All Episodes

February 27, 2024 29 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss new restaurants they tried, Love is Blind, and Jenny shares a top 10 grossest ever gym story and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's Fallin and Jenny and I'm stillfun podcast Jenny. Jenny's in like a
really cute would you call that justpink purple? Because I feel like it's
pink purple, Like I think thetop is pink. The bottoms are definitely
purple, like their leggings. Ican't see your lower half now when it
came and I could, it's avery cute little ense. I went to

class today and look down and myleggings were covered in animal hair, and
I was like, cross, yes, baby, I was like, I'm
ruining their nice sleek studio. Andeven when I was like cleaning it off
at the end, I could seeanimal furs. I was smearing it through
and I'm like, god, sogross, Like why am I this person?
Does Dolly shed that much? Oh? And Edith, I forget about
it. I don't know which oneit's from. Yeah, but yeah,

one of them sheds enough to ruinmy days. And Edith did attack me
a bunch today, so that couldbe it. Maybe we on one had
had two Australian shepherds for the lastlike ten days. They left last night,
which side note, I thought theyweren't leaving until today and I looked
at the app to like verify whattime they were getting picked off, and
then I realized they were leaving likelast night. And I was not prepared

because they were just the best.We love them, yeah, but never
have we had more hair in ourhouse in our entire life. So like
Andrew was putting his clothes on lastsecond he could to get out the door
and then was lint rolling now ashe walked out the door and had one
in his car all week and I, yeah, I was the same all
weekend. When I went to thegym, all of my leggings were covered
in so much for and I waslike, Oh, it's just weird.

It's not like it's that dirty,but it feels dirty. Yeah, you
know. Yeah. Can I tellyou I'm going to tell you two funny
things all of it said to methis weekend. Okay, I told I'm
probably gonna say I'm on like onmy other show. Also because when I
tell Jake one of them today,he laughed a lot. First of all,
she was holding a barbie Saturday andwe went to the coffee shop.
She and I could have taken herto his swimming lessons, And when I

was getting out she goes, myBarbie has big boobies like you. And
first of all, I've never beencompared to a Barbie, so thank you
for that. And I was like, yes she does, and yes I
do, thank you. But todaythis is why I'm scared of her.
She I'm on the toilet and shejust has to no matter if Jake and
I are on the toilet, shehas to be next to us. She's

like, what were you doing?It's like, you know what we're doing,
Like, let's not play these games. So she comes in this morning
and she's like, Mommy, you'rethe best mommy in the whole world.
And I was like, all ofthank you, and she goes, she
says there for a minute, shegoes, do you know why I told
you that? And I go whyand she goes, because I don't know
any other mommies, go okay,well I guess then yeah, by default

I'm the best. And I waslike what a little just like jab like
I didn't question it. I waslike, thank you so much. And
she just sat there waiting like doyou want to know why? I think
that? Because there are no otheroptions, bitch. I'm like, god,
she is going to be like you. Yeah, I told, I
said, I go, she's going, I go, she already has it.

I was like, because it's thetype of joke that I maybe am
known for. Yes, where asthe receiving party you don't know if you're
part of the joke or you justgot sliced out. And I was like,
I don't like it. He goesand she's very smart and he's like,
yeah, it's gonna be brute.I was like, yeah, better
to manipulate us. So great lovethat. So how was your weekend?

It was pretty chill, low key. I mean, so our neighbors Tom
and Jerry, which I've talked abouton the Mornings Game and you had just
like recently found out it's not twogay guys, it's a female and male
supple. But we noticed it.So like a month ago, we had
gone to brunch with Andrew's family andwe were arriving at the place and they
were leaving, and so we're like, oh, hey, whatever, And
then I started noticing every Sunday theyleft about the same time, and I

was like, that is so cute. I think that they go do brunch
every Sunday together. Yeah, Andso I was like, babe, we
should start doing that. And sowe kind of said, like, it's
not gonna be an every Sunday thinglike I work on Sundays whatever, but
we're going to try to do everyother Sunday where we go to brunch and
whatever. And Andrew asked me Saturday, well, where do you want to
go? And I said, Idon't know. But realistically, all I

