, that's like real tangible experience.

It is. And I will saybecause I mean mine was PRSSA, which
is Public Relations Student Society of America. And it was such an important club
for the major I was in becauseit was all about networking and you were
able to go out to different businesses, different agent pr agencies and like get
tours and stuff like that, andso it was so important not necessarily to

have all this experience of projects wewere working on in the club, but
the networking aspect was just wild.Like I'll never forget this girl Morgan that
was in the club with me.She was the queen of networking. She
brought her business card with her everywhereand and that girl, that's amazing job
immediately out of I'm sure immediately,and I'm sure she's doing super well like
to this day because she was justthe queen of it. So yeah,

clubs are definitely worth it. Butgirl, you go for that present spot.
I'd like to end this by justshouting out my husband's ass, because
I'm really happy that he officially isgoing to have to get a size large
finally in shorts. Oh, becausei I'm I'm now probably a large,

but I've been at like extra largea lot for like pants, like if
I do like, you know,tighter things, And it always annoyed me
that Jake was always like I'd pullhis little shorts out of the dryer and
they were so tiny, and theywere like smalls from like when he was
smaller to mediums. And it's notbecause he's gained weight, it's because he's
beefing so much, like he's abeef boy. But I almost pissed myself

laughing. I saw him in thekitchen the other day and his shorts the
seam on the crack, they werefucking screaming, and I go, oh
my god, I go, youcan't wear those in public. He's like
why, And I go, doyou seriously not feel how like I can
feel when things are so tight?It makes me uncomfortable to think of someone
at the gym seeing my button themor something. And he's like no.
And I go, Jake, likeyou could do a squat and they would

rip, they're so bad. Andhe's like, oh my god, and
I go. And then he worepants the next day, Jake, you
got to get new bottoms, likeyou cannot. He's like, I think
I might be a large Now.I was like, I think you might
be, so then he said hespent like ten minutes with his phone in
the like camera selfie looking at hisass in the mirror, and he's like,
I am absolutely a large. SoI'd like to shout out Jake's fat

ass because he's officially graduating it toa large. Yeah, welcome to the
club, Jake, exactly. He'salways a voluptuous butt. But congrats,
Jake. If you have emails forus, you can email us Fallon at
KDWB dot com or Jenny at KDWBdot com and we hope you have a
great week. Thanks for tolerating usthe past, like it's been just random,
like with Jenny being said, butmore like then we had two random

you know, like Mondays off withNew Year's and MLKA Junior Day. So
thanks for kind of like I knowthat they always say the ked to a
good podcast is consistency, So thanksfor hanging out with us. Through my
friend Kimberly and in Indiana, Itell you it was funny. She texted
me yesterday and she goes, nonew podcast today. Two question marks.

Your loyal inquiring fans want to knoware you still fun? Okay, Okay,
it's coming so anyway, thanks forlistening. Yeah, thank you
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