wanted to say was like, canyou please plan something? And it's not
because he doesn't plan things like andthat I plan all these dates. It's
just that I am just overplanning thingsall the time, like my entire life
and career is planning. So Ididn't say can you plan it? But
then we were talking Saturday night,he goes, well, I already know
we're gonna go, and I go, okay, cool, great. So

he took us to some place calledVivier if I'm pronouncing it correct, because
I know it's Spanish in Northeast andit's part of Centro, like it's part
like Central was attached to it,so it's more of like your coffee shop
vibes nice. So it was prettygood. It was mostly like Mexican.
It's not like a full I wouldn'tsay it has a great brunch variety option

just adds up on that. ButI had this Chariso torta that was delightful
and I loved it. Well,I don't like terresa. I'm gonna be
honest with Yeah, there are otherones you can get. But afterwards he
goes, Okay, well I havesomewhere in Mexico, and I was like,
well, what what else are wegoing to be doing, you know,
And so he surprises me and takesme to the pinball bar that's in
Uptown that just opened like within thelast year, whenever it was, and

I was just so happy to nothave planned a single moment of that day,
and it made me just it's wildbecause Andrew and I have, for
the most part, a really healthyrelationship, but there are times where you
can tell there's like a distance inyour relationship just because not because of anything,
just because you haven't done anything together. And it felt like yesterday was

like this breath of fresh air oflike, you know, we still like
sit at home and we laugh,but there's such a difference of going out
and doing something and laugh lately,you know. Yeah, So it was
super fun. Most of the restof the weekend was pretty lame. Watch
Love Is Blind, which you andI were texting about, and got Andrew
hooked on. He didn't start watchinguntil episode six, but he sat down
and got hooked and started watching withme. So now we're patiently waiting and

patiently waiting for the next episodes tocome out excited. I think I might
have told you this can't give anyinformation, but I I know someone who's
on the Minneapolis season. Yeah,and I'm hype about it, but I
don't think it comes out till nextyear. Well that's what I was saying,
because every time we see like thereunion shows or whatever, it's almost
like the couple has been married forlike two years. Yeah, alier that

I'm like, And I couldn't askquestions because they're not allowed to talk about
it. But I'm like, soif they get married, are they not
allowed to post about their life forthe next year on social media? That's
so bizarre to me. So Idon't know. But if you know someone
that was cast and they were desperatelytrying to find people to cast, like
they were reaching out to people inrelationships, and like, I think someone

reached out to Ted and our promotionsdirector like it was anyone they could find
on social media. They were reachingout to them. Uh huh, so,
I I'm they found people clearly,and they did the show. I
know Andrew got a DM from someoneasking, and I think I got a
DM asking me if I knew anyor No, they didn't DM Andrew asking
if he wanted to be on Theysaid, do you know anyone? That's

what it was because they I mean, he doesn't. He mostly posts posts
real estate stuff, but sometimes heposts things of me and him too,
but that's not really what his Instagramis for for him, it's more business.
Yeah, so they could see obviouslythat he's in a relationship or as
far as they knew, or maybethey were just like you know, Red
Crumben, trying to get in thereand see things in your relationship, right,

are they good? Or would yousay you'd be willing to try to
find love elsewhere? Well, okay, should we talk about like a couple
quick things that I saw, becauseI'm on the side of TikTok with love
is blind of things that I heard? Yeah, okay, spoilerler alert.
Obviously, if you haven't watched upto this point. Up to this point
of Love is Blind. So weall can tell after this last episode,

the final one before the new oneswere released, that Jeremy is a piece
of shit and that he was outdoing whatever god knows what till five in
the morning and whatever it was.Well, I saw on TikTok that it
said that he was engaged weeks leadingup to Love is Blind. But then
he did get the DM in hisInstagram. Oh my gosh. He claims

that they were broken up already,but the ex fiance and her mom or
something came on social media and waslike, we were together, we were
living together. And then there wasall these weird things because Andrew also pointed
out that his house looks stage asfuck. He was like, this house
looks really staged. But then hewas talking about how he sold this house
and the timeline of selling the house, so it was kind of confusing the

details of it. But it waslike what I saw of him in the
pods with with the glasses on.It's like he took the glasses off once
he got out of the pods andwas a different person. Well in the
pods, it was interesting because Iwas like, Okay, this is gonna
sound bad. I hate like I'mgonna but I was like, oh,
she's gonna not be pleased when shemeets him because she has like such a

the blonde girl he chose had sucha like I'm put together, I've had
like filler and botok, like veryblonde fit kind of. I was like,
he, to me looked really nerdy, and I was like, she's
not going to be into him physically, which is what you do. You
do judge this. It's just likehow everyone was like, Oh, Jimmy's
gonna be pissed, and he seesChelsea because she's just compared herself to Megan

Fox and she is a lovely humanAnd Jake, if Jake was here,
he go, no, she useit because he's like, she's not attractive
at all. Because I'm like,I think it's so mean how people have
been to her on social media.But she clearly does not look like Megan
Fox. Yeah, and everyone keepsshowing these very unique angles where you could
maybe see it, and I'm like, sure, but we can all just
agree she just doesn't look like MeganFox. Can I say one thing real

quick before you keep going? Sothis one TikTok I saw did what I
feel like is the best comparison.She is the Chloe Kardashian version of Megan
Fox. Okay, so you almostput their two faces together, then maybe
you could see me but like bothLike, I mean, Chloe and Meghan
are both both very beautiful and whatever, but keep going with what you're saying.
But I was, you know,I judge everyone. I'm like,

how they're gonna actually feel when theysee each other, you know, which
is true because most of the timeon the show, they're like, oh,
this the one I didn't choose,actually looks more like my standard type
of person I date. So maybethis was a good experiment. But I
was happy that some drama started happeningwith that couple, because other than Jimmy
and Chelsea, it was so blandto me. I would fast forward through

the other couples all the time becausethey were so boring. So I am
excited that they're at least like there'sdrama with that relationship. There's drama with
the guy who's like a principal.And I can't remember her name, Melissa,
I don't know, maybe I'm completelyI don't remember your for the games
at all because I fast forward throughtheir whole story because I didn't care because

they were so boring to me,and so I am happy that now there
finally is some drama because we keptgoing fast forward, fast forward and Jake
and yelling conflict con like we werelike, we're not stopping till we see
it. So yeah, I waspretty pleased with that. Yeah, will
we finished it like the night itcame out, because we do fast forward

through a lot. Okay, yeah, I watched all of them during the
pod stuff. I'm kind of likeusually working on different stuff, but once
I got out of the pods,I was like actually investive, maybe glancing
at my phone every once in awhile, but I so we had had
one episode left to watch Saturday night, and Andrew was downstairs playing video games,
and I had made some dinner,and I was we that might sound
weird, but we eat dinner allseparate a lot of times, or like

our schedules are so different that likehe gets home and is having lunch at
four pm and then his having dinnerat nine pm or something, so it's
like Saturday, I was like sittingdown and eat dinner and he comes upstairs
and I just put on that lastepisode because he kind of made a comment
earlier that like he didn't really careif I watched it or not, and
I was like, well, there'sonly one episode left, Like I thought,
I got you hooked. I wasso hyped, right, and then
he comes upstairs and sees me watchingit and he goes, what are you

doing? And I was like,you just said you didn't care. Yeah,
well no, I said, likeI would maybe watch it. It
was it and whatever. He's like, just stop, I'm gonna watch it
with you. So I did.We did finish it Saturday night together.
But now I am like so hypedto be on that side of TikTok because
I feel like I avoided it fora couple of days because like TikTok and
check because I didn't want to seeany spoilers of people because I somehow got

on that side of things. I'mnot on that TikTok at all, like
not at all, So I haven'tseen anything. So I'll have to like
check it out a little bit.I'll have to show you one after we
get done that. Just like thegirl just absolutely summarized perfectly everyone's personality is
and who they really are, soit was super funny. I do have
to make one note, and I'mnot trying to get into akatar one more
like anymore. We've talked about ita lot, okay, but I have

been reading the second book, andI read quite a bit of it this
past weekend, and you know,you start getting a little like horned up.
Yeah, whatever. So I'm goingto bed each night reading and Andrew
often goes downstairs and plays video gamesat that point. And Saturday night,
I am like, I am fallingasleep reading the book, hoping he's gonna
fucking come upstairs because I want someactions, you know what I'm saying.

And finally, like it's eleven thirtyand I'm like, I don't know,
I'm tired. I go to sleepingand crawl into bed till probably like twelve
thirty. So the next morning Iget up, I'm like waiting for him
to wake up. I crawl intobed with him, trying to like wake
him up whatever, and I'm tellinghim how like he's been leaving me high
and dry, and he's like,why don't you text me? Just text
me and I'll be up in aflash, right right. And so Sunday

morning we have sex and he hadto run off to meet a client for
coffee, and I was like,well, I've got about an hour and
a half to get to the gymbefore we have brunch. So I go
to the gym right after. AndI don't know why I decided today's gonna
be the day. I don't wearunderwear, and I had just gotten done
having sex and Andrew and I don'tuse condoms, so you can put two

together. What could be happening inthat region? Oh god? And so
I didn't wear any underwear and Iam on the StairMaster warming up, feeling
things. Nope, Anny, goodGod, I know. So. So
was a motivation though, to workas hard as I could so I could
sweat so much in the Fratchel region, so it would hide anything else that

might be leaking through my leggings.Yes it did here. If you would
have sent me a photo of thats what I would have or do straight
murder because I would have known whatit was. Good God. So,
yeah, that was an interesting workoutand a lesson learned. I would say,
don't go commando right after that,and I literally don't. I don't

know why. I was like,today is gonna be the day? Because
I hate, like all my leggingsyou can see the underwear line through.
So I swear most girls just mustbe going commando and that's cool. It
just has never been a thing forme, Like I don't care one way
or another. But that morning,I was like, oh, these leggings
are dirty, I'm gonna wash themnext. Who cares if I wear underwear
this time, because like, you'regonna see the line through whatever. So
I just decided to go commando.And it was a poor choice. You

know that. I literally never remotelythought about or cared about my under underwear
line being seen through leggings. Neveronce. I'll wear leggings and people will
message me be like, can yousee the underwear line? I'm like probably,
but I don't give a thought.Like I feel so bad. I'm
like, I genuinely don't care.I think we all know we were underwear.
Yeah, So I don't know whyI think. I like when I

was it made when I was younger, in my twenties, But now I'm
like, why do we care ifpeople see our underwear line? We all
wear underwear. It's like so bizarreto me. It's the same as like
everyone probably sees your brawl line.Yeah, your shirt. I mean,
and if you don't see one onme, it means my titties are out
and they're not being held out bya bra, which is fine to me.
I don't know. And also likeI like mine were so far over

on my cheeks that were granny bannies. Maybe I should be embarrassed, but
I don't care at all. Likeever, I'm trying to think because I've
worked out with you a handful oftimes, and obviously I look at your
butt when I work out with Yeah, you're looking straight into the absolutely she's
squatted and I'm back. I waslike, you need you need some help
here, and I'm just like goingdown with her, but really I'm like
trying to feel her out. Shegoes down just whatever. Yeah, you're

but do I feel like I actually, you're right, I don't really think
I've noticed that. But I'm like, I can be completely honest and say
that if I see a lady withsome nice ass and yeah, and like
just like that kind of a bodyat the gym and tight leggings and like
a crop top or whatever, Ilook in sometimes check about a look in
and never guys, but I knowme neither no, no, no,

no girls. Yeah, but butI'm looking and I swear, yeah,
I don't ever see underwear lines.But I will look at myself as I'm
walking out of the locker room togo work out, and I'll be like,
Yep, there's my underwear, likeI can see it, and I
kind of adjust it because sometimes Iwear such old underwear that it's like it
is like hanging by a thread.I know, I say that right of
like the super old ones. Butthere are like two mauled pair from Dolly

that I still held onto, andI'm like, why I can afford underwear?
This is so pathetic there, Okay, that reminds me of one story
and this is super random, butyou're saying that Dolly mauld your underwear.
I when I was probably I don'tknow, eighteen, I was wearing these
pair of kind of gym shorts,like workout shorts at this Fourth of July
party I know this story, bythe way, and one of the guys,

one of the guys there, decidedto like put a firecrack near me
in the seat I was on,and somehow the firecrack got underneath like in
between my butt and this eat andlike burnt through my shorts. And I
still wore those shorts as just bedshorts for years. Yeah, I'm saying
like I had them up until Andrewand Mickey and I all started living together.
And Mickey is my boyfriend's dog whowe no longer have, and she,

I should say, I should clarifythat waiting get rid of her.
She yeahs old and we had toput her down, but she liked to
eat underwear and eat like the crashout of leggings and stuff. And I
had those shorts until finally one dayshe got her claws on them and ate
the crosh right out. That wasa mercy kill. Okay, that was
a mercy He was like, Mick, no, my fifteen year old shorts.

Oh god, yeah, this isgoing off. You know what?
I Jake and I are not.We're Jake is a is a even though
he's there's a vasectomy so we don'tuse condoms either. He doesn't. He
pulls out see and I've asked him. I'm like, I've said, I'm
like, you know, does thatmake it better? He's like it doesn't

matter to me. He's like,I really doesn't. And I'm like,
because I've never been like you haveto do this. I mean we obviously
did before when we were like hedidn't have a sectomy and as a precaution.
But I said that other people andthey're like it absolutely you can tell
a difference from that, like endout. And I was like, if
he doesn't and he doesn't care,and it's like his decision, Like there

would be some days where I wouldbe like absolutely not because I have things
to do, but like like neverhe and I'm like, I am absolutely
fine with that, so I neverhave to deal with that like ever.
Andrew and I are like fifty tofifty. It's it's very back and forth.
Like he did not think I wasgoing to immediately jump up and go
to the gym. He thought Iwas probably just gonna be chilling until he

got back from this coffee date andwe were going to go to brunch.
So I think that that's what thesituation was that morning. But it's kind
of a fifty to fifty like hedefinitely knows if I have something going on
in a near close time, like, no, that's not going to happen.
But yeah, no, I itwas the fun I said, Well,

Friday we went to Porzana. Yeah, how was it Instagram super expensive?
Yeah, like we got a lot. Because so with Amy James,
she's over on que one or twoand she's a big foodie. She when
we go out with her, shelikes to like order a bunch of shareable
things. And I don't mind thateither because we can try a bunch.
But our bill together was guess howmuch our bill together was? We each

was you, her and partners.We got I'll just tell you, like
kind of a rundown. Okay.We got two appetizers. We each had
two drinks. We each got asteak of different sizes. We got like
potatoes two different ways. We gottwo salads, and I think that's it.

And how many sorry, how manydrinks did you get? Two each
to like per person? Okay,so eight drinks total? Oh my god,
I mean I would from that,I I would say like three hundred,
no higher, like double that.Oh yeah, see this is why
I'll never wear food. It wasalmost six hundred dollars. Now, now

we obviously we split in half.And the reason that Jake and I went
and like I wasn't freaking out isbecause he had like a two hundred dollars
gift card that his coworkers had gottenhim as a Christmas gift, which is
why I picked that place. Butthat was so expensive to me, and
it was amazing and delicious, likeevery single thing we had. The service

impeccable, like the kind of servicewhere they come up and they'll like pick
up your cup and dry like alittle bit of water on the table so
that like you don't even have aring of anything. You know, very
good service. But I saw thatbill and I was like, are you
kidding? Like I would never haveordered that much food if it was Jake
and I though. First of all, I tried to get him to split

a stake with me and he saidabsolutely not. Okay. I was like
geez, and he was like there'sno chance I'm splitting meat with you.
And he's like, you can justtake some home. I was like okay,
and yeah, So I was likethat repair yourself if you ever go
there. Basically, man, Imean I think that that one has been
on Andrew's list of places he wantsto go. There's also this new jazz

bar in North Sloop have you heardabout that? Called Berlin? It just
opened and so a fun little teaseI've been working on something that if you
follow me on Instagram at Jenny KTWB, you'll be able to see what I've
been working on. In like thenext week, I'll be like talking about
it and stuff. Are you doinga countdown like three days until I think
I'll probably do a couple of teasersof like exciting news coming or something.

Well, no, because then peopleare gonna people will speculate too much.
If I say exciting news. It'slike in the morning show will be like
probably like the number one. Everyonewill assume, Yeah, you're like leaving
the job, that's what everyone becausewell, look at the history of what's
happening here. You could do justa suggestion, the really close up picture
of your knee bent where it waslike a butt crack. Oh you post
that, and then people are likeshe's finally starting at only fans and they

can get hype for that unless yeah, I like the throw off, yeah,
and then like no, but thenI don't want them to be disappointed
if they were hyped about that,and then that's kind of what it actually
But so my weekend truthfully was workingon something all weekend longer project. Yeah,
so I was like all hyped.I told Andrew. I was like,
let's go do something Saturday night.Like I was working on stuff all

day and I'm like, it comesto be eight pm. And so we
were going to go to this newjazz club we heard about. It just
opened, I think literally two weeksago. It's called Berlin in the North
Loop and APM meirls around. Mybrain is fried. I don't feel like
putting makeup on and doing my hairand all that stuff. And I was
like, Andrew comes upstairs from playingvideo games. He goes, we're not
going are we? I go,nah, we are staying in. Maybe

I am not going out. Butwhat I was trying to say is there's
like so many random new things thatI want to try, and I can't
keep up with things like Porsana porson. Dario is another one, and then
I called it to no load tosomeone. I literally have to messages girl,
Dario's the top main other one Iwant to try. But I literally
damned a girl into the Tanelo checkingout, like where the fun is Danilo?

I can't find it anywhere? Yeah, So I just I can't keep
up with all these places. Andrewhas like a running list of stuff and
I feel like he's better because he'smore into wanting to try food and restaurants
and I'm more of a eat athome kind of person. Yeah, but
also I'm starting to realize with howexpensive I mean, Porson is one thing,
but how expensive groceries have become.Also, certain ways of eating out

really are not as expensive as Ithink. Like I seriously like Andrew gets
the sandwich from Parkway Pizza. Wealways have these coupons and it's five dollars
off, so in total, hegets this giant almost sub sandwich something that's
eight bucks and it comes with abag of old Dutch chips and it's eight
dollars. And I was like,I just spent eight dollars on ground beef
and to make one hang a blueberryand then yeah, I was like,

and then all the toppings and allthe tortilla and everything else you need.
I was like, it really is, Like I'm I'm sure Chipotle is just
as cheap as making tacos at home. We made the best rest. I
put it on my Instagram stories,the best recipe last night. First of
all, hot tip the carne asoda meat at Trader Joe's is like topp
tier. It's like already marinated.It is so flavored. We are obsessed,

but we there was like as thewebsite is called the Original Dish,
it's all my Instagram stories now,but we record this Monday. So if
you hear this, if you goto Original Dish and you type in like
steak tacos, it'll pop up.Her website has really great recipes. There
are two that like I make onrepeat. A lot of them have a
lot of ingredients, which kind ofsucks, but these were like, so
you take a peblano pepper, ared pepper, a red onion. You

cook them in the oven, andthen you put in a thing of red
cabbage. It's got the mixed bagof cabbage because it's too lazy put that
in the oven, like after theother has been cooking for like ten or
twenty minutes. You chop it allup. That's like the base of the
taco, already so much flavor.You make your own chipotle sauce and it
was so good, held the tiniestbit of heat and it was sweet and

we mixed. You mix that andthen you put the steak on top.
And I did like the tostitos insteadof or whatever they're called the crunchy ones.
Yes, instead of like regular.I was like, holy f this
is so amazing. And anyway,I don't know what I'm talking about.
It probably was more we were talkingwas so cray Were you going to say
that it ended up costing a tonof money to make that out? Okay,

you're just giving because it really wasn'tthat many ingredients. It wasn't pleasant,
but it was just so good.I think I mostly was just recommending
the recipe because it's like making mehorny. I'm having it for dinner again
tonight and I can't wait. Jaketook it to work today. We were
like, oh my god. Wecouldn't stop. And I was like,
if we have friends over, like, this is the kind of recipe I
would make for friends where they're like, oh, great meal, guys.

And we were like, oh,thank you so much. You're like,
oh, I know one other thingI was going to like briefly talk about.
Obviously I had like changes at workthis week. Yes, and so
I'm doing the afternoon show now withColt and it was it's so interesting.
Colt was here in like twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen, and you know,
I honestly was like, will peopleremember Cult? Some will the amount of

people that remembered Cult and were excited, I was like, he made a
really good impression in those few years, super interactive with people. He won
the night show and some night peoplelike not saying anyone in particular, but
some people aren't as interactive with people. So I just remember him always having
people on phone calls and stuff likethat. Yeah, for sure. And

a lot of people were like,wait, is he filling in or is
he here for for good? Iwas like, he's here for good.
And Zach just announced that he's goingover to like Cities and he's going to
be doing like the afternoon show there. But I just I don't know.
I felt like, even though I'vealready talked about it over there, I
know some people only listen to thispodcast, and I know some people only
listened to like one show or theother, and so it was a big

change, and everyone's like, whyso many changes, And I said,
honestly, I don't have an answerfor you, but I can tell you
that I think that this should beit. Radio is so weird. The
fact that like Dave has been onhis show for thirty years is kind of
unheard of. The fact that,like I've been at the same radio station
for over twelve years kind of unheardof. Ye, So it's Minneapolis.

Is is very unique compared to otherradio markets where they really flip through people
much quicker. And we're lucky forthat. But in the past year or
two, there have been a lotof like changes for cities especially, so
it's kind of crazy. And shesay she means City's ninety seven, just
so you know, I know itmight be confused to some people, but
yeah, yeah, read cities ninetyseven. Good call. And so anyway,

it's exciting. And and I actuallylooked over my phone earlier. I
have like all these texts from ourboss and colts. I'm like, oh
god, what am I missing Now. It's been a little stressy, but
I am excited. I mean,congratulation, thank you to you on the
noon show and everything. And Herera'sto Zach, We're at Cities ninety seven
with this afternoon show. I'm excited. I listened to you guys. I

mean it was news to everyone whenit happened, So I listened to you
guys. On the first day,I was out taking pups for walks and
stuff and Colt is. I alwaysloved Colt. I was able to work
with him when he was here,not for a super long I think I
was still I worked on City ninetyseven very briefly as like a producer for
their morning show way back when soI think, oh no, that was

Raven. Then that was on Katie. I'm getting lost in a timeline.
Don't ignore me right now. Butwhen I got to work with Colts,
I just loved him. He isa good human. He is funny.
He has I don't know how todescribe as humor because I was trying to
describe it to Andrew or something otherthan expected. Yes, I think that's
the way I would describe it,because he will. I know he's gonna.
I know he'll be there for mewith a joke, but it's never

the joke I would expect. I'malways. Like I told Genny, I
was like sometimes like the first threedays he's so funny, I almost like
stopped and like didn't know how torespond to his joke, like because I
was like just so caught off guardwith like how funny it was and not
random, and the first two daysstressful, like he hadn't been in the

ktweb studios since twenty nineteen, sohe's like relearning how to like run the
board and everything, which is likeall of our buttons and by uh,
by Friday, it felt like somuch smoother, like so much smoother.
I was like, okay, solike today, I'm not like going in
super stressed feeling. It's just likehere we go and I'm excited, so
nice. Well, I'm excited foryou guys. Thank you, thank you.

If you have emails for us,you can email Fallon at KATWB dot
com or Jenny at katiwb dot com. Jenny, how would you like to
end this episode? I would liketo end it by saying we love you
and appreciate you for listening to us, and that I hope you all get
laid this week if that's what youdesire. Thank you, Jenny, You're beautiful
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